Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

ukraine's former top prosecutor who says he was forced out because he was investigating burisma, that ukrainian energy company where biden's son hunter was a board member. >> translator: i did not want to deal in unproven facts, but my personal conviction is that, yes, this was the case, they were being bribed. the fact that joe biden gave away $1 is billion in u.s. money in exchange for my dismissal, my firing, isn't that a alone a case of corruption? >> reporter: shokin says this admission from biden years later validates his claim. if. >> i'm leaving in six hours, if the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money. well, son of a [bleep] -- [laughter] got fired. and they put in place someone who was solid at the time. >> reporter: white house pushing back strongly on shokin'sing accusation in a statement, quote: a former ukrainian prosecutor general whose offices own deputy called a hotbed of corruption drawing demands for reform not only from then-vice president biden, but also u.s. diplomats, international partners and republican senators like ron johnson. shokin always blamed the obama administration for not doing enough. are russia launched its initial invasion of crimea in 2014. >> translator: everybody knows that it was because of joe biden's actions that russia was able to claim crimea with without firing a single shot. which, of course, eventually led to a full scale war that is currently underway. >> reporter: some say biden's waiving of sanctions on the nord stream 2 pipeline shortly after taking office and then conducting that hasty withdrawal from afghanistan which at the time fractured nato, nato wanted the u.s. to stay, helped give the green light to putin to launch that full scale invasion and, of course, aishah, as you reported the other day, perhaps if the president had promised those f-16s before putin invaded, history e might be very different today. aishah: we will never know. lucas tomlinson, thank you so much. britch griffin all right, for more on this developing story we're joined by a cornell law professor and criminal defense attorney. randy, you just heard lucas' report there, and we've actually got a little bit more of shokin's interview about, talking about of all things burisma, take a listen here. >> translator: who at the time held the post of minister and was the founder and ceo of burisma started bringing in people who could provide protection for him. hunter biden was among them. so, yes, to answer your question, there's no doubt in my mind that burisma was engaged in illegal activities. griff: so, cheerily -- clearly, viktor shokin is making the case that they were being bribed although he does say he doesn't have the hard facts. we're getting more of the story. your reaction. >> well, the point is he can't make a case because he doesn't have the facts. what he has is the appearance of an impropriety, and i can assure you that president trump -- i'm sorry, president biden, then-vice president biden, sure wishes he could take back that ridiculously inappropriate, childish, amateurish comment back. but that also goes to the point of if he truly were trying to help his son, why in god's name would he be so dumb as to basically announce it to the world with that ridiculous statement? griff: right. you put your finger on something there that would certainly seem, if there was impropriety, a lot of arrogance involved in that. let me play you just a little bit more of then-vice president biden from january of 20218 that you're reference aring -- 2018. here's another sound bite. >> i had gotten a commitment from poroshenko and from -- that they would take action against the state prosecutor, and they didn't. so they said they were walking out to the press conference, i said, nah, we're not going to give you the billionaire dollars. they said, you have no authority, you're not the president. the president -- i said, call him. [laughter] i said, i'm telling you, you're not getting a billion dollars. griff: now, the white house is pushing back on this interview that will air tonight on brian kilmeade's show, but does this open up, in your mind, randy can, more questions for people like david weiss? >> without question. again, we -- griff: what specifically? >> the appearance of the impropriety. again, that that may have been immature and amateurish and maybe that's the biden we'd all love to have now, that arrogance, that cowboy mentalit- [laughter] we wish perhaps that he had that now. but, for sure, it certainly creates the appearance of an impropriety because it feels like a quid quid quo. -- quid pro quo. it feels like, boy, that's interesting. here's a guy who's investigating burisma, tied to hunter biden, tied to joe biden, hey, you want the billion dollars? he better be gone and, son of a bitch, he's gone. that creates the the appearance of an impropriety that certainly warranted back then and perhaps warrants now further investigation. griff: and as further investigation goes into action here, randy, what do you see specifically is the legal jeopardy that hunter and/or his father are facing? >> well, what you have right now is on the one hand you have hunter biden perhaps if doing nothing more than creating the illusion of access to his father on behalf of these foreign entities which may or may not be tied into foreign governments which may then or may not have triggered his requirement to register as a foreign agent, which may or may not create some evidence of a quid pro quo, money in exchange for favoritism. and right now all you have is this illusion and maybe the only ones who have been defrauded with the burismas and the chinese companies that thought they were buying access where in reality they paid but never got any access whatsoever. a comment like that made by the then-vice president now suddenly that link that you can't make, maybe now you can start to make a little bit better because clearly you have a billion dollars, hey, he's gone, you get it, he's not gone you don't get it, he's gone. this is the guy investigating my kid, now all of a sudden those dots maybe line up a little bit better. but at the very least r, it does warrant a further inquiry because how do you leave it at that. griff: yeah. i was in the courtroom in wilmington, delaware, when judge noreika started to question the prosecution about potential fara charges for hunter, and that's when the plea deal fell apart. we'll see where it goes. great insight there. let me just quickly get in the other story we are following and that is the mug shot seen around the world, the fourth indictment for the former president and first ever mug shot. what is your take on the mug shot, and is it backfiring a bit on d.a. fani willis? >> well, i'm beginning to think that the entire case is starting to backfire on the district attorney. first of all, as far as the mug shot goes, it's inappropriate, it's prejudicial, demeaning to our system of justice, it's laughable, it is unpleasant, uncomfortable and is wrong. ing having said that, it plays right into the former president's hands because he's going to use that as a dog whistle, as a sound bite and as a revenue generate or, t-shirts, mugs. i mean, you name it. so she is playing right into his hands. she also is playing right into his hands because as much as she wants all of these cases tried at once, we see one defendant amazingly in custody. that that will i screw up the timeline of everyone being tried at once because someone who's in custody has to get a trial faster. you've got a couple of people asking for speedy trials. form former doesn't want a speedy trial. that's going to cause a break-up. all of a sudden you're going to have instead of one trial, you may have two, three, four, five trials, and if i'm the former president, my trial goes last. imagine having the benefit of sitting there and watching two, three, four, five trials and all of the evidence and all of the witness testimony before you get to me. that is a god send. that is every criminal defense attorney's dream. griff: well, bottom line, and we've only got about 20 seconds here, randy, how significant is the legal jeopardy of the former president, and if you had to put your finger on one thing that's the highest risk, what would you say? >> ill say, believe it or not, to me it's the documents case. the documentses case is very dry, it's very cut and dry, there are damning admissions made by the former president. the government can establish motive. it's in federal court. that's the one to keep an eye out for. griff: randy, great insight, as always. thank you, have a great rest of your weekend. >> thank you, you too. aishah: okay, so gop presidential candidates right now trying to build off any momentum gained from this week's primary debate as they look ahead to the second debate set for september 27th on fox business. for the latest from the campaign trail, we are now joined live by florida congressman and trump surrogate byron ron donalds as well as georgia congressman and desantis surrogate rich mccormack. thank you, gentlemen, for joining me today on your saturday. we so appreciate it. >> good to be with you. >> good to be here. aishah: congressman donalds, i want to get this out of the way for folks at home, will the former president do any debates, do you think, even if he becomes the nominee? do you think can he'll go toe to toe with president biden? >> oh, i'll tell you right now, you know, once we finish this up, and i believe donald trump's going to be the nominee, will he debate joe biden? absolutely, no doubt about that. i think the question is there joe biden debate, or will he hide in his basement. i think with respect to the other primary challengers, i fully anticipate that the president is going to debate at some point. but let's be very clear, his lead is so massive, it was really important for these other candidates to demonstrate that they could even get on his level. so i think at some point the president will debate, but right now he decided it's not really important right now, and i think you saw that the other night. aishah: okay. i'm sure there's a lot of folks that would love to see him on that debate stage. i want to ask you, congressman, governor desantis the raised more than a million dollars in the 24 hours after this debate. that was a huge boost for his campaign. he's still stuck in second place, pretty wide lead that the former president has. congressman mccormack, there's been changes in the desantis the campaign. does he need to change anything else, or is the way things are are going to go and and he's happy with how things are going? >> i think time will tell. i think he had a strong debate performance. i think it was a great win for everybody in the debate because you actually got to see people void the vacuum of things that people didn't want to hear about, they actually got to hear about policy because it's very in contrast, different leadership styles. everybody's talking about the debate. i didn't hear much about what trump said on tuck the orer, i don't think that's the conversation that happened that evening. i think it was a great opportunity for desantis to make a strong opinion on why he's led his state this great ways, why they extended their lead by 19 points in popularity by taking on very real challenges. he's able to raise a lot of money, he's ready to go. i think in november if he goes against newsom in a debate where he can compare california versus florida, the contrasts will be real and distinguish distinguishable, and he'll show himself as a leader of this great nation. arab arab okay, i want -- aishah:, i want to talk about the issue everyone wants to talk about right now, that is the economy. it is still leading as the most important issue facing this country at 38%, far, far higher than the rest, immigration, guns, climate change. all of that comes much, much down the list there. congressman donalds, you know, the former president has a lot of legal issues on his hands. the court dates, a very busy schedule, it seems like, for the next year. how does he get back to focusing on the issues that americans feel like they are, you know, in pain over every single day? gas prices, food prices, the price of everything is up, and it hurts at home. >> well, look, i think what's going to happen is donald trump in a lot of respects is going to lean on his professional career. look, when you're in the real estate development, you are accustomed to willing to juggle multiple balls all at the same time. you've got different projects, different timelines, this is going to be no different. his legal team is going to handle the legal stuff, and he'll take care of that. but at the end of the day, the american people know full well that when donald trump was president of the united states, our economy was booming and bustling. every demographic was making money, building wealth and getting ahead in america. that is the core message of our campaign. and the proof is in the pudding. he this is has done this job and did it extremely well. everybody else running, we don't know what kind of job they will do, and we know joe biden has done a disastrous job. arab irish yeah, he's -- aishah: he's definitely got a resumé to lean on. some of the points the candidates are making on the trail is that donald trump may become the nominee, right? he has the lead, almost a 40% lead. it is significant. however, he needs independents, and he might not win the general election. take a listen to what nikki haley said. >> three-quarters of the american people don't want to see biden and trump run again, and the majority of americans, he is the most disliked politician in all of america. that's a reality. and that person can't win a general election. aishah: so that's harsh, congressman donalds. how do you respond to that? >> well, the first thing i would say is there's no poll that shows anybody in the republican party has any numbers that are even close to joe biden right now except donald trump. he's the only one that's right there, some polls actually beating joe biden. that's number one. number two, you've got to understand donald trump has been pilaried by the democrats expect crazy media for six years now, and he is still standing, still fighting for our country. and americans are starting to see the difference. when you have somebody that's had the track record of putting america first against the crazy left and the media that does not tell the truth, i think the american people are going to see through that. and when a decision is made between donald trump or biden, i mean, come on, it's not even close. it's donald trump all day long. aishah: congressman mccormack, i also want to find out how the governor plans to win those independents, win ethos folks that are going to be -- win those folks that are going to be needed for any gop nominee? >> desantis is leading in several early statements. there's going to be momentum involved with this. you want to talk about growing -- i'm a whip, i want to keep congress, make sure we win the house. the person we elect to represent us in the primary will have a direct impact on who wins the house. we also need to consider a guy who says, oh, he's unliked -- that's not true. he won by almost 20 points after barely winning the first election. you were talking about the economy being the most important policy issue at hand in he's grown the economy by more than any other state. he's attracted people from all over the united states while california and new york are shrinking, losing a trillion dollars of combined economy in the last four years, florida as has exploded, attracted more people with more wealth, has done all the things that make it more republican, more conservative and booming. that's what's going to lead us into the future. aishah: well, you both are right, we've till got a lot of time before election day, so it'll be interesting to see what happens. thank you, gentlemen, for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you. aishah: thank you. >> pleasure. irish tomorrow on "fox news sunday," shannon bream's going to have an exclusive interview i with alina habba and former independent senator joe leer -- joe lieberman. and on "mediabuzz," howie kurtz analyzing media coverage of the first republican pri -- presidential primary debate. why is the media so divided over who won? hearn more tomorrow at 11 a.m. eastern. griff: a chaotic new video capturing high school football players in oklahoma rushing off the field as gunshots rang out in the background. four people, including at least one student, were shot. bryan llenas is live with that story. hey, bryan. >> reporter: hey, griff. well, look, this all happened at a high school football game in choctaw, oklahoma, about 10 miles east of oklahoma city. shots were fired at 10:15 p.m. last night. a warning, the video you're about to see could be disturbing to some. you can see football players from both teams rushing, sprinting off of the field after hearing shots. the sidelines, coaches and players, they're clearing off the sidelines as well in a panic. fans duck and take cover in the stands and so do people in the field. you see them fall to the ground. an off-duty officer providing security for the opposing football team fired his gun in response. police say four people were shot including a high school student who was shot in the thigh. she has been released from the hospital, we do not know the condition of the other three victims. there there have been no arrests, the suspect is described as a black male wearing a gray hoodie. and this all comes as security at high school football games becoming more of an issue nationwide. here in atlanta wisconsin net county schools is now implementing new security measures including requiring high school-aged students to show a valid student id from the schools involved in that game to get into a stadium, middle-school aged kids or younger now need to be accompanied by an adult, and people are can only bring clear bags into the stadium. this all a comes after a false alarm scare caused a stampede and after back to back shootings, a 17-year-old was shot in the leg after a football game across from a cam campus and on the same night in the parking lot of a high school football game, an 18-year-old senior named isaiah thomas was shot three times in an attempted robbery, and is now he may never walk again. and as a result, clayton county schools here in the atlanta area are now, they have metal detectors and body scanners at all their games here at the stadiums as a security precaution can. it's interesting to note though, griff, there was the not metal detectorrings at last night's high school football game in oklahoma. griff? griff: bryan llenas live in atlanta, thank you. aishah: one of the nation's most iconic marches for civil rights being remembered 60 years later here many washington. here in washington. we are live from the lincoln memorial next. ♪ ax protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ your paint is really bad. what? i said, “best coffee i've ever had.” (slurps) should've used behr. sorry, sign where? no, i said, “should've used behr." today let's paint. right now, get america's most trusted paint brand at a new low price. behr. only at the home depot. 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griff: all right. kevin corke live at the lincoln memorial, we will check back in with you. thanks, kevin. aishah: okay. so today marks two years since the deadly bombing at abbey gate that claimed the lives of 13 american service members, our heroes, during the chaotic u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan. the father of one of those american heros spoke on fox news as house republicans demand more relevant documents from the state department. alexandria hoff is live here in studio with more on this so, alex, i know a lot of folks at home and especially these parents, they don't want to hear any more answers, they want to see action. will they get it? >> reporter: well, there are certainly demands for action to be taken. just yesterday congressman cory millses called for the impeachment of defense secretary lloyd austin. quote, the fact that it has been two entire years without any member of this administration being held accountable is unfathomable. republicans have been critical of the biden administration's chaotic, unilateral pullout accusing high ranking officials there of ignoring intel that americans and allies would be left behind and put in harm's way. >> i've never dealt with families that are so angry. they feel lied to and misled about exactly how their loved ones died. >> reporter: by this time two years ago, u.s. service members were called in to hamid karzai airport to assist thousands who were attempting to flee the country in a panic. the single isis suicide bomber took advantage of the service members being exposed in such a way, killing 11 marines, 1 sailor and 1 soldier near the airport's abbey gate. approximately 170 afghan civilians died as well. and we have gold star father mark schmitz, he spoke out this morning. he lost his son, jared schmitz, two two years ago today who was just 20 years old. >> i'm honestly rather disturbed that the generals didn't slap their stars on the table and resign before this even happened. that's what should have happened and it didn't. and now they're going to pay the consequences for it as well. we're not going to stop fighting until we get the accountability that we deserve. >> reporter: in a statement today, defense secretary austin wrote, quote, as we mark this painful milestone, my heart is with the families of these 13 american heros. the entire department of defense stands in sorrow with them along with all of the families and loved ones who gave their lives during our 20 years in afghanistan. still seeking eight documents related to the withdrawal aapparently not part of the 300 documents handed over last week. aishah: thanks, alex. griff? griff: refusing to serve those who with serve, the san francisco police union says a chain of bakeries has a policy in the crime-ridden city to refuse service to uniformed police officers. the details next. ♪ ♪ try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. if you have moderate to severe crohn's disease skyrizi is the first and only il-23 inhibitor that can deliver clinical remission and endoscopic improvement. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. aishah: this is a fox news alert, seven people have been rushed to the hospital this morning after a shooting at the caribbean festival in dorchester, massachusetts. you're looking at pictures from that chaotic scene. officials there reporting they recovered multiple weapons, several arrests have been made. the victims are said to have non-life-threatening injuries, so a little bit of good news there. we'll be watching this. ♪ griff: a bakery chain in san francisco reportedly refusing to serve cops in uniform. the san francisco police officers' association claims reams california confirmed through e-mail that it is company policy to not serve armed officers. christina coleman is live with that story. christina, there must be a mistake, i can't believe this is true. >> reporter: i know, a lot of people can't. well, the san francisco police union president says it's disappointing to see business owners hold on to the politics of division. is she's asking the bakery to own up to this policy and post a sign on their establishment so that people know the rules. she also shared this screen grab, she says it's a reams california spokesperson confirming the bakery's rule via e-mail. it says, quote, we do have a policy to not serve anyone that is armed in a uniform. all officers are welcome to come to our establishment when they are off duty and not armed. yesterday on instagram the business also stated that it has a deep commitment to uplifting social and racial justice and that in a time of increased gun violence particularly impacting people of color, and queer people, they believe maintaining a strict policy of prohibiting guns in their restaurant keeps them safer. however, the officer who says he was denied service at the bakery says he's disappointed by how he was treated. he wrote, as someone who was born and raised in this city and chose to devote my career for improving it, i was shocked and disappointed that i was declined a cup of coffee because of the uniform i wear to protect it. he also said he is a person of color who plans on spending his career in san francisco. and more police are badly needed in that city. san francisco is down about 600 officers following the defend the police movement, and it's dealing with a crime crisis. a new gallup poll found 46% of americans feel san francisco is not a safe place to live or visit. griff? griff: disturbing story. christina coleman, thank you. we'll follow that. aishah? ♪ aishah: well, mortgage rate averages are hitting their highest level since 2001. take a look at this, they're now reaching 7.23%, incredible. that is shutting many hopeful homeowners out there out of the market. for more on this, we're joined by madison ventures plus principal mitch roschelle. mitch, thanks so much for joining us. this is so painful to hear about but also so painful for folks out there that just want to achieve the american dream. i want to put up really quickly this chart that shows how we got here. so there we are at now 7%, over 7%, for a mortgage rate. we're just about two years ago, i shed a tear, because i'm looking at 2 or 3 or 4%. definitely under 4% there, and i wish i could get into a time machine and go back in time. what happened? >> well, the, you know, inflation is the other chart you can put up there, and that chart doesn't look too pretty either. and the fed's way of combating inflation or one of the principal ways they've been combating inflation is to raise interest rates. and when you raise interest rates, mortgage rates go up, car loan rates go up, credit card rates go up. but the one that people probably have taken the most to heart is mortgage rates which now are at the highest they've been in an entire generation. so for would-be home buyers that are, you know, coming of age, want to buy a home for their family, they are literally frozen out because they simply can't afford afford the payment. aishah: well, and people who are buying are in trouble too. you think about folks, okay, they say i can afford this house somewhat, but then maybe my mortgage that i'm paying monthly is more than 30% of my income, and then i'm still paying a lot more for everything else. if we can pull up the full screen that shows how expensive everything has gotten, food is up about 5%. shelter is up. new vehicles are up. every day-to-day, everyday items are up. so how do people afford this if they think, you know, i've got to buy now before they go, before these rates get higher? >> well, absolutely, if you're thinking of buying, buy now because it's more likely than not that interest rates will continue to go up. but the double whammy i said during the break i was going to give you good news, so maybe i'm not. [laughter] the double whammy is that there's very little supply of homes on the market, and there still are many people like yourself out there who are looking to buy homes. so when demand exceeds supply, prices stay high. so it's not like we're getting a break and home prices are falling. we still have high prices of entry for homes plus on top of that incredibly high mortgage rates. the good news is if you look at at this over a long enough period of time, 7.5% is still low by long-term, historical standards, but that doesn't help anybody in the market today. aishah: well, that's definitely not good news, mitch. [laughter] i think it's worse when you think about people who are just waiting and hoping that the interest rates will go down. you're right, if they to do go down, let's say, right, in the next year, two two years, we still have a problem with the quantity of homes out there, right in these home builders can't keep up. >> right. the home builders can't keep up, and lord knows they're trying, but the problem is sort of a bad cycle where you have people who potentially would sell their homes to create supply for somebody else e to buy a home, but they're trapped in their home because their mortgage payment may be 4% or 3%, so why would -- the house may be too small for them, but the notion of buying a big home at a much higher cost of borrowing isn't really getting them to put their home on the market. aishah: so some analysts out there, you know, jay powell, they're watching everything he says and does, and some folks are saying he might hold these rates steady. others are saying they're going to go up again, and you just mentioned you think they're going to go up again. why? >> well, it's -- i don't want to get too technical about it, but, you know, long-term interest rates are lower than short-term interest rates, and that's not the way it's supposed to be. the curve of interest rates known as the yield curve and the longer end of the curve is lower than the short end of the curve. at some point when the market normalizes, the long-term rates will end up going up and the short-term rates will end up falling. so if you're a betting person, you've got to expect that they'll hold around mortgage rates around 7.5 if not inch up above 8%. aishah: mitch, i didn't hear any good news in that segment. [laughter] i really hope you come back with some. >> i'll work on it. i promise, i'll work on it. aishah: hey, good to see you. happy saturday. griff: great segment, mitch and aishah. new music phenomenon oliver anthony, he's speaking out over what a he thinks both republicans and democrats get wrong about his working class message. that's next. ♪ ♪ veterans, if you're applying for a home loan to get cash...surprise. some lenders charge hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees. not at newday. a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. and you may lose weight. adults lost up to 14 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. ask your health care provider about the ozempic® tri-zone. you may pay as little as $25. ♪ rich men north of richmond -- ♪ lord knows they all just want to have total control. ♪ want to know what you think, want to know what you do -- griff: that is oliver anthony singing "rich men north of richmond." if you haven't heard it by now, you probably will soon because it's billboard's atop the hot 100, knocking taylor swift a few notches down. what a phenom he has become. actually, we led our gop presidential debate with that song asking ron desantis and the candidates to relate to it. well, we haven't heard from oliver since this debate until yesterday. he took to his youtube channel, aishah, and he talked about it. listen here. >> it was funny seeing my song, it was funny seeing it at the presidential debate. because it's, like, i wrote that song about those people, you know in so for them to sit there and have to listen to that, that cracks me up. it was funny kind of seeing the response to it. that song has nothing to do with joe biden, you know? it's a lot bigger than joe biden. that song is written about the people on that stage. griff: it's really amazing because here is a guy, aishah, that simply started writing songs about being kind of in the middle of if road politically but also someone that has dealt with the financial struggles, and he wants to unite a country, america, that he sees as far too divided for far too long. aishah: i think he speaks for so many americans out there who don't feel akin to east party, and i wonder if any of those candidates knew that that song was about them. the most interesting thing to me is that oliver or says that he doesn't see himself as a democrat or republican. listen to this. griff: you're not a democrat or republican. >> no, i'm not. i really would say -- i don't know who i'd say the last good president we've had is. i don't think we've, i don't think we've had one in my generation. i was born in '# 932. '92. aishah: griff, here's the thing, i would put a lot of money on the fact that there are probably way more americans out there than we know of that feel exactly the same way where they can't see either of these parties and connect with them anymore. they are looking for someone different, someone outside of washington, someone that's perhaps not any of those people on the stage. griff: and it was so interesting to meet him because he truly is just a guy that believes in the greatness of us as americans and the things that bring us together, not separate us, and i think that's why his music is going to continue to be popular because the same message is in multiple songs. we'll have to be talking about him when those hit the top 100 -- aishah: we'll see more of him, for sure. griff: indeed. meanwhile, a brand new search underway for perhaps the most reclusive beast in history. that's right, scotland's locke ness monster. will now technology finally track down nessie? the that's next. ♪ this is not just delivery. 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ukraine's former top prosecutor who says he was forced out because he was investigating burisma, that ukrainian energy company where biden's son hunter was a board member. >> translator: i did not want to deal in unproven facts, but my personal conviction is that, yes, this was the case, they were being bribed. the fact that joe biden gave away $1 is billion in u.s. money in exchange for my dismissal, my firing, isn't that a alone a case of corruption? >> reporter: shokin says this admission from biden years later validates his claim. if. >> i'm leaving in six hours, if the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money. well, son of a [bleep] -- [laughter] got fired. and they put in place someone who was solid at the time. >> reporter: white house pushing back strongly on shokin'sing accusation in a statement, quote: a former ukrainian prosecutor general whose offices own deputy called a hotbed of corruption drawing demands for reform not only from then-vice president biden, but also u.s. diplomats, international partners and republican senators like ron johnson. shokin always blamed the obama administration for not doing enough. are russia launched its initial invasion of crimea in 2014. >> translator: everybody knows that it was because of joe biden's actions that russia was able to claim crimea with without firing a single shot. which, of course, eventually led to a full scale war that is currently underway. >> reporter: some say biden's waiving of sanctions on the nord stream 2 pipeline shortly after taking office and then conducting that hasty withdrawal from afghanistan which at the time fractured nato, nato wanted the u.s. to stay, helped give the green light to putin to launch that full scale invasion and, of course, aishah, as you reported the other day, perhaps if the president had promised those f-16s before putin invaded, history e might be very different today. aishah: we will never know. lucas tomlinson, thank you so much. britch griffin all right, for more on this developing story we're joined by a cornell law professor and criminal defense attorney. randy, you just heard lucas' report there, and we've actually got a little bit more of shokin's interview about, talking about of all things burisma, take a listen here. >> translator: who at the time held the post of minister and was the founder and ceo of burisma started bringing in people who could provide protection for him. hunter biden was among them. so, yes, to answer your question, there's no doubt in my mind that burisma was engaged in illegal activities. griff: so, cheerily -- clearly, viktor shokin is making the case that they were being bribed although he does say he doesn't have the hard facts. we're getting more of the story. your reaction. >> well, the point is he can't make a case because he doesn't have the facts. what he has is the appearance of an impropriety, and i can assure you that president trump -- i'm sorry, president biden, then-vice president biden, sure wishes he could take back that ridiculously inappropriate, childish, amateurish comment back. but that also goes to the point of if he truly were trying to help his son, why in god's name would he be so dumb as to basically announce it to the world with that ridiculous statement? griff: right. you put your finger on something there that would certainly seem, if there was impropriety, a lot of arrogance involved in that. let me play you just a little bit more of then-vice president biden from january of 20218 that you're reference aring -- 2018. here's another sound bite. >> i had gotten a commitment from poroshenko and from -- that they would take action against the state prosecutor, and they didn't. so they said they were walking out to the press conference, i said, nah, we're not going to give you the billionaire dollars. they said, you have no authority, you're not the president. the president -- i said, call him. [laughter] i said, i'm telling you, you're not getting a billion dollars. griff: now, the white house is pushing back on this interview that will air tonight on brian kilmeade's show, but does this open up, in your mind, randy can, more questions for people like david weiss? >> without question. again, we -- griff: what specifically? >> the appearance of the impropriety. again, that that may have been immature and amateurish and maybe that's the biden we'd all love to have now, that arrogance, that cowboy mentalit- [laughter] we wish perhaps that he had that now. but, for sure, it certainly creates the appearance of an impropriety because it feels like a quid quid quo. -- quid pro quo. it feels like, boy, that's interesting. here's a guy who's investigating burisma, tied to hunter biden, tied to joe biden, hey, you want the billion dollars? he better be gone and, son of a bitch, he's gone. that creates the the appearance of an impropriety that certainly warranted back then and perhaps warrants now further investigation. griff: and as further investigation goes into action here, randy, what do you see specifically is the legal jeopardy that hunter and/or his father are facing? >> well, what you have right now is on the one hand you have hunter biden perhaps if doing nothing more than creating the illusion of access to his father on behalf of these foreign entities which may or may not be tied into foreign governments which may then or may not have triggered his requirement to register as a foreign agent, which may or may not create some evidence of a quid pro quo, money in exchange for favoritism. and right now all you have is this illusion and maybe the only ones who have been defrauded with the burismas and the chinese companies that thought they were buying access where in reality they paid but never got any access whatsoever. a comment like that made by the then-vice president now suddenly that link that you can't make, maybe now you can start to make a little bit better because clearly you have a billion dollars, hey, he's gone, you get it, he's not gone you don't get it, he's gone. this is the guy investigating my kid, now all of a sudden those dots maybe line up a little bit better. but at the very least r, it does warrant a further inquiry because how do you leave it at that. griff: yeah. i was in the courtroom in wilmington, delaware, when judge noreika started to question the prosecution about potential fara charges for hunter, and that's when the plea deal fell apart. we'll see where it goes. great insight there. let me just quickly get in the other story we are following and that is the mug shot seen around the world, the fourth indictment for the former president and first ever mug shot. what is your take on the mug shot, and is it backfiring a bit on d.a. fani willis? >> well, i'm beginning to think that the entire case is starting to backfire on the district attorney. first of all, as far as the mug shot goes, it's inappropriate, it's prejudicial, demeaning to our system of justice, it's laughable, it is unpleasant, uncomfortable and is wrong. ing having said that, it plays right into the former president's hands because he's going to use that as a dog whistle, as a sound bite and as a revenue generate or, t-shirts, mugs. i mean, you name it. so she is playing right into his hands. she also is playing right into his hands because as much as she wants all of these cases tried at once, we see one defendant amazingly in custody. that that will i screw up the timeline of everyone being tried at once because someone who's in custody has to get a trial faster. you've got a couple of people asking for speedy trials. form former doesn't want a speedy trial. that's going to cause a break-up. all of a sudden you're going to have instead of one trial, you may have two, three, four, five trials, and if i'm the former president, my trial goes last. imagine having the benefit of sitting there and watching two, three, four, five trials and all of the evidence and all of the witness testimony before you get to me. that is a god send. that is every criminal defense attorney's dream. griff: well, bottom line, and we've only got about 20 seconds here, randy, how significant is the legal jeopardy of the former president, and if you had to put your finger on one thing that's the highest risk, what would you say? >> ill say, believe it or not, to me it's the documents case. the documentses case is very dry, it's very cut and dry, there are damning admissions made by the former president. the government can establish motive. it's in federal court. that's the one to keep an eye out for. griff: randy, great insight, as always. thank you, have a great rest of your weekend. >> thank you, you too. aishah: okay, so gop presidential candidates right now trying to build off any momentum gained from this week's primary debate as they look ahead to the second debate set for september 27th on fox business. for the latest from the campaign trail, we are now joined live by florida congressman and trump surrogate byron ron donalds as well as georgia congressman and desantis surrogate rich mccormack. thank you, gentlemen, for joining me today on your saturday. we so appreciate it. >> good to be with you. >> good to be here. aishah: congressman donalds, i want to get this out of the way for folks at home, will the former president do any debates, do you think, even if he becomes the nominee? do you think can he'll go toe to toe with president biden? >> oh, i'll tell you right now, you know, once we finish this up, and i believe donald trump's going to be the nominee, will he debate joe biden? absolutely, no doubt about that. i think the question is there joe biden debate, or will he hide in his basement. i think with respect to the other primary challengers, i fully anticipate that the president is going to debate at some point. but let's be very clear, his lead is so massive, it was really important for these other candidates to demonstrate that they could even get on his level. so i think at some point the president will debate, but right now he decided it's not really important right now, and i think you saw that the other night. aishah: okay. i'm sure there's a lot of folks that would love to see him on that debate stage. i want to ask you, congressman, governor desantis the raised more than a million dollars in the 24 hours after this debate. that was a huge boost for his campaign. he's still stuck in second place, pretty wide lead that the former president has. congressman mccormack, there's been changes in the desantis the campaign. does he need to change anything else, or is the way things are are going to go and and he's happy with how things are going? >> i think time will tell. i think he had a strong debate performance. i think it was a great win for everybody in the debate because you actually got to see people void the vacuum of things that people didn't want to hear about, they actually got to hear about policy because it's very in contrast, different leadership styles. everybody's talking about the debate. i didn't hear much about what trump said on tuck the orer, i don't think that's the conversation that happened that evening. i think it was a great opportunity for desantis to make a strong opinion on why he's led his state this great ways, why they extended their lead by 19 points in popularity by taking on very real challenges. he's able to raise a lot of money, he's ready to go. i think in november if he goes against newsom in a debate where he can compare california versus florida, the contrasts will be real and distinguish distinguishable, and he'll show himself as a leader of this great nation. arab arab okay, i want -- aishah:, i want to talk about the issue everyone wants to talk about right now, that is the economy. it is still leading as the most important issue facing this country at 38%, far, far higher than the rest, immigration, guns, climate change. all of that comes much, much down the list there. congressman donalds, you know, the former president has a lot of legal issues on his hands. the court dates, a very busy schedule, it seems like, for the next year. how does he get back to focusing on the issues that americans feel like they are, you know, in pain over every single day? gas prices, food prices, the price of everything is up, and it hurts at home. >> well, look, i think what's going to happen is donald trump in a lot of respects is going to lean on his professional career. look, when you're in the real estate development, you are accustomed to willing to juggle multiple balls all at the same time. you've got different projects, different timelines, this is going to be no different. his legal team is going to handle the legal stuff, and he'll take care of that. but at the end of the day, the american people know full well that when donald trump was president of the united states, our economy was booming and bustling. every demographic was making money, building wealth and getting ahead in america. that is the core message of our campaign. and the proof is in the pudding. he this is has done this job and did it extremely well. everybody else running, we don't know what kind of job they will do, and we know joe biden has done a disastrous job. arab irish yeah, he's -- aishah: he's definitely got a resumé to lean on. some of the points the candidates are making on the trail is that donald trump may become the nominee, right? he has the lead, almost a 40% lead. it is significant. however, he needs independents, and he might not win the general election. take a listen to what nikki haley said. >> three-quarters of the american people don't want to see biden and trump run again, and the majority of americans, he is the most disliked politician in all of america. that's a reality. and that person can't win a general election. aishah: so that's harsh, congressman donalds. how do you respond to that? >> well, the first thing i would say is there's no poll that shows anybody in the republican party has any numbers that are even close to joe biden right now except donald trump. he's the only one that's right there, some polls actually beating joe biden. that's number one. number two, you've got to understand donald trump has been pilaried by the democrats expect crazy media for six years now, and he is still standing, still fighting for our country. and americans are starting to see the difference. when you have somebody that's had the track record of putting america first against the crazy left and the media that does not tell the truth, i think the american people are going to see through that. and when a decision is made between donald trump or biden, i mean, come on, it's not even close. it's donald trump all day long. aishah: congressman mccormack, i also want to find out how the governor plans to win those independents, win ethos folks that are going to be -- win those folks that are going to be needed for any gop nominee? >> desantis is leading in several early statements. there's going to be momentum involved with this. you want to talk about growing -- i'm a whip, i want to keep congress, make sure we win the house. the person we elect to represent us in the primary will have a direct impact on who wins the house. we also need to consider a guy who says, oh, he's unliked -- that's not true. he won by almost 20 points after barely winning the first election. you were talking about the economy being the most important policy issue at hand in he's grown the economy by more than any other state. he's attracted people from all over the united states while california and new york are shrinking, losing a trillion dollars of combined economy in the last four years, florida as has exploded, attracted more people with more wealth, has done all the things that make it more republican, more conservative and booming. that's what's going to lead us into the future. aishah: well, you both are right, we've till got a lot of time before election day, so it'll be interesting to see what happens. thank you, gentlemen, for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you. aishah: thank you. >> pleasure. irish tomorrow on "fox news sunday," shannon bream's going to have an exclusive interview i with alina habba and former independent senator joe leer -- joe lieberman. and on "mediabuzz," howie kurtz analyzing media coverage of the first republican pri -- presidential primary debate. why is the media so divided over who won? hearn more tomorrow at 11 a.m. eastern. griff: a chaotic new video capturing high school football players in oklahoma rushing off the field as gunshots rang out in the background. four people, including at least one student, were shot. bryan llenas is live with that story. hey, bryan. >> reporter: hey, griff. well, look, this all happened at a high school football game in choctaw, oklahoma, about 10 miles east of oklahoma city. shots were fired at 10:15 p.m. last night. a warning, the video you're about to see could be disturbing to some. you can see football players from both teams rushing, sprinting off of the field after hearing shots. the sidelines, coaches and players, they're clearing off the sidelines as well in a panic. fans duck and take cover in the stands and so do people in the field. you see them fall to the ground. an off-duty officer providing security for the opposing football team fired his gun in response. police say four people were shot including a high school student who was shot in the thigh. she has been released from the hospital, we do not know the condition of the other three victims. there there have been no arrests, the suspect is described as a black male wearing a gray hoodie. and this all comes as security at high school football games becoming more of an issue nationwide. here in atlanta wisconsin net county schools is now implementing new security measures including requiring high school-aged students to show a valid student id from the schools involved in that game to get into a stadium, middle-school aged kids or younger now need to be accompanied by an adult, and people are can only bring clear bags into the stadium. this all a comes after a false alarm scare caused a stampede and after back to back shootings, a 17-year-old was shot in the leg after a football game across from a cam campus and on the same night in the parking lot of a high school football game, an 18-year-old senior named isaiah thomas was shot three times in an attempted robbery, and is now he may never walk again. and as a result, clayton county schools here in the atlanta area are now, they have metal detectors and body scanners at all their games here at the stadiums as a security precaution can. it's interesting to note though, griff, there was the not metal detectorrings at last night's high school football game in oklahoma. griff? griff: bryan llenas live in atlanta, thank you. aishah: one of the nation's most iconic marches for civil rights being remembered 60 years later here many washington. here in washington. we are live from the lincoln memorial next. ♪ ax protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ your paint is really bad. what? i said, “best coffee i've ever had.” (slurps) should've used behr. sorry, sign where? no, i said, “should've used behr." today let's paint. right now, get america's most trusted paint brand at a new low price. behr. only at the home depot. 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griff: all right. kevin corke live at the lincoln memorial, we will check back in with you. thanks, kevin. aishah: okay. so today marks two years since the deadly bombing at abbey gate that claimed the lives of 13 american service members, our heroes, during the chaotic u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan. the father of one of those american heros spoke on fox news as house republicans demand more relevant documents from the state department. alexandria hoff is live here in studio with more on this so, alex, i know a lot of folks at home and especially these parents, they don't want to hear any more answers, they want to see action. will they get it? >> reporter: well, there are certainly demands for action to be taken. just yesterday congressman cory millses called for the impeachment of defense secretary lloyd austin. quote, the fact that it has been two entire years without any member of this administration being held accountable is unfathomable. republicans have been critical of the biden administration's chaotic, unilateral pullout accusing high ranking officials there of ignoring intel that americans and allies would be left behind and put in harm's way. >> i've never dealt with families that are so angry. they feel lied to and misled about exactly how their loved ones died. >> reporter: by this time two years ago, u.s. service members were called in to hamid karzai airport to assist thousands who were attempting to flee the country in a panic. the single isis suicide bomber took advantage of the service members being exposed in such a way, killing 11 marines, 1 sailor and 1 soldier near the airport's abbey gate. approximately 170 afghan civilians died as well. and we have gold star father mark schmitz, he spoke out this morning. he lost his son, jared schmitz, two two years ago today who was just 20 years old. >> i'm honestly rather disturbed that the generals didn't slap their stars on the table and resign before this even happened. that's what should have happened and it didn't. and now they're going to pay the consequences for it as well. we're not going to stop fighting until we get the accountability that we deserve. >> reporter: in a statement today, defense secretary austin wrote, quote, as we mark this painful milestone, my heart is with the families of these 13 american heros. the entire department of defense stands in sorrow with them along with all of the families and loved ones who gave their lives during our 20 years in afghanistan. still seeking eight documents related to the withdrawal aapparently not part of the 300 documents handed over last week. aishah: thanks, alex. griff? griff: refusing to serve those who with serve, the san francisco police union says a chain of bakeries has a policy in the crime-ridden city to refuse service to uniformed police officers. the details next. ♪ ♪ try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at hi! need new glasses? buy one pair, get one free at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. if you have moderate to severe crohn's disease skyrizi is the first and only il-23 inhibitor that can deliver clinical remission and endoscopic improvement. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. aishah: this is a fox news alert, seven people have been rushed to the hospital this morning after a shooting at the caribbean festival in dorchester, massachusetts. you're looking at pictures from that chaotic scene. officials there reporting they recovered multiple weapons, several arrests have been made. the victims are said to have non-life-threatening injuries, so a little bit of good news there. we'll be watching this. ♪ griff: a bakery chain in san francisco reportedly refusing to serve cops in uniform. the san francisco police officers' association claims reams california confirmed through e-mail that it is company policy to not serve armed officers. christina coleman is live with that story. christina, there must be a mistake, i can't believe this is true. >> reporter: i know, a lot of people can't. well, the san francisco police union president says it's disappointing to see business owners hold on to the politics of division. is she's asking the bakery to own up to this policy and post a sign on their establishment so that people know the rules. she also shared this screen grab, she says it's a reams california spokesperson confirming the bakery's rule via e-mail. it says, quote, we do have a policy to not serve anyone that is armed in a uniform. all officers are welcome to come to our establishment when they are off duty and not armed. yesterday on instagram the business also stated that it has a deep commitment to uplifting social and racial justice and that in a time of increased gun violence particularly impacting people of color, and queer people, they believe maintaining a strict policy of prohibiting guns in their restaurant keeps them safer. however, the officer who says he was denied service at the bakery says he's disappointed by how he was treated. he wrote, as someone who was born and raised in this city and chose to devote my career for improving it, i was shocked and disappointed that i was declined a cup of coffee because of the uniform i wear to protect it. he also said he is a person of color who plans on spending his career in san francisco. and more police are badly needed in that city. san francisco is down about 600 officers following the defend the police movement, and it's dealing with a crime crisis. a new gallup poll found 46% of americans feel san francisco is not a safe place to live or visit. griff? griff: disturbing story. christina coleman, thank you. we'll follow that. aishah? ♪ aishah: well, mortgage rate averages are hitting their highest level since 2001. take a look at this, they're now reaching 7.23%, incredible. that is shutting many hopeful homeowners out there out of the market. for more on this, we're joined by madison ventures plus principal mitch roschelle. mitch, thanks so much for joining us. this is so painful to hear about but also so painful for folks out there that just want to achieve the american dream. i want to put up really quickly this chart that shows how we got here. so there we are at now 7%, over 7%, for a mortgage rate. we're just about two years ago, i shed a tear, because i'm looking at 2 or 3 or 4%. definitely under 4% there, and i wish i could get into a time machine and go back in time. what happened? >> well, the, you know, inflation is the other chart you can put up there, and that chart doesn't look too pretty either. and the fed's way of combating inflation or one of the principal ways they've been combating inflation is to raise interest rates. and when you raise interest rates, mortgage rates go up, car loan rates go up, credit card rates go up. but the one that people probably have taken the most to heart is mortgage rates which now are at the highest they've been in an entire generation. so for would-be home buyers that are, you know, coming of age, want to buy a home for their family, they are literally frozen out because they simply can't afford afford the payment. aishah: well, and people who are buying are in trouble too. you think about folks, okay, they say i can afford this house somewhat, but then maybe my mortgage that i'm paying monthly is more than 30% of my income, and then i'm still paying a lot more for everything else. if we can pull up the full screen that shows how expensive everything has gotten, food is up about 5%. shelter is up. new vehicles are up. every day-to-day, everyday items are up. so how do people afford this if they think, you know, i've got to buy now before they go, before these rates get higher? >> well, absolutely, if you're thinking of buying, buy now because it's more likely than not that interest rates will continue to go up. but the double whammy i said during the break i was going to give you good news, so maybe i'm not. [laughter] the double whammy is that there's very little supply of homes on the market, and there still are many people like yourself out there who are looking to buy homes. so when demand exceeds supply, prices stay high. so it's not like we're getting a break and home prices are falling. we still have high prices of entry for homes plus on top of that incredibly high mortgage rates. the good news is if you look at at this over a long enough period of time, 7.5% is still low by long-term, historical standards, but that doesn't help anybody in the market today. aishah: well, that's definitely not good news, mitch. [laughter] i think it's worse when you think about people who are just waiting and hoping that the interest rates will go down. you're right, if they to do go down, let's say, right, in the next year, two two years, we still have a problem with the quantity of homes out there, right in these home builders can't keep up. >> right. the home builders can't keep up, and lord knows they're trying, but the problem is sort of a bad cycle where you have people who potentially would sell their homes to create supply for somebody else e to buy a home, but they're trapped in their home because their mortgage payment may be 4% or 3%, so why would -- the house may be too small for them, but the notion of buying a big home at a much higher cost of borrowing isn't really getting them to put their home on the market. aishah: so some analysts out there, you know, jay powell, they're watching everything he says and does, and some folks are saying he might hold these rates steady. others are saying they're going to go up again, and you just mentioned you think they're going to go up again. why? >> well, it's -- i don't want to get too technical about it, but, you know, long-term interest rates are lower than short-term interest rates, and that's not the way it's supposed to be. the curve of interest rates known as the yield curve and the longer end of the curve is lower than the short end of the curve. at some point when the market normalizes, the long-term rates will end up going up and the short-term rates will end up falling. so if you're a betting person, you've got to expect that they'll hold around mortgage rates around 7.5 if not inch up above 8%. aishah: mitch, i didn't hear any good news in that segment. [laughter] i really hope you come back with some. >> i'll work on it. i promise, i'll work on it. aishah: hey, good to see you. happy saturday. griff: great segment, mitch and aishah. new music phenomenon oliver anthony, he's speaking out over what a he thinks both republicans and democrats get wrong about his working class message. that's next. ♪ ♪ veterans, if you're applying for a home loan to get cash...surprise. some lenders charge hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees. not at newday. a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. and you may lose weight. adults lost up to 14 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. ask your health care provider about the ozempic® tri-zone. you may pay as little as $25. ♪ rich men north of richmond -- ♪ lord knows they all just want to have total control. ♪ want to know what you think, want to know what you do -- griff: that is oliver anthony singing "rich men north of richmond." if you haven't heard it by now, you probably will soon because it's billboard's atop the hot 100, knocking taylor swift a few notches down. what a phenom he has become. actually, we led our gop presidential debate with that song asking ron desantis and the candidates to relate to it. well, we haven't heard from oliver since this debate until yesterday. he took to his youtube channel, aishah, and he talked about it. listen here. >> it was funny seeing my song, it was funny seeing it at the presidential debate. because it's, like, i wrote that song about those people, you know in so for them to sit there and have to listen to that, that cracks me up. it was funny kind of seeing the response to it. that song has nothing to do with joe biden, you know? it's a lot bigger than joe biden. that song is written about the people on that stage. griff: it's really amazing because here is a guy, aishah, that simply started writing songs about being kind of in the middle of if road politically but also someone that has dealt with the financial struggles, and he wants to unite a country, america, that he sees as far too divided for far too long. aishah: i think he speaks for so many americans out there who don't feel akin to east party, and i wonder if any of those candidates knew that that song was about them. the most interesting thing to me is that oliver or says that he doesn't see himself as a democrat or republican. listen to this. griff: you're not a democrat or republican. >> no, i'm not. i really would say -- i don't know who i'd say the last good president we've had is. i don't think we've, i don't think we've had one in my generation. i was born in '# 932. '92. aishah: griff, here's the thing, i would put a lot of money on the fact that there are probably way more americans out there than we know of that feel exactly the same way where they can't see either of these parties and connect with them anymore. they are looking for someone different, someone outside of washington, someone that's perhaps not any of those people on the stage. griff: and it was so interesting to meet him because he truly is just a guy that believes in the greatness of us as americans and the things that bring us together, not separate us, and i think that's why his music is going to continue to be popular because the same message is in multiple songs. we'll have to be talking about him when those hit the top 100 -- aishah: we'll see more of him, for sure. griff: indeed. meanwhile, a brand new search underway for perhaps the most reclusive beast in history. that's right, scotland's locke ness monster. will now technology finally track down nessie? the that's next. ♪ this is not just delivery. 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