Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ pete: there is your national anthem with america's best friend because it is national dog day. sorry, pete. pete: i love it though i will declare as wonderful as dogs are, they can be painful. anita: what about -- they are super well-groomed, those dogs. will: did you send a picture of your dog in? anita: i will do it in a different segment. it is official dog day for the next four hours. will: i still have some time which were you both asked to send a picture? pete: yes. i don't have one. anita: it is a lot about you. will: i don't think dogs can be patriots which they don't know what country they are in. anita: have no loyalty to anybody. will: they don't know what country they are in. but cats can be traders. i send pete a video of a police officer who said let me tell you the difference between cats and dogs. sometimes we enter our house and someone will have died and they have been in the house for quite some time. if you do that a dog will be cuddled up by his former master staying with him, starving to death. the cat will have eaten the master. pete: got to have food. what are you going to do? anita: can i say something? i will switch the subject. i know the world is talking about the mug shot but we are talking about that. i feel like samson. it really turns you into -- will: a new man ready to go. it was time. rachel:no man button anymore. it is called the ballerina button. pete: good to see you both. will: good to see you at home. thanks for being with us this morning. the headlines on the new york post, they were bribed. this is based upon an interview that will air tonight on one nation. brian kilmeade's show has an interview with victor shokin who was fired under the influence of the biden administration. we have video that proves that to be the case but was it because hunter biden was on the board of the company that was under the gun from victor show can, was that because president biden was compromised? here is what viktor shokin has to say. >> translator: i do not want to deal in unproven facts. my personal conviction is yes, this was the case. they were being bribed. the fact that president biden gave away $1 billion in us money in exchange for my dismissal, my firing, isn't that alone a case of corruption? rachel: we mentioned president biden actually bragged about firing this prosecutor. weird that we go to other countries and make sure prosecutors get fired. here is a fat flashback of president biden hamming it up and bragging at the foreign relations council about firing this man, viktor shokin. >> president biden: you are not getting $1 million. i will be leaving here in six hours. the prosecutor is not fired, you are not getting the money. well, he got fired. and they put in place someone who was solid at the time. rachel: that is a pretty arrogant -- will: they always admit their crimes at some point especially when they get away with them. great to hear from viktor shokin who hasn't spoken out on this since more details have come out. got to wonder how much more do we have to learn? not as if viktor shokin's credibility is at issue. everyone in ukraine is a little shady. like working with tribes interact, everyone has got something in their background but when you add this to the clip we just played, to the fbi informant who came out recently and said $5 million to joe, $5 million to hunter, in addition to all the money. this is the most, of all the hunter and joe stuff, if you look at china and elsewhere, there's abstract connections. this case, you've got players involved directly, we strongly believe because we were there it was influence peddling from political leaders, pressuring prosecutors, in this case the legislature of ukraine to fire this prosecutor with one million dollars of money. very interested to see what details come out, what he knows about this. and it was donald trump who got impeached, trump got impeached for saying look into the corruption. rachel: you see calls among many conservatives calling on kevin mccarthy because turns out the call was probably perfect. it was a call about corruption involving president biden and hunter biden and the prosecutor. great on our friend brian kilmeade, this is must-see tv. you have to wonder if hunter biden was john junior, the new york times would have been clamoring to have this interview themselves. they are not interested in this. just at our government, our deep state, the national archives are refusing to give documents needed for the investigation. there are shell companies. do you have a shell company? the bidens have multiple shell companies in the names of grandkids and relatives and widows and it is bizarre stuff, we need the documents, why this is the smoking gun, tons of smoking guns, they are tucked away in documents that are heavily rejected. brian: that is why impeachment inquiry is important. the pressure will ramp up on kevin mccarthy and others. one place where it can be done. will: indigenous advanced ministries does work in uganda helping children in the african continent and they were de-banked by bank of america. in the statements, jeremy tedesco, president of the nonprofit legal organization, the alliance defending freedom representing the indigenous -- says the following, bank of america is coming up with an after-the-fact explanation for cancellations. they would not talk to a client, the reason they close the account. this is what we see, and it is suspicious. it looks suspiciously like a political or religiously motivated action. pete: the religious organization is very open about their religious views, that marriage is between a man and a woman. pro-life, bank of america said they couldn't accept the amount of risk of these accounts have. the account had $270,000. when you are bank of america, $270,000 is nothing. if you are closing that account, it is not just this organization. we heard from a lot of other individuals who are quietly told your services are not welcome here anymore. that's a lot of power for a bank. rachel: this is the new frontier. it started like all bad ideas under the obama administration. my husband was one of the first to call this out. it was called operation, can't remember the name of it but, gun manufacturers and other industries that the administration didn't like so a choke point, operation choke point. the idea was to pressure the banks with regulations so than they drop, if you bank gun manufacturers we will do extra scrutiny on you and maybe i don't need this gun manufacturer so that was the start of it and if they are really testing it. we had nigel farage, he had to go through and get the paperwork and find out it was for political reasons. this is the new frontier. you saw with the canadian truckers, if you cut out people's finances you can cut off their life. they are testing this and this is why you may not care about a little charity in uganda, sounds like they are doing great work, we have to stand really strong and these banks need to be punished by congress for this kind of discrimination. look at the mug shot, they are coming for half the country. will: he said we are proud to provide banking services to nonprofit organizations, the first faith communities throughout the united states. religious beliefs are not a factor in any account closing, it doesn't offer banking services to organizations that provide debt collection services for risks related considerations and doesn't serve small businesses operating outside the united states. bank of america did not provide a copy of a policy reflecting that statement. the last part about small businesses operating outside the united states, don't believe the indigenous advanced ministries would qualify as small business. will: none of that information was given to this organization in real time. that came later on. you mentioned nigel farage, jpmorgan chase close the bank account of the national committee to establish nonprofit by sam brownback. this is why digital currency is so dangerous in the future because they can rate how acceptable you aren't whether you are welcome. rachel: the other is doctor mccullough who has our natural food business and they didn't like him because he was a big covid skeptic. you may not be religious but maybe you're skeptical about covid, doesn't matter, can't have banks discriminating. pete: nice to be able to look at you guys. will: were you -- rachel: we you self-conscious about that? pete: i feel like i get to see you. will: let's turn to some headlines. a big one, we will cover all morning long, two years since the couple airport bombing that claimed the lives of 13 us service members during president biden's withdraw from afghanistan. florida congressman cory mills is pushing to impeach defense secretary lloyd austin claiming he ignored key intelligence that could have prevented those deaths. michael walls joins us next hour to reflect on this. fox weather alert, florida leaders keep an eye on a potential hurricane moving toward the gulf of mexico. it is only a tropical system for now but the national hurricane center says it could impact florida's coast as early as tuesday. there's an 80% chance the system strengthens into a named storm which would be idalia. fire festival is back. despite its notorious reputation for stranding hundreds of fans in the bahamas, slice of bread and some cheese, the organizer who went to prison for fraud is the first batch of tickets already sold out even though the concert doesn't have a location yet. >> they don't want you anywhere near the party. when is the party? >> next year. i hope they let me come. not sure yet. >> you don't have a date and don't know what island. i feel horrible for participating in this scam of a party. rachel: it was a funny interview. >> range 800 to $8,000. rachel: guess who has a ticket? johnny will: for research of course. rachel: if you could pick one person who should go. pete: people will purchase tickets for the catastrophe. rachel: it could just be on tiktok about it. pete: i didn't see that interview but he is not involved but he is involved. rachel: any logistics. he is just got marketing front. they decided there is enough attention and name recognition around it. as you said, seeing that it is a catastrophe as part of the fun i guess. anyway, let's move to this. overnight space x crew blasted off, now on their way to the international space station. pete: they are gearing for another launch tonight. will: jonathan siri is live at kennedy space center with the details. >> reporter: it has been a long night. you see i have my coffee but it was worth staying up. it was so dramatic. a dramatic overnight launch that lit up the sky behind me over florida's space coast. take a look. >> 3, 2, one, full power and lift off, go falcon, go dragon. >> reporter: you can hear the crowd cheering, space x's powerful falcon 9 rocket launched a spacecraft named endurance into low earth orbit where it will dock with the international space station on sunday morning. the crew 7 mission includes astronauts from denmark and japan and a russian cosmonaut. the one american on board is the mission commander, jasmine mobelli a whose parents fled iran during the 1979 revolution. >> from four different nations, denmark, japan, russia, the united states, a common mission. >> reporter: european space agency astronaut mogenson picked the 0 gravity indicator. he let his children decide. they picked a toy sloth named sasha and you can see it floating around in the cabin. that led to the inevitable jokes that more than 17,000 miles an hour orbiting the earth, sasha is now the world's fastest sloth. this isn't the only space x launch today. this evening, space x will be launching another rocket, this one unaccrued --uncrewed carrying starling satellites. will: private companies are launching people into space. having been in maui the last couple weeks, starling, the ability to communicate was almost exclusively through starling and we are watching something amazing in terms of private enterprise, solving human problems of tomorrow. pete: launching things into space, commit occasions with starling, the future of electric vehicles and x or twitter, a lot of power. rachel: they should put it on musk in charge of the logistics of the fire festival. will: straight ahead, 400 people missing after the wildfires but president biden's trip did little to comfort those on the ground. >> president biden: we have a little sense at home, my wife on 67 corvette. will: leaders share their message to the president next. rachel: call 911, the and credible rescue after this quick thinking woman was abducted by a fake uber driver. ♪ call for bigger deals. get the most out of your projects by getting the most out of our fall savings now. shop labor day deals under $90 now, in store or online. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. every business that's why comcast business de is launching theal. mobile made free event. with our business internet, new and existing customers can get one year of unlimited mobile for free. it's our best internet. powered by the next generation 10g network and with 99.9% reliability. plus one line of free mobile for an entire year. it's the mobile made free event-happening now. get started for just $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get one free line of unlimited mobile. comcast business, powering possibilities. will: 380 people missing in maui and 15 confirmed dead after wildfires devastated the community. now hawaii continues its path to recovery after president biden's filled visit. >> president biden: my wife, 67 corvette. you catch the boot out here? will: joining us now, our hawaii state representative, diamond garcia. good evening, i know it is late there, just after midnight in hawaii. the number of missing is 388, a big drop from the 800-one hundred thousand we had heard before. the fbi is working on this, different authorities working on confirming names. does that mean we have cleared 700 people off of the missing list, they in essence have been found? >> we are still looking into that. i heard the fbi is working with county officials going through the list of those who are unaccounted for. they've gone through to verify who is missing and who is not. as of thursday, 388 are still missing. it is potentially up to a thousand. will: i've seen photos and video of searches going on in the water. looking through debris. there's also a story out now about hawaiian electric, a lot of focus on hawaiian electric, local power company, the fire began with a downed power line though that has not been confirmed but hawaiian electric came in and removed fallen power lines before the washington post, atf and other investigative bodies got in to confirm or investigate the source of the fire. what do you know about this? what started this fire? what started this fire? are we looking at arriving at an answer to that question? >> there are several lawsuits against hawaiian electric. the county of maui filed a lawsuit against hawaiian electric. what is interesting is we have essentially a monopoly with our electric company. everyone uses hawaiian electric. it will be interesting how we proceed. my hope out of this is looking at best practices and policies going forward, we have those red flag warnings. what is the policy that hawaiian electric put in place so something like this never happens again. will: that is what we can talk about, what caused the fire and how to have the same mistakes in place for the future. let's talk about the response. i spent a lot of time in maui over the last couple weeks. i'm curious. i heard mixed messages. how do you feel the federal government has done in the wake of this tragedy? there were mistakes by the biden administration. what your sense of the response from the federal government? >> it took two weeks for biden to get here. as we saw earlier the comments frustrated people. one of the biggest issues, there hasn't been great communication. we know fema is here but we are not sure what is happening. my husband is a firefighter. immediately after it happened, our honolulu fire department sending people out, churches and state legislature doing donations, it left people confused, it left them frustrated, it needs to be fixed as it moved forward on the fema note. will: what is your sense of the response from fema and the federal government? >> it has been slow, delayed, angry, frustrated. they are local residents, hundreds and hundreds who are homeless or displaced. they are and send billions of dollars overseas to ukraine to noncitizens and here we have american citizens, the 50th state of the union and $700, the first payment from fema. it has been two weeks. some people can't afford their medication, don't have access to their medication or local resources. that's the problem. will: the response at the community level juxtaposed against the response from the federal government, left a lot of people going who is there for us in a time of need? thank you for staying up late for us. >> thank you for having us. will: combating a political agenda, former fbi agent's warning to da fani will us, setting a dangerous precedent for democracy. hi, i'm amanda . my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. rachel: donald trump's mug shot as he faces hundreds of years behind bars, the gop calling it a clear case of government weaponization. our next yes says fulton county da fani willis is using this is a claim to fame and worries about the precedent this sets for our republic. former fbi special agent nicole parker joins us now. thanks for being here. you have spoken about why you left the fbi, that politics is creeping in in serious ways. what precedent does this set? >> thank you for having me. this is an important topic that i represent not just myself but so many current and former fbi agents who feel the same way i do, many have resigned in the same fashion i did because the politicization of the criminal justice system is not acceptable. you have the fourth indictment now of donald trump and it appears this da, this is a county district attorney, fourth indictment and now you are seeing a mug shot. why isn't that out of four indictments, the fourth one, now you are seeing of a mug shot? it appears this is for political reasons, a claim to fame for her and she campaigned in going after donald trump. that's extremely dangerous. that is not what the purpose of the kernel justice system is 4. those that are out there fighting crime, it is necessary to have the support and trust of the american people. when you abuse and go after your political opponents, it ruins it for everybody. pete: when james comey went to the podium and said no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a location. he talked about the challenges as a political candidate, where's the reasonable prosecutor in this? >> i asked the same question, where's the reasonable prosecutor. why is this reasonable, under hillary clinton it was not. the problem is a pattern of overseeing politicization of the committal justice system, going after vigorously, republicans, conservatives, democrats and progressives, they almost give them a pass and turn a blind eye. look what is happening with hunter biden, no charges, no charges, yet donald trump, four indictments and four months, almost as if they are treating him as if he's on the fbi's most wanted list. it appears -- that is not right. will: why is this? pete: if you know the fbi, you were there for many years fighting crime. is it full of democrats at the top? do they have a preference for a certain party? why would it slant in this direction in your opinion? >> there are two fbis. it's obvious to those that work there. fbi one, individuals that came to the fbi to serve, protect americans, uphold the constitution it fbi 2 is more of the leadership, the dc establishment, those that are using their law enforcement power to push their political agenda. that is an abuse of power. i am a rank and file agent from the miami division, i wanted to serve the american people. there's a clear distinction between those that are holding the line, these whistleblowers that have come forward. if it wasn't for these whistleblowers americans would have no idea what's happening at the irs or fbi. we need to honor and respect those that are doing the right thing but those at the top are abusing their power and it is inappropriate and we need to restore the colonel justice system into will be under a new administration. will: if you are at the top of the fbi in washington dc, only one party controls everything and gives a big indication. thank you for your service and your time. still ahead, biden's border crisis has dhs sending millions of dollars to ngos sheltering illegals. is that really the best strategy for border security or is it their strategy? sarah carter witnessed the crisis firsthand, she is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪ before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days, (cough cough) flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. feeling sluggish or weighed down? could be a sign you're not getting enough daily fiber. metamucil capsules can help. psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. promoting digestive health, for a better you. metamucil capsules an easy way to get more daily fiber. rachel: in an attempt to help those facing the border crisis the department of homeland security is sending another $77 million to ngos and communities hit by the migrant surge. of that 77 million, $13 million are going to el paso, texas. catholic charities will get 12. $8 million with other ngos like food banks receiving 2 to $3 million in texas and arizona. non-border cities shown in orange like new york and chicago will also get funding. the total amount handed out this fiscal year, more than $770 million. is this distribution the best way to solve the crisis? sarah carter has seen this crisis firsthand and joins us now. always great to have you on especially on this topic. what do you make of this money going to these ngos? >> it is a tragedy because it perpetuates the illegal immigration crisis and it also shows the united states under the biden administration, one of the biggest smuggling organizations in the world. what we are looking at is $770 million and that is just with fema, not looking at 600 million tax dollars dhs is requesting. look at the united nations. we fund the majority of the united nations programs with our tax dollars and when i was traveling through guatemala in el salvador and mexico, a lot of the money going from the un goes to these ngos in central america and mexico. that money that is used for american lawyers going into mexico and training migrants on what to do with the credible fear, asylum claim. this is how you apply for asylum. basically set the system up so people think i can take this journey and make my way to the united states and what they find is they are in the hands of drug cartels and human traffickers and they get a little food. a lot of these charities pocket the cash. all this does is give the charities incentive to continue doing what they are doing which is trafficking people to the united states. rachel: the ngos give money to the politicians and also george soros and many groups give money to politicians, lobby for open border policies and we give them our tax dollars to do it. this loot going around. i want to talk about catholic relief services. the lutheran church, one of the biggest groups receiving this money and it is fascinating because they have to know the money and policies are fueling sex trafficking, fueling so many people putting their lives at risk in the hands of the cartels and making the more powerful. how do they justify that? that's a religious organization. >> i don't know and i am catholic. i see this. it is. i see this happening. in mission, texas, they took over the park down there, catholic charities have access to it. they shut the park down during covid. the park was shut down, they put up ten. as people were brought into the united states they were bused over to catholic charities where they were kept hidden away from the public and saying this is to check for covid, keep younger people safe when it was really to keep the eyes of the news media off the people that were coming in and is in the millions. by the end of biden's term over 8 million is what we are estimating, illegal migrants coming into the united states so this is frustrating. some of these charities try to do their best but they are perpetuating this behavior and pocketing the money. rachel: it is poisoning the churches themselves, the catholic church was silent when they found out from whistleblowers in the fbi their own churches were being surveyed by the fbi. i wonder if the money, i am pretty sure the money had a lot to do with why they didn't stand up for their own churches in that situation. it is dysfunctional all the way around. it's an important connection you are making. have a great one. will: turning to your headlines. deputies in arizona rescue a kidnapped woman after she slipped this note to a stranger at a gas station asking for help. included name and description of the van she was. the customer carbine hundred 11. authorities say the suspect was posing as an uber driver. check your freezer. the fda issuing a recall for frozen vegetables sold at food lion and kroger stores over concerns it is contaminated with listeria. 1/3 party lab tested a bag of sweetcorn, traces of harmful bacteria. so far there are no reports of illnesses linked to the products. lionel messi mandate -- leading his team against the red bulls tonight. the superstar making his season debut driving up ticket prices by one thousand%. there's confusion over this because he's playing the mls cup which is midseason tournament. this is the actual season debut for lionel messi. even though it was a tournament, he's undefeated with inter miami winning 8 games. brian kilmeade will be at tonight's match with the breakdown tomorrow morning at those are your headlines. rachel: it is like nfl's biggest star playing in the usfl. rachel: i am watching rick wait for you to toss it to him. i can see rick, chitchatting about lionel messi. okay, okay. where is rick? the biggest tennis tournament in america kicks off this week. the chief is there for arthur ashe kids day. >> isn't there a stage manager, move on, toss it, wrap this up. will: you know how those directions are received. >> not usually really well. the u.s. open starts on monday and every year they have kids day and kids and families come out here to enjoy this was i came to this event for "fox and friends" 16 years ago. they became a big deal. before they were huge, taylor swift was here for kids day, britney spears was here for kids day, justin bieber and duke's perfect, not sure if the trend will continue. that is the u.s. open which we are here tomorrow morning, and i was playing with a legend and it is raining so don't think that will happen. really sad. raining here. i want to show what's going on, big things going on including heater plaguing the central part of the country. a little bit of relief coming across the northern tier, 74 in chicago. real quick across parts of florida, tropics heating up. we might have a strong tropical storm or potentially a low hurricane somewhere on the western shores of florida coming up in 2 to 3 days. we will keep you posted. back to you. rachel: putting climate over family, the world economic forum is cheering declining birth rates as a small price to pay to reduce overconsumption. the anti-family green agenda next. ♪inspiring music♪ ♪ start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. 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(vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion. patients taking tepezza may have infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before getting tepezza, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. tepezza may raise blood sugar even if you don't have diabetes and may worsen ibd such as crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. now, i'm ready to be seen again. visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. rachel: birth rates decline world weighed with the average number of babies cut in half since 1950. the world economic forum advisor says the trend is, quote, good for general overall overconsumption and we have at the moment and for our planet. emma waters is a research associate at the heritage foundation and she joins us now. what is going on here? isn't the point of what we are doing to appropriate and keep humanity going? >> this is about control. if you can reduce the number of babies born you create a society that is weak, lonely, and sad which makes them right for government control and coercion. fewer babies born lead to weak people while corrupt and unelected leaders like those of the world economic forum are mass all the power. rachel: i often heard what is the climate orthodoxy about, and what are they afraid of at the world economic forum. >> the world economic forum is concerned about people able to govern themselves. when it comes to population, we have seen this before, the 1960s under john d rockefeller the third warned of the population crisis but turns out birth rates were already declining. today they are below replacement level. people fight for the climate when they have a stake in the future but if you have a generation of people not having children they are more likely to be wasteful and decadent. not good conservators of the world they were given. rachel: how can people fight back against this agenda? >> get married and be part of a strong community that actually supports the values you have, not the values of these crazy organizations who hate you and everything you stand for. >> thank you, more "fox and friends" coming up. let innovatp with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. it's because of tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. i'm at a point now where i've outgrown my house. growing up, every time i'd get out of the shower, i would itch. my first experience with goat milk soap, it kinda was like a light bulb moment. tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. if you'd have told me three years ago that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i would've told you you'd lost your mind. listen up, you dogs with allergic itch! today's talking lesson is just one word: apoquel. ap--o--quel. ♪ you can't teach your itchy dog to talk..., talk to your vet about apoquel. apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections... ...and may cause existing parasitic skin infections or pre-existing cancers to worsen. new neoplasias have been observed. i'm glad we speak the same language. ask your vet for apoquel. my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. rachel: hello. it is 7:00 a.m. on the east coast and here with my friends will and pete in new york city. good morning, guys. pete: good morning. atlantic, north carolina. did a little quick research. southern outer banks of north carolina. rachel: outer banks. pete: i don't thither been to the outer banks. i'm told by everybody that goes that it's amazing and beautiful but hard to get to. once you get there it's like paradise. rachel: heard the same thing. by the way, you guys, sean had shoulder surgery last night. will: really? rachelah

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Amanda , Sad , Depression , Scooter , Kenny , Patriotic Kenny Foundation , 5000 , 24 , Tiktok , Veterans , Mobility Scooters , Camera Shutter Sfx , City Ambience Sounds , Car Screech , Car Door Slam , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Flaky , Otezla , Patches , Ned , Psoriatic Arthritis , Doctors , Blood Tests , Itching , Flaking , Headache , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Thoughts , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Weight Loss , Crowd Gasp , Movie , Ting , Bars , Government Weaponization , Gop , Claim , Fame , Da Fani Willis , Nicole Parker , Precedent , Sets , Republic , Fulton County , Worries , Politics , Ways , Set , Agents , Topic , Many , Indictment , Politicization , Criminal Justice , Da , Fashion , Indictments , District Attorney , Crime , Purpose , Trust , Kernel Justice System , Everybody , Opponents , Podium , James Comey , Challenges , Candidate , Democrats , Committal Justice System , Pattern , Progressives , Hillary Clinton , Charges , Pass , Wanted List , Direction , Opinion 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Heartbeat , Eye Bulging , Ibd , Eye Specialist , Crohn S Disease , Ulcerative Colitis , Blood Sugar , Planning , Visit Mytepezza Com , Babies , General , Half , Advisor , Quote , 1950 , Emma Waters , Planet , Research Associate , The Point , Heritage Foundation , Society , Humanity , Lonely , Lead , Government Control , Coercion , About , Population , Before , Population Crisis , Replacement Level , Stake , 1960 , Conservators , Generation , Values , Refund , Tax Refund , Marshall , Rosie , Patio , Innovatp , Dr , Facelift , Practice , Erc , Emily , Innovation Refunds , Brows , Stop Waiting , Wax Museum , Itch , Website , Shower , Experience , Bulb , Goat Milk Soap , Kinda , Platform , Diy , Mind , Building , Three , Apoquel , Vet , Control , Word , Lesson , Ap , Quel , Skin Infections , Chances , Cancers , Neoplasias , Language , Joint Pain , Rhythm , Joints , Groove , Inflammation , Stiffness , Fatigue , Hello , Friends , East Coast , Guys , Outer Banks , Southern Outer Banks , North Carolina , Atlantic , Rachelah , Shoulder Surgery Last Night , Paradise , Sean ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

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♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ pete: there is your national anthem with america's best friend because it is national dog day. sorry, pete. pete: i love it though i will declare as wonderful as dogs are, they can be painful. anita: what about -- they are super well-groomed, those dogs. will: did you send a picture of your dog in? anita: i will do it in a different segment. it is official dog day for the next four hours. will: i still have some time which were you both asked to send a picture? pete: yes. i don't have one. anita: it is a lot about you. will: i don't think dogs can be patriots which they don't know what country they are in. anita: have no loyalty to anybody. will: they don't know what country they are in. but cats can be traders. i send pete a video of a police officer who said let me tell you the difference between cats and dogs. sometimes we enter our house and someone will have died and they have been in the house for quite some time. if you do that a dog will be cuddled up by his former master staying with him, starving to death. the cat will have eaten the master. pete: got to have food. what are you going to do? anita: can i say something? i will switch the subject. i know the world is talking about the mug shot but we are talking about that. i feel like samson. it really turns you into -- will: a new man ready to go. it was time. rachel:no man button anymore. it is called the ballerina button. pete: good to see you both. will: good to see you at home. thanks for being with us this morning. the headlines on the new york post, they were bribed. this is based upon an interview that will air tonight on one nation. brian kilmeade's show has an interview with victor shokin who was fired under the influence of the biden administration. we have video that proves that to be the case but was it because hunter biden was on the board of the company that was under the gun from victor show can, was that because president biden was compromised? here is what viktor shokin has to say. >> translator: i do not want to deal in unproven facts. my personal conviction is yes, this was the case. they were being bribed. the fact that president biden gave away $1 billion in us money in exchange for my dismissal, my firing, isn't that alone a case of corruption? rachel: we mentioned president biden actually bragged about firing this prosecutor. weird that we go to other countries and make sure prosecutors get fired. here is a fat flashback of president biden hamming it up and bragging at the foreign relations council about firing this man, viktor shokin. >> president biden: you are not getting $1 million. i will be leaving here in six hours. the prosecutor is not fired, you are not getting the money. well, he got fired. and they put in place someone who was solid at the time. rachel: that is a pretty arrogant -- will: they always admit their crimes at some point especially when they get away with them. great to hear from viktor shokin who hasn't spoken out on this since more details have come out. got to wonder how much more do we have to learn? not as if viktor shokin's credibility is at issue. everyone in ukraine is a little shady. like working with tribes interact, everyone has got something in their background but when you add this to the clip we just played, to the fbi informant who came out recently and said $5 million to joe, $5 million to hunter, in addition to all the money. this is the most, of all the hunter and joe stuff, if you look at china and elsewhere, there's abstract connections. this case, you've got players involved directly, we strongly believe because we were there it was influence peddling from political leaders, pressuring prosecutors, in this case the legislature of ukraine to fire this prosecutor with one million dollars of money. very interested to see what details come out, what he knows about this. and it was donald trump who got impeached, trump got impeached for saying look into the corruption. rachel: you see calls among many conservatives calling on kevin mccarthy because turns out the call was probably perfect. it was a call about corruption involving president biden and hunter biden and the prosecutor. great on our friend brian kilmeade, this is must-see tv. you have to wonder if hunter biden was john junior, the new york times would have been clamoring to have this interview themselves. they are not interested in this. just at our government, our deep state, the national archives are refusing to give documents needed for the investigation. there are shell companies. do you have a shell company? the bidens have multiple shell companies in the names of grandkids and relatives and widows and it is bizarre stuff, we need the documents, why this is the smoking gun, tons of smoking guns, they are tucked away in documents that are heavily rejected. brian: that is why impeachment inquiry is important. the pressure will ramp up on kevin mccarthy and others. one place where it can be done. will: indigenous advanced ministries does work in uganda helping children in the african continent and they were de-banked by bank of america. in the statements, jeremy tedesco, president of the nonprofit legal organization, the alliance defending freedom representing the indigenous -- says the following, bank of america is coming up with an after-the-fact explanation for cancellations. they would not talk to a client, the reason they close the account. this is what we see, and it is suspicious. it looks suspiciously like a political or religiously motivated action. pete: the religious organization is very open about their religious views, that marriage is between a man and a woman. pro-life, bank of america said they couldn't accept the amount of risk of these accounts have. the account had $270,000. when you are bank of america, $270,000 is nothing. if you are closing that account, it is not just this organization. we heard from a lot of other individuals who are quietly told your services are not welcome here anymore. that's a lot of power for a bank. rachel: this is the new frontier. it started like all bad ideas under the obama administration. my husband was one of the first to call this out. it was called operation, can't remember the name of it but, gun manufacturers and other industries that the administration didn't like so a choke point, operation choke point. the idea was to pressure the banks with regulations so than they drop, if you bank gun manufacturers we will do extra scrutiny on you and maybe i don't need this gun manufacturer so that was the start of it and if they are really testing it. we had nigel farage, he had to go through and get the paperwork and find out it was for political reasons. this is the new frontier. you saw with the canadian truckers, if you cut out people's finances you can cut off their life. they are testing this and this is why you may not care about a little charity in uganda, sounds like they are doing great work, we have to stand really strong and these banks need to be punished by congress for this kind of discrimination. look at the mug shot, they are coming for half the country. will: he said we are proud to provide banking services to nonprofit organizations, the first faith communities throughout the united states. religious beliefs are not a factor in any account closing, it doesn't offer banking services to organizations that provide debt collection services for risks related considerations and doesn't serve small businesses operating outside the united states. bank of america did not provide a copy of a policy reflecting that statement. the last part about small businesses operating outside the united states, don't believe the indigenous advanced ministries would qualify as small business. will: none of that information was given to this organization in real time. that came later on. you mentioned nigel farage, jpmorgan chase close the bank account of the national committee to establish nonprofit by sam brownback. this is why digital currency is so dangerous in the future because they can rate how acceptable you aren't whether you are welcome. rachel: the other is doctor mccullough who has our natural food business and they didn't like him because he was a big covid skeptic. you may not be religious but maybe you're skeptical about covid, doesn't matter, can't have banks discriminating. pete: nice to be able to look at you guys. will: were you -- rachel: we you self-conscious about that? pete: i feel like i get to see you. will: let's turn to some headlines. a big one, we will cover all morning long, two years since the couple airport bombing that claimed the lives of 13 us service members during president biden's withdraw from afghanistan. florida congressman cory mills is pushing to impeach defense secretary lloyd austin claiming he ignored key intelligence that could have prevented those deaths. michael walls joins us next hour to reflect on this. fox weather alert, florida leaders keep an eye on a potential hurricane moving toward the gulf of mexico. it is only a tropical system for now but the national hurricane center says it could impact florida's coast as early as tuesday. there's an 80% chance the system strengthens into a named storm which would be idalia. fire festival is back. despite its notorious reputation for stranding hundreds of fans in the bahamas, slice of bread and some cheese, the organizer who went to prison for fraud is the first batch of tickets already sold out even though the concert doesn't have a location yet. >> they don't want you anywhere near the party. when is the party? >> next year. i hope they let me come. not sure yet. >> you don't have a date and don't know what island. i feel horrible for participating in this scam of a party. rachel: it was a funny interview. >> range 800 to $8,000. rachel: guess who has a ticket? johnny will: for research of course. rachel: if you could pick one person who should go. pete: people will purchase tickets for the catastrophe. rachel: it could just be on tiktok about it. pete: i didn't see that interview but he is not involved but he is involved. rachel: any logistics. he is just got marketing front. they decided there is enough attention and name recognition around it. as you said, seeing that it is a catastrophe as part of the fun i guess. anyway, let's move to this. overnight space x crew blasted off, now on their way to the international space station. pete: they are gearing for another launch tonight. will: jonathan siri is live at kennedy space center with the details. >> reporter: it has been a long night. you see i have my coffee but it was worth staying up. it was so dramatic. a dramatic overnight launch that lit up the sky behind me over florida's space coast. take a look. >> 3, 2, one, full power and lift off, go falcon, go dragon. >> reporter: you can hear the crowd cheering, space x's powerful falcon 9 rocket launched a spacecraft named endurance into low earth orbit where it will dock with the international space station on sunday morning. the crew 7 mission includes astronauts from denmark and japan and a russian cosmonaut. the one american on board is the mission commander, jasmine mobelli a whose parents fled iran during the 1979 revolution. >> from four different nations, denmark, japan, russia, the united states, a common mission. >> reporter: european space agency astronaut mogenson picked the 0 gravity indicator. he let his children decide. they picked a toy sloth named sasha and you can see it floating around in the cabin. that led to the inevitable jokes that more than 17,000 miles an hour orbiting the earth, sasha is now the world's fastest sloth. this isn't the only space x launch today. this evening, space x will be launching another rocket, this one unaccrued --uncrewed carrying starling satellites. will: private companies are launching people into space. having been in maui the last couple weeks, starling, the ability to communicate was almost exclusively through starling and we are watching something amazing in terms of private enterprise, solving human problems of tomorrow. pete: launching things into space, commit occasions with starling, the future of electric vehicles and x or twitter, a lot of power. rachel: they should put it on musk in charge of the logistics of the fire festival. will: straight ahead, 400 people missing after the wildfires but president biden's trip did little to comfort those on the ground. >> president biden: we have a little sense at home, my wife on 67 corvette. will: leaders share their message to the president next. rachel: call 911, the and credible rescue after this quick thinking woman was abducted by a fake uber driver. ♪ call for bigger deals. get the most out of your projects by getting the most out of our fall savings now. shop labor day deals under $90 now, in store or online. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. every business that's why comcast business de is launching theal. mobile made free event. with our business internet, new and existing customers can get one year of unlimited mobile for free. it's our best internet. powered by the next generation 10g network and with 99.9% reliability. plus one line of free mobile for an entire year. it's the mobile made free event-happening now. get started for just $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get one free line of unlimited mobile. comcast business, powering possibilities. will: 380 people missing in maui and 15 confirmed dead after wildfires devastated the community. now hawaii continues its path to recovery after president biden's filled visit. >> president biden: my wife, 67 corvette. you catch the boot out here? will: joining us now, our hawaii state representative, diamond garcia. good evening, i know it is late there, just after midnight in hawaii. the number of missing is 388, a big drop from the 800-one hundred thousand we had heard before. the fbi is working on this, different authorities working on confirming names. does that mean we have cleared 700 people off of the missing list, they in essence have been found? >> we are still looking into that. i heard the fbi is working with county officials going through the list of those who are unaccounted for. they've gone through to verify who is missing and who is not. as of thursday, 388 are still missing. it is potentially up to a thousand. will: i've seen photos and video of searches going on in the water. looking through debris. there's also a story out now about hawaiian electric, a lot of focus on hawaiian electric, local power company, the fire began with a downed power line though that has not been confirmed but hawaiian electric came in and removed fallen power lines before the washington post, atf and other investigative bodies got in to confirm or investigate the source of the fire. what do you know about this? what started this fire? what started this fire? are we looking at arriving at an answer to that question? >> there are several lawsuits against hawaiian electric. the county of maui filed a lawsuit against hawaiian electric. what is interesting is we have essentially a monopoly with our electric company. everyone uses hawaiian electric. it will be interesting how we proceed. my hope out of this is looking at best practices and policies going forward, we have those red flag warnings. what is the policy that hawaiian electric put in place so something like this never happens again. will: that is what we can talk about, what caused the fire and how to have the same mistakes in place for the future. let's talk about the response. i spent a lot of time in maui over the last couple weeks. i'm curious. i heard mixed messages. how do you feel the federal government has done in the wake of this tragedy? there were mistakes by the biden administration. what your sense of the response from the federal government? >> it took two weeks for biden to get here. as we saw earlier the comments frustrated people. one of the biggest issues, there hasn't been great communication. we know fema is here but we are not sure what is happening. my husband is a firefighter. immediately after it happened, our honolulu fire department sending people out, churches and state legislature doing donations, it left people confused, it left them frustrated, it needs to be fixed as it moved forward on the fema note. will: what is your sense of the response from fema and the federal government? >> it has been slow, delayed, angry, frustrated. they are local residents, hundreds and hundreds who are homeless or displaced. they are and send billions of dollars overseas to ukraine to noncitizens and here we have american citizens, the 50th state of the union and $700, the first payment from fema. it has been two weeks. some people can't afford their medication, don't have access to their medication or local resources. that's the problem. will: the response at the community level juxtaposed against the response from the federal government, left a lot of people going who is there for us in a time of need? thank you for staying up late for us. >> thank you for having us. will: combating a political agenda, former fbi agent's warning to da fani will us, setting a dangerous precedent for democracy. hi, i'm amanda . my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. rachel: donald trump's mug shot as he faces hundreds of years behind bars, the gop calling it a clear case of government weaponization. our next yes says fulton county da fani willis is using this is a claim to fame and worries about the precedent this sets for our republic. former fbi special agent nicole parker joins us now. thanks for being here. you have spoken about why you left the fbi, that politics is creeping in in serious ways. what precedent does this set? >> thank you for having me. this is an important topic that i represent not just myself but so many current and former fbi agents who feel the same way i do, many have resigned in the same fashion i did because the politicization of the criminal justice system is not acceptable. you have the fourth indictment now of donald trump and it appears this da, this is a county district attorney, fourth indictment and now you are seeing a mug shot. why isn't that out of four indictments, the fourth one, now you are seeing of a mug shot? it appears this is for political reasons, a claim to fame for her and she campaigned in going after donald trump. that's extremely dangerous. that is not what the purpose of the kernel justice system is 4. those that are out there fighting crime, it is necessary to have the support and trust of the american people. when you abuse and go after your political opponents, it ruins it for everybody. pete: when james comey went to the podium and said no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a location. he talked about the challenges as a political candidate, where's the reasonable prosecutor in this? >> i asked the same question, where's the reasonable prosecutor. why is this reasonable, under hillary clinton it was not. the problem is a pattern of overseeing politicization of the committal justice system, going after vigorously, republicans, conservatives, democrats and progressives, they almost give them a pass and turn a blind eye. look what is happening with hunter biden, no charges, no charges, yet donald trump, four indictments and four months, almost as if they are treating him as if he's on the fbi's most wanted list. it appears -- that is not right. will: why is this? pete: if you know the fbi, you were there for many years fighting crime. is it full of democrats at the top? do they have a preference for a certain party? why would it slant in this direction in your opinion? >> there are two fbis. it's obvious to those that work there. fbi one, individuals that came to the fbi to serve, protect americans, uphold the constitution it fbi 2 is more of the leadership, the dc establishment, those that are using their law enforcement power to push their political agenda. that is an abuse of power. i am a rank and file agent from the miami division, i wanted to serve the american people. there's a clear distinction between those that are holding the line, these whistleblowers that have come forward. if it wasn't for these whistleblowers americans would have no idea what's happening at the irs or fbi. we need to honor and respect those that are doing the right thing but those at the top are abusing their power and it is inappropriate and we need to restore the colonel justice system into will be under a new administration. will: if you are at the top of the fbi in washington dc, only one party controls everything and gives a big indication. thank you for your service and your time. still ahead, biden's border crisis has dhs sending millions of dollars to ngos sheltering illegals. is that really the best strategy for border security or is it their strategy? sarah carter witnessed the crisis firsthand, she is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪ before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days, (cough cough) flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. feeling sluggish or weighed down? could be a sign you're not getting enough daily fiber. metamucil capsules can help. psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. promoting digestive health, for a better you. metamucil capsules an easy way to get more daily fiber. rachel: in an attempt to help those facing the border crisis the department of homeland security is sending another $77 million to ngos and communities hit by the migrant surge. of that 77 million, $13 million are going to el paso, texas. catholic charities will get 12. $8 million with other ngos like food banks receiving 2 to $3 million in texas and arizona. non-border cities shown in orange like new york and chicago will also get funding. the total amount handed out this fiscal year, more than $770 million. is this distribution the best way to solve the crisis? sarah carter has seen this crisis firsthand and joins us now. always great to have you on especially on this topic. what do you make of this money going to these ngos? >> it is a tragedy because it perpetuates the illegal immigration crisis and it also shows the united states under the biden administration, one of the biggest smuggling organizations in the world. what we are looking at is $770 million and that is just with fema, not looking at 600 million tax dollars dhs is requesting. look at the united nations. we fund the majority of the united nations programs with our tax dollars and when i was traveling through guatemala in el salvador and mexico, a lot of the money going from the un goes to these ngos in central america and mexico. that money that is used for american lawyers going into mexico and training migrants on what to do with the credible fear, asylum claim. this is how you apply for asylum. basically set the system up so people think i can take this journey and make my way to the united states and what they find is they are in the hands of drug cartels and human traffickers and they get a little food. a lot of these charities pocket the cash. all this does is give the charities incentive to continue doing what they are doing which is trafficking people to the united states. rachel: the ngos give money to the politicians and also george soros and many groups give money to politicians, lobby for open border policies and we give them our tax dollars to do it. this loot going around. i want to talk about catholic relief services. the lutheran church, one of the biggest groups receiving this money and it is fascinating because they have to know the money and policies are fueling sex trafficking, fueling so many people putting their lives at risk in the hands of the cartels and making the more powerful. how do they justify that? that's a religious organization. >> i don't know and i am catholic. i see this. it is. i see this happening. in mission, texas, they took over the park down there, catholic charities have access to it. they shut the park down during covid. the park was shut down, they put up ten. as people were brought into the united states they were bused over to catholic charities where they were kept hidden away from the public and saying this is to check for covid, keep younger people safe when it was really to keep the eyes of the news media off the people that were coming in and is in the millions. by the end of biden's term over 8 million is what we are estimating, illegal migrants coming into the united states so this is frustrating. some of these charities try to do their best but they are perpetuating this behavior and pocketing the money. rachel: it is poisoning the churches themselves, the catholic church was silent when they found out from whistleblowers in the fbi their own churches were being surveyed by the fbi. i wonder if the money, i am pretty sure the money had a lot to do with why they didn't stand up for their own churches in that situation. it is dysfunctional all the way around. it's an important connection you are making. have a great one. will: turning to your headlines. deputies in arizona rescue a kidnapped woman after she slipped this note to a stranger at a gas station asking for help. included name and description of the van she was. the customer carbine hundred 11. authorities say the suspect was posing as an uber driver. check your freezer. the fda issuing a recall for frozen vegetables sold at food lion and kroger stores over concerns it is contaminated with listeria. 1/3 party lab tested a bag of sweetcorn, traces of harmful bacteria. so far there are no reports of illnesses linked to the products. lionel messi mandate -- leading his team against the red bulls tonight. the superstar making his season debut driving up ticket prices by one thousand%. there's confusion over this because he's playing the mls cup which is midseason tournament. this is the actual season debut for lionel messi. even though it was a tournament, he's undefeated with inter miami winning 8 games. brian kilmeade will be at tonight's match with the breakdown tomorrow morning at those are your headlines. rachel: it is like nfl's biggest star playing in the usfl. rachel: i am watching rick wait for you to toss it to him. i can see rick, chitchatting about lionel messi. okay, okay. where is rick? the biggest tennis tournament in america kicks off this week. the chief is there for arthur ashe kids day. >> isn't there a stage manager, move on, toss it, wrap this up. will: you know how those directions are received. >> not usually really well. the u.s. open starts on monday and every year they have kids day and kids and families come out here to enjoy this was i came to this event for "fox and friends" 16 years ago. they became a big deal. before they were huge, taylor swift was here for kids day, britney spears was here for kids day, justin bieber and duke's perfect, not sure if the trend will continue. that is the u.s. open which we are here tomorrow morning, and i was playing with a legend and it is raining so don't think that will happen. really sad. raining here. i want to show what's going on, big things going on including heater plaguing the central part of the country. a little bit of relief coming across the northern tier, 74 in chicago. real quick across parts of florida, tropics heating up. we might have a strong tropical storm or potentially a low hurricane somewhere on the western shores of florida coming up in 2 to 3 days. we will keep you posted. back to you. rachel: putting climate over family, the world economic forum is cheering declining birth rates as a small price to pay to reduce overconsumption. the anti-family green agenda next. ♪inspiring music♪ ♪ start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. 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isn't the point of what we are doing to appropriate and keep humanity going? >> this is about control. if you can reduce the number of babies born you create a society that is weak, lonely, and sad which makes them right for government control and coercion. fewer babies born lead to weak people while corrupt and unelected leaders like those of the world economic forum are mass all the power. rachel: i often heard what is the climate orthodoxy about, and what are they afraid of at the world economic forum. >> the world economic forum is concerned about people able to govern themselves. when it comes to population, we have seen this before, the 1960s under john d rockefeller the third warned of the population crisis but turns out birth rates were already declining. today they are below replacement level. people fight for the climate when they have a stake in the future but if you have a generation of people not having children they are more likely to be wasteful and decadent. not good conservators of the world they were given. rachel: how can people fight back against this agenda? >> get married and be part of a strong community that actually supports the values you have, not the values of these crazy organizations who hate you and everything you stand for. >> thank you, more "fox and friends" coming up. let innovatp with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. it's because of tiktok that i had to go out and get a website. i'm at a point now where i've outgrown my house. growing up, every time i'd get out of the shower, i would itch. my first experience with goat milk soap, it kinda was like a light bulb moment. tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. if you'd have told me three years ago that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i would've told you you'd lost your mind. listen up, you dogs with allergic itch! today's talking lesson is just one word: apoquel. ap--o--quel. ♪ you can't teach your itchy dog to talk..., talk to your vet about apoquel. apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections... ...and may cause existing parasitic skin infections or pre-existing cancers to worsen. new neoplasias have been observed. i'm glad we speak the same language. ask your vet for apoquel. my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. rachel: hello. it is 7:00 a.m. on the east coast and here with my friends will and pete in new york city. good morning, guys. pete: good morning. atlantic, north carolina. did a little quick research. southern outer banks of north carolina. rachel: outer banks. pete: i don't thither been to the outer banks. i'm told by everybody that goes that it's amazing and beautiful but hard to get to. once you get there it's like paradise. rachel: heard the same thing. by the way, you guys, sean had shoulder surgery last night. will: really? rachelah

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Amanda , Sad , Depression , Scooter , Kenny , Patriotic Kenny Foundation , 5000 , 24 , Tiktok , Veterans , Mobility Scooters , Camera Shutter Sfx , City Ambience Sounds , Car Screech , Car Door Slam , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Flaky , Otezla , Patches , Ned , Psoriatic Arthritis , Doctors , Blood Tests , Itching , Flaking , Headache , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Thoughts , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Weight Loss , Crowd Gasp , Movie , Ting , Bars , Government Weaponization , Gop , Claim , Fame , Da Fani Willis , Nicole Parker , Precedent , Sets , Republic , Fulton County , Worries , Politics , Ways , Set , Agents , Topic , Many , Indictment , Politicization , Criminal Justice , Da , Fashion , Indictments , District Attorney , Crime , Purpose , Trust , Kernel Justice System , Everybody , Opponents , Podium , James Comey , Challenges , Candidate , Democrats , Committal Justice System , Pattern , Progressives , Hillary Clinton , Charges , Pass , Wanted List , Direction , Opinion 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, New York , 8 Million , Distribution , 770 Million , 70 Million , Smuggling Organizations , Immigration , Dollars Dhs , United Nations , 600 Million , Tax Dollars , Programs , Majority , Mexico , Guatemala , El Salvador , Asylum Claim , Lawyers , Training , Hands , Drug Cartels , Human Traffickers , Charities , Is , Cash , Doing , Incentive , Politicians , Groups , Open Border Policies , George Soros , Lutheran Church , Loot , Catholic Relief Services , Cartels , Sex Trafficking , Lives , Happening , Public , The Park , Shut Down , Ten , News Media , Eyes , Some , Migrants , Estimating , Term , The End , Behavior , Catholic Church , Situation , Great One , Stranger , Connection , Deputies , Help , Gas Station , Description , Customer Carbine , Suspect , Van She , 11 , Fda , Recall , Stores , Driver , Lab , Vegetables , Bag , Freezer , Food Lion , 1 3 , Lionel Messi , Reports , Sweetcorn , Bacteria , Illnesses , Products , Mandate , Team , Red Bulls , Debut , Tournament , Superstar , Season , Mls Cup , Confusion , Ticket Prices , One Thousand , Breakdown , Games , Match , Inter , Miami , 8 , Biggest Star Playing In The Usfl , Nfl , Tennis Tournament , Rick , Chitchatting , Isn T There A , Chief , Arthur Ashe Kids Day , Stage Manager , Toss It , Move On , U S Open , Kids , Directions , Families , Fox And Friends , Deal , Taylor Swift , Britney Spears , Justin Bieber , 16 , Trend , Perfect , Legend , Duke , Relief , What S Going On , Heater , Bit , Northern Tier , 74 , Parts , Somewhere , Shores , Tropics Heating Up , Climate , World Economic Forum , Family , Overconsumption , Birth Rates , Price , Anti Family Green Agenda , Announcer , Counting , Financing , Pharmacist , Five Star , Nature , Brand , Supplement , Reviews , Step , Surprises , Vitamin , Hundreds Of Thousands , Five , Car , Camera , Thyroid Eye Disease , Carvana , Carvana Today , Bridget , Tepezza , Medicine , Patients , Ted , Diabetes , Breath , Infusion , Muscle Pain , Infusion Reactions , Shortness , Heartbeat , Eye Bulging , Ibd , Eye Specialist , Crohn S Disease , Ulcerative Colitis , Blood Sugar , Planning , Visit Mytepezza Com , Babies , General , Half , Advisor , Quote , 1950 , Emma Waters , Planet , Research Associate , The Point , Heritage Foundation , Society , Humanity , Lonely , Lead , Government Control , Coercion , About , Population , Before , Population Crisis , Replacement Level , Stake , 1960 , Conservators , Generation , Values , Refund , Tax Refund , Marshall , Rosie , Patio , Innovatp , Dr , Facelift , Practice , Erc , Emily , Innovation Refunds , Brows , Stop Waiting , Wax Museum , Itch , Website , Shower , Experience , Bulb , Goat Milk Soap , Kinda , Platform , Diy , Mind , Building , Three , Apoquel , Vet , Control , Word , Lesson , Ap , Quel , Skin Infections , Chances , Cancers , Neoplasias , Language , Joint Pain , Rhythm , Joints , Groove , Inflammation , Stiffness , Fatigue , Hello , Friends , East Coast , Guys , Outer Banks , Southern Outer Banks , North Carolina , Atlantic , Rachelah , Shoulder Surgery Last Night , Paradise , Sean ,

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