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Cenat. Griff there were 67 arrests many of them were minors. The power of social media cau causing havoc. And cb cotton is kicking things off for us. This is a crazy story. The promise of free video games and items led to the trashing of this beautiful New York City park behind me. Its impressive how quickly the city cleaned things up. Theres an event happening behind me and you cant tell that the chaos ensued yesterday, but it certainly did and the influencer whose post was behind it all. K kai cenat faces charges including inciting a riot and unlawful assembly, but he could face other charges according to police. Sen cenat on instagram. Some were on lamp posts and some jumped on cars. A Construction Site was damaged and officers said that people took items from the sites, paint cans, shovels, and started throwing them around. And some people were even lighting fireworks and throwing them towards each other and towards police. Officers used metal barricades to push the crowds back and loud speakers to warn that the gathering had become unlawful. Several officers were injured. 66 people were arrested yesterday, including at least 30 juveniles. This is something well have an Action Review in terms of how we responded, how were monitoring social media and how we could prevent this in the future. We have encountered things like this before, but never to this level of dangerously where young people would not listen to our commands. They were fighting each other, hurting each other and turning attacks on us. We had to defend ourselves and make arrests. And maddrey says the influencer, kai cenat didnt seek a permit or inform police. And he has a following of 13 Million People across all of his social media platforms, griff. Griff cb cotton live at the scene of the riot in new york. Cb, thank you. Molly. Molly as the first g. O. P. Debate right here on fox quickly approaches, candidates are out there courting the voters and trump is rallying in south carolina. Pence hits the road in New Hampshire, others make their rounds in iowa. Fallout from trumps legal woes linger. Alexandria hoff has the details. Hi, molly. Theyve had to sync with a growing calendar of court dates, after the first indictment four months in d. C. , trump traveled to alabama. Every one of the fake charges filed against the biden doj. They wait until the election, we go up in the poll. One more indictment, this election is closed out and nobody has even a chance. And theyre hoping to limit what the former president can share about the allegations against him. And jack smith filed for protective order using this truth social, where the former president wrote if you go after me, ill go after you. And prosecutors claim this could have a Chilling Effect on witnesses. And former vicepresident mike pence is in New Hampshire talking security. And in less than three weeks now, for the debate stage. He has been too honest in the indictment and yesterday he talked about loyalty. I stood by loyalty through President Trump every single day, through the hail storm of the media, phony russian hoax, the president being impeached by a phone call, i stood there never ever wavered and i never changed until my oath to the constitution said otherwise. Democrats are pushing for a Policy Change that would allow for cameras in the courtroom so it could be covered live. Molly its tough for the candidates to get attention on the Campaign Trail with all of this going on. Thank you, alexandria. Griff. Griff President Biden spending the weekend in wilmington following allegations from his son hunters former Business Associate, devon archer. Archer testified before the House Oversight committee how involved joe biden was in his sons Business Dealings. Lucas tomlinson is live in wilmington, delaware, following all of it for us. Hey, griff. Devon archer testified that Energy Company burisma would have gone out of business if it wasnt for joe biden and his son hunter. A former doj Prosecutor Says that the Justice Department needs to investigate this matter further. I do think this case needs a Special Counsel. Look, when you and i talked about the case in the past we asked each other, you know, what were the millions of dollars for . Why would the then vicepresident , now president , deny ever speaking to them. Here is more from devon archers testimony, quote, i think burisma would have gone out of business if it didnt have the brand attached to it because people would be i am tim dated to mess with them. He was asked later, devon archer gave a closed door interview, and the republican chairman of the committee is irked that this case is not getting more attention and leveled the accusation saying that democrats are not being truthful about it. The one thing that drives crazy, anytime i go down to the skiff and get a briefing from the fbi or anytime we do a transcribed interview like we did last week, youll either have jamie raskin or dan goldman come out and tell the press complete lies about what we just heard. And it appears to be a rorschach test, both sides of the aisle looking at the case of hunter biden differently. Griff quickly, lucas. President biden has been on vacation with his family this past week, in rehoboth, and are we getting any further on arraignment of former President Trump . Its been quiet from the wilmington white house. As you mentioned President Biden left his home at the beach in rehoboth and now is at his other house in wilmington. Hes preparing to go to the western states to tout bidenomics. The jobs report, that inflation is a problem and mortgage Interest Rates are at highs and nine other countries have better Credit Ratings than the u. S. Griff following this for us, lucas. Thank you. Following the closed door session with devon archer. Dan goldman had this to say about the testimony. In return for pressure from burisma, he had to give the illusion, and he used that term, the illusion of access to his father and he tried to get credit for things that he, that mr. Archer testified hunter had nothing to do with, such as when vicePresident Biden went to ukraine on his own. Molly for more reaction to this. Were joined by republican congressman from wisconsin and member of the House Oversight committee, and thank you for giving us time on that saturday. I want to delve in a little there, what your colleague from the other side of the aisle was putting forth there rushing out to the microphones. Devon archer testified that hunters business was about the brand, the biden brand and what the democratic congressman was saying selling illusion to the access to the father. And almost fair, it wasnt the democratic words. And as archer put it, touch points, Contact Points were made and sought clarification on that description. As joe biden having meals with hunter linked Business People and mingling at multiple d. C. Dinners and calling in to Business Dinners and put on a speaker phone. Do you see that as a mere illusion . Your thoughts. Of course its not illusion. Theres no question that joe biden was helping his sons business including getting a prosecutor fired to help his sons business which we have him on tape admitting to. So, no, i dont know that he fired, but so much smoke everywhere i can barely see on this both from the devon archer testimony, from the secret witness in the past and testimony on all of these matters and its very apparent that the reason hunter biden was getting this, all of this money is because joe biden was going out of his way to make it clear that he was that he knew what hunter was doing. Molly one of the most interesting aspects of this was that hunter biden was serving on the board of t ukrainian board burisma and archer said intimidation because of this we know that President Biden was on this, when he was vicepresident , and ultimately the shokin, the prosecutor was fired and looking in for corruption. And now is archers testimony shedding light on those comments . Joe biden admitted with pride, admitted, bragged about his role in firing and having the ukrainian prosecutor fired and the archer testimony only adds further evidence to the degree to which joe biden would sometimes get on the phone or publicly weigh in on make it clear that he was connected with his son. Molly meanwhile, hunter biden almost, almost walks out of court with a sweet, no Jail Plea Deal that would have, could have protected him from some further prosecution. President trump appeared thursday facing another indictment. Republicans say theres a double standard. The g. O. P. Is fighting to level the Playing Field as they kind of get working to get to the bottom of this Ongoing Investigation going on, trying to bring to light all sorts of things and theyve brought to light some pretty interesting things, some conversations, but do you think there are two standards of justice . Oh, theres obviously two standards. The question is what is motivating the Democratic Party . Weve had three separate indictments, all right, in florida, washington and new york going on. Weve had other things like the raid on the maralago home, none of these things would have happened if it wasnt President Trump. So, somebody, they either want to make sure that President Trump cannot win an election next november or because President Trumps popularity goes up as the republicans gather around him out of a sense of loyalty or they want to make sure that President Trump is the nominee and there are a lot of democrats who i think wish he was the nominee. Whatever the motive is, the Democratic Party would not do to not only hunter biden, would not do to any other u. S. Citizen but President Trump. Molly and President Trump calling this latest indictment to the riots, he says he surges in the poll and says he needs one more indictment to assure his election. And your thoughts on on this g. O. P. Primary. Obviously, it helps with the primary and people wonder, some conspiracy theorist, they keep indicting him more and more and more, that they want him to win that primary. I dont know that thats true. But going back to the invasion of maralago, every one of these make President Trump more popular and Republican Party is nice people and feel sorry for President Trump and galvanize around him when they see him treated so obviously unfairly. Molly the race goes forward. There are more people joining the field. Thank you so much, representative glenn grothman, thank you for this. Its a fascinating week in washington. When is there not . Thank you very much. Griff all right from the other side of the aisle were joined by from massachusetts, jake auchincloss. Lets pick up where molly left off. And we saw former president arraigned and i was out there covering it all day and week. One of your tweets caught my eye. Here is what you said about all of this this week. You said this, dont let the spectacle of today distract from the severity of the moment donald trump tried to destroy democracy and if hes elected again he may succeed elaborate what you mean. Thanks for having me on. What i mean is if weve learned anything over the last eight years, 24 7 coverage of donald trump even if its negative, can insight demagoguery and what we need is fact and law on january 6th. And that will show in painstaking detail and overwhelming evidence of the individual sworn to protect the constitution and the United States tried to overthrow the democracy and for the First Time Since the civil war tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. Donald trump and his coconspirators need to face justice as well. Griff your colleague adam schiff and other democrats would like the judge to allow efgs it televisions in this courtroom and what do you say . Thats for the judicial conference to make. The American People were able to see the two years of testimony, and attempts to overturn the election and i think that the democrats answered the question that mr. Grothman just asked, what is motivating the Democratic Party . Whats motivating is the Democratic Party is the constitution . Its what motivates us. That i swore as a marine officer and the oath that donald trump tore up and too many g. O. P. Officials are quiet about because theyre afraid. Theyre afraid. Griff lets switch gears. We have the testimony from the president s sons Business Partner devon archer and start with me asking you, are you concerned at all, jake, about whether or not the then vicepresident joe biden was blending his official duties with his sons Business Dealings . Theres been no evidence whatsoever that joe biden is in any way implicated in the mistakes that hunter biden have made and this entire affair is a whopper of what aboutism. Griff hold on one second. Theres no evidence that joe biden accepted money, but in terms of the testimony from devon archer this week tieing the then vicepresident , joe biden, to being involved in phone calls that some of your colleagues have described as discussions about weather and not business, but the fact that they were on at least 20 phone calls together, that doesnt appear as troubling to you . As dan gold man elucidated through his expert Cross Examination of the witness, hunter biden was trying to sell the illusion of access. Were aboutisms. I watched the first 15 minutes of the news hour and you spent more time on joe biden than donald trump. Its apples and oranges right now. Hunter biden is a son of a president who made mistakes and donald trump tried to overthrough democracy jake, would you support a Special Counsel being appointed to look into to clarify exactly what happened between the president and his son in terms of Business Dealings . Would you support a Special Counsel being appointed . There is no question that hunter biden is not above the law, he needs to be held accountable. No question that donald trump is not above the law and need to be held accountable. Whats difference the Biden Administration has made no attempt to provide for Special Treatment for hunter biden whereas the Trump Administration to basically turn the administration into a cartel. Griff let me show you this letter, the letter that came about because of devon archers testimony. You see here, this is a 2011 letter to devon archer from joe biden on official vicepresident ial letterhead saying he apologized not getting a chance to talk to them when they were both at a luncheon for the chinese president and wrote in pen there, happy you guys are together. Meaning hunter biden and devon. My question again, yes or no, Special Counsel to look into all this, make it clear for the American People or not . Its another pattern of the republicans trying to gin up of a parade of anxiety to try to point to smoke where theres no power. There is the president vicepresident at that time engaging in pleasantries. The republicans are trying to deflect from donald trump and trying the false equivalence between the two where there is none. We need politicians and journalists to be very clear to the American People these are not equivalence. One is the former president of the United States who is a direct threat to 250 years of american democracy. Griff and as journalists well shine lights in every corner to make sure the American People have all the facts in all matters. Jake, auchincloss, congressman, thank you for taking time on saturday at always. Appreciate it. Molly police are searching for two suspects involved in the shooting in orlando thats left two Police Officers in Critical Condition. The details next. Okay everyone, our mission is complete balanced nutrition. Together we provide nutrients to support immune, muscle, bone, and heart health. Yaaay woo hoo ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. He snores like an angry rhino. Youve never heard an angry rhino. Baby i hear one every night. Every night. Okay. Ill work on that. Save up to 500 on the new sleep number® smart bed. Plus, free Home Delivery when you add an adjustable base. Shop now only at sleep number®. Hi, im jason and ive lost 202 pounds on golo. So when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. With golo and release, youre gonna lose the weight. A manhunt is still underway in orlando for two suspects in the shooting that left two Police Officers critically wounded after a traffic stop. Florida Governor Ron Desantis putting out this statement on twitter. Casey desantis and i are praying for the officers and their families and the entire Orlando Police are brave Men And Women Enforcement putting their lives on the line every day to protect. The perpetrator must face harsh justice. Jeff paul is following the story. Whats the latest . We have just got an update theres going to be another Press Conference at the bottom of the hour by Orlando Police and well follow at that when it happens. During the latest Press Conference, the chief of police says no matter where they hide or run to theyll be found and they will be brought to justice. As far as the shooting itself, it all happened last night, 11 p. M. Local time in orlando. The officers were investigating a car believed to be connect today a homicide that took place further south in the state in miami. However, when they stopped the vehicle, a suspect reportedly got out and then shot the two officers. Investigators say those suspects then carjacked another vehicle and took off. Orlando police chief eric smith says while theyre focused on finding the suspects, theyre also pulling for the officers who were shot and who remain in the hospital. We have two officers in Critical Condition. This is a sad day for our department. For the suspects out there, we will find you and you will be brought to justice. Thank you. Griff all right. And actually, jeff if youll hold that for a second. That News Conference underway now in orlando. Lets listen in. Im going to let the doctors talk about the conditions of the officers to the extent they can. But to those officers and their families who i had the opportunity to meet with earlier today, i want to thank them for their service and their dedication to our city. Theyve put their lives on the mine every line every single day to keep our Community Safe and thank the doctors and nurses at Orlando Health and all of those who quickly responded and provided Essential Care to the officers in Critical Condition at this time. Our entire communitys thoughts and prayers remain with the courageous officers and their families and opd during this difficult time and now id like to call on chief smith to update you more on the details of the events from last night. Thank you, mayor. Thank you, mayor and commissioners for being here. Its been a very long night. Officers face danger throughout the night trying to locate the suspect after two of our own were critically injured. Just a reminder, the officers identities are protected by marcys law. After an extensive such officers were able to find the suspect at the holiday inn 5900 block of caravan court. An s. W. A. T. Team responded to the hotel at 6 a. M. And able to safely evacuate the hotel. The suspect barricaded himself in the room and several attempts to get the suspects to surrender refused to give up. At 8 58 shot at our s. W. A. T. Officers multiple times. S. W. A. T. Officers Returned Fire Striking the suspect. The suspect is now deceased. The suspect has been identified as 28yearold dayton bale with exte extensive violent history. The second suspect was determined not to be involved in the shooting. Id like to thank Orlando Health and everyone throughout the night and everyone in the Community Sharing information and support for our department. Our officers are lucky to be alive and we ask you to continue to pray for them. And now turn to over to orlando heal health. Good afternoon. We exist for exactly this situation. We are the only Level One Trauma Center in Central Florida for both adults and for children and we stand ready at anytime 24 7 just for an event such as this. We see events like this on a daily basis where our citizens are injured or become sick. Its a Night Like Last night, it was a real privilege for us at Orlando Health to be able to take care of those that protect us as citizens of orlando every day. As youve heard, we had two officers brought to us at 11 00 last night. I cant go into the details to protect their privacy other than to tell you that both officers are with us, theyre with their families. Weve been taking care of them during the night and we expect them to fully recover from their injuries that they sustained in the line of duty. It is a privilege for Orlando Health to be able to serve the community and we look forward to being here and being able to do that in the future. Thank you. Now well take any questions. You mentioned one a second suspect who was not involved. This was one defendant, one suspect matter in your eyes. Yes. Can you walk us roughly through the timeline . I know we had multiple scenes in orange county. Can you walk us through everything that happened. I can some of it. Some of it is part of an active investigation of course. Leak i said before. The officers approached the vehicle. The person was outside of the vehicle and basically the car was basically wanted for as a suspect in a homicide out of miami. And then the shooting occurred. The two officers were shot. The officers were right there. The other officers were right there. A vehicle pursuit ensued, went through a couple of areas, different areas as you know we were doing Different Things in opopka and went over to the Hotel Caravan court, holiday inn where they found them. Griff youve been watching the Police Press Conference in orlando, the police chief there eric smith, saying that the suspect is deceased. Theyve gotten the suspect that had shot two Police Officers, critically injuring them, but the doctor there from Orlando Health there saying that the officers are expected to fully recover. Lets go back to jeff paul for just a moment. A lot that we heard there, jeff. Yeah, i mean, and youve got to think about in these types of situations when youve got someone, a suspect according to police already shot at two Police Officers, then you find out that they have barricaded themselves inside a hotel. Youve got to get all of these people staying in that hotel out. It sounds like they did that. They tried to get the suspect to give himself up. Then that suspect according to police, as you just heard there, then shot at s. W. A. T. Officers, pretty much giving s. W. A. T. Officers no choice, but to engage and kill the 28yearold suspect. Whats incredible all of these people, members of the public near the situation, not impacted by both of these shooting situations. So, it sounds like this was the outcome that Orlando Police was hoping for and then on top of that, hearing that the officers will likely make a full recovery, still a long road ahead for them, griff. Griff that the best news there. Our thoughts and prayers with those officers, families, for their full recovery. Jeff paul, thank you very much on the breaking and developing story, well check back with you as news warrants. Molly. Molly senior officials from over 30 countries gathering in saudi arabia this weekend to draft key principles on how to end russias invasion of ukraine. Senior correspondent greg palkot has more from kyiv. Molly, to the socalled peace summit in saudi arabia in a moment. First, ukraine pulling a onetwo punch on the high seas as the counter offensive grinds on. Overnight, a cargo ship sending oil from russia to syria hit by a ukrainian unmanned naval vessel, basically an explosive drone of the seas which they have used before, damaging the ship. The night before they did the same thing, this time hitting a russian destroyer near the key bridge, linking russia with crimea. In apparent response to russias bull out from the black sea grain deal and thats to getting food to needy countries. That should be one of the topics at the Ukraine Summit in jetta, saudi arabia this weekend. And president zelenskyy met with the crowned prince in the past and 30 countries, including the United States not including russia. They tried to reach some understanding about the conflict. Theres little understanding on the battlefield right now. Long time fox friends, 27 years old. The youngest Member Of Parliament active on the front lines with the armed forces tells, its slow going. What are they using land mines . Land mines first aplenty and theyre Mining Everything they can find and this is the only guarantee for them, obstacle for the offensive. Were you surprised the strength of that. Very much so, the land mines are the number not seen since the first world war. And molly, back to the black sea for a moment. Just in the past couple of hours weve been getting word that russia dispatched an su30 fighter jet to fend off, as they say, a u. S. Reconnaissance drone which was said to be entering Russian Air Space around the black sea. Apparently the drone backed off, but as you can see, theres a lot of folks getting involved in that part of the world. Back to you. Molly absolutely. All things to watch. Potentially big developments as you mentioned over the black sea. Greg palkot from kyiv. Griff two American Navy sailors facing up to 20 years in prison for allegedly spying for china. According to this, they passed Sensitive Information to chinese officials in exchange for cash. Christina coleman is following that story for us. Hey, christina. Hi, griff. U. S. Officials say these two cases demonstrates chinas determination to get their hands on our countrys Critical National defense information. China, among all such nations, stands apart in terms of the threat that its government poses to the United States. China is unrivaled in the audacity and in the range of its malign efforts to subvert our loss. One of the defendants a 22yearold naturalized u. S. Citizen who was born in china. Prosecutors say he served on the Amphibious Assault ship u. S. S. Essex and sold National Defense information including photos, videos, technical manuals to his chinese spymaster. The other sailor 26 years old accused of giving a chinese Intelligence Officer about u. S. Naval exercise plans and operations for nearly 15,000 in bribes. One sailor was stationed at Naval Base San diego and one ventura county. And maps of nearly half of the earths surface including the indopacific region. It can be incredibly damaging, as the risk with a china over taiwan, a potential invasion of taiwan increases, theres no doubt theyre doing everything they can to steal Sensitive Information and weaponize that against us. I find it shocking that American Service members would betray their oaths like this. And federal officials did not specify whether the two disturbing cases, similar cases are connected. Griff. Griff Christina Coleman following this story for us. Thank you. Molly for more on the story and u. S. China relations. Joining me live is the Senior Foundation for defense democracies. Thank you for giving us time on this saturday. I want to get into this. How concerning of this, both young men serving in the armed forces are giving information to china . Well, its obviously deeply disconcerting to see this, but i think its important to note that there is a long history now, really, dating back 20 years or perhaps more than that, of chinese espionage in the United States. All right, now we see examples of this within the military, but we also see it in the intelligence community, both former and current officials having been turned by the chinese. We see this kind of espionage at the university level, with research thats happening on technical matters that the chinese may be interested in. We see it in the private sector where theyre trying to buy up or steal information. Some people call this theft the largest transfer of wealth in modern history given the hundreds of billions of dollars that china has stolen or pilfered from the United States. Molly these two men facing accusations, two separate Military Bases in Southern California home of the pacific fleet. With the exceptional amount of stress that were facing between china regarding taiwan, how impactful is it, the information that they could have given out to these Intelligence Officers that are working for china . I think its hugely significant. Youve got to remember that china, really, over the last 10 to 15 years has gone from a strategy of trying to blunt American Power to actually going on the offensive in the pacific, so what theyre trying to do right now is to learn everything about our capabilities. So, you know, from everything from that spy balloon that we saw several months ago to whats just happened here, the goal is to learn as much as possible about our weaknesses, to learn about our systems, to learn about our plans. This is all, i think, in pursuit of that ultimate goal of dominating the pacific and perhaps more specifically, taking over taiwan. Molly these soldiers are actually quite young, one of them described as a Petty Officer second class. Here is one of the Pentagon Spokes people talking about the procedures they had to safeguard information. Listen. We have a robust set of policies and procedures going through the situation that youre referencing in terms of the airmen, as you know, we have done a very thorough analysis on steps that can be taken to further tighten controls and were working through that process now. Molly your thoughts on this information getting out there, being available. Does the military need to do something to further safeguard secrets that could ultimately be used against us . I think so. I mean, when you think back to what happened with Jack Teixeira that leaked out on platforms and u. S. Operations and to ukraine, and young people are gaining access to Sensitive Information and sharing it, whether in a public way or chinese handlers. Its clear now we have young people that are accessing things that could do a lot of damage to the United States. I think this is a question for the office of the director of national intelligence, odni, as well as the cia. There needs to be, i think, a deeper discussion about how much access is granted on each of these specific compartments. Molly and i think to wrap things up here, how concerned are you, specifically related to the information and when it comes to taiwan . Look, we, i think, all of us see that there is a conflict looming in the pacific, that the chinese are the word is they want to claim territory that does not belong to them although historically they believe it does. They appear to be willing to mount a significant military effort. Theyre in the process right now of building toward that. The United States needs to think very carefully right now whether were going to support taiwan directly, whether they do this ourselves. But theres a challenge to american supremacy in the pacific and its looming. Molly thank you so much. We appreciate it. Thank you. Molly brand new numbers are out on the state of the u. S. Job market and what those numbers mean for our compli next. Economy next. Ase ink business premier card is made for sam who makes, everyday products, designed smarter. Genius like 2. 5 cash back on purchases of 5,000 or more, so sam can make smart ideas, a brilliant reality chase for business. Make more of whats yours. Oh, hey. Buying a car from vroom is so easy, all you need is a phone and a finger. Just go to vroom. Com, scroll through thousands of cars. Then, tap to buy. Thats it. No sales speak. No wasted time. Just, straight up great cars. Right from your phone to your driveway. Go to vroom. Com and pick your favorite. Wooo. Oh yeah, she digs it. Buy your car on vroom. Com vroom. Get in. Struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1 . Ask about vraylar. Because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms with vraylar. Some medicines only treat the lows or highs. 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For more on this and other Economic News were joined by the president and ceo of the job creators network, alfredo ortiz, a friend of this show. Alfredo, thank you for being here in the middle of summer. Thank you, griff. Griff whats your thoughts on the latest jobs report and really, where things stand . Not too surprised. We are looking at these numbers really from a Small Business perspective. Our Small Businesses owners and Small Business members have been telling us all along theyre very concerned about this economy. Obviously inflation the number one concern. When you look at gas prices, for example, 60 from when biden took office, these are real numbers. Biden can be talking about how the rates actually slowing down, but the problem is the damage has already been done. Especially amongst Small Business owners and the average american consumer. You know, you hear, for example, Bank Of America talking about how Consumer Spending is up. Well, Consumer Spending might be up because of inflation. Theyre getting less though for the dollar that they actually spend, so, really the situation in the everyday situation, where the average person really lives, its not really that great. So, you know, these job numbers, im not really surprised and when you look at the jolts report, for example, its actually one of the lowest levels in terms of job openings since the pandemic and also, in terms of the quit rate which is basically an indication of how comfortable workers are to find a better job as well. Griff the wages not keeping up. I want to play it for you there. Vicepresident harris seems to be putting a positive spin on it. Take a look. That is called bidenomics. [laughter]. Thats called bidenomics and were proud of bidenomics. Griff and you mentioned gas prices. For more than 15 Straight Days its going up. Today 3. 83. Now, i will confess to you that the Jenkins Family is about to load up the beach chairs in the Family Truckster and fill up at the pump and blame inflation or trace everything to inflation, on the first day decision he made to attack the fossil fuel in the u. S. Not only made us a net importer of energy, but also disrupted the entire Global Energy market and so, we really can thank biden, yes, we can actually blame them though not thank them, but blame them for what were seeing today in the inflation thats out of control. Griff fitch downgrade. The news this week. What happened . Look, we just dont have the financial restraints in place. I mean, right now, about the only thing that we can only start looking at is an actual constitutional amendment for a balanced budget. Honestly, both sides i think over the years have been contributing. Griff i have a solution. As a fully disclosed avowed taylor swift fan, shes helping the economy. Yeah, actually she really is. In fact the latest Fed Beige Book she contributed 5 billion to Consumer Spending and what we might be doing, lets not calling it bidenomics, its swift swiftonomcs. Griff thats 5 billion with a b. Thank you for being here. Molly growing tensions in africa as military leaders staged a coup against the government there. Next. To not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. Nows the time to see what americas largest 5g network can do for your business. Veteran homeowners, need to save money every month . Call newday. Pay off your high rate credit cards and car loan with an Affordable Va Home Loan from newday. You can save 500 every month. Rates on credit cards have gone up to 22 . For late payments, as much as 30 , more than three times higher than a newday va loan. Pay off your credit cards and car with a Newday100 Va Loan and save. Type 2 diabetes . Discover the ozempic® trizone. In my ozempic® trizone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. 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Ask your Health Care Provider about the ozempic® trizone. You may pay as little as 25. Theres ongoing unrest in nigiers, the sevenday ultimatum to reinstate the president is drawing to a close. The deadline comes as coup leaders warn that any aggression against them will be met with an immediate response. Ryan with the latest. Molly, a group of Western African countries have given the military leaders of the coup in nigiers until sunday to free the democratically elected president of that country or to face military action, military intervention. However, the leaders of the coup themselves say they have no intention of releasing the president who says hes now their hostage and there are reports that these military leaders who seized power have turned to wagner. Yes, wagner, the russian military, private military thats been fighting in Eastern Ukraine for assistance in warding off any invention. Meanwhile, that block of Western African country, nigiers neighbors imposed sanctions on the country and at least some people have been protesting against the sanctions in support of the coups leader. Note the russian flags that some are waving, a reference of course to wagner. What is not at all gear is how much support the coup has beyond what you see in the pictures. Whats not near is when the Western African countries, if theyre going to keep their promise, their threat, will actually strike the deadline is tomorrow. That block of Western African countries that has agreed to intervene and youre seeing some of their military leaders here, have said theyre not going to say exactly when theyre going strike to maintain the element of surprise. Spain has airlifted some out of the country and france. The u. S. Has about a thousand troops in that country and again, that deadline is tomorrow and obviously, molly, a very sensitive situation with those french and u. S. Troops in the country and no discussion that they would be anywhere close to any fighter if there was, but still, obviously, always a concern when you have u. S. Troops in proximity of such a volatile situation. Molly, griff. Molly excellent point. Ryan chilcote, thank you. Griff were going live to delaware at the top of the hour, thats where President Biden is spending the weekend after a brutal week of headlines after the hunter biden investigation. T more energy in just two weeks uuuhhhh. Here, ill take that woohoo ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. Enter the 10,000 powered by protein max challenge. Scout is protected by simparica trio, and hes in it to win it. Simparica trio is the first and only chew with triple protection. Oh, fleas and ticks intestinal worms. Wow heartworm disease, no problem with simarica trio. This drug class has been associated with neurologic Adverse Reactions including seizures. Use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. For winning protection. Go with simparica trio. Molly President Biden spending his weekend in delaware following a big week on capitol hill. Former Business Associate of hunter biden, devon archer, shedding new light on the timeline of the thenvice president s involvement in the controversial ukrainian Energy Company burisma. Welcome to fox news live, im molly line. Good to be with you, and you, griff. Griff hour two, here we go. Im griff jenkins. This as Hunter Bidens defense team works on hashing out a new plea deal on tax and gun

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