Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

surrounding hunter biden and members of the press thinking the first son is being a raw deal. >> congress needs to stop investigating a private sen and trying to link president biden to hunter bidens conduct. >> hunter biden is being subjected here to a level of not only scrutiny but accountability that most mere mortals would not. >> hunter biden could be terrible. never met him. is being treated worse than anyone would be. >> this is the son of the president. he's not a political officer and doesn't begin to compare to classified documents and to the indictment here in d.c. >> hunter's attorneys trying to set the narrative on special counsel saying nothing new here. >> no new evidence to be found. the evidence that has been pursued by staff and members of media locking for connection has shown it doesn't exist. if the most people criticizing the biden family is when the president calls his son every day on speakerphone he says hello to the people in the room that is not an offense. that's a loving father. >> republican lawmakers continue to blast the appointment of david weiss as special counsel for setting up the sweetheart deal as the reason to mistrust him. >> this is a joke. all merck garland did is validate many are making that the department of justice is weaponizedized. the fact i have no confidence merrick garland would do what he did with weiss. not only did weiss drag his feet 5 years and try to negotiate a sweetheart plea deal with the president's son he let the statute of limitations run out. >> pirro, there's one other sound i want to play, hunter's attorney abby lowell. >> are you saying that the government prosecutors are incompetent? >> i'm saying it's one of three possibilities. >> and that is one of them. >> i didn't use that word. you did. i said them changed their decision on the fly standing up in court. >> go ahead judge. >> okay. the prosecutors change their decision on the fly standing up in court. now, if i got in trouble i would hire abby lowell. having said that it's got to pass the smell test and do you really think that the prosecutors are going to stand up in court on the fly and say, we want to give this guy immunity the rest of his life as if that was something they decided to do on their own and the defense wasn't going to accept it? i mean it just makes absolutely no sense. what the protestors cures did was they gave him immunity for everything. so, what's the point of the special counsel? and yet we appoint in guy or joe biden appoints this guy special counsel. abby lowell is convinced there will be no new evidence. i don't know how lowell knows that because they're finding new bank accounts but the truth is that at least donald trump with the mueller special counsel went outside of the government and it involved him. it involved him and the idea of his being a putin puppet or russian asset. joe biden would never go outside of the government and get a mueller to investigate himself and his son. so joe biden insisted on having his thumb on the scale and at least donald trump was willing to go outside the government but having said all of that i think it's so disingenuous for people like dan goldman to say it's a fishing expedition, no one should be allowed to do this to a lessen. the truth it was goldman admitted biden talk business and says it doesn't sound like joe biden is involved in hunter's businesses if all hunter is saying i'm trying to do business with a chinese connected oil company, chinese communist party connected oil company. the whole thing is a charade. nothing will change. if if indeed weiss has the ability to do whatever he wanted and didn't need special counsel status why does he need it now? >> doesn't it seem like garland was trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube and shut the tube behind glass doors and throw away the key? because that's a lot of medical talk. you got to call somebody to see if they can open up that key and the idea is to lock it up so they can't get it past the election. >> couple things. first of all david weiss is a trump appointee. last i checked. >> technically yes. >> he was appointed by former president. >> recommended by the democrats in that state a blue state. >> that's what happens if a state is controlled by republicans a democrat president or to get someone appointed. >> so you admit it's the democrats. >> he's still not special counsel with the government. >> are you sure it's nice to be back at the table? >> if i had your fact pattern i would argue the same thing. he was appointed by trump. he admitted the deal with hunter biden is off. he said president biden he can't assure people president bide wasn't himself being investigated and for the deal he brokered with hunter that eventually the court when asked, asked both sides in court remember judge you and i know when anyone enters a guilty plea the purpose of that hearing before that judge is to make the judge get the defendant the accused wants to understand that he or she is admitting guilt and what the consequences are for doing that. so she laid that out for him and asked the basic question does this insure he is not indicted on any other matters? and when asked that question, if it came up here there was not a meeting of the minds between prosecutor or the defense. now one could argue they knew that before they walked. i don't know if they did. i know that hunter biden does not have a plea deal for the gun charge or the tax thing they were looking into for the years nor does he have a deal for any other thing they wanted to look into. it's obvious it could implicate president biden. so i'm not saying it does. i'm only saying there's a hyper reaction to this by some some in congress who want to investigate. this they have every right to exercise oversight. investigating david weiss they just don't like him is juvenile on their part. >> you want to comment? >> you're juvenile. >> can you take that on too. >> there's only so much time. first off, discount wag the whistleblowers are totally for this happening and if margaret brennan and chuck todd and everybody else to sit there and talk to abby lowell and others about this investigation and not saying the whistleblowers have a different story. david wesley snipes didn't have the power to be a special prosecutor. he didn't have the power to move the case to los angeles. he said so and they memorialized it in their notes and waiting to be challenged so you say what motivation did the whistleblowers have. i would like to destroy my career prevent my proceed vengs put my benefits on the line to do the right thing so they went out and put themselves on the line and that's the reason this is happening. the question is david weiss going to start using that investigative power and i don't know why judge i'm being more optimistic than you but why wouldn't he start looking into international business deals now? he has the ability. he's got the power. why did he ask on tuesday happen get it on friday? my hope is they'll look into it and if he's clean, he's clean. >> i'm not saying he's clean. i'm saying the wyatt appointment doesn't unsettle me. >> he's been there five years. he's letting things evaporate. statute of limitations. that's the problem. >> it stinks. if i were a spokesman of the justice department i wouldn't have been able to defend this. see you later. i'm outta here. the other thing is joy reed who says hunter biden is being treated worse than anybody else and we interviewed gerald desouza who had no tax charge and did ten months in prison. >> i wonder who she's comparing him to. for once i'm going to have to agree with her and the media it's not hunter. this isn't about hunter. in terms of family members he's as shady as they come. he makes roger clinton look like i don't know, roger ebert. he's a first level bonafide dirt bag. what if we have it backwards? it's not that hunter has been a problem for joe. it's joe who is a burden to hunter who is forcing him to make it rain, who is making sure he goes to these countries to set up bogus companies and fly all over. if you have real concern for your son who is a terrible drug diversity and equity, why are you forcing him to go to business meetings that's the opposite thing would you do if you were a loving father. you would tell him you're not going anywhere else. you need to take a break. so we were watching the reversal of truth and they're making hunting the crooked out of control son that tests the love of his father every day when it's actually joe that's forcing hunter to go out and make the money so joe lives the comfortable lifestyle he's never been able to foord and i think hunter didn't mind it under the assumption that hunter wasn't going to be in office after 2016 and he's making these deals and joe is back at the white house. he's not prepared for. this this is totally unfair, dad. i want to still do coke and now i got to do it in the white house. >> he did most of his business deals when he was lame duck. he put it on hyper speed going to ukraine as a lame duck. hillary clinton got the blessing of barack obama. looked like he was out. >> coming up, president biden apparently doesn't have much to say about america's deadliest wildfire. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. conquer financial reports. conquer 2000-word essays. conquer 300 thank-you notes. rule over what you write with the smooth writing, longest lasting gel ink pen in america. do you g2? 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he's just done. this would be the perfect thing to not even addressing. >> this is the easiest thing in the world and you could shut down hunter questions. we have 93 dead. that number could triple in hours. my heart goes out to the people of hawaii. >> brazilian dana because i said barack obama is a phone call away. i'm surprised he didn't pick up the phone because i know these people. number 2 is to have 43 and 42 go out there the way 42 and 41 did but this is the easiest thing in the world devastation the world is watching democratic state no political down side to caring and he doesn't even have anyone next to him to say mr. president you've got to get outside the car, they asked you what you think of maui. he still hasn't made a statement. it's crazy. to me as harold and i were talking at the break, you dheng he didn't hear them but he had three days to show you care. >> yeah harold, why? what's the problem? >> i'm able to agree with people when i believe they're right. i agree with dana and brian. he could have said he at the start of this tragedy he made available every resource of the federal government. to not say that is perplexing. >> judge. >> i think this is an absolute scenario any human being would say our heart goes out to those with missing family members, to those we've lost. only 3 percent of the impacted areas have been searched. do you have any idea how many more people we are going to find? it's all theater to the president. he got in as the president wouldn't react that way. you think he's going go to hawaii? i kind of picked up what trump did when he was president. he visited texas during hurricane harvey, north carolina, south carolina, hurricane florence, georgia and florida, michael, alabama, it goes on and on. this is what presidents are supposed to do give you a sense that we are in control we are going take care of this and when they interview the people on the island they say we haven't heard anything from the federal government. >> nothing. >> we are only get help from the local agencies. let me tell you something, i'm curious to see whether or not hawaii goes democrat in 2024. >> when you see kamala harris talking about abortion, go down roll up her sleeves. >> exclamation point. everybody wants to blame the other side every time. this is one of those moments not only should we give them everything we need but everybody should do what president bush did. there were things they did wrong in hawaii that they're going to learn. >> there was no water in the hydrants. >> it went i think a mile every minute. every minute it covered a mile of property. >> i get the sense it's a lot worse than we know now and i'm not talking about just hawaii. it's terrible in hawaii. >> i say god help them. >> natural place to do. >> mobs are busting out the bear spray to ransack a luxury store in california. at red land cotton, the bedding start right here on our family's cotton farm in north alabama. the heartland of america. we rely on hard work and honest manufacturing to deliver high quality, heirloom inspired bedding, bath towels and more, all made in the usa. experience the farm to home difference for yourself. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news. every so often, a voice speaks the truth over a sea of malarkey. both the democrats and the republicans caused this debt crisis. my two cents plan solves the problem. if washington cuts the budget just two percent a year, problem solved! perry johnson's genius helped save the american automobile industry. now, it's our turn. his simple truths will bring america back. i'm perry johnson, and i approve this message. we're traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? 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you're not going to be able to convict these people after fell nimt it's going a misdemeanor, assuming you catch them was you can't prove that each one had a bag that was worth at that moment $950. the other thing to keep in mind we had a d.c. council member and ask the national guard ironically friday that's what donald trump asked for and they said he was acting like a fascist and do you believe the democrats are reaping what they sow, mayors like karen bass? >> i think policies have been pursued that are not effective, cashless bail, police person, police woman shortage in california and other places across the country and it's probably high time now to think very differently about this armed guard situation in these stores. i've not been one to believe that a person as, a good person with a gun is able to counter a bad person with a gun, but at some point i'm having to rethink that. i'm thinking even when president trump openly talked about finding ways to go after the cartels in mexico with our military there was resistance early on but you have -- i think that's what adults do in politics. that's what matower people do. it's not democrat or republican. there are times the democrats have great ideas and the republicans. you have to be willing to confront. if you can't catch and deter this activity it's going to keep happening. i think the judge got in a thing with the prosecution but they were saying there were 25,000 of us because we didn't go over the limit. we need different strategies. what we have now isn't working we have to think outside the box even saying i was wrong. we need something different. >> democrats say i was wrong. can republicans take advantage and say i'll show you a better way? >> the better way is the berthing to do. the mayor said it's unacceptable. i said didn't we cover this story friday? that was a different smash-and-grab the same area so if it's unacceptable on thursday when it happens we report on friday it happens again on the weekend obviously there's a major problem. part of it is it's coordinated on line so somehow there's electronic communications making sure everybody is at same place same time so perhaps resources, maybe the tech pros can figure that out. they might want to look at policies about on line retail because a lot of this stuff the cartels organize it they steal it and sell it on line and people are spending last money to get the natural brand and that is a huge problem so maybe there's something there that can be done and also where is everybody to stand up for the workers the security guard who got hit in the face with bear spray? you're never going to get stores to hire an army of security guards so either the stores are all going away and people have a different shopping experience or loermtd and the tech pros get together and help figure this out. >> personal story. >> i don't want to here. >>. >> it's good to see you're bailing. >> what does that mean? >> i guess it's time now to stop describing them as teams. a group of teens just happened to show up. >> don't say a mob. >> don't say mob. >> by the way, where are the mannequins? anyway. karen bass was wrong as judge points out. she says it's not acceptable. of course it's acceptable. that's why it keeps happening. if it was unacceptable it wouldn't happen. if you don't do anything you're telegraphing everybody to imitate the behavior. you're incentiveizing the behavior. it's a crime to fight back but it's no long area crime to commit crime. hence maybe you don't blame them. i wonder who they are. are we ever told what gangs they are? who do they belong to? are they actual cartel people? i don't know. but i'm trying to figure with my eyes what are we allowed to say? i love how the government tells you to stay home from work pause it's crimey out there. you have on the daily news you can have news sports weather crime 67 percent chance of carjacking so take the subway however there's 87 percent of subway of indecent exposure and 10 percent chance of being thrown in front of the train, therefore the mayor is calling a crime day. >> somebody gets the blame. >> what if four billion women went to venus for ladies week? how many of these problems would still exist? there would be new problems. lots of new bad problems. but i want to hear like harold said i'm changing my mind about this. you would change your mind if you were at a bar alone and no women around. you would go you got to be in there and it will be over in an hour. the smash-and-grab the no cash bail, the rampant recidivism we are putting up with. i'm saying we have gotten so soft and it's because we have decided that somehow discipline and punishment is wrong we have decided that carrot is better than the stick when all i want is a carrot shaped like a stick to beat loot weathers. that's not too much to ask, is it? >> i want bear spray. >> bear spray will be banned because it hurts somebody. they'll put it behind the thing. like walgreen's. no you can't have bear spray. so now you'll be stuck with spraying lotion at people. >> i have hope danny penny 7-eleven the guys that fought back, i think zuckerberg is training in the gym. >> is this one of those things you link things that have nothing to do with each other? >> how do you know what fox and friends does? >> up next, overnight sensation. we are going to talk about the blue collar anthem that's striking a chord with millions. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if you struggle. and struggle. and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at >> it's the blue collar anthem sending a shiver down the spine of millions and oliver anthony going from a complete unknown country sinker to soaring to number 1 on the itunes heart over his song, rich men north of richmond. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dana your thoughts on this. is this an extension of democrat-republican politics? >> i think eye especially about democrats because you have a focus song about working class people unable to make it under today's policies and the let calling him a right within trope and dismissing him. you look at the electoral college map and it's red across america this is a reason why because people like anthony get dismissed. i'm impressed how quickly in got attention. i heard about it from my friend chris at the jersey shore and by saturday i heard it from four my people. so that's one of the ways this happens and couple people in nashville of said they would give him a record deal. what i like about him he's dignified and gracious said let me take time, it's not going to his head but seemed like it came from his heart. >> judge you seem like you want to react to this. >> well, i'm thrilled this guy did this. you know he is singing in a way that speaks to a lot of americans. know, not everybody in this country is part of the east coast and west coast and washington. a lot of people feel pain and he talks about the pain of working so hard and in the end, really having nothing. the sad part is that the left is so outraged by this like everything is affected by politics and tribalism today whether it is music or whether it's sports or whatever. everything is about politics and tribalism. >> you think the same? >> push back. right now he's going up the charts regardless of people's outrage. jason al dean, number 1 song in america. i'm good friends with jelly roll and he told me in guy is ready to explode. other thing bothers me he's no singing cloth to the microphone. it's here and he's singing straight ahead. >> somebody understands how somebody speaks into a microphone how do you judge his skills? >> you're right. i didn't know chaz bono could grow a beard. it's a scary song if you don't make it about race. that's what the media is trying to do make it about race. this is a song that would possibly unite blacks and whites and browns against the elite, the people that are in charge of media, people like me, so you keep the rage between the racists turning toward the people in power. his message is both sides serve the same masters. >> that's right. >> if that message gets out, i think it's a good thing because i always felt that color vs. color is deadly and it's terrible. it's ripping this country apart. it was never about that in our country and i think if you start looking at the class system, that's a beret way to do it. >> i agree with you 100 percent. this is an american talking about how americans are being treated. >> up next, he's losing himself in the music, a presidential candidate raps. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ one, two, get loose now ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ stay two nights and get a $ 50 best western gift card. book now at >> presidential candidate or aspiring rapper g.o.p. rapper viveca swami on the mic after rapping lose yourself by eminem. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> all right. harold, does this boost or hurt his campaign? >> i don't recall a time we had him on as centerpiece and these people were wild or paralyzed with joy. so he could definitely win a karaoke contest. as long as people are listening to him, can't hurt. >> what's interesting is 62 percent of generation z, 18-29-year-olds 12 percent for desantis, .5 for vivek but 16 percent don't know who to vote for. >> true. 37-year-old plays tennis billionaire or close and can rap when he looks authentic. he has the perfect strategy to competing with and beating trump. that is i love everything he's done. i just think i'm younger and would love to have trump be my adviser and i like what trump has done. he's just too polarizing, choose me. >> dana should he be considered a vaccine for trump? >> or whoever. i also think he really wants to be president. i don't think any of them are running for vp. >> i prefer my rappers to be [indistinct]. that's not rapping if you're doing it over a rap unless you're cardi b. it's on tv. ron desantis didn't do this. he was handing out eggs on a stick and here you got something great vivek who is hindu and it shows it's possible as a hindu male to rap old eminem from his college days which is essentially the whitest thing you could do. every frat boy knows the words to that but he's saying we can imitate the success of others without having the skin to match and i think that's a positive -- that's what he's doing. this salmon our next president. >> but it makes sense to a lot of people. >> up next, one more thing. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at what do we always say, son? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

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surrounding hunter biden and members of the press thinking the first son is being a raw deal. >> congress needs to stop investigating a private sen and trying to link president biden to hunter bidens conduct. >> hunter biden is being subjected here to a level of not only scrutiny but accountability that most mere mortals would not. >> hunter biden could be terrible. never met him. is being treated worse than anyone would be. >> this is the son of the president. he's not a political officer and doesn't begin to compare to classified documents and to the indictment here in d.c. >> hunter's attorneys trying to set the narrative on special counsel saying nothing new here. >> no new evidence to be found. the evidence that has been pursued by staff and members of media locking for connection has shown it doesn't exist. if the most people criticizing the biden family is when the president calls his son every day on speakerphone he says hello to the people in the room that is not an offense. that's a loving father. >> republican lawmakers continue to blast the appointment of david weiss as special counsel for setting up the sweetheart deal as the reason to mistrust him. >> this is a joke. all merck garland did is validate many are making that the department of justice is weaponizedized. the fact i have no confidence merrick garland would do what he did with weiss. not only did weiss drag his feet 5 years and try to negotiate a sweetheart plea deal with the president's son he let the statute of limitations run out. >> pirro, there's one other sound i want to play, hunter's attorney abby lowell. >> are you saying that the government prosecutors are incompetent? >> i'm saying it's one of three possibilities. >> and that is one of them. >> i didn't use that word. you did. i said them changed their decision on the fly standing up in court. >> go ahead judge. >> okay. the prosecutors change their decision on the fly standing up in court. now, if i got in trouble i would hire abby lowell. having said that it's got to pass the smell test and do you really think that the prosecutors are going to stand up in court on the fly and say, we want to give this guy immunity the rest of his life as if that was something they decided to do on their own and the defense wasn't going to accept it? i mean it just makes absolutely no sense. what the protestors cures did was they gave him immunity for everything. so, what's the point of the special counsel? and yet we appoint in guy or joe biden appoints this guy special counsel. abby lowell is convinced there will be no new evidence. i don't know how lowell knows that because they're finding new bank accounts but the truth is that at least donald trump with the mueller special counsel went outside of the government and it involved him. it involved him and the idea of his being a putin puppet or russian asset. joe biden would never go outside of the government and get a mueller to investigate himself and his son. so joe biden insisted on having his thumb on the scale and at least donald trump was willing to go outside the government but having said all of that i think it's so disingenuous for people like dan goldman to say it's a fishing expedition, no one should be allowed to do this to a lessen. the truth it was goldman admitted biden talk business and says it doesn't sound like joe biden is involved in hunter's businesses if all hunter is saying i'm trying to do business with a chinese connected oil company, chinese communist party connected oil company. the whole thing is a charade. nothing will change. if if indeed weiss has the ability to do whatever he wanted and didn't need special counsel status why does he need it now? >> doesn't it seem like garland was trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube and shut the tube behind glass doors and throw away the key? because that's a lot of medical talk. you got to call somebody to see if they can open up that key and the idea is to lock it up so they can't get it past the election. >> couple things. first of all david weiss is a trump appointee. last i checked. >> technically yes. >> he was appointed by former president. >> recommended by the democrats in that state a blue state. >> that's what happens if a state is controlled by republicans a democrat president or to get someone appointed. >> so you admit it's the democrats. >> he's still not special counsel with the government. >> are you sure it's nice to be back at the table? >> if i had your fact pattern i would argue the same thing. he was appointed by trump. he admitted the deal with hunter biden is off. he said president biden he can't assure people president bide wasn't himself being investigated and for the deal he brokered with hunter that eventually the court when asked, asked both sides in court remember judge you and i know when anyone enters a guilty plea the purpose of that hearing before that judge is to make the judge get the defendant the accused wants to understand that he or she is admitting guilt and what the consequences are for doing that. so she laid that out for him and asked the basic question does this insure he is not indicted on any other matters? and when asked that question, if it came up here there was not a meeting of the minds between prosecutor or the defense. now one could argue they knew that before they walked. i don't know if they did. i know that hunter biden does not have a plea deal for the gun charge or the tax thing they were looking into for the years nor does he have a deal for any other thing they wanted to look into. it's obvious it could implicate president biden. so i'm not saying it does. i'm only saying there's a hyper reaction to this by some some in congress who want to investigate. this they have every right to exercise oversight. investigating david weiss they just don't like him is juvenile on their part. >> you want to comment? >> you're juvenile. >> can you take that on too. >> there's only so much time. first off, discount wag the whistleblowers are totally for this happening and if margaret brennan and chuck todd and everybody else to sit there and talk to abby lowell and others about this investigation and not saying the whistleblowers have a different story. david wesley snipes didn't have the power to be a special prosecutor. he didn't have the power to move the case to los angeles. he said so and they memorialized it in their notes and waiting to be challenged so you say what motivation did the whistleblowers have. i would like to destroy my career prevent my proceed vengs put my benefits on the line to do the right thing so they went out and put themselves on the line and that's the reason this is happening. the question is david weiss going to start using that investigative power and i don't know why judge i'm being more optimistic than you but why wouldn't he start looking into international business deals now? he has the ability. he's got the power. why did he ask on tuesday happen get it on friday? my hope is they'll look into it and if he's clean, he's clean. >> i'm not saying he's clean. i'm saying the wyatt appointment doesn't unsettle me. >> he's been there five years. he's letting things evaporate. statute of limitations. that's the problem. >> it stinks. if i were a spokesman of the justice department i wouldn't have been able to defend this. see you later. i'm outta here. the other thing is joy reed who says hunter biden is being treated worse than anybody else and we interviewed gerald desouza who had no tax charge and did ten months in prison. >> i wonder who she's comparing him to. for once i'm going to have to agree with her and the media it's not hunter. this isn't about hunter. in terms of family members he's as shady as they come. he makes roger clinton look like i don't know, roger ebert. he's a first level bonafide dirt bag. what if we have it backwards? it's not that hunter has been a problem for joe. it's joe who is a burden to hunter who is forcing him to make it rain, who is making sure he goes to these countries to set up bogus companies and fly all over. if you have real concern for your son who is a terrible drug diversity and equity, why are you forcing him to go to business meetings that's the opposite thing would you do if you were a loving father. you would tell him you're not going anywhere else. you need to take a break. so we were watching the reversal of truth and they're making hunting the crooked out of control son that tests the love of his father every day when it's actually joe that's forcing hunter to go out and make the money so joe lives the comfortable lifestyle he's never been able to foord and i think hunter didn't mind it under the assumption that hunter wasn't going to be in office after 2016 and he's making these deals and joe is back at the white house. he's not prepared for. this this is totally unfair, dad. i want to still do coke and now i got to do it in the white house. >> he did most of his business deals when he was lame duck. he put it on hyper speed going to ukraine as a lame duck. hillary clinton got the blessing of barack obama. looked like he was out. >> coming up, president biden apparently doesn't have much to say about america's deadliest wildfire. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. conquer financial reports. conquer 2000-word essays. conquer 300 thank-you notes. rule over what you write with the smooth writing, longest lasting gel ink pen in america. do you g2? 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he's just done. this would be the perfect thing to not even addressing. >> this is the easiest thing in the world and you could shut down hunter questions. we have 93 dead. that number could triple in hours. my heart goes out to the people of hawaii. >> brazilian dana because i said barack obama is a phone call away. i'm surprised he didn't pick up the phone because i know these people. number 2 is to have 43 and 42 go out there the way 42 and 41 did but this is the easiest thing in the world devastation the world is watching democratic state no political down side to caring and he doesn't even have anyone next to him to say mr. president you've got to get outside the car, they asked you what you think of maui. he still hasn't made a statement. it's crazy. to me as harold and i were talking at the break, you dheng he didn't hear them but he had three days to show you care. >> yeah harold, why? what's the problem? >> i'm able to agree with people when i believe they're right. i agree with dana and brian. he could have said he at the start of this tragedy he made available every resource of the federal government. to not say that is perplexing. >> judge. >> i think this is an absolute scenario any human being would say our heart goes out to those with missing family members, to those we've lost. only 3 percent of the impacted areas have been searched. do you have any idea how many more people we are going to find? it's all theater to the president. he got in as the president wouldn't react that way. you think he's going go to hawaii? i kind of picked up what trump did when he was president. he visited texas during hurricane harvey, north carolina, south carolina, hurricane florence, georgia and florida, michael, alabama, it goes on and on. this is what presidents are supposed to do give you a sense that we are in control we are going take care of this and when they interview the people on the island they say we haven't heard anything from the federal government. >> nothing. >> we are only get help from the local agencies. let me tell you something, i'm curious to see whether or not hawaii goes democrat in 2024. >> when you see kamala harris talking about abortion, go down roll up her sleeves. >> exclamation point. everybody wants to blame the other side every time. this is one of those moments not only should we give them everything we need but everybody should do what president bush did. there were things they did wrong in hawaii that they're going to learn. >> there was no water in the hydrants. >> it went i think a mile every minute. every minute it covered a mile of property. >> i get the sense it's a lot worse than we know now and i'm not talking about just hawaii. it's terrible in hawaii. >> i say god help them. >> natural place to do. >> mobs are busting out the bear spray to ransack a luxury store in california. at red land cotton, the bedding start right here on our family's cotton farm in north alabama. the heartland of america. we rely on hard work and honest manufacturing to deliver high quality, heirloom inspired bedding, bath towels and more, all made in the usa. experience the farm to home difference for yourself. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news. every so often, a voice speaks the truth over a sea of malarkey. both the democrats and the republicans caused this debt crisis. my two cents plan solves the problem. if washington cuts the budget just two percent a year, problem solved! perry johnson's genius helped save the american automobile industry. now, it's our turn. his simple truths will bring america back. i'm perry johnson, and i approve this message. we're traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? 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you're not going to be able to convict these people after fell nimt it's going a misdemeanor, assuming you catch them was you can't prove that each one had a bag that was worth at that moment $950. the other thing to keep in mind we had a d.c. council member and ask the national guard ironically friday that's what donald trump asked for and they said he was acting like a fascist and do you believe the democrats are reaping what they sow, mayors like karen bass? >> i think policies have been pursued that are not effective, cashless bail, police person, police woman shortage in california and other places across the country and it's probably high time now to think very differently about this armed guard situation in these stores. i've not been one to believe that a person as, a good person with a gun is able to counter a bad person with a gun, but at some point i'm having to rethink that. i'm thinking even when president trump openly talked about finding ways to go after the cartels in mexico with our military there was resistance early on but you have -- i think that's what adults do in politics. that's what matower people do. it's not democrat or republican. there are times the democrats have great ideas and the republicans. you have to be willing to confront. if you can't catch and deter this activity it's going to keep happening. i think the judge got in a thing with the prosecution but they were saying there were 25,000 of us because we didn't go over the limit. we need different strategies. what we have now isn't working we have to think outside the box even saying i was wrong. we need something different. >> democrats say i was wrong. can republicans take advantage and say i'll show you a better way? >> the better way is the berthing to do. the mayor said it's unacceptable. i said didn't we cover this story friday? that was a different smash-and-grab the same area so if it's unacceptable on thursday when it happens we report on friday it happens again on the weekend obviously there's a major problem. part of it is it's coordinated on line so somehow there's electronic communications making sure everybody is at same place same time so perhaps resources, maybe the tech pros can figure that out. they might want to look at policies about on line retail because a lot of this stuff the cartels organize it they steal it and sell it on line and people are spending last money to get the natural brand and that is a huge problem so maybe there's something there that can be done and also where is everybody to stand up for the workers the security guard who got hit in the face with bear spray? you're never going to get stores to hire an army of security guards so either the stores are all going away and people have a different shopping experience or loermtd and the tech pros get together and help figure this out. >> personal story. >> i don't want to here. >>. >> it's good to see you're bailing. >> what does that mean? >> i guess it's time now to stop describing them as teams. a group of teens just happened to show up. >> don't say a mob. >> don't say mob. >> by the way, where are the mannequins? anyway. karen bass was wrong as judge points out. she says it's not acceptable. of course it's acceptable. that's why it keeps happening. if it was unacceptable it wouldn't happen. if you don't do anything you're telegraphing everybody to imitate the behavior. you're incentiveizing the behavior. it's a crime to fight back but it's no long area crime to commit crime. hence maybe you don't blame them. i wonder who they are. are we ever told what gangs they are? who do they belong to? are they actual cartel people? i don't know. but i'm trying to figure with my eyes what are we allowed to say? i love how the government tells you to stay home from work pause it's crimey out there. you have on the daily news you can have news sports weather crime 67 percent chance of carjacking so take the subway however there's 87 percent of subway of indecent exposure and 10 percent chance of being thrown in front of the train, therefore the mayor is calling a crime day. >> somebody gets the blame. >> what if four billion women went to venus for ladies week? how many of these problems would still exist? there would be new problems. lots of new bad problems. but i want to hear like harold said i'm changing my mind about this. you would change your mind if you were at a bar alone and no women around. you would go you got to be in there and it will be over in an hour. the smash-and-grab the no cash bail, the rampant recidivism we are putting up with. i'm saying we have gotten so soft and it's because we have decided that somehow discipline and punishment is wrong we have decided that carrot is better than the stick when all i want is a carrot shaped like a stick to beat loot weathers. that's not too much to ask, is it? >> i want bear spray. >> bear spray will be banned because it hurts somebody. they'll put it behind the thing. like walgreen's. no you can't have bear spray. so now you'll be stuck with spraying lotion at people. >> i have hope danny penny 7-eleven the guys that fought back, i think zuckerberg is training in the gym. >> is this one of those things you link things that have nothing to do with each other? >> how do you know what fox and friends does? >> up next, overnight sensation. we are going to talk about the blue collar anthem that's striking a chord with millions. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if you struggle. and struggle. and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at >> it's the blue collar anthem sending a shiver down the spine of millions and oliver anthony going from a complete unknown country sinker to soaring to number 1 on the itunes heart over his song, rich men north of richmond. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dana your thoughts on this. is this an extension of democrat-republican politics? >> i think eye especially about democrats because you have a focus song about working class people unable to make it under today's policies and the let calling him a right within trope and dismissing him. you look at the electoral college map and it's red across america this is a reason why because people like anthony get dismissed. i'm impressed how quickly in got attention. i heard about it from my friend chris at the jersey shore and by saturday i heard it from four my people. so that's one of the ways this happens and couple people in nashville of said they would give him a record deal. what i like about him he's dignified and gracious said let me take time, it's not going to his head but seemed like it came from his heart. >> judge you seem like you want to react to this. >> well, i'm thrilled this guy did this. you know he is singing in a way that speaks to a lot of americans. know, not everybody in this country is part of the east coast and west coast and washington. a lot of people feel pain and he talks about the pain of working so hard and in the end, really having nothing. the sad part is that the left is so outraged by this like everything is affected by politics and tribalism today whether it is music or whether it's sports or whatever. everything is about politics and tribalism. >> you think the same? >> push back. right now he's going up the charts regardless of people's outrage. jason al dean, number 1 song in america. i'm good friends with jelly roll and he told me in guy is ready to explode. other thing bothers me he's no singing cloth to the microphone. it's here and he's singing straight ahead. >> somebody understands how somebody speaks into a microphone how do you judge his skills? >> you're right. i didn't know chaz bono could grow a beard. it's a scary song if you don't make it about race. that's what the media is trying to do make it about race. this is a song that would possibly unite blacks and whites and browns against the elite, the people that are in charge of media, people like me, so you keep the rage between the racists turning toward the people in power. his message is both sides serve the same masters. >> that's right. >> if that message gets out, i think it's a good thing because i always felt that color vs. color is deadly and it's terrible. it's ripping this country apart. it was never about that in our country and i think if you start looking at the class system, that's a beret way to do it. >> i agree with you 100 percent. this is an american talking about how americans are being treated. >> up next, he's losing himself in the music, a presidential candidate raps. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ one, two, get loose now ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a... ♪ stay two nights and get a $ 50 best western gift card. book now at >> presidential candidate or aspiring rapper g.o.p. rapper viveca swami on the mic after rapping lose yourself by eminem. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> all right. harold, does this boost or hurt his campaign? >> i don't recall a time we had him on as centerpiece and these people were wild or paralyzed with joy. so he could definitely win a karaoke contest. as long as people are listening to him, can't hurt. >> what's interesting is 62 percent of generation z, 18-29-year-olds 12 percent for desantis, .5 for vivek but 16 percent don't know who to vote for. >> true. 37-year-old plays tennis billionaire or close and can rap when he looks authentic. he has the perfect strategy to competing with and beating trump. that is i love everything he's done. i just think i'm younger and would love to have trump be my adviser and i like what trump has done. he's just too polarizing, choose me. >> dana should he be considered a vaccine for trump? >> or whoever. i also think he really wants to be president. i don't think any of them are running for vp. >> i prefer my rappers to be [indistinct]. that's not rapping if you're doing it over a rap unless you're cardi b. it's on tv. ron desantis didn't do this. he was handing out eggs on a stick and here you got something great vivek who is hindu and it shows it's possible as a hindu male to rap old eminem from his college days which is essentially the whitest thing you could do. every frat boy knows the words to that but he's saying we can imitate the success of others without having the skin to match and i think that's a positive -- that's what he's doing. this salmon our next president. >> but it makes sense to a lot of people. >> up next, one more thing. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at what do we always say, son? 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