Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas 20240704

family. we've been waiting for these for a while. they show how those who contributed to hunter's ventures were seemingly reward evidence with access to his father. >> bill: it all flies in the face of what the president and his staff have been saying on repeat. >> have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings? >> president biden: i've never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings. >> do they stand behind the comment he has never been involved or spoken to his son about his business? >> i've been asked this question a million times. the answer won't change. the answer remains the same. the president was never in business with his son. >> dana: chad pergram is live on capitol hill. she has been asked that question a lot. her answer did change slightly and we have noticed that. what did you find out this morning from the new records? >> good morning. the question is what was hunter biden doing to earn access to this money? republicans on the house oversight committee say the new records detail a pay to play scheme. proof of $20 million sent to the bidens from foreign business sources. the committee says russian, ukrainian and kazakhstan funneled money to companies tied to hunter biden and a shell company associated with hunter biden business partner devon archer. president kind with people in washington and archer and hunter biden and burisma put hunter biden on the board. >> it involved a foreign country or foreign national wiring money to a fake company. then the fake company would then turn around and wire the money to the biden family members. they did this to hide the source of the revenue because they weren't supposed to get money from many of these countries. >> republicans are trying to draw a line from these payments to the president. >> this isn't about hunter biden. this is about paying to play for the biden family because the money goes to nine different members through shell companies much like the informant said. >> the committee says a kazakhstan oligarch transferred 142,000 to hunter biden for a sports car. democrats contend there is no wrongdoing by the president. >> archer himself said that hunter biden was trying to pitch the illusion of access. there is all of these threads of conspiracy that the republicans have been unable to tie together to embarrass the president. >> gop says impeachment is not just pay to play but pay to dine and drive. dana. >> dana: chad pergram on the hill. >> bill: byron york, some analysis. good morning. this is ukraine, russia, kazakhstan. chad has been on the story from the beginning. when he found out about kazakhstan two weeks ago it surprised -- not like it is england, france and italy, byron. >> these are some very troubled parts of the world known for their corruption and it is clearly something that is a major, major influence on the united states policy. and what we've seen with these new documents this morning is shedding more light on how some of this actually worked. chad mentioned this dinner. spring of 2014 it was at cafe milano in washington. joe biden went there and went there for dinner. we have heard about biden maybe showing up shaking a couple of hands and leaving. no, he was there for the dinner. the interesting thing is there was a woman, a russian billionaire. her late husband had been mayor of moscow. she sends $3.5 million to rosemont seneca, hunter biden's company. amazingly enough around the same time she finds herself at dinner at cafe milano with the vice president of the united states. now if you listen to devon archer and his testimony it's amazing. most of the time everybody seemed to be talking about the weather. they are just talking about the weather all the time. but republicans are a bit more suspicious than that and want to find out what business may have been transacted at these meetings. >> dana: byron, it is pretty remarkable to go back and watch that one clip where peter doocy asked joe biden on the campaign trail and biden says i never spoke to my son about his business dealings. and i just think i wonder how long they can go with trying to live that fiction since we know they didn't just talk about the weather. you know you don't get invited the cafe milano. as vice president you are a super busy person. to go to cafe milano with your son, you don't talk about the weather. maybe not business but his presence at the vice president was obvious for that. i just wonder about the media and there is no interest in this story? >> well, the white house is basically stuck with the story, and the thing about the devon archer testimony, it demolished the former vice president, now president's story about never having discussed business matters with his son. it blew it up. and the white house has amended the story saying that joe biden was never, quote, in business, with his son. but we've never seen any sort of reconciliation with the kind of stuff the president -- now president was saying that he never discussed this with his son. that he had no knowledge of this with his son. now we see him going to dinner with people who just sent 3 1/2 million dollars to his son's companies. so when you mention the media, the question is, is the white house under pressure to actually talk about this, to account for this? are there people other than fox news really keeping up the reporter pressure on this? >> bill: no. >> the answer is no. until there are, they probably feel like they can get away with it. >> dana: they don't do interviews, either. he did an interview with the weather channel. they didn't ask about hunter biden. >> more talk about the weather. >> dana: they don't do any interviews. astounding. they were going to return to norms and he was going to be so transparent. i think if they were even willing for him to do an interview i can't imagine there is a national reporter from even from the white house that wouldn't ask. do you think that's possible? i ask you both. >> well, first, i just don't know. as far as the interviews are concerned that's right. this president is not very accessible at all. although i would say i think there are other reasons that play into the white house calculation, which is the president's attention span, his tendency to commit gaffes, his tendency to lose his train of thought, which we're seeing more and more with him. all of those are not good prerequisites for a hard hitting media interview. the fact is white house's feel a lot of pressure when there is a full scale media presssing on about this story. with this story there isn't one. >> bill: thank you so much. nice to see you today. keep in mind what the headline is. james comer is now saying they can account for more than $20 million in payments from foreign sources. kazakhstan is the latest. devon archer in the q and a was behind closed doors, not under oath. i think it's a good chance that this house committee after labor day could bring devon archer for a hearing on the hill. see whether or not it happens. >> dana: as the press second we have to comment. sometimes you can get through it. also as a press secretary you have an obligation to make sure the press has access to the president and that is certainly not happening. today marks two weeks from the first gop debate of the 2024 election cycle. we're getting our first look at the rnc's highly anticipated loyalty pledge. >> bill: breaking details on the second republican debate. not going to stop at one. the second republican debate is now public. it will take place exactly five weeks later in simi valley, california at the reagan library september 27th brought to you by fox business. two hours in milwaukee coming up in two weeks, another two hours at the end of september. criteria changes for debate two. you have to poll better across the country. we'll see who does and doesn't. >> dana: mark meredith has that for us now. >> good morning. the excitement is building. countdown is on for the first debate. we know one more big name will be on the debate stage in milwaukee. former vice president mike pence. he had told reporters he was confident he would make the first debate. we don't know if his old boss president trump will show up. if so the two men debate each other on the same stage. an historic moment in politics. pence may have to address a new campaign ad out that shows him laying out his energy plan. critics are mocking the moment because it appears pence is not filling up his gas tank or holding down the right lever to pump gas. the stage is getting crowded with eight candidates qualifying for the debate. so far only one candidate has signed the loyalty pledge from the rnc to support the eventual nominee, that's vivek ramaswamy. we'll see if more names are added within the next day or so. they have to sign it before the debate. ron desantis qualified for the debate and taking steps to show he takes america's rising crime crisis seriously. he suspended a state attorney in orlando. policies coming out of the ninth judicial circuit allow violent offenders to go free. the governor issued suspended a state attorney in november of 2020. she campaigned on restoring equity to the justice system but the governor said her office is creating more problems than solutions. >> we had a duty to act to protect the public from this dereliction of duty. >> as for former president trump, frontrunner in the race was in new hampshire claiming the criminal cases against him are impacting his ability to campaign in the same early states but he is getting ready to visit iowa this weekend for the state fair. always a big event. >> dana: remember when he took the helicopter there and gave the kids a ride? it was a big deal. thank you, mark. >> bill: if you watch this story from hawaii. fast moving fires in hawaii complicating efforts to get these flames under control. that looks like a mess. we'll update you on that. plus this. check it out. >> we have to do something. can you say do something? let me say do something? >> dana: d.c. lawmakers calling for action over a surge of violence. we'll hear from a mother whose son was killed last weekend. what she says needs to happen. >> bill: ohio special election. what it means and may portend in november and beyond and what it might say about abortion on the ballot. stay tuned. the grocery store and the gas station alone are taking a big chunk out of our paychecks. fortunately, you've earned the valuable va home loan benefit. the newday100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value, not just 80%. and with home values near record highs, that could mean a lot of money. let newday turn your home's equity into cash. life, diabetes. each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. glucerna, bring on the day. this is american infrastructure, a prime target for cyberattacks. but the same ai-powered security that protects all of google also defends these services for everyone who lives here. ♪ which hotel? 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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. >> dana: check this out. emergency crews are to fight wild fairs in what way. several buildings destroyed and residents forced to evacuate from their homes. coast guard officials rescued 12 people so far. strong winds by hurricane doria are complicating firefighting efforts even though the storm is 500 miles south of hawaii. those businesses are under threat. one apartment building in cedar park, texas was completely destroyed by a wildfire. it damaged two other buildings last night. firefighters said it was 40% contained but more than doubled from 50 acres to 120 since that update. >> bill: in the meantime 20 minutes past the hour. a search underway for suspected cartel gunmen who crossed the rio grande river into texas over the weekend. there is a new push by some republicans to withhold dhs funding until secretary mayokas secures the border. can they do it, aishah? >> they are trying very, very hard. trying to figure out a strategy that will actually work with this gop conference. fox has obtained a letter written by congressman chip roy of texas that is circulating within the gop conference. basically this letter says, bill, if president biden doesn't meet chip roy's list of demands nobody should vote for any money to fund the department of homeland security. some of these demands signing the border bill into law. giving law enforcement tools to target cartels. reimbursing texas $10 billion for securing the border and removing secretary mayokas from office. firing mayokas. the ultimatum comes as the conference is struggling hard to find a vote to impeach mayokas. hearing a lot of impeachment talk hasn't happened yet. moderates are stalling because they fear the political ramifications. >> keep trying to sell my colleagues that we're past time for impeachment inquiry. i always believed until recently the low hanging fruit to be honest with you. >> so congress biggs led an oversight field hearing at the arizona border how the crisis is impacting border communities, one rancher told lawmakers the number of migrants coming across his property shot up when president biden took office and that's hurting his community. >> school systems are ruined. hospital systems are ruined. your welfare is ruined. america is nowhere near what it was when i grew up. >> congressman biggs tells me impeachment and impeaching mayokas in particular is what everybody wants to talk about in arizona. >> bill: we'll see where it goes, thanks. >> i know those who live here know we're clearly in a war zone. we're tired of this. enough is enough. excuse my language i want to be frank to the young men and ladies it's not okay for you to load up 30, 40, 50, 120 rounds in a gun and shoot up our community because b.j. didn't deserve this. >> dana: enough is enough is a d.c. city council member. leaders have to step up to preserve public safety in the nation's capitol. the mother of d.j. hodges. he was killed at a mass shooting in d.c. over the weekend. her son was frustrated over the rise of deadly violence in the community that he loved. she joins us now, thank you for being here. i want to talk about b.j. in a moment and what an incredible young person he was and a father and somebody who was super responsible and cared. first tell me what happened as you understand it the night when he was shot. >> well, i don't have a whole lot of information. i know that my son had called me on saturday afternoon around 5:45 and said that, you know, his children wanted to come and stay with me. he had them on the phone. he said they are bugging me to bring them over to you. i said that's fine. so around 6:30 -- between 5:30 and 6:00 dropped the children off and looked at his mail because he had a lot of mail that was piling up and gave my mother, his grandmother, a kiss. i kind of patted him on the shoulders like what's up, b.j.? about an hour later, not quite an hour, i got a call from his sister, my daughter, and someone called her and said b.j. is dead. they said he was dead. i just -- when it hit me i stayed calm because i had his children with me. i couldn't really show too much reaction. but his 6-year-old son, out of the blue didn't know anything and just started praying. he was looking at video games. all of a sudden he dropped his device and started praying and put his hands together and said pray for all mommies. pray for all daddies and i'm looking and i know my daughter and i gave me the word and so i asked my 25-year-old grandson to come and watch the children while i go out to the scene and it was the most saddest sight that you ever, ever would want to see. there were other bodies that was on the ground and first body i saw was no, that's not my son. so i was a little in disbelief like maybe they got mistaken. they said there were two other bodies that was on the ground. i said please, please, let me go and touch my son and see him one last time. i just saw him just an hour ago. please, jesus, but the detectives -- police would not let me through the yellow tape. i remember vaguely i fought through and they pulled me back and was holding and i was jesus, jesus, got to praying. this was your son, what would you do? if this was your child what would you do? please let me go touch my son, let me touch my child. i'm a very spiritual person and i always believe a person shouldn't be alone if they, you know, are crossing over. that's just how i am but just it was somebody driving by. i still don't have all what actually happened. >> dana: tempe, i think our viewers will be taken with you and our hearts are with you and prayers as well. you are a very spiritual person and one of the things that i understand you had said is that the police cannot keep up with the crime there. what would you -- what do you think it will take to get something to happen? >> well, if you ever was to go around different neighborhoods and just see guys hanging out, you may notice that there are no activity centers, there are no recreation centers, there is nothing like vocational schools because that's one of the things my son was very, very animated about was education. he held three jobs. so when you ride around the city you see people just sitting out, hanging out, it is just a sad look. if i lived there in that area and saw that these guys i would not want to live in that area because it is a sad sight to see so many. it is a bunch. >> dana: let's talk about b.j. he is 35 years old raising his family. he has a wife and our sympathies are with her as well. he worked three jobs. attended school to be an h vac technician. and graduated as salutatorian. he worked in the boiler room at mgm and when he got off he would work another job in the morning. >> at the water company. >> dana: you did everything right. and yet you still had this terrible thing happen to you. >> most definitely. so sad. i look at the news every day and see this happen to other people. but when it hits, it hits a little different when it is your own. god knows i don't wish this on no one. like i said i'm a very spiritual person and i know my god is able and gives me the strength that i need and gives me the strength to be strong for my family. >> dana: there were 161 homicides year-to-date this year in washington, d.c. that's a 28% increase over the same period last year. it is unacceptable and your voice is so important. i want a hug from you one day. that's what i want. i hope we stay in touch. >> most definitely, yes. i want to keep my son's name and everyone know him as b.j. i want to keep his name alive and build a legacy. i would love to see a recreation center in his honor. >> dana: tempe, thank you. take care. >> bill: strong woman. 28 past. we have news from the war in ukraine. putin blaming kiev again as russia claims they shot down two drones flying near moscow. what comes next. we'll take you there coming up. two weeks until the first republican debate on fox news. "outnumbered" co-host kayleigh mcenany will analyze the state of the race. she is in studio. come on in. ♪ [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [crowd gasp] ♪ with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. 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stunning. you sure you don't want your family in the family photos? they helped us save money when we bundled, so... yeah. same difference. okay. this one's going on the mantle. >> dana: ohio voters rejected a measure that would have raised the bar for amending the state's constitution. the results giving a big victory to abortion rights supporters who are bringing their own case in a referendum in november. mike tobin is live with the details. >> issue one got a sound defeat from voters in ohio yesterday. it was primarily driven by an issue that was not on the ballot this time around. part of the fallout from the dobbs decision that overturned roe v. wade. this was about abortion rights. with the failure of issue one, the threshold to amend ohio's constitution is a simple majority. 50% plus one. had issue one succeeded changing the constitution would have required 60% of the voting public. the vote is connected to abortion. ohio has a ballot issue that could have abortion rights in the constitution. voters approved the change in the constitution smoother. >> this was a complex issue. there are a lot of folks who did not want this to happen not just because of the november issues, the -- but for all the other ones coming. >> people came out and sent a strong message to the extremist super majority in the legislature that they believe in fairness, they believe in freedom, and they believe in the power to hold them accountable. >> ohio voters will also be looking at issues of recreational marijuana and gun control in the future. advocates of issue one blame the defeat on outside money and voter confusion, back to you. >> dana: lots to pick at this. thank you, mike. >> bill: kayleigh mcenany joins us, co-host of "outnumbered." how do you see it going now? >> it speaks to the potency of abortion as a political issue. the fact that every pro-life ballot initiative has failed post dobbs and drives turn-outs. i sat down with the kansas pro-life leader twice who pointed to me on a chart of voter registration the exact moment the dobbs decision happened you see an almost vertical increase in young women voter registration. you go on to have the kansas ballot initiative last august. pro-lifers lost. the highest turnout ever for a kansas primary including presidential primaries and senate primaries and then you go and fast forward to this august in ohio, what do you see? two times the number of voter turnout of the previous year which again had statewide primaries. so republicans, there is a way to win on this issue but they need to get on offense. >> dana: as i understand it for the grassroots on the left they were super organized. now they have all the information. they're very good on the phones, right? they know where your precinct is going to -- the dobbs decision initially supreme court said this is for the states to decide. the states are deciding. but there is federal legislation and you have republican candidates about to debate two weeks from today. all of them have been sort of not really wanting to take on this issue. this issue will take them on if they don't. >> yes. republicans must take this head on. advice, number one, talk about supporting mothers. pregnant women. vulnerable women. rubio has done that. the unborn child support act. the child support from the moment of conception. why aren't republicans talking about that? internal polling from the nrfc when you talk about it from a place of compassion you win. legislature overrode three ballots. a doctor talked about treating a baby who survived an abortion and democrats joined them in overturning that. third point expose the ex strewsism of democrats. i would love to see a presidential candidate look at joe biden and say president biden, when does a baby feel pain? why isn't every democrat asked that question? >> bill: joe biden as a catholic was pro-life and changed during his political career. what this means is that there will be a constitutional ballot amendment in november in ohio that will enshrine it in the constitution. the arizona governor suggested that they will have one as well. not this year but during the presidential year of 2024. something to watch. put up call for number three. this is where we think the state of the race is right now for republicans trump at 54%, ron desantis trails by 17, we have our debate in two weeks. we announced another debate on fox business that will follow five weeks later in california. excited about them both. how do you see it going? will trump show up? >> he should. look at the number 54%, right? look over to the other side of the aisle. biden at 64% in the "new york times" poll. what this means is you have former president trump running as a presidential incumbent. he has the strength almost of joe biden who only has two opponents, one unknown and one not a democrat how his party perceives it. trump has eight opponents and garnering the majority of the vote. debate is a shining moment. >> dana: get all of them on record of their support, right? >> absolutely. >> dana: i will be glad to have you on any time. >> bill: thank you. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: well, it's the catch that got everyone talking. center fielder rodriguez fools almost everyone after making a leaping catch of a home run. i don't know what i'm talking about. rodriguez jumps at the wall and shows in reaction and walks from the warning track. what does that mean? he has the ball safely. what's the warning track? i'm done. >> bill: the warning track is the strip of looks like dirt but it's not. fake plastic. that lets the outfielder show they are getting close to the wall. you see it there? he hits the track and knows he has a couple more feet so he doesn't bang into the wall. back in the old days the outfield used to go up. it was grass and you would know that as well. it's different right now. >> dana: i love learning every day. >> bill: we have warning tracks all over us today. president biden talking about green energy program and progressives say he hasn't gone far enough to fight climate change. the era of remote work is coming to an end even those who work for zoom. that's the company that cashed in on widespread covid lockdowns, they're saying come back. carley and cheryl are here to talk about that. come on out, ladies, hello. >> dana: hi. ♪ are you a veteran, own a home and need money for your family? newday usa can help. veterans have earned a lot of va benefits with their service, but the va home loan benefit is a big one. by using your benefit at newday you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out an average of $70,000. use that money to pay off high rate debt and get back on your feet financially. 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liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> dana: president biden is in new mexico today touting billions of dollars in spending on clean energy. progressives have been pushing biden further left during his first term but still aren't satisfied. they will never be satisfied with his climate agenda. gillian turner live at the white house with more. >> to mark a year since congress passed his inflation reduction act the president is in new mexico touting his green energy agenda. yesterday in arizona he sat down with the weather channel and said this. >> president biden: yes, the courts overrule me. the courts said i couldn't do it. i want to stop all drilling on the east coast and the west coast and in the gulf. but i lost in court. there is so much going on finally, finally no one can any longer deny that we don't have a problem with climate change. >> progressive democrats are ratcheting up the pressure on the president ahead of 2024 wanting him to go all in on the green agenda regardless of the cost. repres representative jayapal says we have to fight every day because of all the work we did in 2020. we passed the largest climate bill ever investing billions in clean energy and environmental protections. last week vice president harris touted the new clean energy economy has only cost taxpayers 13 figures so far. >> a trillion dollars to build a clean energy economy. a trillion dollars to build and grow a new economy, a clean energy economy. >> some progressives now, like elizabeth warren and bernie sanders say the spending isn't going far enough and they lobby merrick garland to have lawsuits against companies. >> dana: zoom staffers are furious as remote work declared dead in twist of fate. they are the latest company to bring workers back to the office. what does it mean for the future of remote work? carley shimkus and cheryl casone are with us. here is call for one. a self identified zoom employee saying ceo said take it or leave the company in the meeting, lol. and that the irony is you need to go to the office. every meeting is via zoom. i think people do get frustrated with that. maybe i will be willing to come into the office two days a week. are we going to do zoom calls from the desk? >> i like she used irony. it is rich. the company who created the technology that allowed video work from home saying it's time to stop working from home at least in part. the ceo is asking for two in-office days if you live 50 miles from the headquarters. some people complained having to go back to the office. the overarching feeling is that of concern. employees are saying well if zoom is going to be using zoom less, then could we fall by the wayside and be like a blackberry once the hotte ever and is now no longer? >> bill: just two days. they aren't going full on, right? >> google has gone to three days. meta three days right now. google even says if you are working from home, it could affect your performance review. there was a headline after the zoom news saying the remote work revolution is officially dead because of this zoom news. zoom is saying you need to come into the office and others took it further. you have to relocate if you do not live within driving distance of our offices. and if not, then that's it. ceos are over it, done. the jig is up, they're realizing now it is time to come back to the office. you can make faster decisions, work faster, more efficient. >> dana: just how urban centers. san francisco is a disaster, new york better than most. the fact workers aren't here coming to mid town that means that the sandwich shop isn't being frequented. no one is buying on the corner your hot dog cart guy. >> i'm a dirty dog girl as well. >> bill: three bucks. >> you are right. i thought it was interesting how many people still are working from home at least in part. you mentioned new york. new york times said new york city vacant office space could fill up 36 empire state buildings and 40% of people with office jobs allowed to work from home on some days. i do feel like we work from home because it was an extraordinary time. the world shut down. that's been over for a long time. time for everybody to put the pants on and be back to work. >> bill: we did this for you, cheryl. when i first heard about zoom at the beginning of pandemic i thought what is it all about? publicly traded company. it was trading around $66 in march of 2020 around that time. it shot up to $599. where is it today? back at $67. >> go buy some invideo. after the show. the best part of the work from home story, i think, a woman in australia that just got fired, her remote work was getting monitored by her keyboard strokes. they fired her and it was upheld because she tried to fight it in court. 44 days she didn't work the full day. 29 days she finished early. four days she didn't hit one key stroke the entire day. right. >> you're right. >> they know if you are working at home or not. the jig is up. >> for your mental health it is good to be around other people. jump back in, enjoy the people. >> if you want to get ahead and everybody else is complaining about going into the office, raise your hand and say i'll go in. >> carley and i worked here the whole time. >> bill: with hemmer. hot dogs for you, carley. a new battlefront in the war against wokeness. how some conservative activists are taking on diversity programs. wait until you hear about this coming up next. to get cash...surprise. some lenders charge hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees. not at newday. a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. when it comes to your hair, ingredients matter. that's why herbal essences is packed with naturally derived plant ingredients you love, and none of the stuff you don't. our sulfate-free collections smell incredible... ♪ and leave your hair touchably soft and smooth. ♪ herbal essences there are currently more than 750,000 unfilled cybersecurity jobs in the u.s. the google cybersecurity certificate was made to fill that gap and help grow the workforce that's keeping us all safe. so many hotels... [yells] [yells] [yells] trouble booking the family vacay? come on. comfort has free hot breakfast for the whole fam! they have waffles! and splendid pools! cannonball! >> bill: now republican activists are launching a legal battle against dozens of major corporations over dei, diversity, equity and inclusion programs. they argue the companies are violating the law that banned racial quotas in the workplace. madison all worth trying to figure this out from fox business. >> what we're seeing. the supreme court ruling against affirmative action in universities is now turning over to corporations. a growing number of gop activists are launching law stutes and petitions against similar efforts at those businesses. these companies have all been sued over dei, diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. the activists using similar tactics progressive groups used to further the program. the argument companies are violating rules against race and sex discrimination favoring only certain sexes and races, a group of attorney generals have sent a letter to fortune 100 countries warning them against race-based preferences in hiring, promotions and contracting after the scotus decision saying we remind you of your obligations as an employer to refrain from discriminating on the basis of race whether under the label of diversity, equity and inclusion or otherwise. while companies are publicly saying they're committed to diversity initiatives there is legal exploration whether they should adjust their practices on their end and we see it at work even if it's not something they're saying publicly. in december of 2022, the 12 month attrition rate or people let go in dei roles was 33%. much higher than 21% for the non-dei roles. the fallout hitting the markets as well. s&p global dropped its scale that measures environmental, social and governance factors when assessing a company's credit quality and instead focusing on the whole company. >> dana: the rate of letting those folks go over others. >> a space that grew tremendously. >> dana: i could see why companies wouldn't want to draw attention to letting go of their dei people but you caught it. have a good day. the biden administration likes to say the crisis at the border is getting better. but the pictures don't lie. new images coming in showing hundreds of migrants trying to rush through a port of entry in brownsville, texas adding to the already overwhelming burden on patrol agents. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: how are you doing? >> dana: i'm great. how are you? >> bill: great. bill hemmer, good morning. this started after a false rumor that the u.s. would open the border for asylum seekers. as the chaos unfolded a sheriff said mexican cartels are gaining the upper hand. >> it is getting worse and worse because you have to ask yourself who has more o

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System , Problems , Duty , Solutions , November Of 2020 , 2020 , Race , States , Campaign , Cases , Ability , Former , Public , Frontrunner , Dereliction Of Duty , New Hampshire , Mark , Estate , Kids , Deal , Iowa , Helicopter , Event , Ride , Efforts , Fires , Flames , Mess , Hawaii , Lawmakers , D C , Ohio Special Election , Violence , Action , Surge , Abortion , Ballot , Gas Station , Grocery Store , Chunk , Valuable Va Home Loan Benefit , Paychecks , Value , Cash , Newday , Record Highs , Home Values , Newday100 Va Loan , 100 , 80 , Glucerna Protein , Help , Blend , Protein , Doing , Going , Blood Sugar Response , Diabetes , Life , Living , 30 , Everyone , Google , Security , Services , Infrastructure , Cyberattacks , Target , Hotel , Views , Faves , Bathroom , Craft Beers , Spa , Cambria , Plan , Weight , Release , Golo , Norma , 53 , Tissue Test , Crest 3d Whitestrips White , Whitening Toothpaste , Soft Music , Toothpaste White , Teeth , Ooof , 3 , Results , Retinol , Whiter , 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Migrants , School Systems , Hospital Systems , Property , Welfare , Impeaching Mayokas In Particular , Me Impeachment , War Zone , Language , Member , Didn T , Gun , Ladies , City Council , Hodges , Safety , Leaders , Nation , Shooting , Rise , D J , B J , Somebody , Information , Children , Phone , 45 , 5 , Grandmother , Mail , Fine , 6 , 00 , Daughter , Call , Someone , Kiss , Patted , Shoulders , Reaction , Video Games , Anything , Device , Out Of The Blue , Word , Grandson , Pray , Mommies , Scene , Daddies , 25 , Sight , Bodies , Ground , Body , Saddest , Police , Tape , Detectives , Holding , Jesus , Child , Person Shouldn T , Tempe , Somebody Driving , Crossing Over , Things , Viewers , Hearts , Prayers , Crime , Activity Centers , Recreation Centers , Guys , Neighborhoods , Jobs , Schools , City , Nothing , Education , Three , Area , Saw , School , Bunch , Sympathies , Wife , 35 , Water Company , Technician , Salutatorian , Mgm , Boiler Room , Job , H Vac , News , Everything , Strength , No One , God , Increase , Voice , Hug , 161 , 28 , Legacy , Recreation Center , Yes , War , Honor , Drones , Take Care , Strong Woman 28 , Near Moscow , Putin , Kayleigh Mcenany , Come On In , Studio , Flaky , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Camera Shutter Sfx , City Ambience Sounds , Car Screech , Car Door Slam , Skin , Blood Tests , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaking , Otezla , Itching , Patches , Ned , 1 , Reactions , Don T , Doctors , Psoriatic Arthritis , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Headache , Thoughts , Depression , Weight Loss , Movie , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Crowd Gasp , Doctor , Planning , Portfolio , Specialists , Ting , Investment Gains , Taxes , Money Managers , Meeting , Wealth , Manner , Creativeplanning Com , Way , Side , Pairs , Celebrity Sale , Picture , Celebrity Frames , Shot , Fly Price , Designer Frames , Sofia Vergara , 9 95 , Exam Today , America S Best , 89 95 , Allergy Symptoms , Him , Remington , Sure , Energy , Farmer , Dog , Transformation , Health , No Brainer , Food , Happiness , Remi , Allergies , Longlivedogs Com Beautiful , Save Money , Catches , Hubcap , Photos , Difference , Stunning , Voters , Measure , Ohio , Mantle , Bar , Issue , Constitution , Abortion Rights Supporters , Defeat , Referendum , Victory , Case , Mike Tobin , Fallout , Abortion Rights , Dobbs Decision , Threshold , Failure , Roe V Wade , Voting Public , 60 , Folks , Ballot Issue , Change , Constitution Smoother , Issues , Legislature , Message , Super Majority , Ones , Extremist , Ohio Voters , Fairness , Freedom , Power , Marijuana , Gun Control In The Future , Mike , Voter , Confusion , Blame , Lots , Co Host , Outnumbered , Leader , Ballot Initiative , Potency , Post Dobbs , Kansas , Voter Registration , Women , Pro Lifers , Chart , Voter Turnout , Primaries , Lost , Primary , Turnout , August , Senate , Offense , Phones , Grassroots , Left , Supreme Court , Precinct , Legislation , Rubio , Child Support , Number One , Mothers , Advice , Child Support Act , Conception , Head On , Polling , Compassion , Ballots , Aren T , Nrfc , Baby , Strewsism , Point , Isn T , Career , Pain , Catholic , Amendment , 2024 Something , 54 , 17 , New York Times , Poll , Aisle , Incumbent , Trump Running , 64 , Opponents , Party , Majority , Support , Record , Sports , Catch , Everyone Talking , Center Fielder Rodriguez , Shows , Leaping Catch , Home Run , Warning Track , Ball , Looks , Dirt , Plastic , Strip , Feet , Outfielder Show , Track , Outfield , Back , Grass , Doesn T Bang Into , The Wall , Progressives , Program , Climate Change , Remote Work , Tracks , Zoom , Cheryl , End , Carley Shimkus , Come On Out , Covid Lockdowns , Veteran , Hi , Veterans , Big One , Benefit , Average , Service , Newday Usa , Va Benefits , 70000 , 0000 , Rate , Debt , Vo , August 7th , 7 , Oh , Tech Check , Offers , 5g Phone , Plus , Switch , Judge , Verizon , 300 , 13 , 13th , Reviews , Ham , Booking Com , Searchable , It Cool , Sleep Number , Bed , Ya , Financing , Game Nights , Smart Beds , 36 , Care , Forty , 1982 , Emotion , Man , Condition , Operation Smile , Isn T Fair , Two Hundred And Fifty , Thousands , Surgery , Smile , Code , Joy , Limu Emu , Liberty Mutual , That S My Boy , Car Insurance , Huh , Uncle Limu , Freeways , Agenda , Climate , Spending , Term , Gillian Turner , New Mexico , Inflation Reduction Act , The , Green Energy Agenda , Congress , Courts , Court , Gulf , Drilling , West Coast , East Coast , Problem , Ratcheting , Work , Billions , Climate Bill , Jayapal , Cost , Repres , Energy Economy , Harris , Protections , Figures , Taxpayers , Last , Economy , Lawsuits , Bernie Sanders , Elizabeth Warren , Merrick Garland , Zoom Staffers , Workers , Twist Of Fate , Ceo , Irony , Zoom Employee , Self , Cheryl Casone , Zoom Calls , Desk , Technology , Video Work , Employees , Feeling , Headquarters , Concern , They Aren T , Wayside , Hotte , Meta , Performance Review , Work Revolution , Offices , Zoom News , Others , Distance , Jig , Centers , Ceos , Decisions , Town , Fact Workers , Hot Dog Cart , Sandwich Shop Isn T , Disaster , Buying , Corner , San Francisco , Dog Girl , Guy , Bucks , Three Bucks , Feel , Office Jobs , Empire State , Office Space , Pants , Pandemic , 599 , 99 , March Of 2020 , 66 , Show , Invideo , Australia , 67 , Keyboard Strokes , Four , 44 , 29 , Stroke , Mental Health , Hand , Hot Dogs , Activists , Diversity Programs , Lenders , Battlefront , Hundreds , Cash Surprise , Wokeness , Shingles , Virus , Sleeping , Appraisal , Fees , Veteran Shouldn T Have , Rash , Risk , Lying Dormant , Waiting , Prevention , Pharmacist , Hair , Ingredients Matter , Plant Ingredients , Collections , None , Herbal Essences , Hair Touchably , Cybersecurity Jobs , 750000 , Workforce , Hotels , Safe , Gap , Trouble , Family Vacay , Google Cybersecurity Certificate , Come On , Breakfast , Fam , Pools , Waffles , Diversity , Inclusion , Corporations , Dei , Programs , Law , Battle , Dozens , Workplace , Growing Number , Affirmative Action , Quotas , Worth , Universities , Supreme Court Ruling , Madison , Groups , Petitions , Tactics , Law Stutes , Argument Companies , Group , Races , Sexes , Attorney Generals , Sex Discrimination , Rules , Fortune 100 , Decision , Employer , Obligations , Discriminating , Label , Hiring , Preferences , Basis , Promotions , Exploration , Practices , Attrition Rate , Roles , Let Go In Dei Roles , 33 , 21 , 2022 , December Of 2022 , S P Global , Governance , Factors , Markets , Credit Quality , Space , Attention , Companies Wouldn T , Images , Burden , Port Of Entry , Administration , Pictures Don T Lie , Brownsville , Rumor , Patrol Agents , Asylum Seekers , Chaos , O , Sheriff ,

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