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[national anthem] pete good Sunday Morning. Welcome to the Sunday Morning edition of fox and friends on august 6, year of our lord, 2023. Thank you again for your photos and if our nations anthem. Good morning to will and rachel. Rachel is that you are your cat, pete . Pete its not. My cat survived eight days in the basement with food and water while we were gone. You just pile up the food in two big containers. You pile up the food, you pile up the water in two big bowls, and then you fill up the litter and then you hut the door. Ing shut the door. Will i dont think you tell the story. Pete i think people do this all the time. Will do they . Pete yes. Were very humane and kind to our cats, but i dont need them roaming the house making problems. They have plenty of food and water, they have some sunlight. Will ive never been a cat guy rachel what are the benefits . Pete you dont have to worry about them. Will you dont board a cat . You just lock are it in the basement and toss some food on the floor in. Pete boom, good to go. You come back and theyre happy again. Excited to see you with, you pet em, life is good. Will imagine if dog people did that. Pete thats why dogs are such a problem. Theyre another kid. Cats are just easy. Rachel remember when mitt romney put his dog on top of his car . Will i remember that controversy. Remember the quaint days of politics when that was a controversy . [laughter] pete good old days. On our way to vacation we drove through alabama, and we spottedded a sign while we were driving. Look at this sign, go to church. Rachel what does the bottom say there . Pete or the devil will get you with. I might add that to the tagline at the end of the hoe on sunday. Rachel id totally vote for that. Pete go to church or the devil will get you, middle of alabama on our drive down the panhandle. Rachel if you ever run for office, that could be your Campaign Slogan and the story about the cat will be used against you. Pete do you know how many things on this show will be used existence me . Against me . [laughter] were going to rerack that tape plater later. If you missed the 9 59 moment of yesterdays show. Will i dont know that we should replay that. [laughter] rachel i think, no, were going to have to. All right. Will its not good. Defiant former President Trump rallies his supporters in South Carolina last night telling them we are headedded for the most important election of our lifetime. Pete just hours earlier, a federal judge denying trumps legal team more time to respond to the dojs motion for a protective order. Rachel and our own Alexandria Hoff joins us from washington with more. Good morning, alexandria. Reporter yeah, the Justice Department is seeking a protective order in the case. Thats different from a gag order in that it doesnt prohibit all discussion of the case, but it does restrict one party from revealing information that the opposing party gives them in discovery, and prosecutors say a substantial amount of evidence is ready to be handed over regarding the alleged election case against him. Special counsel jack smith feels the president could potentially compromise evidence and witnesses. Protective orders are pretty routine in criminal cases, but many argue that this is not a normal prosecution or election. This will be the single biggest and most important election in the history of our country and maybe the history of the world. [applause] were going to turn our country around because our country right now and our leader right now is an embarrassment. Reporter a judge has given trumps legal team until tomorrow to respond to the protective order request and then after of that deny dod a motion by trumps lawyers to extend that Deadline Writing defendants motion for extension of time is hereby denied. The court are determine whether to schedule a hearing to discuss the proposed protective order after reviewing defendants response. A trial date has not yet been set for this Election Results case. Ahead of it though dozens of House Democrats are pushing for cameras to be permitted in the federal courtroom so that the case can be covered live. A meter reads, quote, given the historic nature of the charges brought forth in these cases, its hard to imagine a more powerful circumstance for televised proceedings. It will be vitally important for it to be witnessed. Cameras are largely prohibited in federal courtrooms, but House Democrats argue current policy allows for individual judges to make that decision on a case by case basis. Guys . Pete man, its going to be a back and forth, and it feels like theyre in a rush down there. Theyre going to be moving as fast as they can, and how many judges do you think are going to go in favor of the trump team . Rachel not going to happen. I hear theyre also trying to get television inside the courtroom. Hopefully what, how do you think will televised. Yeah, the democrats are pushing to have the potential trump trial televised. I mean, it just kind of adds, i mean, of course the massive circus that will be the next 18 months. Pete i just dont hi thats going to happen. Theres a lot of reasons why you dont have cameras in the courtroom, witnesses, intimidation rachel but who makes that decision . Will the judge. Pete federal trials have never been televised, and then the judge would have to make the call on that. Rachel its so funny, theyre constantly pushing things that are unprecedented pete president and then calling trump unprecedented. Will divide is continuing to grow between President Trump and his former Vice President , mike pence. President trump put this on truth social last night. He said, wow, its finally happened. Little mike pence, the man who was about to be ousted as governor of indiana until i came along and and made him vp has gone to The Dark Side to. I never told a newlyemboldened pence to put me above the constitution or that mike was too honest. Hes delusional, and now he wants to show hes a tough guy. Rachel yeah. And hes Making Money Off of it, by the way. Too honest is now his merchandise slogan. Pete yeah. I mean, first of all, too hones, as rachel mentioned, so the Pence Campaign has put too honest on a shirt. Too honest thing comes from the indictment from jack smith where they claim donald trump said, oh, mike pence, youre too honest when he wanted him to not certify on january 6th the Election Results. I just dont see how putting the words of jack smith on a tshirt is going to help you inside the republican primary. I dont know. It is, you try to be tough, where does this lead, how does it help him in. Rachel his reputation is really suffered so much throughout this. Everywhere he goes hes booed, hes heckled. Republicans dont like him. Theres a certain classes of people in the Republican Party that like him, theres the kind that write really big, fat checks, and the rest of them dont. Pete even a lot of them dont like him because hes very prolife, very socially conservative. This is a good with guy. Its just not going to be president. And using the words of a guy whos going after the most popular republican in decades as a Campaign Slogan is not going to work. Its will you can ask wheres it going to go, the only answer to your question is its not going anywhere now. So you might as well try a new tack. Will really has only been pioneered by Chris Christie at this point, so he joins a group now that says, okay, take on the former president pete youre exactly right. It doesnt it shows the strategy of all the other campaigns. Their strategy is we want jack smith to succeed. We want trump to go down. I mean, thats the silling silly little secret of why are you in this race at 3 or 2 or 1, because you want the deep state to win so you have a chance. I think thats the subtext of this, will, to your point. Will take a look at the cover of the New York Post today. We have it right here. Hunter laid bare. Pete oh, boy, what is this . Will it is an article, it is a testimony, ins essence, of an exstripper that says hunter biden sold himself as a power broker, but she says he was neither a bull nor a bear, he was a puppy. In fact, she says the following inside the New York Post, hunter biden sold himself to chinese and ukrainian officials as a closer on the rise who could leverage his Vice President , his fathers clout, to get deals done around the globe. And now hes come forward to confirm the tawldly, pa met thetic pathetic character. She said, pete and rachel, that she bled him out of 20,000 over a years time frame. Rachel yeah, but the article also says that she, based on the Text Messages between them, that they actually did have a relationship. At one point he said, this is hunter to her, to the stripper, im really in love with you. I know that seems silly and probably a little too much vulnerability, but i think youre extraordinary when youre being nice to me. I would love to be whatever you want me to be in your life. Heres why i think this story thes important. I think you have all these salacious things about hunter biden, theyre never really for us. They dont really matter. Theres lots of gross guys like that around the world. The only reason it matters is joe biden. You know, honey pots, strippers and hookers have always been used to get to people of influence and power in government. And, you know, this appears to be a new york one, but we know that he had not just an addiction to crack, but he also had an addiction to prostitutes, and she is one of many, many of a long list of prostitutes, many of whom he paid through his company. So this is, you know, we talk about joe biden being compromised,yet another way he was, he could have been pete Felt Like Hunter was a gateway for a lot of that stuff. And its part of what are representative Glenn Grossman rachel grossman, thats a wisconsin guy. Pete duly corrected, talked about joe and hunter yesterday on fox. Watch. Theres no question that joe biden is helping his sons business including getting a prosecutor fired to help his sons Business Which which we have him on tape admitting to. So, no, you know, i dont know the fire, but we have so much smoke i can barely see on this. We have testimony on all these matters, and its very apparent that the reason hunter biden was getting this, all this money is because joe biden was going out of his way to make it clear that he was, that he knew what hunter was doing. Will yeah. Ask yourself who was the brand, a Man Being Led around by the nose by strips addicted to crack, or the man who was at the top of more than policy and power. Who dines the brand . Rachel defines the brand . Rachel and look at whats happening in the country. Ukraine is a corrupt country that we, you know, people have been fighting over control of, now we know theres this war, of course, with russia and ukraine, and i think joe biden is too compromised in ukraine to actually end that war. Its part of the problem. Its part of why we keep sending weapons there and seeing ourselves enmeshed and actually endangering our own nation. We see talks about nuke hard war, we see nuclear war, we see china pete running out of ammo. Rachel china and Russia Making Moves in alaska together . All of that happened as a result of what happened in ukraine. And its all tie, believe with it or not, to kind of hunter and his depravity and the hunter biden and joe biden family corrupt business. Will all right. We turn now to the few additional headlines. Police in new york say a prominent doctor killed herself and her young child many a murdersuicide. The doctor reportedly walked in the babys room and pulled the trigger, then turned the gun on herself. Detail it is ability the case are still details about the case are still very limited. A court date is now set for the social Media Influencer who is accused of causing a riot in new york city. He is set to appear next friday. If convicted, the 221yearold could 21yearold could face 3 years in prison. The gathering started as a giveaway and spiraled Out Of Control leading to several injury withs and dozens of arrests. Rachel he could go to jail but not hunter biden. [laughter] will and to the world cup, team usas match against sweden is underway right now, they just kicked off the second half with no score so far. The in depther landing will advance to the quarter finals after beating south africa 20. Theyll take on spain who took Down Switzerland in a 50 rout. And japan also advanced after a 31 win against norway. And those are your headlines. Rachel are you following this . Are you going home and watching . Will i havent watched. I think their last game was at 3 a. M. In the morning. Look, ooh im torn on it. I always root for the usa, you know . If i had some personal connections off to that team, but that team has done their best to insure that theyre the hardest team in sports to root for. Pete its true. Will now, theres one person whos very easy to root for. He was just inducted into the nfl hall of fame. His name is zack thomas. Zack thomas is a middle linebacker for the miami dolphins. He went to Texas Tech University with. Hes a friend of mine, and im really excited that zack thomas pete you have a friend in the hall of fame . Will now i do, as of yesterday. Real quick, i want to share this story. A couple of years ago now i was at a bar in miami watching the super bowl, i saw you. Its when we got together in miami. We talked about pete oh, yeah, yeah. [laughter] will this bartender was from panama, and he was a huge zack thomas fan p just randomly started telling me about this, he had a jersey. So i text the zack, man, this was the day zack thomas was denied entry into the hall of fame. Its disappointing when you dont make it. He went to this bar to sign his jersey and give him a brand one. Now hes deservedly a hall of chairman, but so too is longtime dallas cowboy, amazing player, demarcus ware. It says former bronco pete it does. Will the majority of his career as a cowboy. And he said this when inducted into the hall of fame if yesterday often theres something in our lives that pushes us to make a real change. For me, that one single moment was when i was in college. All i could see was the potential shooters eyes and a gun barrel pressed against my head. All i heard was my family saw, dont kill him. At that moment i knew god gave me a second chance, and i had to do something with it. [applause] that was my turning point. From the moment i was born, god put me on a path to this jacket, on a path. People say that you are a product of your environment, but that doesnt have to be true. I used mine to put me here just like all the other guys behind me. No matter what our circumstances, we made a choice and worked to be great. Pete and he ends by saying this is and has been gods work. Rachel he also in his speech talked about his father, so he grew up without his father in his life. At some point he forgave his father and in his speech referenced that again, how he forgave his dad for not being in his life, and his dad was present for this amazing moment for him. Will very impressive guy. Pete yeah, definitely. Great player too. And Football Season is back. Will were close, yes. Rachel that means summers over. Pete that is true, thats the one downside. But im going to take the upside. Up next, two Orlando Police officers are expected, thankfully, to recover after they were shot during a traffic stop. The citys chief joins us next with an update on their conditions. Rachel and grammywinning singer or neo is so sick of parents allowing their children to make lifealtering decisions like changing their genders, his remarks coming up. Whatever i do, stay by my sid cuz, baby, its always better with you thats why, weve we pull our favorite looks together instore and in in the app. So it is easy to get the look you want for less. You got this. We got you. 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The two officers were hospitalized after the shooting and are expected to make a full recovery. Here with an update can on their conditions is Orlando Police chief eric smith. Chief, thanks for being with us this morning. Lets start with the update, please, on your officers. How are they doing this morning . I got the opportunity to spend last night with both officers. Theyre doing better, theyre in good spirits, its going to be a long road for their recovery. Will take us behind the scenes. What happened here that led to the shooting of your officers in orlando in. So we have a downtown like a nightclub area, we have a lot of officers assigned to that area. Two officers came across a vehicle and a suspect, and the suspect was wanted in a homicide in miami, a shootout ensued. He shot both officers, and we ended up getting in a vehicle pursuit because he carjacked another person. We lost him in the vehicle pursuit, but we were able to track him to a hotel the next day where the swat9 team engaged him. He was given the chance to surrender. He refused, shot at our officers, and they shot back and ended his life. Will really quickly, i understand he barricaded himself, essentially, in this hotel room . I mean, this had to have been, i mean, a high every shooting is, but this one sounds, the details of which, highly dangerous, highly difficult entry. How did you guys ultimately take down the shooter . So the first and most important thing we evacuated the hotel. It was early in the morning, so we were able to do that quietly. Then he actually call down, we made contact with him. We gave him an a opportunity to surrender. He refused and basically he shot the officers who were outside the room, and they engaged back and will shot at the officers. Yeah, he shot the officers, and they shot back which killed him. Will okay, but just to be clear, the initial two officers are the only officers injured in the interaction . Yes. No officer were injured in the takedown, yeah. Will okay. You know, this is just another reminor, a story that shows the dangers that you guys face on a Daily Bay Kiss basis. I dont know what your message is for those in Law Enforcement or watching as well, but just another heroic story but also one that highlights the dangers of your profession. Most definitely. I mean, our officer as put their lives on the line every day, and and they do it in every Community Across our country. You know, we just want the community to know that were there for them, we support them, but we also need their support, you know in thats what our community did. Theyve kind of come together, come to the hospital, nothing but messages for our officers to get better and support for our officers. Will well, we send our support as well, our well wishes to those two officers and and wish them the best. Thank you for being with us this morning and keep doing the good work there in orlando. Thanks for having me. Will all right. To a fox weather alert, a massive august storm is set to trigger Severe Weather across the midwest and northeast. Rick has your forecast, and oregon ends its ban on selfservice gas pumps after 72 years. Drivers are so confused, theyre turning to howto guides to fill up. Thats still ahead. Rachel we are back with a weather alert are. Severe august storms threatening much of the country over the next few days. Tornadoes in the midwest already ripping through homes leaving a trail of destruction. Will and flood warnings many alaska this morning as a lake reaches record levels. Pete lets turn now to Chief Meteorologist rick like newt for our Rick Reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. Whats up in. Rick good morning. Theres been so much going on this year. Big storms across parts of oklahoma, you see this little bit of circulation across areas of nebraska, south dakota, iowa and minnesota, thats going to be the catalyst for Severe Weather later today, especially as the day heats up, and well all of this energy move across the Tennessee Valley bringing Severe Weather today and tomorrow. The red, 2 big biggest bulls eye. Definitely strong the wind and hail, but we couldnt rule out a tornado. This includes louisville and nashville. Tomorrow right across the ap appalachian chain, thats where the biggest storms are going to be, even the midatlantic the, get ready for a toe or two and definitely strong, damaging winds. Heat across the south, excessive Heat Warnings in effect anywhere you see that pink. Goes from Florida All The Way towards california, places you think, yeah, its supposed to be warm in the summer but not this warm. These temperatures are breaking all kinds of records. I just cant imagine, will, your from dallas, how has the summer been . Will its so hot that my tree is quitting. [laughter] its a source of stress and and if bothers me that my oak tree is just pete its withering . Will no. Its gigantic, pete, its 80 years old rick you should probably throw some water on those trees. Will i am doing that. Rachel will have trouble getting into nashville somewhat time you going . Right after the show . Youll be all right. Pete oh really . If okay, sweet. Rachel were going to turn now to your headlines. China and russia triggering a big response from the u. S. Navy after conducting a joint Naval Operation off the southwest coast of earlier this week. This according to the wall street journal. The navy serving four destroyers to guide eleven chinese and russian ships away from american waters. Alaska senator dan sullivan telling fox news digital, quote, weve entered with a new era of authoritarian Aggression Led by the dictators in beijing and moscow who are increasingly aggressive i wonder what could have brought pete led by joe biden. [laughter] rachel harry and meghan reportedly spending millions of dollars to turn Popular Novel Peat me at the lake into a movie for meet me at the lake into a movie for netflix. Meanwhile, staff at a tech startup are turning on harry as employees claim his does, quote, zero things [laughter] and gets paid a sevenfigure salary as the company lays off employees. You think hiring a royal who does nothing was going to result in anything other than him doing nothing . Pete apparently hes like an influencer or something, comes to meetings and says nothing. Rachel its like their charity where all they do is call other people doing charity, you notice that . Yesterday was the first day in 72 years that govern januaries were allowed oregonians were allowed to pump their own gas, but some longterm drivers in the state were left confused by how to do it on their own. Even releasing a howto guide including tips like turn off your car, take off of the gas cap, Insert Nozzle into gas tank. New jersey is now the only state that has a ban on selfservice gas. And those are your headlines. I kind of like when they fill my gas tank up in new jersey. Pete really . Rachel i do, because when its cold pete well, yeah. Rachel i dont like getting out of my car when its cold. Will you tip, right . I dont live in new jersey. Rachel you can. Pete youre supposed to. Will i only bring that up because of the insane Tipping Culture we now live in. That seems intuitive, you tip that guy. You you dont tip the checkout at a selfservice key Gross Withing pete but you do. Will no, weve got to make a stand, man. Its Out Of Control. Pete okay, youre going to make a stand will i have made a stand. [laughter] pete youre just that guy. Weil. Will were all together on this, its Out Of Control. Rachel the tipping. Pete its the hidden inflation. Rachel i think that, back to the gas, you know, filling, i think that gas tanks should be filled by men always. Will okay. [laughter] pete i feel like thats generally the case probably. Will i guess. Hadnt really thought about that. Pete i never tell jen will i thought you mean all the guys in new jersey oh, im with you, i thought you meant all the guys in new jersey rachel ray what i mean is my husband should fill up the gas tank the or will i dont think that ive ever [laughter] i dont know that ive ever sat this in a car while my wife got out to pump the gas. Pete i dont think so. Rachel i want to say sean will fill up the gas tank so i dont have to. Will oh, thats a whole other level. You dont even have to Pay Attention to your gas tank . Rachel if i dont have to, i wont. Will so hell go out and look at your car pete he goes out intentionally to see the gauge rachel hell notice, hey, its low on gas, im going to fill it up. Rachel i thought you were a southern gentleman. Will im supposed to monitor my wifes gas tank and take it to the station so that she never has to stop at the station . Pete youre supposed to monothe to have the gas levels of your vehicle, will, and when you see theyre low, you fill them up. Rachel yes. Will come on. Pete its called a partnership. Will thats not a partnership, thats called dependency. Rachel ray yes will monitor your own. I am wholeheartedly this is not chivalry, this is enabling bad behavior. [laughter] rachel were going of to talk about this. Finish yeah, thats a good pete our producers rachel is will a jerk or not . Pete friends foxnews. Com. Will should rachel know how much fuel she has in the tank in. Rachel i got married so someone would take care of some of the things that i dont like to do. Pete that is true. It is nice. Will, youve got to just surrender to the coequal dependency. Will this is insanity. [laughter] also, another piece of insanity. Rachel this is insanity, for real. Will you know well, of course, we have enabled not just as society, but many parents have enabled Gender Transitioning at the age of 9 or 12, prepuberty, doesnt matter. Gender transitions in general. Well, musician, star neo, i hope i said that right, had said this on vlad tv. Watch. I feel like parents have almost forgotten what the role of a parent is. Amen. Weve lost control. If your little boy comes to you and says, daddy, i want to be a girl, and you just let him rock with that . Hes fine. Right. And where did he get that from . If you let this 5yearold boy decide to eat candy all day, or hes going to do that. Exactly. When did it become a good idea to let a 5yearold, a 6yearold, a 12yearold, make a lifechanging decision for themself . When did that happen . Right. I dont understand that. Pete cant say it any better better than that. Rachel pretty common sense. Theres a lot of parents who noo some parent ifs not to let them off the hook, they were being told by all these genderaffirming experts in the Lgbtq Community that, you know, or would you like your child to be, you know, or dead or another sex, right . So they were very much intimidated. I think people are waking up to this, to those pete hopefully that was just with early intimidation rachel yeah, i think so. I think they are waking up. Whats happened is now you have children, a lot of children who have made these permanent decisions, theyre seeing regreat, theyre seeing people wanting to reverse their surgeries, and its very difficult to go back to the way things were when you, you know, take Puberty Blockers and you chemically castrate yourself while youre a teenager. Its terrible. Pete i actually, i want to go back to the previous conversation. I want kathleen, your wife, to email will i open doors, i go last through a door rachel no filling your gas tank . Pete do you think will does enough . Will its not that ive made a point not to do it, its never occurred to me. Pete its probably partly you lived in new york for a while, it wasnt really a thing will aye live ive lived in texas for most of my life are, im [laughter] pete i think the emails are going to be pretty onesided. Rachel yeah. Theres a lot of things that kathleen does for you that you dont even notice she does. Im sure of it. I know her. Will shed notice if i went to fill up the tank. Shes, like, wheres my car . [laughter] pete all right. Till ahead, iowa farmers sounding the alarm as china buys up u. S. Land and valuable seeds. The call to protect our nations food supply coming up next. Will and and calling all texans, you have the chance to meet joey jones at a signing of his latest book, unbroken bonds of battle. 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So we have seen cases of chinese men in Business Suits digging up seeds and trying to take them back to china. In one case we caught the guy, and he was prosecuted, but im assuming this is happening all the time. Well, you know, this is a threat to american agriculture right here at home. And china is quietly Stealing American Agriculture by stealing our land. And now iowa farmers have also helped to ec expose expose what china is doing. And when you steal the seeds, youre stealing intellectual property, you know, from the United States. The seed is the oldest thing in the bible, so china is stealing that, theyre taking it back home. And, you know, they can buy land here in the United States, but with we cant buy land in china. And steal seeds from china, things of this nature. The administration is going to have to step up its efforts here to help curtail this and address it. The president has not addressed the issue of china. Ive been trying to meet with him about all of the issues that relate to american farmers, ask president president has not answered the call, you know, for the meeting. So here at home were suffering, and china is quickly and swiftly, they are stealing americas farmland right here in my hometown. They bought the campus, st. Pauls campus, the oldest black school probably in the country is now owned by china. Right here in my hometown theyre Buying Farmland at record numbers, and the administration is Asleep At The Wheel while were losing american agriculture to china. Rachel yeah. If you look at whats going on with americas farmers, were suffering at home, we cant get the help, but we see the United States not acting to take action against china, and something is wrong with that. Rachel yeah. I mean, you talk about the chinese buying up farmland. Just look at these stats. In 2011 the chinese owned 69,000 acres, now its 384,000, thats up 456 . Theyre continuing, as you said, to Outbid American buyers, outbidding them the, buying up the land. And, you know, you say theyre Asleep At The Wheel. Have you ever thought that perhaps joe biden cant do anything because hes compromised by the chinese . Because, to me, this seems like a really easy done and done National Security issue. Its simple to see that. Well, hes going to have to step it up. Hes going to have to show america that he can lead on this issue because right now what chinas doing, this is really a National Security risk. If you look at what chinas doing here in the United States. This is a threat to food security, this is a threat to intellectual property, and theyre also stealing our land. Rachel yeah. Im going to call it what it is, its stealing our land. And what they do is they have another farmer out there who may not look chinese buy the land, bidding on the land, but its really a chinese entity that owns it. And i spoke to my senator right here in virginia, senator tim kaine, about this haas week. Congress is going last week. Congress is going to have to act, and this president is going to have to act. Hes going to have to lead by example on the issue of china. Draw a line in the sand and say, hey, im going to have to fight for this country to make sure that i keep it american agriculture and americas farmers hands. Thats what this is all about, people. Rachel yeah. Its unbelievable that its happening, as you said, right under our noses. By the way, shame on those americans who are providing fronts for the americans for the chinese who are buying up the land. Youre right, this is the role of government, and it should not be happening. Really appreciate you bringing this to our attention, john. Keep up the fight, and well keep trying to get the word out with you. Thank you for having me. Rachel still ahead, more bud light backlash. The heir to the anheuserbusch fortune says his ancestors would be rolling over in their graves over the fallout from their woke partnership. And you know them the from their Grilling Segments out on fox square, now the mclemore boys are cooking and fishing for a good cause. Theyre going to join us live next. So you can improve your business however you see fit. Rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. Clink dr. Marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. Emily used part of her refund to buy. I run a wax museum. Let Innovation Refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. Stop waiting. Go to innovationrefunds. Com you really got the brows. He snores like an angry rhino. Youve never heard an angry rhino. Baby i hear one every night. Every night. Okay. Ill work on that. Save up to 500 on the new sleep number® smart bed. Plus, free Home Delivery when you add an adjustable base. Shop now only at sleep number®. 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Will you know we love our next guests from all of their grilling out on fox square, but today theyre at oceans edge in key west, florida, raising awareness for the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation at an invitational barbecue cookoff. Rachel the Mclemore Boys Join is us now. John and john, how you doing . Whats going on, guys . How yall doing . Pete doing great. How yall doing there in new york . Will they did not put in the prompter, did not make rachel read the name of your event. Go ahead and tell us about this fundraiser. [laughter] it is the rub and tug invitational barbecue cookout put on by w sauce for pediatric cancer research, and today is opening season of lobster. We still got some of em kicking. Because its opening season, we actually had to go get these last night at 12 a. M. Midnight. Wety get these in a buddy of ours here. We are lobstering today. Finish. Yep. And its really important. Rachel, you actually have one of these brushes that we sent you home with rachel oh, i love those. Yeah, i love it, i love it. Its real important to have your grill super clean. So were actually put the lobsters on. We actually just did mahimahi, we caught 50 pounds and maxed out yesterday. The reason were cleaning that, is its great brands like grill rescue that are pulling together for the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation. Its the biggest guys in barbecues, weve got guys that have got millions of followers on social media all coming together to put aside the selfish things that we have going in this world, and were trying to raise awareness for cancer research, because we all know that impacts us. But for the grilling, were actually killing these on the master built portable gravity gull. Its battery powered, so when youre at an event like this and out kind of with no electricity and and all that kind of stuff, you can still grill up the stuff you caught the day previous. Dad, how do we do our mahimahi, real quick this . We limited out with 20. We put butter, and these guys right here are also helping us out, lanes barbecue. Yep. These guys are our partners here as well. Season with butter, lanes rachel all right. Were going to lose your guys in just a second here. Pete look at that web site right there to support it. Good luck in the contest. Let us know how it goes. Thank you guys so much. Well see yall later. The allnew tempurpedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. So, no more sweating all night. Or blasting the air conditioning. Because the tempurbreeze feels up to 10 cooler, all night long. For a limited time, save 500 on allnew tempurbreeze mattresses. Somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. uplifting music nothing is everything im celebrating my clearer skin. My way. With skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months. In another study, most people had 90 clearer skin, even at 5 years. And skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. Thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi this is my moment. Theres nothing on my skin and that means everything nothing is everything nows the time. Ask your doctor about skyrizi, the 1 dermatologistprescribed biologic in psoriasis. Learn how abbvie could help you save. [laughter] rachel oh, good morning. Pete [inaudible] rachel no, no, jason previously over luke perry. Go

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