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While gas prices are down from a year ago theyve rising in recent weeks. How are americans dealing with it. Welcome everyone. Im charles for neil cavuto. We have Team Coverage from New York City on shoppers feeling the pinch. How this is going to play on the Campaign Trail. Its Consumer Price index report shows prices increased 3. 2 percent over last year, just slightly below expectations. 2 10 percent month over month suggesting inflation is not resurging some calling this report encouraging news but the numbers show how Consumer Wallets Con to be stretched. You can see here charles that cost for shelter up 7. 7 percent over last year. New vehicles up in price 3. 5 percent. Food prices higherpy 4. 9 percent. Basics popping, white bread 10. 7 percent higher than last year, cereal Bakery Products up 7 percent, apples up 7. 5 percent. Even this slow down we have seen inflation from nine to three is of no benefit to the consumer. That just means the price of everything theyre buying has gone up slightly slower than it was before. Theyre still really being squeezed hard and we are seeing that in so many areas. Areas like credit card spending, debt just topped one trillion dollars for the first time on record and americans are pulling money out of 401 k accounts on hardship withdrawals. 15,950 second quarter. A 12 percent increase over the beginning of the year and 30 percent from a year ago. 6 of 10 americans say theyre living paycheck to check. The big question is whether the Federal Reserve will take the cpi report and hike Interest Rates in september. Currently 90. 5 percent of investors tied to the Benchmark Rate predict there will be no hike. But the 11 Interest Rate hikes we have had are forcing home and auto home rates higher so some might think the damage to the consumer has already been done. Charles back to you. The coast isnt clear so the question is how this will affect the campaign trial. Aisha. Hey charles, it is playing out on the Campaign Trail as we speak. Inflation and the economy is what the candidates have wanted to be talking about all this time and theyve been talking about the trump indictments but its what iowa voters want to hear. Traditional republican i want to know what theyre going to do about this deficit spending. We have got to get this under control. Our inflation is just going to take off again on us. So the economy tops the list of issues that are most important to Iowa Republicans according to a recent fox business poll. Florida Governor Ron Desantis who is hoping to win over iowans after a series of Campaign Shake ups telling folks how he plans to tackle inflation. We are going to on day one take all the Biden Regulations and Executive Orders and we are going to throw them in the trashcan on january 20, 2025. Because ultimately what Biden Economics is about is about your standard of living going down so he and his cronies can pursue their agenda and that doesnt work for the average american. The economy has come up during governor kim reynolds fair side chats the governor asking larry elder a question from the audience how he would lower gas and food prices and elder responding saying he would make america energyindependent. Former President Trump will be the only candidate in iowa skipping the governors event. Former new Jersey Governor Chris Christie is actually not going to attend because hes in New Hampshire instead. Charles. Aisha thank you very much. 75 percent of americans rating the economy poor inflation having a lot to do with that but the election is a way to go from here but the question is how is it going to impact everything in 2024. I bring in democratic stat jits doug with the Hill Reporter emily brooks. Emily start with you, we are getting to a point where economists and pokes who watch politics closely say people are going to have a set number in mind summer into fall where inflation is there theyll probably remember that a year from now heading to the ballot box. Well things can change but yes right now this is a problem for democrats, and we have seen with the white house and President Biden trying to turn this around, and say that the new Inflation Numbers are good embracing the term bidenomics but you see republicans happy to use that term for their experts and say its actually bad leaning into that Public Opinion that things are not going well with the economy. So, this is certainly going to stay alive and as polls show that the publics opinion how joe biden has been handling the economy and inflation are pretty low. Its definitely something the white house will have to work on heading into 2024. Doug its the stuff that wall street tries to ignore core inflation, we live with real inflation so food prices matter, through the roof, bread up 10 percent, cereal 5 percent, cookies up 8 percent, steak up 8 percent, bacon through the roof. One guest we had a man on the street someone complaining about the expense of eating out and at home and angelina roaring on. We know the relationship gasoline and politics is a tough one and that isnt going to ease up soon. The polling as weve discussed before shows that biden gets ratings in the low to mid 30s in handling the economy, over 60 percent, negative his overall approval is 40 percent, and youre exactly right. People are not looking at inflation coming down. Theyre looking at the prices theyre paying at the pump and in the congressry store and you know what, theyre still much higher than they can deal with. I thought your man on the street interviews got it right and i think biden is just plain wrong thinking he can run on the economy, given whats going on in the real world. In the real world it feels we are living on borrowed credit owe over a trillion dollars. Payments on these things are sky high. It feels like the average person out there is living on borrowed time and that re flekts in the polls as well. That sentiment and those statistics are what i hear republicans strategist pointing to so what i hear members of congress have republicans pointing to and one of the Big Questions in 2024, big arguments from republican side as President Biden tries to show i am improvement in the economy is question is whether the nominee is former President Trump or not is going to be looking back how the economy was under the republican president and so it depends how much voters are thinking about the last few years and their situation even if theyre improved. Doug, right until covid hit we were seeing things in the Economy Economists said were impossible. Trillions of dollars have poured n. How does President Biden figure out the parts he wants to elevate himself . Yeah, i think biden should be talking about the real pain people are facing that we have made some progress but that there is real hardship and pain in the administration and theyre working on it talking with rose color glasses about the effectiveness of Biden Economics which is the numbers you put on the screen show, 60odd percent of the American People reject so i think the administration has got the wrong tone and message. You know what doug that is 100 percent spot on. You can tell people theyre not in pain when theyre in pain. Exactly. Thank you both very much doug emily. A mob pulling off massive retail heist in california in broad daylight. Why do we see these things happening again and again . From paradise to peril, Deadly Wildfires sweeping across the Hawaiian Island of maui. Our dogs are stuck in the house. We dont know if our house is burned. We dont know if our animals are alive or not. Were reinventing our network. With smarter, more efficient routes. So you can deliver more value to your customers. Fast. Reliable. Perfectly orchestrated. The United States postal service. vo Verizon Small Business days are back. From august 7th to the 13th. Get a free tech check and special offers. Like a free 5g phone. Plus, switch, keep your number, and get up to 300 off. With verizon business. Its your business. Its your verizon. Two hawaii, death toll mounting as fires burn through maui, at least 36 kill as thousands of residents race to escape. Max has the latest. From paradise to a blackenned hellscape you can smell the scent of charred Brush Hacking in the air here but there is good news. You can see on the horizon there there is rain clouds and much needed rain for the island. Oh my gosh. Look at the harbor. Oh my gosh. People here in maui have dealt with so much loss in these fires at least 36 dead, the deadless since the 2018 camp fire in california, but conditions very dry and winds from Hurricane Dora fanned the fires spreading quickly gusts 85 Miles Per Hour reported. Communities on maui decimated. Block after block in lahaina burned to the ground, some people jumping in the ocean to escape the flames, some left with nothing. Resident here about 18 years and we just had the worst disaster ive ever seen. All is burnt to a crisp and its like im [indistinct]. At least 11,000 people evacuated by Air Officials telling tourists to stay away from the island of maui. Max thank you very much. By the way, we are going to have to head away in a moment, but i bring in jeffrey who says he lost two houses in the fire. Thanks for taking the time. The images look apocalyptic to us and hard to imagine how this could happen so quickly. Walk us through what you saw and experienced. I was at my house on front street in the town of lahaina and i noticed smoke over the commercial district and it got bigger. 4 00 i rode down to shaw district. The Salvation Army building was in flames, winds 4050 Miles Per Hour spreading embers and smoke. I couldnt see them through commercial district because the smoke was too thick. About 7 00 i walked through our particular neighborhood and the fire had jumped shaw street and heading our direction. We had to run out of there because the flames and smoke were coming rapidly and i got back to my house and we had about 10 minutes to load things in the car before smoke and embers were starting to engulf my house. Now everything is just develop stayed. Jeffrey its one of these just looking at the scenes listening to you one of these incidents seems leak you didnt even have time to help your neighbor. I saw a clip where a couple didnt know if their pets were alive or not which probably underscores the urgency to get out of there as the smoke and fire roar toward you had to feel like, did you feel like your life was, that it would have been life or death that you could have perished . It didnt quite get to that point. Another 10 or 15 minutes i would have. I have a ten at down the street that left early in the day never dreaming they wouldnt be allowed to come back. They had two lab were labradors that per issued. Im reading about the winds that played a role in this. You saw no one saw this coming. How do you explain it . Its just the nature of it, what sparked it and how it spread so quickly is hard to fathom. This was windier than ive experienced and i starred seeing Wind Damage Trees falling by mid afternoon and the fire started. Im not sure what started it but we are talking 50 mileanhour winds and there was nothing firefighters could do. It was out of control. With that wind it spread incredibly rapidly and nobody saw this coming. Looks like a Military Attack or something. We would like to check back in on you in a day or two. Thank you. Thanks a lot. The head of fema is coming up to talk about efforts to help revitalize that area, the Biden Administration reaching a deal with iran to get 5 americans out of prison and on house arrest. In Exchange Iran will get funds or more so was this the right or wrong move, ill ask general jack keene. President biden says hes looking to End Oil Drilling on both koechlts i coasts. I wonder if he sees whats happening at the pumps lately. Ah, these bills are crazy. She has no idea shes sitting on a goldmine. Well she doesnt know that if she owns a Life Insurance policy of 100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. Even a term policy. Even a term policy . Even a term policy find out if youre sitting on a goldmine. 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Head of fema heading to hawaii to address the fires, plus thieves stealing thousands of b dollars of merchandise, wh are we seeing this . Back in 30 seconds. And we would experience turbulence. I would watch the Flight Attendants. If theyre not nervous, then im not going to be nervous. Financially, im the Flight Attendant in that situation. The relief that comes over people once they know theyve got a guide to help them through, i definitely feel privileged to be in that position. Lowes knows a Style Refresh is even more refreshing. When its at the right price. Thats why, weve we pull our favorite looks together instore and in in the app. So it is easy to get the look you want for less. You got this. We got you. The federal Emergency Management agency offering assistance for the maui wildfires, thank you for taking the time. Walk us through agencys role now as these residents try to restore their lives. Yes, thanks charles. You know with the president s approval of the governors request for Disaster Declaration allows us to tap into federal partners to provide assistance as neededed to help 1 to continue suppress the fires that are ongoing but also to help the individuals that have been impacted. Some of the things we can help do is reimburse some of the costs that the local communities are experiencing really brave First Responders and the work theyre going into allows us to tap into our resources that we have on the island like Food Water Cots and so forth but also is going to provide Med Assistance to jump start the process for those individuals who have lost anything. It can be anything from Financial Assistance to support home repairs or replacement costs to prices counseling or disaster unemployment. Those are all things that are part of this Disaster Declaration. Looking at the devastation pretty clear the folks there will need all the above. Yes. Im concerned about lodging. Where will people stay . Looks like so many homes are just annhilated. Im not sure what other additional shelter could there be out there and it recalls new orleans to a degree when fema brought in all the rvs and Different Things for people to stay but of course this is maui. Its a long way from the mainland. Sounds like a larger challenge at the least. Absolutely, i talked with the governor earlier today and we talk specifically about some of the challenges and things we can do to support both the immediate sheltering needs that families have but what are those longterm Solutions Going to be and we are going to have to be really creative in how we are going bring in resources to support because you said we use a lot of Travel Trailers and rvs around the country right now but certainly thats going logistically more challenging so what else can we do and i committed to the governor we will use all the next built in our authority to be creative how we are going to provide that interim and longterm house to go support all those families that have been impacted by this tragic event. Do you have a message you want to send to the folks in maui who may be watching right now . Yeah, absolutely. We now have the ability to come in and help you and so, if you havent registered for assistance you know i encourage you to start that process. Start by contacting your Insurance Company to see what they cover and register for assistance with fema. We also recognize that there are many people that are away from their home, they dont have their documents, they dont have internet, the power is out we also are going to have people in the field. Theyre going to be in their fema shirts so if you have questions and havent started the process yet just talk to them theyre going to be coming to you. Thank you very much. We appreciate it and im sure the folks there are appreciative as well. Thank you. Thanks, charles. The Biden Administration making push for a new round of aid for ukraine in its fight against russia but a new poll showing the majority of americans are no longer on board with handing out more bucks. Claudia in salt lake city, utah with the latest. And good afternoon, charles, also with the president who just spoke at this v. A. Facility about his commitment to supporting the military, and veterans. While he did not mention ukraine just about an hour ago his administration submitted a Funding Request for an additional 24 billion to support the war but the president could face opposition from conservative lawmakers demanding greater dawnability on thousand 40 billion already given has been spent and an American Public that feels the u. S. Has given ukraine enough. A cnn poll shows most americans 55 percent dont Want Congress to spend another dimon the conflict. 45 percent say congress should authorize it. Some democrat leaders say the support is there for new multibillion Dollar Assistance Package and short time ago the Defense Department reiterated its commitment to help ukraine defeat russia. We will continue to support ukraine as long as it takes in terms of the kinds of capabilities that they will need going forward. That will be a continuing discussion that we have with the ukranians and with our allies and partners. In other Breaking News the Biden Administration and iran have apparently agreed to a Prisoner Swap. The deal involves iran releasing 5 iranian american prisoners, while the u. S. Will send back an unconfirmed number of iranian prisoners and unfreeze about 6 billion in iranian oil revenue and a lawyer for several of the american prisoners broke the news today saying theyre under house arrest. Ran has yet to publicly confirm this Prisoner Swap but it reportedly follows two years of negotiations. Charles. Thank you very much. Lets get to retired Four Star General jack keene. General lets start with this potential iranian deal. What do you make of it . Well, first of all, its a great relief for the families to bring home people that have been held in prison for false claims against the government. These are phony charges. These people have no right to be in prison like they have but i think i as many of us look at this and we question the method here. And why is that . Because iran what theyre doing here is running a Hostage Extortion Business that has been quite lucrative for them, 6 billion, if thats actually what takes place here, thats going to help them get flush with a lot of money and what do they really do with that . Theres supposed to be some control over this. I dont buy that. That money will eventually be executed to represents their own people and to extend the approximate i wars and influence that theyre doing throughout the region and weve seen it. I mean, iran has stepped up their aggression in the region stopping fuel tankers the United States navy has had to move more capability back in the region to make sure the gulf oil is flowing the way it should be done. Theyre in the extortion business, charles and as long as we continue to do that, believe me, theyll go right back out and grab another american citizen as soon as they can, and theyre going to keep doing it. Its tough to, your point. The families have to be released but 6 billion is a racket and probably will come back to haunt us in many ways and general i want your thoughts on the latest witt witness push for more ukraine aid. Public sentiment beginning to shift on this and to the point where people say they think americans are feel like theyve done enough. What do you tell americans who say weve given billions of dollars. Big issue is the accountability of that, no one knows the accounting its just sent out there and people are wondering is it too much mou. Yeah, i question the poll. The Reagan Institute poll which has been pretty consistent Shows Americans supporting somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 percent over twoyear period of time and actually jumps up when you give the American People some additional facts. Lets look at those facts. The reality is, we have been able, the ukranians have been able to destroy with u. S. Support and the Coalition Support half of russias combat power. That is absolutely staggering, and we know russia is aggressive and we have been able to push them back on their heels as a result of that. That hasnt cost a single American Life and the amount of money involved in this in direct military aid at best is close to 50 billion charles out of a 6 trillion budget what an investment that is in materials of the payoff that we have got here and the iranians now, have 83 percent of their territory is under their control. Theyre fighting and struggling to take back the other 17 percent in ukraine. I think American People writ large will continue to support this. What about republicans in the house . They dont seem to be as eager as the poll you cited. Well, theres been opposition to it, and in the recent bills that have been passed, that opposition was voted down by other democrats and republicans in supporting it. This is a political system and people are welcome to their opinions and views and we have people who are strongly opposed to the United States going to War In Europe for years until we were attacked by the japanese, and that resulted in declaring war on germany as well as japan. Its been a fabric of the american political system and the people have those views, theyre welcome to those views and respect those views for what they are. I disagree with them, but i have respect for them. General keene thank you very much. Appreciate it. We always have respect for you. Texas democrats urging Border Patrol to stop working with department of Public Safety but would that mean more scenes like this . To bill at the border. Bill. Charles it was an incredibly busy night and Early Morning in the Rio Grande Valley as we witness mass illegal crossings multiple time in multiple areas. We were there for it. We will have the video for you coming up right after the break. Theyre promises. 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If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Farxiga just between us, you know whats better than mopping . Anything ugh. Well, i switched to swiffer wetjet, and its awesome. Its an allinone, that absorbs dirt and grime deep inside. And it helps prevent streaks and haze. Wetjet is so worth it. Love it, or your money back. Two the border where Human Trafficking is on the rise, bill has the latest from texas. A cbc source tells me Border Patrol rio grande sector where we are were running at 96 percent capacity in terms of their holding potential with over 4400 migrants in custody this morning and it was a busy night in the Rio Grande Valley. Take a look at this video. We were out in front in texas 3 a. M. When this Massive Group 300 migrants acrossed illegally Family Units Parents with children, unaccompanied children and teenagers alone, mostly hondurans. We saw babies heard crying Border Patrol saying many of these are being released into the u. S. With future court dates. The migrants know that. That is why theyre looking for Border Patrol and turning themselves in. Second piece of video 4 a. M. We encountered another group of migrants family units little children the Biden Administration has been promising consequences for crossing illegally but the migrants dont appear afraid because theyre showing up and turning themselves in to Border Patrol not fearing removing or deportation. In romo this illegal migrant was caught sneaking through homes in a residential neighborhood. She had a Cartel Wristband and said she paid 1200 to be smuged in. After that we met another group of migrants about 75 or so, more family units as the numbers are spiking here. Then to kinney county, texas, Texas Dps Dashcam shows a Human Smuggler stops a truck 8 Illegal Migrants fleeing into the drive. The trooper purchase sues the driver and arrests him but 7 of those 8 Illegal Migrants got away. Now when it comes to those family uniknits the Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol sources telling me along the southern border those family units are being mass released for the most part at part of a decompression effort. Yesterday sources tell me more than 3600 migrants released with notices to appear. Thats more than 3600 in a single day, charles. Thank you very much, bill. Some democrats like Texas Democrats are urgeing the Border Patrol to stop cooperating with the state department of Public Safety. Spokesperson firing back on your world. Telling agents not to cooperate with dps is irrational. We have a Long Working Relationship with u. S. Border patrol and if that was the case telling u. S. Border patrol agents not to work with dps would completely undermine the relationship we have with them. Joining me with what he thinks the national Border Patrol vicepresident art, i wanted the audience to know we have reached out to Congressman Castro and have yet to hear back from him but i dont get it. We had talked about this and the problem has got worse over time, the humanity the human aspect of this and the notion of not cooperating not finding a way to st. Louis is mind boggling. This is an elected official. Right. Thats just a ridiculous statement. Not only is it elected official but elected in america so his job is to protect the rights of this country. And hes making an irrational statement where hes saying dont cooperate with other Law Enforcement agencies. Thats ridiculous. Law enforcement agencies cooperate with each other all the time but i want to make clear that statement would be something that the management, because i dont want it to turn into like the agents, theyre the big difference and management at theen of the day the agents are going to have to follow the orders that management is tell them to follow. Right. Its not just the agents making their decisions to cooperate or not cooperate at the end. In recent weeks the notion of Human Trafficking has grown a lot, the spotlight has been shined on it and people are concerned around the world about this. That angle of this, do you think maybe the greater notion this is happening and no way it should be happening in the United States . No, of course not. It shouldnt be happening. There should be an orderly way and we are a country of laws and need to follow those laws and when you see individuals being toll dont cross youre going to be deported and keeping doing it because they realize theres no consequences. The administration has talked about it but end of the day have no consequences for the individuals breaking our nations laws. Thats where the problem lies. I saw an ominous scene Cartel Members with advanced weapons looked like machine guns. Are you seeing more of this also . So that happens all the tool. I think thats where it comes into play when they have the cooperation with other agencies that have released some of those pictures but its something that dhs would release it you would probably see a lot more of it. Scary. Thanks art. Talk to you soon. Meanwhile folks. Thank you. A mob pulling off a massive retail heist in california in broad daylight. Why does this keep happening . 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With the freestyle libre 2 system know your Glucose Level and where its headed without fingersticks. Manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. Its covered by medicare for those who qualify. Ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. Come on, man. Stop. [bleep]. Please, man. Please, stop, man police in atlanta tackling a suspect walking out after target store with a big screen tv. Do we need to see more arrests like this to prevent brazen scenes . In california thieves took an estimated 300,000 worth of merchandise. What to make it former Las Vegas Police Lieutenant Randy sutton. Listening to the guyton ground saying please i dont want to go to jail its almost amazing except maybe he thought he wasnt going to go in jail. Maybe he thought he could pull it off because everybody is doing it. Youre absolutely right. Here is a Criminal Justice Crisis Taking Place in america as we speak we are seeing more and more brazenness on the part of criminality. These criminals are literally not facing any consequences and they know it. They know it. This is leading to what we are seeing today both across the Nation Atlanta here is a guy you know yanking out a massive Television Set and he literally thought that there wouldnt be any consequences to this. I want to point Something Else out charles. Heres this Officer Wrestling around with this suspect. You know, we often hear theres the suspect was unarmed, but theres always a firearm involved when a Police Officer is engaged in a physicalen confrontation like this. This year so far we have seen 226 Police Officers being shot. Thats insane. Last year 60,000 Police Officers physically assaulted in the line of duty. Thats georgia. Thats atlanta. In california its more brazen and you know, we havent seen too many tussles. You have stores firing employees if they intervene, people looking the other way. We are trying to recover from a lockdown. Who is going to shop for anything if thats what youre going to run into . The state of california and Governor Newsom is empowering the criminal element 100 percent and now theyre trying to pass a law that will actually not allow the store employees to even confront the suspects. And we are seeing this brazenness because they know there are no consequences. In fact just the opposite. The criminal element is being empowered by The State Legislature, who is passing these insane provisions that literally dont allow the police to police. The number of District Attorneys who are failing to prosecute, in fact are being elected on mother prosecuting but we are seeing changes and the naacp in oakland has come out with a really hard line here, when it comes down to criminality and theyre saying, youve abandoned us and we demand Law Enforcement and that the city protect us. Right, right. So in my role as the founder of the wounded blue the organization that helps disabled officers ive seen officers on a continual basis not just physically but psychologically and emotionally and what is part of leading to there is the band donment of The State Legislature of the governor who has never even lets throw in also the Attorney Generals who are looking the other way. We have got to leave it there. Thank you for your service. We will talk about this more im sure. Now to the pump where youre paying so much more as the president wants to us drill less. Fast. Reliable. Perfectly orchestrated. The United States postal service. My name is wendy, im 51 years old, and im a hospital administrator. When i talk to patients you can just see from here up when youre wearing a mask. And i have noticed those lines beginning to really become not so much moderate but more severe. Im still wendy and i got botox® cosmetic. 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Like a free 5g phone. Plus, switch, keep your number, and get up to 300 off. With verizon business. Its your business. Its your verizon. Age is just a number, and mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv limu emu doug what do we always say, son . Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Thats my boy. Now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh . Bye, uncle limu. Stay off the freeways only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. I want to stop all drilling on the east coast west coast and in the gulf but i lost in court. We are still pushing very hard. Stop all the drilling . What would that do to gas prices . Tim stewart is president of u. S. Oil and gas organization. We dont want President Biden to be the best gasoline salesman because its going to destroy american households. Most of the gas assets rest on federal lands. If we take the president at face value and end that production in the gulf and across the United States that results in a Million Barrels a Guy Shortfall and puts it right back to where we were a year ago so its an inconsistent and schizophrenic policy so welcome to our world. Tough to deal with every day. Cant raise money from wall street because of the esg movement and the amount of money and heres what i dont get. We are putting money into evs and whatever. Theres a limited supply of lithium or cobalt and all the things out there, so cant we have an elegant solution to make the transition to whatever it is . But this is one of our most successful industries. Why dont we exploit that for the benefit of americans and make a smart transition from what we are living with . I agree with you we are a two trillion dollar a year industry and youre right we need more of all the above. Interesting youre right we have short falls in Critical Minerals moving to transition but still powering 65 percent of the Electricity Grid by coal or natural gas so its not an elegant transition, i think theyre getting ahead of themselves but its an inconsistent policy somewhat unserious Energy Policy by unserious people. Wish we had more time. Thank you very much. Folks that will do it for today. Thank you very much for watching remember can you catch me every weekday on fox business making money. Inflation has been a big pocket and so has your portfolio. Ill do better for you tomorrow. Right now the five starts. Hello oil Jesse Watters and this is the five. Heartbreaking devastation in hawaii at least 36 lives lost after Hurricane Force winds whipped up wildfires that raged across the island reducing towns to rubble. One resident

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