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Numbers of illegal crossings as recently as june but now warned the tide is turning reporting a drastic increase so far this month despite extreme heat and new restrictions put in place by Homeland Security. Republicans point to a border wall started under President Trump but never completed. Not a coincidence the thoughts on Physical Barriers Go Hand In hand with what we see as the consequence. The fruit of decisions. The white house insists their border plan is actually working. Listen. As we have said multiple times, our border enforcement plan works. It the deterrent. Diplomacy and enforcement. We have seen that plan working. Gillian officials in Sanctuary Cities including new york and chicago are struggling to support thousands of migrants and Asylum Seekers. It is a major rift in new york between the governor and mayor adams. Cb cotton is in new york with details on the emerging feud. We begin first in El Paso Reporting On The Trump border wall that never came to be. All up and down the u. S. Mexico Border you will come across these Construction Sites that look a bit more like ghost towns frankly and they have for the last 2 1 2 years when President Biden took office and you remember almost immediately pulled the plug on the border wall project. This week we visited a cattle ranch in new mexico west of el paso where piles of border wall supplies are parked untouched. Supplies that were already purchased and allocated under the Previous Administration. Originally 15 billion was budgeted to build about 740 new miles of wall. 450 miles did go up. About 290 did not. The u. S. Army corps of engineers testified before a joint Homeland Security subcommittee last month that work is being done to clear some 21,000 unused wall panels through repurposing or scrapping. As the feds say it costs 160,000 every month just to store these materials. Ive been given no answers to whats going to happen to it. Whats more concerning to me, rather than just this material sitting here on the ground taking up space, whats more concerning is its not being utilized for the purpose that it was produced for. Meantime here in el paso, Officials Say migrant shelters have been operating over capacity for at least the last month. City official eaves say they have resorted to putting some migrants up in hotels. They are even looking to use two vacant middle schools here in the city as makeshift shelters if needed. Gillian. Gillian Casey Stiegel in el paso, thank you. In new york, meanwhile. Mayor eric adams and Governor Hochul are arguing who is at fault for the chaos. Hochuls team blasted the mayors management and messaging. They are failing to use resources the state provided. His team adds should they offer more sites to house the influx of people, they are happy to place them there. Cb cotton joins us from a Psychiatric Center in queens, new york now turned into a tent city for migrants as we understand it. What can you tell us . Hi, gillian. The finger pointing continues. Governor cathy hochuls lawyer said New York City has been too slow to act in some cases or in other terms hasnt taken them up on offers to help. According to state filed Court Documents in response to New York Citys request for more help, the state says quote, the state has identified numerous additional stateowned properties and nonstateowned sites that are Viable Options for sheltering migrants but the city hasnt accepted these offers. The filing accuses the city of rejecting more than a dozen sites that could house more than 3,000 migrants and the city needs to properly manage the 1. 5 billion in state funds it has been given. This morning mayor eric adams pushed back on the idea of a feud saying the city and the state need to go back to the drawing board. The sites that were given to us some of them were in floodplains, some were not suitable to build. So we analyzed each site. We did not ignore any of the sites. Right now a statefunded tent shelter is under construction on Soccer Fields used by children and adult Sports Leagues on Randalls Island and a state funded shelter opened in the parking lot of this Psychiatric Center housing up to migrant men. 13 people were arrested in a protest last night including former gop mayoral candidate. A spokesperson said they need more support to care for and house migrants. The city says it spent nearly 2 billion this fiscal year and will spend up to 12 billion over the next three fiscal years if things dont change. Gillian. Gillian cb cotton in queens, new york. Lets bring in Molly Hemingway Fox News Contributor and editor and chief at the federalist. It seems were reaching some kind of Critical Mass here where the border crisis has infected the east coast, it seems undeniable now in democratic strongholds like New York City that it is happening. When you look at the 6 million illegal Border Immigrants we have in the country since the Biden Administration took over, we think a lot about how the cartels have engaged in human trafficking, all the Human Rights Violations that go with that. Think about the fentanyl that crossed the border leading to 100,000 deaths recently of americans. But we also now youre seeing New York City deal with what a lot of cities and small towns throughout the country have been dealing with because of our lack of control over the border. When you have this flood of immigrants, Illegal Immigrants and also the drugs and other problems that come with it, it can cause a lot of administration problems. New york city New York Citys mayor was speaking a big game when the Trump Administration was trying to control the border and now New York City would welcome everybody whether they were Asylum Seekers and Illegal Immigrants. He is dealing with the problem and it is not going very well. Gillian do you think there is still a chance he can get ahold of the situation, start managing this in a way that is sustainable for the city, or this is all the feud with the governor, this is all sort of like rearranging deck chairs on the titanic . It continue to be a very big problem and many people are concerned about it. It is a bipartisan problem going back decades, failure to control the border. Something you talk about this border wall thats there left unconstructed and you remember how during the Trump Administration was asking for 5 billion and even republican senators were fighting him on that and the 100 billion plus that has gone to ukraine. Biden Administration Says our plan is working on controlling the border. In a sense they are right. There plan was always to open up the border and to bring in just millions of illegal Border Crossers and not do anything about it. Their plan is working. The problem for americans is the plan is not what a lot of americans want. Gillian listen to senator sinema. She laid blame specifically at the feet of Democratic Leaders who sent 1 Hundred Million in federal border funds to new york and only 24 million to her state and she singled out Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries claiming the reason for the discrepancy is obvious. The announcement about the 104 million came out first in a joint Press Release from schumer and jeffries, not from the white house or fema. She called the decision deeply wrong. She is running for reelection in arizona and trying to appeal to people other than the Democrat Party that she was once in. The fact is that she voted for everything that these people did including she voted to confirm mayokas. Everyone knew it was the plan. Biden was pretty clear what his plan was for the border when he ran for office and why you saw a flood of Border Crossings even before he was inaugurated and people do Pay Attention to what the border policy of a president is. You saw that during the Trump Administration and you see it during the Biden Administration. For her to feign confusion about what is going on financing some of what is happening in new york and not dealing with the border problems in arizona i think is a bit too cute by half given everyone was honest they wanted to have an open border and they have worked steadfastly to insure that beginning on day one. Biden talked about how his first objective when he took office, day one, was to take away some of the Executive Orders from the Previous Administration to insure he would be able to up hold having this making taking away the Trump Administration border poll seals that he ran against. Gillian look at the devastating picture out of maui. 111 people are deceased after the wildfire. Families of the victims are being notified in a process expected to take many weeks. Plus this. Republicans insisting that despite the nation focusing on former president s trumps alleged crimes theyre hard at work pursuing the biden family. All the headlines are about trumps indictments. Certainly seemingly what democrats would want to see. What were not seeing are the things that we in congress are working on such as the potential crimes of hunter biden with his taxes. Gillian what do voters think . New fox polls when we come back. Hi, im todd. Im a veteran of 23 years. I served three overseas tours. 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The president has been kept updated on a daily basis, kept close contact with the governor and senators in hawaii. The president and first lady will travel to hawaii on monday to meet with first responders, survivors, as well as federal, state and local officials. Gillian the republicans critics are pointing he has yet to visit east palestinians, oaf owe, the site of another disaster. We have details. Hey, mark. Good morning. The white house says President Biden has remained in Constant Contact with hawaiis governor as well as other officials on the island chain in the wake of the historic and horrific wildfires in maui. He faced criticism for early on not offering a huge response to the disaster. So far at least 110 people have been confirmed killed in these wildfires and fema officials believe the death toll could rise even higher. Today the president offered a direct message to the hawaiian people with a video on good morning america. President biden the entire nation is with you as you recover, rebuild and grieve. As you seek to heal from the loss of family and friends, homes and businesses, and the native hawaiian history gone forever. Well be with you for as long as it takes, i promise you. While hawaiis governor praised the president s response, some critics were less than kind after the president was on vacation in delaware as the fires were growing larger over the weekend. Reporters asked for an update and he said no comment. The white house says it is the gop who deserve some of the blame there. A spokesperson telling fox today we wont be lectured by republican officials in washington doubling down on denial of the Climate Crisis that is deaf eaves stating red and blue states who attempted to slash the Wildfire Response budget and cutting off puerto rico from hurricane relief. Former President Trump is among those who have spoken out against the president s response to this hawaiian disaster. No word yet if the former president plans to go to hawaii himself. He will head to maui with the first lady on monday. Gillian thank you. New fox polls are reviewing americans thinking about the Special Counsel investigation into hunter biden as well as the criminal indictments of former President Trump. Half of the people polled believe Hunter Bidens foreign businesses involved illegal activity. That number is up from 44 in april and 37 in february. Meanwhile more than half of those polled say former President Trump acted illegally when he tried to overturn the 2020 election. When it comes to the indictments against him, though, more than half say the actions are politically motivated. Here is republican senator. The twoteared system of justice. If you are acting in any way thats contrary to the party in power you will be prosecuted. What is happening with President Trump across the nation is a travesty right now. You have joe biden compromised and the closer that Congress Gets to uncovering what has happened with the biden family, the more effort is being put into prosecuting President Trump. Gillian a new fox ed argues it risks the greatest threat of all. Americans no longer believe in the fairness of our judicial system. Thanks for joining me today. How do you square the polls show that more than half of americans think that trump acted illegally in 2020, but at the same time more than half of americans also believe that the prosecutions are politically motivated . Its a tough one to square. My best bet is whats going on here a lot of americans look at that and say well, maybe trump did something wrong, maybe he did something illegal. But at the same time they look at the way the prosecutions have been carried out and they compare and contrast the trump prosecutions with whats been going on with hunter biden and based on that difference in treatment they conclude there is a bit of twotiered justice and a double standard. It is a complicated situation. Were in Uncharted Waters where you have two criminal processes playing out in realtime and lead people to make comparisons how one is treated and how the other is treated. Gillian Chuck Schumer said this about the hunter biden probe. Compared it to the republicans. Were investing, theyre investigating. They want to investigate this, that and the other thing. That doesnt help the American People. These investigations dont matter to the average American People. This is the right wing, the hard right wing talking to each other. Let them keep talking to each other. Were talking to the American People. Gillian the reality, tom, is its a democratic President Administration who is investigating both the president s son and the former president. Thats exactly right. Look, Senator Schumer, what he is saying is nonsense. He seems to be saying that it doesnt matter that we apply the rule of law to hunter biden. In other words, what should matter is looking into the facts, determining whether or not it constituted criminal offense. If it did you prosecute. Thats what should matter. For Senator Schumer to say all this stuff and applying the rule of law fairly doesnt matter to the American People is grossly mistaken in my view. Gillian i want to ask you about this while i have you here. We are awaiting the new jersey judges ruling on a case that centered on three School Districts in the state. Attorney general sued these districts over their poll seals that allow teachers to notify parents when their children seek to change their gender identity. He says it could expose children to abuse at home. Supporters say children facing that need all the support they can get especially from their parents. Any poor child that is expressing as trans. They need love and guidance. The parents are best suited to that. To think the state will step in and decide that they will handle that . Its wrong. Gillian the New York Post Editorial Board argues new jersey should be moving to encourage parents involvement not keeping secrets from them. Let teachers worry about teaching. Parents have every right to do the parenting. Tom. This is a complicated issue as well. The concern here among supporters of the policy is not every kid comes from a loving, supporting home with parents that support them and want whats best for them. So what happens to those kids . Right. Look, i totally agree with you. It is a complicated issue and all people can agree that kids, whatever is happening in their lives need love and support. I think whats puzzling in this case, though, to me is this policy basically would require, as i understand it, the School Districts to conceal information from parents or in some cases outright deceive parents about what is going on with their kids. Look, there is always a battle between how much information students and School Districts can share with parents but it seems to me you want to err on the side of inclusion and make sure the parents understand whats going on with their children so they can provide that love and support. If you have situations where it would cause a problem as you mentioned, then maybe you can make an exception to the policy. It seems to me the default rule should be to include parents in these decisions and let them play a role in helping their children navigate their lives. Gillian we had parents on our air yesterday saying we get calls every time our kid falls at the School Playground or needs a bandaid or has a headache and needs an advil they call to ask our permission to notify us. It would seem by extension of logic that for something this big going on in their life we would get a headsup as well if the school knows about it. Absolutely right. Look, anyone who has kids in school knows parents are constantly being notified of things or asked to approve things. That ranges from administering medicine to signing off on what snacks might be provided at a school event. It is kind of curious they do require parental notification and consent for all these proverball things but when it comes to one of the larger lifetype issues they exclude the parents or require the student the school board to deceive parents. Gillian we have to leave it there. Illuminating talking to you as always. Thank you. Absolutely, thank you. Gillian brandnew fox polling now is painting a clearer picture than previously about where the republican primary lineup stands right now. One candidate is surging ahead. Another starting to fall. That could all change on a dime, though, during the first debate coming up next week. These things have a way of playing out but what it really says is the debates on august 23rd and September 27th are going to be very important to the republican contest because they will be the way that people get to know these candidates. Let Innovation Refup with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. Rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. Clink dr. Marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. Emily used part of her refund to buy. I run a wax museum. Let Innovation Refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. Stop waiting. Go to innovationrefunds. Com you really got the brows. How can you sleep on such a firm setting . 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Alexis mcadams joins us from des moines with all the breaking details out of the fair. Hi, alexis. Thats right. That surprise in the polls would be Vivek Ramaswamy doubling that support in the latest fox national polls. When i caught up with him out here on the ground in des moines he said he wasnt surprised. He prides himself on not being a career politician. I think my message of passing on and creating national pride. Passing on the American Dream to the next generation. Thats what is causing us to have success that has surprised a lot of people. Now Vivek Ramaswamy is listed behind desantis for the second choice after trump. The first candidate to break from the pack to challenge desantis here. Trump still has the stronghold on the party, gillian, a 37point lead over the florida governor. Desantis sits at 16 in support. Thats down from 22 in june and down from his high of 28 back in february. So desantis was out here in iowa. We talked to him oneonone and says he is focused on the on the Ground Campaigning that will turn things around in his favor and worked the crowds in iowa wants to hit all 99 counties. Thinks he can do it by october. The people we talked to in iowa are looking to see how the candidates are in terms of relateability and who will actually deliver here. I do like ron desantis. I really do. Honestly, i wish trump would pick him as a Vice President candidate and they would be a team you couldnt stop. I do like scott also. I dont think he is as wellknown unless you have been following the senate and things like that. Those latest fox news polls show there is a half dozen gop candidates within striking distance of President Biden including ramaswamy, trump, desantis, haley and scott. We talked to everybody on the ground trying to get a sense of who will do well and theyll tune in for the debate. Back to you. Gillian thank you. Lets bring in the power panel now. Sean duffy former republican congressman from wisconsin and joined by patrick murphy, former democratic congressman from pennsylvania. Thank you both for being with me. Patrick, lets start with you here. The Biden Reelection Campaign is moving forward as if trump is the nominee. They have not commented at all on anyone else on the roster of candidates. The truth, though, there is enough Ground Support for really any 1 of 3 or 4 other candidates to break through over the next few weeks. Im a military guy. There is a ground game and air game. The air game all the oxygen in the room is going toward former President Donald Trump but i agree with you, there is 150 days until the iowa caucuses, five months. There is plenty of time for the other candidates to make a move. But what im seeing is those candidates dont want to make a distinction. In fact, they dont want to call the former president out even though he has his fourth indictment this week. He is alleged to have committed 91 federal and state felonies. This isnt misdemeanors or jaywalking. It will be a mess and what were hearing unfortunately is the silence of the land. No one has had moral courage besides Chris Christie to call it for what it really is. Gillian part of the problem for the president s reelection team, patrick, is the fact it is not like trump is alone in facing criminal indictments. The president s own son right now is under special investigation by the newlyappointed Special Counsel facing indictments of his own with republicans from every walk of life coming out of the woodwork to say they have evidence now, hard evidence that the president himself was directly involved. So if you comment on one he will have to comment on the other, something he doesnt want to have to do. No doubt. We both served as members of congress and we both believe in the rule of law. No one, whether the former president , current president. The son of a president. No one is above the law. Hunter biden, is not part of the administration, tried to plead guilty for a misdemeanor. That plea bargain went astray. Special counsel now. The reality is if he gets charged and is convicted well see where it goes. He will have his day in court just like the former president will. Gillian sean, we got you back. Welcome. New fox polling shows on the other side of the aisle among democrats no movement over the last two months since june. President biden the clear frontrunner with 64 support among the party leading rfk junior with 17 and Mary Anne Williamson with 9 . I guess the big question is whether the party is going to call for the president to debate anybody else or not. I dont think that is going to happen yet, gillian. As long as the left wing media and democrats stick with joe biden, no matter how bad the Hunter Biden Story gets, joe biden wont be forced to debate. If House Republicans continue to uncover a Corruption Scheme between joe and hunter biden where Joe Made Money during the presidency from hunter, i think thats all going to change. Not only will you have a debate you might see left wing media and sitting members of Congress Push joe biden out. You will see a new candidate in the race. Joe biden wont go willfully. Gillian someone who is breaking through with some ground is tim scott. He launched this 8 million multimedia ad ahead of the debate. 6. 6 million he is spending. It will air across iowa and New Hampshire through november. He also raised 5. 9 million during the second quarter. Spent 6. 7 million, now has over 20 million on hand. Safe to say, sean, he might turn out to be a Sleeper Candidate who shoots through . Tim may be. Money is always important. You can only shake so many hands in a campaign. Money helps get your message out. Tim scott has been raising it but also had a lot from his senate race. Thats a powerful way to play especially in iowa and New Hampshire where he is running this multimillion dollar ad. Vivek ramaswamy, who nobody knew, has been just remarkable as we talked about here. Doubling his numbers with the message of optimism, patriotism and played the donald trump indictments really well keeping those voters of trump on board. But also if they want to go somewhere else he has offered them an attractive alternative. Gillian tricky line to tow. Thank you for being with me. Appreciate it. The first Republican Debate will be here on fox news channel. Bret baier and Martha Maccallum will be moderating live from milwaukee. S six days away. Chicago Officials Say crime in the city is continuing to spiral. Some are turning to a new curfew proposed which they hope to maybe save some lives. Plus President Biden is touting his Inflation Reduction Act all week long. Gop lawmakers arent buying what the president is selling. The socalled Inflation Reduction Act, which has done exactly the opposite. People that i represent are struggling right now financially because of this policy. Gillian prices at the pump are rising and inflation not snuffed out. New poll numbers show americans arent buying bidenomics. David asman reacts and he is in focus coming up next. So many hotels. [yells] [yells] [yells] trouble booking the family vacay . Come on. Comfort has free hot breakfast for the whole fam they have waffles and splendid pools cannonball psoriasis really messes with you. Try. Hope. Fail. No one should suffer like that. I started cosentyx®. Five years clear. Real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. 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For late payments, as much as 30 , more than three times higher than a newday va loan. So pay off your high rate debt with a lower rate newday home loan, and you can save 500 or more every month. Gillian chicago city streets continue to be plagued by gun violence. Police say more than 1500 people have been shot in the windy city this year alone. 55 of those shootings took place during the last week. Increasing Gang Violence is a major factor in those numbers. Fox news hit the streets to talk to a group that is now looking to try and bring an end to the blood shed. Senior correspondent mike tobin joins us from chicago. Gillian, what they are talking about amounts to a temporary ceasefire. From the gangsters to the Violence Interrupters who work with the gangs there is concern it could aggravate the situation. What they call it is the 9 to 9. A ceasefire from 9 00 a. M. To 9 00 p. M. Applying to rogers park on the northside area. It essentially creates a Permission Slip to start shooting at 9 00 p. M. There is a group called change by us and they say the Biggest Issue is the dominant gangs on the north side werent involved in negotiating or designing the ceasefire. They dont know the people who created it and probably not going to respect it. When they look at it theyll be like who did this and who said this . They would laugh it off. Sometimes they might intentionally go against that and go do something during those hours to let whoever know that were not honoring this. The part of town were talking about is north of wrigley field. Not subject to the kind of chaos and bloodshed we see on the south and west sides. A Contributing Factor is that there already is a ceasefire in place calling it is no Slide Agreement. Dominant gangs are the vice lords to the east of broadway and the gang that is on the west. We cant Cross Broadway and cant shoot each other. The north side is a little different. The gangs there have structure and leadership that is respected. The no Slide Agreement has been holding loosely, not perfectly, for three years. It is holding together. Even the gangsters are wore eft about the 9 00 to 9 00 ceasefire could aggravate the situation and shake things up. Gillian mike in chicago. Democrats are celebrating the oneyear anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act. President biden they call my plan bidenomics. Im not sure they meant it in a complimentary way or not. Guess what . Its working. This law is transformative. It fell entirely to democrats to deliver it. Republicans have tried to repeal key parts of the Inflation Reduction Act including the speaker of the house now taking credit for the billion else of dollars in private investments and thousands of jobs coming into their states. Gillian A New White House memo hits back at the gop saying quote, it is sad that republicans view it as another year in which they failed to raise costs on Working Families to fund their tax cuts for the wealthy. Voters, though, not necessarily buying into that according to polling. A new Quinnipiac Pole shows 58 of voters disapprove of the president s handling of the economy. 71 think the current state of the economy is quote, poor or quote not so good. Lets bring in david asman. Fox business anchor. David, everybody every economist i talk to has a different accounting of why the economy for working Middle Class Americans is so different than the numbers the Biden Administration is touting . As usual. Americans are right. You can throw out most of what the experts say. Americans know how they feel about the economy because they have to live with it every day. And this thing is such a sham. The Inflation Reduction Act. Im holding in my hand a threepage memo that the Treasury Department came out with yesterday about it. There is not one there is nothing if here about actually reducing inflation. It is all about the money they are spending on green energy programs. Regulations that have been increased as a result of the green energy programs. Both of which, by the way, both spending and regulations are inflationary. They are not for inflation reduction. They have been Building Inflation and there is 1. 2 trillion it was sold as a 4 hn billion plan. It has 1. 2 trillion of subsidies in here. The only reason inflation is less hot than it used to be is the fed keeps raising rates. That has terrible costs on americans particularly homeowners. Homeowners are spending a record 40 of their gross income. This is pretax income, 40 on their mortgages alone. You dont think that Hurts Americans and the American Dream . The price of gas is going up as well. You do have these increases in fed rate hikes, which are curbing inflation. It is not going up as fast as it was. It is curbing that but no help at all from the administration. Gillian so the Vice President , kamala harris, this week in seattle defended the move talking about how the ira has lowered unemployment. Well get you to respond. President biden and i are building an economy that works for working people. And that, my friends, is called bidenomics. Bidenomics is working. President biden and i have created more than 13 million new jobs. The Unemployment Rate is near the lowest it has been in over half a century. Inflation is down and wages are up. Gillian is that true . No, no. Lets let me start with the jobs first. You keep hearing this. It has been given four pin Yolk Yosemite but the Washington Post and others. 9. 4 of those 13 million jobs were just that returned after the pandemic lockdowns. Its not fair to say they created those. That leaves you with actually a lower year by year number of job creation than they had in the previous two administrations. That alone is not good. Of course, wages when you count up the amount that inflation has gone up over 16 since biden came into office, that is not equal to the wage hike. So americans are below the costs that they were paying for things when biden first came into office. As for the jobs created by the Inflation Reduction Act, remember, there are 100,000 jobs in West Virginia that rely on fossil fuels. 300,000 jobs in ohio that rely on fossil fuels. The more they keep cutting back on Fossil Fuel Production in the united states, that hurts good paying usually union jobs, by the way. The president claims he is a union guy. They dont seem to be too concerned about those jobs. And the companies that are getting paid by these subsidies are they are going for the jobs, the Green Energy Jobs but it is not helping selling some of those Green Energy Evs and so forth. Ford just had to announce even though they got 9. 2 billion in loans for two battery factories. Theyre pulling back on ev production. It just isnt working as the Administration Says it is. Gillian you have to have the right Green Energy Policies the right time. No agreement on the right time. Appreciate talking to you as always. Thanks for watching the faulkner focus. Outnumbered is coming up right after the break. R familys cotton farm in north alabama. The heartland of america. We rely on hard work and honest manufacturing to deliver high quality, heirloom inspired bedding, bath towels and more, all made in the usa. Experience the farm to home difference for yourself. Go to red land cotton dot com and receive 15 off your order with code fox news. When the murrays discovered gain scent beads, they fell in love with the irresistible scent. Huh, huh, so did their dog roger. Gain scent beads keep even the stinkiest Stuff Smelling fresh. Dad, whats with your toenail . Oh, that. . 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