Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

bucks county. >> brian: have to lend it there. pam, jean, diane ellis marcigilia. and harvey. two democrats and two republicans. keep in mind how that goes. brian fitzpatrick too long that purple area and won it for the republicans. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> brian: second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. >> and we start this hour of "fox & friends" with a weather alert what once was a hurricane and now is a post tropical cyclone hilary battering the west with historic flooding. the state of nevada now is under a state of emergency and bracing for more rain later today. >> once in a century storm causing mud slides and thousands are waking up without power. nicole valdes joins us live from palm springs, california where the city declared an emergency. nicole? >> good morning to you all. a host of major problems this morning. now post tropical storm hilary really wreaked havoc across the golden state. not only seeing water rescues from palm desert up to ventura county we are also being made aware that 911 lines palm springs are still down. meanwhile, for the first time ever, water getting inside this ranch hospital behind me. a lot of people also finding themselves stranded late sunday afternoon into the overnight hours as they try to drive through flooded roadways with deep water that many probably couldn't even see. at least one person had to be rescued in palm springs. and those emergency calls just kept on coming. on top of that, we are talking about mud slides in places like right wood, california and even palmdale county. the i 10 also shut down in both directions near cathedral city. where we are getting reports of major flash flooding and seeing some new video coming out of those areas. several drivers telling us some had to abandon their cars. wait a very long time for help as we mentioned 911 lines still down at this point this morning. the hospital that i mentioned says overworked pumps were the main reason why they started to see water really come in sunday afternoon. they now have sandbags positioned outside. so administrative offices here at eisenhower's main campus. the problems continue we know many flights in and out of the palm springs international airport have either been delayed or canceled. really it's going to be a domino effect this morning. and really no telling how long until that water really begins to recede, guys. >> i'm looking at the local paper in palm springs. the main thing right now and i know it's only 4:00 in the morning out there. but a whole bunch of roads are closed so are the local officials telling people just stay at home today? >> they're today and this was the message yesterday. they actually preemptively closed most of the major arteries in and out of palm springs, recognizing that those are roads that typically flood. but once the rain really started coming down and even more of those roads became impassable, slowly but surely it took emergency crews to one by one shut them down to, again, try to keep people from driving into a situation where they could be swept away. we know at least one person rescued in palm springs and another three in ventura county had to be rescued out of a remember. that flood water is no joke. >> steve: no kidding. nicole, thank you for the live report. >> ainsley: some of the cools being closed. so universities going virtual today. panicked residents were climbing the trees to escape when the bridge went down and power lines are down as well. >> steve: you don't blame them. >> brian: when you live in the desert you don't expect to be a flood victim. >> ainsley: no, you don't. >> steve: when it rains hard that's when you get all these problems that they're experiencing out there. we will have another report very shortly. in the meantime 7:04 in the east. president biden will finally visit the island of maui today two weeks after deadly wildfires absolutely destroyed lahaina. >> ainsley: now green activists are calling on the president to declare a climate emergency after the disasters. >> brian: i wonder if he will have a comment when asked about hawaii. peter doocy is at the white house with more. hey, peter. >> peter: many house democrats it will eager to link the wildfires were climate change. one you elected democrat is getting impatient with president biden for not declaring a climate emergency. it's congressman earl blumenauer he says in part i refuse to accept people choosing between burning alive or jumping into the ocean hours on end is our new normal. this is a crisis, we need to treated this it that way. president biden declaring a climate emergency. president biden's re-election campaign may soon from from climate to complicated by a third party candidate if he officially clinches the democratic nomination and trump clinches the republican nod. >> i think we are at a point that we have never been in this country where two thirds of the people are not interested in voting for the republican or democratic nominee. if trump and biden are the nominees it's very likely no labels will get access to the ballot and will offer an alternative. if most of the voters don't want a or b, we have an obligation to give them c. >> the biden family is dealing with duel special counsel investigations and congressional probes and the national archives has been given a wednesday deadline to produce emails that james comer is complaining will back up ache says of corruption by the bidens. >> we learned when he was receiving emails pertaining to ukraine. his son hunter was copied on them. we have always heard that the white house has said that hunter biden wasn't an employee of the government. he wasn't any part of the government. if that were true, why was he receiving emails from the government? according to multiple reports this weekend. lawyers are so confident there is no there there. for once calling president biden as a fact witness in their defense back to you. >> brian: what would that have done, peter? who does that hurt? >> peter: well, it depends on what he has to say. >> steve: it's a threat. >> peter: right. it would be the lawyers were arguing that based on what hunter is accused of. bringing the -- they didn't think it was worthy of bringing the president into a courtroom as a defense witness because it would, basically be a constitutional crisis and we don't know if president biden even would have done it his lawyers most likely argue to keep him off of a witness stand for any case they were really putting the screw touts doj and saying that was going to be their next move u.s. attorney in delaware before he became the special counsel guy. he had decided no charges would be brought against hunter biden until the irs whistleblowers popped up and then suddenly it's like hey, wait a minute. they said okay, we're going to have to charge them with something. >> steve: these republicans in congress calling for a special counsel for a long time but then mad it was weiss because he okayed what they think was a sweetheart deal for hunter biden. this is going to further upset them that if hunter biden's lawyers were putting pressure on that he may have felt the pressure and acted accordingly. make progress in eight months. more than this guy has done in five years. biden link corporations and they still haven't gotten all the bank records yet. peter, have you heard an explanation of how david weiss was not interested in the overseas business operations? >> ono, to the point about the actual corruption and trying to link president biden tofully of this. that is where the hunter side is saying they are so confident that there are no dots to connect the two. that they would put president biden on the stwansd. to him. >> brian: do it. >> peter: but then you have got a problem. >> you are either testifying with a story as you know it or you are testifying about something that you don't fully understand but if you are under oath. it just opens up all kinds of problems and if he truly does not know anything. you probably wouldn't be calling him. >> steve: yeah. it just seems like it would be a real headache. >> ainsley: ask the questions you have been asking him. >> brian: say over and over again my son has done nothing wrong. i don't know if that will fly. >> ainsley: you said, you aired that soundbite of larry hogan and he said if most of the voters don't want a or b, meaning if it's trump and if it's biden. we have an obligation to give them c. it's for the good of the country. david axelrod the former senior adviser to obama says he thinks that's going to pave a way for donald trump. >> peter: yeah. so, basically, if a majority of the country doesn't want a 2020 rematch, who do they want? somebody like larry hogan we know didn't run as a republican because he just was not generating enough interest when he was exploring it. so, who do they put forward? >> steve: good question. >> brian: joe manchin doesn't have the majority of democrats and doesn't have a majority of republicans. larry hogan could not get more than moderate republicans. >> steve: it's just heating up. peter, thank you for joining us from the white house. lots to talk about today. >> peter: thank. >> brian: now they are asking for more bank records and keep going no, wait a second. you have got all of donald trump's taxes. he wasn't even president anymore. this guy has overseas business operations. he found two aliases what was joe biden up to that he had to have two alias emails department of come out and say by the way if you want to track me i have got these two emails you might want to look into that, too. let's see where that leads. >> steve: peter was with us on friday and explained that there was a soundbite with jay carney back when he was the press spokesperson for the obama-biden administration. they said for the most part you everybody, all the principles in the government at that point have pseudonym accounts in case their real one gets spammed or something like that. and, in fact, they still a lot of people still in washington do operate by that will they get them from the national archives? stay tuned. >> ainsley: that's normal. steve: it's normal. >> brian: anti-spam and find out what is in it. >> ainsley: regardless people are frustrated with the directed of this country. people are worried before the direction of the country. that's why oliver anthony's song has resonated so well across the united states. it's called rich men north of rismted. how hard everybody works for b.s. pays he says. and how frustrated he is. good ole boy in north carolina. christopher anthony. his grandfather's name is oliver anthony. he lives in a camper with three dogs. turned down $8 million contract. cracked his skull when he was working in a north carolina paper mill spent six months unemployed. depression. tried to drown his suffering in alcohol. he performed at this concert in north carolina. it was already on the books. it was scheduled weeks ago before we all knew his song. and he performed there. they had to move it to this country club because the crowd was so big. >> steve: they estimated 6 to 8,000 people showed up to see it. only 5,000 people live in that town in north carolina. griff jenkins was with us on friday. we were talking about this guy and what a phenomenon he is. so griff through down to north carolina and spoke to oliver anthony himself. talking about the outpouring of emotion from the people all around the world who want to see this guy live. >> do you feel the appreciation the public has given you for allowing them to feel that i really don't want the it appreciation. i'm not at special. appreciate each other. find the energy that was in this song and manifest it in people's own personal lives. and, you know, talking to their neighbors again and their co-workers. and just trying to find similarities. it's not about me and my message. really what i believe is god put this message out for people hope. i mean, culturally we won't have a country very long, five years, 50 years? i don't know. i don't see our country lasting more than another generation the way we are headed. we have got to go back to the roots of what made this country great in the first place, which was our sense of community. >> steve: for the most part he let his lyrics do the talking. he made no political statements in the show i wonder if he is republican or conservative or wonder if is he a democrat. he staying out of that lane instead he lets the lyrics tell the story which is his story a lot of the pima audience their story, too. even though is he not shooting for that he has to think about all the people he could help if he goes through that door. very few times in life this happens. even though he doesn't feel he has enough songs to go out and september deal and he doesn't want the pressure. i understand it. if he wants to help other people if it's not for himself and i give him credit for that grab it now. because he deserves it. and he has got this window of opportunity, do not let it close. >> ainsley: did you see that sign oliver anthony 2024. like a campaign sign. he stood up on stage. he read the bible this were prayers that were recited. he sang the national anthem and he performed. >> brian: i'm getting reports. i don't know if i had a second source. if he was to run it would be with jelly roll. >> ainsley: they would win. >> brian: banned for the inaugural. they've be the band. lots of tattoos. >> steve: he turned down $8 million last week. i wonder if he is having second thoughts. >> ainsley: maybe not the right time. get his ducks in a row have a manager. >> steve: maybe he just doesn't want that. >> ainsley: yeah. he said i just want to go back to the woods. >> brian: $8 million that's what carley makes. on an automobile basis. >> carley: can i make a prediction? i think that oliver anthony and this song rich men north of richmond and going to come up during the debate. all the candidates are going to want to capture that message that he is saying in his song and strike the exact same tone is he right now. that is the mood of the moment. >> brian: stop taking our tax dollars and sending it to other people. >> steve: somebody will quote him and that will go viral. >> carley: only problem with that they are politicians they are the rich men north of richmond. >> steve: is he singing about those people. >> carley: want to do better. >> brian: eldridge who says i never did a dance floor that did me any good. i don't know where that would fit it but don't be surprised. >> carley: if that happens i give you a portion of that $8 million salary you claim i have. >> ainsley: and you will have to dance. >> brian: if it does i will dance. >> carley: everyone tune in to the show. one person dead after a wildfire tears through washington state. the gray fire has torn through more than 10,000 acres prompting a level three evacuation. the blaze is just 10% contained as crews race to put out the flames and survey the damage. over 185 structures have been lost so far. the austin police union speaking out on what they call miserable conditions following the blm inspired defund the police movement as 911 callers are reportedly being put on hold. thothomas joined the earlier. >> we moved that direction. less, less and resources to go out and do the job. i have detectives pulled away from their case load to just help answer 911 calls because we just don't have the resources to adequately police the city. >> carley: the department's budget was cut by $150 million, roughly a third since 2020. summer isn't even over but some stores are getting into the spooky spirit with halloween decorations hitting the shelves. some on social media say it's way too early. we asked you yesterday what you thought and many of you have responded. recess it's too soon. can't we get past labor day first? cheryl disagrees though. she has been working on her halloween costume since april. that is dead casmghts i wonder what she is going to be. while cherie thinks it's too early for halloween. she suggests skimming summer and going straight to fall and snow. she likes the cozy season, guys. i think it's a little too soon. >> brian: you know now it is officially fall because today is the first day of pumpkin spice latte. >> ainsley: brian, hand me your cup, please. brian brian all did i was order it. >> ainsley: we get 7 or 8 of them. brian is the eighth person. >> brian: i usually get latte. >> ainsley: his is three times. >> steve: it's $7.49. >> ainsley: large hot pumpkin latte. four pumpkin shots. four vanilla shots. whipped cream, milk cinnamon sugar. >> yuck. >> ainsley: only has that much left. >> carley: how are you not cross eyed right now. >> ainsley: jacked. how do you feel right now. >> brian: i feel like i was at friendly's or bass kin robbins. >> steve: you ordered it. >> brian: it went down. >> steve: we can examine forensically your phone to see what you ordered. >> brian: you will see. >> ainsley: maybe that's what it comes pumpkin spice. >> brian: how do you add drizzle. >> ainsley: just a taste. just a dollop. >> steve: carley, thank you. >> ainsley: reportedly selling materials from the unfinished border wall at a loss so republicans cannots use them. arkansas senator tom cotton says the move is bidenomics in a nutshell. and is he going to join us next to explain. ♪ ♪ believe it or not baby... at university of phoenix... you... you... you... you could earn your... master's... for under than 11 thousand! 11... yes! 11! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. some things are too obvious to be a coincidence. earn your competency-based master's at university of phoenix. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? baby, only on game nights. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add a base. shop 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joins us now. he sponsored the legislation. senator, this is outrageous what's going on. >> brian, it really is i couldn't tell rageous. you can't make it up. the biden administration inherited around $260 million worth of border construction materials from the trump administration. they immediately put in storage on day one when joe biden said he wasn't going to build the wall. they have now paid $300 million to store it for two years, more than the cost of the material themselves. but as soon as senate republicans led by senator roger wicker, who is the leader of republicans on the armed services committee began poking around and asking questions about it earlier this year the administration began to sell these materials for less than 2 cents on the dollar. the legislation that you mentioned is senator wicker's legislation, which i was pleased to join. it was added unanimously by the democrats armed services committee to defense bill. now the administration is racing to try to sell off all of these materials because they would rather have taxpayers take a massive loss of hundreds of millions of dollars than give them to the governor of texas, for instance, to build the border wall or to allow them be sitting around and used to build a border wall when republicans take back the white house in january of 2025. >> brian: this is pure vengeance. no one thinks that a wall sofltion all the problems it blocks and funnels to other areas which can be staffed. and they are not fully staffed. they are being overwhelmed. we pay for this and they are wasting this. this gov planet auction house. sold 81 slots already 30 feet high for $154 million of the $260 million ballard fence. this is awful. nibbing this scrap skill it's unpatriotic move. if you care about our nation's borders. if you are a major corporation, don't show up for this auction. >> yeah. brian. apparently the administration is trying to silence the auction house as well. >> this is a fairly typical operation for things like excess meals ready to eat or excess ponchos. that's why we have army surplus stores that sell these materials. horse of a dlirch color when you are talking about barrier material to try protect our southern border. in the last two years joe biden has allowed at least 250 people on the terror watch list to arrive at our southern border. that's not even the people hot border patrol didn't catch. is woe have no idea how many terrorists have entered our country. at the same time we are selling this material for pennies on the dollar. that's kind of bidenomics in a nutshell. total lack of common sense. >> brian: yeah. total lack of common sense and in terms of roger wicker, the senator says shows they have no shame. i just something legal you can do to stop them wasting taxpayer money and thwarting legislation that had been passed and repurse purposed for this purpose. hopefully you will find something, senator, before it's too late. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: coming up straight ahead. former hawaii congresswoman tulsi gabbard joins us live as president biden finally heads to maui after who are risk wildfires that you will find out later it's part of this united states. but, first today is national fentanyl awareness and prevention day. we have two parents turning unimaginable grief into action to fight the deadly drug. that story, next. ♪ ♪ entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. if you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan that's smart now... i'm 65. and really smart later i'm 70-ish. 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alert. once a hurricane, now just a tropical storm hilary still battering the west coast with historic flooding and mud slides. more than 50,000 people in california are still without power on this monday morning. jeff paul is live in l.a. in front of front of what normally this time of year would be dry area behind you. but today, jeff, it is a rushing l.a. river. >> yeah. completely different story this morning, steve. tropical storm hilary delivering near nonstop rain for about the last 24 hours and really showing no signs of slowing down. steve, as you mentioned behind me, that is a clear image of just the impacts of this storm. that is the l.a. river normally 365 days out of the year this thing is bone dry. maybe a little stream every once in a while. can you see right now because of this storm and all the inches of rain that have fallen over the last 24 hours it, is a fast flowing river. and all of that rain and all of that water causing flooding throughout the region. especially in los angeles. we're hearing of some power outages as well and flight cancellations, parking lots rund water and streets are filling up, making driving not only really difficult but also dangerous. out in palm springs and in the surrounding california desert communities, they, too, got a heavy dose of nonstop rain. at one point the flooding was so bad crews had to pump out water of a local hospital in the area. but it's not just the flooding. all of that rain combined with dry, loose ground, only a recipe for disaster. we saw and heard reports of mud slides mud flows out the region as a result of tropical storm hilary. while we have seen at least one fast-moving river rescue out of ventura county, so far no reports of any serious injuries or deaths here in southern california. in the middle of this historic storm, the first tropical storm to hit l.a. in 84 years, folks in the region were rattled by another possible natural disaster, an earthquake. a magnitude 5.1 followed by several smaller aftershocks. i can tell you i was at home. you got the alert on your phone. then you started to feel the house sway left to right. you are already thinking how bad is this storm going to be and hearing the house start to shake. not only deal with rain and flooding, earthquake. thankfully no injuries reported from the earthquake. as far as tropical storm hilary and the impacts of it, emergency crews out here say they are going to learn a lot more once the sun comes out and it gets dark to assess all the damage. steve? >> steve: what a weekend you guys have had. jeff, thank you very much for the live report. all right. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. adam klotz joins us. adam, it's going to be raining out there for a while. >> really is really large storm, steve. category 4 hurricane off the coast of mexico throughout the movement, through southern california. it was a tropical storm. now a post tropical storm, which means it's really falling apart at this point. winds still hanging on 35 miles per hour. moving to the north about 30 miles per hour. actually cooking right up north. plenty of areas they have seen a lot of rain. in los angeles a hundred of an inch of rain in august. some of these areas got up to 1. i will leave with you this because there are still a couple flash flood watches and warnings. it will be exiting the country later on tonight. those are your weather headlines for now. ainsley tossing it down to you. >> thank you so much, adam. today is national fentanyl prevention awareness today. in 2021 alone the deadly drug took the lives of more than 70,000 people. the next guests noe the horrific costs firsthand. andrea thomas lost her beautiful daughter ashley to fentanyl poisoning in 2018 after she took just half a pill. amy nevilleson alexander was only 1 years old when he was poisoned after connecting with a dealer on senat snapchat. just a child. each starting a foundation to raise awareness joining us now executive director of voices for awareness andrea thomas who lost her daughter along with amy neville. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> wonderful we have this day to talk about it and we talk about it on fox a lot and bring awareness to families so sad we have to have this andrea. >> yeah, it is. my daughter lost her delightful life to half of a counterfeit pill. ashley was one of many poisoned by one dealer. so, today, this day is very special to us because i remember my daughter but also the thousands, hundreds of thousands of angels that we have lost to fentanyl poisoning. >> and what happened with your son he was 14 years old. >> 14 years old. curious by nature kid. had really big idea about the world. i think he just got bored and he somehow connected with dealer on snapchat and at one point offered him what alex believed was oxycodone and alex too many took him up on that. long be story short i found him in his bedroom the morning of june 223rd, 2020, he was gone. that blindsided our family. we thought we knew about the drug crisis. we educated alexander and ourselves. we were the parents. and my poor child had to deal with and still got. in we spot-checked the social media. we had these conversations and it still got. in because. >> ainsley: because there are people targeting our children online. they sore vulnerable. they just don't know. >> it's not the old days where you had to go to dark scary places where these things to happen. it's happening alone in the bedroom. these dealers find our kids on social media. in my opinion, snapchat is the largest open air drug market we have in the united states. they target our kids in these space. they kids can order it up in the middle of the night and dealers come right to your son. >> ainsley: you live in arizona. y'all live in colorado. you have came across the country to new york for an important day today. what is happening in times square. >> in times square we are going to be under the tsx billboard he had. our message on that billboard for 20 minutes. very important to us. busiest street in all of america sharing our message. it's taken us a long time to get there. there are hundreds of thousands parents, again, just like this us that have worked over this weekend and everyday, right, and today to share our message and we would like everyone else toe spread the message and get the facts safeguard their families. we're going to be handing out naloxone and reaching anyone that we can. >> ainsley: i know you are going to brooklyn to talk to the youth and there you are meeting with homeland security. that's really the root cause of all of this. our borders are not secure. and these drugs are coming across through cartels and getting into the hands of our children, what exactly is your mission with homeland security today? >> they have been so kind to us to begin working with us and hearing our stories, if we can share our stories with them, it brings that -- it's the human side back into their work. they very important for them to keep well-rounded and remember the end mission here. so, we all know we can't arrest our way out of this situation. they understand where we are coming from and makes their job -- gives them even more energy to go on and work hard at this crisis. >> ainsley: i know your daughter was suffering. she had pancreatitis. she was in pain. ran out of her medicine. someone offered her half of this pill. she thought it was safe. it's important to yours the word accidental. these are not individuals trying to commit suicide. many are in pain or just curious. we have all been curious at that age. god bless you. thank you for helping other families. i'm so sorry for what you all went through. as a parent i just can't understand. i couldn't imagine. god bless you. we have more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪ sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand for a better night sleep. 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(wheezing) asthma isn't pretty. it's the moment when you realize that a good day... is about to become a bad one. but then, i remembered that the world is so much bigger than that, with trelegy. because one dose a day helps keep my asthma symptoms under control. and with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy helps improve lung function so i can breathe easier for a full 24 hours. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. trelegy contains a medicine that increases risk of hospitalizations and death from asthma problems when used alone. when this medicine is used with an inhaled corticosteroid, like in trelegy, there is not a significant increased risk of these events. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase risk of thrush and infections. get emergency care for serious allergic reactions. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ♪ what a wonderful world. ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for asthma - because breathing should be beautiful. ♪ >> steve: today, president biden has cut his lake tahoe vacation short so he can visit the destination in hawaii. nearly two weeks after massive wildfires killed more than 100 people in lahaina in that area on maui. it comes as democrats intensify their push for the president to declare a national climate emergency. former hawaii congresswoman and fox news contributor tulsi gabbard joins us right now. she is on army reserve training duty and she got up early to be with us. tulsi, good morning to you. >> thanks, steve. thanks for your time and attention on the people of maher and what they are continuing to go through. >> steve: absolutely. let's start with the breaking news. joe biden is finally going to -- after saying no comment about the people of maui, is he going to go out there and see with his own two eyes the devastation. but you have got, tulsi, some climate activists and members of congress saying this is a perfect example of how the climate is changing and the president needs to declare a climate emergency. >> look, the thing that is most important to the people of maui is that their leaders are supporting their recovery. so what i hope joe biden does as he is there on maui today with jill biden is not only only seee sight of the worst devastation take time to listen to the people in the surrounding communities who have been impacted by this, you know, not only for the short-term, for the long term. there's a lack of trust because ever the failure to communicate, the failure to provide services. the people in these surrounding communities having been faced with a situation where they had no power. they were told they couldn't drink the water out of the faucet. road blocks were being put in place. so they had to turn to each other as a community to get food and to get the kind of immediate, basic support they needed. they didn't see anybody from any level of the government for over a week after this catastrophe happened. there is a huge deficit in trust that trust needs to be rebuilt. the leaders all the way from president joe biden down to the local level need to be present. need to be there and then need to act on what they're hearing from their community. >> steve: sure. and you saw where a bloomberg reporter over a week ago asked joe biden, shouted a question hey, mr. president, what about the people of maui? and he said no comment it. looked very cold. today is he going to be there on the ground. you know how presidential visits work. everything is going to be very scripted. they will probably have a few people come in to tell them about how they lost a house that he will be standing in front of. do you think he is going to wind up getting a full picture? >> i sure hope so. i do know how these visits can be. more of a photo op. than an actual, real honest assessment of the harshness and the hardship of the people there going through. i do -- i have been talking to my friends there on maui. i know that there are knows who want the opportunity to be able to tell them the actual truth and not so r rosy picture paintd for him. deficit not only have people not shown up. almost a slap of the people in the face people there when the big announcement from fema. first big announcement was we are going to give you a one time payment of $700. a anybody who has been to hawaii knows that $700 does not go very far at a time when so many have lost everything. >> steve: yeah. $700. that's two trips to costco. it doesn't replace your house. tulsi, thank you very much for joining us. we know you are on army reserve training. nobody knows hawaii better than you. >> thank you very much. keep them in your thoughts and prayers, please. >> steve: we will indeed. thank you very much. we are going it switch gears. coming up, calling all fox foodies. todd and carley trade aprons recipes from carley's new cookbook called "cooking with friends." >> railroad tracks ♪ she had a suntan line and red lipstick. worked so hard for that first kiss ♪ my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. - did you know up to 40% of our food supply goes to waste? that's also a waste of energy and water. an easy way to make a difference is to only buy food you know you'll use. and remember: eat those leftovers. mmm! the more you know. >> steve: and america is hungry. calling all fox to does, carley's new cookbook called cooking with friends is coming out in october. can you preorder it today. >> ainsley: before you buy it, we are giving you a sneak peek at some of our fox family's gave his recipes todd gravy and. >> brian: is that true today? >> carley: it's happening right now in front of you. this is not a mirage. the best thing about this book it's all of ours. we all have recipes in it. and they are some of our most favorite family recipes like your grandma's sunday grave. >> todd: grandma beth a force in our family. she could cook. >> steve: people think gravy it's brown stuff. >> italian culture red sauce on a sunday. >> carley: before we get to the recipe i want explain two of mine. end of summer blt. everything bailing seasoning on the bacon which is delicious. and then this is just simple humus board healthy and hearty. everything you could want. cucumber, olives. >> brian: we would see at your house. >> carley: if you would come over and return my invitation but have you not. get to sunday gravy. >> todd: my mom actually cooked this on air so much time we were worried bet bret and martha wouldn't have enough time for the tee baits. put the sausage in the pan, get that going. grease from the sausage sets up the meatballs. before you have put the meatballs in veal, pork chopped meat dump all these in, parsley, salt, a little parmesan, a little egg. a going fast enough, steve. bread crumbs, mush that up and put them in balls. two minutes on each side for that then, you put onions in the pan along with the bay leaves or basil and you stir that around in the onions are translucent my mom says. >> brian: what does that mean? >> todd: means you can see through them. so what you do is you dump the tomatoes in here and you would stir that up. that would look all good. and then it would look like this. when it looks like this, you put the almost cooked meatballs in there. they finish cooking in the sauce, and then we come over here, guys. >> this is the final -- you have to boil and cook the pasta. don't forget that then i'm going to serve some of this up. ainsley i'm giving to you because i'm not going to have time to do much else? >> carley: does this remind you of being at home with your sunday? >> todd: an sunday. usually don't wear suits and have more time. aside from that. >> brian: on sunday. put a dollop of regot. >> carley: preorder cooking with friends. comes out october 10th. mark the date in your calendars. >> steve: it's delicious. >> carley: thank you. >> ainsley: who ra raise used tr hand? >> todd: you are not touching my phone for the rest of the day. ♪ i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. 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(vo) close in a matter of days. start with an all cash offer at opendoor dot com >> we are back with a fox weather alert. hillary pummeling the west and the historic flooding and it's like spirits become more than 50,000 people in california are still without power this morning. >> jeff paul joins us from los angeles and behind him is the famous l.a. river. a while ago, 364 days a year it is bone dry. not today. >> normally when you

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, Vengeance , Funnels , Wall Sofltion , 2025 , January Of 2025 , Gov Planet Auction House , 154 Million , 54 Million , 81 , Nibbing , Borders , Auction , Fence , Scrap Skill , Corporation , Don T Show , Auction House , Meals , Ponchos , Operation , Border , Horse , Terror Watch List , Hot Border Patrol , 250 , Kind , Black , Idea , Common Sense , Terrorists , Pennies , Woe , Didn T Catch , Purpose , Thwarting , Taxpayer Money , Shame , Repurse Purposed , Tulsi Gabbard , Risk Wildfires , Former , Awareness , Drug , Action , Grief , Entresto , Death , Heart Failure Brand , Harm , Cardiologists , 1 , Doctor , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Kidney Problems , Blood , Ace , Side Effects , Aliskiren , Ace Inhibitor , Arb , Potassium , Medicare Supplement , Care Costs , Insurance , Smart , Unitedhealthcare , Type , Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , 70 , 65 , Plans , Future , Aarp Medicare Supplement Plan , Aarp , Cat , Pain , Professionals , Oa Pain , Injection , Solensia , Condition , 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Reporter , Mr , Bloomberg , Everything , Visits , Picture , Standing , Photo Op , Friends , Hardship , Assessment , Harshness , Slap , Paintd , Truth , Announcement , Payment , First Big Announcement , Fema , 700 , It Doesn T , Training , Trips , Costco , Nobody , Todd , Foodies , Gears , Carley Trade Aprons , Cooking , Cookbook , Recipes , Suntan Line , Red Lipstick , Railroad Tracks , Kiss , Psoriatic Arthritis , Rhythm , Skyrizi , Skin , Joint Pain , Joints , Groove , Music , Fatigue , Swelling , Stiffness , Symptoms , Starter Doses , Inflammation , 90 , Infection , Ability , Vaccine , Food Supply , Waste , Difference , 40 , Leftovers , It Today , Sneak Peek , Fox Family , Fox To Does , Gravy , Mirage , Book , Grandma Beth A , Family Recipes , Grandma , Force , Sunday Grave , Sunday , Bacon , Italian Culture Red Sauce , Brown Stuff , Summer Blt , Everything Bailing Seasoning , Olives , Cucumber , Martha Wouldn T , Hair , Mom , Invitation , Bet Bret , Meatballs , Sausage , Pan , Meat , Tee Baits , Grease , Veal , Pork , Parsley , Onions , Side , Balls , Parmesan , Salt , Egg , Bread Crumbs , Bay Leaves , Basil , Tomatoes , My Mom , Final , Sauce , Pasta , Up , Else , Don T Wear , On Sunday , Preorder Cooking , Dollop Of Regot , October 10th , Calendars , Tr Hand , It S Delicious , Who Ra Raise , Psoriasis , Journey , Relief , Cosentyx , Rheumatologist , Satellite , Satellite Internet , Viasat , Mattresses , Purple , Rejuvenated , Woman , Store , Pains , Couple , Aches , Labor Day Sale , Vo , Visit Purple Com , 900 , Houses , Cash Offer , Opendoor , Don T Worry , Opendoor Dot Com , Hillary Pummeling The West , Spirits , Famous L A River , 364 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

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bucks county. >> brian: have to lend it there. pam, jean, diane ellis marcigilia. and harvey. two democrats and two republicans. keep in mind how that goes. brian fitzpatrick too long that purple area and won it for the republicans. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> brian: second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. >> and we start this hour of "fox & friends" with a weather alert what once was a hurricane and now is a post tropical cyclone hilary battering the west with historic flooding. the state of nevada now is under a state of emergency and bracing for more rain later today. >> once in a century storm causing mud slides and thousands are waking up without power. nicole valdes joins us live from palm springs, california where the city declared an emergency. nicole? >> good morning to you all. a host of major problems this morning. now post tropical storm hilary really wreaked havoc across the golden state. not only seeing water rescues from palm desert up to ventura county we are also being made aware that 911 lines palm springs are still down. meanwhile, for the first time ever, water getting inside this ranch hospital behind me. a lot of people also finding themselves stranded late sunday afternoon into the overnight hours as they try to drive through flooded roadways with deep water that many probably couldn't even see. at least one person had to be rescued in palm springs. and those emergency calls just kept on coming. on top of that, we are talking about mud slides in places like right wood, california and even palmdale county. the i 10 also shut down in both directions near cathedral city. where we are getting reports of major flash flooding and seeing some new video coming out of those areas. several drivers telling us some had to abandon their cars. wait a very long time for help as we mentioned 911 lines still down at this point this morning. the hospital that i mentioned says overworked pumps were the main reason why they started to see water really come in sunday afternoon. they now have sandbags positioned outside. so administrative offices here at eisenhower's main campus. the problems continue we know many flights in and out of the palm springs international airport have either been delayed or canceled. really it's going to be a domino effect this morning. and really no telling how long until that water really begins to recede, guys. >> i'm looking at the local paper in palm springs. the main thing right now and i know it's only 4:00 in the morning out there. but a whole bunch of roads are closed so are the local officials telling people just stay at home today? >> they're today and this was the message yesterday. they actually preemptively closed most of the major arteries in and out of palm springs, recognizing that those are roads that typically flood. but once the rain really started coming down and even more of those roads became impassable, slowly but surely it took emergency crews to one by one shut them down to, again, try to keep people from driving into a situation where they could be swept away. we know at least one person rescued in palm springs and another three in ventura county had to be rescued out of a remember. that flood water is no joke. >> steve: no kidding. nicole, thank you for the live report. >> ainsley: some of the cools being closed. so universities going virtual today. panicked residents were climbing the trees to escape when the bridge went down and power lines are down as well. >> steve: you don't blame them. >> brian: when you live in the desert you don't expect to be a flood victim. >> ainsley: no, you don't. >> steve: when it rains hard that's when you get all these problems that they're experiencing out there. we will have another report very shortly. in the meantime 7:04 in the east. president biden will finally visit the island of maui today two weeks after deadly wildfires absolutely destroyed lahaina. >> ainsley: now green activists are calling on the president to declare a climate emergency after the disasters. >> brian: i wonder if he will have a comment when asked about hawaii. peter doocy is at the white house with more. hey, peter. >> peter: many house democrats it will eager to link the wildfires were climate change. one you elected democrat is getting impatient with president biden for not declaring a climate emergency. it's congressman earl blumenauer he says in part i refuse to accept people choosing between burning alive or jumping into the ocean hours on end is our new normal. this is a crisis, we need to treated this it that way. president biden declaring a climate emergency. president biden's re-election campaign may soon from from climate to complicated by a third party candidate if he officially clinches the democratic nomination and trump clinches the republican nod. >> i think we are at a point that we have never been in this country where two thirds of the people are not interested in voting for the republican or democratic nominee. if trump and biden are the nominees it's very likely no labels will get access to the ballot and will offer an alternative. if most of the voters don't want a or b, we have an obligation to give them c. >> the biden family is dealing with duel special counsel investigations and congressional probes and the national archives has been given a wednesday deadline to produce emails that james comer is complaining will back up ache says of corruption by the bidens. >> we learned when he was receiving emails pertaining to ukraine. his son hunter was copied on them. we have always heard that the white house has said that hunter biden wasn't an employee of the government. he wasn't any part of the government. if that were true, why was he receiving emails from the government? according to multiple reports this weekend. lawyers are so confident there is no there there. for once calling president biden as a fact witness in their defense back to you. >> brian: what would that have done, peter? who does that hurt? >> peter: well, it depends on what he has to say. >> steve: it's a threat. >> peter: right. it would be the lawyers were arguing that based on what hunter is accused of. bringing the -- they didn't think it was worthy of bringing the president into a courtroom as a defense witness because it would, basically be a constitutional crisis and we don't know if president biden even would have done it his lawyers most likely argue to keep him off of a witness stand for any case they were really putting the screw touts doj and saying that was going to be their next move u.s. attorney in delaware before he became the special counsel guy. he had decided no charges would be brought against hunter biden until the irs whistleblowers popped up and then suddenly it's like hey, wait a minute. they said okay, we're going to have to charge them with something. >> steve: these republicans in congress calling for a special counsel for a long time but then mad it was weiss because he okayed what they think was a sweetheart deal for hunter biden. this is going to further upset them that if hunter biden's lawyers were putting pressure on that he may have felt the pressure and acted accordingly. make progress in eight months. more than this guy has done in five years. biden link corporations and they still haven't gotten all the bank records yet. peter, have you heard an explanation of how david weiss was not interested in the overseas business operations? >> ono, to the point about the actual corruption and trying to link president biden tofully of this. that is where the hunter side is saying they are so confident that there are no dots to connect the two. that they would put president biden on the stwansd. to him. >> brian: do it. >> peter: but then you have got a problem. >> you are either testifying with a story as you know it or you are testifying about something that you don't fully understand but if you are under oath. it just opens up all kinds of problems and if he truly does not know anything. you probably wouldn't be calling him. >> steve: yeah. it just seems like it would be a real headache. >> ainsley: ask the questions you have been asking him. >> brian: say over and over again my son has done nothing wrong. i don't know if that will fly. >> ainsley: you said, you aired that soundbite of larry hogan and he said if most of the voters don't want a or b, meaning if it's trump and if it's biden. we have an obligation to give them c. it's for the good of the country. david axelrod the former senior adviser to obama says he thinks that's going to pave a way for donald trump. >> peter: yeah. so, basically, if a majority of the country doesn't want a 2020 rematch, who do they want? somebody like larry hogan we know didn't run as a republican because he just was not generating enough interest when he was exploring it. so, who do they put forward? >> steve: good question. >> brian: joe manchin doesn't have the majority of democrats and doesn't have a majority of republicans. larry hogan could not get more than moderate republicans. >> steve: it's just heating up. peter, thank you for joining us from the white house. lots to talk about today. >> peter: thank. >> brian: now they are asking for more bank records and keep going no, wait a second. you have got all of donald trump's taxes. he wasn't even president anymore. this guy has overseas business operations. he found two aliases what was joe biden up to that he had to have two alias emails department of come out and say by the way if you want to track me i have got these two emails you might want to look into that, too. let's see where that leads. >> steve: peter was with us on friday and explained that there was a soundbite with jay carney back when he was the press spokesperson for the obama-biden administration. they said for the most part you everybody, all the principles in the government at that point have pseudonym accounts in case their real one gets spammed or something like that. and, in fact, they still a lot of people still in washington do operate by that will they get them from the national archives? stay tuned. >> ainsley: that's normal. steve: it's normal. >> brian: anti-spam and find out what is in it. >> ainsley: regardless people are frustrated with the directed of this country. people are worried before the direction of the country. that's why oliver anthony's song has resonated so well across the united states. it's called rich men north of rismted. how hard everybody works for b.s. pays he says. and how frustrated he is. good ole boy in north carolina. christopher anthony. his grandfather's name is oliver anthony. he lives in a camper with three dogs. turned down $8 million contract. cracked his skull when he was working in a north carolina paper mill spent six months unemployed. depression. tried to drown his suffering in alcohol. he performed at this concert in north carolina. it was already on the books. it was scheduled weeks ago before we all knew his song. and he performed there. they had to move it to this country club because the crowd was so big. >> steve: they estimated 6 to 8,000 people showed up to see it. only 5,000 people live in that town in north carolina. griff jenkins was with us on friday. we were talking about this guy and what a phenomenon he is. so griff through down to north carolina and spoke to oliver anthony himself. talking about the outpouring of emotion from the people all around the world who want to see this guy live. >> do you feel the appreciation the public has given you for allowing them to feel that i really don't want the it appreciation. i'm not at special. appreciate each other. find the energy that was in this song and manifest it in people's own personal lives. and, you know, talking to their neighbors again and their co-workers. and just trying to find similarities. it's not about me and my message. really what i believe is god put this message out for people hope. i mean, culturally we won't have a country very long, five years, 50 years? i don't know. i don't see our country lasting more than another generation the way we are headed. we have got to go back to the roots of what made this country great in the first place, which was our sense of community. >> steve: for the most part he let his lyrics do the talking. he made no political statements in the show i wonder if he is republican or conservative or wonder if is he a democrat. he staying out of that lane instead he lets the lyrics tell the story which is his story a lot of the pima audience their story, too. even though is he not shooting for that he has to think about all the people he could help if he goes through that door. very few times in life this happens. even though he doesn't feel he has enough songs to go out and september deal and he doesn't want the pressure. i understand it. if he wants to help other people if it's not for himself and i give him credit for that grab it now. because he deserves it. and he has got this window of opportunity, do not let it close. >> ainsley: did you see that sign oliver anthony 2024. like a campaign sign. he stood up on stage. he read the bible this were prayers that were recited. he sang the national anthem and he performed. >> brian: i'm getting reports. i don't know if i had a second source. if he was to run it would be with jelly roll. >> ainsley: they would win. >> brian: banned for the inaugural. they've be the band. lots of tattoos. >> steve: he turned down $8 million last week. i wonder if he is having second thoughts. >> ainsley: maybe not the right time. get his ducks in a row have a manager. >> steve: maybe he just doesn't want that. >> ainsley: yeah. he said i just want to go back to the woods. >> brian: $8 million that's what carley makes. on an automobile basis. >> carley: can i make a prediction? i think that oliver anthony and this song rich men north of richmond and going to come up during the debate. all the candidates are going to want to capture that message that he is saying in his song and strike the exact same tone is he right now. that is the mood of the moment. >> brian: stop taking our tax dollars and sending it to other people. >> steve: somebody will quote him and that will go viral. >> carley: only problem with that they are politicians they are the rich men north of richmond. >> steve: is he singing about those people. >> carley: want to do better. >> brian: eldridge who says i never did a dance floor that did me any good. i don't know where that would fit it but don't be surprised. >> carley: if that happens i give you a portion of that $8 million salary you claim i have. >> ainsley: and you will have to dance. >> brian: if it does i will dance. >> carley: everyone tune in to the show. one person dead after a wildfire tears through washington state. the gray fire has torn through more than 10,000 acres prompting a level three evacuation. the blaze is just 10% contained as crews race to put out the flames and survey the damage. over 185 structures have been lost so far. the austin police union speaking out on what they call miserable conditions following the blm inspired defund the police movement as 911 callers are reportedly being put on hold. thothomas joined the earlier. >> we moved that direction. less, less and resources to go out and do the job. i have detectives pulled away from their case load to just help answer 911 calls because we just don't have the resources to adequately police the city. >> carley: the department's budget was cut by $150 million, roughly a third since 2020. summer isn't even over but some stores are getting into the spooky spirit with halloween decorations hitting the shelves. some on social media say it's way too early. we asked you yesterday what you thought and many of you have responded. recess it's too soon. can't we get past labor day first? cheryl disagrees though. she has been working on her halloween costume since april. that is dead casmghts i wonder what she is going to be. while cherie thinks it's too early for halloween. she suggests skimming summer and going straight to fall and snow. she likes the cozy season, guys. i think it's a little too soon. >> brian: you know now it is officially fall because today is the first day of pumpkin spice latte. >> ainsley: brian, hand me your cup, please. brian brian all did i was order it. >> ainsley: we get 7 or 8 of them. brian is the eighth person. >> brian: i usually get latte. >> ainsley: his is three times. >> steve: it's $7.49. >> ainsley: large hot pumpkin latte. four pumpkin shots. four vanilla shots. whipped cream, milk cinnamon sugar. >> yuck. >> ainsley: only has that much left. >> carley: how are you not cross eyed right now. >> ainsley: jacked. how do you feel right now. >> brian: i feel like i was at friendly's or bass kin robbins. >> steve: you ordered it. >> brian: it went down. >> steve: we can examine forensically your phone to see what you ordered. >> brian: you will see. >> ainsley: maybe that's what it comes pumpkin spice. >> brian: how do you add drizzle. >> ainsley: just a taste. just a dollop. >> steve: carley, thank you. >> ainsley: reportedly selling materials from the unfinished border wall at a loss so republicans cannots use them. arkansas senator tom cotton says the move is bidenomics in a nutshell. and is he going to join us next to explain. ♪ ♪ believe it or not baby... at university of phoenix... you... you... you... you could earn your... master's... for under than 11 thousand! 11... yes! 11! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. some things are too obvious to be a coincidence. earn your competency-based master's at university of phoenix. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? baby, only on game nights. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add a base. shop 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joins us now. he sponsored the legislation. senator, this is outrageous what's going on. >> brian, it really is i couldn't tell rageous. you can't make it up. the biden administration inherited around $260 million worth of border construction materials from the trump administration. they immediately put in storage on day one when joe biden said he wasn't going to build the wall. they have now paid $300 million to store it for two years, more than the cost of the material themselves. but as soon as senate republicans led by senator roger wicker, who is the leader of republicans on the armed services committee began poking around and asking questions about it earlier this year the administration began to sell these materials for less than 2 cents on the dollar. the legislation that you mentioned is senator wicker's legislation, which i was pleased to join. it was added unanimously by the democrats armed services committee to defense bill. now the administration is racing to try to sell off all of these materials because they would rather have taxpayers take a massive loss of hundreds of millions of dollars than give them to the governor of texas, for instance, to build the border wall or to allow them be sitting around and used to build a border wall when republicans take back the white house in january of 2025. >> brian: this is pure vengeance. no one thinks that a wall sofltion all the problems it blocks and funnels to other areas which can be staffed. and they are not fully staffed. they are being overwhelmed. we pay for this and they are wasting this. this gov planet auction house. sold 81 slots already 30 feet high for $154 million of the $260 million ballard fence. this is awful. nibbing this scrap skill it's unpatriotic move. if you care about our nation's borders. if you are a major corporation, don't show up for this auction. >> yeah. brian. apparently the administration is trying to silence the auction house as well. >> this is a fairly typical operation for things like excess meals ready to eat or excess ponchos. that's why we have army surplus stores that sell these materials. horse of a dlirch color when you are talking about barrier material to try protect our southern border. in the last two years joe biden has allowed at least 250 people on the terror watch list to arrive at our southern border. that's not even the people hot border patrol didn't catch. is woe have no idea how many terrorists have entered our country. at the same time we are selling this material for pennies on the dollar. that's kind of bidenomics in a nutshell. total lack of common sense. >> brian: yeah. total lack of common sense and in terms of roger wicker, the senator says shows they have no shame. i just something legal you can do to stop them wasting taxpayer money and thwarting legislation that had been passed and repurse purposed for this purpose. hopefully you will find something, senator, before it's too late. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: coming up straight ahead. former hawaii congresswoman tulsi gabbard joins us live as president biden finally heads to maui after who are risk wildfires that you will find out later it's part of this united states. but, first today is national fentanyl awareness and prevention day. we have two parents turning unimaginable grief into action to fight the deadly drug. that story, next. ♪ ♪ entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. if you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan that's smart now... i'm 65. and really smart later i'm 70-ish. 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alert. once a hurricane, now just a tropical storm hilary still battering the west coast with historic flooding and mud slides. more than 50,000 people in california are still without power on this monday morning. jeff paul is live in l.a. in front of front of what normally this time of year would be dry area behind you. but today, jeff, it is a rushing l.a. river. >> yeah. completely different story this morning, steve. tropical storm hilary delivering near nonstop rain for about the last 24 hours and really showing no signs of slowing down. steve, as you mentioned behind me, that is a clear image of just the impacts of this storm. that is the l.a. river normally 365 days out of the year this thing is bone dry. maybe a little stream every once in a while. can you see right now because of this storm and all the inches of rain that have fallen over the last 24 hours it, is a fast flowing river. and all of that rain and all of that water causing flooding throughout the region. especially in los angeles. we're hearing of some power outages as well and flight cancellations, parking lots rund water and streets are filling up, making driving not only really difficult but also dangerous. out in palm springs and in the surrounding california desert communities, they, too, got a heavy dose of nonstop rain. at one point the flooding was so bad crews had to pump out water of a local hospital in the area. but it's not just the flooding. all of that rain combined with dry, loose ground, only a recipe for disaster. we saw and heard reports of mud slides mud flows out the region as a result of tropical storm hilary. while we have seen at least one fast-moving river rescue out of ventura county, so far no reports of any serious injuries or deaths here in southern california. in the middle of this historic storm, the first tropical storm to hit l.a. in 84 years, folks in the region were rattled by another possible natural disaster, an earthquake. a magnitude 5.1 followed by several smaller aftershocks. i can tell you i was at home. you got the alert on your phone. then you started to feel the house sway left to right. you are already thinking how bad is this storm going to be and hearing the house start to shake. not only deal with rain and flooding, earthquake. thankfully no injuries reported from the earthquake. as far as tropical storm hilary and the impacts of it, emergency crews out here say they are going to learn a lot more once the sun comes out and it gets dark to assess all the damage. steve? >> steve: what a weekend you guys have had. jeff, thank you very much for the live report. all right. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. adam klotz joins us. adam, it's going to be raining out there for a while. >> really is really large storm, steve. category 4 hurricane off the coast of mexico throughout the movement, through southern california. it was a tropical storm. now a post tropical storm, which means it's really falling apart at this point. winds still hanging on 35 miles per hour. moving to the north about 30 miles per hour. actually cooking right up north. plenty of areas they have seen a lot of rain. in los angeles a hundred of an inch of rain in august. some of these areas got up to 1. i will leave with you this because there are still a couple flash flood watches and warnings. it will be exiting the country later on tonight. those are your weather headlines for now. ainsley tossing it down to you. >> thank you so much, adam. today is national fentanyl prevention awareness today. in 2021 alone the deadly drug took the lives of more than 70,000 people. the next guests noe the horrific costs firsthand. andrea thomas lost her beautiful daughter ashley to fentanyl poisoning in 2018 after she took just half a pill. amy nevilleson alexander was only 1 years old when he was poisoned after connecting with a dealer on senat snapchat. just a child. each starting a foundation to raise awareness joining us now executive director of voices for awareness andrea thomas who lost her daughter along with amy neville. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> wonderful we have this day to talk about it and we talk about it on fox a lot and bring awareness to families so sad we have to have this andrea. >> yeah, it is. my daughter lost her delightful life to half of a counterfeit pill. ashley was one of many poisoned by one dealer. so, today, this day is very special to us because i remember my daughter but also the thousands, hundreds of thousands of angels that we have lost to fentanyl poisoning. >> and what happened with your son he was 14 years old. >> 14 years old. curious by nature kid. had really big idea about the world. i think he just got bored and he somehow connected with dealer on snapchat and at one point offered him what alex believed was oxycodone and alex too many took him up on that. long be story short i found him in his bedroom the morning of june 223rd, 2020, he was gone. that blindsided our family. we thought we knew about the drug crisis. we educated alexander and ourselves. we were the parents. and my poor child had to deal with and still got. in we spot-checked the social media. we had these conversations and it still got. in because. >> ainsley: because there are people targeting our children online. they sore vulnerable. they just don't know. >> it's not the old days where you had to go to dark scary places where these things to happen. it's happening alone in the bedroom. these dealers find our kids on social media. in my opinion, snapchat is the largest open air drug market we have in the united states. they target our kids in these space. they kids can order it up in the middle of the night and dealers come right to your son. >> ainsley: you live in arizona. y'all live in colorado. you have came across the country to new york for an important day today. what is happening in times square. >> in times square we are going to be under the tsx billboard he had. our message on that billboard for 20 minutes. very important to us. busiest street in all of america sharing our message. it's taken us a long time to get there. there are hundreds of thousands parents, again, just like this us that have worked over this weekend and everyday, right, and today to share our message and we would like everyone else toe spread the message and get the facts safeguard their families. we're going to be handing out naloxone and reaching anyone that we can. >> ainsley: i know you are going to brooklyn to talk to the youth and there you are meeting with homeland security. that's really the root cause of all of this. our borders are not secure. and these drugs are coming across through cartels and getting into the hands of our children, what exactly is your mission with homeland security today? >> they have been so kind to us to begin working with us and hearing our stories, if we can share our stories with them, it brings that -- it's the human side back into their work. they very important for them to keep well-rounded and remember the end mission here. so, we all know we can't arrest our way out of this situation. they understand where we are coming from and makes their job -- gives them even more energy to go on and work hard at this crisis. >> ainsley: i know your daughter was suffering. she had pancreatitis. she was in pain. ran out of her medicine. someone offered her half of this pill. she thought it was safe. it's important to yours the word accidental. these are not individuals trying to commit suicide. many are in pain or just curious. we have all been curious at that age. god bless you. thank you for helping other families. i'm so sorry for what you all went through. as a parent i just can't understand. i couldn't imagine. god bless you. we have more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪ sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand for a better night sleep. 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and he said no comment it. looked very cold. today is he going to be there on the ground. you know how presidential visits work. everything is going to be very scripted. they will probably have a few people come in to tell them about how they lost a house that he will be standing in front of. do you think he is going to wind up getting a full picture? >> i sure hope so. i do know how these visits can be. more of a photo op. than an actual, real honest assessment of the harshness and the hardship of the people there going through. i do -- i have been talking to my friends there on maui. i know that there are knows who want the opportunity to be able to tell them the actual truth and not so r rosy picture paintd for him. deficit not only have people not shown up. almost a slap of the people in the face people there when the big announcement from fema. first big announcement was we are going to give you a one time payment of $700. a anybody who has been to hawaii knows that $700 does not go very far at a time when so many have lost everything. >> steve: yeah. $700. that's two trips to costco. it doesn't replace your house. tulsi, thank you very much for joining us. we know you are on army reserve training. nobody knows hawaii better than you. >> thank you very much. keep them in your thoughts and prayers, please. >> steve: we will indeed. thank you very much. we are going it switch gears. coming up, calling all fox foodies. todd and carley trade aprons recipes from carley's new cookbook called "cooking with friends." >> railroad tracks ♪ she had a suntan line and red lipstick. worked so hard for that first kiss ♪ my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. - did you know up to 40% of our food supply goes to waste? that's also a waste of energy and water. an easy way to make a difference is to only buy food you know you'll use. and remember: eat those leftovers. mmm! the more you know. >> steve: and america is hungry. calling all fox to does, carley's new cookbook called cooking with friends is coming out in october. can you preorder it today. >> ainsley: before you buy it, we are giving you a sneak peek at some of our fox family's gave his recipes todd gravy and. >> brian: is that true today? >> carley: it's happening right now in front of you. this is not a mirage. the best thing about this book it's all of ours. we all have recipes in it. and they are some of our most favorite family recipes like your grandma's sunday grave. >> todd: grandma beth a force in our family. she could cook. >> steve: people think gravy it's brown stuff. >> italian culture red sauce on a sunday. >> carley: before we get to the recipe i want explain two of mine. end of summer blt. everything bailing seasoning on the bacon which is delicious. and then this is just simple humus board healthy and hearty. everything you could want. cucumber, olives. >> brian: we would see at your house. >> carley: if you would come over and return my invitation but have you not. get to sunday gravy. >> todd: my mom actually cooked this on air so much time we were worried bet bret and martha wouldn't have enough time for the tee baits. put the sausage in the pan, get that going. grease from the sausage sets up the meatballs. before you have put the meatballs in veal, pork chopped meat dump all these in, parsley, salt, a little parmesan, a little egg. a going fast enough, steve. bread crumbs, mush that up and put them in balls. two minutes on each side for that then, you put onions in the pan along with the bay leaves or basil and you stir that around in the onions are translucent my mom says. >> brian: what does that mean? >> todd: means you can see through them. so what you do is you dump the tomatoes in here and you would stir that up. that would look all good. and then it would look like this. when it looks like this, you put the almost cooked meatballs in there. they finish cooking in the sauce, and then we come over here, guys. >> this is the final -- you have to boil and cook the pasta. don't forget that then i'm going to serve some of this up. ainsley i'm giving to you because i'm not going to have time to do much else? >> carley: does this remind you of being at home with your sunday? >> todd: an sunday. usually don't wear suits and have more time. aside from that. >> brian: on sunday. put a dollop of regot. >> carley: preorder cooking with friends. comes out october 10th. mark the date in your calendars. >> steve: it's delicious. >> carley: thank you. >> ainsley: who ra raise used tr hand? >> todd: you are not touching my phone for the rest of the day. ♪ i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. 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(vo) close in a matter of days. start with an all cash offer at opendoor dot com >> we are back with a fox weather alert. hillary pummeling the west and the historic flooding and it's like spirits become more than 50,000 people in california are still without power this morning. >> jeff paul joins us from los angeles and behind him is the famous l.a. river. a while ago, 364 days a year it is bone dry. not today. >> normally when you

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Nevilleson Alexander , Child , Pill , Senat Snapchat , Foundation , Executive Director , Voices , Amy Neville , Families , Fox , Half , Counterfeit Pill , Andrea , Hundreds Of Thousands , Ashley , Angels , World , Snapchat , Nature Kid , 14 , Bedroom , Alex , Oxycodone , Blindsided , 223 , Drug Crisis , Conversations , Children , Don T Know , Kids , Dealers , Open Air Drug Market , Opinion , Space , Night , Colorado , Times Square , Hundreds Of Thousands Parents , Billboard , Street , Tsx Billboard He , 20 , Facts , Everyone Else , Toe Spread , Anyone , Naloxone , Mission , Homeland Security , Youth , Drugs , Hands , Root Cause , Cartels , Meeting , Brooklyn , Stories , Human Side , Work , The End , Medicine , Someone , Pancreatitis , Word , Suicide , Individuals , Ran , Coming Up , Parent , God Bless You , Couldn T Imagine , Sfx , Night Sleep , Zzzquil , Sleep Aid Brand , Feeling , Ding , Jonah Wrestles , Crowd Cheering , Rest , Best , Champion , Family Room , Makers , Nyquil , High School Weight , Diets , Zzzquil Purezzzs Melatonin Gummies , Golo , Didn T Work , Michael , Opposite , Names , Arenas , Lower , Mint Mobile , Prices , Goat , Their , Customer , Ads , Oh H Ho , Scooter , Patriotic Kenny , Sad , Amanda On Tiktok , Veterans , Mobility Scooters , Patriotic Kenny Foundation , 000 , None , Tiktok , Trelegy , Medicines , Won T , Asthma Symptoms , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Lung Function , 3 , Risk , Asthma , Breathing Problems , Hospitalizations , Events , Corticosteroid , Infections , Emergency Care , What A Wonderful World , Thrush , Breathing , Vacation , Lake Tahoe , Destination , Push , 100 , Hawaii Congresswoman , Tulsi , Thanks , Training Duty , Attention , Army Reserve , Fox News , Devastation , News , Eyes , Leaders , Example , Climate Activists , Members , Jill Biden , Sight , Recovery , Failure , Trust , Communities , Term , Services , Community , Food , Mother , Faucet , Road Blocks , Deficit , Anybody , Support , Immediate , Catastrophe , Reporter , Mr , Bloomberg , Everything , Visits , Picture , Standing , Photo Op , Friends , Hardship , Assessment , Harshness , Slap , Paintd , Truth , Announcement , Payment , First Big Announcement , Fema , 700 , It Doesn T , Training , Trips , Costco , Nobody , Todd , Foodies , Gears , Carley Trade Aprons , Cooking , Cookbook , Recipes , Suntan Line , Red Lipstick , Railroad Tracks , Kiss , Psoriatic Arthritis , Rhythm , Skyrizi , Skin , Joint Pain , Joints , Groove , Music , Fatigue , Swelling , Stiffness , Symptoms , Starter Doses , Inflammation , 90 , Infection , Ability , Vaccine , Food Supply , Waste , Difference , 40 , Leftovers , It Today , Sneak Peek , Fox Family , Fox To Does , Gravy , Mirage , Book , Grandma Beth A , Family Recipes , Grandma , Force , Sunday Grave , Sunday , Bacon , Italian Culture Red Sauce , Brown Stuff , Summer Blt , Everything Bailing Seasoning , Olives , Cucumber , Martha Wouldn T , Hair , Mom , Invitation , Bet Bret , Meatballs , Sausage , Pan , Meat , Tee Baits , Grease , Veal , Pork , Parsley , Onions , Side , Balls , Parmesan , Salt , Egg , Bread Crumbs , Bay Leaves , Basil , Tomatoes , My Mom , Final , Sauce , Pasta , Up , Else , Don T Wear , On Sunday , Preorder Cooking , Dollop Of Regot , October 10th , Calendars , Tr Hand , It S Delicious , Who Ra Raise , Psoriasis , Journey , Relief , Cosentyx , Rheumatologist , Satellite , Satellite Internet , Viasat , Mattresses , Purple , Rejuvenated , Woman , Store , Pains , Couple , Aches , Labor Day Sale , Vo , Visit Purple Com , 900 , Houses , Cash Offer , Opendoor , Don T Worry , Opendoor Dot Com , Hillary Pummeling The West , Spirits , Famous L A River , 364 ,

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