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So excited to indict the former president. They actually accidentally posted charges online this morning before the grand jury rendered a decision. Were not sure if the judge is going to read that decision. Were going to listen in as indicated. All indications are the leak came out this afternoon and could have been the d. A. Jumping the gun. Lets listen. If he tells what it says, it was to get a good look. So you all need to leave. I mean, politely and nicely. Youve had a long day, but these folks cant go until you all go. I know we had talked about leaving the equipment here. Dont leave the equipment here because youre not going to want to be here tomorrow. Youre welcome to be here if you dont have a rule 22 for whats going to happen tomorrow. Just get all that. So you find anything good happens, you have that stupid decision. You mind taking that . They can come to the election . You just want to put them down. The guy was right there on everything youre doing, okay . You have to work. Were having audio, video, audio and jury in georgia. That may well be coming out tonight. It could come within the next hour and i dont know whats going to be in it. There are lots of rumors their allegations of rico charges. We dont know whats in it, but but but you asked what my reaction is. Im pissed. Im piste at these over and over and over again if their indictments tonight will be the fourth indictment of donald trump. This is disgraceful. Our country is over 200 years old. We have never once indicted a former president or a candidate and a leading candidate for president. And this is joe biden. And this is the democrats weaponizing the Justice System because theyre afraid of the voters. This is disgraceful. It is wrong and it is a beat and abuse of power. By angry democrats who have decided the rule of law doesnt matter to them anymore. Let me ask you, senator, um and so Many Americans feel this way and were watching jim jordans House Judiciary Committee on this, you know, on a on a weekly basis, and their key investigation is whether or not our fbi is been politicized and weaponized whether the doj has been politicized and weaponized. I think we need to put emphasis on what you just said never in our long history as a country has this ever happened to a former president . Nor is it happened to the chief rival of a sitting president. Running for president. And yet they not only want these indictments, this now would be the fourth time history has been made, but they want the trials in the middle of the caucus, the primary and the election season is that as President Trump has been arguing election interference. Of course it is and the timing is nakedly political. Every time more bad news comes out about hunter, biden or joe biden, you can set a stopwatch within hours, some clown goes and invites donald trump again. And then all of the all of the little lemmings in the media. Go run and say, trump trump trump trump trump. Look last week, the House Oversight committee released bank records that showed that joe bidens family and associates received over 20 million from foreign sources. While joe biden was Vice President. So just when hes in office over 20 million, let me ask you. Is there anything on earth sean that hunter biden could do for you . That would be worth 20 million . Well if youre a ukrainian oligarch or russian oligarch, i guess so. And if you actually go just after the vice presidency, Hunter Hunter and his family got another 8 million from the chinese communists. You know what just happened last week. Last week, the statute of limitations ran on the 8 million that flooded to the biden family from the chinese communists. You know who let it run . David weiss, the u. S attorney who is obstructing justice, who is blocking an investigation. And what did Merrick Garland do . He named him a Special Counsel, which is disgraceful. As you know, i do a podcast every week verdict with ted cruz. Todays podcast goes through y david weisss appointment is illegal. It is directly contrary to doj guidelines that say that it has to be someone outside of the Department Of Justice Merrick Garland doesnt matter doesnt care. Hes ignoring the law. But more importantly, its supposed to be someone with integrity to prosecute, and david weiss has shown that hes willing to block prosecution of hunter to allow the statute of limitations to go forward and to allow apparatchiks on his staff to protect joe biden to say no questions about the big guy. No questions about joe biden. Its why youve seen two senior i r s Career Whistleblowers come forward, and its why i believe were seeing an indictment likely tonight because the media wants to change the topic. I have a couple more questions. Senator i just want to bring people up to speed at home, the Fulton County District Attorneys Office is has now handed a grand jury indictment to judge robert mcburney. As we saw just moments ago, the judge looked through the multi page document handing it off to the Clerks Office representative. We do expect that now that the grand jury has handed up this sealed indictment, we will find out what is in it some point tonight. One of the point about about mr weiss, whos now been , you know, remember, he was the one that gave hunter biden the Sweetheart Deal, senator, and it was the sweetheart of all Sweetheart Deals deals and it was a get out of jail free on anything else that he might have done. You mentioned the statute of limitations. We had already known that on previous charges. We also heard from whistleblowers. That were accusing both david weiss and the Attorney General of telling a very different story about the Real Authority that that mr weiss had whether or not he had authority in other jurisdictions. It turned out that in fact, he was telling the irs whistleblowers that he was telling them he did not have that authority so either the whistleblowers will lying or merrick, garland and david wiser lie. I know how i tend to believe yeah. So listen, sean. Im right now. Im back in texas. Im here with incredible patriots of the king would tea party and ill tell you i am in a room with hundreds of texans right now who want to see accountability who want to see the rule of law who are ticked off that the president of the United States there is now growing and overwhelming evidence. That joe biden has made a business out of selling favors. Hunter biden was the salesman and lets be clear. Its not access. Its not the appearance of access. What the allegations from the whistleblowers with the allegation in the fbi fd 10 23 are are that hunter biden sold official favors from daddy from joe biden that is bribery and bribery is explicitly enumerated in the constitution as a basis for impeachment. And instead of this, sir, circus and sideshow of indictment after indictment after indictment of donald trump. I believe the House Of Representatives needs to move forward with an Impeachment Inquiry for joe biden. And if its proven that he accepted a bribe, he should be impeached. He should be removed from office. He should be indicted. He should be prosecuted and he should go to prison. Get your reaction to this news, nbc reporting that Fulton County grand jury has returned 10 indictments. Ah we are awaiting the names and the details and we obviously we have to believe that one of them would be president donald trump, then i if i had to render a gas one has to wonder if Rudy Giulianis name would be in there or sydney powells name would be in there. John eastmans name would be in there again. Im only guessing but if i had to give, uh educated guess i would say those are the obvious your thoughts. Yeah look, i the one that that is obvious that its going to be as donald j. Trump because it is clear that this prosecutor went in with an objective to indict donald trump. Its the same thing as alvin bragg, the wild george soros partisan in new york. Its the same thing as merrick, garland and jack smith. And by the way, jack smith has a history of bringing partisan indictments. He indicted bob mcdonald, the sitting governor of virginia, when he was a credible candidate for president. He got a conviction, and that conviction went to the u. S. Supreme court. And i got unanimously thrown out. But the conviction was all about politics. What they want to do is they want to trial to attack donald trump. Theyd like a trial in september, october of next year, right before the election, the other 10 people im not going to speculate or the other nine will find out. But frankly, there were nine people who are unlucky enough to be standing somewhere in or around donald trump their target. Is political. This is not the rule of law. This is not enforcing the law fairly. This is because partisan democrats have convinced themselves look if you disagree with Donald Trump Campaign against him thats called democracy. But democrats dont believe in democracy because theyre worried the voters dont want four more years of the disaster that is joe biden. And so they want to abuse the Justice System to try to take that choice away from the voters. I think thats shameful. All right. Senator ted cruz has graciously agreed to stick around with us, uh, as news develops tonight, senator we really appreciate your expertise is needed on a night like tonight. Let us bring in now and get some legal analysis jonathan turley, Law Professor and Fox News Contributor jonathan, where reading we now have multiple sources telling us that there are 10 indictments named here. Again an educated guess i think we know the names. Certainly at the top of the list would be president donald j. Trump this would now be his fourth indictment. Um one big difference that we would see in this case, probably versus the other three. Previous indictments would be georgia sunshine laws, likelihood of this being on television is probably great. Will that be impactful to the American People . More so than the other cases . Well well be. The other big distinction is that the cases brought by jack smith are subject to president ial pardon , including the possibility of a self pardoned by donald trump if hes re elected, the new york and georgia cases are not subject to federal pardon authority. Uh the suggestion is that theyre not just 10 indictments, but that its based on rico, and thats a favorite tool of this particular prosecutor. It requires the pattern to be shown usually a fraud that ties these people together. This is a lot of indictment. Obviously if youve got 10 defendants that is also similar to a lot of criminal rico statutes. But the really the danger here is the idea can dilute the legitimacy of the case unless you can show strong linkages on a case of this kind. You dont want it to look like youre charging everyone and letting god sort them out. And so we have to see what evidence that they actually turned up one of the most concerning aspects about this particular investigation, and theres a number of them. Is that it began after the disclosure of the call of donald trump to georgia. Election officials call has been widely misrepresented, in my view in the call President Trump at the time i said, you only need to find around 11,000 votes and that has been taken as an invitation for fraud. There is, of course, a more obvious explanation. And that is the georgia officials were saying that further State Recounts might not be necessary and it would be natural for trump to say, look, you only need to find 11,000 to turn the outcome of this election, so i dont need that many votes. Thus a State Recount is justified. Now either of those interpretations can be believed by citizens, but you usually need something. More clear to establish a criminal case. To me, the more innocent explanation is the more obvious one. Yeah let me let me ask you first of all, uh, content indictments could have been more than 10 people. In other words, could there be multiple people . Or would that number 10 be the number of people . Its hard to say, because in the vernacular that people use it could be individual defendants. It does not appear to be a reference to the accounts. Theres been other leaks, saying that we have dozens of counts here. I we dont know much quite frankly, about whats in this indictment against donald trump. If there is such an indictment, we expect there is there have been suggestions that the call will be featured prominently. Theres also been references to a controversy involving Coffee County. This was where the trump team gained access one of the voting machines. Now you have to keep in mind that back then, and you and i were doing the coverage of the trump team was trying to get access to these machines because they were alleging that the machines could be manipulated and that votes could be flipped. Apparently someone and they she now maybe one of these defendants gave them access to machines in Coffee County that has been alleged to be a breach of security of that machine. It was after the election, but the machines were still well being controlled, obviously by the election officials. The problem with that is that the emails that weve read to the trump team say that we got an invitation. To see one of these machines and that theres been a voluntary access granted. Shes gonna need something more than that, right . Shes going to need to show that there was a knowing criminal intent here, not just by some of these individuals in georgia but of donald trump himself. Yeah let me let me just remind people what has happened here we now have what is been unfolding in the last 17 minutes. Is that the grand jury that worked late into the night tonight . Up until the moment were coming on the air has come up with what we believe now reported widely 10 indictments. Signed by the judge filed with the clerk and what were now discovering and finding out a little color Behind The Scenes here, the clerk was asked about any names or charges in the indictment, because, you know, remember that was signed by the judge and filed with the clerk and the clerk just told reporters that we would hear. What is in this and that the what are in these indictments tonight . Worst Case Scenario, quote, three hours. A representative from Fulton County superior court Clerks Office representative from the Fulton County, d. A s office and several representatives from the Fulton County Sheriffs Office have walked in the courtroom a d, and thats judge robert mcburneys courtroom. And so all of this is now unfolding Behind The Scenes, which basically means at any point we can we can be, uh, informed of what it is that they that the grand jury was actually working late into the night four. Let me go back to this issue of rico and racketeering conspiracy, which we have heard a lot about in the in the days and even weeks now leading up to what was fairly inevitable in Fulton County, usually when you hear Rico Racketeering you think about those those were designed to go after specifically the mob. How do you come up with a Rico Conspiracy charge . Racketeering charge . How do you how do you foresee the arguments going down in that way . Well it has been expanded for use beyond the mob. What you have to show is that a predicate offense, one of the offenses listed in the states statute, i has occurred that theres a pattern of those crimes two or three linked together is enough to establish a Rico Conspiracy. Theyre clearly looking into Electoral Fraud and possible forgery and other crimes that may be critical of alleged his Predicate Offenses. The thing about rico prosecutions is that they are a favorite of not just many prosecutors. But this particular prosecutor will this sort of cut her teeth on rico cases. She brought a very famous case of against a group. Of teachers. So this is sort of in her wheelhouse. The question , however, is still those interstitial links those connections between these Predicate Offenses and these defendants. How strong are they . We havent heard any direct linkages to criminal conduct by donald trump will have to see what they have. In whether she was able to, you know, Surmount To Cross that rubicon but with 10 people. Theres also added pressure on some defendants to flip. You know, its a very common rico. Uh tactic among prosecutors to charge everyone and see if some of these low hanging fruit defendants, i will decide that theyre better off giving states evidence. Alright usually these with heavy penalties, Fox News Contributor and, of course, Law Professor jonathan turley. He will be staying with us throughout the hour tonight. Thank you will stay on standby will be getting back to you. Joining us now is President Trumps attorney alina harbor, elena. Thank you for joining us. Have you heard anything unlike a federal charge . My understanding is the people that how have been clearly indicted tonight are not. Were not given any type of Target Letter or or or updating anyway. Is that correct . That is correct and unfortunate, but that is correct. I do not have any knowledge of any indictment has spoken to our team, and unfortunately we are watching this with you, sean. And i think that says it all, dont you . I mean, this is unprecedented. We see cameras now behind the judges, Clerks Office. I clerked for a judge. I have never seen that. Um and for the attorneys of possible defendants to not even be given any heads up or courtesy, but to be told with the news is despicable, and its the state of our country. Unfortunately at the moment so for most of the day, my understanding is that you were anticipating that something would happen today. And as the day went on, and the grand jury stayed longer, it became pretty clear that something was going to happen tonight. Youve been reading the same. Go ahead. No well, i mean, i think that there was one critical thing that happened that we should discuss. And that is that hours ago, the clerk accidentally posted an indictment. They said it was a mistake. We dont know what happened there. But then after that fannie had the courts and whoever directed to stay open late so that they could try and bring down an indictment. Because possibly, in my opinion, i would be pretty embarrassed and what not want that to turn over into tomorrows news. So thats what we have going on. And then we also have fannie alina if we look at Fulton County courthouses website, it showed the president himself facing 13 counts, including the Anti Racketeering Law Conspiracy false statements asking a public official to violate their oath of office. 13 counts all felonies. One a very serious felony. Obviously the rico county and the most serious of all of them. Do you believe, as i suspect again . Its just an educated guess that even though they hadnt brought this to a vote before the grand jury that these were the charges they were going to present the grand jury, and just assuming this is what theyre going to get, i guess under the theory that you can indict a ham sandwich they were anticipating theyd get their way. Exactly and they rushed in witnesses late tonight, just to do it. Thats exactly exactly what they did its election interference. Theyre worried and fannie. You know, shes been planning this for some time we saw the barricades go up in georgia. We knew something was happening. But even the attorneys, you know, go back to your first question. Sean the attorneys in in this mess the attorneys that are dealing with these bogus claims themselves have not been given notice. And that is how theyre behaving. Its very unfortunate some professional ive never for seen anything like it. All right, alina, i understand youre going to stand by and wait till we get full reaction. Thank you for being with us. We have also senator ted cruz professor jonathan turley. For more on these indictments. We also now bring in fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, former acting a g. Matt whitaker, Harvard Harvard Law Professor. I guess. Harvard Law Professor. Is he there or no okay. Okay lets go to, uh, greg and start with with your analysis. You know, ted cruz brought up something very deep and very profound. And that is in our in the history of this great republic. This has never happened to a former president. Nor is it ever happened one time to a leading candidate to challenge the sitting president. Ah and hes leading by a large margin in terms of percentage of vote at this moment right now and seemingly , you know, when you look at now, the three prior indictments, arrangements and the expected one when we get this red at some point soon that this is going to be number four and that these trials may actually take place during the time of caucuses and primaries. Uh you know, we basically consuming the entire okay. Next half a year of 2024 of donald trump your reaction to that. Well i think the focus should be on the reaction of the American Public every time theres one of these indictments against trump, his fundraising goes up and his poll numbers rise. Why is that . Its because i think the American Public realizes the truth. Whats going on that this is a senator cruz pointed out an effort by joe biden and those in his Department Of Justice and local prosecutors in places like Fulton County and new york city to try to stop trump from Being Re Elected president United States instead of allowing voters to decide they have decided that they know better and so that theyre bringing in some cases, i think a spacious charges against the president to stop him. You know . Uh uh, uploading the charges before the grand jury even voted on them earlier today that shows that the Trump Indictment here in georgia is preordained that doesnt make it legally viably. I think whats so troubling here . Is how the District Attorney has contorted trumps words. Look at her earlier court filing she claims that trump told the Georgia Secretary Of State defined 11,708 vote. Thats not what he said. Read the transcript. Trumps transcript working to find some 12,000 votes. Which represented his deficit. Of course he did. As Professor Dershowitz is pointed out, all losing candidates say that thats not a crime. You know, lets bring in. Professor dershowitz, professor. Lets go to two points and will get matched. Take on this. The first point. Is that the idea . Ive read that transcript and ive read it again and again, and in that transcript donald trump on that call with georgia officials repeatedly talks about areas where where he felt that the vote was on fair at one point, even mentioning that he felt that he won by over 400,000 votes and gave specific examples of where he thought that mistakes were made. And then they seemed to only want to pull out the one line just like in the in the case of january, 6th one line they didnt want the public to see was many of you will peacefully and patriotic li march to the capital, so your voices will be heard in this case they focus in on but he talked about all of the votes that he thought were legitimately his his point of view. However i only need 11,700 whatever the number happened to be, and i would have won the state. That hardly seems to me like a Strong Enough case to bring before a jury. Your reaction to that. No course its pretty much the same thing i did, and professor Laurence Tribe did it and those of us who are on the al gore team. I was representing the voters upon beach county and we were saying please check this county that county find this vote. Find those votes. We think there are more votes. We did the same thing and professor tribe wrote a memorandum illegal memorandum essentially laying out a strategy very similar to the strategy for which these folks are are being indicted today. So if you look back at the 2000 election in the protests, i still think to this day and ill say it here on television that that election was stolen from al gore. Bye bye bye, bush that he won the actual election. Im saying that theyre gonna come after me now. I guess the statute of limitations is gone, but the idea that we can now that youve already been banned and canceled at Marthas Vineyard, the next island, i guess is nantucket. So ill get would assume that your next stop. And maybe The State Of Massachusetts thereafter. I dont know, professor i love nantucket. But the idea is were all part of the United States, and we have one rule for democrats. One rule for republicans, one rule for Marthas Vineyard one roof in and tuck it one rule for georgia, and you cannot start making crimes out of things that the democrats did. Tilden hayes, john kennedy election 2000 election 2016 election jamie raskin gets up and does some of the same things. These are political actions that the constitution and prefers us to take rather than going out on the streets and rioting were supposed to go to court was supposed to go to congress. You cant make those things crimes and you cant expand the rico statute. To now include political objections that just you know, on on my podcast, i give bananas every day. I was up to two bananas, sort of banana republic. Im now up to three, maybe even four. After this indictment. Thats a powerful statement. Um let me ask you, Matt Whitaker when atlanta prosecutors appeared to inadvertently reveal the offenses. With which they plan to charge President Trump in connection with this grand jury appearance today. My question is, if these charges turn out to be exactly what they put up on their website, its certainly would give some credence and credibility to line often cited by people as you can indict a ham sandwich because in the course of going before a grand jury, one side does not get to give their take to the grand jury at all. Is that correct . So that means they hear the prosecutor side makes it that much easier. The bar is at much lower and im sure you know if youre going after or to use the words of Professor Dershowitz has bestselling book if youre out to get trump, and you think these are the charges oops, we posted up early in the day. Sorry accident. Youre showing the book, of course. Uh you know these if they end up being the charges, what does that say about our legal system . Does that does that give faith and confidence in the American People, or do they go . They can indict anybody. They knew that this was this was in the in the can. A county, by the way, which voted . I think about 24 for donald trump. Remember dc about 5. 4 in new york city, 12 the other venues. Where where donald trump has been tried. Im sorry where hes been indicted. Yeah sean, those are all great points and you know, the American People need to get used to the terminal law fair because the rule of law is under assault that democrats are using, you know, complaints and indictments to go after the leader of the republican party, the most likely nominee to oppose biden, and theyre going after him in very blue districts, Fulton County manhattan to your point, and then joe biden and his Department Of Justice using a very aggressive Special Counsel , and each and every one of those cases, shawn theyre using novel legal legal approaches. Remember the road of justice as well worn that, you know theres precedent. There are many cases and prosecutors follow. You know the law and the facts to do these cases and each one of these cases these prosecutors are using not only very liberal districts very left leaning districts to bring these cases, but there are also using these novel legal approaches. That you know a lot of legal experts and im sure the panel today will agree with me that these cases are all going to be appealed. And theyre all you know, most likely going to be ultimately overturned. And so you know, what do we have their scoring political points trying to affect a election as we head into it and weaken the strongest candidate. Let me were gonna im gonna come back to all three of you in a minute. Gregg jarrett, Professor Dershowitz, Matt Whitaker and ask you about all the talk about Rico Racketeering and conspiracy charges of things that we have been anticipating. Were coming up. But first let me welcome here is the host of life, liberty and lovin. I call him the great one. Mark levin is on our Newsmaker Line here, mark. Lets get your reaction. All of this 10 indictments that appears have been, uh, putting a sealed verdict signed by the judge filed with the clerk and we expect to hear according to the clerk. It could be any moment now. Well, stalin would be proud and sharp. Hughtons proud. Im sure our enemies are celebrating. Our allies are appalled at whats going on here. Whats happened here . Is an and allen hit it pretty well. Theyre congress is supposed to make all these final decisions. Youre not supposed to criminalize. The challenging of electors or do collectors or counting of votes and that sort of thing. These are these are prosecutors. These are grand juries. Um the legal system. The judicial system has completely been bastardized in these districts completely. Were going through the motions of justice here, like autocratic regimes are going through the motions. We have judges. Most countries dont have grand juries or injuries were set up to help defendants. Now they help prosecutors. These are all democrats cities going through the motions. The democrat president , a democratic Attorney General, whos been doing a number of outrageous things. And this is a grave attack on our judicial system. Our system of justice. In our election system, and this is an attack on the republican party. Dont you dare challenge elections. Dont you dare send another electors. Dont you dare question machines. Dont you dare do a thing because nobody knows what the rules are in these democrats cities of the states anymore. It is horrendous. I want to take a little bit of issue with my friend jonathan. True. Its not clear in the constitution, whether you can indict a sitting president. In fact, they dont even mention it. The reason you Cannot Indict a sitting president is because both parties have agreed under the Attorneys General of either party, the office of legal counsel. That we dont indict sitting president because it will be capitated government at the same time, the man or woman in that office is trying to defend their liberty trying to stay out of prison. So on basis of comedy and bipartisanship. Its been decided you dont do that to a president. I would find it hard to believe that under article six, paragraph two of the constitution commonly referred to as the supremacy clause. That any Serious Court like the Supreme Court would say, you know what . In the federal courts, a president Cannot Indict himself. Excuse me, a president can pardon himself. A president cannot be indicted. But thats the local d a. They can. Thats not gonna fly. Mr premise was established the constitution and federal law, take precedent over state laws and even state constitutions, and theyre not going to allow state th local District Attorneys to interfere. With the functioning of federal elections any federal presidency . Its never been tried, but i seriously doubt theyre going to let it d a do what . The Attorney General the United States. Is prohibited from doing so. Lets put that on the table in georgia, new york number one number two and i think it was gregor brought this up the nature of the statutes that theyre using are so outlander and so outrageous. In the way that theyre looking for anything to twist any law to twist any event. To try and take down trump rather than leave it to the vote. And the fact that they want these trials immediately during the republican primary before the election could make it so abundantly clear to everybody. Whats going on here . The problem is sorry, alan that the Democratic Party has become so radicalized. And such a tool of its radical base. They are tonight, most of them celebrating. They dont come out and say a thing about hunter biden. They circle the wagons. Joe biden. They dont even have a curiosity about anything related to joe biden, despite the fact there are credit, its all over the place for a Special Counsel. And they are excited. They got bragged. Theyve got this one in atlanta, they got their hitman and washington, d. C is using the wrong venue for a grand jury used the client actors in the enron laws. Theyre going to use the rico statute, ladies and gentlemen. The people of america. You know whats going on here . This is not. This is not justice just because you have a judge. Just because you have grand juries. Just because you have a fake media. That doesnt mean things are going right . You know how many countries have voted for tyranny . People to vote for tyranny, and then its too late. They realized what theyve done. How many dictators have been elected at the ballot box . And how many people who have challenged them. Ive been called enemies of the state. Have been thrown at prison. Do you realize that when this under donald tracks among senses just just really arrogant. Would be facing 1000 years in prison. 1000 do you realize how ridiculous this is and how outrageous it is . Go by and going on vacation. Its generally United States never opens his big mouth. You got people who are Self Righteously saying how wonderful the system is. Nobodys above the law. Are you kidding me . This is a grave time in american history, and alan its not for bananas. Its for banana. Thats what it is. And if they cant figure out how to get this to the Supreme Court in time. Which is not a slam dunk. And if the Supreme Court wont take it out, at at least put all this mischief until after the election, the damage is forever. Thats my opinion. Mark levin. The great one. Thank you. If youre just joining us, we now have reports that the number of indictments that have been handed down by the Fulton County grand jury earlier this evening we will have that corroborated. We expect some point at some point very soon that there are 10 indictments that they have been signed by the judge filed by the clerk and the clerk now has said that in fact, it could be forthcoming at any time. Worst Case Scenario would have been three hours. But that was 25 minutes ago. I would imagine it would not take as long a period of time we now bring into i believe we have Newt Gingrich is now with us. I guess brett baer is with us, mr brett. Great to have you. You know, one of the things im thinking about here, and i know a lot of conservatives and details from the court. Yeah i dont know. Blanket here. Brett baer can hear me. Um and this deserves this goes to the heart of what is going on in the House Judiciary Committee, and this goes to the heart of whats going on in the House Oversight and accountability committee. You know, we have a media almost blackout that joe biden as candidate joe biden as as president. Repeatedly said he never spoke to his son, his brother or anybody, for that matter about the foreign Business Dealings that then evolved into about a month ago, a little less than a month ago, as weve been saying joe biden was never in business with with his son, which is involved, too into joe biden never met with his sons business partners. We know thats not true. We know about cafe milano and the russian oligarch, former first lady of moscow, among others. We know that joe biden said the family didnt get money from china. We know that hunter biden. He said hunter biden has done nothing wrong. We know that he and others said the laptop of hunter was russian disinformation. But the media you would think thered be some curiosity and you being, you know very prominent, uh, objective newsperson. You know where when do they ask the question . What did hunter do at a time when he was addicted to drugs in his life that warranted tens of millions of dollars from countries, many of them hostile regime towards us . Why did the family have so many Shell Corporations . What did the grandkids that appeared to have gotten paid . According to james comer, what did they do for this kind of money . And we really to believe that these phone calls meant nothing and that they were talking about the weather and people are asking. Okay, this is the fourth indictment of President Trump. Okay hunter was just given a Sweetheart Deal that would have gotten, um out of all trouble and no jail time americans have a right to ask that question tonight. 100 sean and listen. This is coming up again and again on the campaign trail, with republican candidates talking about a two tier system of justice and theyre running against the former president , but they believe that too, and i think there are a lot of questions. In fact, you know the fbi agent Testimony The Transcript being released today that backs up the irs whistleblower. Um it all is worthy of going down all of these roads and youve done it very well. We try to cover the news as it happens tonight. I just want to update you on a couple of things. One is that it is 10 indictments by the grand jury. We saw the cover page that was signed off by the judge. It said 10 indictments had moved forward zero no bills. That means that fani willis, that District Attorney bringing forward these cases, the grand jury didnt turn away anything. They went for everything that fani willis brought forward. So theres 10 of diamonds. Whats happening now is the process of the clerk putting it on the docket. Getting through the process. They say it could take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours. This is about 30 minutes ago, but at that point, they expect that the District Attorney will have a Press Conference even at this late hour and explain what exactly is in this indictment. Specifically we expect that the former president will be charged when it says 10 indictments that doesnt mean 10 different people. It could it could be, you know, group that we expect there are other people involved here. And as has been talked about by your legal experts, the going bad is that this is a giant rico charge of conspiracy that theyre painting to say that the president engaged in this to overturn the Election Results in georgia. Let me get your take brett baer and thank you for being with us. We saw him we witnessed earlier today and i know you talked about it on your program earlier today, and that is that prosecutors in Fulton County, georgia, appeared to jump the gun inadvertently revealing the offenses on their website charging former president donald trump. Ah, in this particular posting 13 counts. Obviously weve been anticipating rico Anti Racketeering laws, conspiracy false statements, asking a public official to violate their oath of office. If it turns out that those are the charges im going to raise some questions about the absolute confidence and their ability to get exactly what they wanted. Voted on the way they wanted tonight. And doesnt it kind of reinforces the notion that you can indict a ham sandwich . Yeah it was so bizarre today. You know that comes out. Reuters picks it up, and its very specific. Its on the clerks website. Its on the county clerks website. Thats how they get it. Then it mysteriously comes down. And they say no, that was wrong. It was a fictitious posting, and that you have to be sure that its the right number and the right judge. Well it was on their website. They didnt say that they were hacked. They didnt say that how this happened. So then we see this massive speed up of the witnesses who thought we thought were going tomorrow. Being called today. And two of them, or at least one of them went to the courthouse was expecting to testify and did not. Um so then they stayed. The grand jury met. They voted , and we saw what we saw the passing of those documents, but it was bizarre, and they still havent explained what exactly that was to your point . Yes it does. Give ammo that this was all baked in the cake and that the grand jury they expected was going to move forward with all of this. Its 10. Its not 13, but thats where we are. Alright were also hearing by the way there might be unindicted co conspirators, brett, thanks for staying up late with us. We appreciate it by the way nine days will be watching the Big Debate Republican debate. We dont know yet if donald trump will be a part of that we hopefully well find out in the days to come. No doubt, however, our Justice System is weaponized. It is politicized. Thats what Jim Jordans Committee is looking into. Most americans now believe it. Polls are showing it joining us now former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Mr speaker, you know , im getting into this this moment of time here, and i think ted cruz at the start of this hour really, really honed in on your area of expertise. You are a former professor, and you are a historian by trade, not a politician, whereas i know you so well. And when you think of the history of this great republic, and this has never happened, let alone one time but now this is the fourth time to former president and also the chief rival, the leading Rival Opposition rival to the current president thats running for reelection. Um it does add a lot of historical significance here. Your reaction to that part of it. Below i think what youre seeing tonight is one tree in a forest. And i think we are drifting towards the greatest constitutional crisis since the 18 fifties and the rise of succession and The Civil War. I dont mean that is hyperbole. If you read any mccarthys remarkable book, ball of collusion, which came out in 2019 he makes very clear. That it is barack obama, who corrupts the Justice Department. It is hillary clinton, who routinely breaks the law and gets away with it. And now we have joe biden, whos learned his learned from obama. That doesnt matter what you do. If youre a liberal democrat, you will not be prosecuted. He learned from hillary. That a person in High Public Office can get millions and millions of dollars. Pan. They learned from watching donald trump. That a true outsider willing to take on the entire system could destroy their entire machine. So what youre seeing across the country. Is a desperate last ditch effort by a corrupt machine. To destroy their most dangerous opponent in a way, which not only breaks the constitution. Destroys the rule of law. And establishes a moment of bitterness, which i think will last for a generation or more. I think you this is going to be a horrendous period and we just need to understand the people who want to control america and dictate to the rest of us will break any law. Lie about any topic and manipulate the system anyway, they can, and that includes a lot of the elite news media. Let me ask you, mr speaker. This question because we are now heading into the very busy political season. That means caucuses. That means primaries. We know the Special Counsel in the washington, dc, cases stated publicly like that trial to begin on january 2nd that is headed right up and but it right up against the Iowa Caucuses following the New Hampshire primary following that South Carolina heading into super tuesday. Um how is it possible that if donald trump wants to even continue his run for the nomination . How does he thread that needle and navigate . You know the complications that obviously would go along with that . You know what . What his enemies dont understand. Is that donald trump is not a candidate. Hmm he is the personification of a national movement. Thats what you saw when the two governors went to the racetrack the other night in iowa and people began booing both of them, including the very popular governor of iowa. Thats where you saw at the state fair. You werent seeing a normal candidate. You were seeing a person who personifies for 45, or 50 of the country there hope that they can save the country from what they see as a stunningly corrupt, bad machine trying to control their lives. So let me give an example. In 1978 1. I was running and finally winning after two defeats dick cheney was running for the first time and wyoming he had a heart attack. His wife helped invent cardiac for cheney. And so people had Heart Problems all over wyoming began campaigning for dick because he was in a hospital recovery. I think if they get donald trump locked into a claim to a room, theyre going to find 5 10 15 million americans willing to campaign as trump surrogates willing to go out there and say im going to work for him because im not going to let him be defeated by a totally corrupt person. But ill go a step further. I really believe that the republicans in the house should cut off jack smiths money. I think that his last day on the payroll should be september 30th. They should do whatever it takes to close down this entire anti constitutional, Ruthless Breaking of the law and the most discreet. I think this is so dangerous. To the very survival of the republic that it has to be stopped. Okay, let me let me ask you this mr speaker, because we have really significant, serious allegations. I went through a list of lives that candidate and President Joe Biden told the American People. He lied when he said that hed never once spoke to his son about his Farm Business dealings, always brother or quote anybody, for that matter , he said it as a candidate, he said it as a president. Then were looking at, you know a phone call december 4th. Of 2015. And this is joe biden getting a phone call with hunter and burisma executives, of course, by his own admission , admitted addicted to drugs at the time hes doing these, you know, multi multimillion dollar deals with many countries, many of which dont even like us at all. And yet, he admits on Good Morning America has no experience. But hes doing energy deals with china with ce fc and energy deals with charisma. Then as a result of that phone call on December 4th 2015 thats set into motion what ultimately became joe biden Vice President , leveraging a billion taxpayer dollars in ukraine, saying youve got six hours to fire a prosecutor who was the prosecutor guy by the name of victor schalken, whos victor shock in the guy that was investigating verismo that was paying joe bidens son, what was ultimately millions of dollars. So son of a b and within six hours they fired the guy investigation stops. Ukraine got their billion in loan guarantees. And guess what hunter biden continued to be enriched and continue to get paid by boris mma again while he is admittedly and a drug addict and also a guy that admits he had no experience in energy, oil, gas, coal or ukraine. Um can you explain that to me . Can you explain these . These Shell Corporations that Commerce Committee has found . Can you explain what hunter and the grandchildren did for these millions . Because they apparently they all got paid. Look i didnt youre making it too complicated. Theyre crooks. They lie. Since theyre crooks and they lie. What you just described were crooks who were lying. Now the problem for the American People is, we really cant quite believe. That people in public officer hillary is the same way. Hillary made 37 million of Secretary Of State by selling 20 of americas uranium to a russian company, which gave the Clinton Foundation 37 million. They just lie. These people are bad people doing bad things, and thats why were headed towards the greatest constitutional crisis since The Civil War because at least half the country now despite every effort of the new york times, and every effort, the Washington Post and every effort of the big networks in the country itself. Is beginning to come to grips with the fact that they have in the white house and corrupt family , which has been willing to sell out america to china, russia, ukraine, romania, kazakhstan and then lie about it. Secretary like to interrupt something but were not waiting for an indictment on the bidens to be handed down tonight. Just the opposite happened. And this is where again, of course Judiciary Committee is looking into weaponization and how the fbi and doj may have been politicized that were not looking at possible indictments just handed down a little less than an hour ago. As it relates to the biden family. No Sweetheart Deal was given to biden by the guy that Merrick Garland just appointed Special Counsel after he was investigating this issue for four years, he was given a little tap on the wrist. No jail time and, oh, by the way, anything else that you might have done wrong in that time period . That is all going thatll all go away. Sean, you know i love you. You know, we have a great wonderful friendship. But but but like almost every american, you keep coming back and describing this as though its complicated, and as though its difficult to understand. This is a this is a drama. Its a greek tragedy. What we have is a system. The current president , president obama, Secretary Of State hillary clinton, leaders in the Justice Department leaders in the fbi leaders, and some are major news media and this system is corrupt. Now everything you just described is perfect, isnt it . If you start in the morning, you say, gee, i wonder what the corrupt system did today one to protect itself and to try to destroy his major opponent. The rest of the days works out pretty well , you understand exactly whats happening. Its not complicated. Its just bad and its scary and it should scare us because it threatens the very fabric of the american constitutional system. Do you anticipate with now it will be for indictments against donald trump for arrangements with donald trump and in the case of georgia and fallen county. We both lived in georgia. We met in indicator alabama, but we really got to know each other. And i was the emcee of your event. The night you became speaker. Do you believe . I do not, for example , believe that new york city, the jury pool of only 12 of trump voters is going to be fair to donald trump. I dont believe that. What a little over 5 in d. C i think its going to be hard to get a fair jury, a fair jury panel in d c and Fulton County. I think its about 24 voted for donald trump. Do you think you can get a fair trial and Fulton County, georgia, youre from georgia. Look look, theres a said theres a simple test challenge the challenge these left wing crazies to try donald trump and west virginia. Now if its okay to try him in d, c, where he got 5 of vote. Why isnt it ok to try him in west virginia, where he got 70 and of course, none of them would want to try them and so in west virginia, because you could never convict him. Period. And the fact is the Average American knows if youre a jury pool, which was 19 to 1 for biden over trump, that is not a fair jury. Thats not an honest jury. Thats not a jury of your peers. That is a rigged game by really bad person. Remember . Jack smith was repudiated unanimously by the Supreme Court for destroying governor bob mcdonald. He literally changed the law in order to destroy governor mcdonald and the Supreme Court. Reputed didnt help macdonald. He was out of office. He had already been smeared. But this is the guy they chose. And then he chose d. C at 19 to 1 against trump. In order to try this case, it just tells you that this is a corrupt system doing corrupt things. And frankly, i think republicans are gonna have to have the guts to stand up and say no, this is over and the first place to do that is the budget started and just cut off the money on september 30th. All right, mr speaker. We really appreciate you being with us. If you are just joining us at home that you can see we have heard reports all night 10 and indictments handed down by the Fulton County grand jury and signed by the judge filed by the clerk. The clerk has acknowledged that we can expect that we will find out who is been charged and what the charges are. We expect that and much, much more. Um, but well, were going to continue by the way with another hour of hannity as we await this Breaking News as it comes, but we begin this 10 oclock hour on the east coast. Seven oclock on the west coast. This is a fox news alert. We are awaiting full details from portland county, georgia, where a grand jury is now handed up 10 indictments in the trump case. Now that indictments remain sealed. We should have details at any moment. You know a little bit of information going out there back and forth. Maybe not all 10 or dealing with this particular case. Maybe there could be more than 10 people. We dont have those details again. Were going with reports that are widely being disseminated. But we should know. Hopefully within this hour were hearing the indictment will also include possible co

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