Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

house. i'm sure you have heard that. >> ainsley: brooke singman spoke exclusively with the former president last night and joins us now. what did he say? >> that's right. i spoke with the former president last night who says his fourth indictment comes during a, quote, dark period for our country but he won't let it stop him president trump telling me this is a consideration of the greatest and longest running witch-hunt in american history. i will make america great again. now, late last night trump was indicted by fulton county georgia d.a. fanny willis alongside 18 others that included personal attorney rudy giuliani. former white house chief of staff mark meadows and even kanye west former publicist. traveled to the home of an election worker in fulton county. these charges come after a year's long criminal investigation over his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in the state sparked by a phone call he made to georgia's secretary of state back in december 2020 charges include violating the georgia ricco act or racketeer influence organization corruption act. unrelated crimes committed by different people. if those crimes seem to be in support of a common objective, like overturning an election. trump is also facing similar charges from his previous indictments like conspiracy to commit false statements trump and the other 18 defendants have 10 days to surrender. these charges could bring the former president decades of jail time and even a mug shot which is different from previous indictments. trump's team says the defendants were given no formal warning they were being indicted and actually found out along with the rest of the world; however, just hours before the indictment was handed up, a document matching those charges was posted on the fulton county court website. will d.a. willis denying any knowledge about that. >> do you know anything more about that document leak because now you have the former president's lawyers saying this is emblematic of a serious problem with your office. >> no. i can't tell you anything about what you refer to. what i can tell you is that we had a grand jury here in fulton county. they deliberated until almost 8:00, if not right after 8:00. an indictment was returned. >> d.a. willis is pushing to have a trial date set in the next six months and she infends to try all 18 together. >> steve: you tacked to the former president. was he mad? >> i think he has been through a lot now, steve. he has been indicted four times. this is the fourth indictment this year. first it was alvin bragg and then two indictments out of the special counsel jack smith's probe just two weeks ago he pleaded not guilty in federal court to those jack smith charges and now we have this georgia case which i think i and his team preparing for. i don't think he is mad. i think is he energized. we have seen in the past when he is indicted his fundraising numbers go up. >> steve: they do. >> we will see if this time is any different. we spoke last night late a little after midnight. he walked me through what he thinks is, again, the longest witch-hunt, he says, in the history of the united states. and he is not going to stop fighting. >> brian: all right. last thing, was he going to -- did he indicate when he is going to turn himself in? he has got to do it before the 25th? >> steve: 10 days. >> he didn't say exactly. he didn't say anything about that. we just really had his reaction to these charges. but, you know what? he is likely to plead not guilty, i would assume. based on his not guilty pleas in all the other cases. >> ainsley: asked a few good questions on truth social. they put out these documents. the indictment documents before the grand jury even took a vote. then they retracted those. then he said why didn't they indict two and a half years ago? if they had a problem, why wait until now when i'm the frontrunner? >> really interesting. the fulton county court did put up what looked like the exact same indictment. they pulled it down. they said it was fictitious document. >> brian: they lied. >> hours later, a very, very similar document was posted. that means, you know, did they have this indictment. >> ainsley: changed a little bit and posted it. >> steve: maybe they were practicing. they practiced anything else. what happens when i push that button. >> brian: before the grand jury indicted they put it up there. >> steve: that's true. >> ainsley: they have been putting barricades up. >> brian: most dam must posted that. predict what is happening. >> ainsley: talked to him after midnight. >> steve: somebody who goes to bed at 8:00 gregg jared fox news legal analyst. you were late as well. good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. >> steve: so, you know, explain donald trump's in a pickle. he has got all these indictments and stuff like this. this is a different case though because it's a state's case as opposed to federal cases. in federal stuff if you were elected he can pardon himself but he can't in georgia. that's a state. they have a board. you can't get a pardon until five years after you served your time. >> that's right. steve. you know, many of these claims are redundant of the earlier federal indictment, you know, that trump falsely claimed that he won. he falsely claimed voter fraud and took steps to overturn the result. but the same defenses apply. you know, it's not a crime to say that the election was stolen. hillary clinton did. in fact in georgia so did stacey abrams. i think she still thinks she is governor, at least claims. that is it criminal to challenge the result, as democrats have done in three prior elections? of course not. the question is whether the steps taken were legal or illegal. even if a candidate thinks he or she lost. you know, they are still entitled under the law to challenge the result. you know, u.s. supreme court has said repeatedly that false claims are protected speech. so, that's not really fraud or criminal enterprise in georgia and elsewhere. you know, trump complained in court filings about ballot irregularities, faulty machines. violation of election laws, valid votes not counted, invalid votes were counted. you know, in the end, those challenges failed. how is that fraud? i don't think it is. because exercising your legal rights to challenge the integrity of voting systems as democrats have done in three prior elections, that's not criminal. it's not defrauding the government if you believe you're acting lawfully. >> ainsley: greg, alan dershowitz says the strategy is to get an election before the election. even if it goes to the appeals court or the supreme court. get that conviction first, even if they knock it out later. at least they can say is he convicted going into the election. you said last night on sean hannity show something that is interesting. it's really up to the way you interpret what donald trump said. she is interpreting it. fanny willis is interpreting that trump told the georgia secretary of state to find those almost 12,000 votes. you are saying, if you read the transcript trump myself said i myself am looking for that like any other candidate. we he was trying to find out where those votes are to make up the deficit so that he could win he is saying i need to find 11,000 some odd votes because that's his deficit. he is not asking the secretary of state to do something illegal is he growing how he thinks he won by a huge margin but the deficit in the results shows roughly 11,000 to 12,000 votes shy of victory. and, you know, you have to listen to the -- i listened to clips of the conversation last night. trump is complaining about a wide variety of election irregular glarlts in a ballot issues and so forth. and he is saying i need to find. i need to find 11,000 votes. is he not saying you go out and find illegally 11,000 votes. so, you know, this district attorney has chronically misrepresented a lot of the facts, mangled the law in order to bring, you know, reacted tearing, seriously? that requires proof of an organized criminal enterprise, coupled with a repeated pattern of systemic illegal behavior. that doesn't apply here. >> brian: look at this and tell me what matters legally what is perspective. first she does a big photo shoot. mocking lindsey graham in a meme she retweets tweets. it fundraiser for a target of this investigation. and then yesterday lying flat out saying i don't know how clerks work. posting the indictment before the indictment was actually concluded. yeah, i don't know how it works. well, and then she wouldn't answer the question, if she is collaborating with jack smith. i'm not talking to you. this is an orchestration and if it wasn't, she would have easily said i'm just staying in my purview. i have been working on this for two and a half years. and i just got done at 11:30 at night eastern time. which is crazy. why did she need to get it done last night? >> because she was embarrassed by their own incompetence, stupidity, and malevolence exposed. she didn't want people to go to bed at night with the leading story being how they already had the indictment before the jury had voted on the charges. you know, so they got rid of some of the witnesses planned for tomorrow and, you know, they put this entire process. >> brian: it's crazy. >> greg: fast forward to bring this indictment. and, you know, now they are lying about oh, it was fictitious document on the clerk's website. no, it wasn't. i mean, take a look at what was originally posted and what was eventually posted as an indictment. they are one and the same. and then she has the audacity to fain no knowledge of it all government and government and justice system go after criminal opponents criticizing otherwise unlawful conduct. ask. >> speaking of political opponents, hillary clinton, donald trump, remember back in the day? talked a little bit about the indictment and had this observation about the pickle the president's in. >> i don't know that anybody should be satisfied. this is a terrible moment for our country to have a former president accused of these terribly important crimes. the only satisfaction may be that the system is working. that all of the efforts by donald trump, his allies, and his enablers to try to silence the truth, to try to undermine democracy have been brought into the light and justice is being pursued. >> steve: you know, she knows about justice. her husband was impeached. >> yeah. i mean, this is the same person who got away with clear crimes in her email scandal. and also the same person that got rich off of her foundation by russian payments. and this is the same person who invented the russia collusion hoax. >> brian: yep. >> greg: funded phony dossier and had her minions give, you know, phony evidence to the fbi to try drive trump from office. i mean, her hypocrisy is pretty rich. >> ainsley: and also questioned her election, remember, when she ran against donald trump and lost? >> steve: it was because of the russians. exactly. gregg, thank you for getting up early for us today. gregg gregg okay. my pleasure, steve. >> steve: we have all sorts of legal experts on tap. we have three hours. we will have wsm the president's attorneys join us alina habba. acting u.s. attorney general. jonathan turley knows all about the constitution. we have a very busy tuesday that starts right now. >> brian: clip you will see later on rachel maddow says to hillary clinton. we have to learn to like elections you can't push back every time you don't like the election the way it goes is she that oblivious a woman who says everybody knows donald trump was illegitimately elected and lost the election? she spent four years saying that same exact thing and plotted against him. i'm wondering does she realize who she is talking to. the only person more over the top than that is stacey abrams who up until recently was saying that she was governor of georgia. and they boycott georgia because they said that was corruption. >> ainsley: nancy pelosi, too, questioned the election. bleach bit, hammer. >> steve: yeah. >> brian: it's incredible that rachel maddow would ask her that question ains instance a and not push back. >> brian: yeah. >> ainsley: ohio residents gathering up what is left after the historic wildfires engulfed their way of life. will cain is in maui and he is getting a bird's eye view of all the destruction and recovery and he is next on that. >> steve: plus, it was the feel-good story that won oscar praise but now the former nfl star whose story inspired the movie the blind side said it was all based on a lie. michael oher's stunning claims and the family's reaction coming up next on "fox & friends." ♪ my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide hi, i'm eileen. i live in vancouver, washington and i write mystery novels. dogs have been such an important part of my life. i have flinn and a new puppy. as i was writing, i found that i just wasn't as sharp and i new i needed to do something so i started taking prevagen. i realized that i was much more clear and i was remembering the details that i was supposed to. prevagen keeps my brain working right. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. so many hotels... 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(chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. o. >> brian: we're back with a fox wildfire alert. emergency crews with cadaver dogs are searching through thousands of destroyed homes and charred vehicles in maui as the death toll of the historic wildfire nears 100. >> ainsley: the white house dismissing the criticism of president biden being on vacation and offering that "no comment" this weekend. > you all have gotten full reports on who the president has connected with y'all have heard from us when the president has talked to the governor, when the president -- you heard about talking to the senator. you heard from the governor and the senators on the ground saying how much they appreciated the work of the federal government, the work from this president. and i think that matters. >> steve: well, the federal government and fema says there is no timeline for any presidential visit yet because resources are focused on the recovery effort and should not be devoted to protecting him. will cain has had a family connection to maui for decades. his family has owned a property out there. he flew out just about 48 hours ago. he joins us live once again from maui. i understand you took a helicopter ride? >> will: i took a plane ride, steve. i understand the timeline gets a little bit blurry. the past 48 hours have been sort of one day. which has been the story as well for people on west maui. finally made our way to west maui and so we have begun to see and i think you can see on your screen some of what we have begun to see here outside and there on the edges of lahaina. it is just hard to wrap your mind around. what was once so full of life, once so full of homes is now so monolithically gray and reduced to nothing. what's hard to wrap your mind around is that you can see things you weren't supposed to see. can you see across town and that horizon view didn't exist because it would have been interrupted by life, by homes, by people. but i will tell you, this steve, brian and ainsley. the story that is clearly emerging from me as i have been here in west maui is the story of height of heroics. when you are in recovery mission. i think all of us including you are very hesitant to start casting stones but from the president of the united states, offering a no comment to the people, the officials here on the ground, there is nothing -- there is nothing inspiring, but there is plenty inspiring among the citizens of maui. i have seen 29-year-old women put together airlift brought supplies in. standing here at citizens church in can a hanna here distributing goods like so many other citizens and private citizens in maui. quickly steve on the other hand as i was looking tell those exact inspiring stories. we get an official from the mayor of maui. west maui is a media free zone. no, it it's not. it's the united states of america. constitution and first amendment. these stories will be told. i look forward this morning to telling these stories with you throughout "fox & friends." brian quick question it was a you big teal here and people are befuddled when the president said no comment on the maui. the misgenders the senators in hawaii. seems like total disinterest in washington. do you feel that all the way in the 50th state? >> hey, so, once you are over here, brian in west maui the communications are cut off. fits in the story heroics of private citizens. i'm coming to you on a star link which is the dedication of a private citizen elon musk. that message, what you are talking about, brian, doesn't make its way easily on the ground here to lahaina. let me tell you something it does to you across the mainland and the lower 48. i will say it's not hard to come up with a comment about what has happened in west maui. >> steve: 100 people have died. you would think we would get more from the federal government. we will check back in with you in about 20 minutes. thank you, sir. >> ainsley: let's check in with janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> janice: we note the death toll is going to go up. we are already at the deadliest wildfire in u.s. history for maui. we still have wildfires in the person part of the island as well for lahaina. it's not over yet and we still have several fires for the central part of maui. the winds right now, you know, breezy conditions. we are expecting 30 miles per hour when the winds were hurricane force winds. we are expecting some rain for this island but not in the western part where lahaina is, where that could really help firefighters. the next seven days we will see some wet weather get into the region. we do have a tropical storm south of the island. this is not going to be the same event we saw with dora a week ago where we have a very strong hurricane. it is a weak storm. it is not going to impact the island, but we will certainly monitor it. the rest of today's forecast we could see the potential for strong storms alongs east coast including florida up toward the mid-atlantic, as well as beneficial rain for the southwest. the monsoon moisture getting. in the heat still a very big story for the south as well as northwest where seattle is going to be 93 today. of course we will continue to bring you the very latest on maui and the islands and the rest of today's headlines, fox for all of your latest details. over to you. >> steve: j.d., thank you very much. carley joins us and starts with an anniversary. >> i certainly do steve. good morning to the three of you. today marks two years since the kabul fell to the taliban. following chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan. less than two weeks later an isis-k suicide bombing evacuation operation claim the lives of 13 u.s. service members. despite the failures, president biden called mission an extraordinary success. the white house responding to house republicans demanding branch records that they suggest prove president biden was involved in his son hunter's foreign business dealings. >> turning up documents and witnesses showing that the president wasn't involved. never discussed these business dealings and did nothing wrong. there's been zero evidence showing, showing other lies. >> ainsley: the repeated denial comes after house speaker kevin mccarthy called on president biden to, quote: give up his bank statements to prove his innocence. and here we go one more time. elon musk now threatening to show up to mark zuckerberg's doorstep to fight. but the facebook founder apparently not home right now. a spokesperson for zuckerberg saying, quote: mark is traveling right now and isn't in palo alto. also mark takes the sport seriously and not going to fight someone who randomly shows up at his house. meta ceo says musk wasn't serious about cage match telling him to, quote, move on and those are the headlines. i still like this story. what's the next iteration of it be. >> brian: i could see if he was retired and there was time i had a punch of companies. he is running five major companies at the same time. >> ainsley: elon musk. >> brian: still showing up to zuckerberg's house to wrestle? what is he # 1? >> carley: flying rockets into the sky and trying to create x from twitter. who know what is is going to be next. >> brian: tunnel company. tired of traffic. trying to make tunnels under major cities. >> steve: sounds boring but that's the name of the company. >> ainsley: they don't ever grow up do they, carley? they want to wrestle. >> carley: boys were always be boys. >> steve: wrestle and change the world. carley, thank you very much. >> carley: you're welcome. >> steve: remember this great movie. it's called the blind side about a family down south who took into their family a very young man who became a very prominent nfl player. here's a clip from "the blind side" big mike, why were you going to the gym? >> because it's warm. >> do you have any place to stay tonight? don't you dare lie to me. >> i have seen that look many times. about to get her way. >> come on. >> steve: that was a great movie. sandra bullock was great. the actual family was based on the tuohy family. lee ann and sean took michael oher into their family. he says the family now swindled him. the family raked in millions of royalties from the movie. and he has filed suit because he recently learned he was not adopted by the tuohys. he was placed in a conservatorship. sean tuohy told the daily memphian the claims have devastated the family. we got a little bit of the filing against the tuohy. >> ainsley: this is what michael's attorneys say the lie of michael's adoption is one upon which co-conservators leigh anne tuohy and sean tuohy have enriched themselves at the undersigned ward. michael oher discovered this lie to his chagrin and embarrassment in february of 2023 this year. when he learned that the conservatorship that he consented on the basis that doing so would make him a member of the tuohy family, in fact, provided him no familial relationship with the two. basically they said he was over the age of 18. they couldn't adopt him legally. they could just do a conservatorship. >> steve: according to the lawyers. >> ainsley: he said no. i thought i was signing something that i was adopted. whole movie based on that. is he saying the movie is a lie based on it. we love him. he is still part of our family. we were following the law. >> brian: he said he didn't get any money from the movie it. did give him fame. talked to him two weeks ago. book out now it's excellent talked about motivating. even if i didn't make it as a pro-player. i would do something. determined to do it through school. really bright guy. one thing he said what they said the tuohys said back is you know, we brought his birth mother to the court proceedings to do the conservatorship. we thought this was the only option that they had. and then here's what the -- here's what. >> ainsley: their attorneys say. >> brian: their attorneys say we contacted the lawyers who had told us that we couldn't adopt over the age of 18. only thing we could do was to have a conserveship. we was so concerned up on the up and up, that we made sure the biological mom came to court. it's upsetting that people would think i would want to make money off of any of my children. >> ainsley: that's what the family said. not the attorneys. my bad. >> steve: sean tuohy jr., the son of the tuohys he is just saying he just now found out about the conservatorship? here is he now. >> if is he saying he learned that in february i find that hard to believe. i went back to look at -- i was curious today to look at our family group texts and text toes see what things had been said and there were things back in 2020, 2021 if you guys give me this much i won't go public with things. i don't know if that's true. >> ainsley: he went on to say i hope he gets everything entitled to him legally. they will end the conservatorship if that's what they want. they only made money for the book that michael lewis wrote. and everyone got an equal share including michael. >> steve: about 14,000 bucks. >> ainsley: trump indicted part four this time by atlanta grand jury stemming from the 2020 election results in georgia. and the d.a. wants a trial in six months. is that normal in we will ask former federal prosecutor francey hakes, next i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. because no matter how healthy you feel, your risk of shingles sharply increases after age 50. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care but, shingrix protects. shingrix is now zero dollars for almost everyone. ask your doctor about shingrix today. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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well, at least four separate counts that's going to be a trial. he hopes for january 2nd is going to be hearing in august. late august to find out when exactly that date is and then we saw what happened late last night. fani willis indicted yesterday on 13 counts. he has got 19 other people standing. going to do the ricco act. going to try him all at one time and she wants to do this, get, this before everybody else. she wants it within six months. many people think that's a folly. let's look at the election schedule along with the legal schedule and think about this. everything is unprecedented about about we are about to show you. okay,august 23rd, next wednesday. big debate we are all going to be watching, right? not sure if trump will show. by the 25th he has to show up and turn himself in for the case that was filed yesterday in georgia. then, on the january case. i need more time. i have an election coming up. i can't be cooking that the d.c. judge says i don't care about elections but i'm going to look to push this as quick as possible. we will see who slows down and who speeds up. then the trump organization has a civil suit against it. that to me is letitia james trying to get famous. nobody had any problem with the trump organization until it became the republican nominee and eventually the president. see about the caucuses on the 15th. super tuesday on march 5th. in between here he has got all these cases going on. he has at least four weeks of cases got to sit in the courtroom and he can't campaign. is that fair? that, to me, seems like election interference. others would say well, it's all about donald trump's behavior. this is what happens. let's break it down right now with former federal prosecutor francey hakes. your take first on last night's late-night indictment? why did they have to get it on on monday and what is your take on the premature release which they say they knew nothing about but almost identical to the one that was eventually released? >> well, i don't know what's going on here, brian. i'm sitting in fulton county. this is where i live. and fani willis is the elected d.a. here. i don't know what she is thinking. i don't have any idea what is going on in the clerk's office. this is a democrat-run town. i can tell you. so it's heavily democrat. she is opposition tore donald trump. the legislature has made a very clear statement when they passed this law that it was intended to target criminal organizations that are victimizing people with financial-type fraud or crimes of violence. you don't have either of those here. what she has also got with ricco, brian, which i think makes it so interesting and allows her to a higher profile is she can then bring in acts that occurred not just in fulton county, not just in the state of georgia, but anywhere in the country, which is why you see this broad ranging indictment with a few very targeted charges that apply only in fulton county. everything else is almost exactly like jack smith's indictment in d.c. and so you have got a local prosecutor hectoring an opposition presidential candidate and former president, which is exactly what the constitution did not want and why impeachment is the sole remedy for criminal acts in office by a president. >> all right. so real quick. she wants a trial within six months. will she get it? trump wants to move it. will he be able to? depends on what judge they draw. as i said this is a democrat town. all the superior court judges in fulton county are democrats. certainly not going to be trump fans. he won't get any breaks. will he get a fair treatment? i think that remains to be seen and i'm very fearful that he can't. >> brian: here we go. he is going to turn himself. in we will have another side show with that and meanwhile he is trying to win a nomination. all right. thanks so much francey hakes, appreciate it. meanwhile, coming up, recovery efforts are well underway in hawaii. where will cain got a bird's eye view because he went up into the sky on the desks, the horror taking place in and around maui. we still do not have a final death toll. it could get a whole lot worse. we will have the details. you are watching "fox & friends." ♪ she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. how can you sleep on such a firm setting? 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>> talking to the maui food bank what's going on we don't have enough. water for family. how can we fix this? it was like the craziest thing to see what happened. we started with one airplane and then all of a sudden we are getting connected with all these other pilot people on the big islands, mainland and they are like hey, we want to bring stuff in, too. i'm like okay. we start getting shipments. and then we just take it here, we sort it. we distribute it. we have the drivers take it to where it's needed and then the community can come out and get it. >> will: christian martin i think the first pilot to bring over supplies to the airport here from the other side. you got people like sierra on the other side loading up with supplies and what is needed, putting ton your plane and people like andrea taking it off here to get to the people is that how it works? >> exactly. we have been like a three-person team, sierra loads me up over in kaluy, i fly it up degree distributes. it's been a really smooth operation. >> will: how long is the flight from over here kapalua. >> the flight is only 20 minutes. >> you want to show me. >> sure. >> let's do it. >> let's take a supply run. here we go. look at that total destruction. gray to the concrete, all the way back up to the other end of lahaina, total destruction. normal times, this is a tourist center. this is a shopping center. this is where people come to not just buy necessities but to buy luxury items. today it's nothing but necessities. this is the nerve center for northwest maui run by retired firefighters, active firefighters from outside the area. you are in the heart of the recovery effort right here. >> out of the hazard area. so, whatever we can provide because we are out of the hazard area we are going to do. >> not just andrea and i. there is huge communities come together and do this like other groups, you know oahu, big island, boats getting across here. this is all community-based and it's all community outside help. who told you to do this. >> ourselves. i was like i need to get my friends' food and get it and get over there. >> i want someone to tell me what to do at this point. >> i know. >> am i going to get in trouble for this the decisions we are making? >> will: for helping people? >> i know, right? but it's cool. >> will: if somebody gets you guys in trouble they are going to have trouble with america. >> will: ainsley, it is incredible. 10, 12 flights, small manes, general aviation aircraft. helicopters landing every day right there. this is a very small airport. big support from the airport. good on them the capital airport to let this logistics airlift happen, again. the nation can talk about barbie. you want to see girl power? why don't you go up there to the airport. you will see two 29-year-olds mussel, big part in saving west maui. >> ainsley: that is a good point. thank you so much, will. coming up next, rapper 50-cent doubling down on the decline of life in los angeles fooling series of smash and grab robberies like that one. jimmy failla on the brutality. his honest comments coming up next ♪ i wear my heart upon my sleeve ♪ like a big deal or more - can be overwhelming. ♪ allergic reactio ns, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. conquer financial reports. conquer 2000-word essays. conquer a 6 course menu. rule over what you write with the smooth writing, longest lasting gel ink pen in america. do you g2? 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To , 6 , Hearing , January 2nd , 19 , Folly , Ricco Act , Everybody Else , Schedule , Debate , August 23rd , 23 , Cooking , D C , Trump Organization , Nominee , Nobody , Letitia James , Courtroom , Election Interference , Campaign , Caucuses , Super Tuesday On March 5th , 15 , March 5th , 5 , Take , Last Night S , The One , Release , I Don T Know What S Going On , Idea , Statement , Opposition , Organizations , Legislature , Acts , Profile , Violence , Ricco , Few , Anywhere , Impeachment , Remedy , Breaks , Superior Court Judges , Treatment , Fans , Recovery Efforts , Nomination , Will Cain Got A Bird S Eye View , Desks , Horror , Sotyktu , Plaque Psoriasis , Pill , Chance , Kind , Back , Finding Psoriasis , Feeling , Thighs , Splendor , Muscle Problems , Kidney Problems , Changes , Tb , Lymphoma , Cancers , Labs , Triglycerides , Liver , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Jak Family , Risks , Find , Hiding , Dermatologist , Jak Inhibitors , Sleep Number , Word , Gab , Base , Setting , Home Delivery , 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Friends , Decisions , Help , Somebody , Cool , Flights , Logistics Airlift , General Aviation Aircraft , Capital Airport , Small Manes , 12 , Nation , Girl Power , Mussel , Barbie , Big Part In Saving West Maui , Jimmy Failla , Rapper , Comments , Series , Robberies , Decline , Fooling , Brutality , Coming Up , Smash And Grab , Los Angeles , More , Sleeve , Deal , Reactio Ns , Pain , Injection , Site , Neck , Users , Botox , Medications , Survey , Skin Infection , Muscle , Nerve , Botulinum Toxins , Sooner , 92 , Reports , Essays , Course Menu , Rule , Gel Ink Pen , 2000 , Hotel , Mother , Fear , Options , Poof , Brands , Type , Wand , Comfort , Kiddos , Stay , Whoosh , Cambria Hotel Downtown , Oooo , Don T Wave , Constant Contact , Marketing Tools , Small Business , Nope , Awww , Excel , Stand , Vo , Laughs , Hassles , Confidence , Space , Opendoor , Mattress Firm , Gotta , Opendoor Dot Com My Heart Failure , Priorities , Cash Offer , My Heart Doesn T , Stop Taking Farxiga , Job , 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Policies , Politics , California , Everything Else , Dollar , 7 , It S Trump , Fulton County Courthouse , Chaos , Jonathan Serrie ,

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house. i'm sure you have heard that. >> ainsley: brooke singman spoke exclusively with the former president last night and joins us now. what did he say? >> that's right. i spoke with the former president last night who says his fourth indictment comes during a, quote, dark period for our country but he won't let it stop him president trump telling me this is a consideration of the greatest and longest running witch-hunt in american history. i will make america great again. now, late last night trump was indicted by fulton county georgia d.a. fanny willis alongside 18 others that included personal attorney rudy giuliani. former white house chief of staff mark meadows and even kanye west former publicist. traveled to the home of an election worker in fulton county. these charges come after a year's long criminal investigation over his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in the state sparked by a phone call he made to georgia's secretary of state back in december 2020 charges include violating the georgia ricco act or racketeer influence organization corruption act. unrelated crimes committed by different people. if those crimes seem to be in support of a common objective, like overturning an election. trump is also facing similar charges from his previous indictments like conspiracy to commit false statements trump and the other 18 defendants have 10 days to surrender. these charges could bring the former president decades of jail time and even a mug shot which is different from previous indictments. trump's team says the defendants were given no formal warning they were being indicted and actually found out along with the rest of the world; however, just hours before the indictment was handed up, a document matching those charges was posted on the fulton county court website. will d.a. willis denying any knowledge about that. >> do you know anything more about that document leak because now you have the former president's lawyers saying this is emblematic of a serious problem with your office. >> no. i can't tell you anything about what you refer to. what i can tell you is that we had a grand jury here in fulton county. they deliberated until almost 8:00, if not right after 8:00. an indictment was returned. >> d.a. willis is pushing to have a trial date set in the next six months and she infends to try all 18 together. >> steve: you tacked to the former president. was he mad? >> i think he has been through a lot now, steve. he has been indicted four times. this is the fourth indictment this year. first it was alvin bragg and then two indictments out of the special counsel jack smith's probe just two weeks ago he pleaded not guilty in federal court to those jack smith charges and now we have this georgia case which i think i and his team preparing for. i don't think he is mad. i think is he energized. we have seen in the past when he is indicted his fundraising numbers go up. >> steve: they do. >> we will see if this time is any different. we spoke last night late a little after midnight. he walked me through what he thinks is, again, the longest witch-hunt, he says, in the history of the united states. and he is not going to stop fighting. >> brian: all right. last thing, was he going to -- did he indicate when he is going to turn himself in? he has got to do it before the 25th? >> steve: 10 days. >> he didn't say exactly. he didn't say anything about that. we just really had his reaction to these charges. but, you know what? he is likely to plead not guilty, i would assume. based on his not guilty pleas in all the other cases. >> ainsley: asked a few good questions on truth social. they put out these documents. the indictment documents before the grand jury even took a vote. then they retracted those. then he said why didn't they indict two and a half years ago? if they had a problem, why wait until now when i'm the frontrunner? >> really interesting. the fulton county court did put up what looked like the exact same indictment. they pulled it down. they said it was fictitious document. >> brian: they lied. >> hours later, a very, very similar document was posted. that means, you know, did they have this indictment. >> ainsley: changed a little bit and posted it. >> steve: maybe they were practicing. they practiced anything else. what happens when i push that button. >> brian: before the grand jury indicted they put it up there. >> steve: that's true. >> ainsley: they have been putting barricades up. >> brian: most dam must posted that. predict what is happening. >> ainsley: talked to him after midnight. >> steve: somebody who goes to bed at 8:00 gregg jared fox news legal analyst. you were late as well. good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. >> steve: so, you know, explain donald trump's in a pickle. he has got all these indictments and stuff like this. this is a different case though because it's a state's case as opposed to federal cases. in federal stuff if you were elected he can pardon himself but he can't in georgia. that's a state. they have a board. you can't get a pardon until five years after you served your time. >> that's right. steve. you know, many of these claims are redundant of the earlier federal indictment, you know, that trump falsely claimed that he won. he falsely claimed voter fraud and took steps to overturn the result. but the same defenses apply. you know, it's not a crime to say that the election was stolen. hillary clinton did. in fact in georgia so did stacey abrams. i think she still thinks she is governor, at least claims. that is it criminal to challenge the result, as democrats have done in three prior elections? of course not. the question is whether the steps taken were legal or illegal. even if a candidate thinks he or she lost. you know, they are still entitled under the law to challenge the result. you know, u.s. supreme court has said repeatedly that false claims are protected speech. so, that's not really fraud or criminal enterprise in georgia and elsewhere. you know, trump complained in court filings about ballot irregularities, faulty machines. violation of election laws, valid votes not counted, invalid votes were counted. you know, in the end, those challenges failed. how is that fraud? i don't think it is. because exercising your legal rights to challenge the integrity of voting systems as democrats have done in three prior elections, that's not criminal. it's not defrauding the government if you believe you're acting lawfully. >> ainsley: greg, alan dershowitz says the strategy is to get an election before the election. even if it goes to the appeals court or the supreme court. get that conviction first, even if they knock it out later. at least they can say is he convicted going into the election. you said last night on sean hannity show something that is interesting. it's really up to the way you interpret what donald trump said. she is interpreting it. fanny willis is interpreting that trump told the georgia secretary of state to find those almost 12,000 votes. you are saying, if you read the transcript trump myself said i myself am looking for that like any other candidate. we he was trying to find out where those votes are to make up the deficit so that he could win he is saying i need to find 11,000 some odd votes because that's his deficit. he is not asking the secretary of state to do something illegal is he growing how he thinks he won by a huge margin but the deficit in the results shows roughly 11,000 to 12,000 votes shy of victory. and, you know, you have to listen to the -- i listened to clips of the conversation last night. trump is complaining about a wide variety of election irregular glarlts in a ballot issues and so forth. and he is saying i need to find. i need to find 11,000 votes. is he not saying you go out and find illegally 11,000 votes. so, you know, this district attorney has chronically misrepresented a lot of the facts, mangled the law in order to bring, you know, reacted tearing, seriously? that requires proof of an organized criminal enterprise, coupled with a repeated pattern of systemic illegal behavior. that doesn't apply here. >> brian: look at this and tell me what matters legally what is perspective. first she does a big photo shoot. mocking lindsey graham in a meme she retweets tweets. it fundraiser for a target of this investigation. and then yesterday lying flat out saying i don't know how clerks work. posting the indictment before the indictment was actually concluded. yeah, i don't know how it works. well, and then she wouldn't answer the question, if she is collaborating with jack smith. i'm not talking to you. this is an orchestration and if it wasn't, she would have easily said i'm just staying in my purview. i have been working on this for two and a half years. and i just got done at 11:30 at night eastern time. which is crazy. why did she need to get it done last night? >> because she was embarrassed by their own incompetence, stupidity, and malevolence exposed. she didn't want people to go to bed at night with the leading story being how they already had the indictment before the jury had voted on the charges. you know, so they got rid of some of the witnesses planned for tomorrow and, you know, they put this entire process. >> brian: it's crazy. >> greg: fast forward to bring this indictment. and, you know, now they are lying about oh, it was fictitious document on the clerk's website. no, it wasn't. i mean, take a look at what was originally posted and what was eventually posted as an indictment. they are one and the same. and then she has the audacity to fain no knowledge of it all government and government and justice system go after criminal opponents criticizing otherwise unlawful conduct. ask. >> speaking of political opponents, hillary clinton, donald trump, remember back in the day? talked a little bit about the indictment and had this observation about the pickle the president's in. >> i don't know that anybody should be satisfied. this is a terrible moment for our country to have a former president accused of these terribly important crimes. the only satisfaction may be that the system is working. that all of the efforts by donald trump, his allies, and his enablers to try to silence the truth, to try to undermine democracy have been brought into the light and justice is being pursued. >> steve: you know, she knows about justice. her husband was impeached. >> yeah. i mean, this is the same person who got away with clear crimes in her email scandal. and also the same person that got rich off of her foundation by russian payments. and this is the same person who invented the russia collusion hoax. >> brian: yep. >> greg: funded phony dossier and had her minions give, you know, phony evidence to the fbi to try drive trump from office. i mean, her hypocrisy is pretty rich. >> ainsley: and also questioned her election, remember, when she ran against donald trump and lost? >> steve: it was because of the russians. exactly. gregg, thank you for getting up early for us today. gregg gregg okay. my pleasure, steve. >> steve: we have all sorts of legal experts on tap. we have three hours. we will have wsm the president's attorneys join us alina habba. acting u.s. attorney general. jonathan turley knows all about the constitution. we have a very busy tuesday that starts right now. >> brian: clip you will see later on rachel maddow says to hillary clinton. we have to learn to like elections you can't push back every time you don't like the election the way it goes is she that oblivious a woman who says everybody knows donald trump was illegitimately elected and lost the election? she spent four years saying that same exact thing and plotted against him. i'm wondering does she realize who she is talking to. the only person more over the top than that is stacey abrams who up until recently was saying that she was governor of georgia. and they boycott georgia because they said that was corruption. >> ainsley: nancy pelosi, too, questioned the election. bleach bit, hammer. >> steve: yeah. >> brian: it's incredible that rachel maddow would ask her that question ains instance a and not push back. >> brian: yeah. >> ainsley: ohio residents gathering up what is left after the historic wildfires engulfed their way of life. will cain is in maui and he is getting a bird's eye view of all the destruction and recovery and he is next on that. >> steve: plus, it was the feel-good story that won oscar praise but now the former nfl star whose story inspired the movie the blind side said it was all based on a lie. michael oher's stunning claims and the family's reaction coming up next on "fox & friends." ♪ my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide pods free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn't leave behind irritating residues. and it's gentle on her skin tide free & gentle is epa safer choice certified. it's got to be tide hi, i'm eileen. i live in vancouver, washington and i write mystery novels. dogs have been such an important part of my life. i have flinn and a new puppy. as i was writing, i found that i just wasn't as sharp and i new i needed to do something so i started taking prevagen. i realized that i was much more clear and i was remembering the details that i was supposed to. prevagen keeps my brain working right. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. so many hotels... 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(chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. o. >> brian: we're back with a fox wildfire alert. emergency crews with cadaver dogs are searching through thousands of destroyed homes and charred vehicles in maui as the death toll of the historic wildfire nears 100. >> ainsley: the white house dismissing the criticism of president biden being on vacation and offering that "no comment" this weekend. > you all have gotten full reports on who the president has connected with y'all have heard from us when the president has talked to the governor, when the president -- you heard about talking to the senator. you heard from the governor and the senators on the ground saying how much they appreciated the work of the federal government, the work from this president. and i think that matters. >> steve: well, the federal government and fema says there is no timeline for any presidential visit yet because resources are focused on the recovery effort and should not be devoted to protecting him. will cain has had a family connection to maui for decades. his family has owned a property out there. he flew out just about 48 hours ago. he joins us live once again from maui. i understand you took a helicopter ride? >> will: i took a plane ride, steve. i understand the timeline gets a little bit blurry. the past 48 hours have been sort of one day. which has been the story as well for people on west maui. finally made our way to west maui and so we have begun to see and i think you can see on your screen some of what we have begun to see here outside and there on the edges of lahaina. it is just hard to wrap your mind around. what was once so full of life, once so full of homes is now so monolithically gray and reduced to nothing. what's hard to wrap your mind around is that you can see things you weren't supposed to see. can you see across town and that horizon view didn't exist because it would have been interrupted by life, by homes, by people. but i will tell you, this steve, brian and ainsley. the story that is clearly emerging from me as i have been here in west maui is the story of height of heroics. when you are in recovery mission. i think all of us including you are very hesitant to start casting stones but from the president of the united states, offering a no comment to the people, the officials here on the ground, there is nothing -- there is nothing inspiring, but there is plenty inspiring among the citizens of maui. i have seen 29-year-old women put together airlift brought supplies in. standing here at citizens church in can a hanna here distributing goods like so many other citizens and private citizens in maui. quickly steve on the other hand as i was looking tell those exact inspiring stories. we get an official from the mayor of maui. west maui is a media free zone. no, it it's not. it's the united states of america. constitution and first amendment. these stories will be told. i look forward this morning to telling these stories with you throughout "fox & friends." brian quick question it was a you big teal here and people are befuddled when the president said no comment on the maui. the misgenders the senators in hawaii. seems like total disinterest in washington. do you feel that all the way in the 50th state? >> hey, so, once you are over here, brian in west maui the communications are cut off. fits in the story heroics of private citizens. i'm coming to you on a star link which is the dedication of a private citizen elon musk. that message, what you are talking about, brian, doesn't make its way easily on the ground here to lahaina. let me tell you something it does to you across the mainland and the lower 48. i will say it's not hard to come up with a comment about what has happened in west maui. >> steve: 100 people have died. you would think we would get more from the federal government. we will check back in with you in about 20 minutes. thank you, sir. >> ainsley: let's check in with janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> janice: we note the death toll is going to go up. we are already at the deadliest wildfire in u.s. history for maui. we still have wildfires in the person part of the island as well for lahaina. it's not over yet and we still have several fires for the central part of maui. the winds right now, you know, breezy conditions. we are expecting 30 miles per hour when the winds were hurricane force winds. we are expecting some rain for this island but not in the western part where lahaina is, where that could really help firefighters. the next seven days we will see some wet weather get into the region. we do have a tropical storm south of the island. this is not going to be the same event we saw with dora a week ago where we have a very strong hurricane. it is a weak storm. it is not going to impact the island, but we will certainly monitor it. the rest of today's forecast we could see the potential for strong storms alongs east coast including florida up toward the mid-atlantic, as well as beneficial rain for the southwest. the monsoon moisture getting. in the heat still a very big story for the south as well as northwest where seattle is going to be 93 today. of course we will continue to bring you the very latest on maui and the islands and the rest of today's headlines, fox for all of your latest details. over to you. >> steve: j.d., thank you very much. carley joins us and starts with an anniversary. >> i certainly do steve. good morning to the three of you. today marks two years since the kabul fell to the taliban. following chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan. less than two weeks later an isis-k suicide bombing evacuation operation claim the lives of 13 u.s. service members. despite the failures, president biden called mission an extraordinary success. the white house responding to house republicans demanding branch records that they suggest prove president biden was involved in his son hunter's foreign business dealings. >> turning up documents and witnesses showing that the president wasn't involved. never discussed these business dealings and did nothing wrong. there's been zero evidence showing, showing other lies. >> ainsley: the repeated denial comes after house speaker kevin mccarthy called on president biden to, quote: give up his bank statements to prove his innocence. and here we go one more time. elon musk now threatening to show up to mark zuckerberg's doorstep to fight. but the facebook founder apparently not home right now. a spokesperson for zuckerberg saying, quote: mark is traveling right now and isn't in palo alto. also mark takes the sport seriously and not going to fight someone who randomly shows up at his house. meta ceo says musk wasn't serious about cage match telling him to, quote, move on and those are the headlines. i still like this story. what's the next iteration of it be. >> brian: i could see if he was retired and there was time i had a punch of companies. he is running five major companies at the same time. >> ainsley: elon musk. >> brian: still showing up to zuckerberg's house to wrestle? what is he # 1? >> carley: flying rockets into the sky and trying to create x from twitter. who know what is is going to be next. >> brian: tunnel company. tired of traffic. trying to make tunnels under major cities. >> steve: sounds boring but that's the name of the company. >> ainsley: they don't ever grow up do they, carley? they want to wrestle. >> carley: boys were always be boys. >> steve: wrestle and change the world. carley, thank you very much. >> carley: you're welcome. >> steve: remember this great movie. it's called the blind side about a family down south who took into their family a very young man who became a very prominent nfl player. here's a clip from "the blind side" big mike, why were you going to the gym? >> because it's warm. >> do you have any place to stay tonight? don't you dare lie to me. >> i have seen that look many times. about to get her way. >> come on. >> steve: that was a great movie. sandra bullock was great. the actual family was based on the tuohy family. lee ann and sean took michael oher into their family. he says the family now swindled him. the family raked in millions of royalties from the movie. and he has filed suit because he recently learned he was not adopted by the tuohys. he was placed in a conservatorship. sean tuohy told the daily memphian the claims have devastated the family. we got a little bit of the filing against the tuohy. >> ainsley: this is what michael's attorneys say the lie of michael's adoption is one upon which co-conservators leigh anne tuohy and sean tuohy have enriched themselves at the undersigned ward. michael oher discovered this lie to his chagrin and embarrassment in february of 2023 this year. when he learned that the conservatorship that he consented on the basis that doing so would make him a member of the tuohy family, in fact, provided him no familial relationship with the two. basically they said he was over the age of 18. they couldn't adopt him legally. they could just do a conservatorship. >> steve: according to the lawyers. >> ainsley: he said no. i thought i was signing something that i was adopted. whole movie based on that. is he saying the movie is a lie based on it. we love him. he is still part of our family. we were following the law. >> brian: he said he didn't get any money from the movie it. did give him fame. talked to him two weeks ago. book out now it's excellent talked about motivating. even if i didn't make it as a pro-player. i would do something. determined to do it through school. really bright guy. one thing he said what they said the tuohys said back is you know, we brought his birth mother to the court proceedings to do the conservatorship. we thought this was the only option that they had. and then here's what the -- here's what. >> ainsley: their attorneys say. >> brian: their attorneys say we contacted the lawyers who had told us that we couldn't adopt over the age of 18. only thing we could do was to have a conserveship. we was so concerned up on the up and up, that we made sure the biological mom came to court. it's upsetting that people would think i would want to make money off of any of my children. >> ainsley: that's what the family said. not the attorneys. my bad. >> steve: sean tuohy jr., the son of the tuohys he is just saying he just now found out about the conservatorship? here is he now. >> if is he saying he learned that in february i find that hard to believe. i went back to look at -- i was curious today to look at our family group texts and text toes see what things had been said and there were things back in 2020, 2021 if you guys give me this much i won't go public with things. i don't know if that's true. >> ainsley: he went on to say i hope he gets everything entitled to him legally. they will end the conservatorship if that's what they want. they only made money for the book that michael lewis wrote. and everyone got an equal share including michael. >> steve: about 14,000 bucks. >> ainsley: trump indicted part four this time by atlanta grand jury stemming from the 2020 election results in georgia. and the d.a. wants a trial in six months. is that normal in we will ask former federal prosecutor francey hakes, next i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. because no matter how healthy you feel, your risk of shingles sharply increases after age 50. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care but, shingrix protects. shingrix is now zero dollars for almost everyone. ask your doctor about shingrix today. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> woman: why did we choose safelite? 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well, at least four separate counts that's going to be a trial. he hopes for january 2nd is going to be hearing in august. late august to find out when exactly that date is and then we saw what happened late last night. fani willis indicted yesterday on 13 counts. he has got 19 other people standing. going to do the ricco act. going to try him all at one time and she wants to do this, get, this before everybody else. she wants it within six months. many people think that's a folly. let's look at the election schedule along with the legal schedule and think about this. everything is unprecedented about about we are about to show you. okay,august 23rd, next wednesday. big debate we are all going to be watching, right? not sure if trump will show. by the 25th he has to show up and turn himself in for the case that was filed yesterday in georgia. then, on the january case. i need more time. i have an election coming up. i can't be cooking that the d.c. judge says i don't care about elections but i'm going to look to push this as quick as possible. we will see who slows down and who speeds up. then the trump organization has a civil suit against it. that to me is letitia james trying to get famous. nobody had any problem with the trump organization until it became the republican nominee and eventually the president. see about the caucuses on the 15th. super tuesday on march 5th. in between here he has got all these cases going on. he has at least four weeks of cases got to sit in the courtroom and he can't campaign. is that fair? that, to me, seems like election interference. others would say well, it's all about donald trump's behavior. this is what happens. let's break it down right now with former federal prosecutor francey hakes. your take first on last night's late-night indictment? why did they have to get it on on monday and what is your take on the premature release which they say they knew nothing about but almost identical to the one that was eventually released? >> well, i don't know what's going on here, brian. i'm sitting in fulton county. this is where i live. and fani willis is the elected d.a. here. i don't know what she is thinking. i don't have any idea what is going on in the clerk's office. this is a democrat-run town. i can tell you. so it's heavily democrat. she is opposition tore donald trump. the legislature has made a very clear statement when they passed this law that it was intended to target criminal organizations that are victimizing people with financial-type fraud or crimes of violence. you don't have either of those here. what she has also got with ricco, brian, which i think makes it so interesting and allows her to a higher profile is she can then bring in acts that occurred not just in fulton county, not just in the state of georgia, but anywhere in the country, which is why you see this broad ranging indictment with a few very targeted charges that apply only in fulton county. everything else is almost exactly like jack smith's indictment in d.c. and so you have got a local prosecutor hectoring an opposition presidential candidate and former president, which is exactly what the constitution did not want and why impeachment is the sole remedy for criminal acts in office by a president. >> all right. so real quick. she wants a trial within six months. will she get it? trump wants to move it. will he be able to? depends on what judge they draw. as i said this is a democrat town. all the superior court judges in fulton county are democrats. certainly not going to be trump fans. he won't get any breaks. will he get a fair treatment? i think that remains to be seen and i'm very fearful that he can't. >> brian: here we go. he is going to turn himself. in we will have another side show with that and meanwhile he is trying to win a nomination. all right. thanks so much francey hakes, appreciate it. meanwhile, coming up, recovery efforts are well underway in hawaii. where will cain got a bird's eye view because he went up into the sky on the desks, the horror taking place in and around maui. we still do not have a final death toll. it could get a whole lot worse. we will have the details. you are watching "fox & friends." ♪ she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. how can you sleep on such a firm setting? 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>> talking to the maui food bank what's going on we don't have enough. water for family. how can we fix this? it was like the craziest thing to see what happened. we started with one airplane and then all of a sudden we are getting connected with all these other pilot people on the big islands, mainland and they are like hey, we want to bring stuff in, too. i'm like okay. we start getting shipments. and then we just take it here, we sort it. we distribute it. we have the drivers take it to where it's needed and then the community can come out and get it. >> will: christian martin i think the first pilot to bring over supplies to the airport here from the other side. you got people like sierra on the other side loading up with supplies and what is needed, putting ton your plane and people like andrea taking it off here to get to the people is that how it works? >> exactly. we have been like a three-person team, sierra loads me up over in kaluy, i fly it up degree distributes. it's been a really smooth operation. >> will: how long is the flight from over here kapalua. >> the flight is only 20 minutes. >> you want to show me. >> sure. >> let's do it. >> let's take a supply run. here we go. look at that total destruction. gray to the concrete, all the way back up to the other end of lahaina, total destruction. normal times, this is a tourist center. this is a shopping center. this is where people come to not just buy necessities but to buy luxury items. today it's nothing but necessities. this is the nerve center for northwest maui run by retired firefighters, active firefighters from outside the area. you are in the heart of the recovery effort right here. >> out of the hazard area. so, whatever we can provide because we are out of the hazard area we are going to do. >> not just andrea and i. there is huge communities come together and do this like other groups, you know oahu, big island, boats getting across here. this is all community-based and it's all community outside help. who told you to do this. >> ourselves. i was like i need to get my friends' food and get it and get over there. >> i want someone to tell me what to do at this point. >> i know. >> am i going to get in trouble for this the decisions we are making? >> will: for helping people? >> i know, right? but it's cool. >> will: if somebody gets you guys in trouble they are going to have trouble with america. >> will: ainsley, it is incredible. 10, 12 flights, small manes, general aviation aircraft. helicopters landing every day right there. this is a very small airport. big support from the airport. good on them the capital airport to let this logistics airlift happen, again. the nation can talk about barbie. you want to see girl power? why don't you go up there to the airport. you will see two 29-year-olds mussel, big part in saving west maui. >> ainsley: that is a good point. thank you so much, will. coming up next, rapper 50-cent doubling down on the decline of life in los angeles fooling series of smash and grab robberies like that one. jimmy failla on the brutality. his honest comments coming up next ♪ i wear my heart upon my sleeve ♪ like a big deal or more - can be overwhelming. ♪ allergic reactio ns, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they'd talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. conquer financial reports. conquer 2000-word essays. conquer a 6 course menu. rule over what you write with the smooth writing, longest lasting gel ink pen in america. do you g2? 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To , 6 , Hearing , January 2nd , 19 , Folly , Ricco Act , Everybody Else , Schedule , Debate , August 23rd , 23 , Cooking , D C , Trump Organization , Nominee , Nobody , Letitia James , Courtroom , Election Interference , Campaign , Caucuses , Super Tuesday On March 5th , 15 , March 5th , 5 , Take , Last Night S , The One , Release , I Don T Know What S Going On , Idea , Statement , Opposition , Organizations , Legislature , Acts , Profile , Violence , Ricco , Few , Anywhere , Impeachment , Remedy , Breaks , Superior Court Judges , Treatment , Fans , Recovery Efforts , Nomination , Will Cain Got A Bird S Eye View , Desks , Horror , Sotyktu , Plaque Psoriasis , Pill , Chance , Kind , Back , Finding Psoriasis , Feeling , Thighs , Splendor , Muscle Problems , Kidney Problems , Changes , Tb , Lymphoma , Cancers , Labs , Triglycerides , Liver , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Jak Family , Risks , Find , Hiding , Dermatologist , Jak Inhibitors , Sleep Number , Word , Gab , Base , Setting , Home Delivery , 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Friends , Decisions , Help , Somebody , Cool , Flights , Logistics Airlift , General Aviation Aircraft , Capital Airport , Small Manes , 12 , Nation , Girl Power , Mussel , Barbie , Big Part In Saving West Maui , Jimmy Failla , Rapper , Comments , Series , Robberies , Decline , Fooling , Brutality , Coming Up , Smash And Grab , Los Angeles , More , Sleeve , Deal , Reactio Ns , Pain , Injection , Site , Neck , Users , Botox , Medications , Survey , Skin Infection , Muscle , Nerve , Botulinum Toxins , Sooner , 92 , Reports , Essays , Course Menu , Rule , Gel Ink Pen , 2000 , Hotel , Mother , Fear , Options , Poof , Brands , Type , Wand , Comfort , Kiddos , Stay , Whoosh , Cambria Hotel Downtown , Oooo , Don T Wave , Constant Contact , Marketing Tools , Small Business , Nope , Awww , Excel , Stand , Vo , Laughs , Hassles , Confidence , Space , Opendoor , Mattress Firm , Gotta , Opendoor Dot Com My Heart Failure , Priorities , Cash Offer , My Heart Doesn T , Stop Taking Farxiga , Job , Hospital , Me Farxiga , Ketoacidosis , Yeast Infections , Side Effect , Death , Perineum , Urinary Tract , Men , Blood Sugar , Dehydration , Farxiga , Sounds Good To Me , Medication , Astrazeneca , Reporting Infestations , Guest , World Series Of Poker Sharing Photos , Las Vegas , 0000 , 40000 , Social Media , Bloomberg , Wow , So Grois , 75000 , 175000 , Being , Relative , Tax Filers , Net Worth , A Million Dollars , A Million , L A , L A Nordstrom , Mob , Doors , Appointment , 50 Cent , Gump S , Leaders , San Francisco , Holiday Season , Ad , 250 Post Street , 250 , 166 , Inflation , Erosion , Fox Across America On News Radio , 63 , Society , Right , Sad , Empathy , Heaven , Mobs , Kidding , None , Cop , Flash Mob , Video , Shoplifting Problem , Chain , River , Steals , Garden State Mall , Cares , Box Retailers , Pop , Environment , Chance Against , No One Cares , Odds , Close On Sundays , Families , Looters , Touch , Businesses , Nancy Pelosi Federal Office Building , Commerce , Policies , Politics , California , Everything Else , Dollar , 7 , It S Trump , Fulton County Courthouse , Chaos , Jonathan Serrie ,

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