Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

[playing national anthem] [playing national anthem] >> we begin this word with a fox feather under weather fire al alert. the death toll 93 people, the governor warns is likely to go up significantly in the coming days, just two of those killed have been identified so far. rachel: and rescue crews say they have only reached about 3% of the search area so far. more than 2000 buildings have been completely destroyed. nearly all those destroyed buildings were residential and now 4500 people are in need of shelter. >> i don't even know how to explain it. it is a war zone, you don't know how to feel. thank god we have each other in alive and safe. it's like we're the only things we have now because everything that we had in the past is gone. joey: this is the deadliest wildfire in the past 100 years. they've open a probe into the wildfire response. the critical decisions happened before, during and after the fire. will: good morning welcome to "fox & friends" this sunday morning. the story threatens to get more tragic, we spent the last couple of days and spent time talking about what has been visually lost, what buildings, history and town has been part to the ground. it's quite evident, what we have not yet seen is the biggest nightmare. as we just reported something like 2000 buildings in law heine, that is roughly 12 - 13000 people. the only search 3% of those homes with body sniffing dogs, you may have some insight into this but what i understand it is hot in hawaii and hotter around the zones, they can only work what i believe to be three dogs at this time so often during the day and they're trying to fly in dozens of more dogs. the point is what lies underneath all of those other buildings, how many potentially hundreds of people that we lost. rachel: or the cars lined up. >> from what i understand the cars and people on the street are people capable will be first got the original number those were capable of seeing them in their cars, what is a ministry how many people are in the buildings and how many people were still in the water. joey: what i'm most concerned about, one thing i was not worried about yesterday but today i see as an issue, the last thing that i read that i need to look into a response. with something so tragic and so sad and mournful. you don't want to see a scandal laid upon it, you do not, you almost don't what here this could've been prevented or somebody did not do their job or ring a bell or send out a warning or didn't spray water on a grass field that they were supposed to on thursday, you don't want to hear that because it compounds it makes it harder to make sense of it all. natural disasters are one thing, things that can be prevented or hold another thing. you could wish you could go back a week ago bring these people back alive. as we mourn them and find their stories and the total number of precious lives lost, you don't want to hear these five people could get a better job. that's not what you want to hear but it may be what we hear. rachel: it's good to be interesting will, you're going to be heading back to maui to report for our network. being on the ground and getting a lot of information. will: right after the show going to catch a plane to maui and we will report monday morning "fox & friends" live. it'll be in the middle of the night there and now we but will get as much information on the ground. i'll give you one more quick omnibus detail. the power went out and now we that morning, something like eight or 9:00 a.m. what we've talked about is all the restaurants and shops on the street. a lot of them didn't have people working, there was no power so most people live at home and the heine, so all of those homes, or they didn't go to work today in those resorts, school was called off, a lot of people, maybe a lot of kids, a lot of people home that day in those homes that lit on fire so fast. you can help by donating to the red cross, scan the qr code on the screen this is for immediate response always some of the first people on scene and fox's contribute into r red cross -- foxforward. >> rallying supporters at the i was state fair speaking on a wide range of topics to the economy, hunter biden and even eminem. rachel: former president trump make a grand entrance and drawing the biggest crowds as he continues to output the other candidates. joey: alexandria hoff is live in d.c. with the latest on this race. >> i was state fair is a test of political personality, you have to your food just right and where the right clothes, and off-the-cuff interactions, it's really like high school. for years candidates have used that place to prove themselves. yesterday was a big day considering former president trump and ron desantis circulating the fairgrounds at the same time. desantis vacated the family outing writing some rights, trump's campaign orchestrated iraq arrival hitting at desantis with bringing forward republicans who have endorsed him. >> we have six people, we have thousands. >> a wide reaching lead and its margin in iowa is a tad lower than elsewhere, you would never know what by crowd enthusiasm. the question if he'll show up to the debate remain unanswered. >> are you going to come to the debate in t milwaukee. >> that'll be interesting. >> desantis weight on david weiss appointing to deepening the investigation on hunter biden. listen. >> the house has been working on supposedly holding hunter biden accountable and i don't know what these guys are doing but i think the special counsel is trying to checkmate that investigation. this is going to be a total sham, special counsel, yet the same guy that a been doing anyways. i think they're trying to kneecap the houses ability to investigate. >> democratic presidential candidate marianne williams speaking at the soapbox, she should she would like the opportunity to debate that president robert f kennedy junior was also there make it his first campaign in iowa. president biden spent his weekend at the beach. as for the quirkiness of the venue. vivek ramaswamy the millennial candidate energy losing himself wrapping eminem. ♪ >> it wasn't half bad, if it was anybody else that might've been hard to watch any other candidate. but on the weekend a lot of people thought it was pretty refreshing. i don't know about that crowd, they weren't getting too much into it, were they? rachel: i agree with you, i thought he wasn't half bad at all. i thought it was really good. thank you for that speaker if it was somebody else i think the response would be less forgiving. i don't affect the product of age but can you imagine this antiseptic wrapping lose yourself? rachel: here's why iowa is so important. in this is in a way what donald trump has brought to politics in general since he stepped out in 2016. that is authenticity matters. when vivek ramaswamy gets up there and does that, you know he has done that before. maybe he was drunk but he decided to do it at the iowa state fair this time. he is owning a car he loves the song, knows the lyrics. it feels authentic to him. i think it works. will: one thing i wholeheartedly agree on maybe not so much age is authenticity. desantis, i picked him randomly, can you imagine mike pence. but desantis is only five years older, five or six years older then vivek ramaswamy so it's not an age thing, i think it might be . joey: and president trump are good to use a mechanism like that the whole crowd with bob their heads, go up and down. you gotta know when to do something like that, you gotta intuitively have the instinct to say the crowd is ready for this and then he brings out whatever president trump brings out. that looks more like let me try this and see how it's going to work. it's tone deaf something we use in our line of work when people say something, people don't necessarily agree with or pick up on. that might've been tone deaf in the traditional sense. i don't know if it sounded great. will: i saw this and i'm really interested in your feedback, we all have your opinions and our personal grounded principal opinions on abortion. how does that play as we lead into an election politically. karl rove had this to play last night. >> we learned if the republicans don't have a good answer on abortion and they look like they are overreaching, they are going to be in trouble. on the other hand what do we learn from ohio gubernatorial race in georgia, the cover tourn race in a comfortable positive optimistic way even if they are tough on abortion can win reelection. mike dewine 24 points, a governor in georgia beats the democratic at the giant killer. a 20-point victory for desantis in florida. you have to be able to articulate a vision of where you are is a pro-life candidate and you have to recognize this country has a very mixed views about it. two thirds of the american people didn't want roe v. wade to overturn in two thirds do not want any abortions in the second and third pr trimester. yet the way to keep it together without energizing the pro-abortion. will: it is really interesting, how does it play politically, most people think it played a huge role in the midterms. karl rove said something fascinating when you reference a polling, two thirds of people did not want roe v. wade overturned. but two thirds of people also don't want abortions in the second and third trimester. i think his point stands. this is heavily on the shoulders that can communicate this message well. rachel: authentically it comes back to the authentic message. there was a referendum in ohio this past week which would've made it easier to pass more pro-life legislation in ohio in the pro-lifers lost on that pretty decisively. , there is no pun intended but in the water. and the left has decided, their salivating, they are saying the selection is going to be about abortion were to win back ohio and north carolina and right now all of the consultants are freaking out republican candidates insane don't talk about abortion and i totally disagree. i think, first of all is too important. we had the greatest victory we've ever had in 50 years with the overturning of roe v. wade versus a conservative movement. we should tell our number one candidate in the primary made that happen really. and just like you wouldn't want to hide your views in 1860 on abolition, you should stand proud about what were doing as a party with the republican party is doing on abortion. that said, stop taking cues from the left, women's number one issue is not abortion. there are ten other issues ahead of that and if you saw at the iowa fair, you saw rfk junior speaking to those issues he was talking about the economy, he was talking about food, he was talking about big corporations making us fatter and sicker and how do we make our family's health or, he is talking about chronic diseases. there are so many issues that matter to women more than abortion and if we allow the left to take the lead on that we will lose. you have to come out with new issues. joey: i understand thought the top issue with women. the evidence showed a plate atop role with the election. conservatives have an easier time winning the narrative rather than the policy. when you look at the policies, i believe kansas or ohio, what state ohio? rachel: ohio. joey: would you look at the policy i don't know if it's a swing to the far right that people perceive or when people sit and read as a potential law they fear for their own personal sovereignty but conservatives do a lot better job on the narrative of abortion be pro-life rather than antiabortion. that something conservatives especially those running for president have to reconcile. just like karl rove said in will pointed out, there is a middle ground of voters that maybe abortion has it affected our life so they see it more objectively and say abortion sound like a bad idea because this, this, this. if you say you don't have any opportunity to look at this in your life, then maybe i'm not for that but maybe that is something that religion plays a huge role speak what i think you're reading a lot into the ohio that affected the race. you bring up a good point with karl rove. republicans have to do a better job of pointing out how radical the other side is. they are for abortion all the way up until birth. joey: there no closer to the middle area then some republicans. will: make 70 articulate their position on abortion. coming up we will have cory mills on the program. joey: turning to headlines for people dead and three others her after a pennsylvania home exploded yesterday. one person is still missing, the blast destroying three surrounding buildings and damaging the dozen others. the cause of the explosion is under investigation. republican congressman greg steube of florida is filing articles of impeachment against president biden claiming he abused his influence by protecting his son hunter from the law. he said it's long past time to impeach joe biden, he is undermine the integrity of his office, brought this on the presidency, betrayed his trust as president and acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law. pretty heavy stuff there. and to baseball, the one and only american team the atlanta braves getting 21 runs on the board in their absolute blowout of the new york mets. the eye-popping score included six homeruns, they went on to win the second game of the doubleheader 6 - 0. it was a bad day for new york as the yankees didn't fare much better losing to the miami marlins. the marlins 3 - 1 with help from this amazing catch. >> stand pops this one up. territory, that's going to go right into the garbage can. how about that. joey: he kept it out of the garbage stand for a second. the yankees have not had the season they hoped for and not the season they paid for. in the last place of the east and 12 game behind the orioles. ives seen a lot of teams when well over 100 games and not do so well the playoffs. i am hopeful for the braves. will: a lot of runs for the braves. joey: you don't want to waste them all in one game treated you can get 21 runs i'd rather get seven over three games. rachel: still ahead pennsylvania's governor cutting ties with the group that supports pregnant mothers read our next guest calls the shameful say that only hurt women from receiving the help that they need. will: suits for heroes. dressing for success, a mission to get back to those who serve. ♪ at the right price. that's why, we've we pull our favorite looks together in-store and in in the app. so it is easy to get the look you want for less. you got this. we got you. new emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? 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homes for women, i thought that had gone away a long time ago. you might be the only ones in the country doing that. >> these pregnancy resource centers were the first of their kind in the country and they have been a model for other states. governor bob casey who was a pro-life democrat set up these pregnancy resource centers nearly 30 years ago to help women in crisis. and they help them with anything that they might need for their pregnancy. in addition to that, that could be food, clothing, furniture, counseling, shelter, maybe they want to finish getting their college education, they helped them find day care, whatever they might need to support the young women. rachel: your governor says we need to give the money that went to this alternative to evidence based support, what does that mean. >> i think it means he wants to include abortion clinics. these centers are a lifeline for women, they are not medical centers, they are nonmedical centers so they have counseling in anything that young woman might need. i would tell you their outcomes are phenomenal. they've had over 350,000 women through their centers in nearly 30 years without one single complaint. the republican senate thought it was part of budget negotiations and this was still on the table when the rug got pulled out us e governor celebrated indeed this precious tragic to me, as you know this is a trend across the country with other democratic governors but we have 83 pregnancy care centers under real alternatives for the commonwealth of pennsylvania that provide support to 13500 women a year. rachel: what will happen now that the money has been taken away. >> we are going to continue to fight for this. our republican legislature, this is a real issue for us, real priority so we plan on continuing to fight against this. it's outrageous to me. i can't understand something that has been so successful why you would. it saves the commonwealth the dollar's and healthcare cost because these clients receive proper prenatal care and its maternal child health which is something the other side tells us that we don't do. it is maternal health and healthy families and ... these women up and gives them hope. i don't know how you could be celebrating the end of such a program. rachel: celebrating the end of healthy women and then turning them to a place that makes them believe that they can get rid of their problems with abortion when it's just the beginning of somebody other problems. last word were really short on time. >> as they get sick 19 me that josh schapiro is willing to sacrifice the needs to so many women to promote the far left agenda. rachel: this is the new front on how the left and have a pro-abortion lobby wants to fight in the get a take away services from women and very desperate need. senator thank you for joining us and bringing this very important issue to the attention of the people and remind them of all the good work that was in hopefully will continue to be done in pennsylvania. thank you. >> thank you so much. coming up misplaced priorities or calculated moves as migrant overwhelm for the patrol divided the administration is focusing on a river muscle that lives at the rio grande and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ [ applause ] >> the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day a confident day... a never-hide-my-smile day... a life-of-the-party day... a take-on-the-world day... a believe-in-myself day... a flash-my-new-teeth day. because your clearchoice day is the day you get your confidence back for good. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. listen up, you dogs with allergic itch! today's talking lesson is just one word: apoquel. ap--o--quel. ♪ you can't teach your itchy dog to talk..., talk to your vet about apoquel. apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. will: seb p source tells all border patrol are near or over capacity. the biden administration priority seem to be elsewhere. rachel: last month the u.s. and fish and wildlife senator cried to save a riverbed muscle that lives in the heavily rio grande river. joey: our next guest causes environmental push a cynical shell game designed to force texas to remove marine barriers blocking migrants to the u.s. todd bensman joins us now. todd, i get what you're saying, they found a loophole and environmental loophole that says we can't put the borders here because there is a muscle in this area it is good to be detrimental, tell us what the truth is. >> everything i've read about this muscle, dirty water kills them, that is a problem, not floating river barriers. the rio grande is dirty, really dirty and the reason it's dirty millions and millions of immigrants have been crossing it and are living on the mexican side in the massive camps where there are dumping tons and tons of garbage into the rio grande going to the bathroom and the water and every possible chemical into the river and creating nutrients that inspired the growth of clogging, choking plants that rob the river of oxygen completely for thousands of yards. i cannot imagine any muscles living there. the water barrier actually has deterred anybody from crossing their and i would argue water barriers save the muscles. >> a been to the border and seeing what were showing our viewers which is trash and clothing and papers, as you said people's personal items, shampoo, everything that you can imagine you think that you see. they come in with the truck and they clear it in a couple of days later it's right there. how does this administration who claims to be so environmentally friendly has upended our entire economy and so many people in order to advance our environmental agenda, how do they justify, were looking at the real environmental disaster at the border. >> they don't try and neither do environmental organizations. the last two and half years we had eight or 9 million people hit the border and try to cross the border and left behind the most incredible mess you've ever seen repairing habitat completely destroyed like you saw there, they drop their clothes and keep going. where are the environmental groups, there hasn't been a peep from anyone. and all this complete catastrophe that is following the rio grande from the mass migration crisis. the reason, they are on the record like the sierra club and lots of other ones on the record for the website in favor of mass migration. clearly they have internal conflict to resolve here, political conflict. will: todd benson center for immigration studies. thank you so much. rachel: in new jersey these environmental groups are absent for the whales that are dying as well and showing up on the beaches. it's really interesting to see, it's not just the government, you kind of expect that but it's weird to see the sierra club and all the environmental groups that used to care about these things. joey: there's a position between a muscle and over polluted river and the lives taken on the border being open. you can care about the muscle but not the people. rachel: the children that drowned in the river versus the muscle. will: another environmental story and the fox weather alert, the devastating of now we wildfires we are joined by a lahaina local whose family lost their homes. ♪ you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. cut! another health insurance commercial, another aqua-aerobics scene. yup. most health insurance companies see us all the same: smiley seniors golfing, hiking... don't forget antiquing. that's why i chose humana. they see me, not a stereotypical senior. i'm pre-diabetic, so i talked one-on-one with a humana health educator who really helped me. now i'm taking free cooking and meditation classes. not aqua-aerobics? better care begins with listening. humana. a more human way to healthcare. 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>> i would say yes people were able to get up but not everybody. like i said towards the beginning part of evacuating and as i made my way through the neighborhood i found there was congestion so i took a detour to go towards lahaina road and that was already congested and covered in smoke so i had to go to the exit came from and basically houses throughout the neighborhood that i passed were already on fire so i'm already en route tried to get out and that's not saying people already at their homes didn't see worse. will: last question for you, i know you're on a wall who now, i know you were there before you were able to leave lahaina. we are hearing numbers and were at 93 now and that sounds like it could be low when we get the number of total who were lost any sense of perspective for you from what you saw that day or the ensuing 24 hours when you got to remain in lahaina, any extent of the loss? >> you can only imagine the loss just hearing everyone's stories firsthand what it happened. i'm scared to hear what the real numbers are going to be. i'm hoping that the numbers will stop and they won't continue to go up but there is a lot that i think about and i know that the number that we see now is not the number that is going to be it is good to be a lot higher because of the lack of accessibility to get out. the lack of awareness and being told what was going on too many factors. will: after run but i have to ask the last question. i know power went out that morning, schools called off, children and a lot of people were they home because power had been out and they were going to work or school? >> correct a lot of people were home and who's to say they were families that did have to work and the kids were at home, it leaves a lot of questions. opened it questions that could potentially be right or wrong and we don't know yet. will: oh my. thank you so much for sharing your story, it's so tragic, you have our prayers and thoughts and you also have our support in every way going forward. thank you so much. >> thank you still ahead close for crime one said new york business owner opted to shutdown her story leave the crime-ridden city thanks to feeling policies. more on that coming up. dress for success and north texas businesses giving free suits for a thank you for the service. the owner joins us next. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. i'll always take care of you. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ be by your side... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? baby, only on game nights. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, 36 month financing on select smart beds. shop now only at sleep number. rachel: turning to your headlines a career criminal in florida is dead after leading police on a multi-county chase and firing officer several times along the way, one sheriff in that pursuit says this should be a warning to all criminals in that area. >> this is tampa bay, this is not other parts of the country where law enforcement are hindered because the elected officials say we don't want you to do anything we don't want to to protect citizens. were all about defend the police and were all in this together with her citizens. if you shoot at one of us were going to fire back. rachel: the pursuit begin after the suspects wife called police when they arrived on the scene he shot at them and shot his wife who is expected to be okay he had prior 18 felony convictions. the pentagon looking to make changes to the structure of the d.c.'s national guard after his heavily criticized responses to the george floyd protest in january 6. the main point of contention is over who controls the d.c. guard is currently in the hands of the president but some officials want to move it away from partisan politicians and give control to non- military leaders who oversee homeland defense. no decision has been made so far. joey: and north texas business offering veteran suits in a fresh start as they return home and join the workforce. the program called suits of honor gives 26 veterans a year a new custom suit, shirt and tie for free, the owner bob baumann, edward caveat, joins us now. i've spent time with you, you fitted me with the suit years ago we worked with the on a nonprofit venture in texas called boudin and shoot and i brought some of my friends and you outfitted them with suits. more than that you gave a speech at the very beginning that focused on why you where is suits, how you were in the mentality and please explain that. >> i think it is important that our veterans understand that when they come back there appearance totally affects their success. more than giving them the suits about teaching them how to dress and how to prepare for an interview, small things like the guy in the white shirt rules controls, dominates the room. we want to give them the tools that they need so when they go for interviews they will look their best and be able to get a job. joey: i have friends these are my friends, when we came there, i'm glad were using these pictures, some of the guys got married in the suit that you gave them it's only suit that you they own. when you tell them where a white shirt for this, solid color tie, pocket square for this occasion, don't wear pockets, i break that and you both, i apologize. the mentorship that you are giving them is building confidence as a professional and allows them to walk into an interview in any type of situation no matter of their humble beginning and feel confident how important is confidence in this professional world and america. >> it is everything our biggest position they're coming back to the u.s. and they're trying to find a position, a job in our goal is to equip them for that and you look in the mirror and look like a million bucks to start performing like a million bucks, you act like a million bucks. more importantly then that's what the world thinks of you would walk out the front door of your house and they're looking at you. joey: i would make sure people know how to support this, suits of honor. is there place people can contribute or veterans can learn more about it. >> they can go to our website edward that will lead them there, the suits of honor are on that page they could type in suits of honor. joey: i need to come back as a paying customer, i don't fit in that suit anymore, a lot has changed in the last four or five years. >> we can't do anything when your weight changes but there may be room for observation. joey: maybe will start from scratch. take care. we have the enter big show ahead this morning. look at all the faces, important people to come on and talk with us. ♪ oh, that's nice... oh!! searchable, verified reviews. that's better than the ham, and i've never said that. booking.yeah (vo) in one second, sara (woman) yes (vo) will get a job offer somewhere sunnier. relocating in weeks. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

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[playing national anthem] [playing national anthem] >> we begin this word with a fox feather under weather fire al alert. the death toll 93 people, the governor warns is likely to go up significantly in the coming days, just two of those killed have been identified so far. rachel: and rescue crews say they have only reached about 3% of the search area so far. more than 2000 buildings have been completely destroyed. nearly all those destroyed buildings were residential and now 4500 people are in need of shelter. >> i don't even know how to explain it. it is a war zone, you don't know how to feel. thank god we have each other in alive and safe. it's like we're the only things we have now because everything that we had in the past is gone. joey: this is the deadliest wildfire in the past 100 years. they've open a probe into the wildfire response. the critical decisions happened before, during and after the fire. will: good morning welcome to "fox & friends" this sunday morning. the story threatens to get more tragic, we spent the last couple of days and spent time talking about what has been visually lost, what buildings, history and town has been part to the ground. it's quite evident, what we have not yet seen is the biggest nightmare. as we just reported something like 2000 buildings in law heine, that is roughly 12 - 13000 people. the only search 3% of those homes with body sniffing dogs, you may have some insight into this but what i understand it is hot in hawaii and hotter around the zones, they can only work what i believe to be three dogs at this time so often during the day and they're trying to fly in dozens of more dogs. the point is what lies underneath all of those other buildings, how many potentially hundreds of people that we lost. rachel: or the cars lined up. >> from what i understand the cars and people on the street are people capable will be first got the original number those were capable of seeing them in their cars, what is a ministry how many people are in the buildings and how many people were still in the water. joey: what i'm most concerned about, one thing i was not worried about yesterday but today i see as an issue, the last thing that i read that i need to look into a response. with something so tragic and so sad and mournful. you don't want to see a scandal laid upon it, you do not, you almost don't what here this could've been prevented or somebody did not do their job or ring a bell or send out a warning or didn't spray water on a grass field that they were supposed to on thursday, you don't want to hear that because it compounds it makes it harder to make sense of it all. natural disasters are one thing, things that can be prevented or hold another thing. you could wish you could go back a week ago bring these people back alive. as we mourn them and find their stories and the total number of precious lives lost, you don't want to hear these five people could get a better job. that's not what you want to hear but it may be what we hear. rachel: it's good to be interesting will, you're going to be heading back to maui to report for our network. being on the ground and getting a lot of information. will: right after the show going to catch a plane to maui and we will report monday morning "fox & friends" live. it'll be in the middle of the night there and now we but will get as much information on the ground. i'll give you one more quick omnibus detail. the power went out and now we that morning, something like eight or 9:00 a.m. what we've talked about is all the restaurants and shops on the street. a lot of them didn't have people working, there was no power so most people live at home and the heine, so all of those homes, or they didn't go to work today in those resorts, school was called off, a lot of people, maybe a lot of kids, a lot of people home that day in those homes that lit on fire so fast. you can help by donating to the red cross, scan the qr code on the screen this is for immediate response always some of the first people on scene and fox's contribute into r red cross -- foxforward. >> rallying supporters at the i was state fair speaking on a wide range of topics to the economy, hunter biden and even eminem. rachel: former president trump make a grand entrance and drawing the biggest crowds as he continues to output the other candidates. joey: alexandria hoff is live in d.c. with the latest on this race. >> i was state fair is a test of political personality, you have to your food just right and where the right clothes, and off-the-cuff interactions, it's really like high school. for years candidates have used that place to prove themselves. yesterday was a big day considering former president trump and ron desantis circulating the fairgrounds at the same time. desantis vacated the family outing writing some rights, trump's campaign orchestrated iraq arrival hitting at desantis with bringing forward republicans who have endorsed him. >> we have six people, we have thousands. >> a wide reaching lead and its margin in iowa is a tad lower than elsewhere, you would never know what by crowd enthusiasm. the question if he'll show up to the debate remain unanswered. >> are you going to come to the debate in t milwaukee. >> that'll be interesting. >> desantis weight on david weiss appointing to deepening the investigation on hunter biden. listen. >> the house has been working on supposedly holding hunter biden accountable and i don't know what these guys are doing but i think the special counsel is trying to checkmate that investigation. this is going to be a total sham, special counsel, yet the same guy that a been doing anyways. i think they're trying to kneecap the houses ability to investigate. >> democratic presidential candidate marianne williams speaking at the soapbox, she should she would like the opportunity to debate that president robert f kennedy junior was also there make it his first campaign in iowa. president biden spent his weekend at the beach. as for the quirkiness of the venue. vivek ramaswamy the millennial candidate energy losing himself wrapping eminem. ♪ >> it wasn't half bad, if it was anybody else that might've been hard to watch any other candidate. but on the weekend a lot of people thought it was pretty refreshing. i don't know about that crowd, they weren't getting too much into it, were they? rachel: i agree with you, i thought he wasn't half bad at all. i thought it was really good. thank you for that speaker if it was somebody else i think the response would be less forgiving. i don't affect the product of age but can you imagine this antiseptic wrapping lose yourself? rachel: here's why iowa is so important. in this is in a way what donald trump has brought to politics in general since he stepped out in 2016. that is authenticity matters. when vivek ramaswamy gets up there and does that, you know he has done that before. maybe he was drunk but he decided to do it at the iowa state fair this time. he is owning a car he loves the song, knows the lyrics. it feels authentic to him. i think it works. will: one thing i wholeheartedly agree on maybe not so much age is authenticity. desantis, i picked him randomly, can you imagine mike pence. but desantis is only five years older, five or six years older then vivek ramaswamy so it's not an age thing, i think it might be . joey: and president trump are good to use a mechanism like that the whole crowd with bob their heads, go up and down. you gotta know when to do something like that, you gotta intuitively have the instinct to say the crowd is ready for this and then he brings out whatever president trump brings out. that looks more like let me try this and see how it's going to work. it's tone deaf something we use in our line of work when people say something, people don't necessarily agree with or pick up on. that might've been tone deaf in the traditional sense. i don't know if it sounded great. will: i saw this and i'm really interested in your feedback, we all have your opinions and our personal grounded principal opinions on abortion. how does that play as we lead into an election politically. karl rove had this to play last night. >> we learned if the republicans don't have a good answer on abortion and they look like they are overreaching, they are going to be in trouble. on the other hand what do we learn from ohio gubernatorial race in georgia, the cover tourn race in a comfortable positive optimistic way even if they are tough on abortion can win reelection. mike dewine 24 points, a governor in georgia beats the democratic at the giant killer. a 20-point victory for desantis in florida. you have to be able to articulate a vision of where you are is a pro-life candidate and you have to recognize this country has a very mixed views about it. two thirds of the american people didn't want roe v. wade to overturn in two thirds do not want any abortions in the second and third pr trimester. yet the way to keep it together without energizing the pro-abortion. will: it is really interesting, how does it play politically, most people think it played a huge role in the midterms. karl rove said something fascinating when you reference a polling, two thirds of people did not want roe v. wade overturned. but two thirds of people also don't want abortions in the second and third trimester. i think his point stands. this is heavily on the shoulders that can communicate this message well. rachel: authentically it comes back to the authentic message. there was a referendum in ohio this past week which would've made it easier to pass more pro-life legislation in ohio in the pro-lifers lost on that pretty decisively. , there is no pun intended but in the water. and the left has decided, their salivating, they are saying the selection is going to be about abortion were to win back ohio and north carolina and right now all of the consultants are freaking out republican candidates insane don't talk about abortion and i totally disagree. i think, first of all is too important. we had the greatest victory we've ever had in 50 years with the overturning of roe v. wade versus a conservative movement. we should tell our number one candidate in the primary made that happen really. and just like you wouldn't want to hide your views in 1860 on abolition, you should stand proud about what were doing as a party with the republican party is doing on abortion. that said, stop taking cues from the left, women's number one issue is not abortion. there are ten other issues ahead of that and if you saw at the iowa fair, you saw rfk junior speaking to those issues he was talking about the economy, he was talking about food, he was talking about big corporations making us fatter and sicker and how do we make our family's health or, he is talking about chronic diseases. there are so many issues that matter to women more than abortion and if we allow the left to take the lead on that we will lose. you have to come out with new issues. joey: i understand thought the top issue with women. the evidence showed a plate atop role with the election. conservatives have an easier time winning the narrative rather than the policy. when you look at the policies, i believe kansas or ohio, what state ohio? rachel: ohio. joey: would you look at the policy i don't know if it's a swing to the far right that people perceive or when people sit and read as a potential law they fear for their own personal sovereignty but conservatives do a lot better job on the narrative of abortion be pro-life rather than antiabortion. that something conservatives especially those running for president have to reconcile. just like karl rove said in will pointed out, there is a middle ground of voters that maybe abortion has it affected our life so they see it more objectively and say abortion sound like a bad idea because this, this, this. if you say you don't have any opportunity to look at this in your life, then maybe i'm not for that but maybe that is something that religion plays a huge role speak what i think you're reading a lot into the ohio that affected the race. you bring up a good point with karl rove. republicans have to do a better job of pointing out how radical the other side is. they are for abortion all the way up until birth. joey: there no closer to the middle area then some republicans. will: make 70 articulate their position on abortion. coming up we will have cory mills on the program. joey: turning to headlines for people dead and three others her after a pennsylvania home exploded yesterday. one person is still missing, the blast destroying three surrounding buildings and damaging the dozen others. the cause of the explosion is under investigation. republican congressman greg steube of florida is filing articles of impeachment against president biden claiming he abused his influence by protecting his son hunter from the law. he said it's long past time to impeach joe biden, he is undermine the integrity of his office, brought this on the presidency, betrayed his trust as president and acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law. pretty heavy stuff there. and to baseball, the one and only american team the atlanta braves getting 21 runs on the board in their absolute blowout of the new york mets. the eye-popping score included six homeruns, they went on to win the second game of the doubleheader 6 - 0. it was a bad day for new york as the yankees didn't fare much better losing to the miami marlins. the marlins 3 - 1 with help from this amazing catch. >> stand pops this one up. territory, that's going to go right into the garbage can. how about that. joey: he kept it out of the garbage stand for a second. the yankees have not had the season they hoped for and not the season they paid for. in the last place of the east and 12 game behind the orioles. ives seen a lot of teams when well over 100 games and not do so well the playoffs. i am hopeful for the braves. will: a lot of runs for the braves. joey: you don't want to waste them all in one game treated you can get 21 runs i'd rather get seven over three games. rachel: still ahead pennsylvania's governor cutting ties with the group that supports pregnant mothers read our next guest calls the shameful say that only hurt women from receiving the help that they need. will: suits for heroes. dressing for success, a mission to get back to those who serve. ♪ at the right price. that's why, we've we pull our favorite looks together in-store and in in the app. so it is easy to get the look you want for less. you got this. we got you. new emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? 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homes for women, i thought that had gone away a long time ago. you might be the only ones in the country doing that. >> these pregnancy resource centers were the first of their kind in the country and they have been a model for other states. governor bob casey who was a pro-life democrat set up these pregnancy resource centers nearly 30 years ago to help women in crisis. and they help them with anything that they might need for their pregnancy. in addition to that, that could be food, clothing, furniture, counseling, shelter, maybe they want to finish getting their college education, they helped them find day care, whatever they might need to support the young women. rachel: your governor says we need to give the money that went to this alternative to evidence based support, what does that mean. >> i think it means he wants to include abortion clinics. these centers are a lifeline for women, they are not medical centers, they are nonmedical centers so they have counseling in anything that young woman might need. i would tell you their outcomes are phenomenal. they've had over 350,000 women through their centers in nearly 30 years without one single complaint. the republican senate thought it was part of budget negotiations and this was still on the table when the rug got pulled out us e governor celebrated indeed this precious tragic to me, as you know this is a trend across the country with other democratic governors but we have 83 pregnancy care centers under real alternatives for the commonwealth of pennsylvania that provide support to 13500 women a year. rachel: what will happen now that the money has been taken away. >> we are going to continue to fight for this. our republican legislature, this is a real issue for us, real priority so we plan on continuing to fight against this. it's outrageous to me. i can't understand something that has been so successful why you would. it saves the commonwealth the dollar's and healthcare cost because these clients receive proper prenatal care and its maternal child health which is something the other side tells us that we don't do. it is maternal health and healthy families and ... these women up and gives them hope. i don't know how you could be celebrating the end of such a program. rachel: celebrating the end of healthy women and then turning them to a place that makes them believe that they can get rid of their problems with abortion when it's just the beginning of somebody other problems. last word were really short on time. >> as they get sick 19 me that josh schapiro is willing to sacrifice the needs to so many women to promote the far left agenda. rachel: this is the new front on how the left and have a pro-abortion lobby wants to fight in the get a take away services from women and very desperate need. senator thank you for joining us and bringing this very important issue to the attention of the people and remind them of all the good work that was in hopefully will continue to be done in pennsylvania. thank you. >> thank you so much. coming up misplaced priorities or calculated moves as migrant overwhelm for the patrol divided the administration is focusing on a river muscle that lives at the rio grande and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ [ applause ] >> the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day a confident day... a never-hide-my-smile day... a life-of-the-party day... a take-on-the-world day... a believe-in-myself day... a flash-my-new-teeth day. because your clearchoice day is the day you get your confidence back for good. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. listen up, you dogs with allergic itch! today's talking lesson is just one word: apoquel. ap--o--quel. ♪ you can't teach your itchy dog to talk..., talk to your vet about apoquel. apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. will: seb p source tells all border patrol are near or over capacity. the biden administration priority seem to be elsewhere. rachel: last month the u.s. and fish and wildlife senator cried to save a riverbed muscle that lives in the heavily rio grande river. joey: our next guest causes environmental push a cynical shell game designed to force texas to remove marine barriers blocking migrants to the u.s. todd bensman joins us now. todd, i get what you're saying, they found a loophole and environmental loophole that says we can't put the borders here because there is a muscle in this area it is good to be detrimental, tell us what the truth is. >> everything i've read about this muscle, dirty water kills them, that is a problem, not floating river barriers. the rio grande is dirty, really dirty and the reason it's dirty millions and millions of immigrants have been crossing it and are living on the mexican side in the massive camps where there are dumping tons and tons of garbage into the rio grande going to the bathroom and the water and every possible chemical into the river and creating nutrients that inspired the growth of clogging, choking plants that rob the river of oxygen completely for thousands of yards. i cannot imagine any muscles living there. the water barrier actually has deterred anybody from crossing their and i would argue water barriers save the muscles. >> a been to the border and seeing what were showing our viewers which is trash and clothing and papers, as you said people's personal items, shampoo, everything that you can imagine you think that you see. they come in with the truck and they clear it in a couple of days later it's right there. how does this administration who claims to be so environmentally friendly has upended our entire economy and so many people in order to advance our environmental agenda, how do they justify, were looking at the real environmental disaster at the border. >> they don't try and neither do environmental organizations. the last two and half years we had eight or 9 million people hit the border and try to cross the border and left behind the most incredible mess you've ever seen repairing habitat completely destroyed like you saw there, they drop their clothes and keep going. where are the environmental groups, there hasn't been a peep from anyone. and all this complete catastrophe that is following the rio grande from the mass migration crisis. the reason, they are on the record like the sierra club and lots of other ones on the record for the website in favor of mass migration. clearly they have internal conflict to resolve here, political conflict. will: todd benson center for immigration studies. thank you so much. rachel: in new jersey these environmental groups are absent for the whales that are dying as well and showing up on the beaches. it's really interesting to see, it's not just the government, you kind of expect that but it's weird to see the sierra club and all the environmental groups that used to care about these things. joey: there's a position between a muscle and over polluted river and the lives taken on the border being open. you can care about the muscle but not the people. rachel: the children that drowned in the river versus the muscle. will: another environmental story and the fox weather alert, the devastating of now we wildfires we are joined by a lahaina local whose family lost their homes. ♪ you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. cut! another health insurance commercial, another aqua-aerobics scene. yup. most health insurance companies see us all the same: smiley seniors golfing, hiking... don't forget antiquing. that's why i chose humana. they see me, not a stereotypical senior. i'm pre-diabetic, so i talked one-on-one with a humana health educator who really helped me. now i'm taking free cooking and meditation classes. not aqua-aerobics? better care begins with listening. humana. a more human way to healthcare. 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>> i would say yes people were able to get up but not everybody. like i said towards the beginning part of evacuating and as i made my way through the neighborhood i found there was congestion so i took a detour to go towards lahaina road and that was already congested and covered in smoke so i had to go to the exit came from and basically houses throughout the neighborhood that i passed were already on fire so i'm already en route tried to get out and that's not saying people already at their homes didn't see worse. will: last question for you, i know you're on a wall who now, i know you were there before you were able to leave lahaina. we are hearing numbers and were at 93 now and that sounds like it could be low when we get the number of total who were lost any sense of perspective for you from what you saw that day or the ensuing 24 hours when you got to remain in lahaina, any extent of the loss? >> you can only imagine the loss just hearing everyone's stories firsthand what it happened. i'm scared to hear what the real numbers are going to be. i'm hoping that the numbers will stop and they won't continue to go up but there is a lot that i think about and i know that the number that we see now is not the number that is going to be it is good to be a lot higher because of the lack of accessibility to get out. the lack of awareness and being told what was going on too many factors. will: after run but i have to ask the last question. i know power went out that morning, schools called off, children and a lot of people were they home because power had been out and they were going to work or school? >> correct a lot of people were home and who's to say they were families that did have to work and the kids were at home, it leaves a lot of questions. opened it questions that could potentially be right or wrong and we don't know yet. will: oh my. thank you so much for sharing your story, it's so tragic, you have our prayers and thoughts and you also have our support in every way going forward. thank you so much. >> thank you still ahead close for crime one said new york business owner opted to shutdown her story leave the crime-ridden city thanks to feeling policies. more on that coming up. dress for success and north texas businesses giving free suits for a thank you for the service. the owner joins us next. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. i'll always take care of you. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ be by your side... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? baby, only on game nights. you know you are retired right? am i? ya! save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, 36 month financing on select smart beds. shop now only at sleep number. rachel: turning to your headlines a career criminal in florida is dead after leading police on a multi-county chase and firing officer several times along the way, one sheriff in that pursuit says this should be a warning to all criminals in that area. >> this is tampa bay, this is not other parts of the country where law enforcement are hindered because the elected officials say we don't want you to do anything we don't want to to protect citizens. were all about defend the police and were all in this together with her citizens. if you shoot at one of us were going to fire back. rachel: the pursuit begin after the suspects wife called police when they arrived on the scene he shot at them and shot his wife who is expected to be okay he had prior 18 felony convictions. the pentagon looking to make changes to the structure of the d.c.'s national guard after his heavily criticized responses to the george floyd protest in january 6. the main point of contention is over who controls the d.c. guard is currently in the hands of the president but some officials want to move it away from partisan politicians and give control to non- military leaders who oversee homeland defense. no decision has been made so far. joey: and north texas business offering veteran suits in a fresh start as they return home and join the workforce. the program called suits of honor gives 26 veterans a year a new custom suit, shirt and tie for free, the owner bob baumann, edward caveat, joins us now. i've spent time with you, you fitted me with the suit years ago we worked with the on a nonprofit venture in texas called boudin and shoot and i brought some of my friends and you outfitted them with suits. more than that you gave a speech at the very beginning that focused on why you where is suits, how you were in the mentality and please explain that. >> i think it is important that our veterans understand that when they come back there appearance totally affects their success. more than giving them the suits about teaching them how to dress and how to prepare for an interview, small things like the guy in the white shirt rules controls, dominates the room. we want to give them the tools that they need so when they go for interviews they will look their best and be able to get a job. joey: i have friends these are my friends, when we came there, i'm glad were using these pictures, some of the guys got married in the suit that you gave them it's only suit that you they own. when you tell them where a white shirt for this, solid color tie, pocket square for this occasion, don't wear pockets, i break that and you both, i apologize. the mentorship that you are giving them is building confidence as a professional and allows them to walk into an interview in any type of situation no matter of their humble beginning and feel confident how important is confidence in this professional world and america. >> it is everything our biggest position they're coming back to the u.s. and they're trying to find a position, a job in our goal is to equip them for that and you look in the mirror and look like a million bucks to start performing like a million bucks, you act like a million bucks. more importantly then that's what the world thinks of you would walk out the front door of your house and they're looking at you. joey: i would make sure people know how to support this, suits of honor. is there place people can contribute or veterans can learn more about it. >> they can go to our website edward that will lead them there, the suits of honor are on that page they could type in suits of honor. joey: i need to come back as a paying customer, i don't fit in that suit anymore, a lot has changed in the last four or five years. >> we can't do anything when your weight changes but there may be room for observation. joey: maybe will start from scratch. take care. we have the enter big show ahead this morning. look at all the faces, important people to come on and talk with us. ♪ oh, that's nice... oh!! searchable, verified reviews. that's better than the ham, and i've never said that. booking.yeah (vo) in one second, sara (woman) yes (vo) will get a job offer somewhere sunnier. relocating in weeks. 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Negotiations , Rug , Care , Governors , Trend , 83 , Women A Year , Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania , 13500 , Legislature , Healthcare , Dollar , Prenatal Care , Child Health , Cost , Clients , Families , End , Them Hope , Problems , Beginning , Front , Agenda , Needs , 19 , Lobby , Moves , Priorities , Attention , Administration , Rio Grande , River Muscle , Migrant , Patrol , Service , Replacement , Singers , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Clearchoice , Implants , Applause , Flash My , Confidence , Apoquel , Consultation , Itch , Lesson , Good , Control , Infections , Vet , Dog , Chances , O , Ap , Quel , Cancers , Skin Infections , Neoplasias , Language , Camera Shutter Sfx , City Ambience Sounds , Car Screech , Car Door Slam , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaky , Otezla , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Patches , Ned , Skin , Blood Tests , Doctors , Itching , Flaking , Psoriatic Arthritis , Thoughts , Weight Loss , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Depression , Crowd Gasp , Movie , Ting , Capacity , Border Patrol , Seb P Source , North Texas , Shell Game , Riverbed Muscle , Wildlife , Barriers , Fish , Loophole , Migrants , Todd Bensman , Saying , Borders , Truth , Reason , Problem , River Barriers , Millions , Camps , Bathroom , Immigrants , Dumping , River , Clogging , Nutrients , Growth , Muscles , Plants , Water Barrier , Oxygen , Yards , Border , Water Barriers , Trash , Papers , Viewers , Couple , Truck , Shampoo , Items , Order , Disaster , Organizations , Mess , Habitat , 9 Million , Groups , There Hasn T , Catastrophe , Anyone , Peep , Record , Website , Favor , Lots , Sierra Club , Mass Migration Crisis , Conflict , Todd Benson Center For Immigration Studies , New Jersey , Whales , Government , Beaches , Children , The Border Being Open , Wildfires , Will Another Environmental Story , Devastating , The Fox Weather Alert , A Lahaina Local , Remover , Fda , Prevagen , Smiley Seniors Golfing , Same , Health Insurance , Senior , Cut , Humana , Don T Forget Antiquing , Aqua , Health Insurance Companies , Yup , Humana Health Educator , Human Way , Meditation , Cooking , Aqua Aerobics , Classes , Listening , Isn T , World , Trelegy , Asthma Symptoms , Medicine , Asthma , Breathing Problems , Medicines , Won T , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Lung Function , Hospitalizations , Emergency Care , Events , Corticosteroid , Thrush , What A Wonderful World , Death Toll , People In Need , Chi Checn , Let , Adam Klotz , 3000 , Wind , News , Islands , It Up , Driving , Winscribe , 80 , Forecast , Island , Amount , Wing , Rain , Fires , Driest , Bit , Hawaiian Islands , Weather , Weather Headlines , Showers , Folks , Rain Forecast , Residents , Devastation , Silverlining , Pieces , Ash , Historic Lahaina Town , The Clouds , Seaside Maui Village , Weight , Tragedy , Temper , Jordan , Areas , Chaos , Grandmother S House , Claims , Houses , Smoke , Road , Fight , Flight , Arms , Midst , Vehicles , Flames , Wall Of Fire , Videos , Grandmother , Rest , Friends , Neighborhood , Some , Generations , Car Traffic Jams , Experience , Everybody , Evacuating , Exit , Congestion , Detour , Lahaina Road , Last Question , Sounds , Hearing Numbers , Perspective , Total , Loss , Lahaina , Extent , Numbers , Everyone , Black , Because , Accessibility , Schools , Factors , Awareness , It Questions , Questions , Oh My , Crime , Prayers , Owner , City Thanks , Businesses , Feeling Policies , Business Owner , Supplement , Pharmacist , Brand , Vitamin , Gonna , Next , Bed , I Ll Be There , Baby , Game Nights , Sleep Number , Financing , Ya , Smart Beds , 36 , Career Criminal , Police , Times , Firing Officer , Criminals , Pursuit , Chase , Sheriff , Tampa Bay , Officials , Citizens , Parts , Law Enforcement , One Of Us , Wife , Pursuit Begin , 18 , Changes , Responses , Contention , Felony Convictions , Structure , National Guard , George Floyd Protest , January 6 , Leaders , Politicians , Guard , Hands , Decision , Homeland Defense , Honor , Veterans , Veteran , Workforce , Business Offering , 26 , Suit , Shirt , Tie , Bob Baumann , Edward Caveat , Shoot , On A Nonprofit Venture , Mentality , Speech , Interview , Shirt Rules Controls , Appearance , Teaching , Room , Tools , Interviews , Pictures , Wear Pockets , Color Tie , Mentorship , Professional , Occasion , Type , Situation , Pocket Square , Goal , Bucks , Door , Mirror , A Million , A Million Bucks , Edward Bauman Com , Customer , Page , Fit , Observation , Four , Scratch , Faces , Take Care , Big Show , Reviews , Ham , Searchable , Booking Com Yeah , Vo , Somewhere , Move , Schedule , Opendoor , Cash Offer , Sara , Don T Worry , Opendoor Dot Com , Gotta , Reports , Rule , Essays , Notes , Writing , Gel Ink Pen , 300 , Memory , Community , Tours , Research , 23 , Prescription , Stores , Carvana , Announcer , Tens Of Thousands , Payment , Customers , Car Details , Surprises , Including Teri , Five Star , Step , Mustang , Vending Machine , Dance , Whistling , Carvana Today , Teri Laughs , Uc , Check , Damage Rinvoq , Rinvoq , Symptom Relief , Ulcerative Colitis , Leave Bathroom , Results , Course , Urgency , Colon Lining , Remission , Chance , Intestines , Blood Clots , Skin Cancer , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Fatal , Stroke , Heart Attack , Stomach , Lymphoma , Tears , Tb , Abbvie , Risks , Gastroenterologist , Update , Tha ,

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