Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

describes it this way. >> this isn't just a fire that moved through. there are 200 foot tall fire cyclones. the firestorm that came through and burned the entire harbor down to the waterline. we're still working on the process of recovering our loved ones. they say 36 people have passed away. everybody knows that number will be dramatically higher. >> harris: it's affecting members of our own family at fox as well. first person i will share with you will cain will join us later this hour. his mom is in hawaii right now. we'll have a crew as well reporting on the ground from maui and a report coming up in just a few minutes. keep watching for that. first right now virginia's governor glenn youngkin is hosting an event to empower parents stressing their right to speak up about what and how their children are learning. parents rights are a key issue in that state you know. it helped propel youngkin to the governor's mansion and now after another altercation at a school board meeting, the justice department wants to play referee of some sort. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." last month police in roanoke, virginia arrested two people when a discussion about transgender rights got out of hand. the d.o.j. got word of it and wants to offer what they are calling conflict resolution counseling. governor youngkin says that's just the d.o.j. overstepping its authority. this is not the first time the justice department has gotten involved in a virginia school issue. you may recall this is the video of loud on county school board meeting that targeted parents trying to speak out and advocate for their children. f.b.i. director christopher wray is still getting pressed on what happened there two years later. >> this committee's investigation concluded the justice department's own documents there was no justification for the attorney general's directive. any reason to dispute that conclusion? >> no. >> so we had an investigation of parents. we had a sweeping mobilization, a federal power against the most protected core first amendment activity, the right of citizens to speak and petition our government on the most important of issues, the education of their children. and you are telling me that the entire basis for that, there was no evidence to support it. >> harris: senior national correspondent rich edson is in fredricksburg, virginia now, rich. >> good morning, harris, governor youngkin scheduled to arrive in a short while. he will have a question and answer with parents in this firehouse. he made education a focus of his governorship. this is in a state where there have been contentious school board meetings across the state. the latest one of those down in roanoke, virginia. this happened at the end of last month. there were working on implementing some of the transgender school policies after a series of outburst, police arrested two people. the department of justice emailed board members. we're aware of ongoing community tensions following the release of the new model policies for transgender students. i would like to connect to see if we might be able to offer support andselvess as you work to manage conflict within the community related to this. chairman of the county school board he was surprised when it hit his in box. >> anything from the d.o.j. will raise your eyebrow a little bit. i think that we have things here in the state of virginia under control. we want to be respectful and come to the table and talk. unfortunately we can't do that when people are cussing and throwing insults. >> the governors office said after playing into the false narrative that loudon county parents, now they are trying to undermine governor youngkin's new initiative to insure parents are part of the conversation about their own child's identity in school. the justice department office that sent the email describes itself as america's peacemaker. not law enforcement but authorized over the last several decades to assist communities facing disputes over issues, over race, gender, religion, it must be invited to get involved. the school board chairman told us he doesn't anticipate the board is going to invite crs to help them mediate anything. >> harris: i can't imagine that invitation. let's check and see. appreciate the reporting getting us started, rich. thank you. tammy bruce, fox news contributor. nobody invited the d.o.j. >> yeah, they invite themselves. it is a storming into places. this is what's interesting here certainly youngkin's history of beating mccauliffe because of this issue. what americans saw and the d.o.j.'s action was politics are passionate. you are a parent and care about your child. that's the future for your family, community and country. americans, we might be quiet most of the time but we do get upity sometimes and you just ask the british. we get upset and we wait and get upset but the d.o.j., this is a troubling dynamic. they viewed parents getting active as some kind of a threat. that becomes the concern. >> harris: let's just pause right there. why is that? why are parents a threat? >> well, i think any american who is not quelled by not having enough money or out of fear they try to keep you afraid, the moment you step over and begin to cross that rubicon of getting active, it is not in our nature. we are busy raising our families and busy doing our jobs and trying to live our lives. the moment we take that extra step. it is a big step. to get involved politically then everything changes because the average american is, you know, center right. we have things in common regardless of your political parties when it comes to big government and being left alone. that's the american creed. the moment you stand up is the moment you are a threat. >> harris: as you are talking, i'm thinking about it this way. the minute we let someone, them, they, decide that they were going to wash away faith in schools, that was the beginning of us as parents losing our power. i really do believe that. i think if they would look at this from the ground, the lord gives you children or child to take care of, right? that's your single job to provide for that life. and if we all looked at it that way and we were steeped in the conscience of i am only responsible for 1 and 21 things would be different. i do believe it. >> that's an interesting kind of ground 0 of certain things. that is a value within the american household. so if you are at home and your parents are saying one thing and then it is contradicted by its absence at school with other authority figures there is a divide. now what do we have? we have teachers and school boards telling kids your parents are the problem. enough is enough of this. americans have had it. that's another reason why parents are a threat. parents make this country run. >> harris: we do. we have to figure out how to pay for the high food this president has given us. >> our children are first responders, go to war, they're doctors. that's the difference. >> harris: great state of virginia governor youngkin is right in it and stay with it. the president sticking to his script. another kurt denial when asked about his involvement with his son's foreign business dealings. >> there is this testimony now where one of your son's former business associates is claiming that you were on speakerphone a lot talking business. >> president biden: never talked business with anybody. i know you would have a lousy question. >> why is that a lousy question? >> president biden: because it's not true. >> house oversight committee this week released more biden family bank records and they appear to detail a $20 million cash web woven by hunter biden. chairman james comer on fox today. >> i wish the media would ask the president what exactly did your family do to receive this $21 million that the house oversight committee has proven? he just continues to say that's a lie. that's not true. we have their bank records. bank records don't lie. >> harris: "new york post" sums it up this way. joe for sale. i tell you, tammy, when i saw that on the front cover of the paper today i just -- come on. the allegations against him now even have nbc and others in legacy and liberal media talking about it. >> the interesting thing about our constitution, one of the things they do describe what it comes to impeachment is the issue of bribery. and this now is almost undeniable. there is a reason why it should be investigated so it can be pushed away if it's not true. we were talking about families. this is an example of the impact of children. the nature of what parents can do to their children. real love and real support of a child does not mean helping to facilitate behavior we've seen with hunter biden. the entire family gets involved in that dynamic. once again, it all comes down to family, the influence of a patriarch and the nature of what americans are willing to accept. if that's our leadership. is that our role modeling? that's an indication of problems not just politically but when it comes to the culture of our country. >> harris: so true. families in focus, one of the reasons why i wanted to talk to the families. it is not just the candidate you elect. we're seeing this play out in front of us. just one last quick one. what is your take on the president pushing back now? he is answering questions and i thought he was just going to be silent. >> this is always what he has done. first it was i have never talked to my son's business partners. >> harris: we have it all on tape now. >> then i never discussed business. that first thing was a lie. so how much of a lie is this? plus we've got multiple people saying that there was involvement whether it's the 20 phone calls or him being at a dinner they said he wasn't at. it becomes whack-a-mole when it comes to the truth of the matter. joe biden has gotten away with this for half a century, which is saying things that aren't true. certain issues of plagiarism. changing things what you would like them to be as opposed to what they really are. he is the president for a reason. the democratic party and establishment said you are in, you're next. why? perhaps because he really has an interest in everything staying the same because of the nature of what he has done for 50 years. >> harris: the inevitability it exists on the left side of the aisle. >> republicans are also up to it. it's the system. >> harris: they have a boss and the boss is the voters. thank you, ma'am. >> thank you. >> harris: those wildfires in hawaii have set of a desperate search for anybody who can survive this. dozens of people, 36 plus. we don't know a firm number yet. we know it is at least that many confirmed dead. the winds whipped and wiping out a major tourist center in maui. max gordon with the latest. plus the republican race for the white house is ramping up. with a focus on iowa now. >> people want to turn the page to the next generation of leader. someone with a fresh vision. they think iowa is wide open for that person to emerge. >> harris: polls put former president donald trump way ahead of the pack in iowa. what the others need to do to break through. political panel in "focus" next. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. 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about cosentyx. >> harris: breaking news. the disaster unfolding in paradise. flames and 70 mile-an-hour winds coming in from hurricane dora to fan those flames. now it's all sweeping across two hawaiian islands. at least 36 people have been confirmed dead and that number is expected to grow as the search for survivors is massive. thousands of locals and tourists are literally running for their lives. some of them jumping into the ocean to get away from the flames. a popular vacation town of maui has been decimated. busy streets turned into smoking piles of rubble. officials there say recovery will take years. as the full scope of the disaster is slowly coming into focus the coastline is nearly unrecognizable. >> we've lost so many connections to our hawaiian history, lahaina was the central kingdom of hawaii. the capital of the so many of the churches and structures that existed during that time are now all gone and we need to figure out a way to rebuild our community first before we can even open it up to other people. >> harris: that gave me chills. the history of a community, of a state. max gordon with fox weather is live in maui. that history being destroyed today, max. >> yes. this island paradise turned into a hell scape. so much loss, so much devastation on the island of maui. it is unclear why these fires started earlier on in the week but they were fanned by very strong winds up to 75 miles-an-hour in some instances and this island was a tinderbox. conditions were very, very dry. that combined to create a deadly combination, a devastating combination for so many. on the western side of the island. lahaina, tourists go there as a destination. vast history there. that town is demolished. many businesses and homes turned to ash, block after block. people having to run into the ocean to escape the flames. right now at least 36 people confirmed to be dead. many people picking up the pieces at this hour. take a listen to one man about what is left of his livelihood and his possessions. >> woke up this morning and got on our phones to pictures of our house. just down to the slab. nothing but smoke, cinders. we came with the clothes we got on and a dog and two kids. >> there has been a massive effort underway to get people off of the island of maui. around 11,000 people have been flown out already. hundreds more are waiting at the airport. shelters have opened on the island of maui as well as the convention center in honolulu. the message from officials if you have a vacation planned here on maui, don't come. back to you. >> harris: it is not just the history, it's the future of that great state. they need the tourism dollars. max gordon, thank you. this breaking news. virgin galactic makes history with the launch of its first mission for space tourists. a successful launch. the tourists inside giving the clear to unbuckle that safety seat belt as you head out into space. i might keep mine on but that's just me. the craft is about 50 miles above the earth's surface. the altitude amazing. the government considers it the edge of space they are going to. the flight is carrying three customers, an 80-year-old john goodwin. second person with parkinson's disease to go to space and an entrepreneur and her daughter. the first mom/daughter duo in space. this is going to be good. excited for them. fox business's kelly o'grady has more. i love space. >> me too, harris. such an exciting day here. we just saw the spacecraft actually detach from what they call the mother ship. so they are in space. we are getting images of them floating around, weightlessness and you were mentioning a number of firsts. also the first majority female flight with the crew and passengers. they're getting the atmosphere, not black ceiling. this will last 3 to 5 minutes and start their descent. what's unique about this flight is they are taking off and landing on the runway behind me just as you would on a normal airplane. not the vertical rocket launch. more palatable if you are a consumer going into space. the cost, john goodwin paid $250,018 years ago. i don't know if you heard that. that's what they call the sonic boom. that means we're reentering the atmosphere. we are on our descent back and land behind us. back to john. he waited 18 years for this moment and looks like he was having a wonderful time floating around there. definitely getting his reaction when he is back on the ground. >> harris: i love the hair. just to let you know, yeah, there is no gravity there. that's good stuff. they are coming home safely. we heard a little bit of what we thought was something. it was the sonic boom. kelly o'grady, you have a great front row seat. god bless those people coming back to earth. thank you. all right. several presidential candidates, gop hopefuls are in iowa today wanting to impress voters at the state fair. that's a fun one, by the way. the iowa caucuses five months away january 15th seen as a key step. ron desantis is coming off a campaign reset. polls showing, though, that he will have work to do on the ground in the hawkeye state. the former president donald trump up by more than 20 points. but look at that. it's tightening a little bit as more people take more percentages out of what we saw at the very top of the chart there. this is interesting. it is always good to watch democracy in progress. all right. meanwhile chris christie is taking his campaign to new hampshire today and taking shots at desantis. >> we feel like it's moving in our direction. our momentum is going the right way. governor desantis is going in the wrong direction. first job is to get past governor desantis in new hampshire. we've caught him and now need to pass him and we'll take on donald trump one-on-one. >> harris: desantis is bracing for attacks from the other presidential candidates at the first debate that is ten days away. especially if former president donald trump is a no show. desantis will have the highest percentage of anybody on stage of projected voters for president. he is reportedly prepping intensely for the big target that politically will be on his back. singleton is a host and former deputy chief of staff of hud and leslie marshall. i will start with you and what's ahead for governor desantis. >> i think this will be a significant litmus test in terms of the governor eva's ability to showcase strength. if the former president is not there, then all the candidates are indeed going to focus their ire on him as they should. whether he can defend multiple attacks would determine it with voters to stick with him or moving to the former president or someone else. if the former president is on that stage, i hope ran desantis does more than preparing once a week. it will take a whole lot more. >> harris: heavy is the head that wears the crown. without trump there he will be the focus and do you think the president will watch this and maybe take some notes and maybe do his own debate before -- during primary season? could it happen, rfk junior and joe biden? >> no, i don't think rfk junior and joe biden. if you think donald trump will watch and take notes or somebody else send him clips certainly. ron desantis will be front and center for this. he has two problems. he doesn't have a donald trump problem. he has a ron desantis problem. if you noticed him out with a lot of people unlike his wife who is very popular, he is not being very sociable. it is a popularity contest. he needs to be the most popular at the fair, debate stage. we are seeing that's not happening from the numbers. i hate to say this and i love to say i was right, but i hate to admit that chris christie is doing the right thing by attacking everybody who is not chris christie. you see his numbers rise. i think he is somebody we should watch and not discount as many did when he first threw his name in the ring. >> harris: likeability. this is a governor in florida who has likeability about his policies. i don't know if the plan is to take that out. he rolled out his economic message last week. is that critical? i live in new jersey. i remember chris christie, he was pretty caustic. cussing at people to get off the beach. i don't know. does he have likeability? what are your thoughts? >> chris christie has a huge likeability problem. most republican voters don't trust him. he is around 1.9%. as far as i'm concerned he isn't a significant candidate to worry about. as it pertains to a florida governor ron desantis, you are right, harris, many republican voters for the most part do like his policies. i have always articulated this. before voters will pay attention to your policies they want to know if they like you first. as leslie said it is about that likeability factor. i would compare it to going to a store and buying your favorite bar of soap or favorite toothpaste. you stick with it because you like the brand and get into the details later. candidates have to be likeability first. >> harris: put up the graphic back up for a second. the litmus test you mentioned. the polling, the fundraising and now the pledge of whether or not you would support any republican as this whole primary shakes out. did you notice that ron desantis has been added with vivek ramaswamy? i wonder how important it will be for beating democrats. they the end to come on board. you have two. you have vivek and governor desantis, ramaswamy and desantis pledging whoever shakes out to be, they will support that republican candidate for the white house. i just wanted people to catch that. thank you. families in "focus" here. we will role out a special series on those closest to the presidential candidates. my first sit-down is dr. ramaswamy. >> he just has this energy. i thought that guy seems interesting. i went up to him and actually to tell you the truth, harris, that conversation did not go very well. >> harris: no! . were you serious? >> harris: he actually ended up walking away from her. you have to watch it. she is a doctor, a mom, wife to entrepreneur, vivek ramaswamy who made big waves so far in the 2024 race. i will sit down with her next. i will sit down with her next. on a chromebook. which is why thousands of schools like the fairfield-suisun unified school district switched to google tools for education. so they can focus on teaching and 22,000 students can focus on learning, knowing that their data is secure. 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revaux frames from jamie foxx for only $89.95. book your exam today. >> harris: today starts the special series democracy 2024. families in focus. i'll sit down with spouses and close family members of the 2024 presidential candidates. bring you personal stories from those closest to the men and women looking to lead our nation. first up, apoorva ramaswamy. i spent a day with her as she was in new hampshire campaigning with her husband. >> i want to celebrate my family. apoorva will take questions from you all, too. >> harris: where did you grow up? >> i grew up all over. i was born in india. moved when i was four. i have lived on every coast of the united states. i've lived on the west coast, florida, great lakes in michigan, and then on the east coast in new york and connecticut. >> harris: where were you in michigan? >> in troy. >> harris: tell me about growing up what your aspirations were. >> when i was a kid growing up, i was pretty nerdy. loved science. and growing up i always thought i would want to be a scientist work in a lab. and i was in college when i had my first job there working in the waiting room of a hospital. that was my favorite job in all of college was just being there with people who were going through something very difficult. and meaningful in their lives and being able to help in some way. that's what really convinced me i should go into medicine and be one-on-one with people every day. in a lot of ways it isn't that different from politics and campaigning because we're out here hearing from people about what they are going through in their lives and seeing how we can help them. i'm a surgeon. i treat swallowing disorders. yesterday i did 11 surgeries. >> harris: she is an oto lair ingol gift at ohio state university but with voters at this hills borey republican party event in new hampshire. >> tell us why your husband would make a great president of the united states? >> what is your name? perry? thank you for the question. vivek and i recently had our eight-year anniversary and, you know, he has been saying some pretty ambitious things to me since we met. so right before we got married, he told me i think i want to start a company because pharmaceutical companies don't have our interests at heart. they make things too expensive. they take too long and don't make the drugs we need. i will start this company. i said how, that's a pretty big thing. are you sure that's what you want to do right now? he said yes. you know what? that company has now gotten five drugs approved. then while he was ceo of that company he told me like a month after we had our first baby he said apoorva, i don't like the role that politics is playing in how i do my job. it should be about business. i will write a book about it. you know what? i think it will be a best seller. i said this was back in 2020. no one knows what esg is. no one knows about stakeholder capitalism. i don't see it being a best seller but you write the book. >> it was a best seller within a week. now he told me a few months ago that apoorva. we are facing a crisis for our country, for the country our two sons will inherit. and i think we have to be the ones to step up and lead our country. no one is going to unify us and remind us of why this country is the best nation of the world. this time i learned my lesson. i said hey, tell me how i can help. >> harris: it's a full day out here. pastimes and politics and family. >> i will do the bubbles. a big bubbles. >> the ramaswamy met at a party in graduate school. he was studying law and she was studying medicine. >> he just has this energy. i went up to him and actually to tell you the truth, harris, that conversation did not go very well. the first thing i said to him was i just met another vivek. >> harris: were you serious? >> she wasn't kidding. vivek walked away. >> we saw each other later and this time we realized that we had so much in common. we have been together ever since. before we were engaged i told my mom i had met someone and i'm pretty sure he will change the world. i didn't now how exactly that was going to be. i think now it just makes sense now that he is doing what he is doing in a lot of ways. >> harris: married eight years with two children, 3-year-old and a baby who just turned one. >> this is our opportunity, though. our moment as a conservative movement to now level up. we've been pointing out the poison for a long time. we've been running from something. now is our moment to start running to something. we're running to what it actually means to be an american. >> we look to the president not just as the person who is sitting across from world leaders but really to be the role model in a lot of ways to our children, to our whole community. when i was a kid, we tried to -- it was bill clinton. we tried to look up to them and say this is a family of good people. we should look up to them. they have accomplished the american dream and they are here fighting for our values on the world stage. so it is important for them to care about the family. >> harris: what do you think now, you brought up clinton. let's talk about biden. >> look at his children, look at how they live their lives. with biden, it is hard because he doesn't represent anything. he is a nice old man who is kindly and a nice uncle. that's a lot of reason why people voted for him was because they wanted someone who just seemed like a good figurehead. so we have someone who looks like a nice uncle but he doesn't stand for anything. he does whatever other people tell him to do. we really need someone who has convictions of his own to really be in that role. >> harris: a wife, a mother, a surgeon. apoorva says this is the perfect time for america to get to know vivek ramaswamy and his family. >> nice to see you with him. >> harris: up next in the series i will spend time with the first lady of florida, casey desantis. and we have much more to come, too, as i travel around to gather the stories. you can catch the families in focus series right here at 11:00 a.m. eastern. our breaking news coverage of what is gripping the people of the great state of hawaii right now. wildfires changing the landscape wiping away historical sites and destroying neighborhoods and people and economy being decimated. will cain has a personal connection to all of the terror unfolding. will is with me next. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand for a better night sleep. so now, he wakes up feeling like himself. the reigning family room middle-weight champion. better days start with zzzquil nights. mlb chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin 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cotton joins me on this. we've even gotten warnings from the u.s. surgeon general about the loneliness of kids and how much time they're spending in isolation on their devices. >> homeland security investigation says a first of its kind effort called operation renewed hope has identified new perpetrators who abused children and exploited them online. as we found out the internet was a prime way to target children especially during covid lockdowns. >> the bad guy tries to talk like the kid. l.o.l. and all the fancy emojis. >> kids are being exploited online every day. numbers spiked during the pandemic. >> during covid, the numbers were crazy. they went through the roof because kids were doing nothing but stuck in their home. >> according to the national center for missing and exploited children between 2020 and 2022 reports of online enticement of children for sexual acts increased by 113 percent. >> when you send that first picture they have ammunition and it doesn't stop. >> briann was targeted online during middle school by someone she thought was a student. >> she would have me get on skype every night and perform on what was in the investigation was he was livestreaming me and ultimately trafficking me over the internet. >> for three years she stayed silent until her parents found out and went to police. now she warns of the dangers. >> i believe that if my parents knew what sort of app i was dealing with and if they knew how to navigate it, i believe they would have been able to detect it a lot sooner. >> she says her exploitation went on so long because the predator threatened to kill her family. they is speaking out about the dangers now. >> harris: that's quite a story. cb, thank you very much. we're now going to look at maui. the winds from hurricane dora have fueled the flames. at least 36 people are dead. those winds came in and the wildfires that were already burning were given more fuel. thousands of people have already been evacuated. will cain, co-host of "fox & friends" weekend and we hear your mother is on maui right now. will, catch us up. >> yeah, thank you, harris. my mom and her husband luke are still on the island of maui in west maui 2 or 3 miles from the footage we see. they are safe. i made contact with them last night. there is no power. cell service is completely spotty. but i'm happy to share they are safe and the project is to get them out of west maui. one road is open. the county officials and everyone is trying to evacuate people to the other side where there is an airport flying people out of maui, the devastation as you see on your screen is just all encompassing. i just got back two weeks ago. if i might, you know, i'm a texan but i have spent every summer of my life in maui. it is my second home and first let's talk about the human side of this for a moment. 36 people dead. i got a text from a friend who runs a business, a charter cat marchian business. sirens all night long. he is fearful the 36 number will be low. i grew up running around the streets of lahaina. i have a friend, a local guy, he is homeless. had his own hard times in life. substance abuse, mental health issues. i think about him today because we talk about what we can see on the screen but there is a big homeless population in west maui as well. i can't imagine how they would have fared through this devastation. friends told me it happened so incredibly fast with 80 mile-an-hour winds that no one had notice. there is a human side, harris, and then the other side of this, which i tweeted about, you are talking about not just a tourist destination. this is a town that has amazing story in american history. it has been around. it was the capital of the kingdom of hawaii in the 1800s and it became a center of the christian missionary community in hawaii where missionaries from the east coast would take voyages across the world to go preach gospel and the word of god and it is full of missions and churches that date back in the 1800s. that it is global whaling industry center, full of bars and restaurants. all of it dating back over a century and this beautiful town of lahaina. 12,000 people live there. beautiful front street. everybody who visited knows what i'm talking about it. all of it is gone. all of it. >> harris: it is unfathomable. i was there a year after i got married. a honeymoon part two. we met family from texas, my aunt and uncle from texas and it was breathtaking. there is a lot of history there. to think about what you are describing with the churches and mission. i hope there is a way to structurally restore it. >> i hope so. >> harris: we'll pray until your mom and her husband get out. for all the people in hawaii we're praying and thinking of you right now. 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describes it this way. >> this isn't just a fire that moved through. there are 200 foot tall fire cyclones. the firestorm that came through and burned the entire harbor down to the waterline. we're still working on the process of recovering our loved ones. they say 36 people have passed away. everybody knows that number will be dramatically higher. >> harris: it's affecting members of our own family at fox as well. first person i will share with you will cain will join us later this hour. his mom is in hawaii right now. we'll have a crew as well reporting on the ground from maui and a report coming up in just a few minutes. keep watching for that. first right now virginia's governor glenn youngkin is hosting an event to empower parents stressing their right to speak up about what and how their children are learning. parents rights are a key issue in that state you know. it helped propel youngkin to the governor's mansion and now after another altercation at a school board meeting, the justice department wants to play referee of some sort. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." last month police in roanoke, virginia arrested two people when a discussion about transgender rights got out of hand. the d.o.j. got word of it and wants to offer what they are calling conflict resolution counseling. governor youngkin says that's just the d.o.j. overstepping its authority. this is not the first time the justice department has gotten involved in a virginia school issue. you may recall this is the video of loud on county school board meeting that targeted parents trying to speak out and advocate for their children. f.b.i. director christopher wray is still getting pressed on what happened there two years later. >> this committee's investigation concluded the justice department's own documents there was no justification for the attorney general's directive. any reason to dispute that conclusion? >> no. >> so we had an investigation of parents. we had a sweeping mobilization, a federal power against the most protected core first amendment activity, the right of citizens to speak and petition our government on the most important of issues, the education of their children. and you are telling me that the entire basis for that, there was no evidence to support it. >> harris: senior national correspondent rich edson is in fredricksburg, virginia now, rich. >> good morning, harris, governor youngkin scheduled to arrive in a short while. he will have a question and answer with parents in this firehouse. he made education a focus of his governorship. this is in a state where there have been contentious school board meetings across the state. the latest one of those down in roanoke, virginia. this happened at the end of last month. there were working on implementing some of the transgender school policies after a series of outburst, police arrested two people. the department of justice emailed board members. we're aware of ongoing community tensions following the release of the new model policies for transgender students. i would like to connect to see if we might be able to offer support andselvess as you work to manage conflict within the community related to this. chairman of the county school board he was surprised when it hit his in box. >> anything from the d.o.j. will raise your eyebrow a little bit. i think that we have things here in the state of virginia under control. we want to be respectful and come to the table and talk. unfortunately we can't do that when people are cussing and throwing insults. >> the governors office said after playing into the false narrative that loudon county parents, now they are trying to undermine governor youngkin's new initiative to insure parents are part of the conversation about their own child's identity in school. the justice department office that sent the email describes itself as america's peacemaker. not law enforcement but authorized over the last several decades to assist communities facing disputes over issues, over race, gender, religion, it must be invited to get involved. the school board chairman told us he doesn't anticipate the board is going to invite crs to help them mediate anything. >> harris: i can't imagine that invitation. let's check and see. appreciate the reporting getting us started, rich. thank you. tammy bruce, fox news contributor. nobody invited the d.o.j. >> yeah, they invite themselves. it is a storming into places. this is what's interesting here certainly youngkin's history of beating mccauliffe because of this issue. what americans saw and the d.o.j.'s action was politics are passionate. you are a parent and care about your child. that's the future for your family, community and country. americans, we might be quiet most of the time but we do get upity sometimes and you just ask the british. we get upset and we wait and get upset but the d.o.j., this is a troubling dynamic. they viewed parents getting active as some kind of a threat. that becomes the concern. >> harris: let's just pause right there. why is that? why are parents a threat? >> well, i think any american who is not quelled by not having enough money or out of fear they try to keep you afraid, the moment you step over and begin to cross that rubicon of getting active, it is not in our nature. we are busy raising our families and busy doing our jobs and trying to live our lives. the moment we take that extra step. it is a big step. to get involved politically then everything changes because the average american is, you know, center right. we have things in common regardless of your political parties when it comes to big government and being left alone. that's the american creed. the moment you stand up is the moment you are a threat. >> harris: as you are talking, i'm thinking about it this way. the minute we let someone, them, they, decide that they were going to wash away faith in schools, that was the beginning of us as parents losing our power. i really do believe that. i think if they would look at this from the ground, the lord gives you children or child to take care of, right? that's your single job to provide for that life. and if we all looked at it that way and we were steeped in the conscience of i am only responsible for 1 and 21 things would be different. i do believe it. >> that's an interesting kind of ground 0 of certain things. that is a value within the american household. so if you are at home and your parents are saying one thing and then it is contradicted by its absence at school with other authority figures there is a divide. now what do we have? we have teachers and school boards telling kids your parents are the problem. enough is enough of this. americans have had it. that's another reason why parents are a threat. parents make this country run. >> harris: we do. we have to figure out how to pay for the high food this president has given us. >> our children are first responders, go to war, they're doctors. that's the difference. >> harris: great state of virginia governor youngkin is right in it and stay with it. the president sticking to his script. another kurt denial when asked about his involvement with his son's foreign business dealings. >> there is this testimony now where one of your son's former business associates is claiming that you were on speakerphone a lot talking business. >> president biden: never talked business with anybody. i know you would have a lousy question. >> why is that a lousy question? >> president biden: because it's not true. >> house oversight committee this week released more biden family bank records and they appear to detail a $20 million cash web woven by hunter biden. chairman james comer on fox today. >> i wish the media would ask the president what exactly did your family do to receive this $21 million that the house oversight committee has proven? he just continues to say that's a lie. that's not true. we have their bank records. bank records don't lie. >> harris: "new york post" sums it up this way. joe for sale. i tell you, tammy, when i saw that on the front cover of the paper today i just -- come on. the allegations against him now even have nbc and others in legacy and liberal media talking about it. >> the interesting thing about our constitution, one of the things they do describe what it comes to impeachment is the issue of bribery. and this now is almost undeniable. there is a reason why it should be investigated so it can be pushed away if it's not true. we were talking about families. this is an example of the impact of children. the nature of what parents can do to their children. real love and real support of a child does not mean helping to facilitate behavior we've seen with hunter biden. the entire family gets involved in that dynamic. once again, it all comes down to family, the influence of a patriarch and the nature of what americans are willing to accept. if that's our leadership. is that our role modeling? that's an indication of problems not just politically but when it comes to the culture of our country. >> harris: so true. families in focus, one of the reasons why i wanted to talk to the families. it is not just the candidate you elect. we're seeing this play out in front of us. just one last quick one. what is your take on the president pushing back now? he is answering questions and i thought he was just going to be silent. >> this is always what he has done. first it was i have never talked to my son's business partners. >> harris: we have it all on tape now. >> then i never discussed business. that first thing was a lie. so how much of a lie is this? plus we've got multiple people saying that there was involvement whether it's the 20 phone calls or him being at a dinner they said he wasn't at. it becomes whack-a-mole when it comes to the truth of the matter. joe biden has gotten away with this for half a century, which is saying things that aren't true. certain issues of plagiarism. changing things what you would like them to be as opposed to what they really are. he is the president for a reason. the democratic party and establishment said you are in, you're next. why? perhaps because he really has an interest in everything staying the same because of the nature of what he has done for 50 years. >> harris: the inevitability it exists on the left side of the aisle. >> republicans are also up to it. it's the system. >> harris: they have a boss and the boss is the voters. thank you, ma'am. >> thank you. >> harris: those wildfires in hawaii have set of a desperate search for anybody who can survive this. dozens of people, 36 plus. we don't know a firm number yet. we know it is at least that many confirmed dead. the winds whipped and wiping out a major tourist center in maui. max gordon with the latest. plus the republican race for the white house is ramping up. with a focus on iowa now. >> people want to turn the page to the next generation of leader. someone with a fresh vision. they think iowa is wide open for that person to emerge. >> harris: polls put former president donald trump way ahead of the pack in iowa. what the others need to do to break through. political panel in "focus" next. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. 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about cosentyx. >> harris: breaking news. the disaster unfolding in paradise. flames and 70 mile-an-hour winds coming in from hurricane dora to fan those flames. now it's all sweeping across two hawaiian islands. at least 36 people have been confirmed dead and that number is expected to grow as the search for survivors is massive. thousands of locals and tourists are literally running for their lives. some of them jumping into the ocean to get away from the flames. a popular vacation town of maui has been decimated. busy streets turned into smoking piles of rubble. officials there say recovery will take years. as the full scope of the disaster is slowly coming into focus the coastline is nearly unrecognizable. >> we've lost so many connections to our hawaiian history, lahaina was the central kingdom of hawaii. the capital of the so many of the churches and structures that existed during that time are now all gone and we need to figure out a way to rebuild our community first before we can even open it up to other people. >> harris: that gave me chills. the history of a community, of a state. max gordon with fox weather is live in maui. that history being destroyed today, max. >> yes. this island paradise turned into a hell scape. so much loss, so much devastation on the island of maui. it is unclear why these fires started earlier on in the week but they were fanned by very strong winds up to 75 miles-an-hour in some instances and this island was a tinderbox. conditions were very, very dry. that combined to create a deadly combination, a devastating combination for so many. on the western side of the island. lahaina, tourists go there as a destination. vast history there. that town is demolished. many businesses and homes turned to ash, block after block. people having to run into the ocean to escape the flames. right now at least 36 people confirmed to be dead. many people picking up the pieces at this hour. take a listen to one man about what is left of his livelihood and his possessions. >> woke up this morning and got on our phones to pictures of our house. just down to the slab. nothing but smoke, cinders. we came with the clothes we got on and a dog and two kids. >> there has been a massive effort underway to get people off of the island of maui. around 11,000 people have been flown out already. hundreds more are waiting at the airport. shelters have opened on the island of maui as well as the convention center in honolulu. the message from officials if you have a vacation planned here on maui, don't come. back to you. >> harris: it is not just the history, it's the future of that great state. they need the tourism dollars. max gordon, thank you. this breaking news. virgin galactic makes history with the launch of its first mission for space tourists. a successful launch. the tourists inside giving the clear to unbuckle that safety seat belt as you head out into space. i might keep mine on but that's just me. the craft is about 50 miles above the earth's surface. the altitude amazing. the government considers it the edge of space they are going to. the flight is carrying three customers, an 80-year-old john goodwin. second person with parkinson's disease to go to space and an entrepreneur and her daughter. the first mom/daughter duo in space. this is going to be good. excited for them. fox business's kelly o'grady has more. i love space. >> me too, harris. such an exciting day here. we just saw the spacecraft actually detach from what they call the mother ship. so they are in space. we are getting images of them floating around, weightlessness and you were mentioning a number of firsts. also the first majority female flight with the crew and passengers. they're getting the atmosphere, not black ceiling. this will last 3 to 5 minutes and start their descent. what's unique about this flight is they are taking off and landing on the runway behind me just as you would on a normal airplane. not the vertical rocket launch. more palatable if you are a consumer going into space. the cost, john goodwin paid $250,018 years ago. i don't know if you heard that. that's what they call the sonic boom. that means we're reentering the atmosphere. we are on our descent back and land behind us. back to john. he waited 18 years for this moment and looks like he was having a wonderful time floating around there. definitely getting his reaction when he is back on the ground. >> harris: i love the hair. just to let you know, yeah, there is no gravity there. that's good stuff. they are coming home safely. we heard a little bit of what we thought was something. it was the sonic boom. kelly o'grady, you have a great front row seat. god bless those people coming back to earth. thank you. all right. several presidential candidates, gop hopefuls are in iowa today wanting to impress voters at the state fair. that's a fun one, by the way. the iowa caucuses five months away january 15th seen as a key step. ron desantis is coming off a campaign reset. polls showing, though, that he will have work to do on the ground in the hawkeye state. the former president donald trump up by more than 20 points. but look at that. it's tightening a little bit as more people take more percentages out of what we saw at the very top of the chart there. this is interesting. it is always good to watch democracy in progress. all right. meanwhile chris christie is taking his campaign to new hampshire today and taking shots at desantis. >> we feel like it's moving in our direction. our momentum is going the right way. governor desantis is going in the wrong direction. first job is to get past governor desantis in new hampshire. we've caught him and now need to pass him and we'll take on donald trump one-on-one. >> harris: desantis is bracing for attacks from the other presidential candidates at the first debate that is ten days away. especially if former president donald trump is a no show. desantis will have the highest percentage of anybody on stage of projected voters for president. he is reportedly prepping intensely for the big target that politically will be on his back. singleton is a host and former deputy chief of staff of hud and leslie marshall. i will start with you and what's ahead for governor desantis. >> i think this will be a significant litmus test in terms of the governor eva's ability to showcase strength. if the former president is not there, then all the candidates are indeed going to focus their ire on him as they should. whether he can defend multiple attacks would determine it with voters to stick with him or moving to the former president or someone else. if the former president is on that stage, i hope ran desantis does more than preparing once a week. it will take a whole lot more. >> harris: heavy is the head that wears the crown. without trump there he will be the focus and do you think the president will watch this and maybe take some notes and maybe do his own debate before -- during primary season? could it happen, rfk junior and joe biden? >> no, i don't think rfk junior and joe biden. if you think donald trump will watch and take notes or somebody else send him clips certainly. ron desantis will be front and center for this. he has two problems. he doesn't have a donald trump problem. he has a ron desantis problem. if you noticed him out with a lot of people unlike his wife who is very popular, he is not being very sociable. it is a popularity contest. he needs to be the most popular at the fair, debate stage. we are seeing that's not happening from the numbers. i hate to say this and i love to say i was right, but i hate to admit that chris christie is doing the right thing by attacking everybody who is not chris christie. you see his numbers rise. i think he is somebody we should watch and not discount as many did when he first threw his name in the ring. >> harris: likeability. this is a governor in florida who has likeability about his policies. i don't know if the plan is to take that out. he rolled out his economic message last week. is that critical? i live in new jersey. i remember chris christie, he was pretty caustic. cussing at people to get off the beach. i don't know. does he have likeability? what are your thoughts? >> chris christie has a huge likeability problem. most republican voters don't trust him. he is around 1.9%. as far as i'm concerned he isn't a significant candidate to worry about. as it pertains to a florida governor ron desantis, you are right, harris, many republican voters for the most part do like his policies. i have always articulated this. before voters will pay attention to your policies they want to know if they like you first. as leslie said it is about that likeability factor. i would compare it to going to a store and buying your favorite bar of soap or favorite toothpaste. you stick with it because you like the brand and get into the details later. candidates have to be likeability first. >> harris: put up the graphic back up for a second. the litmus test you mentioned. the polling, the fundraising and now the pledge of whether or not you would support any republican as this whole primary shakes out. did you notice that ron desantis has been added with vivek ramaswamy? i wonder how important it will be for beating democrats. they the end to come on board. you have two. you have vivek and governor desantis, ramaswamy and desantis pledging whoever shakes out to be, they will support that republican candidate for the white house. i just wanted people to catch that. thank you. families in "focus" here. we will role out a special series on those closest to the presidential candidates. my first sit-down is dr. ramaswamy. >> he just has this energy. i thought that guy seems interesting. i went up to him and actually to tell you the truth, harris, that conversation did not go very well. >> harris: no! . were you serious? >> harris: he actually ended up walking away from her. you have to watch it. she is a doctor, a mom, wife to entrepreneur, vivek ramaswamy who made big waves so far in the 2024 race. i will sit down with her next. i will sit down with her next. on a chromebook. which is why thousands of schools like the fairfield-suisun unified school district switched to google tools for education. so they can focus on teaching and 22,000 students can focus on learning, knowing that their data is secure. 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revaux frames from jamie foxx for only $89.95. book your exam today. >> harris: today starts the special series democracy 2024. families in focus. i'll sit down with spouses and close family members of the 2024 presidential candidates. bring you personal stories from those closest to the men and women looking to lead our nation. first up, apoorva ramaswamy. i spent a day with her as she was in new hampshire campaigning with her husband. >> i want to celebrate my family. apoorva will take questions from you all, too. >> harris: where did you grow up? >> i grew up all over. i was born in india. moved when i was four. i have lived on every coast of the united states. i've lived on the west coast, florida, great lakes in michigan, and then on the east coast in new york and connecticut. >> harris: where were you in michigan? >> in troy. >> harris: tell me about growing up what your aspirations were. >> when i was a kid growing up, i was pretty nerdy. loved science. and growing up i always thought i would want to be a scientist work in a lab. and i was in college when i had my first job there working in the waiting room of a hospital. that was my favorite job in all of college was just being there with people who were going through something very difficult. and meaningful in their lives and being able to help in some way. that's what really convinced me i should go into medicine and be one-on-one with people every day. in a lot of ways it isn't that different from politics and campaigning because we're out here hearing from people about what they are going through in their lives and seeing how we can help them. i'm a surgeon. i treat swallowing disorders. yesterday i did 11 surgeries. >> harris: she is an oto lair ingol gift at ohio state university but with voters at this hills borey republican party event in new hampshire. >> tell us why your husband would make a great president of the united states? >> what is your name? perry? thank you for the question. vivek and i recently had our eight-year anniversary and, you know, he has been saying some pretty ambitious things to me since we met. so right before we got married, he told me i think i want to start a company because pharmaceutical companies don't have our interests at heart. they make things too expensive. they take too long and don't make the drugs we need. i will start this company. i said how, that's a pretty big thing. are you sure that's what you want to do right now? he said yes. you know what? that company has now gotten five drugs approved. then while he was ceo of that company he told me like a month after we had our first baby he said apoorva, i don't like the role that politics is playing in how i do my job. it should be about business. i will write a book about it. you know what? i think it will be a best seller. i said this was back in 2020. no one knows what esg is. no one knows about stakeholder capitalism. i don't see it being a best seller but you write the book. >> it was a best seller within a week. now he told me a few months ago that apoorva. we are facing a crisis for our country, for the country our two sons will inherit. and i think we have to be the ones to step up and lead our country. no one is going to unify us and remind us of why this country is the best nation of the world. this time i learned my lesson. i said hey, tell me how i can help. >> harris: it's a full day out here. pastimes and politics and family. >> i will do the bubbles. a big bubbles. >> the ramaswamy met at a party in graduate school. he was studying law and she was studying medicine. >> he just has this energy. i went up to him and actually to tell you the truth, harris, that conversation did not go very well. the first thing i said to him was i just met another vivek. >> harris: were you serious? >> she wasn't kidding. vivek walked away. >> we saw each other later and this time we realized that we had so much in common. we have been together ever since. before we were engaged i told my mom i had met someone and i'm pretty sure he will change the world. i didn't now how exactly that was going to be. i think now it just makes sense now that he is doing what he is doing in a lot of ways. >> harris: married eight years with two children, 3-year-old and a baby who just turned one. >> this is our opportunity, though. our moment as a conservative movement to now level up. we've been pointing out the poison for a long time. we've been running from something. now is our moment to start running to something. we're running to what it actually means to be an american. >> we look to the president not just as the person who is sitting across from world leaders but really to be the role model in a lot of ways to our children, to our whole community. when i was a kid, we tried to -- it was bill clinton. we tried to look up to them and say this is a family of good people. we should look up to them. they have accomplished the american dream and they are here fighting for our values on the world stage. so it is important for them to care about the family. >> harris: what do you think now, you brought up clinton. let's talk about biden. >> look at his children, look at how they live their lives. with biden, it is hard because he doesn't represent anything. he is a nice old man who is kindly and a nice uncle. that's a lot of reason why people voted for him was because they wanted someone who just seemed like a good figurehead. so we have someone who looks like a nice uncle but he doesn't stand for anything. he does whatever other people tell him to do. we really need someone who has convictions of his own to really be in that role. >> harris: a wife, a mother, a surgeon. apoorva says this is the perfect time for america to get to know vivek ramaswamy and his family. >> nice to see you with him. >> harris: up next in the series i will spend time with the first lady of florida, casey desantis. and we have much more to come, too, as i travel around to gather the stories. you can catch the families in focus series right here at 11:00 a.m. eastern. our breaking news coverage of what is gripping the people of the great state of hawaii right now. wildfires changing the landscape wiping away historical sites and destroying neighborhoods and people and economy being decimated. will cain has a personal connection to all of the terror unfolding. will is with me next. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand for a better night sleep. so now, he wakes up feeling like himself. the reigning family room middle-weight champion. better days start with zzzquil nights. mlb chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin 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cotton joins me on this. we've even gotten warnings from the u.s. surgeon general about the loneliness of kids and how much time they're spending in isolation on their devices. >> homeland security investigation says a first of its kind effort called operation renewed hope has identified new perpetrators who abused children and exploited them online. as we found out the internet was a prime way to target children especially during covid lockdowns. >> the bad guy tries to talk like the kid. l.o.l. and all the fancy emojis. >> kids are being exploited online every day. numbers spiked during the pandemic. >> during covid, the numbers were crazy. they went through the roof because kids were doing nothing but stuck in their home. >> according to the national center for missing and exploited children between 2020 and 2022 reports of online enticement of children for sexual acts increased by 113 percent. >> when you send that first picture they have ammunition and it doesn't stop. >> briann was targeted online during middle school by someone she thought was a student. >> she would have me get on skype every night and perform on what was in the investigation was he was livestreaming me and ultimately trafficking me over the internet. >> for three years she stayed silent until her parents found out and went to police. now she warns of the dangers. >> i believe that if my parents knew what sort of app i was dealing with and if they knew how to navigate it, i believe they would have been able to detect it a lot sooner. >> she says her exploitation went on so long because the predator threatened to kill her family. they is speaking out about the dangers now. >> harris: that's quite a story. cb, thank you very much. we're now going to look at maui. the winds from hurricane dora have fueled the flames. at least 36 people are dead. those winds came in and the wildfires that were already burning were given more fuel. thousands of people have already been evacuated. will cain, co-host of "fox & friends" weekend and we hear your mother is on maui right now. will, catch us up. >> yeah, thank you, harris. my mom and her husband luke are still on the island of maui in west maui 2 or 3 miles from the footage we see. they are safe. i made contact with them last night. there is no power. cell service is completely spotty. but i'm happy to share they are safe and the project is to get them out of west maui. one road is open. the county officials and everyone is trying to evacuate people to the other side where there is an airport flying people out of maui, the devastation as you see on your screen is just all encompassing. i just got back two weeks ago. if i might, you know, i'm a texan but i have spent every summer of my life in maui. it is my second home and first let's talk about the human side of this for a moment. 36 people dead. i got a text from a friend who runs a business, a charter cat marchian business. sirens all night long. he is fearful the 36 number will be low. i grew up running around the streets of lahaina. i have a friend, a local guy, he is homeless. had his own hard times in life. substance abuse, mental health issues. i think about him today because we talk about what we can see on the screen but there is a big homeless population in west maui as well. i can't imagine how they would have fared through this devastation. friends told me it happened so incredibly fast with 80 mile-an-hour winds that no one had notice. there is a human side, harris, and then the other side of this, which i tweeted about, you are talking about not just a tourist destination. this is a town that has amazing story in american history. it has been around. it was the capital of the kingdom of hawaii in the 1800s and it became a center of the christian missionary community in hawaii where missionaries from the east coast would take voyages across the world to go preach gospel and the word of god and it is full of missions and churches that date back in the 1800s. that it is global whaling industry center, full of bars and restaurants. all of it dating back over a century and this beautiful town of lahaina. 12,000 people live there. beautiful front street. everybody who visited knows what i'm talking about it. all of it is gone. all of it. >> harris: it is unfathomable. i was there a year after i got married. a honeymoon part two. we met family from texas, my aunt and uncle from texas and it was breathtaking. there is a lot of history there. to think about what you are describing with the churches and mission. i hope there is a way to structurally restore it. >> i hope so. >> harris: we'll pray until your mom and her husband get out. for all the people in hawaii we're praying and thinking of you right now. 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, Florida , Name , The Ring , Policies , Cussing , Plan , Beach , New Jersey , Likeability Problem , Thoughts , I Don T Know , Don T Trust Him , He Isn T A Significant , 1 9 , Attention , Store , Factor , Toothpaste , Soap , Brand , Bar , Back Up , Polling , Details , Graphic , Second , Pledge , Whether , Fundraising , Likeability First , Vivek Ramaswamy , Shakes , Dr , Sit Down , Guy , Energy , Next , Made Big Waves , 2024 , Data , Tools , Teaching , Chromebook , Fairfield Suisun Unified School District , 22000 , Everyone , Nutrition , Heart Health , Muscle , Support Immune , Minerals , Vitamins , Nutrients , Bone , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , 25 , Protein , 30 , Refund , Tax Refund , Rosie , Patio , Help , Innovation , Erc , Emily Compagno , Marshall , Innovation Refunds , Facelift , Practice , Wax Museum , Pressure , Rejuvenated , Grid , Heat , Purple Mattress , Stop Waiting , Brows , Exclusive Gelflex , Sleep Better , Mattress , Visit Purple Com , Celebrity Sale , Pairs , Spectacle , Jamie 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