Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

hawaii, one of the towns devastated by the wildfires. cars are lined up behind me, there is roadblocks, curfew to lift at 6:00 a.m. these people waiting to see what is left of their homes. residents are being led in but it's a horrible sight to see. take a listen to one person we spoke to yesterday. >> i want people to know there are people suffering and we need donations and people shipping things out in families fed. we need so much help. >> home after home and lahaina gone, the property data aggregator core logic puts the estimator at destroyed homes at more than 3000, the rising death toll at 80 people as rescue crews search for more victims, thousands of people left the island in 1400 are currently stated emergency shelters. it is unclear how the fire started but when they did ignite the island was ripe for an inferno, dry conditions was 70 h passing hurricane dora fueled the flames in a challenging battle for the islands firefighters. residents say they were given little warning of the approaching place in the islands emergency sirens did not go off with text being sent out instead many escaping with just their lives some and lahaina jump into the water to save themselves as the town was raised by fire. >> it is hard to conceive of when you look at the catastrophe that they have gone through and they are continuing to go through. this crisis is far from over. there is so much frustration and suffering in the real morning has not been able to start because of people looking how do we get me and my family to tomorrow. >> power and cell is starting to return on the island but warnings from officials at the water in some areas is unsafe to drink because of contaminants from the fires. will: thank you so much maxine done a great job. from a distance on the one hand many of you have watched this through the lens of social media, you can see videos, i've simply never seen anywhere in the world with people dealing with an incredible inferno jumping into the water and rescued seven hours later. i s saw an 88-year-old woman pulled after the water after seven hours she was inv engulfey smoke and flames i've never seen there were people have nowhere to go and i'm really terrified of where the body count will go they haven't looked inside of the buildings yet. on a more personal note i said this over the network for the last couple of days. a bit of my second home, my mom is still there in my stepdad. i left two weeks ago. every summer of my life i've spent since the 1970s, lahaina, kaanapali. i feel like i know it in the back of my hand, i am not hawaiian but i'm texan but my heart is so deep and baked into the story of america. this is a very, very unique town to get later in the show i'm getting go and expend the history and the context but for now i've never done anything like this, i've never asked or put a gofundme together, i've never done that before. but you can help by giving to the red cross or samaritans today. my friends and family have put together, i'm very close to the self author wayne dyer who is very close to mine they put together a gofundme that help the people of maui, i'm going to watch this i'm directly involved and i will make sure gets to the people who live there year round, local who need the money to rebuild their lives in this history. it is in and count people sense of loss for what i personally feel is the most beautiful place on the planet and truly lives up to the definition of paradise. rachel: it truly is i have been to maui a couple of times and you feel like you're in another planet. everything is brighter, bluer, more beautiful than anything that you've seen. it almost looks animated. as i saw the pictures of the destruction in the vegetation and so forth you wonder how long it'll take to get back on its feet and vibrant again. of course we hope soon. we had a fascinating discussion with tulsi gabbard the congressman who represented now in other parts of hawaii through her congressional district. joey, you asked a great question, a lot of military bases near this location and it was a little bit puzzling as to why they weren't deployed, that is a question i have and how much will they be used in helping to rebuild. this is america. joey: use all images of the hawaiian national guard those already stationed on maui. a tweet that came from a resident, they are not bureaucrat or general, they said now he is relatively small group of people. we had the largest military in the world on a wahoo an island or to overcome a maybe there is a plan for it, less criticism or just a question is there more that can be done and is it about to be done but we see that happen i spent time in a rescue effort and my buddy came in on a navy ship getting ready to tour the mediterranean or the other side of the atlantic and they came in and helped out. it is that effort about to happen. rachel: we sold the mercy hospital the cayman to new york to help with covid and military deployed to help private citizens, american citizens many times more facilities than i even knew when you listed them and that is something we will stand on there is a dozen bases on oahu. rachel: thank you for that and i appreciate that you could keep a personal ion that. were to go to fox news alert, merrick garland pointing a special counsel to the hunter biden criminal probe but republicans and some democrats are not happy with who we selected. will: alexandria hoff his life in washington, d.c. what do you have. >> prosecutor david weiss has been investigating in 2016, this comes after the so-called sweetheart deal that he fostered over federal tax charges fell apart. weiss is a trump appointed attorney in delaware and asked special counsel he is not bound by any jurisdiction but weiss attorney general merrick garland both previously said that was already the case did nine whistleblower claims that weiss had felt limited in his powers to fully charge the president son the title indicates that case could go to trial but the younger biden's legal team sees no change. >> 's title became special counsel today. his powers were the same yesterday, what is different, it doesn't make any difference given what we understood to be the case. what is a special counsel do that he could not do, the answer is nothing different. as to why now or what he wanted this as of last tuesday that is a question you will have to ask him. >> i am confident. rachel: the president appears to maintain the confidence. the white house says they were not informed before the special counsel announcement was made and the president offered no response as he departed for delaware yesterday. [inaudible] >> house republicans are skeptical about this move, house oversight james comer has a long rally against the special counsel in the case feeling it would take investigative power into the biden family business dealings out of the committee's hands. >> this is stonewalling and obstructing our investigation. i've been completed about this for months if this is an investigation about joe biden that don't think we need evidence to show the department of justice is trying to obstruct our investigation. i think merrick garland made the argument for us today. >> critics argued under justice department regulations, the special counsel should be selected from outside of the u.s. government in the u.s. attorney should not be the one to leave this. as special counsel david weiss will be under no deadline to complete his investigation. will: the veneer of corruption, literally, the opinions of corruption in appointing david weiss as special counsel is so obvious that is undeniable and requires observation even from the mainstream media. you are seeing a recognition of rare recognition from sources that previously would've no ignored this entire investigation per here is jake tapper on cnn spivak i believe yet previously argued publicly that he had the right to do whatever he wanted in the whistleblower said behind-the-scenes that weiss was complaining he could not do that. he was not able to do that in the justice department and weiss denied what the whistleblowers were saying. this move makes it seem as though the whistleblowers were right and maybe they were alleging is true and he didn't have the ability to charge whatever he wanted to charge and now he does. i do have a lot of questions about that. i think some of the political questions being raised by republicans have merit. joey: that the stark contrast say none of this is the evidence storage joe biden himself. you have to ask yourself when someone accident partisan way, i feel like a lot of members do covering for biden. if they start to jump ship, what the play, why are they doing that? rachel: another example of someone who might be jumping ship, i'm not so sure but maybe they need to make it look like they said something. here is a new york times saying why special counsel in the hunter biden case may not change, that the title of the article, they say both mr. garland and weiss have said the prosecutor was empowered to act independently. that means making mr. weiss a special counsel may be more of a cosmetic gesture essentially formalizing what is or even the case then a new reality. what do you make of that? will: ethic that's what's expected of hunter biden. his counsel has said and reveals the corruption and the outcome should be the same. david weiss basically made an offer of the sweetheart deal to hunter biden that would've swept away most of the investigation to him ongoing. now we as special counsel status, this is the words of hunter biden's attorney, his title should not change the conclusion which is favorable to hunter biden. rachel: before the sweetheart deal he allowed a lot of the charges to expire through statue of limitation. he's always been super loyal to the biden family and it makes no sense why he's doing this. one thing i worry about is the message they send to brave and courageous whistleblowers. this is the spit in the face. they said this is the guy who is stored in our investigation. the d.o.j. says we have an idea, let's make him in charge and be the special counsel. it does not make any sense it makes me wonder they stopped hiding the ball. that's what representative johnson told me from louisiana when i asked him earlier this morning. >> they are not hiding the ball anymore. we have good reason not to trust mr. weiss. he changed his story three different times. he said he had all the power for indictment and everything else he was working on and did not need special counsel designation. a couple of weeks eight or to fit merrick garland narrative and changed his tune and his story again it is back-and-forth and he's the one that negotiated the sweetheart deal to whitewash hunter biden's felony tax evasion. this is someone who is in on it. we see in the american people they that there is a cover-up going on, merrick garland's department of justice is guilty in this and appointing yes, sir weiss does nothing that fueled the fire. joey: i think there is a lot of us conflating because we see it that way and were not dissecting. if you look at this objectively as hunter biden's private citizen there is an argument you've done the investigation you have the evidence you have and you charge me why would you go back and redo this. are you in violation of his own rights in the judicial process. the reason why so many of us look at this and say special counsel look more we are past hunter biden and his sins as stated by this investigation and were looking at the idea of the pay for play among the bidens. if you go back and think about it the whole tax evasion was not hunter biden that i forgot to pay taxes it was the schemes of the government did not see where the money came from to begin with and asked why. when we say special counsel or an independent prosecutor whatever the right term with the justice department what we want is 70 from a government to objectively looking say definitively through the investigation, did the bidens use hunters business dealings in joe's position to lobby for money for themselves and make promises unlawful or god forbid make decisions as vice president to pad their own pockets. that's a different issue in the justice department does not acknowledge that issue at all and merrick garland currently does not acknowledge it when he makes the prosecutor, i don't want to get my words wrong when he gives david weiss for the charges were already aware of under hunter specifically for taxes and guns. rachel: essentially david weiss is where all the investigations will go to die. will: we will find out. we going to turn to headlines. joey: the wife of suspected gilgo beach serial killer is saying she will sue police for destroying her family home while searching for evidence. her husband rex here man is charged with murdering dream women on long island, a prime suspect in a fourth murder. she is also revealing a battle with cancer and now fears losing her health insurance as her strange husband faces a long legal battle she filed for divorce last month, he has pled not guilty to the servant's crimes. ohio republicans are sounding the alarm as state progressives try to get rid of police protections in a new state constitutional amendment. the new amendment will get rid of qualified immunity for officers and state workers, ohio secretary of state posting i told you they are trying to turn ohio into california. now they're coming after our police. lionel messi scoring as they defeat charlotte fc 4 - 0. >> scores another one. lionel messi move on to the cup semi finals, they take on the philadelphia union tuesday. it looks unfair to watch them play against the young men. i don't know much about this but many countries start professionally earlier then here but to see them play it looks like two different leagues. rachel: major banks are accused of shutting down accounts over the user's political beliefs. former brexit party leader nigel barrage is leading it to dmp yanking next. >> vivek ramaswamy joins us for his pitch to voters, one nation with brian kilmeade tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern time, there is your lineup. ♪ new emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? 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(sfx: family screams in background) how can you sleep on such a firm setting? gab, mine is almost the same as yours. almost is just another word for not as good as mine. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, 36 month financing on select smart beds. shop now only at sleep number. so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? it's the fastest mobile service around. with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only $30 bucks a line per month. that's hundreds in savings a year when you wave bye to the other guys. all on the most reliable 5g network nationwide. you really shouldn't walk out the front door without it. switch today at rachel: after having his bank account closed with no explanation exit party leader nigel farage is the banking of practice work accounts are closed or suspended over the holder's political views. it's not just in the uk. in may 19 american states accused j.p. morgan of closing bank accounts and discriminated against customers due to the religious or political beliefs which jp morgan denies, nigel farage wings is now. tell us quickly what happened to you. >> i been with the same banking group for 43 years. and i've had my personal banking in my business banking there. >> had mortgages, paid them off on time. >> i just get a very short cut and you must close your account here's your notice period. i could not understand why but i began to sense that it was a political prejudice game. i was able to use a legal method to extract from the bank the personal information that they had on me. i have to tell you my most vicious political opponent would not a put together so deeply unpleasant. apparently i'm an unbearable human being and therefore my account was closed because they did not align with the value of the banks. they can do this to me in this country, they could do it to anybody. and as you said in your introduction they have been doing it all over america for a long, long time. up to you what this is about it is about an organization called b core founded in america in 2006 and bullied large sectors of the corporate world into adopting their guidelines. it is all about esg standards and all about diversity and inclusion. it is all about what they see is underrepresented minorities. it's ludicrous, the actually discriminate against white folks. the whole thing is extraordinary and you have to go along for the climate change agenda. you have to go along with net-zero. you have to go along and if you don't then i'm afraid you're in trouble. so the bank that got rid of me are proud to announce on the head paper certified by b core. this is the woke time and all the things we've been talking about for a long time. i had not realized how deep this was within the banking system. the reason i stood up and decided to fight them publicly because i now realize this is happening to huge numbers of people. without a bank account you could not live. it is essential as much as electricity in the 21st century. rachel: totally to control your right. esg is a part of it doctor nikola who opposed covid had his business shutdown is affecting him and his boys. with all the canadian truckers also have their bank accounts shut down in canada. most bad ideas in america today you could trace back to the obama administration. my husband was on the financial services committee bay back when obama was in office fighting operation chokepoint hold in that was using regulators to pressure banks not to bank businesses like they did not like, gun owners, gun manufacturers are payday len lenders. it started back there but we see this getting more and more dangerous, not a lot of sympathy in the media for doctor and others that these are happy to, they don't have the political fashionable political opinions that the people in the media have. this is something that is going to affect every single, at this moment, conservative, this is serious stuff. >> christians and conservatives particular. say you're involved in the oil industry, we cannot have that. i am pleased to say our chief finance minister has instructed the regulator to carry out an urgent review that he says is illegal on the uk law to discriminate against people illegally held opinions. so the financial conduct has spoken to the 25 biggest banks and demanded that on the 20 for the august they give a list of all the accounts at the closed for political reasons. so were beginning to make headway on this. rachel: i'm glad, yet the big name is probably why were getting answers and needs to be done in the united states. hope our lawmakers and some in florida said you cannot do that pass laws as such but we need a much more national policy on this that you cannot even people because of wrong thank because you don't like the politics or religion. we should see a list of everybody that they have done this to because you were able to find out why and get to the bottom of it. think about how many small business owners or families and pastors et cetera that this is happening to them they have nowhere to go. thank you for bring attention to this. it is really important to freedom. thank you. now to a fox wildfire alert, the death toll reaching 80 in maui as recovery efforts continue. will and rick taken and that look at the fi fire next. 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1845. it was settled by polynesians and maui, the westside is the first place humans came, they came from polynesia in canoes, guided navigation through the stars and they came in the canoes through the pass and this is the first settlement in this part of the world. rick: the settlement was able to happen because of whaling. will: eventually what happened, the whaling industry before we had oil we pulled it out of the ground to heat our homes we used whale blubber, the whaling industry was centered in lahaina, let me show you why, the whales on alaska in the north would come in winter and where the winter is here, the spot between kahului and now we, they would have their calves in here and the waiters would sail right out and harvest blubber. >> he would get protection from the weather between the three islands right here. the other two are not populated. will: you heard me talk about i've swam from this side to the outside of lahaina before. this place is really, really close to my heart. the whaling industry but the other part of america story is the east coast missionaries made their way to hawaii, churches 200 years old spreading the word of god, the gospel, it took one of the most faith placed under based places, not just hawaii or maui but lahaina. rick: you bring up one important part, this is america this is our last state that became whether the american states and americans are struggling with this. it feels kind of far off an exotic for us, hawaii, this is whatever states. will: almost all of these churches gone. every bit of history i just explained, gone. america's oldest banyan tree, 1873 planted to commemorate the missionaries, pictures of my kids all over these branches, it is standing, chard, i don't know. rick: hopes that the root system is intact and can survive this but we do not know yet. will: let's take a look at what the fire damage did. it's worse than this i look to every drone footage i can find, this is lahaina, the northside, southside, historic district, front street in the harbor, you surf the harbor and shark pit, the truth is all of this is burned. when i say burned, chard, 0, nothing for the town of lahaina. there is isolated pockets but most gone. rick: if you have a pocket that is not gone it is great for your home but the entire community and people you know have struggled. many people their lives will have people who passed away or who have struggled and lost everything. will: one more bit of context look at the hawaiian chain we talk about the thousands out of context. it this is maui, this is lahaina this entire area has lost power. anybody in kahului, kaanapali, no cell service, civilization, the airport, kahului on this side, if you are here like my family you are cut off, you can get out. we talk about the thousands missing it is the west, north side of the island. rick: cell towers that burned them to bring in mobile cell towers so people can get a connection that is why some people are unaccounted for in many are fine but no communication. will: let's look at a sad before and after. that is historic lahaina town. here's the harbor lahaina princess, this is front street, even though it's been there you probably been to bars and restaurants, one of the oldest missions in the area and that's what it looks like today. as we said it is leveled to the ground. a couple more quicken before and after's. rick: the boats burned, fully burned as well. that is the front street, the same shot, pineapple story. you can see what it was it it's on its way. all of that is ashes. thank you for being with me on this. here's how you can help the red cross is helping out go to red cross/fox forward or text hawaii 290999 for a $10 donation. i also mentioned have a gofundme i will oversee to make sure gets in the hands of people that need it and help the people at maui at gofundme. i've seen the support this morning that you're giving to these peoples, these americans need our help. rick: thank you for what you are doing. will: merrick garland appointing david weiss as a special counsel in the hunter biden probe. the vic ramaswamy calls this a fig leaf to provide here cover. this'll be next [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> mr. weiss advised me in his judgment, his investigation had reached a stage where he should continue his work as a special counsel. he asked to be so appointed. upon considering his request as well as extraordinary circumstances relating to this matter. i have concluded it is in the public interest to appoint him. joey: a fox news alert. attorney general garland appointing david weiss as special counsel in the hunter biden investigation. with an insurance that that move is in the public's best interest be what our next guest does not fire joining the course of republicans who are deeply skeptical of wife appointment. will: gop presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy. thank you for being with us. what is your reaction to david weiss being appointed as special counsel. >> on the face of it it would make sense is a good thing to have a special counsel appointed. the problem a total fig leaf, it is a distraction, the same individual who negotiated the plea deal that the judge rejected handling this is a designation as a title for an administration that in the case of hunter biden has been repeatedly creating one deflection after another and the timing in comparison to the donald trump indictment are not an accident for how long and how long that investigation had been going. i do see this is another maneuver to distract the public for the two standards of justice in a retrospective maneuver to justify that. rachel: what are the reasons that i've been very intrigued by your campaign, you often say things that nobody else is talking about. the two standards of justice is critically important to americans who are watching us right now and across the country. but also the implication. this is more than a family trying to make money, there are real policy implications to this extortion that potentially zelenskyy may have over joe biden in may be responsible for billions of dollars that were sending over there but more importantly were inching closer to nuclear war as the war continues. as you say nobody has given us a real explanation as to why this is in our interest. >> exactly. hunter biden worth remembering this is not a corrupt son of a president he's been a geopolitical disaster. remember the investigation to hunter biden in ukraine was already the basis for the second impeachment of the 45th president of the united states. now the very country who stay affiliated was making a bribe to hunter biden putting him on the board of the company were hunter biden had no business being on the board, that is the country receiving $200 billion in u.s. military and financial aid in the middle of the war martinez closer i worry a nuclear war with russia this has geopolitical implications, that is beyond the pale of any republicans in many republicans to ask out loud, it is the heart of the question with the u.s. president is sending aid to a foreign country where his own family was part of a bribe from the same foreign country. if the same shoe fit the republican in anybody else we would be asking the questions and we should be here. joey: vivek ramaswamy your running for president and your candidate and you are at the iowa state fair to address voters. the next hour you will be in the fair side chat with iowa governor reynolds. i think this is really impo important, you address external implications of what's going on, you know the implications are the current president while vice president may have traded away our interest on behalf of his family. the current argument the justice department is not holding him accountable, say this does not go anywhere else, we have a presidential election and you become president what can the next president do to restore faith or in our political class? >> most importantly tell the truth again. the government today treats the people of this country that they can't handle the truth. like jack nicholson in a few good men. you cannot handle the truth. i stand for the idea we are the people we can handle the truth about covid origin or what is happening with our money in ukraine and what is happening with the politicized investigations, government tech censorship, the transgender shooter that has not been released. whatever it is tell the people the truth once again. the other thing i'm going to do, many people find this extreme is deeply practical i will shut down the fbi that institution is become so rotten and politicized that we can take the small number of frontline agents in move them to the u.s. marshals and the dea but when you have a corrupt iraqi city that does not exist we have to get in there and shut it down. that is the next president. rachel: i am with you on that vivek we just discovered a story in the fbi and the lies and they've been surveilling catholics in their churches. it is a rogue agency, no question about it. will: most people can't even quantify the criminal code we have no idea how big it is, we do not know which the extension is the d.o.j. and the extension from the d.o.j. is fbi. the question can you actually execute. we had that conversation and i think it's an honest question, vivek as president. can you execute that vision? >> yes i can it takes a unique combination. on one hand and outside of that comes from outside of the swamp. i miss you not a politician and i understand how to get things done and i'm not bought and paid for, i'm funded by small donors. on the other hand it takes an outsider who also understands the law and the constitution of the country. that stopped when they talked about the civil service protections they do not apply to mass layoffs. that's what i'm bringing to washington, d.c. a unique combination and that's what i bring to the table. joey: you will have a chance to speak on a platform. good luck to you in your campaign. rachel: thank you for coming on vivek. joey: senator ron johnson will join us live. will: a lesson right up our ally national bowling day with the help from the pros. ♪ workouts... ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need, make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. 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[♪] [ding] or enjoy local craft beers, with breathtaking views at the cambria. book direct at will: celebrating national bowling day on fox square a great family activity in this month you can bowl for free, here to tell us more kevin krause the proprietors bowling association brad miller and kyle sherman. talk about bowling for free the summer. >> thank you for having us, bowling is the number one participation port and transport, 67 people in the last year to go, pick up your coupon in the month of august. >> i have a son who can bowl i don't know how he learned, i have bold but i am 50/50, maybe strike or gutter i don't have any between can you give me tips with consistency. >> again of percentages you do not want to throw it in the gutter when you put it in the dead center, get the farthest away in dead center with the first penn. >> let's grab a couple of balls, all you guys that are experts, you spin the ball i've never mastered the spin, show me how i should approach this. >> the easy way to to take your thumb out of it. throw your hand didn't. that is the spin. >> when you follow through like you shaking somebody's hand. >> came right down the middle. >> i did not spin it hard enough. >> show me how it is supposed to look. >> we use our thumbs get your hand under the ball, follow through. , on brad. there he goes, strike. [applause] [cheering] >> i should've gone second. that is beautiful, i may go straight later in the competition. the three of us, joey, rachel, maybe rick with the bowling competition. i appreciate you giving me a head start. visit go and download the free bowling game coupon to go bowling free this summer. ♪ supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days, (cough cough) flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. will: we begin this hour with a fox weather alert. wildfires in maui have confirmed that 80 # people have kick comed to those terrible fires -- succumbed. rachel: officials say more than 1,000 people are unaccounted for as rescue and recovery efforts continue. joey: max gorden is hi in gnaw by with the -- is live in maui with the latest. >> reporter: we're parked a little ways down from a

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

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hawaii, one of the towns devastated by the wildfires. cars are lined up behind me, there is roadblocks, curfew to lift at 6:00 a.m. these people waiting to see what is left of their homes. residents are being led in but it's a horrible sight to see. take a listen to one person we spoke to yesterday. >> i want people to know there are people suffering and we need donations and people shipping things out in families fed. we need so much help. >> home after home and lahaina gone, the property data aggregator core logic puts the estimator at destroyed homes at more than 3000, the rising death toll at 80 people as rescue crews search for more victims, thousands of people left the island in 1400 are currently stated emergency shelters. it is unclear how the fire started but when they did ignite the island was ripe for an inferno, dry conditions was 70 h passing hurricane dora fueled the flames in a challenging battle for the islands firefighters. residents say they were given little warning of the approaching place in the islands emergency sirens did not go off with text being sent out instead many escaping with just their lives some and lahaina jump into the water to save themselves as the town was raised by fire. >> it is hard to conceive of when you look at the catastrophe that they have gone through and they are continuing to go through. this crisis is far from over. there is so much frustration and suffering in the real morning has not been able to start because of people looking how do we get me and my family to tomorrow. >> power and cell is starting to return on the island but warnings from officials at the water in some areas is unsafe to drink because of contaminants from the fires. will: thank you so much maxine done a great job. from a distance on the one hand many of you have watched this through the lens of social media, you can see videos, i've simply never seen anywhere in the world with people dealing with an incredible inferno jumping into the water and rescued seven hours later. i s saw an 88-year-old woman pulled after the water after seven hours she was inv engulfey smoke and flames i've never seen there were people have nowhere to go and i'm really terrified of where the body count will go they haven't looked inside of the buildings yet. on a more personal note i said this over the network for the last couple of days. a bit of my second home, my mom is still there in my stepdad. i left two weeks ago. every summer of my life i've spent since the 1970s, lahaina, kaanapali. i feel like i know it in the back of my hand, i am not hawaiian but i'm texan but my heart is so deep and baked into the story of america. this is a very, very unique town to get later in the show i'm getting go and expend the history and the context but for now i've never done anything like this, i've never asked or put a gofundme together, i've never done that before. but you can help by giving to the red cross or samaritans today. my friends and family have put together, i'm very close to the self author wayne dyer who is very close to mine they put together a gofundme that help the people of maui, i'm going to watch this i'm directly involved and i will make sure gets to the people who live there year round, local who need the money to rebuild their lives in this history. it is in and count people sense of loss for what i personally feel is the most beautiful place on the planet and truly lives up to the definition of paradise. rachel: it truly is i have been to maui a couple of times and you feel like you're in another planet. everything is brighter, bluer, more beautiful than anything that you've seen. it almost looks animated. as i saw the pictures of the destruction in the vegetation and so forth you wonder how long it'll take to get back on its feet and vibrant again. of course we hope soon. we had a fascinating discussion with tulsi gabbard the congressman who represented now in other parts of hawaii through her congressional district. joey, you asked a great question, a lot of military bases near this location and it was a little bit puzzling as to why they weren't deployed, that is a question i have and how much will they be used in helping to rebuild. this is america. joey: use all images of the hawaiian national guard those already stationed on maui. a tweet that came from a resident, they are not bureaucrat or general, they said now he is relatively small group of people. we had the largest military in the world on a wahoo an island or to overcome a maybe there is a plan for it, less criticism or just a question is there more that can be done and is it about to be done but we see that happen i spent time in a rescue effort and my buddy came in on a navy ship getting ready to tour the mediterranean or the other side of the atlantic and they came in and helped out. it is that effort about to happen. rachel: we sold the mercy hospital the cayman to new york to help with covid and military deployed to help private citizens, american citizens many times more facilities than i even knew when you listed them and that is something we will stand on there is a dozen bases on oahu. rachel: thank you for that and i appreciate that you could keep a personal ion that. were to go to fox news alert, merrick garland pointing a special counsel to the hunter biden criminal probe but republicans and some democrats are not happy with who we selected. will: alexandria hoff his life in washington, d.c. what do you have. >> prosecutor david weiss has been investigating in 2016, this comes after the so-called sweetheart deal that he fostered over federal tax charges fell apart. weiss is a trump appointed attorney in delaware and asked special counsel he is not bound by any jurisdiction but weiss attorney general merrick garland both previously said that was already the case did nine whistleblower claims that weiss had felt limited in his powers to fully charge the president son the title indicates that case could go to trial but the younger biden's legal team sees no change. >> 's title became special counsel today. his powers were the same yesterday, what is different, it doesn't make any difference given what we understood to be the case. what is a special counsel do that he could not do, the answer is nothing different. as to why now or what he wanted this as of last tuesday that is a question you will have to ask him. >> i am confident. rachel: the president appears to maintain the confidence. the white house says they were not informed before the special counsel announcement was made and the president offered no response as he departed for delaware yesterday. [inaudible] >> house republicans are skeptical about this move, house oversight james comer has a long rally against the special counsel in the case feeling it would take investigative power into the biden family business dealings out of the committee's hands. >> this is stonewalling and obstructing our investigation. i've been completed about this for months if this is an investigation about joe biden that don't think we need evidence to show the department of justice is trying to obstruct our investigation. i think merrick garland made the argument for us today. >> critics argued under justice department regulations, the special counsel should be selected from outside of the u.s. government in the u.s. attorney should not be the one to leave this. as special counsel david weiss will be under no deadline to complete his investigation. will: the veneer of corruption, literally, the opinions of corruption in appointing david weiss as special counsel is so obvious that is undeniable and requires observation even from the mainstream media. you are seeing a recognition of rare recognition from sources that previously would've no ignored this entire investigation per here is jake tapper on cnn spivak i believe yet previously argued publicly that he had the right to do whatever he wanted in the whistleblower said behind-the-scenes that weiss was complaining he could not do that. he was not able to do that in the justice department and weiss denied what the whistleblowers were saying. this move makes it seem as though the whistleblowers were right and maybe they were alleging is true and he didn't have the ability to charge whatever he wanted to charge and now he does. i do have a lot of questions about that. i think some of the political questions being raised by republicans have merit. joey: that the stark contrast say none of this is the evidence storage joe biden himself. you have to ask yourself when someone accident partisan way, i feel like a lot of members do covering for biden. if they start to jump ship, what the play, why are they doing that? rachel: another example of someone who might be jumping ship, i'm not so sure but maybe they need to make it look like they said something. here is a new york times saying why special counsel in the hunter biden case may not change, that the title of the article, they say both mr. garland and weiss have said the prosecutor was empowered to act independently. that means making mr. weiss a special counsel may be more of a cosmetic gesture essentially formalizing what is or even the case then a new reality. what do you make of that? will: ethic that's what's expected of hunter biden. his counsel has said and reveals the corruption and the outcome should be the same. david weiss basically made an offer of the sweetheart deal to hunter biden that would've swept away most of the investigation to him ongoing. now we as special counsel status, this is the words of hunter biden's attorney, his title should not change the conclusion which is favorable to hunter biden. rachel: before the sweetheart deal he allowed a lot of the charges to expire through statue of limitation. he's always been super loyal to the biden family and it makes no sense why he's doing this. one thing i worry about is the message they send to brave and courageous whistleblowers. this is the spit in the face. they said this is the guy who is stored in our investigation. the d.o.j. says we have an idea, let's make him in charge and be the special counsel. it does not make any sense it makes me wonder they stopped hiding the ball. that's what representative johnson told me from louisiana when i asked him earlier this morning. >> they are not hiding the ball anymore. we have good reason not to trust mr. weiss. he changed his story three different times. he said he had all the power for indictment and everything else he was working on and did not need special counsel designation. a couple of weeks eight or to fit merrick garland narrative and changed his tune and his story again it is back-and-forth and he's the one that negotiated the sweetheart deal to whitewash hunter biden's felony tax evasion. this is someone who is in on it. we see in the american people they that there is a cover-up going on, merrick garland's department of justice is guilty in this and appointing yes, sir weiss does nothing that fueled the fire. joey: i think there is a lot of us conflating because we see it that way and were not dissecting. if you look at this objectively as hunter biden's private citizen there is an argument you've done the investigation you have the evidence you have and you charge me why would you go back and redo this. are you in violation of his own rights in the judicial process. the reason why so many of us look at this and say special counsel look more we are past hunter biden and his sins as stated by this investigation and were looking at the idea of the pay for play among the bidens. if you go back and think about it the whole tax evasion was not hunter biden that i forgot to pay taxes it was the schemes of the government did not see where the money came from to begin with and asked why. when we say special counsel or an independent prosecutor whatever the right term with the justice department what we want is 70 from a government to objectively looking say definitively through the investigation, did the bidens use hunters business dealings in joe's position to lobby for money for themselves and make promises unlawful or god forbid make decisions as vice president to pad their own pockets. that's a different issue in the justice department does not acknowledge that issue at all and merrick garland currently does not acknowledge it when he makes the prosecutor, i don't want to get my words wrong when he gives david weiss for the charges were already aware of under hunter specifically for taxes and guns. rachel: essentially david weiss is where all the investigations will go to die. will: we will find out. we going to turn to headlines. joey: the wife of suspected gilgo beach serial killer is saying she will sue police for destroying her family home while searching for evidence. her husband rex here man is charged with murdering dream women on long island, a prime suspect in a fourth murder. she is also revealing a battle with cancer and now fears losing her health insurance as her strange husband faces a long legal battle she filed for divorce last month, he has pled not guilty to the servant's crimes. ohio republicans are sounding the alarm as state progressives try to get rid of police protections in a new state constitutional amendment. the new amendment will get rid of qualified immunity for officers and state workers, ohio secretary of state posting i told you they are trying to turn ohio into california. now they're coming after our police. lionel messi scoring as they defeat charlotte fc 4 - 0. >> scores another one. lionel messi move on to the cup semi finals, they take on the philadelphia union tuesday. it looks unfair to watch them play against the young men. i don't know much about this but many countries start professionally earlier then here but to see them play it looks like two different leagues. rachel: major banks are accused of shutting down accounts over the user's political beliefs. former brexit party leader nigel barrage is leading it to dmp yanking next. >> vivek ramaswamy joins us for his pitch to voters, one nation with brian kilmeade tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern time, there is your lineup. ♪ new emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? 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(sfx: family screams in background) how can you sleep on such a firm setting? gab, mine is almost the same as yours. almost is just another word for not as good as mine. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, 36 month financing on select smart beds. shop now only at sleep number. so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? it's the fastest mobile service around. with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only $30 bucks a line per month. that's hundreds in savings a year when you wave bye to the other guys. all on the most reliable 5g network nationwide. you really shouldn't walk out the front door without it. switch today at rachel: after having his bank account closed with no explanation exit party leader nigel farage is the banking of practice work accounts are closed or suspended over the holder's political views. it's not just in the uk. in may 19 american states accused j.p. morgan of closing bank accounts and discriminated against customers due to the religious or political beliefs which jp morgan denies, nigel farage wings is now. tell us quickly what happened to you. >> i been with the same banking group for 43 years. and i've had my personal banking in my business banking there. >> had mortgages, paid them off on time. >> i just get a very short cut and you must close your account here's your notice period. i could not understand why but i began to sense that it was a political prejudice game. i was able to use a legal method to extract from the bank the personal information that they had on me. i have to tell you my most vicious political opponent would not a put together so deeply unpleasant. apparently i'm an unbearable human being and therefore my account was closed because they did not align with the value of the banks. they can do this to me in this country, they could do it to anybody. and as you said in your introduction they have been doing it all over america for a long, long time. up to you what this is about it is about an organization called b core founded in america in 2006 and bullied large sectors of the corporate world into adopting their guidelines. it is all about esg standards and all about diversity and inclusion. it is all about what they see is underrepresented minorities. it's ludicrous, the actually discriminate against white folks. the whole thing is extraordinary and you have to go along for the climate change agenda. you have to go along with net-zero. you have to go along and if you don't then i'm afraid you're in trouble. so the bank that got rid of me are proud to announce on the head paper certified by b core. this is the woke time and all the things we've been talking about for a long time. i had not realized how deep this was within the banking system. the reason i stood up and decided to fight them publicly because i now realize this is happening to huge numbers of people. without a bank account you could not live. it is essential as much as electricity in the 21st century. rachel: totally to control your right. esg is a part of it doctor nikola who opposed covid had his business shutdown is affecting him and his boys. with all the canadian truckers also have their bank accounts shut down in canada. most bad ideas in america today you could trace back to the obama administration. my husband was on the financial services committee bay back when obama was in office fighting operation chokepoint hold in that was using regulators to pressure banks not to bank businesses like they did not like, gun owners, gun manufacturers are payday len lenders. it started back there but we see this getting more and more dangerous, not a lot of sympathy in the media for doctor and others that these are happy to, they don't have the political fashionable political opinions that the people in the media have. this is something that is going to affect every single, at this moment, conservative, this is serious stuff. >> christians and conservatives particular. say you're involved in the oil industry, we cannot have that. i am pleased to say our chief finance minister has instructed the regulator to carry out an urgent review that he says is illegal on the uk law to discriminate against people illegally held opinions. so the financial conduct has spoken to the 25 biggest banks and demanded that on the 20 for the august they give a list of all the accounts at the closed for political reasons. so were beginning to make headway on this. rachel: i'm glad, yet the big name is probably why were getting answers and needs to be done in the united states. hope our lawmakers and some in florida said you cannot do that pass laws as such but we need a much more national policy on this that you cannot even people because of wrong thank because you don't like the politics or religion. we should see a list of everybody that they have done this to because you were able to find out why and get to the bottom of it. think about how many small business owners or families and pastors et cetera that this is happening to them they have nowhere to go. thank you for bring attention to this. it is really important to freedom. thank you. now to a fox wildfire alert, the death toll reaching 80 in maui as recovery efforts continue. will and rick taken and that look at the fi fire next. 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1845. it was settled by polynesians and maui, the westside is the first place humans came, they came from polynesia in canoes, guided navigation through the stars and they came in the canoes through the pass and this is the first settlement in this part of the world. rick: the settlement was able to happen because of whaling. will: eventually what happened, the whaling industry before we had oil we pulled it out of the ground to heat our homes we used whale blubber, the whaling industry was centered in lahaina, let me show you why, the whales on alaska in the north would come in winter and where the winter is here, the spot between kahului and now we, they would have their calves in here and the waiters would sail right out and harvest blubber. >> he would get protection from the weather between the three islands right here. the other two are not populated. will: you heard me talk about i've swam from this side to the outside of lahaina before. this place is really, really close to my heart. the whaling industry but the other part of america story is the east coast missionaries made their way to hawaii, churches 200 years old spreading the word of god, the gospel, it took one of the most faith placed under based places, not just hawaii or maui but lahaina. rick: you bring up one important part, this is america this is our last state that became whether the american states and americans are struggling with this. it feels kind of far off an exotic for us, hawaii, this is whatever states. will: almost all of these churches gone. every bit of history i just explained, gone. america's oldest banyan tree, 1873 planted to commemorate the missionaries, pictures of my kids all over these branches, it is standing, chard, i don't know. rick: hopes that the root system is intact and can survive this but we do not know yet. will: let's take a look at what the fire damage did. it's worse than this i look to every drone footage i can find, this is lahaina, the northside, southside, historic district, front street in the harbor, you surf the harbor and shark pit, the truth is all of this is burned. when i say burned, chard, 0, nothing for the town of lahaina. there is isolated pockets but most gone. rick: if you have a pocket that is not gone it is great for your home but the entire community and people you know have struggled. many people their lives will have people who passed away or who have struggled and lost everything. will: one more bit of context look at the hawaiian chain we talk about the thousands out of context. it this is maui, this is lahaina this entire area has lost power. anybody in kahului, kaanapali, no cell service, civilization, the airport, kahului on this side, if you are here like my family you are cut off, you can get out. we talk about the thousands missing it is the west, north side of the island. rick: cell towers that burned them to bring in mobile cell towers so people can get a connection that is why some people are unaccounted for in many are fine but no communication. will: let's look at a sad before and after. that is historic lahaina town. here's the harbor lahaina princess, this is front street, even though it's been there you probably been to bars and restaurants, one of the oldest missions in the area and that's what it looks like today. as we said it is leveled to the ground. a couple more quicken before and after's. rick: the boats burned, fully burned as well. that is the front street, the same shot, pineapple story. you can see what it was it it's on its way. all of that is ashes. thank you for being with me on this. here's how you can help the red cross is helping out go to red cross/fox forward or text hawaii 290999 for a $10 donation. i also mentioned have a gofundme i will oversee to make sure gets in the hands of people that need it and help the people at maui at gofundme. i've seen the support this morning that you're giving to these peoples, these americans need our help. rick: thank you for what you are doing. will: merrick garland appointing david weiss as a special counsel in the hunter biden probe. the vic ramaswamy calls this a fig leaf to provide here cover. this'll be next [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> mr. weiss advised me in his judgment, his investigation had reached a stage where he should continue his work as a special counsel. he asked to be so appointed. upon considering his request as well as extraordinary circumstances relating to this matter. i have concluded it is in the public interest to appoint him. joey: a fox news alert. attorney general garland appointing david weiss as special counsel in the hunter biden investigation. with an insurance that that move is in the public's best interest be what our next guest does not fire joining the course of republicans who are deeply skeptical of wife appointment. will: gop presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy. thank you for being with us. what is your reaction to david weiss being appointed as special counsel. >> on the face of it it would make sense is a good thing to have a special counsel appointed. the problem a total fig leaf, it is a distraction, the same individual who negotiated the plea deal that the judge rejected handling this is a designation as a title for an administration that in the case of hunter biden has been repeatedly creating one deflection after another and the timing in comparison to the donald trump indictment are not an accident for how long and how long that investigation had been going. i do see this is another maneuver to distract the public for the two standards of justice in a retrospective maneuver to justify that. rachel: what are the reasons that i've been very intrigued by your campaign, you often say things that nobody else is talking about. the two standards of justice is critically important to americans who are watching us right now and across the country. but also the implication. this is more than a family trying to make money, there are real policy implications to this extortion that potentially zelenskyy may have over joe biden in may be responsible for billions of dollars that were sending over there but more importantly were inching closer to nuclear war as the war continues. as you say nobody has given us a real explanation as to why this is in our interest. >> exactly. hunter biden worth remembering this is not a corrupt son of a president he's been a geopolitical disaster. remember the investigation to hunter biden in ukraine was already the basis for the second impeachment of the 45th president of the united states. now the very country who stay affiliated was making a bribe to hunter biden putting him on the board of the company were hunter biden had no business being on the board, that is the country receiving $200 billion in u.s. military and financial aid in the middle of the war martinez closer i worry a nuclear war with russia this has geopolitical implications, that is beyond the pale of any republicans in many republicans to ask out loud, it is the heart of the question with the u.s. president is sending aid to a foreign country where his own family was part of a bribe from the same foreign country. if the same shoe fit the republican in anybody else we would be asking the questions and we should be here. joey: vivek ramaswamy your running for president and your candidate and you are at the iowa state fair to address voters. the next hour you will be in the fair side chat with iowa governor reynolds. i think this is really impo important, you address external implications of what's going on, you know the implications are the current president while vice president may have traded away our interest on behalf of his family. the current argument the justice department is not holding him accountable, say this does not go anywhere else, we have a presidential election and you become president what can the next president do to restore faith or in our political class? >> most importantly tell the truth again. the government today treats the people of this country that they can't handle the truth. like jack nicholson in a few good men. you cannot handle the truth. i stand for the idea we are the people we can handle the truth about covid origin or what is happening with our money in ukraine and what is happening with the politicized investigations, government tech censorship, the transgender shooter that has not been released. whatever it is tell the people the truth once again. the other thing i'm going to do, many people find this extreme is deeply practical i will shut down the fbi that institution is become so rotten and politicized that we can take the small number of frontline agents in move them to the u.s. marshals and the dea but when you have a corrupt iraqi city that does not exist we have to get in there and shut it down. that is the next president. rachel: i am with you on that vivek we just discovered a story in the fbi and the lies and they've been surveilling catholics in their churches. it is a rogue agency, no question about it. will: most people can't even quantify the criminal code we have no idea how big it is, we do not know which the extension is the d.o.j. and the extension from the d.o.j. is fbi. the question can you actually execute. we had that conversation and i think it's an honest question, vivek as president. can you execute that vision? >> yes i can it takes a unique combination. on one hand and outside of that comes from outside of the swamp. i miss you not a politician and i understand how to get things done and i'm not bought and paid for, i'm funded by small donors. on the other hand it takes an outsider who also understands the law and the constitution of the country. that stopped when they talked about the civil service protections they do not apply to mass layoffs. that's what i'm bringing to washington, d.c. a unique combination and that's what i bring to the table. joey: you will have a chance to speak on a platform. good luck to you in your campaign. rachel: thank you for coming on vivek. joey: senator ron johnson will join us live. will: a lesson right up our ally national bowling day with the help from the pros. ♪ workouts... ...and new adventures. you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need, make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. 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[♪] [ding] or enjoy local craft beers, with breathtaking views at the cambria. book direct at will: celebrating national bowling day on fox square a great family activity in this month you can bowl for free, here to tell us more kevin krause the proprietors bowling association brad miller and kyle sherman. talk about bowling for free the summer. >> thank you for having us, bowling is the number one participation port and transport, 67 people in the last year to go, pick up your coupon in the month of august. >> i have a son who can bowl i don't know how he learned, i have bold but i am 50/50, maybe strike or gutter i don't have any between can you give me tips with consistency. >> again of percentages you do not want to throw it in the gutter when you put it in the dead center, get the farthest away in dead center with the first penn. >> let's grab a couple of balls, all you guys that are experts, you spin the ball i've never mastered the spin, show me how i should approach this. >> the easy way to to take your thumb out of it. throw your hand didn't. that is the spin. >> when you follow through like you shaking somebody's hand. >> came right down the middle. >> i did not spin it hard enough. >> show me how it is supposed to look. >> we use our thumbs get your hand under the ball, follow through. , on brad. there he goes, strike. [applause] [cheering] >> i should've gone second. that is beautiful, i may go straight later in the competition. the three of us, joey, rachel, maybe rick with the bowling competition. i appreciate you giving me a head start. visit go and download the free bowling game coupon to go bowling free this summer. ♪ supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days, (cough cough) flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. will: we begin this hour with a fox weather alert. wildfires in maui have confirmed that 80 # people have kick comed to those terrible fires -- succumbed. rachel: officials say more than 1,000 people are unaccounted for as rescue and recovery efforts continue. joey: max gorden is hi in gnaw by with the -- is live in maui with the latest. >> reporter: we're parked a little ways down from a

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