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Place by giving the first Sweetheart Deal of the century until a judge lit up and you got gop president ial candidates and lawmakers calling out how they see it. David weiss cannot be trusted. Kid gloves is the treatment hunter biden received from the Department Of Justice appointing david a Special Counsel like keeping your protecting. Think the people trusted. What took so long . Is it hunter biden or the biden family . Did they do it is a distraction take away from the place of coming out . Is another reason form of justice serious issues and needs to be we not along with our intelligence agencies. David weiss the u. S. Attorney that will allow statute of limitations to expire on serious tax returns. This was, this will not restore confidence all. Of course the liberal media is pulling out the stops to defend hunter biden saying is being treated worse than donald trump. I think the evidence ive seen so far in this case is is under fire . Never met him being treated worse than anyone else would be. Hes being treated worse the way donald trump claims he is. The some of the president , not the candidate, not a political officer. What he may have done and what we know was involved in the plea agreement, doesnt begin to compare to classified documents and the indictment in d. C. And superseding indictment. The media sees ones to burlington, its going to keep pesky House Republicans from getting to the bottom of biden family corruption. She says it fueled republicans but the other way to look at it is it could republicans at bay while Special Counsel is doing his work. Hes unlikely to talk to congress and unlikely to get the information. A lot to cover here. Lets start with the fact that david weiss republican criticizing, the guy who cut the deal that got blown up, hes been investigating hunter for five years so why is Special Counsel now what does it mean . Its about playing cover for the bidens. I got a couple of things for people to look up and learn, 28 cfr 200. One, the grounds for appointing Special Counsel, two short paragraphs easy to read. Everyone should read it. This should not be done this way, its outside counsel and prevents present Conflict Of Interest with david weiss. As you mentioned, if you believe it took five years to investigate two Misdemeanor Charges under the tax code, stop there for a second. The statute of limitations is the other thing that matters. It continues to run and this is the washington dodge. What you do is statute of limitations run out while weiss is investigating for two more years and then they say we cant charge anything. Its about breaking the chain to joe biden, not hunter biden, he had no skills to offer. The moscow mayors Wife Burisma Cfc Chinese Company no skills to offer any of them. What he did with access to the lever of power and that is his father. James biden has no power. Allie biden has no power, no ability to decide Affect Policy and we saw joe biden tell us so if you break the chain with hunter, give the left cover to say theyre going after hunter biden and it breaks the chain to joe biden. The republicans yes, david weiss and say no i cant comment, its an Ongoing Investigation but the republicans have Subpoena Power that helpful power, they should bring everyone including hunter biden, tony bobulinski, devon archer, bring back mr. Shapley, the whistleblowers, bring back everyone associated with any of these companies and if they are in the country, subpoena them as well. Republicans have not been good at closing the deal. Stop complaining, do the job. I want to get you on this, joe. Lets pull up this headline, Merrick Garland latest dirty trick to protect the bidens, it says attorney general Merrick Garland may have just played his last card to save joe biden appointing Special Counsel to lay prosecution of his son hunter. We got this headline from the New York Post but also we saw how msnbc covered it. How do republicans reach the voters arent hearing the truth about this . The focus will go on other networks and papers that are not the near post, washington post, cnn, msnbc. It will pivot back to trump and when they have to talk about joe biden, it will be dismissed as hunter biden is an unelected official. This has nothing to do with the president. Nothing to do with the pres president. Really . 20 million paid to ten members of the biden family and are telling me the guy who is the head of the family who had the title of Vice President , the reason money went in, doesnt know anything about it didnt receive a dime despite the fact that we have emails saying he received at least 10 . How Journalists Andry Mitchell since hes been around since nixon, theres no evidence here. He saw jake tapper earlier this week saying hunter biden may be a sleazy guy but where is the evidence that goes to joe biden . You could have a photo of hunter biden and joe biden a bag of cash that has a on it and you would have jake tapper saying we dont know whats in the bag but until we do, theres no evidence whatsoever. Thats whats frustrating. Cover donald trump, there are trials coming up. Cover joe biden equally with the same vigor if you want anything reasonably integrity back. You talk about jake tapper, hes admitting maybe the whistleblowers are onto something here. I believe he previously argued publicly have the right to do whatever he wanted and the whistleblower said Behind The Scenes Weiss complained who couldnt do that, he wasnt able to do that the Justice Department and vice denied with the whistleblowers were saying but this move makes it seem as though the whistleblowers were right. Maybe they were right about saying failed File Felony Tax Charges but you got a lot of questions, what would you like to know . So much. [laughter] all the questions everybody has been asking, why this person . Kind of smells funny, is investigating the case for five years. The whistleblowers, calling the whistleblowers back in congress, failed little or no claims, where did the foreign money go . If you failed to follow all of now . If you find it leads to joe biden, then what, is planes . And, i wonder if the majority of the media, Mainstream Press outside and fox news feel they are off the hook now because if they ask questions the white house briefing, the answer we cant answer, is under investigation are the off the hook . Do they feel good. Thats a great question. I want to pull up this pull from daily mail, two thirds of americans say joe biden broke Foreign Agent will open you we are heading into a big 2024 president ial election, how you think this plays out in the general . I think the American People see this, especially people who dont wake up every day and check the twitter account or truth account for the latest news, the latest political news and those of the people we need to reach. Why an honest media is necessary to do this and republican establishment and when i say establishment, not just james, or other leadership but the Party Structure and supporters, they need to get it right, get to those people, the base gets it. To get this to the American People, youve got to go outside of the base and thats an important part of the communication. If they do, they will understand and mentally and as donald trump said when he said they are not working for you, even he didnt like republicans or democrats, he was talking about and elitism in washington d. C. The foot mitch mcconnell, Diane Feinstein will, Sequoia Capital is a major donor and so many others into this elite club that things little of us proletarian. These guys want to get out of politics, a crazy chain. Heartbreaking devastation turning into chaos, a riot nearly breaks out as survivors are in the aftermath. Thats next. Welcome back to the Big Weekend Show. Horrific devastation malley turning into chaos and outreach. Death toll from the wildfires rising to 80 lifelock russias wildfires swept to the island leaving a trail of destruction a new life flaking out to access certain parts of the wildfire ravaged town of lahaina as residents who barely escape while blasting off on officials of the lack of the virus. Max gorden has. We are seeing the main road into lahaina, people waiting for hours to pass through the checkpoint to see whats become of their kat. Those who made it inside her shop at the devastation. I want people to know their people here suffering and we need donations and people shipping things out here. We need families that. We need so much help. Home after home gone. One estimate from the data is the estimate of destroyed homes at more than 3000. The death toll rising as rescue crews search for more victims. Thousands of people have left the island and 1500 taken Refuge Shelters here. Still unclear how the fires started but when they did it might, the island was right for an inferno. Dry conditions combined with 70 to 80mile an hour winds, gusts by the passing Hurricane Dora fueled flames created a challenging battle for the island firefighters. Residents say they were given a warning of the place and the Emergency Sirens didnt go off with text being sent out instead. Many is given with just their lives. Some jumping into the water to save themselves as the town was raised by fire. The coast guard says it rescued 17 people. They were fortunate to have been there during the rescues the time when smoke lifted to see the people who needed rescued, helicopters launched were not able to approach closely enough during the worst of the fire to see through the smoke. Power in selfservice is slowly being restored but another challenge for people who live here in some areas, the water is unsafe to drink because of contaminants from the fire. Thanks so much for the live report, appreciate. Devastating in so many ways, a beloved place so many lives l lost, homes lost, businesses plus, we could go on and on. A lot of talk about work outdoor all hazard Public Safety Warning System in place in hawaii, 400 sirens on the island chain, none went off from a Cell Phone Text went out, people didnt get them because there was no Cell Phone Coverage available, is there going to be accountability for this . A wise attorney general has announced an investigation. The needs to be an investigation. The root cause, hopefully they find it was a technological failure, someone who failed, have the system been maintained . As much as there are typhoons, the water there, was the system maintained well enough, when did it last . Its hard because people are frustrated, people have died, more likely to be found. Its a monumental tragedy but what they need to do is make sure it never happens again from the level. Ill bring another thing in, the recovery here is to be complete. An environment destroyed. An island that is lost its environment. Human, animal, all components. When you think about the devastation. You look at the pictures, it does look like a war zone. Speaking of environment, some are saying there is an environmental angle they are looking at. I dont buy into the Climate Change garbage, thats what the left tells us to control us there was a report from a pineapple and sugar cane fields led to the growth of invasive grasses that are combustible so that might be in part what helped fuel this along with Hurricane Dora and winds of 60 to 80 miles an hour. Poor management of that so hopefully we hear more and get to the bottom of that and perhaps trying to make change their. We will hear more in the days to come. Joe, how do you think the media has been playing this . Certainly it is a heartbreaking story but what you think when you watch Media Coverage . Currently more than 1000 people missing right now, its a bad sign because the biggest area in the world so the Death Toll Go into the hundreds you would think in this situation and you hear whispers and Climate Change contributes so every time we have natural disaster, the kind thats been going on for decades with all variables dont come together all at once instead of looking at the Story Reporting On Xyz and asking questions, hawaiian officials, whens the last time you did drill around this . Would be the first two questions, easy questions to answer. Hawaii officials released a report and they found at the top of the list in terms of things we should be concerned with on the island, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes your the bottom, wildfires in human beings, its a breakdown but stick to the facts and dont assume will cost of this to push an agenda. We will look for that investigation and what they come up with but we will be praying for the families that lost lives and homes and everything else. Coming up, shoplifter its more than he bargained for while businesses get blasted for locking up the merchandise. We are going to get into that later in the show. She anita was so excited to hear the google dolls. Another Heart Pounding video from americas crime crisis. [bleep] [bleep] resistance. Please stop, man [bleep] i want to go to jail excavation. By kim push showing dramatic arrest of a Target Shoplifter in georgia. The guy got caught redhanded trying to steal a 500 tv and it wasnt small. Sadly seems like this are the new normal. An oped quote, what we lose to Shoplifting Pointing out the awful toll that takes on average workers who have to deal with this on a daily basis. Most people who work in Stores Expect to fulcher, restock shelves, handle customer request, not confront brazen and sometimes hostile shoplifters were organized that. Working in an environment in which shoplifting is prevalent is stressful and can be traumatizing. You think . Its not all sympathy from the media. Another outlet trying to shame stores who lock up merchandise. Check out this insanity, Grocery Stores used to be my happy place. They started locking up the detergent. Businesses and supplying social contact need our support but a bear social responsibility, those who make customers pay a psychological cost every time we purchase a gallon of milk, we will lose money as start shopping elsewhere. My hair hurts from reading that. [laughter] this is brazen, what happened . Lets stop there before we go to the next. Are you sure that was in the New York Times . They are usually blaming the business and everybody. That was refreshing. Happy place at the Grocery Store . My happy place is maybe the gun range. [laughter] is walking think about it, he went once and came back from war so was it really a surprise he ran into a Police Officer . Here in atlanta you have the prosecutors and leftwing judges and prosecutors like fanny willis and others support these lacks on Crime Policies and the mayor when you look at atlanta, its sad because atlanta is a city on the Teetering Edge of failure. If they dont stop this, if they dont arrest them on the first time, not the second time, look at San Francisco, look at los angeles. In San Francisco businesses are closing as we speak and people are trying to protect themselves as night falls. Atlanta homicides are up for the Third Straight years. Burglary, shoplifting, carfax, used to be a great city but the same thing over and over again for you have district attorneys dont enforce the law so people like this are going into the street. He thought he would walk out with a 65inch tv and was shocked he was getting stopped and thats where we are in this country. Ive got a crazy idea. If we lock up the shoplifters, we wouldnt have to walk up the goods but anyway [laughter] ive been trying with got to ask ourselves this question, how did we become a country where so Many Americans feel entitled to steal . Obviously hussein crime wave and what we can trace back what we see now to Michael Brown. You have a guy go into a store and steal cigars and go proceed to pull Police Officers gun, Michael Brown, hands up dont shoot Emma Ferguson and the media and the left said he was the victim when he was the criminal and you still have people like cory busch say he died because of White Supremacy even though obamas Department Of Justice proved otherwise Michael Brown was in the wrong so how do we have a Functioning Society in the environment . Anita, react to this. San francisco chronicle, they have a good idea, they said crime is so bad did San Francisco Federal Building employees are told to work from home so instead we are throwing the white flag of surrender. All right, we cant solve this, this work from home. How about the person who works at walgreens . Can they work from home while they see shoplifters left and right and have to confront them if need be . They cant work at walgreens because they are closing because of the crime. They cant stay open. Can i go back to this atlanta situation for a moment . So bizarre this guy was walking out with the television, its not his fault because hes watching all of these people on the news get away with these crimes must theres no Law Enforcement and he thinks it must be okay. I can walk out with a huge television set, its not stuff it in your pocket, im walking out with the television because it is acceptable now. Quick, the l. A. Times opinion sorry. This is some professor who wrote the article, she was shopping in oakland and rockbridge, its a very affluent section, the average income is 200,000 wh which, shes complaining about things being locked up. I thought that was interesting. She needs to get out more. Grocery shopping is are happy place, you need hobbies, lady. Find something fun to do. I will hang out with you. She sounds miserable. Go someplace is not the Grocery Store. Overnight sensation, bluecollar Country Ballot about the working class struggle. Drinks accord with millions. Thats next. And start telling yours. Get 1,000 off a 1025r tractor and 0 apr fixed rate for 60 months. Scout is protected by simparica trio, and hes in it to win it. Simparica trio is the first and only chew with triple protection. Oh, fleas and ticks intestinal worms. Wow heartworm disease, no problem with simarica trio. This drug class has been associated with neurologic Adverse Reactions including seizures. Use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. For winning protection. Go with simparica trio. Welcome back to the Big Weekend Show. I love this segment. Bluecollar Country Ballot taking the internet by storm. Virginiabased magician over Anthony Turning into Overnight Sensation racking up millions of hits online and all over original song titled Richmond North of richmond. High taxes washington lawmakers for turning attention away from the working men and women of our country of america and got to tell you, i love this. Lets play a piece of this. Rollingstone, one of the great former magazines of my musical days has this to say about it. Right wing influencers on their new favorite country song because it joe, my former music radio quality care, you know they know everybody, 4. 84. 9 Million People have gone to this song are all right wing. Its ridiculous. Songs that have captured the mood of a movement or something in history, songs are stories. Hes playing a nice guitar by the way, it starts at about 3000 up to 12,000 so hes committed to his craft but it tells the story of the American People and i think thats what they dont like. Was so the same thing jason elting. Somehow it became a controversial song when you speak out against writing. Its a bad thing and now the controversial song. I think it resonates because it tells us with the Democratic Party has become. These are your daddys dont use anymore in the perfect illustration is as we speak and Marthas Vineyard Kamala Harris is holding what they do best grassroots fundraiser all the way up to 10000 hopefully if you want to hear Kamala Harris speak which i wouldnt pay 10000 a year to hear Patrick Harris speak. Thats not the Democratic Party. Elites in big cities and Marthas Vineyard and you hear a song like this, its not just going to resonate with right wing but bluecollar democrats appeal to party abandon them and independent as well. Lisa, when i listen to the song, i went back and read the lyrics. Reading the lyrics and looking at whats going on around the country flyover country or south of richmond virginia, the capital, you see reality everywhere right now and the reason it resonates is because hes telling the truth and we got media right now trying to tell us the economy is improving and if not. The middle class is being destroyed and thats what shes speaking to. I interviewed robert recently said nothing a series of working from the north and watching the telling them the economy is improving only have to pay for groceries on the credit card when they are not feeling it. He said people talk about to justice systems, theres two economies in this country what this man has an interesting story, he was struggling with alcohol and depression brought on his knees and prayed and said god, if you help me follow my dreams, ill get sober. Thirty days later he shot this video, his first video on professional equipment, normally on his phone and boom we are talking about it so good for him and he speaking the truth. All the stories you reported on over the years, what captures people attention . What strikes me is there is this guy playing an Acoustic Guitar playing a simple melody yet his words are deep, thoughtful, complicated and striking a chord. You like that . Wordplay they call it. You see what i did . They dont feel forgotten, they are left out of this economy and thats my faith identify with the firm. Its not about right wing, left wing, its about america and i am a big a american. Thats the way i look at the s sky. Was the name of that guitar . Gr ets. Different than offender . [laughter] i played harmonica, i have no idea. [laughter] coming up, do you want to live forever . This billion are hes come up with the keys to eternal life. A good time. Welcome back to the Big Weekend Show. Everybody wants to live forever. How old were you get . I wouldnt. Dont try to flatter me. Thirtyeight. Twentyeight. Three . Im 71 years old thats what it does. It stops the aging process dead in its tracks. Such as the fantasy of movies, is Tech Billionaire is on a quest to be immortal spending 2 million to reverse the biological process of aging. Brian johnson religiously monitors his eating, exercise and sleep and says he was born to do it. I was born to introduce these ideas into society. And what is the idea . In the 21st century the only objectives we have is dont die. Was the secret sauce for eternal life . Check out this specific list of things he does. Last meal 11 00 a. M. , sleep 8 30 p. M. , 5 00 a. M. Workout, 3 ounces of a glass of wine in the stadium, 101 pills a day, 2200 calories to you today and injects plasma and the list is actually longer than that so hes trying not to die but is he living . [laughter] is that really living . Can you imagine dating this guy . His last meal at 11 00 a. M. Which means if youre going to dinner at 9 00 a. M. Or having 3 ounces of wine and thats it which even anita even couldnt get a buzz on that. 111 pills, what are the pills . How could that be good for you . 32537 images of his bowels, 33000 more than you need, how many angles can you have . Thirty doctors are looking after him unhealthy obsession. You know whats going to happen, youll be at a party and somebody will open a bottle of champagne and the court will hit him in the head boom. Is your time, its your time. I was trying to think, you go on a date with a guy like i cant [laughter] im sure there is something to his regimen. The not over 100 pills, maybe a few pills here and there and monitor and all that but i have a secret for long life recently i was at my hair salon and i met a wonderful woman, look at this beautiful woman, sharp as a tack. Theres my hairstylist, this woman is married, shes 99 years old. She looked at me, she looks way better in person than the photos and she was so sharp and mobile, i asked what is your secret . She said i have great italian jeans. [laughter] im screwed then. [laughter] she said keep your mind sharp, keep reading, i read a lot. She says i never stop taking classes, i wanted to learn Interior Designing and took a language class, i read and stay engaged. Keep your mind sharp. Shes got another five or ten years. I can get down its very normal, i want your take on Kim Kardashian. I know you follow this closely. Kim kardashian is granted as tone deaf after promoting a pricey 2500 full body scan, i guess its for cancer and all of these things so shes getting skewered about this, people are saying honestly, if you could afford it, wouldnt you want to . Who cares . Come on, give me something. First of all, we seen enough of Kim Kardashian ill let that might drop on the table. The body scan, okay. I dont care if she does or doesnt but can i ask a simple question would you rather date Oliver Anthony or this billionaire . Whose Oliver Anthony . The singer. Okay, all right. Who would you rather date . Ladies, come on. Would you rather go out with, somebody who has chocolate covered motions and say thats it at 11 00 a. M. Or hes got 90 acres, three dogs, six pretty darn well and probably could entertain you with a song with dinner. A married man. Asked david. Tweet me with your answer. Who would you rather date . Shes worth 1. 8 billion, if im worth 1. 8 billion, im getting the scan, to. It was a little unfair, her intention was to try to say healthconscious and get the scan. I understand it was tone deaf but. Cancer is a nasty beach. Thats a serious piece. I cant do all the stuff this guy. For linux and. 3 ounces is a shot. There we go. Dont go anywhere because Big Weekend Show flops are next. Stay with us. Theyre promises. Promises of all shapes and sizes. Each, with a time and a place theyve been promised to be. A promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. My father didnt know his dad. She knew that i always want to know more about my family history. With ancestry i dug and dug until i found some information. I was able to find out more than just a name. And then you add it to the tree. I found ship manifests. Birth certificate. Wow. Look at your dad. I love it so much to know where my father work, where he grew up. Its like you discover a new family member. Discover even more at ancestry. Com janet so much space . That open kitchen tanya oooh definitely the one ethan but how can you sell your house when were stuck on a Space Station for months . . . brian no guys, opendoor gives you the flexibility to sell and buy on your timeline. janet nice intercom flightdeck, see you at the house warming. Welcome back the big Weekendflot Veils of the week. Screw ladies first, i will go first. [laughter] quick sorry about that Birthday Ending in why must mean we have the cringe worthy set up salad coming from Vice President and borders are probably harris. The human right i heard someone in the audience say it is about freedom. Right . Including, this is very may be a simple point but i think are important. The freedom to just be. [laughter] of course the New York Times defended ms. Harris asking in a headlight why arent the language blaze obsessed with Vice President . Of course. She is the victim here dont you know . There are no words david, any thoughts on this . Maybe she is meant eating the Chocolate Mushrooms a billionaire has for cooks it almost feels that way. Because you sensing a pattern with her ability to speak in public . Works i would like her to make one point once a. And then just resign for. To be or not to be. [laughter] workflow expectations. Communities where people are together in a community. Kurzweil, lisa. We discuss this. Did we really need a study to tell us this . Young people who text and walk or a more likely to fall and have accidents than those who dont. I am guilty as charged. Ive almost been hit by a few cars, which is not very wise not talking about i feel even more dumb. [laughter] david over to you. To basketball. Youre switching Sports Requests should be football for you. Its weird. Was waiting for lacrosse were taken already. Alrall right come on. Joe, you know him, joe biden our president . Finally admitting his signature 1. 2 trillion dollar Inflation Reduction Act was never about reducing inflation. He said and i quote i wish i had not called it that because it has less to do with inflation than it has to do with providing alternatives that generate economic growth. They lie, we know, they know we know they lie. They lie anyway. And now he is telling you just forget it i lied. Is like barack obama when he said those jobs werent so shovel ready after all they admitted after the fact it worse in the New York Times editorial boards board saying s wrong you sold the American People at one point to choi dollar bill this is why joe manchin is leaving the party by the way he was hoodwinked most of all without his support that number would go through pay. We dont want him either. He is a sellout. Beau, his. Joe manchin does nowhere is going come interesting. Right moving on i got the catch. Heres a good one for you people will be talking about this next week convicted found former donald trump lawyer Michael Cohen is reportedly mulling over whether to throw his hat in the ring for congress a democrat possibly challenging jerry nadler. He said hes very interested at a multitude of folks are encouraging him to run. That is a quote. My question is who exactly is encouraging to run, joe do you know . It snowed most of cnn anchors hes on there every other minute it makes sense or its a shame in congress you do not have a running mates key number of Michael Cohen Michael Avenatti ticket, cant lose one guys in prison the other guy was in prison. Im pretty sure they could lose with that ticket. In new york you could browbeat nadler. Thats true. I just thought of this finally we have someone who is a criminal before they go to congress. It is a point. Is probably plenty, right . Quick systems out there i dont know for. More to mark guys great to be with you. That doesnt for us will see right back here tomorrow at seven eastern at the Big Weekend Show. If you want to stick around because one nation with Brian Kilmeade starts right now. Brian welcome to one nation buried so glad youre here bridget who else is here . Doctor Jordan Peterson is not a person smart in America Cannot wait to talk to him Comedian Jamie is really creative, really insightful at least he said he was on karl rove who better to talk to us we get set for the first debate for the gop. But first well begin with this theme The Tide Is Turning in for the better part for the first time in a long time were getting the sense or at least i am the

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