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Trump lawyers saying super not happening. Those lawyers not only worried about the pending crush of cases, but right now their client as well. Theyre not keen on the former president s plans for a major News Conference next monday in which he will reveal irrefutable ed of Election Fraud in georgia. So many moving legal pieces, so little time. Weve got the former Attorney General bill barr on that very issue, time. If you think about it, thats what it comes down to. Time. What legal cases can move forward and which ones cannot. Bill barr is here. Your world is now. Welcome, everybody. Glad to have you. Im neil cavuto. Bill barr in just a moment. First right now, we want to go to washington and this drama that is building fast and furiously with all of these pending cases and moving cases of pushing things back. They also concern some separate issues on the hunter biden matter. All of it happening together. Lets get the very latest from david. David . Neil, you mentioned time. Were waiting for updates involving criminal cases with the names of a former president and the current president s son. Think about when that has happened. Well, it happened. Were in unchartered territory as we said all along. Hunters legal team is standing strong argue ago Diversion Agreement on a gun charge. They say the agreement was signed by both parties. David weiss team says the agreement is null and void and starting from scratch. Theres in deal. On the donald trump front, he and 18 others are expected to surrender in georgia. Trump is not going tomorrow. This pushing things to next week, the same week as the president ial debate. On truth social, the former president teased that News Conference. He said its monday where he says theres irrefutable evidence and there will be a complete exoneration. But theres multireports out there that his advisers, his lawyers, those that have to defend him, are telling him its not a good idea to hold a News Conference answering questions and talking about the case as it could cause major problem in court with a jury. Its up to the former president to decide whether or not he will do that. Sounds as if his advisers are saying dont do it. Neil . Thanks, neil. Theres four big cases involving 91 charges against the former president , four humongous cases that could go on for quite some time, especially in the Trump Lawyers have their way of pushing off of these back. Attorney general bill barr who served in the Trump Administration with us right now. Attorney general, good to see you. Good to see you, neil. Neil first off on the georgia situation. The trump team is arguing no way we can do this in march which the prosecutor is looking to do. Its and Super Tuesday. Its not nearly enough time. Well, im not happy with the georgia case. I think its too sweeping, too broad, excessive case. Makes it like people are piling on and feeding the narrative that hes being victimized here. Theres merit in the point this is not a case triable before the election. Neil can any of them . I think the two federal cases will be tried. They are responsible cases and far more focused. I think they can be and will be tried before. The new york case is obviously a political hit job in my opinion. Its a joke. Neil his Business Dealings and everything. It was the payoff, hush money. I think at the end of the day, that may not be tried. I think its pushed out. I think bragg would be worried about bringing it to trial. Neil even in the case of the one you argued could be, he wants to get going in january. Right before the Iowa Caucuses. Should that i be weighing the timing of Super Tuesday or the Iowa Caucuses in the cases, jack smiths one . What . To some degree, they might accommodate a few days here and there. But i dont think that that should govern the schedule for pursuing these cases. You dont get immunity for two years to run an election by saying im a candidate. These investigations have been going on for a while. Everybody knew about them even before he announced his candidacy. So if theres a chance to get it resolved before the election, it should be. The American People should know. These are crimes potential crimes that involved morale terpitude. Neil the former president says this is a pileon, its unfair. Hes not a fan of you being here today. That that pileon is part of a process and welldesigned one. Well, as i said, yes, he has adversaries that were unfair, excessive, obsessive and treat him fairly unfairly. Neil the cases that youve seen, which are fair or legitimate . The federal case is legitimate. At the end of the day, the core of this, he engaged in a case of the documents, outrageous behavior that anybody would be prosecuted. Hes not being prosecuted for having the documents. Hes being prosecuted for october instruction. Two egregious instances are alleged. Its a very simple case and should be tried. If the judge is anywhere competent, that could be concluded before the summer. The other case after the election, he in my opinion he did cross the line. It wasnt just rough and tumble politics. He crossed the line. Neil when did he cross it for you . I think the federal case is good is responsible because it focuses on the hub of the issue, which is not just the lies and knowing that they were lies and thats what they allege, but the fact that he used this device of empaneling imposter electors, swearing that they were the electors. The key point there was they were in tandemly planned whereby the Vice President would use that as a pretext for nullifying the legal and certified votes. So it was a calculated and deceitful plan to remain in office by nullifying and negating certified legal votes. Neil was that effort at that time the game changer for you . I want to know when it came time that you were the loyal Attorney General and you said enough is enough. You resigned. I resigned december 14 because i thought that at that point the state votes were certified and that was the end of the legal process. I also didnt like the way he was spouting the big lie. I thought that was irresponsible. He took it much further than i expected or anyone expected. During this time, he was being told by lawyers in the white house if he kept doing this, he would spend the rest of his life tangling with the Criminal Justice process. Thats exactly what has happened. He shouldnt be surprised and no one else should be surprised. Neil the fact he didnt drop things could lead to some to believe and people that defend him say that he genuinely did feel that he was robbed and this was the good fight and the proper fight. Well, even if he did, and im dubious about that, that doesnt mean you can use illegal meaning to rectify it. If the bank is unfairly keeping your money, theres many things you can do to get it back. You cant rob the bank. Neil so at the time, it was a sense that you got from the president , donald trump, that you had done a 180 on him. On his truth social post, he said just today, sir, that bill barr didnt have the courage or stamina to fight but he knew what was happening. I canned him. I felt good about it. Now he goes all over the place, especially fox. I think hes thinking youre here. Pretending hes a tough guy. He used to say i was a tough guy. By the time of the election, after the election, i did part company with him. No one could talk any sense to him. He was taking things too far. Neil he didnt i want to get this clear. He didnt fire you. No. Neil at the time you left, he said of you, just had a very nice meeting with Attorney General bill barr. Our relationship has been a very good one. Hes done an outstanding job. As per a letter, bill will be leaving before christmas to spend the holidays with his family. That doesnt sound like someone that just got fired. No, he did not fire me. Neil what do you think when you hear that . At the end of the day, i dont really care. Neil its an issue for him today. Your being here is an issue today . I can understand his being upset by people speaking out against him. My loyalty is to the constitution. I felt he was screwing with it after the election. I wasnt going to stand around for that. He was listening and taking counsel from yes men that had no skin in the game. They were no officials and had no accountability for what they were telling him. I felt it was time to part company. Neil you already said, Attorney General that he knew well that he lost. You said free speech doesnt give you the right to engage in a fraudulent conspiracy. Explain that. Most crimes other than Violent Crimes involve speech. Stickem up. Fraud and plot, conspiracies involve speech. The federal government has said that knowingly telling lies to pressure people to do things in conjunction with a number of other actions is a conspiracy, a criminal conspiracy. He doesnt have a right to do that kind of planning. The right to stay in Office Despite the certified votes of the states. Neil you parted company with this on him. He comes back at you. And a lot of former cabinet officials, i think about three or so, that had not dared to weighin on that, why do you think that is . You know, the interesting thing about trump, ive noticed about him, he doesnt have a durable relationship with anyone other than people that are financially dependent on him. Neil why did you join him . Because he was he was the duly elected president of the United States. He was carrying out policies with which i generally agreed as a conservative republican and a big lie being used against him and being treated unfairly. Nobody from the established Legal Profession was standing up. So i felt when he asked me to come in that i should come in to help the administration stabilize and make sure this thing was handled properly, which i did. But now after the election, he became the author of a big lie much to the detriment of the country. Neil so general, when you look at where things stand now with the four criminal cases, the 91 charges, the odds of none of them sticking are daunting. Put it mildly. Its happened. But these are thats a staggering number. If he is convicted of a crime, the constitution says he can still serve as president of the United States. Theres a lot of even republicans polled, half of whom feel that that would be a game changer. A conviction would be a reason that he not be president. What do you think . I think thats true. I think over time as people focus on the decision, they will see that hes the sort of the one person that could lose to biden. Neil right now hes the one person that is the most competitive, so far, of all the candidates against joe biden. In other words, joe biden still wins, but with donald trump, its closer than in some of the cases. Its weird. Not in all cases. I think somewhat early a lot of these candidates are not as well known as donald trump. I think when push comes to shove, it will be clear that there are other candidates that can win decisively. But i think the chances are that he will be convicted on some counts. Neil you see him doing jail time . I dont think that translation to jail time. Neil why . If i was Attorney General and we were prosecuting on the Documents Case, which is a righteous case, i wouldnt want to see a former president in jail. I think a very substantial penalty would serve the public interest, but putting him in jail has collateral impacts on the country. Thats probably where would end up. This gets into an unprecedented weedy dark area. The Secret Service is there to protect him for the rest of his life. What would the Secret Service do in the event that he was in jail . Well, you know, theres ways of having custody without having him in facility, in federal facilities. You can have Home Detention and other things. Neil would some people be angry at that . That hes getting treatment to your point, because hes a former president because hes a former president. There will be people angry on both sides. There will be people that dont want a hair on his head touched. Theres people that no degree of the punishment is enough for them. We cant run the Criminal Justice process and a fair system if we heed those extremes. Neil lets ask about that period to january 6 because ive nod had the pleasure to talk to you on this subject. There was a change for many, Chris Christie among them, his behavior on january 6th is what changed everything. Did you have any hint leading up to that, even prior to the election, that he would respond potentially that way . I didnt expect january 6th. I was surprised by that incident. I was even more surprised and repelled by his conduct during that day, the threehour period were people were pleading with him to please call on the people to leave the capitol and he sat there. Apparently relishing the spectacle. Neil what do the Republican Voters that dont seem to have any problem . I think theres a lot of Republican Voters that have a problem and when theyre actually confronted with theyre grateful for trump as they should be for a lot of the good things that he did. But i think when push comes to shove and theyre thinking about how to make America Great again, anger and will give way to reason and they will see the way neil its not happening yet. Yeah. The focus neil lets assume youre wrong. That it wont change. That sentiment will build and around the time even potentially one of these goes to trial in march or whatever, april, by that time he could have acquired enough delegates to be the republican nominee . Then what . Neil if hes the nominee, then the Republican Party will have to live with that. Its a tragedy. I think from a republican standpoint, the writing is on the wall. Vast majority of americans want to send the aggressive radical progressives to the dust bin of history. You look at our races in states like florida, georgia, virginia, on and on and on, conservative Republican Leaders are winning by decisive majorities. The only place that is not happening on the national level. That is because trump is toxic to too many voters to put together the coalition necessary to win a decisive victory. Would bill bar support him . I said i would jump off that bridge when i get to it. Neil he would with the republican standard bearer. The way you feel now, would you . You know, i have to wait and see the evidence that comes out about his conduct and so forth. Right now most of it is allegations. You know, id have to wait and see what the situation is. Ive already explained that if i thought that one of two people is going to end up as the president , then i wouldnt throw my vote away. I would try to make a decision who would do the least damage to the country. If there were other options, i would consider those. Neil would you just not vote . No. One of two people is going to do it, i would make that bitter choice. Neil its conceivable bill barr could vote for donald trump . As i said, id jump off that bridge when i get to it. Neil let me step back, Attorney General and get your sense of this race, the Republican Party, what theyre going through and threading the legal needle on how far they can support him and will support him because many are deemed to be afraid of him. The candidates a couple speak out, Chris Christie, congressman hurd, what have you. Very few. Theres great peril in doing that. Do you think if the former president is convicted of anything, across any of these cases, that changes and they might feel more emboldened to take him on or to question him . I think youd see more people peel away. I dont think theyre afraid of him. Theyre afraid of losing his supporters. Theres a hardcore voters, probably id say, 30 of the Republican Party, that will be very hard to persuade not to support trump. I think neil is it that recognizable to you . We talked beforehand. You served as our 77th Attorney General under george h. Bush and our 85th under donald trump. It was a very Different Party then than now. Im wondering whatever happens to the president , where do you see the Republican Party going . Well, in my ways, its a better party. Reagan started the process of bringing in the middle class and the working class. Were a better party for it. I think the tragedy is that unlike reagan, who understood the frustrations of and the unfairness to the Working Class Americans and had tried to focus in a constructive way and did accomplish a lot, trump whips up their anger and anger is not a policy for neil he always seems angry. Youve worked with him. Was he always angry . Did he get angry a lot . Yeah, yeah. Neil lets switch gears and talk about hunter biden. Sure. Neil you said the probe is legitimate. His actions referring to hunter biden, can be shameful without being legal. What did you mean by that . Without being illegal. First, i think theres a lot of red flags first, the tax and the gun issue, put that aside. The government was ready to charge him. There is a legality there. The question is how thoroughly weve looked at the issue of his Financial Transactions and extent to which joe biden was involved and benefitted from them. Theres a lot of red flags a lot of red flags. And you know neil if you were Attorney General, would you have already appointed a Special Prosecutor . Neil if i was a. J. , i wouldnt have needed special counsel. I didnt have a conflict of interest. The investigation was going on while i was there. I saw before the election, there might be reason not to take certain steps to make it public. It was not a public investigation. After the election, there was no reason to put the brakes on this thing. Im worried about what happened. Neil are you more inclined now given the relations and Business Dealings and conversations where dad was present that theres enough there there that this is of a far greater magnitude . Yes. What were they paying him for . Why settle up the llcs to put the money through, et cetera. Neil isnt that easy to track . Cant you track money and transfers . No. Its hard sometimes. They get foreign banks to cooperate with you. It takes some time. But its been over 2 1 2 years since the election. Neil what would be the Dividing Line for President Biden . Money that left hunter and went to dad, proof that it went to dad or that gifts went to dad using money from such Foreign Enterprises . The big one is the questionwr influenced in return for money. Bribes. Neil you see anything in the president s behavior today that shows that he might i dont want to speculate. Thats why i said this thing about either theyre going to have the goods on him and if weiss ran this down and had a thorough investigation and decided that there was no case, then it still could be shameful. And he shouldnt be fit to be president by selling his office this way. But it may not have crossed the criminal line. Neil so when you look at the Media Attention and certainly the attention were getting out of the Justice Department regarding hunter biden and attention to that case and anything donald trump and attention to these cases, does the former president have a point to say its not fair . It is rigged . I said all along and most republicans feel this way that its true. Theres a double standard and our Justice System is much more aggressive pursuing republicans than democrats. I dont think that necessarily means that what we should do about that is to let people go because Hillary Clinton didnt get hammered for what she did. Therefore we should let people go. I dont feel that thats the right way to respond. But even if it is, even if youre saying we shouldnt prosecute them, what sticks in my crawl and what i think republicans have to come toe grips with, it does its one thing to say he should be prosecuted. Its someone to put him forward to be Chief Executive of our country. Neil when you dealt with the last Chief Executive of our country and the rage at you almost every media appearance, particularly here and a lot from the former president today on his Site Renering to the fact that we would be talking, is it something that sticks with you . Or you know its going to happen and im prepared for it . But are you . Yeah, its the reason i decided that i would ultimately accept the president s request to serve as his Attorney General. Neil do you regret that now . No. In this day and age, given the temper of the country, you have to be willing to just do what you think is the right thing regardless of the consequences. At 73, i dont need a new job. Im fine. I feel im in that position. Im not a politician. Im not running for office. Ill say what i think. I try to be fair. Call them as i see them. Neil but no regrets when you say mr. President , ill sign up to be your Attorney General . I dont regret an opportunity to serve the country and work with a lot of the great people that were in the Trump Administration. I dont regret it. I think he booted it. He was getting a lot of people worked very hard to give him the opportunity for a second term and easily within his grasp in my opinion. Because hes so selfcentered and lacks selfcontrol or discipline, he booted it. Neil if he were elected president again, you think he could get good people around him or once burned, twice shy . I think it will be hard to attract people other than people that are subservient to him. And yes people. Neil you were never a yes person. So im just wondering, do you fear an Attorney Gen Real In The Future Trump Administration that would be . Yes. One of the things ill have to weigh if im confronted with biden is my concern of the kinds of people he would have about him. He was always about tit for tat. Its funny. Republicans are complaining about weaponization of the department. I think its a fair thing to pursue. But trump made it clear he wants to weaponize the department of justice. Neil is that what you think his four years would be . That would be my concern. Among many. Among many. Neil for you now, to wrap this up, im curious, of all the candidates in this big debate next week, and im just wondering, who intrigues you in that bunch . You have had kind things to say about ron desantis and some of the others. You havent mentioned a candidate. Its a really good field of candidates. I said ron desantis is very effective, competent governor. Neil you think hes imploding . No. He has a chance. Half of the attacks are the media because democrats want to face trump. I admire Chris Christie taking a stand and telling it like it is. Neil you and him are the most vocal about your experiences and the former president the most vocal about you guys. Well, we know him the best, dont we . You know, im very impressed with tim scott. He paints a very, you know, good picture where he wants to go and how to get america out of this rut. I like vivek. Hes elevated the discussion. Very bright. Very strong. Neil any one of them becomes president and looking for an Attorney General id do what id do last time. Push other people. Im happy outside of government. Neil thanks, bill barr. Former Attorney General of the United States. By the way, many have been asking about the timing of this interview with the Attorney General and the former president s interview on larry kudlow. They were not mutually exclusive. This was arranged some time ago. Obviously Larry Kudlows interview with the same president , how they ended up in the same hours, the same time, no idea. Always fair, always balanced. More after this. It was time for a nunormal with nucala. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon treatment for Severe Eosinophilic Asthma that can mean less oral steroids. Not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. 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Nervive contains ala to relieve nerve aches, and bcomplex vitamins to fortify healthy nerves. Try nervive. And, try nervive pain relieving rollon. I think the chances are that he will be convicted on some counts. Neil you see him doing jail time . I dont think that that translates in to jail time. Neil why . I think if i was Attorney General and we were prosecuting him, for example, on the Documents Case, which is a righteous case, i wouldnt want to see a former president in jail. Very substantial penalty would serve the public interests, but putting him in jail has too many collateral bad impacts on the country. Thats probably where it would end up. Neil to hear bill barr tell it, the former president could be convicted of one or several crimes. I wonder what Andy Mccarthy thinks of that. Andy, what hes saying is its different when youre a former president. It is what it is. He could be facing convictions, but he wont be looking at jail. What do you think . Well, he also said, neil, theres alternatives to detention like home confinement, which is not being in a penitentiary. Neil if home were confined to maralargo, thats not too bad, right . You have to think not what is great for trump but what is best for the country. To have a former United States president in a federal penitentiary with the Security Concerns that that would involved, that will be unacceptable to a lot of people. Im one of them actually. Neil im curious where this goes. The time being, its a matter of shuffling these pieces and cases that if youre donald trump and his lawyers, you want to push it off until after the election. Were getting a sense from bill barr that a couple of these, the federal cases, the jack smith case can move forward as planned before the election. Is that doable to you . I think Attorney General barr is a little more confident than i am that they can get the maralargo case to trial quickly. Because i just my experience with classified information cases is theyre really slow to get to trial because you can have appeals before the trial. If the judge cracks the whip, they can get that case to trial, i suppose. I do think hes right about the fact that in order of importance and severity, the maralargo Documents Case is the strongest case against former President Trump and the one i think is the most jeopardy for him. I think hes right that the second federal trial also has that possibility. I am not as blown away by the fraud parts of that case. But for example, as he was he discussed the fake elector scheme, as they call it. If they can create a nexus between what the conspiracy was, if it was one among the false electors, the creation of these documents that were supposed to look like they were certified by the state and then this is the big leap, which i dont know if they can make that the higher up people in the scheme, which would be like the people that were around the president , intended for this to be given to congress and used as basically a device for pence to rely on in order to invalidate the votes, thats a serious case and serious obstruction case, if they can make that happen. If they can make that stick. So thats that i think would be perilous. Im not i agree the alvin bragg case is i dont think alvin bragg really wants to try it. Attorney general barr is right about that. As far as the new case, the georgia case, i think now having studied it a little closer, i think she made a big mistake trying to do this big sweeping conspiracy that i dont think she has. But if she had carved this up in to smaller pieces, she would have had a better chance to get part of it to trial and that would have be doable in a finite period of time. If the courts allow her to do this as one big case, which would end up in one big acquittal on the rico count, even though theres other crimes in there that are more provable, i dont see she gets that to trial in any time before the election. Neil interesting. Yeah. Shes looking to do it by next march around Super Tuesday. That doesnt look likely as things stands now. Thanks, andy. Good seeing you. Thanks, neil. Neil meantime here, some growing concerns about what is going on with the economy. The reason why were having to backup if Interest Rates supposedly is because things are improving and walmart sales prove it. Lo and behold, we get numbers that show its getting inflationary just to get a mortgage. More after this. Your brain is an amazing thing. 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We look good economic news. We dont like the fact that it means Interest Rates go up in an environment like that. Maybe keep going up. What do you think . Yeah, housing afford ability is at a 40year low. You have elevated home values, you have Mortgage Rates that are in excess of 7 . Probably heading towards 8 . So that just makes housing super unaffordable. We heard i think last week that consumers now have over 1 trillion of Credit Card Debt. For anyone that has applied for a mortgage for anyone that has checked their credit score, we know as you accumulate Credit Card Debt and get closer to the limit and or even max that credit card out, your score goes down. You might go from a 750 to a 650, which makes Mortgage Rates go up more. So the American Dream of homeownership is slipping through peoples fingers right now. Neil another concern for the markets today and as you reminded me, and that can change given the day, some of the air has been taken out of the market. Its a problematic month. The second time this month for stocks in general. Having said that, do you think that this Interest Rate thing is something that we should be worrying about . You know, were going to have to live with Interest Rates that this high or higher for quite some time. Yeah. I mean, you just look at not only is the cost of capitol much more expensive as Interest Rates go up, but even look at the Senior Loan Officer surveys where the banks are saying theyre tightening their lending conditions. Theyre not loaning as much money out. In fact, credit applications, the number of rejections have skyrocketed over the course of the last few months. Theres a lot of consumers out there right now trying to get more credit and they cant. This higher Interest Rate environment, like you said, its going to be here for a while. I will say, neil, you know, not everyone has a Million Dollars in stocks or has an expensive mortgage. A lot of people might have 20,000 in a Savings Account or a million in a Savings Account and theyre happier than pigs in mud that theyre getting the 5 rate right now. Neil and that could be a competition for stocks. Get that safe and secure, insured by uncle sam account, it beats rolling the dice in stocks, right . Certainly should cause competition. Why havent we seen it yet . The markets itself is up 16 this year. Consumers havent taken advantage of the 5 yet. Neil well see what hans. Thanks very much. Likewise, northeast. Neil i want to bring your attention to the area of the world that were not focusing on markets, in maui, hawaii. Trying to rebuild their lives and find missing family members. The latest from william la jeunesse. William . A lot of guessing going on and accelerated last night after comments made in a press conference. Let me explain why. When asked if he had regrets about not sounding the emergency siren system, the head of Emergency Management said i do not. He believed people would head to higher ground. Guess what . They havent had a tsunami here in 60 years. It happens everyone 2 years on average. Wild fires, mudslides, volcanos are more likely. Now he says he wish the system was sounded. Were performing a comprehensive review to find out what the safest and most effective science based way is to protect people. Theres a lot of different geographies across our country. Some use sirens, some dont. So why is this wild fire different . Number 1, it happened in a residential area. People didnt have hours to evacuate. Happened midday. More tourists in town. People were shopping, bars and restaurants. They had no idea what the escapes are even if they can find their rental car. The state prefers an emergency text. A lot of tourists dont have their cell phone on vacation. They here a siren, theyre not going to run into a massive building with smoke. And the other decision, Hawaiian Electric not to deelectrification of the power grid. Words cant describe how much misconduct was there. They can say it was an accident. It was not an accident. Accidents dont happen with electricity when we have red flag warnings. So the number, neil, that is nagging me is the 1,300 unaccounted for. Thats not changed since monday. I called the state. They said theres a lot of duplication there, trying to clean it up. Theyre trying to get dna samples from hawaii, out of state, out of country. Neil thanks, william. More after this. May lead to severe vision loss and if youre taking a multivitamin alone, you may be missing a critical piece. Preservision. Preservision areds 2 contains the only clinically proven Nutrient Formula recommended by the National Eye Institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. Preservision is backed by 20 years of clinical studies. So ask your doctor about adding preservision and fill in a missing piece of your plan. Like i did with preservision. 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Neil when you look at the Media Attention and certainly the attention we are getting out of the Justice Department regarding hunter biden and attention to that case and anything donald trump, attention to these cases, it is the former president have a point to say its not fair. It is rigged. I have set it all along i think most republicans feel this way, its true that there is a just a standard. I dont think that necessarily means that what we should do about that is to elect people go because Hillary Clinton didnt get hammered for what she did. Therefore we should let people go. I dont feel thats the right way to respond. But even if it is, even if you are saying we shouldnt prosecute them, what sticks in mycroft and what i think the republicans have to come to grips with. Its one thing to say he shouldnt be prosecuted. Its another thing to put them forward as someone suitable to be the Chief Executive of our country. Neil i want to go to bob on this subject. What he touched on. He is no fan of donald trump today. Obviously he was his general. His Attorney General. One of the things he said was this idea, this passion. You certainly see it showing up. Feeling there is a double standard. Anything donald trump or republicans, bad. Anything joe biden, democrats, not bad. Thats whats galvanizing the Republican Party. More specifically the donald trump legions of voters. What do you think . Listen, neil. There were some missteps, whether thats by the Justice Department or various agencies. Down the stretch of the last president ial election. The Hunter Biden Thing was deemed as russians information. It wasnt. Some people still believe that to this day. I think there is a legitimate question about the fbi on both sides from democrats and republicans. They had a tough run. They are supposed to be fair, they are supposed to be just. In some ways they have not been. Theres been serious missteps. Speak to neil add bill barr to the list of republicans who think maybe because they want to think this way that donald trump wont be the republican nominee. That it will fade as these cases sort of go on and on. Whether they come to trial immediately or not. That he wont be the nominee. The polls dont seem to indicate that but he said its a matter of time. What do you think of that . Its hard to see. How many times have we heard people say donald trump is going to fade and this is the end of donald trump. Hes right here and hes dominating the field. There are some very impressive candidates on the republican side. Vivek ramaswamy is doing well but is he going to be able to overtake donald trump . Desantis had a very rough campaign. Needs some momentum badly. There is democrats who say joe biden, maybe its his health. He wont be the nominee either but right now its looking like Biden Versus Trump again and probably a third party. Neil let me ask you about vivek ramaswamy. He is gaining traction with voters. These performances of his are off the charts. He is the third most popular republican. What do you make of that at this stage . Listen, i met him in the fox greenroom, vivek ramaswamy, a few months ago. Very impressive. Not scared. Hes poised. Hes young, obviously. Hes not afraid of the media. We have seen president ial candidates year after year, cycle after cycle, whether that be jeb bush or Hillary Clinton, just not engage. Hes not afraid. Donald trump engagement he got a lot of free media because he wasnt frightened. Well see. If donald trump shows up for the debate. But vivek ramaswamy, i dont know if hes going to win but hes going to be a force in the Republican Party for many years to come. Neil i thought you hit on a key point, as you always do. If you want the job, youve got to work your heinier off for the job and vivek does that. He exhausts all options, which is good. And Chris Christie the same way. He does not pick and choose or he wants to go. He makes sure he gets the message out in his message that, enough with donald trump. Whether we like that or not. But hes not afraid to take on allcomers. I admire that but youre quite right. We dont see a lot of that. But if you are going to the big prize, go in the belly of the beast. Yeah. You cant win by going to prevent defense. We saw that with Hillary Clinton honestly down the stretch in 2016. Didnt go to wisconsin. Youve got to go for it. Barack obama went for a period Chris Christie is Going Forward and vivek ramaswamy. They are comfortable in their own skin on thats different in some of the other candidates weve seen. Neil i like to follow the money guys. A lot of that money is parked or frozen in place for the time being. Maybe theyre waiting for the debate next week. It may be some clearer sort of view of where we go from there but what do you think . I mean, you need money. Certainly we have some self funders. Trump was a self funder so he started getting big donations. These are huge Startup Companies basically when you run for president so youve got to be able to go the distance. I think once people once this debate happens and the second debate on labor day, this fall i think people are going to pay attention. Thats when youve got to see, can christine make a run . Vivek ramaswamy, trump . Right now trump is comfortable where he is but that may not last. Neil i was catching my breath. Talking about the debate next week. They were reminding me that someone has a line or performance out of nowhere that catches peoples attention. I dont know how long it keeps traction going for them. But do you expect any breakout type of performance . Its always a wild card. We have seen Chris Christie and vivek ramaswamy. They are very good. They are good on their feet. They will come back with a quick answer that is comprehensive and smart. Also nikki haley is a very accomplished politician. I think shell do well in the debate as well. Neil always good seeing you. Thank you very much. All right, we are mentioning vivek ramaswamy. He will be my special guest on my saturday show at 10 00 a. M. Eastern time to pick apart the phenomena hes become whether he can keep that going. He can also be like whackamole here. He seems to be gaining some traction. Well see how long that lasts, talk to him on saturday. Meanwhile, heres the five. Greg i am greg gutfeld with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, charlie hurt, and she paddle boards on a tongue depressor. Dana perino. The five. There is a brandnew Tourist Attraction in america thats all the rage but you might want to get your hepatitis shot first. Local San Francisco guide is offering a 30 Doom Loop Walking Tour of the citys most crimeridden spots, lettin

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