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Republicans should have one simple message, no Border Security, no funding. Congressman chip roy blocking funding for department of Homeland Security unless President Biden meets his demand. Fors force to be reckoned with. Being deployed to patrol the ohio sidewalks. Steve Wildfire Alert and a story weve been tracking all morning and all day yesterday. Devastation on the island of maui. It has taken lives and tourists scrambling to safety. Ainsley smoulderring after hurricaneforced winds whipped across the illegal aliens. Brian max is on the ground this morning. It was a pretty alarming view coming into maui, you can see fires burning luckily as the hours have passed, Fire Conditions have calmed down and the winds die down. Firefighters are keeping a look out making sure it doesnt grow out of control. Folks dont know why the fires started, officials are investigating. When they did start on tuesday, this island was ripe for fire, things were dry and humidity was low and hurricane dora, spinning south, whipped up winds. We had winds in 70 to 80 mile per hour range. Firefighters had difficulty getting the flames, they not coo make bucket drops from helicopters. The town of lahaina has burned to the ground, unrecognizable at this time, block after block of homes and businesses burnt to cinders. Some people escaped the flames by jumping into the ocean. The Lieutenant Governor says it will take a long time for folks to get back on their feet. The road to recovery will be long, the damage to the infrastructure is not just buildings, these were Small Businesses that invested in maui, local residents and we need to figure out a way to help a lot of people in the next several years and to build structures a massive effort underway to get people off the island. Around 11,000 have been flown out of maui. The message to tourists is stay away from the island. 2000 residents had to be evacuated, many do not have homes to go back to. Steve as they evacuates, are they flying nem to another island or back to mainland usa . A lot of people made their own plans, there is a shelter on the island of owahu. Some have booked other hotels and other hotel chains on other islands are here to explore. Steve just after 2 a. M. There in hawaii. Ainsley lets talk to someone who lives there and escaped, clint hanson is a local Real Estate Broker and barely escaped the fires yesterday. How did you get out and where did you go, clint . Im fortunate to live on maui close to 40 years. I was in lahaina for work for real estate. I was doing a check list talking to my client. I said, you need to be prepared, you will not have power for another 24 hours, hit the grocery store, im getting out of here. I missed the fire by half an hour. In you can taking to friends and family out there, it is of course complete devastation, as you can see by all pictures. This is not just a fire that moved through, there are 200foot high fire cyclones, a fire storm burnt the entire harbor down to the water line. We are still working on the process of recovering our loved ones, they say it is 36 people passed away, Everybody Knows the number is dramatically higher. We want to get out there and look. There are people standing by with chain saws, water and we want to get out to the people. Understandably, they are preventing that, there is no infrastructure in place. We stand by, we are seeing stories come in. It is not just lahaina hit by the fire, there has been three distinct major fires and two of them merged into one large fire. It spread to the up country. Initially the fire that was in west maui was under control and then of course upcountry dealing with mass evacuations, a lot of resources were spread thin and it happened in lahaina and we were caught off guard. My friend survived, but he was on the phone asking his mom to please take care of his daughter. He survived, but he lost everything. Steve maui, number one thing is tourism, with lahaina gone, that will impact the people who live there. We have been showing drone video. They had hurricane wind. Lahaina is the town if anybody had their kids take surf school in maui, that is where it happened. That town is gone, you say. That is where the Little Harbor was. Have you heard stories of people seeing the fires coming, jumping on a boat and going out into the pacific to let it blow over . Yeah, i grew up with the owners of trilogy and they lost multiple boats. Kelly brice owns a boat company and he rescued 50 people. Other boats coming in on the radio, we have kids we are trying to reunite with the families. He saw bodies in the water and on the break wall. It is just really apocalyptic is the word weve been hearing over and over again. Its like hell out there. Brian how would you rate the communication, you seem all over this. What were you using as resources, you have a Short Wave Radio issue the news . How did you know all of this . A lot is connecting to people, family and friends, people that have gone out there. My friend jumped on a moped and he went out and went through the Police Checkpoint to get out and rescue his family. A lot of stories are people we know and that were Live Streaming and trying to get to their families. Once you get to lahaina, it was a dead zone. Now we are getting some feedback and reconnecting with our family. Ive been scowering the shelter list trying to see who is accounted for. At least a dozen friends i havent heard from in 48 hours and were trying to connect. Ainsley are most people getting in their cars or trying to find flights, getting on boats . You know, most of them that i know that weve been able to reconnect is staying with family and friends on the island. Governor josh green declared a State Of Emergency for housing over a month ago. We have almost 10,000 homes on the island and with this fire it exasbaited the issue. We need to work on Emergency Shelters and any extra beds weve got, people saying, come stay at my house and maui is coming together the best way it can. Were trying to get out there and help and search for our loved ones. It is looking like total devastation in lahaina town and that is really the residential hub of the island. Not like a lot of hotels out there. Naalahu has been burnt to the ground. The Hotel Districts are mostly untouched, but really residents are in dire need right now for a place to live and that is what were working on. Steve clint, i dont know if you know the answer to this, people are thinking about how to help. People can donate to maui united way, maui food bank, red cross, any charity or something you can tell us . I wouldnt necessarily recommend red cross, they are fabulous, but maui my three favorite are maui united way, food bank and friends of childrens justice center, if you want to help mauis children, reach out to friends of the childrens justice center, maui united way, call 211 for resources and they will connect you to get you home. Ainsley are they saying what started this . There is conjecture, there was a fire they were able to get under control, they think it might have start back up, talk about maybe power lines or homeless trying to cook food, a lot of stories, no facts at this point. Steve clint, you have been our eyes ander00s, you were good at describing the situation. Stay safe and good luck on your search for friends. Ainsley thank you so much. Brian 12 after the hour, we change gears. President biden giving First Response to testimony from Hunter Bidens former Business Partner devon archer. Steve House Republicans release bank records that appear to show big money pay outs. Ainsley Mark Meridith has the latest. Mark. Good morning. President biden does not take rep reporter the president had just wrapped up an event for bidenomics speech talking about the economy and the president permitted peter to jump over a barricade and get a question in. Peter asking latest testimony from a former business associate whos Vice President joe biden spoke frequently with hunter biden Business Associates, contradiction from past claims. There is testimony where one of your sons former Business Associates claiming you were on speaker phone talking business. I never talked business, i knew you would have a lousy question. Why is that a lousy question . Because it is not true. Thank you, mr. President. Peter, with polite ending. House republicans investigate how hunter biden made his money from around the world. There is a text message which read i hope you can do what i did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years, it is really hard, dont worry, unlike pop, i wont make you give me half your salary. Releasing additional banking records, shows from oligarchs in russia and ukraine. Democrats serving alongside comer insist this is not a bomb shell development. Raskin writing Committee Republicans have released information on Financial Transactions and rehash same Business Dealings identified three years ago. You have democrats insisting there is not much to see here, this goes back to the questions swirling around washington for the last several years and they have nothing on the president. Republicans insisting there is more to look at here and we hear that talk about possible impeachment inquiry within the next few weeks, back to you. Brian is there a major piece of machinery not in use, mark, behind you . Steve is that a chipper . It is Pipe Cleaning, quality Pipe Cleaning at the white house. The president is in utah, he is not here. Steve the plumbers have returned to the white house . The white house plumbers are here, i hope for different circumstances. I do the best i can. Brian you did great. Ainsley there is noise everyday. Brian i dont know if this happened to you, did you get trained this way . Tiger woods dad used to throw the clubs and make noises and he got used to noises, did your family do that to you . Did they try to distract you . I did. I was its so embarrassing, set up a desk and do the news, it was one of those things and my folks are watching now, thanks mom and dad. Steve grill cheese is ready. Mark, when your parents were peppering you with questions would they say what the guy in the house behind you said to your colleague yesterday . Son, that was a lousy question. I thought peter brought up a good point in the 7 a. M. Hour. He was thankful the president waved him over. It was tv gold because of Extra Effort Peter went to go get that question answered. The question has been out there and the president didnt give a huge response. Peter stayed until the end and he made it clear he was respectful and made sure the president gave permission, you cant fault him for that. Job well done. Brian you are going to get hit by a tractor, if we wait longer. Steve one more thing, what was extraordinary, peter was waved over by the president and the Secret Service had a challenging day, one fellow was taken out the fbi. That was the case in utah, provo issue the fbi investigating a man who made multiple threats again President Biden and i believe the da in new york, alvin bragg and the fbi says there is an investigation. We will update later on. Brian shot dead right there. Thanks, mark. Look at 142,000 car that hunter biden got and the Oligarch Writing A Check to his Beet Rowsmont and moscow senators wife issue not one deal takes place without joe biden calling in or showing up for dinner. I am sure he had nothing to do with it, or the foursome of devon archer. S suspend logic to think so. Coming up no Border Security or government funding. What is it . That is what congress sdlt man chip roy is saying, hell explain more next. Steve could a fourday school week be coming to a district near you, it is for 800 districts nationwide. Student test scores hit record lows, talk to an expert coming up on fox and friends. Let Innovation Refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. Rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. Clink dr. Marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. Emily used part of her refund to buy. I run a wax museum. 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Comfort has free hot breakfast for the whole fam they have waffles and splendid pools cannonball trying vapes to quit smoking might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes vapes Increase Cravings trapping you in an endless craving loop. Nicorette reduces cravings until theyre gone for good. Brian New York City and massachusetts declaring State Of Emergency over the growing Migrant Crisis. Steve leaders there are calling out for help. Ainsley madison has the latest from new york. Good morning. Over the last two days, the city made effort to clean up and speedup the Migrant Processing Center at roosevelt hotel. We are dealing with awe fluid situation. Migrants,a arriving almost daily, we expect a line to form. All this overflow prompted mayor eric adams to ask for a federal State Of Emergency and massachusetts to declare one. Leadership pleading for help as the tab runs up. We dont get the support we need. New yorkers could be left for 12 billion bill. That 12 billion bill is cost for three fiscal years at current rate Migrant Crisis cost New York City 383 per family seeking shelter and services everyday. The cities it is a price tag of 9. 8 million each and everyday. That cry directed at the federal government we are learning mayor eric adams will meet with tom perez, one of bidens top aides. Protesters are outside a hospital in queens that is set to be a tent city for migrants. This whole thing will snowball because the schools are going to open in two weeks. We are totally unprepared to handle that. Behind us is park, ymca there, Charter School behind us. This is outrageous, they put in a nonamerican before american. As bluest of blue states complain issue Border States say this is what weve been dealing with for years. The situation on the ground, hundreds arriving. Tent city at that hospital in queens, Randall Island converting a soccer field into a 2000person shelter. Residents are frustrated with that. Ainsley what does that mean for kids who play soccer out there. Great question. Met a coach that showed up to practice on the field and he didnt know what he would do. New york not a space with a lot of green space. Hes each field is thousands of kids, essentially taking four offline, impacting 4000 students that need green space for Mental Health, running around. Brian nyu, a lot of college teams. Ainsley everyone i know that has a child in sports goes to the island to play. Brian what about using a parking lot like last time and mayor eric adams says it wasnt my decision. Ainsley they were set up in Aoc A Neighborhood and steve fund the governments by end of september and congressman chip roy is urging congress to withhold funding until the border crisis is addressed. Ainsley Congressman Roy joins us now. Good morning. So what is the response . The report that you guys were doing, where was the mayor of new york or leaders when texas was taking it on the chin and wasnt until Governor Abbott and desantis sent folks, they started to understand what were dealing with. This is about the human toll. I assume you have seen sound of freedom, right . You watched that. There are reallife stories of that. My friend, a federal judge in fort worth had to up the Guideline Punishment because he saw herror of a man who we are allowing this to happen in the most powerful country in the world. I would ask every republican colleague, is it not enough to stand up for that one little girl, go tell the president no, you will not get tax dollar to fund Homeland Security. That is what were saying, a dozen colleagues are saying to our colleagues on the hill, you are not going to get support for continuing resolution for any funding for dhs, if you dont address the border. Pass and sign hr2 into law, secure the border, fund texas back for the 10,000 we have had to spend. Governor abbott, dps, they are on the border. Yesterday Texas Rangers stopped a sex offender who got through and they stopped him. Not that Border Patrol doesnt want to stop them, they are overrun. We are saying enough is enough. Brian i hear you, 84,000 kids we dont know where they are, lost, sponsors invisible. I think democrats might be willing to join you, have you thought about talking to people on the other side . This is affecting democratic cities and states, have you thought about reaching out to see if anyone feels like you do . Absolutely. This is a Dear Colleague letter to the entire house, democrat and republican to make sure where the republican and texas delegation stand. I had a great conversation with bowman. You saw the clip that went around with him, saying this is embarrassment what is happening with the biden administration. The American People need to understand this. Sitting with your bagel and coffee, doing your thing, stop, we have another mom in texas who lost a kid from fentanyl. A little girl getting sold in sex trafficking trade. Congress should use the power of the purse to say to administration, you dont get to do this anymore. When people say that is radical, that is what the founder gave the tool to use. Dont fund the government. Brian 100 right. Steve thank you for joining us from austin. Brian keep it up, he is a strong spokesperson for that. Still ahead, cashed out, americans are dipping intoive saings to make ends meet. Dave ramsey knows all about it and will join us next. Thats my boy. Now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh . Bye, uncle limu. Stay off the freeways only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. My Mental Health was much better, but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. 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Pressure gradient was so strong, it set things up. Very dry across maui and the rain deficit and wind and wildfire burning across the island, it was devastation. Could see potential for gusty winds, 20 to 30 miles per day. Things will improve. Hurricane dora, category 3 storm, moving away and will not affect land. This was indirect impact from the hurricane. It doesnt take landfall to cause so much destruction. This is one of the worst catastrophic events for the island of hawaii. Midatlantic region, strong storms and heat remains a huge story across the south. Foxweather. Com for information. Ainsley before and after pictures, all green and now black and charred and gray. Heartbreak. Prayers. Ainsley thank you, americans are making hardship withdrawals out of their 401 k s. 15,000 made withdrawals between january and march of this year, up 15 from Second Quarter of 2022. Many are planning to Start Student loan payments in october. Host of the dave ramsey show, dave ramsey himself. Hi, dave. You helped me get out of debt. I listen to your show and 10 years ago, i was in massive debt and you told me to start with credit card that was smallest and i slowly got out of debt. I remember the day. A lot of people are experiencing that. What tips do you have . My daddy used to say 90 of solving a problem is knowing there is one. Be problem aware. October is coming. Student loans have to be paid. Im sorry, it is hard, you have to face this. Okay. Running over and facing the biden Inflation Problems and grocery bill, your gas bill everything gone up. Im sorry. You have got to face this. Children do what feels good. Adults device a plan and follow it. You cant run over and cash out your 401 k . We have Credit Card Debt for the first time ever. Over 1 trillion last month, 1. 78 trillion with 40 Million People with student loan debt. People are saying, i am going to continue to spend like i always have, my life has changed. If you dont face it, you will make it worse. Dont push the amazon prime button like a monkey on crack, it is a problem. Ainsley what about debt . We need to pay off debt. Exactly. Look at what is going on in your detailed budget. All right, list out student loans, they are coming at me, october is coming. We cant run up credit card and cash out our 401 k to cover this. Get on plan, list debt smallest to largest and attack them in that order. Become problem aware, make the Lifestyle Adjustment is the only way out. The calvary is not coming. Face it yourself. Only way it works. Ainsley cut netflix and morning coffee, be intentional and spend less than you make. Pretty easy. It is hard sometimes. You have a live stream event on september 12. Where can we get information . Go into detail on september 12, rachel cruz. Go to ramsey solutions. Com, at the top, there is a banner, register for the free live stream. We would love to help you and we have the answers. Ainsley it is freedom. You feel free. Thank you so much, dave. Thanks for joining us. Ainsley still ahead, battle plan for 2024, largest gop super pack told donors path to victory lies in blue states, well break it down for you. Inspiring music start your day with nature made. The 1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. I need it cool at night. You trying to ice me out of the bed . Baby, only on game nights. You know you are retired right . Am i . Ya save 50 on the sleep Number Limited Edition smart bed. Plus, 36 month financing on select smart beds. Shop now only at sleep number. So many people are overweight now and asking themselves, why cant i lose weight . For most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they dont even know they have it. Conventional starvation diets dont address insulin resistance. Thats why they dont work. Now theres golo. Golo helps with insulin resistance, getting rid of sugar cravings, helps Control Stress and Emotional Eating and losing weight. Go to golo. Com and see how golo can change your life. Thats golo. Com. Only at vanguard, youre more than just an investor, youre an owner. Our Financial Planning tools and advice can help you prepare for todays longer retirement. Hi mom. Thats the value of ownership. Brian welcome back, everyone. Gop hoping to keep the house and expand their distance. It is happening now, they have a battle plan. Here is a quick look at what theyll fo can cus on. They believe the open seats, Balance Of Power on the house would be elizabeth slotkin. Abigail spamburger might be running for governor, could she be vulnerable . They hope so. Move ahead and think about the seats trump won and democrats were successful in house seats. Sarah palin was trounsed and kent lost by percentage points. Hes a veteran, will he flip that seat back . They hope so. Trump won by three in ohio, very popular in ohio, with this type of distance can majowski close in ohio. A lot is about abortion. This is the atrisk seats they were fortunate to win. In oregon, tom keane, republican won in new jersey, can he hold on to it . Mike lawler, who has been on, been effective, won by percentage pointings and jones in brandnew district, will he prevail again . Talk strategy with guy with a lot of power and assembled momentum. Here is the president of Congressional Leadership Fund dan constant. Good to see you. There are tight races, one major topic hangs over all of it and that is abortion. Have republicans been effective understanding how to message abortion . I think there is no Question Abortion is a motivating factor for base democrats, where it is on the ballot, blue states, where it was settled law, next to no impact and republicans have succeeded where they have been able to talk about why they believe what they believe in humane and caring and compassionate way. We think that it is an issue but there are so many profound issues that the country cared about, particularly with the balance of the house plays out in blue states. Brian when you talk to people, where are you looking for candidate . What should they stand for . I think you look at the way that Speaker Mccarthy and the House Majority has governed and that is a clear guide path for where the candidates should be. There was a pole that showed voters trust republicans in congress by nine points over President Biden to handle key issues, that number was plus two in december. 7 point jump since Speaker Mccarthy took over. Hes put forward a common sense conservative plan. You had votes on crime, energy and the border, on fiscal discipline on the economy. All of these have demonstrated just how far out of step the Democratic Party is and there is a lot of vulnerable democrats in congress who are lucky because underperformance last cycle won through no Great Success of their own, they are showing today how far left they are. Brian and how close this will be from the house to the senate to the white house, every vote counts. Voting early, republicans are on track and republican dont like it. Appreciate the strategy session. Follow me over here. 800 School Districts adopt a fourday work week. What about yours . Record low test schools and less days . Experts will weigh in and it will work for you and your schedule, especially if you have to have day care. Check in with bill hemmer, are you done putting together the show format . Bill stand by. Dana, we good . Dana good. Brian tease away. Bill breaking news, reading on inflation, what it means coming up and paradise is burning, heartbreaking images, well take you live to hawaii. Democrats begging the president to answer pleas about migrants in blue states and will donald trump debate . First hes going to iowa this weekend and bringing friends, talk about that when dana and i see you in 11 minutes, top of the hour. Percent of its value the minute you drive off the lot. Or more. 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Its the mobile made free eventhappening now. Get started for just 49. 99 a month. Plus, ask how to get one free line of unlimited mobile. Comcast business, powering possibilities. Steve this school year 900 School Districts made the move to fourday work weeks. Will It Help Save Money and decrease staff shortage, some worry it will affect academics. Associate professor at Oregon State University Paul Thompson joins us. Good morning to you. Ci cities, teacher shortages, short on money, trying to do this. Is it a good idea . I think the jury is still out. These communities really like the fourday school week, researchers and others in this space are trying to find ways in which we can make fourday weeks better for families and communities and students, as well. Steve what are your suggestions to make the fourday school week better. One thing weve noticed from research and others looking at Academic Achievement has been this critical mechanism of students need to be in school, about the same amount of time as they would have been under a fiveday school week model. We should in our research that schools often are cutting instructional time when they make this switch to the fourday week. We saw reductions in how much time students are in school when they made this switch and that linked to achievement decline weve seen as result of this. Steve sure. Looking nationally, we see red School Districts that is lowest amount of instructional time are having negative effect. The fiveday model, you dont see any sort of change in achievement, that gives hope there could be ways in which this model could work without affecting Student Learning and student achievement. Steve sure. If you are a teacher and looking at, okay, which School District should i work for, one where i have threeday work weekend or one i only have i want more time. The biggest motivation for fourday work week is Teacher Retention and recruitment. I think this is causing a lot of states a bit of bind what is ideal model for school. We had tradigszditional fiveday week for as long as we can remember. Now thinking there are advantages we can take advantage of here and one is we can try to recruit teachers from neighboring districts. One concern it creates Contagion Effects switching one way. Steve indeed and paul, well have you back to talk more. Thank you for joining us. See what happens. Than a pack vapes Increase Cravings trapping you in an endless craving loop. Nicorette reduces cravings until theyre gone for good. Choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more can be overwhelming. So, ask your doctor about botox®. 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Learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. M over the weekend. Dont run to the radio tomorrow. Bye, everyone. This was a home. Here is their car. Bill so many images like this now. Devastation in paradise. Hurricane force winds fueling massive wildfires and the destruction is beyond what anyone could imagine there. It is 3 00 a. M. In hawaii. 9 00 in new york as we say hello. Im bill hemmer and this is tough, tough story. Dana im dana perino. This is americas newsroom. Rest assured there are problem people up watching. You are on our m

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