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Questions. But we begin with one very compelling congressional event. Gold star families demanding answers from the Biden Administration after and their loved ones were killed during the chaotic brawl in afgha afghanistan. The chief correspondent, Jonathan Hunt, is live with what happen. Good evening. Jonathan good evening. The family of those who died, that terrible day in kabul, 711 days ago, have been searching for answers ever since. They want to know how did that happen . Why did it happen. They feel the Biden Administration has failed to take responsibility for mistakes that allowed a Suicide Bomber to get close enough to marines and other Service Members regarding the airport. Instead, they say, their loved ones have been forgotten by the administration. Our leaders, including the secretary of defense and our commanderinchief, called this evacuation a success, as if there should be celebration. It is like a knife in the heart for our families, our lives, given incomplete reports, incorrect reports, total disrespect. Patrick kelly. Jonathan Kelly Barnett listed those names of those she lists responsible for the death of her son. Among the names she read, President Biden, Secretary Of State antony blinken, defense secretary with austin, and join chief of chair mark milley. Then she added this. Incompetent, cowards evil. Summer some or all of those. I want justice. I want accountability. Jonathan Sergeant Hoovers that had eight similarly points message for President Biden about the chaos at the kabul airport. Do what our son did. Be a grownass man. Admit to your mistakes. Jonathan it was an emotional day for these gold star families who certainly seem to feel that this hearing arraigned by Congressman Darrell Iser is in many ways the first time their voices have ever been truly heard. Permit and they were powerful. Join us in, thank you. Next bring in congressman house Foreign Community during ellie and veteran and founder of thank you both for coming on. We appreciate it. Congressman, to you first. Join us in was saying it was a very powerful gathering of these goals are families. Mostly because you make this happen, sir, because the republicans control the house. What struck you the most about today . What struck me the most were the actual verbatim statements of things that they had asked for and been denied or lied about. Staff Sergeant Hoover for example, they said he died on impact, his fellow survivors made it clear that he indicated himself. He in fact was heading out ammo until he bled out. These kinds of inconsistencies of course haunt a family even the fact that many of them had phones returned of their loved ones but with some cards removed which meant they lost those pictures in those last days. These kinds of specifics that the administration could easily give answers to are just the tip of the iceberg of the suffering of these families. Jonathan these gold star families, chad, they got no apologies. They got no explanations and that they have to listen to the commanderinchief talk about how successful this mission was. It really is a knife in the heart. What are your thoughts . Congressman, take as much for putting this together. These families deserve this. And they have not gotten the respect that they deserve as goals or family members. This is evacuation or i would say with complete surrender afghanistan did not need to happen. He didnt need to happen the way it happened. But we the president was advised not to do this withdrawal from the joint chiefs, from the Intelligence Committee leaders. From the diplomats on the ground who said yet he pursued this withdrawal anyway and did it in a way over the State Department and hamstringing these marines on the ground and creating the scenario. These Service Members should not have died. This was unnecessary. Speaking to the marines on the ground that were there at this moment and they knew that the Suicide Bomber was there. They wanted to engage the Suicide Bomber because the operation was taken away and given to the State Department by the white house. Secretary blinken prohibit from Andy Afghanistan Report reflects that. I want to put this on the screen. Is the report. The biden and miss Jason Fielder Seven O Four C afghanistan cast. Up on every station made the evacuation of more chaotic and dangerous. Officials did not plan for worstcase scenario in afghanistan. Congressman, these things are laid out here and this whole success narrative just does not ring true. It does not ring true and one of the things families want and deserve all the classified dissent report that i have been able to read. They want to be able to read it. Theyve been told, six is exactly what you have heard wishes that they knew this was going to happen. They predicted it, the State Department, people on the ground predicted what specificity exactly what happened and of course this led to the deaths of 163 not just the 13 but lots of other people who were entitled to come back to the United States. Trace yeah, he makes a good putt, chad. It is not just those who died. It is not just those who were wounded. It is those we left behind. We knew there were americans left behind. That is why myself and our team at the mighty oaks foundation, that is why i chose to stay there. They are still thousands and thousands of our allies out and left behind and not to mention 20 million women and little girls who have been sexually enslaved by the taliban. We left the most strategic place on the globe, we left our enemies in the world that is much more dangerous. They were told about cost and nobody listened. Gentlemen, thank you. Thank you. Trace a live look and a live look and New York City where the Investigation Continues into the Union Square Riot involving thousands of young people. New york mayor eric adams is blaming the right on just about everyone except for the young people themselves. Jackie ibanez is live in the newsroom with the very latest on this. Jackie, good evening. Reporter good evening. Influencers offer of Free Playstation 5 consuls into his followers through a crowd of thousands to manhattans union square friday resulting in property damage, injuries, and now charges for the twitch streamer. Officials are continuing their search for unruly teens who tossed Water Bottles at cops but despite the shocking scene you see here, the message from your city mayor eric adams appears to be dont blame the kids. The mayor says teen crime is not a pleasing issue rather a parenting issue. Listened. I wonder with the thousands of children who were there hurling dangerous objects at police officers, disrespecting the residence in the area, attacking each other, how many parents texted their children. Reporter adams also suggested that outside agitators who may have played a role in advocating the situation sounding the alarm as well over what he considers to be the dangers of raising children on social media. Warning parents about the impact of socalled influencers who dont considers themselves to be incredible messenger. More than 60 people were arrested following all of the chaos. Roughly 30 of them were juveniles. And what police nypd has released pictures of use plus wanted. The Departments Police chief says he has no plan to let them off that easy. Trace, back to you. Trace jackie, thank you. Next bring in a given Special Agent in charge of the los angeles fuel division, ericka harden. It is great to have you on. Of want to put is on the board because i think this gives us some context. This was the juvenile arrest. I want you to a look at the top. Look at the topic that is mid90s. You have 1996 or so. Eighth housing 400 juveniles out of per 100,000 and now we will get to all the way, it is 1,000. These kids dont fear nor do they respect Law Enforcement. What do you make of that. Make that the pendulum has swung the wrong way too far. People are not being held responsible for their actions, that being juveniles, adults, or whatever they may, if you are in violation of any laws that are on the books, you should be held accountable. We are all responsible for our actions. Trace i w want to play this soundbite because this is mayor eric adams and he got a lot of pushback because you can see they are jumping on the cars. You can see destruction that they are doing in these riots. This is mayor eric adams and we will get your response on the opposite side. This is not a pleasing issue. This is a parenting issue. Outrage and cannot be raised by social media. Our children cannot get their values, their beliefs from social media and other outside entities. Trace he says children but we know these are at 17, 18, 19, 20 euros and at some point in time, these children, decent people have to be called into account. 100 . Responsibility falls on the head of all involved. It, children or teens and their parents. But once they step outside the home, whether they are in the public, causing havoc, being in the community, long Biden Sinuses citizens are trying to go about their business. It becomes a matter of Law Enforcement. The parents are not there to a secure and maintain control of their kids and now they are out on the street, now they are in the predicament where they violate law and they fall into the hands of Law Enforcement to appropriately investigate and levy their appropriate penalty for their actions. Term and we had similar situation last week where the mayor of chicago who was asked if this was kind of a mob mentality, right . And he scolded the reporter. Watch. It is not appropriate when i talk about mob actions, i did not say that. It is important that we speak of these dynamics in an appropriate way. This is not to obfuscate what has taken place. We have to be very careful when we use language to describe certain behavior. Trace saying young al capones. This is mob mentality. It is, and that is the definition. It is a group of individuals who choose to be unruly and cause violence and not follow the laws that are inherent in society for structure and, excuse me, to alleviate chaos. Trace and some are talking about not fully punishing young people who are under 25 for murder. That is how far this has gone. 10 seconds for you. I believe anyone who breaks the law should be held accountable if they are committing murder regardless of the age, it should be an appropriate offense, punishment, punitive held for the individual. Trace eric harden, you are not alone. Thank you, sir. President biden is back from vacation and will have to answer to a new evidence that shows he knew a lot more about his sons Overseas Business Dealings and he the Senior National correspondent kevin corke is live with the new information on this. Kevin, good evening. Kevin you know, sometimes it is all about how different people view the very same pictures. Sort of a Rorschach Test if you will. And tonight, House Republicans are put into a 2011 letter from the vp joe biden to Hunter Bidens Business Associate by the name of devon archer. They are seeing that this is the latest data points in the nexus in their effort to demonstrate the president was not honest when he said he knew nothing of his sons business dealings. And document a document obtained by fox news throws that into question today. It is a letter from against the former vp into archer and it reads in part, i apologize for not getting a chance to talk to you at the luncheon yesterday. I was having trouble getting away from hosting president whose. I hope i get a chance to see you again soon with hunter. I hope you enjoyed lunch. Thanks for coming. Now, to hear House Republicans tell it, this is a piece of evidence that suggests the elder biden is lying about his knowledge of hunters business dealings. The case days a they are continuing to build. The president has denied for years that he had any involvement with his sons business, that his family ever received money from china. He said that among the debate stage with presenter at the time. That is all proven to be not true. Kevin that is an allegation the white house continues to nine tonight. Meanwhile mr. Biden welcomed the Houston Astros to the white house today, from a spate of rough headlines included news that gas prices are up almost 30 cents a gallon over the past month. Renewing fears of growing inflation. That is not stopping the white house from sending mr. Biden out west. This week, to focus on climate change. It is a good change of pace for him. Trace we will see six dollars a gallon gas kevin. That will wake him up. Kevin corke live in new york. Lets bring in north dakota governor and 2024 republican president ial candidate doug burgum. Governor, it is great to have you on. Of want to put this up on the board because this is you criticizing abc this week and 172nd soundbite of you calling them out for not covering the hunter biden scandal at all and i will get your response on the other side. Watch. I just listen to the 50 minutes of legal debate on existing and im sure you can run it again seven by 24. But what biden by writing joe biden and that is what we are going to be talking about and of course you got to mention in the last 15 minutes of, you know, hunter biden and laptop. Trace the governor are you no surprise that other networks are ignoring the story . Well, i guess we we are not surprised trace. That they would be ignoring it. Again, just finished a day down here visiting the National Guard troops. Doing interviews with national media. We have got people have got people in the back to work behind us crossing the rio grande and i was in an interview where the first three questions were about indictments. It is just incredible to me that the Mainstream Media other than perhaps this channel and a few others are even interested in talking about the issues that every american is worried about. They are worried about National Security and border security, they are worried about inflation. Prices are up 20 to 30 versus when joe biden took office. And as long as we are talked about the past and not talk about the future, then joe biden it does not have to talk about his horrible with afghanistan withdrawal which you covered on this show. We got Gold Star Mothers in particular, we understand everything you covered on this thing. But of course, the Biden Slavitt and china loves it. When we are divided like this and talked about the past because we dont have to talk about the threat of china and the fentanyl was pouring over the southern border. How about a story about that. Trace and we will cover the border in one second. You talked about a couple other things and gas very quickly is up 30 cents a gallon. It is going up kind of every day. Six bucks the outside the governor. That affects people. It affects people everywhere. And theres no reason for this, trace, because the biden policy is buy energy from our enemies and adversaries as opposed to produced a bunch of clean american energy. This is 180degree you turn from what is required. Them and we would do that Energy Prices go down. The world becomes more stable. And of course, even these sanctions that biden has on russia were sanctioning russian oil. Now they are selling, they had become chinas gas station. Prices going up here. China, its russian oil 20 to 30 of the world market. So we are empowering our competitor to have energy from lowcost manufacturing and the same time, you know, i know everybody that his fact dr. In iowa. Trace i know you were at the border. A want to put this up. This is your tweet quoting here, open borders, more overdose deaths. The reality is we are taking mass casualties every day because of the border crisis. And press the button is doing nothing to stop it. And illegal crossings are up 30 and going back to those record highs we have seen in the past. Final thoughts. Thousands of people, because every single day and if americans actually understood what was going on here because the number that gets reported by the mind the Biden Administration, i was in a briefing this morning and there was a number that was up on the board and that number was known got a ways and you asked the question, what about unknown guideways . We dont know. Unknown guideways is bigger than the apprehensive number and right now, the Border Patrol Law Enforcement, the u. S. Law enforcement, they are in a position where the imitation is not supporting them with equipment, not supporting them with infrastructure with personnel, and theres only 20,000 of them. Up and administration wanted to add 30,000 irs agents the next two years. That is like another 1 1 2 Border Patrol. They want to ad in two years, and we could use that on the border. Trace and i started my career on the border. Those unknown guideways, it is a big number. Great to be with you, trace. Trace speaking of the border, the fox news at Night Department cannot help but notice that while kris budden was sitting in delaware, several hundred Illegal Migrants were also sitting in the sun except they were in arizona. Each small area lost behind chainlink fences. Chapters of 113 degrees. The Biden Administration says they are not to blame for the migrants being locked up in scorching heat. Instead, the blame should be aimed at the Human Smugglers dropping migrants at the border. So if common sense has this right, the Biden Open Border Policy is not to bring. It is all about the smugglers. And what about defenses or rather cages because under president trump, they were called cages. And democrats in the Washington Post said putting people in those cages was abuse, a human rights violation. That is until we learned the cages were built during the obama administration. And the pictures of kids in cages were taken during obamas presidency. But certainly the same Washington Post crying about the inhumanity of cages had this epiphany writing, quoting, the chainlink allowed for good ventilation. Common sense is pictured migrants sitting in those arizona cages, 113 degrees, sorry, the fenced areas, 113 degrees, are hoping for the liberation. But would settle for even a whisper of ventilation. Coming up, an event for kirk cameron and mom for lipreading was about to be canceled. Hundreds of parents and school kids showed up and nothing was going to stop them from singing, god bless america. And later in and later in the nightcap, what if you saw this on your door. Look closely. Something kind of slithers up to greet you and it is not just this giant snake. Another man in texas opened the door and got bitten by a rattlesnake. Here is the person. Would you be ready for something dangerous at the door and if you got bit in the head, what would you think . I would freak out if that is me. We wanted to hear from you. Let us know, twitter and instagram tracegallagher. Weigh in. We will try to results and bring you the best responses in the nightcap. Here is a Fox News Night trip across america, a live look at san francisco. You were looking life now at nashville. Music city. You can see nissan stadium. The stadium, the tennessee titans. Now to steel pier along the boardwalk in Atlantic City new jersey. You cant join us . Set your dvr and watch as any time. The sooner, the better. We will be right back. Takes you off course. Put it in check with rinvoq, a oncedaily pill. When i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid Symptom Relief and helped Leave Bathroom urgency behind. Check. When uc tried to slow me down. I got lasting, steroidfree remission with rinvoq. Check. And when uc caused Damage Rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. Check. Rapid Symptom Relief. Lasting steroidfree remission. And the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. Check, check, and check. 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[narrator] so i can feel like part of a team, part of the community again. [narrator] its possible to live better. [narrator] its possible to have a voice and to be heard. [narrator] to feel understood. [narrator] to find peace. Because ive experienced firsthand that anything is possible. [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. Inspirational Music [speaker] but Wounded Warrior project helps you realize its possible to get out there [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again. [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. [narrator] through Generous Community support, weve connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and Mental Health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and Life Skill Training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. Trace breaking news. Severe storms blamed for at least two deaths in the southeast United States. A 15yearold was struck and killed by a three. And a 28yearold man was struck by lightning. We have thousands of flights that have been canceled. 400 million homes and businesses have lost power. You can see the images there as we get new pictures. We will bring them in. We are expecting severe storms, possibly frenetic activity across the south tonight five hours to come. Make sure that you have those Weather Radios handy in case you need them, updates as they come in. First up in tonights Melissa Riopka if you are not already aware, the pandemic is over, here is one sure sign. Video Communications Company zoom has officially asked the employees return to the office. Talk about an oxymoron. Know if your employees live within 50 miles of the physical location, they must show up in prison. At least two days a week. The highly anticipated cage match, elon musk and Mark Zuckerberg may have to be hold put on hold even though a date has not been set. Musk is seeing any fight would have been have to wait until he has an mri and found points out whether he needs back surgery. The results of the mri are expected later t this week. Firefighters tag elon musk in a post. They should images of a tesla that spontaneously caught fire. As it was parked in a high end auto yard. It was in the process of being selfish because of florida flooding when suddenly it burst into flames. Lets hope the Nearby Ferraris and lamborghinis do not get a little since injection. Hundreds showed up at an event in alabama after it was definitely canceled by the library because there was not enough room. Organizes had to add an Overflow Area and look at the crowd of parents and students taking their hand force over their hearts and singing god bless america. Lets bring in Kaylee Mcghee white. It is great to have you on. They try to back out of this thing and the kind of got pushed into doing it. They had a big crowd. You heard them singing god bless america. It kind of shows that moms for liberty and the groups absolutely. And this is truly a grassroots organization. It strikes me as the tea party of cultural conservatives in. It is filled with parents who saw what was happening during the pandemic with their childrens education and they decided that enough was enough. And the momentum has not slowed down at all. And we know that. Not only because of the events like this that they held. But also because the backlash that they have experienced from the left. It was only a few weeks ago that the servant law Property Center decided to label moms for liberty as a hate group and the fallout from that is still going on. s just last, a nashville chapter of moms for liberty was kicked off of next door which is a neighborhood app because neighbors complained that it was a hate group. So clearly, if this does at this point record, i would argue if youre being labeled as a hate group by the sudden law Property Center and explain seen this kind of backlash, you are doing something. Trace and to right there. California is civil rights investigation into the School District in Southern California that wants to notify parents if their child wants to change genders. Here is the School Board President on fox news at night explaining this. Watch. It is absolutely 100 gross that he is assuming parents are dangerous to their kids. Im a, whose business is it for him to say that . Parents are not the changes to their kids. If they are, then there are systems in place to be able to put that. Trace she is talked about California Attorney general rob bonta. She is right. I mean, kailey, 84 of california parents agreed with her and yet states going after everyone. Yeah, and trace, lets think about this it this way. If their child was suffering from severe depression, would you as a parent want the right to be notified of your childrens wellbeing . Or if your child was experiencing a severe eating disorder, the school would have to tell the parents what was going on in the classroom. These are just basic common sense, you know. And so the fact that democrats in california wanted to try and turn this around and paint pictures as the enemy here and paint parents out to be, you know, the people who dont understand what is best for their children is completely backwards. And we know where this leads. California them, are also considering a bill that would punish parents including the potential to lose custody of their children if they refuse to gender their child according to what the child wants. It is completely backwards and does not make any sense. Trace and it is against Public Perception and opinion. R b artist neo said, when it become a good idea to let a fiveyearold lady six will lead a 12 year made a lifechanging decision for themselves. He is talking about transgender issue. He backed off and stood strong and backed off of it. Why would he have to apologize for that . The lefties mob has a way of getting what it wants and i wish the people would stop apologizing for things that they believe. He would not have said anything if he clearly did not believe that Gender Dysphoria was not a legitimate thing among children. And he is right by the way. You know, the science points to the fact that Gender Dysphoria is very rare condition that affects mostly young males. Most of whom grow out of it by the time they are in puberty and this is still something that we are seeing even as the demographic has changed. I have spent the past year and a half talking to dozens of families who have been battling this and the number one thing that they all say is that their children dont get these ideas themselves. They usually pick them up from peers, from social media and then within a few years, they desist and make they grow out of it. It is not a longterm condition. He was right and he should have stood by that. Trace yeah. Good to have you on as always. Thank you. Thank you. From first up in tonights a verbal altercation, physical and a River Front Dock montgomery alabama. Not sure exactly what about the situation but the woman who took this produces a worker was moving a pontoon boat that was docked apparently the owners were told they cannot leave the boat in that area and as you can see, it did not go over well. You are the coolest ive ever known. I love you, too. From a Burglary Suspect in san diego paused to. This Golden Retriever. What Golden Retriever is up to the task of being a guard dog . Police are still looking for the suspect described as a white male. Coming up the touches as late as china and russia to join forces Military Drills over alaska. Florida coast guards save the day for this unfortunate boater. A walrus showed up in a surprising location. They got him in time. The days best viral videos next. And a live look tonight. Sitka, alaska. We are going to talk about alaska coming up in the next segment with karen skinner. Karen skinner. Is it concerning . It is next. Were reinventing our network. With smarter, more efficient routes. So you can deliver more value to your customers. Fast. Reliable. Perfectly orchestrated. The United States postal service. Listen up, you dogs with allergic itch todays talking lesson is just one word apoquel. Apoquel. You cant teach your itchy dog to talk. So, talk to your vet about apoquel. Apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. Do not use apoquel in dogs with serious infections. Apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections. And may cause existing parasitic Skin Infections or preexisting cancers to worsen. New neoplasias have been observed. Im glad we speak the same language. Ask your vet for apoquel. To finally lose 80 pounds and keep it off with golo is amazing. Ive been maintaining. The weight is gone and its never coming back. With golo, ive not only kept off the weight but im happier, im healthier, and i have a new lease on life. Golo is the only thing that will let you lose weight and keep it off. Who loses 138 pounds in nine months . I did golos a Lifestyle Change and you make the change and it stays off. soft music trace nearly a dozen chinese and russian ships are moving away from alaska tonight after they conducted a joint Naval Operation near the aleutian islands. The joint operation that has been a u. S. Military left wes miller to express concern. Left to the chief cross border Jonathan Hunt with how the u. S. Is responding. It disappears very bold. Jonathan it certainly was. This may have been the Largest Group of warships effort to approach u. S. Territory and was clearly a productive a cult provocative move by china. Keep the joint patrol of public. Russians published video over the weekend. War games that involved 11 ships. The message was loud and clear. This is something we have not faced in terms of formidable and dangerous threat like it since world war ii. We are dealing with germany in europe and japan and in the pacific. Jonathan chinese official told the Wall Street Journal which first reported that naval exercises that the joint patrol was conducted in a relevant waters and this action is not targeted at any third party and has nothing to do with the Current International and regional situation. China, of course, has rapidly provoked that he was in recent months sending that spy balloon across the country earlier this year and apparently actively trying to recruit members of our military as spies two u. S. Navy sailors were charged in fact in espionage cases just last week. And the slightest provocation, the joint patrol with russia, was met by u. S. Northern command sending four warships and a reconnaissance to assure the defense of the United States. U. S. Officials said katrise, the patrol was not considered a threat. A real message. From and indeed it was. Thank you. Trace in the it was. To bring in professor kiron skinner. He said the goal here is to reduce the nights days influence and power in the world. Is that a Fair Assessment . It is one assessment that is important. I think we have to look at the china threat in its totality. Every time it makes a move, we tend to get excited and say, this threat is bigger than we thought. This is unprecedented. The chinese have been very deliberate in what they are planning and doing. And they have not asked are not actually hiding. In 2022, they had about six Military Drills with the russians. And most of those happened after that ukraine invasion. And really, if we look back into 2014, 2015, as a result of crimea, you see the two nations coming together, russia and china, doing more drills. This has been going on for a while. They may get boulder. They make it more expensive. But it is not new at it is part i think of a larger game plan. Not just to i think weaken the United States but to a hit in every region of the globe and make it a part of the Great Power Contest including the and perhaps in particular. Trace the alaskan senator said the chinese and russian ladies navies conducted a similar thing. Given that our response was, tepid, i encourage senior Military Leaders to be ready with a much more robust response. Should such another join chinese russian Naval Operation occur of our coast. It seems like the same response. It does not seem as robust as maybe some would like. Well, i think that he was has a lot of work to do because we will see more of these drills. And in fact, we need a qualitative, quantitative increase in our Military Presence in the arctic and indopacific. And in the Western Pacific and the Northern Pacific and i think, you know, the indopacific command is trying to make that happen. But we have got other parts of the globe at the same time. We have, to think about the western hemisphere, central and latin america. The Greater Chinese presence. And russian presence as well. The african continent. Everywhere you turn, the joint activities of these two nations is really taking place. And so not one is actually more important than the other. It is kind of a whole game that we have not had before. And i disagree a little bit with general jack keane. He said have not seen that since world war ii. I dont think we have ever seen it at the level that we have and not wartime. Jonathan great to have you on as always. Thank you. Thanks. Trace first of, a bear enjoying a bubble bath at the zoo. He drove into the mountains of foam and reappeared covered in bubbles. Kids pressed up against the grasp of an upclose view of the scene that definitely does not happen in the wild. Drifting on a partially submerged boat. 25yearold was reported missing by his family when he feel to come back to shore. He was rescued with no injuries after surviving a very scary night in the ocean. And finally, in alaska, a dehydrated male walrus is being nursed back to health after being found alone in the north slope which borders the arctic ocean and was flown south across the state to the Alaska Sea Life Center and getting here he needs and lots of cuddles from staff and if you have a viral video to share, share it with us tracegallagher Or Foxnewsnight On Social Media and coming up, what would you do if you came home to a large snake . You see it . Slithering across your front door. It happen to a man in texas and he got bit. Would you be prepared to be handle something this dangerous . And more importantly, what would you do if the snake jumped out and bent you . Theres still time to weigh in on twitter and instagram tracegallagher. The Nightcap Crew is next. And a Quiet Night Tonight at orchard beach, maine. And man, my dad loved it there. Coming back tonight. 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Available as vyvgart for iv infusion and now as Vyvgart Hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. Additional side effects for Vyvgart Hytrulo may include injection site reactions. Talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. Trace we are back with the Nightcap Crew. Tonights topic, snakes. Check out this Ring Camera Footage of a Snake Slithering on a door in texas. This, is lucky he did not get bent. Another man really did get it on the head by a rattlesnake. What would you do . Would you go and run like crazy or what you said calmly and thank, im going to be calm. And im just not sure about this one. Jonathan hunt, your first move if a snake bites you . Jonathan losnake would bite me. I got a Golden Retriever. If there is a snake on the door, going to be crazy. And then running the other direction. You let me know it is there. Trace we saw a golden with a burglar earlier. Yeah, Jackie Ibanez . Reporter i have never seen that video. That is offered. I would run as fast as i could. Problem that is the whole thing. You wonder if it is right to run. Or are you supposed to sit and called 911 because you dont know if it is poisonous. You need to be calm because you dont want to get your Heart Pumping again. Do you run . Do you call 911 . That is kind of the big thing. Whwhat do you think about this. In colorado, they have garter snakes. I just up around wild animals. I had a bunny who was bitten. I guess i would just look at it. Unless it really hurt, i would probably be mad. Trace i hear you. We all have this inaugural nightcap snakebite cameo. Bret baier who apparently is a little bit afraid of snakes. Brett your thoughts . First time doing this. This viral video was quite simple because like indiana jones, i really hate snakes and i cannot stand snakes. If that thing jumped at me and bit me, i would probably freak out. My kids would be googling what kind of snake it would be. Im sure i would be calling 911. I feel for that dad. But i hate snakes. The better question for the viral video next time. But that is my answer. Trace we will hit you up better next time. Kiron skinner . I think i would pray. Trace you are not the only one. That would be it. Trace and i think that is a good thing. There was something dangerous at their front door, would you be prepared . Twitter, yes, 75 . Instagram, is, 41 . James says as a golfer, i have encountered many snakes over the years. I always said, if one bites me, im biting it back. [laughter] i guess they got the message. Here is graham eating. Gray meeting says, i would have a heart attack and be done with the whole thing. And teen says pray, pray, and pray more and then get to the e. R. That is good advice. Kathy says, im not sure. From now on, i will be making a lot of noise and being very careful before opening my front door. That video is kind has kind of resonated. Michael sills after stopping the life of a out of it while screaming obscenities, he would export some exotic animals as a pet like a mongoose baby. Jonathan, tyrin, kevin and jackie, thank you all. Thank you for watching americas late news, Fox News Night. Im Trace Gallagher in los angeles. You know i didnt. It makes my running shoe look like new. Its amazing wow, it makes it look like. I dont have kids at all. Its so good, it makes it look like i have magical powers with 80 less scrubbing, mr. Clean magic eraser makes cleaning easy. Also available in sheets this is your summer to smile. To raise your glass and reconnect. To reel in the fun and serve up great times. To help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of Affordable Care with an epic summer of smiles event. Right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and xrays. Plus, everyone can get 20 off their treatment plan. 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Continuing coverage on the fox news channel, the five starts im dana perino along with katie pavlik should, harold ford, jr. , Jesse Watters and greg gutfeld. Liberal mayors making excuses for the mayhem playing out in their cities. Thousands of teens writing at a top tourist spot in New York City after an online influence or promise them Free Playstation fives. Agitators shutting down traffic. Other throwing smoke bombs and fireworks. Mayor eric adams taking some heat after appearing to give the

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