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They are afraid of all of us. Make America Great again, maga. Its never been seen, never forget our enemies who want to stop us, were the only ones who can stop them, this is why this eel is so important, they want to take away my freedom, because i will never let them take away your freedom. During the 76 minute speech trump accused doj of giving bidens preferential treatment, slamming president now crooked joe as fork f new New York Times has a new calling neckandneck. Charlie the poll is interesting, because the media says he cant win, a lot of republicans say he cant win, but poll shows donald trump has a decent chance of beating joe biden. I would think after the course of a campaign. And donald trump had an opportunity to defend himself, i would think you would see the numbers change and probably change dramatically in his favor. Look. This is a terrible way to do politics in a lot of ways this is where trump is at his best, he is defiant. He is standing up against the machine. You know if you just look at the policies of the guy. We have in our lifetime we never had a more mainstream politician in terms of policies, you have to ask yourself, why do these people hate him so much and what why will they go to such lengths they will even throw the First Amendment overboard, to stop him. Back in 2016 when trump was successful beating Hillary Clinton his article argument was im standing up for you. That is what me is doing now with his language in response to the indictments it seems oned to work last time, americans if you look at polling think that federal government is far too powerful and indictments have a political bend, it favors him with voters, maybe look at choices. It does, since you mentioned indictments, i will mention the onion post again. I just think that is very interesting poe the point you laid out, so Many Americans capitulated to the idea he was the guy in 2016, he said, they are coming after me because im fighting for you, that is such an important point, that is what i think a lot of voters conservative voters believe. Now, the problem with this politicking through Justice Department and fbi 6 years ago the trust and credibility people had in fbi was 80 , now today according to Fox News Poll is 59 . That is terrible. You need to be able to trust fbi and doj,. I was interviewing former fbi agent who said when people started to d distrust the fbi it made it more difficult to do our jobs for sources to come in, this is problematic. This is now, where trump will use to potentially actually win. You are prosecuting me, not because of crimes and wrong doing but because im fighting for the American People. Nicole, gianna talked about the d Double Standard in america you are supposed to rely application of the law, donald trump pointed it out dozens of times, 3 indictments and dozens of changes, he talked about this with not just the the eligible situation but election situation but the classified documents. Virtually every poll were kicking b bidens ass. If i wasnt, we wouldnt be under investigation by deranged jack smith. He has boxes in his garage by the corvette. Where the house is run by hunter, i wonder who happened with those boxes. All they care about is trump. These guys, what they are doing with the Election Interference and senates that to step up and do something. A valid question, how is it hunter biden who is involved with foreign schemes and criminals and criminal activity himself and the lap t laptop, as we know, Classified Information in the garage next on the corvette he is driving around with women whos who are not familiar with us. Treating them differently, trump said it best, he is one more indictment away from a victory. And one hand that is true here, is confident in what he said, but polls show he and biden are neckandneck you know when he lost to now President Biden last time, he will have his base, these indictments will continue to ryal up his base, they are playing to fact that election is stolen, they are suppressing informations the people already for trump will stay for trump, but not bringing more people to his side, that is one thing he has to be careful of, he cannot just continue to do his Fundraising Events and valleys and talk about the election stolen or diementindictment, he has to talk about things that are fundamental to americans not just part of his base, specifically the economy, people are struggling to pay electricity and water, and utilities note just his base he is neckandneck with biden in the poll hes is not kicking his you know what. If he he has to appeal to people outside. Charlie, the Biden Administration is and joe biden himself has been trying to paint trump as a criminal. While ignoring the flood of information we have, including testimony from arch archer last week that joe biden lied to American People and involved in foreign Business Dealings while Vice President running Foreign Policy for the nation, and pretending he had nothing do with it. They want to distraction from their i Criminal Berave Yore on their part but they want to distraction that fact they dont have solutions that anyone wants, on the issues, all of their prescriptions for issues, ailing people, they are rejected by american voters, and i think i would disa at the end of 2020, donald trump was still winning over voters talking about issues, unfortunately, Half Oft Nation already voted by the time election day rolled around, there are still win able, gettable people, but, he has to talk about the issues, and the issues he is these are not like 60 40 issues to stopping the border it 90 10, everyone agrees with President Trump, nobody agrees with joe biden. The economy as well, gianno, trueing to sell the bidenomics thing with the fake figures how they had a recovery, the companies are cutting jobs, people are trying to work two jobs, inflation is way too m high. That is important. Kamala harris said, people cant afford to write 500 check but country is doing so well economic like credit card bills highest it has been, almost a t trillion, people of leveraged out because was not working during the pandemic and many other issues, the economy is not great. But the question is, how can President Trump stand out by taunting his record on the economy, and gets it through to mainstream that is the issue, he one is listening on the other side, you watch cnn, everyone day about trump indictment, him in jail, a crook and a ch criminal, he cant get his message out to the people, ron desantis said, im the most electable one, were seeing polling even with all negative Coverage Trump gets, he still could beat joe biden. Americans are start, joe biden sa said i created more jobs and weve seen the economy do so great, then they say, President Trump when he was president , we had a pandemic you had nothing to do with this, it is really, demoralizing as americans they think well buy it, Kamala Harris comes out, ands is a bidenomics is working and blah blah here are fake numbers. Looking forward, two weeks we have first fox news debate, that will be h hosted in mill milwaukee, wisconsin. Trump said he will not go to the debate. It is Vice President ial debate. Maybe if one of the but now he is asking his supporters, polling, whether he should show up. I hope he debates, he is great and shines but whether or not he does he is ramping up the publicity for the debate. That is more like that. Well watch the the debate, coming up, no more fun and games. The Remote Workerra is coming to an end that is more when the Big Weekend Show continues. 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The allnew tempurpedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. So, no more sweating all night. Or blasting the air conditioning. Because the tempurbreeze feels up to 10 cooler, all night long. For a limited time, save 500 on allnew tempurbreeze mattresses. Youre as cold as ice willing to sacrifice our love welcome back to the Big Weekend Show. Like it or not work from chhomerra appears to be over. Hello, peter. Whats happening. Im going to need you to go ahead and come in tomorrow, if you could be here around 9 00, that would be great okay . Oh, i almost forgot, im also going to need you to go ahead and come in on sunday too. Despite his own countless days off President Biden reportedly wants federal workers back in their office, his Chief Of Staff emailed cabinet this week saying even zoom is getting in on the Office Action urging some ofs had local employees to return at least part time to interact with their teams. I do find it cheeky President Biden i think spent about 40 of his time in the white house on vacation. It is critical that Stash Members come into office. What do you think. Actually, i have a different position on Remote Worker it depends on your job, and companies be Save Tens Of Thousands of dollars every were not paying for office space, i think that americans for decades have spent a lot of time commuting in their cars and traffic to go to a job they are not necessarily fulfilled with, that giving people more flexibility is better for work stace and families and ability to do more work. But there are tools we have now that you can track productivity with. With the federal government, i ci think if working remotely from arlington, virginia when dc is across the river, get back to work. We should push out of america instead of just dc. I think i read that about 25 of federal officer space is utilized. A Wall Street Journal headline, how do i do that . Hugh hires of 2023 are unprepared for work. And says knock on affect of years of Remote Learning is gumming up workplaces, it is one reason that professional reverse jobs are going unfilled and goods not making it to market and why National Productivity has fallen for past 5 quarters. Last Contract Shution since 1948. Katie made a good point about maybe saving financial benefits, but what has it done to your Younger Generations, they say, they layout a skills gap for young workers, working with others. And making eye contact, i have a 23yearold, that generation they are struggling. Yeah. And Working From Home is a great idea if you have anyone who is hard, does everything. Like knows how to do stuff, the problem is you have all these kids that have been coddled, as children and coddled in school and ch college, then they come out, they dont know how to do anything. Then they expect to like, stay home, and sleep, work from bed. All day. And that is not going to work that is not how it works, i love what Thomas Edison said, he said, opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed up in work boots and looks like hard work it is true. All opportunity comes from working your tail off, the kids are not doing that. Kids Axios Headline the amethe dream losts had hustle, they are convinced that employers were exploiting for labor before the pandemic, now with strong Labor Markets they are proud a lausded Turning Tables to over. Open employers. And that is true, im go iusing a Thomas Edison quote, young people are saying i have not failed, i found 10,000 ways that done work. They are taking advantage of it and companies are bowing, you see zoom say please come in at least part time, there is a shortage of workers productivity has fallen off and companies are utilizing a. I. , they want to increase profit by 64 . With that in mind, yeng i dont think we live in the same world that we grew up in the Younger Generation they grew up in covid, this newer aand staying home and Working From Home will be a thing for a lot of places. Working from home is a privilege. It should be. Most people do not get to work from home. If you are a doctor or construction or teacher, you should go to work, you have to any to work, service industry, one thing that drove me crazy in covid people who wanted to work from home, they were too afraid to go to dw Grocery Store but they were happy to hire a Service Worker to go to Grocery Store. But with the school, we shut them down, you wonder why they dont know how to do anything. That unfair expectations. Were were coddling them and this made it worse. Sit back, relax is what most parents think when they send kids to camp, some dont know how to let it go, camp photos are stirring up summer drama, next. 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Most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. Detect this i stay undetectable with fewer medicines. Ask your doctor about switching to dovato. When i walk in the room i can make the whole place shimmer. Welcome back, to the Big Weekend Show, many of us have Summer Company memories we like to come back to. Hi. Oh, right. Okay. Im feeling skinny, tony. So am i am. We keep this up. What is an apache relay . A dumb camp event. They kick our butts every year. I did not go to that camp. But camp staffs are captures price priceless memg memory, sending them to parents, posting them as reassurance that kids are doing well and having fun, but many moms and dads are over analyzing every picture. Reading that from that Wall Street Journal piece. Nicole, the parents may want their children to get independence at camp but they cant help pouring over photos to see if their kids are smiling or engaged in activities anything lose triggers questions and deep analysis. Who are these parents . Triggering deep analysis . You dean have a video camera at school, there is social awkwardness, that is part of being a kid. This is why Younger Generations condition fu function, they have been removed from social interaction, my kids have gone on a week camp at a time, my young middle son went on a camping trip, this closest i got to a photo we got a group text there was a photo of kids on the trip, i responded why is he in his sneakers in the river not his hiking boots and i removed myself. The most important thing about Sleep Away Camp for kids is be bee home sick and learning to deal with that, life is tough there are no safe spaces you have to learn how to deal with it, the this a moneymaking deal with photos you can buy the photos and who is not what terrible parent is not buying a picture of their child jumping on a trampoline. Im not apparent, a parent, i hope to be one, one day whenever i marry the right woman, i find it interesting that parents are obsessing in this way, but knowing what we have known since covid and School Lockdowns and what teachers are teaching kids, i can understand more where parents want to know, let me look here and there and et cetera, but you need to give them their independence, a lets of par lot of parents are being Helicopter Moms and dads, that does not give your kids the ability for freedom, you think about sports teams, you problem solve that is a missing skill for a lot of kids, especially genz. I thought parents sent their kids so they didnt have to hear from them. You have multiple kids you have to coordinate it so they go away at same time. I did a lot of camps, my parents were great, i did a lot of athletic camps, for every 3, i did one academic, i went to a s. A. T. Camp, that was a failure, i went to law camp. At stanford. Then in 6 grade we had camp everyone that had to go to for a week, camp colton, it was a real camp, camping in woods, sleeping with no heaters no airconditions and hiking, i loved it. I was like the co only kid who liked it. Now you have a fox nation show. Right it paid off, after college, a went on a 30 day backpacking trip through europe, i did not bring a cell phone, i think my mom was upset, i am call you from internet cafe. Another point that Wall Street Journal makes, a quote from wendy siegel, we live in a different world kids coming to camp itself are connected to parents 24 7 that stops. That is part of the problem, the stupid phones children are connected to them and parents, encourage it by yelling, well you didnt return my text, i yell if they return a text too quickly. Were hard on kids they are addicted to devices, their parents give it to them, any parent that sends their child with a phone to summer camp, why send them to camp at all, all of a sudden, they are in an uncomfortable situation, not making friends they go online at night and get satisfaction from click and likes. Maybe the parents dont trust adults. That could be true. Blame the parents. Do your home work, but giving kids, you have to be careful, giving kids a phone is like give are them crack cocaine. There are addictions. Dang, its the same. Sleep away camp because he like the summer. All right. Coming up next. Elon musk is putting his money where his his mouth is with hi his free speech. If you need some love tonight then i might have juste ca enough shield cracked, we needed it fixed right. We went to safelite. Com. Theres no one else wed trust. Their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our cars advanced safety system. They focus on our safety. So we can focus on this little guy. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. On the edge of wild and reckless welcome back to the Big Weekend Show. Social media can bring people program, if you are not careful it can get you in office but elon musk is offering to pay legal fees for users. It seems that Tech Billionaire is ready for a quite in courtroom and out of the courtroom he appears to confirm new details for cage match against metas mark zuckerberg. Elon musk is no stranger to making news, almost like trump, staying in news as much as he, can katie, he had this con sle con verification about twittedder, we lost a lot of money who he bought twitter, he is trying to gain it back. Do you think, i know you mentioned how many people are twitter, do you think it is helping people come back. Im surprised at this move. With i dont think that anyone should be punished by what they are liking on twitter, it is a noncontextialize motion. It could be a book mark or interesting fact. Or accidentally hit the administration button. Yeah, he is ruthless boss, he got rid of a lot of people he didnt feel they were useful, interesting he is opening the door to pay for lawsuit against other Peoples Companies because of decisions made by their boss, on i want to ask the men at table. The fight thing is interesting . Is this just a man thing . I dont see this happening. Drive in traffic, that is what its good for, im going to watch. It will be interesting. Who do you think will win. They say zuckerberg. You see how big he is. The problem everyone has their revenge of the nerd fact see that Zuckerberg The fantasy, but elon musk, you know pictures of him he looks pasty and fat im worried about him, at least he builds stuff, he has concrete stuff he has built, i have a lot more respect for that, than whatever it is that zuckerberg does. Tells musk about conservative lives in tiktok took him up, musk followed by asking woman for details about what he called a witchhunt, this is where it is outrageous, you are telling me who i can follow on social media . And if it is a conservative account. I am glad i get to comment on this, i could care less about them fighting, this is stupid. I dont think it will happen. Whatever. But to katies point. It is odd he is offering to pay legal fees it will get murky and gray. He said now limit too. Right. There is limit, you cant just print money. The thing, the cancel culture, just because somebody says something you dont like, if i pout out my opinion on something, or actually just fact that someone doesnt like, people love to tag my employers oh, blah, blah, blah did you see what your employee said . I have people trying to get me fired all of the time for my opinion, when is this era of cancel culture going to end. I like that musso elon musk is bringing attention to it, it has to stop and corporations have to push back. I agree with that, charlie. Who do you think will win between elon musk and mark jumark and. You we could bring by dueling. I could win, that im not much into the mma stuff, i am worried about elon musk. You know remember the pictures from him in like sst. Tropaz on the back of his boat, more concerning than the size of his belly here, is so pale, out of the sun, they are usually not good fighters. Lacking vitamin d. I think just based on training, it seems that can zuckerberg knows what he is doing. He wears a lot of sun block, so much you can see it. The person with most vitamin d will win. That is right. Lets just draw the i vitamind level. Coming up, bench clearing brawls, Fight Night Scuffles and cheap shots, athletes and fran fans are turning sports into a spectacle, is Sportsmanship A Thing Of The Past . Promises of all shapes and sizes. Each, with a time and a place theyve been promised to be. A promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. Addressing Climate Change requires effort from all of us, now and for generations to come. Join dylan and me as we get personal about the environment and how we can each do our part. Watch our conversation on peacock. Im going crazy welcome back to the Big Weekend Show, one of the longest skirmishes in Baseball History broke out last night between Chicago White sox and cleveland e indians take a look. The benches are empty. Bench clearing brawl, broke out between Sox Shortstop Anderson and guardians ramirez, there were 6 ejecttions. Leaving many to wonder what happened to good sportsmanship. Gianno. Broken hands. Woe. That right hook. Listen. It landed, he plowed out. Yeah, we get that kind of training in chicago on the south side. We learn that early. He got his kicked. He needs to go back to chicago. Get training. Sport mans ship still a thing. I would argue, not saying because there are fighting that weve seen in all of you know nascar some stuff that goes down. Just, men, being men. And you know, releasing anger and being upset. No,. No. Dont protest me. As a mother of 3 boys thissa americas m pastime, this is baseball, ablact like adults, they should be suspended, they are paid millions of dollars. Throw in a high heave. That say lot. Kick them off . All of the un unwritten rules, i never understood this, this is baseball you usually dont have this. In hockey it ask in every game, culture thing, i dont know. It is because hockey players get to fight. They are wearing helmets. Hockey fighting makes no sense, they have helmet and pads, they are punching each other is no point, everyone is padded. Fake fighting. It is you think it is staged . About showman ship. Yeah. Wwe, level . Yeah, you are not getting any where, but punching each other in the helmet. With Little League games you get parents that get into it. That is terrible. We have talked about over bearing parents, goa get off it your child will not be in Major League Baseball one day, let it go. Umps make bad and good guys but parents get involved and parents on one team fight with parents of other team get a life. The doctor is killing dreams tonight. Kim them off the team. Did you play starts. Sports. Were you a fighter. I was on a wrestling team. I have to tell you sportsmanship is something you learn to take into your next life, your career, negotiating with people and lead a team, and work with people, this is something you need to be able to do, but fights happen, it is a part of life. If i come to blows with someone at the hospital, im like, i really dont like. That is different. How is that different, you dont punch in baseball there is no punching in baseball or in the hospital. There is a professional environment. Not they are professional athletes. Yes, they are not boxers, they should not be throwing punches. Fire them. I like the idea of sportsmanship, i was an athlete in high school, i agree, when you learn on being on team and consequences for your Behavior Help you through the rest of our life. How i have made decisions. There are kids that are watching, maybe it is about the coaches, maybe coaches and owners and managers need to make more statements about what behavior is expected or accepted. People get fined. A lot of these teams. They make millions, im sorry. They dont care about the fine. You cant make millions if you kick them off the team that is hank. They should. They should be canceled. People should be kicked off the team because he has a vicious. Maybe their first you. Dont do it again gloif hlove they are asking manager of the e indians, asked about his left hook, he said no it was a right hook. There you go. Get the facts right. Keeping it real. You. Stick around, the big 4 is next. Back where i belong he snores like an angry rhino. Youve never heard an angry rhino. Baby i hear one every night. Every night. Okay. Ill work on that. Save up to 500 on the new sleep number® smart bed. Plus, free Home Delivery when you add an adjustable base. Shop now only at sleep number®. The chase Ink Business Premier Card is made for people like sam, who make everyday products, designed smarter. Like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. 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This white house is not transparent like they claim they would be, they are hiding a lot of stuff, they continue to move the goal post about did he talk about his son about business deals that trash. A lot of reporters reareactorea played and rejected. This is extreme. The refusal of credentialed reporters from standing up calling white house out on this is what upsets me. The woke mob strikes again. Museum of pop culture, removed all mention of j. K. Rowling from harry potter exhibit. After calling her a quote cold heartless joy sucking entity. In a blog post, she believes that women should not spare spaces with men, including men who say they are women, they are trying to erase her from harry potter even though she created harry party. Potter. An entity, they call a woman an entity. Wow. She brought joy to millions they call her cold. Wow. Famed obama david garro is raising eyebrows over the qq a he said someone who covered barack obama 2008 campaign for the New York Post at the time, i could tell you he is a very sensitive guy. He so sensitive, they kicked my off of the Campaign Plane because of my coverage it it wasnt that negative. A lot of politics are narcissistic, they keep people around them who make them feel good. Safe space. Another day, and another super food, this time growers declaring water cress worlds healthiest food, it is high in potassium and vitamin a, a very packed vegetable. Cdc says one of the best, most people think it is a garnish. Where does it grow. Natural streams i believe but dont get it there. Like a radish, what does it taste like. Rubber. L cilantro, i think. Weird. Ill try it. Come on, super food. It was fun doing it, this weekend, fun group, thank you. That does it for us, well see you next weekend, life, Liberty And Levin starts right now. I want to reach out and grab you mark Hello America im mark levin this is life, Liberty And Levin. Welcome, you can be a thousand different places on sunday. You could always dvr the program we have a killer show two great guests james trustee. Former President Trump lawyer. And matt

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