Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704

two sides can't agree on how it all unraveled. who was at fault or whether any part of the deal is still in force or what it means going forward? a lot of questions there. now his primary lawyer is stepping aside while another high-powered attorney joins team hunter. >> dana: david spunt with the details live at the justice department. i need to be caught up. go. >> it's remarkable how things have changed and seems to change on a daily basis. the latest news here the government weiss and hunter biden's legal team couldn't be further apart. three weeks ago today on wednesday, july 26th, david weiss, the special counsel was sitting inside a federal courtroom in delaware feet away from hunter biden. both prepared to enter into this plea agreement as we know it never happened. the judge chastised both parties in public. yesterday the government writing, responding to hunter biden's attorneys saying the government did not quote renege on the previously agreed upon plea agreement as the defendant inaccurately asserts. biden's attorneys say the diversion agreement on the gun charge. he is accused of lying on a federal gun form. they say that agreement is valid because it is signed by both parties. the parties have a valid and binding diversion agreement. special counsel david weiss's team says it's null and void as is the whole deal even though it was signed as we know. as we first reported here yesterday on this show, hunter biden's lead attorney chris clark is exiting his legal team. according to a court filing clark cannot serve as hunter biden's attorney anymore as he may be a witness in a future case about the plea deal breaking apart. under the witness advocate rule it is inadvisable for clark to continue as counsel. when the plea deal fell through on july 26th ab, abbe lowell walked up to david weiss's team and said quote, looks like i will be involved in the fray, end quote. now he is officially on the team. dana and bill, it might be hard to think. there is a possibility that hunter biden and david weiss may enter into a plea deal in the future. however, that looks very unlikely and murky given the latest language from the special counsel. three weeks ago these guys were very close and now they are very far apart. >> dana: super interesting. thank you for the update. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> dana: brand-new this morning the first edition of the fox news power rankings for the republican presidential primary coming one week before the first gop primary debate that will air ott fox news. here you can see former president trump leads the pack by a wide margin. for endorsements by elected officials and the clear frontrunner in the overall power rankings. joining us for a deeper dive jessica tarlov and kayleigh mcenany, nice to have you both here. the first power rankings. it shows you what you would imagine. call for number one, please. you can see the maga base strong at 37%. speak to this. persuadeable 37% and hard no for trump 25%. that adds up to quite a bit. >> it does. it adds up to 62% who say we will entertain someone not trump. that's a big number. no doubt trump is a frontrunner but what's interesting to me it becomes a game of math. 62% who say we're willing to look elsewhere. what are the -- this is a 0 sum game. you take from scott or desantis and you look at exits and think back to 2016. when we got to iowa we finished iowa there were nine candidates in the gop primary. south carolina there were six -- five. you go to super tuesday, there were five candidates in the race. a large chunk of delegates. donald trump with 255, ted cruz 218. rubio with 96. kasich with 21. this becomes an issue of who can catch steam and who won't catch steam and drop out. it was over. ted cruz tried but it was over. >> bill: "the new york times" what they did about three weeks ago. among those who are strong maga, the favorability rating for donald trump is 99%. i don't care how many courtrooms you line up or how many indictments, you can give him another 191 indictments, that 99% is not going to change. >> that branch of the party is named after the man. of course he will have 99% approval there. it makes sense. indictments are not hurting him in the primary at large. but to what you were talking about with the persuadeables. i take the 25% out of that category. they aren't considering him. a quarter of the base there not going for donald trump again which is how joe biden was able to win in 2020. you are looking at the middle there. the people who still like trump but looking to be persuaded. what we're focusing on on the democratic side how ron desonolith failed to what he was billed with. all the money and enthusiasm. democrats were talking about he has a good record in florida. this will be tough to contend with. why gavin newsom is saying i want to debate you and shop in florida and talk about what's going on. feels like a real challenger there but his money, he is still getting the money. one of his biggest donors said unless you fix your extreme position on abortion i won't keep giving you money. >> of those people you wonder how many are converted looking at trump as a victim in and out of the courtroom after courtroom. let's see. we had a moment in iowa over the weekend with vivek ramaswamy. we just want to play. he was confronted by an activist and it went this way with a woman from the lgbtq community. >> i don't think that somebody who is religious should be forced to officiate a wedding they disagree with. i don't think somebody who is a woman bois worked hard for achievements should be forced to compete against a biological man. i don't think somebody who is a woman that respects her bodily dignity should be forced to change clothes in a locker room with a man. that's not freedom. that's oppression. >> bill: it went on for a while before and after that. he thanked her and she thanked him and they said thank you for being civil. he has a real opportunity next wednesday night to introduce himself to millions of people, kaley. >> he does. he is articulate. smart. that should be a model for anyone talking about this issue. he said i respect you. we all live under the same flag but oriented the conversation where it needs to be. culture war, don't say gay bill and gender affirming care. you can look at the "washington post" poll to the tune of 60 to 70% americans don't want sex taught in k-three education or want biological men and women in sports. the moment you change the language and talk about them as anti-lgbtq laws all of that in the polling flips. if the issues can be talked about the way vivek does. don't talk about them as culture wars but in the way we just watched. >> dana: i think the democrats think for them this issue, if you are an activist you are definitely voting. >> absolutely. enthusiasm. we're in that lull where people are saying i'm not interested in this. we're starting the presidential race and feels like we just had one. the burn-out. people will be juiced up to vote. certainly if donald trump is under the r there it will be for those who love him and those who hate him will show up. kaley is right about reformatting the question to be able to get your point of view across on a conciliatory way and what democrats did with the gun control. we talk about gun reform. that's how you have 90% of americans want stricter background checks. >> dana: i love having you guys on the show. we're just one week away from the first debate. fox news host the republican primary debate a week from tonight in milwaukee. partners are young america's foundation and bret baier and martha maccallum are the moderators. bill and i will cover all the action for "america's newsroom." our special coverage starts at 8:30 p.m. eastern. we'll be ready for that. tune in for the brand-new perino on politics podcast launching next week on fox news wherever podcasts are available. 20 to 25 minutes. good for a walk. >> bill: i like the gig we have next week. the pre-game right before kickoff, here we go. see you in milwaukee. >> dana: it will be great. >> bill: now the families of covid victims are now accusing a new york-based nonprofit of funding the pandemic. they claim the eco health alliance are to blame for failing to secure security measures at the wuhan lab. what's the issue? >> a lot to unpack. more than three years after the pandemic began u.s. officials are yet to say definitively how covid-19 originated. a lawsuit filed this month alleges a u.s.-based nonprofit assisting with research in wuhan, china deserves some of the blame. the group make americans free again are those who lost loved ones or suffered from covid-19. they are suing eco health alliance who they say used research money to research coronaviruss at the infamous lab. they say it failed to insure safety measures were in place allowing the virus to spread. >> it was abnormally dangerous. strict liability in new york, which basically means you do it and somebody gets hurt, you are liable and the reason for the case. >> we reached out to eco health alliance and said we cannot comment on pending litigation. however, it is important to note the back door coronavirus could not have started the pandemic. they were researching but couldn't have caused the viefr us. this year nih restored grant funding to continue its work but not in china and with other restrictions in place. lawmakers have called the move outrageous. the plaintiffs admit it will be an uphill battle even getting a judge to grant discovery is not guaranteed but the only way they can get more information about how the pandemic began and look into the impact of what it did with their loved ones. >> bill: the story is not over. thanks. >> >> dana: he warned them and they called his bluff. a minnesota town's entire police force resigns leaving no one in blue. what drove the max exodus? >> the drama keeps coming for an oscar-winning movie off the screen. why the family featured in the blind side say she are the victims of a multi-million dollar shakedown. >> dana: thousands of u.s. allies abandoned after the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. now a new push from our veterans to bring them to safety. >> there is a lot of special forces units that worked with a lot of our counterparts who have been left behind who are always in hiding and trying to stay out of the grasp of the taliban. 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> bill: so out of the blue the mayor of a small minnesota town was blind-sided after the entire police force quit about a week ago. they wanted more money. garrett tenney is live to tell us about this story. what happened? >> we're talking about a town of 1200 people. the city of goodhue, minnesota an hour southeast of minneapolis where city leaders are now scrambling to figure out what to do after its entire police force resigned. the main reason they left, being overworked and underpaid. right now the town pays officers just $22 an hour. compare that to the departments in some of the larger cities nearby paying as much as 30, 40, 50 an hour. with a shortage of officers nationwide, all seven officers have been getting job offers from other departments with better pay, better hours, and incentives for signing on. >> blind-sided by it but we're resilient and we will move forward. it's hard. >> just last month goodhue's police chief sounded the alarm on the recruiting challenges they were facing and warned city leaders the mass resignation was possible. >> like i said, this has been three weeks now, 0 applicants and 0 prospects. i have called everyone around for the youngest guys out there getting into the game. nobody is getting into the game. >> other small towns across the country are seeing this happen as well. last month in warner, oklahoma, population 1500, the entire five officer police force stepped down due to being overworked, underpaid and feeling a lack of support from city officials. in goodman, missouri a similar story when all nine officers resigned after a new mayor was elected. given the shortage of officers nationwide that shows no signs of improving, more cases like these are expected where the handful of people willing to serve and protect are being scooped up by larger cities that can afford to pay them more, which could then leave a lot of these small towns struggling to keep their own departments open. >> bill: in chicago you see it in reverse. a lot of cops leaving chicago and going to smaller jurisdictions. interesting. thank you for that. >> the decision to withdraw from afghanistan was incredibly difficult one but also the right one. >> today is a very happy day. the day of america's defeat. we are proud of the islamic emirate and so happy. >> dana: the taliban marks two years of return to power in afghanistan american military veterans are calling on congress to take action. 24 groups said for two years thousands of afghans have been pursued by the taliban and left in american bureaucratic limo. the time to act is now. with honor action is one of those organizations, ceo a marine intelligence veteran joins us now. tell me, you got the groups to come together because i imagine that you are all feeling the same pressure and worries and moral injuries of leaving so many people behind. >> thanks. it is hard to wrap my head around the fact it has been two years since the chaotic withdrawal and that our country has not honored our word to our allies. when i served in the marines in iraq my interpreters saved my life and came under fire and in some of the most dangerous positions on the front lines day in and day out. in the case of afghanistan for over 20 years. this act that has come together with bipartisan support with honor and other organizations we've brought this coalition of veteran service organizations behind it, supported by congresswoman miller-meeks from iowa in the house and senator roger wicker in the senate is the right thing to do. what it does it creates some pathways for the bravest of our allies to continue to get out of afghanistan and become great productive citizens in the united states. most importantly there are 80,000 afghans here in the united states. 80,000. they have gone through extensive vetting. they are ready to be terrific citizens. they have put their life on the line for this country, and we owe it to them to give them a shot. in many cases there are afghans that want to serve again. we brought a couple to capitol hill last week part of the afghan women tactical platoon special forces unit and want to serve in the united states military. can't think of better combat experience than they have. >> dana: one of the things the a.p. news reported on is there are about 150,000 applicants to the special immigrant vest yo programs that does not include family members. but a report by the association of wartime allies said at the current rate it would take 31 years to process them all. that's one of the things that is so despicable. when you send a letter like this does it get the attention of somebody like a senator schumer? >> well letters can be a dime a dozen and part of the reason why your work is so important. this can get done but it requires americans leaning in. so if you care about this and you are watching this segment please contact your congress person. it does make a difference. there are over 30 members of congress, all veterans that with honor and our political action committees helped elect. democrats and republicans leading on the issue. it can get done this year even as a place as dysfunctional as congress but it takes voices and effort and that's where the public can have a real role to play. >> dana: anyone you are helping that is here is an afghan came trying to get their life on track that you can tell us about? >> this -- the female tactical platoon to came to congress last week was led by commander akbari who spent over ten years fighting alongside our troops. one of the members of with said former advisory board served with her as a special forces air force officer on the front lines. comm commander is ready to serve in the united states military and ready to get a job and just in a legal limbo along with many of her come patriots. this bill would enable her to be the outstanding american citizen that she so desires to be and we deserve to give her that shot. >> dana: please stay in touch with us. appreciate all you do. >> thank you, dana. >> bill: two years on. story is not over. you and i will never forget the morning we were sitting here when that video came in of the jet rolling. that c-17 rolling down the runway. >> dana: unbelievable. >> bill: sure was. 25 minutes past the hour now. we'll go back in the time machine. remember these scenes? so that was during a very hot summer of 2020. a federal appeals court has ruled that blm rioters in washington, d.c. were treated far less harshly than a group of pro-life protestors. we have the story in a moment here on selective enforcement. sharks can be scary. what's the scariest shark movie, can you name it? we have a hot debate coming up in hemmer's celebrity news. ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ if you struggle. ♪ and struggle. ♪ and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. ♪ no mask. no hose. just sleep. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at (josh allen) is this your plan to watch the game today? 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(inspirational music) veteran homeowners know it's getting harder and harder to make ends meet. credit card rates are averaging 22% and still climbing. even car and truck loans can be 15%. but newday's rates are a fraction of that. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you use the equity in your home to pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. and you can save $500 a month. that's $6,000 a year. >> all my life i've pulled myself up by my bootstraps. living alone and thinking you can do everything on your own. >> dana: that was michael oher on "america's newsroom" last week. his life story inspired the blockbuster movie the blind side. he is accusing his family of never legally adopting him and profiting off his story. that family, the tuohys are firing back saying oher is trying to shake them down. a sad story. >> the former nfl star who inspired the movie "the blindside" now being accused of threatening to plant a negative story about the tennessee family who took him in unless they paid him $15 million. the lawyer for sean and lee tuohy after oher claimed he learned only this year the family never legally adopted him. the dispute has ignited a firestorm on social media. some posts saying sandra bullock should return the oscar she won for portraying the mother. accusations hurtful and absurd and saying the former nfler received an equal cut of every penny. the proceeds he says were $14,000 each and that michael was paid as well. according to oher's petition the movie paid the tos and their two children and 2.5% of the films defined proceeds and 250,000. he is also asking for a full accounting of the money the tuohys made using his name and to be paid a fair share of the profits along with other damages. the family's lawyer says the tuohys will not oppose ending their guardianship but defend their names. as you guys know conservatorship allows somebody to have legal guardianship. britney spears challenged hers. i have to tell you, there is a red flag today we just heard about only moments ago. it is 2017 from a reality tv show on bravo in which sean tuohy talks about the negotiation he had with steven spielberg and weinstein for rights. it is raising more questions today. things are not clear. you might want to jump to some conclusions, probably don't want to on this story. >> bill: to quote another movie things have gone sideways here where this relationship severed itself. >> dana: it is a shame. >> it is sad. these debates and negotiations have been going on for a while. a lot of conversation in the background. >> bill: we'll see how it turns out in time. so two separate protests getting two separate treatments under the law. federal appeals court ruling that washington, d.c. targeted pro-life protestors under an anti-graffiti ordinance while not prosecuting black lives matter demonstrators. the judges unanimous in their decision. this is washington, d.c. now and the judges were unanimous. we have a fox news legal editor and carey, good morning to you. i want to go through the story here. important to set the stage. the summer of 2020. every big american city had a lot of protests and washington, d.c. especially. there were people in the streets every day and every night. >> that's right. i was at the justice department at the time and it was very involved in everything that was going on with respect to those protests and, of course, as you say, bill, the american people were watched it unfold on their television screens. the statute at issue is simple. the defacement statute in d.c. with the willful or painting of public property without permission. simple, right? during the summer of 2020 enforcement of that law went out the window all together with the exception, though, as it was applied to one group. this was a pro-life group who chalked in front of a planned parenthood facility pre-born black lives matter. now remember that protestors as part of the george flied protestor group had painted black lives matter message all over washington and the mayor embraced it so much that she had that message commissioned in a mural on a famous street in new york city and protestors added their own. no arrests made in that situation. despite the graffiti all over the city. no arrests, no permission granted and it was not how it was applied to the group in front of that facility. >> bill: the court's ruling covers what you said. over several weeks, the protestors covered streets, sidewalks and store fronts with paint and chalk. the markings an open violation of the ordinance. no one was arrested. police officers arrested two pro-life advocates for chalking black pre-born lives matter on a public sidewalk. that's a violation of the first amendment. >> 100%. that's what the three-judge panel unanimously agreed. they said look, the government can't pick and choose winners and losers in a public debate. it runs afoul of the first amendment. it is clear-cut unconstitutional activity with respect to the law enforcement here in washington. i would like to point out, bill. these three judges, one an obama pointy, one was a trump appointee and one was a biden appointee. >> bill: there were 3-0. >> they agreed with the pro-life group here saying this is not constitutional. it doesn't work. >> bill: interesting twist. carey, thanks, not to see you in d.c. let's roll onto a little bit of action here in the water, huh? speaking of the summer, right? august, great month, you agree? the big debate about shark movies. a rise in shark sightings prompting folks to take a second look at a movie made 20 years ago. that's today's hemmer's celebrity move. shark movies are hollywood's bread and butter take make a ton of money. one of the scariest is called "open water" based on a true story. >> dana: i didn't watch it but remember it. >> bill: a couple is out scuba diving and come up from the water and both gone. they were forced to spend nights alone in the dark waters. they only found their scuba equipment, never found their bodies. this movie was made for $120,000 and filmmakers used real sharks to do it. they wanted to save money, no computer-generated graphics and made five times the money. there is that. if you do the real thing. >> dana: what's the debate? >> bill: what the best shark movie of all time. i didn't watch that movie but i watched the trailer. after watching the trailer -- >> dana: you didn't see the movie. my parents never let me watch "jaws." they said it was too scary. that's why i haven't watched most of the movies that have been made. i get made fun of on "the five." don't come to us with your shark debate. we'll get this debate. demonstrations outside a new jersey courthouse as a judge weighs a decision on gender identity in schools. why some parents are up in arms. martha maccallum will join us next. >> this shouldn't be an us versus them. it needs to be about the children. none of us ever signed up to parent with the government. and we would experience turbulence. i would watch the flight attendants. if they're not nervous, then i'm not going to be nervous. financially, i'm the flight attendant in that situation. the relief that comes over people once they know they've got a guide to help them through, i definitely feel privileged to be in that position. ♪ trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze driftin' on... ♪ [coughing] ♪, you know how i feel. ♪ if you're tired of staring down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, ♪ ♪ it's a new day... ♪ ...stop settling. ♪ ...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy makes breathing easier for a full 24 hours, improves lung function, and helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand, and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy, and save at the america's best celebrity sale is here. with picture-worthy designer frames at a fly price from sofia vergara you're in my shot! sure to get my good side! get two pairs of celebrity frames for $89.95 for a limited time at america's best. book an exam today. believe it or not baby... you could earn your... master's... for under 11 thousand! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. earn your competency - based master's at university of phoenix. how can you sleep on such a firm setting? 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does that suggest that the state doesn't trust the parents? >> you have know, there is a lot of levels here. number one, the argument is that it would do irreparable harm if the child was outed to their own parents. if a child is in danger of irreparable harm you have to let the parent know. schools call the parent if your child isn't there, have a bloody nose, get into a fight they'll call the parents, if they need an advil. they need permission. it is preposterous to not include the parent. if there is an extenuating circumstance where there is a something at home that -- the other thing i would say. if your child is identifying as a different sex in school, you are going to hear about it. you can't protect a parent from learning. they will watch their child as they go outside the door every day. this is very basic. every parent. under the age of 18 the parents are the custodial parent overseeing this child. they have to be informed. >> dana: it is curious where this is going because the 2024 election is on our brain. parental issues and rights in education as we've seen since covid. the first election since all of that has been happening. how much do you think parents will think about that when they decide who to vote for? >> it extends to the whole idea is the state in charge of children or are parents in charge of their children? and parents react to that very visceral and biological way. they know that they are to take care of their children until they are 18. the other thing i would mention in this. i looked up the -- how they did in reading and math in new jersey. math scores declined for eighth grade students in new jersey by 11 points. national average is eight points. reading also in trouble in the state of new jersey. so i would just say doesn't it make sense for these schools to spend a little more time focusing on the impact of that on the health and safety and well-being of these children? their mission is to educate children. once they have got that right, then maybe they earn the right to say we should also be weighing in on this. stick to what your job is. your mission is to educate these children and you are failing in it based on these scores. governor murphy, i would love to see you as outraged about those numbers as you are about this. >> bill: your home state. the story you covered in the afternoon, too. state of massachusetts. there is intervention there. there is a couple, they want to adopt a child. any child, right? iraq war veteran. she has a pretty good resume, too. bill mcgurn rights no catholics need adopt. the license team say they would not be affirming to a child and the burks were rejected. here is a quick clip from that. >> catholics and we stand firm in the church's beliefs on traditional marriage and sexuality. and that was pretty clear in their reasoning. >> one of the things of our catholic faith we love one another as god has loved us. i would love that child no matter just like my mother loved me whenever i did something wrong. >> bill: at the top of that she said we're traditional catholics. and that did not fly or hasn't yet, anyway. >> isn't the test for being a foster parent being able to love and take care of a child, right? that's what we were told when it comes to same-sex marriages, two moms, two dads, right? if they are able to take care of the child and they are going to love and look after that child in a responsible manner, that is the test. these people are -- have presented a very strong argument that they would be great parents. it is very discriminatory. would they do that to a muslim family or other traditional religious family? it is absolutely -- we see this again and again and again with catholic issues. it is really abhorrent. >> bill: they are on record saying we'll take any race, culture or ethnicity and special needs. they would even take siblings. they are desperate to have a child in their home. >> dana: i hope that turns around. thanks for doing the story and thanks for hosting the story. >> bill: see you this afternoon and milwaukee next week. >> dana: police continue to search for the teens who ran riot in new york's union square. they destroyed a car during the chaos. retired nypd inspector paul mauro is here next. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. veterans can save $500 a month. that's $6,000 a year. it changes everything for them. it can for you too. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. feeling sluggish or weighed down? could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down and also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic. lighten everyday the metamucil way. feel less sluggish & weighed down after just 14 days. sign up for the 2 week challenge at >> dana: new york city police releasing new pictures of suspects of the riots in union square. thousands of people flooded the streets back on august 4th when an internet streamer announced a giveaway. >> looking at how u.n. folded. 12:30 in the afternoon. police are aware of the giveaway. 3:29 that afternoon teens tear down construction yards and grab weapons. 5:17. those arrested and the search continues today. >> dana: paul mauro joins us now. i'm sure you watched this going woof, i'm glad i retired in a way but also things like this that make somebody like you who has all the experience look back and say wow, what could have been done differently here? >> i think the thing that makes it a watershed event and why nobody saw it coming. it came from a place that none of us have experience with on the police department. i didn't certainly. which is the gaming world. it is not like this guy is a big rapper or rock star. he is a popular gamer. that's the thing that made it something of a watershed event. out of that world nobody recognized his stature and the fact that his -- they were on tweets on a different social media platform twitch. the fact that he could invoke 3,000 to 4,000 youths descending on union square. he was giving away free stuff but who knew he had that kind of clout? it took everybody by surprise including the police department. >> bill: he faces felony charges in court on the 18th of august and contrite ever since then. i grew up in new york and i owe my success to new york. but you are right about his following. there are millions who follow him. and i think a lot of those who gathered in downtown new york that day came from outside the city. >> i think that's probably true. his reach is tremendous, clearly. i have think that look, there is no sugar coating it and he knows that. so my understanding from inside baseball he was very contrite at the time. very respectful and even he was apparently surprised at the way it all shook out. he was surprised how many people he could invoke and he was taken aback with the way they behaved. the behavior was bad. if anything the behavior of some of these kids have been underplayed. they did a lot of damage and one of the reasons why the department is doing hard to clean it up by going after the other teens. >> dana: the tips line. if you have that. >> bill: how do police get ready for something like this if it happens again? >> they have units that troll social media. monitor is the term we use. keep an eye out for things that could bubble up. if it sounds like needle in a hay stack work it is. they caught it at 12:30. the disconnect came someplace when they realized there will be this event and understanding the stature of it. the size of the thing. that's something they're looking at. now all of a sudden you have people conversant with twitch and have cops looking at the gaming world. >> dana: you have an interesting idea about rescheduling this event with cops. tell me more. >> i wrote it out. they wrote the article. i just said maybe take it as a positive moment especially in light of the fact that he seems to be contrite. he didn't get a chance to hold the event. he has all these playstations he wanted to giveaway. if you rehold the event and keep it coordinated and slip in something positive. my idea would be applications to the nypd youth program. 5,000 kids show up. 100 quietly put their toe in the water. we need the cops. >> dana: good idea. >> bill: we have 15 seconds. can you hang before we go? is that cool? we have a stealthy golden retriever. fenced into a neighbor's backyard and goes for a kick dip in the pool. owner tries to coax it out. the dog is having too much fun. video shows someone trying to pull the pup out but jumps back in. >> dana: it has been a hot summer. all right. the hot new show coming to you from harris. here she is. >> president biden expected to again celebrate his economic policies as he tries to sell voters on the success of his agenda. in just hours he will make remarks celebrating one year since the passage of his inflation reduction act. team biden is going all in on the economy for 2024 but with sky high prices and rock

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two sides can't agree on how it all unraveled. who was at fault or whether any part of the deal is still in force or what it means going forward? a lot of questions there. now his primary lawyer is stepping aside while another high-powered attorney joins team hunter. >> dana: david spunt with the details live at the justice department. i need to be caught up. go. >> it's remarkable how things have changed and seems to change on a daily basis. the latest news here the government weiss and hunter biden's legal team couldn't be further apart. three weeks ago today on wednesday, july 26th, david weiss, the special counsel was sitting inside a federal courtroom in delaware feet away from hunter biden. both prepared to enter into this plea agreement as we know it never happened. the judge chastised both parties in public. yesterday the government writing, responding to hunter biden's attorneys saying the government did not quote renege on the previously agreed upon plea agreement as the defendant inaccurately asserts. biden's attorneys say the diversion agreement on the gun charge. he is accused of lying on a federal gun form. they say that agreement is valid because it is signed by both parties. the parties have a valid and binding diversion agreement. special counsel david weiss's team says it's null and void as is the whole deal even though it was signed as we know. as we first reported here yesterday on this show, hunter biden's lead attorney chris clark is exiting his legal team. according to a court filing clark cannot serve as hunter biden's attorney anymore as he may be a witness in a future case about the plea deal breaking apart. under the witness advocate rule it is inadvisable for clark to continue as counsel. when the plea deal fell through on july 26th ab, abbe lowell walked up to david weiss's team and said quote, looks like i will be involved in the fray, end quote. now he is officially on the team. dana and bill, it might be hard to think. there is a possibility that hunter biden and david weiss may enter into a plea deal in the future. however, that looks very unlikely and murky given the latest language from the special counsel. three weeks ago these guys were very close and now they are very far apart. >> dana: super interesting. thank you for the update. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> dana: brand-new this morning the first edition of the fox news power rankings for the republican presidential primary coming one week before the first gop primary debate that will air ott fox news. here you can see former president trump leads the pack by a wide margin. for endorsements by elected officials and the clear frontrunner in the overall power rankings. joining us for a deeper dive jessica tarlov and kayleigh mcenany, nice to have you both here. the first power rankings. it shows you what you would imagine. call for number one, please. you can see the maga base strong at 37%. speak to this. persuadeable 37% and hard no for trump 25%. that adds up to quite a bit. >> it does. it adds up to 62% who say we will entertain someone not trump. that's a big number. no doubt trump is a frontrunner but what's interesting to me it becomes a game of math. 62% who say we're willing to look elsewhere. what are the -- this is a 0 sum game. you take from scott or desantis and you look at exits and think back to 2016. when we got to iowa we finished iowa there were nine candidates in the gop primary. south carolina there were six -- five. you go to super tuesday, there were five candidates in the race. a large chunk of delegates. donald trump with 255, ted cruz 218. rubio with 96. kasich with 21. this becomes an issue of who can catch steam and who won't catch steam and drop out. it was over. ted cruz tried but it was over. >> bill: "the new york times" what they did about three weeks ago. among those who are strong maga, the favorability rating for donald trump is 99%. i don't care how many courtrooms you line up or how many indictments, you can give him another 191 indictments, that 99% is not going to change. >> that branch of the party is named after the man. of course he will have 99% approval there. it makes sense. indictments are not hurting him in the primary at large. but to what you were talking about with the persuadeables. i take the 25% out of that category. they aren't considering him. a quarter of the base there not going for donald trump again which is how joe biden was able to win in 2020. you are looking at the middle there. the people who still like trump but looking to be persuaded. what we're focusing on on the democratic side how ron desonolith failed to what he was billed with. all the money and enthusiasm. democrats were talking about he has a good record in florida. this will be tough to contend with. why gavin newsom is saying i want to debate you and shop in florida and talk about what's going on. feels like a real challenger there but his money, he is still getting the money. one of his biggest donors said unless you fix your extreme position on abortion i won't keep giving you money. >> of those people you wonder how many are converted looking at trump as a victim in and out of the courtroom after courtroom. let's see. we had a moment in iowa over the weekend with vivek ramaswamy. we just want to play. he was confronted by an activist and it went this way with a woman from the lgbtq community. >> i don't think that somebody who is religious should be forced to officiate a wedding they disagree with. i don't think somebody who is a woman bois worked hard for achievements should be forced to compete against a biological man. i don't think somebody who is a woman that respects her bodily dignity should be forced to change clothes in a locker room with a man. that's not freedom. that's oppression. >> bill: it went on for a while before and after that. he thanked her and she thanked him and they said thank you for being civil. he has a real opportunity next wednesday night to introduce himself to millions of people, kaley. >> he does. he is articulate. smart. that should be a model for anyone talking about this issue. he said i respect you. we all live under the same flag but oriented the conversation where it needs to be. culture war, don't say gay bill and gender affirming care. you can look at the "washington post" poll to the tune of 60 to 70% americans don't want sex taught in k-three education or want biological men and women in sports. the moment you change the language and talk about them as anti-lgbtq laws all of that in the polling flips. if the issues can be talked about the way vivek does. don't talk about them as culture wars but in the way we just watched. >> dana: i think the democrats think for them this issue, if you are an activist you are definitely voting. >> absolutely. enthusiasm. we're in that lull where people are saying i'm not interested in this. we're starting the presidential race and feels like we just had one. the burn-out. people will be juiced up to vote. certainly if donald trump is under the r there it will be for those who love him and those who hate him will show up. kaley is right about reformatting the question to be able to get your point of view across on a conciliatory way and what democrats did with the gun control. we talk about gun reform. that's how you have 90% of americans want stricter background checks. >> dana: i love having you guys on the show. we're just one week away from the first debate. fox news host the republican primary debate a week from tonight in milwaukee. partners are young america's foundation and bret baier and martha maccallum are the moderators. bill and i will cover all the action for "america's newsroom." our special coverage starts at 8:30 p.m. eastern. we'll be ready for that. tune in for the brand-new perino on politics podcast launching next week on fox news wherever podcasts are available. 20 to 25 minutes. good for a walk. >> bill: i like the gig we have next week. the pre-game right before kickoff, here we go. see you in milwaukee. >> dana: it will be great. >> bill: now the families of covid victims are now accusing a new york-based nonprofit of funding the pandemic. they claim the eco health alliance are to blame for failing to secure security measures at the wuhan lab. what's the issue? >> a lot to unpack. more than three years after the pandemic began u.s. officials are yet to say definitively how covid-19 originated. a lawsuit filed this month alleges a u.s.-based nonprofit assisting with research in wuhan, china deserves some of the blame. the group make americans free again are those who lost loved ones or suffered from covid-19. they are suing eco health alliance who they say used research money to research coronaviruss at the infamous lab. they say it failed to insure safety measures were in place allowing the virus to spread. >> it was abnormally dangerous. strict liability in new york, which basically means you do it and somebody gets hurt, you are liable and the reason for the case. >> we reached out to eco health alliance and said we cannot comment on pending litigation. however, it is important to note the back door coronavirus could not have started the pandemic. they were researching but couldn't have caused the viefr us. this year nih restored grant funding to continue its work but not in china and with other restrictions in place. lawmakers have called the move outrageous. the plaintiffs admit it will be an uphill battle even getting a judge to grant discovery is not guaranteed but the only way they can get more information about how the pandemic began and look into the impact of what it did with their loved ones. >> bill: the story is not over. thanks. >> >> dana: he warned them and they called his bluff. a minnesota town's entire police force resigns leaving no one in blue. what drove the max exodus? >> the drama keeps coming for an oscar-winning movie off the screen. why the family featured in the blind side say she are the victims of a multi-million dollar shakedown. >> dana: thousands of u.s. allies abandoned after the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. now a new push from our veterans to bring them to safety. >> there is a lot of special forces units that worked with a lot of our counterparts who have been left behind who are always in hiding and trying to stay out of the grasp of the taliban. 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> bill: so out of the blue the mayor of a small minnesota town was blind-sided after the entire police force quit about a week ago. they wanted more money. garrett tenney is live to tell us about this story. what happened? >> we're talking about a town of 1200 people. the city of goodhue, minnesota an hour southeast of minneapolis where city leaders are now scrambling to figure out what to do after its entire police force resigned. the main reason they left, being overworked and underpaid. right now the town pays officers just $22 an hour. compare that to the departments in some of the larger cities nearby paying as much as 30, 40, 50 an hour. with a shortage of officers nationwide, all seven officers have been getting job offers from other departments with better pay, better hours, and incentives for signing on. >> blind-sided by it but we're resilient and we will move forward. it's hard. >> just last month goodhue's police chief sounded the alarm on the recruiting challenges they were facing and warned city leaders the mass resignation was possible. >> like i said, this has been three weeks now, 0 applicants and 0 prospects. i have called everyone around for the youngest guys out there getting into the game. nobody is getting into the game. >> other small towns across the country are seeing this happen as well. last month in warner, oklahoma, population 1500, the entire five officer police force stepped down due to being overworked, underpaid and feeling a lack of support from city officials. in goodman, missouri a similar story when all nine officers resigned after a new mayor was elected. given the shortage of officers nationwide that shows no signs of improving, more cases like these are expected where the handful of people willing to serve and protect are being scooped up by larger cities that can afford to pay them more, which could then leave a lot of these small towns struggling to keep their own departments open. >> bill: in chicago you see it in reverse. a lot of cops leaving chicago and going to smaller jurisdictions. interesting. thank you for that. >> the decision to withdraw from afghanistan was incredibly difficult one but also the right one. >> today is a very happy day. the day of america's defeat. we are proud of the islamic emirate and so happy. >> dana: the taliban marks two years of return to power in afghanistan american military veterans are calling on congress to take action. 24 groups said for two years thousands of afghans have been pursued by the taliban and left in american bureaucratic limo. the time to act is now. with honor action is one of those organizations, ceo a marine intelligence veteran joins us now. tell me, you got the groups to come together because i imagine that you are all feeling the same pressure and worries and moral injuries of leaving so many people behind. >> thanks. it is hard to wrap my head around the fact it has been two years since the chaotic withdrawal and that our country has not honored our word to our allies. when i served in the marines in iraq my interpreters saved my life and came under fire and in some of the most dangerous positions on the front lines day in and day out. in the case of afghanistan for over 20 years. this act that has come together with bipartisan support with honor and other organizations we've brought this coalition of veteran service organizations behind it, supported by congresswoman miller-meeks from iowa in the house and senator roger wicker in the senate is the right thing to do. what it does it creates some pathways for the bravest of our allies to continue to get out of afghanistan and become great productive citizens in the united states. most importantly there are 80,000 afghans here in the united states. 80,000. they have gone through extensive vetting. they are ready to be terrific citizens. they have put their life on the line for this country, and we owe it to them to give them a shot. in many cases there are afghans that want to serve again. we brought a couple to capitol hill last week part of the afghan women tactical platoon special forces unit and want to serve in the united states military. can't think of better combat experience than they have. >> dana: one of the things the a.p. news reported on is there are about 150,000 applicants to the special immigrant vest yo programs that does not include family members. but a report by the association of wartime allies said at the current rate it would take 31 years to process them all. that's one of the things that is so despicable. when you send a letter like this does it get the attention of somebody like a senator schumer? >> well letters can be a dime a dozen and part of the reason why your work is so important. this can get done but it requires americans leaning in. so if you care about this and you are watching this segment please contact your congress person. it does make a difference. there are over 30 members of congress, all veterans that with honor and our political action committees helped elect. democrats and republicans leading on the issue. it can get done this year even as a place as dysfunctional as congress but it takes voices and effort and that's where the public can have a real role to play. >> dana: anyone you are helping that is here is an afghan came trying to get their life on track that you can tell us about? >> this -- the female tactical platoon to came to congress last week was led by commander akbari who spent over ten years fighting alongside our troops. one of the members of with said former advisory board served with her as a special forces air force officer on the front lines. comm commander is ready to serve in the united states military and ready to get a job and just in a legal limbo along with many of her come patriots. this bill would enable her to be the outstanding american citizen that she so desires to be and we deserve to give her that shot. >> dana: please stay in touch with us. appreciate all you do. >> thank you, dana. >> bill: two years on. story is not over. you and i will never forget the morning we were sitting here when that video came in of the jet rolling. that c-17 rolling down the runway. >> dana: unbelievable. >> bill: sure was. 25 minutes past the hour now. we'll go back in the time machine. remember these scenes? so that was during a very hot summer of 2020. a federal appeals court has ruled that blm rioters in washington, d.c. were treated far less harshly than a group of pro-life protestors. we have the story in a moment here on selective enforcement. sharks can be scary. what's the scariest shark movie, can you name it? we have a hot debate coming up in hemmer's celebrity news. ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ if you struggle. ♪ and struggle. ♪ and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. ♪ no mask. no hose. just sleep. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at (josh allen) is this your plan to watch the game today? 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(inspirational music) veteran homeowners know it's getting harder and harder to make ends meet. credit card rates are averaging 22% and still climbing. even car and truck loans can be 15%. but newday's rates are a fraction of that. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you use the equity in your home to pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. and you can save $500 a month. that's $6,000 a year. >> all my life i've pulled myself up by my bootstraps. living alone and thinking you can do everything on your own. >> dana: that was michael oher on "america's newsroom" last week. his life story inspired the blockbuster movie the blind side. he is accusing his family of never legally adopting him and profiting off his story. that family, the tuohys are firing back saying oher is trying to shake them down. a sad story. >> the former nfl star who inspired the movie "the blindside" now being accused of threatening to plant a negative story about the tennessee family who took him in unless they paid him $15 million. the lawyer for sean and lee tuohy after oher claimed he learned only this year the family never legally adopted him. the dispute has ignited a firestorm on social media. some posts saying sandra bullock should return the oscar she won for portraying the mother. accusations hurtful and absurd and saying the former nfler received an equal cut of every penny. the proceeds he says were $14,000 each and that michael was paid as well. according to oher's petition the movie paid the tos and their two children and 2.5% of the films defined proceeds and 250,000. he is also asking for a full accounting of the money the tuohys made using his name and to be paid a fair share of the profits along with other damages. the family's lawyer says the tuohys will not oppose ending their guardianship but defend their names. as you guys know conservatorship allows somebody to have legal guardianship. britney spears challenged hers. i have to tell you, there is a red flag today we just heard about only moments ago. it is 2017 from a reality tv show on bravo in which sean tuohy talks about the negotiation he had with steven spielberg and weinstein for rights. it is raising more questions today. things are not clear. you might want to jump to some conclusions, probably don't want to on this story. >> bill: to quote another movie things have gone sideways here where this relationship severed itself. >> dana: it is a shame. >> it is sad. these debates and negotiations have been going on for a while. a lot of conversation in the background. >> bill: we'll see how it turns out in time. so two separate protests getting two separate treatments under the law. federal appeals court ruling that washington, d.c. targeted pro-life protestors under an anti-graffiti ordinance while not prosecuting black lives matter demonstrators. the judges unanimous in their decision. this is washington, d.c. now and the judges were unanimous. we have a fox news legal editor and carey, good morning to you. i want to go through the story here. important to set the stage. the summer of 2020. every big american city had a lot of protests and washington, d.c. especially. there were people in the streets every day and every night. >> that's right. i was at the justice department at the time and it was very involved in everything that was going on with respect to those protests and, of course, as you say, bill, the american people were watched it unfold on their television screens. the statute at issue is simple. the defacement statute in d.c. with the willful or painting of public property without permission. simple, right? during the summer of 2020 enforcement of that law went out the window all together with the exception, though, as it was applied to one group. this was a pro-life group who chalked in front of a planned parenthood facility pre-born black lives matter. now remember that protestors as part of the george flied protestor group had painted black lives matter message all over washington and the mayor embraced it so much that she had that message commissioned in a mural on a famous street in new york city and protestors added their own. no arrests made in that situation. despite the graffiti all over the city. no arrests, no permission granted and it was not how it was applied to the group in front of that facility. >> bill: the court's ruling covers what you said. over several weeks, the protestors covered streets, sidewalks and store fronts with paint and chalk. the markings an open violation of the ordinance. no one was arrested. police officers arrested two pro-life advocates for chalking black pre-born lives matter on a public sidewalk. that's a violation of the first amendment. >> 100%. that's what the three-judge panel unanimously agreed. they said look, the government can't pick and choose winners and losers in a public debate. it runs afoul of the first amendment. it is clear-cut unconstitutional activity with respect to the law enforcement here in washington. i would like to point out, bill. these three judges, one an obama pointy, one was a trump appointee and one was a biden appointee. >> bill: there were 3-0. >> they agreed with the pro-life group here saying this is not constitutional. it doesn't work. >> bill: interesting twist. carey, thanks, not to see you in d.c. let's roll onto a little bit of action here in the water, huh? speaking of the summer, right? august, great month, you agree? the big debate about shark movies. a rise in shark sightings prompting folks to take a second look at a movie made 20 years ago. that's today's hemmer's celebrity move. shark movies are hollywood's bread and butter take make a ton of money. one of the scariest is called "open water" based on a true story. >> dana: i didn't watch it but remember it. >> bill: a couple is out scuba diving and come up from the water and both gone. they were forced to spend nights alone in the dark waters. they only found their scuba equipment, never found their bodies. this movie was made for $120,000 and filmmakers used real sharks to do it. they wanted to save money, no computer-generated graphics and made five times the money. there is that. if you do the real thing. >> dana: what's the debate? >> bill: what the best shark movie of all time. i didn't watch that movie but i watched the trailer. after watching the trailer -- >> dana: you didn't see the movie. my parents never let me watch "jaws." they said it was too scary. that's why i haven't watched most of the movies that have been made. i get made fun of on "the five." don't come to us with your shark debate. we'll get this debate. demonstrations outside a new jersey courthouse as a judge weighs a decision on gender identity in schools. why some parents are up in arms. martha maccallum will join us next. >> this shouldn't be an us versus them. it needs to be about the children. none of us ever signed up to parent with the government. and we would experience turbulence. i would watch the flight attendants. if they're not nervous, then i'm not going to be nervous. financially, i'm the flight attendant in that situation. the relief that comes over people once they know they've got a guide to help them through, i definitely feel privileged to be in that position. ♪ trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze driftin' on... ♪ [coughing] ♪, you know how i feel. ♪ if you're tired of staring down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, ♪ ♪ it's a new day... ♪ ...stop settling. ♪ ...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy makes breathing easier for a full 24 hours, improves lung function, and helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand, and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy, and save at the america's best celebrity sale is here. with picture-worthy designer frames at a fly price from sofia vergara you're in my shot! sure to get my good side! get two pairs of celebrity frames for $89.95 for a limited time at america's best. book an exam today. believe it or not baby... you could earn your... master's... for under 11 thousand! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. earn your competency - based master's at university of phoenix. how can you sleep on such a firm setting? 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does that suggest that the state doesn't trust the parents? >> you have know, there is a lot of levels here. number one, the argument is that it would do irreparable harm if the child was outed to their own parents. if a child is in danger of irreparable harm you have to let the parent know. schools call the parent if your child isn't there, have a bloody nose, get into a fight they'll call the parents, if they need an advil. they need permission. it is preposterous to not include the parent. if there is an extenuating circumstance where there is a something at home that -- the other thing i would say. if your child is identifying as a different sex in school, you are going to hear about it. you can't protect a parent from learning. they will watch their child as they go outside the door every day. this is very basic. every parent. under the age of 18 the parents are the custodial parent overseeing this child. they have to be informed. >> dana: it is curious where this is going because the 2024 election is on our brain. parental issues and rights in education as we've seen since covid. the first election since all of that has been happening. how much do you think parents will think about that when they decide who to vote for? >> it extends to the whole idea is the state in charge of children or are parents in charge of their children? and parents react to that very visceral and biological way. they know that they are to take care of their children until they are 18. the other thing i would mention in this. i looked up the -- how they did in reading and math in new jersey. math scores declined for eighth grade students in new jersey by 11 points. national average is eight points. reading also in trouble in the state of new jersey. so i would just say doesn't it make sense for these schools to spend a little more time focusing on the impact of that on the health and safety and well-being of these children? their mission is to educate children. once they have got that right, then maybe they earn the right to say we should also be weighing in on this. stick to what your job is. your mission is to educate these children and you are failing in it based on these scores. governor murphy, i would love to see you as outraged about those numbers as you are about this. >> bill: your home state. the story you covered in the afternoon, too. state of massachusetts. there is intervention there. there is a couple, they want to adopt a child. any child, right? iraq war veteran. she has a pretty good resume, too. bill mcgurn rights no catholics need adopt. the license team say they would not be affirming to a child and the burks were rejected. here is a quick clip from that. >> catholics and we stand firm in the church's beliefs on traditional marriage and sexuality. and that was pretty clear in their reasoning. >> one of the things of our catholic faith we love one another as god has loved us. i would love that child no matter just like my mother loved me whenever i did something wrong. >> bill: at the top of that she said we're traditional catholics. and that did not fly or hasn't yet, anyway. >> isn't the test for being a foster parent being able to love and take care of a child, right? that's what we were told when it comes to same-sex marriages, two moms, two dads, right? if they are able to take care of the child and they are going to love and look after that child in a responsible manner, that is the test. these people are -- have presented a very strong argument that they would be great parents. it is very discriminatory. would they do that to a muslim family or other traditional religious family? it is absolutely -- we see this again and again and again with catholic issues. it is really abhorrent. >> bill: they are on record saying we'll take any race, culture or ethnicity and special needs. they would even take siblings. they are desperate to have a child in their home. >> dana: i hope that turns around. thanks for doing the story and thanks for hosting the story. >> bill: see you this afternoon and milwaukee next week. >> dana: police continue to search for the teens who ran riot in new york's union square. they destroyed a car during the chaos. retired nypd inspector paul mauro is here next. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. veterans can save $500 a month. that's $6,000 a year. it changes everything for them. it can for you too. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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Abortion , Way , Woman , Activist , Weekend , Lgbtq Community , Let S See , Vivek Ramaswamy , Somebody , Achievements , Wedding , Woman Bois , Dignity , Freedom , Locker Room , Clothes , Oppression , Millions , Opportunity , Kaley , Being Civil , Affirming Care , Conversation , Anyone , Flag , Don T Say Gay Bill , Model , Smart , Culture War , Washington Post , Tune , Men And Women In Sports , Make Americans , Education , Poll , Laws , Don T Want Sex Taught In K , 70 , 60 , Don T , Issues , Polling Flips , Culture Wars , Lull , Question , Reformatting , Point Of View , Background Checks , Gun Control , 90 , Action , Milwaukee , Martha Maccallum , Partners , Moderators , Bret Baier , Young America S Foundation , Special Coverage , Podcasts , Perino On Politics Podcast , Eastern , 20 , 30 , 8 , New York , Families , Nonprofit , Good , Covid Victims , Kickoff , Gig , Walk , Pandemic , Lab , Funding , Security Measures , Eco Health Alliance , Wuhan , Unpack , Some , U S , Research , Lawsuit , Covid 19 , 19 , Group , Loved Ones , Blame , Place , Research Money , Virus , Research Coronaviruss , Safety Measures , Reason , Liability , Back Door , Couldn T Have , Coronavirus , Litigation , Viefr , Plaintiffs , Nih Restored Grant Funding , Work , Outrageous , Move , Restrictions , Lawmakers , Battle , Story , Impact , Information , Discovery , Thanks , Police Force , Town , Minnesota , Bluff , Movie , The Blind Side , Screen , Victims , Blue , Exodus , Drama , Veterans , Allies , Safety , Afghanistan , Thousands , Withdrawal , Counterparts , Special Forces Units , Push , Dollar Shakedown , Stuff , Grasp , Hiding , Cart , Taliban , Rewards Card , Somewhere , Cash Back , Shopping , Anywhere , Oh Booking Com , Bank Of America , 3 , Care , You Booking Com , Vacation Rental , Sharon , Diets , Golo , 15 , 10 , 52 , World , Relief , 27 , Nerve Aches , Nervive Nerve , Nerve Care Company , Hands , Body Weight , Feet , Soft Music , Ala , 27 , Nerves , B Complex Vitamins , Camera Shutter Sfx , Nervive Pain Relieving Roll , Car Screech , City Ambience Sounds , Car Door Slam , Skin , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaky , Flaking , Otezla , Itching , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Patches , Ned , 1 , Reactions , Blood Tests , Doctors , Psoriatic Arthritis , Thoughts , Headache , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Depression , Weight Loss , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Crowd Gasp , Doctor , Ting , Mayor , Out Of The Blue , City , Minneapolis , Goodhue , Garrett Tenney , 1200 , Officers , Departments , City Leaders , 22 , 2 , Cities , Shortage , Pay , Job Offers , 40 , 50 , Seven , It , Incentives , Police Chief , Alarm , Blind , Applicants , Everyone , Resignation , Recruiting , Prospects , Nobody , Country , Towns , Warner , Officer , Oklahoma , 1500 , Support , City Officials , Black , In Goodman , Missouri , Signs , Cases , Handful , Improving , Cops , Decision , Chicago , Reverse , Jurisdictions , Power , Defeat , Taliban Marks Two , Emirate , Return , Islamic , Groups , Congress , Afghanistan American Military , Bureaucratic Limo , 24 , Fact , Veteran , Organizations , A Marine Intelligence , Pressure , Head , Worries , Injuries , Life , Word , Lines , Positions , Interpreters , Fire , Marines , Iraq , Honor , Coalition , Veteran Service Organizations , Thing , Roger Wicker , House , Bravest , Pathways , Senate , Congresswoman Miller Meeks , Citizens , Vetting , 80000 , Couple , Shot , Special Forces Unit , Line , Platoon , Women , Capitol Hill , Combat Experience , Family Members , Vest Yo Programs , Immigrant , A P News , United States Military , 150000 , Rate , Letter , Attention , Association , Senator Schumer , Report , 31 , Letters , Segment , Dime A Dozen , Committees , Members , Person , Difference , Elect , Voices , Effort , Role , Commander Akbari , Track , Ten , Air Force Officer , Special Forces , Advisory Board , Troops , Honor Org , Comm , Patriots , Limbo , Citizen , Touch , Video , Runway , Jet Rolling , Unbelievable , 17 , Rioters , Federal Appeals Court , Time Machine , Scenes , Blm , Protestors , Washington D C , Sharks , Shark Movie , Enforcement , Celebrity News , Liberty Mutual , That S My Boy , Son , Car Insurance , Huh , Limu Emu , Freeways , Uncle Limu , Struggle , Inspire , Mask , Hose , Cpap , Sleep Apnea Innovation , Vo , Plan , Nfl Sunday Ticket , Safety Information , Neighbors , Value , Inspiresleep Com , Josh Allen , Verizon , Youtubetv , Hero Fan , Myplan , 449 , 49 , Hotel , Mother , Fear , Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 , Options , Poof , Anything , Hotels , Brands , Wand , Stay , Type , Kiddos , Comfort , Whoosh , Cambria Hotel Downtown , Oooo , Don T Wave , Camera , Thyroid Eye Disease , Ted , Help , Bridget , Tepezza , Medicine , Patients , Symptoms , Study , Source , Ibd , Diabetes , High Blood Pressure , Breath , Muscle Pain , Infusion , Shortness , Infusion Reactions , Heartbeat , Planning , Eye Bulging , Eye Specialist , Blood Sugar , Crohn S Disease , Ulcerative Colitis , Visit Mytepezza Com , Narrator , Strength , Photos , Wounded Warrior Project , Others , Shell , Peace , Community , Voice , Inspirational Music , Car , Rates , Truck Loans , Credit Card , Homeowners , Ends Meet , Home , Car Loans , Credit Cards , Equity , Newday 100 Va Cash Out , Fraction , Newday , 6000 , 100 , 500 , 00 , 000 , All My Life , Everything , Michael Oher , Life Story Inspired The Blockbuster Movie Blind Side , My Bootstraps , Tuohys , Star , Firing , Nfl , Tennessee , 5 Million , 15 Million , Social Media , Firestorm , Dispute , Lee Tuohy , Sean Tuohy , Sandra Bullock , Posts , Accusations , Nfler , Oscar , Petition , Tos , Cut , Penny , 4000 , 14000 , Children , Name , Share , Films , Accounting , Damages , Proceeds , Profits , 250000 , 2 5 , Guardianship , Conservatorship , Names , Reality Tv Show , Red Flag , Bravo , Britney Spears , 2017 , Rights , Negotiation , Talks , Steven Spielberg , Debates , Shame , Conclusions , Negotiations , Relationship , Protests , Law , Background , Treatments , Judges , Ordinance , Demonstrators , Summer , Streets , Big American City , Stage , Fox News Legal Editor , Carey , Respect , Justice , Permission , Statute , Painting , Television Screens , Willful , Defacement Statute In D C , Public Property , Simple , Window , Front , Exception , Planned Parenthood Facility Pre Born Black , Message , Over Washington , Matter , Lives , Protestor Group , George , Arrests , Situation , Street , Mural , Graffiti , Court , Store , Sidewalks , Fronts , Facility , Covers , Violation , Police Officers , No One , Paint , Chalk , Advocates , Markings , Chalking Black Pre Born , Sidewalk , Winners , Activity , Law Enforcement , Losers , Amendment , Afoul , Obama Pointy , Trump Appointee , Biden Appointee , Let S Roll , Twist , It Doesn T Work , Water , Look , August , Rise , Debate About Shark Movies , Shark Sightings , Folks , Open Water , Bread , Scariest , Ton , Celebrity Move , Butter , Based On A True Story , Today S Hemmer , Shark Movies Are Hollywood , Waters , Scuba Equipment , Scuba Diving , Filmmakers , Times , Bodies , Graphics , 120000 , 20000 , Parents , Trailer , The Real Thing , Fun , Movies , Shark Debate , Haven T , Jaws , The Five , Most , Schools , Courthouse , New Jersey , Shouldn T , Gender Identity , Arms , Them , Demonstrations , Next , None , Flight Attendants , Turbulence , Flight Attendant , Guide , Trelegy , Copd , On , Coughing , Birds Flyin , Breeze Driftin , High , Copd Medicine , Ways , Feelin Good , Breathing , Medicines , Won T , Breathing Problems , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Heart Condition , Eye , Chest Pain , Pain , Stand , Vision Changes , Pneumonia , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Risk , Mouth , Problems Urinating , Swelling , Tongue , Pairs , Celebrity Sale , Picture , Fly Price , Celebrity Frames , Trelegy Com , Designer Frames , Sofia Vergara , 89 95 , 9 95 , Exam Today , America S Best , Master S , Master S Degree , 11 Thousand , 11k , Sleep Number , Competency , Gab , Setting , Bed , University Of Phoenix , Car Loan , Home Loan , Payments , Truck , Home Delivery , Dreams , Estate , Harm , Student , Irrevocable , School Gender Policy , Involvement , Kids , State Attorney , Teachers , Whether , Ruling , Child , Policies , Characteristics , Disclosure , Needs , Concerns , School Board , Partisan Issue , Hand , Districts , Watch , In Middletown , Isn T A , 99 9 , Hill , Doesn T , Argument , Levels , Danger , Parent , Fight , Nose , Advil , Something , Circumstance , School , Sex , Door , Learning , Age , 18 , Election , Brain , 2024 , Idea , Charge , Wall , Happening , Math , Points , Reading , Students , Eighth Grade , Trouble , National Average , 11 , Eight , Mission , Health , Well Being , Right , Murphy , Numbers , Stick , Scores , Home State , Intervention , Afternoon , State Of Massachusetts , Iraq War Veteran , License Team , Bill Mcgurn Rights No Catholics , Clip , Marriage , Sexuality , Beliefs , Catholics , Church , Burks , Reasoning , Another , Faith , Top , God , Test , Foster Parent , Hasn T , Isn T , Marriages , Dads , Moms , Manner , Muslim , Siblings , Culture , Special Needs , Ethnicity , Police , Paul Mauro , Teens , Chaos , Ran Riot , Union Square , Retired Nypd , Va Cash Out Loan , Debt , Call Newday , Magic , Dog , Effects , Food , Dog Bark , Pet Food , Farmer , Step , Pep , Coats , Sign , Metamucil , Fiber Gels , Digestive System Isn T , Best , Trap , Cholesterol , Waste , Metamucil Com Dana , Challenge , Blood Sugar Levels , Sugar Absorption , 14 , Riots , Pictures , Suspects , Giveaway , Internet Streamer , 4 , 12 , August 4th , Search , Construction Yards , Grab Weapons , 5 , 29 , Experience , Watershed Event , Make , Woof , Police Department , Gaming World , Guy , Gamer , Nobody Saw , Rapper , Rock Star , Stature , Social Media Platform Twitch , Tweets , Felony Charges , Youths , Clout , Kind , Surprise , 3000 , 18th Of August , Success , Following , Sugar , Reach , Inside Baseball , Behavior , Aback , Department , Reasons , Tips Line , Damage , Underplayed , Term , Monitor , Event , Disconnect , Needle , Hay Stack , Twitch , Size , Chance , Article , Light , Applications , Positive , Playstations , Toe , Youth Program 5000 Kids Show , Stealthy Golden Retriever , 5000 , Dip In The Pool , Backyard , Neighbor , Owner , Pup Out , Voters , Harris , Rock , Prices , Agenda , Passage , Economy , Sky High , Remarks , Inflation Reduction Act ,

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