Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

you hear what one heart broken mother revealed about biden yesterday first, i want to take a step back tonight. losing your wife and young daughter in a car crash and decades later losing your 46-year-old son to a brain tumor, i mean, that would be hard for anyone to bear. we all know that not only did joe get through it, well, he used it, it turns out, to brand himself politically as a compassionate, dedicated fighter for the every man. now, back in 2019, politico basically admitted it, publishing a piece titled how grief became joe biden's super power. two tragedies, 43 years apart, have defined the former v.p.'s life. have they also made him a more formidable presidential candidate? it wasn't about his political views or his experience. it was about his grief. and just today nbc news has another piece out on the same topic and that's titled joe biden's brand is being tested like never before. his brand as a family oriented public servant has been a signature political asset for more than 50 years. courtesy of the media. all right. well, in the absence of a successful policy track record, look, you can't blame biden because it really was all he had to run on. and it all began with this photo. now, this was taken 50 years ago. biden from his son bo's hospital room after the tragic car accident that killed half of his family. and it was joe, of course, being sworn in at age 30 to become at the time the second youngest u.s. senator ever elected. now, during the ceremony with this emotional back drop, well, it ensured that there would be a permanent image of the stalwart joe biden fighting through his grief to serve the people of wilmington. he didn't have to do the ceremony there. he chose to. this was a profoundly and obviously very calculated move on his part. and then through his long political career, these same tragedies would become biden's favorite talking point. >> shortly after i was elected my wife and daughter were killed. tractor-trailer broadside them and killed my wife and daughter and badly injured my two kids. >> when i left the vice presidency after bo died i wasn't going to get involved in politics. guy who should be standing here president this is not hyperbole is my son bo. >> while his use of the tragedy to score political points, you know, look, i think it's tasteless and it's tacky. imagine lying about how your own son died. well, that's gross enough. but it gets worse. he lied about that not once, not twice, but at least three times. and that's only counting the public speeches he gave. all of it takes it to a new low, even for joe. >> i say this as a father of a man who won the bronze star, conspicuous service medal and lost his life in iraq. >> inflation is a worldwide problem right now. because of a war in iraq. >> excuse me, war in ukraine. and i think of iraq because that's where my son died. >> things change in our life and our family. i lost my son. we lost our son in iraq. >> laura: what kind of person does this? bo died of cancer not in iraq. this is common knowledge. but perhaps the most disturbing of biden's tragedy lies is what we heard in yesterday's congressional testimony of cheryl rex. now, we heard yesterday from the families of the 1 service members who were killed, killed during biden's botched afghanistan withdrawal. now, during these testimonials her son and this woman's son lance corporal dylan merola was killed in the botched raid. and she described her interaction with president biden when her son's body arrived back in the united states. >> when he approached me, his words to me were "my wife jill and i know how you feel. we lost our son as well and brought him home in a flag draped coffin." my heart started beating faster and i started shaking knowing that their son died from cancer and they were able to be by his side. also wondering how someone could honeshonestly, sorry, to be so heartless to say he knew how i felt. >> laura: it was heart-breaking to watch. and her account resurrected a previously little noticed encounter between biden and sergeant vargas andrews he lost an arm during that withdrawal. here is the moment sergeant recounted the moment he visited at walter reed. >> going to be here in an hour. >> one hour goes by, nothing. two hours goes by, nothing. like four hours at this point. and my mom is furious. right away like i remember him coming up to me trying to make my hand. trying to shake my right hand and i look at him and i'm like i don't have an arm. almost immediately starts talking like about how their son served in the military. doesn't say anything about what happened. he leans over me and he is like this close to my face and he is like what do you want? i'm like confused. i just got blown up, i just saw my friends die next to me i just want to be myself. >> laura: remember when we had a two week furious news cycle after congresswoman frederika wilson spun what trump said to a gold star family? well, where is that media now? well, not only are journalists happy to hide the truth to protect biden, they are thrilled to pick up the grief baton from him and just run with it. now, regarding hunter and burisma, look, you can't blame hunter. the tragedy made him sloppy. when hunter biden took that job that role on the board of burisma, it was in the wake of his brotherrens death. and his father was in a fog for quite a period of time. >> laura: the only fog we're seeing here is the fog of media collusion with the bidens. now, not just on burisma, but on the classified documents issue, too. >> biden office. some of the things in those offices had to do with beau biden. that strikes me as material that would have been kept as they were and really not rifled through even by the former vice president. >> laura: and if you were offended that it took biden four years to acknowledge his seventh grandchild, hunter's daughter, well,. >> one of the things that joe biden has done so successfully and it is based on tragedy, losing his adult son, bo, is being a very relatable person. this is a very complicated family matter. >> laura: and finally, for that alleged improper chitchat that joe might have had with hunter's former business partners. just throw down that beau biden card again. >> we should put this in context this is a time when beau biden the president's other son was ill and then dying and then passed away. >> the context is that this was a sort of very fraught and sad time for the biden family and we know how important family is to the president. >> let's put this in context, beau biden got very sick in early 2015. he died in the spring of 2015, which was right in the middle when devon archer had his business dealings with hunter biden. at that point, joe biden and speak every day because they were both devastated by bo's death. >> laura: is there anyone more odious now in congress than dan goldman? he's a lawyer. okay. how does any of that explain biden speaking to hunter's international clients again? of course it doesn't. now, these people don't just think you're stupid, they think you are deaf, dumb and blind, too for people paying attentions carefully cultivated image of the caring joe biden it lost its luster long ago. remember, he's the guy whose own daughter in her diary claimed that he showered with her when she was younger. and he is the guy who just can't stop n news zeling and any offi, guy faulted in the accident that killed his wife. biden claimed he was drunk. that was not true. why lie about that? invoking personal tragedy. lying about your personal biography and then blaming others when they carry out their oversight role, that tells you the true character of the man who promised to return dignity to the white house. and that's the angle. joining me now is charlie hurt, fox news contributor and wimsz opinion editor. charlie in this nonsense fall, facade of joe biden's over the last 50 years but when you really look at it toy tattle and that's why we spent so much time putting that angle together tonight. it really is something. how complicit have the media been in all of this? >> as painful as all that was to watch, laura, it is so important that you did put it all together it's hard to watch especially when you listen to a gold star mom talk about joe biden and his -- it's like beyond stolen valor it's like stolen grief and is he trying to rip it out from her heart to sort of trump her and to almost to claim that she was -- he has greater grief than she does it's all a lie as you point out. this notion is he great family man. it's a lie. it's always been a lie. and, of course, and particularly glad that you went back to the part about the truck driver because, of course, that truck driver lived with that the rest of his life and joe biden, on many occasions, insisted the truck driver was a drunk driver, which is a lie. that man died under that heavy burden, knowing that joe biden lied about had. all for political purposes. and whether it's his -- somehow inconvenient seventh granddaughter or the lies about where beau biden died and how he died or the fact that, you know, what he did with his living daughter and what he did to his living now still living son where he dumped this whole criminal enterprise on crack head poor loving son who spiraled into oblivion with all of that going on, it's a massive lie. and everybody is invested it in washington, including the press. everybody knows that the guy is a congenital liar. he got ran out of three or two previous presidential races because everybody concluded he is a liar he will lie about anything. if you lie about your family like this, you will lie about anything. >> he was recently asked and given what cheryl rex testified to yesterday, which, speaking of hard to watch, if you didn't get teared up watching her remarks it's a heartbreaker. >> i got mad. >> laura: i got angry and upset all over again. hold that thought because i want you to see what biden said when he was just asked recently about the afghanistan withdrawal. watch. >> [inaudible] there was mistakes during the withdrawal. >> remember what i said about afghanistan? i said al-qaeda would not be there. i said it wouldn't be there. i said we would get help from the taliban. what's happening now? what's going on? read your press. i was right. >> laura: charlie, watching him with the kind of cute is i little whisper game that he plays when he is caught in his own trap, that truly is another wound to these families who have already suffered so much. >> exactly. >> laura: it's heartless and it's callus. >> you know, thieves families and these troops, they sign up to sacrifice their lives. they know that is a possibility when they sign up. and they are willing to do it because they love their country. what they don't sign up for is to sacrifice their lives and then be assaulted about it and insulted and mocked and ridiculed and lied to. that's what they didn't sign up for. and that's the part that just -- it is so enraging to listen to him. and the fact that so few people in the media, in the press, hold him accountable for that is -- shows not only how broken he is as a family man and as a public figure, but also how broken, you know, your and my business is. >> laura: now, and, charlie, the fact that the man can't meet a child without practically news ling the child with his nose and nuzzling the child with his nose, is he a weirdo and creepo. up next, we have a lot of news in the g.o.p. primary fight. we are going to explain what it is. plus, an fbi agent working the trump-russia gate case, it turns out he had his own little russia problem. you can't make this up. these details you don't want to miss, next. ♪ ♪ >> they are all saying is he going to go into the debate. i say i don't know. if you are leading by 60 or 70 points do you do that. >> no. >> should i? ready in we take a free poll. should i do the debate? [cheers] >> maybe we will do something else. some people say yes but they hate to say it because it doesn't make sense to do it if you are leading by so much. they like it for entertainment value because they are selfish. >> laura: now, remember, people in 2016, 2015 thought his entire campaign didn't make sense and he showed them, didn't he? so the people, obviously, with a few exceptions want to see the president. i think he should remember that. we certainly hope he shows up. but, he does, obviously, hold a commanding lead in the primary for the g.o.p. presidential race. and other candidates are trying to figure out what they can do to stop the juggernaut that is trump. so it was just a few days, right, after that massive campaign reorganization and then cuts to top staff that ron desantis made another big change. he just appointed a new chief of staff as he tries to, again, figure out a way to chip away at trump's lead which is massive. and another interesting thing, also happening. trump, who was once thought to be a general election liability and in some elite g.o.p. circles he is showing at this stage not the case. not only are trump and biden virtually tied in the rcp average, the former president is now leading in and very important, this is key. swing states. new emerson poll of arizona has trump up 43-45 on biden. that same outfits poll has the men in a dead heat 44, 44. i would say that gives trump by a lead of about 3. and if cornell west runs the third party candidate trump would definitely win if the election were held today. joining me now on all of this news and more sean duffy, co-host of fbn the bottom line. sean, great to see you don't. >> you too. >> now, all of these indictments, i think people are sort of tired of hearing from the indictments because of course they are coming after trump because he is getting stronger and stronger but they are obviously not hurting him. why is that? >> first of all the american voter who loves donald trump, it's not like he embezzled money from the federal covers or sold the country out to china or ukraine. he hannity had relations with little girls. they see these charges as what they are. they are -- the doj, the fbi, coming after a former president that they do not like. and so they haven't moved away from donald trump. what it's actually done, laura, is made some of those voters who really didn't like the tone and tenor of president trump. they liked the policies but they wanted to find someone else other than the president. they have angered them. and now to stick it to the department of justice. to stick it to the deep state, they have come back on board for trump to go you know what? we are going to show these jerks that donald trump can win and is he going to root out the obstruction. they are making him stronger not weaker because there is a lot of nothing there. >> laura: i think he kind of represents to people, at this point, after all these years of their coming after him, he kind of represents this the regular citizen who seems like they can't get a break from the federal government. the government is always on your back. it's always taking your money. it's always regulating you. it's always hassling you. and that's kind of what they are doing to trump, obviously in a much worse way. do you see that, sean? >> it's a line he uses on the campaign trail often. is he like they are not coming for me, they are actually coming for you and they are coming for me first. so i think a lot of americans see that they are going after donald trump. they see the same thing happening in school board. latin mass catholic. you are a pro-life activist. they are seeing the department of justice classify them as dough domestic terrorists and they are coming after them. whether you are coming after my car or gas stove, my hot water heater, i think americans see the country going in the direction that they don't approve of. by the way, also you are going after my kids. you want to have a real fight with me. come after my kids and their education. try to sexualize my child. try to get my kids to transition without me knowing and you are really going to make people angry. again, it all feeds into why they love donald trump and i think they see that he is going to actually fight that machine and by the way, he is the only one, laura, who 1250d up to the machine. i will tell you what, i would have been cowering in the corner under russian collusion cowering in the corner all these charges. looking at 100 years in prison. and the man continues to stand strong. he appears to be upbeat and energetic. undeterred from what is happening to him. americans love that. >> laura: sean, thank you. wonderful to sees a always. now, speaking of russia collusion and that phoney investigation in a stunning bit of irony a former senior fbi agent named charles mcgonegal best known for investigating donald trump for the supposed collusion with russia, he is set to plead guilty for, you guessed it, co-liewghtd with russia. the former fbi official was arrested back in january for u.s. sanction violations, money laundering, and for doing business with someone sanctioned by the u.s. government. russian oligarch even allegedly tried to get the billionaire off the u.s. sanctions list. joining us now is chris swecker, former assistant fbi director. i thought it was punked so hilarious. you cannot make this up at this point. >> you really can't. i mean, the irony, the fbi are the spy catchers. the cia are our spies. so he would supposed to be catching this guy and he is the guy that is investigating trump. it's beyond ironic. you know, i wonder sometimes laura -- not sometimes. whether the fbi completely took their eye off the ball when jim comey took over because this is one of the most important programs in the fbi is to catch spies, prevent them from spying on us and right in the middle of it of a high level executive position and comey promoted him later on is the very guy that we should be rooting out. unbelievable. >> laura: chris in a september 2020 senate testimony the fbi deputy assistant director this guy jonathan moffa was asked about the origins of crossfire hurricane and this was back in july of 2016, specifically he was asked how he became aware of it, and he said that i received it via email along a few others from the division. it literally came to me, he said, in my email from charles mcgonegal, who was in the division at the time. now, chris, no wonder now a reserve of distrust of this really well respected. generally well respected law enforcement agency. >> yeah. this is so hard to talk about. i mean, after 24 years with the bureau. and, you know, every now and then we get somebody spying on, you know, from within. but nothing like this. you know, we live in dangerous times. china presents one of the most significant dangers to the united states. russia. north korea, iran, and to have one of our own people support offing them and, laura, dare pose can a one of the most notorious oligarchs out there he is on every list. and he was working to get him off the sanctions list. you know, i'm flabbergasted by. this so are my colleagues. we see the fbi hemorrhaging support from the people in the past who have been 100 percent supportive of the fbi. the executive leadership is going to have to, i think, just clean house, take hard look at things. and see where this organization is and where it wants to go. >> laura: yeah. got break it down and rebuild it. chris, great to see you. thank you. now, by now you have seen the video. went viral of those two 7-eleven employees who did what at the time law enforcement couldn't or didn't do defend their store from a you just brazen robbery. the man who shot the video, he is here next on what went on behind the scenes. you haven't heard it before. so stay there ♪ >> i'm harris faulkner. i'll be leading voter voices for democracy 2024. my dad said that when you go 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the city has recorded as many as 161 homicides this year. a 28% increase over last year. more than the total number of killings that occurred in all of 2018. and it's on track for the deadliest year in two decades. now, we have been asking when enough is enough. when are these democrat dominated cities going to wake up? well, there's a sign of hope in washington, d.c. of all places where things may be beginning to crack. d.c. councilman tran white who represents one of the poorest parts of the district held a press conference today and asked for something that president trump recommended for urban america years ago. >> have spoken with the d.c. national guard, know that police alone is not getting it done. we are clearly in a war zone. if you don't know you are in a war zone that means you haven't been here. to restore order in our community and love in our community and presence of god in our community we will be here over and over and over again. the biden appointed attorney in d.c. graves overly aggressive and coming after january 6th defendants. we know that story. as to the city's crime he refused to prosecute 67% of the cases brought to him. so, could this actually please be a turning point? are democrats finally waking up to the effects of their own policy? it's a disaster. well, only time will tell. but i did tell you yesterday about that viral video from california, speaking of crime. of two 7-eleven store clerks who had it one w. one deranged thief who was suspected of stealing from their store twice in a 24-hour period. he came back for a third time that same day and here is what happened. >> nothing you can do, man. call police. ain't nothing can you do, man, until police come in. don't do that, don't do that, man. don't do that. >> laura: okay, there were reports yesterday and the day before that those two clerks were being investigated for assault. but the d.a. confirmed today that the only person they are investigating is the suspect who reportedly threatened to shoot one of the workers. tonight we're learning what went on behind the scenes of that riveting video. joining me the man who captured that moment when those two clerks finally had had enough. lewis benton a local police owner in stockton, california. deda, what happened precisely before you started that video? >> well, i was there to get gas and a red bull. so i was already at the register. i usually use digital wallet so i had my phone already in position this guy with a blue mask walks in. he is kind of coming toward my way. i was a little startled. i just kind of was like what's going on? but i seen he bypass me. went around the counter and got 55-gallon drum and started unloading shelves. >> laura: your own store. i guess you are not surprised to watch this in a way because hasn't your own store vandalized. >> yes it was broken into. they broke the window. went in and took items out and actually they broke the window in the morning to see if the alarms go off and then waited and went in and took stuff and came back. >> laura: deda the editorial board of the said the 7-eleven clerks went too far saying that the guy was -- thrashing the guy with a big rod, viciously and repeatedly is not the lawful response, street justice may be popular in movies, frustrated citizens but it has no place in society, blah, blah, blah. well, deda, you were there. do you agree with that bleeding heart assessment? >> that's a real hard assessment there. they just had a stick and they just was, you know, they was protecting their store. they didn't hit the guy above the waste. it w -- was below the . it was courageous. i didn't want anything to happen for anyone to lose their life or the guy started getting more emotionally involved for them to go to jail. >> laura: deda, in california, which is a state i love. i love northern california. i know exactly where you are in stockton. i just drove through month and a half ago on the way out to san andrea. i know it well. when is enough enough? y'all are being just brutalized or hassled or inconvenienced or, you know, totally, you know, destroyed by this criminal element. when is enough enough? >> yes. well, enough is enough. it's been -- it's been enough a long time ago. now, this video comes out. two courageous men went ahead and protected their store. >> this is a display of enough is enough. and you know, we just have to change the policies, you know. we have to vote. we got to figure out a better way. and hopefully, like you said, democrats understand what's going on. >> laura: is it time to get serious with crime and put people away instead of continuing the revolving door here? >> yes, the gentleman it was the third time that day. as of now, i know he is in custody. he do have a long rap sheet so, you know, justice is requesting to be served -- going to be served. i guess that day was a bad day for him. >> laura: deda, thank you. i'm glad you took the video. pop quiz. what do i possibly have in common with bill gates? jimmy failla is here and wants to know the answer "what the failla" is next.c stayta there. ♪ rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. - [female narrator] five billion people lack access to safe surgery. thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. for 40 years, mercy ships has deployed floating hospitals to provide the free surgeries these children need. join us. together, we can give children the hope and healing they never thought possible. it's a mission powered by love, made possible by you. give today. ♪ >> laura: all right. i know you have been waiting for this. it's time for wtf or what the failla. joining me now jimmy failla host of fox across america and new fox nation special "moon landing, fact or fiction." all right. jimmy, it's time for the-can't wait for that by the way. it's time for the big reveal. i know you have been waiting for this. what do bill gates and yours truly have in common? watch. >> in my 30s and 40s when there would be a conversation about sleep and sadly for me that's a long time ago, it would be like oh, i only sleep six hours. is the other guys no i only sleep five. well sometimes i don't sleep at all wow, those guys are so good. sleep is laziness. >> i will sleep when i'm dead. >> when i'm dead, yeah. >> laura: jimmy, i feel the same. i think i got at least, i don't know, four hours last night. that was a good night. >> jimmy: whoa, that's -- you have to defend bill gates he didn't have time to sleep when he was younger he was too busy hanging out with jeffrey epstein. that will keep you up late, laura. hey, he better watch it now because if he keeps dozing off during of the day the democrats will make him president. you need to get more sleep. you are working hard. you are killing it in prime time. you have got to love yourself, laura. i don't care what bill gates says. do you sleep well? do you really just sleep like a baby at night? i don't believe it. >> jimmy: i do. i mean, it's not usually indoors it's like a park bench or behind the wheel of my car. >> laura: that's true. >> jimmy: the point is i'm getting shut eye. don't judge it. >> laura: all right. as we all know i'm not sure i believe any of that. but, as we all know, most americans, jimmy, a lot of people shrugged or maybe they were slightly not unhappy that the u.s. women's soccer team was kind of given it's come up ins over the weekend. one sports commentator racketed to all the rapinoe hate. >> you know what they say as you get older that you get more conservative i don't know. it's not happening. i'm not angry enough. republicans these days are mad at everybody. bud light, disney, wokeness, joe biden and the united states women's national team or are they happy youy i couldn't be happier. >> collin had a great career. if radio shows were boats. he would be a cruise ship. i would being the raft the on. this is a jackass statement by him designed to get some attention in the sports world because going after republicans is safe. but, as someone who covers sports for a living, he has to know we can't support the women's team knowing they have trashed america. he has to know it's clown stuff for megan rapinoe to make millions of dollars competing against female athletes and then on the way out the door hold it open for the male athletes to come in and beat the women. we're not mad on the right. we think it's ridiculous that disney went woke and gave us peter pansexual and not mad at bud light. we are just taking our business elsewhere because this isn't what we meant when we asked for a beer and some nuts. collin cowheard god love him it's a stupid statement. >> laura: peter pansexual i'm stealing that from you. best line ever. are you excited about pumpkin donuts because apparently they are already being released. now we have to do the pumpkin conversation. really? do we have to go there? there they are. >> so soon for this. it's august, dude. i mean, on the plus side, finally some good news for the crispy campaign but the truth is, no. i don't want donuts right now. stop it. okay? we don't need this as a country. look at us. we are the heaviest country in the world. if america was a rom come it would be called love handles actually. lay off the -- give us until like october. that's all i'm asking. >> laura: jimmy did you say the crispy campaign or christie campaign? my ear piece i'm having trouble. >> jimmy: that's my second documentary fact or fiction who did jimmy just insult. you will have to watch it on fox nation. >> laura: all right, jimmy the fact or fiction who did jimmy insult. all right, jimmy, great to see you. and be sure to check out jimmy on the road. i have got to show up with him some day shows coming up in nevada, new york, montana lucky guy, and idaho, lucky guy. all right, up next, armed cartels are now perfectly comfortable crossing our borders. vivek ramaswamy is here next with his plan to stop this madness once and for all. so stay there. ♪ i'm barbara and i'm from st. joseph, michigan. i'm a retired school librarian. i'm also a library board trustee, a mother of two, and a grandmother of two. basically, i thought that my memory wasn't as good as it had been. i needed all the help i could get. i saw the commercials for prevagen. i started taking it. and it helped! i noticed my memory was better. there was definite improvement. i've been taking prevagen for a little over five years. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. >> if you want to deal with the problem then do it if you are a leader by participating in the solution. >> laura: does this look like a political game? law enforcement sources say a group of suspected cartel gunmen armed with rifles and body armor were seen on camera crossing illegally into the united states on texas saturday night. border tech agents were called out and they searched the area but by then, they were gone. joining me now is vivek ramaswamy, republican presidential candidate. we are told is still by the left that it is racist to want a closed border. can we then say you are pro-terrorist when you want an open border? that looks like what we are welcoming into the country in addition to everyone else. >> an open border is not a border and i think the remarkable thing right now is we are spending hundreds of billions of dollars of military resources to protect somebody else's border from an invasion halfway around the world when we have an invasion literally now, armed invasion across our own southern border that we are not doing a thing about. what we need in our foreign policy is a revival of the modern monroe doctrine. above all else if there is one purpose of the u.s. military it is to protect the american homeland, to protect americans here on american soil, whether that is a chinese spy balloon or spy base in cuba or armed cartel gunmen or chinese made fentanyl coming across the southern border with my skin drug cartels, yes, we will use and are legally and morally and ethically justified in using our own military to secure our own border rather than somebody else's border in ukraine or anywhere else, that's the kind of leadership we need and that's my plan as president. >> j>> laura: a lot of democrats now are light bulb time figuring out what is happening, it's a disaster for their state's. fellow democrats we saw adams of new york, the mayor and now massachusetts governor maura healey is having a change of heart, watch this video. >> do you support massachusetts coming a sanctuary state? >> we have a system it's working well here, there are number of places that have adopted status as sanctuary city and i think that is working. >> the increased level of demand is not slowing down. expanding shelter at a rapid pace and its unsustainable. for this reason, today i am declaring a state of emergency in massachusetts. >> laura: these people are shameless, it was obvious from the beginning this was going to be a catastrophe for regular working class people and now they are just getting it because the elites in boston are upset? >> that's exactly right, now the donor class that pulls the strings in both parties has decided it's now inside the overton window to complain about the southern border. the problem is it is too little, too late and the fact is even the wall which they criticized long ago, most people are now quietly on the side of the wall, even democrats are. that wall itself is insufficient because they are building tunnels underneath that wall but they are driving trucks through. we have to take the bold step of using our own military to seal that swiss cheese of a southern border. that's how we got a fentanyl crisis, human traffic crisis, it's going to take courage, it's going to take an outsider to deliver. >> laura: thanks for joining us tonight, that is it for us tonight, it is america now and forever. follow me on instagram, twitter, all the rest and jesse watters and everyone over there takes it from here, see you tomorrow night. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime." >> preserving these lands not only for the arizona but for the planet. good for the economy. >> jesse: the grand canyon, uranium mines, african coups and russia. >> he's this close to my face and he's like what do you want to? betterments disrespected by president biden. >> thank you very much. ♪ ♪

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President , Nixon Library Don T Have , Agenda , Special Report , Bit , Progressives , Stock Market , Climate , 2024 , Laura Ingraham , Campaign , Everyone , Fair , Ingraham Angle , Hi , Joe Biden , Things , Angle , U S , Number One , Focus , Thanks , Tragedy Deflection , Thithis Ingraham Angle , One , Two , Point , Image , Life , Father , Loss , Losses , Husband , Benefit , Daughter , Wife , Heart , Mother , Step Back , Car Crash , Biden Yesterday First , Stop It , Son , Know , Anyone , Fighter , Brain Tumor , Compassionate , 46 , Man , Grief , Piece , Tragedies , V P , Super Power , Politico , 2019 , 43 , It Wasn T , Candidate , Nbc News , Views , Experience , Family , Media , Brand , Courtesy , Servant , Asset , Topic , 50 , Policy Track Record , Absence , Photo , Run On , Course , Hunter Biden , Son Bo , Ceremony , Half , Car Accident , Hospital Room , U S Senator , 30 , People , Back Drop , Profoundly , Wilmington , Part , Career , Talking Point , Move , Guy Jonathan Moffa , Bo , Kids , Politics , Vice Presidency , Hyperbole , Tractor Trailer Broadside , Tragedy , Points , Gross Enough , Use , Wall , Times , Low , Speeches , Three , War , Problem , Iraq , Inflation , Conspicuous Service Medal , Ukraine , War In Iraq , Bronze Star , Person , Kind , Cheryl Rex , Chris In A September 2020 , Cancer , Knowledge , Disturbing , Families , Withdrawal , Service Members , Dylan Merola , Testimonials , Raid , Woman , Afghanistan , 1 , Interaction , Body , Words , Someone , Side , Flag , Coffin , Beating , Honeshonestly , Sergeant , Arm , Encounter , Sergeant Vargas Andrews , The , Nothing , Mom , Walter Reed , Four , Doesn T , Military , Hand , Say Anything , Face , Friends , Donald Trump , Journalists , Gold Star Family , News Cycle , Frederika Wilson , Truth , Grief Baton , Burisma , Hunter , Look , Fog , Death , Board , Role , Job , Wake , Brotherrens , Bidens , Some , Media Collusion , Documents , Issue , Biden Office , Beau Biden , Material , Vice President , Offices , Seventh Grandchild , Adult , Chitchat , Family Matter , Context , Business Partners , Beau Biden Card , Sort , Devon Archer , Spring , Business Dealings , 2015 , Lawyer , Dan Goldman , Congress , Attentions , Clients , Blind , Dumb , Luster , Diary , Accident , Offi , News Zeling , Stop N , Lie , Others , Character , Oversight Role , Biography , White House , Dignity , Charlie Hurt , Contributor , Opinion Editor , Fox News , Wimsz , Something , Facade , It Toy Tattle , Trump , Star , Talk , Valor , Stolen Grief , Family Man , Notion , Truck Driver , Rest , Occasions , Driver , Burden , Fact , Living , Granddaughter , Purposes , Enterprise , Oblivion , Crack Head , Loving , Everybody , Liar , The Press , Races , Washington D C , Anything , Given , Which , Heartbreaker , Watch , Inaudible , Help , Press , Wouldn T , What S Going On , Mistakes , Al Qaeda , Taliban , Game , Wound , Trap , Cute , Lives , Possibility , Thieves , Troops , Callus , Country , Figure , Business , Child , Nose 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Mass Catholic , Car , Terrorists , Direction , Hot Water Heater , Dough , Gas Stove , Fight , Education , Corner , Machine , Collusion Cowering , Cowering , Prison , The Machine , Who , 100 , 1250 , Investigation , Russia Collusion , Irony , Collusion , Co Liewghtd , Charles Mcgonegal , Billionaire , Official , Sanction , Violations , Money Laundering , Russian Oligarch , Chris Swecker , Sanctions List , Guy , Spies , Spy Catchers , Cia , Ball , Eye , Jim Comey , Level , Programs , Spying , Executive Position , Middle , Deputy Assistant Director , Origins , Crossfire Hurricane , Senate , Unbelievable , July Of 2016 , September 2020 , 2020 , Division , Email , Wonder , Distrust , Reserve , Law Enforcement Agency , Bureau , Spying On , 24 , Offing , Dangers , North Korea , Iran , Dare , Oligarchs , List , Sanctions , Pose , Support , Executive Leadership , Colleagues , House , Hemorrhaging , Video , 7 Eleven , Employees , Organization , Eleven , 7 , Scenes , Law Enforcement Couldn T Or 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White , Democrat , Police , Parts , District , Press Conference , National Guard , Urban America Years Ago , Love , War Zone , Community , Presence , Haven T , Order , Crime , Story , D C , Attorney , Graves , Defendants , 6 , January 6th , Disaster , Policy , Turning Point , Cases , Effects , 67 , Store Clerks , Thief , Northern California , Stealing , W One Deranged , Don T , Ain T , Call Police , Don T Do That , Clerks , Assault , D A , Suspect , Workers , Learning , Deda , Gas , Owner , Stockton , Lewis , Wallet , Register , Phone , Mask , Red Bull , Drum , 55 , Window , Items , Unloading Shelves , Editorial Board , Stuff , Alarms , Street Justice , Response , Movies , Big Rod , Place , Citizens , Bleeding Heart Assessment , Assessment , Society , Stick , Blah , Waste , It W , Waist It , Jail , The Way Out To San Andrea , Hassled , Element , Yes , Enough , Display , Revolving Door , Gentleman , Justice , Custody , Rap Sheet , Bill Gates , Jimmy Failla , Pop Quiz , Answer , What The Failla , C Stayta , Refund , Marshall , Emily , Rosie , Facelift , Practice , Patio , Dr , Innovation Refunds , Tax Refund , Brows , Erc , Stop Waiting , Wax Museum , Narrator , Five Billion , Hospitals , Causes , Surgeries , Suffering , Mercy Ships , 40 , Healing , Mission , Give Today , Jimmy , It S Time , Fiction , Special , Host , Fox Across America , Fox Nation , Moon Landing , Sleep , Conversation , Big Reveal , My 30s , Guys , Laziness , Wow , Six , Bill Gates He Didn T , Same , Night , Don T Know , Prime Time , Hanging , Him , Dozing , Jeffrey Epstein , Baby , Wheel , Park Bench , It , Judge , Shut Eye , Weekend , Ins , Sports Commentator , U S Women Soccer Team , Rapinoe Hate , Republicans , Conservative , Disney , Bud Light , Wokeness , Collin , Youy , Jackass Statement , Attention , Safe , Cruise Ship , Boats , Raft The On , Sports World , Radio Shows , Women , Athletes , Sports For A Living , Door , Dollars , Clown Stuff , Millions , Team , Megan Rapinoe , Peter Pansexual , Statement , Isn T , Beer , Nuts , Pumpkin Conversation , Pumpkin Donuts , Dude , Rom , Love Handles , October , That S My Second Documentary Fact Or Fiction , Ear Piece , Christie , Trouble , Jimmy Insult , On The Road , Lucky Guy , Crossing , Montana , Armed Cartels , New York , Nevada , Idaho , Vivek Ramaswamy , Plan , Borders , Madness , Retired School Librarian , Joseph , Michigan , Library Board Trustee , Prevagen , Commercials , Memory , Grandmother , Memory Wasn T , Prescription , Stores , Improvement , Leader , Solution , Cartel Gunmen , Body Armor , Rifles , Group , Saturday Night , Camera Crossing , Texas , Law Enforcement Sources , Border Tech Agents , Area , Border , Left , Racist , Billions , Everyone Else , Addition , Military Resources , Somebody Else , Hundreds , Invasion , Foreign Policy , Homeland , Spy Balloon , On American Soil , Else , Purpose , Revival , Spy , Base , Monroe Doctrine , Cuba , Drug Cartels , Fentanyl , Skin , Leadership , Happening , Anywhere , Maura Healey , Mayor , Massachusetts , Change Of Heart , Saw Adams , System It S Working , Shelter , Sanctuary State , Status , Demand , Sanctuary City , State Of Emergency , Pace , Reason , Donor Class , Parties , Elites , Catastrophe , Strings , Working Class , Boston , Overton Window , Step , Swiss Cheese , Trucks , Fentanyl Crisis , Human Traffic Crisis , Courage , America Now And Forever , Outsider , Jesse Watters , Jesse Watters Primetime , Instagram , Twitter , Planet , Economy , Uranium Mines , African Coups , Grand Canyon , Close , Betterments Disrespected ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

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you hear what one heart broken mother revealed about biden yesterday first, i want to take a step back tonight. losing your wife and young daughter in a car crash and decades later losing your 46-year-old son to a brain tumor, i mean, that would be hard for anyone to bear. we all know that not only did joe get through it, well, he used it, it turns out, to brand himself politically as a compassionate, dedicated fighter for the every man. now, back in 2019, politico basically admitted it, publishing a piece titled how grief became joe biden's super power. two tragedies, 43 years apart, have defined the former v.p.'s life. have they also made him a more formidable presidential candidate? it wasn't about his political views or his experience. it was about his grief. and just today nbc news has another piece out on the same topic and that's titled joe biden's brand is being tested like never before. his brand as a family oriented public servant has been a signature political asset for more than 50 years. courtesy of the media. all right. well, in the absence of a successful policy track record, look, you can't blame biden because it really was all he had to run on. and it all began with this photo. now, this was taken 50 years ago. biden from his son bo's hospital room after the tragic car accident that killed half of his family. and it was joe, of course, being sworn in at age 30 to become at the time the second youngest u.s. senator ever elected. now, during the ceremony with this emotional back drop, well, it ensured that there would be a permanent image of the stalwart joe biden fighting through his grief to serve the people of wilmington. he didn't have to do the ceremony there. he chose to. this was a profoundly and obviously very calculated move on his part. and then through his long political career, these same tragedies would become biden's favorite talking point. >> shortly after i was elected my wife and daughter were killed. tractor-trailer broadside them and killed my wife and daughter and badly injured my two kids. >> when i left the vice presidency after bo died i wasn't going to get involved in politics. guy who should be standing here president this is not hyperbole is my son bo. >> while his use of the tragedy to score political points, you know, look, i think it's tasteless and it's tacky. imagine lying about how your own son died. well, that's gross enough. but it gets worse. he lied about that not once, not twice, but at least three times. and that's only counting the public speeches he gave. all of it takes it to a new low, even for joe. >> i say this as a father of a man who won the bronze star, conspicuous service medal and lost his life in iraq. >> inflation is a worldwide problem right now. because of a war in iraq. >> excuse me, war in ukraine. and i think of iraq because that's where my son died. >> things change in our life and our family. i lost my son. we lost our son in iraq. >> laura: what kind of person does this? bo died of cancer not in iraq. this is common knowledge. but perhaps the most disturbing of biden's tragedy lies is what we heard in yesterday's congressional testimony of cheryl rex. now, we heard yesterday from the families of the 1 service members who were killed, killed during biden's botched afghanistan withdrawal. now, during these testimonials her son and this woman's son lance corporal dylan merola was killed in the botched raid. and she described her interaction with president biden when her son's body arrived back in the united states. >> when he approached me, his words to me were "my wife jill and i know how you feel. we lost our son as well and brought him home in a flag draped coffin." my heart started beating faster and i started shaking knowing that their son died from cancer and they were able to be by his side. also wondering how someone could honeshonestly, sorry, to be so heartless to say he knew how i felt. >> laura: it was heart-breaking to watch. and her account resurrected a previously little noticed encounter between biden and sergeant vargas andrews he lost an arm during that withdrawal. here is the moment sergeant recounted the moment he visited at walter reed. >> going to be here in an hour. >> one hour goes by, nothing. two hours goes by, nothing. like four hours at this point. and my mom is furious. right away like i remember him coming up to me trying to make my hand. trying to shake my right hand and i look at him and i'm like i don't have an arm. almost immediately starts talking like about how their son served in the military. doesn't say anything about what happened. he leans over me and he is like this close to my face and he is like what do you want? i'm like confused. i just got blown up, i just saw my friends die next to me i just want to be myself. >> laura: remember when we had a two week furious news cycle after congresswoman frederika wilson spun what trump said to a gold star family? well, where is that media now? well, not only are journalists happy to hide the truth to protect biden, they are thrilled to pick up the grief baton from him and just run with it. now, regarding hunter and burisma, look, you can't blame hunter. the tragedy made him sloppy. when hunter biden took that job that role on the board of burisma, it was in the wake of his brotherrens death. and his father was in a fog for quite a period of time. >> laura: the only fog we're seeing here is the fog of media collusion with the bidens. now, not just on burisma, but on the classified documents issue, too. >> biden office. some of the things in those offices had to do with beau biden. that strikes me as material that would have been kept as they were and really not rifled through even by the former vice president. >> laura: and if you were offended that it took biden four years to acknowledge his seventh grandchild, hunter's daughter, well,. >> one of the things that joe biden has done so successfully and it is based on tragedy, losing his adult son, bo, is being a very relatable person. this is a very complicated family matter. >> laura: and finally, for that alleged improper chitchat that joe might have had with hunter's former business partners. just throw down that beau biden card again. >> we should put this in context this is a time when beau biden the president's other son was ill and then dying and then passed away. >> the context is that this was a sort of very fraught and sad time for the biden family and we know how important family is to the president. >> let's put this in context, beau biden got very sick in early 2015. he died in the spring of 2015, which was right in the middle when devon archer had his business dealings with hunter biden. at that point, joe biden and speak every day because they were both devastated by bo's death. >> laura: is there anyone more odious now in congress than dan goldman? he's a lawyer. okay. how does any of that explain biden speaking to hunter's international clients again? of course it doesn't. now, these people don't just think you're stupid, they think you are deaf, dumb and blind, too for people paying attentions carefully cultivated image of the caring joe biden it lost its luster long ago. remember, he's the guy whose own daughter in her diary claimed that he showered with her when she was younger. and he is the guy who just can't stop n news zeling and any offi, guy faulted in the accident that killed his wife. biden claimed he was drunk. that was not true. why lie about that? invoking personal tragedy. lying about your personal biography and then blaming others when they carry out their oversight role, that tells you the true character of the man who promised to return dignity to the white house. and that's the angle. joining me now is charlie hurt, fox news contributor and wimsz opinion editor. charlie in this nonsense fall, facade of joe biden's over the last 50 years but when you really look at it toy tattle and that's why we spent so much time putting that angle together tonight. it really is something. how complicit have the media been in all of this? >> as painful as all that was to watch, laura, it is so important that you did put it all together it's hard to watch especially when you listen to a gold star mom talk about joe biden and his -- it's like beyond stolen valor it's like stolen grief and is he trying to rip it out from her heart to sort of trump her and to almost to claim that she was -- he has greater grief than she does it's all a lie as you point out. this notion is he great family man. it's a lie. it's always been a lie. and, of course, and particularly glad that you went back to the part about the truck driver because, of course, that truck driver lived with that the rest of his life and joe biden, on many occasions, insisted the truck driver was a drunk driver, which is a lie. that man died under that heavy burden, knowing that joe biden lied about had. all for political purposes. and whether it's his -- somehow inconvenient seventh granddaughter or the lies about where beau biden died and how he died or the fact that, you know, what he did with his living daughter and what he did to his living now still living son where he dumped this whole criminal enterprise on crack head poor loving son who spiraled into oblivion with all of that going on, it's a massive lie. and everybody is invested it in washington, including the press. everybody knows that the guy is a congenital liar. he got ran out of three or two previous presidential races because everybody concluded he is a liar he will lie about anything. if you lie about your family like this, you will lie about anything. >> he was recently asked and given what cheryl rex testified to yesterday, which, speaking of hard to watch, if you didn't get teared up watching her remarks it's a heartbreaker. >> i got mad. >> laura: i got angry and upset all over again. hold that thought because i want you to see what biden said when he was just asked recently about the afghanistan withdrawal. watch. >> [inaudible] there was mistakes during the withdrawal. >> remember what i said about afghanistan? i said al-qaeda would not be there. i said it wouldn't be there. i said we would get help from the taliban. what's happening now? what's going on? read your press. i was right. >> laura: charlie, watching him with the kind of cute is i little whisper game that he plays when he is caught in his own trap, that truly is another wound to these families who have already suffered so much. >> exactly. >> laura: it's heartless and it's callus. >> you know, thieves families and these troops, they sign up to sacrifice their lives. they know that is a possibility when they sign up. and they are willing to do it because they love their country. what they don't sign up for is to sacrifice their lives and then be assaulted about it and insulted and mocked and ridiculed and lied to. that's what they didn't sign up for. and that's the part that just -- it is so enraging to listen to him. and the fact that so few people in the media, in the press, hold him accountable for that is -- shows not only how broken he is as a family man and as a public figure, but also how broken, you know, your and my business is. >> laura: now, and, charlie, the fact that the man can't meet a child without practically news ling the child with his nose and nuzzling the child with his nose, is he a weirdo and creepo. up next, we have a lot of news in the g.o.p. primary fight. we are going to explain what it is. plus, an fbi agent working the trump-russia gate case, it turns out he had his own little russia problem. you can't make this up. these details you don't want to miss, next. ♪ ♪ >> they are all saying is he going to go into the debate. i say i don't know. if you are leading by 60 or 70 points do you do that. >> no. >> should i? ready in we take a free poll. should i do the debate? [cheers] >> maybe we will do something else. some people say yes but they hate to say it because it doesn't make sense to do it if you are leading by so much. they like it for entertainment value because they are selfish. >> laura: now, remember, people in 2016, 2015 thought his entire campaign didn't make sense and he showed them, didn't he? so the people, obviously, with a few exceptions want to see the president. i think he should remember that. we certainly hope he shows up. but, he does, obviously, hold a commanding lead in the primary for the g.o.p. presidential race. and other candidates are trying to figure out what they can do to stop the juggernaut that is trump. so it was just a few days, right, after that massive campaign reorganization and then cuts to top staff that ron desantis made another big change. he just appointed a new chief of staff as he tries to, again, figure out a way to chip away at trump's lead which is massive. and another interesting thing, also happening. trump, who was once thought to be a general election liability and in some elite g.o.p. circles he is showing at this stage not the case. not only are trump and biden virtually tied in the rcp average, the former president is now leading in and very important, this is key. swing states. new emerson poll of arizona has trump up 43-45 on biden. that same outfits poll has the men in a dead heat 44, 44. i would say that gives trump by a lead of about 3. and if cornell west runs the third party candidate trump would definitely win if the election were held today. joining me now on all of this news and more sean duffy, co-host of fbn the bottom line. sean, great to see you don't. >> you too. >> now, all of these indictments, i think people are sort of tired of hearing from the indictments because of course they are coming after trump because he is getting stronger and stronger but they are obviously not hurting him. why is that? >> first of all the american voter who loves donald trump, it's not like he embezzled money from the federal covers or sold the country out to china or ukraine. he hannity had relations with little girls. they see these charges as what they are. they are -- the doj, the fbi, coming after a former president that they do not like. and so they haven't moved away from donald trump. what it's actually done, laura, is made some of those voters who really didn't like the tone and tenor of president trump. they liked the policies but they wanted to find someone else other than the president. they have angered them. and now to stick it to the department of justice. to stick it to the deep state, they have come back on board for trump to go you know what? we are going to show these jerks that donald trump can win and is he going to root out the obstruction. they are making him stronger not weaker because there is a lot of nothing there. >> laura: i think he kind of represents to people, at this point, after all these years of their coming after him, he kind of represents this the regular citizen who seems like they can't get a break from the federal government. the government is always on your back. it's always taking your money. it's always regulating you. it's always hassling you. and that's kind of what they are doing to trump, obviously in a much worse way. do you see that, sean? >> it's a line he uses on the campaign trail often. is he like they are not coming for me, they are actually coming for you and they are coming for me first. so i think a lot of americans see that they are going after donald trump. they see the same thing happening in school board. latin mass catholic. you are a pro-life activist. they are seeing the department of justice classify them as dough domestic terrorists and they are coming after them. whether you are coming after my car or gas stove, my hot water heater, i think americans see the country going in the direction that they don't approve of. by the way, also you are going after my kids. you want to have a real fight with me. come after my kids and their education. try to sexualize my child. try to get my kids to transition without me knowing and you are really going to make people angry. again, it all feeds into why they love donald trump and i think they see that he is going to actually fight that machine and by the way, he is the only one, laura, who 1250d up to the machine. i will tell you what, i would have been cowering in the corner under russian collusion cowering in the corner all these charges. looking at 100 years in prison. and the man continues to stand strong. he appears to be upbeat and energetic. undeterred from what is happening to him. americans love that. >> laura: sean, thank you. wonderful to sees a always. now, speaking of russia collusion and that phoney investigation in a stunning bit of irony a former senior fbi agent named charles mcgonegal best known for investigating donald trump for the supposed collusion with russia, he is set to plead guilty for, you guessed it, co-liewghtd with russia. the former fbi official was arrested back in january for u.s. sanction violations, money laundering, and for doing business with someone sanctioned by the u.s. government. russian oligarch even allegedly tried to get the billionaire off the u.s. sanctions list. joining us now is chris swecker, former assistant fbi director. i thought it was punked so hilarious. you cannot make this up at this point. >> you really can't. i mean, the irony, the fbi are the spy catchers. the cia are our spies. so he would supposed to be catching this guy and he is the guy that is investigating trump. it's beyond ironic. you know, i wonder sometimes laura -- not sometimes. whether the fbi completely took their eye off the ball when jim comey took over because this is one of the most important programs in the fbi is to catch spies, prevent them from spying on us and right in the middle of it of a high level executive position and comey promoted him later on is the very guy that we should be rooting out. unbelievable. >> laura: chris in a september 2020 senate testimony the fbi deputy assistant director this guy jonathan moffa was asked about the origins of crossfire hurricane and this was back in july of 2016, specifically he was asked how he became aware of it, and he said that i received it via email along a few others from the division. it literally came to me, he said, in my email from charles mcgonegal, who was in the division at the time. now, chris, no wonder now a reserve of distrust of this really well respected. generally well respected law enforcement agency. >> yeah. this is so hard to talk about. i mean, after 24 years with the bureau. and, you know, every now and then we get somebody spying on, you know, from within. but nothing like this. you know, we live in dangerous times. china presents one of the most significant dangers to the united states. russia. north korea, iran, and to have one of our own people support offing them and, laura, dare pose can a one of the most notorious oligarchs out there he is on every list. and he was working to get him off the sanctions list. you know, i'm flabbergasted by. this so are my colleagues. we see the fbi hemorrhaging support from the people in the past who have been 100 percent supportive of the fbi. the executive leadership is going to have to, i think, just clean house, take hard look at things. and see where this organization is and where it wants to go. >> laura: yeah. got break it down and rebuild it. chris, great to see you. thank you. now, by now you have seen the video. went viral of those two 7-eleven employees who did what at the time law enforcement couldn't or didn't do defend their store from a you just brazen robbery. the man who shot the video, he is here next on what went on behind the scenes. you haven't heard it before. so stay there ♪ >> i'm harris faulkner. i'll be leading voter voices for democracy 2024. my dad said that when you go into the booth, that's your time. it's personal. and you have a right to express your voice. and the loudest, most effective way to do that, harris kimberly, is to vote.. ♪ at bass pro shops and cabela's, we have the widest selection of the quality brands you love to get you outdoors. whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out. our friendly, knowledgeable outfitters will help you find the right products for your next trip. shop with confidence with our low-price guarantee. plus, club members save even more on great gear with exclusive member pricing. bass pro shops and cabela's, voted america's best outdoor retailer. an unthinkable genocide took the lives of six million jews and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. 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the city has recorded as many as 161 homicides this year. a 28% increase over last year. more than the total number of killings that occurred in all of 2018. and it's on track for the deadliest year in two decades. now, we have been asking when enough is enough. when are these democrat dominated cities going to wake up? well, there's a sign of hope in washington, d.c. of all places where things may be beginning to crack. d.c. councilman tran white who represents one of the poorest parts of the district held a press conference today and asked for something that president trump recommended for urban america years ago. >> have spoken with the d.c. national guard, know that police alone is not getting it done. we are clearly in a war zone. if you don't know you are in a war zone that means you haven't been here. to restore order in our community and love in our community and presence of god in our community we will be here over and over and over again. the biden appointed attorney in d.c. graves overly aggressive and coming after january 6th defendants. we know that story. as to the city's crime he refused to prosecute 67% of the cases brought to him. so, could this actually please be a turning point? are democrats finally waking up to the effects of their own policy? it's a disaster. well, only time will tell. but i did tell you yesterday about that viral video from california, speaking of crime. of two 7-eleven store clerks who had it one w. one deranged thief who was suspected of stealing from their store twice in a 24-hour period. he came back for a third time that same day and here is what happened. >> nothing you can do, man. call police. ain't nothing can you do, man, until police come in. don't do that, don't do that, man. don't do that. >> laura: okay, there were reports yesterday and the day before that those two clerks were being investigated for assault. but the d.a. confirmed today that the only person they are investigating is the suspect who reportedly threatened to shoot one of the workers. tonight we're learning what went on behind the scenes of that riveting video. joining me the man who captured that moment when those two clerks finally had had enough. lewis benton a local police owner in stockton, california. deda, what happened precisely before you started that video? >> well, i was there to get gas and a red bull. so i was already at the register. i usually use digital wallet so i had my phone already in position this guy with a blue mask walks in. he is kind of coming toward my way. i was a little startled. i just kind of was like what's going on? but i seen he bypass me. went around the counter and got 55-gallon drum and started unloading shelves. >> laura: your own store. i guess you are not surprised to watch this in a way because hasn't your own store vandalized. >> yes it was broken into. they broke the window. went in and took items out and actually they broke the window in the morning to see if the alarms go off and then waited and went in and took stuff and came back. >> laura: deda the editorial board of the said the 7-eleven clerks went too far saying that the guy was -- thrashing the guy with a big rod, viciously and repeatedly is not the lawful response, street justice may be popular in movies, frustrated citizens but it has no place in society, blah, blah, blah. well, deda, you were there. do you agree with that bleeding heart assessment? >> that's a real hard assessment there. they just had a stick and they just was, you know, they was protecting their store. they didn't hit the guy above the waste. it w -- was below the . it was courageous. i didn't want anything to happen for anyone to lose their life or the guy started getting more emotionally involved for them to go to jail. >> laura: deda, in california, which is a state i love. i love northern california. i know exactly where you are in stockton. i just drove through month and a half ago on the way out to san andrea. i know it well. when is enough enough? y'all are being just brutalized or hassled or inconvenienced or, you know, totally, you know, destroyed by this criminal element. when is enough enough? >> yes. well, enough is enough. it's been -- it's been enough a long time ago. now, this video comes out. two courageous men went ahead and protected their store. >> this is a display of enough is enough. and you know, we just have to change the policies, you know. we have to vote. we got to figure out a better way. and hopefully, like you said, democrats understand what's going on. >> laura: is it time to get serious with crime and put people away instead of continuing the revolving door here? >> yes, the gentleman it was the third time that day. as of now, i know he is in custody. he do have a long rap sheet so, you know, justice is requesting to be served -- going to be served. i guess that day was a bad day for him. >> laura: deda, thank you. i'm glad you took the video. pop quiz. what do i possibly have in common with bill gates? jimmy failla is here and wants to know the answer "what the failla" is next.c stayta there. ♪ rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. clink! dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. - [female narrator] five billion people lack access to safe surgery. thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. for 40 years, mercy ships has deployed floating hospitals to provide the free surgeries these children need. join us. together, we can give children the hope and healing they never thought possible. it's a mission powered by love, made possible by you. give today. ♪ >> laura: all right. i know you have been waiting for this. it's time for wtf or what the failla. joining me now jimmy failla host of fox across america and new fox nation special "moon landing, fact or fiction." all right. jimmy, it's time for the-can't wait for that by the way. it's time for the big reveal. i know you have been waiting for this. what do bill gates and yours truly have in common? watch. >> in my 30s and 40s when there would be a conversation about sleep and sadly for me that's a long time ago, it would be like oh, i only sleep six hours. is the other guys no i only sleep five. well sometimes i don't sleep at all wow, those guys are so good. sleep is laziness. >> i will sleep when i'm dead. >> when i'm dead, yeah. >> laura: jimmy, i feel the same. i think i got at least, i don't know, four hours last night. that was a good night. >> jimmy: whoa, that's -- you have to defend bill gates he didn't have time to sleep when he was younger he was too busy hanging out with jeffrey epstein. that will keep you up late, laura. hey, he better watch it now because if he keeps dozing off during of the day the democrats will make him president. you need to get more sleep. you are working hard. you are killing it in prime time. you have got to love yourself, laura. i don't care what bill gates says. do you sleep well? do you really just sleep like a baby at night? i don't believe it. >> jimmy: i do. i mean, it's not usually indoors it's like a park bench or behind the wheel of my car. >> laura: that's true. >> jimmy: the point is i'm getting shut eye. don't judge it. >> laura: all right. as we all know i'm not sure i believe any of that. but, as we all know, most americans, jimmy, a lot of people shrugged or maybe they were slightly not unhappy that the u.s. women's soccer team was kind of given it's come up ins over the weekend. one sports commentator racketed to all the rapinoe hate. >> you know what they say as you get older that you get more conservative i don't know. it's not happening. i'm not angry enough. republicans these days are mad at everybody. bud light, disney, wokeness, joe biden and the united states women's national team or are they happy youy i couldn't be happier. >> collin had a great career. if radio shows were boats. he would be a cruise ship. i would being the raft the on. this is a jackass statement by him designed to get some attention in the sports world because going after republicans is safe. but, as someone who covers sports for a living, he has to know we can't support the women's team knowing they have trashed america. he has to know it's clown stuff for megan rapinoe to make millions of dollars competing against female athletes and then on the way out the door hold it open for the male athletes to come in and beat the women. we're not mad on the right. we think it's ridiculous that disney went woke and gave us peter pansexual and not mad at bud light. we are just taking our business elsewhere because this isn't what we meant when we asked for a beer and some nuts. collin cowheard god love him it's a stupid statement. >> laura: peter pansexual i'm stealing that from you. best line ever. are you excited about pumpkin donuts because apparently they are already being released. now we have to do the pumpkin conversation. really? do we have to go there? there they are. >> so soon for this. it's august, dude. i mean, on the plus side, finally some good news for the crispy campaign but the truth is, no. i don't want donuts right now. stop it. okay? we don't need this as a country. look at us. we are the heaviest country in the world. if america was a rom come it would be called love handles actually. lay off the -- give us until like october. that's all i'm asking. >> laura: jimmy did you say the crispy campaign or christie campaign? my ear piece i'm having trouble. >> jimmy: that's my second documentary fact or fiction who did jimmy just insult. you will have to watch it on fox nation. >> laura: all right, jimmy the fact or fiction who did jimmy insult. all right, jimmy, great to see you. and be sure to check out jimmy on the road. i have got to show up with him some day shows coming up in nevada, new york, montana lucky guy, and idaho, lucky guy. all right, up next, armed cartels are now perfectly comfortable crossing our borders. vivek ramaswamy is here next with his plan to stop this madness once and for all. so stay there. ♪ i'm barbara and i'm from st. joseph, michigan. i'm a retired school librarian. i'm also a library board trustee, a mother of two, and a grandmother of two. basically, i thought that my memory wasn't as good as it had been. i needed all the help i could get. i saw the commercials for prevagen. i started taking it. and it helped! i noticed my memory was better. there was definite improvement. i've been taking prevagen for a little over five years. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. >> if you want to deal with the problem then do it if you are a leader by participating in the solution. >> laura: does this look like a political game? law enforcement sources say a group of suspected cartel gunmen armed with rifles and body armor were seen on camera crossing illegally into the united states on texas saturday night. border tech agents were called out and they searched the area but by then, they were gone. joining me now is vivek ramaswamy, republican presidential candidate. we are told is still by the left that it is racist to want a closed border. can we then say you are pro-terrorist when you want an open border? that looks like what we are welcoming into the country in addition to everyone else. >> an open border is not a border and i think the remarkable thing right now is we are spending hundreds of billions of dollars of military resources to protect somebody else's border from an invasion halfway around the world when we have an invasion literally now, armed invasion across our own southern border that we are not doing a thing about. what we need in our foreign policy is a revival of the modern monroe doctrine. above all else if there is one purpose of the u.s. military it is to protect the american homeland, to protect americans here on american soil, whether that is a chinese spy balloon or spy base in cuba or armed cartel gunmen or chinese made fentanyl coming across the southern border with my skin drug cartels, yes, we will use and are legally and morally and ethically justified in using our own military to secure our own border rather than somebody else's border in ukraine or anywhere else, that's the kind of leadership we need and that's my plan as president. >> j>> laura: a lot of democrats now are light bulb time figuring out what is happening, it's a disaster for their state's. fellow democrats we saw adams of new york, the mayor and now massachusetts governor maura healey is having a change of heart, watch this video. >> do you support massachusetts coming a sanctuary state? >> we have a system it's working well here, there are number of places that have adopted status as sanctuary city and i think that is working. >> the increased level of demand is not slowing down. expanding shelter at a rapid pace and its unsustainable. for this reason, today i am declaring a state of emergency in massachusetts. >> laura: these people are shameless, it was obvious from the beginning this was going to be a catastrophe for regular working class people and now they are just getting it because the elites in boston are upset? >> that's exactly right, now the donor class that pulls the strings in both parties has decided it's now inside the overton window to complain about the southern border. the problem is it is too little, too late and the fact is even the wall which they criticized long ago, most people are now quietly on the side of the wall, even democrats are. that wall itself is insufficient because they are building tunnels underneath that wall but they are driving trucks through. we have to take the bold step of using our own military to seal that swiss cheese of a southern border. that's how we got a fentanyl crisis, human traffic crisis, it's going to take courage, it's going to take an outsider to deliver. >> laura: thanks for joining us tonight, that is it for us tonight, it is america now and forever. follow me on instagram, twitter, all the rest and jesse watters and everyone over there takes it from here, see you tomorrow night. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime." >> preserving these lands not only for the arizona but for the planet. good for the economy. >> jesse: the grand canyon, uranium mines, african coups and russia. >> he's this close to my face and he's like what do you want to? betterments disrespected by president biden. >> thank you very much. ♪ ♪

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Mass Catholic , Car , Terrorists , Direction , Hot Water Heater , Dough , Gas Stove , Fight , Education , Corner , Machine , Collusion Cowering , Cowering , Prison , The Machine , Who , 100 , 1250 , Investigation , Russia Collusion , Irony , Collusion , Co Liewghtd , Charles Mcgonegal , Billionaire , Official , Sanction , Violations , Money Laundering , Russian Oligarch , Chris Swecker , Sanctions List , Guy , Spies , Spy Catchers , Cia , Ball , Eye , Jim Comey , Level , Programs , Spying , Executive Position , Middle , Deputy Assistant Director , Origins , Crossfire Hurricane , Senate , Unbelievable , July Of 2016 , September 2020 , 2020 , Division , Email , Wonder , Distrust , Reserve , Law Enforcement Agency , Bureau , Spying On , 24 , Offing , Dangers , North Korea , Iran , Dare , Oligarchs , List , Sanctions , Pose , Support , Executive Leadership , Colleagues , House , Hemorrhaging , Video , 7 Eleven , Employees , Organization , Eleven , 7 , Scenes , Law Enforcement Couldn T Or Didn , Store , Robbery , Democracy , Voices , Dad , Harris Faulkner , Right , Booth , Voice , Harris Kimberly , Quality , Selection , Cabela S , Bass Pro Shops , Friendly , Products , Shop , Club Members , Outfitters , Confidence , Guarantee , Member Pricing , Trip , Gear , America S Best Outdoor Retailer , Thousands , Collin Cowheard God , Survivors , Jews , Word , Genocide , Poverty , Six Million , Food , Comfort , Comfort Ye , 2 , , Children , Survival Food Box , Situation , Now , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Essentials , Gift , 25 , 5 , Hands , Make , Diet , Protein , Legs , Vitamins , Oh , Oh Let , Hope , Supply , Care , World , Foods , Box Overflowing , Christians , Needs , Hungry , Holocaust , Emotion , Condition , Operation Smile , Isn T Fair , Forty , 1982 , Two Hundred And Fifty , Surgery , Smile , Code , Joy , City , Nation , Capital , 13 , Five , Number , Track , Homicides , Increase , Killings , 2018 , 28 , 161 , Places , Cities , Councilman , Sign , White , Democrat , Police , Parts , District , Press Conference , National Guard , Urban America Years Ago , Love , War Zone , Community , Presence , Haven T , Order , Crime , Story , D C , Attorney , Graves , Defendants , 6 , January 6th , Disaster , Policy , Turning Point , Cases , Effects , 67 , Store Clerks , Thief , Northern California , Stealing , W One Deranged , Don T , Ain T , Call Police , Don T Do That , Clerks , Assault , D A , Suspect , Workers , Learning , Deda , Gas , Owner , Stockton , Lewis , Wallet , Register , Phone , Mask , Red Bull , Drum , 55 , Window , Items , Unloading Shelves , Editorial Board , Stuff , Alarms , Street Justice , Response , Movies , Big Rod , Place , Citizens , Bleeding Heart Assessment , Assessment , Society , Stick , Blah , Waste , It W , Waist It , Jail , The Way Out To San Andrea , Hassled , Element , Yes , Enough , Display , Revolving Door , Gentleman , Justice , Custody , Rap Sheet , Bill Gates , Jimmy Failla , Pop Quiz , Answer , What The Failla , C Stayta , Refund , Marshall , Emily , Rosie , Facelift , Practice , Patio , Dr , Innovation Refunds , Tax Refund , Brows , Erc , Stop Waiting , Wax Museum , Narrator , Five Billion , Hospitals , Causes , Surgeries , Suffering , Mercy Ships , 40 , Healing , Mission , Give Today , Jimmy , It S Time , Fiction , Special , Host , Fox Across America , Fox Nation , Moon Landing , Sleep , Conversation , Big Reveal , My 30s , Guys , Laziness , Wow , Six , Bill Gates He Didn T , Same , Night , Don T Know , Prime Time , Hanging , Him , Dozing , Jeffrey Epstein , Baby , Wheel , Park Bench , It , Judge , Shut Eye , Weekend , Ins , Sports Commentator , U S Women Soccer Team , Rapinoe Hate , Republicans , Conservative , Disney , Bud Light , Wokeness , Collin , Youy , Jackass Statement , Attention , Safe , Cruise Ship , Boats , Raft The On , Sports World , Radio Shows , Women , Athletes , Sports For A Living , Door , Dollars , Clown Stuff , Millions , Team , Megan Rapinoe , Peter Pansexual , Statement , Isn T , Beer , Nuts , Pumpkin Conversation , Pumpkin Donuts , Dude , Rom , Love Handles , October , That S My Second Documentary Fact Or Fiction , Ear Piece , Christie , Trouble , Jimmy Insult , On The Road , Lucky Guy , Crossing , Montana , Armed Cartels , New York , Nevada , Idaho , Vivek Ramaswamy , Plan , Borders , Madness , Retired School Librarian , Joseph , Michigan , Library Board Trustee , Prevagen , Commercials , Memory , Grandmother , Memory Wasn T , Prescription , Stores , Improvement , Leader , Solution , Cartel Gunmen , Body Armor , Rifles , Group , Saturday Night , Camera Crossing , Texas , Law Enforcement Sources , Border Tech Agents , Area , Border , Left , Racist , Billions , Everyone Else , Addition , Military Resources , Somebody Else , Hundreds , Invasion , Foreign Policy , Homeland , Spy Balloon , On American Soil , Else , Purpose , Revival , Spy , Base , Monroe Doctrine , Cuba , Drug Cartels , Fentanyl , Skin , Leadership , Happening , Anywhere , Maura Healey , Mayor , Massachusetts , Change Of Heart , Saw Adams , System It S Working , Shelter , Sanctuary State , Status , Demand , Sanctuary City , State Of Emergency , Pace , Reason , Donor Class , Parties , Elites , Catastrophe , Strings , Working Class , Boston , Overton Window , Step , Swiss Cheese , Trucks , Fentanyl Crisis , Human Traffic Crisis , Courage , America Now And Forever , Outsider , Jesse Watters , Jesse Watters Primetime , Instagram , Twitter , Planet , Economy , Uranium Mines , African Coups , Grand Canyon , Close , Betterments Disrespected ,

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