Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240704

too 12-foot storm surge and up to 12 inches of rainfall. 50 counties are now under states of emergency in florida. correspondent steve harrigan is right in the strike zone as of now along florida's gulf coast. good evening, steve. >> good evening, bret. at this point more than 20 million people across the state of florida are under some sort of hurricane watch, warning, or advisory. idalia is expected to bring winds of 120 miles per hour. a major category 3 hurricane, strong enough in places to knock down framed houses and uproot trees. most tracks have it headed for the sparsely populated big bend area of florida with a landfall wednesday morning but that could change. mandatory emergency evacuations have been ordered in at least 12 low lying counties. while preparations are underway across the state, few areas are in as much danger as cedar key, which could be under 12 feet of storm surge. despite the evacuation orders, not everyone is listening. >> y'all staying or leaving. >> we are staying. >> mandatory evacuation is in effect. 4:00 p.m. is when everybody is supposed to be out. okay? i can't make you all leave but i suggest you do. >> tampa airport has been shut down along 30 school districts as florida's governor warns what could be ahead. >> there is going to be a lot of hazards out there as different things have been up ended, were it's power lines, trees, all these other things. so be very, very cautious. >> the governor has already deployed 5,500 national guard along with 25,000 power workers to help restore electricity. >> urban search and rescue teams are arriving here from across the country. they can have a very busy 48 hours ahead. bret? >> bret: more on this at the bottom of the hour. steve harrigan in florida. steve, thanks. ♪ >> bret: there are increasing concerns tonight how terrorists are attempting to enter the u.s. through the southern border. a network facilitating that action was recently uncovered. biden administration officials say they are working with other nations to try to address this issue. but all of this comes amid increasing domestic fallout from the border crisis. white house correspondent peter doocy has details tonight live from the north lawn. good evening, peter. >> bret, this isis sympathizer is basically copying the car totals who have successfully smuggled people into this country for years. and now people that work here at the white house are trying to reassure the american public that problems at the border do not necessarily mean an open door for terror. >> intelligence alerted us of this human smuggling network. >> white house officials claimed disrupted an operation where an isis sympathizer helped more than a dozen uzbek nationals get to mexico and apply for asylum where they were let into the u.s. bound for parts unknown. the national security council says the u.s. government has taken steps to identify all those whose entry to the united states was facilitated by this smuggling network and has utilized the full suite of law enforcement tools to assess such individuals to ensure that they do not pose ongoing public safety and national security concerns. president biden hosted the president of costa rica today. >> i want to thank your leadership on the migration challenges that -- that we face every single day. >> the challenge is growing. in new york city more than 120 ceos say the migrant crisis there is bad for business, addressing this letter to the white house. we write: to support the request made by new york governor kathy hochul for federal funding, immigration policies and control of our country's border are clearly a federal responsibility. >> this is very much tied into the crime crisis that we saw in new york state. >> and white house officials claim none of the migrants aided by an isis sympathizer are tied to any terror plots. >> isn't it true that the white house has to be right prevent be with terrorist attacks 100 percent of the time. they only have to be right once? >> let's be very clear. i want to be very clear here. we are committed -- this is the white house is committed to making sure that we're protecting our homeland. >> peter: american air travelers are still required to take off their shoes and walk through body scanners and that's just to fly domestically. the system that is in place to catch people with possible terror ties before they get to the united states apparently has some huge vulnerabilities. breath? >> bret: peter doocy live on the north lawn, peter, thank you. ♪ tonight house conservatives are calling for impeachment inquiry against president biden. however, it's still unclear if house speaker kevin mccarthy has the support from his republican conference to proceed or whether he truly wants to go down this road. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram takes a look tonight from capitol hill. >> i'm more than willing and ready to vote yes for an impeachment inquiry. >> republicans believe newly discovered emails from when then vice president biden used a pseudonym and copied hunter biden could provide a smoking gun and bolster their impeachment push. >> then vice president biden was trying to hide his identity, which would make you think that he is involved in something he shouldn't be involved with. >> one email copied to hunter noted that mr. biden had a phone call with then ukrainian leader petro poroshenko, that's when hunter biden was on the board of ukrainian energy firm burisma. republicans may lack the votes needed to launch a formal impeachment inquiry, so they are, instead, framing it as a mid inquiry that does not guarantee impeachment of the president. >> isn't that kind of a rhetorical slight of hand because the right hears impeachment, the average joe hears impeachment, and they think oh this is exactly what we wanted? >> it satisfies no one who wants impeachment but it does satisfy those who believe in real investigation by our branch. >> failing to plunge into impeachment could have consequences for house speaker kevin mccarthy. democrats are practically daring republicans to impeach and trigger a government shut down. >> i believe it's gonna lead to a serious erosion of their political standing as we get ready for the 2024 elections. >> the right is fuming at the speaker over his push for a temporary spending bill to avoid a shutdown. interim bill renews all old spending with zero cuts. >> for speaker mccarthy to come out now and say he wants us to extend that is absolutely insane. >> house majority leader steve scalise has been diagnosed with blood cancer. a source close to the leader says doctors caught it early, it's unclear it scalise will miss time for treatment. bret? >> bret: we wish him well. chad pergram live on the hill, chad, thanks. ♪ several republican presidential candidates making their way to iowa this week. florida governor desantis is dealing with the hurricane. this comes against the back crop of the list of criminal cases facing the frontrunner. here is senior national correspondent rich edson. >> republicans are heading for a primary season of campaign events and courtroom proceedings. >> we did nothing wrong. i did nothing wrong. >> ahead of the start of trump's march 4th election interference trial, primary voters will decide 10% of the republican delegates. assuming a four to six week trial, more than two thirds of the delegates are up for grabs during the trial. 19 to 26% could be determined after. what interferes with the primary process is donald trump's conduct. and his insistence on continuing to run for president of the united states. what it's going to do is put the republican party in an awful position. >> on foreign policy, vivek ramaswamy defended his controversial positions in the american conservative. writing he would, quote: accept russian control of the occupied territories and pledge to block ukraine's candidacy for nato in exchange for russia exiting its military alliance with china. republicans like christie, mike pence and nikki haley have ripped his foreign policy as naive. ramaswamy's website referred to haley at nimarata a misspelling of her legal first name. >> i'm not going to get involved in these childish name games it's pretty pathetic. first of all, i was born with nikki on my birth certificate. i was raised as the nikki. i married a haley. that is what my name is. >> haley is one of several republicans who appear to have qualified for the second g.o.p. debate september 27th. trump has yet to say whether he will sign the pledge to support the republican nominee and join his rivals on the stage. >> the republican field is one fewer. miami mayor frances suarez is suspending campaign after failing to qualify for the first debate. suarez looks forward to doing what he can to ensure the g.o.p. puts forward a strong nominee. >> bret: qualifications for the second debated go up even further. >> they do. the donors, the poll, all that. >> bret: thank you. tech stocks led the way on wall street the dow up 293. s&p 64, the nasdaq jumped 239. up next, is there an epidemic of fatherlessness in the u.s.? one presidential candidate thinks so. we'll take a look. first, here is what some of our fox affiliates with covering tonight. fox 11 in los angeles says former bachelorette contestant reality star josh sider tells fans he is alive and well following a post shared monday about his sudden passing. shider says his account was hacked. he called it a cruel joke mocking his mental illness. numerous lawsuits from service members who say they experienced hearing loss or other serious injuries after using faulty ear plugs made by that company. the settlement ends one of the largest mass torts in u.s. history. and this is a live look at des moines, iowa one of the big stories there from fox 17 our affiliate. u.s. captain and iowa native zac johnson fills out his ryder cup team with familiar faces in justin thomas and rickie fowler. also on the team is liv golfer this year's pga brooks koepka. the ryder will try end three decades of losing on european soil when they team up a month from today in rome. there is really nothing like the ryder cup. it will be something to watch with these two teams this year. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ you're the best around ♪ nothing is going to ever keep you down ♪ you're the best around ♪ nothing's ever going to keep you down that new neighbor is hot! that's my husband... it's the inspire implant. he's not struggling with cpap anymore. all that rest is working wonders for him. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ [sneeze] (♪) astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. with astepro's unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go! j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? 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[cheers] >> as a political issue concern fort nuclear family isn't new. >> the biggest problem in america today the hallowing out of the middle of america is the break down of the nuclear family. >> 1960 just 5% of u.s. babies born out of wedlock today it's 40%. >> too many fathers are mia. to many fathers are awol. missing from too many lives and too many homes. >> children raised without a father studies show are more likely to grow up in poverty, become pregnant as teens, abuse alcohol or drugs, drop out of school, even go to prison. >> they don't know as a young soul, a young person looking at the world through their lens why there is so much chaos and hurt in their life. >> john smith baker started fathers in the field, a group that mentors boys without fathers. going hunting, fishing or hiking to provide a strong role model. >> it's a big difference from, you know, my buddies that have been raised with a fathers and my buddies that have not. >> some 20 million children in the u.s. will go to bed tonight without a father in the home. citing statistics is easy. fixing the problem is not. bret? >> bret: william, thank you. ♪ ♪ fentanyl is no longer an underground crisis but a new method of combating it has gone underground, literally, through sewers. communities around the country are exploring how sewage testing can help track where fentanyl and other substance use are surging. correspondent alexandria hoff shows us tonight. >> from the depths of a less than fresh scented tank, a sesnapshot of public health is collected. samples of raw sewage are pulled over 24 hours and sent to a lab for what is essentially a community drug test. >> instead of one person, you are testing 2500 people. >> untreated waste reveals where harmful drugs like fentanyl are being used and at what rate. the data is even capable of detecting when other substances have been laced with fentanyl. >> they are flushing it down a toilet. and then eventually as that supply starts working its way through the community, you then over the next week start to see the opioid overdoses manifest because people are ciewnelling fentanyl that they weren't intending to consume. >> biobottom analytics gained steam during the pandemic tracking rates of covid-19. last years' the focus returned to the opioid crisis. >> this technology not only analyzes concentration levels but metabolites. tell the difference between ingested or something that's been discarded into wastewater. >> test something not used for law enforcement but it does show police where prevention tools need to be deployed. >> where are we catching them with the drugs that is not necessarily where it's being used. really this gives us a nexus to where it's being used and being able to outreach. >> the idea is catching on elsewhere. virginia's health department is also set to begin a statewide wastewater testing plan. >> i think it's a no-brainer. >> matt meyer predicts this testing will help residents realize that fentanyl is every neighborhood's problem. >> it takes some of the by cease out. >> in new castle county, delaware, alexandria hoff, fox news. >> bret: up next, as florida prepares, we will get the latest on hurricane idalia from the fox weather center. >> you run away from the water and then you hide from the wind. >> very few people can survive being in the path of major storm surge. and this storm will be deadly. >> people are a little seem on edge a little bit, i guess, in a hurry. ♪ at pnc bank, you can find us in big cities and small towns across the us, where our focus is to always support the people who live and work there. because you call these communities home, and we do too. pnc bank. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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maybe the biggest concern and several with this one, bret. up to 15 feet of storm surge in that area. low lying part of the state it would be devastating. >> bret: i mean, you talk about storm surge, adam. that's massive. 15 feet in those -- some of those areas, that's over buildings. >> it's absolutely over building. this is a pretty uninhabited spot along the coast. as a result, the places that are there, are really in trouble. i would like to really quickly show you this. because this is that storm. even though it makes landfall as a category 3. we're now crossing the state line still as a category 3. so i don't want folks who live just along the coast to be the only ones who are concerned. this is going to run inland and continue to drop very heavy wind and strong winds a storm for a lot of folks. >> bret: we will track it all. thank you. if you are at home and want to get the fox weather app. just go to the app. store and click on fox weather. they will give all of the latest details about hurricane idalia. it's really good. check it out. all right. in tonight's throwback. hurricane katrina makes landfall in louisiana. on this day 18 years ago. imagine that august 29th, 2005. it first crossed florida as a category 1 but then came ashore in the bayou as a large category 3 near new orleans on this day. it's considered one of the worst natural disasters in u.s. history. more than 2,000 deaths are blamed on hurricane katrina as that storm overpowered new orleans' system of levees. many accused george w. bush of being responsible for a slow reaction from the federal government. he was criticized for saying his fema administrator was doing a heckle of a job. buff, there were also major, a number of major missteps on the state and local level from officials there. several climate and anticapitalist protesters were arrested sunday for blocking a two lane road leading to the burning man festival. you have seen this video gone viral. that created a headache for some of the tens of thousands of people expected to attend the week long event. chief correspondent jonathan hunt straightens it out for us out on the west coast. >> you can't block a road. >> there is one road into the nevada desert site of the annual burning man festival. so when that road gets blocked, it pretty quickly causes chaos. which is exactly what the half dozen climate activists wanted. >> you are putting my life at risk. >> with signs reading abolish capitalism, general strike for climate, and ban private jets, the protesters put a trailer across the road and refused to move. apparently the burning man festival traditionally somewhat a narcotic antiestablishment event in itself. has upset the activists because it is now popular with, as they put it, affluent people who do not live the stated values of burning man. resulting in the come modification of the event. whether or not that is a valid argument the pyramid lake tribal rangers who are responsible for the desert area where the event takes place were having none of it and after warning the protesters to clear the road and getting no cooperation, they did this one of the rangers jumped from the pickup truck gun apparently drawn ordering the protesters to the ground. >> get on the ground! >> we are nonviolent. >> we are environmental protesters. >> the tribal rangers say they are reviewing the officer's conduct. >> having been toward the thwarted on the ground, the group organizing the protest has now gone online creating a petition demanding that, quote: burners of the world unite. so far, it has been signed by 137 people. >> bret? >> jonathan, thank you. we have new information tonight about the effort to fight disinformation campaigns coming from china and russia. chief national security correspondent jennifer griffin has details from the pentagon. >> facebook parent company meta says it's uncovered one of the largest known disinformation operations from china designed to white wash beijing's human rights record and another large disinformation campaign from russia to turn americans and europeans against ukraine. according to met tax for the first time ever, the company was able to attribute the massive chinese disinformation campaign to individuals associated with chinese law enforcement. >> it operates across more than 50 different platforms and services. facebook, youtube, twitter, tiktok, reddit, cora, pinterest, you could go on and on what it's doing is posting cartoons in the videos praise china and criticize anybody who criticizes the chinese government. >> ben nimmo pioneered into online disinformation. he was declared dead by 13,000 russian twitter bots because he exposed american extremist groups using social media to spread pro-kremlin messages opposing ukraine. >> it was a crude way of trying to intimidate us and square us off. >> this new chinese influence campaign was uncovered in part because the chinese hackers made so many mistakes. >> it would run an article in chinese but it would slip up and give it an english headline. >> russian disinformation campaign known as doppelganger involves russian website mimics major news outlets and inserting phony articles as propaganda. "the washington post" website with a fake interview with president zelenskyy of ukraine in which he admits to being a cia puppet. fox news was also targeted with a spoof on july 4th saying zelenskyy is stepping on democracy. the actual fox website featured an article by the same author on the same day about a missing minnesota mom. >> meta says it has taken down 7704 chinese facebook accounts as part of this campaign dubbed spam afloj. bret? >> bret: we are coming up on the two year anniversary of the in grief would still like answers what was known if anything in advance about the suicide bomb arer at abby gate. mark milley praised the gold star families and promised transparency, quote: we don't like what happened in afghanistan. weave don't like the outcome of afghanistan. we owe it to the families to take care of them. their sacrifices were not in vain. in a statement today, the pentagon said a centcom investigation concluded the bombing sadly could not have been prevented adding leaders took appropriate action in response to reported threat streams at the time. bret? >> bret: okay, jennifer griffin, live at the pentagon. jennifer, thank you. a memorial service has taken place for russian mercenary chief yevgeny prirgs the political rival of vladimir putin was killed in plane crash last week the kremlin has denied involvement. prigozhin challenged putin's authority in a brief armed rebellion in june. putin branded him a trader. up next the panel. new challenge to president biden's border policy as a terror network attempts to enter the human smuggling business. first, beyond our borders tonight. a pakistani appeals court suspends the corruption conviction and three-year prison term of former prime minister emran caen. the 70 years will be able to run for office in elections currently set for november, only if his conviction is set aside. the court will make that determination at a later date. ♪ india's moon river confirms the presence of sulfur and detects several other elements near the lunar south pole, the rover is. the machine is searching for signs of frozen water nearly a week after it's historic moon landing. britain's top diplomat is scheduled to visit china wednesday. the trip by james cleverly is the first by a u.k. foreign secretary to china in more than five years. relations between them have sunk to their lowest level in decades. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight, we'll be right back. to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch, it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ >> they need to show courage and they need to show a political spine to say this is a border crisis. joe biden's policies are not working. our policies are have caused this and work with us to secure the border. >> we are not anti-immigrant. no one is anti-immigrant. the truth is we are pro-immigrants. we want legal orderly migration. every country in the world needs to do it. if we are going to preserve our country that's what we have to do. >> we always will be and have been vigilant had when it comes to making sure we are protecting our homeland. that's something this president is committed to. that is something that this administration is committed to. >> bret: the border flaring up again. the "new york post" with this story fbi probes uzbekistan asylum seeker who crossed border with help from trafficker linked to foreign terror group. federal theaters are investigating cohort of uzbekistan nationals who crossed the u.s. mexico border and claimed asylum in the united states after new intelligence found they relied on assistance of a human trafficker linked to a foreign terrorist organization. with that, let's bring in our panel kimberley strassel member ever the editorial board at the wall street journal. guy benson. host of the guy benson show on fox news radio and julia manchester national politics reporter for the hill. julian, we have seen a lot of republican hearings a lot of focus on this. but as far as uproar about it, this is pretty significant, if you look at who is coming across the border and you remember those images of cartel members being armed coming across the border just a few weeks ago. >> i think it really makes republicans' point in a way on the hill and they are arguing that the border isn't secure and that you are having all of these outside entities, including these uzbekistan nationals trying to find a way. in that's not a good look for democrats. it's not a good look for the biden administration because this has been an issue that it seems like they have punted over the course of this administration and now it's reached this point where it's just simply sort of getting unsafe or it's already been unsafe but it's gotten to this point where you have national security really at risk. >> bret: yeah. i showed the "new york post" front page that deals with new york and the migrants there but the fox digital reporting on this terrorist group essentially helping people get across the border, guy. >> yeah, respectfully i would say the administration hasn't punted on the issue. they have caused this issue. through their policies. and what worries me, bret, when i talk to people at the border and national security, experts and other officials, they are up at night worried about the got-aways. every single month for two years, tens of thousands of people have entered this country illegally being detected but not tee it and i. who is among those hoards of people crossing the border every month? we don't know. so, here's an example of people getting in with the help, allegedly reportedly of an isis linked trafficker is that playing out repeatedly across this southern border? where are those people now? there are a lot of questions extremely serious ones and little hand wave answers like that empty words from the white house podium mean absolutely nothing. >> bret: national security council statement on this question about terrorist group linked smugglers, the u.s. government worked with partner government overseas that government detained key members of the network abroad including the one linked to a foreign terrorist organization. we are working closely with foreign partners to shut down the travel roots routes used by individuals associated with this network. comforting kimberly they found this and working with another country. not comforting they are getting across the southern border. >> right. that's great to hear. but the issue by the way and guy makes a great point about the got-aways. it's not just the got-aways. look, the department of homeland security puts out statistics about the number of encounters they have at the southern border with people on our terrorist watch list. fiscal 2021 that was about 15. fiscal 2022 close to 100. there was new numbers in the spring of this year where we had already almost hit 100 just in this year fiscal year alone. so, this word is getting out to people. if you want to do harm to the united states, we have a porous border. there are increasing number of bad guys trying to get in that way. and this administration is not sending any signals that this is a priority and that they are going to do everything they can to keep those people from getting through and spreading out. >> bret: julia, it's not just republicans a pointed out, the new york situation with the new york city mayor. this is getting to a point unsustainable. >> you also heard democrats during the 2022 midterms, democrats all right democrats for example, mark kelly in arizona, even senators from new hampshire as well this is getting to be a problem. now that you have these big cities like new york, washington, d.c., others, dealing with this crisis, really getting to learn what it's like to be a border town in a way. >> bret: yeah. when maggie hassan from new hampshire goes to the border to do a commercial, you know things are changing on that issue. i want to turn topics. washington examiner, national archives finds more than 5,000 emails including biden's secret email addresses. they found 5400 records containing the pseudonyms president joe biden used while he was vice president. emails on hunter biden's abandoned laptop shows joe biden's presidential staff looped hunter biden in on private schedule on days that corresponded with significant moments in ukraine relations of which joe biden was placed in charge of at the time. guy, i mean, there is just a lot of pieces to this puzzle. >> are we to believe that all of these emails involving pseudonyms were exclusively about the weather? and fishing? because that's what we heard about the phone calls and joe biden's involvement there. you have got hunter biden getting ccd. from these secret email accounts or using false names of the vice president on days that correspond with major significant developments involving ukraine which was sort of his million dollars a year portfolio from his buddies at burisma i would love to hear the explanation for this one that somehow innocent. i'm sure we will get one and i'm sure it will be about as compelling as the rest of them. >> bret: kimberley the foia requests came back robin ware 456, jware email. robert l. peters at you hear chairman comer talk about the investigation continuing. you hear democrats saying it's not going anywhere. they will can't point to the president and then vice president. but every day there is something, it seems. >> yeah. i mean, look. two very disturbing things about this email things. one is that while the involve email is new, the number that are sitting in the national archives. we have actually known about these email addresses for two years. senators grassley and johnson sent letters demanding information about those names they still have not gotten given access the white house is block cagd that. those are private email addresses. remember hillary clinton? how many of those did joe biden willingly send over to the national archives but how many didn't get sent back over in the end? those are legitimate questions, too. if he was using government business on those accounts, can we be confident that there is a full record of everything that happened on those accounts? >> bret: investigations continue. we will continue to ask questions. thank you. panel, stand by. up next, the panel on president trump's criminal charge scheduling and, later, "tuesday x-tras," previously "tuesday tweets" as we head to break. my new book comes out october 10th, "to rescue the constitution." that is in a series of presidential books. you see them all right there. the last one on the right there comes out october 10th. so check it out. ♪ ♪ ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. with up to 13 camera views. and the z71 off-road package. ♪ you ok? yeah. any truck can help you make a living. this one helps you build a life. chevy silverado. 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it is getting messy but legal motions we are seeing. back with the panel. guy, this is quite something when you look at the political implications of it. you are already seeing other candidates weigh in on the timing of all of this. >> well, you have some republicans who are arguing that it is perhaps suboccipital tim mall frontrunner crisscross the country trying to run in a general election and also appearing in court perhaps day after day for a trial. i think that's a fair point to consider for republican voters. we have seen a lot of trump supporters saying this is election interference. they cite the trial date here in d.c. for the federal case starting the day before super tuesday i understand the republican primary start a trial before stupor tuesday. ticking off voters. goosing turnout. could help him in a republican primary. >> bret: to that point, just getting word from fox digital that former president trump has raised 9.4 million since being processed and taking that now infamous or famous mugshot in fulton county, georgia last week. that brings the total in august to $20 million, julia, that's the most we have seen former president trump raise in a short period of time. and arguably it's only to guy's point increasing his poll numbers. >> yeah it, shows it has a galvanizing effect on illustrates base and having this trial start before super tuesday, you know, looking at it at this point it seems like it could benefit him in a huge way. you know super tuesday has 16 to 19 states going that day. there is one -- 1/3 of delegates are up for grabs that day. it's by far the most consequential day in the election calendar so if trump is once again sucking up the oxygen, getting all of the media coverage from that trial going into super tuesday, that, i can't see how that necessarily hurts him if we are looking, you know, with the past and how these other trials have, you know, essentially helped him. >> bret: the former president on truth social this morning these indictments and lawsuits are all part of my political opponent's campaign plan. it is election interference. they are going to use the doj and fbi to help them which is illegal. crooked joe has changed the crooked from hillary to joe pushed this litigation hard to get it done. this is a new low on presidential politics to the democrats. i say be careful what you wish for. kind of an ominous last sentence there, kimberley? >> yeah, you know what i mean? , there is a lot of talk about how this is fair or unfair to donald trump. and whether or not this is election interference when it documents his bid. i think the one equally big question is whether or not this is fair or unfair to republican primary voters who deserve to have a legitimate debate out there between candidates which is being made impossible by the actions of the department of justice. i mean, you just mentioned the money that trump raised but obviously the extraordinary media attention and the fact that this is the headlines and very little else. why when people finally saw that debate for many of them it was the first time they even realized a republican primary was going on and i think that raises a lot of really profound and disturbing questions about the department of justice. why a special counsel if this was going to happen didn't look at this sooner and what the timing of this really is and why the doj should have been very careful before launching some of these suits. >> bret: yeah. we should point out former trump attorney john eastman is on with laura tonight. "the ingraham angle," just following. this that's one to watch because he hasn't really spoken out that much about all that he is facing as well. he is one of those 19. panel, thank you. ♪ ♪ >> bret: okay, it's time for "tuesday x-tras." jeff asks how do you select panel participants? i know you typically want both sides of issues. how far ahead are panelists scheduled? my staff would love to get all of it knocked out before the month. sometimes it changes the. we like to do trump, right or trump sympathetic or trump friendly. we try to balance it out but set up at the beginning of the month. up next sabrina wants to know do you think anyone else will drop out before the next president debate. obviously we saw the miami mayor suarez drop out today. i think that the stipulations for the next debate will go up. so you may see some of those other candidates drop out. lastly, dr. strange love asks how did you decompress after the milwaukee republican debate? well, i had some adult beverages with my friends, staff there in milwaukee. then i went home, played some golf with my kids. tomorrow on "special report," have full coverage of the expected landfall of hurricane idalia. please remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr, 6 in the east, 3:00 in the west. thanks for inviting us in your home tonight. fair, balanced and unafraid. here is laura. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. a blockbuster show for you. two major exclusive first trump co-defendant john eastman goes one on one with me. we brought you the story of six sorority sisters who sued after a biological man was admitted to their chapter. now, if you can believe it, a judge just slapped down that lawsuit and one of the sisters is here tonight exclusively with her response and what comes next. but, first, reaching black

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Katrina , Louisiana , 18 , August 29th 2005 , 29 , 2005 , George W Bush , Deaths , Levees , Disasters , New Orleans , 2000 , Number , Level , Buff , Administrator , Missteps , Job , Heckle , Fema , Protesters , Climate , Video , Headache , Lane Road , Burning Man Festival , Jonathan Hunt , Tens , Thousands , West Coast , Nevada Desert Site , Signs , Capitalism , General Strike , Dozen Climate Activists , Activists , Jets , Trailer , Man , Whether , Argument , Values , Modification , Pyramid Lake , Rangers , Desert Area , Cooperation , Ground , Officer , Pickup Truck Gun , Protest , Unite , Petition , Burners Of The World , Facebook , Information , Jennifer Griffin , Meta , Disinformation Campaigns , Effort , Chief National Security , Pentagon , 137 , Disinformation , Human Rights Record , Disinformation Operations , Europeans , White Wash Beijing , Time , Disinformation Campaign , Services , Tax , Platforms , Chinese Law Enforcement , Anybody , Posting , Videos , Doing , Cartoons , Twitter , Pinterest , Tiktok , Reddit , Youtube , Cora , Ben Nimmo , Groups , Social Media , Extremist , 13000 , Article , Chinese , Square , Mistakes , Hackers , Messages , Washington Post , Doppelganger , Interview , Articles , News Outlets , Russian Disinformation , English , Propaganda , President , Democracy , Author , Puppet , Spoof , Zelenskyy , July 4th , Cia , Mom , Minnesota , Spam Afloj , 7704 , Answers , Grief , Anniversary , Families , Suicide Bomb Arer , Advance , Anything , Transparency , Outcome , Gold Star , Afghanistan , Mark Milley , Abby Gate , Statement , Response , Leaders , Centcom Investigation , Bombing , Threat , Vain , Sacrifices , Yevgeny Prirgs , Memorial Service , Rival , Vladimir Putin , Kremlin , Plane Crash , Mercenary , Panel , Involvement , Prigozhin , Border Policy , Authority , Terror Network Attempts , Trader , Armed Rebellion , Borders , Emran Caen , Appeals Court , Office , Human Smuggling Business , Corruption Conviction , Prison Term , Pakistani , 70 , Court , Presence , Conviction , Sulfur , Elements , India , Determination , November , Moon River , Lunar South Pole , Diplomat , Moon Landing , Rover , Britain , The Machine , Relations , Foreign Secretary , James Cleverly , Five , Border Crisis , Courage , Spine , Joe Biden , Truth , Policies , No One , The Border Flaring Up , Uzbekistan Nationals , Asylum Seeker , Trafficker , Cohort , Terror Group , New York Post , Theaters , Story Fbi , Terrorist Organization , Mexico Border , Human Trafficker , Assistance , Kimberley Strassel , Reporter , Editorial Board , Julia Manchester National Politics , Host , Julian , Guy Benson , Wall Street Journal , Guy Benson Show On Fox News Radio , Cartel Members , Uproar , Images , Point Unsustainable , Border Isn T , Entities , Terrorist Group , Hasn T , Deals , Fox Digital Reporting , Front Page , Got Aways , Tens Of Thousands , Example , Hoards , Questions , Southern Border , Hand Wave , Question , Partner Government , Members , Smugglers , Words , Podium , Partners , Travel Roots Routes , Department Of Homeland Security , Numbers , Terrorist Watch List , Encounters , Spring , 2022 , 2021 , Word , Signals , Harm , Guys , Everything , Julia , Priority , Out , Situation , Senators , Midterms , New Hampshire , Mark Kelly , Arizona , Maggie Hassan , Others , Washington D C , Border Town , Email Addresses , Washington Examiner , Commercial , Records , Pseudonyms , National Archives , Topics , 5000 , 5400 , Staff , Vice President , Schedule , Laptop , Charge , Phone Calls , Pieces , Puzzle , Names , Email Accounts , Developments , Ccd , Explanation , Portfolio , Burisma , Kimberley The Foia , Requests , Robin Ware , Jware , Robert L Peters At Pca Gov , Comer , 456 , Anywhere , The National Archives , Letters , Senators Grassley , Many , Accounts , Government Business , Archives , Access , Cagd , The End , Hillary Clinton , Didn T Get , Record , Investigations , Stand By , Tuesday X Tras , Series , Book , Constitution , Books , October 10th , Tuesday Tweets , Chevy Silverado , Camera Views , 13 , Truck , Package , Z71 Off Road , Living , Insurance , Farmers , Seats , Savings , Crowd Cheers , Aren T Worth Compromising , Farmers Mnemonic , Lifetime , Service , Aftercare , Hearing Aids , Miracle Ear , Someone , Checkups , Free , Obligation Hearing Evaluation Today , Adjustments , Cleanings , Call Miracle Ear , 800 , 1 800 Miracle , Don T Take Ozempic , Weight , My Ozempic , Cv Risk , Studies , Majority , Events , Type 1 Diabetes , Share , Pens , Needles , Reuse , 14 , Gallbladder Problems , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Stomach Pain , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Stop Ozempic , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Changes , Health Care Provider , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Provider , Brain , Breakthrough , Thing , Sharpness , Recall , Black , Prevagen , 25 , Memory , Prescription , Stores , Clinical Trials , Ingredient , Secret , Jellyfish , Department Of Justice , Jack Smith , Wouldn T , Fast Track , Defendant Chesebro S Ophelia Trial , Motion , Injunction , Co Defendants , Motions , Calendar , Possibility , America S Newsroom , Listen , Georgia , Mark Levin , Defendants , Fani Willis , Severance , Juncture , Defendant , Demand , Minimum , Trowel , Court Should Set Defendant Powell S , Shorthand , 3rd , October 23rd , 23 , Timing , Implications , Trump , Election Interference , Election , Supporters , Mall Frontrunner , Tim , Case , Primary , Ticking , Turnout , Stupor Tuesday , Fox Digital , Goosing , Total , President Trump , Most , Fulton County , Mugshot , Last , 0 Million , 9 4 Million , Point , Poll Numbers , Galvanizing Effect , Super Tuesday , Base , Raise , 1 3 , 16 , Media Coverage , Oxygen , Fbi , Trials , Campaign Plan , Indictments , Opponent , Politics , Low , Sentence , Crooked , Litigation , Crooked Joe , Kimberley , Talk , Bid , Actions , Media Attention , Headlines , Fact , Little Else , John Eastman , Counsel , Didn T , Suits , Doj , He Hasn T , Laura Tonight , Ingraham Angle , It S Time , Panelists , Sides , Panel Participants , Jeff , Friendly , Anyone , Up , Sabrina , Stipulations , Dr , Love , Suarez Drop Out , Lastly , Adult Beverages , Friends , Coverage , Kids , Golf , West , East , Thanks , Dvr , Fair , Unafraid , 6 , Sorority Sisters , Blockbuster Show , Washington , Laura Ingraham , Reaching Black , Lawsuit , Sisters , Chapter ,

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