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Running back the presidency. Never getting a glimpse a part of his defense. Quickness is unprecedented. It affects not just donald trump, it affects every american who now realize the First Amendment is under Assault Progress Trump attorney john lauro joins us like to detailing Teams Legal Strategy then. Republicans release the closeddoor transcript of devon archers testimony about his Business Dealings and the president s son, hunter and the allure of the biden brand. None of those conversations ever had to do with any Business Dealings or transactions buried there purely what he called casual conversations because everyone understands that as the brand, that is the access it. It was not an illusion of access for. Completing narratives with members of House Republican chip wright of texas and Jake Auchincloss a democrat of massachusetts. Another republican president ial hopeful meets with Volodymyr Zelenskyy and kyiv. Quick to need to be with ukraine on this Fight Progress Gop Field is split on support for the key Foreign Policy issue. Think the europeans really need to take the lead progressively will ask our sunday panel about shifting panels to run it u. S. Aid to ukraine. All this week on Fox News Sunday. Shannon Hello From Foxnews In Washington for another unprecedented week in president ial politics with all of the attention on donald trump the former president dominant front runner for the republican nomination for this time, back here in the nations capitol where he pleaded not guilty to Felony Counts as Special Counsel jack smiths investigation into alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Trump will not appear in person this thursday in florida after he pleaded not guilty to new charges in a superseding indictment with the classified documents case there. That same day. There is a hearing on a motion filed by trump steam in georgia to remove the d. A. From her investigation into alleged efforts to overturn Election Results in that state. Bonnie willis has indicated indictment of trump or others could be eminence, all this Attention Deflecting from the rest of the gop field vying for the white house in 2024. For President Biden, who at 80 years old is running for a second fouryear term and could face a potential Campaign Liability and his son hunters own legal troubles lets turn out to trump attorney john lauro welcome to Fox News Sunday. Good morning. Okay, lets start here Friday Night The Press of the former president had a post that wound up in a filing before the court here is Project Smith office met a friend to the judge of the ine d. C. Case citing this, if you go after me, i am coming after you smith is not as the judge for a protective order arguing this the court needs to take action that sink at the defendant were begin to issue public post using details are for example grand jury transcripts obtained and discovered it could have a harmful Chilling Effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fear and menstruation of justice in this case. The judge asked you to respond by monday he filed asking for an extension she said no. So how you were Spot On Monday and do you worry this could escalate into a potential gag order . This is the problem with bringing a political prosecution in a political season. President trump was responding and apolitical way to some of his political opponents. The Biden Administration once the judge to put in place in order that will prevent the press from obtaining exculpatory and Material Information that might be relevant to these proceedings. Even though mr. Trump, President Trump has argued from the very beginning as i have this is an attack for this indictment is an attack on us his first right. Note the Biden Administration wants to do is to deny all americans the opportunity to learn Nonsensitive Information about what the case involves. In a political season. We have to remember that President Biden, back in april 2022 which he repeated in November Of 2022 was that he was going to take President Trump out the election but even though President Trump is his most significant opponent. Now, we see the Biden Justice Department Acting on the biden plan. So, President Trump in the middle of a political season was certainly entitled to respond politically. But make no mistake about it this is an effort to prevent President Trump from running for president ironically the same theories that are being used in this indictment against President Trump could be used against President Biden for enlisting his Justice Department under the biden plan to prevent donald trump from running for president. Shannon you say this is an attack on the person of the Justice Department recognized the former President Trump had and has a First Amendment rights to say thanks the indictment itself it says this, the defendant had a right like every american to speak publicly about the election and claim falsely there had been outcome determinative fraud during the election and that he had won the rest of the indictment is about the conduct not just the speech. Well, yes the First Amendment protects conduct as well as speech. But what the Justice Department, the biden and menstruation doesnt do what is the conduct at issue . President trump did not issue any Executive Orders or do anything in terms of using levers of Executive Power he simply petitioned and asked State Legislatures and state officials around the country to act responsibly. I back to petition, not directed he petitioned his own Vice President ultimately to pause the voting on january 6 in order to allow the states to weigh in on auditing or recertifying. All of that is court First Amendment protected speech. Affect everyone whether you are president of the United States are an ordinary citizen like you or me can petition their government with the grievances or redress actions taken by the government. That is exactly what President Trump did this is core political speech thats being attacked or the biden plan. Shannon you know the argument and talk about conspiracy and type anything you want to put Butthe Allegation is underling conspiracy is not free because of free speech issues i want to read something from new republic says this, at the unbounded view of free speech applied consistently it would eliminate most state and federal crimes they say perjury is free speech. Could be argued, bribery speech many times the fraud Insider Trading Identity Theft is speech forging checks is this a First Amendment protects all kinds of things but organizing a coup detat is not one of them. Your response . Well, what you think the obvious problem is with that statement . None of those examples involve a political speech that is the points. All those examples involve core criminal activity. But what we have here is a political speech where President Trump is petitioning the government. Of course saying something fraudulent and a prospectus or an Accounting Statement is not protected. Or robbing a bank is not protected. But all of those examples are ridiculous because the First Amendment protects political speech higher than any other speech. The reality is if you are going to talk about the law you have to understand what the first amefirstamendment says and whatt stands for. And all of the examples in this indictment or core political speech. Every single thing that President Trump is being prosecuted for involve aspirational asks. Asking, State Legislatures. Asking state governors. Asking state electoral officials to do the right thing in fact even asking Vice President pence was protected by free speech. None of that is illegal. We have the right in our system to petition our government pick up some task you quickly, you have said you think this move by the protective order is to keep people from seeing all the information. So would you be okay with the president support, televised trial . You have to go through all kinds of hoops and rule changes in those kinds of things but let the American People see every minute of it and decide for themselves . I personally would love to see that. I am convinced the Biden Administration does not want the American People to see the truth. They acted on it by filing this protective order which is an effort to keep Important Information about this case from the press i am shocked actually all the networks have not lined up in filed pleadings already objecting to this very broad attempts by the biden attempt by the Biden Administration to keep information away from the American People during the election season for the American People have a right to know. Of course joe biden does not want that to happen. Shannon will watch for your response to the judge and the Justice Department on that point on monday of course will follow all this. John lauro thank you for joining us. Thank you. Before todays legal battle at barkley law professor former Deputy Assistant Attorney General john yoo and Andy Mccarthy former assistant u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york. Gentlemen, great to see both of you. This fight over the televising of the trail there a lot of democrats a lot of folks on the left lighting up saying they want to see it. Now its unlike the president s legal team at least his Attorney Says they are for it to you, and he does it happen . I doubt it. There is a lot more at stake than just this particular case. I happen to be a naysayer on this i was i was a good thing federal trials were not televised. I think it makes a lot easier on the witnesses, im sure it makes a lot easier on the jurors she would get people do not want to serve on juries if they were televised spectacles it also makes for a better trial. I hope they do not go down that road but usually when i hope Something Like that, the opposite is what happens. [laughter] shannon we will see theres going to be a lot of maneuvers pretrial here brenda wanted to talk to change about this he ran out of time but the issue of venue part he has talked to my getting it out of d. C. Were 92 of the 2020 results came in in favor of President Biden pretty want to read something from the judge in this case an order from another trial at which theyre trying to venue move because of generally six on the political surroundings of that. She said this, defendants assumptions concerning Party Affiliation the district are not an appropriate basis for changing venue. Jurors political leanings are not by themselves evidence the jurors cannot fairly and impartially consider the evidence presented and apply the law as instructed by the corporate that is in a different case. Same arguments are probably going to be made here, jon, any chance they move venue . I seriously doubt it pretty think the judge here got it basically writ right to say youd move venue would mean basically every Single Person in washington d. C. Was biased against donald trump. Think about the larger implications it would mean donald trump could not or any of the generally six the protesters could not be tried in any state with a large democratic voting population like the entire state of california or the entire state of new york or illinois i do not think thats the case and said thats why we have individualized questions for each potential juror to see if there is bias. The receipted or not based on their answers and Donald Trumps counsel mr. John lauro has every right to object and strike any of those years we have a system that tries to eliminate bias we can truly neutral and impartial jury. Shannon the top of the first event thats going be the heart of their defense this was all speech, its protected political speech. Jonathan turley writing about this, he says the complaint is based largely in statements protected under the First Amendment. It would eviscerate free speech could allow the government to arrest those who were accused of spreading disinformation and elections he goes on to say the folks who hate trump so much they cannot see straight, they do not the chilling implications of where this complaint is going. But andy, you know the Argument Speech is one thing underlying conduct or pushing an alleged conspiracy is another. Yes, shannon there is kind of a cart before the Horse Problem here. I am very sympathetic to jonathans argument as a prudential reason why the Justice Department should not get involved in an electoral context and interfere with politics unless you have put Attorney General bart used to call a meat and potatoes of crime a very serious offense that is supported by very convincing evidence. But it is a doctrine of law the First Amendment does not protect you from evidence to prove conduct. That is why we do not get First Amendment arguments in mafia cases and other kinds of crimes. Its not that you are banned from making the statements but they can be used as evidence for conduct. For me, the bigger problem for the governments case is whether the think they have charges conduct. Like a herd in the clip you played you do not get to organize a coup detat against the government. That is fine. But when they show me this section in the penal code that says illegal to do it trump did to organize a coup detat against the government then i will believe it. But they cannot tie him to violence. I think they have charged him with was not actually a crime that the defect in the case. Shannon if people a sing headlines they may not realize the government also chose to not try for incitement, for insurrection, for seditious conspiracy. Those are things not in this indictment. That is exactly right, shannon. Implication or consequence of how the Justice Department chose to try this case they do not have the facts to connect President Trump at least not yet with the generally six attack you do not see the chargers everyone expected you do not see incitement to insurrection. You. Do not seek which is attacking the government or preventing the execution of the laws which is what jack smith as Special Counsel talked on and on when he publicly released the indictment. Instead they had to fall back to these claims which are really not suited for this kind of a political offense if this is what it is like defrauding the government which is usually what you see for Government Contractors are Medicare Fraud or obstructing congress its more like Witness Tampering or the one that seems the worst fit of all, conspiracy to deprive people of their constitutional right when what trump was doing was trying to pursue however outlandish constitutional Legal Options he thought were open to him. He did not actually prevent anyone from voting for example back in november. All of these things the problems you are mentioning are really consequences of the lack of the facts jack smith did not turn up in his twoyear investigation. Shannon Symington Hunter Biting Case continues to play out the plea deal fell apart the judge of the parties to brief and come back, and he what is your sense of where thats going . Were told this Ongoing Investigation but does the plea deal come together . There is no Ongoing Investigation for they are saying it is because that is a black hole to allow them not to cooperate with the investigations on capitol hill. But if there were an investigation, the thing you would do in the plea bargain blew up in fact she would not of had to do it wouldve been done already is indict the case like have an indictment restocked the last statute of limitations from running lay out all the crimes against hunter biden. They wont do that for the same reason its not to explicitly lay out in Immunity Provision in the plea agreement. If you light out everything you had in the way of evidence in the charges in the biden family investigation, it would be unacceptable to people that you could sell the case for two misdemeanor count. That would never happen. So if there were in investigation we would have an indictment we do not have them because there isnt one. Shannon andy and jon thank you very much we will continue tracking all these cases and in place see you soon. Up next, more on Hunter Bidens legal troubles as republicans vowed to continue their investigations and accuse the Justice Department of a double standard. Here, ill take that woohoo ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. Enter the 10,000 powered by protein max challenge. Were reinventing our network. With smarter, more efficient routes. So you can deliver more value to your customers. Fast. Reliable. Perfectly orchestrated. The United States postal service. vo crabfest is back at red lobster. When you can choose your crab, and one of three new flavors like honey sriracha. This is not your grandpas crabfest. Unless grandpas got flavor. Dayumm crabfest is here for a limited time. Welcome to fun dining. This is american infrastructure. Megawatts of power, rails and open road, and essential services of every kind. 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Republicans and democrats are divided about the significance and meaning impact of the hours like Interview Berg will talk with members of congress from both sides of the over going to start in massachusetts with congressman Jake Auchincloss. Welcome back to Fox News Sunday congressman. Thanks for having me back on. Shannon this week we talk to former Baltimore Police commissioner who he himself got caught up in some tax pr troubls he had a Pleading Guilty and he ended up going to jail for situation the amounts were much lower but the crimes of charge or about the same with hunter biden. So i want you to hear what he has to say he takes responsibility but adds this. Exhibit should be held at the same standard as me when else that unfortunately had to go through this. But again like i said i want to hold myself accountable and i am short misure millions and Millif Americans across the world, they want fairness in the Justice System. Are prosecutors in these two cases were the same for the crimes underlying about the same the amounts much higher with hunter biden no Jail Recommendation for him, jail for this gentleman who went and served his time how do you convince the American People there is a fair Justice System is not twotiered . Hunter biting and accountability for those crimes which by the way is a sentence i have heard very few republicans say about donald trump for much more massive crimes. This focus this obsession i would say on hunter biden is a whopper of a what about his imprint republicans are trying to deflect, to diminish, to defend donald trump from the grave a crime of conspiracy against the constitution of the United States. Went to focus on anything other than the man who swore to preserve, protect and defend the constitution with the constitution i upheld as a marine officer and member of congress he instead tried to overturn our very democracy. We do not have to accept that premise for the American Public deserves justice for donald trump. And they should also expect hunter biden face it justice as well for the mistakes that he made. Shannon we are spending plenty of time on the show talk about President Trump and the trouble he is in want of focus on hunter it says you can call hunter, the big guy for Influence Peddling in the context of the four presence legal problems, the hunter plea bargain has become more than that. It is a public test of legal equity for the government that put these Trump Indictments in motion. Do you get half the country is skeptical about whats happening at the Justice Department . I get that donald trump is still in doubt in her legal institutions which has been his tactic for 50 years. Shannon lets focus on hunter. This is about donald trump trying to overturn the constitution. Of course hunter biden should face injustice but no it in this country is above the law not the son of the president not the former president everyone should face accountability. And what we are seeing here is apples and oranges comparison everybody wants to talk but hunter biden because they dont want to talk about the far graver crime of donald trump. Shannon we were talking to him of that one to talk but hunter as well democrats republicans all his testimony very, very differently. Heres something from House Oversight chair james, he says there is more to come. We produce bank records we produce evidence everything i have said about criminal activity by the bidens i can back up with evidence. Yet one member of the House Oversight committee on the democrat side can come out until a narrative to the press and they run with it. Shannon culver says ill talk to more witnesses this week they may release more bank records all this comes as a new gallup poll shows this headline the majority in the u. S. Say by Administration Ethics are subpar they cite 55 as the number there. Is there anything that will be presented to you that would make you say okay there is some red flags that may beat the bidens should not have been involved in some of this . I approach every issue with an open mind country before party which is something my colleagues on the other side of the aisle generally six would have done. And of course if i have said repeatedly of Hunter Biting committed crimes he should be held accountable for them. Was often the archer testimony was a very unflattering portrait of Hunter Bidens judgment and Business Dealings. No Material Involvement from joe biden himself. Again, no Material Involvement from joe biden himself. It is smoke, it is smoke, it is smoke the republicans are trying to gin up and yet no firebrand thefirebirdthere definitely Tryo Redirect Americans attention away from most important indictment in American History which is Donald Trumps. Thirtysix and think americans have the ability to look at both of these cases at the same time, digest them and make their own decisions. Want to walk through the examples are public and site quite a bit. The talk about the fact hunter biden was on the Board Of Burisma in 2015, 2014 the spring of 2015 theres a dinner here in washington d. C. Include burisma officials, the Vice President went by devon archer said he stayed and had dinner but shortly after that there was a discussion of the burisma officials wanted u. S. Officials to come to ukraine because they were under investigation by victor there they were concerned about that. So after that top official within the Biden Administration meets with hunter talks about burisma goes and meets in the west wing with vice President Biden, then calls hunter after that we are told theres going to be a trip by the Vice President to ukraine. Hunter biting its an email from the burisma peoples and we just want to confirm this trip is actually happening question because in early December 2015. Here is how the Vice President then describes what happened in the December 2015 meeting. Is i am leaving six hours or prosecutors not fired you not getting the money. All son of a gun. He got fired. Shannon burisma want him gone he was gone that a circumstantial evidence but you understand how some people have concerns after that chain of events . Text that is a great cherry picked a s set of evidence there archer himself has said it may not have been in burismas interests have the prosecutor removed archer himself said hunter biden was really trying to pitch the illusion of access but again all of these threads of conspiracy the republicans have been unable to tied together in their political investigation designed to embarrass the president. What we need to do as elected officials in this country step back, stop trying to interfere investigations for political ends and allow the law and the facts to weight which is what is happening right now in the indictment of donald trump for conspiracy to defraud the American Public. What we need is republicans and democrats to stop trying to sow doubt in her legal institutions. Shannon we all want those to move forward but i think people with good faith want to see justice applied across the board uniformly and we will follow all of these trails and keep people informed they can make their own decision pizzo congressman auchincloss we appreciate your time thank you. Good to be with the bridge ir joining Ahern Washington texas congressman chip roy. You heard what he said there are republicans who are choosing the party over their country. And that you guys are deflecting you do not want people to Pay Attention and clearly the former president has Indictment State and federal may be more to come. Good morning shannon. First of all if jake thanks there is no problem, if he thanks theres nothing to see here t and why to have Special Counsel pointed by the United States Attorney General, why not in this case where there is a clear Conflict Of Interest question recovered democrat administration, no Special Counsel site yet but they go set up a Special Counsel Jack Smith To Go Target the president weather is when needed . We arty have an adversarial process because they want cover for what is going on in targeting President Trump by the way A Question Arty asked and answered to the Impeachment Process under the constitution. Here my democratic colleagues do not want to seek the truth youre going down the rabbit trails you do not have evidence when we get a Special Counsel and why does the department of justice do its job and pursue the evidence you just laid out right here in front of them for which jake had no response other than to say no, no covenant lets focus on President Trump. The rule of law matters. I say that as someone who voted for the electors did not agree with the illegal strategies put forward by jon eastman and by President Trump in 2020 and january 21. But you know what . The rule of law matters the other direction as we cannot use the department of justice to target a f former president Of E Constitution Contemplates impeachment as the path to go down political questions. This is something being put up politically, purposefully the theory of defrauding which is by the New York Times own description Eight Novel Legal Theory A novel legal theory to go after a former president and a current challenge of the current present democratic colleagues and exactly theyre doing. Shannon lets talk about that you talk about rule of law, Law And Order all the Sensor Republicans talk about all the time. You have set a time to push back on the d. O. J. What do you mean by that to mean defunding, impeachment, you know democrats will say you do not like lot order what is coming for your people. What i believe is the department of justice has been a weaponize we see in this case against a former president was how to get scott smith in Loudoun County it was hot was ot mark hauke in philadelphia targeted for being prolife. We should hold the funding backandforth changes at the department of justice in the appropriations process. We should hold funding back from mayorkas for leaving the border exposed and going after greg abbott for daring to it to secure the border what little girls get sold at the Sex Traffic Injuries received in the sound of freedom. This country once our country back they want to believe in america again. They want to know the rule of laws being enforced. So we should use the power of the person Congre Congr Congresn Say right now from my colleagues i will not vote for continued resolution or any funding for dhs or d. O. J. If we do not get changes to both. I want the border secure, i want d. O. J. Restored to following the rule of law we should use the power of the purse as james mattis wrote in federalist 58 its the most powerful weapon against them over too radical Executive Branch that we see unfold right now before our eyes. Shannon in even take many with lawenforcement agencies have the better able to the jobs . Next set about taking money away from that singer not going to get a blank check on september 3. The president come to the table coming down to the other Pennsylvania Avenue sitting down and saying heres what we are going to do to restore the department of justice. Come down and say heres what were going to do to secure the border. We are going to pass hr to that we pass in this we were going to get rid of mayorkas to run to pay taxes back put people aboard to the job and enforce the laws of the exist. The fbi lets actually put a Special Counsel in charge of what is going on right now if the Bite Investigation consider just leaving it to the politicals to not actually pursue the facts. We can demand that because we hold the power of the purse. Shannon i want to get but before we leave the hunter situation, i have read the deposition im sure you have two, not really a deposition in an interview he had democrats to say theres no smoking gun there is no joe biden say give me this percentage im a party to this contract. They say theres no there, their Progress First about eating a full throated investigation to pull the facts out. We have the House Oversight committee doing a great job with jamie, but thats a department of justice drop that is my points. We need to force them to do the job. Second point is of course there is a lot of smoke there. I think theres a little bit of a fire at lisa and amber what you just played the clip of President Biden saying son of a you know what. What did they do when i held back A Billion Dollars . The information we saw from Archer Archer with the memo he d basically saying wink wink at my dad absolute is involved in all this. Proud to see youve got these Business Dealings going on. We see information coming from archer we when you have a full investigation with that is why said wears a Special Counsel question at the appointed one for trump why dont they put when here with us a clear conference of interest . Shannon was able to make sure he get down to this downgrade our Credit Rating they cite all kinds of deteriorations and standards of governance or last 20 years there putting a lot of fingers they say basically chaos here in washington you talked about you will not vote for spending theres talk of a government shutdown. The cuts on house ways and Means Committee say this, the downgrade as a result of republicans manufactured default crisis they repeatedly put the full faith and credit of our nation on the line and now they are responsible for the second downgrade in our Credit Rating. Houses are going to play out question of september youve got a lot of Funding Bills that seem to be on a rocky path at this point. Earlier this year the house caucus a bunch of conservative entire republican conference and i bind a Spending Bill the 2022 levels that is to return bureaucracy to precovet Spending Levels of poles off the charts. But we have seen since memorial day when in fact a bad deal was cut another fortune dollars of borrowing was blessed by congress the president signed it, we have seen what about a trillion in half dollars of Additional Debt since memorial day, shannon we cannot keep Spending Money the way we are spending it right now recklessly we are funding a bureaucracy that is at odds with the American People we are funding a dhs that is not securely, were running d. O. J. That is not enforce the rule of law we are funding a dod thats more interested in being awoke having social while and wrapped in uniform than defending the United States. My job is all the spending back in september to 1. 471 trillion which is a 2022 levels we start getting us on a path to fiscal sanity will get that rating back. The American People and sanity again and thats are going to fight for. Shannon septembers going insane i have a feeling here in washington Congressman Thanks For Dropping in peacocks god bless. Shannon must democrats and think of a President Trump would be the best target in 2024. New warnings from the left and the right they should be careful what they ask for up nickel bring in the sunday panel to discuss the latest in the race to the white house. The chase Ink Business Premier Card is made for people like sam, who make everyday products, designed smarter. Like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. Oh, genius for more breakthroughs like that i need a breakthrough card. Like ours with 2. 5 cash back on purchases of 5,000 or more. Plus unlimited 2 cash back on all other purchases. And with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas a brilliant reality the Ink Business Premier Card from chase for business. Make more of whats yours. Woman why did we choose safelite . Vo for us, driving around is the only way we can get our baby to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. We went to safelite. Com. Theres no one else wed trust. Their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our cars advanced safety system. They focus on our safety. So we can focus on this little guy. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Light Acoustic Music Plays Eagle Screeches energetic music plays there he is its right there oh, hes straight ahead. Hes straight ahead. Straight ahead. Go go go. Cover more ground in the kia sportage turbohybrid. Kia. Movement that inspires. Every time they file an indictment we go way up in the we need one more indictment to close out the selection. One more indictment and this election is close out. Nobody has even a chance. Shannon interesting take by president donald trump. Defined his first speech was being written arraigned on yet another round of criminal charges predicting his legal issues are going to help them to regain the been the white house talk about with her son to get foxs rated political dentist editorinchief josh kraushaar, constitutional lawyer tried h. Doug heye Unhorsed Cooper Off Ar and legal commentator. Thank you for being here. The political point to keep in mind this is exactly were democrats on voters to focus on mr. Trump all day every day. And isaac and i was five years old and my grandma told me the story about prayer rabbit. It was a case where brer rabbit was cut by the fox finally. And he said to the fox you can drown me, you can eat me, you can roast mabel whatever you do do not throw me into the briar patch. The fox, being as vindictive as he could be threw him into the briar patch and set him free. In a lot of ways it looks like these indictments constitute the briar patch for our former president. Many of those like the fox think they finally caught him they have him under control. It may prove to be just as much like the story. Of the briar patch. But thats what accesses warning about theres encompass cited biden despite most things he committed tears parents biden and trump are tied in the polls according to the New York Times poll despite majority Ththing Trump has committed serious federal crimes. There are warnings we read about also i think it was in political this week former president obama had lunch with President Biden and warned him about not taking President Trump seriously enough. Elizabeth, are democrats going to be getting what they ask for their own risk . These Polling Results seem they want President Trump he could actually put up a good fight with President Biden progress i think certainly we are seeing that defiant speech he is using these indictments to his political advantage with his base. But i think the administration was in some ways in a tough place. Athe facts lead to these indictments im very serious issues of trying to overturn democracy in the classifieds documents case potentially threatening the National Security of the United States with these highly sensitive documents, these are really serious charges per think the administration, the department of justice which is insulated from some the politicals concerns i think they did the right thing by following the facts of the lot where it led. Whether or not its a positive political thing is less clear but in some ways im really proud of them for not engaging in the political calculus and instead working to really uphold the rule of law. Even if he can score a point or fund raise up these indictments, the Republican Party i grew up with one to protect National Security wanted to ensure peoples votes were counted and that democracy rained not only in the United States but around the world. It seems like there is cause for definite Sulfur Flexion for the party. Theres also an interesting piece in your times what if they are the bad guys here . People anti trump are they just pushing half of america into his arms conclude they are under clinical and moral assault why they have rallied around trump as her the best warrior againste educated class. We can condemn the Trump Populace until the cows come home the real question is will we stop behaving in ways that make trump iss him and evitabl . Some people felt condescension in that piece also but its an interesting introspection like the people who hate President Trump are you making america love them . Do you not to let introspection and the media these days a lot times on Capitol Republicans Meeting horace and i were in some these meeting someone will say lets challenge your own assumptions here. What have we not thought through what do we have wrong we could do better question at that certainly part of what david brooks is speaking to here. We see there is a trump, this anti trump theres anti anti trump gets a very calm convoluted very quickly. When youre democrats trying to plan out you should be mindful you played that game before the content campaign wanted to face donald trump they got their Ideal Opponent we see what it got them a loss in the end. Shannon s worry among democrats to see minutes in the party do not want President Biden to be the nominee again that looks inevitable at this point. Theres also a worry they say whistling past the graveyard democrats are worried their fears are growing over massive grassroots fundraising they do not think it Biden Campaign is doing well on this front. The lack of Grassroots Engagement is a warning sign for biden to head of a Cycle Raising questions whether the 80 old incumbent is exciting the Democratic Base the way he will need to win and a second term. We are about to head into an election we could have a matchup between an indicted president and an 8yearold president who has trouble making his case to the public f or joe bidens Fundraising Numbers have been mediocre at bestie has raised less money at this point compared to donald trump in this quarter running up to the reelection up to obamas reelection, over half of democrats and some polls show a desire for someone else to run as a democratic nominee. Joe bidens biggest concern is not trump theres going to be a lot of voters looking at trumpo legal problems in voting for the biden automatically per the challenges getting them to show up. Getting young voters to show up. Getting the base to show up when theyre apathetic about his Campaign Progress in your times poll with the tide of 43 without donald trump strength of the fundamental weakness of the income up or joe biden is a very bad place politically. A special black voters. Shannon will talk more the pound just a minute by the way do not forget Fox News Channel is your home for the fi First Republic and primary debate august 23 in milwaukee. Bret baier and Martha Mccallum will moderate the can to take the stage at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. Some prince counteroffensive under way as fresh round of talks to golf in saudi arabia the helper strategy to end this war for a live report on where things stand next. Plus knockout round time in the default world the latest on the u. S. Team. The latest we come back shannon linsky is presenting a peace plan at a summit of more than two dozen countries as we can with one notable absence, russia. Not invited. Talks could preview future negotiations to try to end this war. Turning is now the counteroffensive Fox News Senior Foreign Affairs with Beautiful Church bells going the background, hello greg. Hey shatatian thats right ch bells going on. Theytheyre going on in saudi aa this weekend. Just about now first to the warlike actions happening here overnight rush of buying another wave of dozens of hypersonic Cruise Missiles plus drones at various locations throughout ukraine. Most were shot down but some got through. Including hating what was said to be a blood bank and eastern n ukraine to strike a work crime. This is ukraine is busy to a University Building aggression held up in flames. The unconfirmed charges ukraine is controversial clustr munitions. Also after you create large naval drones against russian ships in the black sea this past week. This an apparent response to russias pullout from the green deal aimed at getting food to needy countries. When the top x of the peace summit this week and energetic room that met with zelenskyy in the past, not representatives of some 40 countries including the u. S. , china and india were there. But not russia. According to officials on the ground here, some basic principles were discussed including the priority of International Law and International Rules based order. We anticipated this conference will show the progress for the progress of work with the countries of the global south. I think the progress is there. A russian or, again a non attendee at this meeting called it all a hoax. By the Summer Counteroffensive grinds on, may be one important take away from this meeting, the decision to meet again, shannon. Greg reporting thanks very much. Back now the panel. This is something the 2024 gop field is having to talk about there is daylight among them when it comes to issues of ukraine to Chris Christie the latest to go over there and touch down for some meetings on the ground. But what about the field having to get serious about Foreign Policy discussions . If ukraine is part of a divide in the Publican Party you are suggesting shannon from youe the choice Strong Division between the mike pences, the Chris Christies, nikki haley, and the isolationists which are making up the majority right now of this republican electorate with donald trump, rhonda sent us a little bit in that direction. This is going to be the fight at within the Republican Party. You look at the public polls are strong support for finding and helping ukraine defeat the russian aggression. Within the Republican Party its very divided. That debate is would be fought out on the campaign trail its coming up on fox this month is going to be foreign policies going to huge issue because that ukraine is one of the big factors that divide their Publican Party. Foreign policy issues with russia obviously pressuring the Current Administration a new was theres now a Coup Bloomberg reporting on this because there is very valua a very valuable ue is a great outpost for those hoping for a democracy there it says pro coup crowds have read the russian flag to denounce french imperialism yet head of the russian wachter Paramilitary Group welcome the takeover if it falls into the russian orbit the world would depend even more on moscow and its clients for Atomic Energy and of course this morning the pro coup group is calling on wachter for help. Is no surprise. Our president was selected be the running mate of joe biden because of a socalled Foreign Policy. As we now know since he was Vice President he has been on the wrong side of every consequential and important policy issue. He seems to have a problem with military bases. Our Nint Niger Access is Apparey Frittered away not unlike our air base was frittered away by this administration. We are seeing little to no real attention to the National Security needs of our country. Unlike a nixon who is seen as a hawk but during the vietnam war ended up having to shut it down because the American People were sick and tired of the shenanigans and games. Our president has a foot tract on Ukraine Support effort and all we are seeing is american dollars going to waste very little positive outcome. There is no surprise we do not see support within the republican base. For this ukrainian effort too. On the issue with an eye jeer, their critiques out there as well the ap says they fumbled the coup and gave russia and opening says this the coup of success could lead russia to pick up some of americas most important drone bases used to fly missions across the sierra r between libya and nigeria. Missteps and Communication Breakdowns push the best nation toward russia just another headache for this to ministration. Yes i think it is also a blow to democracy around the world. The region of west africa was a burgeoning democracy hub in the continent of africa. And to see corruption and neglect of the people, that people even before this coup have been suffering theres been extreme poverty and a sense of injustice. I think while the coup is extremely disturbing for the growth of democracy, also the failure to release sure up some of the west african democracies we are seeing this urban other coups in the region in the past few years. It is heartening to see the west African Regional forces say they might intervene to put back into place the democratically elected president there. But it is certainly a cause for concern for the people part of the most affected by this here and also in ukraine and also for democracy. Shannon as we debate the foreign issues on the stage and throughout the 2024 field, Vivek Ramaswamy got a place he had to explain itself this is what he had said 911. I do not believe the government has told us the truth but again im driven by evidence and data. What ive seen the last several years as we have to be skeptical of what the government does tell us. Not seen evidence to the contrary but do i believe everything the government told us about it . Absolutely not piglets do you believe 911 inside job . I dont. You dont know the saudis rule. Exactly right records quickly the issue of mistrusting the government. Quick sure there is a robust skepticism of anything we hear from our government. But then to get the extra step or four we have seen where he said in iowa, i dont know if this is a left leaning Talking Point but i do not care. If you are alert running for the republican nomination probably dont say that scented stop before you say that sentence do not go down as he self described a rabbit hole you get into various dangerous place for you having to explain weird things quickly. Shannon by the way we have to say u. S. Womens World Cup Team is out we might have some images this disappointing loss was sweden, you can watch all the world cup play out on fox. This is what we hoped we would be cheering for her own women in the same but we say goodbye to the u. S. At this point. The games continue, the worldwatch. Right panel thank you very much will see you next sunday up next of my conversation with multiple number one New York Times bestselling author about his new book and how he finds inspiration for each new thriller. Okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. Together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. Yaaay woo hoo ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. Hi, im sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. I realized i needed to make a change when i looked in the mirror and did not recognize myself. I felt sick, i felt sluggish, i was diabetic, and my cholesterol was high. 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Well, my podcast drops a fresh new episode this morning. I sat down with the multiple New York Times bestselling author. Deadfall and how he crafts each new adventure and gets all that inside scoop. Plus you can hear all of todays program on the fox news podcast. Download and subscribe the fox news podcast. Com or wherever you like to get your podcast. That is it for us today. Thank you for joining us on Fox News Sunday. Have a fantastic week. We will see right here next week going to get ya. [laughter] maria good Sunday Morning, everyone. Welcome to Sunday Morning futures. Thanks so much for join withing us this morning, im maria bartiromo. Today, the brand for sale, the biden brand. This from devon archers Stunning House interview last week saying that what he called the brand was what china, ukraine and russia all wanted to pay for with owe biden at the seat of with joe biden at the seat of power as the Vice President of the United States. Yet democrats are not acknowledging bi

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