Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

president smith obtained a search warrant for evidence of criminal offenses. >> galactic launches commercial spaceflight. >> latest of space tourism. >> it will cost a cool $450,000 per rider. >> and michael has thrown the 14th no hitter in philadelphia phillies history. >> the bell never rang so beautifulfully. what a scene. >> ashley: we begin with a fox weather wildfire alert. at least 36 people are confirmed dead and 20 are injured as unprecedented wildfires devastate the hawaiian island of maui. >> hurricane force winds spreading the fire across the island, destroying homes, business and forcing some people to jump into the ocean to avoid the raging flames. officials sharing an update just a few hours ago. >> if anybody is still out here, the fire is on front street, it's time to go. if anybody is still here the fire is on front street and it's time go if anybody is still here the fire is on front street and it's time to go. >> former hawaii congresswoman tulsi gabbard joined "fox & friends first" earlier. >> that community of lahaina on maui is an historic, very close tight-knit community. yesterday, the death toll was sadly six people. it has gone up to 36. and, unfortunately what i'm hearing from friends of mine and community leaders there on maui is they expect that number to dramatically increase. >> steve: as we just heard her say the historic town of lahaina on the eastern shore -- western part of maui appears to be completely gone after fire destroyed the community block by block. a lot of wooden buildings as you can see. we will have a live report from maui just ahead of 6:00 a.m. eastern time, about a half an hour from right now. right now it is two minutes after midnight. and that -- that little town, lahaina, was so beautiful. it's where all of our kids learned how to surf. >> ainsley: really? >> steve: a little fishing village. it was royal capital of hawaii. they evacuated as of yesterday 11,000 tourists. every tourist, please, leave maui now. 1500 left. they are going to try get them out today. >> ainsley: watching video of someone who owned it looked like an art gallery in the town. out on the street. watching the fires approach the town. could you imagine, everything that you worked so hard for. you built your home, your life, your businesses and you have to flee. some people were jumping in the ocean to prevent burns. >> steve: right. a dozen people jumped into the pacific and had to be rescued by the coast guard. when you think of hawaii, because it's surrounded by water you never really think about fire. >> ainsley: so beautiful there. have you been to maui, brian? >> brian: yeah. >> ainsley: some of the prettiest property i have ever seen. >> brian: we will see what happens as it develops. >> steve: one of the reasons the fire spread so quickly, and i was just watching janice dean a couple minutes ago the hurricane skated just to the south. 70, 80 mile-per-hour winds, the islands are crisp. it's terrible. >> ainsley: pray for our friends there. >> steve: more on that coming up in about 25 minutes. meanwhile, president biden gave his first response to testimony from hunter biden's former business partner, devon archer. >> ainsley: his remarks come as house republicans release the bank records that appear to show big money, huge money payouts to hunter from these foreign power brokers. >> brian: most democrats are saying nothing to see here. lucas tomlinson is in washington with the latest. lucas? >> good morning, steve, ainsley and brian. republicans say this alleged pay-to-play scheme was all an effort to bring millions to the biden family. of course biden first became a u.s. senator when richard nixon was president. many are asking where did all this money come from. our own peter doocy clearly keeping in shape during this paternity leave hopping the fence to ask president biden the following questions. >> there's this testimony now where one of your son's former business associates is claiming that you were on speaker phone a lot with them talking business? is that what -- >> -- never talked business with anybody. i knew you would have a lousy question. >> why is that a lousy question? >> because it's not true. >> thank you. >> we got go. >> peter: thank you, mr. president. >> here's the alleged text from hunter to his daughter not the one from arkansas, quote: i hope you can all do what i did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. it's really hard. but don't worry, unlike pop, i won't make you give me half your salary. in a now since deleted tweet communities director for president biden says the memo doesn't she payment to joe biden. that was later deleted. hunter biden receiving $20 million, including a porsche from russian oligarchs. china and ukraine while his father is president. committee republicans have once again released information on financial transactions that did not involve the president. the president have twisted and mischaracterized the evidence transparent and increasingly embarrassing attempt to justify baseless call for government inquiry. notably not denying the payments to hunter. ronald reagan's son. there is a difference in first families. when ronald reagan became president michael got a call from white house lawyer fred fielding saying you will be approached by many people trying to use you to get your father say no. reagan said he did. reagan said he was later offered $100,000 from zelenskyy to fly kyiv to endorse him. michael reagan said he said no to all these things, guys. >> steve: lucas is, jumping over the bike rack one of the things they teach in the d.c. bureau. >> you have to do it to get around. of course they close off streets from time to time. it's why you have got stay in shape. whether going to a concert or gnats game or something. don't want to talk about that no hitter last night in philadelphia. different subject. >> steve: our building on sixth avenue, all buildings on avenue of americas, bike ranks in front of them. >> ainsley: i just moved it aside. i didn't have to jump. i bet joe biden is like rats, i can't believe peter doocy is back from paternity leave. >> brian: i can't believe i have to do any interviews. one interview since july 15th. with the weather channel. no follow up question why we are no longer to dig or mine for uranium. >> ainsley: this is the first response that he has had from the devon archer testimony. >> steve: that's right. >> ainsley: first time that was, what, a week ago. >> brian: do you know who tony bobulinski is? he has never been asked that devon archer, there is a picture of you with a four some in it. are you going to tell me in those 18 holes, 36 poll holes that you played? >> ainsley: dinners at cafe milano. >> brian: nine separate bidens benefited from international businesses no known skill to give or service to receive. the only person, as andy mccarthy told bill hemmer and dana perino yesterday. the only business that the bidens have to give was joe biden's access. and joe biden's access. >> ainsley: it's a brand. >> brian: it's not virtual it. walls there from the voice -- from the speaker phone parachuting in 20 times over 10 years to the face-to-face meetings that we know of. joe biden is there. how he could say this is a bad question or lousy question is beyond me. >> steve: listen, whatever peter asked him, he was going to say i never talked business because that's what he told peter, what, four years ago at the iowa state fair when peter brought it up the first time. >> brian: the facts are changing. >> steve: well, you know what? >> ainsley: story. >> steve: one of the important things that, you know, even the white house has come out and they are not denying the fact. peter was talking about the speaker phone. devon archer's testimony you were on the speaker phone talking about business. >> he goes "i didn't talk about business." the president did not deny that he talked on speaker phones. because that would have been the thing that if i were the president and i had not been on the speaker phone i would say i never called in on a speaker phone. but he did not deny that instead he went to that answer he has given a million times i didn't talk about business. >> ainsley: even if he didn't talk about business one or two times on the speaker phone. it's hard to believe that he had 20 phone calls. dinner someone is going to come out and say that's not true. devon archer has basically said. this devin said he was there for the brand. we used his brand. he was the vice president. no, his son didn't have experience. he was on these boards but we used him as the brand to get to the vice president. and then all of a sudden, a billion dollars goes to the ukraine for aid. and if you follow -- so what happened yesterday is the republicans released these new bank statements it provides screenshots of the bank records. >> steve: a lot of the stuff we heard. >> steve: now we got little numbers. >> ainsley: 33,000, 83,000 every month. it was once a month that devon archer and hunter biden were getting. >> brian: about a million dollars a year. so they have this russian oligarch, yes lena baturina. few weeks meeting with the vice president of the united states. of course they weren't talking business. they were talking how great russia is and beautiful this time of year and some day they will take crimea. kazakhstan oligarch, this guy is the one who said here's $142,000 check to get a car which will later become a porch. what kind of service did hunter biden give? is he a lawyer? internationally known lawyer? is he a wonderful investor? none of those things panned out, but a meeting with the president did. that's what i think is so important. 2.5 million from russian oligarch. 142,000 for a car. what was the bidens giving up and does it play into policy then as vice president because he had the portfolio for ukraine, for example, played a major role in our border and central and stout american access the portfolio given by barack obama and what role does it play in his policies now? and, if nine separate bidens are benefiting who have done almost nothing, including his grandchildren, who is to think the president, who averaged $200,000 a year but a list of luxurious lifestyle was not benefiting? how was this not leading right to joe? >> steve: brian, you brought up a good point. the grandkids got money. wife did they get money? we have heard the numbers, a lot of numbers in a broadway from a republicans. and yesterday they gave us more bank records but, you know what? with all due respect the republicans need better investors because they have a lot of circumstantial evidence. but they have not shown that joe biden profited, personally. >> brian: they are doing great. or he broken any rules. >> brian: i vehemently disagree. this is so -- no, no. let me finish. >> steve: let me finish i started. >> brian: this is funneling right to him. >> steve: right. >> brian: at a rapid pace. they have had this job for eight months. >> steve: what is funneling him? brian is joe's presence involved in every major business deal that hunter was involved in as andy mccarthy said joe was the business. he had the access. >> steve: right. >> brian: hunter didn't. hunter didn't have the reputation. it's leading right there. >> steve: brian, what laws did joe biden break? >> brian: if the american people knew. >> steve: answer the question what law did he break? >> brian: number one the investigation is not done. >> steve: that's my point, brian. they need better investors. >> brian: do not want to hear any reporting until it's done or do you want to see the 19-page memo that bank records. >> ainsley: miranda devine started this. comer, the house republicans have been all over it. they are gathering all of the fact. all the facts are pointing to the fact that hunter biden was using his dad's influence to make millions of dollars for the family. >> steve: we just don't have the smoking gun yet. >> brian: this is a raging fire. >> steve: i have got a solution. this is what i was leading up to in talking about you they have got all this circumstantial evidence that points toward -- look, it looks bad for the bidens. it looks bad. >> brian: and for joe. >> steve: here what happens they do. it's hard to subpoena a president of the united states because of separation of powers. in front of the house. subpoena hunter biden and don't do one of these closed door depos. people need to see this televised. you need to see him answer the questions. and if he says something that disqualifies joe biden, you know what? the democrats would have time to replace him on the ticket. >> ainsley: the hard part is for americans is we're watching this family get away with so much. >> steve: we don't know what they have gotten away with yet. >> ainsley: americans believe there is a smoking gun. there is something that they're going to reveal. have they done that yet, maybe not. >> brian: they are there. >> ainsley: they are working their way toward that. >> brian: can we just hear john sullivan, he was on last night. he breaks it down. watch. >> you mentioned the russian oligarch baturina. she drops a million dollars payment to hunter biden's account in february. march and april of 2014, the conversations are continuing. hunter biden's checking, is yell lena going to invest in our new real estate project in new york. gets an answer she signed off on it. a couple days later she is having dinner with joe biden at the cafe milano. the pattern is very clear. what james comer is has done follow the money and then put a timeline together. it is very clear as to what is going. hunter biden was selling access to his father nothing his father can say to deny it. he went to the dinners, he got on the phone calls. it wasn't the allusion of access. it was access. >> brian: john sullivan said he was at the dinners, on the phone, golfing with these guys. the meetings took place air force 2 to mexico. meet carlos slim. if any logical american seeing joe biden playing a role in his son's business. the only reason is he in his son's meetings his son has he has the meetings. his father is vice president later to become the president of the united states. if they knew about this they would have changed their vote in 2020. he looked in the cam real in those debates and lied about having knowledge of his son's business dealings. we see the notes, the handwritten note to devon archer. everybody knows where this leads hunter does not have a business without his last name and his dad and his dad was present at all these meetings. what else do you conclude? >> steve: to my earlier point, the republicans just need to present the evidence to the american people and say, look, they have got to say okay,. >> brian: 19 pages wasn't enough yesterday. >> steve: we can prove joe biden broke the law by doing. this. >> brian: you only want a concluding sentence. you don't want to see the investigation? >> steve: i'm watching the investigation. >> brian: this investigation is the most damning leading to a culmination i have ever seen. >> steve: i said it looks terrible. we just need proof so the american public. >> brian: you said republicans are doing a terrible job. >> steve: i said they need better investors to do a better job. we disagree all i'm saying. >> brian: they are doing incredible job. >> ainsley: his dad is the vice president. >> steve: looks shady. >> ainsley: is that trading money for policy? >> brian: of course it is. >> ainsley: solution to smart phone addiction and why it involves a second device. >> steve: forget flying first class how about a trip to the universe? that's right, virgin galactic is flying paying customers to space inside the historic mission and they're taking off this morning here on "fox & friends." who needs coffee? ♪ but then, i remembered that the world is so much bigger than that, with trelegy. because one dose a day helps keep my asthma symptoms under control. and with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy helps improve lung function so i can breathe easier for a full 24 hours. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. trelegy contains a medicine that increases risk of hospitalizations and death from asthma problems when used alone. when this medicine is used with an inhaled corticosteroid, like in trelegy, there is not a significant increased risk of these events. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase risk of thrush and infections. get emergency care for serious allergic reactions. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ♪ what a wonderful world. ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for asthma - because breathing should be beautiful. ♪ believe it or not baby... at university of phoenix... you... you... you... you could earn your... master's... for under than 11 thousand! 11... yes! 11! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. some things are too obvious to be a coincidence. earn your competency-based master's at university of phoenix. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? it's the fastest mobile service around. with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only $30 bucks a line per month. that's hundreds in savings a year when you wave bye to the other guys. no wonder xfinity mobile is one of the fastest growing mobile services. you really shouldn't walk out the front door without it. switch today at car carve back with your headlines, an hour's long standout a man stole a utility vehicle. police forced to fire at that suspect during pursuit when he tried running them off the road causing the stolen suv to roll across the highway. the suspect remained in the disabled vehicle for more than two hours before he was finally taken into custody. they say he was also wanted for assault with a deadly weapon. a newly unsealed court filing reveals special counsel jack smith obtained a secret search warrant for donald trump's twitter account. records show the court, quote: found probable cause to search for evidence of criminal offenses. twitter received an initial request in january as part of the probe into the 2020 election interference. elon musk's platform was hit with $350,000 fine after it took three days to respond. trump is now responding to all of this on truth social saying, quote: my political opponent is going crazy trying to infringe on my campaign for president. does the first amendment still exnist? now to some baseball. a pitcher just traded to the phillies throw as no hitter in just his second start with his new team in the air out to shallow center. rosas michael no hit nationals. >> what a moment, michael loren zen throwing 24 pitches in the win over the nationals. longhorloren zensaid i had god'. outfielder looking lost after a long drive gobbled up by the green monster. first time this happened in fenway's park in 111 year history. they couldn't find the ball it got stuck in the light. where did it go? now they know. thanks, carley. meanwhile, do you find yourself with your phone controlling for hours on it just looking ad at stuff? according to a report almost half of americans admit they are addicted to their smart phones, checking it out, guess how many times day? 352 times a day on average. so how can you break this cycle. george has the solution and he joins us now. hey, george. >> hey, how are you doing? >> steve: i'm doing okay. i'm fascinated by. this i just read your story. you are able to break the phone habit because you have two phones. and they are two different -- >> -- correct. >> two very different phones. explain what each phone is referred to as. >> yes. so, first off, i was never a phone addict like i never went to rehab for candy crush or anything like that. my job principles and ask a few things. i call this the smart phone paradox. the phone as exists is the gateway to the world's best knowledge but also the world's best distraction. best teachers, strip clubs in your pocket 24-7. i realize this paradox exist. either you can be a phone addict or be a phoneless lodi. neither option is great. phone addict. anxiety. you are on it too much. feel burned out. you can't use uber or google maps. i came up first principles of the cocaine phone and the kale phone. i have two completely different phones. >> steve: so one phone, the cocaine phone is the phone that's got all the stuff on it, and we have got the graphic right there, facebook and tiktok and all that stuff. that's the stuff that people are constantly looking at. wasting time looking at a lot of this stuff is inconsequential whereas you say the kale phone is the stuff that's got the things you need. >> exactly. so, notes, uber, google maps, if something happens to my parents or my business partner. they got my number to contact me on that. this it doesn't mean when i wake up in the morning i'm immediately on instagram or twitter or what whatsapp whatsa. i get the will what all the things the phone has, all the benefits that come from things like instagram and twitter. optionality ethics cysts on those platforms. it's not a phone or no phone. it's multiple phones and knowing how to use them. >> steve: it's a brilliant idea. a lot of people watching right now, george, well, he has two different phones. i can't afford two pho phonesfullyway one phone and two different personalities? >> i tried that it fails miserably your monkey brain knows it's there everybody who puts that screen times on it fails immediately. constantly producing so many smart phones. facebook marketplace might be cheaper. for your kale phone you don't need the highest tech one. you need the basics get an uber or answer a phone if somebody has gone to the hospital. >> steve: it's great theory. george, thank you very much for sharing it with our vast viewing audience today. >> no worries. thank you for having me. >> steve: all right. very good. i'm just going to have to turn off the phone. meanwhile, 6:27 now here in the east. we have got that fox weather wildfire alert. officials have confirmed in hawaii at least 36 people are dead as those fast-moving wildfires have pretty much engulfed the island of maui, the second largest island in the hawaiian chain. we have a live report from the island on the grounds coming up next. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can dramatically relieve ra and psa symptoms, including fatigue for some. it can stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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>> steve: a lot of cultural places of importance have been destroyed. max, given the fact that your family is in the fire fighting business in california. how is it different fighting a fire in california as opposed to on a small island in the middle of the pacific? >> well, i think there is actually more parallels then you might initially think ache says. ingress and egress getting out of the communities. that was a real challenge especially when we saw some people literally pinned up against the ocean. the flames bearing down on them. one parallel to some of the mountain communities and devastating fires we have seen in california and across the american west has been that ingress-egress issue. not being able to get in or out. and then also the winds. wind is also a factor on these fires. that was especially the case here on the island of maui. 85 mile-per-hour winds. when the winds are gusting that hard, it's really tough for firefighters to do anything. let alone stop the flames. so it's been a tough fire fight. you know, we were talking to some of the firefighters a little bit earlier. they are dog tired but they are just proud that they were able to stand up for their community here. >> ainsley: max, i'm sure you have heard this especially being a reporter and growing up in your family. i remember local news reporting on fires and the firefighters would tell me on the scene that a lot of people die because of the smoke inhalation. they go back in the house and think they can get the car keys out of the kitchen quickly and they breathe in all of that smoke. that's what ultimately kills them. >> yeah. it's a tough situation. you know, people don't understand all the time how dangerous these fires can be. right now, 36 people confirmed dead, unfortunately officials here are concerned that that death toll could rise. you know, in the coming days. hopefully that's not going to be the case. but, yeah. at love people they die due to smoke inhalation, due do being caught in their vehicles. a lot of dangerous situations that are brought up by one of these fires and unfortunately this one was fatal. >> brian: all right, max. check in with you again. appreciate it. >> ainsley: thank you. >> for more on this and weather janice dean. >> steve: mentioned the 85 mile-per-hour winds. that's what did it. >> janice: absolutely. the fire itself can be its own weather, right? it creates its own weather pattern. and we have there perfect set-up of high pressure to the north and then we have this strong hurricane to the south. and the pressure gradient between the two is what really whipped those winds up. i mean, it was devastating when you look at the aerial images coming out right now. you saw what max said and people had nowhere to go except the ocean. so we will -- this is really truly the biggest story in weather right now. the winds are coming down a little bit right now, which is good news for, you know, the airport, 10 to 12 miles per hour. as we go through the day today, winds are going to kick up again to 20 to 30 miles per hour. certainly not the 50, 60, 80 mile-per-hour winds that we saw yesterday. still, any wind gusts are not going to be a friend to firefighters. i just want to show you the prescription. the only island that has a deficit is maui. so it was this perfect storm of dry conditions, hurricane force winds and, you know, very warm temperatures as well. and i just want to show you that decrease. we have got that high pressure but dora is moving away from the island. still very strong storm. but, again, the impact will be lessening as we go through the next day or. so he so we will continue to monitor that. this was not a direct impact of the storm. this was indirect. so just goes to show you it doesn't take a hurricane making landfall to cause incredible damage. so we'll continue to monitor that and pray, of course, for the island of maui. back to you guys. >> steve: indeed, where it is currently 12:39 in the morning. thank you very much. j.d. coming up on this thursday, are you betting on red? republicans trying to unseat a nevada democrat in one of the most competitive senate races in 2024. air force veteran tony grady is tossing his hat into the ring and tony's message is coming up next. >> brian: plus, there's a new sheriff in town and it's roaming ohio's sidewalks and malls. the robo security guard cracking down on crime. >> ainsley: that's the sheriff?e >> steve: robo cop. ♪ [sfx: video game sound] new emergen-c crystals. throw it back. oh, ♪ somewhere, anywhere... ♪ ♪ i just want to lie motionless in a chair! ♪, booking.yeah ♪ ♪ hi, i'm susan, i've lost 84 pounds on golo and i've kept it off for a year. i had spent so much money on other products that when i saw the commercial for golo, the price was so much cheaper and i thought, "boy, this might not work but why not try it?" it is amazing and it works really well. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) -awww. -awww. -awww. -nope. 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(♪) ♪ you're just like a satellite ♪ (♪) ♪ like a satellite ♪ viasat satellite internet. learn more about our plans at # will. >> ainsley: the race to unseat a nevada democrat gets more crowded with retired air force lt. colonel tony grady jumping in the race with this viral ad. radio traffic] ♪ >> ainsley: and tony grady joins us now. good morning, colonel. >> good morning. how are you doing this morning? >> ainsley: good morning. doing well. thanks for joining us. tell us why you want to be a senator. >> i am running to be the next senator from nevada because we have poor leadership in washington, d.c. and i have a unique skill set. i have been a military commander, small business owner. i understand the economic, diplomatic and military instruments of power to be able to solve problems that are facing nevada today. people can go to my website, grady for and learn more about me. but i am running because jackie rosen has been absentee leadership. she has let us down and we have poor leadership in washington. and i can bring that unique skill set to have better leadership and represent nevadans the way that it would be good for them. >> ainsley: tony, you are a husband, you are a father, you are a veteran. retired air force lt. colonel. tell us about yourself. what you flew, i know you are a pilot. you have impressive resume. tell us more about yourself so we can get to know you. >> as a test pilot i spent my life flying into challenges not running away from. they i always wanted to be taste pilot and flying airplanes was whats with in my heart. my sister said i drew pictures of airplanes before i knew my abc or could write them. i was one of those guys born with jp 4 or jet fuel in my veins. i'm blessed because i had the opportunity to really live my dream and fly airplanes. >> ainsley: okay. well, you are running against a few other republicans, forminger u.s. ambassador to iceland jeff gunter. jeff marchant and sam brown. sam ran against adam laxalt before. you were stumping for him. how are you going into this? you are friends with him. you were stumping against him and now running against him. >> yes, well, novemberens need . jackie rosen is the target. we have to have better leadership in washington. as for other folks it will be congenial because we as republicans stand on principles we don't look at picking at each other. >> ainsley: campaign ads bread and butter issues. constitutional originalist. tell us more about your platform. >> so with my platform with my unique skill set i'm going to stress how i foreign policy i worked in the pentagon. i understand the appropriations process i understand how we are funded working on the president's budget when i was at the pentagon. i understand what we need to do economically. domestically, american families are hurting. >> ainsley: yeah. that's the number one issue, inflation. everything is so expensive right now. colonel grady, thank you so much for joining us. god bless you. thank you for serving our country. >> thank you. and please have folks go to grady for and learn more about me. aim high, nevada. >> ainsley: thank you. okay. carley has more headlines for us. >> carley: terrible news out of ecuador, ainsley. ecuadorian presidential candidate shot dead at campaign event in the country's capital city. police say the candidate, now serving as an assemblyman was gunned down while leaving the event. the criminal gang is claiming responsibility for the assassination. the candidate reportedly had ties to organized crime in ecuador a water main break in virginia leaves hundreds without running water and air conditioning. some residents of london park towers, a three floor apartment complex in ax election andrea without water two days filling up containers from fire hydrants. contractors do not know when repairs will be completed but they are looking to restore utilities as soon as possible. and parents in kentucky's largest school district left scrambling after the second and third days of school were canceled due to a transportation meltdown. a jefferson county spokesperson says on the first day of classes yesterday, buses were so far behind the last student didn't get home until just before 10:00 p.m. if you can believe it. but that's a different story in central florida where bus drivers did test runs yesterday before today's first day of school. officials say they are ready to roll despite nationwide staffing issues. those are your headlines. i can't believe, ainsley, that some kids didn't get home until almost 10:00 p.m. >> ainsley: i can't believe school is back in session. it's august 10th. down there it's so hot in florida. i like it up here because we don't start school until after labor day. you will see this when your son gets older. it's really nice enjoy summer. >> start early because it gets hot early. >> ainsley: that's true. mayor eric adams offering no solutions to the migrant mayhem in the big apple. how one restaurant owner is taking matters into his own hands. robo cop in town. new security guard patrolling ohio malls. it's dubbed the secret agent man. man. there he is. ♪ i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. i'm jayson. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva. every other month, and i'm good to go. what's considered normal for your cat... is interesting... ♪ it's curious... and it's sweet. ♪ but if your cat isn't their quirky self lately, they may have pain from a common condition called osteoarthritis. now, there's solensia. solensia is a once-monthly injection. it works like your cat's naturally made antibodies to reduce pain signals. in a study, 77% of cat owners experienced an improvement in their cat's pain after 3 doses. veterinary professionals administering solensia who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breast feeding should take extreme care to avoid self-injection. self-injection could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. ask your vet about solensia and help get your cat back to their normal— whatever that is for them. ♪ want luxury hair repair that doesn't cost $50? pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair. as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag. if you know... you know it's pantene. (burke) a new car loses about ten percent of its value the minute you drive off the lot. or more. that's why farmers new car replacement pays to replace it with a new one of the same make and model. get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ >> brit: i'm brit hume and i'm fox news chief political analyst. i remember covering bill clinton's administration. i had misgivings about bill clinton. i will tell you this, he was the most charming man i ever met. it's important as a journalist to be able to step back from own personal preferences and judge people fairly. that's what i pledge we will do in this election cycle. ♪ >> all right. five minutes before the top of the hour. back with your headlines. we got first up pga tour commissioner jay monahan revealing anxiety was the reason for month long absence. liv deal with the saudis resulted in mental and physical health concerns which required care. he announced his leave of absence after the deal was released in june he returned to work on july 17th at the pga. meanwhile comicon could still -- could soon take a backseat to pickle con. i love this story. organizers are planning a four day pickleball tournament in kansas city, i believe. bartlett hall next august. event features matches on 100 courts and projected to bring in nearly $4 million for the loble economy. players of all skill levels will be welcome. brian, we're going to have to get in the truck and go on over. >> brian: i can't wait. first, let's talk about robots. criminals, beware a new sheriff in town and his name is secret agent man sam. buff he is anything but a man. meet robo cop who patrols ohio shopping malls and soon sidewalks to keep shoppers safe from threats like thefts, car accidents or vandalism. here with more the vp of marketing for crocker park and sam is here before he starts his patrol. i assume he punched in before this segment. stacey, tell me what sam does. >> sam is our secret agent man here at crocker park in westlake, ohio. is he here to help the security team to be a better resource to do their job better. he has 360-degree imaging, thermal imaging, license plate detector reared. make sure our experience here at crocker park continues to be a safe one for shoppers and diners. we're destination on the east side of cleveland. >> brian: watching sam pa will two. he will go in and out of blocks, in and out of stores a livestream back to other agents able to watch what he produces? >> yes. exactly. he has on the camera obviously at love them. make sure our team on the back end can watch anything that's going on or go back in time if something happened. go back and track it and look at it. >> brian: i see sam spinning around. i don't know if he is smelling some criminal action. can you show me what sam can do right there? >> yeah. so he actually just walks around the property like this. he also has a security button that you can touch at any time to get a live human if there were something to occur that you need. touch that button and speak to an agent live and in person if you do need something when you are on property at crocker park. >> brian: i know he is 51. new york all about using sam like this. doing something similar. how is he being received and do you worry about people trying to damage him? i has got no arms to defender himself. >> no arms. is he not armed. 5'1. 420 pounds. a force to be reckoned. we have people driving from all over to take pictures with sam. he loves hugs. no kisses. great person to have around. he actually keeps us all safe and people are really entertained by him. new wave. additional toll not take over anyone's job. >> brian: how much does sam cost? >> oh, goodness, honestly, is he priceless. the view that he has, i think it's something that is just irreplaceable. >> brian: gotcha. sam can talk? >> he can actually. so he can say hello or pardon me. he doesn't run into you. he makes sure he is keeping everyone safe as he walks down the street. but he has a little special message for you when we end. >> brian: stacey, i'm up against the clock. at the top of the hour we go for two more hours and i usually say at the end of the hour introduce the next hour. but i'm a little exhausted. it's been a tough first 57 minutes. is there anyway sam could lead us to the next hour. >> sam can lead us to the next hour. let me put it for him to say hello for you? >> the second hour of "fox & friends" starts now. >> brian: enough said. thanks, stacey. ♪ ♪ >> joe biden exploded at our very own peter doocy but daring to ask this question: >> you were on speaker phone a lot with them talking business. >> never talked business with anybody. and i knew you would have a lousy question. >> peter: tonight i'm wondering what is the right question? >> the hawaiian island of maui is under a state of emergency with thousands under threat from wildfires burning out of control. the state is now working to try to evacuate tourists and locals. >> all of their belongings, their homes, just completely gone in an instant. >> this is all about election interference but that isn't quite good enough. >> before indicting former president trump special counsel jack smith had targeted him twitter. smith obtained a search warrant fo

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, Eastern Shore , Report , Half , Buildings , Block , Community Block , Eastern Time , 00 , 6 , Ainsley 33000 83000 Every Month , Wall , Kids , Little Town , Fishing Village , Two , Tourist , Left , Capital Of Hawaii , 1500 , 11000 , Fires , Everything , Businesses , Home , Someone , Life , Jumping , The Street , Art Gallery , Brian , Water , Pacific , Coast Guard , Ocean To Prevent Burns , One , Hurricane , Property , Dean , Fire Spread , Hunter Biden , Winds , Testimony , Friends , Response , Islands , 25 , 80 , 70 , House Republicans , Hunter , Devon Archer , Bank Records , Nothing , Remarks , Money Payouts , Power Brokers , Democrats , Big Money , Ainsley , Senator , Washington D C , Scheme , Millions , Lucas Tomlinson , Latest , Effort , Biden Family , Course Biden First , Richard Nixon , Money , Son , Questions , Paternity Leave , Shape , Many , Fence , What , Business Associates , Mr , Family , Quote , Daughter , Text , Arkansas , 30 , Doesn T , Pop , Tweet Communities Director 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Airport , 12 , 60 , Storm , Prescription , Deficit , Temperatures , Impact , Dora , Lessening , Decrease , Pray , Hurricane Making Landfall , Tony Grady , Races , Red , Thursday , Senate , J D , 39 , Sheriff , Sidewalks , Message , Crime , Ohio , Malls , Robo Security Guard , Ring , Hat , Video Game Sound , Crystals , Emergen C , Somewhere , Anywhere , Chair , Motionless , Booking Com , Booking , Yeah Hi , Commercial , Boy , Products , Golo , 84 , Music , Awww , Constant Contact , Small Business , Marketing Tools , Stand , Nope , Excel , Announcer , Car , Counting , Reviews , Step , Financing , Surprises , Carvana Today , Carvana , Hundreds Of Thousands , Five Star , Five , Satellite , Satellite Internet , Plans , Viasat Com Will , Viasat , Colonel Grady , Race , Air Force Lt , Tony Grady Jumping , Radio Traffic , Skill Set , Leadership , Small Business Owner , Nevada , Problems , Instruments , Website , Jackie Rosen , Absentee Leadership , Pilot , Veteran , Airplanes , Test Pilot , Heart , Challenges , Pictures , Opportunity , Jet Fuel , Veins , Sister , Abc , Guys Born , Jp 4 , 4 , Sam Brown , Sam Ran , Jeff Gunter , Few , Fly , Dream , Forminger , Jeff Marchant , Iceland , Adam Laxalt , Stumping , Novemberens Need , Target , Issues , Each Other , Picking , Butter , Campaign Ads , Constitutional Originalist , Foreign Policy , Appropriations , Pentagon , Country , Issue , Inflation , God Bless You , Ecuador , Aim High , Event , Candidate , Campaign Event , Responsibility , Assassination , Gang , Assemblyman , Capital City , Hundreds , Break , Running Water , Air Conditioning , Residents , Floor Apartment Complex , Ties , Virginia , Ecuador A Water Main , London , Park Towers , Contractors , Containers , Repairs , Utilities , Ax , Fire Hydrants , Back To School , School District , Classes , Transportation Meltdown , Scrambling , Spokesperson , Jefferson County , Kentucky , Buses , Student Didn T , Test , First Day Of School , Central Florida , Bus Drivers , Staffing , August 10th , Enjoy Summer , Eric Adams , Restaurant Owner , Secret Agent Man Sam , Solutions , Security Guard , Hands , Patrolling , Migrant Mayhem , Robo Cop In Town , Ohio Malls , Big Apple , Everyone , Pair , Visionworks , Cabenuva , Hiv , Adults , Injections , Hiv Treatment , Jayson , Side Effects , Ingredients , Healthcare Provider , Help , Liver Problems , Reaction , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Depression , Pregnancy , Treatment Appointments , Fever , Tiredness , Cat , Solensia , Pain , Injection , Condition , Lately , Osteoarthritis , Antibodies , Self Injection , Professionals , Cat Owners , Care , Study , Doses , Improvement , Pain Signals , Breast Feeding , 77 , 77 , Whatever , Vet , Anaphylaxis , Pro Vitamin Formula , Treatment , Resilience , Hair Repair , Bonding , Softness , Price Tag , Pantene , 0 , Farmers , Pa Dum , More , Model , Bum , Make , Car Replacement , Burke , Farmers Policy Perks , Ten , Fox News , Brit Hume , Political Analyst , Misgivings , Journalist , Judge , Preferences , Bill Clinton , Administration , Election Cycle , Top , Pga Tour , Concerns , Absence , Jay Monahan , Health , Saudis , Leave , Backseat , July 17th , Meanwhile Comicon , 17 , Courts , Tournament , Organizers , Matches , Kansas City , Pickle Con , Bartlett Hall , 100 , Let S Talk , Over , Criminals , I Can T Wait , Robots , Players , Economy , Skill Levels , Truck , Million , 4 Million , Shoppers , Robo Cop , Crocker Park , Threats , Vp , Marketing , Buff , Vandalism , Thefts , Car Accidents , Ohio Shopping Malls , Security Team , Patrol , Segment , Resource , Stacey , Crocker Park In Westlake , Safe , Imaging , Thermal Imaging , License Plate Detector , Diners , 360 , Stores , Agents , Blocks , Livestream Back , Back End , Camera , East Side , Watching Sam Pa , Cleveland , Action , Sam Spinning Around , Agent , Human , Security Button , Button , Need , Property At Crocker Park , Arms , Defender , 51 , Force , Hugs , Kisses , 5 , 420 , Toll , New Wave , Anyone , Goodness , The View , Gotcha , Clock , Hello , 57 , Hawaiian Island Of Maui , Belongings , Homes , Instant , Indicting Former , Search Warrant Fo ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

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president smith obtained a search warrant for evidence of criminal offenses. >> galactic launches commercial spaceflight. >> latest of space tourism. >> it will cost a cool $450,000 per rider. >> and michael has thrown the 14th no hitter in philadelphia phillies history. >> the bell never rang so beautifulfully. what a scene. >> ashley: we begin with a fox weather wildfire alert. at least 36 people are confirmed dead and 20 are injured as unprecedented wildfires devastate the hawaiian island of maui. >> hurricane force winds spreading the fire across the island, destroying homes, business and forcing some people to jump into the ocean to avoid the raging flames. officials sharing an update just a few hours ago. >> if anybody is still out here, the fire is on front street, it's time to go. if anybody is still here the fire is on front street and it's time go if anybody is still here the fire is on front street and it's time to go. >> former hawaii congresswoman tulsi gabbard joined "fox & friends first" earlier. >> that community of lahaina on maui is an historic, very close tight-knit community. yesterday, the death toll was sadly six people. it has gone up to 36. and, unfortunately what i'm hearing from friends of mine and community leaders there on maui is they expect that number to dramatically increase. >> steve: as we just heard her say the historic town of lahaina on the eastern shore -- western part of maui appears to be completely gone after fire destroyed the community block by block. a lot of wooden buildings as you can see. we will have a live report from maui just ahead of 6:00 a.m. eastern time, about a half an hour from right now. right now it is two minutes after midnight. and that -- that little town, lahaina, was so beautiful. it's where all of our kids learned how to surf. >> ainsley: really? >> steve: a little fishing village. it was royal capital of hawaii. they evacuated as of yesterday 11,000 tourists. every tourist, please, leave maui now. 1500 left. they are going to try get them out today. >> ainsley: watching video of someone who owned it looked like an art gallery in the town. out on the street. watching the fires approach the town. could you imagine, everything that you worked so hard for. you built your home, your life, your businesses and you have to flee. some people were jumping in the ocean to prevent burns. >> steve: right. a dozen people jumped into the pacific and had to be rescued by the coast guard. when you think of hawaii, because it's surrounded by water you never really think about fire. >> ainsley: so beautiful there. have you been to maui, brian? >> brian: yeah. >> ainsley: some of the prettiest property i have ever seen. >> brian: we will see what happens as it develops. >> steve: one of the reasons the fire spread so quickly, and i was just watching janice dean a couple minutes ago the hurricane skated just to the south. 70, 80 mile-per-hour winds, the islands are crisp. it's terrible. >> ainsley: pray for our friends there. >> steve: more on that coming up in about 25 minutes. meanwhile, president biden gave his first response to testimony from hunter biden's former business partner, devon archer. >> ainsley: his remarks come as house republicans release the bank records that appear to show big money, huge money payouts to hunter from these foreign power brokers. >> brian: most democrats are saying nothing to see here. lucas tomlinson is in washington with the latest. lucas? >> good morning, steve, ainsley and brian. republicans say this alleged pay-to-play scheme was all an effort to bring millions to the biden family. of course biden first became a u.s. senator when richard nixon was president. many are asking where did all this money come from. our own peter doocy clearly keeping in shape during this paternity leave hopping the fence to ask president biden the following questions. >> there's this testimony now where one of your son's former business associates is claiming that you were on speaker phone a lot with them talking business? is that what -- >> -- never talked business with anybody. i knew you would have a lousy question. >> why is that a lousy question? >> because it's not true. >> thank you. >> we got go. >> peter: thank you, mr. president. >> here's the alleged text from hunter to his daughter not the one from arkansas, quote: i hope you can all do what i did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. it's really hard. but don't worry, unlike pop, i won't make you give me half your salary. in a now since deleted tweet communities director for president biden says the memo doesn't she payment to joe biden. that was later deleted. hunter biden receiving $20 million, including a porsche from russian oligarchs. china and ukraine while his father is president. committee republicans have once again released information on financial transactions that did not involve the president. the president have twisted and mischaracterized the evidence transparent and increasingly embarrassing attempt to justify baseless call for government inquiry. notably not denying the payments to hunter. ronald reagan's son. there is a difference in first families. when ronald reagan became president michael got a call from white house lawyer fred fielding saying you will be approached by many people trying to use you to get your father say no. reagan said he did. reagan said he was later offered $100,000 from zelenskyy to fly kyiv to endorse him. michael reagan said he said no to all these things, guys. >> steve: lucas is, jumping over the bike rack one of the things they teach in the d.c. bureau. >> you have to do it to get around. of course they close off streets from time to time. it's why you have got stay in shape. whether going to a concert or gnats game or something. don't want to talk about that no hitter last night in philadelphia. different subject. >> steve: our building on sixth avenue, all buildings on avenue of americas, bike ranks in front of them. >> ainsley: i just moved it aside. i didn't have to jump. i bet joe biden is like rats, i can't believe peter doocy is back from paternity leave. >> brian: i can't believe i have to do any interviews. one interview since july 15th. with the weather channel. no follow up question why we are no longer to dig or mine for uranium. >> ainsley: this is the first response that he has had from the devon archer testimony. >> steve: that's right. >> ainsley: first time that was, what, a week ago. >> brian: do you know who tony bobulinski is? he has never been asked that devon archer, there is a picture of you with a four some in it. are you going to tell me in those 18 holes, 36 poll holes that you played? >> ainsley: dinners at cafe milano. >> brian: nine separate bidens benefited from international businesses no known skill to give or service to receive. the only person, as andy mccarthy told bill hemmer and dana perino yesterday. the only business that the bidens have to give was joe biden's access. and joe biden's access. >> ainsley: it's a brand. >> brian: it's not virtual it. walls there from the voice -- from the speaker phone parachuting in 20 times over 10 years to the face-to-face meetings that we know of. joe biden is there. how he could say this is a bad question or lousy question is beyond me. >> steve: listen, whatever peter asked him, he was going to say i never talked business because that's what he told peter, what, four years ago at the iowa state fair when peter brought it up the first time. >> brian: the facts are changing. >> steve: well, you know what? >> ainsley: story. >> steve: one of the important things that, you know, even the white house has come out and they are not denying the fact. peter was talking about the speaker phone. devon archer's testimony you were on the speaker phone talking about business. >> he goes "i didn't talk about business." the president did not deny that he talked on speaker phones. because that would have been the thing that if i were the president and i had not been on the speaker phone i would say i never called in on a speaker phone. but he did not deny that instead he went to that answer he has given a million times i didn't talk about business. >> ainsley: even if he didn't talk about business one or two times on the speaker phone. it's hard to believe that he had 20 phone calls. dinner someone is going to come out and say that's not true. devon archer has basically said. this devin said he was there for the brand. we used his brand. he was the vice president. no, his son didn't have experience. he was on these boards but we used him as the brand to get to the vice president. and then all of a sudden, a billion dollars goes to the ukraine for aid. and if you follow -- so what happened yesterday is the republicans released these new bank statements it provides screenshots of the bank records. >> steve: a lot of the stuff we heard. >> steve: now we got little numbers. >> ainsley: 33,000, 83,000 every month. it was once a month that devon archer and hunter biden were getting. >> brian: about a million dollars a year. so they have this russian oligarch, yes lena baturina. few weeks meeting with the vice president of the united states. of course they weren't talking business. they were talking how great russia is and beautiful this time of year and some day they will take crimea. kazakhstan oligarch, this guy is the one who said here's $142,000 check to get a car which will later become a porch. what kind of service did hunter biden give? is he a lawyer? internationally known lawyer? is he a wonderful investor? none of those things panned out, but a meeting with the president did. that's what i think is so important. 2.5 million from russian oligarch. 142,000 for a car. what was the bidens giving up and does it play into policy then as vice president because he had the portfolio for ukraine, for example, played a major role in our border and central and stout american access the portfolio given by barack obama and what role does it play in his policies now? and, if nine separate bidens are benefiting who have done almost nothing, including his grandchildren, who is to think the president, who averaged $200,000 a year but a list of luxurious lifestyle was not benefiting? how was this not leading right to joe? >> steve: brian, you brought up a good point. the grandkids got money. wife did they get money? we have heard the numbers, a lot of numbers in a broadway from a republicans. and yesterday they gave us more bank records but, you know what? with all due respect the republicans need better investors because they have a lot of circumstantial evidence. but they have not shown that joe biden profited, personally. >> brian: they are doing great. or he broken any rules. >> brian: i vehemently disagree. this is so -- no, no. let me finish. >> steve: let me finish i started. >> brian: this is funneling right to him. >> steve: right. >> brian: at a rapid pace. they have had this job for eight months. >> steve: what is funneling him? brian is joe's presence involved in every major business deal that hunter was involved in as andy mccarthy said joe was the business. he had the access. >> steve: right. >> brian: hunter didn't. hunter didn't have the reputation. it's leading right there. >> steve: brian, what laws did joe biden break? >> brian: if the american people knew. >> steve: answer the question what law did he break? >> brian: number one the investigation is not done. >> steve: that's my point, brian. they need better investors. >> brian: do not want to hear any reporting until it's done or do you want to see the 19-page memo that bank records. >> ainsley: miranda devine started this. comer, the house republicans have been all over it. they are gathering all of the fact. all the facts are pointing to the fact that hunter biden was using his dad's influence to make millions of dollars for the family. >> steve: we just don't have the smoking gun yet. >> brian: this is a raging fire. >> steve: i have got a solution. this is what i was leading up to in talking about you they have got all this circumstantial evidence that points toward -- look, it looks bad for the bidens. it looks bad. >> brian: and for joe. >> steve: here what happens they do. it's hard to subpoena a president of the united states because of separation of powers. in front of the house. subpoena hunter biden and don't do one of these closed door depos. people need to see this televised. you need to see him answer the questions. and if he says something that disqualifies joe biden, you know what? the democrats would have time to replace him on the ticket. >> ainsley: the hard part is for americans is we're watching this family get away with so much. >> steve: we don't know what they have gotten away with yet. >> ainsley: americans believe there is a smoking gun. there is something that they're going to reveal. have they done that yet, maybe not. >> brian: they are there. >> ainsley: they are working their way toward that. >> brian: can we just hear john sullivan, he was on last night. he breaks it down. watch. >> you mentioned the russian oligarch baturina. she drops a million dollars payment to hunter biden's account in february. march and april of 2014, the conversations are continuing. hunter biden's checking, is yell lena going to invest in our new real estate project in new york. gets an answer she signed off on it. a couple days later she is having dinner with joe biden at the cafe milano. the pattern is very clear. what james comer is has done follow the money and then put a timeline together. it is very clear as to what is going. hunter biden was selling access to his father nothing his father can say to deny it. he went to the dinners, he got on the phone calls. it wasn't the allusion of access. it was access. >> brian: john sullivan said he was at the dinners, on the phone, golfing with these guys. the meetings took place air force 2 to mexico. meet carlos slim. if any logical american seeing joe biden playing a role in his son's business. the only reason is he in his son's meetings his son has he has the meetings. his father is vice president later to become the president of the united states. if they knew about this they would have changed their vote in 2020. he looked in the cam real in those debates and lied about having knowledge of his son's business dealings. we see the notes, the handwritten note to devon archer. everybody knows where this leads hunter does not have a business without his last name and his dad and his dad was present at all these meetings. what else do you conclude? >> steve: to my earlier point, the republicans just need to present the evidence to the american people and say, look, they have got to say okay,. >> brian: 19 pages wasn't enough yesterday. >> steve: we can prove joe biden broke the law by doing. this. >> brian: you only want a concluding sentence. you don't want to see the investigation? >> steve: i'm watching the investigation. >> brian: this investigation is the most damning leading to a culmination i have ever seen. >> steve: i said it looks terrible. we just need proof so the american public. >> brian: you said republicans are doing a terrible job. >> steve: i said they need better investors to do a better job. we disagree all i'm saying. >> brian: they are doing incredible job. >> ainsley: his dad is the vice president. >> steve: looks shady. >> ainsley: is that trading money for policy? >> brian: of course it is. >> ainsley: solution to smart phone addiction and why it involves a second device. >> steve: forget flying first class how about a trip to the universe? 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it's the fastest mobile service around. with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only $30 bucks a line per month. that's hundreds in savings a year when you wave bye to the other guys. no wonder xfinity mobile is one of the fastest growing mobile services. you really shouldn't walk out the front door without it. switch today at car carve back with your headlines, an hour's long standout a man stole a utility vehicle. police forced to fire at that suspect during pursuit when he tried running them off the road causing the stolen suv to roll across the highway. the suspect remained in the disabled vehicle for more than two hours before he was finally taken into custody. they say he was also wanted for assault with a deadly weapon. a newly unsealed court filing reveals special counsel jack smith obtained a secret search warrant for donald trump's twitter account. records show the court, quote: found probable cause to search for evidence of criminal offenses. twitter received an initial request in january as part of the probe into the 2020 election interference. elon musk's platform was hit with $350,000 fine after it took three days to respond. trump is now responding to all of this on truth social saying, quote: my political opponent is going crazy trying to infringe on my campaign for president. does the first amendment still exnist? now to some baseball. a pitcher just traded to the phillies throw as no hitter in just his second start with his new team in the air out to shallow center. rosas michael no hit nationals. >> what a moment, michael loren zen throwing 24 pitches in the win over the nationals. longhorloren zensaid i had god'. outfielder looking lost after a long drive gobbled up by the green monster. first time this happened in fenway's park in 111 year history. they couldn't find the ball it got stuck in the light. where did it go? now they know. thanks, carley. meanwhile, do you find yourself with your phone controlling for hours on it just looking ad at stuff? according to a report almost half of americans admit they are addicted to their smart phones, checking it out, guess how many times day? 352 times a day on average. so how can you break this cycle. george has the solution and he joins us now. hey, george. >> hey, how are you doing? >> steve: i'm doing okay. i'm fascinated by. this i just read your story. you are able to break the phone habit because you have two phones. and they are two different -- >> -- correct. >> two very different phones. explain what each phone is referred to as. >> yes. so, first off, i was never a phone addict like i never went to rehab for candy crush or anything like that. my job principles and ask a few things. i call this the smart phone paradox. the phone as exists is the gateway to the world's best knowledge but also the world's best distraction. best teachers, strip clubs in your pocket 24-7. i realize this paradox exist. either you can be a phone addict or be a phoneless lodi. neither option is great. phone addict. anxiety. you are on it too much. feel burned out. you can't use uber or google maps. i came up first principles of the cocaine phone and the kale phone. i have two completely different phones. >> steve: so one phone, the cocaine phone is the phone that's got all the stuff on it, and we have got the graphic right there, facebook and tiktok and all that stuff. that's the stuff that people are constantly looking at. wasting time looking at a lot of this stuff is inconsequential whereas you say the kale phone is the stuff that's got the things you need. >> exactly. so, notes, uber, google maps, if something happens to my parents or my business partner. they got my number to contact me on that. this it doesn't mean when i wake up in the morning i'm immediately on instagram or twitter or what whatsapp whatsa. i get the will what all the things the phone has, all the benefits that come from things like instagram and twitter. optionality ethics cysts on those platforms. it's not a phone or no phone. it's multiple phones and knowing how to use them. >> steve: it's a brilliant idea. a lot of people watching right now, george, well, he has two different phones. i can't afford two pho phonesfullyway one phone and two different personalities? >> i tried that it fails miserably your monkey brain knows it's there everybody who puts that screen times on it fails immediately. constantly producing so many smart phones. facebook marketplace might be cheaper. for your kale phone you don't need the highest tech one. you need the basics get an uber or answer a phone if somebody has gone to the hospital. >> steve: it's great theory. george, thank you very much for sharing it with our vast viewing audience today. >> no worries. thank you for having me. >> steve: all right. very good. i'm just going to have to turn off the phone. meanwhile, 6:27 now here in the east. we have got that fox weather wildfire alert. officials have confirmed in hawaii at least 36 people are dead as those fast-moving wildfires have pretty much engulfed the island of maui, the second largest island in the hawaiian chain. we have a live report from the island on the grounds coming up next. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can dramatically relieve ra and psa symptoms, including fatigue for some. it can stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? 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>> steve: a lot of cultural places of importance have been destroyed. max, given the fact that your family is in the fire fighting business in california. how is it different fighting a fire in california as opposed to on a small island in the middle of the pacific? >> well, i think there is actually more parallels then you might initially think ache says. ingress and egress getting out of the communities. that was a real challenge especially when we saw some people literally pinned up against the ocean. the flames bearing down on them. one parallel to some of the mountain communities and devastating fires we have seen in california and across the american west has been that ingress-egress issue. not being able to get in or out. and then also the winds. wind is also a factor on these fires. that was especially the case here on the island of maui. 85 mile-per-hour winds. when the winds are gusting that hard, it's really tough for firefighters to do anything. let alone stop the flames. so it's been a tough fire fight. you know, we were talking to some of the firefighters a little bit earlier. they are dog tired but they are just proud that they were able to stand up for their community here. >> ainsley: max, i'm sure you have heard this especially being a reporter and growing up in your family. i remember local news reporting on fires and the firefighters would tell me on the scene that a lot of people die because of the smoke inhalation. they go back in the house and think they can get the car keys out of the kitchen quickly and they breathe in all of that smoke. that's what ultimately kills them. >> yeah. it's a tough situation. you know, people don't understand all the time how dangerous these fires can be. right now, 36 people confirmed dead, unfortunately officials here are concerned that that death toll could rise. you know, in the coming days. hopefully that's not going to be the case. but, yeah. at love people they die due to smoke inhalation, due do being caught in their vehicles. a lot of dangerous situations that are brought up by one of these fires and unfortunately this one was fatal. >> brian: all right, max. check in with you again. appreciate it. >> ainsley: thank you. >> for more on this and weather janice dean. >> steve: mentioned the 85 mile-per-hour winds. that's what did it. >> janice: absolutely. the fire itself can be its own weather, right? it creates its own weather pattern. and we have there perfect set-up of high pressure to the north and then we have this strong hurricane to the south. and the pressure gradient between the two is what really whipped those winds up. i mean, it was devastating when you look at the aerial images coming out right now. you saw what max said and people had nowhere to go except the ocean. so we will -- this is really truly the biggest story in weather right now. the winds are coming down a little bit right now, which is good news for, you know, the airport, 10 to 12 miles per hour. as we go through the day today, winds are going to kick up again to 20 to 30 miles per hour. certainly not the 50, 60, 80 mile-per-hour winds that we saw yesterday. still, any wind gusts are not going to be a friend to firefighters. i just want to show you the prescription. the only island that has a deficit is maui. so it was this perfect storm of dry conditions, hurricane force winds and, you know, very warm temperatures as well. and i just want to show you that decrease. we have got that high pressure but dora is moving away from the island. still very strong storm. but, again, the impact will be lessening as we go through the next day or. so he so we will continue to monitor that. this was not a direct impact of the storm. this was indirect. so just goes to show you it doesn't take a hurricane making landfall to cause incredible damage. so we'll continue to monitor that and pray, of course, for the island of maui. back to you guys. >> steve: indeed, where it is currently 12:39 in the morning. thank you very much. j.d. coming up on this thursday, are you betting on red? republicans trying to unseat a nevada democrat in one of the most competitive senate races in 2024. air force veteran tony grady is tossing his hat into the ring and tony's message is coming up next. >> brian: plus, there's a new sheriff in town and it's roaming ohio's sidewalks and malls. the robo security guard cracking down on crime. >> ainsley: that's the sheriff?e >> steve: robo cop. ♪ [sfx: video game sound] new emergen-c crystals. throw it back. oh, ♪ somewhere, anywhere... ♪ ♪ i just want to lie motionless in a chair! ♪, booking.yeah ♪ ♪ hi, i'm susan, i've lost 84 pounds on golo and i've kept it off for a year. i had spent so much money on other products that when i saw the commercial for golo, the price was so much cheaper and i thought, "boy, this might not work but why not try it?" it is amazing and it works really well. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) -awww. -awww. -awww. -nope. 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(♪) ♪ you're just like a satellite ♪ (♪) ♪ like a satellite ♪ viasat satellite internet. learn more about our plans at # will. >> ainsley: the race to unseat a nevada democrat gets more crowded with retired air force lt. colonel tony grady jumping in the race with this viral ad. radio traffic] ♪ >> ainsley: and tony grady joins us now. good morning, colonel. >> good morning. how are you doing this morning? >> ainsley: good morning. doing well. thanks for joining us. tell us why you want to be a senator. >> i am running to be the next senator from nevada because we have poor leadership in washington, d.c. and i have a unique skill set. i have been a military commander, small business owner. i understand the economic, diplomatic and military instruments of power to be able to solve problems that are facing nevada today. people can go to my website, grady for and learn more about me. but i am running because jackie rosen has been absentee leadership. she has let us down and we have poor leadership in washington. and i can bring that unique skill set to have better leadership and represent nevadans the way that it would be good for them. >> ainsley: tony, you are a husband, you are a father, you are a veteran. retired air force lt. colonel. tell us about yourself. what you flew, i know you are a pilot. you have impressive resume. tell us more about yourself so we can get to know you. >> as a test pilot i spent my life flying into challenges not running away from. they i always wanted to be taste pilot and flying airplanes was whats with in my heart. my sister said i drew pictures of airplanes before i knew my abc or could write them. i was one of those guys born with jp 4 or jet fuel in my veins. i'm blessed because i had the opportunity to really live my dream and fly airplanes. >> ainsley: okay. well, you are running against a few other republicans, forminger u.s. ambassador to iceland jeff gunter. jeff marchant and sam brown. sam ran against adam laxalt before. you were stumping for him. how are you going into this? you are friends with him. you were stumping against him and now running against him. >> yes, well, novemberens need . jackie rosen is the target. we have to have better leadership in washington. as for other folks it will be congenial because we as republicans stand on principles we don't look at picking at each other. >> ainsley: campaign ads bread and butter issues. constitutional originalist. tell us more about your platform. >> so with my platform with my unique skill set i'm going to stress how i foreign policy i worked in the pentagon. i understand the appropriations process i understand how we are funded working on the president's budget when i was at the pentagon. i understand what we need to do economically. domestically, american families are hurting. >> ainsley: yeah. that's the number one issue, inflation. everything is so expensive right now. colonel grady, thank you so much for joining us. god bless you. thank you for serving our country. >> thank you. and please have folks go to grady for and learn more about me. aim high, nevada. >> ainsley: thank you. okay. carley has more headlines for us. >> carley: terrible news out of ecuador, ainsley. ecuadorian presidential candidate shot dead at campaign event in the country's capital city. police say the candidate, now serving as an assemblyman was gunned down while leaving the event. the criminal gang is claiming responsibility for the assassination. the candidate reportedly had ties to organized crime in ecuador a water main break in virginia leaves hundreds without running water and air conditioning. some residents of london park towers, a three floor apartment complex in ax election andrea without water two days filling up containers from fire hydrants. contractors do not know when repairs will be completed but they are looking to restore utilities as soon as possible. and parents in kentucky's largest school district left scrambling after the second and third days of school were canceled due to a transportation meltdown. a jefferson county spokesperson says on the first day of classes yesterday, buses were so far behind the last student didn't get home until just before 10:00 p.m. if you can believe it. but that's a different story in central florida where bus drivers did test runs yesterday before today's first day of school. officials say they are ready to roll despite nationwide staffing issues. those are your headlines. i can't believe, ainsley, that some kids didn't get home until almost 10:00 p.m. >> ainsley: i can't believe school is back in session. it's august 10th. down there it's so hot in florida. i like it up here because we don't start school until after labor day. you will see this when your son gets older. it's really nice enjoy summer. >> start early because it gets hot early. >> ainsley: that's true. mayor eric adams offering no solutions to the migrant mayhem in the big apple. how one restaurant owner is taking matters into his own hands. robo cop in town. new security guard patrolling ohio malls. it's dubbed the secret agent man. man. there he is. ♪ i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. i'm jayson. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. it helps keep me undetectable. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva is two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's really nice not to have to rush home and take a daily hiv pill. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. ready to treat your hiv in a different way? 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(burke) a new car loses about ten percent of its value the minute you drive off the lot. or more. that's why farmers new car replacement pays to replace it with a new one of the same make and model. get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ >> brit: i'm brit hume and i'm fox news chief political analyst. i remember covering bill clinton's administration. i had misgivings about bill clinton. i will tell you this, he was the most charming man i ever met. it's important as a journalist to be able to step back from own personal preferences and judge people fairly. that's what i pledge we will do in this election cycle. ♪ >> all right. five minutes before the top of the hour. back with your headlines. we got first up pga tour commissioner jay monahan revealing anxiety was the reason for month long absence. liv deal with the saudis resulted in mental and physical health concerns which required care. he announced his leave of absence after the deal was released in june he returned to work on july 17th at the pga. meanwhile comicon could still -- could soon take a backseat to pickle con. i love this story. organizers are planning a four day pickleball tournament in kansas city, i believe. bartlett hall next august. event features matches on 100 courts and projected to bring in nearly $4 million for the loble economy. players of all skill levels will be welcome. brian, we're going to have to get in the truck and go on over. >> brian: i can't wait. first, let's talk about robots. criminals, beware a new sheriff in town and his name is secret agent man sam. buff he is anything but a man. meet robo cop who patrols ohio shopping malls and soon sidewalks to keep shoppers safe from threats like thefts, car accidents or vandalism. here with more the vp of marketing for crocker park and sam is here before he starts his patrol. i assume he punched in before this segment. stacey, tell me what sam does. >> sam is our secret agent man here at crocker park in westlake, ohio. is he here to help the security team to be a better resource to do their job better. he has 360-degree imaging, thermal imaging, license plate detector reared. make sure our experience here at crocker park continues to be a safe one for shoppers and diners. we're destination on the east side of cleveland. >> brian: watching sam pa will two. he will go in and out of blocks, in and out of stores a livestream back to other agents able to watch what he produces? >> yes. exactly. he has on the camera obviously at love them. make sure our team on the back end can watch anything that's going on or go back in time if something happened. go back and track it and look at it. >> brian: i see sam spinning around. i don't know if he is smelling some criminal action. can you show me what sam can do right there? >> yeah. so he actually just walks around the property like this. he also has a security button that you can touch at any time to get a live human if there were something to occur that you need. touch that button and speak to an agent live and in person if you do need something when you are on property at crocker park. >> brian: i know he is 51. new york all about using sam like this. doing something similar. how is he being received and do you worry about people trying to damage him? i has got no arms to defender himself. >> no arms. is he not armed. 5'1. 420 pounds. a force to be reckoned. we have people driving from all over to take pictures with sam. he loves hugs. no kisses. great person to have around. he actually keeps us all safe and people are really entertained by him. new wave. additional toll not take over anyone's job. >> brian: how much does sam cost? >> oh, goodness, honestly, is he priceless. the view that he has, i think it's something that is just irreplaceable. >> brian: gotcha. sam can talk? >> he can actually. so he can say hello or pardon me. he doesn't run into you. he makes sure he is keeping everyone safe as he walks down the street. but he has a little special message for you when we end. >> brian: stacey, i'm up against the clock. at the top of the hour we go for two more hours and i usually say at the end of the hour introduce the next hour. but i'm a little exhausted. it's been a tough first 57 minutes. is there anyway sam could lead us to the next hour. >> sam can lead us to the next hour. let me put it for him to say hello for you? >> the second hour of "fox & friends" starts now. >> brian: enough said. thanks, stacey. ♪ ♪ >> joe biden exploded at our very own peter doocy but daring to ask this question: >> you were on speaker phone a lot with them talking business. >> never talked business with anybody. and i knew you would have a lousy question. >> peter: tonight i'm wondering what is the right question? >> the hawaiian island of maui is under a state of emergency with thousands under threat from wildfires burning out of control. the state is now working to try to evacuate tourists and locals. >> all of their belongings, their homes, just completely gone in an instant. >> this is all about election interference but that isn't quite good enough. >> before indicting former president trump special counsel jack smith had targeted him twitter. smith obtained a search warrant fo

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, Palm , Hr , Paycom , Payroll , Companies , Cost , Prices , Employer , Mint Mobile , Weather , Paradise , Ruins , Fox , West Coast , Janice , Husband , Firefighters , Ground , Firefighter , California , Max Gorden , Fox Weather , Athey , Fire Activity , Scenes , Spots , Bridge , Bit , Humidity , Tinder Box , South , Fire Fighting Aircraft Couldn T , Hawaiian Islands , Hurricane Dora , 85 , Conditions , Folks , Images , Listen , There Lt , Governor , Firestorm , Dock Whenned , Tree , Ban , Beach , Stories , Residences , Airlines , Shelter , 2000 , Situation , Fire Fighting Business , Places , Importance , Parallels , Middle , Ache , Communities , Ingress , Egress , Challenge , Ingress Egress , Wind , Factor , Parallel , American West , Case , Gusting , Fight , Reporter , News Reporting , Smoke Inhalation , House , Smoke , Car Keys , Kitchen , Situations , Vehicles , High Pressure , Pressure Gradient , Weather Pattern , Set Up , North , News , Nowhere , The Ocean , Friend , Wind Gusts , Airport , 12 , 60 , Storm , Prescription , Deficit , Temperatures , Impact , Dora , Lessening , Decrease , Pray , Hurricane Making Landfall , Tony Grady , Races , Red , Thursday , Senate , J D , 39 , Sheriff , Sidewalks , Message , Crime , Ohio , Malls , Robo Security Guard , Ring , Hat , Video Game Sound , Crystals , Emergen C , Somewhere , Anywhere , Chair , Motionless , Booking Com , Booking , Yeah Hi , Commercial , Boy , Products , Golo , 84 , Music , Awww , Constant Contact , Small Business , Marketing Tools , Stand , Nope , Excel , Announcer , Car , Counting , Reviews , Step , Financing , Surprises , Carvana Today , Carvana , Hundreds Of Thousands , Five Star , Five , Satellite , Satellite Internet , Plans , Viasat Com Will , Viasat , Colonel Grady , Race , Air Force Lt , Tony Grady Jumping , Radio Traffic , Skill Set , Leadership , Small Business Owner , Nevada , Problems , Instruments , Website , Jackie Rosen , Absentee Leadership , Pilot , Veteran , Airplanes , Test Pilot , Heart , Challenges , Pictures , Opportunity , Jet Fuel , Veins , Sister , Abc , Guys Born , Jp 4 , 4 , Sam Brown , Sam Ran , Jeff Gunter , Few , Fly , Dream , Forminger , Jeff Marchant , Iceland , Adam Laxalt , Stumping , Novemberens Need , Target , Issues , Each Other , Picking , Butter , Campaign Ads , Constitutional Originalist , Foreign Policy , Appropriations , Pentagon , Country , Issue , Inflation , God Bless You , Ecuador , Aim High , Event , Candidate , Campaign Event , Responsibility , Assassination , Gang , Assemblyman , Capital City , Hundreds , Break , Running Water , Air Conditioning , Residents , Floor Apartment Complex , Ties , Virginia , Ecuador A Water Main , London , Park Towers , Contractors , Containers , Repairs , Utilities , Ax , Fire Hydrants , Back To School , School District , Classes , Transportation Meltdown , Scrambling , Spokesperson , Jefferson County , Kentucky , Buses , Student Didn T , Test , First Day Of School , Central Florida , Bus Drivers , Staffing , August 10th , Enjoy Summer , Eric Adams , Restaurant Owner , Secret Agent Man Sam , Solutions , Security Guard , Hands , Patrolling , Migrant Mayhem , Robo Cop In Town , Ohio Malls , Big Apple , Everyone , Pair , Visionworks , Cabenuva , Hiv , Adults , Injections , Hiv Treatment , Jayson , Side Effects , Ingredients , Healthcare Provider , Help , Liver Problems , Reaction , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Depression , Pregnancy , Treatment Appointments , Fever , Tiredness , Cat , Solensia , Pain , Injection , Condition , Lately , Osteoarthritis , Antibodies , Self Injection , Professionals , Cat Owners , Care , Study , Doses , Improvement , Pain Signals , Breast Feeding , 77 , 77 , Whatever , Vet , Anaphylaxis , Pro Vitamin Formula , Treatment , Resilience , Hair Repair , Bonding , Softness , Price Tag , Pantene , 0 , Farmers , Pa Dum , More , Model , Bum , Make , Car Replacement , Burke , Farmers Policy Perks , Ten , Fox News , Brit Hume , Political Analyst , Misgivings , Journalist , Judge , Preferences , Bill Clinton , Administration , Election Cycle , Top , Pga Tour , Concerns , Absence , Jay Monahan , Health , Saudis , Leave , Backseat , July 17th , Meanwhile Comicon , 17 , Courts , Tournament , Organizers , Matches , Kansas City , Pickle Con , Bartlett Hall , 100 , Let S Talk , Over , Criminals , I Can T Wait , Robots , Players , Economy , Skill Levels , Truck , Million , 4 Million , Shoppers , Robo Cop , Crocker Park , Threats , Vp , Marketing , Buff , Vandalism , Thefts , Car Accidents , Ohio Shopping Malls , Security Team , Patrol , Segment , Resource , Stacey , Crocker Park In Westlake , Safe , Imaging , Thermal Imaging , License Plate Detector , Diners , 360 , Stores , Agents , Blocks , Livestream Back , Back End , Camera , East Side , Watching Sam Pa , Cleveland , Action , Sam Spinning Around , Agent , Human , Security Button , Button , Need , Property At Crocker Park , Arms , Defender , 51 , Force , Hugs , Kisses , 5 , 420 , Toll , New Wave , Anyone , Goodness , The View , Gotcha , Clock , Hello , 57 , Hawaiian Island Of Maui , Belongings , Homes , Instant , Indicting Former , Search Warrant Fo ,

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