Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

surreal. 114 people confirmed dead. at least 800 missing and what will likely be the deadliest wildfire in u.s. history. some signs greeting the president were honest and tough quote, you are late. another no comment. a reference to his initial answer to a question on the deaths of the people on that island. some very angry, many of them at the pace, the slow pace of federal help. >> a little too late. it's been two weeks since we've seen him. he missed his window of opportunity. >> i want to support him because i want him to support our community. we need help right now. >> he was here just for -- i don't see why he should be here. >> what happens after this? what happens next? we're all watching. >> harris: well, he said to watch him and look what we see. the president now is promising to rebuild maui but then vintage biden. >> president biden: i don't want to compare difficulties but we have a little sense, jill and i, what it is like to lose a home. lightning struck at home on a little lake that's outside of our home, not a lake, a big pond. to make a long story short, i almost lost my wife, my 67 corvette, and my cat. >> harris: when you lose a car that's like losing your family, right? wow. it was a small kitchen fire, by the way. a scathing "new york post" editorial head lined it this way. joe antoinette biden lies to survivors and makes it about himself. biden decided the best way to show hawaii he cares is to lie. this isn't empathy, this is ego and it is insulting. another, even by joe's low standards this trip was a debacle. our tone deaf commander-in-chief takes off from the lake tahoe home of a democratic donor, does a fly by of the island, then turns around to go back on vacation, mission accomplished. end quote. jacque hinrich is in lake tahoe where the president is back on vacation. jacque. >> harris, even before he landed in hawaii, the president's visit was seen as a cleanup to his initial failed response. he gained -- took a lot of criticism for not displaying enough attention initially and even more for that blunt no comment when he was asked to weigh in on the death toll when he was coming off the beach in delaware. however, he carved this day out of his week long vacation. his motorcade was met with protestors, some flipping him the middle finger in his attempt to recount the story of the kitchen fire many said missed the mark. >> i saw them flying but the anger is normal, you know. multi-million dollar photo op. we could have used that money directly to lahaina. >> a little tone deaf. i can understand how he was trying to meet us somewhere and say i understand. i mean, a car and your kitchen is kind of just a little sad to hear, you know? i mean, i think people really want to see you show up for us and provide an eighth of what you are giving to ukraine. >> to be fair the president has experienced a fair amount of true genuine loss and recounted another story he tells often when he learned his first wife and three children were involved in a car accident when he was entering his first term as a senator at 29 years old. his accident his wife and daughter did not survive. >> president biden: she was killed, my baby was killed, and my two boys were thought not to make it initially. so i have a little bit of a sense what it is like driving from washington to wilmington 150 miles wondering what in god's name will it be like when i get to the hospital? only thing worse than losing someone is not sure whether you've lost someone. >> there were some other moments that raised eyebrows during the president's five hours on the ground there. he refused water from the governor. walked away from that offer without any acknowledgement and turned around to return to his week-long vacation at the home of a climate activist billionaire in lake tahoe. the campaign is still at work making a $25 million ad buy to highlight maga republican's extreme agenda. the president might not be paying attention to the primary race. listen to this. >> does he plan to watch the republican debate on wednesday? >> i don't know. i sure hope not. [laughter] for his sake. but i don't know. >> we are not scheduled to see the president again during his time in lake tahoe. he remains on vacation until saturday. >> harris: jason chaffetz, good to have you in "focus" this morning. jacque's reporting has been balanced. moments the president can connect. how would you describe this trip? >> there is but one president, harris, and in times of mourning and of difficulty and extreme loss of life, we need the president to express all of our feeling and heartache and to make sure that all of the federal resources are garnered to help those people that are in need. this was a complete and total failure. it was embarrassing to watch him talk about himself. i don't want to hear a single word about his corvette or his cat. there are hundreds of people that are missing. there are over 100 people who lost their life. there are untold number of kids that are still missing. and i thought it was disgusting display. actually what i think he should have done, he should have taken air force one and picked up president obama, who is from hawaii and can actually do this type of thing and the two of them should have gone there and promised those people that we are going to do everything to fix it and make it right. he should have showed up about ten days ago, not just be on vacation twice and say that he has no comment. but it is absolutely totally tone deaf. it was worse. it would have been better to just not show up than do what he did. >> harris: i'm sure east palestine ohio is looking at this and saying they begged the president to come there. take his bully pulpit. no one expects him to do anything physically on the ground but to get the world to pray, to notice and to take the bully pulpit and say fema, do this, do this, get everybody motivated to do it. ohio didn't get it at all. i don't know what is worse. it is all really bad. he does not do this well. all right. we'll move on. two house committees issued four subpoenas for witness testimony on allegations of special treatment and political interference in the hunter biden investigation. the subpoenas targeted i.r.s. and f.b.i. employees connected with an october meeting where u.s. attorney for delaware david weiss claimed he was prevented from bringing charges against the president's son, hunter. here is judiciary chairman jim jordan. >> what prompted them to come forward? this meeting, october 7th, 2022. you got david weiss, gary shapley, the whistleblower and four other people in the meeting. we want to talk to those four other people. that's the meeting that gary shapley said was the red line meetings when i decided there was no way this investigation was going to do the right thing. >> harris: really eye opening reports coming one after another now. the "washington post" has detailed how david weiss once worked with president biden's late son, beau, when beau biden was delaware's attorney general. he reports hunter's legal team threatened the d.o.j. would put the president on the stand in his defense. he had everybody working for him. "the new york times" reported that david weiss didn't plan to charge hunter until those i.r.s. whistleblowers came forward about his alleged tax fraud. an attorney for i.r.s. whistleblower gary shapley says all this means one thing. >> my overall reaction with all of this information that has come out from "politico" and "new york times" articles are that david weiss has to go. he cannot be the special counsel in this case. every day there is new revelations about mr. weiss and the way he has handled this case. >> harris: wow. when it comes to the politics of it all, a new op-ed by jonathan turley argues this. democrats aren't laughing about the hunter biden debacle anymore. jason. >> well look, david weiss is highly conflicted. he should have never been able to take on this case given the proximity to the president. they should have named a special counsel because of the conflict of interest with the president. >> harris: a different special counsel. >> a different special counsel. the statute says it is supposed to be somebody from outside of government. it shall. it does not say it may. it says it shall be somebody from outside the government. this guy is highly conflicted. then the more revelations about the proximity to the president in his past, why is he still allowed to do it? chairman jim jordan is right. this is the way our government is supposed to work. oversight committee, judiciary committee should have access and be able to interview the people there. d.o.j. should not be giving a stiff arm and thwarting the ability to do its job and interview these people. they cannot make these people unavailable. >> harris: david weiss isn't just somebody connected to government. he remains -- remains merrick garland said it -- the u.s. attorney of delaware. if that's not shady and cozy i don't know what is. how often is the president in that state? 40% of the time. we'll move. jason, thank you. kamala harris claims she gets more criticism than other vice presidents have ever faced. maybe she has forgotten the media's treatment of cheney and quayle. party chairwoman ronna mcdaniel says don't lose sight of the ultimate goal tomorrow night. >> i want to keep folksed on our pledge, beat biden. >> harris: eight candidates on the debate stage. we know the order in which they'll stand and other details. who may have a break-out night. power panel weighs in. ♪ veteran homeowners, credit card debt piling up? great news. you can use your va benefit to pay off your high rate credit card debt with a lower rate va home loan from newday. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. so pay off your high rate debt with a lower rate newday home loan, and you can save $500 or more every month. 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>> harris: eight presidential candidates looking for a break-out moment in tomorrow night's pivotal first debate here on fox. all met the rnc's requirements for polling, fundraising and signing that pledge to support the ultimate republican nominee. rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel wants to remind them don't attack each other, target the guy they want to replace. >> we really do get to talk about joe biden and what he has done to this country. you can talk about crime surging, talk about the deficits that kids are facing in the classroom. talk about school choice and law and order and closing the border and shutting down fentanyl. we can make a mark. it will be independent voters that we are going to need to win this general election. this isn't the primary now. i think the general election starts tomorrow. >> harris: we have our panel here. they are both on board for the power panel. is she hitting the nail on the head if they target each other. should they not do that? what should they do? >> i've been through this process three times with three presidential candidates most recently with dr. ben carson and candidates need to distinguish themselves from one another. one thing i would warn candidates not to do, though, to go directly after the frontrunner being the former president. i think republican voters want to see them distinguish themselves from the frontrunner but don't want to see them aggressively attack them. rnc chairwoman is correct. talk about economics, inflation, talk about the ukraine/russia proxy war the united states is in where most americans are now having an anxiety about the amount of money that we're spending over there. talk about immigration, talk about education, republican voters want to see republican candidates distinguish themselves from the president and sitting vice president. >> harris: even people in maui have spent the money spent in ukraine compared to what they will need and haven't begun to get. chris sununu of new hampshire, key to get his intake on this is offering advice saying, quote, you have to explain where you are with policy, where you are with your background, but you have to go beyond that. it is not just issue and policy based and it is not just an attack mode, either. they have to show that charm, charisma, likeability. likeability is so important in a race like this, end of quote. what do you say, jose? >> i agree with the governor. first and foremost you have to talk directly to the american people. what makes you different? i understand most republicans on that debate stage tomorrow, harris, want to be more maga and the leader of the maga party donald trump. that's what they have to do but they have to make themselves different. tomorrow will be a key day for ron desantis. he is in second place. how can he differentiate himself from donald trump even though the main guy will not be on the debate stage? >> harris: can i ask a question? set the picture up there. the order of where everybody is standing. does it make a difference? >> i think it makes a difference because it signals visually to republican voters and everyone watching who is considered to be a favorite amongst republican voters. i also think it's critical. if you are number five like a chris christie or six like scott or four like haley, you won't to go after 1, 2, 3 to increase your standing and showcase you have what it takes to take on biden, kamala and democrats. >> harris: jose, come to you first with this. as for the democrats, the push is on to boost the vice president's profiles. she says she is under more media scrutiny than other vps. i think that's the case. i'm not going to sit here and say you know, it's not fair, because, you know, i'm not knew to these things end quote. not new to her dismal approval ratings. new fox poll finds 39% say they view her favorably. that could make an image reset kind of tough. republican strategist says she is a boogeyman that republicans can and will use when it comes to pushing their message. a president harris would be even worse than a president biden. jose. >> look, it comes with the game, right? you are in politics, media scrutiny will come with it. the vp should talk to the american people directly supporting the president's agenda, which she has done a wonderful job. >> harris: you think she is making a good case for bidenomics when americans are telling you 65% of them feel that it is only fair or very poor their personal financial situation? do you think she is making a compelling case for why they shouldn't say that out loud? you know it's true. >> bidenomics, the economy is number one in every poll. you also have to look at abortion and woman's right and other issues. those are the main issues is sort of taking care of spearheading. i think bidenomics away from the election more or less, the trends are looking good, unemployment 3.5, lowest inflation going down. we'll see. time will tell. i think the numbers are on our side. >> can i jump in quickly? i agree with jose that unemployment is coming down. the question is whether or not americans feel it. perception is oftentimes reality. 56 unfavorable rating i'm looking at that and unpacking it and saying this for republicans. a vote for joe biden is a vote for president harris. is that who you want leading the country? most americans including many democrats are going to say no. >> harris: thank you very much. always spirited. we're moments away from democracy 2024 families in focus. the first lady of florida, casey desantis, coming up. >> tell me some of the women you helped with hope florida. >> helping women get to -- how do we harness people doing wonderful things make a connection between a single mom in need of help? we've done that. call newday. pay off your high rate credit cards and car loan with an affordable va home loan from newday. you can save $500 every month. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. pay off your credit cards and car with a newday100 va loan and save. directv sports central gives you access to every game. but terry doesn't have directv. come on. work for dad- here... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv my barbecue is ruined. >> harris: a new report in my special series democracy 24, families in focus. i'm sitting down with spouses and close family members of the 2024 presidential candidates. candid interviews to take you behind the scenes and bring you personal stories from those closest to the men and women looking the lead our nation. i just traveled to tallahassee historically called the people's house to florida. the state's first lady casey desantis and her family were at the governor's mansion home from the campaign trail. she and i got to chat for quite a while. >> you move into the governor's mansion it is pretty neat. an honor and privilege to be able to be in it. this is history. >> harris: born in the midwest casey desantis tells me it has been a blessed journey to get here. >> i grew up in troy, ohio, 45 minutes north of dayton. i was there until high school and went to charleston, south carolina. my sister was an air force pilot so she was stationed there in north charleston. my dad was working in charleston at the medical university of south carolina, optometrist. we had a whole family in charleston, south carolina for a while in the low country. >> harris: so when you were a kid, what were some of the kids that you dreamed of doing? >> well, i was big into horses when i was little. i thought i would be riding horses the rest of my life. i was a shy kid. i'm glad my parents pushed me to do athletics. not was it good forget out and make friendships and the competition. not only winning and victory but learning how to lose. one of the hardest things you have to go through and pick yourself up and become resilient. >> harris: i was surprised to find ute you were ncaa division one. >> runner up that burns a little bit. i didn't come out on top. >> harris: when you say you came in second nationally? >> yes, runner up ncaa runner-up champion. it was great but still one of those things where you are so close, you know, to winning. >> harris: casey and governor ron desantis were both college athletes. sports is a big topic in their home. there is a huge push to protect young girls in women's sports to keep it with us and not competing with biological males. >> that's what we should be doing and we should have a united voice and i think we do. i think there are lot of republicans, independents and democrats who don't believe that biological men should be taking opportunities from women. >> that's a good one. >> harris: how did you meet your husband? >> i was working in television and he was in the navy. he was stationed at may port, a jag officer. we happened to be at the same driving range facility. i knew i needed help with my golf swing. he had a better swing than i did. he ended up driving to go find a place for us to go meet. >> harris: how long did you date before you nua, this is the one? >> well, i knew very quickly after meeting him that he was the one. you can tell he is funny, he is a great guy to be around, he is very, very smart. he has good moral compass. >> her being from ohio, my mom being from ohio, my dad being from western pennsylvania, there is just a lot of similarities because we were raised by, i think, parents that had similar frame of mind. >> he has great parents. his mom was a nurse. his dad somebody installing nielsen rating boxes on the back of tvs. he worked hard in school and had the opportunity to be able to work his way through yale and harvard and after that what he decided to do was volunteer to go into the navy. he wanted to give back to the country that had given him so much and saw 9/11 happening. >> harris: in 2009 jill casey black became mrs. ron desantis. and their lives together took off. her tv career included a stint at the golf channel with the show pga tour today. her newlywed husband was going into politics. >> i first ran for congress in 2012. she would be knocking on doors, these republican voters' doors and just think about it. you are on tv. when people see you in person it is a big deal if they know you from tv. literally someone they see on the morning show shows up at their doorstep and they're like i know you. >> to all of those people across the state and first responders i want to say thank you. >> harris: these days casey desantis is still famous in florida as first lady. with super fame at home for being mom. 6-year-old madison just started first grade. 5-year-old mason in kindergarten. and 3-year-old mamie just began pre-k. >> where are you going? >> come back. >> they are the first young family to live in the governor's mansion in 60 years. mamie is the first baby born there in 50 years. they have the unique perspective on life. they have always had the security detail around them. they think it is normal part of life. but they are having fun and they get a lot of neat opportunities. also this is an opportunity for us to be able to teach our kids about what exactly we are fighting for. >> i want to bring up my better half. the first lady of florida to say a few words. >> harris: who are you as first lady? what defines you? >> what defines me as first lady? one who looks at the role with a lot of humility. it isn't about me. it is about being in a position to be able to do good on behalf of the people of this state and hopefully of this country. >> harris: tell me about some of the women that you have helped with hope florida. >> we have been able to transition off either partly or entirely more than 8100 people from government assistance because they are on a pathway to economic self-sufficienself-suf. they are in homes of their own. the first time they have been able to have a roof on their own. >> harris: helping others comes from getting a second chance at life. in october of 2021 her husband announced casey desantis had breast cancer. >> the day that i ultimately found out, it was ron who was the one that told me because i couldn't listen to the doctors. i didn't want to hear any of the opining. i didn't know if i would see my kids graduate from kindergarten let alone going to high school or walk down the aisle. i had him every step of the way there as a shoulder to cry on. >> harris: how does it make you feel when she talks about survival because of you? >> i did my role as what a good husband should do. she really fought hard. once we went public with it, the amount of prayers that we got from florida and around the country really, really boosted her spirit and my spirit. >> what he did for me my cancer battle is what he did for the people in the state during covid. he analyzed data. he fought for me and the people of this state. >> told that we must trust the science. >> indoor and outdoor venues. >> we had been told we must deny truth. back down. and look the other way. enough is enough. when you come after our kids, we fight back. >> harris: that's casey's voice in that campaign ad about fighting for america's children. and she wrote it. she says it's all hands on deck to get all five of the desantis family to the white house. up next in my special reporting, i spend time with senator tim scott's mother, ms. francis scott. and we have much more to come as well. you can see more families in "focus" right here at 11:00 a.m. eastern. the state of texas has decided to cut ties with the controversial library group. the group's president is a self-described marxist and has been unleashing outlandish attacks on concerned parents. you speak up, he swats you down. plus parents are furious over some schools in another blue state this time new jersey. gender identity rules that keeps secrets from parents. >> school districts should not be in the business of keeping secrets from parents. we want an inclusive environment and safe environment. we need to include parents, not exclude them. >> harris: parents fighting for their rights across america when it comes to their own kids. charlie arnoldt in "focus" next. tired muscles and joints were keeping me from doing the things i loved most. not anymore. blue-emu gave me my freedom back. it supports healthy muscles and joints. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. to duckduckgo on all your device duckduckgo comes with a built in engine like google, but it's pri and doesn't spy on your searches and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooki and creepy ads that follow you a from google and other companies. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around showing the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. cha >> harris: schools are keeping secrets and parents are angry. a judge has temporarily blocked three school districts in the state of new jersey from requiring teachers to tell parents if their own children want to change their gender identity. the decision comes after a civil rights lawsuit against the policy by the state attorney general. but look at this. this is where the parents are falling. a new poll finds 81% of new jersey parents say schools should be required to notify them if their child identifies as a different gender. 77% of all new jersey adults agree. even people without kids apparently. former new jersey gubernatorial candidate says those numbers match exactly what he has been hearing. >> i'm up and down the state seven days a week. yet to find a single parent who doesn't believe if their kid goes to school and identifies with a gender different from home they should know. >> harris: nate foye has been on the story. most recently you were in middleton, that school district. what did you found out? >> the reaction to this poll is what you would expect from what i've been hearing from the school board vice president and president. this new poll shows a strong majority of new jersey parents disagree with the state's policy regardless of their political party. take a look. 81% of parents believe schools should be required to tell them if their child wants to change genders. but notice this. that includes 92% of republicans and 81% of independents and 61% of democrats. that won't be the case during this upcoming school year that starts in a couple of weeks. a new jersey judge temporarily blocked the three districts from requiring parental notification on friday. in a final decision in this case could take years. the vice president of the middletown school board tells fox the numbers in the poll reflect what she is hearing from parents in her district. >> the parental outrage has been palpable since friday's decision. and also very concerned about just what else does this mean? a real erosion of trust between parents and our district at this point. >> harris, the state argues the policies that these three districts were trying to implement violate the state's anti-discrimination law and put transgender kids at risk. the state also requires elementary schools to teach about gender identity and that's another thing that new jersey parents disagree with. look at this. according to the poll 23% think gender identity should be caught in grades 1-5. a majority think it should only be taught in high school. right now it's taught kindergarten through 12th grade. the poll finds the majority of new jersey parents think sex education courses be divided by biological sex. we'll send it back to you. >> harris: 22% of people were found to say yeah, teach the first grader about gender identity? where are these people seriously? >> it was conducted in the past two weeks and included 814 adults in the state of new jersey from both political parties. so those are the results, harris, 22% believe it should be taught in grades 1-5. the strong majority think that it should not be taught. >> harris: nate foye, thank you, great reporting as always. outkick's charlie arnoldt is with me now. when you look at the break down it seems politically divided. 92% of republicans polled said parents should be notified if their kids are going through gender identity issues. 81% of independents said the same thing. 61 of democrats. still more than half. look at the difference in those numbers. >> there is a difference in the numbers. a lot of parents are too afraid to speak up as far as the democrats are concerned. even i was yesterday -- i had a very interesting experience. i was in washington square park talking about the transgender athlete issue. there were so many people parents that i spoke to that i was mortified by the answers they were telling me. you could tell they were so delicate in how they were responding to me. people are so scared to speak up. that's where a lot of this problem is coming in. it is very much a common sense issue. even in california now they are trying to pass a bill saying children as young as 12 years old should be able to check themselves into mental health programs without parental consent. you can't see a pg13 movie without parental consent or go on a field trip. none of this makes sense. >> harris: we live in jersey, i say it constantly. you have to sign a release for them to go to a public library not on the school grounds and not for something like this. your last quick thought. >> i think parents have lost their rights to parent. there are so many things we're seeing. i have think that when they try to push back against these woke school systems they are immediately labeled as hateful or bigoted. that's the plan of the left. that's their biggest tactic is they try to silence you before you are able to speak up and push back by saying you are trans phobic and bigoted. by doing that you don't want to speak up. you are too scared of what everyone else is going the say. >> harris: parents may fear a little cancel culture but they really fear it for their children who have to go into the classroom situation carrying the baggage of whatever mom and dad did. that baggage is for their best interest. >> we're seeing children are learning are things that children should not be learning. there is a librarian in the head of the american library association and she is trying to centralize learning on queer notions. i'm not even sure what that means. that's not what libraries should be based upon. sad children are subjected and brain washed and being indoctrinated and another tactic this woman is using, the woman you referred to as the marxist librarian. >> harris: we'll get to the controversial president of the american library association that charlie is talking about has sparked some fresh outrage. she is a self-proclaimed marxist saying she wants to recenter children's libraries on quote, unquote, notions of queerness, you heard charley saying she doesn't know what it means. parents groups are pushing for age-appropriate material. the gay self-declared marxist says she wants to enhance children's libraries with more lgbtq lit rah -- we want a white christian nation with another 2 or 3 angry white mob parents organized to get a book off the library shelf. >> harris: wow. that's offensive. what about all the black churches in our nation? do you know we got through the 50s and 60s. those black christians were part of the movement. that's a lot. the texas state library commission cut ties with the american library association and pull funding and one republican state lawmaker calls it a win for all taxpayers. here it is. >> i think people are fed up not just having sort of this ultra liberal extremist marxist socialist ideology forced upon them and their kids. they are sick and tired of having to be the ones that pay for it themselves through their hard earned tax dollars. >> first of all, to call people that would put up any type of fight or push back against your idea of what you want to turn libraries into an angry white mob. i can't imagine anyone besides this woman saying this and not being fired immediately. that is complete racism. and i think that because she identifies as queer she is given a hall pass. the same thing we see with so many different people in this community on so many different lefrls and so many different aspects. it is sad. again, like i said, this is a tactic the left uses. they use the terms angry white mob, for example, to instill hate and fear into people where they don't want to speak up. the last thing you want is be the one to push back against this lady's demonic idea of learning and be labeled angry and part of a mob. that's what silences you. it is sad. i don't see it ending until more parents start stepping up. something has got to change. >> harris: if you were waiting for somebody on the left to finally explain what they mean by calling everything racist, you actually saw legitimate example of what racism looks like. you called it out, i'm calling it out. that's what that was. but it is bigger than that because again a library is a place of learning for kids. it is confusing where -- well, the minority, tyranny of the minority thinks it can do the rest of the country. >> it will become a staple term. a library is somewhere to go to learn about all different things. the centralized portion of it shouldn't be on queer notions. >> harris: always great to have you in "focus." "outnumbered" after the break. was my down payment. i talked with newday on a thursday, put a contract on this house on saturday. 30 days later, we were moving in. i would tell other vets out there who are dreaming of getting into a home to stop dreaming. pick up the phone. call newday. you served your country. allow newday to serve you. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ - wounded warrior project has been with me every step of my journey. - they've helped me realize it's possible to rise to the top again. - it's possible to get the help i need for me and my family. - it's possible to hate pushups again. - to feel understood. - to begin healing both inside and out. - to feel like myself again. - and now i know anything is possible. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

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surreal. 114 people confirmed dead. at least 800 missing and what will likely be the deadliest wildfire in u.s. history. some signs greeting the president were honest and tough quote, you are late. another no comment. a reference to his initial answer to a question on the deaths of the people on that island. some very angry, many of them at the pace, the slow pace of federal help. >> a little too late. it's been two weeks since we've seen him. he missed his window of opportunity. >> i want to support him because i want him to support our community. we need help right now. >> he was here just for -- i don't see why he should be here. >> what happens after this? what happens next? we're all watching. >> harris: well, he said to watch him and look what we see. the president now is promising to rebuild maui but then vintage biden. >> president biden: i don't want to compare difficulties but we have a little sense, jill and i, what it is like to lose a home. lightning struck at home on a little lake that's outside of our home, not a lake, a big pond. to make a long story short, i almost lost my wife, my 67 corvette, and my cat. >> harris: when you lose a car that's like losing your family, right? wow. it was a small kitchen fire, by the way. a scathing "new york post" editorial head lined it this way. joe antoinette biden lies to survivors and makes it about himself. biden decided the best way to show hawaii he cares is to lie. this isn't empathy, this is ego and it is insulting. another, even by joe's low standards this trip was a debacle. our tone deaf commander-in-chief takes off from the lake tahoe home of a democratic donor, does a fly by of the island, then turns around to go back on vacation, mission accomplished. end quote. jacque hinrich is in lake tahoe where the president is back on vacation. jacque. >> harris, even before he landed in hawaii, the president's visit was seen as a cleanup to his initial failed response. he gained -- took a lot of criticism for not displaying enough attention initially and even more for that blunt no comment when he was asked to weigh in on the death toll when he was coming off the beach in delaware. however, he carved this day out of his week long vacation. his motorcade was met with protestors, some flipping him the middle finger in his attempt to recount the story of the kitchen fire many said missed the mark. >> i saw them flying but the anger is normal, you know. multi-million dollar photo op. we could have used that money directly to lahaina. >> a little tone deaf. i can understand how he was trying to meet us somewhere and say i understand. i mean, a car and your kitchen is kind of just a little sad to hear, you know? i mean, i think people really want to see you show up for us and provide an eighth of what you are giving to ukraine. >> to be fair the president has experienced a fair amount of true genuine loss and recounted another story he tells often when he learned his first wife and three children were involved in a car accident when he was entering his first term as a senator at 29 years old. his accident his wife and daughter did not survive. >> president biden: she was killed, my baby was killed, and my two boys were thought not to make it initially. so i have a little bit of a sense what it is like driving from washington to wilmington 150 miles wondering what in god's name will it be like when i get to the hospital? only thing worse than losing someone is not sure whether you've lost someone. >> there were some other moments that raised eyebrows during the president's five hours on the ground there. he refused water from the governor. walked away from that offer without any acknowledgement and turned around to return to his week-long vacation at the home of a climate activist billionaire in lake tahoe. the campaign is still at work making a $25 million ad buy to highlight maga republican's extreme agenda. the president might not be paying attention to the primary race. listen to this. >> does he plan to watch the republican debate on wednesday? >> i don't know. i sure hope not. [laughter] for his sake. but i don't know. >> we are not scheduled to see the president again during his time in lake tahoe. he remains on vacation until saturday. >> harris: jason chaffetz, good to have you in "focus" this morning. jacque's reporting has been balanced. moments the president can connect. how would you describe this trip? >> there is but one president, harris, and in times of mourning and of difficulty and extreme loss of life, we need the president to express all of our feeling and heartache and to make sure that all of the federal resources are garnered to help those people that are in need. this was a complete and total failure. it was embarrassing to watch him talk about himself. i don't want to hear a single word about his corvette or his cat. there are hundreds of people that are missing. there are over 100 people who lost their life. there are untold number of kids that are still missing. and i thought it was disgusting display. actually what i think he should have done, he should have taken air force one and picked up president obama, who is from hawaii and can actually do this type of thing and the two of them should have gone there and promised those people that we are going to do everything to fix it and make it right. he should have showed up about ten days ago, not just be on vacation twice and say that he has no comment. but it is absolutely totally tone deaf. it was worse. it would have been better to just not show up than do what he did. >> harris: i'm sure east palestine ohio is looking at this and saying they begged the president to come there. take his bully pulpit. no one expects him to do anything physically on the ground but to get the world to pray, to notice and to take the bully pulpit and say fema, do this, do this, get everybody motivated to do it. ohio didn't get it at all. i don't know what is worse. it is all really bad. he does not do this well. all right. we'll move on. two house committees issued four subpoenas for witness testimony on allegations of special treatment and political interference in the hunter biden investigation. the subpoenas targeted i.r.s. and f.b.i. employees connected with an october meeting where u.s. attorney for delaware david weiss claimed he was prevented from bringing charges against the president's son, hunter. here is judiciary chairman jim jordan. >> what prompted them to come forward? this meeting, october 7th, 2022. you got david weiss, gary shapley, the whistleblower and four other people in the meeting. we want to talk to those four other people. that's the meeting that gary shapley said was the red line meetings when i decided there was no way this investigation was going to do the right thing. >> harris: really eye opening reports coming one after another now. the "washington post" has detailed how david weiss once worked with president biden's late son, beau, when beau biden was delaware's attorney general. he reports hunter's legal team threatened the d.o.j. would put the president on the stand in his defense. he had everybody working for him. "the new york times" reported that david weiss didn't plan to charge hunter until those i.r.s. whistleblowers came forward about his alleged tax fraud. an attorney for i.r.s. whistleblower gary shapley says all this means one thing. >> my overall reaction with all of this information that has come out from "politico" and "new york times" articles are that david weiss has to go. he cannot be the special counsel in this case. every day there is new revelations about mr. weiss and the way he has handled this case. >> harris: wow. when it comes to the politics of it all, a new op-ed by jonathan turley argues this. democrats aren't laughing about the hunter biden debacle anymore. jason. >> well look, david weiss is highly conflicted. he should have never been able to take on this case given the proximity to the president. they should have named a special counsel because of the conflict of interest with the president. >> harris: a different special counsel. >> a different special counsel. the statute says it is supposed to be somebody from outside of government. it shall. it does not say it may. it says it shall be somebody from outside the government. this guy is highly conflicted. then the more revelations about the proximity to the president in his past, why is he still allowed to do it? chairman jim jordan is right. this is the way our government is supposed to work. oversight committee, judiciary committee should have access and be able to interview the people there. d.o.j. should not be giving a stiff arm and thwarting the ability to do its job and interview these people. they cannot make these people unavailable. >> harris: david weiss isn't just somebody connected to government. he remains -- remains merrick garland said it -- the u.s. attorney of delaware. if that's not shady and cozy i don't know what is. how often is the president in that state? 40% of the time. we'll move. jason, thank you. kamala harris claims she gets more criticism than other vice presidents have ever faced. maybe she has forgotten the media's treatment of cheney and quayle. party chairwoman ronna mcdaniel says don't lose sight of the ultimate goal tomorrow night. >> i want to keep folksed on our pledge, beat biden. >> harris: eight candidates on the debate stage. we know the order in which they'll stand and other details. who may have a break-out night. power panel weighs in. ♪ veteran homeowners, credit card debt piling up? great news. you can use your va benefit to pay off your high rate credit card debt with a lower rate va home loan from newday. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. so pay off your high rate debt with a lower rate newday home loan, and you can save $500 or more every month. 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>> harris: eight presidential candidates looking for a break-out moment in tomorrow night's pivotal first debate here on fox. all met the rnc's requirements for polling, fundraising and signing that pledge to support the ultimate republican nominee. rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel wants to remind them don't attack each other, target the guy they want to replace. >> we really do get to talk about joe biden and what he has done to this country. you can talk about crime surging, talk about the deficits that kids are facing in the classroom. talk about school choice and law and order and closing the border and shutting down fentanyl. we can make a mark. it will be independent voters that we are going to need to win this general election. this isn't the primary now. i think the general election starts tomorrow. >> harris: we have our panel here. they are both on board for the power panel. is she hitting the nail on the head if they target each other. should they not do that? what should they do? >> i've been through this process three times with three presidential candidates most recently with dr. ben carson and candidates need to distinguish themselves from one another. one thing i would warn candidates not to do, though, to go directly after the frontrunner being the former president. i think republican voters want to see them distinguish themselves from the frontrunner but don't want to see them aggressively attack them. rnc chairwoman is correct. talk about economics, inflation, talk about the ukraine/russia proxy war the united states is in where most americans are now having an anxiety about the amount of money that we're spending over there. talk about immigration, talk about education, republican voters want to see republican candidates distinguish themselves from the president and sitting vice president. >> harris: even people in maui have spent the money spent in ukraine compared to what they will need and haven't begun to get. chris sununu of new hampshire, key to get his intake on this is offering advice saying, quote, you have to explain where you are with policy, where you are with your background, but you have to go beyond that. it is not just issue and policy based and it is not just an attack mode, either. they have to show that charm, charisma, likeability. likeability is so important in a race like this, end of quote. what do you say, jose? >> i agree with the governor. first and foremost you have to talk directly to the american people. what makes you different? i understand most republicans on that debate stage tomorrow, harris, want to be more maga and the leader of the maga party donald trump. that's what they have to do but they have to make themselves different. tomorrow will be a key day for ron desantis. he is in second place. how can he differentiate himself from donald trump even though the main guy will not be on the debate stage? >> harris: can i ask a question? set the picture up there. the order of where everybody is standing. does it make a difference? >> i think it makes a difference because it signals visually to republican voters and everyone watching who is considered to be a favorite amongst republican voters. i also think it's critical. if you are number five like a chris christie or six like scott or four like haley, you won't to go after 1, 2, 3 to increase your standing and showcase you have what it takes to take on biden, kamala and democrats. >> harris: jose, come to you first with this. as for the democrats, the push is on to boost the vice president's profiles. she says she is under more media scrutiny than other vps. i think that's the case. i'm not going to sit here and say you know, it's not fair, because, you know, i'm not knew to these things end quote. not new to her dismal approval ratings. new fox poll finds 39% say they view her favorably. that could make an image reset kind of tough. republican strategist says she is a boogeyman that republicans can and will use when it comes to pushing their message. a president harris would be even worse than a president biden. jose. >> look, it comes with the game, right? you are in politics, media scrutiny will come with it. the vp should talk to the american people directly supporting the president's agenda, which she has done a wonderful job. >> harris: you think she is making a good case for bidenomics when americans are telling you 65% of them feel that it is only fair or very poor their personal financial situation? do you think she is making a compelling case for why they shouldn't say that out loud? you know it's true. >> bidenomics, the economy is number one in every poll. you also have to look at abortion and woman's right and other issues. those are the main issues is sort of taking care of spearheading. i think bidenomics away from the election more or less, the trends are looking good, unemployment 3.5, lowest inflation going down. we'll see. time will tell. i think the numbers are on our side. >> can i jump in quickly? i agree with jose that unemployment is coming down. the question is whether or not americans feel it. perception is oftentimes reality. 56 unfavorable rating i'm looking at that and unpacking it and saying this for republicans. a vote for joe biden is a vote for president harris. is that who you want leading the country? most americans including many democrats are going to say no. >> harris: thank you very much. always spirited. we're moments away from democracy 2024 families in focus. the first lady of florida, casey desantis, coming up. >> tell me some of the women you helped with hope florida. >> helping women get to -- how do we harness people doing wonderful things make a connection between a single mom in need of help? we've done that. call newday. pay off your high rate credit cards and car loan with an affordable va home loan from newday. you can save $500 every month. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. pay off your credit cards and car with a newday100 va loan and save. directv sports central gives you access to every game. but terry doesn't have directv. come on. work for dad- here... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv my barbecue is ruined. >> harris: a new report in my special series democracy 24, families in focus. i'm sitting down with spouses and close family members of the 2024 presidential candidates. candid interviews to take you behind the scenes and bring you personal stories from those closest to the men and women looking the lead our nation. i just traveled to tallahassee historically called the people's house to florida. the state's first lady casey desantis and her family were at the governor's mansion home from the campaign trail. she and i got to chat for quite a while. >> you move into the governor's mansion it is pretty neat. an honor and privilege to be able to be in it. this is history. >> harris: born in the midwest casey desantis tells me it has been a blessed journey to get here. >> i grew up in troy, ohio, 45 minutes north of dayton. i was there until high school and went to charleston, south carolina. my sister was an air force pilot so she was stationed there in north charleston. my dad was working in charleston at the medical university of south carolina, optometrist. we had a whole family in charleston, south carolina for a while in the low country. >> harris: so when you were a kid, what were some of the kids that you dreamed of doing? >> well, i was big into horses when i was little. i thought i would be riding horses the rest of my life. i was a shy kid. i'm glad my parents pushed me to do athletics. not was it good forget out and make friendships and the competition. not only winning and victory but learning how to lose. one of the hardest things you have to go through and pick yourself up and become resilient. >> harris: i was surprised to find ute you were ncaa division one. >> runner up that burns a little bit. i didn't come out on top. >> harris: when you say you came in second nationally? >> yes, runner up ncaa runner-up champion. it was great but still one of those things where you are so close, you know, to winning. >> harris: casey and governor ron desantis were both college athletes. sports is a big topic in their home. there is a huge push to protect young girls in women's sports to keep it with us and not competing with biological males. >> that's what we should be doing and we should have a united voice and i think we do. i think there are lot of republicans, independents and democrats who don't believe that biological men should be taking opportunities from women. >> that's a good one. >> harris: how did you meet your husband? >> i was working in television and he was in the navy. he was stationed at may port, a jag officer. we happened to be at the same driving range facility. i knew i needed help with my golf swing. he had a better swing than i did. he ended up driving to go find a place for us to go meet. >> harris: how long did you date before you nua, this is the one? >> well, i knew very quickly after meeting him that he was the one. you can tell he is funny, he is a great guy to be around, he is very, very smart. he has good moral compass. >> her being from ohio, my mom being from ohio, my dad being from western pennsylvania, there is just a lot of similarities because we were raised by, i think, parents that had similar frame of mind. >> he has great parents. his mom was a nurse. his dad somebody installing nielsen rating boxes on the back of tvs. he worked hard in school and had the opportunity to be able to work his way through yale and harvard and after that what he decided to do was volunteer to go into the navy. he wanted to give back to the country that had given him so much and saw 9/11 happening. >> harris: in 2009 jill casey black became mrs. ron desantis. and their lives together took off. her tv career included a stint at the golf channel with the show pga tour today. her newlywed husband was going into politics. >> i first ran for congress in 2012. she would be knocking on doors, these republican voters' doors and just think about it. you are on tv. when people see you in person it is a big deal if they know you from tv. literally someone they see on the morning show shows up at their doorstep and they're like i know you. >> to all of those people across the state and first responders i want to say thank you. >> harris: these days casey desantis is still famous in florida as first lady. with super fame at home for being mom. 6-year-old madison just started first grade. 5-year-old mason in kindergarten. and 3-year-old mamie just began pre-k. >> where are you going? >> come back. >> they are the first young family to live in the governor's mansion in 60 years. mamie is the first baby born there in 50 years. they have the unique perspective on life. they have always had the security detail around them. they think it is normal part of life. but they are having fun and they get a lot of neat opportunities. also this is an opportunity for us to be able to teach our kids about what exactly we are fighting for. >> i want to bring up my better half. the first lady of florida to say a few words. >> harris: who are you as first lady? what defines you? >> what defines me as first lady? one who looks at the role with a lot of humility. it isn't about me. it is about being in a position to be able to do good on behalf of the people of this state and hopefully of this country. >> harris: tell me about some of the women that you have helped with hope florida. >> we have been able to transition off either partly or entirely more than 8100 people from government assistance because they are on a pathway to economic self-sufficienself-suf. they are in homes of their own. the first time they have been able to have a roof on their own. >> harris: helping others comes from getting a second chance at life. in october of 2021 her husband announced casey desantis had breast cancer. >> the day that i ultimately found out, it was ron who was the one that told me because i couldn't listen to the doctors. i didn't want to hear any of the opining. i didn't know if i would see my kids graduate from kindergarten let alone going to high school or walk down the aisle. i had him every step of the way there as a shoulder to cry on. >> harris: how does it make you feel when she talks about survival because of you? >> i did my role as what a good husband should do. she really fought hard. once we went public with it, the amount of prayers that we got from florida and around the country really, really boosted her spirit and my spirit. >> what he did for me my cancer battle is what he did for the people in the state during covid. he analyzed data. he fought for me and the people of this state. >> told that we must trust the science. >> indoor and outdoor venues. >> we had been told we must deny truth. back down. and look the other way. enough is enough. when you come after our kids, we fight back. >> harris: that's casey's voice in that campaign ad about fighting for america's children. and she wrote it. she says it's all hands on deck to get all five of the desantis family to the white house. up next in my special reporting, i spend time with senator tim scott's mother, ms. francis scott. and we have much more to come as well. you can see more families in "focus" right here at 11:00 a.m. eastern. the state of texas has decided to cut ties with the controversial library group. the group's president is a self-described marxist and has been unleashing outlandish attacks on concerned parents. you speak up, he swats you down. plus parents are furious over some schools in another blue state this time new jersey. gender identity rules that keeps secrets from parents. >> school districts should not be in the business of keeping secrets from parents. we want an inclusive environment and safe environment. we need to include parents, not exclude them. >> harris: parents fighting for their rights across america when it comes to their own kids. charlie arnoldt in "focus" next. tired muscles and joints were keeping me from doing the things i loved most. not anymore. blue-emu gave me my freedom back. it supports healthy muscles and joints. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. to duckduckgo on all your device duckduckgo comes with a built in engine like google, but it's pri and doesn't spy on your searches and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooki and creepy ads that follow you a from google and other companies. and there's no catch. it's free. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you around showing the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. cha >> harris: schools are keeping secrets and parents are angry. a judge has temporarily blocked three school districts in the state of new jersey from requiring teachers to tell parents if their own children want to change their gender identity. the decision comes after a civil rights lawsuit against the policy by the state attorney general. but look at this. this is where the parents are falling. a new poll finds 81% of new jersey parents say schools should be required to notify them if their child identifies as a different gender. 77% of all new jersey adults agree. even people without kids apparently. former new jersey gubernatorial candidate says those numbers match exactly what he has been hearing. >> i'm up and down the state seven days a week. yet to find a single parent who doesn't believe if their kid goes to school and identifies with a gender different from home they should know. >> harris: nate foye has been on the story. most recently you were in middleton, that school district. what did you found out? >> the reaction to this poll is what you would expect from what i've been hearing from the school board vice president and president. this new poll shows a strong majority of new jersey parents disagree with the state's policy regardless of their political party. take a look. 81% of parents believe schools should be required to tell them if their child wants to change genders. but notice this. that includes 92% of republicans and 81% of independents and 61% of democrats. that won't be the case during this upcoming school year that starts in a couple of weeks. a new jersey judge temporarily blocked the three districts from requiring parental notification on friday. in a final decision in this case could take years. the vice president of the middletown school board tells fox the numbers in the poll reflect what she is hearing from parents in her district. >> the parental outrage has been palpable since friday's decision. and also very concerned about just what else does this mean? a real erosion of trust between parents and our district at this point. >> harris, the state argues the policies that these three districts were trying to implement violate the state's anti-discrimination law and put transgender kids at risk. the state also requires elementary schools to teach about gender identity and that's another thing that new jersey parents disagree with. look at this. according to the poll 23% think gender identity should be caught in grades 1-5. a majority think it should only be taught in high school. right now it's taught kindergarten through 12th grade. the poll finds the majority of new jersey parents think sex education courses be divided by biological sex. we'll send it back to you. >> harris: 22% of people were found to say yeah, teach the first grader about gender identity? where are these people seriously? >> it was conducted in the past two weeks and included 814 adults in the state of new jersey from both political parties. so those are the results, harris, 22% believe it should be taught in grades 1-5. the strong majority think that it should not be taught. >> harris: nate foye, thank you, great reporting as always. outkick's charlie arnoldt is with me now. when you look at the break down it seems politically divided. 92% of republicans polled said parents should be notified if their kids are going through gender identity issues. 81% of independents said the same thing. 61 of democrats. still more than half. look at the difference in those numbers. >> there is a difference in the numbers. a lot of parents are too afraid to speak up as far as the democrats are concerned. even i was yesterday -- i had a very interesting experience. i was in washington square park talking about the transgender athlete issue. there were so many people parents that i spoke to that i was mortified by the answers they were telling me. you could tell they were so delicate in how they were responding to me. people are so scared to speak up. that's where a lot of this problem is coming in. it is very much a common sense issue. even in california now they are trying to pass a bill saying children as young as 12 years old should be able to check themselves into mental health programs without parental consent. you can't see a pg13 movie without parental consent or go on a field trip. none of this makes sense. >> harris: we live in jersey, i say it constantly. you have to sign a release for them to go to a public library not on the school grounds and not for something like this. your last quick thought. >> i think parents have lost their rights to parent. there are so many things we're seeing. i have think that when they try to push back against these woke school systems they are immediately labeled as hateful or bigoted. that's the plan of the left. that's their biggest tactic is they try to silence you before you are able to speak up and push back by saying you are trans phobic and bigoted. by doing that you don't want to speak up. you are too scared of what everyone else is going the say. >> harris: parents may fear a little cancel culture but they really fear it for their children who have to go into the classroom situation carrying the baggage of whatever mom and dad did. that baggage is for their best interest. >> we're seeing children are learning are things that children should not be learning. there is a librarian in the head of the american library association and she is trying to centralize learning on queer notions. i'm not even sure what that means. that's not what libraries should be based upon. sad children are subjected and brain washed and being indoctrinated and another tactic this woman is using, the woman you referred to as the marxist librarian. >> harris: we'll get to the controversial president of the american library association that charlie is talking about has sparked some fresh outrage. she is a self-proclaimed marxist saying she wants to recenter children's libraries on quote, unquote, notions of queerness, you heard charley saying she doesn't know what it means. parents groups are pushing for age-appropriate material. the gay self-declared marxist says she wants to enhance children's libraries with more lgbtq lit rah -- we want a white christian nation with another 2 or 3 angry white mob parents organized to get a book off the library shelf. >> harris: wow. that's offensive. what about all the black churches in our nation? do you know we got through the 50s and 60s. those black christians were part of the movement. that's a lot. the texas state library commission cut ties with the american library association and pull funding and one republican state lawmaker calls it a win for all taxpayers. here it is. >> i think people are fed up not just having sort of this ultra liberal extremist marxist socialist ideology forced upon them and their kids. they are sick and tired of having to be the ones that pay for it themselves through their hard earned tax dollars. >> first of all, to call people that would put up any type of fight or push back against your idea of what you want to turn libraries into an angry white mob. i can't imagine anyone besides this woman saying this and not being fired immediately. that is complete racism. and i think that because she identifies as queer she is given a hall pass. the same thing we see with so many different people in this community on so many different lefrls and so many different aspects. it is sad. again, like i said, this is a tactic the left uses. they use the terms angry white mob, for example, to instill hate and fear into people where they don't want to speak up. the last thing you want is be the one to push back against this lady's demonic idea of learning and be labeled angry and part of a mob. that's what silences you. it is sad. i don't see it ending until more parents start stepping up. something has got to change. >> harris: if you were waiting for somebody on the left to finally explain what they mean by calling everything racist, you actually saw legitimate example of what racism looks like. you called it out, i'm calling it out. that's what that was. but it is bigger than that because again a library is a place of learning for kids. it is confusing where -- well, the minority, tyranny of the minority thinks it can do the rest of the country. >> it will become a staple term. a library is somewhere to go to learn about all different things. the centralized portion of it shouldn't be on queer notions. >> harris: always great to have you in "focus." "outnumbered" after the break. was my down payment. i talked with newday on a thursday, put a contract on this house on saturday. 30 days later, we were moving in. i would tell other vets out there who are dreaming of getting into a home to stop dreaming. pick up the phone. call newday. you served your country. allow newday to serve you. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ - wounded warrior project has been with me every step of my journey. - they've helped me realize it's possible to rise to the top again. - it's possible to get the help i need for me and my family. - it's possible to hate pushups again. - to feel understood. - to begin healing both inside and out. - to feel like myself again. - and now i know anything is possible. 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