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Im sandra smith in for neil cavuto, and this is your world. Leaving pain in the gas for President Biden. The writing is exemplary. Great to be with you. President biden is back in washington amid new economic concerns that surging gas prices bringing down fears that inflation is back with a vengeance. Make no mistake. Its gas prices that always gets the attention of consumers which in turn means lawmakers pay attention. The news is not good, with prices way up. Its worse than that. There is an overall surge, and The Cost Of Living for amer americans, vegetable costs, up. Gas to get to and from work, also up. Its a devastating report card for president who is more or less hovering around 40 and obviously lower with many other parts of the country. When joe biden was elected president , and inaugurated, looking at 2030 price increases on what counts, and thats stable foods, power, electricity, gasoline, the price of cars. Taking a mortgage out now, so most 7 thats 1,000 a month on the mortgages here in california. Thats despite borrowing another 4. 5 trillion. Mr. Davis hanson speaking there. Its the Borrowing Policies that have many people speculating that its one the major reasons we have seen the Credit Rating for the country downgraded recently, though the white house insists its all part of the ebb and flow of the economy. Interesting stuff. Great to see you, kevin. Now, to the pork prices, tripling since june alone. Blame california . At a hog farm in lewisburg p. A. , on whats driving it. These pigs look pretty content, but the intent of the California Law is not around the younger pigs, but the pregnant sows. Take a look at what proposition 12, which was passed overwhelmingly in california it says they need more space. We all support the notion of animals being cared for pro properly. The trouble is the cost of this conversion is tremendous, and it forces the rest of the country to abide by the California Law. The president of the Pennsylvania Pork Producers what is the deal here . Why is this a problem . It limits market access. Unless you are complying the products get mixed together. It makes it very difficult. Does. California, faa is going to sort a lot of that out, which is going to be unknown yet for most of it. Driving the price of everything up. One of the big producers, they are saying they will comply with the law. Thats folks like hornell, that sort of thing. Theyve got a lot of money and can afford to comply, the small producers not so much. The small producers, its going to put them out of business in effect, create a lot more consolidation. They dont have the capital to invest in the family farms. Like operation we are at right now. They have eight kids. They work the operation. The number on the cost of compliance and consumers, 4,000 ahead, in terms of compliance issues. Millions perhaps in added cost to consumers. Its a tough one. You can understand, we want to care for our animals, but if you dont eat them that she would like to treat them well. The problem is Unintended Consequences as often is the case. The Inflation Rate has been steadily improving. Could this spike in gas prices change all of that . Gary, great to see you. What exactly is going on . We are talking about this gas price spike, pork prices, tripling since june. Is inflation improving . It can get worse very quickly because oil is big time when it comes to what we spend on. I can tell you that just in the last month, we are talking about 100 billion more from the consumer out of their pocket if prices stay right here, after this move up to the next year. Something that really has to be addressed. We are already in a situation where looking at savings rates, plunging, any chart with credit card usage is skyrocketing. The Interest Payment is at a new record high for credit cards. A moment in time where things better get addressed, or we will see inflation moving back up, and the fed will be raising rates a lot higher and longer than anybody expects. Got to give me some good news, here. The headline Inflation Rate has been coming down, while it is still above where the president did take on. Many are quick to point that out. We look at gas prices going up seasonally. This is the time of year, driving season, people are packing up their cars. We tend to see demand go up this time of year. Gary, correct me if im wrong, but when i dig into the numbers, im not seeing a lot of movement on the demand side, which could be some Silver Lining in all this, saying demand is up, people are traveling. Its actually a supplyside problem thats running these prices up right now. I think you get a couple of things going on. I think people speculate on oil prices. They know that the Strategic Petroleum reserve is down to 1983 lowes, and they know that opec wants higher prices. Thats kind of a onetwo punch. The price, based on investors, traders, speculators on the way they think things are going, and guess where they think things are going right now . They are pretty much its feeding on itself. Then, we go into the winter. I dont look at seasonality that much. All i know is that the trend is back up right now. Im not so sure that the economy can stand it. By the way, did all the spring shopping, prices are still elevated. That needs to be addressed as we move forward. This is what most people ive talked to are saying as well, havent seen much change at the Grocery Store. The prices are always and slower coming down. Thanks for joining us on that. So, what is the political fallout from all of this heading into 2024 . A reporter for the hill. Thank you for joining us. People are feeling this at home still. Is going to, will we see Major Political consequences to the Current Party in power . Its a good question. The question politically is always are you better off here than you were four years ago . People vote in 2024, the economy will be top of mind as it always is. We are seeing gas prices increase. As inflation is coming down, there is still these are the Kitchen Table issues people think about when they vote. Its a tough position that the white house is in right now. They are trying to fill this economic agenda, and its not catching on. Americans are not seeing results, are not seeing this takeoff. They still have another year to go, though, so we will see if this starts resonating with people. And that inflation continues to eat into peoples savings. Talking about trying to give people raises. The only one would bring those prices down. As we see the demonstration touting bidennomics, is anybody buying it . People are not really buying it. Its not really catching on. We seen the president. We have seen top officials in the Administration Talk about this. They are trying to talk about that. Wages are up. Unemployment is at a record low. All these things that the administration wants to celebrate, but as long as people are still seeing the high price of gas, rent prices, other goods, Grocery Store prices, those are the things that are too high for people at this point, and they are hearing the republican narratives coming out of capitol hill or on the Campaign Trail say that if we win the white house back then prices will go down, so americans have to trust it one way or another. And even along the way when the inflation is becoming a bigger and bigger problem, there were denials that it existed, denials that it was getting worse, denials that it would ever be a major problem. All the while, people were experiencing it, they remember that. We will see where it all goes. Its going to be a big part of the election, no doubt. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. Scrabbling warships after china and russia launched Military Drills off the alaskan coast with the threat inching closer to our shores. Has the u. S. Response been forceful enough . The Senate Armed Services armeds Committee Member joni ernst is here. Joe biden back from a little summer break. But, no break insight from hunters legal troubles. The attorney on how revelations on both sides are shading out with the front runners. Know your Glucose Level and where its headed. No fingersticks needed. Manage your diabetes with more confidence. Freestyle libre 2. Try it for free at freestylelibre. Us you wont overpay for glasses if you shop at americas best. They offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just 79. 95. I can see from your expression that you find that shocking. Aaaaaaaand, you dont have ears. Book an exam today at americasbest. Com. 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The clock is ticking on the trump Team Responding to a key motion from special counsel jack smith trying to limit with the president can see and say about the january 6th case. Mike from washington. It is clear that this approaching deadline and legal issues are frustrating the former President Trump. As he said on social media if you go after me, im coming after you. Former president said that his legal battles are helping him politically. Any time they filed an indictment, they go up the poll notice. Anything we will close at this election. One more indictment, and this election is closed out. Nobody has even a chance. Stepped up the war of words between President Trump and his former Vice President , mike pence. He was asked if you testify against his former boss. I testified before the grand jury under a subpoena after we got clarification from the court about protections that i have one of the constitution is the president of the senate. I have no plans to testify. We will always comply with the law. The challenge for many of the republican president ial candidates is so much of the new cycle is about former President Trump. Former new Jersey Governor Chris Christie says that the g. O. P. Wants to turn the page. If donald trump is the nominee, he will be talking about donald trump rather than joe biden. What we should be focused on is talking about joe biden and his record. Thats why he cant be the nominee. Former President Trump is also venting his frustration with President Biden, telling supporters on media mr. Biden is engaging in Election Interference by putting him on trial and forcing him to spend time away from the Campaign Trail. Live in washington for us, thank you. The latest position on all of this, creating some big waves, the g. O. P. President ial candidate will be here to talk about that just a moment. But first, President Joe Biden back at the white house after summer break, and legal questions about following the release of the devon hunter transcript. Foxs Gillian Turner is at the white house with the latest on that. A breezy, breezy afternoon at the white house. We are expecting some crazy storms in a couple of hours, may be multiple tornadoes in the d. C. Area, so we will keep you posted on that. In the meantime, President Biden is about to head west, spend the next couple of days touting his climate agenda. Hes leaving behind the White House Team thats facing increasing scrutiny over his alleged involvement in his son Hunter Bidens former business deals. Fox digital, brandnew Investigation Fund here that Hunter Bidens former Business Associate visited the white house and the Vice President s residence during joe bidens vice presidency, many more times than previously understood. At least 46 separate visits. The president has insisted many times he never spoke to his son about his businesses, indicating as recently as 2020 that he had never even heard of the reese m barisma. We had this question about whether or not they were on the board. I later learned it was barisma. Devon archer, another of the former Business Associates, claimed that President Biden actually attended a barisma dinner in 2015. He also penned a letter to arthur in 2011 after the two both attended the same lunch, writing in part i hope i get a chance to see you again. All of these of omens giving some now pause. Hunter biden committing crimes. Hunter biden should face justice and account ability for those crimes, which is a sentiment ive heard very few republicans say about donald trump, much more massive crimes. The president welcomed the Houston Astros to the white house. He did make news in that he then left town, hopped a plane, went to arizona. We will not hear from him again today. Julien turner. Stay safe at the white house as the Weather Rolls in. Lets get to john yoo, the former and starting with this 5 00 deadline, prosecutors want this protective order in the criminal case against the former president donald trump. What do you to happen there . That filing is going to show us whether the president and his lawyers will treat this trial seriously, and focus on the law, or whether they are also going to try to take advantage of it politically shook, and use it as some of the campaign fodder. Because of the nature of the prosecution, which is about january 6th, a questions trump to become president again, also smack dab in the middle of the campaign where trump is a leader in the republican primary. Is trump going to say you will not impose a protective order . Or, is he going to attack the judge, try to get them to recuse . Will he claim he has the right not to be found for criminal trial because he has a right to free speech customer we will learn today in just a few minutes. About that recusal of the former president , who is seeking recusal and A Change Of Venue for the january 6th case, he took on his social media account no way i can get a fair trial with the judge assigned to the ridiculous freedom of speech Fair Elections case. Everybody knows this, and so does she. He wrote this in all caps, a medial he asked for recusal of the judge, on grounds likewise for venue change out of d. C. How likely is it that that could happen . Its a great example of the quandaries in im sure it sounds great for the primary voters to say i cant get a fair trial in d. C. In terms of law in the courtroom and the normal prosecution, going to antagonize everybody. Its going to antagonize judge, potential jurors. There is no way he can say, i think, its impossible for me to get a fair trial in d. C. , because theres lots of democrats. That means that he could not be tried in california, illinois. We could go on and on. Instead, we replace it with lets talk to each individual and see if they are biased or not and if not, write off an entire jurisdiction because of general elections. Now that we have this, fox has obtained this letter from archer, obviously exposing the back and forth that happened via that letter years ago. What do you believe happens next with this plea deal . Does it actually get done . For hunter biden . Thats a great question. Its like biden and trump are competing to who can get into most legal trouble by the time of the election. In his case, all of this information coming out from congress and the oversight hearings is less and less tenable for the Justice Department to say that we should have a plea bargain, there is no investigations. All the facts are showing there has to be a deeper investigation. Unfortunately, President Biden seems to be more involved than he told the American People in the 2020 elections, and the white house and people were saying since then. It puts a lot of pressure i think on the department and special counsel, because how can you have a fair and if the president himself a potential witness if not more. Incorporation of the letter that fox has obtained, the former and Vice President , then Vice President joe biden. That is now out there. Republicans had been touting that would be the case. Appreciate you joining us on all of that today. Thank you so much. My pleasure. Russia and china teaming up, a new threat through our shores. Has the u. S. Response but forceful enough . This Committee Member i will republican coming up. I cant im just telling everyone . Hey buy one pair, get one free for back to school. Visionworks. See the difference. Subways now slicing their meats fresh. Thats why subways proffered by this champ. And this future champ. And if we proffer it, we know youll proffer it too. Hes cocky for a nineteen year old. Limu emu doug what do we always say, son . Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Thats my boy. Now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh . Bye, uncle limu. Stay off the freeways only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Beco two years after the botched exit from afghanistan, gold star families are speaking out and demanding answers. Republican came Mentor Don Mike republican came Mentor Don Mike member of the senate what sh. Heard. Its easy to think all Money Managers are pretty muchll h the same national well, you must earn commissions on trades. Fisher Investments never at fisher. other Money Manager ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. Fisher Investments no. We structure our fees so we do better when our clients do better. That might be why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. At Fisher Investments, were clearly different. These kids need mentors. I liken it to alcoholics anonymous. Everyone of these kids can have somebody they count on. Many in my generation are still these kids are energetic, great kids. Have to step up in volunteer for them, and can help direct tax dollars that are going to programs by the federal government that are influ influencing i can think of a few once Great American cities that can use that message. Chicago comes to mind. You been grabbing a lot of headwinds for other reasons as well. When you thought then Vice President mike pence to the right thing on january 6th. Explain your position. I wonder why that is so shocking. I did not say shocking, you did. [laughter] for other people. The law that governs this is the electoral its been interpreted to be that the vp is a largely ceremonial job. I say largely because in 2,000 the democrats try to overturn the election by trying to disqualify florida, indiana in 2004 to disqualify ohio. In 2016, the challenged more states than trump did following the 2020 election. Every time it was slapped down, because it was perceived to be a certain kind of thing. What gets me is that i read the 45 Page Indictment which outed jack smith as praising mike mike pence, heroically resisting the pressure. Mike pence did an interview where he said even though trump and i dont see eye to eye, i dont believe anything criminal. Dont blame donald trump for trying. 70 Million People voted for him. Had he not trade everything he could come a lot of people thought finally, the lawyers, two of whom are coconspirators, one is a friend of mine who have known for a long time. He made a theory that the law was more than ceremonial. He was facing in california. He lost his position as a former dean and Law Professor at Chapman University for making an unpopular legal argument. What prompted is not unlawful and i applaud him for trying even though i dont believe the statute is determined the way he interpreted it. Has been you got your message out there. Promising you will be on the debate stage. I need 40,000 interviews, donors. Go to my website, you can donate as little as 1. Even you could, sandra. Are you enjoying this Process Customer i am. Its willing and hard, not eating or sleeping right, but its what i signed up for it its worth it for my country. We appreciate you. China and russia testing the waters, as they team up for joint off the coast of alaska. Gold star families giving emotional accounts, as they demand accountability for the botched afghanistan exit. Senate Armed Services Committee Member joni ernst next. You want to make sure that while we cannot bring our children back, and excellence will be treated with more respect, the respect that they earned of dying for our country. I lived every day knowing that these deaths are preventable, my daughter could be with us today. Start your day with nature made. The 1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. Global tensions rising as the u. S. , Dispatching Destroyers to the coast of alaska after russia and china conducted a joint Naval Operation dangerously close to our shores. A member of the Senate Armed Services committee now on that. Republican senator joni ernst joins us. Thanks so much. What does this indicate to you, and what message are they sending . This indicates that are marked to me that china and russia are taking advantage of very weak leadership in the United States. Of course, we have to push firmly back. It goes back to the fact that President Biden has been weak on the world stage when it comes to china, russia, iran, and all of our other adversaries. Our adversaries do not fear us, so they feel they can take advantage as they did with these naval exercises off of the illusion islands. Speaking of russia, moscow unleashing a missile and drone garage on ukraine after the bombing of a russian tanker. This is a no poll, he finds the majority of americans, 55 oppose more u. S. Aid going to the ukraine. What do you make of that, senator . I think this administration has not been clear on its goals. When we engage in these types of supports or operations, the American People want to know that we are in it to win it. With the biden administration, they just trickle what they feel the ukrainians need. It is delivered so slowly, that it is not as effective as it could be. We need the shock and all in order to russians out of ukraine, and instill confidence in the American People. That is interesting. Senator, gold star families speaking out on the Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal nearly two years ago. Very emotional testimony. I want you to react to this. What kind of disrespect . What kind of hatred . For our Military Posture mark what kind of mess go our military . Lost, angry, sad, heartbroken, and disgusted. These are feelings that our service and Family Members felt and are still feeling. Weve had a chance to speak to her before kelly barnett, incredibly emotional testimony there. What did you think when you listened to that this afternoon . Sandra, i saw you tease this before the break. I almost started to cry. Two years ago, we lost a young man from southwest iowa, Corporal Dagan William Tyler page. His mother known each other since we were little girls. These families do not just get over this. These are flesh and blood, human beings, that were sent to do a good thing for the United States of america, and President Biden pulled these troops haphazardly out of afghanistan. Because of that kneejerk reaction by this president , all of the military advisors, advice, we have this as a result. We can never get these young men and women back. Im sorry for your loss and your friends loss. Incredible to hear from most families today demanding accountability. They will continue to have their voices heard. On the china front, weve seen the biden administrations even pushes helping our adversary. What do you propose instead . What do you propose instead what do you propose instead . This is ludicrous. There are ways of making sure we are climate friendly. We should be focusing on the military to do this. This is proposing we electrify the entire Vehicle Fleet by 2030. Im sorry, sandra, but we dont have enough supports in place simply for civilians to drive electric vehicles. The return for china is that the batteries and the Minerals Come from china. They are mined by child and slave labor. Not only are we seeing this president propose a plan thats absolutely high in the sky for all these greaneys, but it are american military, and it enriches china. A bad, bad plan by the biden administration. 2024, having that discussion about the upcoming debate. Your home state, a key battleground. You are hosting an event there this week with g. O. P. President ial hopeful nikki haley. Will and endorsement be following . I will not be endorsing sandra. Governor kim reynolds, senator Chuck Grassley and i do not endorse in the caucus season. We are welcoming all these incredible president ial candidates. I am so excited to host nikki haley at the Bastion Institute in iowa this coming friday. We will be talking about china, and all that that entails. We know that Ambassador Nikki Haley is very strong and firm when it comes to Foreign Policy and our national defense. I cant wait to hear what she has to say. We will see what comes from that. Finally, senator, i wanted to get your thoughts on Inflation Fears reuniting. We seen gas price pluralistic backup. How worrisome is this to you . Well, it is worrisome. The administration out there, wonderful bidennomics. But, all we see across iowa right now is very high oil prices, Grocery Prices through the roof, and families are struggling to make ends meet. This is not a good situation. They certainly feel the pain and the pressure. We need a change in leadership, whether thats for our own economics security, national security, food security, energy security, we need a change in leadership. Unbelievable to see the gas prices up just about 0. 30 in the last month alone. Something we are keeping our eye on. Senator, thanks for responding to all that. Appreciate you joining us today. The faa Issuing Grounds across numerous airports, as millions of americans from georgia to new york brace for severe storms. Fox weathers katie byrne is in washington, d. C. We saw the breeze picking up when we spoke to jillian outside of the white house a short time ago. Yes, you can feel that the storm is coming, at least eight airports across the east coast dealing with background stop. While it looks sunny, they say things will change pretty soon for us. That story, coming up. Aspercreme arthritis. Full prescriptionstrength . Reduces inflammation . Thank the gods. Dont thank them too soon. Kick pain in the aspercreme. Oh, oh, oh. Ill be the judge of that. Oh, thats nice. Oh searchable, verified reviews. Thats better than the ham, and ive never said that. Booking. Com booking. Yeah conquer financial reports. Conquer 2000word essays. Conquer 300 thankyou notes. Rule over what you write with the smooth writing, longest lasting gel ink pen in america. Do you g2 . Fox weather alert. More than 130 million east coast residents bracing for severe storms today including damaging winds and hale, prompting ground stops up and down the east coast. More than 5,000 delays in airports so far. Fox weather katie byrne in washington with the latest. Are things starting to pick up weatherwise . The skies are definitely darkening. D. C. Has not seen this high of a risk level in about ten years. Could feel winds gusting faster than 75 miles per hour. You notice, starting to quiet down in the city. Weve seen a lot less people out. Many got off of work early today with federal office is closing early because of the incoming weather, and people trying to beat the storm and get home early because of it. Weve artie seen some damage in states nearby, like west virginia, virginia, maryland as well, where all are under a Tornado Watch until 9 00 tonight. We know that some parents had to pick up their kids from summer camp early because of the weather in d. C. I also met Danny Nielsen who still has to work normal hours today. He will be one of many thats going to be heading home thanks picking up around the evening commute hour. Ive got a small office only a couple people, but both mentioned that we might want to leave a little early today to try to beat the storm. Im taking the metro, so fingers crossed that works out. Storms are about 30 miles to our west before they reach us. It definitely feels like its coming. All right, katie, we will be watching all of that. Stay with us. Where is this wicked weather heading . Fox neuralgia steve bender has the latest on its path. A lot of folks having to change their plans. What can you tell us . A lot of america will be impacted. As we look right now, we have 46 active warnings, which jumped to nearly 10 Million People now into the midatlantic. It from watertown to atlanta, over 1,000 miles wide, we zoom in on those active tornado warnings, three of them right now. As kt alluded to, major wind event. Hurricane gusts up to 75 miles per hour. Embedded in that, a potential rotation as it spells out the appalachian mountain, and races towards the east coast. Thats where you can see some of that rotation spin up. A significant threat for d. C. Afterwards. This is the highest risk bentley has seen since june of 2013. Y federal buildings, so many employees about an hour and a half left earlier from now. 3 00 in the afternoon. You will see the stretches through the afternoon and evening time. We have four different Tornado Watches in place. They extend until 11 00 p. M. Tonight, damaging winds very likely. Whatever you are releasing out of the high terrain towards the east coast. This picks up speed. South in the carolinas. Then you get to georgia, northern alabama. Severe thunderstorm watch. Bringing out the fox model, you can see how that boeing effect, it means that the winds are racing through over the Nations Capital towards baltimore. Still remaining active until 6 00 p. M. , 7 00 p. M. Thats along the shore and the coast. I need 5 will be difficult and that i95 is going to be difficult to commute and navigate. Airports are on Ground Delays or stops. So trying to leave at all from the east coast is going to be quite difficult. There is the greatest threat of all of this, potential for 75mileanhour gusts in this area, which includes the i95 corridor and d. C. For those situations, thats only just begun and will last until early evening. A lot of delays, everybody stay safe. Thanks for the update. They are not in the ring yet, but the gloves are coming off, as elon musk and Mark Zuckerberg gear off for a possible cage match showdown. Thats next. They offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just 79. 95. The exam alone is worth at least 59 bucks. I can see from your expression that you find that shocking. And youre actually speechless. Aaaaaaaaand, you dont have ears. Two pairs and a free exam for just 79. 95. Book an exam today at americasbest. Com. Its true, though you wont overpay for glasses if you shop at americas best. christina with Verizon Business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. So, no matter what, im running this kitchen. vo make the switch. Its your business. Its your verizon. Looking for a smarter way to mop . Introducing the new swiffer powermop. An allinone Cleaning Tool that gives you a mop and bucket clean in half the time. Our new cleaning pad has hundreds of Scrubbing Strips that absorb and lock dirt away, and it has a 360degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just cant. So, you can clean your home faster than ever. Dont mop harder, mop smarter, with the new swiffer powermop. She runs and plays like a puppy again. His 2s are perfect hes a brand new dog, all in less than a year. When people switch their dogs food from kibble to the farmers dog, they often say that it feels like magic. But theres no magic involved. dog bark its simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need instead of dried pellets. Just food made for the health of dogs. Delivered in packs portioned for your dog. Its amazing what real food can do. Is the Battle Of The Billionaires back on . Ashley webster has all the details, what are you hearing . You think they would have Something Better to do, a lot of verbal jousting over the week and the prospect of a elon musk versus Mark Zuckerberg cage match, Late Last Night he said he may need surgery on his neck and back and well have an update later this week. Over the weekend, musk posted on his social media site, the fight will be live streamed and all proceeds go to charity for veterans. Zuckerberg responded motion to use a more reliable platform that can actually raise money for charity . Which musk responded it shouldnt do you focus on not letting your app die . If the battle of the egos goes ahead, lets look at the tale of the tape quickly. Mark zuckerberg coming in at 57 reportedly 154 pounds, he is lean and mean, 39yearold Tech Billionaire Worth about 110 billion hes also trained and mixed martial arts, elon musk on the other side coming in at 641, weighing about 187 pounds. He said admittedly hes not in fighting shape, 52 years old but hes worth twice as much of which counts for nothing in the ring. Zuckerberg has apparently installed an octagon in his backyard to practice. Revenge of the nerds five could still be on. If the fight happens, who were you with . Ive got to go with Mark Zuckerberg, his younger, leaner, i think hes scrappy. [laughter] got it, thank you. You never disappoint. What kind of demand will there be to watch this showdown if it happens . Lets ask New York Post columnist i say if because we are learning that musk has back issues which apparently hes had for a while. Im not a doctor but maybe its not a good idea if it does, how many people are going to watch this . I think this is going to be a global event if it happens. Its funny to me, this is a tale as old as time. In 1520, Henry The Eighth challenge the king of france to a Wrestling Match and supposedly lost. The most powerful men in history have always wanted to do get out in a Wrestling Match apparently. Sandra very interesting. If i would pick i see Mark Zuckerberg over the years youve seen him out for runs, he works out a lot. Hes got his entourage out there, elon musk, hes a big guy what is the size difference . I think hes been trimming down with was in pick but i would my money on him because i think hes got the larger frame even though musk has been in the Training Room a little bit longer i think. Sandra elon musk has got him on height and weight, obviously these are the stats its going to be a matchup. Who are you going with . Im going to go with musk, that tells me he would win, hes the one that picked the fight. Sandra i appreciate you joining us. Breaking news, we will be watching to see if that fight happens. Breaking news a fox news alert. We are getting a response from the former president Donald Trumps team on the d. C. Trump case. The former president s lawyers oppose the government motion for a protective order. That is just in right now thats ahead of the 5 00 deadline. Coming in minutes before that, continuing coverage on the fox news channel, the five starts now. Im dana perino along with katie pavlik should, harold f ford, jr. , Jesse Watters and greg gutfeld. Liberal mayors making excuses for the mayhem playing out in their cities. Thousands of teens writing at a top tourist spot in new york city after an online influence or promise them Free Playstation fives. Agitators shutting down traffic

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