Transcripts For FOXNEWSW One 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW One 20240704

45th president you'll see it forever but it's easy to forget a significant story that may affect who actually is the leader of the free world. that is the biden family business, slowly but surely the truth is being revealed. the lies exposed they never thought was possible. case in point the name victor shokin. he was once investing for the general prosecutor of the crime that he was deputy before being elevated to the prosecutor general distancing sound familiar? shokin inherited the burisma investigatbrisbaneinvestigationn vice president bragg about firing him. rex i'll tell you not getting a billion dollars. i said you're not getting i'm going to be leaving here in about six hours instead of leaving in six hours with the prosecutors not fired o you're t getting the money. while son of a gun. [laughter] he got fired. they foot put in place someone who is solid. >> victors not spoken to the american meat on this. that and now it ends tonight for he tells his side of the story on the incident that not only affected him but his nation. might've even played a role in the war are currently witnessing between ukraine and russia. viktor shokin joins me for "one nation" exclusive, watch. >> why were you fired from your position by president petro poroshenko? looks i've sawhat i've said repy previous interviews that petro poroshenko fired me and the assistain theassistance of the e president biden because i was investigating burisma requested president petro poroshenko tell you that that he from vice president biden? >> you understood it correctly where this is how it was. no complaints and no problems with how i was performing at my job. but because of pressure it was repeatedly put on by petro poroshenko that is what ended up in him environment. brian: what are your thoughts when you saw the tape of vice president biden speaking to the council on foreign relations, saying you had six hours to fire you or you're not going to get the billion dollars? >> only the position of president petro poroshenko the office was humiliated. but the entire country of ukraine was humiliated. i developed a very firm understanding of the fact vice president -- the vice president was only acting in his best interest. he generally speaking, handle ukraine like it was his own backyard. he would put people who were suitable for him but he would arrange for them to be put in certain positions. brian: why we look into burisma? what's the reason i oversaw the burisma case is because i was the prosecutor general. burisma was an ordinary case. there was not anything particular different about it. the reason i was handling it was because it deserved a special mention. it was on a list of cases to merit special attention because hunter biden was involved with the burisma. and of course his father, the vice president biden at the time oversaw ukraine affairs for the white house. >> understood. do you believe they were up to no good? were they up to doing something corrupt with burisma? was the company of the burisma corrupt as has been alleged? which sense has been disbanded. >> i have no doubt that there were illegal activities engaged in by burisma. infect the criminal case had been started before me. i continued to expand. and petro poroshenko at the time held the post of minister and was founder and ceo of burisma started bringing in people to provide protection for him. president biden was among them. and the corruption expanded. so to answer your question, there is no doubt in my mind that burisma was engaged in illegal activities. >> devon archer said you were a threat to burisma, do you agree? >> no i don't. yes, yes i agree. brian: why because you're going to find out what they're up to? >> because he understood and so did vice president biden that had i continued to all receive the burisma investigation we would have found the facts about the corrupt activities they were engaging in. that included both hunter biden and david archer and others. brian: what corrupt activities did yoyou suspect they were engd in? quick to take half a day for me too discuss every single count. but i can say burisma illegally produced, sold and utilized gas. the founder of burisma recently made a plea deal with the prosecution in a case where he was accused of giving a $6 million bribe. which is the kind of money you don't just give away if you are not really engaging in anything illegal. so his a plea deal was to cover up a $6 million bribe had gave earlier. brian: do you believe joe biden or hunter biden got bribes? >> i do not want to deal in unproven facts. but my firm personal conviction is that yes, this was the case. they were being bribed. the fact that joe biden gave away $1 billion in u.s. money in exchange for my dismissal, my firing, isn't that alone a case of corruption? >> near times rights of the office viktor shokin became a token of the engraved culture of corruption but wall street journal something similar. washington post something similar. what do you say to people say it is you that are corrupt? and that joe biden did the right thing making sure you were fired? >> i would appreciate if any of these highly respectable publications could come up with a single instance or single example of my personal corruption or any offense whatsoever allegedly committed by me. brian: why don't you sue then question requir rick wanted to e publications for defamation. >> i would gladly do that. but suing somebody cost money and i simply don't have the money to do that. that constitutes the equivalent of $800. brian: is this damage the american of ukraine? >> there is no doubt his actions have it damage t damaged the u.n in ukraine. it is public knowledge, everybody knows it was because of joe biden's actions that russia was able to claim crimea without firing a single shot. which of course led to a full-scale war that is currently underway. and i do talk about this in my book. but yes the damage has been done. i have long been concerned about my personal safety and security. i've already died tragically twice as i was poisoned with mercury. brian: viktor shokin thank you so much appreciate your time we loobutlook forward to reading yr book. brian: there you go, that's it that's his side of the story for the first of your hearing for this week we have more confirmation of joe biden's trip to ukraine in 2015 the reporting of jon solomon who got his hands on the state department intimate documents, listen. >> treasury justice state department officials they advised joe biden just before he left to go to ukraine in fact they should give the billion dollars to ukraine give the loan guarantee because the prosecutor's office was doing a good job of anticorruption efforts the reforms were working. brian: i thought he reach out to the white house for a response on all of viktor shokin allegations he had the transcript against president biden and more white house spokesperson said this. provide us with the statement false claim to bend about not about how much airtime fox gives that they remain false red foxes giving a platform for the lies to form a ukrainian prosecutor general who toned depu own depua hotbed of corruption. finney probably the deputy why shouldn't hear some else's side of the story i can to their drawing demands for reform not only from then vice president biden also from your stippled outs. i love mo have more on that thed international partners and republicans like ron johnson cannot wait to sound off on this boat get him next week but it's important to note have not been charged in any illegal activity corruption, bribery or connection to burisma bread whereas the criminal case stands after two years in investigating corruption prosecutor's office wired on the charges to evasion but burisma settled paid a large amount regards to the 6 billion bribes mentioned former burisma manager reach a plea deal received a suspended sentence. joining me now to respond reflect and react his exclusive interview somewhat not a stranger to the biden family visits fox news considerate "new york post" columnist about her boxes laptop from hell. miranda divine. your reaction to them speaking for the first time in america? >> hi brian, good on you for interviewing him. and allowing him to clear his name. he has been defamed for the last couple of years by joe biden in the mainstream media. joe biden alleged she was corrupt. he said he was corrupt and allowed the minions to so that lie among the rest of the mainstream media. there is just no evidence that viktor shokin was corrupt. you would think the wall street journal on the "washing and then post" and the "new york times" and the rest of them saying such a boldfaced thing from that same source the rudimentary fact checking but they didn't. there is no evidence he is corrupt. what happen with the real corruption and a real bribed 6 million-dollar bribe to get him off the hook with the london investigation. that was a paid to that previous the previousprosecutor general'. viktor shokin was not in the chair then he was actually brought in to clean up. that is why his predecessor was fired because of that bribe. and viktor shokin was brought in to clean it up. and ironically he's with that corruption. brian: he was pulled out of retirement by petro poroshenko to clean up the next thing i was told t without her on the reference to the white house, a very interesting and how disingenuous at least for devon archer since told congress and the testimony said the burisma executive chief objective it was firing viktor shokin. devon archer the partner of hunter why would they want to fire viktor shokin? they deny it. but absolutely one him fired that was an objective prick who could fire him? one person, joe biden. >> that is right. joe biden had the $1 billion that was so important to ukraine. and of course what we know from devon arch is that in december of 2015 just five days before joe biden flew to kyiv and made the threat he was devon and hunter biden were meeting with executives after the board meeting in dubai they found a d.c. which is really joe biden. joe biden therefore goes off to kyiv for he demands his firing because viktor shokin had just been aggressively investigating burisma. he had seized all the property of the owner the oligarchs in kyiv for that investigation was not dormant as the white house keeps on insisting. brian: are people keep saying everyone wanted him out maybe there are people who want to medicament did the biography of viktor shokin i just met him but victoria says this. she is the state department top point person in ukraine pick what we have been impressed with the ambitious reform and anticorruption agenda of your government, she writes preach rates in 2015 letter to viktor shokin pete cia agent says this. we are super impressed with the viktor shokin group we had it to our conversation of the challenges they face woodward came up as a side we are going to be -- when word came out about viktor shokin but evidently he went on to see if i could paraphrase they were surprised that shokin was fired for iproducing barack obama was surprised he was fired? >> look, it seems that everybody the ambassador to ukraine was surprised with the cia back in d.c. was surprised. the state department people were surprised. joe biden to give the $1 billion. and it seems from his own words what he said in that speech that you just played a little while ago that he made the decision is that walking toward the press conference you are not getting the $1 billion. thirty-six oh he lives on $800 a month. he has no money to get an attorney. on to tell his story. if he is corrupt is not really good at retaining that money because there's no money they can be found there. he is speaking out for the first time, why can he be heard? miranda, look forward to your continued reporting of a spill see where this goes. >> thanks brian. quick start manual coming up straight ahead we change gears. trying to make your life better. mentor to the likes of tom brady, and michael phelps shares the secrets to the success that they have had and his role. it could help your life to his name is greg hardin or my espn host one of the best anchors in sports tv, sage steele joins "one nation" to tell her story on why she left the network. and let me remind you do not forget to dvr the chauffeured set up for series every saturday at 8:00 p.m. should you want and that you can watch the show and have it there waiting for you when you get backward post on social media. also follow me on twitter, facebook rumble go at kilmeade. so it's decided, we'll park even deeper into parking spaces so people think they're open. surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, muffled talking ] -can't hear you, jerry. -sorry. uh, yeah, can we get a system where when someone's bike is in the shop, then we could borrow someone else's? -no! -no! or you can get a quote with america's number-one motorcycle insurer and maybe save some money while you're at it. all in favor of that. [ horn honking ] there's a lot of buttons and knobs in here. ow! uh oh. you, ok? no... i mean yeah. -just hit my melon. -yikes! should we see a doctor? i can't tell a doctor i slipped on a toy. i'm a triathlete! i had a concussion. most happen doing ordinary things. sometimes the tough thing to do is to get help to prevent serious damage. i like your sensitive side. don't mess with your melon. if you hit it, get it checked. >> what is the band-aid for? [laughter] >> a well, i got my shot today. i did not want to do it but it worked for a company that mandates it. i had until september 3 at the goats on wiped out. i respect everyone's decision i really do. and it's scary. i'm not surprised after this point especially with disney, a global company. i feel like defeated. brian: has interviewed done and started it all, almost two whole years ago sportscenter anchor with the best in the business espn veteran sages steel. sage, i'm not saying you're old to set off a firestorm because your comments on one podcast for 16 years of sages espn stable cover the biggest sports events there is. the think of the super bowl, nba finals, masters and beyond her stellar career achievements were not left a letter get was speaking her mind about the vaccine and other things but also espn after a two year legal batter brought up by steel accusing her employer of retaliation for her comments, broadcasting powerhouse is parting ways with espn after they agreed to settle her suits in court last week. she is here to tell her story. i have been a huge fan of yours forever i have a chance to finally talk to you on set. you have been through a lot. >> yes. [laughter] i don't know i've ever been this tired. back of the dead three kids in less than four years. i can tell it's not enough to be here because of the what you've done your job for so long. it inspires me and many people. brian: thank you i do have a company that understood some people on the vaccine some didn't. still a controversy today we're going back to it progress it is coming back. i'm watching people wear masks again that don't work by the way. i've been on a lot of planes only recently i'm shocked that e people bones are basking up at this point. these are the same people that preaches science, follow the signs we all know the masks did not do much then or now. i am nervous i'm scared about what is to come. brian: are out and free anybody that watch you which is everybody knows how talented you are but sage, and the picture you have been battling from understanding your background your work on providing the giving and didn' did it feel goo fight? >> i don't know if i've ever thought of myself that way. fighting versus giving. but i guess you are right. i just did not know leading up to this that i was fighting for it probabprobably quietly. then there comes a line. i realize this last week when it all got settled i did not know what my line was until i knew it until it's crossed. i knew i had to make the hardest decision of my life to fight back against the company that i literally, i love my job that was my dream since i was this big. eleven years old and i did it. i did them beyond what i dreamt of. when you stand up to a lawsuit you know that's going to go away. i was so scared but i knew i had to push through that fear and fight or else shut up and stay silent. brian: of the stock you're from it's not surprising of the guts to do it. your mom's white your dad is like that and put up in 1971 all the racial issues that were happening then. you're fighting it now to a degree. your dad is the first african-american player to play football, varsity football at west point. and they put up with a lot for you. one thing is to stand up for your beliefs and you also love your country. click sorry, i don't know why that's a bad thing these days i'm over it. for so many years i was quiets i was that disease and being a pleaser present the front of that line. it is exhausting. you realize as a parent that changed me i've threw their 17 , 20 when you sit there and preach to them about being true to your self and standing tall and not listen to others when the hate comes leading with kindness and i've always been kind but i would get quiet because i was afraid to ruffle feathers. and then i was being a hypocrite to my own kids who are watching closely. so it was time. brian: but in life you have to be practical sometimes. when you are the sole provider and you have kids getting one is going to head -- to earn college and one is about too go? you've got to say where do i have to feel better about myself at the same time be practical whose can pay the bills? >> as he biggest fear because it is all on me. but i've a very strong faith. one i've kept private for a long time. no more of that. i would not be standing right now sitting literally without god and my faith in him and my family. here is the thing, my dad with a west point background retired army colonel i had two younger brothers he made us memorize part of the cadet. not going to bore up to them at the middle part you understand how much you choose the harder right instead of the easier sair wrong and should never be content with a half-truth when the whole can be one. we memorize that as a kid is really annoying. and then i'm like i think my dad knew he was talking about to help us it. but apply it every single day. with this situation it was so much easier to stay silent because of the practical part i needed to pay my bills and support my kids. but the hardest thing is sometimes to use your voice and then rely on your faith that it's all going to be okay. i do not know it tomorrow holds but i do feel like i'm going to be a paid for. >> is your dad feel i know he has some health challenges bigger see his brother both had prostate cancer but that had a second when he won the competition is like okay you win my dentist arms of cancer multiple my myeloma as well but he's a fighter he's my guy he's my hero is the backbone of our family per a note one thing my parents are proud of me for standing up and not backing down as i did my whole life enough, enough of. brian: i always loved you from afar for even more now. there two things true nothing stopping you and your next chapter the best tv night in the history of television records it's on my birth certificate i swear it's real. >> i would cast you in a fictional novel about a sportscaster but you are all real thank you so much save it. quick sensor having me. brian: i got to go to break were still to come late night laughter seems to be a thing of the past but our own greg who sadly i know is changing that. he is here on that in so much more. and have you ever wanted was a driving force behind tom brady's championship mindset? or michael phelps determination it's her with one man a mental coach's name his name is greg n pre-joined us next to ma ( ♪ ♪ ) from the mountains, to the fruited plains. 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(fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when our clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. how can you sleep on such a firm setting? gab, mine is almost the same as yours. almost is just another word for not as good as mine. save 50% on the sleep number® limited edition smart bed. plus, 60-month financing on all smart beds. shop now only at sleep number®. ♪ >> we are so soft with our kids. and regarding them and protecting their feelings and their emotions instead of getting on these kids and making sure they fight with what they want. brian: at the sediment felt as many as we head back to school. in fall sports begin with a lot of kids nowadays complaining about having to put into much hard work or not playing and getting their parents about what happened to discipline or mental toughness over going to a very sensitive phase? we took a look at some a champ into the sports world we did it through a book like tom brady whose mindset one and seven super bowls. five super bowl mvps and three league mvp awards what about michael phelps whose determination went olympic record, 28 metals p 28 middlesbh including 23 goals. they all had one thing in common and mentor who happens to my next guest best-selling author called stay sane in an insane world which debuts the number one bestseller greg harden joins me now but greg, congratulations on the success of. it should not's excise surprise me your axioms go into this book the way you talk to those athletes but this book is about not going pro but being a better person in my right? >> absolutely buried think about this. we are talking about peak performance what we are talking about is a book that has a forward by tom brady that is not about tom brady. we talked about michael phelps in the book but this book is not about michael phelps it's about you. everyone that is listening every viewer that you have. brian: tom brady walks in her or offices by six on the depth chart the coaches of the heavens of the university of michigan think about transferring. to drill down on an essentially you said forget all of this, do you believe in yourself? forget about if the coaches believe in you, do you believe in you? when you said that to him, when did you realize it would resignation? >> this kid was so open to being coached. the question becomes what is the difference between tom brady, michael alps, desmond howard and everyone else? what we are clear about not only was the kid hungry and passionate and invested, he was humble. he was humble enough and allowed me pretty when his appearance thanked me for what i did for him i told them i did not do anything that your son did not allow me too do. he allowed me too push them, to challenge them, to beat him up and do it ever had to do to get him to think differently. brian: let's move through to other athletes really quick wit michael phelps ardea multiple metal champion but not happy. what did you discover what it do tap into continue the success only to have balance? >> i had the audacity to look at michael phelps who would probably just won eight gold medals until we have not seen your best yet i can tell. [laughter] hate looks at me like i'm completely nuts. i said i am talking about you are right not 18 or 19 years old. and right now you are rebelling against the machine. you are going through adolescence you are talking about rebelling against your coach. you are a surrogate parent. so that is what human beings do but it's getting in your way of going to the next level because the game, the olympics is all mental, baby. everyone that can be there how did they go to the next level? how do they separate themselves from the herd? it is between the ears. brian: they've got different what success means then a why they wanted desmond howard with the finest college players when super bowl mvp works in your office he wants to get destinies going to leave the university of michigan know is playing him is known as magic in high school but they will not let it be a ta running back. so you say listen to what to tell you before i go, i'm going to be leaving and going to another school. you said no one has seen you play anyway, how are you going to go to another school? you tell if you want to fix this do anything different. take it from there. >> look, imagine teaching people to give one 100% one 100% of the time. when everything they do. desmond is trying to figure out what are you talking about? what i am talking about is you hate to run i need you to commit to running and have a passion and a fire in your bones about running. you hate blocking. in the big ten you want to be a wide receiver but you don't want to block. you will never get on the field. everyone thanks you don't get it. i need you to be crystal clear that you are going to become the best athlete on the team not the best receiver. he practiced, trained and rehearsed doing it. >> quick to do something about them setting booker t. washington and if i could just summarize it, don't make yourself seem susceptible to others do not let anyone penetrate that area. someone treats you bad or disrespect that should not affect how you view yourself. do not open up your self-esteem to others to judge. brent you know i remember our last conversation that is why i was excited to talk to you again. think about what you are talking about. my self-worth and self-esteem must not be based on external forces. what dhec does that mean? trying to get everyone else's approval and acceptance falls short. i need to be so confident in the skin i am in that with or without i'm going to make it, what you think about me is your opinion what i think about me is a critical piece of the puzzle. brian: nine over the book is the best seller stay sane and insane world congratulations on your success is not going to stop i will talk to again serve a quick thank you sir appreciate you. >> you got it. brian: cuba here on "one nation" for the king of gutfeld would dive into his new book with it! that was in the prompt. ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. with up to 13 camera views. and the z71 off-road package. ♪ you ok? yeah. any truck can help you make a living. this one helps you build a life. chevy silverado. 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[laughter] [inaudible] brian: that is fantastic member at late night was fun with host like letterman and leno? they would attack both sides equally left and right it did not matter which side you are on. it was okay to laugh for the equal opportunity offenders. now instead of laughs you get lame, watch this. >> is not repeated themes the easter theme was eggo maniac for four years in a row. >> is stressed out it's about silly stuff. and in retrospect i should not of been too concerned about the writing tide of fascism. >> learn keeping control of the senate. brian: fair and balanced look of the king of late night i know his name. greg gutfeld is currently the number one late-night show on television right all of television. you know what a television as you are using it in a collection of episodes of gutfeld nightly at 10:00 p.m. i know you will put us as a brand-new book out. as required reading for everyone in america. that means we sold 330 million books. greg gutfeld are you regretting being here already? >> there was the short sleeve shirt you're very cold handled chairs. it's very cold, it's very cold. it's always a pleasure to sit across to me because i know you're not outside trying to steal stuff out of my car. brian: anymore i you have glass insurance i don't feel so bad. government is just waiting. [laughter] >> waiting for a windshield sounds like that country song by a mosquito. >> unit we have a morning show, right? expectant friends we can have a concert series on friday brickwork that is right that is right we get is a different guy not quite as sexy as myself. >> you cannot get sexy d.c. cut off his bullet? >> to get sexier or because? what's that little for him was a handicap set them so good-looking i need to make myself slightly homely. i've been through this myself. that did not come up in your book at all. you are an unlikely late-night talk show host in they have had a passion for late-night you are a writer make your way through t business. how did you get so off-track and end up number one in television? what's is a great question. you could not reverse engineer a career. i was fitness editor at prevention magazine. that is creative director and editor of men's health and editor of magazine got fired for it then i went to london, became the editor of the uk that's kind of where things started to change a bit during tv here and there. i am to fox and friends with you in the late '90s but you do not even remember that. brian: i don't hear. >> pick up hear. >> oh my god i cannot stand you. when did you start standing me? what you are better now but you are really back then. >> you got your redeye it's very interesting you're breaking things and trying to figure it out. in your book you right you were kind of nervous. i thought you could not have a care in the world the way your approach. >> him so bad at this, i did not even know who to blame. for example if there was a problem with the camera i'm shouting at jack who is the audio guide. and then of the sun with this i'm shouting at the guy behind me. nobody told us anything. they threw us into the deep end or 3:00 a.m. and i membership for meeting it was jon moody's office and i just assumed the show was started in three months is my first day on the job at fox. and they said yes were going to do some rehearsals. tomorrow the day aft daffodil sn the show. i felt -- mike you never get nervous you live for televisions on thing your life that keeps you going because everything else is so miserable. brian: when it whispered cheer inside the dark secrets of the greenroom are going to tell me on television that on my own show? excess aptly only god this is happening. and then he said to me do you know anybody that could do the show with you? i had to go find people. it was literally but it wa operating here. all right. this is a fox news alert. i'm jackie ibanez search and rescue efforts underway after a u. s. military helicopter crashes off australia's northern coast. there's a press conference. let's listen in the society here in the pilbara and also right across australia absolute privilege to have the prime minister and the minister for resources with us today. thank you very much for coming along. and minister. thank you. thanks so much simon for having us here at rio tinto dampier ports operations. thanks to all those that rare tinto enabled this visit on a beautiful sunday afternoon here in dampier. what we know is that iron ore industry is the backbone of australia's economy. the resources sector of western australia employs nearly 160,000. people total across the whole country of 250,000. people working day in day out a long shifts doing good work for this country in the resources sector, so i'm really proud and pleased to have the prime minister anthony albanese here today in dampier, the economic backbone of western australia, and therefore australia, so i'll hand over to you without any further ado prime minister. well thanks very much medlin and thanks simon and rio tinto for housing us here today gave me an opportunity to once again firsthand the operation that is so vital for our national economy. during the pandemic, it was resources sector. there was absolutely critical for keeping our national economy going, and as i was standing in the cabin there today watching the iron ore go into the hull of that ship. what i was also watching was funding. the school's funding for hospitals funding to keep our national economy gain that comes from this sector and comes from the hard work right. so that's the australian prime minister. we believe that he was going to talk about the chopper that went down just off the coast of darwin in australia with 20 u. s military members on board. it was off the northern coast. the chopper was reportedly carrying like i said 20 u s marines at the time. officials confirm that this happened during a joint exercise with australian troops around 11 o'clock local time. it's now almost two o'clock there. so that was about three hours ago. of course we're going to continue to monitor the developments of this breaking news and find out injuries or possible deaths. as of now, we don't have that information. but we will, of course, monitor this and bring you all information. as soon as we get it for now, i' a boom? 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Afternoon , 160000 , Shifts , Here Today In Dampier , Anthony Albanese , 250000 , Thanks Simon , Ado , Operation , Housing , Pandemic , Hull , Cabin , Ship , Iron Ore Go , Funding , Gain , Hospitals , The School , Chopper , Military Members On Board , Darwin , Marines , Injuries , Breaking News , Deaths , Exercise , Troops , Developments , 11 , Information , Boom , Vicks Vapostick , Vicks Vapors , Non Medicated , Soothing , Somewhere , Cost , Utility Prices , Exhales , Homeownership , Sweetie , Steamy Vicks Vapors , Try Vaposhower , Struggle , Violin Playing , Progressive Save , Customers , News , Voice Breaking , Average , Sobbing , Cat , Lately , Professionals , Injection , Solensia , Oa Pain , Pain , Condition , Osteoarthritis , Breast Feeding , Self Injection , Bed , Game Nights , Anaphylaxis , Vet , Ya , C2 , Queen , 99 , 999 , Visit Show , E Mails , Fox Nation , Teach American History , Americans Don T , Class , Video , Viewers , Adrian , Addresses , Soccer , Tune , Fox Friends , Sunday Morning , Governor , Radio Show , Guests , Doug Berger , North Dakota , Jonathan Turley , Cross Country , Lawrence Jones , Character , I Have A Dream Speech , Another , Evening , Color , 60th Anniversary , Martin Luther King Junior , Attack , Shooter , City Of Jacksonville , Florida ,

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