Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

things in new polling. no surprise here that trump remains the run away frontrunner. you go deeper in the numbers, guy requests, you have to wonder if there is a ramaswamy revolution going. trump pain maining his lead while dropping 3 points from june, he is still ahead 37 points of his nearest competitor ron desantis, who fell 6 points, you see, from june out of the 20s, now in the teens at 16%. with vivek ramaswamy coming to life as a potential g.o.p. breakout star, more than doubling hits position. you see he climbed 6 points to 11%. no indication, by the way, that his surge is directly connected to that ability to rap eminem songs at the iowa state fair. former mike pence gaining a point in the middle of the pack with nikki haley also take the 1 point climb as well and trump's most vocal critic chris christie seeing some growth up 2 points, 1% to 3%. but, obviously, still 50% behind the frontrunner. finally, i want you to take a look at the small slip senator tim scott took down a point from 4% to 3% now. now, that's interesting to take into consideration because that is a reflection of our latest fox polling. but our latest fox power rankings you see here has far better news for tim scott putting him in third place behind trump and desantis. the reach why they have him up so far because our posh ranking system takes into consideration early state polls, in places like iowa, new hampshire, and south carolina as well as candidate performance and you see here vivek in fourth followed by haley in fifth and pence in sixth place. a lot can change, guys. 445 days until election day and less than one week before the candidates take the stage with bret and martha. >> brian: griff, i don't know if you have the numbers in front of you, tune how close ramaswamy needs to get to trump before he gets a nickname? do you know -- i mean if this continues to happen. >> ainsley: a nickname could be vice president. >> griff: i don't know. we have seen trump going after desantis at every turn. now in these latest numbers. you look. ramaswamy is really starting to come to life imof the people goat meet him for the first time are impressed and this is something i guess the former president will take as a threat. >> he is all over social media. he says yes to every interview. and if you go to social media and look at his campaigns there are a lot of fox news voices in those campaigns, including yours my friend brian kilmeade. >> brian: i did not know. that will do i get a royalty, griff, do you know? >> griff: you absolutely do. just as antidote, my 91-year-old sweet mother sylvia jenkins said last night do you know that vivek guy? i'm really impressed by him. a little an antidote. >> steve: vivek was on our show last week. the week before, and he did a little rapping he said my name is vivek, it rhymes with cake. so maybe that's his nickname. cake man. >> ainsley: rapping watch campaign ads uses music that really appeals to the gen zers. we will ask what they think about him. can he relate to i feel like every age. >> steve: it's interesting. we have just given you a lot of information. this is the starting point before the big debate. you will see the big debate a week from now right here on fox and all of the fox platforms. but, you know, when you look at the power rankings, and griff made it clear that that's different than the polling. the polling numbers we just showed you were among republican primary voters. but the power rankings, which our staff puts together all the early state polls. field operations that each of the team have and fundraising that's where tim scott is doing very well. is he still a distant third. he has a solid foundation in the early states. his fundraising -- see, this is the power rankings, trump is way ahead. desantis is the closest contender. but in third place you have got tim scott. tim scott with this fundraising has had 53,000 unique donors and 30% of his donations in the first half were under $200. so, the small dollar donors are flocking to tim scott, which is a good sign. >> ainsley: also flocking to donald trump too, aren't they? >> shows you exactly you have a lot of grassroots support. >> brian: here's what blows me away that joe biden beats just about every republican by one or two points within the margin of error. >> steve: all of them. >> brian: if you watch his press conferences and callus way treating the people of hawaii. you see the fact he doesn't sit down and talk to anybody. the policies he is putting out there. laughing at the fact that he duped us with the wrong title for his economic plan that jammed 1.4 trillion down our throat and told us it's all about green energy and giggled about it. he still has one or two points above the republican contenders. do you know who is holding strong? robert f. kennedy with 46% favorability rating but he is still holding on to under 20%. which is a lot closer than most republicans are to donald trump. >> steve: in this poll regarding joe biden. joe biden's core supporters, he is preferred by women, black voters, people with college degree, younger voters. and he has a double dignity lead with hispanics, except against trump. and that number is down to 9. he leads trump by 9 with hispanics. keep in mind, in 2020, joe biden won the hispanic vote by 28. so there's a problem there. and look for the white house to try to fix that. march gin of error trump 41%. margin of error plus or minus 3. they could be neck and neck. we have been talking about vivek ramaswamy and his popularity recently. when asked who do you prefer your choice for president if you had to vote right now joe biden vs. vivek ramaswamy, and out of all of the voters, 42 percent said biden and 38 percent said vivek. so that's pretty close. >> steve: ainsley, look at the bottom number. >> ainsley: i was going to say that. >> steve: those are the people that pick the president. among independents, if they were voting right now, 30% would take vivek over democrat joe biden. >> ainsley: that's the number you really have to look at. all the democrats are going to choose joe biden. the republicans are going to choose vivek. the independents who could really go either way the majority of them want vivek ramaswamy. >> brian: a what is interesting, too. the whole key is if you want to be the republican nominee and beat donald trump is to do that and not alienate donald trump voters. he seems to have the perfect message. he is half donald trump's age. so, he go out and say listen, he captured my imagination, that's the one who inspired me. not barack obama and not george bush or mitt romney. and number two is, i like everything he did. i want him to be my mentor when i'm president. here is vivek ramaswamy showing how good he is on his feet taking a controversial issue like women transitioning, licking transition lgbtq itrigh. >> your view on same sex couples? >> i don't have any negative view of same sex couple. i believe we live in a country where free adults should be free to dress how they want, behave how they want, that's fine. but you don't become oppressive by hoisting that on others and especially with kids. kids aren't the same as adults. >> what has really happened, sean, we have a tyranny of the minority in this country. i refuse to say that somehow changes the language we use. changes how women compete in sports. changes which bathrooms people use and let alone change the way we indoctrinate our children. no, i stand against that kind of tyranny i will do it with civility. i will do it with respect for every human being. >> ainsley: that is what so impressive about him. is he so brilliant. ivy league educated. when he responded to the individual who asked him how do you feel about trans lg transgender. how do you feel about same sex marriage or lgbtq, who identified as pan? he was talking to that individual and he says i don't have an negative view on same sex couples but i do have a negative view of tyranny of the minority. what does that mean? i don't think somebody who is religious should be forced to efficient a wedding they disagree with or a woman worked hard for her achievements should be forced to swim against a biological male. that's not freedom. that's oppression. >> steve: i think the debates on fox next thursday night, so many people are going to see vivek for the first time in this new light about how he is surging in the polls and people are interesting in hearing what he has to say. if donald trump chooses not to show up, there's going to be a lot more about the other candidates and i wouldn't be surprised -- we know a lot about ron desantis. we know a lot about tim scott. he has been on the program a million times as well. vivek has been on but the people watching haven't seen him. i bet he -- my prediction is will vivek could actually be the breakout star of the debate. >> ainsley: i think you might be right. how about what he said? he said they have all done this before. they have all debated before. i have never down this. this is going to be my first time. the first debate is not the end. it's just the beginning. this will be something of a warm-up for me. warning all of us if i don't do great, this is just a warm up for me but i'm not overpreparing for this. >> steve: he is a guy who has actually done something. he has built a business. made hundreds of millions of dollars. he has created so many problems. a lot of people want to hear what he has to say. >> brian: also important to find out if the frontrunner is going to show up and then how that changes tactics if he does and if he doesn't. maybe he possibly turns himself which he these do between the 25th and 23rd. >> steve: turn himself in to martha and bret? >> brian: first atlanta, fulton county. >> steve: by friday. >> brian: shows up and change the narrative. >> ainsley: do you think he will participate? what are you hearing? >> brian: if it wasn't for this turning yourself in before the 25th,. >> steve: the day after the debate. >> brian: i'm thinking if he is going to do it. do it, take your mugshot, take your fingerprints and then i'm going to show up and then you decide where you stand on my four indictments and what happened today in the 18 others that had to do the same thing. either way, he is going to be a dominant force at the debate. >> well, he has already said, you know, he hasn't made up his mind. he has already said the second debate which is going to be on fox business out at the ronald reagan library in california. he already said i don't like the guy who runs that so i'm probably not going to go to that debate if he doesn't show up for the first two debates people are going go why isn't he -- is he afraid? >> ainsley: republicans feel sorry for him. feel like he is the only one going to stand up against the injustice that is hang. two tiered justice system. so i think a lot of republicans are supporting him now. if he doesn't show up people might take offense to that. >> brian: noteworthy how president biden decided to leave afghanistan. one of the biggest travesties in american military history. we mark that. the president ignored that, believe it or not, he did not ignore the anniversary of the passing of the inflation reduction act. which he came out and said by the way it's mislabeled. i never should have called it that. just like we sat on these chairs on the couch and talked about this. >> what does this have to do with inflation. it was time for them to mark the economic impact the spending programs one year later. >> steve: imrordly, the interesting thing is when they had this signing nancy pelosi could not get people to clap. she channeled her inner jeb bush. remember in 2016 when jeb bush said please clap? nancy pelosi said hey, that's an applause line. she said that a year ago and then yesterday at the white house she had to do it again because apparently she just wasn't whipping up the crowd. see if you would clap after nancy pelosi said this. >> we can all agree we have a moral obligation to ensure strong, healthy, resilient communities for future generations. i think that's an applause line. [applause] >> most -- many of the recommendations now in the law, including clean energy tax credits sprang -- were present in that legislation. you know that mr. marky, because you did a similar thing in the -- earlier congress. thank you for your leadership. that's an applause line. [giggles] [applause] >> steve: they need one of those applause lines,. >> brian: a lot of spending and green energy. >> steve: not much applausing. >> brian: on the hook for a lot of it. the guy thinks he can run on it. the guy in the air high wire act without him it wouldn't pass. he did not show up. he feels it's not living up to its hype. >> steve: he signed it and now we are all stuck with it unfortunately. >> brian: 14 minutes now after the hour. >> steve: that's our a block. please clap. [clapping] >> ainsley: just because you said so i will. >> steve: thank you. >> brian: we are meeting the world series champions. spoil alert they are from my hometown, massapequa back in the headlines. >> ainsley: again. the men and the women. >> steve: that's an applause line. more chaos in california. a purse sneamp drives his 75-year-old out of a bank bank f america. a good samaritan helped. >> proposed to start on march 4th. big surprise that is the day before super tuesday. >> lee zeldin on the never ending indictment. >> how did you get here? >> steve: please clap. ♪ seniors at a farmers market. right? don't get me wrong i love a fresh heirloom, but it's like those companies think we're all the same. that's why i chose humana. before i signed up, i spoke to someone who actually listened to what i needed. she told me about benefits that were right for me, like vision and dental... all in my budget. i finally feel in control. what are you doing? taking control. humana. a more human way to healthcare. 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door without it. switch today at >> carley: we are back with a fox news alert. a manhunt is underway for the suspect who sped off after shooting a texas deputy during a traffic stop last night. the 29-year-old officer was airlifted to the hospital and the sheriff says he is still fighting for his life. >> received at least -- at least two bullet wounds to his upper torso. and at this point we are just praying that he makes a full recovery. obviously, he is very critical, so we are asking for our community's prayers. >> carley: governor greg abbott says dps agents are assisting in the search for the suspect who was out on bond and has five prior felony convictions. the north carolina legislature overriding the governor's vitos of three bills relating to two transgender issues. the bills ban medical transitions for minors. prevent biological males from competing in women's sports limit gender and sexuality in the classroom. in veto letter governor roy cooper called the bill a triple threat of political culture wars because of the overrides and new laws take effect immediately and you see the movie on your screen right there. that is the barbie movie, of course, hitting a brand new milestone it is now warner brother's highest grossing movie ever with 537 million bucks at the box office so far. barbie beat out the previous title holder christopher nolan the dark night which was also a fantastic movie. that was released in 2008. this one, brian, released in 2023 if i have the date correct. >> brian: do you go get a second source on that and make sure you have that date correct carley. thank you. most voters think about trump's indictment so far. look at this. 51% say politically motivated. 41% 46% is not. politics measures with the primaries. look at this. these three aren't going to move. these are civil cases, right? super tuesday march 5th is permanent. classified documents case for now those are the dates. look at what is happening politically during that period. how are you, man or woman, in the hills industry of this country try to win legal thick with events beginning in january in iowa. what does it mean for donald trump's prospects? he is leading the race. if it was to end right now, you have to figure as is he winning in every state, you get the nomination but now with four indictments, lee zeldin, where do we stand right now if as a country with the leading nominee with these type of headwinds? >> it's terrible americans are able to see through it. that's why your poll is show people view this as being political in nature. what's interesting is i bet you some of those people who view this as political in nature are fine with it anyway. you want to have four indictments, you up to the lock him up for hundreds of years. there are people out there who hated donald trump so much they don't care. for the average, everyday american, they don't like it. they don't want to see the country divided like this. they want to see everybody working together. and they want races to be decided on issues. people want to decide the races for themselves as opposed to you having the people in power decide it for them. >> brian: what is interesting and there's a lot of elements to this. you cannot pretend it's not political. why else would jack smith be rushing to get this to trial? why else would they choose to do a suit, which the trial to start with all 19 in a ricco situation, right before super tuesday? we want to get this done this year. why do you care if you are looking at justice? >> yeah. this is political interference. the right to a speedy trial is a right that belongs to the defendant. it's not a right that belongs to the government. and now becomes even harder for president trump to be able to prepare for any one of these cases because, you know, he and his team have to prepare for four of them. it's even more of a reason for this not to be rushed the way that it is. but, everyone can see right through it. this is being rushed. and all these indictments are being brought by, in some respects, political people, elected officials. people who campaign on it. and for jack smith, i think some people view it as, you know, you have donors to biden the judge, donor to obama. it's in the d.c. circuit. one of these cases is. folks look deeper into it like the new georgia indictment where you are bringing up as a charge that president trump is asking people to turn on another network. okay, maybe you are for some reason alleging that as something that you are saying is related to a fact. as a charge? >> brian: very very least take a lot of time to fight this out. and it's going to take four weeks -- four weeks of trial. meanwhile, you have some good news. lee zeldin is announcing now he will be joining the american first policy institute. you will be chairing their pathways to 2025 initiative. tell us about. this afpi has a plan to take back the white house. focused on being ready to lead on day one. having a transition team ready to go and also executive orders ready to sign on day one. i think that in many respects afpi is a tremendous organization. brook rollings and her team they work hard they are well-funded. they are national. this project that i'm involved in includes targeting 19 counties. tier 1 counties from the phoenix area in maricopa to the atlanta area, philadelphia, pittsburgh, we have milwaukee and more and las vegas. and in these areas as we saw in the new york gubernatorial race, in the suburbs of that media market, the campaigns that you run inside of the city can very much drive the suburbs. and i think it's important that we successfully target these 19 counties to help make sure we're taking back the white house. winning the senate. and we also have to make sure we are keeping control of the house. >> brian: which is each thing you mentioned is a challenge. the house, keeping it a challenge. making sure you get the senate is a challenge. even though it's favorable map. and the white house. we're all neck and neck. our country is split down the middle. congratulations, lee. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: great to see you. >> always great to see you. knock off the ozempic thriving online with no prescription required. yep. plus, mass mania is back for the brits. thanks to a new covid variant, go figure. how about a big kidney offering hope for patients who need transplants. i can't tell you how that works but dr. marc siegel tells you he can. look, he can do it with one hand. with the freestyle libre 2 system, you can know where your glucose level is and where it's headed without fingersticks. know what activities work for you. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. it's covered by medicare for those who qualify. visit to learn more. ♪ this is your summer to smile. to raise your glass and reconnect. to reel in the fun and serve up great times. to help you get ready your 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been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. ♪ >> ainsley: we back with a fox weather wildfire alert. 111 people confirmed dead in maui. more than a thousand still missing. president biden says he will visit the devastated island on monday now. this as maui residents say the federal government is failing them. >> i'm in constant touch with these community members and leaders. they are still not seeing response from the county. >> what? >> the state, the federal government. the community support hubs that they have are 100 percent community led. they feel like the government doesn't care about them. >> ainsley: the maui mayor says 60 people found sheltering in single home in isolated area. thankfully they have all been reunited with their family. let's go to our senior meteorologist janice dean. >> janice: you hope for more stories like that. my goodness. certainly a top story as we head into the weekend. a little bit of rain moving into maui but not the areas that really need it like lahaina and central maui. this is the next few days as we go through the recovery effort and hopefully rebuilding soon. the temperatures are going to remain warm, not much rain in the forecast to help firefighters. now, paying attention to the pacific because we have hillary, which developed overnight last night, almost a hurricane. 70 mile-per-hour sustained winds. the set-up here is going to allow for hillary not only to rapidly intensify to a major hurricane, but also steer it towards southern california. a very vulnerable area for heavy rainfall. and at this point, monday morning, although you are going to feel the results of this well into sunday, moving into southern california, and up to nevada, this is going to be a huge rainmaker. this is a desert area. it cannot the moisture like maybe say, florida. this is going to be a major flash flood event for these areas, southern california, including san diego, los angeles, las vegas. 3 to 4 inches a short period of time is going to cause massive problems. they are hopefully in high alert right now. this is going to be a huge story. remember, it doesn't take a hurricane to cause a massive amount of destruction. there is going to be a tropical storm and formidable one. also the atlantic beginning to perk up here. we have several things we are watching, especially as we go to the weekend. because we're getting into peak season. and the hurricane forecasters saying it's going to be busy. especially in the next couple of weeks. also want to make mention that we have scattered storms for florida, the east coast, the great lakes region. and the southwest. as that system hillary continues to kind of move towards the area and then also this area of high pressure moving into the central u.s. that's going to expand the extreme heat for much of the lower 48. so a lot to talk about. fox steve doocy, over to you. >> steve: any good news with the weather? >> janice: it keeps us in business. we want to make sure everyone is on alert. this is going to be very busy, especially that summer california story, steve, huge. >> steve: here comes hillary. j.d., thank you very much. >> janice: got it. >> steve: meanwhile, we just did weather. let's talk about your health. americans are trying to lose weight. a lot of them have discovered drugs like ozempic give them a major boost toward fitness goals and losing weight. cost and availability have made them hard to get. some web sites are selling knockoff version of these miracle drugs with no prescription required that sounds great, right? no, the fda says stay away. and so does fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel. this stuff is very expensive. wegovy, ozempic, stuff like th. some of these web sites are selling the raw materials which we don't know is going to do to you, do we? >> you set this up beautifully it. can be expensive. it can be over 1,000 a month if you don't have coverage for it. if your insurance doesn't cover it and availability is way down. there is a run on it because of celebrities all taking it. everybody wants to lose 5 pounds. you know what? you need a doctor in the equation who is actually used to this stuff. knows what the side effects are. knows what -- these are active hormones we are talking about here it. can cause dizziness. it can cause rashes and gi symptoms. not everybody tolerates it. so the whole idea of getting it on a website deeply bothers me. i'm against it to begin with on top of that, you say these are knockoffs. none of them are actually verified. some say for research purposes only. but then they give you instructions on how to use it. and they say not for human consumption but instructions on how to use it. and they cannot verify by the way sterility, bacterial infection from. this. >> do not buy this stuff. can you only get it through your doctor and there is no generic. >> no generic. these are not approved by the drug companies that make them. under no circumstances get this stuff from any website. >> steve: all right. let's talk a little bit about covid. there is a u.k. scientist. is he saying bring back the mask so there is a new troubling variant out there. >> i don't think we should fear monger. i think we learned from that previously. we don't need the government and officials fear-mongering. there is a new variant out there. it has increased number of cases. hospitalizations in the u.s. are up 13%. cases are probably doubling. but it is an upper respiratory infection predominantly. low risk are group the chances are you are not going to get that sick. here's the problem. and i was telling you this beforehand. our immunity is down because most of us haven't had covid in a long time now. and we haven't had a shot. if we're taking the vaccine in over a year now. there will be a new vaccine coming out. it will target these variants. it will be available in about 3 or 4 weeks. and it should be used in higher risk groups. again, it's a conversation between you and your doctor. >> steve: absolutely. speaking of doctors and drugs and stuff like that, i was at walgreen's the other day, saw the big sign free flu shots. people should get the flu shot, right? >> same thing. actually very similar to the one i'm saying about covid. the flu shot decreases your risk of very ventilator. if you are in high risk group you don't want a severe outbreak of the flu. >> steve: dr. siegel works at it it. doctor successfully transplanted a pig kidney man who brain dead at the time obviously for testing purposes and it was successful. >> it's been in there for a month already. he thinks it's going on the second month. is he monitoring it very, very closely. it's working just like a human kidney. gets rid of fluids, gets rid of waste. handels electrolytes. dr. montgomery, chief of surgery at nyu, he is a miracle worker. he himself one of the top kidney transplant surgeries in the country has had a heart transplant. has had several near death experiences. is he a hero. he goes to ukraine and is doing kidney transplants in ukraine. great surgeon. deceive steve good news is, if this works, people waiting for a kidney because they have a kidney problem, they could actually, perhaps, in the future, have a transplant from a pig to save their lives? >> steve, listener, almost 100,000 people are currently on the kidney transplant list. waiting for a kidney. almost 100,000. they can't get one. there is not enough people donating. this is going to be a huge advance going forward. we definitely will use. this we already use pig valves for the hearts. we scrub them. we are going to use. this this is going to happen. >> steve: between saving lives and bacon i love pigs. >> i will start with saving lives. you go with the bacon and i will go with the transplant. good to see you. >> steve: dr. siegel, thank you very much. great medical news. slide to the left. chatgpt does have a liberal bias. shocking. we will show you some proof. plus vivek ramaswamy rising in the polls but ron desantis is sliding. who do gen z voters like? we've got a panel coming up next on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ (fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. 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>> yi. it's not surprising to me at all. vivek ramaswamy risks alien naghtd voters like me by talking about the voting age. overall he is everything what a young american wants in this country. his age is refreshing. the passion in his voice is infectious and overall his campaign is energetic. desantis on the other hand he needs to stop riding on his successes and covid. can i speak for all gzers like me i don't want to remember sitting in front of my laptop all day long isolated from my friends. >> ainsley: i can see a few of you shaking your head in agreement: a senior at bingham university and 21 years old. alexandria, what do you think about the treatment of donald trump with all these indictments. is that helping him in the polls and what do you think if he doesn't show up for the debate? >> i think it's certainly interesting. we can talk about the politicization of all these trials but i think at the end of the day trump has a very cohesive and very loyal base of voters that would never ever vote for any republican candidate. so, any other republican candidate other than him. i'm very interested to see what happens. >> we have kate. why do you think that ron desantis is falling, slipping? because in january he was 28%. june 22%. the fox poll now 16%. why? >> well, i will definitely say with vivek gaining ground on him, i don't know that i have seen any candidates rap eminem at the iowa state fair before. potentially maybe that's one of his secrets. in all seriously vivek is the youngest candidate in the race. he has a lot of momentum behind him and is he a very similar resume to what president trump had in 2016 of being a business person and never having been a candidate before. and we have seen what governor desantis has done in florida but we haven't seen what he can do in a presidential. potentially being president. so i'm curious what vivek is going -- if he is going to continue to gain. it's also worthwhile that he is independently contributing a lot to his own campaigns. you don't feel that he is an influenced by major donors as some of the other candidates. >> ainsley: yeah. you are right. daniel, how about this poll, the choice for president, biden is 44%. trump 41%. plus or minus 3 for march i margin oferror so they are neck. why do you think biden is doing well after the gaffes, after afghanistan, after the border, after inflation, why is he still up there? >> well, i don't think biden is doing well at all. one of the issues that people care about is vitality in our elections. and our leaders. and quite simply put, biden is not -- is he not passionate. he is old. and again, like it may seem that they are neck and neck but both overall both ratings are pretty low. >> ainsley: alexandria, should he be worried that trump could beat him? >> i think that biden should absolutely be worried. it will be very interesting to see how those go. not only the primary debates but also on the national scale. so i'm looking forward to watching those. >> ainsley: kate, how about you? who do you think you will vote for? >> i'm still waiting to see. i have a lot of big concerns that i'm hoping that the candidates will address. such as safety, education, inflation, et cetera. so i'm looking forward to the debate and the future conversations we'll have leading up to the primary. >> ainsley: choose out of this list who do you want him to choose? >> i'm not really sure who i want to choose yet. i'm definitely interested to see who -- what the candidates continue to say. we're seeing rising stars the more we hear from the candidates. >> ainsley: good deal. thank you all so much. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome. okay. in the 7:00 hour we are going to break down our latest fox news power rankings, so stay tuned for that first, hand it over to carley for headlines? so smart. so well spoken. i really enjoyed that panel, ainsley. got some headlines to get to here. look at the footage on the screen. good samaritans stepping in to help a 75-year-old woman dragged across a parking lot during a violent purse snatching. the victim was leaving the bank happened earlier this week when a thief knocked her down as she held on to her purse for dear life. two men immediately tried to scare the crook away. police are still searching for that suspect and no word on how that woman is doing. we hope she is okay. and here's the question. does artificial intelligence have a political opinion? well, researchers in the u.k. say they found a liberal bias in chatgpt. and it is a global issue. the results of their research revealing a, quote: significant and systematic political bias towards the democrats in the u.s. liberal president lula in brazil and the labor party in the u.k. those are your headlines, ainsley. back downstairs to you. >> ainsley: thank you so much, carley. >> california parents are more involved in public schools than any other state. after he called them extremist in july. the governor's hypocrisy on the parental rights issues. all right. plus, crushing softballs and shattering records, the little league softball world series champs are here with us. they are on the fox square. they are from brian's hometown, look at them. they are out there. we're going to go talk to them. ♪ walk like a champion ♪ talk like a champion ♪ that new neighbor is hot! that's my husband... it's the inspire implant. he's not struggling with cpap anymore. all that rest is working wonders for him. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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(vo) close in a matter of days. start with an all cash offer at opendoor dot com if you struggle. and struggle. and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at >> steve: quick headlines on thursday morning. a wanted man wanted in georgia after applying to join a police department in arkansas. justin carter showed up to verify details for his physical fitness test applying to be a police officer. and police officers in arkansas found discrepancies in his physical appearance from his background check. further investigation revealed that this guy had a georgia warrant for a probation violation. authorities allowed him to perform the fitness test and then they put him in handcuffs. just like that. i don't think he probably got the job. an apartment hunting in new york city asked to hand over $21,000 to move into a one bedroom condo. the renter says the unit was listed for an already expensive $5,300 per month. but when all of the extra fees were tacked on total came out to $21,507.50. just for a one bedroom apartment here in new york city. worth it? that's a lot of cash. just saying. ainsley, brian, out to you. >> ainsley: perfect finish to a perfect season. brian's hometown softball team from new york the little leaguers they captured the state's first ever little league softball world series championship. >> brian: yep, they cruised to a 5-2 victory over the team in north carolina. now they get to meet the new york mets. they are bringing them out to the game. massapequa softball manager is one of their coaches. john fontana is here with the softball team. guys, congratulations, you are the first ever long island team to win the championship game. what does it feel like. >> unbelievable. still feels surreal. we are starting to get the gist of what we really accomplished. we talked about this for a long time that this could be a possibility. you really don't believe that's going to happen. as the levels kept going on and on. as we got to north carolina we thought this could happen. >> ainsley: you experienced it with your daughter who is right next to you. what position do you play. >> i pitch and play short. >> ainsley: awesome. rich, you are the manager the team. you worked these girls hard. they gave up their summers and parents gave up their summers. tell us what the experience was like. >> just like the greatest team work i have ever seen. like i said, if somebody made an error they all jumped no, it was my fault. it was my fault. nothing these kids couldn't do. >> ainsley: how did they prepare? what was the workout. >> every day breakfast 8:00. looking at them like zombies and take a bus 10 minutes over to the north carolina field they gave us and we just worked. i don't know. we pitched, we hit, we fielded. every day. >> brian: ladies, let's hear the story. to do this, you had to win the districts. had you to win the sections and state. what's your name? >> brian: eden. what had you the most scared? when were you the most worried? >> when we were playing our last game at states and we were down by one run. >> brian: in the last inning? >> yeah. >> brian: what happened? >> emma brown hit an in the park home run and i got walked on base and av avery and i scored n the pit. >> brian: had you to be real lucky. what does it feel like to be a champion? >> it feels great. just to have all that experience and stuff like great. to be a champion. >> brian: right. and i guess you are going to have the whole semester off. you don't have to go school? let's go down the line and get your positions and your names [inaudible] pitcher and shortstop. >> jocelyn centerburg. >> casa third base. avery outfield. kyla. >> outfield. >> ainsley: this is so impressive. they are 12 and under. are you going to continue to play? >> yes. >> ainsley: you are going to get scholarships one day. >> brian: listen to this, ainsley. they never talked about winning. what is your philosophy if you wined but never talked about winning? what is the philosophy? >> ask them, they are going to tell you. what is it it's a slogan? ?we don't chase wins we chase excellence. >> brian: and they achieved it. >> absolutely they achieved. this they weren't taught for this. they deserve everything they got. >> brian: going to the mets. >> next saturday at city. >> brian: can you get there early? they are struggling this year. they need to win again. first champions from long island. >> ainsley: came back from hind. didn't the boys win last year. >> brian: they got there but they didn't win it all. the girls did. ladies, congratulations. >> ainsley: if you are planning on moving outdoors go to massapequa if you want your kids to play baseball or sorvel. >> brian: congratulations. >> ainsley: so proud of you all. >> brian: second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪

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Rain , Bit , Temperatures , Goodness , Recovery Effort , Lahaina , Attention , Winds , Forecast , Firefighters , Pacific , 70 , Southern California , Results , Hurricane , Rainfall , Monday Morning , Nevada , Sunday , Desert Area , Flash Flood Event , Florida , Rainmaker , Moisture , San Diego , Los Angeles , Destruction , Amount , Hurricane Forecasters , Storm , Peak Season , Atlantic , Central U S , Pressure , System Hillary , Storms , Southwest , Mention , Great Lakes Region , East Coast , Weather , Much , Alert , Heat , Fox Weather Com , 48 , Drugs , Weight , Health , J D , Summer California Story , Let , Cost , Availability , Version , Goals , Web Sites , Knockoff , Miracle , Boost , Fda , Stuff , Contributor , Some , Th , Wegovy , Materials , Run , Coverage , Celebrities , Equation , Hormones , Dizziness , Website , Idea , Rashes , Gi , None , Knockoffs , Instructions , Human Consumption , Research , Sterility , Generic , Drug Companies , Circumstances , Mask , Variant , Covid , U K , Scientist , Monger , Fear Mongering , Group , Chances , Sick , Hospitalizations , 13 , Haven T , Shot , Variants , Immunity , Flu Shot , Doctors , Risk Groups , Flu Shots , Conversation , Saw , Walgreen S , The One , Flu , Ventilator , Outbreak , Pig Kidney Man , Brain Dead , Human Kidney , Testing Purposes , Fluids , Waste , Heart Transplant , Miracle Worker , Surgery , Kidney Transplant Surgeries , Experiences , Hero , Montgomery , Has , Chief , Death , Ukraine , Handels Electrolytes , Nyu , Transplant , Kidney , Kidney Transplants , Kidney Problem , Surgeon , Steve Good News , Lives , Pig , Kidney Transplant List , Waiting , Advance , Listener , 100000 , Bacon , Hearts , Pigs , Pig Valves , We , Bias , Chatgpt , Slide , Left , Shocking , Proof , Panel , Do Gen Z , Who , Money Manager , Clients , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Market , Stocks , Strategies , Portfolios , Investments , Money , Commissions , Interest , Client , Commission Products , Fiduciary , Voice , Republicans , Truth , Sea , Malarkey , Debt Crisis , Perry Johnson , Genius , Turn , Truths , American Automobile Industry , America Back , More , Botox , Headaches , Migraine , 15 , Migraine Treatment , Treatments , Effects , Migraine Patients , Difficulty Swallowing , May , Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand , 5 Million , Eye Problems , Headache , Skin Infection , Breathing , Signs , Site , Muscle Weakness , History , Speaking , Fatigue , Users , Medications , Conditions , Muscle , Sooner , Botulinum Toxins , Nerve , Survey , 92 , Rest , Him Desantis , Field , Decline , 27 , Voter , Rise , Campus Reform , Voting Age , Behind , Yi , Alien Naghtd , Passion , Wants , Riding , Successes , Gzers , Head , Friends , Few , Senior , Laptop , Agreement , Me , Alexandria , Bingham University , 21 , Candidate , Base , Politicization , Trials , The End Of Day , Is Falling , 22 , Ground , Secrets , Rap Eminem , Momentum , Business Person , We Haven T , Feel , Daniel , Margin Oferror , 44 , Border , Gaffes , Vitality , Elections , Ratings , Scale , Concerns , Kate , Safety , Conversations , List , Primary , Education , Et Cetera , First , Hand It , Parking Lot , Samaritans , Footage , Purse Snatching , Thief , Victim , Crook , Word , Police , Researchers , Artificial Intelligence , Question , Quote , Opinion , Revealing A , Liberal , Labor Party , Lula In Brazil , Parents , Crushing Softballs , Records , Schools , Rights , Extremist , Hypocrisy , Champion , Talk , Champs , Little League Softball World Series , Fox Square , Cpap , Inspire Implant , Neighbor , Husband , Safety Information , Inspiresleep Com , Windshield , Vo , Safelite , Baby , Sleep , Experts , Safety System , Recalibrated Our Car , Breakfast , Singers , Hotels , Trouble , Fam , Waffles , Family Vacay , Come On , Safelite Repair , Promises , Promise , Each , Shipments , Pools , Shapes , Sizes , Isn T Just Freight , Old Dominion , The Industry Standard , Baths , Over Tub , Brothers , Garage , Bath Remodelling , Bath Fitter Tub , 1984 , Bath , Mess , Measurement , Stress , Acrylic , Warranty , Watertight Installation Backed , Visit Bathfitter Com , Perfect Preparation , Announcer , Tail , Prices , Treats , Consultation , Bone , Vase , Chewy Box , Mint Mobile , Contact , Automation , Car , Counting , Constant Contact , Payment , Surprises , Stand , Reviews , Financing , Step , Carvana , Five Star , Hundreds Of Thousands , Houses , Carvana Today , Opendoor , Don T Worry , Struggle , Cash Offer , Matter , Hose , Opendoor Dot Com , Inspiresleep Com Steve , Justin Carter , Police Officers , Police Officer , Test , Fitness , Discrepancies , Police Department , Wanted Man , Arkansas , Authorities , Investigation , Fitness Test , Warrant , Appearance , Background Check , Probation Violation , Handcuffs , Condo , Renter , Apartment Hunting , Job , 21000 , Unit , Fees , On Total , 5300 , 300 , Apartment , 1507 50 , 21507 50 , Championship , Leaguers , Season , Victory , North Carolina , Hometown Softball , Game , Softball Manager , Softball Team , Championship Game , Coaches , Long Island , New York Mets , John Fontana , Levels , Gist , Possibility , Unbelievable , Girls , Daughter , Manager , Position , Experience , Fault , Kids Couldn T , Team Work , Nothing , Workout , Bus , Zombies , Ladies , 8 , Districts , Sections , Scared , Eden , Av Avery , Hit An In The Park Home Run , Scored N , Emma Brown , The Pit , Positions , School , Let S Go Down The Line , Semester , Names , Shortstop , Pitcher , Casa Third Base , Jocelyn Centerburg , Avery Outfield , Inaudible , Philosophy , Outfield , Yes , Kyla , 12 , We Don T Chase , Slogan , Excellence , Didn T , Planning , Hind , Baseball , The Boys , Sorvel ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

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things in new polling. no surprise here that trump remains the run away frontrunner. you go deeper in the numbers, guy requests, you have to wonder if there is a ramaswamy revolution going. trump pain maining his lead while dropping 3 points from june, he is still ahead 37 points of his nearest competitor ron desantis, who fell 6 points, you see, from june out of the 20s, now in the teens at 16%. with vivek ramaswamy coming to life as a potential g.o.p. breakout star, more than doubling hits position. you see he climbed 6 points to 11%. no indication, by the way, that his surge is directly connected to that ability to rap eminem songs at the iowa state fair. former mike pence gaining a point in the middle of the pack with nikki haley also take the 1 point climb as well and trump's most vocal critic chris christie seeing some growth up 2 points, 1% to 3%. but, obviously, still 50% behind the frontrunner. finally, i want you to take a look at the small slip senator tim scott took down a point from 4% to 3% now. now, that's interesting to take into consideration because that is a reflection of our latest fox polling. but our latest fox power rankings you see here has far better news for tim scott putting him in third place behind trump and desantis. the reach why they have him up so far because our posh ranking system takes into consideration early state polls, in places like iowa, new hampshire, and south carolina as well as candidate performance and you see here vivek in fourth followed by haley in fifth and pence in sixth place. a lot can change, guys. 445 days until election day and less than one week before the candidates take the stage with bret and martha. >> brian: griff, i don't know if you have the numbers in front of you, tune how close ramaswamy needs to get to trump before he gets a nickname? do you know -- i mean if this continues to happen. >> ainsley: a nickname could be vice president. >> griff: i don't know. we have seen trump going after desantis at every turn. now in these latest numbers. you look. ramaswamy is really starting to come to life imof the people goat meet him for the first time are impressed and this is something i guess the former president will take as a threat. >> he is all over social media. he says yes to every interview. and if you go to social media and look at his campaigns there are a lot of fox news voices in those campaigns, including yours my friend brian kilmeade. >> brian: i did not know. that will do i get a royalty, griff, do you know? >> griff: you absolutely do. just as antidote, my 91-year-old sweet mother sylvia jenkins said last night do you know that vivek guy? i'm really impressed by him. a little an antidote. >> steve: vivek was on our show last week. the week before, and he did a little rapping he said my name is vivek, it rhymes with cake. so maybe that's his nickname. cake man. >> ainsley: rapping watch campaign ads uses music that really appeals to the gen zers. we will ask what they think about him. can he relate to i feel like every age. >> steve: it's interesting. we have just given you a lot of information. this is the starting point before the big debate. you will see the big debate a week from now right here on fox and all of the fox platforms. but, you know, when you look at the power rankings, and griff made it clear that that's different than the polling. the polling numbers we just showed you were among republican primary voters. but the power rankings, which our staff puts together all the early state polls. field operations that each of the team have and fundraising that's where tim scott is doing very well. is he still a distant third. he has a solid foundation in the early states. his fundraising -- see, this is the power rankings, trump is way ahead. desantis is the closest contender. but in third place you have got tim scott. tim scott with this fundraising has had 53,000 unique donors and 30% of his donations in the first half were under $200. so, the small dollar donors are flocking to tim scott, which is a good sign. >> ainsley: also flocking to donald trump too, aren't they? >> shows you exactly you have a lot of grassroots support. >> brian: here's what blows me away that joe biden beats just about every republican by one or two points within the margin of error. >> steve: all of them. >> brian: if you watch his press conferences and callus way treating the people of hawaii. you see the fact he doesn't sit down and talk to anybody. the policies he is putting out there. laughing at the fact that he duped us with the wrong title for his economic plan that jammed 1.4 trillion down our throat and told us it's all about green energy and giggled about it. he still has one or two points above the republican contenders. do you know who is holding strong? robert f. kennedy with 46% favorability rating but he is still holding on to under 20%. which is a lot closer than most republicans are to donald trump. >> steve: in this poll regarding joe biden. joe biden's core supporters, he is preferred by women, black voters, people with college degree, younger voters. and he has a double dignity lead with hispanics, except against trump. and that number is down to 9. he leads trump by 9 with hispanics. keep in mind, in 2020, joe biden won the hispanic vote by 28. so there's a problem there. and look for the white house to try to fix that. march gin of error trump 41%. margin of error plus or minus 3. they could be neck and neck. we have been talking about vivek ramaswamy and his popularity recently. when asked who do you prefer your choice for president if you had to vote right now joe biden vs. vivek ramaswamy, and out of all of the voters, 42 percent said biden and 38 percent said vivek. so that's pretty close. >> steve: ainsley, look at the bottom number. >> ainsley: i was going to say that. >> steve: those are the people that pick the president. among independents, if they were voting right now, 30% would take vivek over democrat joe biden. >> ainsley: that's the number you really have to look at. all the democrats are going to choose joe biden. the republicans are going to choose vivek. the independents who could really go either way the majority of them want vivek ramaswamy. >> brian: a what is interesting, too. the whole key is if you want to be the republican nominee and beat donald trump is to do that and not alienate donald trump voters. he seems to have the perfect message. he is half donald trump's age. so, he go out and say listen, he captured my imagination, that's the one who inspired me. not barack obama and not george bush or mitt romney. and number two is, i like everything he did. i want him to be my mentor when i'm president. here is vivek ramaswamy showing how good he is on his feet taking a controversial issue like women transitioning, licking transition lgbtq itrigh. >> your view on same sex couples? >> i don't have any negative view of same sex couple. i believe we live in a country where free adults should be free to dress how they want, behave how they want, that's fine. but you don't become oppressive by hoisting that on others and especially with kids. kids aren't the same as adults. >> what has really happened, sean, we have a tyranny of the minority in this country. i refuse to say that somehow changes the language we use. changes how women compete in sports. changes which bathrooms people use and let alone change the way we indoctrinate our children. no, i stand against that kind of tyranny i will do it with civility. i will do it with respect for every human being. >> ainsley: that is what so impressive about him. is he so brilliant. ivy league educated. when he responded to the individual who asked him how do you feel about trans lg transgender. how do you feel about same sex marriage or lgbtq, who identified as pan? he was talking to that individual and he says i don't have an negative view on same sex couples but i do have a negative view of tyranny of the minority. what does that mean? i don't think somebody who is religious should be forced to efficient a wedding they disagree with or a woman worked hard for her achievements should be forced to swim against a biological male. that's not freedom. that's oppression. >> steve: i think the debates on fox next thursday night, so many people are going to see vivek for the first time in this new light about how he is surging in the polls and people are interesting in hearing what he has to say. if donald trump chooses not to show up, there's going to be a lot more about the other candidates and i wouldn't be surprised -- we know a lot about ron desantis. we know a lot about tim scott. he has been on the program a million times as well. vivek has been on but the people watching haven't seen him. i bet he -- my prediction is will vivek could actually be the breakout star of the debate. >> ainsley: i think you might be right. how about what he said? he said they have all done this before. they have all debated before. i have never down this. this is going to be my first time. the first debate is not the end. it's just the beginning. this will be something of a warm-up for me. warning all of us if i don't do great, this is just a warm up for me but i'm not overpreparing for this. >> steve: he is a guy who has actually done something. he has built a business. made hundreds of millions of dollars. he has created so many problems. a lot of people want to hear what he has to say. >> brian: also important to find out if the frontrunner is going to show up and then how that changes tactics if he does and if he doesn't. maybe he possibly turns himself which he these do between the 25th and 23rd. >> steve: turn himself in to martha and bret? >> brian: first atlanta, fulton county. >> steve: by friday. >> brian: shows up and change the narrative. >> ainsley: do you think he will participate? what are you hearing? >> brian: if it wasn't for this turning yourself in before the 25th,. >> steve: the day after the debate. >> brian: i'm thinking if he is going to do it. do it, take your mugshot, take your fingerprints and then i'm going to show up and then you decide where you stand on my four indictments and what happened today in the 18 others that had to do the same thing. either way, he is going to be a dominant force at the debate. >> well, he has already said, you know, he hasn't made up his mind. he has already said the second debate which is going to be on fox business out at the ronald reagan library in california. he already said i don't like the guy who runs that so i'm probably not going to go to that debate if he doesn't show up for the first two debates people are going go why isn't he -- is he afraid? >> ainsley: republicans feel sorry for him. feel like he is the only one going to stand up against the injustice that is hang. two tiered justice system. so i think a lot of republicans are supporting him now. if he doesn't show up people might take offense to that. >> brian: noteworthy how president biden decided to leave afghanistan. one of the biggest travesties in american military history. we mark that. the president ignored that, believe it or not, he did not ignore the anniversary of the passing of the inflation reduction act. which he came out and said by the way it's mislabeled. i never should have called it that. just like we sat on these chairs on the couch and talked about this. >> what does this have to do with inflation. it was time for them to mark the economic impact the spending programs one year later. >> steve: imrordly, the interesting thing is when they had this signing nancy pelosi could not get people to clap. she channeled her inner jeb bush. remember in 2016 when jeb bush said please clap? nancy pelosi said hey, that's an applause line. she said that a year ago and then yesterday at the white house she had to do it again because apparently she just wasn't whipping up the crowd. see if you would clap after nancy pelosi said this. >> we can all agree we have a moral obligation to ensure strong, healthy, resilient communities for future generations. i think that's an applause line. [applause] >> most -- many of the recommendations now in the law, including clean energy tax credits sprang -- were present in that legislation. you know that mr. marky, because you did a similar thing in the -- earlier congress. thank you for your leadership. that's an applause line. [giggles] [applause] >> steve: they need one of those applause lines,. >> brian: a lot of spending and green energy. >> steve: not much applausing. >> brian: on the hook for a lot of it. the guy thinks he can run on it. the guy in the air high wire act without him it wouldn't pass. he did not show up. he feels it's not living up to its hype. >> steve: he signed it and now we are all stuck with it unfortunately. >> brian: 14 minutes now after the hour. >> steve: that's our a block. please clap. [clapping] >> ainsley: just because you said so i will. >> steve: thank you. >> brian: we are meeting the world series champions. spoil alert they are from my hometown, massapequa back in the headlines. >> ainsley: again. the men and the women. >> steve: that's an applause line. more chaos in california. a purse sneamp drives his 75-year-old out of a bank bank f america. a good samaritan helped. >> proposed to start on march 4th. big surprise that is the day before super tuesday. >> lee zeldin on the never ending indictment. >> how did you get here? >> steve: please clap. ♪ seniors at a farmers market. right? don't get me wrong i love a fresh heirloom, but it's like those companies think we're all the same. that's why i chose humana. before i signed up, i spoke to someone who actually listened to what i needed. she told me about benefits that were right for me, like vision and dental... all in my budget. i finally feel in control. what are you doing? taking control. humana. a more human way to healthcare. 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door without it. switch today at >> carley: we are back with a fox news alert. a manhunt is underway for the suspect who sped off after shooting a texas deputy during a traffic stop last night. the 29-year-old officer was airlifted to the hospital and the sheriff says he is still fighting for his life. >> received at least -- at least two bullet wounds to his upper torso. and at this point we are just praying that he makes a full recovery. obviously, he is very critical, so we are asking for our community's prayers. >> carley: governor greg abbott says dps agents are assisting in the search for the suspect who was out on bond and has five prior felony convictions. the north carolina legislature overriding the governor's vitos of three bills relating to two transgender issues. the bills ban medical transitions for minors. prevent biological males from competing in women's sports limit gender and sexuality in the classroom. in veto letter governor roy cooper called the bill a triple threat of political culture wars because of the overrides and new laws take effect immediately and you see the movie on your screen right there. that is the barbie movie, of course, hitting a brand new milestone it is now warner brother's highest grossing movie ever with 537 million bucks at the box office so far. barbie beat out the previous title holder christopher nolan the dark night which was also a fantastic movie. that was released in 2008. this one, brian, released in 2023 if i have the date correct. >> brian: do you go get a second source on that and make sure you have that date correct carley. thank you. most voters think about trump's indictment so far. look at this. 51% say politically motivated. 41% 46% is not. politics measures with the primaries. look at this. these three aren't going to move. these are civil cases, right? super tuesday march 5th is permanent. classified documents case for now those are the dates. look at what is happening politically during that period. how are you, man or woman, in the hills industry of this country try to win legal thick with events beginning in january in iowa. what does it mean for donald trump's prospects? he is leading the race. if it was to end right now, you have to figure as is he winning in every state, you get the nomination but now with four indictments, lee zeldin, where do we stand right now if as a country with the leading nominee with these type of headwinds? >> it's terrible americans are able to see through it. that's why your poll is show people view this as being political in nature. what's interesting is i bet you some of those people who view this as political in nature are fine with it anyway. you want to have four indictments, you up to the lock him up for hundreds of years. there are people out there who hated donald trump so much they don't care. for the average, everyday american, they don't like it. they don't want to see the country divided like this. they want to see everybody working together. and they want races to be decided on issues. people want to decide the races for themselves as opposed to you having the people in power decide it for them. >> brian: what is interesting and there's a lot of elements to this. you cannot pretend it's not political. why else would jack smith be rushing to get this to trial? why else would they choose to do a suit, which the trial to start with all 19 in a ricco situation, right before super tuesday? we want to get this done this year. why do you care if you are looking at justice? >> yeah. this is political interference. the right to a speedy trial is a right that belongs to the defendant. it's not a right that belongs to the government. and now becomes even harder for president trump to be able to prepare for any one of these cases because, you know, he and his team have to prepare for four of them. it's even more of a reason for this not to be rushed the way that it is. but, everyone can see right through it. this is being rushed. and all these indictments are being brought by, in some respects, political people, elected officials. people who campaign on it. and for jack smith, i think some people view it as, you know, you have donors to biden the judge, donor to obama. it's in the d.c. circuit. one of these cases is. folks look deeper into it like the new georgia indictment where you are bringing up as a charge that president trump is asking people to turn on another network. okay, maybe you are for some reason alleging that as something that you are saying is related to a fact. as a charge? >> brian: very very least take a lot of time to fight this out. and it's going to take four weeks -- four weeks of trial. meanwhile, you have some good news. lee zeldin is announcing now he will be joining the american first policy institute. you will be chairing their pathways to 2025 initiative. tell us about. this afpi has a plan to take back the white house. focused on being ready to lead on day one. having a transition team ready to go and also executive orders ready to sign on day one. i think that in many respects afpi is a tremendous organization. brook rollings and her team they work hard they are well-funded. they are national. this project that i'm involved in includes targeting 19 counties. tier 1 counties from the phoenix area in maricopa to the atlanta area, philadelphia, pittsburgh, we have milwaukee and more and las vegas. and in these areas as we saw in the new york gubernatorial race, in the suburbs of that media market, the campaigns that you run inside of the city can very much drive the suburbs. and i think it's important that we successfully target these 19 counties to help make sure we're taking back the white house. winning the senate. and we also have to make sure we are keeping control of the house. >> brian: which is each thing you mentioned is a challenge. the house, keeping it a challenge. making sure you get the senate is a challenge. even though it's favorable map. and the white house. we're all neck and neck. our country is split down the middle. congratulations, lee. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: great to see you. >> always great to see you. knock off the ozempic thriving online with no prescription required. yep. plus, mass mania is back for the brits. thanks to a new covid variant, go figure. how about a big kidney offering hope for patients who need transplants. i can't tell you how that works but dr. marc siegel tells you he can. look, he can do it with one hand. with the freestyle libre 2 system, you can know where your glucose level is and where it's headed without fingersticks. know what activities work for you. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. it's covered by medicare for those who qualify. visit to learn more. ♪ this is your summer to smile. to raise your glass and reconnect. to reel in the fun and serve up great times. to help you get ready your 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maui but not the areas that really need it like lahaina and central maui. this is the next few days as we go through the recovery effort and hopefully rebuilding soon. the temperatures are going to remain warm, not much rain in the forecast to help firefighters. now, paying attention to the pacific because we have hillary, which developed overnight last night, almost a hurricane. 70 mile-per-hour sustained winds. the set-up here is going to allow for hillary not only to rapidly intensify to a major hurricane, but also steer it towards southern california. a very vulnerable area for heavy rainfall. and at this point, monday morning, although you are going to feel the results of this well into sunday, moving into southern california, and up to nevada, this is going to be a huge rainmaker. this is a desert area. it cannot the moisture like maybe say, florida. this is going to be a major flash flood event for these areas, southern california, including san diego, los angeles, las vegas. 3 to 4 inches a short period of time is going to cause massive problems. they are hopefully in high alert right now. this is going to be a huge story. remember, it doesn't take a hurricane to cause a massive amount of destruction. there is going to be a tropical storm and formidable one. also the atlantic beginning to perk up here. we have several things we are watching, especially as we go to the weekend. because we're getting into peak season. and the hurricane forecasters saying it's going to be busy. especially in the next couple of weeks. also want to make mention that we have scattered storms for florida, the east coast, the great lakes region. and the southwest. as that system hillary continues to kind of move towards the area and then also this area of high pressure moving into the central u.s. that's going to expand the extreme heat for much of the lower 48. so a lot to talk about. fox steve doocy, over to you. >> steve: any good news with the weather? >> janice: it keeps us in business. we want to make sure everyone is on alert. this is going to be very busy, especially that summer california story, steve, huge. >> steve: here comes hillary. j.d., thank you very much. >> janice: got it. >> steve: meanwhile, we just did weather. let's talk about your health. americans are trying to lose weight. a lot of them have discovered drugs like ozempic give them a major boost toward fitness goals and losing weight. cost and availability have made them hard to get. some web sites are selling knockoff version of these miracle drugs with no prescription required that sounds great, right? no, the fda says stay away. and so does fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel. this stuff is very expensive. wegovy, ozempic, stuff like th. some of these web sites are selling the raw materials which we don't know is going to do to you, do we? >> you set this up beautifully it. can be expensive. it can be over 1,000 a month if you don't have coverage for it. if your insurance doesn't cover it and availability is way down. there is a run on it because of celebrities all taking it. everybody wants to lose 5 pounds. you know what? you need a doctor in the equation who is actually used to this stuff. knows what the side effects are. knows what -- these are active hormones we are talking about here it. can cause dizziness. it can cause rashes and gi symptoms. not everybody tolerates it. so the whole idea of getting it on a website deeply bothers me. i'm against it to begin with on top of that, you say these are knockoffs. none of them are actually verified. some say for research purposes only. but then they give you instructions on how to use it. and they say not for human consumption but instructions on how to use it. and they cannot verify by the way sterility, bacterial infection from. this. >> do not buy this stuff. can you only get it through your doctor and there is no generic. >> no generic. these are not approved by the drug companies that make them. under no circumstances get this stuff from any website. >> steve: all right. let's talk a little bit about covid. there is a u.k. scientist. is he saying bring back the mask so there is a new troubling variant out there. >> i don't think we should fear monger. i think we learned from that previously. we don't need the government and officials fear-mongering. there is a new variant out there. it has increased number of cases. hospitalizations in the u.s. are up 13%. cases are probably doubling. but it is an upper respiratory infection predominantly. low risk are group the chances are you are not going to get that sick. here's the problem. and i was telling you this beforehand. our immunity is down because most of us haven't had covid in a long time now. and we haven't had a shot. if we're taking the vaccine in over a year now. there will be a new vaccine coming out. it will target these variants. it will be available in about 3 or 4 weeks. and it should be used in higher risk groups. again, it's a conversation between you and your doctor. >> steve: absolutely. speaking of doctors and drugs and stuff like that, i was at walgreen's the other day, saw the big sign free flu shots. people should get the flu shot, right? >> same thing. actually very similar to the one i'm saying about covid. the flu shot decreases your risk of very ventilator. if you are in high risk group you don't want a severe outbreak of the flu. >> steve: dr. siegel works at it it. doctor successfully transplanted a pig kidney man who brain dead at the time obviously for testing purposes and it was successful. >> it's been in there for a month already. he thinks it's going on the second month. is he monitoring it very, very closely. it's working just like a human kidney. gets rid of fluids, gets rid of waste. handels electrolytes. dr. montgomery, chief of surgery at nyu, he is a miracle worker. he himself one of the top kidney transplant surgeries in the country has had a heart transplant. has had several near death experiences. is he a hero. he goes to ukraine and is doing kidney transplants in ukraine. great surgeon. deceive steve good news is, if this works, people waiting for a kidney because they have a kidney problem, they could actually, perhaps, in the future, have a transplant from a pig to save their lives? >> steve, listener, almost 100,000 people are currently on the kidney transplant list. waiting for a kidney. almost 100,000. they can't get one. there is not enough people donating. this is going to be a huge advance going forward. we definitely will use. this we already use pig valves for the hearts. we scrub them. we are going to use. this this is going to happen. >> steve: between saving lives and bacon i love pigs. >> i will start with saving lives. you go with the bacon and i will go with the transplant. good to see you. >> steve: dr. siegel, thank you very much. great medical news. slide to the left. chatgpt does have a liberal bias. shocking. we will show you some proof. plus vivek ramaswamy rising in the polls but ron desantis is sliding. who do gen z voters like? we've got a panel coming up next on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ (fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. 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>> yi. it's not surprising to me at all. vivek ramaswamy risks alien naghtd voters like me by talking about the voting age. overall he is everything what a young american wants in this country. his age is refreshing. the passion in his voice is infectious and overall his campaign is energetic. desantis on the other hand he needs to stop riding on his successes and covid. can i speak for all gzers like me i don't want to remember sitting in front of my laptop all day long isolated from my friends. >> ainsley: i can see a few of you shaking your head in agreement: a senior at bingham university and 21 years old. alexandria, what do you think about the treatment of donald trump with all these indictments. is that helping him in the polls and what do you think if he doesn't show up for the debate? >> i think it's certainly interesting. we can talk about the politicization of all these trials but i think at the end of the day trump has a very cohesive and very loyal base of voters that would never ever vote for any republican candidate. so, any other republican candidate other than him. i'm very interested to see what happens. >> we have kate. why do you think that ron desantis is falling, slipping? because in january he was 28%. june 22%. the fox poll now 16%. why? >> well, i will definitely say with vivek gaining ground on him, i don't know that i have seen any candidates rap eminem at the iowa state fair before. potentially maybe that's one of his secrets. in all seriously vivek is the youngest candidate in the race. he has a lot of momentum behind him and is he a very similar resume to what president trump had in 2016 of being a business person and never having been a candidate before. and we have seen what governor desantis has done in florida but we haven't seen what he can do in a presidential. potentially being president. so i'm curious what vivek is going -- if he is going to continue to gain. it's also worthwhile that he is independently contributing a lot to his own campaigns. you don't feel that he is an influenced by major donors as some of the other candidates. >> ainsley: yeah. you are right. daniel, how about this poll, the choice for president, biden is 44%. trump 41%. plus or minus 3 for march i margin oferror so they are neck. why do you think biden is doing well after the gaffes, after afghanistan, after the border, after inflation, why is he still up there? >> well, i don't think biden is doing well at all. one of the issues that people care about is vitality in our elections. and our leaders. and quite simply put, biden is not -- is he not passionate. he is old. and again, like it may seem that they are neck and neck but both overall both ratings are pretty low. >> ainsley: alexandria, should he be worried that trump could beat him? >> i think that biden should absolutely be worried. it will be very interesting to see how those go. not only the primary debates but also on the national scale. so i'm looking forward to watching those. >> ainsley: kate, how about you? who do you think you will vote for? >> i'm still waiting to see. i have a lot of big concerns that i'm hoping that the candidates will address. such as safety, education, inflation, et cetera. so i'm looking forward to the debate and the future conversations we'll have leading up to the primary. >> ainsley: choose out of this list who do you want him to choose? >> i'm not really sure who i want to choose yet. i'm definitely interested to see who -- what the candidates continue to say. we're seeing rising stars the more we hear from the candidates. >> ainsley: good deal. thank you all so much. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome. okay. in the 7:00 hour we are going to break down our latest fox news power rankings, so stay tuned for that first, hand it over to carley for headlines? so smart. so well spoken. i really enjoyed that panel, ainsley. got some headlines to get to here. look at the footage on the screen. good samaritans stepping in to help a 75-year-old woman dragged across a parking lot during a violent purse snatching. the victim was leaving the bank happened earlier this week when a thief knocked her down as she held on to her purse for dear life. two men immediately tried to scare the crook away. police are still searching for that suspect and no word on how that woman is doing. we hope she is okay. and here's the question. does artificial intelligence have a political opinion? well, researchers in the u.k. say they found a liberal bias in chatgpt. and it is a global issue. the results of their research revealing a, quote: significant and systematic political bias towards the democrats in the u.s. liberal president lula in brazil and the labor party in the u.k. those are your headlines, ainsley. back downstairs to you. >> ainsley: thank you so much, carley. >> california parents are more involved in public schools than any other state. after he called them extremist in july. the governor's hypocrisy on the parental rights issues. all right. plus, crushing softballs and shattering records, the little league softball world series champs are here with us. they are on the fox square. they are from brian's hometown, look at them. they are out there. we're going to go talk to them. ♪ walk like a champion ♪ talk like a champion ♪ that new neighbor is hot! that's my husband... it's the inspire implant. he's not struggling with cpap anymore. all that rest is working wonders for him. inspire. learn more and view important safety information at >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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(vo) close in a matter of days. start with an all cash offer at opendoor dot com if you struggle. and struggle. and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at >> steve: quick headlines on thursday morning. a wanted man wanted in georgia after applying to join a police department in arkansas. justin carter showed up to verify details for his physical fitness test applying to be a police officer. and police officers in arkansas found discrepancies in his physical appearance from his background check. further investigation revealed that this guy had a georgia warrant for a probation violation. authorities allowed him to perform the fitness test and then they put him in handcuffs. just like that. i don't think he probably got the job. an apartment hunting in new york city asked to hand over $21,000 to move into a one bedroom condo. the renter says the unit was listed for an already expensive $5,300 per month. but when all of the extra fees were tacked on total came out to $21,507.50. just for a one bedroom apartment here in new york city. worth it? that's a lot of cash. just saying. ainsley, brian, out to you. >> ainsley: perfect finish to a perfect season. brian's hometown softball team from new york the little leaguers they captured the state's first ever little league softball world series championship. >> brian: yep, they cruised to a 5-2 victory over the team in north carolina. now they get to meet the new york mets. they are bringing them out to the game. massapequa softball manager is one of their coaches. john fontana is here with the softball team. guys, congratulations, you are the first ever long island team to win the championship game. what does it feel like. >> unbelievable. still feels surreal. we are starting to get the gist of what we really accomplished. we talked about this for a long time that this could be a possibility. you really don't believe that's going to happen. as the levels kept going on and on. as we got to north carolina we thought this could happen. >> ainsley: you experienced it with your daughter who is right next to you. what position do you play. >> i pitch and play short. >> ainsley: awesome. rich, you are the manager the team. you worked these girls hard. they gave up their summers and parents gave up their summers. tell us what the experience was like. >> just like the greatest team work i have ever seen. like i said, if somebody made an error they all jumped no, it was my fault. it was my fault. nothing these kids couldn't do. >> ainsley: how did they prepare? what was the workout. >> every day breakfast 8:00. looking at them like zombies and take a bus 10 minutes over to the north carolina field they gave us and we just worked. i don't know. we pitched, we hit, we fielded. every day. >> brian: ladies, let's hear the story. to do this, you had to win the districts. had you to win the sections and state. what's your name? >> brian: eden. what had you the most scared? when were you the most worried? >> when we were playing our last game at states and we were down by one run. >> brian: in the last inning? >> yeah. >> brian: what happened? >> emma brown hit an in the park home run and i got walked on base and av avery and i scored n the pit. >> brian: had you to be real lucky. what does it feel like to be a champion? >> it feels great. just to have all that experience and stuff like great. to be a champion. >> brian: right. and i guess you are going to have the whole semester off. you don't have to go school? let's go down the line and get your positions and your names [inaudible] pitcher and shortstop. >> jocelyn centerburg. >> casa third base. avery outfield. kyla. >> outfield. >> ainsley: this is so impressive. they are 12 and under. are you going to continue to play? >> yes. >> ainsley: you are going to get scholarships one day. >> brian: listen to this, ainsley. they never talked about winning. what is your philosophy if you wined but never talked about winning? what is the philosophy? >> ask them, they are going to tell you. what is it it's a slogan? ?we don't chase wins we chase excellence. >> brian: and they achieved it. >> absolutely they achieved. this they weren't taught for this. they deserve everything they got. >> brian: going to the mets. >> next saturday at city. >> brian: can you get there early? they are struggling this year. they need to win again. first champions from long island. >> ainsley: came back from hind. didn't the boys win last year. >> brian: they got there but they didn't win it all. the girls did. ladies, congratulations. >> ainsley: if you are planning on moving outdoors go to massapequa if you want your kids to play baseball or sorvel. >> brian: congratulations. >> ainsley: so proud of you all. >> brian: second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪

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Rain , Bit , Temperatures , Goodness , Recovery Effort , Lahaina , Attention , Winds , Forecast , Firefighters , Pacific , 70 , Southern California , Results , Hurricane , Rainfall , Monday Morning , Nevada , Sunday , Desert Area , Flash Flood Event , Florida , Rainmaker , Moisture , San Diego , Los Angeles , Destruction , Amount , Hurricane Forecasters , Storm , Peak Season , Atlantic , Central U S , Pressure , System Hillary , Storms , Southwest , Mention , Great Lakes Region , East Coast , Weather , Much , Alert , Heat , Fox Weather Com , 48 , Drugs , Weight , Health , J D , Summer California Story , Let , Cost , Availability , Version , Goals , Web Sites , Knockoff , Miracle , Boost , Fda , Stuff , Contributor , Some , Th , Wegovy , Materials , Run , Coverage , Celebrities , Equation , Hormones , Dizziness , Website , Idea , Rashes , Gi , None , Knockoffs , Instructions , Human Consumption , Research , Sterility , Generic , Drug Companies , Circumstances , Mask , Variant , Covid , U K , Scientist , Monger , Fear Mongering , Group , Chances , Sick , Hospitalizations , 13 , Haven T , Shot , Variants , Immunity , Flu Shot , Doctors , Risk Groups , Flu Shots , Conversation , Saw , Walgreen S , The One , Flu , Ventilator , Outbreak , Pig Kidney Man , Brain Dead , Human Kidney , Testing Purposes , Fluids , Waste , Heart Transplant , Miracle Worker , Surgery , Kidney Transplant Surgeries , Experiences , Hero , Montgomery , Has , Chief , Death , Ukraine , Handels Electrolytes , Nyu , Transplant , Kidney , Kidney Transplants , Kidney Problem , Surgeon , Steve Good News , Lives , Pig , Kidney Transplant List , Waiting , Advance , Listener , 100000 , Bacon , Hearts , Pigs , Pig Valves , We , Bias , Chatgpt , Slide , Left , Shocking , Proof , Panel , Do Gen Z , Who , Money Manager , Clients , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Market , Stocks , Strategies , Portfolios , Investments , Money , Commissions , Interest , Client , Commission Products , Fiduciary , Voice , Republicans , Truth , Sea , Malarkey , Debt Crisis , Perry Johnson , Genius , Turn , Truths , American Automobile Industry , America Back , More , Botox , Headaches , Migraine , 15 , Migraine Treatment , Treatments , Effects , Migraine Patients , Difficulty Swallowing , May , Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand , 5 Million , Eye Problems , Headache , Skin Infection , Breathing , Signs , Site , Muscle Weakness , History , Speaking , Fatigue , Users , Medications , Conditions , Muscle , Sooner , Botulinum Toxins , Nerve , Survey , 92 , Rest , Him Desantis , Field , Decline , 27 , Voter , Rise , Campus Reform , Voting Age , Behind , Yi , Alien Naghtd , Passion , Wants , Riding , Successes , Gzers , Head , Friends , Few , Senior , Laptop , Agreement , Me , Alexandria , Bingham University , 21 , Candidate , Base , Politicization , Trials , The End Of Day , Is Falling , 22 , Ground , Secrets , Rap Eminem , Momentum , Business Person , We Haven T , Feel , Daniel , Margin Oferror , 44 , Border , Gaffes , Vitality , Elections , Ratings , Scale , Concerns , Kate , Safety , Conversations , List , Primary , Education , Et Cetera , First , Hand It , Parking Lot , Samaritans , Footage , Purse Snatching , Thief , Victim , Crook , Word , Police , Researchers , Artificial Intelligence , Question , Quote , Opinion , Revealing A , Liberal , Labor Party , Lula In Brazil , Parents , Crushing Softballs , Records , Schools , Rights , Extremist , Hypocrisy , Champion , Talk , Champs , Little League Softball World Series , Fox Square , Cpap , Inspire Implant , Neighbor , Husband , Safety Information , Inspiresleep Com , Windshield , Vo , Safelite , Baby , Sleep , Experts , Safety System , Recalibrated Our Car , Breakfast , Singers , Hotels , Trouble , Fam , Waffles , Family Vacay , Come On , Safelite Repair , Promises , Promise , Each , Shipments , Pools , Shapes , Sizes , Isn T Just Freight , Old Dominion , The Industry Standard , Baths , Over Tub , Brothers , Garage , Bath Remodelling , Bath Fitter Tub , 1984 , Bath , Mess , Measurement , Stress , Acrylic , Warranty , Watertight Installation Backed , Visit Bathfitter Com , Perfect Preparation , Announcer , Tail , Prices , Treats , Consultation , Bone , Vase , Chewy Box , Mint Mobile , Contact , Automation , Car , Counting , Constant Contact , Payment , Surprises , Stand , Reviews , Financing , Step , Carvana , Five Star , Hundreds Of Thousands , Houses , Carvana Today , Opendoor , Don T Worry , Struggle , Cash Offer , Matter , Hose , Opendoor Dot Com , Inspiresleep Com Steve , Justin Carter , Police Officers , Police Officer , Test , Fitness , Discrepancies , Police Department , Wanted Man , Arkansas , Authorities , Investigation , Fitness Test , Warrant , Appearance , Background Check , Probation Violation , Handcuffs , Condo , Renter , Apartment Hunting , Job , 21000 , Unit , Fees , On Total , 5300 , 300 , Apartment , 1507 50 , 21507 50 , Championship , Leaguers , Season , Victory , North Carolina , Hometown Softball , Game , Softball Manager , Softball Team , Championship Game , Coaches , Long Island , New York Mets , John Fontana , Levels , Gist , Possibility , Unbelievable , Girls , Daughter , Manager , Position , Experience , Fault , Kids Couldn T , Team Work , Nothing , Workout , Bus , Zombies , Ladies , 8 , Districts , Sections , Scared , Eden , Av Avery , Hit An In The Park Home Run , Scored N , Emma Brown , The Pit , Positions , School , Let S Go Down The Line , Semester , Names , Shortstop , Pitcher , Casa Third Base , Jocelyn Centerburg , Avery Outfield , Inaudible , Philosophy , Outfield , Yes , Kyla , 12 , We Don T Chase , Slogan , Excellence , Didn T , Planning , Hind , Baseball , The Boys , Sorvel ,

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