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A criminal conspiracy to overturn the results of the 2020 president ial elections. In this state. The indictment brings Felony Charges againsthe in t donaldn john trump. It was so important we had to wait till midnight. Among the 19 included in theindi indictment is trumps former attorney, rudyctme giuliani,neyu and his former chief of staff, mark meadowsdy giuli. Trump is facing 13 counts in georgia now, bringing his Granis Facins Ind Total Loor number to 91. Criminal charges acrossr four indictments. Never in American History has there been one. They have now brought 90 plus p 191 against their most fearedpoi political opponent. The former president has Inen Chargedtil with the racketeering influenced and corrupt organizations aced d or rico, which is what prosecutors used to go after. You know t , gangsters and mob bosses. It carries with it a 20 year penalty. And we know the left will no t stop until they put him behind bars. Then the grand jury issued Arrest Warrants for those y isare charge d. I am giving the defendants the opportunity to voluntarily t surrender no later than nooner n on friday, the 25th day of tst. They wanted to arrest him, but bu to t i showed such restraint, so measured of me. Trumps legal team responded to the indictment this morning. We know that there weree knfu issues in Fulton Countlton cy r. We know its not a question. There was election issues and the integrity of our election is in question at this very moment. Thiand when he says, i want to look into it, i dont trust it. We need to look into itk. Ino thats his obligation as a president. Fulton county Da Fani Willis Prulton Coeto get this cas before a jury in under six months real fast. Sos than what comes next for trump and why is he whlets Arged Like A Mafia Kingpin . Lets ask former federal prosecutor breformer ft tollman bret, thanks for being here. Ive been waiting to hear from you. Get you to soundd Ge Offt Yo Ofa as a prosecutor, what dos you make of this prosecution,s this case right here, and how it compares to thecase r otherst donald trump now faces . Petrs thae . Thanks for having me on. On. Great to see you again. I will tell you thatsee you my assessment of this case assen that frankenstei mary shelley would have been repulsed by. It is. It needs to be displayed. It needs to be torn apart. And the creator needs to be run out of office. I dont say that lightly. Youre using a rico statute that is aimed at organized nations that conduct themselves purely for for corrupt reasons. And aging and criminal behavior. And that we are trying to root out under the guise of stability and legal business. Thats what rico is all about. Ive brought those cases. Tho my last rico case was against a very complex gang operating as a virtual cartel and this is the bastardization of a statute that we put into place to try to root out very complex, corrupt organizations a. But instead you have someone like fani willis that is using its. For political reasons. I look at every overt act that they have alleged, and to me it is its a shame that somebody that with a legal degree is trying to analyze a lawful election challenge undercrimin the lens of criminal lawal. Yeah, youre treating a Campaign Like a cartel. You mentioned these overt actsi. That are listed. I ret a chance to look ove most of the 98 pages today. Its amazing. I mean, the tweeting wha about whats on tv or calling calling your house or statereprs representative watching a georgia hearing. Watccan you send me a phone num . All followed by the sense of an overt act of furtherance of the conspiracy. Acm believed tea the election in georgia was wrongly decided. Were seeking evidence, and every one of those actions are stacked. I mean, adding those on. Does that help the Cas Ding Thoe or hurt it . Like theyre just loading it up . You mentioned Frankenstein Ag Ie are they . Theyre trying to make frankenstein look beautiful. I guesfrankenss, yeah. No, make no mistake, what theyre used to when they charge a conspiracy. Ed to do theyre used to outliningto conduct that shows the. The objective of the conspiracy is being carried out by Coke Conspirators every day. So thats why you have often, ofteny charge, tha you have somebody that drove a vehicle and it contained Methamphetamint Drovee in the br drove it to a different location and then gaveen it to o from point a to point b and gave it to another individual who then distributedb an it. Thats your rico charge, where youre youre alleging overt acts here. They have concerns becausehey he theyre not operating with a true criminal enterprise. Theyre then trying to list all of the behavior of lawyers and a client trying to use the legal system to object to an election. Theyre then making all of the mundane actions day in and day out actions of a legal challenge. The components of a conspiracyes that should scare you and should scare m ae. W and it should scare the American Public that were going to start doing this dae this dayy in and day out. It scares me real quick, though. Does it stick in court . Can hold ucourt . P. I think theres a lot Ofherei Maneuverability in georgias on this case. I know a jury will probably convic jury wit president trumpt theres a lot of maneuverability. Snd what i mean by that motion can be filed and the elements have to be met by thnd eelemeo prosecution. And i dont think they really cared. I think they just wanted this day to be in front of the cameras, to be able to say theyvee indicted a 98 page indictment. Looks too looks imposing, butimi look, whipped cream on manurnge is still manure. Yeah. They wanted their melvyn bragg moment and they got it. Brad tolman youve prosecuted these, you broke i. T down forfo us. Thank you for your insight. We appreciate it. Thank you. All right. Forme donald trump,r a former president and current frontrunner whos never been arrested before in his lifne, is facing 91 Felony Charges. Cing 9thats 700 years in priso. Even moses wouldnt make it out alive. Seven hundred years for failing to daring to contest elt the 2020 election. Having some documents at his Homeioving Som and filling s a business ledger in new york. These Chargenew Yorks were crafd to completely disable trump. T ig the rico charge we just talkedeo about in georgia is apparently would it were to stickt to unpardonable because its a state charge. And look who crawled out of chappaqua to celebrate. Madam secretary, fancy meeting you. Oh, i canncyt. This. Yeah. This is not the circumstances in Whiche Umstance i expected t. Talking to you, nor me. Rachel, its always good to talk to you, but honestly, i didnt think that it would be under these circumstances. Yet another set of indictments. Hillary was sitting in the msnbc green room all night just waiting for her one shining moment. Momesee, trump destroyed the clinton dynasty. Rearrange the republican partynd and changed American Politics foreveerican pr. D hes the first candidate and president to call out endless Foreigtol Oun Wars To Ed Unabated and cheap illegal immigration. That Big Business Secretlynts An wants and take on the Dc Bureaucratic Deep State Becauset he doesnt owe Them Anythingat and they dont control him. And because of that fact, theyre all about control. Theyve been trashing him since 2015. Needs to be medicated and hospitalized at this point, or he is going to just kill all of us. We can surely say his Wordslf Have Absolutel Un Say Emboldenee white supremacists. Supras given oxygen to racists. He is clearly tryinghe i to ignite a civil war in this countrs cly. He said today America First was not just a racial i mean, even, i should say racial, the hitlerian background to it that the russianarea as offered, the campaign accepted help. Th, and the tgave help president made full use of that help. This wat yothe after day and night after night. You remember it first, they slandered him, thenamed him they framed him. Then they impeached him twice. And now they arrest him four times. Eswhy not up the ante . E ante you know, biden called this bidet year before any of of th the indicted indictments had officially dropped. Just h we just have to demonstrate that he will not take poweavat r by if we if he does run, making sure he under legitimate efforts ofun our constitution, does not become the nextdoes not president again. He will not take power. I repeat, dont let trump have a second term by any means necessary. Joe biden, the Democrats Dem and the frankly, the Washington Unit partd y know what will happen if trump gets back into office. P gets bffice. Trump isnt goingy politics. Hes going to fight even harder. Litics. Smoking out every corrupo antiamerican swamp creature in drr c. Ens and that starts with the bidens. As he said today. Thats exactly why all ofs ar these indictments are happening noe haw. Ke a c make trump look likeri a criminal. Then next year, in 2024, trap the leading republican in court drain his resources. The d. A. In georgia says this trial will start in six months. Then hes got the new york case ,the d. C. Case, the florida case and a civil case. Theall in an election year. Heres the strategy. Protect Basement Biden and his failed policies by arresting trump. Your politicalis opponent gott to ask when any of thitos be happening if trump decided not to run. Its just that hes a threat ru trump is crushing the gop field and is tied with biden in thee polls, which means trumps winnin meansg. Now ho we know how polls work. The indictments did not dent trumps base the way democrats thought. It only helped him. People are smart. They see exactly whats rtg. Nin maybe voters dont think the former America First president deserves to, i dont know, die in jaimerica f l. Ey maybe they think 700 years is a7 Little Excessive00 for a political opponent. Or maybe theyre old enough a to remember all the other elections where democratlections said the election stolen. Ce. How can you win with russian interference, though . Thats what i i am scared aboun 2020, but rightly, because i think hes an illegitimate president. That. Didnt really win. So how do you, you know, fight against that in 2020 . You are absolutely right that as trump didnt actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election and he was e because rc the russians interfere. You can run the best campaign. And you can evenev become the nominn and you can have the election stolen from you. I believe he Knowolen Fros hn illegitimate president. Afose are all three years after tetrump won. E vote he tried right after to figure out if where the votes were, if it wasright. Right there, wantee about it three years later. But its only Illegayears L if youre trump or next. And this is why its so important anyone who supports him. Because while theyre doin suppg this to trump right now, if it works, they will come for his supporters next. Just wait. Contri charlie hurt is a fox newsbu contributor, a great guy to talgreak about this. Charlie, that feels likech the stakes to me. Tie him up in court, targetn cor your political opponentpoliti and they are Operation Warp Speed on this. No, i think youre Exactlythey E right about it, pete. And you know, this is the Insurance Policy S Th that we first heard about from six years ago with the fbi. And this is just a continue. This is like the Seventh Orinsua Eighth rider on that insurance policy. And theyve been doing inct sin before donald trump got elected. They startedtrected. Back in 205 with the use of of the obamawith Tadministration Usingtion U our Intelligence Services to spy on ousi r political opponent at the height of a campaign. And, you know, so this is you know, its all about politics. I think youre exactly right about it. I think most actly ri people see through. It. I think democrats are dangerousli Dangy Overstatig how much a lot of independents who dont particularly Likmuche Trump and maybe voted for biden last time, they democratsl think those people will hate donald trump. They dont hate him. They lood treyt k back and theyre like, well, i was a lot better off under that guy. Thos thae people will turn. And if democrats dont and i think democrats, you know, dont want to realize that and are probably too invested in their sort of Corrupt Operation to even care what those people want or think. And the best example oor thinkf, of course, is fani willis herself. So she got elected in 2021, her first her first goal was to begin investigating donald trump, which she did. And i think its realldid. Y interesting. During that year, her county saw over 200 homicides, over 250 in her county. Is Fulton County is the most violent, Dangerous Countyate of in the state of georgia. And this is was her priority. This is what she has spentoi her time doing. And why ding. D she announce it now . She could have announced these charges two and a half years agshe co o. The reason she announced it now is because she just this monthrl announced her reelection, a reelection bid. Thi bid ts is all politics, u point out, and i think ink it w its going to backfire in a very bad way for democrats. I think it really could. Ould. Charlie hurt as no one can, one shot. No one cayou nailed it. Thank you. Great to see you. You got it. All right. Coming u. Up, homeless vagrants, fentanyl and nancy pelosi. What a mix from the mountains to the fruited plains. 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Wednesday, september 27th on fox. Do you know where you are . Im in a dream, but in my dream we no longer have any hope of increasing our numbers. Tell me why you went today. Nowhere. Tonight. I take it then, that you are yourselves among the afflicted . We dont consider ourselves afflicted. Good to see you here. Good to see you here. Well, then, lets get started. I spend most of my life as a teacher, and ive always enjoyed helping others. After a couple of years in retirement, i realized i have a lot more to give. And thats when i became a visiting angels caregiver here with my Life Experience and love for people. It was a natural fit. Seeing jeannie so happy warms my heart. And if you need your heart warm to come join us and make a difference together in someones life. Visiting angels. Americas choice and home care. Biden family legal woes as the president denies involvement in hunters involvement in hunters business dealing goli, taste your goals. Expand your team with a fiber freelancer. Welcome back. S are well, china residents are rummaging through the rubble, hoping to find Anythingrurouge Ru that survivew deadliest us wildfire in over 100 years. The place they once called home now unrecognizable as theyre livingw. Propert i know my grandma has property there. The entire propertys gonee and that property holds a lotth of her familat proy. They all its all gone. Is al its all gone. Homes have bee gn laid to wastei many calling the scene in mauina a war zone. Over 2000 buildings have either been completely incinerated or Severelyhave Eitbe damaged, andn overwhelming majority being personal homes of lahainaa residents. Now, while aid is being sent and electricity almost fully restored and Search And Rescue is underwa fuly, many residents dont feel enough is being done. I want people to know that there are people out here suffering and we need donations. We neeering. D we need people shg things out here. We need we need families shipp. We need. Yeah, we need so much help. 99 have been killed in thistu wildfire. And that number is expected to climbmber to cl as hundreds i missing. Authorities are encouraging family take h missingssing. Members to take dna tests to help in identification processednsts. While the town of haina faces its most difficult crisis ever, the spirit of ohana seems unbreakable as people have been opening their doors in their homes to neighbors and sometimes and Hos Strangersn who have nowhere to go. Hotels and airbnbs have also the opened their doors to help provide shelter to the residents of the oncprovideshel. Landmark town on the soul of l. A. It is rich, you know, strong soul. And i think thats what a lot of them wanting to see is we know that were not going to get all the Old Buildings back and are going to get all the the historic landmarks of flying of thaildings t histort. But whatever we can salvage, i think thats what the people want. They wanwhatt the best ofe what reminds them of the oldremi lahainnda. Now, joining us from maui, cohost of fox and friends weekend, will cain. Will, your coverage so far hasca been phenomenal of the reality. Its one of the few reporting on whats happening there. Yo you know, that shop behind you reminds you the beauty, the sheer beauty of that place, which is the contrast of the devastation set, the scenean as youve been down there now a couple of days. What youre seeinthere a g . Well, youre absolutely right, pete. Its just that dichotomy of itox o,hat toparadise lost right now, pete, i can tell you that to my knowledge, we here at fox are the only National Media in west maui. West mausti is isolatedrms of physically and in terms of information from the rest of the worlin rest ofd, cell servi. Is rough. And the only reason we got here is tha t as know, my familysars an been here for Something Like 40 years and we have property here to get through the securityvepert checkpoints. In fact, pete, the mayor oferda maui yesterday tried to kick us out of west maui, saying its a media free zone. Its not. Freeis a first amendment. Ndme theres United States constitution and this is americant aited sta. T said i but what you just said is perfect, man. Im going to show you somethingu. Im in. T im in. Im just about, id say, two miles from lahaina. This is kaanapalles from ina. Is h bei beach behind t me. And im about to go around this corner. Its called the poino t. And when i do, ill get the first look of lahaina. But youre coming right now. Im coming to you on a boat to jim, and my buddy owns this boat, and were going to get a look at lahaina from the water up close front street. Thatll be on foax and friends tomorrow morning. But, pete, you nailed it. It is ohana, it is community thatit iana. Is comm is the stoe i have seen things, pete, thatha will make you Believt Wille in america. It is incredible what citizens, not the government. Peteits what citizens are doing for one another. Ention well, you mentioned the inspiring nature of what citizeneds are doingt to in contrast to government. Wheres the leadership . Goveri mean, we heard joe bidee today say some remarks, you know, about doing everything they can from the federal government. But whats the sense on the ground of where the leadership is coming where l if at all, other than from eachr other . So youre in an informational black hole. I dont know that joe bidens message has even reached the people ont knowf west maui. But i will say this. I w that 700 is going to bet to sent to the families of lahaina. No w, i just did some quick math, pete. Theres about 13,000 was about 13,000 residents of lahain,000 resa time, 700. Thats 1. 9 million. K th i think this week we announcediw another 40 billion for ukraine. R im not sure where we are at this point, but i believe its Something Like 140 billiono total for ukraine. And last i checked, this is the United States ofr america as its east palestine, ohio. So i dont know why its so hard comparatively to Rally Forr America and so easy comparedat to lead to support ukraine. The forgotten Men And Women On An Island forgotten today by the administration, distracted by so many other things. On, disted by sowell real quice the death toll, the Search And Rescueat, its ongoing. Whil so while youre providing aid for people, were still tryingre to find out if people are alive, right. I mean, thats still ongoing. Yeah. Yeah. And honestly, pete, thatso grab really hard piece of information to grab your arms around to get a hold of. We kno arms arw, as you mentiona its about 100, but theres so many more missing. I talked to families, said, are yony mor u missing someone . E you just anecdotally, the good news is not a lot omif people are ter me i cant find this person or that person. Oft on the other hand, therest. Talk of a search in the ocean. The dive teams are looking fords bodies, that there are bodies that perhaps were burned not just beyond recognition, but existence. So how do you know if someone was there, if they n o longer even have evidence that they were there in lahaina . And i just have to sayere in, M Fox Audience has been amazing. And, you know, thig. S you know this firsthand. My friends and i families long Timeends Andlies Lon here in hae together something we are going to guarantee goes directlyve to families. And i would love for you guys to continue to help. Youve raised it, fox. Youve guy ue raised 1,000,000 forr families. And i will personally help guarantee gets to them. Will peits help. Maui now. Com or help the people of maui go fund me and youve just youve just filled my heart man. Its its its amazing and its about what the government has s amazin said it would do so far. Turns out like you said,t american citizens rallying around each other. Well, youve done a phenomenal job, but we look forward in that report done. In the mog on fox and friends. Thank you. God bless. And god bless all the souls there. T He Mng O Appreciatn foe your brothej coming up, joe bidens got a big grin machine and hes not afraid to use it. Unexplained, maddening and even a little unhinged. Some of these stories are too controversial to even mention, but were going to anyway. Join me as fox nation investigates some of the biggest ones around in fox files. Part two. Were diving into the tragically unsolved the case of missing Malaysian Airlines plane. Theres a huge vacuum of information here. The question now is, will we ever find it . The internets trendy movement, the government killed every single bird and replaced them with robots as a surveillance tactic. They wanted to surveil everybody all the time. There is no camera on this pigeon. And the people convinced the king still lives. 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San franciscos leadership turned a once beautiful city into an abyss filled with crime, drugs and homelessness. You know that. And right now, what youre seeing on your scree at you an is nearly 50 people, you know, abusing fentanyl outside of the San Francisco federal building. Its so dangerous at that location. Theyre telling nancy pelosi,lo her fellow employees and hundreds of othesir federal employees to work from home for the foreseeable future, citing conditions at the federal building. Yeah, conditions. Building. Ahy too dangerous to go to work at the Building Full of feds. Too much crime. Y too many drugs. San fran even needed to stopnstruc the Construction Otif a 1. 2 billion tower due to rampant crime and homelessness. So how did a city like this succumb to such discord face . Anw well, its not just nancy flush who flushed the city down th. Toileted Kamala Harris was the d. A. Ri of San Francisco for six yearswt. She could have helped prevent this, but of course, she failed like she does at t. And San Franciscos not the only liberal citanciscy than been torn down by awful leadership. According to a Household Pulse survey, the city of seattl thee now has the highest percentage of residents amongst large us metrotage o areas who t a pressure and feel pressure to move due to their safety with drug use and Gun Violenceoe as some of their biggest concerns. Seattle is iir Biggestn Desperat help. Its people want out. So to what does the white houso about this . Well, you guessed it. They sen . Guessed d in kamala, bo to talk about crime. Alhow about electric schoolou buses . This work was designed to dramatically expand solarr Wind Energy Production to Lower Energy Cost for workingand families, and to put millions of Electric Vehiclestod on the road, including thousands of Electric School Busends of es. So that, of course, thr children can have clean air to breathe. And this is all to to dois what we know we must do to meet the challenges of this moment. I you know, because our kidsds are going to get on the electric buses. The people want safety, but soughlin wants Wan Electric Schl buses. Sounds about right for her. Safe to assume theseunds about l buses wont be, i dont know, locking up criminals or cleaning up streets, getting drugs off the street. Instead, kamala lectures othergl to meet the challenges of thiss moment because we know shee we never will. Sadl ke y. Well, about 100 parentsparent protested outside a new jersey courthouse this afternoon. The states democratic governor, phil murphy, is suingstate To Stopne One District from requiring schools to notify parents ifhild their child wants to change their genderwants. Or imagine the horror. Fox news correspondent nate ford is live with us in freehold, new jersey, with the very latest. Nate, help me ou witt. Hey, pete. Good evening, Superior Court j judge david bowman promised a decision on the states efforts to ban these policies temporarily for now. He said that decision will be coming shortly but did not define exactly what he meant by that. So well be watching for wee the rest of the week for a ruling to come dowk n. But today in court, the state argued that Irreversible Harmdei would be done to transgender kids if the School Facilds Statd that child coming out to their parents as transgender pare they communicated with the parents back at home. Prt on the other sidt e of this, you have the Middletown School board president who says, how can parents help their children if they dont know whats going on . Noi truly do believe that t the policy now in placrue with this state, if lifted, will help the children not only throughout the state and middletown, but the whole country. And thatsand middthe what we r. We really need to help our children. P today we saw protesters on both sides of this, kid about 100 parents and kids supporting their School Boards and roughly ten transgender activists. Now, governor phil murphys administration claims the policies violate the states anti discriminatetoy action law. State attorney general matt platkin said today this wa g ss after the hearing in pat quote, these new policies mandate disclosure based on certain protected characteristics withou t eventh assessing the individual needs or concerns of the child. However, pete, the policy in Middletown Schools explicitly requires an assessment of an individual student schoolss circumstance. Pare the parents who elected School Board Members to representntvals their tell fox news this whole t thing is ridiculous. This is for our Middle School and undere age group. These are babies. These are minors. These are childrene our ba who d their parents to be awarthe. These policies impact children as young as five years old. And the judges decision is going to have immediateold. Em impacts because School Starts stt bin new jersey in aboupa three weeks. Send it back to you. , all my whole life. T . Did i hear you right . Right at the beginning of your report, you said allowing a parents to be a part ofth the conversation. The state argued allowing Parente E Argueds to be a part ofision the decision would cause s. Eversible harm to kidwo is that what they said . That the state argued for real . That is exactly right. Thats what wa ws said in courtt today. The state argues that the Irreversible Harhat Them Ini Challenge would be done if was parent wasnt ready to providen a supportive environment for that child. And again, the grades vary depending on the district here. E some are k through eight, others are kthrough12. But wow, again k, Kindergartenis Kids are part of this stattatee policy just five years old, it sent back to kindergarten kidsb. ,puberty, blockers, you know, physical altering surgeries that sounds like irreversible to me. In the train starts when the parents arent involved. Nate foy, than Ttraining Thek Yr all right. Lets turn it over to a parentwh whos been at the front lineso ofha our war on kids. Ian prior is the founder of fight for schools and he joins mes me now now. D ian, you know, the decks really stacked against these parents in new jersey whoy who simply Wt A Commonsense policy that says let us let us be involved. But if the state is going to be this heavy handed about pushing this radical policy all the way down to the individual school, h district level, what are parents to do . Well, its reallyrestin interesting because youre seeing these cases all over the countrygbecaus thes way they usually get to the core is a parent will challenge the schools policyll challth saying, well,. Tell the kids. Right. The teachers cannot tell the kids parents that the kid Want Teacherss to be transgender andg courts are usually blocking these from going forwardende on ading standing issue. Theyre saying, well, because your kid isnt transgender issue and hasnt been and you havent actually been harmed from a secret being kept from you, wern asecret be going to dismi. On standing here. You have the exact opposite, right . You have e ex The School Boardurts S and these other courts say this is this should be in the political procesay s. So here you have the political process playing out. The elected Officialyou Haical T chosen by their district putting in place a policy that vindicate parents parentalents constitutional rights. And now you have the state coming parl in and saying, no, no,bout y no, no, we dont careouti about your constitutional rights. We cartution rige about this antidiscrimination law. So forget the constitutiotid so forget the constitution and your kid could change genders without you knowing. Withouand we think thats the rt policy. And if we dont, youre causing e damage to your kid. Its inconceivable. Im Grateful Forit Inconce Peope you are fighting back on the front lines. Parents elect School Boards pa schoolind thoselines. Boards, fight that state and those policies. And we have to get the heck out of new jerseu have Tgey Becauset your kids in kindergarten, if they can, in pryor. Thank you so much better thanou me. All right. Coming up, joe bidenmuch, you gt it. Just joe biden just bought a multibillion Dollar Vacuum and he wants to use it. Theyre off from school, but not really home. Images and videos, social media steal them away alone. E a pl you cant stopan it. Together, we will. 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Mr. Is into nature professor cuts into science together we cuts into science together we work like our Senecae Reliab Lae to relieve occasional constipation seneca cats made from the son of plan like Ust Rd By Science to be reliable Perfect Match just like us. Seneca. When you cant watch listen get the latest News Business and News Headlines on sirius xm. Any time anywhere. Fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening. Emily harris and kaylee, theyre taking on the hot topics with powerfulyou how gro. So wish yourself dirty. You get 15 off and free ping at try whiskey. Anday marks the two Year Anniversary of one of the most embarrassing, insulting and disappointing days in American History. Our disgraceful withdrawal from afghanistan. N. And two years later, the Biden Administration still thinks they made the right call. The decision to withdraw from afghanistan was an incredibly difficultw from one,g also the right one. We ended americas longest war. Joe biden made it two things clear after he botched completely botched that withdrawal. One, this was an unmitigated success. And to any Afghan National who helped the u. S. In that war would be welcome to our countryr with open arms. Remember that big airlift . We knew number was a lie fromwe the get go. We saw it before our eyes. E13 dead american is notan a success by any measure. N abje its an abject failure. And now, two years later, we know the second part was a lie to. This is habib. For years, he worked alongside us. R yearl ops as an interpreter. He survived two Ied Explosio N and was shot multiple times. He also became Multipl Lifelongs with green beret. John paul pelosilaski. I had several Interpretersi Ha in iraq and afghanistan. You get to know each other quickly, share the risk and you certainly dont want to leave them behind. But thats what joe biden did. He left to bob and so manyt interpreters like behind his name, ended up on a taliban kill list. Eventually, habib fled to turkey, where hes livingevel illegally and under the radar for fear of being captured and tortured. E john didnt think hed ever see his friend habib again until the two were recently t reunited. This summer, when john travelehe d t to turkey to visit habibha in secrecy. Bib inthe next step bring habibh to america. Ifabib t joe wont make good ont promise, john will. John has begun fundraising to bring habib to the United States. G habi and nearlyt died for. Retired Green Beret John Pesca joins me now. John, thank you for your service. I understand your connection to habib , what he went throughld and on the battlefield. Did your desire to get him home. Yourwhen you hear the Biden Administration say, were committebidend to bringing all e guys home, what do you say based on your experience . Well, my question is, is when when is the commitment can be fulfilled . So, you know comm, weve been working with, you know, many nonpcymakers, many different nonprofits, you know, the special immigrant visa, which is Meantthecial Im peoplee habib, unfortunately has unfos in thoseighter who are fighters in the afghan war, are on eligible for comin g over on a savvy visa. There is some legislation that was recently put in front of the senate and the congress, the Afghan Adjustment Act language that would have included those who had served Alongsiduage Woue of a specialir Operation Forces female tacticians, females who fought alongside the men and women of the United States. You know, unfortunately, sid you know, on both sides, you know, we failed to get those votes. And sovotes. You, know, were c, on Congress Congressional leaders, were calling Col Leadernn Administratio to fix this, because it is absolutely not right. What we dotely n is leave those who are allies behind. Hey, john, you saw our administration fail us in happened relying on the taliban for security. Not not norsecurit you know, ths Killing Dropping a bomb on the wrong Targeb Ont Ofthe Civilians and not killing the bomber before they killed our americans. What happened was a failure ethe ex in our exit in afghanistan. Why have you still not quit . Whity . Youre not going to allow yourself to fail. Youre going to follow throughyl. Why are individual vets and guys like you doing everything you canebts to to fi . In where the government failed . Yeah, i mean, i think, you know, multiple reasons. I mean i mea, one, habib saved my life in multiple their lives, you know,life and a instance, we were going around a corner, my afghan counterpart, a captain , was going around this mud wall and in a spew of machine gunfirend, came out, shot and killed him right in front of habib. And i habib, you know,i. Credit know from saving my life and many other members of my teay lim, you know, and thats just, you know, one instance. I mean, these guys are with the the most, you know, ofh the The Best Americans Out Theres in every single day giving putting their lives in front. Id say,front. Second of, you k, where we are culturally in america. You know, recentlye , you know, admir heard from or read from admiral mullen. You knowalllen. , hes talking about how, you know, the youth, you know, are coming of age, enlist in the United States military, are being instructed ,you know, their leaders, their mentors, their teachers, their coaches. You know, theres betterthere. Options out there. I disagree and i disagree with those coaches and mentors and teachers, you know, everybody that has an opportunity. And then smartybody has peoplel parents should encourage people to enlist in the enco to enli, seats. Need you know, to fill those seats. You know, were running 75 of our Recruiting Effort in the army right now. Reting effee for at sustainabl for a, you know, Mission Forceee . Its true. But the pentagon better figure out its priorities because theyre sendinr s priorig all te signals to all the dudes out there who would otherwise very quickly want to sign up to doh o what you did. Thank you so much for your service. And werr youre praying for hab. Thank you. All right. Than. K you. Got a next. Joe biden, hes got a plan to fight Climate Change and it to fight Climate Change and it literally literally on the Chevy Silverado, has o it all with up to 13 camera views and the c 71 offroad package. Okay. Yeah. Is any truck can help you make a living. This one helps you build a life Chevy Silverado its the actually really seriously basil of the year for real at mattress firm. Look we even put it on a hat. Thats how real it is. Dont wait. Save up to 700 on sealy and get a Free Adjustable base. 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Dont miss Trace Gallagher weeknights at 11 on fox news at night, texas and louisiana, you better make room becauseden the Biden Administration is coming and they plan on ou the carbon out of your air. The rural south is about to beoe The Guinea Pig for Carbon Technology and it will only prst you a mere 3. 5 billion prime times, calling it the big green machine. The texa s project, led bys proj Occidental Petroleum corporation, Have Giant Machinesecd by that will be used to suck greenhouse and Greenhouse Gases out of the atmosphere. Its like a Vacuum Cleaner Fore the clouds and the waycl thn disposing that c captured carbon. Its brilliant. Justaris brill look under your , because thats exactly where its going. Thats right. Once carbo n gets up by theset suck government funded vacuumeds, the Company Plans to bury it because burying carbon bury it l earth doesnt have any possible side effects. Right . Well, it turns out carbon cand leak. And once it leaks, you have contaminated the surrounding area have and the Water Suppliesies N and. Well, that. Thatsd not the only wonderful trait of this new Technology Carbon out of our takes a lotlof of energy, so much so thaty. Capturing 1 billion tons ofrbonw carbon would require using every piece Ofouire Usin Green Y weve ever produced, including nuclear. And its expensivr pre to carbon too. Its around 100 to collect just one ton. E captur we a billion tons of carbon, it will cost around 100 billion dollars. Now thats a return on investment for you. But to spend this muchu. , be the technology has to be proven right. A track record of success. Well, now a United Nations panel said in may thatthat t the suckers are technologicallhy and, economically unproven and pose unknown and social risks. Is soden administration bent on being the leader of green energy. They will blindly bankrollbankro experimental programs, bury the results in perfectlyllenta and then burn through our money to make their point. But the reality is their point is void of any real change. Its just a giant virtue signal that this time actually time a and americans are leftct picking up the pieces of a failed nationwide energy program, paying mor e and praying every day that their next sip of water isnt contaminated thebon. With carbon. They really must think were the sucker s. Ts br lets bring in babylon b,in writer and author of elephants are not birds. Ashley st clair. Ashley so sorrrds, Ashy We Haveo little time, but 3. 5 billion for unproven technology. Sounds great, right . Oh, it sounds fantastis great,c and theres people at home who are foolishly worried about feeding their families for about paying rent, and they should be celebrating that joe biden is doing importantenut things like spending 3. 5 billion on a giantthings machin. You should just stay home. Dont worry. Its all going to be taken carwe of and stop having those. Its goinbiesg too many babi. Oh, yeah. Dont have babies. St Stop Eating Meat as well because. But if we do, you can create sug more big green carbon machines. So it kind of works for them. Yes. Because yeah, the Climate Crisis is ththe clime new colvi the sky is falling. You just need to stay homeneo st and leayt us. To do. Thats what they want to do. They want to just let them. Pete. Just let them. Its also a nickname for washington, d. C. Its called the biname forg green stuff mac. Ashley st clair, thank. Great response. Thank you. Why you write it . The babylohy yn bill be fantast. All right. That is all fo. R tonight. Thanks for watching. Jesse watters, prime time. Im pete hegseth. Have a great tuesday night, everybodhegseth,esday niy sean p next. All and welcome to hannity. And as we begin tonight, wee have breaking news, a former high ranking fbi special agent. His name is charleer highs mcgd now, he just ple gd guilty to violations of us sanctions and laundering Paymenth S Fromor a russian oligarch. Wow. Herets the important par. To note, and that is charles wasnt just any Rank And File member of the fbi knew. Senior agent had a prominent

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