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Today, nikki haley is there. Chris christie. All Crossing Paths this afternoon as they try to entice and bring in g. O. P. Voters, independent voters to their side to get them to have a good showing in New Hampshire. Trump of course is the front runner. His former Vice President mike pence has not qualified officially to be on the stage in the first mike pence has now qualified officially to be on the stage. We will be moderating that debate. Its going to be a very big evening as we kick off the primaries season. Its the likes of which we have never seen, in terms of the way this stacks up over the next several months. The former president will be jockeying between courtrooms, rallies, Campaign Events all at once. The story asks g. O. P. Voters how that might impact their view. Watch. Theres so Much Division and hatred towards him in the country. I dont think its healthy for us to have him as a candidate. I would rather trump be the g. O. P. Nominee. Most supporters believe that i dont know if the indictments persuade me or embolden me to support the former President Trump. They definitely do not dissuade me. A handful of voters and their thoughts on how to go through this unprecedented situation. Standing by with some answers to the legal questions, of which there are many. First to Justice David spunt with the latest on the legal front. Lawyers from both sides knock heads over the first amendment, and over the trial venue. Good to be with you. Plenty of promotions in this case. They have not made a formal request yet, donald trump and his attorney want a change of venue. They said publicly, special counsel jack smith and his team will fight that, but ultimately, its not up to either party. Its up to the judge. I think West Virginia would be an excellent venue to try this case. The decisions of the trial would be up to dont expect that to happen, though, dont expect her to recuse herself with other requests that may come from trump. She wants both sides in her courtroom before the end of the week to hash out a potential protective order. Wants to delay that, but she is yet to rule. The order initially proposed by the government would limit what trump could say or type out on social media, regarding the case. It began with a true social post over the weekend. If you go after me, im coming after you, special counsel smiths team says it is potentially a threat to witnesses, even people in his office. Drums attorneys say it was pure political speech, and he was talking about rivals on the Campaign Trail. In a rare moment of agreement, congressman adam schiff and donald trump, along with his legal team all agreed that they want the trial televised. Unfortunately, different motives for why they want this on camera, but they think the American People should see what happens in the courtroom. A decision to allow cameras is up to a Panel Of Judges called the traditional conference, which input cameras are not allowed in federal court, unlikely it should be allowed to happen, though it is possible. Martha certainly is an unusual situation in the middle of a campaign season, and their reasons why, on both sides, that they would think its the most fair way to do this. David, thank you very much. Lets ask our favorite constitutional attorneys. Fox news contributor jonathan trulioo. Lets start there, good to see you. What is the argument do you think for cameras in the courtroom, giving dominic given the unique nature of what we will watch play out in this campaign . I generally support cameras in the courtroom, but also at certain trials. This is going to be not just one of the most famous trials of all time, but its going to be a trial that you are going to have a jury of tens of millions of people. Many of them will be voting. What they consider to be the merits of these charges. I think were going to have to make some accommodation for that, at least we should. The odds are still against it. The federal courts remain fairly hostile to cameras, including on the supreme court. Plausible, compelling reason, never understood one to not have cameras. The argument is often that lawyers would grandstand, but i dont know many lawyers that would have that inclination. Or even if they did, having the temerity to do it in front of these judges. They would be slapped out pretty fast. Martha i agree, fascinating for the American People to be able to watch what goes on inside not only this courtroom, but also the supreme court. In the interest of transparency. Let me ask about these issues that the motions are surrounding right now on the trump side. Jack smith over the weekend, putting in a protective order. They are trying to restrain with the former president can and cant say on social media and elsewhere. Saw this post that he put up, that jack smith objected to. If you come after me, im coming after you. What you think about that . How much can or should his speech be limited during this . Well, i immediately criticized the former president from that social posting. It was illadvised. I think it could not have come at a worse time for his lawyers. I also have to add that it is fairly common for judges to restrict parties on what they can say publicly. This is not your normal case. You are trying to hold a trial of the leading candidate for the presidency during that president ial election. You cant ignore that. Hes got to be able to discuss this case. There is of course an alternative, and not a bad one. The judge can simply say that the trial be held after the election. Then, there may be less pressure to discuss these matters. If you really want to try this case, he were going to have to allow trump leeway in talking about what the case is about. Theres an argument that if you are coming after me, im coming after you. And former President Donald Trump his entire business and political life, and hes not saying anything he hasnt said about every candidate or anyone who comes after him in pretty much any venue, could be the potential argument. You just touched on something. Thats the question of whether it should happen after the election. Both jack smith and the judge presiding over this case have suggested they want to get this thing up and running. What do you think is going to happen . Theres a good reason why jack smith wants to beat the clock on this one. If donald trump is elected, he could pardon himself. He doesnt have to wait for a trial. He could primitively pardon himself. So could any republican who might win mike in the white house. Then, jack smith would never see a jury in either of these cases. He is eager to get these in front of a jury and to get a verdict, but the problem is that this guys dance card is getting full. I know people chasing lawyers that have fewer court dates on the calendar. The question for these courts is at what point do you have serious due process in question . This guy is being pursued from pillar to post. You are going to have to make the decision i think the wise decision is to give it more time and allow the trials to occur after the election so they do not influence the election. Right now, youve got a trial scheduled for may that may move. Its hard for smith to say that this group should go before t them. Martha thank you. Lots to talk about and i was good to you with us. From washin today. Former President Trump, who we were just speaking about, is on the Campaign Trail as we speak, and there is ron desantis in the state of New Hampshire as well. That was on july 31st. He just took a swing at the former president of the Current Governor of florida, who has been trailing in the polls, and has made the big announcement today he has replaced his campaign manager. We have brandnew audio for you on all this, next. Remember the things you loved. Before asthma got in the way . Fasenra is an addon treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. Its designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. Fasenra is not for sudden Breathing Problems or other eosinophilic conditions. Allergic reactions may occur. Dont stop your Asthma Treatments without talking with your doctor. Tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. Headache and sore throat may occur. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. Get back to better breathing. Ask your doctor about fasenra. 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Martha big shakeup in the Desantis Campaign. The governor of florida, who has not had the kind of momentum that many expected when he entered this race, has made a big move. Hes hired a new campaign manager, after saying he was standing by the former one just a week ago, who has worked with the team for a long time. And also in recent weeks let about onethird of the staff go, as he has tried to get this campaign on track, and the way that he and his backers would like to see. Just two weeks away from a Pivotal Moment in this primary race. Thats the first republican debate. Brett and i will moderate that debate in milwaukee at 9 00 p. M. Wednesday night august 23rd, very exciting night ahead that we all look forward to. Its going to be a big moment in this process. With that, selena zito, Washington Examiner and New York Post columnist covering this race. Good to see. What do you make of whats going on in the Desantis Campaign . I think was happening in the Desantis Campaign as they are not where they wanted to be. Part of it has to do with the circumstances that are going on with President Trump and the impact that that is having on voters. Also, i think hes made a couple moves that werent always best suited to his style. Now, whether its a corporation, an institution, or a campaign, when you are not getting things right, not selling enough products are getting enough people to your events, or if your campaign isnt where you expected to become a smart smart move is to make a shakeup. Now, that could have a positive impact. I think thats a good move to make. If things are not working, you show people im going to make changes. I believe it does fall on the candidate. You have an important time for desantis to be self reflective and think about what he would do better as a candidate. Just got back from a drive across the country, which included a stay in iowa. This race is not settled yet. I know the polls show one thing, and it may be how it turns out. However, after talking and listening to voters, especially in iowa, where the going to caucus with four people written on their hands like houma going to choose, our voters are still not completely settled, so i think it was a smart move on desantis to make this shakeup. We will see if he also makes personal changes that are reflective of what hes done as governor. Martha the former president came after Governor Desantis pretty hard, said he has been disloyal to the former president by virtue of the fact that hes running. Ron desantis has come after him a little bit stronger in recent days which i think is an interesting move. This is the governor speaking to reporters from nbc. I gave him a strong endorsement. The next day he went like a rocket right through the thing, and he leading by 43 points [cheers and applause] we are leading leading by ron desantis, ron desanctimonious, he is at nine points. Time to go back to florida. Martha clearly thats the former president. We had two pieces of sound lined up. The others from the nbc interview that ron desantis did. Watch this. Yes or no did donald trump lose the 2020 election . Whoever puts their hand on the bible on january 20th every four years is the winner. Respectfully, you did not clearly answer that question, and if you cant give a yes or no, whether or not he lost of course he lost. Selena, your thoughts. I think those were, that was an appropriate answer. In talking to voters, a lot of voters, they are tired of relitigating 2020. In terms of trumps reaction to desantis running, you did not see Hillary Clinton do that, or about barack obama outwardly in the primary. Or jett bush with marco rubio. It certainly is a different approach. Martha thank you, always good to see you. Selena zito joining us from the Washington Examiner and just off the Campaign Trail. Take a look at this. Law enforcement sources sa these images show suspected Mexican Cartel gunmen in texas, in the United States, carrying rifles, wearing body armor. Live at the border in eagle pass, texas, where people are reacting to this news. That theyve got Cartel Members on their side of the border now. This is exactly why we often hear Border Patrol agents telling us Border Security is national security. These images are startling. Ive told my sources that they happen Saturday Night in the rio grande valley. Take a look at what they show, it is a drawbridge camera, showing a group of suspected Cartel Gunmen crossing illegally into texas. Its a heavy cartel area. They are armed with a or 15 style rifles. Some of them are wearing body armor as they move through the brush, on the u. S. Side of the border. I am told that Border Patrol agents responded to the area, trying to find these guys, but they were unsuccessful. They came up empty. This happens days after another armed smuggler was seen right here in eagle pass. Look at these images. Excuse me, texas dps releasing drone images showing an armed Human Smuggler guiding a group of Illegal Immigrants in a river here in eagle pass. You can see the smuggler is armed with a rifle. He was able to escape back to mexico. He was not captured. Right here in eagle pass, lastly, illegal crossings, beginning to surge again and all along the southern border. This is a group we saw this morning, the Del Rio Center continues to see traffic, about 709 people crossing in this sector every single day. Back out live, Border Patrol for the del rio sector reporting this weekend alone, six convicted sex offenders. Back to you. Martha thank you very much. President biden facing some new backlash from gold star families over the horrific and tragic exit from afghanistan that took the lives of these 13 Young American service members. To say they are satisfied with the withdrawal of our troops is nothing short of disgusting and ignorant. Martha lost his son, Lance Corporal jared smits in the Kabul Airport attack, could not be there to deliver the message yesterday. He will do so right here in moments, along with general jack keane. , need to save money every month . Call newday. Pay off your high rate credit cards and car loan with an Affordable Va Home Loan from newday. You can save 500 every month. Rates on credit cards have gone up to 22 . For late payments, as much as 30 , more than three times higher than a newday va loan. Pay off your credit cards and car with a Newday100 Va Loan and save. [sneeze] astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other Allergy Sprays take hours. With astepros unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go sometimes Jonah Wrestles with falling asleep. So he takes zzzquil. The worlds 1 Sleep Aid Brand for a better night sleep. So now, he wakes up feeling like himself. The reigning family room middleweight champion. Better days start with zzzquil nights. Martha a couple of minutes ago, the pentagon wrapped up their Press Briefing for today, and shockingly, there were zero questions about the moving and remarkable testimony that we all watched here yesterday afternoon from gold star families whose loved ones were killed at the Kabul Airport in the chaotic final days of our time in afghanistan for the United States military. These families ripping President Biden for lack of answers, and for calling the exit a success. Here it is in their words. The Commander In Chief fa failed. All he took when he entered this countrys Executive System to protect our country from foreign and domestic enemies. He failed everybody. My son needed a Commander In Chief who cared about his life. Having individuals like john kirby come in, saying he did not see from the chaos from his perch. Its both tonedeaf and ignorant. The Biden Administration incompetent, cowards, evil. And joe biden, our elected president , when he approached me, his words to me or my wife and i know how you feel. We lost our son as well, brought him home. My heart started beating faster, started shaking knowing that their son died from cancer and they were able to be by his s side. Martha Lance Corporal jared smits was just 20 years old when he was killed on August The 26th at the abbey gate. In his last phone call, lieutenant Corporal Jared Schmitz he said his protective nature guided him towards the military, as a team started training with local Military Marines on weekends, and being in uniform was his safe place, where he wanted to be to serve his country. His dad mark joined me now, could not make yesterdays form because of work star families dd an incredible job. Thank you so much for being h here. Our hearts break for you and your family, the loss of your beautiful 20 year old son. We thank him for his service, we thank you for your sacrifice. What would you have said if you were there yesterday about how the Administration Handle all this . The families that were there did such an excellent job. I reached out to them, gave them a atta boy because they really let them have it. The biggest thing i wouldve added to that is a facetoface conversation with the Democratic Party that sits on the Foreign Affairs committee. Sitting there watching those live Stream Committee hearings, just one after another, you hear these democratic congressman that are just shielding biden from any wrongdoing or any faults when it comes to what happened in afghanistan. Out of their mouth, they say im glad theres gold star families here, we appreciate your sacrifice. Then they start blaming trump. Its disgusting, the fact that this is a partisan issue is ridiculous. As the parents said yesterday, these guys need to be held accountable. They need to not wait to get fired, they just stepped down. Man up. Its time to take yourself out of the equation. You are done, you screwed up. Martha mark, what was your interaction did you have any with the administration . Did you try to get information from them . What was your experience . We would get stonewalled left and right. Every time i try to get Video Footage from the abbey gate, they tell me that the cameras were malfunctioning, the footage from the drone, these milliondollar drones are suddenly not working correctly when it comes to video feed. Its just a runaround. Of course, we went to the gopros, the cell phones these guys had. The st cards are wiped clean, not even returned. What are you covering up . Its plain and simple theres always a shady business going on. Its time for that to stop. Martha your voice is part of a chorus we heard from so many of these families that have experienced the same thing. Stonewalling, sim cards are removed from their Sons And Daughters phones that they would very much like to have to see what pictures they had taken may be right before all this happened. Mark schmitz, thank you very much, thank you so much for the sacrifice your family made and may we always hold the memory of your son, Jared Schmitz, in honor for his service to our country. Thank you, sir, very much for being here. Appreciate it. Martha thank you. Bring in retired fourstar general jack keane, fox news senior strategic analyst, former vice Chief Of Staff and always good to have you with us. Thank you for being here. What im hearing from these parents, and we have spoken with a lot of gold star families over the years, but i dont generally hear the anger about the communication and the way it was handled that you are hearing from these families. Whats your take on that . I find that disturbing. What happened here, to say the least because a lot of it in my judgment is clearly preventable. I have never seen a president ial decision that is owned so much by this particular president. Presents all on their decision, but the facts are that the entire Military Chain Of Command from the on Scene Commander to the chairman t of joint chiefs,o the joint chiefs themselves to the secretary of defense to the director of the cia, to the six other nato nations who had troops in afghanistan, they all told the president do not withdraw, keep our troops there to protect us from the al qaeda and ices in the future. He believed he had a resolution on afghanistan in a way that no one else did, and i believe it was a degree of arrogance. He made that decision defiantly to pull our troops out of there. He owns this decision in a way that no one else does. I agree with mr. Schmitz about that as well. In terms of the communication with the families, listening to it, i find that tragic, and somewhat unforgivable that that has actually taken place. I will take them at face value. They are the recipient of the communication. In my experience as a general officer, and soldiers die under my command investigations, if they had not been conducted, and we gave the families all the information that we had. If they wanted to be exposed to photographs, we would provide that to them. We would give them every level of detail that they wanted to have. Even if their loved one was at fault, actually causing a problem, told them that as well. Why . Because it was the truth. If the government was at fault for causing the problem, we told them that too. Why . Because thats the truth. They deserve the truth. Based on the loss of their loved one. My god. Theyve got to have that. Its a foundation of who we are. Its our values, and we have to communicate those values and honor that service they provided by being absolutely straight with these families. Martha i think you obviously have so much experience, and you are so right in everything you say in terms of the responsibility to be open with these families. They have sacrificed so much. Their Sons And Daughters gave their lives for this country, and the mission they were put on. A little bit would go such a long way in the right moment with these families to say that this was an absolutely tragic, tragic attack, and that there sacrifice does not go unrecognized and unhonored. I think a little would have gone such a long way with these families, to sit down with them, say heres what we have, heres what we can share with you, heres why we cant give you the sim card, or here it is and the photos that he took. Instead, it smacks of something that they wanted him to put aside, they dont want any focus on this, and i think it is a true tragedy. General, final thought if you would, sir. Martha, its not over. We have every opportunity, if the families feel the grievance, and dont have the information, lets sit down with them and get it right. We can do that. This is not over. Lets reestablish the trust that should be there. General jack keane, we appreciate you being here as always. Thank you mark schmitz for joining us, the father of Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz lost his life at abbey gate on august 26th. Thank you for being here. Breaking updates for you on some big Crime Stories from coast to coast this hour. Brandnew developments in this doc case, when we come back. Id like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. One of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan, which lets you buy a home with no down payment. Now, theres no reason to rent when you can own. Helping veterans buy homes. Thats newday usa. Day. A Terrifying Scene in pennsylvania. A car crashed into the second floor of a house. Police say it looks like the driver did it on purpose. I dont know how you would do this on purpose. Sunday afternoon around 3 00, it crashed into a bedroom. Amazingly, nobody was hurt. At the driver ended up in the hospital. No word yet on possible charges. Its like something out of a movie. More on that when we can. [applause] [bleep] yep. We just got an update on the brawl that broke out on a tock in montgomery, alabama. The following as we have just heard from the sheriff on this in atlanta. High mike, jeff. Reporter police confirming with the captain of the riverboat has been saying from the getgo. They were trying to dock their boats, there was another pontoon boat in the designated spot. They asked those voters if they could go several times. They were basically ignored. The voters walked away. Cocaptain of the riverboat tried to gently push that boat down. The voters come back, words are exchanged, and then this hap happens. Get out the way get out the way [bleep] ganging up on and attacking the riverboat cocaptain, who is black. It appears after the needy initial fight that bystanders do try to stop the fight. The group of boaters continue to follow the crew member, the fight gets worse and worse. Things reportedly calmed down, but once that riverboat doxxed, the fight started all over, as frustrated witnesses watching from the riverboat joined in on the fight. Wade Montgomery Police chief Darryl Roberts spoke a short time ago, and was asked if there was a racial component involved in the situation. There was a lot of finger gestures, comments made at a distance. Of course, that approach continued. Again, working with the local fbi. Didnt feel there was enough to file Hate Crime Charges on this. Reporter police initially detained 13 people but after sorting the situation out, four Arrest Warrants were issued, one for a black man who appeared to use a chair in the fight, but the other three were the three white voters who initially started this whole fight. Martha a lot of crazy behavior in that situation, and a lot of people who were trying to pull them off of each other as well. Jeff, thank you very much. Would be thief, a california 7eleven. Have you seen this video . This guy came back twice inside of a 24hour period. The store clerk is clearing off the shelves into a rolling garbage basket. This is how hes stealing in front of the owners. The clerks, who jumped in and fought him off with a stick eventually, are now the ones who could face potential charges. Box out, boss. Dont do that. Dont do that. Dont do that. Ahh for a young homeowner turning into their parents. What does it mean to slide into someones dms . Mm. It sounds like a lot of fun. Okay, were not ready for that. As a team, well get there. It might be a fruit emoji, but that doesnt mean theyre talking about fruit. Oh. Progressive cant save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. Do you really think we need 47 photos of fun dinner at pams . Yes. No. Hi, im katie. I live in flagstaff, arizona. Im an older student. Im getting my doctorate in clinical psychology. I do a lot of hiking and kayaking. I needed something to help me gain clarity. So i was in the pharmacy and i saw a display of prevagen and i asked the pharmacist about it. I started taking prevagen and i noticed that i had more cognitive clarity. Memory is better. Its been about two years now and its working for me. Prevagen. At stores everywhere without a prescription. I was stuck. Unresolved Depression Symptoms were in my way. I needed more from my antidepressant. Vraylar helped give it a lift. Adding vraylar to an antidepressant. 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I have had more conversations with the police today, and the mayor, and my colleagues we have a long way to get there. We just know that police alone is not getting it done. Martha thats democratic d. C. Councilman tran white suggesting extreme measures to deal with d. C. s Violent Crime cancer, as he calls it. Going untreated and unresolved. Reporting from washington. Reporter d. C. Councilmember tran white says Police Officer tray on white dolomite saying they will help protect the community , because desperate times call for desperate measures. White says he has reached out to bowser on the issue. The d. C. National guard says is not aware of any requests or assistance. He held that Press Conference which decided on other shooting in washington, following a weekend of deadly shootings in the capital. More than a dozen were killed in the first five days of the month. I live in a world where i here gun shots, ambulance, every night. I do not sleep at night. None of us do. A Press Conference early last month, mayor bowser said the National Guard typically doesnt do law enforcement, its for the police department. Martha thank you very much. A lot of you may have seen this video. It has been everywhere. This guy, clearing out shelves at a 7eleven, stealing all of these items, and just putting them in a big garbage can. This happened in stockton, california, south of sacramento. Workers told police the same man had stolen from the start of day before. Have to warn you, this video is intense. After they decide they will go after this guy, stop what hes doing, which is wrecking and stealing their shells, one of the men who works in the store starts to hit him with a stick. Thats what you can see there. Eventually, they let him go. Police say that they found a man a few hours later. Asking for medical help. Didnt know if he had been attacked. After they saw the video from the store. They have the whole story together and they are investigating. Lets bring in neil terrel , leo terrel. Good to have you with us. A lot of people look at this and say what else is the store owner supposed to do . I think its the second or third time that he has shown up and Brazenly Clearing off the shelves into a garbage can just steal the stuff theyre trying to sonic in their store. He said who is at fault here . Simply, though criminal. You said it correctly, look how relaxed he is, that is the democratic laws in california, where the criminal is the victim, because the system is racist. This District Attorney should have that criminal in jail because he did it not just once, but twice. What happened as if theres any focus on these shop owners who are trying to protect their property, they should not be charged with any crime. If there is a civil suit, then criminals will have zero chance of prevailing. 7eleven should back up the shop owners. I tell you right now, the lack of any type of police response, lack of any government response to crime is resulting in vigilantism. This is whats happening right now, because people are tired of being attacked. Martha we see this man with a stick. I watched it fairly carefully. The stick is landing on the floor a lot. You can hear it. You can also see it on this mans leg. Then he basically sits up and i believe he gets up after that. Much force is merited in this situation . I think what the vigilantes i think with the owners were trying to do was perturb them from coming back. The question is was the force reasonable. Was a crime for them to inflict that . Thats a jury question. I want to make sure this is clear as a civil rights attorney, this District Attorney who had to review this case should not file charges against the shop owners. It sends the wrong message. It sends the wrong message. That criminal lied to the officers as to why he was assaulted. Didnt tell him that he was robbing the place twice before. Just said he was injured. And some of these states, you are allowed to steal up to 900 worth of stuff before the laws kick in. I think thats the law in new york. Are not sure about california. You can see why people walk in with impunity and think they can fill up a garbage can and just take stuff that does not belong to them. They are not going to jail. You can basically steal 800 and walk away. Martha unbelievable. Thank you, good to have your sane approach. How about the story today . We now know who the sole heir is of Lisa Ann Marie presleys Bright Dominic Graceland estate and the memory of will i suffer with Psoriatic Arthritis and psoriasis. I was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. Cosentyx works for me. Cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis or psoriasis. 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Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [crowd gasp] with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. [ting] live in the moment. Ask your doctor about otezla. Woman why did we choose safelite . We were loading our suv when. Crack safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when theyd arrive with a replacement we could trust. Thats service the way we want it. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Im saving with liberty mutual, mom. They customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. You could save 700 dollars just by switching. Ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. On the top of the pile oh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Martha graceland now has an official owner and overseer. Nearly seven months after Lisa Marie Presleys sudden death, a los angeles judge has ruled that her daughter is officially the sole heir to the iconic memphis property of elvis presley. Media buzz host how he hurts with the latest. Reporter family feuds are ugly, but after a tough battle, Lisa Marie Presleys daughter has won of victory, Heartbreak Hotel for her grandmother. Lisa marie, who was elvis only child and was also a singer, died in january at 54 from cardiac arrest. Her daughter will preside over much of the estate, graceland as well, the iconic shrine to elvis. In the past, there is a lot of chaos in every aspect of her life, hart had been ripped out soul melted from under her. She seems to with her grandmother, saying all she wants is to love and protect graceland and the family and legacy. Just told Interview Magazine triple storm. There were plenty of players in this litigation. Their exwife petition this y year. A valid question. Her daughter even said lisa maries name said it for priscilla and her husband. The Business Manager was removed at one point. A couple of persons may have helped ease the settlement for the 77yearold priscilla, who will be paid special advisor to the trust. Legal battles, hardly uncommon. First elvis, then elvis daughter. Controlling graceland, the subject of the famous song. It all plays out in the spotlight. Martha a huge star. She just appeared, may be the most successful since elvis in the family at being a celebrity and a star. Reporter the whole thing is a sad. Martha it is. Thank you very much. That is it for the story for this tuesday. But as it goes on, we will see you back here tomorrow at 3 00. Thanks for being here. Have a great afternoon and evening. See you back here tomorrow at 3 00. Thank you, martha. President joe biden in arizona, but not at the border, as Border Crossings are way up. Images are surfacing of suspected Cartel Members crossing into the u. S. , heavily armed, some dressed with body armor. We will talk to cochise county sheriff, who will testify at the hearing in the next hour. Im in for neil cavuto, this is your world

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