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Support to the russian leadership. Laura yes, during the obama administration, if you were a wellknown oligarch from the former soviet union or one of its old block countries, you knew that there was a serious risk that you could be placed on a u. S. Sanctions list and, therefore, you could be hobbled financially but some oligarchs had friends in the high places as in the ob obamaBiden Administration. Meet yes lahna bat reena. Both of whom somehow escaped obamas sanctions the how did they do that . I dont know mane they funneled cash to obamas vp. We know she made 3. 5 million to a Shell Company associated with hunter biden and devon archer. And mr. Rakishev meanwhile wired 142,300 to another bank account used by hunter and archer. Thats kind of an odd sum, i thought. Well, until i realized that the next day on april 23rd, 2014, hunter biden paid that exact amount, 142,300 to purchase an expensive new toy, a fisker sports car. But, i guess that wasnt flashy enough so he switched it to a porch convertible. Who knew porchers were considered Hooker Magnets . I didnt. It gets better. Same two foreign oligarchs ended up having dinner with joe biden in 2014 and 2015. These another silly coincidence. If you thought the white house would respond with a denial . Think again. They would rather insult your intelligence. The memo doesnt show a direct payment to joe biden. Okay. Try to get your minds wrapped around this his communication shop is not denying that the biden family bought and paid for by these foreign adversaries but they want everyone to know that the oligarchs didnt write checks directly to joe himself. Of course they would dismiss in. This is no shock to any of us. What are they going to say that the house committees findings are wrong . No. That 20 million in payments from foreign sources didnt go to the bidens and their associates . Are all the bank records just 35ur9 of hillarys old vast right wing conspiracy or, i dont know, are we to believe that devon archer Tony Bobulinski they were somehow lying when they said that joe biden was frequently on calls with hunters foreign partners . Well, our own peter doocy and i love this moment, did what actual reporters are supposed to do today. He asked President Biden for an explanation. Peter theres this testimony now where one of your sons former Business Associates is claiming that you were on Speaker Phone a lot with them, Talking Business . Is that what i never talked business with anybody. And i know you would have a lousy question. Peter why is that a lousy question . Thank you. Thank you. Because its not true. Peter thank you, mr. President. Laura a lousy question . What is a good question for joe biden . Whats your favorite color . What astro logical sign are you . Now, anyone with a White House Press badge who doesnt demand answers on this topic should not show up to work at all tomorrow. Send your resume to the dnc and get it over with. The truth is they all know what we all know that hunters only knowledge about foreign transactions involved hookers only promise cocaine. Only expertise back then and now is limited to one area. Selling access to his father and his fathers vast temperature contacts. Biden protectate. They dont pretend to defend the propriety of the money flow. You have a Nothing Burger of investigation. Where are the high crimes and misdemeanors that have to do with joe biden. So far, both investigations and the oversight and judiciary committees have not been able to find that direct link. Theres no actual proof that the president had benefited financially from his sons foreign business dealings. Of course its one big biden money pot or honey pot. Noted and infamous electronic communication. Hills emails that revealed his payments to jrb. I wonder who that might be and in his text to his daughter nomani he complained about having to give his father half his salary. So the notsoprodigal son was carrying a heavy load while supporting his heavy drug habit it seems. The question isnt whether joe biden himself got direct payments from foreign business interest. Even oligarchs. He is stupid but he is not that stupid, right . But he benefited because his son benefited. His only remaining son sent a message to the world that american policy for sale. What policy in particular was for sale . Well, we may not ever know. But as long as joe biden is in power, a cloud of corruption hangs over this white house. Take his announcement yesterday, brazenly crippling americas Uranium Mining Capacity by making 1 million acres permanently off limits for any type of mining. Its going to come from the sacrifices of dealing with taking on the climate crisis. Folks, these are investments in our planet, our people and america itself, protecting our outdoor treasures, making our nation more resilient. Laura treasures. He has a lot of treasures he wants to protect. But its just more green smoke because uranium, thats obviously found in this million acres is vital not just for Nuclear Power plants but for our weapon systems. And what country, when you think how is all being cordoned off cant do any mining here is one of the biggest beneficiaries of joes courageous decision . None other than kazakhstan, home of one of bidens preferred oligarchs and one of his sons sugar daddys. Its now guaranteed to remain the dominant supplier of uranium to the United States with its 35 share. Well, it all could really make perfect sense, couldnt it . One of the most crooked families in American Politics is responsible for making america permanently dependent on one of the most crooked countries on the face of the planet. And thats the angle. Joining us now, delighted he is with us, steven miller, former adviser to President Trump founder of America First legal editor and chief at The Federalist and fox news contributor. Mollie, the only thing that the biden protectorate can now say about this is essentially that the wire transfers didnt go directly into the personal Checking Account of joe biden. Thats how bad it is. Whats Fast Sunating to see Corporate Media act like thats not exonerated like they will havent seen a single movie about gangsters and how they conduct businesses. What we learned in recent testimony matches from what we learned from previous statements on the record from Business Partners of hunter biden about how the biden Family Business operated that it was about access to joe biden. That people were willing to pay a lot of money in exchange for that access to the biden family and for things they could achieve from it. This is a very significant issue nothing but evidence. We have bank records. We have receipts. We have testimony. Unlike the russian Collusion Hoax in which our Corporate Media and other democrats didnt need any evidence in order to run wild for conspiracy theories, here we have a lot of evidence and a story that makes sense and the media just seemed to be attempting to run cover for them. Laura yeah. Well, steven, the House Oversight memo that was released today that all the protectorate is just dismissing said the then vice President Biden joined approximately 20 phone calls on Speaker Phone with Hunter Bidens former Business Associates attended dinners with foreign oligarchs who paid huge sums of money to hunter biden. Now, steven, are we now to believe there are you are going to stay on the Sanctions List unless money somehow flows to the Biden Honey Pot . Otherwise, you are going to be on the Sanctions List forever . Is that what we are supposed to believe . The message is loud and clear. If you pay the biden family exorbitant sums of money, then you will be shielded from the United States on matters of Foreign Policy. You need no better example than being kept off being immunized from the Sanctions List or, of course, in the now infamous example of firing the prosecutor that was investigating the very company that was paying hunter biden, burisma. And now, of course, after all this money is funneled by ukraine to the biden family, you have a Biden Administration Foreign Policy that is doing, what . Funneling your Taxpayer Dollars back to ukraine. So, in every instance, you see giving money to the biden family garners favorable treatment in return. This is the most significant public Corruption Scandal in american history. As mollie says, the Documentary Evidence that has been assembled by james comer and other members ever the house is extraordinary, page after page of evidence, testimony, and bank records putting joe biden, not hunter but joe at the center of an influence peddling scheme. This is beyond damning what has been revealed. Laura now, mollie, its also news today that the Special Counsel, we find out, seven months ago obtained a Search Warrant for trumps twitter account. Prosecutors received permission from the judge to not tell mr. Trump for months that it obtained the warrant for his account. The prosecutors feared if mre warrant it would seriously jeopardize the Ongoing Investigation by giving him an opportunity to destroy evidence, change patterns of behavior or notify confederates. Mollie, your response here . Why should would he be surprised . You shouldnt be surprised because we actually had many years of examples of the government getting records from social Media Companies as part of their war on political opponents related to the januarr things. So its not surprising. What is kind of surprising is that twitter actually fought this. They did not they viewed it as a violation of their own First Amendment rights. They, of course, promised their users that if the government ever subpoenas their data that they will notify people. They fought this. They lost that fight. But it really is interesting how much of an attack on the constitution this Special Counsel and things are whether its an attack on the First Amendment right to protest, the free speech, or trite legal counsel, its just its the left is willing to just run roughshod over constitutional freedoms as part of their war on political opposition. Laura stephen, mollie, thank you both. An angle exclusive yingst. Despite video showing that assault of andy ngo by antifa thugs, a portland jury just let the assailant off the hook. Wait until we tell you about the behavior of their attorney in court. Andy and his attorney, they are here to tell in moments. [shouting] [bleep] [shouting] [cheers] laura that still makes me so mad to see that. But that was june 2019. Investigative reporter andy ngo was attacked because he was covering an Antifa Demonstration in portland. Now, he was one of their main targets because he was exposing them. And that stayed that way for years. May 2021 i was attacked again while reporting under cover at another antifa rally. They pulled off my mask and my goggles and shouted thats him. Get him. Get him. And i ran for my life through Downtown Portland in the middle of the street. There was no police. The fastest one in the mob caught up to me, tackled me to the ground and was repeatedly punching me on the back of my head and my face and i was pleading for mercy. Laura that attack put andy in the hospital. For years he has been trying to hold accountable for all these attacks. Even filing a civil suit against them years ago. One week ago it went to trial and last night we got the verdict. After all those attacks, all of them caught on video and five hours of deliberations, the george bush sided with the thugs. Joining me now is andy ngo alongside his attorney eric sell. Andy, tell us what the defendants lawyer said after this verdict was reached. It was actually before in her closing statements. She mentioned that resistance is not peaceful and that she was going to be getting a shirt that declares i am antifa and she is retiring and will remember all of the faces of the jurors. It was a very tense week with a near Media Blackout because of Security Incidents that kept happening. The jurors expressed to the court, who then expressed to the parties that they were really afraid for their safety because of repeated incidents were happening both in and outside of the courtroom, the courthouse before the deliberations, the Court Ordered that the identities of the jurors would be sealed because of apparent attempts to identify the identity of the jurors. So this was the context of the trial for the seven days. Laura defendant Elizabeth Richter and john hack tore, i want to ask you, as the attorney in this matter, i mean, their private Text Messages became part of this trial, but in the end the jury decided that, you know, what those contained and they were spotting where andy was in the vicinity or not, obviously getting ready to, you know, proceed with whatever they were going to do to him. Somehow the jury discounted this . Its truly remarkable the amount of evidence that the jury must have discounted to reach its not guilty verdict or its verdict here, the defendants here werent liable. It real really leads to Jury Intimidation was a factor here. Its a little unclear to us to what extent these jurors were intimidated, how this happened. What form it took, but the court did inform both parties of the quay of deliberations the jury was concerned that they were being threatened or potentially doxxed or there was going to be some kind of repercussions if the verdict did not come out the right way here. We all know whether a that means the right way is finding that both of these defendants were not liable, despite the extensive evidence here that they were involved in this attack against andy. The jury still found that they werent liable. So, we can really see whats going on with the interruptions of trial. With all of the concerns that the jurors expressed to the court, that this is not how our legal system is supposed to work. There is some serious concerns about what happened in this particular proceeding. Laura how can you have a jury that feels threatened actually deliver a verdict that makes sense . To me, that it cuts against, you know, everything that we believe in as far as our Justice System goes. Civil or criminal. Now, andy, Katie Daviscourt your colleague at the post millennial, she was covering the trial and she tweet add video yesterday after saying after i left the courthouse i found that my car was broken into by my hotel. The win windows were busted out. Items stolen. Personal i. D. Documents were also taken. Andy, there is a lot of crime in portland. Field ophelia do you feel this is retaliation. I do. Throughout the whole trial my colleague was harassed and intimidated both inside and outside of the courthouse im still trying to wrap my mind around what happened yesterday when the verdict was delivered. Reasons that are still unclear to me about really Critical Evidence regarding either the defendants destroying, hiding or at least not preserving communications with one another, with other third parties during and around the time of the attacks, which the defendants admitted to during the deposition but we couldnt present this to the jurors and you know, i always knew this would be a really uphill battle. These attacks happened in portland through the criminal Justice System i didnt receive justice. And i really hope that it was through this that portland jurors laura its a message. Its a message, i think, they want to send to other people like you who want to expose what is happening in cities like portland. Dont you dare. Andy, eric, thank you both. This should be a wakeup call to america about this total breakdown of justice in certain parts of this country. All right. Well, last night in ohio, voters shot down a g. O. P. Measure. You probably heard about it, that would have made it more difficult to add Abortion Rights to the states constitution. The subsequent spiking of the football, of course, on the left, well, was predictable. It has been a potent, potent political punch in the gut against republicans who have been trying to take away womens rights. Coming out of dobbs, republicans are simply out of step with the majority of voters. What we saw last night is such an important victory as we head to the a critical vote which should be made by the people. Laura this is all they have to run on. Remember that wasnt Joe Scarborough prolife at one point . I forgot that of course the decisions should be made by the people. That was the whole point of roe v. Wade. Thats what democracy is. In fact, a new cnn poll found that 66 of those are happy with the courts decision to overturn roe. That they want prolife politicians to leave Abortion Decisions up to each state. And thats what we see happening across the country. Look, i dont agree with ohios decision here. And im never going to apologize for being prolife. We wanted the issue to go to the voters. Take it out of the hands of unelected judges and justices and give it to the people. Let the politicians persuade voters one way or another. Running away from this issue as a republican, its not going to work. Becoming like what proabortion . Well, you know, voters would consider that to be evil. So, we have to fight it state by state and we should ignore the voices of those who think the Dobbs Decision was wrongly decided and that abortion should be enshrined in the constitution. Our framers never would have considered it. The left understands that some principles are more important than shortterm election results. They know that their views offend christians and other social conservatives across the country. And they know that that actually cost them elections all across the country. Issues like trans rights and so forth. But they dont care. They stick to their guns. And they try to change minds on their side and sometimes they succeed. For years, they defended the left wing decisions of the warren court. Even as nixon and reagan rode those decisions to victory. And of course they pushed to impose gay marriage on every state even with the voters were against it. So, if they can fight for their beliefs and they can fight for their principles, we can and we should fight for ours. And one more thing, its a real mistake to think that the g. O. P. Could have lied forever to the voters about its views on abortion, that it could claim to be prolife but always keep roe in place. Thats the type of cynical thinking that caused g. O. P. Voters to turn on the bushes. And, of course, turn on the cheneys. And pick trump instead. Overturning roe v. Wade is the greatest accomplishment the Conservative Movement has had since the end of the cold war. We should be proud of it. And build on it. Not run away from it. And if the economic hurdles of owning a car werent bad enough, wait until we tell you about how the chinese can actually get into your car. What am i talking about . Its not a joke. The details and an expert will walk us through it are next. Harris im harris faulkner. I will be leading voters Voices For Democracy 24. My dad said that when you go into the booth, thats your time. Its personal. And you have a right to express your voice. And the loudest, most effective way to do that, harris kimberly, is to vote. Laura all right. The price of everything has gone up since joe biden took office. We know what it is. Its groceries, clothing, travel and, of course, owning a car. That has become really expensive. But thats not the only problem facing automobile owners. Check out the cars. [engine starting] [tires squealing] [sirens] the motorcade just turned on seventh. Perfect. Make it rain. Laura all right. Is that it was a movie. How farfetched is it. As cars we lie more on internet connectivity, they become vulnerable to hackers. Now one report this year found security bugs in 16 different car brands from ferry all the way to toyota. Well, issues range from hackers being able to remotely lock or unlock your car or stop and start the engine and even being able to open your trunk now, this has been a problem now for almost a decade. Using a laptop, the hacker dialed the cars Emergency Communications system, inserted an attack that reprogrammed the software, gaining total remote control. [horn blowing] they could do this from anywhere in the world . Shoe thinks she will be able to stop at those cones. Lets make sure that she cant. No, no, no. I cant operate the brakes at all. That is frightening. Laura its not just about physically taking over your car but loads of personal information can be stolen as well like your biometric data and all the info from your phone. And what makes this entire thing a little scarier is who can actually access the data. According to the Health Select committee on china, ccp aligned firms now control 45 of the worlds cellular connectivity modular market. Joining me now is andrea amico, ceo of privacy for cars. Andrea, can china or any other bad actors hack into our cars . Wilt, we are are increasingly exacketd for actors to do bad things whether hostile government like china. The local stalker and identity thief. Technology in cars is making all of this much easier. Well, i think people love the convenience of connectivity. It feels, you know, really good to be able to oh i got everything right there. Its a big screen. But, back in 2016, this Chinese Company hacked a tesla car remotely and the team advised tesla owners please do update the firm ware on your tesla ware on the latest version to make sure the issues are fixed and avoid potential Driving Safety risks okay. So one thing, andre a to have your information taken, thats horrible. But, also, its the vision of a car being able to be turned around or driven off a road. Is this just a Science Fiction fantasy or a potential real problem. No, there has been a number of wellknown exploits done why researchers and unfortunately what researchers do and what we see is the good stuff and then, as you mentioned is used to improve the safety of vehicles. The problem is what we do not know. But, for instance what we do know is that in china think are not allowing certain vehicles to be Near Government officials. They are not allowed to drive them or on military bases. Its fair to ask if china is concerned about us spying on them should would he be concerned about the same . Welling, right now as we said china is dominating the ev market. Frankly if Donald Trumps tariffs were a in place right nw that biden has kept in place, i dont know what would be left of most of our American Electric vehicle market, which is obviously just picking up steam now. But if china is coming to dominate evs around the world. Doesnt that put in the hands of china the kind of perfect weapons All Around The World because a car can become a weapon. There is a lot of cars electric vehicles. Its not just electric vehicles. The concern with american vehicles for instance if you could remotely make them all charge at this time or discharge at the same time. Can you take down the grid. Its a National Security risk. But, again, there is a lot of other much easier things to do that do not appear to the eye of the public. Like spying at large on americans. That i think should be very, very concerning or very much within the possibilities of, again, anything from your anything from china to hackers to local criminals. I mean, think about the last time that you synched your phone like your data from your phone, Text Messages. All of this is in your car and routinely left behind. What we do know is that [inaudible] its a massa Data Violation no one talks about other than you. Laura im getting an old key, just a regular car, andrea from like 1978 with no chip in it. Im going to get rid of all of the honestly going to find like a 1978, you know, whatever can i find that doesnt have any chip. At this point thats where im going backward apparently. I mean, thats what im going to do. Andrea, thank you. Great to see you dont. Now its time for our political palate cleanser. What happens when i live my orange theory, hiking, tennis, i found out today at edwin watts golf store looking for clubs for my 15yearold. Okay. I am having a case of vertigo. I am not a golfer. And i am just seeing golf everywhere. Used clubs, old clubs. Wedges, hybrids, everything is golf. Its the same. I have never seen anything like this. Thanks to ryan for helping us. But im still dizzy. All right. Bidens lack of understanding is wider than the grand cannon and lizzos dancer accused he her of being heavy. Did it shut down a Music Festival. Raymond arroyo has all the seen and unseen, next. [female narrator] they line up by the thousands. Each one with a story that breaks your heart. Like ravette. Every step, brought her pain. Their only hope mercy ships. The largest floating civilian hospital in the world. Bringing free surgeries to people who have no other hope. 19 a month will help provide urgently needed surgery for so many still suffering. So dont wait, call the number on your screen. Or donate at mercyships. Org. [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. [speaker] but Wounded Warrior project helps you realize its possible to get out there [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. [narrator] through Generous Community support, weve connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and Mental Health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and Life Skill Training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. Laura its time for seen and unseen segment where we reveal the cultural stories of the day for that we turn to raymond arroyo. All right, raymond, biden finally sat for an interview. Was it stormy . Yeah. It was with the Weather Channel which makes sense, laura, remember, hunters lawyer said about bidens conversations with his sons Business Partners this. Approximately 20 times over the course of 10 year Relationship Hunter may have put his father on the phone with any number of different people and they never once spoke about any business dealings. It was all casual conversation. Niceties, the weather. You see . Biden is an expert on the weather. Apparently not on the seven wonders of the world. The grand canyon, one of the earths nine wonders. Wonders of the world. Literally. Think of that. You know, its amazing. Its amazing because the grand canyon is not one of the nine wonders of the world. It is not even one of the seven. Its considered one of the seven natural wonders of the world. And then the president sat for his interview with the Weather Channel. And the forecast for him, laura, was partly cloudy. Power grid is what people say not in my neighborhood. These big High Tension Wires that carry the electricity long distances. For example, were now transmitting over those lines on the east coast, were Transmitting Solar i mean wind power coming off the shores, okay . But the power grid, those, that electricity is going through these lines. When storms come and knock them down, the forest catch fires. Laura i think the Barometric Pressure just dropped for biden there the doppler isnt quite hitting him. I dont know, raymond. You saw the note card, laura. He had all of his notes written out. What does he say the power lines are carrying solar but they fall and burn the forest. How is this climate friendly. By the way what he was there to do declare all the area around the grand canyon a National Monument so uranium mine would go stop. Laura we talked about it in the angle. Its a big gift to kazakhstan which happened to be the sight site of one of Hunter Bidens oligarchs. Just funnel a little bit of money to them. The Weather Channel interview continued and a mental noreaster struck. Are you prepared to declare a National Emergency with respect to Climate Change . I have already done that its it is the existential threat to humanity. So you already declared that National Emergency . Well, in the [inaudible] thanks, appreciate it. The president did not declare a National Climate emergency, laura. Laura he will. Allow him to unilaterally stop Oil Production and exploration. That will really work. Maybe he can create energy by killing bugs. He seems very good at that. Laura thats what they want to do. So maybe in a Second Biden Term should he be reelected, thats exactly what will happen. It will be a racism, emergency, a Climate Emergency and throw in a new pandemic just for good measure. There is also concern, raymond, back at the white house over coke gate. Not of the soda variety. Report surfaced citing three Security Sources that the cocaine belonged to someone in the biden family orbit. One of the german shepherds, perhaps. Now the Secret Service is claiming that the report is false. They dont know who transported the coke into the white house. And there are no fingerprints on the bag, according to the fbi lab. You know, laura, this is going to be another support leak story. The investigation is going to drag on and they hope the public forgets. But, you know, images like this are hard to forget. And whatever you will see it in a second. Whatever is happening there, hunter biden is flying high on that balcony on july 4th. Is he doing all kinds of strange antics. I dont know if thatif that, you know, adds up, but we will see. Laura the question is did he inhale . There is an update on the lizzo story because america and inquiring minds want to know jayz canceled his made in america Music Festival where lizzo was to headline and some are speculating because ever the charges against the singer. Is that right . Lizzo is in plussize trouble tonight. The free dancer charged with fat shaming and a sexually charged environment. Listen. Was i pressured to touch any performer . Yes. Was i brought into a private meeting where i was kind of interrogated having to share very personal, personal things about myself regarding my weight . Yes. She actually balled up her fist like this to me. She started cracking her knuckles. And she was like you are so fing lucky that basically im not going to hit you. Her best friend, who is also one of the dancers had to jump out of the couch and physically hold her back from coming and hitting me. Now, laura, lizzo is saying these charges are not true. These are disgruntled employees now six more employees have come forward with accusations of Sexual Harassment against lizzo. Considering her instagram antics this doesnt look too good. The truth hurts even for the big girls, if you know what i mean. Laura oh, no. Turn that no, no. Raymond, i wish i cared about the lizzo story. I truly wish i cared about it. Raymond raymond i have a big cover reveal. My newlin con book. The magnificent lincoln. The cover is dropping today. Can you reorder it. Amazing story of mercy and forgiveness and shows a fathers love and how a father and a son created a National Holiday tradition we continue. Laura all right, raymond. Raymond preorder now. Laura exciting. Thank you, raymond. What is nancy pelosi hiding about the Real Security failures ahead of january 6th . Congressman berry loudermilk got his hands on new information and is going to share it with us in moments. Were traveling all across america talking to people about their hearts. Ooh, take this exit. Hows the heart . I feel like its good. You feel like its good . How do you know when its time to check in on your heart . How do you know . Let me show you something. It looks like a credit card, but it is the Kardiamobile Card. That is a medicalgrade ekg. Want to see how it works . Yeah. Put both thumbs on there. That is your heart coming from the Kardiamobile Card. Wow with Kardiamobile Card you can take a medicalgrade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. Kardiamobile card is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. And its the only personal ekg thats fdacleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. How much do you think that costs . Probably 500. 99 oh really . You could carry that in your wallet of course you can carry it in your wallet, right . Yes, yes. Checking your heart anytime, anywhere has never been easier. Dont wait. Get Kardiamobile Card for just 99 at kardia. Com or amazon. January 6 insurrection shook our public typical for many in congress and across the country the physical psychological and emotional scars are still raw so raw that democrats may want to keep Key Information about Security Failures before january 6 secretly step the congressman charged with investigating january 6 work said they did not adequately preserve Documents Data or even communication with the biting white house. So what are they hiding . Joining me now is the congressman Barry Loudermilk of georgia. Whats the biggest piece of information . The type of information you know they have not turned over to you or that they lost. There is several pieces of information we identified we dont have. The videotapes all the depositions and the interviews that they did. Know they did videotapes the Standard Practice and they use some of the videotapes in their hollywood production athat in itself requires preservation. But there is also documents that they returned to the white house and the department of Homeland Security but they rejected what the documents were. Even though they were supposed to preserve all the information that they used during the entirety of the select committee, they purposefully those away. There is also nothing about the Security Failures at the capital on january 6. Thats one of the key elements of our investigation is where was the Security Failure . What happened . And how can we fix it for the future . Security should not be political. But we cannot find any documentation regarding the blue team which was tasked with investigating the Security Failure. I think you should ask the question also, this was three or four dozen people who actually got violent. Everyone else was just Milling Around Walking Around but there was a core group of people who caused real trouble. What if it were someone else . What if these were actual terrorists . What if this was a band of people across the border and were really wanting to cause real trouble . Maybe true insurrection as writers were not just mad about the election . I dont know that we are prepared in that scenario because we havent adequately addressed the intelligence failure, we know there was actual intelligence, we know the executive branch, fbi, cia, and others knew of the intelligence that there was going to be this group of folks to make an attack on the capitol. The intelligence never made it to the chief of police. So we are trying to figure out was it suppressed intentionally . Was It Incompetence . Either way theres a coverup. The blue team was supposed to be working on it. The interesting thing im trying to figure out are the documents missing or did they never create any because if you are going to investigate the Capital Police and Security Failure you have to investigate the politicians and offices that have oversight which would be the Speakers Office and the committee on house administration. Bingo. Heres the thing. We want pelosis information we are going to keep track of this sorry we had to cut it a little short. There are a lot of questions out there that we still have. Thats it for us tonight, Jesse Watters takes it from here. Welcome to Jesse Watters primetime. Are you prepared to declare a National Emergency with respect to Climate Change . Weve already done that whats you already declared a National Emergency . In effect. The weatherman and the Weather Channel. What a breeze. Ive done my duty to hold a dangerous and outofcontrol president accountable. I would do so again in a heartbeat. January 6 committee, the coverup. He looks like a

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