Transcripts For FOXNEWSW One 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW One 20240704

they have been watching these campaigns. we watch them work in the corners of the states like iowa, like new hampshire, south carolina, nevada. this week on a big stage be good to see who they truly are but what they have learned about how they compete with each other, against each other and react without scripts. they all want the same job so who is ready for? looking back at past debates without is really cool this week candidates on the stage with the same views and sampl samples goo head. it's how they were able to interact with those peers at that time in real-time that defined the candidates, watch for. >> quickset factors market you should not compare yourself to joe biden you should not so that's what we're doing here is exactly what we are doing you have not been involved in a consequence of decision where you had to be held accountable. you just simply haven't. the country already has a debt problem but we do not need to add to it by electing someone who has experience at running up and destroying the credit rating of a state. quickset is what washington d.c. does. the drive-by shot at the beginning of incorrect and incomplete information and that memorized 252nd speech that is exactly. [cheering] >> that was tough for marco. meanwhile there's no doubt this week will be a challenge. to see how the canids handle criticism by their opponents. >> i believe you know politicians much better than i do because for 40 years you have been funding liberal democratic politicians. and by the way you. [inaudible] thank you go ahead. >> donald you get back. >> a lot of fun of her tonight i have to tell you. thank you for the books book bos progressed all the locks. >> or had i am relaxed. go ahead. go ahead don't get nervous. >> i have nothing about you that makes anyone nervous. people are watch this at home. >> gentlemen. >> don't you just want to keep on watching? for some this week will be a test to test whether or not they can stick to their talking points. >> it is three agencies of government when i get there that are gone. commerce, education, i wa was te third when there? [laughter] clicks you get in the third one? >> the third agency of government i would do away with education, commerce and let's see. i can't the third one i can't sorry. [laughter] oops. >> while he never recovered and that being energy used to run it. for others it will be a clear lesson on why you should never shy away from the question or the press he was asking the question because you also say poor kids lack a strong work ethic. and propose having them work as janitors in your schools. can't you see this is viewed at a minimum as insulting to all americans but particularly to black americans? >> i don't see that. >> weeding the light janitorial duties they could the cafeteria. they can work in the front office. they can work in the library print that would getting the money which is a good thing if you are poor. only the elites despise earning money. >> he also said his daughter worked as a janitor to in the crowd went crazy. it will be an opportunity to test the sincerity of your opponent. >> this end up in a man's windshield yesterday. that questions -- this is an attack piece >> that is not for my campaign for quickset's has pasayspaid for by john mccain. then somebody's putting stuff out. >> a while. for one can it be their moment to show the american people they are just simply ahead of the pack. >> verse about rand paul should not be on the stage is number 11. he's got 1% in the polls and how we got appear there's far too many people anyway. do we want someone with that kind of character? that careless language to be negotiating customer do we want someone like that to negotiate? i think there is a quality that's entertaining about mr. trump. but i am worried and very concerned about having him in charge of nuclear weapons. i think his response, is a visceral response or attack to k people on their appearance, short, tall, fat, ugly, my goodness that happened in junior high. partly way above that? what's they never attack him on his look. believe me there's plenty of subject matter right there. that i can tell you. brian: these are moments canids want to forget there's also moments some will never forget. what you choose to do in those moments can ultimately decide whether or not you will be the nominee or even the president of the united states. but before we look ahead to wednesday's big fo boxes debatee took to the streets to see how much of the voters note about the candidates were about to take the stage for. >> ais this candidate number 1q tell me who this is? >> new jersey beach town have a good time. do not know his name at the top of my head no big. >> new jersey guy chris our first lesson roselesson ambergrr sunbathing progress going to say he's a republican is probably anti- trump i think i know that about him. >> is time to get the showman off the stage for a. >> chris christie. >> who is this? books i've heard of this as that slung the eminem song. he is a new wave not a dinosaur which is good >> i've no idea have never seen before progress i don't member's name. >> 's name is in the back. >> you cap can yyou can you tels is? >> he looks familiar. >> of course it's donnie. of course the one and only donald trump. >> potentially one of the only people who will restore any form of justice to america. >> which is so true. i see it, i see the love and devotion pickwick to know a lot of people don't but i'm going for him we were doing better when he was pre-christian who she is? >> yes she looks very familiar but i can't think of her name. >> no idea. >> is great to see average americans for. >> who is she? it's former governor of south carolina. as a kite awesome, nikki haley. >> who is this? >> that is our boy from florida at mr. desantis frequency has potential progress is very insight lockdown piglets our state is where awoke a ghost to diaper christian who this is? >> david goggins i'm just kidding its not have no idea who it is. i'm going to see mr. wilson? what's his name is tim pickwick suits i could t tell him i don't know what kind it's him. sanchez? >> scott. >> you are such a liar. [laughter] >> about this and i love people. >> and tell me o who this is? it's only got yes and didn't do morning show? are you serious? >> africa was station i don't know his name he is a real historian, knows everything too. >> brian kilmeade. kill me what a last name brain absolutely? >> each of you this ease? >> that is also brian kilmeade they look alike. [laughter] >> thousand lot of fun but it looks like these two gop cans of what to prove to the american people for example who they are when they take the debate states let's ask fox news contributor's been through it all it's great analysis for us she was here every step of the mythology trump and 2016. she is poster kellyanne conway fox news contributor first about memory lane looking at some of those moments? it's a lot it tells of the importance of debates. they are make and break moments. it also tells of people are resilient, flexible spontaneous on the talking points. some are and some aren't. also says what donald trump should show up to the debate a big proponent of that i was inclined to not go because he is the truck front runner but donald trump did t 212,016 generally at the debate. hit center stage with a first fox news debate in cleveland, ohio on august 5 and he never lost that spot there moment psyche showed he seemed comfortable, they tried to fluster him. he was substantive but he was also lighthearted when he needed to be. and was a fighter. sometimes polite sometimes fighting back his absence on the debate stage will not not making the topic is of what you just saw. it allows the voters free of charge to access these candidates in the moment. >> what kind of interesting, documents have leaked out from what seems to be a pack or supporters of ron desantis with advice on his strategy they say his advice would be go after vivek ramaswamy he's on the rise and honest every poll certainly doing every interview. people really respect who he is. i'm curious what you thought. from window to defend trump and chris christie goes after him. what are your thoughts about that? accenture ron desantis campaign or pack leaked the document i would have to believe it because they're there's so far behind ee expectations and in the polls by the person who is that they don't class to be the alternative to trump in the alternative to but i think for governor desantis that strategy strategies too little too late. >> you are punching down for. >> there punching down they judgment vivek ramaswamy is doing two things ron desantis is not to he's got joy on the job the guy loves campaigning and seeing the people desantis some days looks like is having a root canal out on the campaign trail. people have to know that you love being with them. he was sort of scolding this young kid one day when he said that's a lot of sugar it's a kid drinking and i see you know well i love this wish i could have a sip or have too. but vivek ramaswamy did something else he stole the woke argument from ron desantis said desantofdesantis was not over tn florida he is saying in davenport iowa in a clip floridd of the plates were ghosted but vivek ramaswamy is the one out there explaining what woke means and why he should be against it these diversity programs are hurting people who otherwise could make it on their own. that corporate america is always trying to solve the wrong problems. vivek ramaswamy is like a never ending ted tuckey says never says no to any tv he's accessible to the press is accessible to the verses got great energy. voters are responding but also he never attack stroke. i think the best way for desantis to have defended trump as to not run the first place. he is seen as somebody who is critical trumpet. >> on the rules people should know about you going to be hearing about there's not going to be opening statements or snow campaign speeches in the opener. one minute to answer, 45 seconds for closing remarks, 30 seconds to follow up. that format works for what candidate in particular? >> people are flexible the moment. and don't look like they are either doing what are things, repeating talking points in contrite responses are staying wisayingwith a set all along. here's the chance and the debate to make one of two decisions as a candidate. are the you want to repeat and reinforce your major premise for what you want to be president is because you are thinking the people out there have not heard it yet look all the folks who kayden cannot identify them by picture but secondly you should see something new. that is a real struggle and a challenge for some folks who want to revert to the talking points. brian: the most interesting thing is how they handle the front runner might not be there. with never seen this before scott for indictments. how did the indictments change the way at opponent approaches the front runner, trump and how you should do it question it does not matter how you feel about those indictments in those cases. you know if i attack donald trump i risk losing the people that are supporting it and you cannot win without them. so you do what? >> you stand up and save the present is convicted i will pardon him and i don't never pardon anyone whose last name is biden. the place will go wild you are setting the stage that you're trying to attract trump maga voter and the basic plus it also independency feel increasingly uncomfortable with this two-tier justice system for the feel increasingly uncomfortable that washington is focused on trump, trump, trump rather than on inflation, education, crime, pollutant and the like. and the border. and then what you do is you say i am here to beat joe biden i am's the one who's going to be able to beat him. now the polls include fox news new poll shows trump owns electability but the best thing to leave a people's mind is if you put me side-by-side with joe biden i am going to be the winner. brian: you know wha i wait for? the clash that is totally unscripted no idea. i think art moderators are great the let it go it's not about them it's about the candidates. the one that is built for the clash is ron desantis. you watch him spar with the press 60 minutes on down. i think the more he goes into line live at the serial is the better he'll be. >> is a great moment for ron desantis he has stumbled in these early moments since his campaign announcement lesson three months ago. i think he is the one people are going to attack the most. everybody wants to take on trump by being number two. they're all going to be desantis seeking missile how he equips himself as he keeps his cool if he is substantive and looks unbothered by peoples personal attacks on him he will shine. it's also eight moment you cannot look like the question bothered you. you have to sort of engage the audience remember people would say to me brian how during the campaign altering the white house to jupiter chris cuomo and i didn't even pay attention to that anger. people are your audience i want to say that to our candidates in this debate. the people are your audience but ultimately must have the connective tissue them don't worry about who is around you speak to them. brian: is what kelly would do and asked her question she look at the camera that will be the people thanks for joining is going to be an exciting week. meanwhile this is a topic that should come up climate crazies are at it again but this time they're looking to push their agenda in the schools with your kids starting maybe this week. that story next and still to come doctor jordan peterson gives us the key to happiness and there are a few. so keep it here on "one nation" and let me remind you dvr the show. 8:00 p.m. make it a series make it easy on your life. follows on social meant we are everywhere facebook, instagram and honorable. don't move yo your watching "on when the murrays discovered gain scent beads, they fell in love with the irresistible scent. ♪ ♪ huh, huh, so did their dog roger. ♪ ♪ gain scent beads keep even the stinkiest stuff smelling fresh. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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the stuff never happened and so we started driving cars? >> good to be with you, brian paid the most important thing for people to understand about hawaii's wildfires was the same thing happen there that happened in california. they had failed to invest in a wildfire protection. the main cause it appears of those a fir afire is sparks from electrical wires going into highly flammable vegetation. the hawaiian electric utility failed to invest not even a quarter million dollars into wildlife protection i'm sorry in a wildfire prevention. instead it invested all of its tithistime and money into renew. and so just like in california and they hthey had failed to pry manage the forest and the grasslands, keep the area around the electrical wires are clear. that was the cause of the fire not modestly higher temperatures are slightly less rain. brian: is out knee-jerk reaction when it rains hard or very hot or very cold it's all climate change used to make global warming. when it's not that hot of a summer they had the problem with the message. now it's going to part of the curriculum for i part we know in california especially part of the curriculum but now is going to go k-12. this is part of something you talked about before. it becomes part of the curriculum and almost part of a religion. can you explain it? >> well sure. does not take a bible expert to see much of what environmentalism is is a religious cult. claimant is in the idea humans felt front nature that we need to re- harmonize ourselves with nature the ideas you under claimant isn't as you need to get right by the claimant. the new priests are scientists. it's very dogmatic. it's a state religion that basically blinds us to much more important causes of environmental change. such as changes to the landscape, to the replacement of irrigated farms in hawaii with highly flammable grasslands. so really what's a tragedy about this is that mono media it is a kind of obsession or a totalizing orchard italian view climate change is the most important problem in the world. climate change is real but it's not the most important for environmental promise early not the most important problem in the obsession with it we are making kids depressed and anxious we are failing to deal with the real wor real world pre preventing forest fires or upgrading our electrical grid progress with like a lot of politicians looking for the votes for certain generations for certain segments of society are going to do what's necessary to get those votes and maybe do things that are against the environment. you point to anyone who is serious about the environment will be talking about nuclear printable talk about natural gas. you will not be sitting there saying go ahead and have slave labor producer solar panels in china. that is okay people got to open up their minds and backup their action, their words with actions. >> that is right there is a new study that shows solar panels are similar between three and six times more carbon intensive than scientists had thought because they're being made by cole in china. there'sthere is a fundamental ml issue here. we should not be buying solar panels, produced by people living in concentration camps that's what's happening in china it's a fundamental moral issue. kids have been misled about this to think renewables are the way to go. we reduced our emissions 22% in the united states between 2005 and 2020 simply by switching from coal to natural gas and supporting some amount of renewals with natural gas. nuclear is the only way to have scalable reliable zero carbon power. those are the two most important things for progress we could dt safely and in a compact way than making great, great advances user head. lastly we are watching windmills offshore you are doing a documentary on out may or may not be related to the death of these wells which should be disturbing every environmentalist, what have you discovered? >> it's very shocking answers to strong pieces of scientific evidence these extremely allowed sonar noises are being used to map the ocean floor to build the wind turbines. they are potentially illegal levels high decibel sounds separating mothers from their calves resulting in starvation of whales also that w we know ts more boat traffic in the areas the whales had not been and you have to miss 2348 north atlantic whales left. scientists already had been warning any amount of activity including wind industry could make them extinct. we're working with congress to get hearings and investigation on this. we think there is widespread corruption including in the u.s. >> you talk about 6 succeed dead well since december 1, 22. we look towards the documentary great michael thanks so much for you talk a lot of sense appreciated. >> thanks for having me. still to come fun stuff foxbusiness host bottom line and they get mcdowell person sean duffy is able to find out how will they know each other plus we have the key to happiness put a smile on your face famous psychologist doctor jordan peterson will be here or to our fast setting interviewed next on "one nation" bringing in the music. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. i am john scott, now back to "one nation." >> hope you're having a great saturday. we showed you part one of my recent interview famous psychologist doctor jordan peterson also best-selling author. we talked about education, fight woke in america around the world tonight part to the key to happiness. >> i think you have an obligation to make the most out of life. think people at the wrong definition on happiness what? it's having a mission. >> there is the emotion you feel after a thanksgiving dinner. that satiation. you don't need anything it's not motivating. doesn't get people to think about is you might send the sort of person who doesn't plan. that is because you are afraid that's part of the reason you should overcome that. you don't have your plant someone else has a plan for you when responsibility it will be taken up by tyrants will be provided by other people who do not have your best interest in mind. one of things that is universal to something better than helping someone one of things you can do your training and solving problin solvingproblems bringino practice, bringing them to a better school doing your best to make an effort to be a good parent. that leads me too what would be an absence in my life without a family. it would almost be like not having an appendage. and now i also see it in america more and more people have less kids or no kids. they decide not to get married or decide but do you think it points to a bigger story in the world today in this country today? one of the points i put forward that has become rather markedly popular is the notion that meaning that sustains you in times of trouble will be found as a consequence of adopting responsibility. this is another thing conservatives have not been very good at. communicating to young people because conservatives tend to be somewhat finger wagging in their morality. and fair enough there are things you should do. there is a better story there if you have when times get rough you say which they certainly will most of the general self-esteem that you feel you bear responsibility for your self over the long run for your family that the reciprocal interaction will get paid back by the people you're helping you do it because everything works. we thought for a long time this can be related to psychologist to some degree of your happiness or your mental stability is somehow an internal thing it is psychological. but that is not exactly right. your mental health and your happiness your freedom from anxiety and your happiness is dependent on the harmony you can't be sane and happy the data is quite clear you cannot be sane and together within a couple without having a family. it might be your parents and your siblings it should also be children. you have to admit that together but then your family can't function without a functioning neighborhood and a community, and a state. the sanity is the harmony between all of those levels it's not something you carry around inside of you. it is partly key to sanity being embedded and all those levels. none of us are capable in and of ourselves of regulating ourselves. when you and i are even talking right now the communication regulates, we regulate each other with the communication. we try to keep it interesting. we tried to move forward. >> we had a container which is the goal. then there is interest being manifested. we do that right would pull everyone in braid that is a good situation. then your emotions are well regulated when all that is happening. the key to that is responsibility. >> you are a deep thinker i am pointing cute set time at the side to think or wait for a gap in your day and stare out the window? where'd you get thoughts and conclusions from? one of your 12 axioms for a happy life of one of which you could learn something from everyone you are with. you don't think you know everything but if viewers do and the people who buy tickets do. to make a conclusion and grow as a person and as an intellect? >> i have a podcast twice a week. and so i've always listen to someone who is smart because i find podcast guest just something to say i want to hear. so when i talk to them have the opportunity for them to teach me >> that audience is benefiting in your benefiting? >> absolutely. the good part is learning and they bring everyone along for the ride and that's what i'm trying to do with my podcast i invite people from home so that is helpful that i write every day in writing is the most formal way of thinking. you have to ask yourself a question. you have to wait for the answers that is a revelation then you have to analyze the answer. that sort of thinking is extremely useful if you want to lay things out clearly. brian: lastly you sound like you have the same issues that everybody has. >> of course. >> i think that also helps tell the jordan peterson story. i am trying to relay what i learned but i am still with the same stuff for. >> while it's important for people to know people who are successful let's say are not the people who are fortunate enough to have no problems. no one is in the category of fortunate enough to have no problems for people like that do not exist. everybody deals with aging and death and severe illness. >> you deal with that at the same time? >> yes and my daughter to all of us at the same time. it is the case for everyone. now you meet people now and then and i met lots of people in my clinical practice who have so many things going wrong at the same time it's just an unutterable catastrophe. the fact there are people like that and there are people who are clearly clearly expressing higher levels of misfortune does not mean these successful people are the ones who have no problems. these successful people are the people to keep on going. and they are fortunate enough to do that often to keep on going regardless of what's being thrown at them. brian: electrical interview with go to "one nation" on her facebook page or instagram pages. meanwhile straight ahead. do you ever wonder how well the cohost of fox news and foxbusiness really know each other? wonder no more the hos house of foxbusiness hit show the bottom line to get mcdowell, sean debbie are here to face off andn our famous cohost quiz. ♪ my father didn't know his dad. with ancestry i dug and dug until i found some information. birth certificate. wow. and then you add it to the tree. it's like you discover a new family member. discover even more at oh, oh, oh...i'll be the judge of that. oh, that's nice... oh!! searchable, verified reviews. that's better than the ham, and i've never said that. booking.yeah my biggest fear in the middle of my addiction was that i would never be able to get over it, and that my kids wouldn't have a father. crippling depression, anxiety, exhaustion. i was in prison, and her mom had a heart attack. there's a lot of institutional issues and challenges that suggest to us that dads aren't essential, and i've always rejected that. sometimes, you don't have to know everything about being a dad. you just got to be there. so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? it's the fastest mobile service around. with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only $30 bucks a line per month. that's hundreds in savings a year when you wave bye to the other guys. all on the most reliable 5g network nationwide. you really shouldn't walk out the front door without it. switch today at brian: young silhouettes don't you think? i think it's nickelodeon. time now for the cohost quiz. only on "one nation" we will sue any other show who tries to take it we are litigious by nature. our mission is to find out how well fox news host really know each other. the people they sit next to every single day. tonight's contestants are you familiar faces at fox dagen mcdowell has been years since 2003. and before joining box full time we sell sean duffy on camera being interviewed as a member of congress. may the most valuable member of congress are going to his wife rachel. since january they've been cohosting the bottom line together and it has been going fantastic but you can watch on foxbusiness at 6:00 p.m. we are seven months in out time to find out how well you to know each other. did you know each other before he started hosting? >> a little bit. when i was in congress i would go on dagen and it was a little rough, right cosmic little hostile sometimes on occasion. there are door prizes for this? >> is going to be a price ultimately you are competing against the entire foxbusiness and fox news. and believe me and up and fireworks key with the music were going to get started we begin the first question goes like this. dagen, if sean wants to have a beer with one of his buddies from congress, sean was to have a beer with his buddies from congress which buddy we call first? this is not easy a member of congress who would sean call to have a beer with? >> bill huizen it's bill huizenga the judge that's absolute correct. i am going to tally up the sean column, the dagen column for. >> that's too easy. >> and dagen has one. >> is going to say that but he said this is an easy. >> i had no idea as a clue. >> sean, if dagen was to hang out after work which a fox friend or friends would she call first kennedy? can atp. >> both are right. you sure it's ointment seven months? this is incredible. this is a great relationship. dagen, for you. this is for the same amount as the first question. if sean could talk about any topic on the show or in conversation what would that topic be? think about it but with the topic be that sean like to talk about in real life and tv life? >> that is simple i would say the corruption of justice. >> corruption of justice is absolute wrong the answer is climates. corruption, climate. >> anything green is red. >> so far it is one -- one. sean, this question goes like this. what is dagen's favorite lexuses for the lead right? ask for the lead yes. what is dagen's favorite southern phrase what is your favorite southern phrase. >> i don't know. but she's got a ton of stuff she says that i don't know. what you do not even know what it means big hugs you know a declarative? you know they are directed. her favorite southern phrase she says with her southern horse what is it? >> it's not a southern phrase i just say it with a southern accent. >> i can't even guess brian. >> the answer to the question is kiss my. >> i gave you a hint to piglets when sean and rachel met on the real world who made the first move? when sean and rachel. >> rachel. >> the answer is sean let's relive the moment. >> had never seen this. >> to the cool girl was very bubbly, very spirited and i like her. she rubbed read me the right w. [laughter] [laughter] quick sean i'm just not sure how i feel about him he seems nice. he flirts with me all the time. [laughter] congratulations. reality tv never goes away. quick sean, what types of stories and interviews this day get like to do most? >> what types and interviews is dagen -like two most? what she likes interview politicians and she likes to do stories on know i'm going to go with talk about education. education loans but. >> obsolete wrong. it's one -- one is is going terribly what a great start dagen for you. >> climate change. >> we canceled the same thing. we both got it wrong. dagen, as the woman hooked answer this question. which lumberjack games has sean competed in? which lumberjack games that sean competed in but what individual events in those games. >> the tree climb. yes that is right. speed climbing and logged wrong you could've had either went congratulations they could have moved ahead regards up the logrolling was for chicks piglets look at this are unbelievable. how much video do we have a view? >> this is incredible. three and half seconds. he ripped his pants. >> saw this as we would dagen was a wage is wh wages what fams celebrity icon did she wait on customers would dagen was a waitress with the famous liberty icon did wait on? >> i don't know this at all. she never told me. >> neil diamond. >> that is true. >> shut up. i love neil diamond too. >> for. >> on thanks giving day. >> it was fun? lexi is a lovely man. >> he's coming to america. which a sporting event was sean a color commentator for on espn? which sporting event was sean a color commentator on for espn? >> this is to be insurmountable lead. quick sporting event? the lumberjack games. [laughter] >> wrong great outdoor games. art here we go. this is for the tight which will help your relationship okay? sean here we go. how many dogs does dagen have a question of the bonus point is if you can name the dogs. >> two she has two. it's outside two -- two. for the when the bonus points. >> the names are? dale is one. i don't have the other dog's name. >> half a bonus point. >> looked at him. he is the jerk on the left. dale is on the right. >> charles. >> ladies and gentlemen 2.5 -- two. sean knows dagen bea better than dagen knows a shot congratulations guys that's fantastic works i know the names of all nine of his children. >> doodoing them for the show? that would've been. >> i knew about five quick works big workson the rematch? on the rematch. watson wservice dogs and's botte 6:00 p.m. we are sharing your comments and your questions or keep it right here, thanks guys. ♪ what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ make your next move a dream come true with the pods big move sweepstakes. win a free local or long-distance move. plus ultra-premium viking appliances and up to $7,500 cash. enter today for your chance to win. visit pods dot com. 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(female announcer) now, more people than ever are covered by medicare. call now to get started. man: dear housemates, due to the environmental impact of food waste, i'm eating all your leftovers. you're welcome. vo: the environment is the best excuse. find an out. and opt in at we asked you to write us in right as you did. i asked you to send videos and you haven't yet. sophia crisis, why can't congress stop the appointment of david weiss? because it's not their choice, it's still merrick garland's choice, that's the way it is. maybe he'll surprise us and get aggressive and look at hunter biden's overseas business dealings. ernie writes this, i'm a long time supporter of reviews, i finished the autobiography of washington, it is unbelievable. true story sick i was born a slave. great story of how he overcame all the problems he faced. thanks for all you do. thank you so much, that brings me to the upcoming book coming out in three months, i've been working on this even before the freedom fighter, two american icons to overcome race in america. you can preorder right now based off reading from slavery in his own words. comedian jamie lizzo wearing slippers on your set, under office etiquette segment, maybe you need to seen an etiquette class. i did not know until i saw this -- he's wearing sliders, not even slippers. that's not good etiquette and blew it. he was wearing them so i would point it out. i will call him out next time i see him but he's a funny guy. it makes it shiny on the stage, who will talk about that more later. at 84, no more date nights. 8:00 p.m. is my date with one nation. appreciate it. of course you are referring to the fact that i think you can dvr if it's a date night for you. thank you for watching us live, keep the comments coming, we will feature them on the show when we come. follow us on social media, we are everywhere. also students to "fox & friends" on sunday, jampacked show. don't miss a minute. they will break it down is the best and don't forget to listen to the radio show 9:00 to noon. i cannot believe, where does the time go? lawrence jones starts his show right now cross-country. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ o, say can you see by the dawn's early light -- ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars through the or perilous fight -- ♪ o ea'er

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW One 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW One 20240704

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they have been watching these campaigns. we watch them work in the corners of the states like iowa, like new hampshire, south carolina, nevada. this week on a big stage be good to see who they truly are but what they have learned about how they compete with each other, against each other and react without scripts. they all want the same job so who is ready for? looking back at past debates without is really cool this week candidates on the stage with the same views and sampl samples goo head. it's how they were able to interact with those peers at that time in real-time that defined the candidates, watch for. >> quickset factors market you should not compare yourself to joe biden you should not so that's what we're doing here is exactly what we are doing you have not been involved in a consequence of decision where you had to be held accountable. you just simply haven't. the country already has a debt problem but we do not need to add to it by electing someone who has experience at running up and destroying the credit rating of a state. quickset is what washington d.c. does. the drive-by shot at the beginning of incorrect and incomplete information and that memorized 252nd speech that is exactly. [cheering] >> that was tough for marco. meanwhile there's no doubt this week will be a challenge. to see how the canids handle criticism by their opponents. >> i believe you know politicians much better than i do because for 40 years you have been funding liberal democratic politicians. and by the way you. [inaudible] thank you go ahead. >> donald you get back. >> a lot of fun of her tonight i have to tell you. thank you for the books book bos progressed all the locks. >> or had i am relaxed. go ahead. go ahead don't get nervous. >> i have nothing about you that makes anyone nervous. people are watch this at home. >> gentlemen. >> don't you just want to keep on watching? for some this week will be a test to test whether or not they can stick to their talking points. >> it is three agencies of government when i get there that are gone. commerce, education, i wa was te third when there? [laughter] clicks you get in the third one? >> the third agency of government i would do away with education, commerce and let's see. i can't the third one i can't sorry. [laughter] oops. >> while he never recovered and that being energy used to run it. for others it will be a clear lesson on why you should never shy away from the question or the press he was asking the question because you also say poor kids lack a strong work ethic. and propose having them work as janitors in your schools. can't you see this is viewed at a minimum as insulting to all americans but particularly to black americans? >> i don't see that. >> weeding the light janitorial duties they could the cafeteria. they can work in the front office. they can work in the library print that would getting the money which is a good thing if you are poor. only the elites despise earning money. >> he also said his daughter worked as a janitor to in the crowd went crazy. it will be an opportunity to test the sincerity of your opponent. >> this end up in a man's windshield yesterday. that questions -- this is an attack piece >> that is not for my campaign for quickset's has pasayspaid for by john mccain. then somebody's putting stuff out. >> a while. for one can it be their moment to show the american people they are just simply ahead of the pack. >> verse about rand paul should not be on the stage is number 11. he's got 1% in the polls and how we got appear there's far too many people anyway. do we want someone with that kind of character? that careless language to be negotiating customer do we want someone like that to negotiate? i think there is a quality that's entertaining about mr. trump. but i am worried and very concerned about having him in charge of nuclear weapons. i think his response, is a visceral response or attack to k people on their appearance, short, tall, fat, ugly, my goodness that happened in junior high. partly way above that? what's they never attack him on his look. believe me there's plenty of subject matter right there. that i can tell you. brian: these are moments canids want to forget there's also moments some will never forget. what you choose to do in those moments can ultimately decide whether or not you will be the nominee or even the president of the united states. but before we look ahead to wednesday's big fo boxes debatee took to the streets to see how much of the voters note about the candidates were about to take the stage for. >> ais this candidate number 1q tell me who this is? >> new jersey beach town have a good time. do not know his name at the top of my head no big. >> new jersey guy chris our first lesson roselesson ambergrr sunbathing progress going to say he's a republican is probably anti- trump i think i know that about him. >> is time to get the showman off the stage for a. >> chris christie. >> who is this? books i've heard of this as that slung the eminem song. he is a new wave not a dinosaur which is good >> i've no idea have never seen before progress i don't member's name. >> 's name is in the back. >> you cap can yyou can you tels is? >> he looks familiar. >> of course it's donnie. of course the one and only donald trump. >> potentially one of the only people who will restore any form of justice to america. >> which is so true. i see it, i see the love and devotion pickwick to know a lot of people don't but i'm going for him we were doing better when he was pre-christian who she is? >> yes she looks very familiar but i can't think of her name. >> no idea. >> is great to see average americans for. >> who is she? it's former governor of south carolina. as a kite awesome, nikki haley. >> who is this? >> that is our boy from florida at mr. desantis frequency has potential progress is very insight lockdown piglets our state is where awoke a ghost to diaper christian who this is? >> david goggins i'm just kidding its not have no idea who it is. i'm going to see mr. wilson? what's his name is tim pickwick suits i could t tell him i don't know what kind it's him. sanchez? >> scott. >> you are such a liar. [laughter] >> about this and i love people. >> and tell me o who this is? it's only got yes and didn't do morning show? are you serious? >> africa was station i don't know his name he is a real historian, knows everything too. >> brian kilmeade. kill me what a last name brain absolutely? >> each of you this ease? >> that is also brian kilmeade they look alike. [laughter] >> thousand lot of fun but it looks like these two gop cans of what to prove to the american people for example who they are when they take the debate states let's ask fox news contributor's been through it all it's great analysis for us she was here every step of the mythology trump and 2016. she is poster kellyanne conway fox news contributor first about memory lane looking at some of those moments? it's a lot it tells of the importance of debates. they are make and break moments. it also tells of people are resilient, flexible spontaneous on the talking points. some are and some aren't. also says what donald trump should show up to the debate a big proponent of that i was inclined to not go because he is the truck front runner but donald trump did t 212,016 generally at the debate. hit center stage with a first fox news debate in cleveland, ohio on august 5 and he never lost that spot there moment psyche showed he seemed comfortable, they tried to fluster him. he was substantive but he was also lighthearted when he needed to be. and was a fighter. sometimes polite sometimes fighting back his absence on the debate stage will not not making the topic is of what you just saw. it allows the voters free of charge to access these candidates in the moment. >> what kind of interesting, documents have leaked out from what seems to be a pack or supporters of ron desantis with advice on his strategy they say his advice would be go after vivek ramaswamy he's on the rise and honest every poll certainly doing every interview. people really respect who he is. i'm curious what you thought. from window to defend trump and chris christie goes after him. what are your thoughts about that? accenture ron desantis campaign or pack leaked the document i would have to believe it because they're there's so far behind ee expectations and in the polls by the person who is that they don't class to be the alternative to trump in the alternative to but i think for governor desantis that strategy strategies too little too late. >> you are punching down for. >> there punching down they judgment vivek ramaswamy is doing two things ron desantis is not to he's got joy on the job the guy loves campaigning and seeing the people desantis some days looks like is having a root canal out on the campaign trail. people have to know that you love being with them. he was sort of scolding this young kid one day when he said that's a lot of sugar it's a kid drinking and i see you know well i love this wish i could have a sip or have too. but vivek ramaswamy did something else he stole the woke argument from ron desantis said desantofdesantis was not over tn florida he is saying in davenport iowa in a clip floridd of the plates were ghosted but vivek ramaswamy is the one out there explaining what woke means and why he should be against it these diversity programs are hurting people who otherwise could make it on their own. that corporate america is always trying to solve the wrong problems. vivek ramaswamy is like a never ending ted tuckey says never says no to any tv he's accessible to the press is accessible to the verses got great energy. voters are responding but also he never attack stroke. i think the best way for desantis to have defended trump as to not run the first place. he is seen as somebody who is critical trumpet. >> on the rules people should know about you going to be hearing about there's not going to be opening statements or snow campaign speeches in the opener. one minute to answer, 45 seconds for closing remarks, 30 seconds to follow up. that format works for what candidate in particular? >> people are flexible the moment. and don't look like they are either doing what are things, repeating talking points in contrite responses are staying wisayingwith a set all along. here's the chance and the debate to make one of two decisions as a candidate. are the you want to repeat and reinforce your major premise for what you want to be president is because you are thinking the people out there have not heard it yet look all the folks who kayden cannot identify them by picture but secondly you should see something new. that is a real struggle and a challenge for some folks who want to revert to the talking points. brian: the most interesting thing is how they handle the front runner might not be there. with never seen this before scott for indictments. how did the indictments change the way at opponent approaches the front runner, trump and how you should do it question it does not matter how you feel about those indictments in those cases. you know if i attack donald trump i risk losing the people that are supporting it and you cannot win without them. so you do what? >> you stand up and save the present is convicted i will pardon him and i don't never pardon anyone whose last name is biden. the place will go wild you are setting the stage that you're trying to attract trump maga voter and the basic plus it also independency feel increasingly uncomfortable with this two-tier justice system for the feel increasingly uncomfortable that washington is focused on trump, trump, trump rather than on inflation, education, crime, pollutant and the like. and the border. and then what you do is you say i am here to beat joe biden i am's the one who's going to be able to beat him. now the polls include fox news new poll shows trump owns electability but the best thing to leave a people's mind is if you put me side-by-side with joe biden i am going to be the winner. brian: you know wha i wait for? the clash that is totally unscripted no idea. i think art moderators are great the let it go it's not about them it's about the candidates. the one that is built for the clash is ron desantis. you watch him spar with the press 60 minutes on down. i think the more he goes into line live at the serial is the better he'll be. >> is a great moment for ron desantis he has stumbled in these early moments since his campaign announcement lesson three months ago. i think he is the one people are going to attack the most. everybody wants to take on trump by being number two. they're all going to be desantis seeking missile how he equips himself as he keeps his cool if he is substantive and looks unbothered by peoples personal attacks on him he will shine. it's also eight moment you cannot look like the question bothered you. you have to sort of engage the audience remember people would say to me brian how during the campaign altering the white house to jupiter chris cuomo and i didn't even pay attention to that anger. people are your audience i want to say that to our candidates in this debate. the people are your audience but ultimately must have the connective tissue them don't worry about who is around you speak to them. brian: is what kelly would do and asked her question she look at the camera that will be the people thanks for joining is going to be an exciting week. meanwhile this is a topic that should come up climate crazies are at it again but this time they're looking to push their agenda in the schools with your kids starting maybe this week. that story next and still to come doctor jordan peterson gives us the key to happiness and there are a few. so keep it here on "one nation" and let me remind you dvr the show. 8:00 p.m. make it a series make it easy on your life. follows on social meant we are everywhere facebook, instagram and honorable. don't move yo your watching "on when the murrays discovered gain scent beads, they fell in love with the irresistible scent. ♪ ♪ huh, huh, so did their dog roger. ♪ ♪ gain scent beads keep even the stinkiest stuff smelling fresh. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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the stuff never happened and so we started driving cars? >> good to be with you, brian paid the most important thing for people to understand about hawaii's wildfires was the same thing happen there that happened in california. they had failed to invest in a wildfire protection. the main cause it appears of those a fir afire is sparks from electrical wires going into highly flammable vegetation. the hawaiian electric utility failed to invest not even a quarter million dollars into wildlife protection i'm sorry in a wildfire prevention. instead it invested all of its tithistime and money into renew. and so just like in california and they hthey had failed to pry manage the forest and the grasslands, keep the area around the electrical wires are clear. that was the cause of the fire not modestly higher temperatures are slightly less rain. brian: is out knee-jerk reaction when it rains hard or very hot or very cold it's all climate change used to make global warming. when it's not that hot of a summer they had the problem with the message. now it's going to part of the curriculum for i part we know in california especially part of the curriculum but now is going to go k-12. this is part of something you talked about before. it becomes part of the curriculum and almost part of a religion. can you explain it? >> well sure. does not take a bible expert to see much of what environmentalism is is a religious cult. claimant is in the idea humans felt front nature that we need to re- harmonize ourselves with nature the ideas you under claimant isn't as you need to get right by the claimant. the new priests are scientists. it's very dogmatic. it's a state religion that basically blinds us to much more important causes of environmental change. such as changes to the landscape, to the replacement of irrigated farms in hawaii with highly flammable grasslands. so really what's a tragedy about this is that mono media it is a kind of obsession or a totalizing orchard italian view climate change is the most important problem in the world. climate change is real but it's not the most important for environmental promise early not the most important problem in the obsession with it we are making kids depressed and anxious we are failing to deal with the real wor real world pre preventing forest fires or upgrading our electrical grid progress with like a lot of politicians looking for the votes for certain generations for certain segments of society are going to do what's necessary to get those votes and maybe do things that are against the environment. you point to anyone who is serious about the environment will be talking about nuclear printable talk about natural gas. you will not be sitting there saying go ahead and have slave labor producer solar panels in china. that is okay people got to open up their minds and backup their action, their words with actions. >> that is right there is a new study that shows solar panels are similar between three and six times more carbon intensive than scientists had thought because they're being made by cole in china. there'sthere is a fundamental ml issue here. we should not be buying solar panels, produced by people living in concentration camps that's what's happening in china it's a fundamental moral issue. kids have been misled about this to think renewables are the way to go. we reduced our emissions 22% in the united states between 2005 and 2020 simply by switching from coal to natural gas and supporting some amount of renewals with natural gas. nuclear is the only way to have scalable reliable zero carbon power. those are the two most important things for progress we could dt safely and in a compact way than making great, great advances user head. lastly we are watching windmills offshore you are doing a documentary on out may or may not be related to the death of these wells which should be disturbing every environmentalist, what have you discovered? >> it's very shocking answers to strong pieces of scientific evidence these extremely allowed sonar noises are being used to map the ocean floor to build the wind turbines. they are potentially illegal levels high decibel sounds separating mothers from their calves resulting in starvation of whales also that w we know ts more boat traffic in the areas the whales had not been and you have to miss 2348 north atlantic whales left. scientists already had been warning any amount of activity including wind industry could make them extinct. we're working with congress to get hearings and investigation on this. we think there is widespread corruption including in the u.s. >> you talk about 6 succeed dead well since december 1, 22. we look towards the documentary great michael thanks so much for you talk a lot of sense appreciated. >> thanks for having me. still to come fun stuff foxbusiness host bottom line and they get mcdowell person sean duffy is able to find out how will they know each other plus we have the key to happiness put a smile on your face famous psychologist doctor jordan peterson will be here or to our fast setting interviewed next on "one nation" bringing in the music. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. i am john scott, now back to "one nation." >> hope you're having a great saturday. we showed you part one of my recent interview famous psychologist doctor jordan peterson also best-selling author. we talked about education, fight woke in america around the world tonight part to the key to happiness. >> i think you have an obligation to make the most out of life. think people at the wrong definition on happiness what? it's having a mission. >> there is the emotion you feel after a thanksgiving dinner. that satiation. you don't need anything it's not motivating. doesn't get people to think about is you might send the sort of person who doesn't plan. that is because you are afraid that's part of the reason you should overcome that. you don't have your plant someone else has a plan for you when responsibility it will be taken up by tyrants will be provided by other people who do not have your best interest in mind. one of things that is universal to something better than helping someone one of things you can do your training and solving problin solvingproblems bringino practice, bringing them to a better school doing your best to make an effort to be a good parent. that leads me too what would be an absence in my life without a family. it would almost be like not having an appendage. and now i also see it in america more and more people have less kids or no kids. they decide not to get married or decide but do you think it points to a bigger story in the world today in this country today? one of the points i put forward that has become rather markedly popular is the notion that meaning that sustains you in times of trouble will be found as a consequence of adopting responsibility. this is another thing conservatives have not been very good at. communicating to young people because conservatives tend to be somewhat finger wagging in their morality. and fair enough there are things you should do. there is a better story there if you have when times get rough you say which they certainly will most of the general self-esteem that you feel you bear responsibility for your self over the long run for your family that the reciprocal interaction will get paid back by the people you're helping you do it because everything works. we thought for a long time this can be related to psychologist to some degree of your happiness or your mental stability is somehow an internal thing it is psychological. but that is not exactly right. your mental health and your happiness your freedom from anxiety and your happiness is dependent on the harmony you can't be sane and happy the data is quite clear you cannot be sane and together within a couple without having a family. it might be your parents and your siblings it should also be children. you have to admit that together but then your family can't function without a functioning neighborhood and a community, and a state. the sanity is the harmony between all of those levels it's not something you carry around inside of you. it is partly key to sanity being embedded and all those levels. none of us are capable in and of ourselves of regulating ourselves. when you and i are even talking right now the communication regulates, we regulate each other with the communication. we try to keep it interesting. we tried to move forward. >> we had a container which is the goal. then there is interest being manifested. we do that right would pull everyone in braid that is a good situation. then your emotions are well regulated when all that is happening. the key to that is responsibility. >> you are a deep thinker i am pointing cute set time at the side to think or wait for a gap in your day and stare out the window? where'd you get thoughts and conclusions from? one of your 12 axioms for a happy life of one of which you could learn something from everyone you are with. you don't think you know everything but if viewers do and the people who buy tickets do. to make a conclusion and grow as a person and as an intellect? >> i have a podcast twice a week. and so i've always listen to someone who is smart because i find podcast guest just something to say i want to hear. so when i talk to them have the opportunity for them to teach me >> that audience is benefiting in your benefiting? >> absolutely. the good part is learning and they bring everyone along for the ride and that's what i'm trying to do with my podcast i invite people from home so that is helpful that i write every day in writing is the most formal way of thinking. you have to ask yourself a question. you have to wait for the answers that is a revelation then you have to analyze the answer. that sort of thinking is extremely useful if you want to lay things out clearly. brian: lastly you sound like you have the same issues that everybody has. >> of course. >> i think that also helps tell the jordan peterson story. i am trying to relay what i learned but i am still with the same stuff for. >> while it's important for people to know people who are successful let's say are not the people who are fortunate enough to have no problems. no one is in the category of fortunate enough to have no problems for people like that do not exist. everybody deals with aging and death and severe illness. >> you deal with that at the same time? >> yes and my daughter to all of us at the same time. it is the case for everyone. now you meet people now and then and i met lots of people in my clinical practice who have so many things going wrong at the same time it's just an unutterable catastrophe. the fact there are people like that and there are people who are clearly clearly expressing higher levels of misfortune does not mean these successful people are the ones who have no problems. these successful people are the people to keep on going. and they are fortunate enough to do that often to keep on going regardless of what's being thrown at them. brian: electrical interview with go to "one nation" on her facebook page or instagram pages. meanwhile straight ahead. do you ever wonder how well the cohost of fox news and foxbusiness really know each other? wonder no more the hos house of foxbusiness hit show the bottom line to get mcdowell, sean debbie are here to face off andn our famous cohost quiz. ♪ my father didn't know his dad. with ancestry i dug and dug until i found some information. birth certificate. wow. and then you add it to the tree. it's like you discover a new family member. discover even more at oh, oh, oh...i'll be the judge of that. oh, that's nice... oh!! searchable, verified reviews. that's better than the ham, and i've never said that. booking.yeah my biggest fear in the middle of my addiction was that i would never be able to get over it, and that my kids wouldn't have a father. crippling depression, anxiety, exhaustion. i was in prison, and her mom had a heart attack. there's a lot of institutional issues and challenges that suggest to us that dads aren't essential, and i've always rejected that. sometimes, you don't have to know everything about being a dad. you just got to be there. so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? it's the fastest mobile service around. with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only $30 bucks a line per month. that's hundreds in savings a year when you wave bye to the other guys. all on the most reliable 5g network nationwide. you really shouldn't walk out the front door without it. switch today at brian: young silhouettes don't you think? i think it's nickelodeon. time now for the cohost quiz. only on "one nation" we will sue any other show who tries to take it we are litigious by nature. our mission is to find out how well fox news host really know each other. the people they sit next to every single day. tonight's contestants are you familiar faces at fox dagen mcdowell has been years since 2003. and before joining box full time we sell sean duffy on camera being interviewed as a member of congress. may the most valuable member of congress are going to his wife rachel. since january they've been cohosting the bottom line together and it has been going fantastic but you can watch on foxbusiness at 6:00 p.m. we are seven months in out time to find out how well you to know each other. did you know each other before he started hosting? >> a little bit. when i was in congress i would go on dagen and it was a little rough, right cosmic little hostile sometimes on occasion. there are door prizes for this? >> is going to be a price ultimately you are competing against the entire foxbusiness and fox news. and believe me and up and fireworks key with the music were going to get started we begin the first question goes like this. dagen, if sean wants to have a beer with one of his buddies from congress, sean was to have a beer with his buddies from congress which buddy we call first? this is not easy a member of congress who would sean call to have a beer with? >> bill huizen it's bill huizenga the judge that's absolute correct. i am going to tally up the sean column, the dagen column for. >> that's too easy. >> and dagen has one. >> is going to say that but he said this is an easy. >> i had no idea as a clue. >> sean, if dagen was to hang out after work which a fox friend or friends would she call first kennedy? can atp. >> both are right. you sure it's ointment seven months? this is incredible. this is a great relationship. dagen, for you. this is for the same amount as the first question. if sean could talk about any topic on the show or in conversation what would that topic be? think about it but with the topic be that sean like to talk about in real life and tv life? >> that is simple i would say the corruption of justice. >> corruption of justice is absolute wrong the answer is climates. corruption, climate. >> anything green is red. >> so far it is one -- one. sean, this question goes like this. what is dagen's favorite lexuses for the lead right? ask for the lead yes. what is dagen's favorite southern phrase what is your favorite southern phrase. >> i don't know. but she's got a ton of stuff she says that i don't know. what you do not even know what it means big hugs you know a declarative? you know they are directed. her favorite southern phrase she says with her southern horse what is it? >> it's not a southern phrase i just say it with a southern accent. >> i can't even guess brian. >> the answer to the question is kiss my. >> i gave you a hint to piglets when sean and rachel met on the real world who made the first move? when sean and rachel. >> rachel. >> the answer is sean let's relive the moment. >> had never seen this. >> to the cool girl was very bubbly, very spirited and i like her. she rubbed read me the right w. [laughter] [laughter] quick sean i'm just not sure how i feel about him he seems nice. he flirts with me all the time. [laughter] congratulations. reality tv never goes away. quick sean, what types of stories and interviews this day get like to do most? >> what types and interviews is dagen -like two most? what she likes interview politicians and she likes to do stories on know i'm going to go with talk about education. education loans but. >> obsolete wrong. it's one -- one is is going terribly what a great start dagen for you. >> climate change. >> we canceled the same thing. we both got it wrong. dagen, as the woman hooked answer this question. which lumberjack games has sean competed in? which lumberjack games that sean competed in but what individual events in those games. >> the tree climb. yes that is right. speed climbing and logged wrong you could've had either went congratulations they could have moved ahead regards up the logrolling was for chicks piglets look at this are unbelievable. how much video do we have a view? >> this is incredible. three and half seconds. he ripped his pants. >> saw this as we would dagen was a wage is wh wages what fams celebrity icon did she wait on customers would dagen was a waitress with the famous liberty icon did wait on? >> i don't know this at all. she never told me. >> neil diamond. >> that is true. >> shut up. i love neil diamond too. >> for. >> on thanks giving day. >> it was fun? lexi is a lovely man. >> he's coming to america. which a sporting event was sean a color commentator for on espn? which sporting event was sean a color commentator on for espn? >> this is to be insurmountable lead. quick sporting event? the lumberjack games. [laughter] >> wrong great outdoor games. art here we go. this is for the tight which will help your relationship okay? sean here we go. how many dogs does dagen have a question of the bonus point is if you can name the dogs. >> two she has two. it's outside two -- two. for the when the bonus points. >> the names are? dale is one. i don't have the other dog's name. >> half a bonus point. >> looked at him. he is the jerk on the left. dale is on the right. >> charles. >> ladies and gentlemen 2.5 -- two. sean knows dagen bea better than dagen knows a shot congratulations guys that's fantastic works i know the names of all nine of his children. >> doodoing them for the show? that would've been. >> i knew about five quick works big workson the rematch? on the rematch. watson wservice dogs and's botte 6:00 p.m. we are sharing your comments and your questions or keep it right here, thanks guys. ♪ what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ make your next move a dream come true with the pods big move sweepstakes. win a free local or long-distance move. plus ultra-premium viking appliances and up to $7,500 cash. enter today for your chance to win. visit pods dot com. 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(female announcer) now, more people than ever are covered by medicare. call now to get started. man: dear housemates, due to the environmental impact of food waste, i'm eating all your leftovers. you're welcome. vo: the environment is the best excuse. find an out. and opt in at we asked you to write us in right as you did. i asked you to send videos and you haven't yet. sophia crisis, why can't congress stop the appointment of david weiss? because it's not their choice, it's still merrick garland's choice, that's the way it is. maybe he'll surprise us and get aggressive and look at hunter biden's overseas business dealings. ernie writes this, i'm a long time supporter of reviews, i finished the autobiography of washington, it is unbelievable. true story sick i was born a slave. great story of how he overcame all the problems he faced. thanks for all you do. thank you so much, that brings me to the upcoming book coming out in three months, i've been working on this even before the freedom fighter, two american icons to overcome race in america. you can preorder right now based off reading from slavery in his own words. comedian jamie lizzo wearing slippers on your set, under office etiquette segment, maybe you need to seen an etiquette class. i did not know until i saw this -- he's wearing sliders, not even slippers. that's not good etiquette and blew it. he was wearing them so i would point it out. i will call him out next time i see him but he's a funny guy. it makes it shiny on the stage, who will talk about that more later. at 84, no more date nights. 8:00 p.m. is my date with one nation. appreciate it. of course you are referring to the fact that i think you can dvr if it's a date night for you. thank you for watching us live, keep the comments coming, we will feature them on the show when we come. follow us on social media, we are everywhere. also students to "fox & friends" on sunday, jampacked show. don't miss a minute. they will break it down is the best and don't forget to listen to the radio show 9:00 to noon. i cannot believe, where does the time go? lawrence jones starts his show right now cross-country. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ o, say can you see by the dawn's early light -- ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars through the or perilous fight -- ♪ o ea'er

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Course , Justice , The One And Only , Form , You Cap , Yyou , Donnie , Pickwick , Devotion , Boy , Governor , Florida , Nikki Haley , Ron Desantis , Progress , Diaper Christian , Lockdown Piglets , Frequency , Ghost , Tim Pickwick , Wilson , David Goggins , Didn T , John Scott , Suits , O , Him , Liar , Sanchez , Everything , Station , Historian , Brain , Africa , Debate , Contributor , Example , Cans , States Let S Ask Fox News , Gop , Two , Fox News , Mythology Trump , Analysis , Step , Poster , Importance , Contributor First About Memory Lane , Kellyanne Conway , 2016 , Big Proponent , Aren T , Truck Front Runner , Psyche , Hit Center Stage With A First Fox News , Ohio , Cleveland , 212016 , August 5 , 5 , In My Life Without A Family , Debate Stage , Fighter , Topic , Interesting , Documents , Saw , Interview , Advice , Supporters , Poll , Strategy , Rise , Vivek Ramaswamy He , Window , Thoughts , Document , Ee Expectations , Accenture , Person , Class , Alternative , Strategy Strategies , Things , Guy , Vivek Ramaswamy , Joy , Root Canal , Campaign Trail , Something , Sugar , Wish , Kid Drinking , Scolding , Sip , Argument , Diversity Programs , Floridd , Desantofdesantis , Plates , Problems , Tv , Verses , Ted Tuckey , Place , Trumpet , Attack Stroke , Statements , Snow , Answer , Particular , Speeches , Remarks , Opener , Format , 45 , 30 , Chance , Decisions , Set , Responses , Doing , Wisayingwith , Folks , Struggle , Picture , Premise , Kayden Cannot , Runner , Indictments , Cases , Voter , Maga , Feel , Pollutant , Like , Crime , Inflation , System , Border , Mind , Poll Shows , Side By , Beat , Clash , Art Moderators , No Idea , Winner , Line , Serial , The , 60 , Most , Everybody , Missile , Campaign Announcement Lesson , Cool , Audience , Peoples , Attacks , Eight , Anger , Attention , Connective Tissue , White House , Jupiter , Chris Cuomo , Thanks , Camera , Climate Crazies , Story , Key , Agenda , Few , Life , Scent Beads , Show , Series , Scent , Watching , Love , Facebook , Instagram , Murrays , 8 , Safelite , Huh , Woman , Suv , Stuff Smelling , Dog Roger , Replacement , Service , Singers , Safelite Repair , Single , Dr , Diabetes , King , Medicare , Dexcom , Announcer , A1c , Glucose Numbers , Phone , Receiver , Dexcom G7 , Painful Fingersticks , Use , Mental Health , Movements , Tardive Dyskinesia , Ingrezza , Td Movements , Mental Health Meds , Treatment , Prescription Medicine , Spotlight , Adults , Simple , Dose , 10 , 80 , Side Effects , Ingredients , Heart Rhythm Problems , Activities , Sleepiness , Ingrezza May , Operate Heavy Machinery , Don T Drive , Doctor , Ingrezza Com , Zero Dollars , Zero , Event , Business , Mobile , Business Internet , Customers , Launching Theal , Comcast Business De , Internet , Reliability , Network , The Next Generation , 10g , 49 99 , 99 9 , 9 99 , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities , Fires , Hawaii , Temperatures , Storms , Experts , Occurrence , Disasters , Many , Pick , Say Climate Change , Curriculum , Matter , Founder , Kindergarten , High School , Signs , Timpublictime Magazine Here Ofe Environment Michael , Publix , California , Wildfires , Cars , Hawaiian Electric Utility , Wires , Sparks , Vegetation , Fir , Afire , Wildfire Protection , Forest , Wildfire Prevention , Fire , Grasslands , Cause , Area , Rain , Part , Problem , Summer , Message , Expert , Bible , Go K 12 , 12 , Isn T , Nature , Environmentalism , Ideas , Claimant , Cult , Humans , Re Harmonize , Change , Scientists , State Religion , Causes , Blinds , Priests , Obsession , Changes , Mono Media , Landscape , Farms , Tragedy , Flammable Grasslands , Promise , World , Totalizing Orchard Italian View Climate Change , Votes , Society , Generations , Segments , Grid , Real Wor World Pre Preventing Forest Fires , Environment , Talk , Natural Gas , Minds , Action , Actions , Words , China , Slave Labor Producer Solar Panels , Times , Issue , Study , Panels , There Sthere , Cole , Six , Concentration Camps , Moral , Renewables , Emissions , 22 , Amount , Nuclear , Power , Renewals , Coal , 2020 , 2005 , Wells , Death , Windmills , Great Advances User Head , Doing A Documentary On Out May , Answers , Environmentalist , Noises , Pieces , Evidence , Sonar , Map , Ocean Floor , Levels , Whales , Mothers , Wind Turbines , Starvation , Areas , Calves , Boat Traffic , W , Can T Congress , Hearings , Activity , Wind Industry , Investigation , North Atlantic , 2348 , Corruption , Documentary , Great Michael , Sense , December 1 22 , 6 , Sean Duffy , Mother , Psychologist , Host Bottom Line , Stuff Foxbusiness , Smile , Promises , Music , Fast Setting , Shipments , Isn T Just Freight , Each , Sizes , Shapes , Old Dominion , Fight , Saturday , Author , America Around The World Tonight , Mission , Definition , Obligation , Emotion , Dinner , Satiation , Anything , Sort , Doesn T , Responsibility , Plant , Plan , Tyrants , Reason , Doesn T Plan , Interest , Best , Training , School , Parent , Effort , Problin Solvingproblems Bringino Practice , Appendage , Points , Notion , Meaning , Trouble , The World Today , Conservatives , Morality , Self Esteem , Self , Run , Family , Interaction , Everything Works , Stability , Degree , Harmony , Anxiety , Freedom , Data , Children , Parents , Couple , Siblings , Sanity , Community , Neighborhood , Communication , In , None , Everyone , Container , Goal , Situation , Braid , Emotions , Manifested , Thinker , Side , Conclusions , Gap , Axioms , Intellect , Viewers , Tickets , Conclusion , Podcast , Podcast Guest , Learning , Home , Ride , Writing , Thinking , Revelation , Issues , Jordan Peterson Story , No One , Say , Let , Category , Case , Everybody Deals , Illness , Fact , Practice , Catastrophe , Lots , Misfortune , Ones , Cohost , Pages , Page , Bottom Line , House Of Foxbusiness Hit , More , Famous Cohost Quiz , Dagen Mcdowell , Sean Debbie , Hos , Dad , Father , Family Member , Ancestry , Tree , Birth Certificate , Ancestry Com , Booking Com , Reviews , Judge , Ham , Oh , Searchable , Middle , Addiction , Fear , Depression , Exhaustion , Heart Attack , Mom , Prison , Dads Aren T Essential , Xfinity Mobile , Xfinity , At Home , Price , Lines , Speed , Guys , Bye , 0 Bucks , 5g Network , Door , Xfinitymobile Com , Young Silhouettes Don T , Quiz , Nickelodeon , Faces , Contestants , Member , Rachel , 2003 , Bit , Seven , Hostile , Rough , Occasion , Prizes , Beer , Dagen , Buddies , Fireworks , Bill Huizenga , Bill Huizen , Sean Column , Work , Clue , Dagen Column For , Relationship , Friends , Friend , Both , Kennedy , Atp , Conversation , Climates , Climate , Red , Phrase , Lead , Favorite Lexuses , I Don T Know , Declarative , Horse , Ton , Accent , The Answer To Question , Kiss My , On The Real World , Move , Piglets , Hint , Cool Girl , Me The Right W , Stories , Congratulations , Reality Tv , Interviews , Interview Politicians , Start Dagen , Loans , Wrong , Lumberjack Games , Games , Events , Which Lumberjack Games , Tree Climb , Speed Climbing , Chicks Piglets , Logrolling , Wage , View , Fams Celebrity Icon , Video , Wages , Half , Pants , Waitress , Neil Diamond , Liberty Icon , Sporting Event , Lexi , Color Commentator , Coming To America , Espn , Art , Great Outdoor Games , Dogs , Names , Bonus Point , Bonus Points , Jerk , Dog , Left , Right , Dale , Works , Shot Congratulations Guys , Nine , Charles , Ladies And Gentlemen 2 5 , Dagen Bea , 2 5 , Comments , Rematch , Them , Big Workson , Watson Wservice Dogs , Doodoing , Five , That S My Boy , Liberty Mutual , Son , Freeways , Car Insurance , Thanks Guys , Pay , Move Sweepstakes , Ultra Premium , Appliances , A Dream Come True With , Cash , Pods , Viking , 500 , 7500 , Visit Pods , Dot Com , Weight , Golo , Solution , Health , Gastric Bypass Surgery , Measures , Verge , Golo Commercial , Shirt Off , Ways , Ability , The Sun , 300 , Release , Control , Golo For Life , Meal , Hunger , Cravings , Efficiency , 75 , Weight Loss , Starvation Dieting , Prescription , Product , Natural , Jitters , Hormones , Insulin Levels , Muscle , Weight Loss Surgery , Jason , Katie , 424 , 4xl Shirt , Break , Stairs , A Hundred , 50 , 4 , 20 , Golo Com , Excuse , Housemates , Leftovers , Food Waste , Impact , Vo , Opt , At Theenvironmentexcuse Org , Choice , Merrick Garland , Videos , Appointment , David Weiss , Sophia Crisis , Supporter , Hunter Biden , Overseas Business Dealings , Autobiography Of Washington , Ernie , Book , Slave , True Story Sick , Freedom Fighter , Slavery , Race , Reading , Two American Icons , Jamie Lizzo , Etiquette Class , Office Etiquette Segment , Sliders , Etiquette , Slippers , 84 , It S A Date Night , Everywhere , Dvr , Students , Fox Friends , Social Media , On Sunday , Radio Show , Show , Lawrence Jones , 9 , Light , The Dawn , Stars , O Ea Er , Perilous , Stripes , Twilight S Last Gleaming ,

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