Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

has done just that he joins us live in just a few minutes from now to tell us what he will say, what he thanks the nation needs and that ron desantis and rhonda desantis andblasting hims reaction. he is here al live in just a few moments. >> first hilary is moving north historical tropical storm expected to slam to southern california just hours from now. within 48 million people in its path gearing up for what could be massive flooding of the southwest and the southland unprecedented for the west coast. hello welcome to "fox news live" everyone i am eric shawn. hi arthel. arthel: hello eric hello everyone i am arthel neville. the national hurricane center just downloaded hilary to a tropical storm. it is already blamed for at least one death and mexico. as far inland as a las vegas. hilary could still dump more than a years worth of rain in some areas of the next day or so. forecasters warning of catastrophic life-threatening floods, dangerous mudslides, power outages or possibly even tornadoes. california governor gavin newsom has declared a state of emergency as his state braces for the worst and other states in the southwest are also in hilary's path. eric: a note live team news coverage for you max gorden standing by jonathan hunt. first were going to fox and meteorologist adam klotz where is it right now and where is hilary going? whachris is such a large storm t it disappoints what we are seeing is so much rain across southern california are current experiencing is going to continue to make the lift and move to the north of. it's currently traveling at 25 miles an hour really sped up winds down to 70 miles an hour it is a tropical storm now. as always point when to weaken s running into colder water as it lifts itself to the north for the story is always going to be out of the rain. the fact the winds are dying down we always knew this was really a rain to story flooding is going to be the main concern here. we see all the cross southern california into nevada. this will continue likely intensify as the center of the storm continues to look a little further to the north. it is still back down across mexico. really think this afternoon and this evening when the center of circulation start to lift into sousouthern california the rain started coming down. the center is not that this is really important it's in place. as a future forecast model you can see how heavy that ring is currently. ii am running although until 4:. you see a little spin we talk about this entering the united states but rain is already coming down in a really heavy way. continue to watch the timestamp the heaviest rain lifting into central and northern california about time you get to this evening. you're setting on the backside of this but yes the rain is coming down the heaviest rain is continuing to push itself off to the north but ultimately idaho's going to see rain for this. it's a large system pulling a ton of a moisture across the west coast as it continues to lift itself to the north but how much rain are we talking about here? i've than you're looking in the orange is a good five -- 6 inches of rain will be isolated rain l lost i l lost it too -- lizza mountain josie a ton of rain and then all that esther rushed out into the valleys. that is when flooding becomes. still working to strengthen back into a hurricane? it doesn't matter the deluge from the water in the flooding because the stories always going to rain so it went a week at te rain is moving and that's not going to matter now. before that's going to be the issue adam thank you. arthel: thank you, hilary now has under its first ever tropical storm warning. the last tropical storm to hit the state back in 1939. santa monica is expected to bear the brunt of this one for jonathan hunt is there live. jonathan, what is it like? >> were getting the first bands of rain just beginning to come through now. stop that heaviest et al. i grew up in england will call this the perfect summer beach d david is starting to come down it's going to get a lot worse with the authorities are already shut down tourist meccas like the santa monica. you see behind me here. pretty much all of the oceanfront parking lots here have also been shot down. officials are warning residents because of the rain. were not going to have the worst of it along the coastline here in southern california. that's more in land in the mountains on the high desert. but everywhere across southern california but millions of people are going to be affected by this. it's well on the way. it's that firehouse was offering sandbags to residents from san diego up to santa barbara over the weekend. residents have been taken advantage of that filling those sandbags, getting ready for what may be to convert officials and all of the cities that will be hit by this deluge is be prepared do not go out. that message meant all the way up to president biden himself who said this yesterday. >> fame has pre-position personnel and supplies to the region. we are ready to respond as needed. i urge everyone, everyone in the path of the storm to take precautions and listen to the guidance from state and local officials. >> this is just the beginning. it is going to get a lot worse before it eventually gets a better and about 24 hours time. but that is upon us and we all know about the california coal anthe people heeding the warnins this time forgetting look he lives on the coast and the high desert and mountain communities they are being very careful getting prepared indeed. adam was saying they could get . more than a year's worth of rain and a 24 hour period that really will be very dangerous. we heard rager bass and others appealing to people to stay inside. if you were thinking of going out, exploring the water is going to be across the areas in the high desert, the cities they are. they had an extra warning that it's snake season for the snakes are going somewhere but they are going to be in the water. if you need any reason to stay out of the water that seems to be a good one to me, arthel. arthel: absolutely i grew this out the wind that the water that could wreak havoc for jonathan hunt reporting live from santa monica thank you jonathan. a record amount that working frantically to prepare for the stork storm. fox with a correspondent is live in las vegas. taking the pulse of the strip if you're a betting man i bet on being a rainy day in vegas today rips out of the strip people walking around with umbrellas. they're expecting an inch of rain in las vegas on the way to the rest of it. upwards of that potentially. a flood watch easily in effect until monday. gusts of up to 60 miles per hour. here in clark county preparing for the storm event his sandbags have been handed out multiagency law enforcement officials can get together and coordinate this response for their staging equipment burgers are ready for whatever the stork might throw their way. they are prepping for the storm and they have been preparing staging crews all around the state getting ready for potential power outages. the main message to folks here you should stay home during the duration of the storm don't go out in the waterways. these areas are don't get a ton of rain so even inch of rain a few inches could cause creeks to run very, very high. so flooding is really the main concern here in the desert back to you. eric: the sunbaked hard ground of the desert cannot take this. max on the strip in las vegas thank you. arthel: alright eric let's bring in orange county california third district supervisor donald wagoner. mr. wagoner want to start by asking you does this time it feeldifferent on any level? >> it does feel a little bit different. we have been through storms before. this time such things as reaching out to our friends and colleagues in orange county, florida who have been through this before. they are suggesting to a steps we can take. we really appreciate the insights. it does feel a little bit different. i will tie the advice we just heard from some of your reporters out there is fantastic advice. i'm hoping people in orange county take it to heart. we expect to be ready. arthel: absolutely. on that note how is the county preparing? how are you instructing residents to prepare? >> we are preparing in many ways besides atlanta gives sandbags available the fire stations. we can make them available for couple of days now. we've got volunteer evacuation warnings and some of our areas which tend to get hit more often with the flash floods. we are watching those areas closely. we've been scouring the riverbeds to make sure they are free of debris. we do find some of our home was to camp there, we are making shelters available and ensure everybody is out of there and it is as safe as possible. arthel: you mention the homeless and what other ways would you say orange county's most vulnerable? what special protection has been or are you putting in place to address those weaknesses? >> the two areas that are particularly vulnerable will be the mountain canyon areas that i mention. they have also had wire fire wildfires go through recently that mix the brush less stable and easier for us to get run off of mud and rocks. the water has to go somewhere if those channels are blocked it can get out on the streets and go through some of the community. those are at risk. and then we do of course have miles of very nice beaches. do not go near the water we are making sure everyone in all beach communities know those waves are going to be eight -- 10 feet for their places in orange county could be as high as 15 feet. we are urging everyone to just stay away, give mother nature an opportunity to play, spend her out and in 24 hours we will be in a position back to normal. arthel: mr. any way to shore up the mountain areas you mention are vulnerable? >> we have been doing that. with the sandbags i mentioned. we have crews out scouring those creek beds and riverbeds to make sure there is debris free as much as possible. we've been doing that for some time now. we now have two fire stations, generally they're not staffed or whwhen their staff that they volunteer basis we have stepped those up. we have a rescue helicopters that can fly 24 hours a day that are available we have been staging at work heaven for bid are needed but would be most likely needed. so we are taking those steps. the problem you will find and it's true i think in any storm you can prepare, prepare, prepare and when the rains come all of those preparations we need to then add live on the fly go over the proms actually are. arthel: absolutely. in the meantime governor gavin newsom has acquired a state of emergency for southern california ahead of the storm's worst impact. how does that help your orange county? >> that will help us the board of supervisors prepared to meet as soon necessary next week to declare our own local state of emergency with the governor's move and i do think the governor for that. with the governors move it will make it easier for us to access the state's resources. additional supplies to come in. additional work crews additional equipment to move earth around three things along those lines are made that much easier by the governor's action. and then we feel necessary in our own state of emergency here in orange county. we are hoping to get through without it but we are prepared if we need too. arthel: we are all hoping we can get there without a bright orange county third district supervisor mr. donald wagoner. good luck with everything. thank you very much for letting us know how you are preparing thank you sir. >> thank you arthel. eric: without president by the administration closely monitoring the tropical storm but he is set to visit maui tomorrow. the island begins recovering from that disaster they are. the worst wildfires in modern american history. back in washington their own no developer to the continuing investigation of the president's son hunter brett lucas tomlinson has all delays and with those stories live from the north one of the white house, lucas? >> eric, turns out delaware is a pretty small states. the rumors are true special newly appointed counsel david weiss once worked on a corruption case within attorney general beau biden. of course the president's son now deceased. now beau biden's elected attorney general in 2000 on this case of course president bided appointed weiss to be u.s. attorney began investigating hunter biden in 2018 but looking why he spent two years as acting attorney under president barack obama and vice president joe biden. now the oversight committee, now accusing president bided of using an alias to communicate with the son hunter about ukraine it matters when he was vice president for james comer appe,appeared early on "sunday morning futures." >> we have learned that when he was receiving e-mails pertaining to ukraine, his son hunter was copied on them which we have always heard the white house has said hunter biden was not an employee of the government but he was not any part of the government. >> now, from the political storm the actual disaster in hawaii present but it will be forced to interrupt his second vacation this month departing from lake tahoe to head to maui tomorrow to inspect the damage and speak to survivors and local leaders is fema administrator spoke earlier, the president will be doing in hawaii. >> going to be able to talk with people and hear their stories provide a sense of hope and assurance the federal government is going to be with them as he has directed we will continue to bring in resources to support the request of the governor and that needs as they go through the recovery process. >> president biden is in hawaii he will likely be monitoring the tropical storm headed to san diego with the u.s. navy including uss alexander as you can see here at los angeles class attack submarine named in honor of alexandria virginia and alexandria louisiana britt one of the thing about the storm, eric, there is a possibility the storm could go impact lake tahoe. that was certainly derail the president's plans will have to see if it president biden will be returning to lake tahoe or where he will be writing up the storm. eric: still looks like a beautiful day in washington thank you. arthel: eric, with just three days until the first gop primary debate here on fox the candidates are putting their final touches on their game plans for wednesday night. vivek ramaswamy will be there but up next he is here with his strategy for debate night. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ he snores like an angry rhino. you've never heard an angry rhino. baby i hear one every night... every night. okay. i'll work on that. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition 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including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. arthel: first debate of their publproblem primary race just te days away. i will be moderated by brett pryor and martha mccalla right fox news channel. now five candidates have confirmed to fox they have met the necessary criteria to make the stage. some notable hopefuls have not fully qualified as of yet. just this morning, arkansas governor asa hutchinson claimed he has met the polling requirement. he says he plans to sign the pledge to support the eventual nominee. that is something former president trump says he will not do. alexandria hoff has more. >> hi arthel, the cat has to meet all three qualifications to the pledge, polling and fundraising to get a podium and milwaukee beat rnc chair said today on senate morning futures that wednesday is the true start of the general election. >> this is going to be the debate stage we are going to be able to tap the republicans can do versus the failure of joe biden. >> how many people we on the stage? mcdaniel said today there will be seven at least fox news has confirmed that includes five vivek ramaswamy, desantis, haley, scott. the truck and pence campaigns have not agreed they signed the pledge that we have the former president does not intend to the republican national committee though says the campaigns have asa hutchinson says his campaign has now but the fundraising threshold they have to validate those numbers. the former arkansas governor said today he is pledging to support the eventual nominee. >> i will sign the pledge. i am confident donald trump is not going to be the nominee of the party. >> it is unlikely former president trump will participate in the debate at all related fox news polls show he currently holds 8:30 seven-point lead over his closest competitor governor ron desantis. for all the candidates who do qualify milwaukee will be the moment to try and make a break. >> i am just going to beat me. i feel like i've been preparing for this first republican presidential debate my entire life. >> wants us debate happens this week it's off to the races that is when you're going to start to see people really focus in on different candidates, look at what their options are paid we feel really good going into the debate. >> hopefuls had until 48 hours before the debate to meet the criteria so arthel, these numbers will remain in flux. arthel: indeed, alexandria hoff thank you. eric: former president trump's multiple indictments seem to make a little impact on the republican polls. there is tracking between second place between governor ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy but both are ti tied in polls for second place in new hampshire in fact. the latest fox news poll shows vivek ramaswamy's support has more than doubled since june. so how would the shape up for the first republican debate on wednesday and what can we expect? we are knowing now joined live by at republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy. good to see you, thanks for joining us here in fox news channel. >> it is good to see you, eric. eric: were looking fired up for wednesday what you hope to achieve? >> i am looking to introduce myself to the country but six months ago but many people in this country did not even know who i was. i was pulling at 0.0% in march. i am now in a tie for second period the reason, eric, i am speaking the truth every step of the way. some people in this race are going to present plans for incremental reform. i stand on the side of revolution. the ideals of the american revolution. answer the question of what it means to be an american today. and i think for too long as conservatives we have been running from something. i am leading us to start running to something. too that american dream that still unites us as americans. might sense, eric, our base is hungry for an affirmative vision. not just criticizing the left even though we all come including me, do plenty of that we need to alter an alternative vision of our own that's what i'll be doing a debate stage. eric: when you think about it you do have an astounding story. never run for public office before you are a private citizen come entrepreneur you're going be standing next to former vice president of the united states officials to have a tournament this amount of experience in elected public office. why coming out of seemingly nowhere in the political circles has resonated so strongly? >> the truth is my parents came to this country 40 years ago with no money. i have gone on to found a multiple multibillion-dollar companies. i did it while mirroring my wife who is also live the american dream. raising our two sons, following our faith in god debate that is the american dream, eric. i am genuinely worried the american dream will not exist for my two sons and their generation. i think the people across this country are seeing is that we need to need that outsider who did not just grow up in the swamps of washington d.c. but he'll actually succeed outside of government to be able to revive that vision for our country. by dismantling that bureaucracy. the other thing i've been clear about is that for me nove november 2024 is not the destination it is a start line for the real destination is generate 2033 when i leave office. when my older son is not even yet in high school. what i wanted to let the people that we did? the president can do things i intend to deliver on them to check out the adm admin strata e declare independence from china. grow our economy. and most importantly, revive a national pride in my two sons and their generation. that is something that yes, at the age of 38 yes is the youngest person ever to run for president i think i'm best position to achieve the next generation of americans. responding to something you have been responding and i want to point out the tyranny of the minority. that is on both sides the left and the right what are we seeing whether it's in schools or churches or other places that hasn't people so on edge? >> the reality is civil rights movements began to 60 -- 70 plus years ago in this country. that wasn't pushing back against a tyranny of the majority and minority. what is happening as right as we are approaching the promised land just as you run out of civil rights to fight for people make of nuance instead. that is what this transgender movement is all about i don't think this country should stop this country from dressing the way they want. it's a different thing to say you're going to force a sexual ideology on our kids or change them at women compete in sports or change closed in locker rooms. that is not the majority that is eight new tyranny of the minority. i think it is interesting it is precisely when we have gotten closest as ever to achieving a equality across racial groups, across genders even across people of different sexual orientations, it is precisely at that moment we then start talking more about systemic racism. or start talking more about bigotry. or transgender discrimination. and the truth is i think people are hungry for a cause. that is really what is going on in our country. especially my generation. we are starved for purpose and meaning. i think this is our moment as conservatives to level up and to fill that void. not just with criticizing the other side, but with our own vision of what it means to be an american. that is going to take an outsider, super pac puppet is not going to get that done page 20 a patriot who speaks the truth. that is why i am in this race. eric: one person not on the status bar president president trump who has employee of this network. do you think it is a mistake the former president is not showing up the debate, showing the respect to the republican voters and to his competitors? >> my view is they will be many debates to the falls going to be one in september, when october prints if he shows up on the debate stage at some point over the course of this year, from then onward i am okay with it for the truth is he's been on the debate stage many times been president for four years. for me no one in this country knew who i was six months ago. i am looking towards introducing myself to the people pretty think donald trump is free to make whatever decision he feels is right for him for the first couple of debates but for me i will be delivering my message either way. i think people across this country are hungry for an actual message that is what i am bringing. eric: it before i let you go i got a message last week eminem, you know you did on the stage and i would let's take a little look. ♪ back to reality ♪ ♪ oh there goes gravity. ♪ ♪ ♪. eric: that is pretty impressive it. bill clinton in 1992 on our city with this accident we'd never seen that before and a presidential candidate. what is it with you and eminem? you pretty much shocked a lot of those folks at the iowa state fair? >> i'm having a lot of fun on the campaign trail. after that a couple nights ago was at the nixon presidential library in l.a. where i was delivering a speech on foreign policy. i had the honor of actually literally playing the same piano that richard nixon did as well. we are having fun playing tennis, engaging in different kinds of music from classical music on the piano to wrap on the campaign trail. i think that's one of things our families really enjoyed about this process. yes, we are having a little bit of fun but yes, we are connected with people. my goal is to be as authentic as i can the best version of myself. and that's what the people of this country want to lead this country than it will be my honor to serve as an ex-president. eric: thank you for joining us vivek ramaswamy we will see you on wednesday night here on fox news. >> thank you. eric: course at first republic c and presidential debate as we have been saying wednesday night 9:00 p.m. eastern time right here on fox. we will be right back with a very latest on hilary not the former candidate but the storm. ...because t-mobile helps pano ai innovate, so they can stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. with gold bond... you can age on your own terms. retinol overnight means... the smoothing benefits of retinol. are now for your whole body. plus, fast-working crepe corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. gold bond. champion your skin. my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't 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is before moving north into idaho. fox weathered meteorologist nicole is alive in palm springs, california. how's it looking there? >> arthel, thankfully the rain has stopped eight hours or so but may not sound like much but for the coachella valley that could be catastrophic flash flooding and just a matter of hours. thankfully the emphasis has been on trying to keep people safe. emergency officials have decided to take some drastic measures which includes shutting down almost every single major artery into the palm springs area. those roads consistently flood even after a few inches of rain. city officials telling me they've already given out more than 60000 sandbags. yesterday we saw hundreds of people more than five or six sites all across the city shoveling sand and loading up their cars to hopefully protect their home from what could be very dangerous flood waters. a lot of people here know just how much rain could really contribute to the mountain run off and make even driving on the road very dangerous. >> it really only takes a couple inches of water to sweep you away. especially if it is fast-moving. i know this summer we had a lot of runoff from whitewater. i note seve know several peopled get swept away and had to do rescues and evacuations. so watch that water. >> we already know evacuation orders being issued in some areas of san bernardino county. arthel: watch the water for sure but fox with a correspondent nicole valdez you are and live there in palm springs we wish the very best for a going in fod palm springs thank you. eric: yes we give her back to politics for president trump has until friday to surrender in georgia. that after his most recent indictment on the 2020 election and that alleged plots. he is supposed to turn himself in autand authorities want him o appear at the fulton county jail the jail is open 24 hours seven days a week. so we are told it could happen at any time. fox news senior correspondent steve harrigan live in atlanta on maybe one that can be. >> any time this week much of the speculation is heading towards the later days of the week the fulton county district attorney has given the former president in 18 others until friday at noon to turn themselves and for booking but former president trump was denied any wrongdoing the others face multiple charges including racketeering and a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election. >> every individual charged in the indictment is charged with one count of violating georgia's racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations act. through participation in a criminal enterprise in fulton county, georgia and elsewhere to accomplish the illegal goal of allowing donald j trump to seize the presidential term of office. >> even for a number of georgette republicans who have been at odds with the bonner president they am very critical of the timing of the indictment. >> one thing is certain about in my mind in my opinion. this trial, despite what dates anyone is asking for is not going to happen before the election. the democrats want us to be focus on things like this so we are not focused on joe biden's record. >> all are expected to be booked at the rice street jail here in atlanta about a mile from where i'm standing. as you mention that it's open 24/7. eric: steve in atlanta thank you. arthel. arthel: despite positive economic numbers a fresh fox news a poll shows americans are still not buying. white does the administration messaging seemed to be falling on deaf ears? we will get into that cap next. oh!! searchable, verified reviews. that's better than the ham, and i've never said that. booking.yeah directv sports central gives you access to every game. but terry doesn't have directv. come on. work for dad- here... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv my barbecue is ruined. i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. 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economy worse not better but let's bring and now peter is a former u.s. international trade commission chief and economics and business professor at the university of maryland pizza peter, let's start here. low unemployment rate 3.5% plus low inflation rate at three-point to percent. plus high how does this add up for people's pocketbooks and household spending? >> the present program does benefit some people. in the green industries if you are building cars if you work for ups and so forth. but for most people they are not in on the benefits. they are not getting any of the money rolling out for the money rolling out is terribly terribly expensive. the deficit is $2 trillion. the last before the pandemic it was less than 1 trillion. as a consequence of had a lot of inflation in pe of people's wage not kept up. so they are poor at their paychecks do not go as far. for some people if you work for ups potential if you work in the auto industry of your helping to build a semiconductor factory of your getting a set aside in the info structure program to undo past injustices you are happy. the rest of the population is paying for that through much higher inflation. because we did not raise taxes to pay for this thing. we are taxing through inflation so they feel worse off. arthel: will go back to because inflation is what three-point to percent which is low. but let me go here but why did, peter i went on to this morning. here are some of the highlights of the inflation reduction act by the numbers as listed. five -- 7 million medicare beneficiaries can see their prescription drug costs go down. 13 million americans will continue to save an average of $800 a year on health insurance premiums. $14000 in direct consumer rebates for energy-efficient appliances. one to 24 billion saying these are the savings over 10 years which we generated from collecting taxes already owed by wealthy people and large corporations. and the deficit is projected to fall by more than $1.5 trillion this year after falling more than 350 billion last year. something lost in translation? >> those are promises that were not kept. first of all the health insurance subsidies, people already had. so they do not feel better that was a continuation. the increased taxes have not come in. we know the numbers the first 10 months of this year the deficit was $1.6 trillion. the last year before the pandemic you cannot count the pandemic ups and downs. it was about 90 to 60 billion. it is up a great deal it's going to be about 2 trillion before it's over this year. people just do not feel better pray they are not getting the benefits. who do you know has gone out and bought an electric car with one of the subsidies? a lot of people car factories and so forth, the companies they have gotten tax credit spread but who do you know scott electric vehicle tax credit? not a lot of people. so you go to the grocery store the center aisles especially the packaged goods are way up. and inflation is not low 3% is well above the target what is more it's the cumulative effect during his presidency rate over the first about 11 quarters of his presidency incomes felt nine of them in real terms. arthel: that is a fair point that you make fair peter is going just to give a grade if 20 seconds if you can grade the economy would you give it? >> and d, 8d. support deet like david. >> mentally passing. it's a growing well but the rest the country is doing poorly. arthel: will pick that up at another time peter morici former u.s. international trade commission chief thank you for joining us. we will be right back. i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar 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continuing to go through, through the day to go through every part of that and help identify anybody who might still be missing. eric: tragedy continues to unfold in hawaii. at lalisa 114 people now confirm dead in the wildfires there. sadly that number likely to rise because many hundreds are still missing. the exact number missing not even known. thus as crews are working on the clock to look for victims and confirm their identity brittney will recovery efforts are underway to give much needed relief to those who lost their homes and everything they own. matt finn and malik with the very latest on the efforts there. >> the latest numbers in the governor's office there are still more than 1000 people missing. the governor is saying that any number of children could be among the missing. >> it is possible that is what we are sharing, here internally that is possible there will be many children because of the temperature of the fire the remains of those who have died in some cases may be impossible to recover meaningfully. >> we got to tour some of the damage by boats. on the ground there is a lot of frustration. even outrage. people say this could have been prevented residents and business owners tell us they want to get into the fire zone to assess their losses but for now law enforcement continues to fiercely block off the devastation which is still being assessed to partly talk to one residents whose art gallery on front street was destroyed one of his employees used a fire hose to try to fight the fire. >> we want to try to get our life and put back together again. we are being prevented in some cases from accessing our vehicles, our tools, our equipment, our businesses. a lot of us lost everything on front street. and we want to access it. we do not want to disturb. >> president biden is scheduled to visit the island of maui here tomorrow but will be here and keep you updated, eric. >> are right in maui thank you. of course if you want to help those who are impacted by the wildfires here is one way to do it. get your iphone and go on the qr code where i will give you a minute to click if you have a second or you can donate directly to the red cross forward is only to do that. or you can text hawaii 290999 to make a $10 donation. >> comes out of the box, spain wins the world cup. arthel: they have the 2023 women's world cup come so close was faint securing its first title defeating england one -- zero spain joined germany as the only two nations who have won the prestigious trophy in both men's and women's competitions. congratulations to them. super i cannot help but think of lasso every time i see soccer. >> i wish that u.s. women where there is what i wish the limit where there they gave it a good fight to pray they're still champions to us. they are the best absolutely. set listen we are back from three -- 5:00 p.m. eastern for two special hours of fox news live. we are tracking tropical storm hilary so keep it right here right now. 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has done just that he joins us live in just a few minutes from now to tell us what he will say, what he thanks the nation needs and that ron desantis and rhonda desantis andblasting hims reaction. he is here al live in just a few moments. >> first hilary is moving north historical tropical storm expected to slam to southern california just hours from now. within 48 million people in its path gearing up for what could be massive flooding of the southwest and the southland unprecedented for the west coast. hello welcome to "fox news live" everyone i am eric shawn. hi arthel. arthel: hello eric hello everyone i am arthel neville. the national hurricane center just downloaded hilary to a tropical storm. it is already blamed for at least one death and mexico. as far inland as a las vegas. hilary could still dump more than a years worth of rain in some areas of the next day or so. forecasters warning of catastrophic life-threatening floods, dangerous mudslides, power outages or possibly even tornadoes. california governor gavin newsom has declared a state of emergency as his state braces for the worst and other states in the southwest are also in hilary's path. eric: a note live team news coverage for you max gorden standing by jonathan hunt. first were going to fox and meteorologist adam klotz where is it right now and where is hilary going? whachris is such a large storm t it disappoints what we are seeing is so much rain across southern california are current experiencing is going to continue to make the lift and move to the north of. it's currently traveling at 25 miles an hour really sped up winds down to 70 miles an hour it is a tropical storm now. as always point when to weaken s running into colder water as it lifts itself to the north for the story is always going to be out of the rain. the fact the winds are dying down we always knew this was really a rain to story flooding is going to be the main concern here. we see all the cross southern california into nevada. this will continue likely intensify as the center of the storm continues to look a little further to the north. it is still back down across mexico. really think this afternoon and this evening when the center of circulation start to lift into sousouthern california the rain started coming down. the center is not that this is really important it's in place. as a future forecast model you can see how heavy that ring is currently. ii am running although until 4:. you see a little spin we talk about this entering the united states but rain is already coming down in a really heavy way. continue to watch the timestamp the heaviest rain lifting into central and northern california about time you get to this evening. you're setting on the backside of this but yes the rain is coming down the heaviest rain is continuing to push itself off to the north but ultimately idaho's going to see rain for this. it's a large system pulling a ton of a moisture across the west coast as it continues to lift itself to the north but how much rain are we talking about here? i've than you're looking in the orange is a good five -- 6 inches of rain will be isolated rain l lost i l lost it too -- lizza mountain josie a ton of rain and then all that esther rushed out into the valleys. that is when flooding becomes. still working to strengthen back into a hurricane? it doesn't matter the deluge from the water in the flooding because the stories always going to rain so it went a week at te rain is moving and that's not going to matter now. before that's going to be the issue adam thank you. arthel: thank you, hilary now has under its first ever tropical storm warning. the last tropical storm to hit the state back in 1939. santa monica is expected to bear the brunt of this one for jonathan hunt is there live. jonathan, what is it like? >> were getting the first bands of rain just beginning to come through now. stop that heaviest et al. i grew up in england will call this the perfect summer beach d david is starting to come down it's going to get a lot worse with the authorities are already shut down tourist meccas like the santa monica. you see behind me here. pretty much all of the oceanfront parking lots here have also been shot down. officials are warning residents because of the rain. were not going to have the worst of it along the coastline here in southern california. that's more in land in the mountains on the high desert. but everywhere across southern california but millions of people are going to be affected by this. it's well on the way. it's that firehouse was offering sandbags to residents from san diego up to santa barbara over the weekend. residents have been taken advantage of that filling those sandbags, getting ready for what may be to convert officials and all of the cities that will be hit by this deluge is be prepared do not go out. that message meant all the way up to president biden himself who said this yesterday. >> fame has pre-position personnel and supplies to the region. we are ready to respond as needed. i urge everyone, everyone in the path of the storm to take precautions and listen to the guidance from state and local officials. >> this is just the beginning. it is going to get a lot worse before it eventually gets a better and about 24 hours time. but that is upon us and we all know about the california coal anthe people heeding the warnins this time forgetting look he lives on the coast and the high desert and mountain communities they are being very careful getting prepared indeed. adam was saying they could get . more than a year's worth of rain and a 24 hour period that really will be very dangerous. we heard rager bass and others appealing to people to stay inside. if you were thinking of going out, exploring the water is going to be across the areas in the high desert, the cities they are. they had an extra warning that it's snake season for the snakes are going somewhere but they are going to be in the water. if you need any reason to stay out of the water that seems to be a good one to me, arthel. arthel: absolutely i grew this out the wind that the water that could wreak havoc for jonathan hunt reporting live from santa monica thank you jonathan. a record amount that working frantically to prepare for the stork storm. fox with a correspondent is live in las vegas. taking the pulse of the strip if you're a betting man i bet on being a rainy day in vegas today rips out of the strip people walking around with umbrellas. they're expecting an inch of rain in las vegas on the way to the rest of it. upwards of that potentially. a flood watch easily in effect until monday. gusts of up to 60 miles per hour. here in clark county preparing for the storm event his sandbags have been handed out multiagency law enforcement officials can get together and coordinate this response for their staging equipment burgers are ready for whatever the stork might throw their way. they are prepping for the storm and they have been preparing staging crews all around the state getting ready for potential power outages. the main message to folks here you should stay home during the duration of the storm don't go out in the waterways. these areas are don't get a ton of rain so even inch of rain a few inches could cause creeks to run very, very high. so flooding is really the main concern here in the desert back to you. eric: the sunbaked hard ground of the desert cannot take this. max on the strip in las vegas thank you. arthel: alright eric let's bring in orange county california third district supervisor donald wagoner. mr. wagoner want to start by asking you does this time it feeldifferent on any level? >> it does feel a little bit different. we have been through storms before. this time such things as reaching out to our friends and colleagues in orange county, florida who have been through this before. they are suggesting to a steps we can take. we really appreciate the insights. it does feel a little bit different. i will tie the advice we just heard from some of your reporters out there is fantastic advice. i'm hoping people in orange county take it to heart. we expect to be ready. arthel: absolutely. on that note how is the county preparing? how are you instructing residents to prepare? >> we are preparing in many ways besides atlanta gives sandbags available the fire stations. we can make them available for couple of days now. we've got volunteer evacuation warnings and some of our areas which tend to get hit more often with the flash floods. we are watching those areas closely. we've been scouring the riverbeds to make sure they are free of debris. we do find some of our home was to camp there, we are making shelters available and ensure everybody is out of there and it is as safe as possible. arthel: you mention the homeless and what other ways would you say orange county's most vulnerable? what special protection has been or are you putting in place to address those weaknesses? >> the two areas that are particularly vulnerable will be the mountain canyon areas that i mention. they have also had wire fire wildfires go through recently that mix the brush less stable and easier for us to get run off of mud and rocks. the water has to go somewhere if those channels are blocked it can get out on the streets and go through some of the community. those are at risk. and then we do of course have miles of very nice beaches. do not go near the water we are making sure everyone in all beach communities know those waves are going to be eight -- 10 feet for their places in orange county could be as high as 15 feet. we are urging everyone to just stay away, give mother nature an opportunity to play, spend her out and in 24 hours we will be in a position back to normal. arthel: mr. any way to shore up the mountain areas you mention are vulnerable? >> we have been doing that. with the sandbags i mentioned. we have crews out scouring those creek beds and riverbeds to make sure there is debris free as much as possible. we've been doing that for some time now. we now have two fire stations, generally they're not staffed or whwhen their staff that they volunteer basis we have stepped those up. we have a rescue helicopters that can fly 24 hours a day that are available we have been staging at work heaven for bid are needed but would be most likely needed. so we are taking those steps. the problem you will find and it's true i think in any storm you can prepare, prepare, prepare and when the rains come all of those preparations we need to then add live on the fly go over the proms actually are. arthel: absolutely. in the meantime governor gavin newsom has acquired a state of emergency for southern california ahead of the storm's worst impact. how does that help your orange county? >> that will help us the board of supervisors prepared to meet as soon necessary next week to declare our own local state of emergency with the governor's move and i do think the governor for that. with the governors move it will make it easier for us to access the state's resources. additional supplies to come in. additional work crews additional equipment to move earth around three things along those lines are made that much easier by the governor's action. and then we feel necessary in our own state of emergency here in orange county. we are hoping to get through without it but we are prepared if we need too. arthel: we are all hoping we can get there without a bright orange county third district supervisor mr. donald wagoner. good luck with everything. thank you very much for letting us know how you are preparing thank you sir. >> thank you arthel. eric: without president by the administration closely monitoring the tropical storm but he is set to visit maui tomorrow. the island begins recovering from that disaster they are. the worst wildfires in modern american history. back in washington their own no developer to the continuing investigation of the president's son hunter brett lucas tomlinson has all delays and with those stories live from the north one of the white house, lucas? >> eric, turns out delaware is a pretty small states. the rumors are true special newly appointed counsel david weiss once worked on a corruption case within attorney general beau biden. of course the president's son now deceased. now beau biden's elected attorney general in 2000 on this case of course president bided appointed weiss to be u.s. attorney began investigating hunter biden in 2018 but looking why he spent two years as acting attorney under president barack obama and vice president joe biden. now the oversight committee, now accusing president bided of using an alias to communicate with the son hunter about ukraine it matters when he was vice president for james comer appe,appeared early on "sunday morning futures." >> we have learned that when he was receiving e-mails pertaining to ukraine, his son hunter was copied on them which we have always heard the white house has said hunter biden was not an employee of the government but he was not any part of the government. >> now, from the political storm the actual disaster in hawaii present but it will be forced to interrupt his second vacation this month departing from lake tahoe to head to maui tomorrow to inspect the damage and speak to survivors and local leaders is fema administrator spoke earlier, the president will be doing in hawaii. >> going to be able to talk with people and hear their stories provide a sense of hope and assurance the federal government is going to be with them as he has directed we will continue to bring in resources to support the request of the governor and that needs as they go through the recovery process. >> president biden is in hawaii he will likely be monitoring the tropical storm headed to san diego with the u.s. navy including uss alexander as you can see here at los angeles class attack submarine named in honor of alexandria virginia and alexandria louisiana britt one of the thing about the storm, eric, there is a possibility the storm could go impact lake tahoe. that was certainly derail the president's plans will have to see if it president biden will be returning to lake tahoe or where he will be writing up the storm. eric: still looks like a beautiful day in washington thank you. arthel: eric, with just three days until the first gop primary debate here on fox the candidates are putting their final touches on their game plans for wednesday night. vivek ramaswamy will be there but up next he is here with his strategy for debate night. together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. yaaay! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ he snores like an angry rhino. you've never heard an angry rhino. baby i hear one every night... every night. okay. i'll work on that. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition 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including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. arthel: first debate of their publproblem primary race just te days away. i will be moderated by brett pryor and martha mccalla right fox news channel. now five candidates have confirmed to fox they have met the necessary criteria to make the stage. some notable hopefuls have not fully qualified as of yet. just this morning, arkansas governor asa hutchinson claimed he has met the polling requirement. he says he plans to sign the pledge to support the eventual nominee. that is something former president trump says he will not do. alexandria hoff has more. >> hi arthel, the cat has to meet all three qualifications to the pledge, polling and fundraising to get a podium and milwaukee beat rnc chair said today on senate morning futures that wednesday is the true start of the general election. >> this is going to be the debate stage we are going to be able to tap the republicans can do versus the failure of joe biden. >> how many people we on the stage? mcdaniel said today there will be seven at least fox news has confirmed that includes five vivek ramaswamy, desantis, haley, scott. the truck and pence campaigns have not agreed they signed the pledge that we have the former president does not intend to the republican national committee though says the campaigns have asa hutchinson says his campaign has now but the fundraising threshold they have to validate those numbers. the former arkansas governor said today he is pledging to support the eventual nominee. >> i will sign the pledge. i am confident donald trump is not going to be the nominee of the party. >> it is unlikely former president trump will participate in the debate at all related fox news polls show he currently holds 8:30 seven-point lead over his closest competitor governor ron desantis. for all the candidates who do qualify milwaukee will be the moment to try and make a break. >> i am just going to beat me. i feel like i've been preparing for this first republican presidential debate my entire life. >> wants us debate happens this week it's off to the races that is when you're going to start to see people really focus in on different candidates, look at what their options are paid we feel really good going into the debate. >> hopefuls had until 48 hours before the debate to meet the criteria so arthel, these numbers will remain in flux. arthel: indeed, alexandria hoff thank you. eric: former president trump's multiple indictments seem to make a little impact on the republican polls. there is tracking between second place between governor ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy but both are ti tied in polls for second place in new hampshire in fact. the latest fox news poll shows vivek ramaswamy's support has more than doubled since june. so how would the shape up for the first republican debate on wednesday and what can we expect? we are knowing now joined live by at republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy. good to see you, thanks for joining us here in fox news channel. >> it is good to see you, eric. eric: were looking fired up for wednesday what you hope to achieve? >> i am looking to introduce myself to the country but six months ago but many people in this country did not even know who i was. i was pulling at 0.0% in march. i am now in a tie for second period the reason, eric, i am speaking the truth every step of the way. some people in this race are going to present plans for incremental reform. i stand on the side of revolution. the ideals of the american revolution. answer the question of what it means to be an american today. and i think for too long as conservatives we have been running from something. i am leading us to start running to something. too that american dream that still unites us as americans. might sense, eric, our base is hungry for an affirmative vision. not just criticizing the left even though we all come including me, do plenty of that we need to alter an alternative vision of our own that's what i'll be doing a debate stage. eric: when you think about it you do have an astounding story. never run for public office before you are a private citizen come entrepreneur you're going be standing next to former vice president of the united states officials to have a tournament this amount of experience in elected public office. why coming out of seemingly nowhere in the political circles has resonated so strongly? >> the truth is my parents came to this country 40 years ago with no money. i have gone on to found a multiple multibillion-dollar companies. i did it while mirroring my wife who is also live the american dream. raising our two sons, following our faith in god debate that is the american dream, eric. i am genuinely worried the american dream will not exist for my two sons and their generation. i think the people across this country are seeing is that we need to need that outsider who did not just grow up in the swamps of washington d.c. but he'll actually succeed outside of government to be able to revive that vision for our country. by dismantling that bureaucracy. the other thing i've been clear about is that for me nove november 2024 is not the destination it is a start line for the real destination is generate 2033 when i leave office. when my older son is not even yet in high school. what i wanted to let the people that we did? the president can do things i intend to deliver on them to check out the adm admin strata e declare independence from china. grow our economy. and most importantly, revive a national pride in my two sons and their generation. that is something that yes, at the age of 38 yes is the youngest person ever to run for president i think i'm best position to achieve the next generation of americans. responding to something you have been responding and i want to point out the tyranny of the minority. that is on both sides the left and the right what are we seeing whether it's in schools or churches or other places that hasn't people so on edge? >> the reality is civil rights movements began to 60 -- 70 plus years ago in this country. that wasn't pushing back against a tyranny of the majority and minority. what is happening as right as we are approaching the promised land just as you run out of civil rights to fight for people make of nuance instead. that is what this transgender movement is all about i don't think this country should stop this country from dressing the way they want. it's a different thing to say you're going to force a sexual ideology on our kids or change them at women compete in sports or change closed in locker rooms. that is not the majority that is eight new tyranny of the minority. i think it is interesting it is precisely when we have gotten closest as ever to achieving a equality across racial groups, across genders even across people of different sexual orientations, it is precisely at that moment we then start talking more about systemic racism. or start talking more about bigotry. or transgender discrimination. and the truth is i think people are hungry for a cause. that is really what is going on in our country. especially my generation. we are starved for purpose and meaning. i think this is our moment as conservatives to level up and to fill that void. not just with criticizing the other side, but with our own vision of what it means to be an american. that is going to take an outsider, super pac puppet is not going to get that done page 20 a patriot who speaks the truth. that is why i am in this race. eric: one person not on the status bar president president trump who has employee of this network. do you think it is a mistake the former president is not showing up the debate, showing the respect to the republican voters and to his competitors? >> my view is they will be many debates to the falls going to be one in september, when october prints if he shows up on the debate stage at some point over the course of this year, from then onward i am okay with it for the truth is he's been on the debate stage many times been president for four years. for me no one in this country knew who i was six months ago. i am looking towards introducing myself to the people pretty think donald trump is free to make whatever decision he feels is right for him for the first couple of debates but for me i will be delivering my message either way. i think people across this country are hungry for an actual message that is what i am bringing. eric: it before i let you go i got a message last week eminem, you know you did on the stage and i would let's take a little look. ♪ back to reality ♪ ♪ oh there goes gravity. ♪ ♪ ♪. eric: that is pretty impressive it. bill clinton in 1992 on our city with this accident we'd never seen that before and a presidential candidate. what is it with you and eminem? you pretty much shocked a lot of those folks at the iowa state fair? >> i'm having a lot of fun on the campaign trail. after that a couple nights ago was at the nixon presidential library in l.a. where i was delivering a speech on foreign policy. i had the honor of actually literally playing the same piano that richard nixon did as well. we are having fun playing tennis, engaging in different kinds of music from classical music on the piano to wrap on the campaign trail. i think that's one of things our families really enjoyed about this process. yes, we are having a little bit of fun but yes, we are connected with people. my goal is to be as authentic as i can the best version of myself. and that's what the people of this country want to lead this country than it will be my honor to serve as an ex-president. eric: thank you for joining us vivek ramaswamy we will see you on wednesday night here on fox news. >> thank you. eric: course at first republic c and presidential debate as we have been saying wednesday night 9:00 p.m. eastern time right here on fox. we will be right back with a very latest on hilary not the former candidate but the storm. ...because t-mobile helps pano ai innovate, so they can stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. with gold bond... you can age on your own terms. retinol overnight means... the smoothing benefits of retinol. are now for your whole body. plus, fast-working crepe corrector diminishes wrinkled skin in just two days. gold bond. champion your skin. my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't 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is before moving north into idaho. fox weathered meteorologist nicole is alive in palm springs, california. how's it looking there? >> arthel, thankfully the rain has stopped eight hours or so but may not sound like much but for the coachella valley that could be catastrophic flash flooding and just a matter of hours. thankfully the emphasis has been on trying to keep people safe. emergency officials have decided to take some drastic measures which includes shutting down almost every single major artery into the palm springs area. those roads consistently flood even after a few inches of rain. city officials telling me they've already given out more than 60000 sandbags. yesterday we saw hundreds of people more than five or six sites all across the city shoveling sand and loading up their cars to hopefully protect their home from what could be very dangerous flood waters. a lot of people here know just how much rain could really contribute to the mountain run off and make even driving on the road very dangerous. >> it really only takes a couple inches of water to sweep you away. especially if it is fast-moving. i know this summer we had a lot of runoff from whitewater. i note seve know several peopled get swept away and had to do rescues and evacuations. so watch that water. >> we already know evacuation orders being issued in some areas of san bernardino county. arthel: watch the water for sure but fox with a correspondent nicole valdez you are and live there in palm springs we wish the very best for a going in fod palm springs thank you. eric: yes we give her back to politics for president trump has until friday to surrender in georgia. that after his most recent indictment on the 2020 election and that alleged plots. he is supposed to turn himself in autand authorities want him o appear at the fulton county jail the jail is open 24 hours seven days a week. so we are told it could happen at any time. fox news senior correspondent steve harrigan live in atlanta on maybe one that can be. >> any time this week much of the speculation is heading towards the later days of the week the fulton county district attorney has given the former president in 18 others until friday at noon to turn themselves and for booking but former president trump was denied any wrongdoing the others face multiple charges including racketeering and a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election. >> every individual charged in the indictment is charged with one count of violating georgia's racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations act. through participation in a criminal enterprise in fulton county, georgia and elsewhere to accomplish the illegal goal of allowing donald j trump to seize the presidential term of office. >> even for a number of georgette republicans who have been at odds with the bonner president they am very critical of the timing of the indictment. >> one thing is certain about in my mind in my opinion. this trial, despite what dates anyone is asking for is not going to happen before the election. the democrats want us to be focus on things like this so we are not focused on joe biden's record. >> all are expected to be booked at the rice street jail here in atlanta about a mile from where i'm standing. as you mention that it's open 24/7. eric: steve in atlanta thank you. arthel. arthel: despite positive economic numbers a fresh fox news a poll shows americans are still not buying. white does the administration messaging seemed to be falling on deaf ears? we will get into that cap next. oh!! searchable, verified reviews. that's better than the ham, and i've never said that. booking.yeah directv sports central gives you access to every game. but terry doesn't have directv. come on. work for dad- here... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv my barbecue is ruined. i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. 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economy worse not better but let's bring and now peter is a former u.s. international trade commission chief and economics and business professor at the university of maryland pizza peter, let's start here. low unemployment rate 3.5% plus low inflation rate at three-point to percent. plus high how does this add up for people's pocketbooks and household spending? >> the present program does benefit some people. in the green industries if you are building cars if you work for ups and so forth. but for most people they are not in on the benefits. they are not getting any of the money rolling out for the money rolling out is terribly terribly expensive. the deficit is $2 trillion. the last before the pandemic it was less than 1 trillion. as a consequence of had a lot of inflation in pe of people's wage not kept up. so they are poor at their paychecks do not go as far. for some people if you work for ups potential if you work in the auto industry of your helping to build a semiconductor factory of your getting a set aside in the info structure program to undo past injustices you are happy. the rest of the population is paying for that through much higher inflation. because we did not raise taxes to pay for this thing. we are taxing through inflation so they feel worse off. arthel: will go back to because inflation is what three-point to percent which is low. but let me go here but why did, peter i went on to this morning. here are some of the highlights of the inflation reduction act by the numbers as listed. five -- 7 million medicare beneficiaries can see their prescription drug costs go down. 13 million americans will continue to save an average of $800 a year on health insurance premiums. $14000 in direct consumer rebates for energy-efficient appliances. one to 24 billion saying these are the savings over 10 years which we generated from collecting taxes already owed by wealthy people and large corporations. and the deficit is projected to fall by more than $1.5 trillion this year after falling more than 350 billion last year. something lost in translation? >> those are promises that were not kept. first of all the health insurance subsidies, people already had. so they do not feel better that was a continuation. the increased taxes have not come in. we know the numbers the first 10 months of this year the deficit was $1.6 trillion. the last year before the pandemic you cannot count the pandemic ups and downs. it was about 90 to 60 billion. it is up a great deal it's going to be about 2 trillion before it's over this year. people just do not feel better pray they are not getting the benefits. who do you know has gone out and bought an electric car with one of the subsidies? a lot of people car factories and so forth, the companies they have gotten tax credit spread but who do you know scott electric vehicle tax credit? not a lot of people. so you go to the grocery store the center aisles especially the packaged goods are way up. and inflation is not low 3% is well above the target what is more it's the cumulative effect during his presidency rate over the first about 11 quarters of his presidency incomes felt nine of them in real terms. arthel: that is a fair point that you make fair peter is going just to give a grade if 20 seconds if you can grade the economy would you give it? >> and d, 8d. support deet like david. >> mentally passing. it's a growing well but the rest the country is doing poorly. arthel: will pick that up at another time peter morici former u.s. international trade commission chief thank you for joining us. we will be right back. i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar 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continuing to go through, through the day to go through every part of that and help identify anybody who might still be missing. eric: tragedy continues to unfold in hawaii. at lalisa 114 people now confirm dead in the wildfires there. sadly that number likely to rise because many hundreds are still missing. the exact number missing not even known. thus as crews are working on the clock to look for victims and confirm their identity brittney will recovery efforts are underway to give much needed relief to those who lost their homes and everything they own. matt finn and malik with the very latest on the efforts there. >> the latest numbers in the governor's office there are still more than 1000 people missing. the governor is saying that any number of children could be among the missing. >> it is possible that is what we are sharing, here internally that is possible there will be many children because of the temperature of the fire the remains of those who have died in some cases may be impossible to recover meaningfully. >> we got to tour some of the damage by boats. on the ground there is a lot of frustration. even outrage. people say this could have been prevented residents and business owners tell us they want to get into the fire zone to assess their losses but for now law enforcement continues to fiercely block off the devastation which is still being assessed to partly talk to one residents whose art gallery on front street was destroyed one of his employees used a fire hose to try to fight the fire. >> we want to try to get our life and put back together again. we are being prevented in some cases from accessing our vehicles, our tools, our equipment, our businesses. a lot of us lost everything on front street. and we want to access it. we do not want to disturb. >> president biden is scheduled to visit the island of maui here tomorrow but will be here and keep you updated, eric. >> are right in maui thank you. of course if you want to help those who are impacted by the wildfires here is one way to do it. get your iphone and go on the qr code where i will give you a minute to click if you have a second or you can donate directly to the red cross forward is only to do that. or you can text hawaii 290999 to make a $10 donation. >> comes out of the box, spain wins the world cup. arthel: they have the 2023 women's world cup come so close was faint securing its first title defeating england one -- zero spain joined germany as the only two nations who have won the prestigious trophy in both men's and women's competitions. congratulations to them. super i cannot help but think of lasso every time i see soccer. >> i wish that u.s. women where there is what i wish the limit where there they gave it a good fight to pray they're still champions to us. they are the best absolutely. set listen we are back from three -- 5:00 p.m. eastern for two special hours of fox news live. we are tracking tropical storm hilary so keep it right here right now. 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Nerve , 92 , Publproblem , Days Away , Martha Mccalla , Brett Pryor , Stage , Asa Hutchinson , Hopefuls , Arkansas , Trump , Something , Alexandria Hoff , Polling Requirement , Election , Start , Podium , Morning Futures , Polling , Qualifications , Cat , Milwaukee , Senate , Beat Rnc Chair , Debate Stage , Republicans , Failure , Mcdaniel , Seven , President , Campaigns , Campaign , Fundraising Threshold , Pence , Truck , Republican National Committee , Scott , Haley , Numbers , President Trump , Lead , Party , Competitor , 8 , Races , Life , Break , Options , 48 , Polls , Indictments , Tracking , Flux , Former , Poll , Shape , Support , Both , Ti , New Hampshire , Thanks , Country , Truth , Step , Tie , Six , 0 , Conservatives , Question , Side , American , Revolution , Reform , Ideals , American Revolution , Vision , American Dream , Office , Left , Plenty , Citizen , Entrepreneur , Public Office , Experience , Tournament , Circles , Amount , Nowhere , Sons , Money , Companies , Wife , Parents , 40 , Generation , Outsider , Faith , God , Swamps , Bureaucracy , Washington D C , Destination , Start Line , High School , 2033 , November 2024 , Economy , Independence , Pride , China , Adm Admin Strata E Declare , Person , Yes , 38 , Minority , Tyranny , Hasn T People , Right , Schools , Churches , Rights , Reality , Movements , Wasn T , Tyranny Of The Majority , Edge , Movement , Nuance , Women , Majority , Sports , Kids , Locker Rooms , Ideology , Groups , Racism , Sexual Orientations , Genders , Equality , Purpose , Transgender , Cause , Meaning , Bigotry , Discrimination , Patriot , Puppet , The Other Side , Page , Void , Super Pac , 20 , Mistake , Network , Status Bar , The Truth , Point , Debates , Competitors , View , Voters , Falls , Respect , Times , Decision , Four , Last , Eminem , Look , Gravity , City , Accident , Bill Clinton , 1992 , Fun , Nixon Presidential Library In L A , Piano , Foreign Policy , Speech , Campaign Trail , Richard Nixon , Iowa State 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Ultra Premium , Pods , Protein Max Challenge , Viking , 10000 , 0000 , Chance , Cash , Game Nights , Ya , Visit Pods , Dot Com , 500 , 7500 , Tissue Test , Crest 3d Whitestrips White , Whitening Toothpaste , Toothpaste White , Teeth , Ooof , Vo , Laughs , Whiter , Hassles , Crest , Confidence , Gotta , Opendoor Dot Com , Cash Offer , Hearts , Ooh , Exit , Card , Ekg , Credit Card , Kardiamobile , Thumbs , Anywhere , Causes , Atrial Fibrillation , Heart Rhythm , Bradycardia , Fda , Wallet , Costs , Tachycardia , 99 , Kardiamobile Card , Kardia Com , Don T Wait , Storm System , Amazon , Tropical Storm Hillary Barrels , Rain Starting , Golden State , Vaccine Coverage , Max Gorden , Myco Manual ,

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