Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

trace, good evening to you. coming into the night there pretty sure that florida governor ron desantis would hav the biggest target on his back. it seemed like the knives are out fornor ron ddt on hr vivek . it felt like he was tingling with everybody on the stage at some point. keep in mind nikki haley had been taking him all week long going up to his foreign policy ideas to they were right next t each other on stage tonight. it felt like a confrontation wa going to happen and it his next wgoin did. take a lesson. the problem that vivek doesn't understand is doeshe was in ukr russia. he wants to let china eat ta taiwan. he was a grand stop funding israel.s [applause] >> speaker 6: the false liesto. there you have it. the realities . >> you have no foreign policy experience and it shows. >> ramaswamy then get into the eporwest, vice president mike p the topic this time about a potential pardon for former president trump and some about was indicted in. l >> take a lesson mike, join me that on day arriage one would pardon donald trump. y >> he will be coming to these crimes. make a commitment the same to the system that was . >> they are corrupt between you and me t. >>te benek . >> another interesting part of the debate was when the topic there turned to the southern boo florida governor ron desantis has said previously he will authorize the use of deadly force against the cartels in ou southern border, so host martha maccallum asked him what he be willing to go even further than that . take a listen. >> so, as president we support sending us special forces over the borderth into mexico? >> yes, and i will do it on day one. you have the cartels controllin a lot of the part of the sudden your bordeuther. we have to reestablish the rule of law. >> and there was another between former vice president mike pence and vivek ramaswamy, this time about the idea of the physical and mental acuity tests if you want to run for office. take a lesson. we don't need a president who's too old and related president who's too young to be the president who's been there. >> executed somebody about s different generation to lead this nation forward. >>nationrd and clint frazier on biggest parts of the debate tha recent out to me was moderatorse britt and martha asked everybod in states if you support ending fundinrag the ukraine, raise yo hand. the only person on that stage will raise their hand was tryin heir to. sending it back to you. >> he was indeed controversial tonight and go bill pollution live in milwaukee. spring in sean hannity. sean weatherspoon room for the past hour. great to have you on long i wan to pick up>> tfe f where bilas he made a good point but, we alspector the biggest part target will be in ron desantis at back and it seems like everybody would after vivek ramaswamy in the short time ago seswamd vivek and he said thesa following to you, watch. the reality is everybody on the stage had been on the debate stage before. this my first time in a th , and i am ebateat ss my thrilled with how it came out. we over exceeded my expec expectations. frankly even trump as an outsider last time around is secular it was better than hisoh first. what about you, sean, are you surprised with the way the debate came out, when it kind o looks a lot on vivek ramaswamye hen it. >> no, i'm not surprised. looking he's got such a compelling life story. and, it would grab anybody's attention. but also wou, he came from a fa that did not have means and become a multibillionaire a ver successful entrepreneur. he is a good communicator. he's got a great smile. he is a likable demeanor about his e dem and so i'm not surpri all. i think on some of the issues k over time when there is more scrutiny he might have more difficulty persuading some conservatives. however, in terms of his performance tonight he didis it with a smile and a knowledge that ia thought was, you know, very impressive. here's what really stood out th most to me, trace, is i am comparing and contrasting all the people on that stage tonighe with what we now have going on in the country, and i keep saying on my show, how do you reconcile those that want secur borders and those that want amnestcurey open borders? how do you reconcile law and order and defund the bordeha po? how the reconcile, check c al alignment, the new green dealer with those that want energy that dominance and energy independence in america being energy-rich into that country? those that want a peace through strength strategy. there is such distinction and hi differences, i don't see any middleground right now between o n'republicans and democrats whe we finallyats get to a point w we are in a general election. and, frankly, i think they didn't talk much about it. i don't think joe biden knows what day of the week it ise we. his performance of relating to the issu e of maui and hawaii nothing short of an unmitigated disaster and disgrace, except h haexs the cover of his extendedr press reports that is going to the mainstream media is there was a lot of criticism over thap long i want to go back to the words you just used about persuasion, about which candidates were persuasivesuasi. you think anyone of these eight people moved the needle at all, moodght, the polls at all tonig seanea? >> you know, is going to be har to tell. for them i thought it was an opportunitor ty.unit they should have been glad that donald trump was not there in the sense that this now gives them an opportunity to have a night to shine. he dominates the news cycle. very strong a huge base. he has a very commanding lead i the pollmmandis. so i thought everybody had a relatively eve good night. i thought that gurinder sanchez came off well and came on stron and made his case.f sti thought similarly nikki hal mahura case and i just think that tim scott made his case, mike pence made his case. i think they all had their moments. the one thing that really the stark contrast to me is where the republican partyrepu is in country and the conservative t ideahes that they generally hav consensus onnser. some disagreements on border n funding on ukraine and et ce cetera, but overall i think a planet will be far better for the american people.e. americans are suffering financially, americans cannot afford 8 million illegal i immigrants that jolle biden is this country to recant for the drugs, the human trafficking, the risk of people on our terror watch list gettin through. and end to everything else, lawe & order. china aligning with putin and russia and iran.tin a is a dangerous combination for president that seems checked ou and frankly i believe compromis especially in the case of china and russia. and i'll add ukraine to the l list. lastly, you brought up the former president not being at the debate. he talked about the loyalty n ron desantis and dent the former president, and president and he said this to me, seannt and hyo. >>u, i'm loyal to my family, th constitution and the lord our god. i work with other politicians t advance a common agenda, no is entitled to be endorsed or supported.ed he got torn down. and i remind you he started attacking me before evenin atta reelected. it seems like the contents goin into this debate, sean corr was ron desantis needed to have a big night. he has been losing some points s in the polls and you have a big night. did he have the night that he needed or at least the night that kind of stabilize his campaign? >> i thought he came -- it was interesting, laura ingram our colleague and friendraha that h stronger throughout ghouthe nig. i thought he just came out of the box very high energy, very clearly prepared. i certainly think that he probably came in believing ewithout trump there that he is going to be target number 1. because he had that solid secon position. i didn't feel anybody laid a glove on him and i think when you make the cas case of how we has done for the state of florida it's a compelling caseo. but you know what, when you hav somebody like donald trump that far ahead in the polls, thatdon that is a huge hurdle tfor anybody, a huge mountain for anybody to and at some point he will be getting in thit,lls in some way. now, with the debate future debates? i don't have an idea, i don't have a crystal ball. but he might be tempted. i think i know donald trump's competitive nature pretty well. i think you might bempetitiv ke some point to say you know what i think i'm going to stop now and let early seing e, remind p who he is in that sense, in tha environment. sean hannity, thank you for you time, sir, we very much appreciate it looper meantime, the talk about the big winners and losers from tonight's debat will bring in fox news contributor steve hilton and jo concha. sipaand losenight'ontr beaufort us on a good point. the quiz ii mean, n the because everybody had a good sound bite they are all already fundraisin on ialt. you get these e-mail that tim scott said thiscs and nikki hal said thiids. the question is, did they move m the ovneedle? do they move themselves out? and if they didn't, with the former president get involved i any of these debates? o would he need to get involved? >> not in the debasement i thin you are right, that's the questionn the , who needed some to help bathemselves in this particularsii th moment was the republican primary.ic i think there is aan clear answ vivek ramaswamy. he absolutely dominated ton tonight's debate both when h e ot was speakingh , also with the attacks on him. this not to say he had a perfec night by enemies but he absolutely was the person that was dominant means. in that sense i think increase the narrative and momentum that we've seen which is vivek going up andh is ron desantis going d. i don't think ron desantis did anything to stop the declineyth campaign which is what we've seen. the big loser i think was mike pence who had absolute disaster overnight. he should get out of this thing tomorrow. >> why a? because just the substance of what he said that wae s completely lacking in any kind of originality or relevanc to many of the questions. but the demeanor. i think that he comes across as soe come it is fake sincerity that ithe t consistently projects of this holier than now. he was the meanest candidate on stage like him obviously clearl rattled by thes yourth importan vivek ramaswamy coming in there and dominating the debatviveswa. so i think mike pence we need t consider what he is even in thi siracede. a couple of other points.s i thinrak nikki haley had a muc better night than a lot of people were expectin g.di she did herself a d favor. tim scott did not have the kind of breakthrough heind really ne. but asa hutchinson, we have to ask, what is he doing on the stage? what a waste of space. and, by the way, a race of a should have been there for larry elder, because it was a travesty i think that larry elder was not on that stage sttonight. 's arguments would have really enriched the entire conve conversation. larry was on the show last week and said he will be on there. joe, i mean, you are tops and maybu are e your bad moments, d agree withyo steve, the debate, vivek ramaswamy was at least th most persuasivlee tonight? at least he get the most attention? he certainly -- basically had the knives for him. trace mcsorley supplement was vivek ramaswamy is the one with the momentum right now only point perspective. we all thought going in llthat desantis the governor of gov fl would be the one who would be targeted as far as the other candidates going -- looking to become donald trump'bes guests right into the being in second place. bu. t dasantis is someone whose heart attack in terms of his record in florida.he more people and because of moving there and any others in the country. you see crimrin the cntrye and . and dasantis was. prepared, and didn't leaveno too many opportunities foprogr others to progress against. i thingainst.k donald trump not there was a mistake for the former president. if we are looking at people tha had an opportunity here you hea from trump supporters, and i heard it over and over again when you asked the question should trump debate. and he didn't go there because an that he has y say such a big lead, why bother sitting at the kiddie table. this is not about the nominatio settindonald trump is about the minageneral election and he sho n there to appeal to suburban moms going to appeal t disgruntled democrats who the type of people who helped him win in 2016 the this was a huge audience a huge opportunity. the worry about opponents as fa as nomination. he should amended to make his argument, reintroduce himself the people again as far as his policies, and not just points t as he has in social media, "yeah, my record, you know who to vote for." he had that opportunity, should have been there. overall as far as people that were there, chris christie exists in this whole race attac donaldn trump. he didn't have donald trump to attack therefore he was invisible, and thereforeefor i vivek ramaswamy aswa somebody w really benefited tonightmy .be ron desantis as well. chris christie not so much because he too then when adversary and therefore people are wonderincae heversg what wa debate stage tonight like an as hutchinson the steve's point please insert the because christie did take a couple swin that the former presidential because he was not there he didn't have an opportunity to d that. we should note that vivek ramaswamy was asked abou tht the former president that he said h was the best predictor the 21st century so giving a little boos evenso g though he wasn't there. i want to talk about this because crime came up and i thought was interesting to we have a montage of crime camee. o this is mike pence vivek ramaswamy of ron desantis and y asa hutchinsonfe. here's kind of what they felt about the garmisch and we will get your take on this. watch peter democrats talking about defunding the police for the last five years. and we ought to be funding lawt enforcement, particularly in th , and unprecedented levels. the reason have that without epidemic is that people are so hungry for purposeal ople and meaning at a time when family, faith, patriotism, hard work, have all disappeared. there is one guy in this entire countrve a disappey that has ev anything about that: me. when we had lived so these di attorneys in florida electng wa soros funding who said they wouldn't do their jo b, i removed them from their post please thi former head of the dea, i understand the drug crisis of undersisisa. >> it is interesting to me, steve, because what happens is you have a lot of criticism iss and dasantis n and some of that some of the chris mayes they go back and talk about their records will talk about oh, when our government and oh, this in oud asa nd i did this an tal hutchinson andt whinso they'll instead of laying a vision for the futureg , i think that is w we talk about trying to or ukraine, or abortion, and alway kind of goes back to theirt al let's talk for a moment based o that answer and more particularly that one. a total fraud mike pence is. he dresses up like some constitutional conservatives. he knows that he can't do anything about the issues he ab spoke often from the whiteou ho if you arehite president. he is not in charge. is a local estate matter when i comes to crime in most states and so his answer wa cris total fraudulent therapy one shot up n we must gively the only candida tonight wexler made thato ac po in a constitutional sense,tuti bergen. we're probably not going to tal about him for any other reason but he did bring up the tenth amendment which i'm a huge fan because that is all about thh ar localism enshrined in the constitution. the sense is there an answer an crime i think was his best answer because he actually characterized the problem correctly, which is that is far left extremistobm hat district attorneys for the by george soros another that he took action figure and he should get credit for that. and vivek on the crime question had an answer which absolutely goes to part of the problem which is this overall issue in society whithat contributes to cause of crime. prince, complete with fosters.yo joe, what are your thoughts on that because you had tried to bring up the home at the whole thing saying listen toha be mad to bringd viveo back some of th mental health solutions. he went on, and all the dancers were a little bit unique, a li little bit different than the rest of the panett bitl steal a score, trace, and that's the thing. mental incapacity, people that c haveit mental problems, when yo see these crimes in new york , fancisco, chicago, all of these cities where people are leaving from theing go to places like florida and texas and tennessee mentalenta health is a huge iss. and the fact that we don't have enough people talking abouent t where it's not just about put more police on the street, and have district attorneys will enforce the law. yes, need those two thing but there is a third part of his problem that needs to be addressed. vivek ramaswamy albies the address that . ron desantis, as you talked about, has taken action inspire district attorney's. as a president you only have so much power. but presat least -- at least -- can set the tone and say, this is unacceptable. we neethis id district attorney enforce the law. and if you are not going to do that, i will make sureou're i create enough pressure that you're not going to be there anymore. enou i think dasantis, vivek ramaswamy, they had the two bes answers on tharamahe tt. and going forward they should hammer home this particular point because it's not just republicans that care about thi issue, it's those in major cities that don't feel safe thatanymore that may vote democratic, who may think of voting mwh republican based on fact that they think that at least somebody in the white theythe house will potentially who was elected, has their back trac e. h >> naacp oakland is a prime example. they are fed up with crime and have made it known publicly the are fed up with crime. and they may be looking to go a different direction frome made joe concha, steve hilton, thank you both. how about the highs and lows an how the media is reacting and what we saw tonight let's bring in whose of media buzz howard kurtz beau hoge interesting up with us when we appreciate this. >> sure. i want to put a soundbite on mike pence t, howaundbito vivek job experience. this was one of your highlight of the night. watch thishlight.s >>of t now is not the time for on-the-job training. i we don't need to bring in a rookie -- willing to bring in people with . >> yeah, i mean, when you are calling him a look, look, it's him slap people and really, and steve hilton was saying earlier you didn't really expect that from the former vice president.r >>me no, it was quite a job com from mike pence. i got to sayto, vivek ramaswamy was remarkably adept as a debater for a guy who is new to politics. he also ticked off everybody on the state interrupt to talk ove e em and said things lik private change is a hoax so he ke cis in for a lot more media scrutiny on i don't think there is a strategy, i think he just annoy the people on the stage and you want to go to the low light a lot to the lower but i also point that we talked about this earlier that not only did he say we talked about climate change being a hoax, he said that you knot climatbeing w for trump with the best president o century.pre he went on to say that he think that the truth is that he would not suppor t funding for ukraine so he made a lotfo of controver zero. he clearly divided himself from the rest of the candidates on the stage. so your lowlight -- he is in fo lot more media scrutiny as a result, especially with him inching up in the polls. i thought i could get in that e most help is th his candidacy tonight.aggr he was forceful and aggressive from the very beginning. yes garbett steressiven, and i he stabilizes campaign for whic is what he needed to dhis o, gi he had a rough few weeks previously candidates on their worn cops and rogue prosecutorso this is vivek ramaswamy followe by chris christie, one of your lows. watch. >> you sit here and answer -- please go ahead. >> yeah. that was . i take that as a low because that was quite a level of bo booing. i don't think it's necessarily entirely a bad thing for chris christie. he was appointed audience as a whole, here's point to the audience at home, so he is the only one, who was mentioned earlier, who took shots at donald trump even though trump wasn't there to returne audienc that brings me to the larger point whictherh is different candidates, nikki hhaley and s forth, had some really good moments. but did anybody gain ground on the man who wasn't there, a guy who had 30-40 points nationally donald trump? with the exception of present evening including ron desantis, they found 14 different ways th duck the question about whether or notey for with trump's four indictment render him unfit for office it was up to those and revelation of justice departmen so they may believe that but also they don't want to go a ber trump directly. i don't see how you beat trumpu by pussyfooting around him because ultimately the people who like donald trump are going to stick with him unless you take himick on. and so this a risky strategy fo christie today, the way he has. >> mark and chris christie is trying to do something. he is low in the polls and need to make a splash and i'm not sure he did that. hardware back to you in a bit. thank you so much for your time we appreciate it. despite different is on display one subject at united eight candidates vying for the white house was the current occupant of the oval officee the subjati. let's get to see neonatural correspondent kevin corke live in washington with that side of the story. kevin gregg eveninstg. >> vivek ramaswamy obviously through as you heard holly poin out consistent and it sometimes thunderous applause from the crowd throughout the debate tonight. nikki haley for her partuse fro applied as well from time to time. however it was this particular instance florida governor ron desantisa who set his sights on the current occupanthis of 160 pennsylvania avenue.ur c >> our country is in decline. this decline is not inevitable, it's ais d choice.a ch we need to send joe biden back to his basement and reverse america's decline. and it starts with understandin we mus undt reverse bidenomics that middle-class families have a chance to succeed again. one of the governors' longest point of the nightnges meanwhil scott reminded gio people that it is bidenomicsenom that has w the country the most over the past few years. i've had opportunity the born-again spending package at the spending packageng we also need to understand that ackajoe biden's bidenomics has led to the loss of $10,000 of spending power for the average family please also tonighfamit former president mike pence, who was also credited for his roleik in as he said, following the constitution on january 6th. well, he blamed the by demonstration for making americans less safe next terica open border s oppolicies. when joe biden took over he threw open the southern border and we love states humanity with the wave of h fentanyl that has been e as we ly described her look human tragedy across this country. >>y ac keeping in mind, of cour this is just the first of the gop debates so it's important t point out that the single trace think it happen and it depends on how they for the next few days. we will see what the feedback ie like to be many will be back fo another, at least another one and we will learn a lot more about that than to go back to yo and u. t >> but there several weeks before the next one so we have to see how the polls move durin that timhe next onthee he becam thank you. let's get back to steve hilton and joe concha. maci grade point yous viva, the thing is an estimated 34 days away, you wonder how much room in the polls? what is the moment ? if there is a moment, do you se maybe some candidates, doug burgum, maybe chris christie, ri maybe other thing you know what maybd yoe it's time i back out bit. >> we should be happy to know the next debate will be right here in los angeles, trace go that's very exciting for us. i think the truth is knoin can good dropout when they run out of moneyp.ur doug burgum is not going tguo r out of money. h he feels because he is a self-made billionaire is ae on one message alonof tg with vive so i think that many in the end theis the thing that drives a of this they will stay in as long as they can pick i saw asa hutchinson tonight, despite absolutely no choice in his campaign. everyone can agree that he will be there talking about being there to the second debate. why? what is the point of that? >> they won't realize that i thintheyk the thing to look out is who is going to ris thae to clear second position . >> yeah p -- in this group and on the base tonight i think mos we can expect is for vivek to b risingk to.. i don't know whether that will meanwill he will be incessantly the number 2 slot versus ron desantis. he is already beating dasantis and a couple polite think he's on the way up. o i don't really agree with holly i think the saddest didn't stabilize his campaign. hes di didn't say not enough an think that he is the one who really will have the pressure o him and that next debatee on.t dr. vranes proof wasde on with henry early anon wd i think the saint dennis are not talking th other candidates to be i want t play the because. t ust mention earlier about the fact that he thought nikki haley had a good night and made some good point s, and one of her strong points from a lot of the feedback we got afterwards came during this back and forth with candidates about ukraine and funding. he just about. and meaning -- piece we should use the same military resource s the invasion s of our own so the board here in the united states of america. >>he u it will sit up against t type of autocratic killing, in the world, we will be next ig reagan doctrine years ago made it clear. we said if you're willing to fight, it's on your soil will give you may suffice them. the probleht the meam that vive understand is he was a hand ukraine to russia, he was to le china eat taiwan, he was to go and stop funding israel. >> yeah, s oo she took a last swing at trying to on the whole funding ofhe ukraine because he said, now, he would not support funding mar. was it good for nikki haley? >> i wonder when you look at th republican electorate more more folks are saying now, trace, that they do not support endles funding for this ukraine russia more. we hear donald trump say -- and i don't know how this will work exactly -- that even the war within 24 hours if he was elected. it's a lot more complex than thate wa , i think the overall theme is that if you are republican i candidate at this point that if you supporf reput the ukraine r more and the terms of things ar dollars that are being given to ukraine, that is becoming increasingly unpopular with republicanin voters.nd so while she has a very strong stance on that, and obviously her work within the un and foreign policy overall makes he very legitimate on this issue, vivek ramaswamy enters of sayin that he probably would not suppor ot t funding this war at point, as far as revoking vo voters, trace, thar t may be th position that resonates the mos at this point, at least as far as this topic is concerned, which is going to be a very big topic in 2024, no questionecau because he appeared to be in lockstep with the former president who was talking about the funding for presidenukraine. >> yes. i think that this had been falsely characterized machine being isolationist what he is saying ibes we need to share th burden. thwee last time i looked at last numbers us attribution in the amount was $130 billion. the next biggest country was th uk with $4 billion. sms will not more than any othe country. >> rightr coun. i also point out that nikki haley i think she had a good t, better than expected, but thatr th is not exactly correct she said there aboutly chr e chromosome's position is real either. israelh. and he corrected that p exactly. i think is a very serious debate that is we have babecause forei policy is the one area where yo o expect, and needless the president to set the agenda and to >> steve joe, standby, if you would.d if y >> the cartels are killing tens of thousands of our fellow citizens. the president of the united states has got to use all available powers as -chi commander-in-chief to protect our country and to protect the people.e i want to promise yopeu as united states ri of america i really engageca e mexico the exact same way, and we will partner with the mexica military and we will hunt down and destroy the cartels that ar claiming lives in the united states of americaimia.side you saw it right here on fox earlier tonight integration and foreign-policy exchange is playing a major part of the first year people into the bat because she corresponded jonathan hunt live with no detailntiapos onndenhunt, ocho. >> good evening monka was looking for unity among ethe eight republican candidates on stage for immigration and borde security only provided ive t is when joe biden tooy cek over he threw up in the southern border of the united states and the will of humanity, the illegal fentanyl that has been eloquentlyt described herhae a wave of human tragedy across this country. you want to talk to other ountries declined to keep you're the cartels controlling the latter part of your souther border. we have to reestablish the rule of law, ruland we have to defe our people. >> vivek ramaswamy also accuseda the by demonstration omyf focus on the wrong border and sendingi bucha,ukraine in his fight against the russian invasion. i think that this is disastrous that we are protecting against an invasion across somebody else's border when we should us those same military resourcebos prevenrdt across the base of ou own southern board here in the united states of >> nikki t haley hissop a respo to that. >> you have no foreign policy experience and it showand s pea and on the day the russian mercenary leader beginning to -e you get precautionad died mysteriously in a plane crash two months after organizing a failed uprisin, chg against rus military leaders for chris christie remind his fellow candidates, including the absen for president donald trump that letterman puts her murder, related, and raped thousand of civilians and killed and a kidnappendd thousands of ukrain children. >>nd k this is the vladimir put who donald tru trump called brilliant and but it is worth noting, trace, that was one of the few direct shots taken at the former president during tonight's debate go for the most part, trace it seemed that they were happy is ignoring her ed tas br the elephant not in the room. that's exactly right. so to take the classs in, th br in person and rebecca heinrichs on ladies, think you both for coming on. out to get your tak o,t.ast you though they did not spend much time m a lot of people were hoping on things like border and ukraine t but when it came to the border want to play a couple of soundbites. this is ron desantis, doug burgum, anurgud then tim scott s then we will get your take on some of this. watch. there's only t 198,558, the bor patrol but they are not all staffed becausey ae the modernization doesn't force administration but the by demonstration what's the point 87,000 people an wanted ,00 in giving them into what we need o our own border patrol people expired the 87,000 irs agents and higher and or double the nu ofe border patrol agents. i just left yuma, arizona, abou two weeks ago. the most pressing of the american view from initial security standpoint is our southern border. has led to the death of 70,000 americans because of fentanyl. plus, 6 million illegal crossings since president biden has taken office. the president of the united states hasf gotth to use all available powers as commander-in-chief to protect our country and to protect the .eople so when they are coming across, yes, we are going to use letha force. kno >> the fact is that they made very clear tha mt the problem h is with the by demonstration. but the question becomes, mo morgan, did they do enough of the border, did they compel anybody that they would handle border differently? >> oh, that's a good question. i do think it was the one area of the debate, trace, where there was eren wasa lot of unan amongst the candidates. of those different solutions an answers, but where thes differ thanffer the solutions that hav been offered by president trump? former president trump, who is about 40 points ahead of the poll thes of everybody else in race. i think i don't know that they were. i think most of it was echoing what trump has said of on the it i ss clearly as scott pointe out, it in the previous urquidy. number 1 national security concern for most voters so everyone sounded hawkish on the border. i think the one person who probably had a breakup or just specifically in the border was the center because he was forcefulerso in their talking about using social forces in all military intelligence abil capabilities to solve the problem and to protectitie the lvbordere . those probably i thought he started out a little slow but that was when he really goted t passionate rebecca i think she makes a good point because when you look at the polls, and asid from the economy, the border no is like 2-3 as far as topics go in the voters minds and is key you have ron desantis and when he was talking on board and talking about sending social forces across what he appeared to know what is talking about. >>ha is ta this is the one issu foreign policy, national security where ron desantis is the most enthusiastic people this the issue thaent really enlivens him. he gets passionate about i ht. this appears to be one of the issues he is trying to set himself apart from the current demonstration but also going much further than the previous presidenministration ft unger h different take which is usc's military force against the cartels in mexico. this really was thea breakup moment i think for him on national security.krai it's interesting if you go forward morgan and look at the ukraine, right, and the funding again you had vivek ramaswamy kind of setting himself aside from the rest ofth the candidat say, no, i would not support tt more funding. he was the only one. we surprised by that, and we tha some people kinda pounced on that, and steve hilton was saying earlier? he clarified that it wasn't jus he didn't support funding, he hifiesupports the rest of t country, the rest of the nato countries, getting involved in that ending as wels gettinl. >> yeah, i wouldn't be surprise that he was the only one go dasantis soto to have to for g where vivek abutted michael fuller there but i thin is an incredibly important debate you saw on stationary fire there's so much more to th debate that rebecca and i and otheah and ir foreign policy ha want's w to have but here's whe think all the candidates missed an opportunity on this debate i we have to remind s the america people t that the reason why -- actually, i think bergen did this, i should give him a littl credit -- he is the only one that mentioned why biden failed that during putin from invadin g ukraine. and he talked about -- i do not expect this from the governor, thought this would come from th om other foreign policy hands of the state -- but governor berge did talk about how the failures in afghanistan were in that two-year anniversary. right now i think you don't sen a trace on the anniversary of 1 man and woman who died in that disastrous13, chaotic withdrawas in afghanistanta. and governor bergen mentionedd that is one o the reasons why put invaded and so the twof th key candice lee remind the american people, thi is biden's failure this is his mess we are having to clean up e >> and rebecca your thoughts a it because morgan brings up a good point saying we would have liked morebrin foreign policy t on what would you have liked to have been covered in that de debate? >> i would like more fleshing out this concept of the united c states being in a cold war with china. i i think it was governor bergen who mentioned that and phrase i that way, and i think that in int needs to be used in the thought process. i actually thought that ron desantis is trying to, he made several appeals to ronald re reagan-esque, language, morning america concert, so here doing this, "things are really tough we can be optimistic.he declines the choice andy cline not inevitable close, and i think you need that right now i a cold war "the five" think you need to flesh out the concep net t i agree with morgan hon the ukra shaban ron desantis additional support ukraine wants europe to help so he is the difference will ukraine and want them to wio win. it was vivek who had think a terrible evening on foreign policy where he did see to be e repessimistic about america's future and also very weak in what he would do to handle any of these foreign policy crisis goca'sure orego right, we been informed positiv * cascade of crisis from afghanistan on and there's really only several candidates that captured that to be nikki haley had a standup moment tonight on foreign powers because the american people still wantlicybeca peace throug strength into the candidates which i know that well i think is the biggest applause. >> mark and she has nel that wh ofle , you know, kind of trying to capitalizely k fact she was gov and she was a master so she is confusing that trying to thread the and needle rebecca had a gr to have you both on, thanks, t . put your big news stories havin us are milwaukee on his busy factor that night and correspondent andrew strohmeyer catches up on all of that anger actually going evening pete frates, there's a lot going on around the world . w first up, former president donaldill be trump will be head georgia tomorrow after receivin a consent on order from a fulto county judge. he announced intentions onto social saying, can you believe, i'm going to atlanta georgia on thursday to be arrested by a radical leftanta it to the atto benny willis. this industry coordination witi a joe biden's doj. is all about election interference. trump did not nindicate what ti he would arrive in the jail to be processedive . he still denies any wrongdoing. so now to russia where the exiled warlord who chose to put in just months ago, is reportedly dead. this after the business said he was taking from moscow to st st. petersburg crash, killing tefromcrasn people. more details are yet to come ou including whether or not this was really an accident go we ar told that fox digital is orin monitoring and finally and active shooter situation and situatiopin is dead after an ho long showdown with police officers, they went to the suspects residence to deliver a eviction notice when he opened fire andes continued to idencef with many opportunities to surrender peacefully.ab the present police chief says nothing about the situation is normal andou investigators are goining to be traced back to yo. andrew strohmeyer live in new york. ashley, thank you.. bringin sale talk radio host jason rantz.ason jason i want to get some breaking news thatantz ashley l outo gt.we we have three people have been shot and killed in southern californiabe in orange county. c this ious in a beautiful canyon and aa biker bar. three people shot and killed.on it is unclear exactly how many others may been wounded in this bug you see is all kind of a al hands on deck situation in orange county. deck sige couhe we do not know if this was someone who walking shooting, w don't know what the base of the shooting was. the information has just starte trickling in to us, and will bring more about the shooting in april murgatroyd county california just south of los angeles as soon as we get i wrong but for now wef lo we kno there are at least three victim and those three victims are mentalities. breaking news coming in on as we get it, meanwhile, back to jason rantz and the whole concept of the tonko crime. with talking about crime during the debate? was there a candidate you thought excelled in this category, jason? >> i thought dasantis had the bewer nswer when it came to crime. he had something specific that he could point to that is already done that explains how he would take charget heady an residence, even if a ds presidei he couldn't do the same thing h did in florida which was essentially taking out districd attorneyats who were not doing their jobs. i actually thought chris christie had a great answer on this unfortunately he bombed i thind, ik the rest of the debat he pointed out that he would take on us attorneys saying manqué you are going to take over the violent crime casese o. if they are not being pursued b the folks on the grount d.he the problem with him g was he reading with a focus on substance and i want to focus o too much the bullying, i tho thought. i thought mike penceke pence is be an interesting position. is obviously right to call out police deeply but do not explai why he did not do more to comba the democrats when he was in office, and why he was not as aggressive then as i think you should have been. and reallys aggressive what was an important point tonight . tim scott had the opportunity t really shine ohad n this. hereal was the lead negotiator the senate side we keep some of the reforms being discussed around policing. and yet i don't think he said anything during that.d >> speaker 6: yeah, is interesting and you go back to mike pence and talk about mike pence said, listenyou go bac, ai defunding the police is wrong t in number of times people i interviewed him and he said this one of the biggest mistakeshe on and yet there was this major push, there was not this manqué what in the world are we talking about here in 2020, when all this was coming oung abouterwhent. i think part of the calculation the political calculation at th time, was everyone is going to recognize exactly what it was, which was not's pickup weekly new what would happen as a result s nice and i think there were too few republicans who were willing to step up in an aggressive way to push back. the other issues -- and this is the truth when it comes to crim l level.residentia they don't have that much power to do anything they have a lot of influence, and is really wha is going to come into play. but when you're president and ou you are republican and you are realize that the defined that criminal l justice reform that polluted network was coming from dem democrat-run sitting there really is onlyes so much you ca do other than point to the failures anddo o hope that the are able to step off, recognize what's going on, and then make some change. mark gatissos andrew because education mehas always been a b topic.has you and i have been talking about this for a long time, jason, and they touch on education tonight. they did not getn ed departed b want to put some soundbites beginning with her even saying that education ie ofs not indoctrination, followed by nikki haley, talking about se parent support, and then tim scott on the teachers union. let's play these three and get the response tee and w . the decline in education is one of the major reasons why our country is in decline. we need education in this n country, not indoctrination in c thistr country. and inntry florida -- florida w stood up for what was right. there's a lot of crazy woke things happening in school but we've got to get these kids reading. if a child can't read by third grade, they are four times less likely to graduate high school to be so we need to make sure w gr remediation all ourth among this country and need transparency in the class because parents should never have to wonder what is being said or talk to their children in the classroomt is d appl. parents need to be deciding th which schools their kids go to because they know besteir ki. on education, the only way we change education in this nation nly is to break the backs of th teachers unions. they are standing in the door housg ine of our kids walking t to the failing schools and locking them out of thnge great teacher they could have.ans i think the republicans all realize,all jason, that the democratemocs had headwinds fro five different compass points when it comes with education is a losing issue for them because of covid, because of this whole gender issue. it is just not a great for the democrats and republicans who apparently are going to pounce on that.% 100 anpercent in the seat besids every candidate who spoke on this took on one of those major issues and manage their own. i think when nikki haley comes ousut and is very specific in w she is looking to accomplish because, remember, she was surrounded by folks already making the points as it related to the gender identity and indoctrination. of course, she mentioned that l but really hitting home runs about actually teaching kids that we are preparing themte fo when they graduate. he gotacng to, of course, ron desantis out therell, again on physically study what he had done in floride a i stopped the covid lockdowns, i did not keep them in place. i took a lot of heat for it, i did it anyway and i was on the right side to then they are at the end with tim scott taking issue with something thatim sc republicans are going to talk about, which is the power of th unions they have incredibly political unions that are too powerful not looking over best interests of the kids on a singlets oi th one particular i like crime, as you said there are so many different topics an angles you can go at. is going to be a winner for the republican party.a >>wi yeah, and covid lockdowns going to be loser for the democratic party and union fors. great to see, jason rantz, good as always, thank you.o meantime back to tonight's big event deniwith the first republs plan to make use all right here on fox international correspondent kevin corke live in washington with highlights g maybe a few low lights go kevin herget evening again. great ack folives feto bw e witu i think it is right to say if you had a chance to watch the debate tonight you saw few things that would truly stand out, one, vivek ramaswam thay sty made a very strong impression. he was also the punching bag, i you will cover many of the othe participants in tonight's de debate. however he seemed to not only hold his own but certainly got lots of positive feedback from the audienceot .fr thatom said, you have heard oth say, governor desantis seems to score a few points that i think nikki haley also did as much. there were some disagreements in the elatrace-informed policy. you are trying to come right ou and raise his hand and say listen, i don't believ ie more busy dollars by american tax payers, greater more funding fo the war inreed ukraine hunger h said he would do something differenouldt, but i also thougn was interesting, trace, he'll want to do have the entire grou answer a question by our colleg bret baiera who was asking what would you do with four that was already, what would you do if former president trump were indicted to listen t wo how he frames the question and what wa said afterht fd th. >> you all signed a pledge to support the eventual provoking nominee. if former president trump is convicted in a court of law, would you still support him is your party's choice? please raise your hand if you wouls choise rd please as you s there, trying to once again first up. very strong in his reaction to questions asked of the group he on i thought it was itching everybody sort o gf came along their own pace, trace, and agai once again he said this is something that would be good fo the countrd this is will y on i the general view among those taking part in the debat t ge. may be lots of other people around the country may agree o disagree but also may form a very interesting. pete and kevin corke standby, i you woul. trad. i would like to play because previous out and bring steve on hilton back to the conversationo but vivek ramaswamy, the binder 32nd talks about former president trump being the best president of the 21st century.i 'snt plate is and we will get en wsteve's response. >> president trump i believe wa thlieve best president of the 2 century. [applause]. it's a fact longer and chris christie chronister got a your clai, hom that donald trump is motivated by vengeance and grievancy vee would be a lot mo credible imof your entire campa were not based on vengeance and grievance against one man. [applause] peace and if people n atd home want to be able to people bluntly bashing donald trump without an iota of vision for the country they could just see the tenant to msnbc right now., th but am not running for presiden of msnbc, i'm running for president of the united statesi peace is hearing for person of o the united states, steve hilton or is he running for vice president of the united states,e vivek, because hk?e seemed very supportiveport of the former president was not there tonight and i am just wondering if you think you melissa, i am gaining momentum here, maybe i can winem hthe beat mistakes. i don't know vivek well, i know him a bit longer and formal disclosure i am very certain that he is intending to become president of the united states. he believes he can do a sincerely believes that. he has told me on numerous occasionheass whenever to beat thatm th he is not interested a would refuse the right spiritua nourishment or position on the camera that is also been as suggested i think what is interesting about this, and i think the reason he has said that, a lot of people believe that when that donald trump was the best president. is thus a minority view among i an interesting editor, i made some new friends in alaska, people who are not interested i politics at all on and then got interested because of o re not trump and said this is the firs timerst we've seen someone that said what they were going to do and then deliveredto it on and think isen d this outside a fee that vivek is handling certain ngextent, on te of those intere moments when i thought was the thsense that one point in the evening when he saw mike pence and nikki haley, and christie running chria debate and gettin really quite forcefully losing their coolreal it seems to me t they just were so frustrated that yet again we have an outsider taking on the establishment and the part was that to happen on and the party was the outsider and is rejecting establishment. it seems to me, jonathan that becaus>> tra, joe no space off said his report out by saying everybody, including me, including a lot of people present this really has to be a time for ron desantis to shineao him and for him to sign, and fo other people to get their message out you got to go aftert dasantiso on and they didn't g after dasantis really,afte what did to after trying to will get the momentum hunger like they know something we don'het. d i think they'll know, as steve raleigh pointed out, thaon'tt v seem to be risin g. dasantis isn't going anywhere, if he is going anywhere it is downwards. he needed a better debatd hee b agree with steve and that he di not do well enough tonight to change momentughm. y i think what you saw with dasantisou' work we've always known, competent a little bit stern, not enough of the likability people and you can't underestimate the importance of someone's likabilityimat., vivek seemed to have that in . spades, i thought, tonight, and disinterested and i don't think it has changed the dynamic. thing vivek is on the way up still, and the centers are not moved the needle enough room tonight to come in courtth, ver quickly i wonder if you think the same way ver, we cover this in and day out night after ni night. do you think that anybody, vi vivek, dasantis, anybody, nikki haley, did enough to actually move the polls? >> no question, vivek ramaswamy will>> make a gigantic move on think you will see that continu to happen because he has the right skill sese ht for this so formal and i think we'll see more of that moving it is interesting to steve hilton because this was his first debate. he said with sean hannity li listen, i don't know how to debate, this is the first debat i have ever been in. and yet have everybody on the stage saying, we are going to g after the rookie, as chris puzz we'rrookie>> s like t easy and n transfer i'm sorry.rr >> donald y.trump, when he dona one that first debate, remember he had been in the public spotlight fo r decades, he had been the star of a major networ tv show. vivek ramaswamy, he really is a novice in every sense. just for your parker johnson, this is not my phrase i will just repeat the phrase that i saw in response to 1 of the things i said this evening abouu ron desantis. they will kick us off. comes across as an eagert ro ro that is not impressio to create you thank you all, thank you fo watching america's late news, fox news at night long i am trace gallagher in los angeles. special coverage. we will see you back here tomorrow night. ♪ the thought of getting screened ♪ ♪ for colon cancer made me queasy. ♪ ♪ but now i've found a way that's right for me. ♪ ♪ feels more easy. ♪ ♪ my doc and i agreed. ♪ ♪ i pick the time. ♪ ♪ today's a good day. ♪ ♪ i screened with cologuard and did it my way! ♪ cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way! ♪ age-related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss and if you're taking a multi-vitamin alone, you may be missing a critical piece... preservision. preservision areds 2 contains the only clinically proven nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. preservision is backed by 20 years of clinical studies. so ask your doctor about adding preservision and fill in a missing piece of your plan. like i did with preservision. now with ocusorb better absorbing nutrients. ♪ >> a big night wrapping up in milwaukee as eight republican candidates debate their vision for america for the very first time. >> todd: and some of shows exchanges got pretty heated as the audience cheered the audience boo'd and the audience was along for the ride. watch. [cheers and applause]. >> i understand th

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Exception , Nikki Hhaley , 30 , 40 , Justice , Indictment , Revelation , Ways Th Duck , Departmen , Notey , 14 , Four , Ber Trump , Himick On , Fo Christie , Mark Gatissos Andrew , Something , Bit , Side , Low , Story , Kevin Corke , Subject , Occupant , Kevin Gregg Eveninstg , Hardware , Oval Officee , Neonatural Correspondent , Splash , Subjati , Ron Desantisa , Holly Poin , Partuse , Fro , Crowd , Decline , Occupanthis , Sights , Ur C , Ais D Choice , Pennsylvania Avenue , 160 , Chance , Governors , Basement , Families , Reverse America , Undt Reverse Bidenomics , Understandin , We Mus , Most , Bidenomicsenom , Nightnges , Spending , Spending Package , Meanwhil Scott , Ackajoe Biden , Led , Spending Power , Bidenomics , Loss , Tonighfamit , 0000 , 10000 , Terica Open Border S Oppolicies , Roleik , Constitution On January 6th , Demonstration For Making Americans Less Safe , January 6th , Border , Keeping , Wave , Humanity , Human Tragedy , E , T Point , First , Cour , H Fentanyl , Y Ac , We Ly , Feedback , Trace , Fo Another , He Becam , The Thing , Durin , Maci Grade Point Yous Viva , Onthee , Timhe , 34 , It S Time , Moneyp Ur Doug Burgum , Ri , Maybd Yoe , Billionaire , Ae On One , Money , Trace Go , Alonof Tg , The End , Everyone , Choice , Ris Thae To Clear Second Position , Group , Mos , Vivek To B Risingk , Yeah P , Whether , 2 , Think , Pressure O , Debatee , On T , Oi Don T , Saddest Didn T , Holly , Hes Di Didn T , Dennis , Point S , Dr , Proof , Wasde , Vranes , T Ust , Piece , Meaning , H Tc , World , Invasion , Killing , Board , Military Resource , T Type , Ig Reagan Doctrine , Soil , Probleht The Meam , Funding , S Oo She , Swing , Stop Funding Israel , Folks , Endles Funding , Electorate , War , Theme , You Supporf Reput , Thate Wa , National Security , Dollars , Work , Stance , Republicanin Voters , Un , Th Position , Revoking Vo Voters , Sayin , Thar T May , Questionecau , Presidenukraine , Characterized Machine Being , Lockstep , 2024 , Attribution , Amount , Th Burden , Thwee , Th Uk , 30 Billion , 130 Billion , Billion , 4 Billion , It , Rightr Coun , Aboutly Chr E , Chromosome , Sms , Israelh , Area , Killing Tens Of Thousands , Where , Babecause Forei Policy , Yo O , Steve Joe , You Would D , Standby , Country , Powers , Commander In Chief , Citizens , Ei , Military , Engageca E , Mexica , Yopeu , Lives , Bat , Fox Earlier Tonight Integration , Americaimia Side , Policy Exchange , Unity , Ive T , Will , Immigration , Borde Security , Jonathan Hunt , Detailntiapos Onndenhunt , Ocho , Tooy Cek , Monka , Fentanyl , Souther , Eloquentlyt , Ountries , Herhae , Ruland , Fight , Accuseda , Sendingi Bucha , Demonstration Omyf , Nikki T , Respo , Americainva In , Ou Own Southern Board , Somebody Else , Haley Hissop , Resourcebos Prevenrdt , Get Precautionad , Leader , Mercenary , Military Leaders , Plane Crash , Chg , Civilians , Murder , Failed Uprisin , Absen , Nd K This , Worth , Kidnappendd Thousands Of Ukrain Children , Vladimir , Who , Ingenious Th , Debate Go , Ed Tas Br The Elephant , T Ast , Ukraine T , Classs In , Th Br In Person , Rebecca Heinrichs On Ladies , Soundbites , Only T 198558 , Bor Patrol , Anurgud , 198558 , Demonstration , Becausey Ae The Modernization Doesn T Force , Wanted , Border Patrol , 87000 , 0 , Agents , View , Security Standpoint , Death , Irs , Nu Ofe , Arizona , Yuma , 70000 , President Of The United States , Hasf Gotth , 6 Million , Eople , Kno , Letha , Tha Mt The Problem H , Mo Morgan , Answers , Thanffer The Solutions , Hav , Former , Eren Wasa , Border As , Poll Thes , Urquidy , Scott Pointe Out , It I Ss , Voters , Forcefulerso , Forces , Concern , Talking , Breakup , Center , Security , Goted T , Military Intelligence , Little , Abil , Capabilities , Lvbordere , Topics , Minds , Economy , Asid , Issu , Ha , 3 , Issues , Thaent , Military Force , Presidenministration , National Security Krai It , Usc , Setting , We Tha , Ofth , Wasn T Jus He Didn Support Funding , Countries , Wouldn T , Ending , Nato , Wels Gettinl , Go Dasantis Soto , Fire , Foreign Policy Ha Want S W , Otheah , Michael Fuller , Ir , Vivek Abutted , America People T , Invadin G Ukraine , Whe , Failures , Berge , Hands , Afghanistan , Th Om , Reasons , Bergen Mentionedd , Anniversary , Woman , Disastrous13 , Afghanistanta , Th Key , Sen , Candice Lee , Invaded , Twof , Mess , Failure , Thi Is Biden , Morgan , Phrase , Concept , Fleshing , Cold War , United C , China Ii , Thought Process , Language , Appeals , Morning America Concert , Ronald Re Reagan Esque , Difference , Close , Andy Cline , Concep Net Ti , Morgan Hon , Wio , The Five , Win , Ukra Shaban , Europe , Goca Sure Orego Right , About America S Future , Nel , Wh Ofle , Gr , Master , Thanks , Thread , Needle Rebecca , Capitalizely K , Andrew Strohmeyer , Pete Frates , Factor , Donaldill Be Trump , Anger , News Stories , W First Up , Georgia , Receivin , Intentions , Saying , Consent , To Atlanta Georgia On , County Judge , Atto , Benny Willis , Fulto , Radical Leftanta , Doj , Industry Coordination Witi , Warlord , Wrongdoing , Election Interference , Ti , Jail , Processedive , Details , Business , Accident , Moscow To St , Petersburg Crash , Killing Tefromcrasn , Fox Digital Is Orin Monitoring , Suspects , Situation , Police Officers , Residence , Shooter , Eviction Notice , Situatiopin , Fire Andes , Goining , Police Chief , Investigators , Peacefully Ab , Live In New York , Breaking News , Ashley , Orange County C , Talk Radio Host , Southern Californiabe , Outo Gt , Bringin Sale , This Ious In A Beautiful Canyon , Jason Rantz Ason , Biker Bar , Three , Al Hands On Deck Situation , Orange County , Bug , Deck Sige Couhe , Shooting , W Don T , Walking Shooting , Information , Lo We Kno , California , April Murgatroyd , Jason Rantz , Mentalities , Victims , Victim , Ds Presidei , Category , Bewer Nswer , Debat , Districd Attorneyats , Attorneys , Ik The Rest , He Couldn T , Jobs , Crime , B , Focus , Bullying , Him G , Grount D , Casese O , Comba , Opportunity T Really Shine Ohad N , Negotiator , Hereal , Times , Policing , Wrong T , Reforms , Ai Defunding , Listenyou Go Bac , Mistakeshe On , ManquÉ , Push , Oung Abouterwhent , 2020 , Calculation , Result S , Weekly , Th Time , Nice , Influence , Play , Criminal L , Level Residentia , Network , Anddo , O Hope , Sitting , Dem , Education , Getn Ed Departed B , What S Going On , Ab Topic , Mehas , Ie Ofs Not Indoctrination , Response , Tee , Talking About Se Parent Support , Tim Scott On The Teachers Union , Indoctrination , Florida W , Inntry Florida , Crazy , Parents , Kids Reading , School , Class , High School , Child , Ourth , Transparency , Third Grade , Remediation , Kids , Children , Th Teachers Unions , Backs , Standing , Nation Nly , Classroomt , Besteir Ki , Realize , Schools , Teacher , Headwinds , Democratemocs , Thnge , Ans , Housg Ine , Compass Points , Gender Issue , Covid , In W , Seat , Besids , 100 Anpercent , Ousut , 100 , Course , He Gotacng To , Gender Identity , Home Runs , Themte Fo , Heat , Covid Lockdowns , Out Therell , Floride Ai , Republicans , Interests , Th Unions , Unions , Singlets Oi , Sc , Party , Thank You O , Lockdowns , Winner , Union Fors , Republs , Live In Washington With Highlights G , Fox International Correspondent , Event Deniwith , Kevin Herget , Great Ack Folives Feto , Participants , Impression , Punching Bag , Vivek Ramaswam Thay Sty , Lots , Fr Thatom , Audienceot , Oth Say , Policy , War Inreed Ukraine Hunger H , Tax Payers , I Don T Believ , Grou , Thougn , Differenouldt , Colleg , Bret Baiera , Court , Afterht Fd Th , Nominee , Pledge , There , Up , Reaction , You Wouls Choise , Agai , Countrd , Pace , Debat T Ge , O Disagree , Kevin Corke Standby , Trad , Plate , 21st Century , Hilton , Conversationo , Snt , En Wsteve , Binder 32nd , Wa Thlieve , 32 , Vengeance , Campa , Grievance , Clai , Hom , Imof , Grievancy Vee , Chronister , Mo , Presiden , People N , Tenant , Iota , Msnbc Right Now , Atd , Vice President , E Vivek , Msnbc , Beat Mistakes , Disclosure , Winem Hthe , Camera , Sincerely , Occasionheass , Thatm Th , Spiritua Nourishment , Friends , Minority , Editor , Alaska , Fee , Firs , O Re , On Te Of Those Intere , Isen D , Ngextent , Christie Running Chria , Thsense , Coolreal , Establishment , The Party , Tra , Joe No , Message , Aftert Dasantiso , Report , Sign , They Didn T G , Me , To Shineao Him , Di , Hunger , Anywhere , Better Debatd Hee B , Steve Raleigh , Thaon Tt V , We Don Het , Momentughm , Stern , Dasantisou , He Di , Spades , Centers , Importance , Likabilityimat , Dynamic , Courtth , Vi Vivek , Ni Night , Ver , Continu , Move , Skill Sese , Sorry Rr Donald Y Trump , Like , Li Listen , Chris Puzz , Tv Show , Spotlight Fo , Star , Networ , Ro , Novice , Evening Abouu , Parker Johnson , Eagert , News , Colon Cancer , Thought , Doc , Me Queasy , Results , Cologuard , Non Invasive , 45 , Preservision , Multi Vitamin , Vision Loss , Provider , Preservision Areds 2 , Macular Degeneration , Nutrient Formula , Moderate , Plan , Doctor , National Eye Institute , Progression , Studies , 20 , Nutrients , Ocusorb , Shows , Exchanges , Big Night Wrapping Up , Todd , Along For The Ride , Audience Boo , Cheers ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

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trace, good evening to you. coming into the night there pretty sure that florida governor ron desantis would hav the biggest target on his back. it seemed like the knives are out fornor ron ddt on hr vivek . it felt like he was tingling with everybody on the stage at some point. keep in mind nikki haley had been taking him all week long going up to his foreign policy ideas to they were right next t each other on stage tonight. it felt like a confrontation wa going to happen and it his next wgoin did. take a lesson. the problem that vivek doesn't understand is doeshe was in ukr russia. he wants to let china eat ta taiwan. he was a grand stop funding israel.s [applause] >> speaker 6: the false liesto. there you have it. the realities . >> you have no foreign policy experience and it shows. >> ramaswamy then get into the eporwest, vice president mike p the topic this time about a potential pardon for former president trump and some about was indicted in. l >> take a lesson mike, join me that on day arriage one would pardon donald trump. y >> he will be coming to these crimes. make a commitment the same to the system that was . >> they are corrupt between you and me t. >>te benek . >> another interesting part of the debate was when the topic there turned to the southern boo florida governor ron desantis has said previously he will authorize the use of deadly force against the cartels in ou southern border, so host martha maccallum asked him what he be willing to go even further than that . take a listen. >> so, as president we support sending us special forces over the borderth into mexico? >> yes, and i will do it on day one. you have the cartels controllin a lot of the part of the sudden your bordeuther. we have to reestablish the rule of law. >> and there was another between former vice president mike pence and vivek ramaswamy, this time about the idea of the physical and mental acuity tests if you want to run for office. take a lesson. we don't need a president who's too old and related president who's too young to be the president who's been there. >> executed somebody about s different generation to lead this nation forward. >>nationrd and clint frazier on biggest parts of the debate tha recent out to me was moderatorse britt and martha asked everybod in states if you support ending fundinrag the ukraine, raise yo hand. the only person on that stage will raise their hand was tryin heir to. sending it back to you. >> he was indeed controversial tonight and go bill pollution live in milwaukee. spring in sean hannity. sean weatherspoon room for the past hour. great to have you on long i wan to pick up>> tfe f where bilas he made a good point but, we alspector the biggest part target will be in ron desantis at back and it seems like everybody would after vivek ramaswamy in the short time ago seswamd vivek and he said thesa following to you, watch. the reality is everybody on the stage had been on the debate stage before. this my first time in a th , and i am ebateat ss my thrilled with how it came out. we over exceeded my expec expectations. frankly even trump as an outsider last time around is secular it was better than hisoh first. what about you, sean, are you surprised with the way the debate came out, when it kind o looks a lot on vivek ramaswamye hen it. >> no, i'm not surprised. looking he's got such a compelling life story. and, it would grab anybody's attention. but also wou, he came from a fa that did not have means and become a multibillionaire a ver successful entrepreneur. he is a good communicator. he's got a great smile. he is a likable demeanor about his e dem and so i'm not surpri all. i think on some of the issues k over time when there is more scrutiny he might have more difficulty persuading some conservatives. however, in terms of his performance tonight he didis it with a smile and a knowledge that ia thought was, you know, very impressive. here's what really stood out th most to me, trace, is i am comparing and contrasting all the people on that stage tonighe with what we now have going on in the country, and i keep saying on my show, how do you reconcile those that want secur borders and those that want amnestcurey open borders? how do you reconcile law and order and defund the bordeha po? how the reconcile, check c al alignment, the new green dealer with those that want energy that dominance and energy independence in america being energy-rich into that country? those that want a peace through strength strategy. there is such distinction and hi differences, i don't see any middleground right now between o n'republicans and democrats whe we finallyats get to a point w we are in a general election. and, frankly, i think they didn't talk much about it. i don't think joe biden knows what day of the week it ise we. his performance of relating to the issu e of maui and hawaii nothing short of an unmitigated disaster and disgrace, except h haexs the cover of his extendedr press reports that is going to the mainstream media is there was a lot of criticism over thap long i want to go back to the words you just used about persuasion, about which candidates were persuasivesuasi. you think anyone of these eight people moved the needle at all, moodght, the polls at all tonig seanea? >> you know, is going to be har to tell. for them i thought it was an opportunitor ty.unit they should have been glad that donald trump was not there in the sense that this now gives them an opportunity to have a night to shine. he dominates the news cycle. very strong a huge base. he has a very commanding lead i the pollmmandis. so i thought everybody had a relatively eve good night. i thought that gurinder sanchez came off well and came on stron and made his case.f sti thought similarly nikki hal mahura case and i just think that tim scott made his case, mike pence made his case. i think they all had their moments. the one thing that really the stark contrast to me is where the republican partyrepu is in country and the conservative t ideahes that they generally hav consensus onnser. some disagreements on border n funding on ukraine and et ce cetera, but overall i think a planet will be far better for the american people.e. americans are suffering financially, americans cannot afford 8 million illegal i immigrants that jolle biden is this country to recant for the drugs, the human trafficking, the risk of people on our terror watch list gettin through. and end to everything else, lawe & order. china aligning with putin and russia and iran.tin a is a dangerous combination for president that seems checked ou and frankly i believe compromis especially in the case of china and russia. and i'll add ukraine to the l list. lastly, you brought up the former president not being at the debate. he talked about the loyalty n ron desantis and dent the former president, and president and he said this to me, seannt and hyo. >>u, i'm loyal to my family, th constitution and the lord our god. i work with other politicians t advance a common agenda, no is entitled to be endorsed or supported.ed he got torn down. and i remind you he started attacking me before evenin atta reelected. it seems like the contents goin into this debate, sean corr was ron desantis needed to have a big night. he has been losing some points s in the polls and you have a big night. did he have the night that he needed or at least the night that kind of stabilize his campaign? >> i thought he came -- it was interesting, laura ingram our colleague and friendraha that h stronger throughout ghouthe nig. i thought he just came out of the box very high energy, very clearly prepared. i certainly think that he probably came in believing ewithout trump there that he is going to be target number 1. because he had that solid secon position. i didn't feel anybody laid a glove on him and i think when you make the cas case of how we has done for the state of florida it's a compelling caseo. but you know what, when you hav somebody like donald trump that far ahead in the polls, thatdon that is a huge hurdle tfor anybody, a huge mountain for anybody to and at some point he will be getting in thit,lls in some way. now, with the debate future debates? i don't have an idea, i don't have a crystal ball. but he might be tempted. i think i know donald trump's competitive nature pretty well. i think you might bempetitiv ke some point to say you know what i think i'm going to stop now and let early seing e, remind p who he is in that sense, in tha environment. sean hannity, thank you for you time, sir, we very much appreciate it looper meantime, the talk about the big winners and losers from tonight's debat will bring in fox news contributor steve hilton and jo concha. sipaand losenight'ontr beaufort us on a good point. the quiz ii mean, n the because everybody had a good sound bite they are all already fundraisin on ialt. you get these e-mail that tim scott said thiscs and nikki hal said thiids. the question is, did they move m the ovneedle? do they move themselves out? and if they didn't, with the former president get involved i any of these debates? o would he need to get involved? >> not in the debasement i thin you are right, that's the questionn the , who needed some to help bathemselves in this particularsii th moment was the republican primary.ic i think there is aan clear answ vivek ramaswamy. he absolutely dominated ton tonight's debate both when h e ot was speakingh , also with the attacks on him. this not to say he had a perfec night by enemies but he absolutely was the person that was dominant means. in that sense i think increase the narrative and momentum that we've seen which is vivek going up andh is ron desantis going d. i don't think ron desantis did anything to stop the declineyth campaign which is what we've seen. the big loser i think was mike pence who had absolute disaster overnight. he should get out of this thing tomorrow. >> why a? because just the substance of what he said that wae s completely lacking in any kind of originality or relevanc to many of the questions. but the demeanor. i think that he comes across as soe come it is fake sincerity that ithe t consistently projects of this holier than now. he was the meanest candidate on stage like him obviously clearl rattled by thes yourth importan vivek ramaswamy coming in there and dominating the debatviveswa. so i think mike pence we need t consider what he is even in thi siracede. a couple of other points.s i thinrak nikki haley had a muc better night than a lot of people were expectin g.di she did herself a d favor. tim scott did not have the kind of breakthrough heind really ne. but asa hutchinson, we have to ask, what is he doing on the stage? what a waste of space. and, by the way, a race of a should have been there for larry elder, because it was a travesty i think that larry elder was not on that stage sttonight. 's arguments would have really enriched the entire conve conversation. larry was on the show last week and said he will be on there. joe, i mean, you are tops and maybu are e your bad moments, d agree withyo steve, the debate, vivek ramaswamy was at least th most persuasivlee tonight? at least he get the most attention? he certainly -- basically had the knives for him. trace mcsorley supplement was vivek ramaswamy is the one with the momentum right now only point perspective. we all thought going in llthat desantis the governor of gov fl would be the one who would be targeted as far as the other candidates going -- looking to become donald trump'bes guests right into the being in second place. bu. t dasantis is someone whose heart attack in terms of his record in florida.he more people and because of moving there and any others in the country. you see crimrin the cntrye and . and dasantis was. prepared, and didn't leaveno too many opportunities foprogr others to progress against. i thingainst.k donald trump not there was a mistake for the former president. if we are looking at people tha had an opportunity here you hea from trump supporters, and i heard it over and over again when you asked the question should trump debate. and he didn't go there because an that he has y say such a big lead, why bother sitting at the kiddie table. this is not about the nominatio settindonald trump is about the minageneral election and he sho n there to appeal to suburban moms going to appeal t disgruntled democrats who the type of people who helped him win in 2016 the this was a huge audience a huge opportunity. the worry about opponents as fa as nomination. he should amended to make his argument, reintroduce himself the people again as far as his policies, and not just points t as he has in social media, "yeah, my record, you know who to vote for." he had that opportunity, should have been there. overall as far as people that were there, chris christie exists in this whole race attac donaldn trump. he didn't have donald trump to attack therefore he was invisible, and thereforeefor i vivek ramaswamy aswa somebody w really benefited tonightmy .be ron desantis as well. chris christie not so much because he too then when adversary and therefore people are wonderincae heversg what wa debate stage tonight like an as hutchinson the steve's point please insert the because christie did take a couple swin that the former presidential because he was not there he didn't have an opportunity to d that. we should note that vivek ramaswamy was asked abou tht the former president that he said h was the best predictor the 21st century so giving a little boos evenso g though he wasn't there. i want to talk about this because crime came up and i thought was interesting to we have a montage of crime camee. o this is mike pence vivek ramaswamy of ron desantis and y asa hutchinsonfe. here's kind of what they felt about the garmisch and we will get your take on this. watch peter democrats talking about defunding the police for the last five years. and we ought to be funding lawt enforcement, particularly in th , and unprecedented levels. the reason have that without epidemic is that people are so hungry for purposeal ople and meaning at a time when family, faith, patriotism, hard work, have all disappeared. there is one guy in this entire countrve a disappey that has ev anything about that: me. when we had lived so these di attorneys in florida electng wa soros funding who said they wouldn't do their jo b, i removed them from their post please thi former head of the dea, i understand the drug crisis of undersisisa. >> it is interesting to me, steve, because what happens is you have a lot of criticism iss and dasantis n and some of that some of the chris mayes they go back and talk about their records will talk about oh, when our government and oh, this in oud asa nd i did this an tal hutchinson andt whinso they'll instead of laying a vision for the futureg , i think that is w we talk about trying to or ukraine, or abortion, and alway kind of goes back to theirt al let's talk for a moment based o that answer and more particularly that one. a total fraud mike pence is. he dresses up like some constitutional conservatives. he knows that he can't do anything about the issues he ab spoke often from the whiteou ho if you arehite president. he is not in charge. is a local estate matter when i comes to crime in most states and so his answer wa cris total fraudulent therapy one shot up n we must gively the only candida tonight wexler made thato ac po in a constitutional sense,tuti bergen. we're probably not going to tal about him for any other reason but he did bring up the tenth amendment which i'm a huge fan because that is all about thh ar localism enshrined in the constitution. the sense is there an answer an crime i think was his best answer because he actually characterized the problem correctly, which is that is far left extremistobm hat district attorneys for the by george soros another that he took action figure and he should get credit for that. and vivek on the crime question had an answer which absolutely goes to part of the problem which is this overall issue in society whithat contributes to cause of crime. prince, complete with fosters.yo joe, what are your thoughts on that because you had tried to bring up the home at the whole thing saying listen toha be mad to bringd viveo back some of th mental health solutions. he went on, and all the dancers were a little bit unique, a li little bit different than the rest of the panett bitl steal a score, trace, and that's the thing. mental incapacity, people that c haveit mental problems, when yo see these crimes in new york , fancisco, chicago, all of these cities where people are leaving from theing go to places like florida and texas and tennessee mentalenta health is a huge iss. and the fact that we don't have enough people talking abouent t where it's not just about put more police on the street, and have district attorneys will enforce the law. yes, need those two thing but there is a third part of his problem that needs to be addressed. vivek ramaswamy albies the address that . ron desantis, as you talked about, has taken action inspire district attorney's. as a president you only have so much power. but presat least -- at least -- can set the tone and say, this is unacceptable. we neethis id district attorney enforce the law. and if you are not going to do that, i will make sureou're i create enough pressure that you're not going to be there anymore. enou i think dasantis, vivek ramaswamy, they had the two bes answers on tharamahe tt. and going forward they should hammer home this particular point because it's not just republicans that care about thi issue, it's those in major cities that don't feel safe thatanymore that may vote democratic, who may think of voting mwh republican based on fact that they think that at least somebody in the white theythe house will potentially who was elected, has their back trac e. h >> naacp oakland is a prime example. they are fed up with crime and have made it known publicly the are fed up with crime. and they may be looking to go a different direction frome made joe concha, steve hilton, thank you both. how about the highs and lows an how the media is reacting and what we saw tonight let's bring in whose of media buzz howard kurtz beau hoge interesting up with us when we appreciate this. >> sure. i want to put a soundbite on mike pence t, howaundbito vivek job experience. this was one of your highlight of the night. watch thishlight.s >>of t now is not the time for on-the-job training. i we don't need to bring in a rookie -- willing to bring in people with . >> yeah, i mean, when you are calling him a look, look, it's him slap people and really, and steve hilton was saying earlier you didn't really expect that from the former vice president.r >>me no, it was quite a job com from mike pence. i got to sayto, vivek ramaswamy was remarkably adept as a debater for a guy who is new to politics. he also ticked off everybody on the state interrupt to talk ove e em and said things lik private change is a hoax so he ke cis in for a lot more media scrutiny on i don't think there is a strategy, i think he just annoy the people on the stage and you want to go to the low light a lot to the lower but i also point that we talked about this earlier that not only did he say we talked about climate change being a hoax, he said that you knot climatbeing w for trump with the best president o century.pre he went on to say that he think that the truth is that he would not suppor t funding for ukraine so he made a lotfo of controver zero. he clearly divided himself from the rest of the candidates on the stage. so your lowlight -- he is in fo lot more media scrutiny as a result, especially with him inching up in the polls. i thought i could get in that e most help is th his candidacy tonight.aggr he was forceful and aggressive from the very beginning. yes garbett steressiven, and i he stabilizes campaign for whic is what he needed to dhis o, gi he had a rough few weeks previously candidates on their worn cops and rogue prosecutorso this is vivek ramaswamy followe by chris christie, one of your lows. watch. >> you sit here and answer -- please go ahead. >> yeah. that was . i take that as a low because that was quite a level of bo booing. i don't think it's necessarily entirely a bad thing for chris christie. he was appointed audience as a whole, here's point to the audience at home, so he is the only one, who was mentioned earlier, who took shots at donald trump even though trump wasn't there to returne audienc that brings me to the larger point whictherh is different candidates, nikki hhaley and s forth, had some really good moments. but did anybody gain ground on the man who wasn't there, a guy who had 30-40 points nationally donald trump? with the exception of present evening including ron desantis, they found 14 different ways th duck the question about whether or notey for with trump's four indictment render him unfit for office it was up to those and revelation of justice departmen so they may believe that but also they don't want to go a ber trump directly. i don't see how you beat trumpu by pussyfooting around him because ultimately the people who like donald trump are going to stick with him unless you take himick on. and so this a risky strategy fo christie today, the way he has. >> mark and chris christie is trying to do something. he is low in the polls and need to make a splash and i'm not sure he did that. hardware back to you in a bit. thank you so much for your time we appreciate it. despite different is on display one subject at united eight candidates vying for the white house was the current occupant of the oval officee the subjati. let's get to see neonatural correspondent kevin corke live in washington with that side of the story. kevin gregg eveninstg. >> vivek ramaswamy obviously through as you heard holly poin out consistent and it sometimes thunderous applause from the crowd throughout the debate tonight. nikki haley for her partuse fro applied as well from time to time. however it was this particular instance florida governor ron desantisa who set his sights on the current occupanthis of 160 pennsylvania avenue.ur c >> our country is in decline. this decline is not inevitable, it's ais d choice.a ch we need to send joe biden back to his basement and reverse america's decline. and it starts with understandin we mus undt reverse bidenomics that middle-class families have a chance to succeed again. one of the governors' longest point of the nightnges meanwhil scott reminded gio people that it is bidenomicsenom that has w the country the most over the past few years. i've had opportunity the born-again spending package at the spending packageng we also need to understand that ackajoe biden's bidenomics has led to the loss of $10,000 of spending power for the average family please also tonighfamit former president mike pence, who was also credited for his roleik in as he said, following the constitution on january 6th. well, he blamed the by demonstration for making americans less safe next terica open border s oppolicies. when joe biden took over he threw open the southern border and we love states humanity with the wave of h fentanyl that has been e as we ly described her look human tragedy across this country. >>y ac keeping in mind, of cour this is just the first of the gop debates so it's important t point out that the single trace think it happen and it depends on how they for the next few days. we will see what the feedback ie like to be many will be back fo another, at least another one and we will learn a lot more about that than to go back to yo and u. t >> but there several weeks before the next one so we have to see how the polls move durin that timhe next onthee he becam thank you. let's get back to steve hilton and joe concha. maci grade point yous viva, the thing is an estimated 34 days away, you wonder how much room in the polls? what is the moment ? if there is a moment, do you se maybe some candidates, doug burgum, maybe chris christie, ri maybe other thing you know what maybd yoe it's time i back out bit. >> we should be happy to know the next debate will be right here in los angeles, trace go that's very exciting for us. i think the truth is knoin can good dropout when they run out of moneyp.ur doug burgum is not going tguo r out of money. h he feels because he is a self-made billionaire is ae on one message alonof tg with vive so i think that many in the end theis the thing that drives a of this they will stay in as long as they can pick i saw asa hutchinson tonight, despite absolutely no choice in his campaign. everyone can agree that he will be there talking about being there to the second debate. why? what is the point of that? >> they won't realize that i thintheyk the thing to look out is who is going to ris thae to clear second position . >> yeah p -- in this group and on the base tonight i think mos we can expect is for vivek to b risingk to.. i don't know whether that will meanwill he will be incessantly the number 2 slot versus ron desantis. he is already beating dasantis and a couple polite think he's on the way up. o i don't really agree with holly i think the saddest didn't stabilize his campaign. hes di didn't say not enough an think that he is the one who really will have the pressure o him and that next debatee on.t dr. vranes proof wasde on with henry early anon wd i think the saint dennis are not talking th other candidates to be i want t play the because. t ust mention earlier about the fact that he thought nikki haley had a good night and made some good point s, and one of her strong points from a lot of the feedback we got afterwards came during this back and forth with candidates about ukraine and funding. he just about. and meaning -- piece we should use the same military resource s the invasion s of our own so the board here in the united states of america. >>he u it will sit up against t type of autocratic killing, in the world, we will be next ig reagan doctrine years ago made it clear. we said if you're willing to fight, it's on your soil will give you may suffice them. the probleht the meam that vive understand is he was a hand ukraine to russia, he was to le china eat taiwan, he was to go and stop funding israel. >> yeah, s oo she took a last swing at trying to on the whole funding ofhe ukraine because he said, now, he would not support funding mar. was it good for nikki haley? >> i wonder when you look at th republican electorate more more folks are saying now, trace, that they do not support endles funding for this ukraine russia more. we hear donald trump say -- and i don't know how this will work exactly -- that even the war within 24 hours if he was elected. it's a lot more complex than thate wa , i think the overall theme is that if you are republican i candidate at this point that if you supporf reput the ukraine r more and the terms of things ar dollars that are being given to ukraine, that is becoming increasingly unpopular with republicanin voters.nd so while she has a very strong stance on that, and obviously her work within the un and foreign policy overall makes he very legitimate on this issue, vivek ramaswamy enters of sayin that he probably would not suppor ot t funding this war at point, as far as revoking vo voters, trace, thar t may be th position that resonates the mos at this point, at least as far as this topic is concerned, which is going to be a very big topic in 2024, no questionecau because he appeared to be in lockstep with the former president who was talking about the funding for presidenukraine. >> yes. i think that this had been falsely characterized machine being isolationist what he is saying ibes we need to share th burden. thwee last time i looked at last numbers us attribution in the amount was $130 billion. the next biggest country was th uk with $4 billion. sms will not more than any othe country. >> rightr coun. i also point out that nikki haley i think she had a good t, better than expected, but thatr th is not exactly correct she said there aboutly chr e chromosome's position is real either. israelh. and he corrected that p exactly. i think is a very serious debate that is we have babecause forei policy is the one area where yo o expect, and needless the president to set the agenda and to >> steve joe, standby, if you would.d if y >> the cartels are killing tens of thousands of our fellow citizens. the president of the united states has got to use all available powers as -chi commander-in-chief to protect our country and to protect the people.e i want to promise yopeu as united states ri of america i really engageca e mexico the exact same way, and we will partner with the mexica military and we will hunt down and destroy the cartels that ar claiming lives in the united states of americaimia.side you saw it right here on fox earlier tonight integration and foreign-policy exchange is playing a major part of the first year people into the bat because she corresponded jonathan hunt live with no detailntiapos onndenhunt, ocho. >> good evening monka was looking for unity among ethe eight republican candidates on stage for immigration and borde security only provided ive t is when joe biden tooy cek over he threw up in the southern border of the united states and the will of humanity, the illegal fentanyl that has been eloquentlyt described herhae a wave of human tragedy across this country. you want to talk to other ountries declined to keep you're the cartels controlling the latter part of your souther border. we have to reestablish the rule of law, ruland we have to defe our people. >> vivek ramaswamy also accuseda the by demonstration omyf focus on the wrong border and sendingi bucha,ukraine in his fight against the russian invasion. i think that this is disastrous that we are protecting against an invasion across somebody else's border when we should us those same military resourcebos prevenrdt across the base of ou own southern board here in the united states of >> nikki t haley hissop a respo to that. >> you have no foreign policy experience and it showand s pea and on the day the russian mercenary leader beginning to -e you get precautionad died mysteriously in a plane crash two months after organizing a failed uprisin, chg against rus military leaders for chris christie remind his fellow candidates, including the absen for president donald trump that letterman puts her murder, related, and raped thousand of civilians and killed and a kidnappendd thousands of ukrain children. >>nd k this is the vladimir put who donald tru trump called brilliant and but it is worth noting, trace, that was one of the few direct shots taken at the former president during tonight's debate go for the most part, trace it seemed that they were happy is ignoring her ed tas br the elephant not in the room. that's exactly right. so to take the classs in, th br in person and rebecca heinrichs on ladies, think you both for coming on. out to get your tak o,t.ast you though they did not spend much time m a lot of people were hoping on things like border and ukraine t but when it came to the border want to play a couple of soundbites. this is ron desantis, doug burgum, anurgud then tim scott s then we will get your take on some of this. watch. there's only t 198,558, the bor patrol but they are not all staffed becausey ae the modernization doesn't force administration but the by demonstration what's the point 87,000 people an wanted ,00 in giving them into what we need o our own border patrol people expired the 87,000 irs agents and higher and or double the nu ofe border patrol agents. i just left yuma, arizona, abou two weeks ago. the most pressing of the american view from initial security standpoint is our southern border. has led to the death of 70,000 americans because of fentanyl. plus, 6 million illegal crossings since president biden has taken office. the president of the united states hasf gotth to use all available powers as commander-in-chief to protect our country and to protect the .eople so when they are coming across, yes, we are going to use letha force. kno >> the fact is that they made very clear tha mt the problem h is with the by demonstration. but the question becomes, mo morgan, did they do enough of the border, did they compel anybody that they would handle border differently? >> oh, that's a good question. i do think it was the one area of the debate, trace, where there was eren wasa lot of unan amongst the candidates. of those different solutions an answers, but where thes differ thanffer the solutions that hav been offered by president trump? former president trump, who is about 40 points ahead of the poll thes of everybody else in race. i think i don't know that they were. i think most of it was echoing what trump has said of on the it i ss clearly as scott pointe out, it in the previous urquidy. number 1 national security concern for most voters so everyone sounded hawkish on the border. i think the one person who probably had a breakup or just specifically in the border was the center because he was forcefulerso in their talking about using social forces in all military intelligence abil capabilities to solve the problem and to protectitie the lvbordere . those probably i thought he started out a little slow but that was when he really goted t passionate rebecca i think she makes a good point because when you look at the polls, and asid from the economy, the border no is like 2-3 as far as topics go in the voters minds and is key you have ron desantis and when he was talking on board and talking about sending social forces across what he appeared to know what is talking about. >>ha is ta this is the one issu foreign policy, national security where ron desantis is the most enthusiastic people this the issue thaent really enlivens him. he gets passionate about i ht. this appears to be one of the issues he is trying to set himself apart from the current demonstration but also going much further than the previous presidenministration ft unger h different take which is usc's military force against the cartels in mexico. this really was thea breakup moment i think for him on national security.krai it's interesting if you go forward morgan and look at the ukraine, right, and the funding again you had vivek ramaswamy kind of setting himself aside from the rest ofth the candidat say, no, i would not support tt more funding. he was the only one. we surprised by that, and we tha some people kinda pounced on that, and steve hilton was saying earlier? he clarified that it wasn't jus he didn't support funding, he hifiesupports the rest of t country, the rest of the nato countries, getting involved in that ending as wels gettinl. >> yeah, i wouldn't be surprise that he was the only one go dasantis soto to have to for g where vivek abutted michael fuller there but i thin is an incredibly important debate you saw on stationary fire there's so much more to th debate that rebecca and i and otheah and ir foreign policy ha want's w to have but here's whe think all the candidates missed an opportunity on this debate i we have to remind s the america people t that the reason why -- actually, i think bergen did this, i should give him a littl credit -- he is the only one that mentioned why biden failed that during putin from invadin g ukraine. and he talked about -- i do not expect this from the governor, thought this would come from th om other foreign policy hands of the state -- but governor berge did talk about how the failures in afghanistan were in that two-year anniversary. right now i think you don't sen a trace on the anniversary of 1 man and woman who died in that disastrous13, chaotic withdrawas in afghanistanta. and governor bergen mentionedd that is one o the reasons why put invaded and so the twof th key candice lee remind the american people, thi is biden's failure this is his mess we are having to clean up e >> and rebecca your thoughts a it because morgan brings up a good point saying we would have liked morebrin foreign policy t on what would you have liked to have been covered in that de debate? >> i would like more fleshing out this concept of the united c states being in a cold war with china. i i think it was governor bergen who mentioned that and phrase i that way, and i think that in int needs to be used in the thought process. i actually thought that ron desantis is trying to, he made several appeals to ronald re reagan-esque, language, morning america concert, so here doing this, "things are really tough we can be optimistic.he declines the choice andy cline not inevitable close, and i think you need that right now i a cold war "the five" think you need to flesh out the concep net t i agree with morgan hon the ukra shaban ron desantis additional support ukraine wants europe to help so he is the difference will ukraine and want them to wio win. it was vivek who had think a terrible evening on foreign policy where he did see to be e repessimistic about america's future and also very weak in what he would do to handle any of these foreign policy crisis goca'sure orego right, we been informed positiv * cascade of crisis from afghanistan on and there's really only several candidates that captured that to be nikki haley had a standup moment tonight on foreign powers because the american people still wantlicybeca peace throug strength into the candidates which i know that well i think is the biggest applause. >> mark and she has nel that wh ofle , you know, kind of trying to capitalizely k fact she was gov and she was a master so she is confusing that trying to thread the and needle rebecca had a gr to have you both on, thanks, t . put your big news stories havin us are milwaukee on his busy factor that night and correspondent andrew strohmeyer catches up on all of that anger actually going evening pete frates, there's a lot going on around the world . w first up, former president donaldill be trump will be head georgia tomorrow after receivin a consent on order from a fulto county judge. he announced intentions onto social saying, can you believe, i'm going to atlanta georgia on thursday to be arrested by a radical leftanta it to the atto benny willis. this industry coordination witi a joe biden's doj. is all about election interference. trump did not nindicate what ti he would arrive in the jail to be processedive . he still denies any wrongdoing. so now to russia where the exiled warlord who chose to put in just months ago, is reportedly dead. this after the business said he was taking from moscow to st st. petersburg crash, killing tefromcrasn people. more details are yet to come ou including whether or not this was really an accident go we ar told that fox digital is orin monitoring and finally and active shooter situation and situatiopin is dead after an ho long showdown with police officers, they went to the suspects residence to deliver a eviction notice when he opened fire andes continued to idencef with many opportunities to surrender peacefully.ab the present police chief says nothing about the situation is normal andou investigators are goining to be traced back to yo. andrew strohmeyer live in new york. ashley, thank you.. bringin sale talk radio host jason rantz.ason jason i want to get some breaking news thatantz ashley l outo gt.we we have three people have been shot and killed in southern californiabe in orange county. c this ious in a beautiful canyon and aa biker bar. three people shot and killed.on it is unclear exactly how many others may been wounded in this bug you see is all kind of a al hands on deck situation in orange county. deck sige couhe we do not know if this was someone who walking shooting, w don't know what the base of the shooting was. the information has just starte trickling in to us, and will bring more about the shooting in april murgatroyd county california just south of los angeles as soon as we get i wrong but for now wef lo we kno there are at least three victim and those three victims are mentalities. breaking news coming in on as we get it, meanwhile, back to jason rantz and the whole concept of the tonko crime. with talking about crime during the debate? was there a candidate you thought excelled in this category, jason? >> i thought dasantis had the bewer nswer when it came to crime. he had something specific that he could point to that is already done that explains how he would take charget heady an residence, even if a ds presidei he couldn't do the same thing h did in florida which was essentially taking out districd attorneyats who were not doing their jobs. i actually thought chris christie had a great answer on this unfortunately he bombed i thind, ik the rest of the debat he pointed out that he would take on us attorneys saying manqué you are going to take over the violent crime casese o. if they are not being pursued b the folks on the grount d.he the problem with him g was he reading with a focus on substance and i want to focus o too much the bullying, i tho thought. i thought mike penceke pence is be an interesting position. is obviously right to call out police deeply but do not explai why he did not do more to comba the democrats when he was in office, and why he was not as aggressive then as i think you should have been. and reallys aggressive what was an important point tonight . tim scott had the opportunity t really shine ohad n this. hereal was the lead negotiator the senate side we keep some of the reforms being discussed around policing. and yet i don't think he said anything during that.d >> speaker 6: yeah, is interesting and you go back to mike pence and talk about mike pence said, listenyou go bac, ai defunding the police is wrong t in number of times people i interviewed him and he said this one of the biggest mistakeshe on and yet there was this major push, there was not this manqué what in the world are we talking about here in 2020, when all this was coming oung abouterwhent. i think part of the calculation the political calculation at th time, was everyone is going to recognize exactly what it was, which was not's pickup weekly new what would happen as a result s nice and i think there were too few republicans who were willing to step up in an aggressive way to push back. the other issues -- and this is the truth when it comes to crim l level.residentia they don't have that much power to do anything they have a lot of influence, and is really wha is going to come into play. but when you're president and ou you are republican and you are realize that the defined that criminal l justice reform that polluted network was coming from dem democrat-run sitting there really is onlyes so much you ca do other than point to the failures anddo o hope that the are able to step off, recognize what's going on, and then make some change. mark gatissos andrew because education mehas always been a b topic.has you and i have been talking about this for a long time, jason, and they touch on education tonight. they did not getn ed departed b want to put some soundbites beginning with her even saying that education ie ofs not indoctrination, followed by nikki haley, talking about se parent support, and then tim scott on the teachers union. let's play these three and get the response tee and w . the decline in education is one of the major reasons why our country is in decline. we need education in this n country, not indoctrination in c thistr country. and inntry florida -- florida w stood up for what was right. there's a lot of crazy woke things happening in school but we've got to get these kids reading. if a child can't read by third grade, they are four times less likely to graduate high school to be so we need to make sure w gr remediation all ourth among this country and need transparency in the class because parents should never have to wonder what is being said or talk to their children in the classroomt is d appl. parents need to be deciding th which schools their kids go to because they know besteir ki. on education, the only way we change education in this nation nly is to break the backs of th teachers unions. they are standing in the door housg ine of our kids walking t to the failing schools and locking them out of thnge great teacher they could have.ans i think the republicans all realize,all jason, that the democratemocs had headwinds fro five different compass points when it comes with education is a losing issue for them because of covid, because of this whole gender issue. it is just not a great for the democrats and republicans who apparently are going to pounce on that.% 100 anpercent in the seat besids every candidate who spoke on this took on one of those major issues and manage their own. i think when nikki haley comes ousut and is very specific in w she is looking to accomplish because, remember, she was surrounded by folks already making the points as it related to the gender identity and indoctrination. of course, she mentioned that l but really hitting home runs about actually teaching kids that we are preparing themte fo when they graduate. he gotacng to, of course, ron desantis out therell, again on physically study what he had done in floride a i stopped the covid lockdowns, i did not keep them in place. i took a lot of heat for it, i did it anyway and i was on the right side to then they are at the end with tim scott taking issue with something thatim sc republicans are going to talk about, which is the power of th unions they have incredibly political unions that are too powerful not looking over best interests of the kids on a singlets oi th one particular i like crime, as you said there are so many different topics an angles you can go at. is going to be a winner for the republican party.a >>wi yeah, and covid lockdowns going to be loser for the democratic party and union fors. great to see, jason rantz, good as always, thank you.o meantime back to tonight's big event deniwith the first republs plan to make use all right here on fox international correspondent kevin corke live in washington with highlights g maybe a few low lights go kevin herget evening again. great ack folives feto bw e witu i think it is right to say if you had a chance to watch the debate tonight you saw few things that would truly stand out, one, vivek ramaswam thay sty made a very strong impression. he was also the punching bag, i you will cover many of the othe participants in tonight's de debate. however he seemed to not only hold his own but certainly got lots of positive feedback from the audienceot .fr thatom said, you have heard oth say, governor desantis seems to score a few points that i think nikki haley also did as much. there were some disagreements in the elatrace-informed policy. you are trying to come right ou and raise his hand and say listen, i don't believ ie more busy dollars by american tax payers, greater more funding fo the war inreed ukraine hunger h said he would do something differenouldt, but i also thougn was interesting, trace, he'll want to do have the entire grou answer a question by our colleg bret baiera who was asking what would you do with four that was already, what would you do if former president trump were indicted to listen t wo how he frames the question and what wa said afterht fd th. >> you all signed a pledge to support the eventual provoking nominee. if former president trump is convicted in a court of law, would you still support him is your party's choice? please raise your hand if you wouls choise rd please as you s there, trying to once again first up. very strong in his reaction to questions asked of the group he on i thought it was itching everybody sort o gf came along their own pace, trace, and agai once again he said this is something that would be good fo the countrd this is will y on i the general view among those taking part in the debat t ge. may be lots of other people around the country may agree o disagree but also may form a very interesting. pete and kevin corke standby, i you woul. trad. i would like to play because previous out and bring steve on hilton back to the conversationo but vivek ramaswamy, the binder 32nd talks about former president trump being the best president of the 21st century.i 'snt plate is and we will get en wsteve's response. >> president trump i believe wa thlieve best president of the 2 century. [applause]. it's a fact longer and chris christie chronister got a your clai, hom that donald trump is motivated by vengeance and grievancy vee would be a lot mo credible imof your entire campa were not based on vengeance and grievance against one man. [applause] peace and if people n atd home want to be able to people bluntly bashing donald trump without an iota of vision for the country they could just see the tenant to msnbc right now., th but am not running for presiden of msnbc, i'm running for president of the united statesi peace is hearing for person of o the united states, steve hilton or is he running for vice president of the united states,e vivek, because hk?e seemed very supportiveport of the former president was not there tonight and i am just wondering if you think you melissa, i am gaining momentum here, maybe i can winem hthe beat mistakes. i don't know vivek well, i know him a bit longer and formal disclosure i am very certain that he is intending to become president of the united states. he believes he can do a sincerely believes that. he has told me on numerous occasionheass whenever to beat thatm th he is not interested a would refuse the right spiritua nourishment or position on the camera that is also been as suggested i think what is interesting about this, and i think the reason he has said that, a lot of people believe that when that donald trump was the best president. is thus a minority view among i an interesting editor, i made some new friends in alaska, people who are not interested i politics at all on and then got interested because of o re not trump and said this is the firs timerst we've seen someone that said what they were going to do and then deliveredto it on and think isen d this outside a fee that vivek is handling certain ngextent, on te of those intere moments when i thought was the thsense that one point in the evening when he saw mike pence and nikki haley, and christie running chria debate and gettin really quite forcefully losing their coolreal it seems to me t they just were so frustrated that yet again we have an outsider taking on the establishment and the part was that to happen on and the party was the outsider and is rejecting establishment. it seems to me, jonathan that becaus>> tra, joe no space off said his report out by saying everybody, including me, including a lot of people present this really has to be a time for ron desantis to shineao him and for him to sign, and fo other people to get their message out you got to go aftert dasantiso on and they didn't g after dasantis really,afte what did to after trying to will get the momentum hunger like they know something we don'het. d i think they'll know, as steve raleigh pointed out, thaon'tt v seem to be risin g. dasantis isn't going anywhere, if he is going anywhere it is downwards. he needed a better debatd hee b agree with steve and that he di not do well enough tonight to change momentughm. y i think what you saw with dasantisou' work we've always known, competent a little bit stern, not enough of the likability people and you can't underestimate the importance of someone's likabilityimat., vivek seemed to have that in . spades, i thought, tonight, and disinterested and i don't think it has changed the dynamic. thing vivek is on the way up still, and the centers are not moved the needle enough room tonight to come in courtth, ver quickly i wonder if you think the same way ver, we cover this in and day out night after ni night. do you think that anybody, vi vivek, dasantis, anybody, nikki haley, did enough to actually move the polls? >> no question, vivek ramaswamy will>> make a gigantic move on think you will see that continu to happen because he has the right skill sese ht for this so formal and i think we'll see more of that moving it is interesting to steve hilton because this was his first debate. he said with sean hannity li listen, i don't know how to debate, this is the first debat i have ever been in. and yet have everybody on the stage saying, we are going to g after the rookie, as chris puzz we'rrookie>> s like t easy and n transfer i'm sorry.rr >> donald y.trump, when he dona one that first debate, remember he had been in the public spotlight fo r decades, he had been the star of a major networ tv show. vivek ramaswamy, he really is a novice in every sense. just for your parker johnson, this is not my phrase i will just repeat the phrase that i saw in response to 1 of the things i said this evening abouu ron desantis. they will kick us off. comes across as an eagert ro ro that is not impressio to create you thank you all, thank you fo watching america's late news, fox news at night long i am trace gallagher in los angeles. special coverage. we will see you back here tomorrow night. ♪ the thought of getting screened ♪ ♪ for colon cancer made me queasy. ♪ ♪ but now i've found a way that's right for me. ♪ ♪ feels more easy. ♪ ♪ my doc and i agreed. ♪ ♪ i pick the time. ♪ ♪ today's a good day. ♪ ♪ i screened with cologuard and did it my way! ♪ cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way! ♪ age-related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss and if you're taking a multi-vitamin alone, you may be missing a critical piece... preservision. preservision areds 2 contains the only clinically proven nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. preservision is backed by 20 years of clinical studies. so ask your doctor about adding preservision and fill in a missing piece of your plan. like i did with preservision. now with ocusorb better absorbing nutrients. ♪ >> a big night wrapping up in milwaukee as eight republican candidates debate their vision for america for the very first time. >> todd: and some of shows exchanges got pretty heated as the audience cheered the audience boo'd and the audience was along for the ride. watch. [cheers and applause]. >> i understand th

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, Vladimir , Who , Ingenious Th , Debate Go , Ed Tas Br The Elephant , T Ast , Ukraine T , Classs In , Th Br In Person , Rebecca Heinrichs On Ladies , Soundbites , Only T 198558 , Bor Patrol , Anurgud , 198558 , Demonstration , Becausey Ae The Modernization Doesn T Force , Wanted , Border Patrol , 87000 , 0 , Agents , View , Security Standpoint , Death , Irs , Nu Ofe , Arizona , Yuma , 70000 , President Of The United States , Hasf Gotth , 6 Million , Eople , Kno , Letha , Tha Mt The Problem H , Mo Morgan , Answers , Thanffer The Solutions , Hav , Former , Eren Wasa , Border As , Poll Thes , Urquidy , Scott Pointe Out , It I Ss , Voters , Forcefulerso , Forces , Concern , Talking , Breakup , Center , Security , Goted T , Military Intelligence , Little , Abil , Capabilities , Lvbordere , Topics , Minds , Economy , Asid , Issu , Ha , 3 , Issues , Thaent , Military Force , Presidenministration , National Security Krai It , Usc , Setting , We Tha , Ofth , Wasn T Jus He Didn Support Funding , Countries , Wouldn T , Ending , Nato , Wels Gettinl , Go Dasantis Soto , Fire , Foreign Policy Ha Want S W , Otheah , Michael Fuller , Ir , Vivek Abutted , America People T , Invadin G Ukraine , Whe , Failures , Berge , Hands , Afghanistan , Th Om , Reasons , Bergen Mentionedd , Anniversary , Woman , Disastrous13 , Afghanistanta , Th Key , Sen , Candice Lee , Invaded , Twof , Mess , Failure , Thi Is Biden , Morgan , Phrase , Concept , Fleshing , Cold War , United C , China Ii , Thought Process , Language , Appeals , Morning America Concert , Ronald Re Reagan Esque , Difference , Close , Andy Cline , Concep Net Ti , Morgan Hon , Wio , The Five , Win , Ukra Shaban , Europe , Goca Sure Orego Right , About America S Future , Nel , Wh Ofle , Gr , Master , Thanks , Thread , Needle Rebecca , Capitalizely K , Andrew Strohmeyer , Pete Frates , Factor , Donaldill Be Trump , Anger , News Stories , W First Up , Georgia , Receivin , Intentions , Saying , Consent , To Atlanta Georgia On , County Judge , Atto , Benny Willis , Fulto , Radical Leftanta , Doj , Industry Coordination Witi , Warlord , Wrongdoing , Election Interference , Ti , Jail , Processedive , Details , Business , Accident , Moscow To St , Petersburg Crash , Killing Tefromcrasn , Fox Digital Is Orin Monitoring , Suspects , Situation , Police Officers , Residence , Shooter , Eviction Notice , Situatiopin , Fire Andes , Goining , Police Chief , Investigators , Peacefully Ab , Live In New York , Breaking News , Ashley , Orange County C , Talk Radio Host , Southern Californiabe , Outo Gt , Bringin Sale , This Ious In A Beautiful Canyon , Jason Rantz Ason , Biker Bar , Three , Al Hands On Deck Situation , Orange County , Bug , Deck Sige Couhe , Shooting , W Don T , Walking Shooting , Information , Lo We Kno , California , April Murgatroyd , Jason Rantz , Mentalities , Victims , Victim , Ds Presidei , Category , Bewer Nswer , Debat , Districd Attorneyats , Attorneys , Ik The Rest , He Couldn T , Jobs , Crime , B , Focus , Bullying , Him G , Grount D , Casese O , Comba , Opportunity T Really Shine Ohad N , Negotiator , Hereal , Times , Policing , Wrong T , Reforms , Ai Defunding , Listenyou Go Bac , Mistakeshe On , ManquÉ , Push , Oung Abouterwhent , 2020 , Calculation , Result S , Weekly , Th Time , Nice , Influence , Play , Criminal L , Level Residentia , Network , Anddo , O Hope , Sitting , Dem , Education , Getn Ed Departed B , What S Going On , Ab Topic , Mehas , Ie Ofs Not Indoctrination , Response , Tee , Talking About Se Parent Support , Tim Scott On The Teachers Union , Indoctrination , Florida W , Inntry Florida , Crazy , Parents , Kids Reading , School , Class , High School , Child , Ourth , Transparency , Third Grade , Remediation , Kids , Children , Th Teachers Unions , Backs , Standing , Nation Nly , Classroomt , Besteir Ki , Realize , Schools , Teacher , Headwinds , Democratemocs , Thnge , Ans , Housg Ine , Compass Points , Gender Issue , Covid , In W , Seat , Besids , 100 Anpercent , Ousut , 100 , Course , He Gotacng To , Gender Identity , Home Runs , Themte Fo , Heat , Covid Lockdowns , Out Therell , Floride Ai , Republicans , Interests , Th Unions , Unions , Singlets Oi , Sc , Party , Thank You O , Lockdowns , Winner , Union Fors , Republs , Live In Washington With Highlights G , Fox International Correspondent , Event Deniwith , Kevin Herget , Great Ack Folives Feto , Participants , Impression , Punching Bag , Vivek Ramaswam Thay Sty , Lots , Fr Thatom , Audienceot , Oth Say , Policy , War Inreed Ukraine Hunger H , Tax Payers , I Don T Believ , Grou , Thougn , Differenouldt , Colleg , Bret Baiera , Court , Afterht Fd Th , Nominee , Pledge , There , Up , Reaction , You Wouls Choise , Agai , Countrd , Pace , Debat T Ge , O Disagree , Kevin Corke Standby , Trad , Plate , 21st Century , Hilton , Conversationo , Snt , En Wsteve , Binder 32nd , Wa Thlieve , 32 , Vengeance , Campa , Grievance , Clai , Hom , Imof , Grievancy Vee , Chronister , Mo , Presiden , People N , Tenant , Iota , Msnbc Right Now , Atd , Vice President , E Vivek , Msnbc , Beat Mistakes , Disclosure , Winem Hthe , Camera , Sincerely , Occasionheass , Thatm Th , Spiritua Nourishment , Friends , Minority , Editor , Alaska , Fee , Firs , O Re , On Te Of Those Intere , Isen D , Ngextent , Christie Running Chria , Thsense , Coolreal , Establishment , The Party , Tra , Joe No , Message , Aftert Dasantiso , Report , Sign , They Didn T G , Me , To Shineao Him , Di , Hunger , Anywhere , Better Debatd Hee B , Steve Raleigh , Thaon Tt V , We Don Het , Momentughm , Stern , Dasantisou , He Di , Spades , Centers , Importance , Likabilityimat , Dynamic , Courtth , Vi Vivek , Ni Night , Ver , Continu , Move , Skill Sese , Sorry Rr Donald Y Trump , Like , Li Listen , Chris Puzz , Tv Show , Spotlight Fo , Star , Networ , Ro , Novice , Evening Abouu , Parker Johnson , Eagert , News , Colon Cancer , Thought , Doc , Me Queasy , Results , Cologuard , Non Invasive , 45 , Preservision , Multi Vitamin , Vision Loss , Provider , Preservision Areds 2 , Macular Degeneration , Nutrient Formula , Moderate , Plan , Doctor , National Eye Institute , Progression , Studies , 20 , Nutrients , Ocusorb , Shows , Exchanges , Big Night Wrapping Up , Todd , Along For The Ride , Audience Boo , Cheers ,

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