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Other throwing smoke bombs and fireworks. Mayor eric adams taking some heat after appearing to give the young people involved a pass. We have looked you dont come to get free game boys and bring smoke bombs. And bring in 80s and bring other disruptive items. We believe there was some outside influencers that may have had attempted to aggravate the situation. Dana eerily similar to the looting of a gas station in chicago by a group of teens but the citys mayor also seems willing to make excuses. I talk about mob actions i didnt say that. These large gatherings hold on a second. I promise you we have time to talk. Its important that we speak of these dynamics in an appropriate way, that is not to obfuscate what is taking place. To refer to children as baby al capone is not appropriate to. Dana is crime rate just out of control people take matters into their own hands. Police say they are investigating a wild incident involving two 7eleven employees that thwarted a robbery and one of whom beat the thief with a stick and you saw that story on fox. Blaming outside agitators when thousands of young people showed up within minutes seems a little farfetched. If they charge those 7eleven dudes with anything its been awesome. If they do get charged there is the legal Gofundme Page will be completely Out Of This World they should be getting the key to the city if anything. The guy made it clear in that robbery he had that weapon. He may not have had a weapon but he made it clear he had one. Dana and he apparently had threatened them the week before. Greg its sad of these people are being investigated. In terms of these large gatherings, generally when you see a group you say its a group of black kids thats what you see and what with that sound like a Question Mark Look at all these black kids generally its a liberal because the second step is they make excuses for the group. Its from somewhere else, its because of parenting. Given the circumstances this is behavior one would expect from a group of black teens, who was the racist in that . Its them, as the liberals who constantly make excuses for large groups of kids creating problems whether its looting, whether its this stuff i dont know who this guy is. We have to start dealing with people not as groups but as individuals, right . January 6th, that was a mob, some people were good, some people were nuts. Im sure theyre good kids in there, theres bad kids in there, we have to start dealing with people on individual merits rather than looking at them as a group because the moment you look at a group you make the excuse for the group and i think thats what youre seeing with mayor adams and the other mayors, you see a group and they make excuses. Why dont you talk about the individuals . Then you cant. Dana listening to the chief of police in New York City as well as the mayor who was just talking lets watch. The power of social media and i spoke about it earlier. We went from 300 kids to a couple thousand kids in minutes. Our children cannot be raised by social media. Our children cannot get to their values come against their beliefs from social media and other outside entities. , influencers by those who consider themselves incredible messengers. Dana i had not heard of this influence either but apparently a lot of people had. Maybe he had good intentions my giving out some of these Play Stations but he did say we expect to get crazy in the next few days leading up to this. Harold i hope everybody had a good weekend. I give mayor adams a lot of credit, ive been critical of him when i think he deserves to be criticized but this is different. When daniel penny on the subway defended himself and defend those around him im a will have a trial to determine if we think hes more right than wrong, mayor adams defended the police because there were those who said the police didnt show up for 20 or 30 minutes he said thats not true. You know how was able to discover that . They did an investigation. Give them some room and space to understand if indeed these were agitators from the outside, 300 kids or 2,000 the police figured out how they can respond more quickly to these kinds of things and more effectively. The social media pieces very serious and obviously related to the first part. I hope we are able as a society to come to grips with that we arent going to come to grips with this particular issue here but it was certainly was a part of what happened. I would say to both the mayors, i separate between he and the mayor of chicago, he has his hands full and i dont agree with him necessarily on all the things he was saying but i remind anybody in elected office, my best friends reminded me last night either you go after crime or crime will come after you. We have to have shortterm and longTerm Solutions, you got to arrest people, you got to prosecute people, you got to put people in jail who deserved to be in jail and you have to end cashless bail. Yet think about longerterm things we have to do as well but until we arrest those who should be arrested its going to be harder to make the case and build a consensus around some of the longer Term Solutions to problems. Jesse, i love your tiein way to represent. Speak of these are foxs. Im curious what you think about this for so many reasons because you are an interesting person but im just thinking about the parenting front or the legal front, this happened within minutes. When he asked where are the parents the parents are working. Its usually a single parent, i dont know how they keep tabs on it. Jesse yeah, they cant. On the legal front i guess donald trump now has a great defense. January 6th was just a large gathering. Dana aspirational. Jesse to the mayor just say they were fine people in this crowd was not some of them were fine people . How about this. Remember when trump said that there were some outside agitators and january 6th and he wasnt allowed to say that . Now its definitely mostly these outside agitators. He said you dont come to get free game boys and bring smoke bombs you dont . Greg this remains stolen . I dont know. Jesse of someone on a friday during the workday it says come down to the park to get free game boys, why wouldnt i bring a smoke bomb . Is that out of the question i picked one up on the way out the door . Its amazing they dont have intel to know these things are metastasizing in real time. They do this on political rallies, in the spring, they caught them flatfooted but with all the money we are spending in New York City, we cant have someone online to monitor these things . Thousands of people in midtown, no one knows why in the police show up late and get pelted . There is a pattern and gregs right of downplaying urban violence whats a little bit of arson, they have insurance, they can cover it. Its the summer of love, people are smashing and grabbing because they are hungry. Weve got to go after the real violence and those of the people raising their voices and school board meetings, those of the radical catholics because that fits into this political narrative, its the populists that are causing all the violence in the country. Thats with the fbi is focused on, thats what Law Enforcement is targeting because anything that goes outside of that blacks are the victims whites of the oppressors, anything that goes outside of that you are sent sword or called racist. I dont like this guy whatever his name is he doxed my assistant. Johnny invited him on the show friday at 8 00 and put his number in and the guy blasted his number two everybody johnny has been getting phone calls and text messages, face time all weekend and johnny is the victim here. s before he owes him a playstation. Jesse at least. Dana cenat walked away with an appearance ticket, walked free, he didnt get a permit to hold a large gathering and 65 people were arrested, 30 of them juveniles. I dont know how the police are supposed to keep up with who is an influencer and whos not to. I understand they can get intel but you can be an overnight sensation. Katie i give the mayor credit for saying the parents need to be involved, the lack of consequences is a real problem and leads to stuff like this. We cant even play some of the footage that was actually at this gathering because of the language that was being used against the police in addition to the violent behavior towards the police from the mob that ensued, injuring bystanders. Thats a cultural problem thats going to have to be solved, this a problem with fatherlessness that leads to this behavior and for these young people, its sad for them because they are on video chanting these horrible things to the police and if they ever want to make something of themselves that doesnt reflect well. The 7eleven story, we keep seeing things like this where people defend themselves against Repeat Criminals who say they are going to come into your store and shoot you, this guy who left and got beat up by the store owners have are coming in twice was lucky he didnt get shot. Hes in an estate in california were youre not allowed to defend yourself is lucky the consequences werent worse, there have been no arrests in this case for guys or just trying to earn a living in california. I wonder where is 7eleven corporate, are they going to defend these guys who worked really hard . They probably just let them steal the stuff . Greg i want them to steal microwave ovens. Have you seen the interior of a 7eleven . Dana i have not but i will check one out this weekend. Breaking news next form of President Trumps legal team just responded to dojs attempt to silence him, next. What do we always say, son . Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Thats my boy. Stay off the freeways only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Before planning the big trip you were limping thanks to a bad knee. Then, you heard about mako roboticassisted knee replacement. It starts with a ct scan to pinpoint the problem. That becomes a personalized, 3d plan to guide your doctor during surgery. Mako can help lead to better outcomes, like less pain and shorter recovery times. The lifetime of a knee implant is limited, and revision surgery may be required. Individual results and recovery times vary. Risks of surgery include pain, infection, heart attack, stroke, death, and other serious risks. Ask your doctor for important safety information. [camera shutter] to find a doctor who uses mako visit makocan. Com jesse team trump hitting back at the department of justice attempt to muscle what he can say in public by the 2020 election case. The department of justice wants to prevent trump from sharing details about their investigation. But his lawyers say it would violate his First Amendment rights. In a trial about First Amendment rights the government seeks to restrict First Amendment rights, it does so against the administrations primary political opponent during an election season which the administration Prominent Party members and media allies have campaigned on the indictment and proliferated as false allegations. The former president ripping apart the Justice Department this weekend, watch. Whenever more corruption is exposed, his henchmen charge me with crimes im being indicted because of what we have done and im being indicted because they are afraid of all of us because we have a movement that has never been seen in the history of our country. Those indictments arent worth the paper they are written on. They took away free speech. Jesse as the democrats in the media go hard on trump you can probably guess whos getting a pass. This focus come of this obsession on hunter biden is a whopper of what aboutism. Republicans are trying to deflect, diminish and defend donald trump. The republicans are going to talk about hunter biden a lot to. Know there is a lot of influence in washington thats based on peoples family connections. Last names matter a lot. You are very cautious about starting impeachment proceedings. This is frivolous, this is a diversionary tactic. Jesse youre a lawyer, if the department of justice says youre not allowed to talk about this case for the next year in the middle of a president ial campaign, how is that not illegal . Harold what youre saying is its unconstitutional, you cant strip them of the right to say im innocent of these charges and heres why im innocent of these charges work out i would imagine the court is going to allow him to be able to go out wherever he wants i dont always agree with his lawyers i think but whoever wrote that was pretty good because he made clear, you cant deny an american the opportunity particularly if the other side is talking about it as well. What i disagree with his lawyers, if former President Trump attacks the court or the prosecutor again, he should have something around him on that. But professing his innocence and laying out the facts as he knows it, laying out the evidence as hes going to present it on his side. What do you mean when you say attack . What does that mean . If you say the judges and an idiot, he said the prosecution is a henchmen, these are things that will inflame and not serve anyones interest. That he say the judges and idiots . He may have. Not only about this judge. I think you should be able to say whatever he wants regarding the facts and the evidence. Jesse he could say the judge is a partner at hunters law firm the same firm that did the dossier and has donated about 4300 to barack obama . You can say that scum you cant say shes an idiot. I would imagine if someone accused me things they accuse the president of i would say i didnt do those i wont be personalizing with the judge. He has every right to do that. If you want to attack your case hes fully protected. What if in discovery the department of justice hands this stuff to the Defense Attorney and said we have agents crawling all over january 6, trump cant say that during an Election Campaign . Hes going to say what he wants given his history i think you will not be taking things back when hes trying to run for president and has these indictments im not surprised the department of justice would like them to say less. They dont have any credibility when it comes to the repeated things they tried to bring against him and they are hoping now that one of these indictments sticks. On the january 6th thing to answer the question why he would go after the players including the judge or the prosecutor its because we have seen that since he enter the political arena in 2015 and 2016 that the people who were investigating him had a political motive. Peter struct, lisa page, the fbi investigating him saying he could never be president , now you have this judge on the january 6th case, she is an activist. She has donated a lot of money to democrats, very sympathetic to the blm riots while shes throwing j6 behind bars longer than prosecutors asked for. That is context to understand why my he might have commentary on that. This is the double standard hunter biden is rewriting his Plea Agreement to. He was able to plead guilty when he was supposed to plead not guilty and hes working with doj to figure out whats next after they screwed up in front of the judge and got caught with her Blanket Immunity statements. While trump is dealing with all of this, hunter biden is working on another Sweetheart Deal that may fall apart depending on whats in it to. Jesse and the lawyer for former President Trump said this weekend we should have cameras in the court room, this cant be a secret trial right before an election day. Dana i have had a longstanding principle, i am against cameras in the courtroom, false to. On the federal level, theres never been cameras allowed in the courtroom at the federal level. I think it adds to chaos, chicanery, nonsense. Jesse chicanery . Us before you asked the press secretary to bill clinton whose name was mike mccurry thank you. Harold democrat trivia right here. [laughter] us before he was the first to allow cameras in the briefing room, how do you think that has gone . You have people making a mockery of it. One of the things that Supreme Court did during covid was they allowed for a bit of duress but it seemed to work out kind of okay, you could listen to the audio. I like that and it makes you listen. The other thing is it you are watching it and you have cable news pundits commenting on it and watching, you might get the legal nuances wrong. I think cameras in the courtroom are not a good idea for the long run and i wouldnt do it in this case either. Jesse i would do audio in this case only. Greg gutfeld your thoughts on this Gag Order Attempt or whatever they are calling it. Greg they want to limit trumps public comments, is that the whole point of the trial . They are trying to limit his public comments, maybe they should limit his comments about the comments they want to limit about the comments. As for nancy pelosi saying this is a waste of time, you want to know what a waste of time was . Think about that first impeachment for a phone call. It wasnt just a waste of time it was about when that waste of time took place. That was during the hearings for covid, that was a period of time we should have been looking at that instead we were looking at this because the media felt that Fighting Trump was more important than fighting this weird and strange disease thats coming out and killing a bunch of people. Now they lowered the bar, they got to drink at it. They miss the good old days when there wasnt anybody fighting back, the good and bad part about trumps there is no off switch are going to have it no matter what. Can i mention one thing about this . If doj is going to ask for this protective order in the judge is going to say you better respond to this, she should also issue a warning to the Justice Department that if any of this leaks, there should be consequences for the prosecution as well. Jesse 100 . And they will be leaking. Harold just one thing on the judges giving money to campaigns, that happens on both sides. I want to make it clear it doesnt. Katie im not saying it doesnt im seeing the credibility harold a lot of judges democrat and republican. Dana the history of the doj does not bode well for the contest. Jesse if he does get the gag order he will violate it immediately and he will bear the judge to do something. Up next to the liberal media has a new defense for Kamala Harris, if you dare criticize her, you are a racist. , the bedding start right here on our familys cotton farm in north alabama. The heartland of america. We rely on hard work and honest manufacturing to deliver high quality, heirloom inspired bedding, bath towels and more, all made in the usa. Experience the farm to home difference for yourself. Go to red land cotton dot com and receive 15 off your order with code fox news. D greg Kamala Harris is getting a promotion, the New York Times commenting on how the vp is taking on a new role. Is not just feeding joe biden his jello. Instead kamala has been traveling to more states to combat rising extremism in the republican party. The more she gets out of more she embarrasses herself. For years we have worked to expand investment in Community Banks. Community banks specialize in providing loans and Financial Assistance to Small Business owners and as the name suggests, Community Banks are in the community. Greg thats where they are i couldnt find them. If you point out any of her shortcomings, prepare to get smeared as a racist. Most people dont know what Vice President s do and now she is a history maker. She is a woman, a black woman and its an easy thing to do to say shes the attack dog, go after her. She is done with us the pundits and shes going to the people who elect are talking about issues that women care about. You will see her number start to increase and you will see people will be accepting her. Greg you said shes the worst Vice President weve ever had does that make you a racist . Harold ive got to check the tape on that one. I think we over racialized things too much, we are quick regardless of which side, people use that as a way when they want to show you how angry they may be or if they believe their position is superior to someone else. The Vice President is i believe now trying to show the things shes been doing and talk about them in ways that are more effective and persuasive. I have set on the show and we all have, she needs to get to the border. The thing about Voting Rights come all the things of president has assigned her to do and given her as a part of the portfolio of things to do is now if you dont complain, Vice President s get tough jobs all the time. Thats why you are Vice President. The over racialized nation all of us refrain from going there when we want to make a point. Greg the accusation of racism is because they pointed out her race, shes the least popular choice. They made her the choice when she was a black woman if you point that out they say its because shes a black woman youre saying that yes, because you said shes a black woman periods before you go back to 2020 election, he said he was choosing a vp that he would choose a black woman and if you dare to point out thats part of the reason why she was picked he redeemed a racist which is absurd to. Using race as an excuse for poor performance is not helpful in advancing racial inequality in this country. She has not done a good job, she cannot get through the first votes in the democratic primary when she was trying to run against joe biden and they turn around after three years of being able to make your own way and to be a pioneer and have all of these accomplishments they are going back to the victimhood complex instead of listing out more for accomplishments she could use to advance herself if she chose to run against future candidates in the Democratic Party. Greg this new strategy is not a new one, this is old. Whenever you disagree they call you a racist but they get away with it because the media plays along with it. The media said may be ass come p with something better. Katie i read a story the other day about the 17th reboot, at what point does the media going to stop falling for that story . It wasnt republicans who said she was a bad candidate it was democrats. She dropped out in 2019 and do they presume the over 50 Anonymous Sources to the New York Times, staffers on that campaign who said she was an awful candidate, are they racist . They worked for her. They dont say that. I think over racializing is a problem but it reminded me of a kid, you go to a backtoschool meeting and the kid disrupts the class he talks too much hes a prankster, things like that. The parents blame the teacher. The teacher is like it starts at home and the calls are coming from inside the house. Greg when you say it starts at home, thats a dog whistle for racism. Since you invented the dog whistle, isnt it interesting how she is going after the White Supremacists in the republican party, they were the ones that started the riot and i think shes starting in the right spot. We are going to see the race card a lot. On Collision Course with gavin newsom either this cycle or next cycle. Well be interesting to see how he navigates that in the minefield on the left. Americans hate black History Makers if you look at barack obama or his wife michelle or Hillary Clinton or oprah, definitely do not like black History Makers in this country. Greg hillary . Jesse am including the gender, glass shattering. I would say she probably gets more favorable treatment because of her race and gender. You remember watching the . That was about her spitting image, a vacuous and competent female Vice President who was also a punch line, she is a punch line. Race has nothing to do with that, if Democratic Party who doesnt like kamala too much, 65 of the Democratic Base is white, 17 is black. Excuse women. Is the argument that Black Female Democrats are bigoted against the first Black Female Democrats Vice President , of course not. One have republicans like a democrat Vice President because michael wouldnt like gore, we like biden, it has nothing to do with race. Greg we just dont like Vice President s in general. We dont know what they do. 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If washington cuts the budget just two percent a year, Problem Solved perry johnsons genius helped save the american automobile industry. Now, its our turn. His Simple Truths will bring america back. Im perry johnson, and i approve this message. Speed to pack up your pajamas and bust out your ironing board, the era of remote work looks to be over. Zoom the company that sparked the whole work from home craze is now imploring employees within 50 miles to come back to the cubicle again at least two days a week. They collect more effective for their bottom line. You seem to have some visceral response to this, did you zoom a lot a lot . Katie i hate zoom i would rather talk on the phone then do a zoom call but i think asking people to come to the office for the sake of coming to the Office Without a real purpose or saying an arbitrary number like two days a week is inefficient for a lot of remote workers. I was talking to a young woman yesterday a Software Engineer for amazon. I go to the office and waste so much time because everyone is talking, i just need to sit at my desk for a certain period of time without interruption and get my job done in the commuting takes up so much peoples time and life they are like i dont want to do that anymore. I think it has to be job dependent and there has to be a purpose for it. Some of us feedback i get is from impersonal casual conversations of the water cooler. Hanging out and someone says maybe it wasnt a good idea to show a zebra getting gunned down on tv. Maybe you shouldnt use the blow when you use the word white house cocaine often times i will pop my head out of my office if i have an epiphany i will say i want the banner to read it Secret Service blows white house Cocaine Investigation and everyone just loves it. Or ill go to my fema producer, should i use this line in the script and she will look at me and rolled her eyes and i know im going to take it out of the script. If i can see my producer sometimes i can smell fear. You see in his eyes hes scared of losing his job and he looks at me like im a kamikaze pilot. Sometimes i recognize the humanity in my producers when im in the room alone with them and i pulled back and i say you know what . We will live to fight another day, that type of collaboration in person, you dont get over zoom. Harold do you experience the same kind of collaboration . Greg when it comes to commuting i go back and forth. [laughter] katie great, dad, thanks for that. Greg zoom saying you have to go back to work as like Ronald Mcdonald saying lay off the fries. You know they are having a hard time but the problem is commuting just kills the energy you have. Im leaving for work, im feeling great im Luke Skywalker but by the time i get to the office here im darth vader, something has happened along the way. Im angry, violently mad. My back has been killing me all day. I could have done the five from bad to come of that wouldve been amazing, maybe. Call it bed zoom. Its monday. Working in the white house, working here, is this something you would want . You see value in zoom . I understand the need for some flexibility for some people and i think especially for a lot of working moms they were asking for this kind of flexibility for a long time. A couple of things im not exactly persuaded by people saying the cities are dying so you have to come back to the office. Thats the wrong incentive, what if the city is dying than you need to change policy and figure out Something Else. I did talk to a psychotherapist this week, shes a friend. Greg how are things going . She talks to a lot of younger workers who she said have tremendous anxiety about going back to the office and she thinks its compounded by the fact they are alone at their homes and alone with their phone and they are so isolated, she think a lot of young people now are really worried about their Mental Health, concert of other Mental Health and she thinks one the best things they could do for their wellbeing and their Mental Health is to be around to some people collaborate in Haand Havesome of those fun mom. Greg no one ever says do it. I gave permission for you to say one of those one time. Give us an example. Just kidding. The fast as of next. Hipments. Theyre promises. Promises of all shapes and sizes. Each, with a time and a place theyve been promised to be. A promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. Okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. Together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. Yaaay woo hoo ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. Time for the fastest, first up. Hes a good boy, it is not a good security guard, a golden retriever getting too friendly with a bike thief. You are so cool, youre the coolest dog ive ever known, i love you too. Your sweetheart. Katie the crook giving the pooch a belly rub before walking away with a bike worth 1300. Dana the other thing is why dont you Come Home With Me . He also said tell your dad they shouldnt leave the garage door open. Greg i think that dog was brilliant, he tried to keep them around because he knew there was surveillance to get a good look at him. The dog is moving one way or the other you can get the side view and i think this dog deserves a medal and thats all i have to say. Katie this guy seemed wasted. Harold they need to find him and arrest him and i hope the dog is not an accomplice. What a sweet story i hope they get the guy. Katie 13,000 like. 1300 . Jesse thats good croaking, you want to go in there and act calm, act friendly, act like you are the fathers best friend my pet him, maybe even snuggle him a little bit and youre out. Katie at least it wasnt a 13,000 like. Greg why does he have so many bikes anyway . Theres Something Else going on there. Katie up next, the battle of billionaires could be in jeopardy, Mark Zuckerberg says hes not holding his breath over the much hyped Roman Colosseum cage fight with elon musk, muscat says he could stream it on his social media sites but is someone getting cold feet . Tesla ceo saying he may require surgery before the fight can happen due to problems with his neck and upper back. As the latest injury prone member . Greg why is that the most brilliant people on earth have back problems . Have you also notice there is no characters with back pain, dont you find that strange . They never do these Motion Pictures about we have some bad news you have some lower back pain and its your struggle, its two our movie about your lower back pain. Ive had lower back pain ive had it for 20 years it drives me crazy. Katie you also have back pain . Jesse if back pain is a sign of intelligence im Albert Einstein because i have had surgery. I think hes dodging and he said hed win because hes 300 pounds. I dont think thats something he should be bragging about. I dont know if just sitting on someone is going to allow you to win. Katie i dont think anime fights fight like that. Harold i dont really care a lot about the story. Dana i hope they give the money to charity even if they dont fight, its supposed to go to veterans. We want to see the fights. Dana i think if they end up not fighting lets get the money to the veterans. Greg why do veterans win i want to see a fight. 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Dana its time for one more thing. Harold. [laughter] harold an idaho man broke the Guinness World record for the longest duration juggling three objects. 10 hours, two minutes. Beat the previous record by more than an hour. Is he no stranger to the guinness book of world records. He has more than 250 records. He says this one was the hardest. Check this out. It took him four attempts to do. This a long time to try this thing and got to be sore his hand. Dana what is he drinking . Maybe not. Greg hit with the ladies. Dana his name is david rush . Harold david rush. Dana greg, youre next. Greg tonight, gutfeld, emily, kyle mann from the babylon bee, kat timpf, tyrus. Its a great show. Lets do this, gregs happy endings in philadelphia. Harold, its not bad. A dog in philly brought rush hour traffic to a stand still when it got out. Look at this. They had to slow down everything because the dog, named enzo was swerving through lanes and cutting off cars. But you know what . Because the police, they do good things. They shot the dog dead. No, no, no. They saved the dog. They saved the dog. They captured the run away dog and got back in the police car. Where now he is the president of a large fortune 500 company. [laughter] greg yes. Dana dog is fine. All right. Turns out zoo animals fall down just like humans. Check out this zoo in greece. Giving ring tailed lemurs Favorite Treats of frozen ice. Isnt that cute . So cute. Had a really great time. This is my crew. Recognize jimmy failla came down kirk and the jerks concert. So fun. Brian kirk said why didnt you defend me when jesse attacked you. I didnt know he attacked you. I found out more about it. We can talk about it after the show. I. Jesse who did i attack . Dana now you love them. Jesse . Jesse i only mean it half the time. We dont have the brawl between zuckerberg and musk but we do have a brawl at a baseball game. We have the white sox and guardians i think they used to be the cleveland indians. We got tim anderson. Jose ramirez. Look at that hook. Harold watch this. Jesse right hook to the chin. He is out. Both players got ejecketted and, yeah, i mean that was a good fight. Let the boys be boys. Tonight, Jesse Watters primetime inside fentanyl island. Greg there is an island . Katie there was cute little walrus cat rescued by the alaska sea life center. Has to be cuddled for 24 hours a day and seven days a week because he is only one month old but weighs 200 pounds and they are very attached to their mother. So good job to them. So if you want to cuddle a walrus. Dana i would do that. Harold rub that thing. Dana thats it for us. Have a great night. See you tomorrow. Bret good evening. Welcome to a stormy washington, d. C. Im bret baier. Relatives of Service Members killed during the chaotic u. S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan Accused President Biden administration of a coverup in an emotional hearing today. Well bring you there. Migrants flooding the streets of New York City and other places as officials across the country argue over federal funding to deal with that issue. Plus, the Tale Of The Tape in the highly anticipated cage match between tech

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