Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

state of emergency in california tropical storm hilary is already bringing heavy rain to parts of the state. it is not seen a tropical storm and 84 years. millions of people now bracing for life-threatening floods and intense winds at. officials are telling you people to stay inside do not drive outside and they think the deluge could overwhelm the desert. hello everyone welcome to a brand-new hour of fox news like i am eric shawn. hi arthel. arthel: hi eric, hello everyone i am arthel neville. hilary made landfall about two hours ago in northwestern mexico. flash flood warnings already issued in parts of southern california. the fema administrator said first responders are on site and they are ready to help. extra can hilary is going to produce significant impacts to southern california. we have a team that is embedded in california. we also have several staff of one of our of her offices is thn california. we are to have a lot of stuff on the ground. text fox news team coverage continues "fox weather" meteorologist adam claussen tracking hilary's path and fox news chief correspondent jonathan hunt is just west of los angeles in santa monica. othe city of santa monica. >> it has been raiding solidly now for something like six hours here in santa monica. it is expected to go from perhaps another 18 hours. while we are in something of a low right now as you look down south along the coastline here, that is where hilary is approaching from. you go all the way south of basically to the border with mexico the area around san diego, imperial beach we can show you lifecare were there. cameras in coronado and oceanside all down toward the san diego area. all getting hit pretty hard by this rain brought by tropical storm hilary right now. everybody has been preparing for this. officials up-and-down southern california have been telling residents to hunker down. put out the sandbags were where necessary. there is going to be major flooding. they will say there will likely be landslides out. officials said they ought to be prepared for anything the mayor of l.a. saying this city is ready will do everything they need to listen here to karen bass. >> our message today is clear. the state safe, stay home and stay informed. this is an unprecedented weather events. los angeles has deep experience responding to crisis. whether it be wildfire or earthquakes, the city is prepared. >> overnight the storm hit the mexican tourist resort of cabo san lucas, hundreds of thousands of tourists battening down the hatches there. we have gotten reports of widespread flooding. some streets impassable. we do not have any reports of widespread damage. that is the goodness as yet here in southern court california no reports of a major damage yet. we are still in the very early hours of this long storm process that we are going to go through here. officials say please do not go out of your homes unless it's absolutely necessary. this is and will remain for the next 24 hours or so a very dangerous storm indeed, arthel paid. >> jonathan, can you tell if residents are heeding those warnings? >> it is interesting as you look down the beach. this is an area normally where the ocean right to my left ear would be full of surfers. that bethe beach was down behinn santa monica would be packed there is almost a nobody out there as far as i can tell. it doesn't seem at this point as though people are heeding those warnings. pacific coastline's got a fairly steady flow of traffic on it. much lighter than it would be on eight normal sunday and summer. it does seem for the most part people are being sensible today, arthel. arthel: normally on a sunday afternoon that part of pch is jampacked with cars. hopefully people are heeding the warnings indeed pre-jonathan hunt, thank you very much. eric: let's get the list very latest on hailey's path and power it will stretch all the weight north to idaho but "fox weather" adam class is here. what is the very latest? >> this storm i would say in the brunt of it at this point spit was the early stages of the brunt of it. you see this inner circulation spending over the baja peninsula but this is south of the border. all of that leading edge of that very heavy routes of rain are now across portions of southern california for their really begin to feel it. this is of the highest wind gusts. you get a little higher and some of the mountains you are going to season a higher wind gusts. look at some of these numbers 8n the 60 miles an hour as a grant continues gets actuated gusts like this will take down trees that will take down power lines. one more thing to be concerned about. otherwise here's what looks like on the radar bright green polygons those are areas where they are getting a lot of rain and flash flood warnings currently issued for this one in los angeles county getting into the northern portion of the county. they are seeing very heavy rain come down especially in the hills all the water gets run out it's got to run downhill somewhere you start to talk about flooding some more flash flood warnings here getting over toward san diego county. heavy rain certainly begin to move into it's going to be round after round of this even if you get a little lighter rain another round of heavy rain is still going to come. how much rain are we ultimately talking about? everything you are looking at some the orange colors are five or 6 inches of rain boots won't be isolated areas you see much more along the coast we are expecting to see less rain was still another couple of inches in los angeles city that only sees 107-inch the entire month of august. usually this is way out of the normal. san diego couple of inches of rain likely on the way. you can see with the topography when you get to some the higher elevations that squeezes out more rate that's when you start to think about landslides in the or dangerous situations. a lot of rain falls at the tops of these mountains and it rushes down into the valleys you start to talk about serious flooding. it is the mountaintop communities and places just below them where you are going to see water really rushing down. we have this extreme flood threat across central portions of southern california including places like palm palm springs p towards a death valley. a lot of rain is going to be coming out of those mountains it could become very dangerous potato to pay attention to your timestamp you'll see just how long this will last. this is pacific time taking you until 2:00 p.m. is kind of where the center of circulation is in this model as it lifts a little further to the north. you do see the yellow areas rain is coming down very heavy 11:00 p.m. silt rating across the state lifting into northern california ultimately into nevada as well. taking until five. thinking monday all of the moisture as you said this is going to cover big swath of country forecasted rain. 234 inches of rain getting up into portions of eas eastern orn into idaho into montana, a lot of folks are going to pay attention to this but right now today southern california but of course we tracking north also. eric: there idaho and the like. pretty astounding for what happens any sense of how long the flooding alert will last? you've got the ring on top of tthose mountains as you showed. it goes down the mountains into the troughs and the sub divisions out in the desert. you are asking for trouble. >> that's why these things are delayed it might be raining inch or two in los angeles and those mountains ring out the moisture is going to rush down could be a day later. just because the storm passes does not mean the flood risk is necessary over immediately you need to give it a little time. eric: even. >> me like another day it's not usualusual for that couple of d. >> nighttime tonight and tomorrow still have to watch out. adam, thank you. arthel? arthel: okay adam and eric for a good southern california prepping for the stork storm that is already hurting the region with heavy rain put orange county fire authority captain greg joins us now. captain, listen this is expected to be a water event of course. do you have any concerns of high winds possibly downing power lines? are you coordinate with the power company southern california edison? lex that is a big concern. a lot of talk about the rain rightfully so. major concern we have winds printed 15 -- 25 miles per hour and potential gusts, reach greater than that 35 miles or even greater. something we are familiar with out here. we have the santa ana winds were revealed the major wildfires. we are accustomed to dealing with the wind made that great working relationship with power companies as well as all the cities that we serve to mitigate any problems that arise as a result of the wind. arthel: that must mean they're ready to turn off the power if necessary. i would ask if you could tell me if you have any extra personnel on duty or on call if god for bid any downed power line spark any fires? >> yes. with anticipation of the storm had quite a few days in advance warning. we have been taken precautionary steps necessary to ensure we can best serve the citizens here in orange county. we have increased our staffing. we have additional firefighters on duty additional researchers to deploy if any type of emergency that presents itself. obviously the storm is at the forefront right now. it is something that is unusual for our region but however we do train all the time. any problem that arises as a result of the storm will be her to handle. arthel: is the power company prepared to turn off the power if necessary? >> you know, i haven't spoken to anyone directly at the power company. our management is in constant communication with them. any necessary steps that need to be taken to ensure the safety of the residents of orange county will be taken. >> understood it. how threatening is the water to orange county and how are you preparing for that? >> it is definitely a threat. we are anticipating one -- 3 inches of rain. the real danger with it is the time file in which it will occur people potentially occur in a very short time span. and that is the issue we are facing. again, having the advanced warning but we did the last couple of days is provide all the residents here with a bunch of tools and tips how they can prepare themselves and make their homes safe in advance of the rain. arthel: so, that sounds like there is more of a shelter in place order as opposed to any mandatory or voluntary evacuation orders? >> yes. right now the best thing you can do and it kind of goes back to the old saying of hunker down. all preparation should have been dead at this point. it is wet out right now it's kind of the low before the storm. so to speak it's not raining heavy at this moment but we know it's coming very shortly. if you can stay off of the roads please do so. stay-at-home. stay safe it. as of now there are only a couple of areas with voluntary evacuation orders. those are up in the mountainous regions. arthel: okay and if residents heated those orders? >> i have not spoken to any resiresidence directly. but from past experience they often do times heed our advice to protect themselves and keep ththe community safe. arthel: okay, what does the orange county fire authority agenda look like for the next 48 hours? >> our agenda is jampacked and it has been for the last couple of days. we are in consequent medication with the national weather service getting lifetime updates we are talking to our partner agencies from san diego, los angeles and riverside county so that we are all on the same page. and really we prepared, we staffed appropriately. and now were going to suit the storm brings were hoping for the best but of august the prepared for the worst. >> yes i lived and worked in san diego. i am familiar with orange county. i know that you all are very prepared and captain greg barta of the orange county fire authority thank you for joining us. good luck with everybody for the storm are deafly pulling for the best. thank you captain. eric: will have much more storm coverage on hilary throughout the day and evening here at fox news. we are also filing some other stories for the living dead light in georgia? for president trump to turn himself in the election racketeering conspiracy charges, when will he do that? we are live and atlantic coming up with the latest on that case. ♪, booking.yeah ♪ ♪ (josh allen) is this your plan to watch the game today? 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(vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion. patients taking tepezza may have infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before getting tepezza, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. tepezza may raise blood sugar even if you don't have diabetes and may worsen ibd such as crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. now, i'm ready to be seen again. visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. eric: new york city is struggling to have the flood of migrants to the city. looking for aid from the state with all of its shelters and maxed out new york governor kathy hope all is slammed the city's response to the crisis she has been criticizing her credit public official new york mayor eric adams who has been coping with this. scb cotton is live in new york city with the very latest on this brouhaha. >> city and state leaders clearly have different viewpoints on how the migrant crisis has been handled and how it should be handled moving forward. new york cedar mayor eric adams is calling on government to issue an executive order so reluctant communities in other parts of the state will be forced to welcome migrants from here in the city, listen. >> amount where we send the migrant and asylum-seekers we will pick up the cause. we are picking up the cause to do so and to constantly go to court and find creative ways to welcome them municipalities to say they're not going to take a migrants i think is unfortunate. we are hoping the governor will put in place an executive order that would prevent this from having to go from location to location to location. >> this past thursday adams called for action came after the city asked the state for more help which was met with sharp criticism from governor kathy hochul attorney. wrote work documents the state has identified numerous additional state on properties and nonstate on sites that are viable options for sheltering migrants the city has not accepted these offers. such a break this down where the filing accuses city of rejecting more than a dozen sites which had housed more than 3000 migrants for the state also said the city needed to better manage the $1.5 billion in state funds aralready given. during adams thursday remarks he pushed back on that criticism though to say these sites were not suitable for the long run pretty also said there is no feud between him and the governor. >> the sites that were given to us somewhere in floodplains, some for not suitable to build. and so we analyzed each site we did not ignore any of the sites. when you look at the points the governor raised i want to sit down with her team and give them a real accounting so we can continue the partnership we have done. cook something this city and state are clearly unified on is the desire for the white house to do more. so for r8 thank you cb. arthel: former president trump has until friday to surrender at the fulton county jail in georgia. this after he was charged with allegedly plotting on and interfering with the 2020 election. trump faces 1 basis 13 counts is case alone. fox senior correspondent steve harrigan is atlanta with more on this, steve. >> that is what the fulton county district attorney has given former president trump and 18 others until noon on friday to turn themselves in for booking. former president said he has had no wrongdoing committed. those will face a number of charges including racketeering and conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election. >> every individual charged in the indictment is charged with one count of violating george's racketeer influenced and corrupt organization act. through participation in a criminal enterprise and a fulton county, georgia and elsewhere to accomplish the illegal goal of allowing donald j trump to seize the present help term of office for. >> here in georgia or even some republicans who have long bet odds with the former president still say the timing of this indictment is wrong. >> one thing is certain about these indictments and in my mind and in my opinion this a trial this trial and the dates they're asking for is not going to happen before the election. the democrats want us to be focused on things like this so we are not focused on joe biden's record. >> all 19 are expected to be booked in the jail about 2 miles from where i am standing. it is open 24/7, arthel and eric back to you. look steve harrigan i'll take it back here at thank you there steve live in atlanta. eric: the former presidents indictment in fulton county is putting spotlight once again on the state of georgia. it is a crucial swing state the former president lost in 2020. that ended a 24 year red streak in the state that could pose a hurdle for the hearty once again in 2024. it has a popular republican governor and governor kemp but the democrats did take the two gop senate seats. mitchell is a reporter with the atlanta journal-constitution in washington based correspondent. tia, welcome. how do you think the trump indictment and what we may see this week with the former president showing up at the courthouse to be arraigned and processed, how is this affecting georgia voters? >> well, if you are tal document georgia voters as a whole republicans, democrats, and indepindependents i think therea lot of support for this criminal proceeding. there are a lot of people who believe the former president should be held accountable for his actions in 2020 where he really zeroed in georgia on a estate where he tried to reverse joe biden's victory in georgia. but, if you are talking just about republicans, republican voters that is a very different answer by the answer is among republicans there's a lot of skepticism if not outright contempt for this criminal proceeding. they believe former president trump is being treated unfairly and it has further solidifying a lot of georgia republicans support for president trump. eric: how will that play into the presidential race? a recent a people shows 53% of people support the charges against the president and of those georgians 51% are calling for the former president to pull out of the race. so if you have a majority, 51% saying you should drop out that's the general population not the republican voters, how does that affect the party going forward in a general election? >> right. that is the thing it's two different things. right now we are in primary season. so yes, in general trump if he is the republican nominee we know in a general election trump is somewhat weakened by these indictments there are people who do not believe he is fit to hold office. but we are not in general election season yet we are in primary season and right now it looks like trump is in the strongest position right now to win the republican primary. so again it's two different messages and that is why a lot of republicans are concerned because trump is so strong in the primaries. strong among the base pair he is strong among the maga republicans so to speak. but they worry in a general election what makes them strong in a primary weakens him in a general election in states like georgia where the independent voters are going to be so valuable. because honestly in georgia at e margins are small for victory in a general election. there are republicans and democrats. the nominee among their base is going to get 45% or so of the vote. it's really swing voters that can make a difference in georgia. eric: we are looking right now on the screen shows back in 2004 republicans were up 16% in the presidential vote. that has declined and gone under the democrats at point to. so it is trending democratic. just mention the independence do you see someone in second-place potentially who could take over from president trump's lead? up in new hampshire the independence have broken into vivetovivek ramaswamy in terms r republican candidate. what type of trend or prediction do you have? >> we do not have a lot of polling in georgia played the constitution hopes to have some polling really soon that could give some indicators but voters in our state are thinking. but generally speaking we see a discussion about tim scott or nikki haley. we see discussion about ron desantis even though he starting to trend downward he is going the opposite direction than he needs to go in order to stand with or defeat president trump of the primary. vivek ramaswamy is surging so to speak. but he is still running a third place, it may be second and some polls but it is still a very distant second period whether we are trying but ron desantis or vivek ramaswamy. so it remains to be seen if he can gain enough momentum and that way the debate this week may help some of the challengers make a push to again, we are talking just republicans are now do they want an alternative to donald trump? right now republican voters have indicated they do. not enough. stuart will see what happens with the debate on wednesday which is right here in foxnews. fox news. t yet you mention the atlanta constitution journal polls will get you back give us a call let us know when those polls are coming out just before they come out we will get you back to talk about them. >> absolutely i look forward to it. eric: you will have a busy week down in atlanta with the court proceedings. thank you. arthel: we look forward to having tia back. meanwhile heavy rain now moving into southern and los angeles it tropical storm hilary. our coverage continues after this break. 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>> about half an inch of rain can lead to some severe flooding all across palm springs. much of the coachella valley. two or 3 inches emergency responders know it is time to be on high alert and expect potential catastrophic flash flooding as many of the watches that surround the city could become filled very quickly. all of that mountain runoff can catch up on you very quickly. it is why we have seen hundreds of people stand in line to fill up sandbags, loading them into their car and getting them to their homes to hopefully protect themselves, their homes, and their livelihoods from really seeing some severe damage with those of floodwaters of the forecast holds up tropical storm hilary cut absolute bring a lot of that to this area. meanwhile city leaders here in palm beach have already taken some drastic measures to try to make sure that people are not driving through very low lying roads they shut down said major arteries in and out of palm springs that are known to consistently flood. not only do they have barricades on either side of those closures, some even have police officers on guard, warning people not to drive through standing water. recognizing with just how quickly the rain is falling and we have really seen it pick up here in the last hour or so but there is no telling how deep the water can be. especially nearby at those washes but eric, i will point out we already know some of that are in effect in san bernardino county. >> panic because i have been through a flood we had on five by 144 years ago. i live right next to a wash. when they are giving us this much warning you need to be prepared, we hustled for sandbags we have never had to do this i've lived in palm springs in this area since 1972. i have not seen this before. >> while hurricanes and tropical storm's are not something those in the golden state are used to dealing with, flood floodwaters. you hear from people like mary lee they recognize this is not a threat to take lightly. eric: has there been any indication from officials on how bad they expect us to be? people like her living near a wash are they expecting one, two, 3 feet of water? do they know have they had any indication or expectation what it could actually look like? >> it is hard to know exactly how much can acutely how quickly will the one thing i've gathered from officials they do not want to make assumptions at this point they would prefer to have the teams ready to go. they've got swift water rescue teams at the ready in case the flood warning starts to come through and they start to get those calls for help at meanwhile we also know the california national guard and the coast guard are also ready to respond. i think at this point it's a matter of preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. super receive we see the cars bu driving right to the splash will obviously get worse than that. alright nicole, i think you're right when i will get back to you when you get back to see you. arthel: present bite is closely monitoring tropical storm hilary put this as he is set to visit maui tomorrow to survey the devastation from the wildfires there. the white house is responding to criticism over the president's response to that disaster. lucas tomlinson's live at the white house with more on this, lucas? lex arthel, that is right present bite and cutting short his vacation heading to maui tomorrow. his fema administrator spoke earlier what the president will see and what he's going to do and he is on the ground in hawaii. >> is also going to be able to talk with people and hear their stories and provide a sense of hope and assurance the federal government is going to be with them as he has directed we will continue to bring in resources to support the request of the governor and their needs as they go to the recovery process. >> bite have been vacationing with his family including hunter biden and lake tahoe. it will be departing tomorrow to head to maui to inspect the damage and speak with survivors and local leaders is not the only disasters you mention the present has to monitor tropical storm hilary going down on southern california the president will be monitoring that situation as well but in fact he might not be able to return to his vacation home climate activist tom starr's one-time democratic opponent 2020 because the storm track as it going on to lake tahoe as well. as we see earlier on the screen fema official spoke earlier to fox about what to expect with a tropical storm. >> different type of things that may happen. to what individuals and families to make sure they're taking steps to be prepared. >> in san diego the u.s. navy is sending the third fleet out to sea, the safest place for warships and submarines during a tropical storm or hurricane. that's that uss alexandria and l.a. class attack boat name for the cities in both louisiana and virginia. here is also the aircraft carrier theodore roosevelt had the covid outbreak a few years ago buried there she is tr heading out to sea. also the destroyer uss halsey uss princeton that is spruance i believe at 111 and also the uss princeton. there is just a few days ago there was a change of command with the commander of naval surface forces in front of prince on the. in san diego. vice admiral david sagan command supposed to do the next superintendent of the naval academy of course that has been held up but i digress. certainly we pretty intense there out to see with the warships scrambling and heading out to sea. arthel: you never digress. by the way i was in alexandria, louisiana back in december. what is going on with the boats by the way? >> thank you very much i appreciate that i know you did. i know that's what you're doing but what is going on with other ships right now lucas? rex mysterious net there is no doubt it's very chaotic whenever you have this many ships out talking on the same frequency it's very chaotic. as people drive a car can understand it's pouring rain you cannot see at the winchell gift to drive real slow. all you can see is a faintness in the distance that is what's going on on the bridge of those warships. obviously of a lot of the young sailors so th those who have not experienced this young officers who have not been through this certainly probably have some commanding officers some skippers screaming on the bridge it's all part of surface warfare life, arthel nothing they cannot handle. and of course we expect those lads to do their duty out that there is no question it will be very chaotic it was surely that back that way in 2004 up the coast of florida. arthel: that is why we have such tremendous respect for them. thank you lucas tomlinson. >> that we do. isafe at sea. while diabetes drugs like owes g are exploding in popularity be more and more people using them to lose weight. new research points to potentially life-threatening side effects of doing them. dr. marc siegel on what you need to note next right here and fox newspa life. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. they offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95. the exam alone is worth at least 59 bucks. i can see from your expression that you find that shocking. and you're actually speechless. ...aaaaaaaaand, you don't have ears. two pairs and a free exam for just $79.95. book an exam today at it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ to have and to hold from this day forward. ♪ you don't... ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side.. ♪ ♪ i'll be there.. ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ conquer financial reports. conquer 2000-word essays. conquer a 6 course menu. rule over what you write with the smooth writing, longest lasting gel ink pen in america. do you g2? arthel: americans are becoming obsessed with the new class of weight loss drugs are meant to treat diabetes. and as their popularity grows so do the warnings. potentially dangerous side effects. these medications lycos mpeg do suppress appetite. weekly prescriptions this past february will reportedly up more than five times february 2020. as mpeg maker says its benefits include lowering a one seat that is the amount of glucose or sugar in your blood. lowering the risk of heart attack. let's bring in dr. marc siegel now. fox news can shiver professor of medicine at new york university medical center. first of all i wanted to ask you, why are doctors prescribing is epic for weight loss and tell us more about who is supposed to be taking as mpeg? >> ais epic, high arthel as mpeg is a drug that affects a hormone known as glp-1. we'll go v is the same thing it's a little bit of a different preparation. it's been approved by the fda for weight loss, as mpeg for diabetes. but doctors are not paying attention to the difference because they are so similar praise you just showed in july alone, bring it forward to july over 90000 a week prescriptions in the u.s. over 60000 for as mpeg. my experience is that most of the time insurance will not cover as mpeg for weight loss, only for diabetes. so most of the time we end up giving again they're very similar but what do they do? decreases hunger in the brain it also improves insulin function. it overcomes insulin resistance or decreases inflammation which is white decreases heart attack and stroke risk. and it decreases gastric emptying. things stay in your >> longer. that is why we are talking about this today. that is what philip jones at mayo the canadian journal is a warning that particular side effect of food estate in your >> longer could be a problem if you're going into anesthesia or surgery. >> interesting pretty want to take a look at some of the side effects. includes a nausea, diarrhea, >> pain. there is nothing on this list that everyone is not arty experience before so why are some of the symptoms after taking of zen pic considered dangerous? >> they are not necessarily dangerous. it's who you are do you need it how obese are you did you try a lifestyle change what about diet? it's not a magic bullet it's a toolt we finally have to decrease weights at a time when her obesity epidemic is in norma's only half of americans almost two thirds are overweight it is a tool that we needed. but arthel come in to your question nausea, vomiting, diarrhea those are side effects that are manageable or we use it to stop the drug. more importantly is the question about gastric emptying. i want to again and make the point if you are going in for a procedure you do not want stuff in your >> it could end up in your lungs. anesthesiologists are saying maybe you should stop ozempic two or three weeks before your procedure there's no reason not too. just to make sure your >> is empty. not a reason to stop the drug but a caution print this is why buy the weight doctors need to be in the loop here and not just doctors but doctors who are familiar with these drugs. endocrinologist need to be involved not just a gp necessarily. people are buying pirated versions online. extremely dangerous to do that. you need specialist involved who are really equipped to handle weight loss drugs. arthel: you are saying the >> emptying blockage if you will is harmful if you're going under anesthesia. but what if you are not going to have any procedures done? quickset is a great question. i would say the vast majority of cases it is not a problem. for most people it's not a problem. this is a very rare problem i don't think this characterizes everyone it may slow down the rate with which you empty from your >> and your bowel but that may be the effect you need to stop eating so much. so the lady would handle this drug if you are on it, is to eat less, eat more frequent meals and not try to over eat that if ishow works at weight loss. one of the ways it works at weight loss i'm not really concerned about the side effect. but again somebody needs and monitor the sadness what they're doing. we don't doctors out there to respond to the crazy patients and want to lose 10 pounds it's gotta be something that stayed with her obesity here. arthel: believe a ride there dr. marc siegel thank you very much. and we will be right back. kou nyou. just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at my name is wendy, i'm 51 years old, and i'm a hospital administrator. when i talk to patients you can just see from here up when you're wearing a mask. and i have noticed those lines beginning to really become not so much moderate but more severe. i'm still wendy and i got botox® cosmetic. and i'm really happy with the results because they're very subtle, and i feel like i look like myself, but just less lines. botox® cosmetic is fda approved, to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness maybe a sign of a life threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history. muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins. as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at spain wins the world cup. eric: on top of the women's soccer world one nail in the world cup final site earlier today perhaps on your local fox station. and man the celebration is on the streets of madrid and barcelona. spain joined germany as the only countries to win both the men's and women's world cups. arthel: in just seven matt matches has won his first trophy here in the united states the soccer legend scored a goal in the league's cup final for inter- miami against nashville sc last night. it is his tenth since coming to the team. the match went to penalty kicks with goalie drake calendar making the game-winning save, or is it? thquestion there it is.enter mig after. [david beckham. [laughter] maybe it wouldn't be saying cutie pie whether public and presidential candidates because we are all gearing up your box for the first debate three days from now right here in the fox news channel. bret baier and martha mccallum will be the moderators on wednesday night to face-off the 2024 white house race were there they are the folks who have qualified right now eight of the 13 candidates have met the criteria buried the latest we are told asa arthelro: thanks for joining us. of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. they offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95. the exam alone is worth at least 59 bucks. i can see from your expression that you find that shocking. and you're actually speechless. ...aaaaaaaaand, you don't have ears. two pairs and a free exam for just $79.95. book an exam today at it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses them to smell fresh, too. that's why i add downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. still fresh. still fresh, you nasty little goblins! still fresh! still? still. still here. still fresh! get 6 times longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. this back-to-school season, downy and tide are giving back with $1.5 million dollars in scholarships. enter to win. wake up, achievers. you're making the most of every hour of your life. except the hours that you're sleeping. so why do we leave so much untapped potential on the table? this is a next level bed, for a next level you. my circadian rhythm is kicking your circadian rhythms butt! it's not a competition. i know, but i'm still winning! so, it is a competition. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add a base. shop now only at sleep number. (vo) in one second, sara (woman) yes (vo) will get a job offer somewhere sunnier. relocating in weeks. (woman) weeks? (vo) yeah, weeks. (woman) gotta sell the house. (vo) don't worry, sell to opendoor, and move on your schedule. (woman) yes! (vo) request a cash offer at opendoor dot com. >> tropical storm hilary has arrived in southern california. and residents are bracing for potentially catastrophic flooding. good evening i'm jon scott and this is a special two hour edition of the "fox report." jon: area residents spent weekend preparing for first tropical system to hit the southwestern united states in 84 years. experts say there could be three inches of rain per hour across southern california tonight. the storm officially made landfall earlier today over mexico baja california peninsula it is expected to move

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

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state of emergency in california tropical storm hilary is already bringing heavy rain to parts of the state. it is not seen a tropical storm and 84 years. millions of people now bracing for life-threatening floods and intense winds at. officials are telling you people to stay inside do not drive outside and they think the deluge could overwhelm the desert. hello everyone welcome to a brand-new hour of fox news like i am eric shawn. hi arthel. arthel: hi eric, hello everyone i am arthel neville. hilary made landfall about two hours ago in northwestern mexico. flash flood warnings already issued in parts of southern california. the fema administrator said first responders are on site and they are ready to help. extra can hilary is going to produce significant impacts to southern california. we have a team that is embedded in california. we also have several staff of one of our of her offices is thn california. we are to have a lot of stuff on the ground. text fox news team coverage continues "fox weather" meteorologist adam claussen tracking hilary's path and fox news chief correspondent jonathan hunt is just west of los angeles in santa monica. othe city of santa monica. >> it has been raiding solidly now for something like six hours here in santa monica. it is expected to go from perhaps another 18 hours. while we are in something of a low right now as you look down south along the coastline here, that is where hilary is approaching from. you go all the way south of basically to the border with mexico the area around san diego, imperial beach we can show you lifecare were there. cameras in coronado and oceanside all down toward the san diego area. all getting hit pretty hard by this rain brought by tropical storm hilary right now. everybody has been preparing for this. officials up-and-down southern california have been telling residents to hunker down. put out the sandbags were where necessary. there is going to be major flooding. they will say there will likely be landslides out. officials said they ought to be prepared for anything the mayor of l.a. saying this city is ready will do everything they need to listen here to karen bass. >> our message today is clear. the state safe, stay home and stay informed. this is an unprecedented weather events. los angeles has deep experience responding to crisis. whether it be wildfire or earthquakes, the city is prepared. >> overnight the storm hit the mexican tourist resort of cabo san lucas, hundreds of thousands of tourists battening down the hatches there. we have gotten reports of widespread flooding. some streets impassable. we do not have any reports of widespread damage. that is the goodness as yet here in southern court california no reports of a major damage yet. we are still in the very early hours of this long storm process that we are going to go through here. officials say please do not go out of your homes unless it's absolutely necessary. this is and will remain for the next 24 hours or so a very dangerous storm indeed, arthel paid. >> jonathan, can you tell if residents are heeding those warnings? >> it is interesting as you look down the beach. this is an area normally where the ocean right to my left ear would be full of surfers. that bethe beach was down behinn santa monica would be packed there is almost a nobody out there as far as i can tell. it doesn't seem at this point as though people are heeding those warnings. pacific coastline's got a fairly steady flow of traffic on it. much lighter than it would be on eight normal sunday and summer. it does seem for the most part people are being sensible today, arthel. arthel: normally on a sunday afternoon that part of pch is jampacked with cars. hopefully people are heeding the warnings indeed pre-jonathan hunt, thank you very much. eric: let's get the list very latest on hailey's path and power it will stretch all the weight north to idaho but "fox weather" adam class is here. what is the very latest? >> this storm i would say in the brunt of it at this point spit was the early stages of the brunt of it. you see this inner circulation spending over the baja peninsula but this is south of the border. all of that leading edge of that very heavy routes of rain are now across portions of southern california for their really begin to feel it. this is of the highest wind gusts. you get a little higher and some of the mountains you are going to season a higher wind gusts. look at some of these numbers 8n the 60 miles an hour as a grant continues gets actuated gusts like this will take down trees that will take down power lines. one more thing to be concerned about. otherwise here's what looks like on the radar bright green polygons those are areas where they are getting a lot of rain and flash flood warnings currently issued for this one in los angeles county getting into the northern portion of the county. they are seeing very heavy rain come down especially in the hills all the water gets run out it's got to run downhill somewhere you start to talk about flooding some more flash flood warnings here getting over toward san diego county. heavy rain certainly begin to move into it's going to be round after round of this even if you get a little lighter rain another round of heavy rain is still going to come. how much rain are we ultimately talking about? everything you are looking at some the orange colors are five or 6 inches of rain boots won't be isolated areas you see much more along the coast we are expecting to see less rain was still another couple of inches in los angeles city that only sees 107-inch the entire month of august. usually this is way out of the normal. san diego couple of inches of rain likely on the way. you can see with the topography when you get to some the higher elevations that squeezes out more rate that's when you start to think about landslides in the or dangerous situations. a lot of rain falls at the tops of these mountains and it rushes down into the valleys you start to talk about serious flooding. it is the mountaintop communities and places just below them where you are going to see water really rushing down. we have this extreme flood threat across central portions of southern california including places like palm palm springs p towards a death valley. a lot of rain is going to be coming out of those mountains it could become very dangerous potato to pay attention to your timestamp you'll see just how long this will last. this is pacific time taking you until 2:00 p.m. is kind of where the center of circulation is in this model as it lifts a little further to the north. you do see the yellow areas rain is coming down very heavy 11:00 p.m. silt rating across the state lifting into northern california ultimately into nevada as well. taking until five. thinking monday all of the moisture as you said this is going to cover big swath of country forecasted rain. 234 inches of rain getting up into portions of eas eastern orn into idaho into montana, a lot of folks are going to pay attention to this but right now today southern california but of course we tracking north also. eric: there idaho and the like. pretty astounding for what happens any sense of how long the flooding alert will last? you've got the ring on top of tthose mountains as you showed. it goes down the mountains into the troughs and the sub divisions out in the desert. you are asking for trouble. >> that's why these things are delayed it might be raining inch or two in los angeles and those mountains ring out the moisture is going to rush down could be a day later. just because the storm passes does not mean the flood risk is necessary over immediately you need to give it a little time. eric: even. >> me like another day it's not usualusual for that couple of d. >> nighttime tonight and tomorrow still have to watch out. adam, thank you. arthel? arthel: okay adam and eric for a good southern california prepping for the stork storm that is already hurting the region with heavy rain put orange county fire authority captain greg joins us now. captain, listen this is expected to be a water event of course. do you have any concerns of high winds possibly downing power lines? are you coordinate with the power company southern california edison? lex that is a big concern. a lot of talk about the rain rightfully so. major concern we have winds printed 15 -- 25 miles per hour and potential gusts, reach greater than that 35 miles or even greater. something we are familiar with out here. we have the santa ana winds were revealed the major wildfires. we are accustomed to dealing with the wind made that great working relationship with power companies as well as all the cities that we serve to mitigate any problems that arise as a result of the wind. arthel: that must mean they're ready to turn off the power if necessary. i would ask if you could tell me if you have any extra personnel on duty or on call if god for bid any downed power line spark any fires? >> yes. with anticipation of the storm had quite a few days in advance warning. we have been taken precautionary steps necessary to ensure we can best serve the citizens here in orange county. we have increased our staffing. we have additional firefighters on duty additional researchers to deploy if any type of emergency that presents itself. obviously the storm is at the forefront right now. it is something that is unusual for our region but however we do train all the time. any problem that arises as a result of the storm will be her to handle. arthel: is the power company prepared to turn off the power if necessary? >> you know, i haven't spoken to anyone directly at the power company. our management is in constant communication with them. any necessary steps that need to be taken to ensure the safety of the residents of orange county will be taken. >> understood it. how threatening is the water to orange county and how are you preparing for that? >> it is definitely a threat. we are anticipating one -- 3 inches of rain. the real danger with it is the time file in which it will occur people potentially occur in a very short time span. and that is the issue we are facing. again, having the advanced warning but we did the last couple of days is provide all the residents here with a bunch of tools and tips how they can prepare themselves and make their homes safe in advance of the rain. arthel: so, that sounds like there is more of a shelter in place order as opposed to any mandatory or voluntary evacuation orders? >> yes. right now the best thing you can do and it kind of goes back to the old saying of hunker down. all preparation should have been dead at this point. it is wet out right now it's kind of the low before the storm. so to speak it's not raining heavy at this moment but we know it's coming very shortly. if you can stay off of the roads please do so. stay-at-home. stay safe it. as of now there are only a couple of areas with voluntary evacuation orders. those are up in the mountainous regions. arthel: okay and if residents heated those orders? >> i have not spoken to any resiresidence directly. but from past experience they often do times heed our advice to protect themselves and keep ththe community safe. arthel: okay, what does the orange county fire authority agenda look like for the next 48 hours? >> our agenda is jampacked and it has been for the last couple of days. we are in consequent medication with the national weather service getting lifetime updates we are talking to our partner agencies from san diego, los angeles and riverside county so that we are all on the same page. and really we prepared, we staffed appropriately. and now were going to suit the storm brings were hoping for the best but of august the prepared for the worst. >> yes i lived and worked in san diego. i am familiar with orange county. i know that you all are very prepared and captain greg barta of the orange county fire authority thank you for joining us. good luck with everybody for the storm are deafly pulling for the best. thank you captain. eric: will have much more storm coverage on hilary throughout the day and evening here at fox news. we are also filing some other stories for the living dead light in georgia? for president trump to turn himself in the election racketeering conspiracy charges, when will he do that? we are live and atlantic coming up with the latest on that case. ♪, booking.yeah ♪ ♪ (josh allen) is this your plan to watch the game today? 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(vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion. patients taking tepezza may have infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before getting tepezza, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. tepezza may raise blood sugar even if you don't have diabetes and may worsen ibd such as crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. now, i'm ready to be seen again. visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. eric: new york city is struggling to have the flood of migrants to the city. looking for aid from the state with all of its shelters and maxed out new york governor kathy hope all is slammed the city's response to the crisis she has been criticizing her credit public official new york mayor eric adams who has been coping with this. scb cotton is live in new york city with the very latest on this brouhaha. >> city and state leaders clearly have different viewpoints on how the migrant crisis has been handled and how it should be handled moving forward. new york cedar mayor eric adams is calling on government to issue an executive order so reluctant communities in other parts of the state will be forced to welcome migrants from here in the city, listen. >> amount where we send the migrant and asylum-seekers we will pick up the cause. we are picking up the cause to do so and to constantly go to court and find creative ways to welcome them municipalities to say they're not going to take a migrants i think is unfortunate. we are hoping the governor will put in place an executive order that would prevent this from having to go from location to location to location. >> this past thursday adams called for action came after the city asked the state for more help which was met with sharp criticism from governor kathy hochul attorney. wrote work documents the state has identified numerous additional state on properties and nonstate on sites that are viable options for sheltering migrants the city has not accepted these offers. such a break this down where the filing accuses city of rejecting more than a dozen sites which had housed more than 3000 migrants for the state also said the city needed to better manage the $1.5 billion in state funds aralready given. during adams thursday remarks he pushed back on that criticism though to say these sites were not suitable for the long run pretty also said there is no feud between him and the governor. >> the sites that were given to us somewhere in floodplains, some for not suitable to build. and so we analyzed each site we did not ignore any of the sites. when you look at the points the governor raised i want to sit down with her team and give them a real accounting so we can continue the partnership we have done. cook something this city and state are clearly unified on is the desire for the white house to do more. so for r8 thank you cb. arthel: former president trump has until friday to surrender at the fulton county jail in georgia. this after he was charged with allegedly plotting on and interfering with the 2020 election. trump faces 1 basis 13 counts is case alone. fox senior correspondent steve harrigan is atlanta with more on this, steve. >> that is what the fulton county district attorney has given former president trump and 18 others until noon on friday to turn themselves in for booking. former president said he has had no wrongdoing committed. those will face a number of charges including racketeering and conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election. >> every individual charged in the indictment is charged with one count of violating george's racketeer influenced and corrupt organization act. through participation in a criminal enterprise and a fulton county, georgia and elsewhere to accomplish the illegal goal of allowing donald j trump to seize the present help term of office for. >> here in georgia or even some republicans who have long bet odds with the former president still say the timing of this indictment is wrong. >> one thing is certain about these indictments and in my mind and in my opinion this a trial this trial and the dates they're asking for is not going to happen before the election. the democrats want us to be focused on things like this so we are not focused on joe biden's record. >> all 19 are expected to be booked in the jail about 2 miles from where i am standing. it is open 24/7, arthel and eric back to you. look steve harrigan i'll take it back here at thank you there steve live in atlanta. eric: the former presidents indictment in fulton county is putting spotlight once again on the state of georgia. it is a crucial swing state the former president lost in 2020. that ended a 24 year red streak in the state that could pose a hurdle for the hearty once again in 2024. it has a popular republican governor and governor kemp but the democrats did take the two gop senate seats. mitchell is a reporter with the atlanta journal-constitution in washington based correspondent. tia, welcome. how do you think the trump indictment and what we may see this week with the former president showing up at the courthouse to be arraigned and processed, how is this affecting georgia voters? >> well, if you are tal document georgia voters as a whole republicans, democrats, and indepindependents i think therea lot of support for this criminal proceeding. there are a lot of people who believe the former president should be held accountable for his actions in 2020 where he really zeroed in georgia on a estate where he tried to reverse joe biden's victory in georgia. but, if you are talking just about republicans, republican voters that is a very different answer by the answer is among republicans there's a lot of skepticism if not outright contempt for this criminal proceeding. they believe former president trump is being treated unfairly and it has further solidifying a lot of georgia republicans support for president trump. eric: how will that play into the presidential race? a recent a people shows 53% of people support the charges against the president and of those georgians 51% are calling for the former president to pull out of the race. so if you have a majority, 51% saying you should drop out that's the general population not the republican voters, how does that affect the party going forward in a general election? >> right. that is the thing it's two different things. right now we are in primary season. so yes, in general trump if he is the republican nominee we know in a general election trump is somewhat weakened by these indictments there are people who do not believe he is fit to hold office. but we are not in general election season yet we are in primary season and right now it looks like trump is in the strongest position right now to win the republican primary. so again it's two different messages and that is why a lot of republicans are concerned because trump is so strong in the primaries. strong among the base pair he is strong among the maga republicans so to speak. but they worry in a general election what makes them strong in a primary weakens him in a general election in states like georgia where the independent voters are going to be so valuable. because honestly in georgia at e margins are small for victory in a general election. there are republicans and democrats. the nominee among their base is going to get 45% or so of the vote. it's really swing voters that can make a difference in georgia. eric: we are looking right now on the screen shows back in 2004 republicans were up 16% in the presidential vote. that has declined and gone under the democrats at point to. so it is trending democratic. just mention the independence do you see someone in second-place potentially who could take over from president trump's lead? up in new hampshire the independence have broken into vivetovivek ramaswamy in terms r republican candidate. what type of trend or prediction do you have? >> we do not have a lot of polling in georgia played the constitution hopes to have some polling really soon that could give some indicators but voters in our state are thinking. but generally speaking we see a discussion about tim scott or nikki haley. we see discussion about ron desantis even though he starting to trend downward he is going the opposite direction than he needs to go in order to stand with or defeat president trump of the primary. vivek ramaswamy is surging so to speak. but he is still running a third place, it may be second and some polls but it is still a very distant second period whether we are trying but ron desantis or vivek ramaswamy. so it remains to be seen if he can gain enough momentum and that way the debate this week may help some of the challengers make a push to again, we are talking just republicans are now do they want an alternative to donald trump? right now republican voters have indicated they do. not enough. stuart will see what happens with the debate on wednesday which is right here in foxnews. fox news. t yet you mention the atlanta constitution journal polls will get you back give us a call let us know when those polls are coming out just before they come out we will get you back to talk about them. >> absolutely i look forward to it. eric: you will have a busy week down in atlanta with the court proceedings. thank you. arthel: we look forward to having tia back. meanwhile heavy rain now moving into southern and los angeles it tropical storm hilary. our coverage continues after this break. 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>> about half an inch of rain can lead to some severe flooding all across palm springs. much of the coachella valley. two or 3 inches emergency responders know it is time to be on high alert and expect potential catastrophic flash flooding as many of the watches that surround the city could become filled very quickly. all of that mountain runoff can catch up on you very quickly. it is why we have seen hundreds of people stand in line to fill up sandbags, loading them into their car and getting them to their homes to hopefully protect themselves, their homes, and their livelihoods from really seeing some severe damage with those of floodwaters of the forecast holds up tropical storm hilary cut absolute bring a lot of that to this area. meanwhile city leaders here in palm beach have already taken some drastic measures to try to make sure that people are not driving through very low lying roads they shut down said major arteries in and out of palm springs that are known to consistently flood. not only do they have barricades on either side of those closures, some even have police officers on guard, warning people not to drive through standing water. recognizing with just how quickly the rain is falling and we have really seen it pick up here in the last hour or so but there is no telling how deep the water can be. especially nearby at those washes but eric, i will point out we already know some of that are in effect in san bernardino county. >> panic because i have been through a flood we had on five by 144 years ago. i live right next to a wash. when they are giving us this much warning you need to be prepared, we hustled for sandbags we have never had to do this i've lived in palm springs in this area since 1972. i have not seen this before. >> while hurricanes and tropical storm's are not something those in the golden state are used to dealing with, flood floodwaters. you hear from people like mary lee they recognize this is not a threat to take lightly. eric: has there been any indication from officials on how bad they expect us to be? people like her living near a wash are they expecting one, two, 3 feet of water? do they know have they had any indication or expectation what it could actually look like? >> it is hard to know exactly how much can acutely how quickly will the one thing i've gathered from officials they do not want to make assumptions at this point they would prefer to have the teams ready to go. they've got swift water rescue teams at the ready in case the flood warning starts to come through and they start to get those calls for help at meanwhile we also know the california national guard and the coast guard are also ready to respond. i think at this point it's a matter of preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. super receive we see the cars bu driving right to the splash will obviously get worse than that. alright nicole, i think you're right when i will get back to you when you get back to see you. arthel: present bite is closely monitoring tropical storm hilary put this as he is set to visit maui tomorrow to survey the devastation from the wildfires there. the white house is responding to criticism over the president's response to that disaster. lucas tomlinson's live at the white house with more on this, lucas? lex arthel, that is right present bite and cutting short his vacation heading to maui tomorrow. his fema administrator spoke earlier what the president will see and what he's going to do and he is on the ground in hawaii. >> is also going to be able to talk with people and hear their stories and provide a sense of hope and assurance the federal government is going to be with them as he has directed we will continue to bring in resources to support the request of the governor and their needs as they go to the recovery process. >> bite have been vacationing with his family including hunter biden and lake tahoe. it will be departing tomorrow to head to maui to inspect the damage and speak with survivors and local leaders is not the only disasters you mention the present has to monitor tropical storm hilary going down on southern california the president will be monitoring that situation as well but in fact he might not be able to return to his vacation home climate activist tom starr's one-time democratic opponent 2020 because the storm track as it going on to lake tahoe as well. as we see earlier on the screen fema official spoke earlier to fox about what to expect with a tropical storm. >> different type of things that may happen. to what individuals and families to make sure they're taking steps to be prepared. >> in san diego the u.s. navy is sending the third fleet out to sea, the safest place for warships and submarines during a tropical storm or hurricane. that's that uss alexandria and l.a. class attack boat name for the cities in both louisiana and virginia. here is also the aircraft carrier theodore roosevelt had the covid outbreak a few years ago buried there she is tr heading out to sea. also the destroyer uss halsey uss princeton that is spruance i believe at 111 and also the uss princeton. there is just a few days ago there was a change of command with the commander of naval surface forces in front of prince on the. in san diego. vice admiral david sagan command supposed to do the next superintendent of the naval academy of course that has been held up but i digress. certainly we pretty intense there out to see with the warships scrambling and heading out to sea. arthel: you never digress. by the way i was in alexandria, louisiana back in december. what is going on with the boats by the way? >> thank you very much i appreciate that i know you did. i know that's what you're doing but what is going on with other ships right now lucas? rex mysterious net there is no doubt it's very chaotic whenever you have this many ships out talking on the same frequency it's very chaotic. as people drive a car can understand it's pouring rain you cannot see at the winchell gift to drive real slow. all you can see is a faintness in the distance that is what's going on on the bridge of those warships. obviously of a lot of the young sailors so th those who have not experienced this young officers who have not been through this certainly probably have some commanding officers some skippers screaming on the bridge it's all part of surface warfare life, arthel nothing they cannot handle. and of course we expect those lads to do their duty out that there is no question it will be very chaotic it was surely that back that way in 2004 up the coast of florida. arthel: that is why we have such tremendous respect for them. thank you lucas tomlinson. >> that we do. isafe at sea. while diabetes drugs like owes g are exploding in popularity be more and more people using them to lose weight. new research points to potentially life-threatening side effects of doing them. dr. marc siegel on what you need to note next right here and fox newspa life. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. they offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95. the exam alone is worth at least 59 bucks. i can see from your expression that you find that shocking. and you're actually speechless. ...aaaaaaaaand, you don't have ears. two pairs and a free exam for just $79.95. book an exam today at it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ to have and to hold from this day forward. ♪ you don't... ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side.. ♪ ♪ i'll be there.. ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ conquer financial reports. conquer 2000-word essays. conquer a 6 course menu. rule over what you write with the smooth writing, longest lasting gel ink pen in america. do you g2? arthel: americans are becoming obsessed with the new class of weight loss drugs are meant to treat diabetes. and as their popularity grows so do the warnings. potentially dangerous side effects. these medications lycos mpeg do suppress appetite. weekly prescriptions this past february will reportedly up more than five times february 2020. as mpeg maker says its benefits include lowering a one seat that is the amount of glucose or sugar in your blood. lowering the risk of heart attack. let's bring in dr. marc siegel now. fox news can shiver professor of medicine at new york university medical center. first of all i wanted to ask you, why are doctors prescribing is epic for weight loss and tell us more about who is supposed to be taking as mpeg? >> ais epic, high arthel as mpeg is a drug that affects a hormone known as glp-1. we'll go v is the same thing it's a little bit of a different preparation. it's been approved by the fda for weight loss, as mpeg for diabetes. but doctors are not paying attention to the difference because they are so similar praise you just showed in july alone, bring it forward to july over 90000 a week prescriptions in the u.s. over 60000 for as mpeg. my experience is that most of the time insurance will not cover as mpeg for weight loss, only for diabetes. so most of the time we end up giving again they're very similar but what do they do? decreases hunger in the brain it also improves insulin function. it overcomes insulin resistance or decreases inflammation which is white decreases heart attack and stroke risk. and it decreases gastric emptying. things stay in your >> longer. that is why we are talking about this today. that is what philip jones at mayo the canadian journal is a warning that particular side effect of food estate in your >> longer could be a problem if you're going into anesthesia or surgery. >> interesting pretty want to take a look at some of the side effects. includes a nausea, diarrhea, >> pain. there is nothing on this list that everyone is not arty experience before so why are some of the symptoms after taking of zen pic considered dangerous? >> they are not necessarily dangerous. it's who you are do you need it how obese are you did you try a lifestyle change what about diet? it's not a magic bullet it's a toolt we finally have to decrease weights at a time when her obesity epidemic is in norma's only half of americans almost two thirds are overweight it is a tool that we needed. but arthel come in to your question nausea, vomiting, diarrhea those are side effects that are manageable or we use it to stop the drug. more importantly is the question about gastric emptying. i want to again and make the point if you are going in for a procedure you do not want stuff in your >> it could end up in your lungs. anesthesiologists are saying maybe you should stop ozempic two or three weeks before your procedure there's no reason not too. just to make sure your >> is empty. not a reason to stop the drug but a caution print this is why buy the weight doctors need to be in the loop here and not just doctors but doctors who are familiar with these drugs. endocrinologist need to be involved not just a gp necessarily. people are buying pirated versions online. extremely dangerous to do that. you need specialist involved who are really equipped to handle weight loss drugs. arthel: you are saying the >> emptying blockage if you will is harmful if you're going under anesthesia. but what if you are not going to have any procedures done? quickset is a great question. i would say the vast majority of cases it is not a problem. for most people it's not a problem. this is a very rare problem i don't think this characterizes everyone it may slow down the rate with which you empty from your >> and your bowel but that may be the effect you need to stop eating so much. so the lady would handle this drug if you are on it, is to eat less, eat more frequent meals and not try to over eat that if ishow works at weight loss. one of the ways it works at weight loss i'm not really concerned about the side effect. but again somebody needs and monitor the sadness what they're doing. we don't doctors out there to respond to the crazy patients and want to lose 10 pounds it's gotta be something that stayed with her obesity here. arthel: believe a ride there dr. marc siegel thank you very much. and we will be right back. kou nyou. just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at my name is wendy, i'm 51 years old, and i'm a hospital administrator. when i talk to patients you can just see from here up when you're wearing a mask. and i have noticed those lines beginning to really become not so much moderate but more severe. i'm still wendy and i got botox® cosmetic. and i'm really happy with the results because they're very subtle, and i feel like i look like myself, but just less lines. botox® cosmetic is fda approved, to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness maybe a sign of a life threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history. muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins. as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at spain wins the world cup. eric: on top of the women's soccer world one nail in the world cup final site earlier today perhaps on your local fox station. and man the celebration is on the streets of madrid and barcelona. spain joined germany as the only countries to win both the men's and women's world cups. arthel: in just seven matt matches has won his first trophy here in the united states the soccer legend scored a goal in the league's cup final for inter- miami against nashville sc last night. it is his tenth since coming to the team. the match went to penalty kicks with goalie drake calendar making the game-winning save, or is it? thquestion there it is.enter mig after. [david beckham. [laughter] maybe it wouldn't be saying cutie pie whether public and presidential candidates because we are all gearing up your box for the first debate three days from now right here in the fox news channel. bret baier and martha mccallum will be the moderators on wednesday night to face-off the 2024 white house race were there they are the folks who have qualified right now eight of the 13 candidates have met the criteria buried the latest we are told asa arthelro: thanks for joining us. of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. they offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95. the exam alone is worth at least 59 bucks. i can see from your expression that you find that shocking. and you're actually speechless. ...aaaaaaaaand, you don't have ears. two pairs and a free exam for just $79.95. book an exam today at it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses them to smell fresh, too. that's why i add downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. still fresh. still fresh, you nasty little goblins! still fresh! still? still. still here. still fresh! get 6 times longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. this back-to-school season, downy and tide are giving back with $1.5 million dollars in scholarships. enter to win. wake up, achievers. you're making the most of every hour of your life. except the hours that you're sleeping. so why do we leave so much untapped potential on the table? this is a next level bed, for a next level you. my circadian rhythm is kicking your circadian rhythms butt! it's not a competition. i know, but i'm still winning! so, it is a competition. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add a base. shop now only at sleep number. 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San Diego County , Coast , Colors , Rain Boots , 6 , Five , Way , Topography , 107 , Rate , Elevations , Valleys , Situations , Flood , Threat , Palm Springs , Places , Communities , Death Valley , Center , Attention , Kind , Timestamp , Little , Pacific Time , North , Circulation , Model , Potato , 00 , 2 , Rain , Thinking , Northern California , Silt Rating , Nevada , 11 , Moisture , Country , Swath , Course , Folks , Idaho , Montana , Eas Eastern Orn , 234 , Top , Sense , Flooding Alert , Like , The Ring , Things , Troughs , Trouble , Divisions , Flood Risk , D Nighttime Tonight , U S , Region , Captain Greg , Orange County Fire Authority , Okay Adam And Eric , Captain , Water Event , Concerns , Southern California Edison , Concern , Rain Rightfully , Lex , Talk , 25 , 15 , Wildfires , Wind , Power Companies , Santa Ana Winds , Great Working Relationship , 35 , Cities , Problems , Result , Personnel , Warning , Duty , Call , Power Line , Yes , Fires , Anticipation , Bid , God , Type , Orange County , Firefighters , Citizens , Staffing , Researchers , Problem , Train , Emergency , Forefront , Haven T , Steps , Safety , Communication , Management , Anyone , File , Danger , Issue , 3 , Tools , Advance , Shelter , Bunch , Sounds , Place , Saying , Order , Evacuation Orders , Preparation , Hunker Down , Roads , At Home , Resiresidence , Orders , Regions , Agenda , Advice , Ththe Community Safe , 48 , Riverside County , Partner Agencies , Medication , Weather Service , Worst , Page , Best , Luck , Stories , Light , Storm Coverage , President , Case , Charges , Conspiracy , Latest , Election Racketeering , Atlantic , Plan , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Neighbors , Booking Com , Josh Allen , Verizon , Booking Yeah , Hero Fan , Myplan , Windshield , Safelite , Sleep , Baby , Value , Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 , Youtubetv , 49 , 449 , Experts , Safety System , Recalibrated Our Car , World , Camera , Thyroid Eye Disease , Guy , Singers , Bridget , Safelite Repair , Help , Medicine , Tepezza , Symptoms , Doctor , Ted , Source , Patients , High Blood Pressure , Infusion , Breath , Heartbeat , Muscle Pain , Infusion Reactions , Study , Shortness , Eye Bulging , 10 , Diabetes , Ibd , Crohn S Disease , Blood Sugar , Ulcerative Colitis , Planning , Eye Specialist , Photos , Visit Mytepezza Com , Migrants , New York City , Governor , Response , Eric Adams , Shelters , Aid , Credit , Coping , State Leaders , Brouhaha , Viewpoints , Scb Cotton , Executive Order , In The City , Government , Amount , Ways , Cause , Migrant , Asylum Seekers , Location , Adams , Action , Sites , City , Kathy Hochul , Criticism , Work , Properties , Nonstate , Break , Down , Offers , Filing , Options , 3000 , Feud , Aralready Given , Long Run , 1 5 Billion , 5 Billion , Points , Floodplains , Any , More , Partnership , Desire , White House , Accounting , Fulton County Jail , 2020 , Donald Trump , Trump , Election , Look Steve Harrigan , Counts , Fulton County , District Attorney , Basis , 13 , 1 , Number , Booking , Racketeering , Others , Wrongdoing , Indictment , Count , Individual , George , Racketeer Influenced And Corrupt Organization Act , Goal , Participation , Enterprise , Elsewhere , Georgia Republicans , Office , Odds , Timing , Term , Bet , Donald J , Indictments , Democrats , Trial , Mind , Opinion , Back To You , Record , Jail , Joe Biden , 19 , 24 7 , Swing State , Presidents , Spotlight , Atlanta , Republican , Reporter , Hearty , Seats , Red Streak , Hurdle , The Atlanta Journal Constitution In Washington Based Correspondent , Mitchell , Senate , 2024 , Trump Indictment , Courthouse , Tia , Voters , Support , Indepindependents , Tal Document , Georgia Voters , Therea , Proceeding , Victory , Actions , Accountable , Answer , Contempt , Skepticism , Play , Wednesday Night To , Georgians , Calling , 53 , 51 , Majority , Party , Population , General Election , Nominee , General , Position , Primary , Base Pair , Primaries , Messages , Republicans , States , Base , Margins , Georgia At E , 45 , Vote , Difference , Screen , 16 , 2004 , Independence , Someone , Lead , Point To , Polling , Constitution , Candidate , Terms , Prediction , Trend , Vivetovivek Ramaswamy , New Hampshire , Ron Desantis , Indicators , Discussion , Tim Scott , Nikki Haley , Vivek Ramaswamy , Direction , Defeat , Polls , Debate , Momentum , Challengers , Alternative , Push , Atlanta Constitution Journal Polls , Stuart , Proceedings , Coverage , Tia Back , It Tropical Storm Hilary , Relief Plus , Food Digestion , Gut , Food , Discomfort , Bloating , Bacteria , Vitamin B12 , Brand Power , Proteins , Blender , Aid Digestion , Fats , Stock , Big Blender Power On The Go , Usb Port , Blendjet 2 , Latte , Protein Shake , Smoothie , Drop , Soap , Blendjet Com , Science , Nature , Constipation , Laxative Gummies , Gummy , Senokot , Natural Senna Plant , Senokot Laxative Gummies , Coachella Valley , Alright Nicole , Flash Flooding , Many , Mountain Runoff , Emergency Responders , Surround , Car , Line , Hundreds , Livelihoods , Floodwaters , City Leaders , Forecast , Measures , Palm Beach , Tropical Storm Hilary Cut Absolute , Side , Arteries , Barricades , Police Officers , Guard , Closures , Rain Is Falling , Effect , Washes , San Bernardino County , Panic , Wash , 144 , Storm , Golden State , Flood Floodwaters , Hurricanes , 1972 , Indication , Mary Lee , Feet , Expectation , Flood Warning , Calls , Teams , Assumptions , California National Guard , Swift Water Rescue Teams , Splash , Super , Coast Guard , Cars Bu Driving , Bite , Maui , Lex Arthel , Disaster , Devastation , Lucas , Lucas Tomlinson , Vacation Heading , Hawaii , Hope , Needs , Resources , Assurance , Request , Recovery Process , Present , Leaders , Disasters , Family , Survivors , Lake Tahoe , Hunter Biden , Opponent , Storm Track , Situation , Fact , Vacation Home Climate Activist , Tom Starr , Official , Sea , Warships , Individuals , Families , Submarines , Fleet , U S Navy , Theodore Roosevelt , Hurricane , Louisiana , Uss Alexandria , L A Class Attack Boat Name , Virginia , Covid , Destroyer Uss Halsey Princeton , Command , Spruance , Change , 111 , Naval Academy , David Sagan , Commander , Superintendent , Prince , Front , Forces , Boats , Alexandria , Rex Mysterious Net , Ships , Doubt , Frequency , Officers , Distance , Bridge , Faintness , Gift , Th , Sailors , Winchell , Question , Surface Warfare Life , Lads , Skippers , Respect , Isafe At Sea , Florida , Side Effects , Dr , Popularity , Marc Siegel , Diabetes Drugs , Exploding , Business , 5g Network , Fox Newspa Life , 5 , Exam , Pairs , Glasses , Expression , Won T Overpay , America S Best , 9 95 , 79 95 , 59 Bucks , 59 , Ears , Aaaaaaaaand , Americasbest Com , Little Bear , I Ll Be There , Arms , C Mon , Essays , 2000 , Course Menu , Rule , Gel Ink Pen , Writing , Weight Loss , Class , Do Suppress Appetite , Prescriptions , Medications , Lycos , Risk , Heart Attack , Seat , Mpeg Maker , Blood , Sugar , Glucose , Benefits , February 2020 , Doctors , Epic , Professor , New York University Medical Center , Drug , Mpeg , High Arthel , Hormone , Bit , Ais Epic , Glp 1 , Praise , Fda , Most , Over , Insurance , 90000 , 60000 , Gastric Emptying , Inflammation , Hunger , Insulin Resistance , Brain , Insulin Function , Stroke , Philip Jones At Mayo The Canadian Journal , Side Effect , Anesthesia , Diarrhea , Nausea , Look , Food Estate , Surgery , Nothing , Pain , Taking , Zen Pic , Weights , Lifestyle , Toolt , Diet , Magic Bullet , Obesity Epidemic , Half , Norma , Procedure , Tool , Anesthesiologists , Vomiting , Lungs , Reason , Print , Caution , Loop , Drugs , Need , Gp , Endocrinologist , Versions , Weight Loss Drugs , Emptying Blockage , Procedures , Cases , Quickset , Bowel , Meals , Lady , Sadness , Ishow Works , Obesity , Ride , Gotta , Kou Nyou , Liberty , Switching , Reminder , Phone , Pile , Pay , Age , Protein , High Protein , Muscle Health , Flavor , Boost , Boost Com Tv , Cinnabon , 20 , My Name Is Wendy , Botox , Lines , Cosmetic , Mask , Hospital Administrator , Results , Effects , Frown Lines , Forehead , Approved , Crow , Life , Eye Problems , Breathing , Reactions , Injection Site Pain , Injection , Condition , Headache , Difficulty Swallowing , Speaking , Muscle Weakness , Sign , Skin Infection , Muscle , Conditions , Eyelid Swelling , History , Botulinum Toxins , Nerve , Eyebrow , Eyelid Drooping , Spain , World Cup , Women S Soccer World One Nail , Fox Station , Streets , Celebration , World Cup Final , Barcelona , Madrid , Countries , Trophy , Matches , Men , League , Women S World Cups , Soccer Legend , Germany , Seven , Match , Tenth , Save , Penalty Kicks , Calendar , Against Nashville Sc Last Night , Miami , Inter , Goalie Drake , It Is Enter Mig , Candidates , Cutie Pie , Laughter , David Beckham , Moderators , Box , Gearing , Bret Baier , Martha Mccallum , Refund , Criteria , Asa Hutchinson Mp Arthelro , Thanks For Joining Us , Marshall , Emily , Innovation Refunds , Patio , Tax Refund , Facelift , Practice , Erc , Wax Museum , Brows , Stop Waiting , Downy , Odor Protection , Goblins , Potential , Scholarships , Tide , Achievers , Wake Up , 1 5 Million , 5 Million Dollars , Competition , Sleep Number , Circadian Rhythm , Level Bed , Level , Rhythms , Table , 50 , Bed , Home Delivery , Move , Schedule , Sara , Opendoor Dot Com , Edition , System , Fox Report , Jon Scott , Landfall , Southwestern United States ,

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