Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

the indictment follows a year-long investigation, 75 witnesses and 98 pages. the fulton county district attorney. >> the indictment alleges that rather than abide by georgia's legal process for election challenges, the defendants engaged in a criminal racketeering enterprise to overturn georgia's presidential election. >> harris: so in those 98 pages the indictment targets 19 defendants with a total of 41 charges. the former president faces 13 of those 41 charges himself. prosecutors say they have various emails, texts, phone calls as evidence against all 19 plaintiffs. trump's co-defendants, the 18 others include some of his attorneys at the time and his former white house chief of staff. the district attorney says she hopes to go to trial in six months and try all 19 at the same time. fox news contributor and legal expert jonathan turley says the two tiers of justice as plain as day. >> the contrast is extraordinary. trump is being indicted for everything short of ripping a mattress label off. and yet the department of justice seems to be waiting for a virtual confession from the president in order to bring an indictment. it is a very weird contrast. but this is becoming so serious. >> harris: attorney leo terrell in "focus" in just a moment. let's beginning with senior correspondent jonathan serrie outside the courthouse in atlanta. >> good morning, harris. the district attorney says former president trump and his 18 co-defendants will be given until noon on august 25th to voluntarily turn themselves in. meanwhile, the former president and his legal team are lashing out against prosecutors over the timing of the indictments. take a listen. >> this is the fourth indictment in months. political, election interference and obvious -- obvious, if you aren't awake yet i don't really know what it will take for you. >> the former president has been indicted along with 18 others including his former chief of staff mark meadows and former trump attorneys rudy giuliani and sidney powell. various individuals charges. all 19 defendants are accused of violating georgia's racketeering law that carries a maximum prison sentence of 20 years. the 98-page indictment lists scott mccafe as the judge presiding over the case. he was appointed by brian kemp and joined the fulton county superior court earlier this year. hours before the jury handed up the indictment, an incomplete document listing the same charges appeared on the fulton county court's website before it was abruptly taken down. the d.a. deflected questions about what happened. >> i am not an expert on clerks' duties or even administrative duties. i wouldn't know how to work that system. i'm not going to speculate. next question. >> the fulton county sheriff says current plans are the former president and the other 18 co-defendants would be booked like any other defendant. in other words, they would have to show up at the jail to have their mug shots taken. problem with that the fulton county jail is under investigation by the u.s. department of justice looking into conditions there after an inmate died earlier in the year. many analysts believe that some sort of compromise will be worked out before then. harris. >> harris: the newest indictment is on the heels of three others. the first was the hush money case in manhattan. then the classified documents case in florida and the justice department's january 6th probe in d.c. fox news contributor andy mccarthy says out of all of the indictments georgia is the most perilous threat to trump explaining that fulton county d.a. fani willis is probing serious misconduct she can plausibly maintain she is investigating trump based on what he did not who he is. the question is whether what he did amounts to criminal offenses. what should most concern trump is that the georgia case could be the most enduring of all the criminal indictments. that's an end of quote there from andy mccarthy. attorney and fox news contributor leo terrell. do you agree with andy mccarthy on this being the most perilous threat to president trump? >> yes only to the point, harris, that there are specific georgia laws that deals with election irregularities. other than that i think this case won't see daylight until after the 2024 election. >> harris: that's really interesting because if that's the case, then it would look a little bit more -- i don't know, does it look more or less political to you? >> no, it's purely political. this d.a., harris, has been campaigning. she is an elected d.a. prosecutor. but she has been campaigning on this. let me give you the reasons why. there are 19 other -- 19 total defendants. they are scattered all over the country. they will have to get to georgia next week. you will hear this continuances. they will get attorneys and basically try to get arrangements to get to georgia. it is going to delay it. the district attorney said six months. i can tell you right now on fox on your program this case will not take place in six months. not at all. >> harris: okay. if you are a trump supporter looking at this and all you are hearing is the indictments will be a wall against this president, there will be a stopgap against him. what you are telling me this could go on for a very long time. not effectively so or what is the enduring mean in the overall picture? >> harris, these four indictments historic. they are trying to stop trump from running for president. it is not going to happen. what they are doing is trying to wear him down. they are trying to distract him from the campaign of running for the highest office in the land. it is not going to work. the democrats are using the legal system. this is why this is so weird. they are using the legal system for political gains. what they are doing is attacking an opposing candidate through the legal system. that's not how our legal system works. these cases in my opinion do not have any merit whatsoever from all the four cases that have been charged for indictments, these cases are purely political and why it's so hard as a lawyer of 30 years to see these cases through the legal lens of how justice is served. >> harris: you will school all of us on this. i've only read this but i understand the charges that are all under georgia's racketeering, influence and corruption organizations act or rico as we often hear it are used for mobsters and drug -- >> the counter suit will happen after this case has been resolved. but normally rico is used for again the mob, criminal elements, for fraud and violence, intimidation, violence. this is, however, being used under the georgia election laws. they do have specific election laws. but whether or not there is merit to these charges. for example, the d.a. claims there are 161 tweeting, like a phone call? she has basically thrown the kitchen sink at trump. i don't think the case has merit from a standard of the fact that trump was basically articulating his right as president during the time and his first amendment rights. >> harris: as an american citizen. >> there is nothing wrong with saying over the phone hey, i need to find 11,000 votes. that's not criminal. that's just speech. >> harris: talking about the kitchen sink and all they will have to do the scoop up the other 18 people, it seems enormous and so we'll follow the trail. glad you are here to break it down. i want to get to this. a case that might not move as swiftly. the new special counsel in the case against president biden's son, hunter, though just heard from the judge. david weiss and his team must clarify their path forward by noon eastern today. remember the original sweetheart plea deal that fell apart in court recently? well, it made it so that hunter biden was unlikely to serve any jail time. it included probation and a fine and also a diversion program agreement for his gun charge. his attorneys say the gun portion of the plea deal still stands. meanwhile, the two tax violations could go to trial. your take. walk us through it. >> thank you, harris. i am old enough to remember when we were talking about the judge could derail this deal and she did. >> harris: you were right. >> basically the hunter key wants to salvage that diversion portion. the deal right now is dead. david weiss has told the judge by notice that he is going to vacate the case in delaware because he will file in another district. over the weekend, hunter biden's legal team said wait a minute. we have a deal with the diversion. that takes two parties to agree and the judge to sign off. all indications tell us the judge hasn't signed off on this deal. the hunter biden team wants portions of that plea deal to survive. i don't believe it will survive, harris. >> harris: that's really fascinating. quickly, statute of limitations, how does it apply here? is that something that people watching this closely should know about? >> yes. again david weiss appointed allegedly last week as special counsel. i thought he already had special counsel powers. the clock is running on all these charges except the ones that have been brought before this judge on these two tax charges. but the clock is running as we speak. david weiss has a lot of information available. i suggest he get the i.r.s. agents involved as well. the clock is running. some of these charges can basically fall by the wayside due to the statute of limitations problem. >> harris: i can't imagine that anybody in the biden family would love that to happen. an ideal situation. let the clock run out. not good at the end of a football game if you are losing, great if you are the biden family. good to see you, thank you. the white house also facing questions about the new special counsel in the hunter biden investigation, david wise weiss the man behind the sweetheart deal that fell apart. congress wants to hear from david weiss. this will be interesting. plus we've heard it over and over. the economy is getting better. we heard it from the president. not actual people buying food. >> we have the highest price level we've ever had in u.s. history today. that's it. you see prices rise and rising more slowly. that's what people really care about. >> harris: prices are a lot higher than when biden took office. but he is banging the bidenomics drum. republican senator john kennedy in "focus" next. veteran homeowners. if you're on a fixed income, inflation can hit you extra hard, especially if you're using high rate credit cards to take care of your family's expenses. even minimum payments are tough. it's too much and it's time to hit back. with a newday 100 va loan, you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to pay off those high rate credit cards and other debt. and you can save $500 a month. that's $6,000 a year. living with metastatic breast cancer means i cherish my memories. but i don't just look back on them, i look forward to the chance to make new ones every day with verzenio. verzenio is proven to help you live significantly longer when taken with fulvestrant. verzenio + fulvestrant is for hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer that has progressed after hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain and rapid breathing or heart rate or if you are nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. i'm making future memories every day with verzenio. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ wealth-changing question -- are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? 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>> you know, i can tell you they are hoping for rain. this island is extremely dry, which added to many of the issues along with the winds from dora and the high pressure system. it is too early to tell, unfortunately, exactly what the track is. we should know more in the next 48 hours as that system continues to make its way through the pacific and the cleanup and honestly going through the ashes and still looking for human remains continues. it is very tough for a very proud island of maui right now here just after 5:00 a.m. in hawaii. >> harris: thank you very much for the update. god bless those people. president biden is right now on his way to milwaukee, wisconsin for a bidenomics victory lap. i'm not sure what he is celebrating. but it is becoming a familiar refrain from this administration. >> look, folks, that's bidenomics. bidenomics is just another way of saying restore the american dream. >> here to talk with you about bidenomics, the word of the day, week and month and word of the year here at the white house. >> that's bidenomics, growing the middle class in this country. >> the architect of bidenomics is biden. >> bidenomics flows off the tongue. >> harris: no it doesn't. and when you take poll after poll after poll showing how americans really feel you know for a fact it doesn't flow anywhere off the tongue. the latest shows 51% some the economy is in a downturn and will get worse. that's how people feel. that's what they are going through. those are the bills they are paying. only 37% approve of how biden is handling the economy, 30% approve of what he is doing for inflation. i don't even know what they see. moody's analytics are spending $7 hundred a month more than they were two years ago. >> they should distinguish between high prices and inflation. that's the real difference. you see prices rise and rising more slowly. that's what people really care about. they don't care about inflation. they care about how high prices are. prices are really high. the highest today they've ever been in u.s. history period. >> harris: republican senator john kennedy from louisiana, member of the judiciary and appropriations committee. senator, no one ever talks about the fact that inflation, the rate has come down to 3% but paying 3% more than we did on top of the high prices we were paying last year. >> well harris, let me say first quickly i listened to your clip about what's going on in maui. it just breaks my heart. we have been through it in louisiana with hurricanes. all i can say to my fellow americans in hawaii you will want to give up at some point. don't. just get up every day. put one foot down and then another foot. the american people will be with you. i will vote to help you out in congress. i'm just so sorry they are going through it. i'm also sorry that the american people are going through bidenomics. bidenomics is pretty simple, it is just bigger government, more spending, and higher prices. and i've said this before. in louisiana inflation is gutting my people like a fish. my people are getting really good at barely getting by. and in america you shouldn't have to take an early distribution from your retirement account or sell blood plasma in order to go to the grocery store. president biden is out there saying prices are high and your 401k is crashing because the economy is so good. he just doesn't get it. and that's why he is polling up there right up there with -- i don't know, with an infection. >> harris: it is interesting that he doesn't get it perhaps but what about all the people around him? are they not getting it or are they just not truthful? >> you go ahead. >> harris: i was going to say we know the administration loves to say inflation is trending downward. year-over-year from july of 2022 to july of this year inflation 3.2% after breaking it at peaking it at 9.1% in june of last year. so we're still now paying those prices plus 3% more. everything is higher. it keeps getting higher. when you look at the numbers of inflation since biden took office, the numbers are staggering. overall january 2021 to last month is up 16%, food, at home. your groceries are up 20%. >> well, my people in louisiana, for example, the median household income for family of four in louisiana is 55,000 to 60,000 a year. because of bidenomics they are paying an extra $7 hundred a month and they don't have it. any good news, the rate of inflation has been thawing. that just means prices are still going up but they aren't going up as quickly as they were. but these -- i hate to say it, but these high prices are permanent. even if inflation goes to 0 tomorrow, we are still going to be stuck with these higher prices, which are a direct result of president biden's economic policy. and do the people around the white house get it? i think some get it but they can't defend it. others just feel like their favorite form of spending which is causing this inflation is more. and they don't get it. but either way, this is -- this inflation is the cancer on the american dream. i know president biden wants to change the subject in the election to president trump and his indictments but if you ask me to single out one thing that is causing president biden, as i said, to be about as popular as robocalls, it is inflation. >> harris: everybody can't stand robocalls. what you said was chilling, the high prices are here to stay. it makes sense the disconnect between the white house and his team and his staff and what american people are feeling and paying. they feel the stubbornness of how much it hurts to eat and drive and do the basics in life and they know it is not going away. you said that quiet part. the white house refuses to tell us the truth about those prices. senator, thank you. >> and in the meantime all we get out of washington is more indictments of president trump and all the sleaze surrounding hunter biden and david weiss. no wonder the american people have started to hate government. >> harris: they feel like you don't see them in washington. i have know you do and your words were heard loud and clear about hawaii, too. i hope that starts. >> don't give up, folks in maui, you will want to but we'll be there for you. >> harris: thanks for being in "focus." president biden's campaign sticking by vice president kamala harris and they are going to be talking up her accomplishments despite her bottom of the barrel ratings. plus campaign season 2024 officially kicks off next week with the first republican presidential debate right here on fox. most of those gop candidates are in iowa hoping to make their case with voters in the first in the nation caucus state, that's january 15th. can you believe that's coming up so fast? power panel is next. 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[applause] balloons breaching our sovereign territory, they are made in china, they're stealing our intellectual property to create the battery future for the world. we're the ones that come up with the ideas and they steal it from our companies. it is one of the reasons why we must have a president who brings home our supply chains, who brings home our jobs, and creates it and makes it in america. i want made in america, a plan to create 10 million jobs by bringing our supply chains home and focusing in three specific areas, energy, because i believe energy independence is national security. [applause] >> we have certainly strayed away from that and given it away, oh my goodness. >> number two, we can create high-tech manufacturing jobs paying six figures to americans to do the work and build the things that our nation needs. number three, innovation will help us cure cancer in less than ten years in my opinion. we'll have the strongest economy, the strongest healthcare system if we focus on the private sector and not the government. >> yay, yay. [applause] we'll stay in this vein a little bit. we have an open southern border. every state is a border state. i have national guard members down helping texas out right now. they were proud to do it. give you that and i have a question from iowans. we gave them the opportunity to weigh in. just between march and may of this year, the department of public safety federal and local law enforcement seized 364 pounds of meth. 72 pounds of cocaine and 27,450 fentanyl tablets in 90 days in the state of iowa. so katie, it is impacting every single state in this country. katie wants to know what are three specific actions you would take toward border control. you were just there. >> i was. i was in yuma, arizona, 115 degrees is hot, number one, number two, the first thing we have to do is use common sense. finish the border wall. number one. [applause] number two, we have to crush the cartels. they are the ones that are taking the precursors from china, developing fentanyl in mexican labs, and then they are bringing it across our southern border and ports of entry. we have the available military-grade technology to stop the fentanyl flow across our borders. it would cost us $5 billion. our nation spends $7 trillion for $5 billion. we could save maybe 70,000 american lives last year alone we lost 70,000 americans to fentanyl. the third thing i would do is reinstate the remain in mexico policy. asylum policy and also go back to the title 42. the current healthcare emergency we all know ain't covid, but it is fentanyl. we can reinstate something like title 42 to stem the tide of 6 million illegal immigrants crossing our border. we can do that on day one of my administration. [applause] >> harris: tim scott, 1 of 12 republicans in iowa, a key state with iowa caucuses five months away. we wanted to dip into his fair-side chat in iowa with governor reynolds when they happen during this hour. a recent fox business poll shows president trump with a commanding lead still among republican caucus goers. 46%. desantis has 16%. senator tim scott comes in third with 11%. just more than a week to go until the first republican debate right here on fox, five candidates have met all of the criteria for the debate and they are polling, fundraising and taking the pledge the rnc has put forth that no matter who ends up the republican nominee, will you or won't you support that person? if you say yes you have taken the pledge. five have confirmed to do that. three others have met polling and fundraising benchmarks but haven't yet signed the loyalty pledge. former new jersey governor chris christie said this morning on fox news that he does intend to sign it. former arkansas governor asa hutchinson said this about the pledge last week on the "focus." >> what's interesting about the debate is it looks like donald trump is going to be precluded from participating because he has refused to sign the debate pledge and indicated he won't do that. i think it will be just an exciting debate about serious policy issues that face our country and it will probably be more focused. i think everybody is looking at they will be the nominee of the party. they will be able to sign the pledge. i expect to sign it as well. >> harris: power panel david avila, gopac chairman. goldman. if it's a candidate you may not love at the end of the day if they're democrat won't you vote in democrats almost always say yes. what's up with this, david? >> for whoever our nominee is whether you sign this pledge or not you will need to have 90 to 95% of republicans in the general election in order to be able to win. in order to do that, you have to have ideas that make a lot of americans easier, safer and better in their lives. it's why the first debate is so important. for many of these candidates, it will be their opportunity. here is the big decision they have to make. to get to the second debate, you have to be at 3% in the polls. if you don't participate in the first debate, how do you think you will get to the second debate? >> harris: that's a good point. i am pulling up the qualifications. tougher to get into the second debate which will be on fox business in september. scott, you are having an issue on the left that is interesting. i mentioned the 15 candidates on the gop side in iowa this week. but you have on the left side three others and rfk jr. is there. doesn't the president need some reps? wouldn't he want to step up and practice debating so he is ready to go? he didn't look too sharp when they asked him about the disaster of maui, he looked heartless. >> you just beat up on me every chance you get. >> harris: i'm calling out the facts. >> i'm the victim here. listen, i'm just joking with you. here is the deal. biden doesn't need to debate anybody. those three democrats who are running, god bless them but they won't be a factor. they aren't polling very high. as unpopular as biden is, if he is the nominee the democrats will vote for him in large numbers, whoever his v.p. is and whoever is supporting him like president obama the most popular politician in the country. we'll go with our best shot whether you believe in bidenomics or not. we're not concerned about the other candidates. they are free to run but no impression on ultimately who is the democratic nominee. >> harris: i don't usually check out biden's twitter but this popped up recently. obama, you know that you can hang out with them. they were sitting in lawn chairs in the picture in a post and the bonus is you get to hang out with obama. how does that work? no one will elect obama. he can't run again. david, what does it say about joe biden? >> it says he needs every bit of help he can get. the question is was the discussion from the former president to the current president hey joe, maybe it's time to move on? there is still for all those who are saying they are for the president, there still continues to be this low-level discussion amongst some who want to move him on. gavin newsom is now coming on fox to debate ron desantis. it is the underlying push that some want him out. >> harris: interesting. gentlemen, thank you. >> i don't see it that way. >> harris: of course you don't. >> just real quick gavin newsom is a great surrogate and no interest in running for president. >> harris: you always say that. have you called him? sometimes he really does look like he is. or he is just thirsty. i don't know. i haven't asked him. great to see you both. thank you. a college professor says we're in crisis mode right now thanks to a.i. chatbot cheating. when proposed solution, go back to paper exams this fall. plus a closely-watched case on parental rights in new jersey. we're waiting for a judge's ruling on a school policy regarding children and gender identity. it is important. outkick's charlie arnault in "focus" next. and still climbing. even car and truck loans can be 15%. but newday's rates are a fraction of that. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you use the equity in your home to pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. and you can save $500 a month. that's $6,000 a year. which hotel? 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>> of course they don't. there is the aspect of peer pressure. the aspect of your administrators and teachers impressing this type of thing on you. we've heard so many examples recently about that. it's ludicrous. as a parent you should know every detail about what is going on with your kids when you drop them off at school to when you pick them up during the day. when i was in school, remember there was the idea of add and adhd was becoming more of a movement. if your kid would show any symptom of having one of those you would be notified immediately. i would wonder on the same token would that be considered harmful because you are outing what would be considered a health disability? >> harris: that's what we're being told as parents. this is a health issue. so yeah, it would fall under that. your kid has a fever, call me. >> how is this any different? >> harris: i spoke with a california school board president and she is fighting the same kind of policy. >> he is automatically trying to assume parents are dangerous. i think that's a dangerous, dangerous direction that they're heading in. you see it all over california. they are trying to push out parents. is he going to be the one caring for the child? are they going to be there for a child when the child feels alone at home when the parent has no clue? i mean, it is just absolutely insanity. >> harris: why do you think this is spreading? >> i think it's spreading because not enough parents are sticking up for their rights as parents. i think a lot of teachers are taking it upon themselves to teach children about very inappropriate things at very young ages and no one is putting a stop to it. we have seen -- not even just examples that would show this in the smaller sense. we've seen horrible books being shown to students and no one is really doing so much about it especially in places like new jersey. they are encouraging this kind of behavior and saying it is fine. as a parent you don't have the right to step in because what happens at school is what happens at school. you know, you only get to care for your children in your home apparently. >> harris: if you are going to talk to a 5-year-old about sex and things that little one that hasn't been exposed to with the values of the parents at home, you have problems. i am curious to see how it comes out in new jersey and california. >> it is spreading. thank you for coming into studio. >> thank you so much. good to see you. >> harris: thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" after the break. d. and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at veterans, if you're applying for a home loan to get cash...surprise. some lenders charge hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees. not at newday. a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. conquer financial reports. conquer 2000-word essays. conquer 300 thank-you notes. rule over what you write with the smooth writing, longest lasting gel ink pen in america. do you g2? let me be direct... you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? ...a clown! sorry, what app was it again? no, no. just give me a second... amateurs. ohhh! sorry everybody. directv sports central gives you access to every game... you never have to compromise on gameday. ...was that necessary? i was just illustrating a point. oh. get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv ladies... welcome to my digestive system. when your gut and vaginal bacteria are off balance. you may feel it. but just one align women's probiotic daily helps soothe digestive upsets. and support vaginal health. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

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the indictment follows a year-long investigation, 75 witnesses and 98 pages. the fulton county district attorney. >> the indictment alleges that rather than abide by georgia's legal process for election challenges, the defendants engaged in a criminal racketeering enterprise to overturn georgia's presidential election. >> harris: so in those 98 pages the indictment targets 19 defendants with a total of 41 charges. the former president faces 13 of those 41 charges himself. prosecutors say they have various emails, texts, phone calls as evidence against all 19 plaintiffs. trump's co-defendants, the 18 others include some of his attorneys at the time and his former white house chief of staff. the district attorney says she hopes to go to trial in six months and try all 19 at the same time. fox news contributor and legal expert jonathan turley says the two tiers of justice as plain as day. >> the contrast is extraordinary. trump is being indicted for everything short of ripping a mattress label off. and yet the department of justice seems to be waiting for a virtual confession from the president in order to bring an indictment. it is a very weird contrast. but this is becoming so serious. >> harris: attorney leo terrell in "focus" in just a moment. let's beginning with senior correspondent jonathan serrie outside the courthouse in atlanta. >> good morning, harris. the district attorney says former president trump and his 18 co-defendants will be given until noon on august 25th to voluntarily turn themselves in. meanwhile, the former president and his legal team are lashing out against prosecutors over the timing of the indictments. take a listen. >> this is the fourth indictment in months. political, election interference and obvious -- obvious, if you aren't awake yet i don't really know what it will take for you. >> the former president has been indicted along with 18 others including his former chief of staff mark meadows and former trump attorneys rudy giuliani and sidney powell. various individuals charges. all 19 defendants are accused of violating georgia's racketeering law that carries a maximum prison sentence of 20 years. the 98-page indictment lists scott mccafe as the judge presiding over the case. he was appointed by brian kemp and joined the fulton county superior court earlier this year. hours before the jury handed up the indictment, an incomplete document listing the same charges appeared on the fulton county court's website before it was abruptly taken down. the d.a. deflected questions about what happened. >> i am not an expert on clerks' duties or even administrative duties. i wouldn't know how to work that system. i'm not going to speculate. next question. >> the fulton county sheriff says current plans are the former president and the other 18 co-defendants would be booked like any other defendant. in other words, they would have to show up at the jail to have their mug shots taken. problem with that the fulton county jail is under investigation by the u.s. department of justice looking into conditions there after an inmate died earlier in the year. many analysts believe that some sort of compromise will be worked out before then. harris. >> harris: the newest indictment is on the heels of three others. the first was the hush money case in manhattan. then the classified documents case in florida and the justice department's january 6th probe in d.c. fox news contributor andy mccarthy says out of all of the indictments georgia is the most perilous threat to trump explaining that fulton county d.a. fani willis is probing serious misconduct she can plausibly maintain she is investigating trump based on what he did not who he is. the question is whether what he did amounts to criminal offenses. what should most concern trump is that the georgia case could be the most enduring of all the criminal indictments. that's an end of quote there from andy mccarthy. attorney and fox news contributor leo terrell. do you agree with andy mccarthy on this being the most perilous threat to president trump? >> yes only to the point, harris, that there are specific georgia laws that deals with election irregularities. other than that i think this case won't see daylight until after the 2024 election. >> harris: that's really interesting because if that's the case, then it would look a little bit more -- i don't know, does it look more or less political to you? >> no, it's purely political. this d.a., harris, has been campaigning. she is an elected d.a. prosecutor. but she has been campaigning on this. let me give you the reasons why. there are 19 other -- 19 total defendants. they are scattered all over the country. they will have to get to georgia next week. you will hear this continuances. they will get attorneys and basically try to get arrangements to get to georgia. it is going to delay it. the district attorney said six months. i can tell you right now on fox on your program this case will not take place in six months. not at all. >> harris: okay. if you are a trump supporter looking at this and all you are hearing is the indictments will be a wall against this president, there will be a stopgap against him. what you are telling me this could go on for a very long time. not effectively so or what is the enduring mean in the overall picture? >> harris, these four indictments historic. they are trying to stop trump from running for president. it is not going to happen. what they are doing is trying to wear him down. they are trying to distract him from the campaign of running for the highest office in the land. it is not going to work. the democrats are using the legal system. this is why this is so weird. they are using the legal system for political gains. what they are doing is attacking an opposing candidate through the legal system. that's not how our legal system works. these cases in my opinion do not have any merit whatsoever from all the four cases that have been charged for indictments, these cases are purely political and why it's so hard as a lawyer of 30 years to see these cases through the legal lens of how justice is served. >> harris: you will school all of us on this. i've only read this but i understand the charges that are all under georgia's racketeering, influence and corruption organizations act or rico as we often hear it are used for mobsters and drug -- >> the counter suit will happen after this case has been resolved. but normally rico is used for again the mob, criminal elements, for fraud and violence, intimidation, violence. this is, however, being used under the georgia election laws. they do have specific election laws. but whether or not there is merit to these charges. for example, the d.a. claims there are 161 tweeting, like a phone call? she has basically thrown the kitchen sink at trump. i don't think the case has merit from a standard of the fact that trump was basically articulating his right as president during the time and his first amendment rights. >> harris: as an american citizen. >> there is nothing wrong with saying over the phone hey, i need to find 11,000 votes. that's not criminal. that's just speech. >> harris: talking about the kitchen sink and all they will have to do the scoop up the other 18 people, it seems enormous and so we'll follow the trail. glad you are here to break it down. i want to get to this. a case that might not move as swiftly. the new special counsel in the case against president biden's son, hunter, though just heard from the judge. david weiss and his team must clarify their path forward by noon eastern today. remember the original sweetheart plea deal that fell apart in court recently? well, it made it so that hunter biden was unlikely to serve any jail time. it included probation and a fine and also a diversion program agreement for his gun charge. his attorneys say the gun portion of the plea deal still stands. meanwhile, the two tax violations could go to trial. your take. walk us through it. >> thank you, harris. i am old enough to remember when we were talking about the judge could derail this deal and she did. >> harris: you were right. >> basically the hunter key wants to salvage that diversion portion. the deal right now is dead. david weiss has told the judge by notice that he is going to vacate the case in delaware because he will file in another district. over the weekend, hunter biden's legal team said wait a minute. we have a deal with the diversion. that takes two parties to agree and the judge to sign off. all indications tell us the judge hasn't signed off on this deal. the hunter biden team wants portions of that plea deal to survive. i don't believe it will survive, harris. >> harris: that's really fascinating. quickly, statute of limitations, how does it apply here? is that something that people watching this closely should know about? >> yes. again david weiss appointed allegedly last week as special counsel. i thought he already had special counsel powers. the clock is running on all these charges except the ones that have been brought before this judge on these two tax charges. but the clock is running as we speak. david weiss has a lot of information available. i suggest he get the i.r.s. agents involved as well. the clock is running. some of these charges can basically fall by the wayside due to the statute of limitations problem. >> harris: i can't imagine that anybody in the biden family would love that to happen. an ideal situation. let the clock run out. not good at the end of a football game if you are losing, great if you are the biden family. good to see you, thank you. the white house also facing questions about the new special counsel in the hunter biden investigation, david wise weiss the man behind the sweetheart deal that fell apart. congress wants to hear from david weiss. this will be interesting. plus we've heard it over and over. the economy is getting better. we heard it from the president. not actual people buying food. >> we have the highest price level we've ever had in u.s. history today. that's it. you see prices rise and rising more slowly. that's what people really care about. >> harris: prices are a lot higher than when biden took office. but he is banging the bidenomics drum. republican senator john kennedy in "focus" next. veteran homeowners. if you're on a fixed income, inflation can hit you extra hard, especially if you're using high rate credit cards to take care of your family's expenses. even minimum payments are tough. it's too much and it's time to hit back. with a newday 100 va loan, you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to pay off those high rate credit cards and other debt. and you can save $500 a month. that's $6,000 a year. living with metastatic breast cancer means i cherish my memories. but i don't just look back on them, i look forward to the chance to make new ones every day with verzenio. verzenio is proven to help you live significantly longer when taken with fulvestrant. verzenio + fulvestrant is for hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer that has progressed after hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain and rapid breathing or heart rate or if you are nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. i'm making future memories every day with verzenio. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ wealth-changing question -- are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? 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>> you know, i can tell you they are hoping for rain. this island is extremely dry, which added to many of the issues along with the winds from dora and the high pressure system. it is too early to tell, unfortunately, exactly what the track is. we should know more in the next 48 hours as that system continues to make its way through the pacific and the cleanup and honestly going through the ashes and still looking for human remains continues. it is very tough for a very proud island of maui right now here just after 5:00 a.m. in hawaii. >> harris: thank you very much for the update. god bless those people. president biden is right now on his way to milwaukee, wisconsin for a bidenomics victory lap. i'm not sure what he is celebrating. but it is becoming a familiar refrain from this administration. >> look, folks, that's bidenomics. bidenomics is just another way of saying restore the american dream. >> here to talk with you about bidenomics, the word of the day, week and month and word of the year here at the white house. >> that's bidenomics, growing the middle class in this country. >> the architect of bidenomics is biden. >> bidenomics flows off the tongue. >> harris: no it doesn't. and when you take poll after poll after poll showing how americans really feel you know for a fact it doesn't flow anywhere off the tongue. the latest shows 51% some the economy is in a downturn and will get worse. that's how people feel. that's what they are going through. those are the bills they are paying. only 37% approve of how biden is handling the economy, 30% approve of what he is doing for inflation. i don't even know what they see. moody's analytics are spending $7 hundred a month more than they were two years ago. >> they should distinguish between high prices and inflation. that's the real difference. you see prices rise and rising more slowly. that's what people really care about. they don't care about inflation. they care about how high prices are. prices are really high. the highest today they've ever been in u.s. history period. >> harris: republican senator john kennedy from louisiana, member of the judiciary and appropriations committee. senator, no one ever talks about the fact that inflation, the rate has come down to 3% but paying 3% more than we did on top of the high prices we were paying last year. >> well harris, let me say first quickly i listened to your clip about what's going on in maui. it just breaks my heart. we have been through it in louisiana with hurricanes. all i can say to my fellow americans in hawaii you will want to give up at some point. don't. just get up every day. put one foot down and then another foot. the american people will be with you. i will vote to help you out in congress. i'm just so sorry they are going through it. i'm also sorry that the american people are going through bidenomics. bidenomics is pretty simple, it is just bigger government, more spending, and higher prices. and i've said this before. in louisiana inflation is gutting my people like a fish. my people are getting really good at barely getting by. and in america you shouldn't have to take an early distribution from your retirement account or sell blood plasma in order to go to the grocery store. president biden is out there saying prices are high and your 401k is crashing because the economy is so good. he just doesn't get it. and that's why he is polling up there right up there with -- i don't know, with an infection. >> harris: it is interesting that he doesn't get it perhaps but what about all the people around him? are they not getting it or are they just not truthful? >> you go ahead. >> harris: i was going to say we know the administration loves to say inflation is trending downward. year-over-year from july of 2022 to july of this year inflation 3.2% after breaking it at peaking it at 9.1% in june of last year. so we're still now paying those prices plus 3% more. everything is higher. it keeps getting higher. when you look at the numbers of inflation since biden took office, the numbers are staggering. overall january 2021 to last month is up 16%, food, at home. your groceries are up 20%. >> well, my people in louisiana, for example, the median household income for family of four in louisiana is 55,000 to 60,000 a year. because of bidenomics they are paying an extra $7 hundred a month and they don't have it. any good news, the rate of inflation has been thawing. that just means prices are still going up but they aren't going up as quickly as they were. but these -- i hate to say it, but these high prices are permanent. even if inflation goes to 0 tomorrow, we are still going to be stuck with these higher prices, which are a direct result of president biden's economic policy. and do the people around the white house get it? i think some get it but they can't defend it. others just feel like their favorite form of spending which is causing this inflation is more. and they don't get it. but either way, this is -- this inflation is the cancer on the american dream. i know president biden wants to change the subject in the election to president trump and his indictments but if you ask me to single out one thing that is causing president biden, as i said, to be about as popular as robocalls, it is inflation. >> harris: everybody can't stand robocalls. what you said was chilling, the high prices are here to stay. it makes sense the disconnect between the white house and his team and his staff and what american people are feeling and paying. they feel the stubbornness of how much it hurts to eat and drive and do the basics in life and they know it is not going away. you said that quiet part. the white house refuses to tell us the truth about those prices. senator, thank you. >> and in the meantime all we get out of washington is more indictments of president trump and all the sleaze surrounding hunter biden and david weiss. no wonder the american people have started to hate government. >> harris: they feel like you don't see them in washington. i have know you do and your words were heard loud and clear about hawaii, too. i hope that starts. >> don't give up, folks in maui, you will want to but we'll be there for you. >> harris: thanks for being in "focus." president biden's campaign sticking by vice president kamala harris and they are going to be talking up her accomplishments despite her bottom of the barrel ratings. plus campaign season 2024 officially kicks off next week with the first republican presidential debate right here on fox. most of those gop candidates are in iowa hoping to make their case with voters in the first in the nation caucus state, that's january 15th. can you believe that's coming up so fast? power panel is next. 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[applause] balloons breaching our sovereign territory, they are made in china, they're stealing our intellectual property to create the battery future for the world. we're the ones that come up with the ideas and they steal it from our companies. it is one of the reasons why we must have a president who brings home our supply chains, who brings home our jobs, and creates it and makes it in america. i want made in america, a plan to create 10 million jobs by bringing our supply chains home and focusing in three specific areas, energy, because i believe energy independence is national security. [applause] >> we have certainly strayed away from that and given it away, oh my goodness. >> number two, we can create high-tech manufacturing jobs paying six figures to americans to do the work and build the things that our nation needs. number three, innovation will help us cure cancer in less than ten years in my opinion. we'll have the strongest economy, the strongest healthcare system if we focus on the private sector and not the government. >> yay, yay. [applause] we'll stay in this vein a little bit. we have an open southern border. every state is a border state. i have national guard members down helping texas out right now. they were proud to do it. give you that and i have a question from iowans. we gave them the opportunity to weigh in. just between march and may of this year, the department of public safety federal and local law enforcement seized 364 pounds of meth. 72 pounds of cocaine and 27,450 fentanyl tablets in 90 days in the state of iowa. so katie, it is impacting every single state in this country. katie wants to know what are three specific actions you would take toward border control. you were just there. >> i was. i was in yuma, arizona, 115 degrees is hot, number one, number two, the first thing we have to do is use common sense. finish the border wall. number one. [applause] number two, we have to crush the cartels. they are the ones that are taking the precursors from china, developing fentanyl in mexican labs, and then they are bringing it across our southern border and ports of entry. we have the available military-grade technology to stop the fentanyl flow across our borders. it would cost us $5 billion. our nation spends $7 trillion for $5 billion. we could save maybe 70,000 american lives last year alone we lost 70,000 americans to fentanyl. the third thing i would do is reinstate the remain in mexico policy. asylum policy and also go back to the title 42. the current healthcare emergency we all know ain't covid, but it is fentanyl. we can reinstate something like title 42 to stem the tide of 6 million illegal immigrants crossing our border. we can do that on day one of my administration. [applause] >> harris: tim scott, 1 of 12 republicans in iowa, a key state with iowa caucuses five months away. we wanted to dip into his fair-side chat in iowa with governor reynolds when they happen during this hour. a recent fox business poll shows president trump with a commanding lead still among republican caucus goers. 46%. desantis has 16%. senator tim scott comes in third with 11%. just more than a week to go until the first republican debate right here on fox, five candidates have met all of the criteria for the debate and they are polling, fundraising and taking the pledge the rnc has put forth that no matter who ends up the republican nominee, will you or won't you support that person? if you say yes you have taken the pledge. five have confirmed to do that. three others have met polling and fundraising benchmarks but haven't yet signed the loyalty pledge. former new jersey governor chris christie said this morning on fox news that he does intend to sign it. former arkansas governor asa hutchinson said this about the pledge last week on the "focus." >> what's interesting about the debate is it looks like donald trump is going to be precluded from participating because he has refused to sign the debate pledge and indicated he won't do that. i think it will be just an exciting debate about serious policy issues that face our country and it will probably be more focused. i think everybody is looking at they will be the nominee of the party. they will be able to sign the pledge. i expect to sign it as well. >> harris: power panel david avila, gopac chairman. goldman. if it's a candidate you may not love at the end of the day if they're democrat won't you vote in democrats almost always say yes. what's up with this, david? >> for whoever our nominee is whether you sign this pledge or not you will need to have 90 to 95% of republicans in the general election in order to be able to win. in order to do that, you have to have ideas that make a lot of americans easier, safer and better in their lives. it's why the first debate is so important. for many of these candidates, it will be their opportunity. here is the big decision they have to make. to get to the second debate, you have to be at 3% in the polls. if you don't participate in the first debate, how do you think you will get to the second debate? >> harris: that's a good point. i am pulling up the qualifications. tougher to get into the second debate which will be on fox business in september. scott, you are having an issue on the left that is interesting. i mentioned the 15 candidates on the gop side in iowa this week. but you have on the left side three others and rfk jr. is there. doesn't the president need some reps? wouldn't he want to step up and practice debating so he is ready to go? he didn't look too sharp when they asked him about the disaster of maui, he looked heartless. >> you just beat up on me every chance you get. >> harris: i'm calling out the facts. >> i'm the victim here. listen, i'm just joking with you. here is the deal. biden doesn't need to debate anybody. those three democrats who are running, god bless them but they won't be a factor. they aren't polling very high. as unpopular as biden is, if he is the nominee the democrats will vote for him in large numbers, whoever his v.p. is and whoever is supporting him like president obama the most popular politician in the country. we'll go with our best shot whether you believe in bidenomics or not. we're not concerned about the other candidates. they are free to run but no impression on ultimately who is the democratic nominee. >> harris: i don't usually check out biden's twitter but this popped up recently. obama, you know that you can hang out with them. they were sitting in lawn chairs in the picture in a post and the bonus is you get to hang out with obama. how does that work? no one will elect obama. he can't run again. david, what does it say about joe biden? >> it says he needs every bit of help he can get. the question is was the discussion from the former president to the current president hey joe, maybe it's time to move on? there is still for all those who are saying they are for the president, there still continues to be this low-level discussion amongst some who want to move him on. gavin newsom is now coming on fox to debate ron desantis. it is the underlying push that some want him out. >> harris: interesting. gentlemen, thank you. >> i don't see it that way. >> harris: of course you don't. >> just real quick gavin newsom is a great surrogate and no interest in running for president. >> harris: you always say that. have you called him? sometimes he really does look like he is. or he is just thirsty. i don't know. i haven't asked him. great to see you both. thank you. a college professor says we're in crisis mode right now thanks to a.i. chatbot cheating. when proposed solution, go back to paper exams this fall. plus a closely-watched case on parental rights in new jersey. we're waiting for a judge's ruling on a school policy regarding children and gender identity. it is important. outkick's charlie arnault in "focus" next. and still climbing. even car and truck loans can be 15%. but newday's rates are a fraction of that. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you use the equity in your home to pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. and you can save $500 a month. that's $6,000 a year. which hotel? 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>> of course they don't. there is the aspect of peer pressure. the aspect of your administrators and teachers impressing this type of thing on you. we've heard so many examples recently about that. it's ludicrous. as a parent you should know every detail about what is going on with your kids when you drop them off at school to when you pick them up during the day. when i was in school, remember there was the idea of add and adhd was becoming more of a movement. if your kid would show any symptom of having one of those you would be notified immediately. i would wonder on the same token would that be considered harmful because you are outing what would be considered a health disability? >> harris: that's what we're being told as parents. this is a health issue. so yeah, it would fall under that. your kid has a fever, call me. >> how is this any different? >> harris: i spoke with a california school board president and she is fighting the same kind of policy. >> he is automatically trying to assume parents are dangerous. i think that's a dangerous, dangerous direction that they're heading in. you see it all over california. they are trying to push out parents. is he going to be the one caring for the child? are they going to be there for a child when the child feels alone at home when the parent has no clue? i mean, it is just absolutely insanity. >> harris: why do you think this is spreading? >> i think it's spreading because not enough parents are sticking up for their rights as parents. i think a lot of teachers are taking it upon themselves to teach children about very inappropriate things at very young ages and no one is putting a stop to it. we have seen -- not even just examples that would show this in the smaller sense. we've seen horrible books being shown to students and no one is really doing so much about it especially in places like new jersey. they are encouraging this kind of behavior and saying it is fine. as a parent you don't have the right to step in because what happens at school is what happens at school. you know, you only get to care for your children in your home apparently. >> harris: if you are going to talk to a 5-year-old about sex and things that little one that hasn't been exposed to with the values of the parents at home, you have problems. i am curious to see how it comes out in new jersey and california. >> it is spreading. thank you for coming into studio. >> thank you so much. good to see you. >> harris: thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." 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Giuliani , Sidney Powell , Mark Meadows , Judge , Scott Mccafe , Individuals , Racketeering Law , Prison Sentence , 20 , Case , Document , Jury , Fulton County Court , Superior Court , Brian Kemp , Questions , Duties , Website , Clerks , Question , System , Fulton County Sheriff , Words , Defendant , Plans , Problem , Mug Shots , Jail , Conditions , Inmate , Fulton County Jail , Analysts , First , Compromise , Sort , Heels , Hush Money , Manhattan , Three , Wall , Threat , Indictments Georgia , Documents , D C , Justice Department S January 6th Probe , Andy Mccarthy , Florida , 6 , January 6th , Fani Willis , Misconduct , Amounts , End , Offenses , Enduring , Concern , Quote , Point , Deals , Election Irregularities , Georgia Laws , 2024 , Campaigning , Reasons , Prosecutor , Country , Continuances , Mother , Place , Arrangements , Supporter , Program , Hearing , Mean , Stopgap , Picture , Running , Campaign , Doing , Four , Democrats , Office , Land , Gains , Cases , Candidate , Opinion , Merit , Lawyer , Works , All Of Us , Lens , 30 , Rico , Influence , Mobsters , Drug , Corruption Organizations , Racketeering , Violence , Criminal Elements , Suit , Fraud , Intimidation , Example , Laws , Election Laws , Georgia Election , Whether , Claims , Tweeting , 161 , Fact , Kitchen Sink , Right , Standard , Phone Call , Votes , Phone , Nothing , Citizen , Speech , American , First Amendment Rights , 11000 , People , Scoop , Trail , Again David Weiss , Sweetheart Plea Deal , Hunter , Special Counsel , Path , Noon Eastern , Hunter Biden , Gun Charge , Probation , Court , Gun Portion , Fine , Diversion Program Agreement , Deal , It , Plea Deal , Tax Violations , Take , Diversion Portion , Notice , Delaware , Hunter Key , District , Weekend , Parties , Diversion , Hasn T , Statute , Limitations , Indications , Portions , Hunter Biden Team , Clock , Something , Yes , Counsel , Powers , Ones , Lot , Agents , Tax Charges , Information , Family , Anybody , Some , Wayside , Situation , Run Out , Football Game , Losing , Hunter Biden Investigation , Biden Family , The End , David Wise Weiss The Man , Economy , Sweetheart Deal , Congress , Prices , Food , Price Level , History Today , John Kennedy , Bidenomics Drum , Republican , Homeowners , Veteran , Fixed Income , Inflation , Care , Credit Cards , Expenses , Payments , Newday 100 Va Loan , 100 , Home , Memories , Breast Cancer , Value , Debt , 00 , 000 , 500 , 6000 , Hr , Chance , Taking Verzenio , Verzenio Fulvestrant , Infection , Doctor , Diarrhea , Fever , Chills , Sign , Signs , Hormone Therapy , Dehydration , Antidiarrheal , Fluids , Blood Cell Counts , Chest Pain , Death , Liver Problems , Blood Clots , Lung Inflammation , Trouble Breathing , Stomach Pain , Symptoms , Appetite Loss , Cough , Bruising , Bleeding , Fatigue , Heart Rate , Breathing , Breath , Pain , Swelling , Shortness , Arms , Legs , Everyday Verzenio , Nursing , Feeding Food , Dogs , Life , Good , Real Food , Eating , Meal , Living Being , Way , Dog , Farmer , Better , Wealth , Planning , Portfolio , Investment Gains , Taxes , Specialists , Money Managers , Manner , In The Dark Of Night , Meeting , Creativeplanning Com , Everyone , Maui , Families , Result , Loved Ones , Losses , Property , Wildfires , First Lady , Heartless Joe , Camera , Wildfire Disaster , Cover , Hawaii Democrat , New York Post , Him , Emotion Path , 0 , One , Post , Hundreds , Neighbors , Friends , Dozens , Mission , Search And Rescue , Hawaii , Robert Ray , Fox Weather , 99 , 5 , Neighborhood , Fires , Map , 1 , 65 , 3000 , 3 , Area , Smoke , Someone , Particles , Smell , Vehicles , Homes , Flames , Destruction , Lights , Video , Lives , Fire , Beginning , Fatalities , West Side , Human Remains , Woman , Police Officer , The Ashes , Town , Parents , Everybody , Mother In Law , Loop , Kids , House , Efforts , 1 2 , Restaurant , Owner , Spoke , Damage Assessment , Lahaina , Numbers , Governor , Storm , Pacific , Officials , Islands , Matters , Bee Line , Hallmark , Wind , Quickly , Hurricane Dora , Superstorm Sandy , East Coast , Island , Many , High Pressure System , Issues , Rain , Rain Maker , Winds From Dora , Track , Cleanup , 48 , Update , God , Refrain , Victory Lap , Wisconsin , Milwaukee , Administration , Bidenomics Is Biden , Word , The Word , The American Dream , It Doesn T , Poll , Tongue , Class , Architect , Downturn , Latest , Doesn T Flow Anywhere , 51 , Bills , 37 , Moody S Analytics , 7 Hundred , Hundred , They Don T , Difference , Rate , Louisiana , Talks , No One , Judiciary , Appropriations Committee , Well Harris , Heart , Clip , Foot , Hurricanes , Government , Spending , Fish , Distribution , America You Shouldn T , Retirement Account , Blood Plasma , Polling , Grocery Store , 401k , Don T Know , July , 2022 , July Of 2022 , More , 9 1 , 3 2 , Plus 3 , January 2021 , 16 , 2021 , Household Income , Groceries , To 60000 A Year , 60000 , 55000 , News , Thawing , Policy , Cancer , Form , Thing , Single , Subject , Sense , Staff , Disconnect , Robocalls , Everybody Can T Stand Robocalls , Stubbornness , Part , Basics , Feeling , Drive , Truth , Sleaze , Washington , Wonder , Hate , Kamala Harris , Give Up , Campaign Sticking , Thanks , Starts , Folks , Candidates , Debate , Most , Season , Accomplishments , Barrel Ratings , Bottom , Iowa , Nation Caucus State , Power Panel , Voters , January 15th , 15 , Camera Shutter Sfx , City Ambience Sounds , Car Door Slam , Car Screech , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaky , Otezla , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Patches , Ned , Skin , Blood Tests , Doctors , Flaking , Itching , Psoriatic Arthritis , Reactions , Weight Loss , Headache , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Vomiting , Nausea , Thoughts , Depression , Crowd Gasp , Overpay , Movie , Ting , Glasses , Pairs , America S Best , Americasbest Com , Expression , Ears , Aaaaaaaand , 79 95 , 9 95 , Tim Scott , Pop Up , Promise , Fairside , Kim Reynolds , Iowa State Fair , We Dip , Little One , Weakness , Chats , Hearing It , Education , Magic , Impact , The World Stage , Security , Number One , Aggression , China , Southern Preacher Wanna Be , President Xi , Close To You , Audience , Strength , Nation , Spying , Farmlands , Chinese Communist Party , God S Green Earth , Jobs , Face To , Supply Chain , Backbone , Watch , Applause , Territory , World , Intellectual Property , Battery , Ideas , Made In America , Companies , Supply Chains , Areas , Energy Independence , 10 Million , Things , Work , Figures , Nation Needs , Oh My Goodness , Number , Innovation , Healthcare System , Sector , Ten , Estate , Bit , Border State , Members , Vein , Open Southern Border , Texas Out , National Guard , Opportunity , Iowans , May , Law Enforcement , Department Of Public Safety , 364 , Fentanyl Tablets , Cocaine , 72 , 90 , 27450 , Border Control , Actions , Katie , Yuma , Arizona , 115 , Common Sense , Cartels , Border Wall , Fentanyl , Border , Sports , Precursors , Flow , Technology , Entry , Developing Fentanyl In Mexican Labs , Borders , Us 5 Billion , 70000 , Trillion , 5 Billion , Billion , 7 Trillion , Asylum Policy , American Lives Last , Mexico , Title , Ain T Covid , Healthcare Emergency , Tide , 42 , 6 Million , Republicans , Day One , Five , 12 , Poll Shows , Chat , Caucus , Lead , Fox Business , Fox To Debate , Ron Desantis , 46 , 11 , Nominee , Matter , Criteria , Pledge The Rnc , New Jersey , Pledge , Chris Christie , Haven T , Loyalty Pledge , Person , Fundraising , Benchmarks , Asa Hutchinson , Arkansas , Focused , Power Panel David Avila , Party , Gopac , Won T , Goldman , 95 , Decision , Polls , Issue , Qualifications , Fox Business In September , Left , Side , Reps , Rfk Jr , Wouldn T , Disaster , Facts , Factor , Biden Doesn T , Victim , They Aren T Polling , Obama , Politician , Shot , V P , Impression , Twitter , Lawn Chairs , Bonus , Hey Joe , Discussion , Help , Gavin Newsom , Push , Course , Surrogate , Interest , Gentlemen , I Don T Know , College Professor , Rights , Paper Exams , Solution , Crisis Mode , Chatbot Cheating , A I , Children , School Policy , Gender Identity , Ruling , Outkick , Charlie Arnault , Car , Rates , Truck Loans , Car Loans , Equity , Newday 100 Va Cash Out , Fraction , Newday , Hotel , Faves , Bathroom , Views , Craft Beers , Spa , Cambria , Money , App , Experian , Score , Fico , Ways , Credit Card , Child , School Districts , School Gender Policy , Identity , Disclosure , Equation , Talk , Nate Foye , Jerry , School Boards , Injunction , School Board , Middletown , Timetable , Grades , School Board Members , Values , Gender Identities , Kindergarten Teachers , Say , Request , Activists , Districts , Sides , Briefs , Responses , Arguments , Hope , Safety , Kids Safe , Sex , Context , Kindergarten , Gender , Examples , Teachers , Peer Pressure , Aspect , Administrators , Type , School , Parent , Idea , Detail , Adhd , Add , Kid , Health Issue , Health Disability , Movement , Token , Outing , Symptom , California , Kind , Direction , Caring , Insanity , Clue , Stop , Ages , Students , Places , Books , Behavior , Problems , Inspire , Cpap , Break , Studio , Struggle , Mask , Hose , D , Safety Information , Lenders , Home Loan , Veterans , Appraisal , Veteran Shouldn T Have , Fees , Cash Surprise , Reports , Essays , 2000 , Notes , Gel Ink Pen , Writing , Rule , 300 , Game , Paint , Football , Guy , Clown , Second , Gameday , Directv Sports Central , Amateurs , Redzone , 800 , 1 800 Directv , Digestive System , Bacteria , Probiotic Daily , Women , Gut , Balance , Health , Upsets , Contact , Automation , Music , Message , Mattresses , Constant Contact , Pains , Stand , Purple , Rejuvenated , Aches , 900 , Store , Labor Day Sale , Visit Purple Com , Neighbor , Rest , Husband , Inspire Implant , Inspiresleep Com , Host , American Dream Home , Emily Compagno , Kayleigh Mcenany , Cheryl Casone , Fox Business Anchor , Fox And Friends , Co Host , One Nation , Brian Kilmeade Radio Show , Georgia Grand Jury , Brian Kilmeade ,

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