Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your 20240704

venturing out in any way we can. no matter who or what gets in our way. we have jeff flock and garrett tenney. welcome. i'm neil cavuto. glad to have you. let's begin with jeff in o'hare. jeff? >> if you're at home watching right now, good for you. you don't have to get on an airplane. that's a good thing. i'll tell you, neil, it's going to be a good weekend. nice and sunny in chicago at o'hare and also around the country. i want to take you inside the american terminal here. this is the tsa cabin here. it's manageable at this hour. it tends to heat up. what are the numbers? you mentioned records. how about this? 20 million people going to fly this labor day weekend. that's an increase of 14% from last year. and good news. cancellations of flights are down. last summer it was a disaster. the cancellations have almost been cut in half according to the secretary of transportation that is here in chicago. saying yes, that is good news. admitting there's bad news in the area of near misses. those are on the increase. up 25%. in response to a question from fox business, the secretary said that's true but we don't know why. listen. >> we've seen a noticeable increase in serious close calls. the only acceptable number of these is zero. the truth is there's no single cause or single issue that explains it. sometimes we have seen issues with pilots, sometimes we have seen issues with controllers. sometimes we have seen an issue with ground crews. >> neil, i leave you with this. also numbers from the transportation secretary today. he said yeah, delays are still happening. but they're not as a result of not enough air traffic controllers. he says they have met their goal for the year in terms of hiring. but as you know, some of the airlines and other people have blamed a lack of controllers for the problems at the airport. no flight mares today. people happily in the tsa loin and off to wherever they need to go in labor day. >> neil: very orderly. thanks, jeff. and now to garrett tenney. it's not necessarily worry-free on the roads. what are you noticing, garrett? >> yeah, the roads here in chicago right now are packed. a lot of folks sitting in their cars i'm sure maybe not as happy as they are there at the airport flowing through tsa precheck. this weekend will be huge for travel. we're talking about more than half of all americans that are expected to get out of town for labor day. that's according to wallet hub. this year a lot of folks will be staying closer to home with their travels. more than 85% of triple a members say they will drive to their destinations. one big reason for that is inflation. >> we do anticipate a lot of road trips, especially shorter road trips. because so many people are wanting to get back in the fall routine. they don't want to travel as far away. that means that local roads will be congested. >> gas prices are not helping folks. the price is $3.81, which is a bit higher than a month ago and the same as last labor day. that's why a lot of road trips are expected to be shorter distances than they may have been in the past. >> just incredibly high. the last two weeks, they've been going up. >> that's why i just want to hop on the public transit. not everybody has time. >> i have trouble thinking whether i'm going to take road trips and do i need to use the car as much. >> if you want to avoid the worst of traffic, hit the road tonight or early tomorrow. for monday, it's likely going to be busy again as families with kids head back home for school on tuesday. unless you like an extended amount of family time, gather in traffic and in the car, take off early if you want to avoid those headaches. neil? >> thank you for that, garrett. i want to go to gabe, a great travel expert, a good help when it comes to the crowds. first to the flying. people are committing themselves to do it in record numbers. we hear of a lot of delays. so far, relevantly good. what do you make of that? >> yeah, listen, there's optimism towards labor day weekend. we know it will be packed this afternoon. i have a flight at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow, saturday. so i'm trying to avoid that bump in traffic that we expect saturday. sunday should be easy. listen, the summer started off in a rough fashion. by may, june, july, things were more stable. it was busy out there, neil. most folks traveling internationally. as we head to labor day weekend, things will remain smoothly. the airlines have handled it better now compared to last year. people trying to get in one last vacation before we say good-bye to summer 2023. >> neil: there's a lot of attention about pilots, whether we had enough of them and then this study that shows 5,000 are hiding medical conditions from the public. i thought what if a good many of them couldn't fly. we had a shortage of pilots, a problem with air traffic controllers. you know, in such a way that it's disrupting things, but it could. do you worry after this holiday rush, the next rush, those could become issues? >> yeah, next holiday rush will happen toward november and december. now is the time to book those flights, neil. once we get over this labor day hump, we'll be tightening the scope there on some of these issues around pilots. the faa was under scrutiny. they have reached their 1,500 new hiring goal for this year. they still have 18 to 24 months of training to go. we're seeing progress there. the pilot issue will certainly come under the microscope. i think that the expectation that pilots will remain in hot demand the next five to ten years will be wrapped up more if these issues become reality. >> neil: are you surprises -- you're a seasoned traveler, gabe -- how much people have put up with and still crowd the airports and still crowd the resorts? you're lucky to find an available hotel room these days. i know depending where you go, we've seen foreign travel up north of 60%. what is going on here? that seems to be a very focused public realizing we'll put up with that, just to get away. >> yeah, last year we predicted it was going to be a particularly good post covid year. this is certainly blown expectations even further. domestic travel took a bit of a hit this year. that's why this particular weekend is good news for domestic hotels and car rental companies and airlines. domestic travel did miss the mark. everybody was looking at europe and south of the border and the caribbean. spending almost an unbridled fashion. my family made its way through europe in july. i think there's this idea that we got to really get out there and embrace travel, put up with it, potential headaches and the delays and cancellations. the hunger is still there. that desire is still very much palpable. i think that people are now perhaps start looking at what that means for their budgets. now we've done the big ticket traveling, let's now budget accordingly. that's why after labor day we'll see a lull. it happens naturally. people will sit back now, begin to readjust their budgeting before we see a bump in the holiday season. 2024 could bode well for the domestic travel mark again. people might pull back on some big ticket trips. maybe not travel in such large windows and large groups. that could bode well for the domestic travel market. what we're seeing now, neil, we've been using 2019 as the -- that, you know, benchmark for the way people travel. 2023 is the new travel benchmark and we'll use this as a ruler, if you will, around travel behavior as we move forward. >> neil: travel safe, gabe. thank you, the travel zoo senior editor. there's something to what he said. the proof is in the pudding about the demand, the jobs and where the strength is. an employment report came outed to. the biggest industries that continue to hire, leisure and hospi hospitality. we'll explore that after this. on the next day. so betty can be the... barcode beat conductor. let's be more than our allergies! and for fast, allergy relief with a powerful decongestant, try zyrtec-d. oh, hello! hi! do you know that every load of laundry could be worth as much as $300? 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>> neil, the jobs report was better than last month. below the 12-month average. president biden came out to basically say that he wanted a w. >> america's now the strongest creating periods in the history of our country. we recovered all the jobs lost during the pandemic. we've added a million more new jobs. >> people really aren't feeling it though. 37% approval rating on the economy per gallup. way before the 54% he had after a month in office. >> even his wage gains have kept up. they just haven't kept pace with inflation. they're about 6% in real terms, adjusted for inflation, wages are about 6% below where they would have been had we continued on prepandemic trends. >> president biden decided to stick to the script today. his rose garden event was set up for a q&a but wasn't meant to be. >> have a good labor day weekend. god bless you all. >> why are so many americans living paycheck to paycheck? >> yep, off to the oval office. we haven't seen him since. we expect to see him tomorrow stop in florida to survey storm damage before a week and rehoboth beach. neil? >> thanks, peter doocy at the white house. i want to go to teddy wiseberg. markets like this, racing ahead. the dow about 115 points. on the notion that when the federal reserve meets again on the 20th of this month, one less reason to hike rates. do you buy that, ted? >> this is the 800-pound gorilla in the room. are rates going up or is the fed on hold? it's interesting. the white house basically promotes job creation, which i guess translates in to robust economy. the other hand, the fed is doing everything that they can to put a wet blanket on the economy and slow things down to deal with inflation. so you have folks pulling on the same rope from the opposite directions. i don't know what the end result is. clearly the prospect of higher interest rates and the fed continuing to be aggressive vis a vis interest rates is potentially a problem for the markets going forward. >> neil: you reminded me, ted, there's plenty of worries, new ones now with sunday of these numbers and rates staying high. hasn't really put a death blow to housing, to put it mildly. maybe quite the opposite. are you surprised by the resiliency of the consumer and the strength of the underlying consumer part of this economy? 2/3s of this economy. >> well, i don't know if i'm surprised, but i would say, neil, that with all of the unknowns that are out there and we always talk about markets, unknowns, with all the unknowns out there, the markets are hanging good. we had a very good first six months of the year. now it's true that we had a handful of stocks that had the gains. a decent july. august was good news, bad news. started bad and recovered. now we're down to the short strokes in terms of the end of the year. what is the catalyst for the market. with all the unknowns, the market is good. the economy hangs in. this is the problem for the fed. now, i'm not sure that 5% or 4% interest rates are terribly high. yes, in terms of where we were a couple years ago when things were at zero. it's dramatically different. but you know, there's folks that have benefitted from the higher rates. you can get 5, 5.5% on short term treasuries. two years ago, people were getting zero on savings. now they're getting paid. so you know, you don't have to come into the market to get some gains. you can get decent returns without taking on risk. so bottom line, i think the markets are kind of reasonably in good shape. the big question is what is the fed going to be. what are they going to do at the next meeting. what are they going to do if rates move higher and add some point it will negatively impact the markets? for the moment, we're in reasonably good shape. >> neil: you know, housing is strong. maybe less hot in some areas. real estate is holding up. what do you make of that? >> well, neil, i think it's -- well, i think it's very good. i think the fed is frustrated. it wasn't that many years ago when we had no inflation and the fed was doing everything that they could to create inflation. now we're on the other side of the mountain. listen, they have a problem. you have fiscal policies and you have monetary policy. there's only so much the fed can do. inflation is clearly a problem, neil. just this week, visa and mastercard announced that they're going to raise the fees that they charge merchants. what does that mean? you know what that means. that means that the merchants will turn around and pass along the higher fees to consumers. what could be more inflationary than that? we got this struggle going on. i don't know how it will end up. if it stays the way it is and inflation continues to be a problem, the fed is probably going to stay aggressive and continue to raise rates. so at some point, that will be a problem for the markets. for the moment, the economy seems to be chugging along pretty good. the fed will do what the fed will do. hopefully the stock market will find something positive to look at for the last three or four months of the year. >> neil: always good seeing you, ted. be well. >> thank you, neil. >> neil: ted weissberg. vivek ramaswamy is a sensation in the republican party. you know what? 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i'm great. -you are great. oh, brother. this flea and tick season, trust america's #1 pet pharmacy. chewy. >> neil: taylor swift is making a fortune off of these concerts. now a movie on the concerts. go figure. ( ♪ ♪ ) ( ♪ ♪ ) experience the sanctuary of handsfree highway driving with lincoln bluecruise. it's the final days of the lincoln summer invitation event. right now, get 3.9% apr and $1000 trade assist cash on a new 2023 lincoln. >> neil: all right. it is a sign of respect or just intimidation. but vivek ramaswamy has gone from an also-ran to running into a buzz saw of criticism because he's resonating in polls across the country. mark meredith on why the other candidates are aiming for him now. and maybe in record numbers. what's going on here, mark? >> good to see you. happy friday. a lot of people are talking about vivek ramaswamy. he got a lot of attention after the first debate. now his fellow gop candidates are ready to take back the spotlight. >> he's wrong on foreign policy and american leadership. >> the fact is that vivek says one thing, does another. >> ramaswamy says he welcomes the criticism and the attention. he's glad voters are responding to his america first agenda. >> we're having fun in this race. i do think that there is a real distinction. i think that i am the only candidate that is on that stage that is a nonkonneocon. and nikki haley says she's very critical of his candidacy and accused him of being a lightweight on foreign policy after after he said he would not send troops to fight iran if iran attacks israel. if he doesn't see iran as a threat to american security, he should take his place beside aoc and the squad and got nowhere near the white house. this afternoon ramaswamy fired back. >> i have said that we would back israel fully militarily. but i have also said i don't want our sons and daughters to die in that conflict. >> we're watching in florida where ron desantis is off the campaign trail as the state recovers from this week's hurricane. president biden says he will meet face to face with the governor tomorrow when he gets a close look at the storm damage left behind. behind the scenes, one of the biggest boosters for december, the super pack never back down will pull back on door knocking strategies like in nevada. they want to focus on the first three states and want to focus where they'll do the most good. >> neil: thanks very much. mark meredith in washington. we will be covering the president's arrival in florida tomorrow meeting with ron desantis on my weekend show at 10:00 a.m. and monitoring those developments. how it's looking for the president and the governor and how it's looking for floridians that need the help. meantime, i want to go to tom dupree on another development when it comes to this political back and forth. this georgia trial that is apparently now set. now word that when it is set, it will be streamed live. tom dupree again, the former assistant general. these things are piling up. we have the added element here of a streamed trial. what do you make of it? >> well, you worry that at some point you'll cross the line if we haven't already to a circus atmosphere. the idea of seeing the former president of the united states sitting alongside more than a dozen co-defendants on a life stream trial is something that our nation has never conceived of let alone seen before. we've seen the foreign president's legal team is looking to separate himself from the herd and have a trial where he would be the only defendant, cut himself loose, which is a smart move. the danger of being a defendant in one of these big massive multi-defendant trials is that jurors may not be able to keep separate the evidence that goes against one defendant and may inadvertently or hold it against a different defendant. everybody blends together and gets mixed up. so it will be fascinating to see how this plays out, whether there one big trial, multiple small trials. all of lit be live streamed. >> neil: forget about whether it's delayed, the back and forth continues on that. mark meadows wants it move to a federal court from a state court. how likely is that and would the president and the others wish for the same? >> yeah, you know, he made some decent arguments. a lot of folks were saying this is frivolous. no chance. i think he has a chance hoff keeping it in federal court. the likeliest outcome is that the federal judge does send it back. but he has a fighting chance here. if the federal judge decides to keep the meadows case, it will increase the likelihood that other co-defendants, including former president would likewise move their cases from state court to federal court. so if that federal judge says i'll hear meadows case, it will be like a magnet. you'll see the co-defendants my great their cases in to a federal courtroom. >> neil: all right. judges and others have warned the former president be careful what you say on the stump. that interferes or mars what's being done in he's courts. he is a candidate for president of the united states. and can they dictate that sort of thing? >> yeah, talk about a fine line. because on one hand, it is very common for judges to issue these types of orders saying don't go trying your case in the press, limit your public statements, don't stir up passions. on the other hand, we've never had a candidate that is running for president. he has the right to speak about politics and his candidacy. it's very difficult to completely separate his presidential candidacy from all of these criminal proceedings. that's what everybody is talking about. that's what the race in part is focusing on. it's a fine line. i suspect the president will make some statements or tweet out some comments that does cause the judge to say wait a minute. rein it in a little bit. the president will continue speaking his mind on this case. >> neil: we'll watch it closely. tom dupree, have a safe weekend. thank you. >> thanks. you too. >> neil: we spend trillions on covid relief. now reports that upwards $300 billion just disappeared. they don't know where it went. they have suspicions. wait till you hear what they are after this. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. 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>> hopefully things are improving. certainly the awareness is there. we're looking in the rear view mirror now and we have to look forward. you're right. i don't blame biden any more than trump, this is an administrative type of problem that we have that should be nonpartisan. if both sides of the aisle can say we rushed this -- that was the feeling. this was an unprecedented time and an unprecedented amount of spending. the problem we have is how much of it is stolen and going to adversaries. we have to have getter guardrails in place going forward. we're looking into who was done. not necessarily in a vindictive way. there may be some reasons to be vindictive but we've had an economic attack on our country and we have to figure out where we went wrong, why we didn't do as well or recover the money. that's questions that we need answered to correct it in the future. >> neil: as a matter of fact, you're trying to get to the bottom of this. the more this develops, love to have you back. meantime, have a safe weekend, sir. >> you do the same. thanks, neil. >> neil: meantime, our attention focused on florida, how they're trying to rebuild or regroup. max gordon has more. max? >> structures have been turned in to twisted metal here in florida's big bend region. we'll have the latest recovery efforts after idalia slammed the state. including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ they say seeing is believing, but with stearns & foster® that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort... every single night. stearns & foster® ... what comfort should be during our labor day sale, bring home incredible comfort with savings up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets. learn more at we're traveling all across america talking to people about their hearts. ooh, take this exit. how's the heart? 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>> hi, neil. the cleanup effort is well underway here on cedar key. not only did we do a tremendous storm surge, but also strong winds. where i'm standing now, there was a gas station canopy. that top has been chunked up and carted away. now gas has replaced this gas station. they're refilling first responders fire trucks, police cars as well as ambulances to make sure that first responders can still get out. when this storm first struck, there were dozens of rescues that were made. thankfully the death toll from this storm has been significantly less than hurricane ian. only one person has been confirmed to have died in hurricane idalia. people here on cedar key are lucky nobody died here. >> we have some businesses, some homes that didn't do well. as a whole, i think everyone was very prepared. most of the residents left, packed and ready to go and had their place security. for the most part, they did well. we have a lot of work to do. >> there's a lot of work here to do as well. people mucking out their buildings, shops, stores, restaurants, homes and energy is starting to get back on here. the lights are coming back on. duke says that 95% of customers that had their power knocked out will have their power back on by late sunday night. so some good news there. meanwhile, as you mentioned, president biden will be on the ground here in florida tomorrow touring the destruction. he signed a major disaster declaration. that should free up federal funding for folks here in florida. fema requesting $4 billion for their disaster fund because there's so many disasters across the country. neil? >> neil: thanks, max. max gordon. my next guest says that the people of florida need help. you need to be focused on getting the help. dave dotson has a great book out, the manager's handbook, five simple steps to build a team, stay focused and make better decisions and crush you competition. dave, i'm traying to tailor this to the events in florida. you talk a lot in the book about key performance, indicators a way to track progress. i could just as easily apply it here and the challenge for the president working with the governor to get help to these people and quickly. how do you do that? >> well, that's right, neil. the concepts in the book, the manager's handbook, are just as applicable where you make baseball gloves ordealing with a hurricane in florida. what is nice to see with this particular hurricane is people do seem to be focused ander with adopting the skills necessary to say what are the key performance indicators. like how quickly does electricity get put on. how good are the roads so people can get back to their homes. so you're not running around, trying to figure out the dumpster fire you're trying to take care of but you have a clear focus. that's the difference between people like sam walton at walmart and people who are not focused and people are not able to get things done. >> neil: i wondered, too -- great story there. one of my favorite things in your book is some of the fun people you quoted including ronald reagan who says it doesn't matter who gets the credit as long as the job gets done. you have a little competition here, a republican governor or a democratic president trying to take a bough and getting along and saying it couldn't get done without them to be fair to both men, they have not played that game. there's always the concern and the paranoia one has with the other. the other guy will get ready for doing something that he did. how do you avoid that? >> well, neil, maybe i'm idealistic about it. in the end, americans are smart. some people are good at getting things done and some people are not. talk only lasts so long. so i think if you see, for example, a biden administration that is working with desantis and they're getting things done, fine, there's credit for everybody. i firmly believe that the people in florida, for example, they don't really care right now whether they're a democrat or republican. they don't care who gets the credit. they want their lights on, loved ones found and want to figure out how to get the roof fixed. they want a plan on insurance going forward. that's what they're looking for. the political party or the politician that is able to pull that off, they will get rewarded and re-elected. the person that is all talk, no action, what is what i talk about so passionately in the manager's handbook, american people are going to figure that out. >> neil: yeah. sometimes you can have a crowd of people trying to rush at the same time, the president, involving their people and the mayors and the councilmen. i likened it to what you're talking about with meetings where you talk about choosing your attendees intentionally. i'm oversimplifying it. there's a risk that both sides could pile in to this and you don't want that many cooks in the kitchen, right? >> exactly. may seem so pedestrian to talk about how you run a meeting. the effects are volcanic. we spend 40% of our time in meetings. interestingly enough a survey that i reference in the book, 50% of managers think the meetings are ineffective or highly ineffective. that's a big waste of time. imagine you're the governor of florida or you're head of fema. you have to assemble the right people there. you can't run a meeting where you assemble 17 people there of which 15 of those people are checking their e-mails. you need the people that are able to get things done that have a purpose for the meeting and you need to run it in a way as you know, i quote jeff bezos a lot. that you run a very efficient meeting. you get in, get out so people get back to work. in the case of florida, get people back in their homes. >> neil: good concept. bezos walks out of his own meetings if they're dragging on. all valuable information. day dotson, manager's handbook. it can apply to any endeavor, even historic ones like what's going on in florida tomorrow. taylor swift has a princely sum on all of her concerts. now some will come to a movie theater near you. $29 million in presales for something that will debut in october. she's printing money but changing an industry. we'll explore after this. after switching to the farmer's dog we noticed so many improvements in remi's health. his allergies were going away and he just had amazing energy. it looks like nutritious food, and it is. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. get started at lowe's knows that fall's shorter days call for bigger deals. get the most out of your projects by getting the most out of our fall savings now. shop labor day deals under $90 now, in store or online. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? baby, only on game nights. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! the queen sleep number c2 smart bed is now only $999. plus free home delivery when you add a base shop now only at sleep number. ♪ ♪ >> we are about to go on adventure together and that is going to spend 17 years of music. how does that sound? >> neil: a billion dollars off of that tour, eras tour, coming to a movie theater near you, that amc reports has already gotten about $29 million in preticket sales. that is unheard of, coming in october. my guest star not too surprised by this. fox nation host kat timpf is with us, cohost "gutfeld." no joking about this, this is serious though. it was just announced. what do you make of it? >> i wish that i was a taylor swift fan. i am not not a fan, i just really wish that i was into it because the amount of passionate joy and love that these people experience whenever anything related to taylor swift at all comes up, maybe my life is lacking something. that is how i feel when i see all of this. it is absolute medium and i think that is amazing. amazing for her and amazing him for everyone who feels that way. makes me feel there might be a hole in my own life of some time. >> neil: she is no adele but i understand what you are saying. i am kidding, i am kidding. casey, what do you make of it? tickets are hard to come by to see her concerts, and if you were so lucky, you or your parents or someone else paid through the nose for them. at least this is just a movie ticket and you get to relive it. what do you think? >> that was absolutely what i was going to say, neil. people were taking out mortgages to take their kids to these things, $2,000 tickets, lucky me, what a deal, it's like a groupon. i like taylor swift. i can appreciate her. i technically grew up with her. we are similar in age, so you go through those same growing pains of the same time. >> neil: the same thing. but neither of you -- that doesn't ring a bell -- go ahead, finish that great thought. >> it's like at disney, no, i'm just going to boycott it because everyone is going to do it, i'm not going to do it for that reason but i love that she gave out $55 million in bonuses to all of her crew, everyone working on the show, the dancers, $100,000 to the truck drivers. she is doing it right. that is a good feel for her. >> neil: she is very generous with her money. i don't like that because of the crew starts asking, what are you going to do for us? processed cheeses are still a thing. before you go, i wanted to explore this story with you because it is all the rage on tiktok right now. where a woman is saying she is asking men for their bank balance on the first date, in other words, if they are portion of's, she wants nothing to do with them. kat, what do you think? >> i think a couple of things. first of all, points for honesty, i guess, these guys don't have to figure out later that is what she is looking for. >> neil: but on the first date, kat. >> i know, i know. in terms of logistics if the guy is really wealthy, keep all of that in a checking account. >> neil: that's a very good point. maybe just a w-2 will do. what do you think you must you must be 29? >> wait, which one do you want to see. >> neil: touche. what >> when you are at that level, she has her own podcast and notoriety, aren't most of her dates set ups anyway? don't the people setting you up with these friends of friends probably prevent them and know they have another house in aspen and bakers bay and all of these places? if you do a quick google search, single billionaires, elon musk, jack dorsey, bloomberg single, bill gates is single, have your people reach out. >> neil: what if they don't pop up on google? no matter what they have because they are invisible. >> absolutely. chemist really be true that she had relationships, you know, started this way? who are these people? that are okay with that? >> neil: that's a good point. >> i don't think they worked out. i'm not sure. i can't imagine anybody being okay with that. this is the great, the best way to start out a relationship, what a great foundation. i don't know. >> neil: without the money, it's about the money. she has no taylor swift or adele, is she? ladies, thank you both very much. it is a sad commentary on our times, but it is what it is. all right, that will do it here. the dow finished off the day up 115 points, we are going to explore the battle between improving economy still looking okay or so that is what we are told and fears that it is not going to be okay. we will explain that and the president, the governor of florida, a lot coming up tomorrow. here "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody. i am jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, richard fowler, katie pavlich, and charlie heard. 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ labor day is upon us. millions of americans are trying to squeeze out the last moments of summer fun. some are heading out of dodge to get the nice long holiday weekend. or you are one of the unlucky ones who has t

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Statements , They Don T , Press , Types , Orders , Passions , Politics , Proceedings , Comments , Mind , Covid Relief , 300 Billion , 00 Billion , Check , Damage Rinvoq , Rinvoq , Course , Symptom Relief , Results , Ulcerative Colitis , Suspicions , Uc , Colon Lining , Remission , Urgency , Leave Bathroom , Infections , Cancers , Skin Cancer , Ability , Blood Clots , Fatal , Lymphoma , Tb , Stroke , Death , Intestines , Risks , Heart Attack , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Stomach , Tears , Reactions , Doctor , 50 , Abbvie , Gastroenterologist , Fan , Josh Allen , Hero Fan , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Neighbors , Uh , Yea , Football Season , Mmhm , Get Nfl Sunday Ticket , Verizon , Youtubetv , Myplan , Vo , 2 , Moms , Value , Children , Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 , Social Media Harms , 49 , 449 , Politicians , Lobbyists , Safety , Voice , Pharmacist , Brand , Nature , Supplement , Vitamin , More , Program , Relief , Trillions , Deal , Sources , Ohio , Brad Winstrop , Programs , 80 Billion , 280 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Billion , A Billion Dollars , Of , Guest Star , Kat Timpf , Preticket Sales , Fox Nation Host , Cohost , Gutfeld , Joking , Life , Anything , Joy , Adele , Hole , Casey , Tickets , Parents , Movie Ticket , Someone , Nose , Least , Groupon , Mortgages , Lucky Me , 2000 , Thought , Pains , Age , Doesn T Ring A Bell , Disney , Crew , Truck Drivers , Dancers , Bonuses , 00000 , 5 Million , 100000 , 55 Million , Feel , Rage , Cheeses , Woman , , Words , Tiktok , Nothing , Bank Balance , Portion , Guys Don T , Couple , Honesty , Logistics , Wait , Neil Touche , Checking Account , W 2 , 29 , Aren T , Notoriety , Level , Podcast , Friends , Places , Billionaires , Aspen , Bakers , Google Search , Elon Musk , Bloomberg Single , Jack Dorsey , They Don T Pop Up , Bill Gates , Chemist , Relationships , I Don T Know , Relationship , Anybody , Foundation , Ladies , Dow , Commentary , Right , Battle , Fears , Jesse Watters , Charlie Heard , Richard Fowler , Jeanine Pirro , New York City , Katie 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