Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240704

raid in provo sparked by alleged threats against president biden and other officials. authorities say they had treason believe the man was serious about his intentions with president biden scheduled to arrive in salt lake city in just a few moments. senior correspondent claudia cowan is in salt lake city tonight with the latest. good evening, claudia. >> good evening, bret. as you mentioned. this happened in provo, utah. that's about 45 minutes away from salt lake city. at the home of a man who has been on the fbi's radar for many months. according to a federal criminal complaint, craig robertson claimed online to be a 74-year-old former air force vet and the owner of many rifles, shotguns and handguns. and a so-called gilly suit. that's a type of camouflage. the fbi says robertson posted many credible threatening messages on social media. and was planning to take action. the complaint quotes robertson as saying i hear biden is coming to utah. digging out my old gilly suit and cleaning the suit off the m-24 sniper rifle. welcome buffoon in chief. documents show robertson made threats against former president barack obama and back in march against new york county district attorney alvin bragg saying he planned to go new york with a gun to, quote, put a nice hole in his forehead. court documents show agents tried contacting robertson about that particular post. he reportedly told them it was all a dream and not to come back for him without a warrant. the fbi has not said what precipitated this morning's shooting only that the incident is still under investigation. so far no changes to the president's schedule here tomorrow, where he will talk about health benefits for veterans and attend a fundraiser. bret? >> bret: claudia, thank you. >> bret: new developments tonight in the biden family business scandal. the family has released bank records detailing alleged payments from russia, ukraine, kazakhstan to the biden family and its business associates. the white house is calling the memo old news, innuendo and misdirection without any connection to president biden. republicans say they are continuing to follow the money and the communication. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is on capitol hill. >> the memo appears to reveal millions coming from ukrainian energy firm burisma where hunter biden served on the board. records released by house republicans indicate president biden attended dinners in washington with ex-soviet empire oligarchs. >> this is payback millions of dollars that the biden family received because of their access to the brand, to the big guy, being joe biden. there were no services being delivered, except for access. >> russian oligarch bart reena is one of the richest women in russia. she allegedly scored a dinner with then vice president biden at d.c.'s swank cafe milano only after sending millions to hunter biden's business partners. the white house docked when asking how she dodged sanctions earlier this year. >> i'm not speaking to individual -- individual persons from russia. >> republicans believe this makes the connection between the son and the father. >> 30-plus meetings. 20-some phone calls. dinners with the wealthiest woman in russia and all they talked about was the weather we are supposed to believe. >> also a transaction of $142,000 which allegedly landed in the account of a hunter biden related firm. hunter later received a high end sports car, supposedly costing the same amount. the top democrat on the house oversight committee, jamie raskin says the transactions do not involve the president. raskin characterized this as an effort to jury calls for an impeachment inquiriy. other democrats believe it's about something else. >> this is about distraction this is 'revenge and doing what president trump wants them to do. >> impeachment. >> this there is no doubt there is going to be an inquiry but i think an impeachment trial that will move forward some time this fall. >> g.o.p. says this was not only pay-to-play but pay-to-dine and with the car pay-to-drive. >> bret: chad pergramen ocapitol hill. thank you. there is news tonight regarding a possible new plea deal for hunter biden. this comes, as you heard, president biden continues his western swing with a focus on climate change. white house correspondent peter doocy traveling with the president in new mexico tonight. good evening, peter. >> bret, good evening. there's been a lot of news on this front while president biden has been out of pocket. but he did, about 90 minutes ago. give us first of its kind reaction when he waived me over at the end of an event. >> peter: there is this testimony now where one of your son's former business associates is claiming that you were on speaker phone a lot with them talking business? is that what -- >> -- never talked business with anyone. i know you would have a lousy question. >> peter: why is that a lousy question? >> thank you. >> because it's not true. >> peter: no surprise. i have heard from a white house official who tells us that in their reading of that exchange, the question is wrong and his answer is right because they insist president biden never did talk about business on those calls, which is what he said in response to my question. so, didn't really seem like he wanted to talk about that today. he did want to talk about climate change. >> i'm not here to declare victory on the economy. we have a lot more work to do. we have a plan. >> peter: president biden says his climate action is historic, and republicans agree. >> this is the largest fight against fossil fuel in the history of the world. >> peter: that criticism really isn't that different than official white house talking points. >> i want to stop all drilling on the east coast and the west coast and in the gulf. but i lost in court. >> peter: as a different court awaits details of a different plea deal for hunter biden, white house officials are responding to bank records just released today by house republicans, quote: comer and his extreme fellow republicans in office admitting they haven't uncovered any wrongdoing by president biden. the just released bank records detailing transactions from 2014 and 2015 allegedly link hunter biden to payments from kazakhstan, one of the countries that stands to benefit from a new u.s. ban on uranium drilling. critics question if that's a coincidence. >> joe biden just took an allotment of uranium off the table, for what? so we could be more reliant on foreign countries? i mean, i get it, his son gets a bunch of money from these countries overseas. >> president biden is hoping to keep people, instead, about investments he is making to address climate change. >> are you prepared to declare a national emergency with respect to climate change. >> i have already done that. >> peter: he hasn't. which has the sunrise movement a climate focused youth group saying hmmm so just do it? still no emergency, but lots more taxpayer funding for green energy. >> that's bidenomics. >> peter: president biden wants to talk about the transition to greener energy and he picked a good place to do it. the factory where they set up a microphone for him now makes wind towers but they used to make something that is familiar to anyone who has ever been to a tailgate, solo cups. bret? >> bret: we didn't think your question is lousy. we hope you get more of them. peter doocy on the trail with the president. peter, thanks. an ohio ballot initiative, to make it harder to amend that state's constitution, has failed. we told you about it last night. voters overwhelmingly rejected ohio's issue one tuesday. that means the threshold for future ballot measures to pass will remain at 50%. conservatives had pushed for a new 60% requirement. ohio voters will decide on an amendment in november ballot in the november ballot that, if passed, would cement abortion rights in ohio's constitution. ♪ ♪ >> bret: one key house republican is urging his g.o.p. colleagues to make border security a requirement before continued funding of the homeland security department. texas republican congressman chip roy also wants dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas fired. here is congressional correspondent aishah hasnie. >> we have to use the power of the purse. >> a funding showdown is brewing again on capitol hill. this time over the southern border crisis. texas congressman chip roy, genning up support to block funding for the department of homeland security unless president biden meets his demands in this letter obtained by fox news and sir could you laghtd among house republicans roy says he wants biden to sign the g.o.p. border bill into law. give law enforcement tools to target cartels, reimburse texas $10 billion for protecting the border and. >> the border is secure. >> fire dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas. >> republicans should have one simple message. no border security, no funding. the president is on a different page when asked if migrants fleeing extreme weather. >> i think the united states should do everything it can to help people who are in desperate means and have no other means of help. >> roy's ultimatum comes as the g.o.p. conference struggles to find the votes to impeach mayorkas. moderates stalling in fear of ramifications. >> according to his own definition is he cooking all right. think i that's impeachable. >> andy biggs held a field hearing how the migrant surge is affecting border communities and folks like john ladd, a fourth generation rancher are fed up. >> your school systems are ruined. your hospital systems are ruined. and your welfare viewnd. is nowhere near where it was when i grew up. >> fox did reach out to the white house to get a response to congressman chip roy's list of demands, we haven't heard back just yet. bret? >> bret: aishah, the state department is finally responding to that heart-wrenching testimony from gold star families this week. >> yeah. exactly. many of those families feel betrayed by this administration over this withdrawal, especially because the administration continues to call it a success and i got to ask the state department about that today. watch. >> they have a real hard time when the administration calls this withdrawal a success. do you still believe it was a success. >> we still believe it was a correct policy choice. >> was it a success. >> again, i would never want to quibble with a family member who has suffered such an enormous tragedy. >> i think that word is. >> i'm going to move on to somebody else. >> that's matt miller. did he move on. but he came back to me for a follow-up and i asked him if the state department can admit that it made mistakes and matt would only say that an after action report concluded that there were things that the state department could have done differently. bret? >> bret: aishah hasnie, live on capitol hill. aishah, thanks. california democratic senator dianne feinstein was briefly hospitalized after suffering a fall in her san francisco home yesterday. her office says all of the senator's scans were clear and she returned home. the 90-year-old has suffered from extensive health issues for more than a year leading some in her own party to question her fitness for office. stocks were down today ahead of new inflation numbers. the dow lost 101. the s&p 500 was off 32. the nasdaq fell 162. ♪ >> bret: china is making some of its boldest statements yet regarding its threat to taiwan and who it thinks is to blame. this comes amid a significant display of military force in the region. correspondent alex hogan has details tonight. >> new tensions off the coast of taiwan today as the island claimed 10 chinese air force aircraft entered its air defense zone and five chinese warships random bat readiness patrols. it's the second sump incursion this week. >> we have always urged china not to take action that would escalate cross strait tensions. >> china points blame at the u.s. calling washington the hidden force provoking south china sea tension. now china's airing a documentary on the country's state broadcaster which shows chinese troops claiming they are ready to attack taiwan. one of them even saying if war broke out and the conditions were too difficult to safely remove the naval mines in actual combat, we would use our own bodies to clear a safe pathway for our forces. tensions also flaring this week as china urged the philippines to tow away a warship military outpost in contested watters. >> we continue to assert our territorial rights in the face of all of these challenges. >> neighboring nations are warning of the danger in the region. yesterday, taiwan and japan promised to deepen relations. >> the most important thing for us currently is that there should be no war in the region, including the taiwan strait. >> president of taiwan says it will continue to bolster defense capabilities. >> always ready to defend our democracy and way of life. >> new tonight, president biden has signed an executive order that would ban american investments on technology if i haves in china that beijing could then use to fortify its military that includes things like microelectronics. >> bret: alex hogan in london? thanks. up next, why officials in hawaii are declaring a state of emergency. we will take you there. and, later, a new space race is emerging with eyes on returning to the moon. ♪ ♪ astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. with astepro's unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go! age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at pano ai chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... ...because t-mobile helps pano ai innovate, so they can stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. about two years ago, i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog, she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active. and she's able to join us on our adventures. get started at ♪ >> bret: newly released court documents reveal special counsel jack smith obtained a search warrant for former president donald trumptwitter account in january. a federal judge held twitter now known as x in contempt for delays in compliance with that warrant and fined the company $350,000. the judge's decision was upheld by a federal appeals court in washington last month in a sealed opinion. a redacted version of that opinion was released by the court today bringing the previously unreported legal battle to light. >> bret: hawaiian officials are declared a state of emergency as multiple wildfires burn across the islands. authorities say at least six people have died so far. there are reports residents in one mauiy island community jumping into the ocean to try to escape the flames william longness has the story from our west coast bureau. >> this was the home. there's their car. >> paradise lost on maui in what is likely hawaii's worst natural disaster since hurricane 30 years ago and the kilauea eruption in 2018. governor josh green calling the fire catastrophic. >> wildfires that wiped out communities, wildfires that wiped out businesses. wildfires that destroyed homes. >> firefighters are battling three fires, including one near la line in a, hawaii's first capital and historic whaling down filled with shops restaurants. a pilot who flew over said a town and some 200 homes were completely destroyed along with many boats tied up in slits as owners and captains could goth not get into lahai nia in time to save them. 14 people jumped into the water to save themselves were rescued by the coast guard. fire knocked out power, cell service and land lines and forced two evacuation centers to evacuate as 60 mile-per-hour winds from hurricane dora pushed the flames. the governor called up the national guard to help with some 1500 tourists stranded at the the airport and hundreds of others already evacuated to oahu. maui memorial treated 20 burn victims, three airlifted for emergency treatment in honolulu. >> this is not a safe place to be. certain parts of maui we have shelters that are overrun. we have resources that are being taxed. >> because the fires are still active officials cannot give us exact count on injuries or property damage. the governor puts it in the billions. aerials i saw show the harbor and charter boats inside destroyed leaving a huge hole in maui's economy. bret? >> bret: william la jeunesse in owest coast bureau. thanks. he up next we talk with chris christie. first here what some of our fox affiliates are covering tonight. fox 11 in los angeles as thieves are seen fleeing a luxury clothing store in glendale carrying arm loads of merchandise reportedly worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. it happened tuesday in broad daylight as you see here. one store worker says the entire theft took less than a minute. and this is a live look at jacksonville, florida. one of the big stories there tonight from fox 30. mega millions says its largest jackpot ever has been won by someone who bought a ticket at a publix in nuc neptune beach. if you were in publix check your ticket that is worth $1.58 billion. sorry to my staff. that's a live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ y to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. ingrezza is a prescription medicine to treat adults with td movements. ingrezza is different. it's the simple, once-daily treatment proven to reduce td that's #1 prescribed. people taking ingrezza can stay on their current dose of most mental health meds. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to any of its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including sleepiness. don't drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how ingrezza affects you. other serious side effects include potential heart rhythm problems and abnormal movements. it's nice people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. learn how you could pay as little as zero dollars at ♪ ingrezza ♪ i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ oh, ♪ somewhere, anywhere... ♪ ♪ i just want to lie motionless in a chair! ♪, booking.yeah ♪ ♪ (vo) verizon small business days are back. from august 7th to the 13th. get a free tech check and special offers. like a free 5g phone. plus, switch, keep your number, and get up to $300 off. with verizon business. it's your business. it's your verizon. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? 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i don't know. should i? okay. are you ready? poll. we take a free poll. should i do the debate? [cheers] >> bret: couldn't discern that answer what that means but he has been doing that on the stump now for a up can pell times. what difference does it make one way or another for you if he is on the that stage or he is not? >> doesn't make any difference for me. the difference it makes is for the republican voters because it shows his complete lack of respect for republican voters. he thinks because he won the nomination twice that it's his. in essence he is the best known person in the race. if he doesn't show up two weeks from tonight. what it will show, once again, is what he showed throughout his presidency, was complete disrespect for the people. the only good thing for me will be i will have more time to speak because he won't be drawing out about his three indictments with a 40 to come. >> bret: you just returned from ukraine and you met with the president there, volodymyr zelenskyy. the politics is tricky in the republican party, at least in the primary. >> bret, it's tricky if you try to thread a needle. if what you try to do is tell the truth, it's not tricky. i went to the city where the mayor told me of the attack there men were dragged out of the homes. eyes gouged out. shot execution style in the back of the head. then when they were done with that, the russian soldiers went into the homes and raped the women. nearly 20,000 children, bret, have been kidnapped from ukraine. ripped from the arms of their by the russian army and taken back to russia for them to be reprogrammed to be anti-ukraine and pro-russian federation. this conduct is barbaric and is incomprehensible. and it is being funded by the communist chinese and executed on by the barbaric authoritarian dictator in russia vladimir putin who donald trump has called brilliant and a great leader. i'm telling you, bret. if we don't stand up for this, american men and women will wind up fighting in taiwan because we have been unwilling to arm the ukrainians to the extent to allow them to win the war. joe biden has given them just enough to lose this war not enough to win it. >> bret: you shared from mike pence and haley. have you heard i'm sure on the trail concerns about the money going there. the focus there. the problems on the border and the problems in the u.s. that is popping up in the g.o.p. primary, is it not? >> it is. and it's pong up because people being were ill informed by people like donald trump and ron desantis who calls this a territorial dispute when you have 160 civilians murdered behind the cathedral and buried in a shallow grave and a 10-year-old girl shot dead while she was walking her dog. >> that's not a territorial dispute, bretna. is a full out authoritarian war against freedom and liberty. support the ukrainians and secure the border camentd at the same time. we will fight this proxy war against china. we will make sure that any move against taiwan will be one that make the juice not worth the squeeze and we will not have to send american men and women over there to defend taiwan who manufactures two thirds of the semiconductors, bret in the entire world. do we want the communist chinese to be in charge of dolling that out? i don't think so. ukraine is where this battle starts and american can win it there without having to spill any american blood anywhere else in the world. >> bret: last thing. we talked about this when you launched your campaign but your feelings about donald trump as a person, as a candidate. as a president have evolved quite significantly. over time. >> sure. he has left me. you know, this is not the guy that i have known all those years. in fact, when he decided on election night 2020, bret, to say the election was stolen when we now know, you know, i know, and any objective person knows the election was not stolen, when he stood east room of the white house and said that that was is it for me. you cannot undermine america's faith in democracy because your ego was hurt because you are the first person to lose to joe biden outside of the state of delaware. i understand that must hurt to lose to somebody as feeble and incompetent as joe biden but he did. if we nominate him again, he will again. he left me, bret. i need to stand up and make sure the truth is told about this. and quite frankly, i don't understand why my other colleagues in the race are not saying it. except unwilling or too scared to do it. i'm neither and i will be there two weeks from tonight with you and martha to make this case and the case for why christie presidency is the right one for america. >> bret: like ukraine though, in the g.o.p. primary, a two tiered system of justice as people look at what is happening with the former president, how it's being adjudicated and how they look at what is happening with hunter biden how that's being handled they say this is not fair there is a sympathetic figure, you acknowledge in the former president inside the g.o.p. primary. >> i agree that's not fair. that doesn't change donald trump's conduct, whether it's criminal or not. is that what we want behind the desk in the oval office? >> bret: governor christie, as always. we appreciate the time and we will see you in milwaukee. >> looking forward to seeing, you bret. thanks for having me on tonight. >> bret: join martha mccallum and me as we host the first primary debate of the republican primary season. it will happen right here on fox news channel on august 23rd, 9:00 p.m. eastern live from milwaukee, wisconsin. the second debate by the way can be seen on fox business september 27th from the ronald reagan presidential foundation and institute in seemy valley, california. up next, the race to return to the lunar surface and, later, the panel on the new levy labor relations in the biden family business scandal and the politics of the moment. ♪ ection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history. muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins. as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at ♪ ♪ >> bret: florida governor and republican presidential candidate ron desantis has suspended a state attorney for dereliction of duty on crime. the suspension of ninth judicial circuit state attorney monique wherle came in an executive order from desantis. the governor's office says wherle has routinely allowed murderers and other violent offenders to escape the full consequences of their criminal conduct. vermont senator bernie sanders quietly funneled $200,000 from his campaign's coffers to his wife's nonprofit institute. fox dignity reports that organization appears to do very little on paper and pays six figures worth of compensation to her son. federal election commission records show the independent senator's committee cut two $100,000 checks to the sanders' institute for reported charitable contributions in january and march. expenditures are the largest from the sanders campaign to any entity this election cycle. senator sanders campaign and the sanders' institute did not responds to fox news digital's inquiries by press time. tonight we examine how the u.s. is stacking up against the competition in the space race. nasa is working to send humans back to the moon while other nations are making major efforts of their own. here is correspondent jonathan serrie. >> well done. well done. >> artemis two astronauts will toured the crew module that will carry them around the moon and back. >> lift off of artemis one. >> concerns about heat shields may push next year's astronaut mission into early 2025 and putting boots on the lunar surface may take even longer as spacex continues work on the perspective landing craft. more than half a century after america beat russia to the moon, russia and india are in a race to land uncrewed spacecraft near the lunar south pole this month and china plans to send astronauts by 2030. ice discovered in that region could be used for life support or cob verted into rocket fuel for future missions to mars. that has spurred demand for robot manufacturers to test how machines and ultimately humans with work for extended periods in this super cold environment. >> we are testing systems to 18. those are liquid nitrogen. significantly cold. some areas look even colder than that on the moon. >> legal expert say the race for resources presents new challenges to a 56-year-old treaty that sets general guidelines for international space exploration. >> a state like china or the united states cannot claim property on the moon be, cannot claim territory on the moon. what does that mean for commercial enterprises? and what does it mean when you want to go to the moon for a specific reason like getting access to the water ice? experts warn could lead to conflict on the moon. they point out cooperation between the u.s. and russia led to the construction of the international space station. bret? >> bret: jonathan, thank you. up next, the panel on the latest news in the biden family business scandal and some more politics. first, beyond our borders tonight. an american nurse and her daughter who were kidnapped in haiti's capital have been released. alex works for a christian aid organization. no word whether a ransom was paid. the u.s. state department thanked its haitian and u.s. partners for helping facilitate that release. this is a live look at japan. one of the big stories there tonight, prince harry is extolling the virtues of sport during his first leg of his asia tour. >> the duke of sussex said while in tokyo sport not only helps build physical strength but can also heal the body and mind. had just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ [sneeze] (♪) astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. with astepro's unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go! ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? 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>> thank you. >> because it's not true. >> bret: we didn't think it was a lousy question. he said he never talked business with him. white house counsel office memo from ian sam's house republicans can't prove president biden did anything wrong but they are proving every day they have no vision and no agenda to actually help the american people. okay, with that, let's bring in our panel, katie pavlich news editor at town u.s. today chambers and josh kraushaar political analyst. josh, listen, we know this comes out in pieces. we are following each step and there are some people who get frustrated because it doesn't end where they think it's going to end, yet. but, you can't say there's nothing there. >> yeah. and when president biden said he never talked business with these executives, with these burisma executives, we know he sat down for a dinner that presumably lasted quite a bit of time with hunter biden, with some of these oligarchs. you know, i don't think these denials are passing the credibility test, bret. and, look, when there is smoke, there is a fire. there is a lot of smoke here. and republicans are trying to do a lot of digging connecting president biden, at least payments, try figure out whether there are actual payments or transfers to president biden himself. i think it's going to be tough to prove that and it's going to be tough to actually have a sort of a y quid pro quo there. the question is whether the republicans will have the political unity to pursue any kind of impeachment inquiry. whether they're going to take the next step to really put the political pressure on the white house. >> bret: it's interesting, the white house, first of all the payments by the russian oligarch, we have got a graphic kind of showing where it's going. francesca, the white house is pretty they have to walk back some of the statements even today's the way the president talks about it. he is not asked about it except from us. and it wasn't really a lot to be said, other than he didn't talk business. >> well, there hasn't been too many opportunities to ask him the questions about him because there haven't been white house press briefings, he has been traveling last week he was on vacation. he did get the question about it today. the white house has been arguing allies of the white house are essentially saying that they have not proven that president biden took money, took bribes that, when the speaker phone conversations took place that devon archer says that business wasn't discussed. it was more like how's the weather. that business wasn't discussed at these dinners and republicans haven't been age to show proof connecting president biden directly to hunter biden's business dealings. >> bret: yeah. it's just tough. the dinners, the phone calls, it's not all about the weather. number one. number two, the firing of that prosecutor in ukraine go back to that tape and it has a different look through that prism. >> katie: you don't need to have a bank account with joe biden's name on it to connect the dots on what may have been occurring here. at the very least it brings up big questions, again, about why hunter biden hasn't been charged with not registering as a foreign agent. these documents today show $20 million in foreign money going to hunter biden and his business partners. $6.5 million from. burisma alon that was happening when joe biden was the vice president. on a policy level that's a problem when it comes to the two standards of justice. but, also, when it comes to what president biden was doing with that portfolio under president barack obama. he was in charge of the ukraine portfolio. hunter biden went to china with his father on air force 2, of course. and the question about him having dinner. he said he didn't have discussions about business. is he having dinner with russian oligarchs at cafe milano in 2014 and 2015 after russia invaded crimea. how does that effect u.s. foreign policy and how does it you know go into his thinking today whether he is negotiating issues on ukraine war with russia. >> bret: see how this goes with republicans and how they take it forward. one thing politically for republicans does not look too good at this moment happened in ohio last night. that is this special election just on this issue to amend the state's constitution no on issue 1. 57% to 43%. this essentially will mean that abortion will be on that ballot. here is democratic congressman jim mcgovern in ohio. >> their extremism on abortion rights is scaring people. i think that is to the benefit of democrats. but, here's the deal. the republican party stands for nothing anymore. we know what they're against but they are for nothing. >> bret: ann coulter put up what do you say now is it an x post? an e xing? by the time republicans in the keep favor in abortion there are no republicans left. ohio makes seven a no vote is pro-abortion. she is right to point out that the states, even conservative states are taking these referendums and voting that way, josh. and it is a canary in the coal mine on that issue. >> look, abortion is a tough issue for republicans and frankly a lot of republicans haven't figured out how to message the issue. there are many americans who support restrictions on abortion but when you kind of have an all or nothing choice like you did in ohio, certainly it was sort of a proxy for that. that debate, you're going to have a hard time getting the pro-life side represented. also, this is -- voters generally want to keep the status quo. no matter what the issue is. and i think it's hard to win a referendum when you are actually changing the constitutional laws of ohio. >> bret: seeing this result, francesca, seeing kansas' result, i bet you see vice president harris and president biden on abortion a lot more. >> well, and you have seen vice president harris out there on this in the 2022 midterms her team democrats are looking at and this saying this is an issue that they think she should be out there more on in this election and you should expect to see her continue to campaign on that. >> bret: will republicans have an answer though, katie? >> katie: republicans have had terrible answers on this issue. the one person had a good answer is virginia governor glenn youngkin republican says i'm pro-life but the majority of americans, including democrats want limits at 15 weeks. so we can talk about that 15 weeks. >> bret: there is a couple other candidates at 15 weeks. >> for the most part though in the last election, for example. they ran away from the issue thinking it was settled because it had been returned to the states and now we are seeing it voted on and that's the way it was supposed to be. but republicans have to come up with better answers about the majority what majority of people think. >> bret: panel, thanks. ♪ >> bret: finally tonight, a special report salutes. >> on the boat when this happened i said you will never have a fishing trip like this in your life. >> bret: new jersey businessman being hailed as a hero after rescuing a group clinging on for dear life in the atlantic ocean. held fishing lines in the water for a few minutes. they saw the group screaming for help. pushed one man on deck. saved the rest. that's great story. fair, balanced and unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is up now. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is the incorporation gram angle. thank you for being with us tonight. the biden honey pot. that's sweet and it's the focus of tonight's angle. >> based on the executive order that i signed in response to russia's initial intervention in ukraine, we're imposing sanctions on more senior officials of the russian government in addition, we are today sanctioning a number of other individuals with substantial resources and influenc

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Change , Swing , Car Pay , Drive , Chad Pergramen Ocapitol Hill , Lot , Peter Doocy , Front , Pocket , New Mexico , Kind , Testimony , Event , 90 , Question , Business , Anyone , Speaker Phone , What , Didn T Talk Business , Answer , Official , Talk , Reading , Surprise , Exchange , Response , Economy , Calls , Didn T , Victory , Work , Fight , Plan , Fossil Fuel , Criticism , Climate Action , History Of The World , Court , Details , West Coast , Talking Points , Isn T , Drilling , Gulf , East Coast , Office , Haven T , Wrongdoing , Comer , 2014 , Countries , Critics , Uranium , Allotment , Coincidence , Uranium Drilling , 2015 , People , It , Investments , Table , Bunch , Sunrise Movement A Climate Focused Youth Group , Respect , Emergency , He Hasn T , Place , Bidenomics , Taxpayer Funding , Transition , Energy , Microphone , Factory , Green Energy , Trail , Something , Tailgate , Wind Towers , Solo Cups , Issue , The State Of Delaware , Voters , Ohio , Constitution , Ballot 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Or Nothing , Side , Matter , Proxy , Referendum , Status Quo , Harris , Result , More , Laws , Midterms , Biden On Abortion , Kansas , 2022 , Team , Majority , Glenn Youngkin , Part , Virginia , 15 , Answers , Example , Businessman , Boat , Fishing , New Jersey , Group , Fishing Lines , Screaming , Hero , Group Clinging , Deck , Atlantic Ocean , Fair , Unafraid , Ingraham Angle , Laura Ingraham , Angle , Intervention , Incorporation Gram Angle , Biden Honey Pot , Government , Individuals , Addition , Influenc ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special 20240704

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raid in provo sparked by alleged threats against president biden and other officials. authorities say they had treason believe the man was serious about his intentions with president biden scheduled to arrive in salt lake city in just a few moments. senior correspondent claudia cowan is in salt lake city tonight with the latest. good evening, claudia. >> good evening, bret. as you mentioned. this happened in provo, utah. that's about 45 minutes away from salt lake city. at the home of a man who has been on the fbi's radar for many months. according to a federal criminal complaint, craig robertson claimed online to be a 74-year-old former air force vet and the owner of many rifles, shotguns and handguns. and a so-called gilly suit. that's a type of camouflage. the fbi says robertson posted many credible threatening messages on social media. and was planning to take action. the complaint quotes robertson as saying i hear biden is coming to utah. digging out my old gilly suit and cleaning the suit off the m-24 sniper rifle. welcome buffoon in chief. documents show robertson made threats against former president barack obama and back in march against new york county district attorney alvin bragg saying he planned to go new york with a gun to, quote, put a nice hole in his forehead. court documents show agents tried contacting robertson about that particular post. he reportedly told them it was all a dream and not to come back for him without a warrant. the fbi has not said what precipitated this morning's shooting only that the incident is still under investigation. so far no changes to the president's schedule here tomorrow, where he will talk about health benefits for veterans and attend a fundraiser. bret? >> bret: claudia, thank you. >> bret: new developments tonight in the biden family business scandal. the family has released bank records detailing alleged payments from russia, ukraine, kazakhstan to the biden family and its business associates. the white house is calling the memo old news, innuendo and misdirection without any connection to president biden. republicans say they are continuing to follow the money and the communication. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is on capitol hill. >> the memo appears to reveal millions coming from ukrainian energy firm burisma where hunter biden served on the board. records released by house republicans indicate president biden attended dinners in washington with ex-soviet empire oligarchs. >> this is payback millions of dollars that the biden family received because of their access to the brand, to the big guy, being joe biden. there were no services being delivered, except for access. >> russian oligarch bart reena is one of the richest women in russia. she allegedly scored a dinner with then vice president biden at d.c.'s swank cafe milano only after sending millions to hunter biden's business partners. the white house docked when asking how she dodged sanctions earlier this year. >> i'm not speaking to individual -- individual persons from russia. >> republicans believe this makes the connection between the son and the father. >> 30-plus meetings. 20-some phone calls. dinners with the wealthiest woman in russia and all they talked about was the weather we are supposed to believe. >> also a transaction of $142,000 which allegedly landed in the account of a hunter biden related firm. hunter later received a high end sports car, supposedly costing the same amount. the top democrat on the house oversight committee, jamie raskin says the transactions do not involve the president. raskin characterized this as an effort to jury calls for an impeachment inquiriy. other democrats believe it's about something else. >> this is about distraction this is 'revenge and doing what president trump wants them to do. >> impeachment. >> this there is no doubt there is going to be an inquiry but i think an impeachment trial that will move forward some time this fall. >> g.o.p. says this was not only pay-to-play but pay-to-dine and with the car pay-to-drive. >> bret: chad pergramen ocapitol hill. thank you. there is news tonight regarding a possible new plea deal for hunter biden. this comes, as you heard, president biden continues his western swing with a focus on climate change. white house correspondent peter doocy traveling with the president in new mexico tonight. good evening, peter. >> bret, good evening. there's been a lot of news on this front while president biden has been out of pocket. but he did, about 90 minutes ago. give us first of its kind reaction when he waived me over at the end of an event. >> peter: there is this testimony now where one of your son's former business associates is claiming that you were on speaker phone a lot with them talking business? is that what -- >> -- never talked business with anyone. i know you would have a lousy question. >> peter: why is that a lousy question? >> thank you. >> because it's not true. >> peter: no surprise. i have heard from a white house official who tells us that in their reading of that exchange, the question is wrong and his answer is right because they insist president biden never did talk about business on those calls, which is what he said in response to my question. so, didn't really seem like he wanted to talk about that today. he did want to talk about climate change. >> i'm not here to declare victory on the economy. we have a lot more work to do. we have a plan. >> peter: president biden says his climate action is historic, and republicans agree. >> this is the largest fight against fossil fuel in the history of the world. >> peter: that criticism really isn't that different than official white house talking points. >> i want to stop all drilling on the east coast and the west coast and in the gulf. but i lost in court. >> peter: as a different court awaits details of a different plea deal for hunter biden, white house officials are responding to bank records just released today by house republicans, quote: comer and his extreme fellow republicans in office admitting they haven't uncovered any wrongdoing by president biden. the just released bank records detailing transactions from 2014 and 2015 allegedly link hunter biden to payments from kazakhstan, one of the countries that stands to benefit from a new u.s. ban on uranium drilling. critics question if that's a coincidence. >> joe biden just took an allotment of uranium off the table, for what? so we could be more reliant on foreign countries? i mean, i get it, his son gets a bunch of money from these countries overseas. >> president biden is hoping to keep people, instead, about investments he is making to address climate change. >> are you prepared to declare a national emergency with respect to climate change. >> i have already done that. >> peter: he hasn't. which has the sunrise movement a climate focused youth group saying hmmm so just do it? still no emergency, but lots more taxpayer funding for green energy. >> that's bidenomics. >> peter: president biden wants to talk about the transition to greener energy and he picked a good place to do it. the factory where they set up a microphone for him now makes wind towers but they used to make something that is familiar to anyone who has ever been to a tailgate, solo cups. bret? >> bret: we didn't think your question is lousy. we hope you get more of them. peter doocy on the trail with the president. peter, thanks. an ohio ballot initiative, to make it harder to amend that state's constitution, has failed. we told you about it last night. voters overwhelmingly rejected ohio's issue one tuesday. that means the threshold for future ballot measures to pass will remain at 50%. conservatives had pushed for a new 60% requirement. ohio voters will decide on an amendment in november ballot in the november ballot that, if passed, would cement abortion rights in ohio's constitution. ♪ ♪ >> bret: one key house republican is urging his g.o.p. colleagues to make border security a requirement before continued funding of the homeland security department. texas republican congressman chip roy also wants dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas fired. here is congressional correspondent aishah hasnie. >> we have to use the power of the purse. >> a funding showdown is brewing again on capitol hill. this time over the southern border crisis. texas congressman chip roy, genning up support to block funding for the department of homeland security unless president biden meets his demands in this letter obtained by fox news and sir could you laghtd among house republicans roy says he wants biden to sign the g.o.p. border bill into law. give law enforcement tools to target cartels, reimburse texas $10 billion for protecting the border and. >> the border is secure. >> fire dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas. >> republicans should have one simple message. no border security, no funding. the president is on a different page when asked if migrants fleeing extreme weather. >> i think the united states should do everything it can to help people who are in desperate means and have no other means of help. >> roy's ultimatum comes as the g.o.p. conference struggles to find the votes to impeach mayorkas. moderates stalling in fear of ramifications. >> according to his own definition is he cooking all right. think i that's impeachable. >> andy biggs held a field hearing how the migrant surge is affecting border communities and folks like john ladd, a fourth generation rancher are fed up. >> your school systems are ruined. your hospital systems are ruined. and your welfare viewnd. is nowhere near where it was when i grew up. >> fox did reach out to the white house to get a response to congressman chip roy's list of demands, we haven't heard back just yet. bret? >> bret: aishah, the state department is finally responding to that heart-wrenching testimony from gold star families this week. >> yeah. exactly. many of those families feel betrayed by this administration over this withdrawal, especially because the administration continues to call it a success and i got to ask the state department about that today. watch. >> they have a real hard time when the administration calls this withdrawal a success. do you still believe it was a success. >> we still believe it was a correct policy choice. >> was it a success. >> again, i would never want to quibble with a family member who has suffered such an enormous tragedy. >> i think that word is. >> i'm going to move on to somebody else. >> that's matt miller. did he move on. but he came back to me for a follow-up and i asked him if the state department can admit that it made mistakes and matt would only say that an after action report concluded that there were things that the state department could have done differently. bret? >> bret: aishah hasnie, live on capitol hill. aishah, thanks. california democratic senator dianne feinstein was briefly hospitalized after suffering a fall in her san francisco home yesterday. her office says all of the senator's scans were clear and she returned home. the 90-year-old has suffered from extensive health issues for more than a year leading some in her own party to question her fitness for office. stocks were down today ahead of new inflation numbers. the dow lost 101. the s&p 500 was off 32. the nasdaq fell 162. ♪ >> bret: china is making some of its boldest statements yet regarding its threat to taiwan and who it thinks is to blame. this comes amid a significant display of military force in the region. correspondent alex hogan has details tonight. >> new tensions off the coast of taiwan today as the island claimed 10 chinese air force aircraft entered its air defense zone and five chinese warships random bat readiness patrols. it's the second sump incursion this week. >> we have always urged china not to take action that would escalate cross strait tensions. >> china points blame at the u.s. calling washington the hidden force provoking south china sea tension. now china's airing a documentary on the country's state broadcaster which shows chinese troops claiming they are ready to attack taiwan. one of them even saying if war broke out and the conditions were too difficult to safely remove the naval mines in actual combat, we would use our own bodies to clear a safe pathway for our forces. tensions also flaring this week as china urged the philippines to tow away a warship military outpost in contested watters. >> we continue to assert our territorial rights in the face of all of these challenges. >> neighboring nations are warning of the danger in the region. yesterday, taiwan and japan promised to deepen relations. >> the most important thing for us currently is that there should be no war in the region, including the taiwan strait. >> president of taiwan says it will continue to bolster defense capabilities. >> always ready to defend our democracy and way of life. >> new tonight, president biden has signed an executive order that would ban american investments on technology if i haves in china that beijing could then use to fortify its military that includes things like microelectronics. >> bret: alex hogan in london? thanks. up next, why officials in hawaii are declaring a state of emergency. we will take you there. and, later, a new space race is emerging with eyes on returning to the moon. ♪ ♪ astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. with astepro's unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go! age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at pano ai chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... ...because t-mobile helps pano ai innovate, so they can stop the spread of wildfires. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. about two years ago, i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog, she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active. and she's able to join us on our adventures. get started at ♪ >> bret: newly released court documents reveal special counsel jack smith obtained a search warrant for former president donald trumptwitter account in january. a federal judge held twitter now known as x in contempt for delays in compliance with that warrant and fined the company $350,000. the judge's decision was upheld by a federal appeals court in washington last month in a sealed opinion. a redacted version of that opinion was released by the court today bringing the previously unreported legal battle to light. >> bret: hawaiian officials are declared a state of emergency as multiple wildfires burn across the islands. authorities say at least six people have died so far. there are reports residents in one mauiy island community jumping into the ocean to try to escape the flames william longness has the story from our west coast bureau. >> this was the home. there's their car. >> paradise lost on maui in what is likely hawaii's worst natural disaster since hurricane 30 years ago and the kilauea eruption in 2018. governor josh green calling the fire catastrophic. >> wildfires that wiped out communities, wildfires that wiped out businesses. wildfires that destroyed homes. >> firefighters are battling three fires, including one near la line in a, hawaii's first capital and historic whaling down filled with shops restaurants. a pilot who flew over said a town and some 200 homes were completely destroyed along with many boats tied up in slits as owners and captains could goth not get into lahai nia in time to save them. 14 people jumped into the water to save themselves were rescued by the coast guard. fire knocked out power, cell service and land lines and forced two evacuation centers to evacuate as 60 mile-per-hour winds from hurricane dora pushed the flames. the governor called up the national guard to help with some 1500 tourists stranded at the the airport and hundreds of others already evacuated to oahu. maui memorial treated 20 burn victims, three airlifted for emergency treatment in honolulu. >> this is not a safe place to be. certain parts of maui we have shelters that are overrun. we have resources that are being taxed. >> because the fires are still active officials cannot give us exact count on injuries or property damage. the governor puts it in the billions. aerials i saw show the harbor and charter boats inside destroyed leaving a huge hole in maui's economy. bret? >> bret: william la jeunesse in owest coast bureau. thanks. he up next we talk with chris christie. first here what some of our fox affiliates are covering tonight. fox 11 in los angeles as thieves are seen fleeing a luxury clothing store in glendale carrying arm loads of merchandise reportedly worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. it happened tuesday in broad daylight as you see here. one store worker says the entire theft took less than a minute. and this is a live look at jacksonville, florida. one of the big stories there tonight from fox 30. mega millions says its largest jackpot ever has been won by someone who bought a ticket at a publix in nuc neptune beach. if you were in publix check your ticket that is worth $1.58 billion. sorry to my staff. that's a live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ y to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. ingrezza is a prescription medicine to treat adults with td movements. ingrezza is different. it's the simple, once-daily treatment proven to reduce td that's #1 prescribed. people taking ingrezza can stay on their current dose of most mental health meds. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to any of its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including sleepiness. don't drive, operate heavy machinery, or do other dangerous activities until you know how ingrezza affects you. other serious side effects include potential heart rhythm problems and abnormal movements. it's nice people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. learn how you could pay as little as zero dollars at ♪ ingrezza ♪ i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ oh, ♪ somewhere, anywhere... ♪ ♪ i just want to lie motionless in a chair! ♪, booking.yeah ♪ ♪ (vo) verizon small business days are back. from august 7th to the 13th. get a free tech check and special offers. like a free 5g phone. plus, switch, keep your number, and get up to $300 off. with verizon business. it's your business. it's your verizon. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? 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i don't know. should i? okay. are you ready? poll. we take a free poll. should i do the debate? [cheers] >> bret: couldn't discern that answer what that means but he has been doing that on the stump now for a up can pell times. what difference does it make one way or another for you if he is on the that stage or he is not? >> doesn't make any difference for me. the difference it makes is for the republican voters because it shows his complete lack of respect for republican voters. he thinks because he won the nomination twice that it's his. in essence he is the best known person in the race. if he doesn't show up two weeks from tonight. what it will show, once again, is what he showed throughout his presidency, was complete disrespect for the people. the only good thing for me will be i will have more time to speak because he won't be drawing out about his three indictments with a 40 to come. >> bret: you just returned from ukraine and you met with the president there, volodymyr zelenskyy. the politics is tricky in the republican party, at least in the primary. >> bret, it's tricky if you try to thread a needle. if what you try to do is tell the truth, it's not tricky. i went to the city where the mayor told me of the attack there men were dragged out of the homes. eyes gouged out. shot execution style in the back of the head. then when they were done with that, the russian soldiers went into the homes and raped the women. nearly 20,000 children, bret, have been kidnapped from ukraine. ripped from the arms of their by the russian army and taken back to russia for them to be reprogrammed to be anti-ukraine and pro-russian federation. this conduct is barbaric and is incomprehensible. and it is being funded by the communist chinese and executed on by the barbaric authoritarian dictator in russia vladimir putin who donald trump has called brilliant and a great leader. i'm telling you, bret. if we don't stand up for this, american men and women will wind up fighting in taiwan because we have been unwilling to arm the ukrainians to the extent to allow them to win the war. joe biden has given them just enough to lose this war not enough to win it. >> bret: you shared from mike pence and haley. have you heard i'm sure on the trail concerns about the money going there. the focus there. the problems on the border and the problems in the u.s. that is popping up in the g.o.p. primary, is it not? >> it is. and it's pong up because people being were ill informed by people like donald trump and ron desantis who calls this a territorial dispute when you have 160 civilians murdered behind the cathedral and buried in a shallow grave and a 10-year-old girl shot dead while she was walking her dog. >> that's not a territorial dispute, bretna. is a full out authoritarian war against freedom and liberty. support the ukrainians and secure the border camentd at the same time. we will fight this proxy war against china. we will make sure that any move against taiwan will be one that make the juice not worth the squeeze and we will not have to send american men and women over there to defend taiwan who manufactures two thirds of the semiconductors, bret in the entire world. do we want the communist chinese to be in charge of dolling that out? i don't think so. ukraine is where this battle starts and american can win it there without having to spill any american blood anywhere else in the world. >> bret: last thing. we talked about this when you launched your campaign but your feelings about donald trump as a person, as a candidate. as a president have evolved quite significantly. over time. >> sure. he has left me. you know, this is not the guy that i have known all those years. in fact, when he decided on election night 2020, bret, to say the election was stolen when we now know, you know, i know, and any objective person knows the election was not stolen, when he stood east room of the white house and said that that was is it for me. you cannot undermine america's faith in democracy because your ego was hurt because you are the first person to lose to joe biden outside of the state of delaware. i understand that must hurt to lose to somebody as feeble and incompetent as joe biden but he did. if we nominate him again, he will again. he left me, bret. i need to stand up and make sure the truth is told about this. and quite frankly, i don't understand why my other colleagues in the race are not saying it. except unwilling or too scared to do it. i'm neither and i will be there two weeks from tonight with you and martha to make this case and the case for why christie presidency is the right one for america. >> bret: like ukraine though, in the g.o.p. primary, a two tiered system of justice as people look at what is happening with the former president, how it's being adjudicated and how they look at what is happening with hunter biden how that's being handled they say this is not fair there is a sympathetic figure, you acknowledge in the former president inside the g.o.p. primary. >> i agree that's not fair. that doesn't change donald trump's conduct, whether it's criminal or not. is that what we want behind the desk in the oval office? >> bret: governor christie, as always. we appreciate the time and we will see you in milwaukee. >> looking forward to seeing, you bret. thanks for having me on tonight. >> bret: join martha mccallum and me as we host the first primary debate of the republican primary season. it will happen right here on fox news channel on august 23rd, 9:00 p.m. eastern live from milwaukee, wisconsin. the second debate by the way can be seen on fox business september 27th from the ronald reagan presidential foundation and institute in seemy valley, california. up next, the race to return to the lunar surface and, later, the panel on the new levy labor relations in the biden family business scandal and the politics of the moment. ♪ ection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history. muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins. as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at ♪ ♪ >> bret: florida governor and republican presidential candidate ron desantis has suspended a state attorney for dereliction of duty on crime. the suspension of ninth judicial circuit state attorney monique wherle came in an executive order from desantis. the governor's office says wherle has routinely allowed murderers and other violent offenders to escape the full consequences of their criminal conduct. vermont senator bernie sanders quietly funneled $200,000 from his campaign's coffers to his wife's nonprofit institute. fox dignity reports that organization appears to do very little on paper and pays six figures worth of compensation to her son. federal election commission records show the independent senator's committee cut two $100,000 checks to the sanders' institute for reported charitable contributions in january and march. expenditures are the largest from the sanders campaign to any entity this election cycle. senator sanders campaign and the sanders' institute did not responds to fox news digital's inquiries by press time. tonight we examine how the u.s. is stacking up against the competition in the space race. nasa is working to send humans back to the moon while other nations are making major efforts of their own. here is correspondent jonathan serrie. >> well done. well done. >> artemis two astronauts will toured the crew module that will carry them around the moon and back. >> lift off of artemis one. >> concerns about heat shields may push next year's astronaut mission into early 2025 and putting boots on the lunar surface may take even longer as spacex continues work on the perspective landing craft. more than half a century after america beat russia to the moon, russia and india are in a race to land uncrewed spacecraft near the lunar south pole this month and china plans to send astronauts by 2030. ice discovered in that region could be used for life support or cob verted into rocket fuel for future missions to mars. that has spurred demand for robot manufacturers to test how machines and ultimately humans with work for extended periods in this super cold environment. >> we are testing systems to 18. those are liquid nitrogen. significantly cold. some areas look even colder than that on the moon. >> legal expert say the race for resources presents new challenges to a 56-year-old treaty that sets general guidelines for international space exploration. >> a state like china or the united states cannot claim property on the moon be, cannot claim territory on the moon. what does that mean for commercial enterprises? and what does it mean when you want to go to the moon for a specific reason like getting access to the water ice? experts warn could lead to conflict on the moon. they point out cooperation between the u.s. and russia led to the construction of the international space station. bret? >> bret: jonathan, thank you. up next, the panel on the latest news in the biden family business scandal and some more politics. first, beyond our borders tonight. an american nurse and her daughter who were kidnapped in haiti's capital have been released. alex works for a christian aid organization. no word whether a ransom was paid. the u.s. state department thanked its haitian and u.s. partners for helping facilitate that release. this is a live look at japan. one of the big stories there tonight, prince harry is extolling the virtues of sport during his first leg of his asia tour. >> the duke of sussex said while in tokyo sport not only helps build physical strength but can also heal the body and mind. had just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ [sneeze] (♪) astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. with astepro's unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go! ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? 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>> thank you. >> because it's not true. >> bret: we didn't think it was a lousy question. he said he never talked business with him. white house counsel office memo from ian sam's house republicans can't prove president biden did anything wrong but they are proving every day they have no vision and no agenda to actually help the american people. okay, with that, let's bring in our panel, katie pavlich news editor at town u.s. today chambers and josh kraushaar political analyst. josh, listen, we know this comes out in pieces. we are following each step and there are some people who get frustrated because it doesn't end where they think it's going to end, yet. but, you can't say there's nothing there. >> yeah. and when president biden said he never talked business with these executives, with these burisma executives, we know he sat down for a dinner that presumably lasted quite a bit of time with hunter biden, with some of these oligarchs. you know, i don't think these denials are passing the credibility test, bret. and, look, when there is smoke, there is a fire. there is a lot of smoke here. and republicans are trying to do a lot of digging connecting president biden, at least payments, try figure out whether there are actual payments or transfers to president biden himself. i think it's going to be tough to prove that and it's going to be tough to actually have a sort of a y quid pro quo there. the question is whether the republicans will have the political unity to pursue any kind of impeachment inquiry. whether they're going to take the next step to really put the political pressure on the white house. >> bret: it's interesting, the white house, first of all the payments by the russian oligarch, we have got a graphic kind of showing where it's going. francesca, the white house is pretty they have to walk back some of the statements even today's the way the president talks about it. he is not asked about it except from us. and it wasn't really a lot to be said, other than he didn't talk business. >> well, there hasn't been too many opportunities to ask him the questions about him because there haven't been white house press briefings, he has been traveling last week he was on vacation. he did get the question about it today. the white house has been arguing allies of the white house are essentially saying that they have not proven that president biden took money, took bribes that, when the speaker phone conversations took place that devon archer says that business wasn't discussed. it was more like how's the weather. that business wasn't discussed at these dinners and republicans haven't been age to show proof connecting president biden directly to hunter biden's business dealings. >> bret: yeah. it's just tough. the dinners, the phone calls, it's not all about the weather. number one. number two, the firing of that prosecutor in ukraine go back to that tape and it has a different look through that prism. >> katie: you don't need to have a bank account with joe biden's name on it to connect the dots on what may have been occurring here. at the very least it brings up big questions, again, about why hunter biden hasn't been charged with not registering as a foreign agent. these documents today show $20 million in foreign money going to hunter biden and his business partners. $6.5 million from. burisma alon that was happening when joe biden was the vice president. on a policy level that's a problem when it comes to the two standards of justice. but, also, when it comes to what president biden was doing with that portfolio under president barack obama. he was in charge of the ukraine portfolio. hunter biden went to china with his father on air force 2, of course. and the question about him having dinner. he said he didn't have discussions about business. is he having dinner with russian oligarchs at cafe milano in 2014 and 2015 after russia invaded crimea. how does that effect u.s. foreign policy and how does it you know go into his thinking today whether he is negotiating issues on ukraine war with russia. >> bret: see how this goes with republicans and how they take it forward. one thing politically for republicans does not look too good at this moment happened in ohio last night. that is this special election just on this issue to amend the state's constitution no on issue 1. 57% to 43%. this essentially will mean that abortion will be on that ballot. here is democratic congressman jim mcgovern in ohio. >> their extremism on abortion rights is scaring people. i think that is to the benefit of democrats. but, here's the deal. the republican party stands for nothing anymore. we know what they're against but they are for nothing. >> bret: ann coulter put up what do you say now is it an x post? an e xing? by the time republicans in the keep favor in abortion there are no republicans left. ohio makes seven a no vote is pro-abortion. she is right to point out that the states, even conservative states are taking these referendums and voting that way, josh. and it is a canary in the coal mine on that issue. >> look, abortion is a tough issue for republicans and frankly a lot of republicans haven't figured out how to message the issue. there are many americans who support restrictions on abortion but when you kind of have an all or nothing choice like you did in ohio, certainly it was sort of a proxy for that. that debate, you're going to have a hard time getting the pro-life side represented. also, this is -- voters generally want to keep the status quo. no matter what the issue is. and i think it's hard to win a referendum when you are actually changing the constitutional laws of ohio. >> bret: seeing this result, francesca, seeing kansas' result, i bet you see vice president harris and president biden on abortion a lot more. >> well, and you have seen vice president harris out there on this in the 2022 midterms her team democrats are looking at and this saying this is an issue that they think she should be out there more on in this election and you should expect to see her continue to campaign on that. >> bret: will republicans have an answer though, katie? >> katie: republicans have had terrible answers on this issue. the one person had a good answer is virginia governor glenn youngkin republican says i'm pro-life but the majority of americans, including democrats want limits at 15 weeks. so we can talk about that 15 weeks. >> bret: there is a couple other candidates at 15 weeks. >> for the most part though in the last election, for example. they ran away from the issue thinking it was settled because it had been returned to the states and now we are seeing it voted on and that's the way it was supposed to be. but republicans have to come up with better answers about the majority what majority of people think. >> bret: panel, thanks. ♪ >> bret: finally tonight, a special report salutes. >> on the boat when this happened i said you will never have a fishing trip like this in your life. >> bret: new jersey businessman being hailed as a hero after rescuing a group clinging on for dear life in the atlantic ocean. held fishing lines in the water for a few minutes. they saw the group screaming for help. pushed one man on deck. saved the rest. that's great story. fair, balanced and unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is up now. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is the incorporation gram angle. thank you for being with us tonight. the biden honey pot. that's sweet and it's the focus of tonight's angle. >> based on the executive order that i signed in response to russia's initial intervention in ukraine, we're imposing sanctions on more senior officials of the russian government in addition, we are today sanctioning a number of other individuals with substantial resources and influenc

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Or Nothing , Side , Matter , Proxy , Referendum , Status Quo , Harris , Result , More , Laws , Midterms , Biden On Abortion , Kansas , 2022 , Team , Majority , Glenn Youngkin , Part , Virginia , 15 , Answers , Example , Businessman , Boat , Fishing , New Jersey , Group , Fishing Lines , Screaming , Hero , Group Clinging , Deck , Atlantic Ocean , Fair , Unafraid , Ingraham Angle , Laura Ingraham , Angle , Intervention , Incorporation Gram Angle , Biden Honey Pot , Government , Individuals , Addition , Influenc ,

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