Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX 20240704

a mountain morning is incredible. pete: fresh, crisp mountain morning with a cup of coffee with that view colorado. a little chill in the air maybe -- will: yes. pete: that's what you want. rachel: that is beautiful. that's america for you. pete: not wisconsin, but it's america. rachel: no. pete: fourth hour -- [laughter] will: rachel accused us earlier of gang up on her. rachel: yeah, they are, you see from that comment right there. [laughter] will: you feel ganged up on this morning? a little bit? rachel: we're just not on the same wavelength. pete: these two having -- rachel: i'm living in the real world right now. [laughter] pete: will is accused -- a accusing rachel of bringing her level 12 the game, and she's accusing will of coming with his level 8 game. one of them is true -- will: see, i think that's evidence right there. rachel: no, no, no, let's have our viewers decide, who's feeling america right now, will or rachel? let's have everyone just -- what's our e-mail again? will: rachel -- pete: how many years have you bonn the show -- been on the show? [email protected] can. will: it's going to be totally unfair, who's feeling american. my argument is who is above their norm. like, or below their norm. you're with arguing i'm a little laid back this morning below my norm, and i think you're -- rachel: you're in aloha land. [laughter] and i'm seeing what's happening -- pete: she's riled up. she's in touch with the people, she's feeling it. i agree. rachel: because i think our country's turning into cuba and russia and venezuela -- will: i think i rest my case. i think i rest my case. [laughter] pete: we only team up on you because we love you. rachel: you know what we should all get? a cuban cappuccino. pete: what is that? will: a cup of coffee with sugar on it. pete: i'm at a 10 -- rachel: will's at a, like, 5. [laughter] pete: but his 5 is everybody else's 8 or 9, so we're going -- will: well, i'm fired up on thi- rachel: yeah, you are. fair enough. will: so we now know devon archer testified before the house oversight committee earlier this week. it was later in the week when the transcripts have been released about what went down inside, because it was behind closed doors. those inside the meeting came out and told us what happened. and one of those that was inside the meeting was new york democratman dan goldman, heir to the levi strauss fortune. and he told us, told the media -- which they were ready and happy to accept -- that the story is that, you know, hunter was not doing things completely above the board, but what he was doing was really selling not access or influence peddling, he was selling to clients the illusion of access. watch. >> rather, you know, said that he was, that hunter biden was selling the illusion of said access. >> the witness testimony was very clear are that hunter may have, quote, promoted the illusion of influence on his father. >> a source familiar with the matter tells me that, you know, archer told the committee that hunter biden was selling the illusion, illusion in quotes, of access to his father. pete: we'll get back to devon archer and goldman. this is the same playbook they used with adam schiff and russian collusion. behind closed doors you see documents, you hear testimony, your deposition, bob mueller's investigation, but you don't get to see the documents or hear the testimony, you just hear what adam schiff comes out and tells you at the podium. this is what's happening with this behind closed doors deposition of devon archer or. dan goldman said he said the the illusion of access -- will: didn't he say, quote, right? pete: quote illusion, and then the media went and used that term. here's how the actual exchange went down inside that testimony of the house oversight committee. so here's dan goldman. this is the congressman. he's saying this. it's not about selling access to his father, it's about selling the illusion of access to his father, is that fair? so putting the words in devon archer's mouth. and devon archer said is that fair, yeah, i think that's almost fair. at which point -- [laughter] goldman follows up and says, almost fair? if why almost fair? because there are touchpoints and contact points that i can't deny that happened, but nothing of material was discussed. will: contact points are the calls -- pete: the meetings and the calls, but i can't go on record saying there was -- will: sorry. the touchpoints was that joe biden was on speakerphone as well over 20 times with the corrupt businessmen. so the point that we're getting at there is dan goldman planted the idea of illusion of access to which archer wouldn't even fully submit. that's almost fair, is what he says, and then he runs out there and paints it as -- pete: he's probably not even thinking of it as a narrative thing. he's in the middle of a deposition, the illusion of access, maybe you do want to make the client feel like they've got this amazing access, but joe biden's still ultimately on the phone, and they're admitting these contacts are still happening. rachel: right. but you know that those phone calls were about the weather -- [laughter] and joe biden wanted to give them updates, so we've been told, on beau, because beau was suffering from the cancer at this time. imagine how sick that is, to, you know, use the death, the dying, you know, state of your son as an excuse for why you're on the phone with a bunch of corrupt energy people that were paying off your son and changing policy. pete: that's the idea, the whole nothing material. so it's illusion of access and nothing material, to your point, rachel. will: they're trying to say that he brought up the weather. they literally said they were talking about the weather. rachel: i know. and they said they were talking about beau biden and giving updates because these people were really concerned about that. devon archer in the testimony says i think that's why it was able to survive for as long as it did, i guess he means breess ma? will: no, he means -- can yeah, yeah, sorry. rachel: because of additional capital or -- and then devon archer says, well, just because of the brand. goldman then says, well, i don't understand. how does that have an impact? and devon archer says, well, the capabilities to navigate d.c. that were able to, you know, basically be in the news cycle. i think that preserved them from a, you know, from a longevity standpoint. that's, like, my honest, that's really what i -- that's how i think holistically. and then goldman says, but how would that work? and devon says, because people would be intimidated to mess with them. and goldman says, in what way? and he says, legally. will: he's explaining the value of the brand, the brand being biden. rachel: right. because hunter is nobody without joe biden. will: that's right. joe biden is the brand. pete: biden is the brand. will: that's right. almost naively, like, goldman is walking town this path with him. but what's the value of that brand, and he lays it out. reluctantly, only because goldman keeps asking follow-up questions naively. pete: yeah. rachel: but kind of says so all this money goes into hunter's account, into all these shell companies -- by the way, also in the name of some of the grandkids -- and then the money gets shoveledded out to different people in the biden family. it's very easy to find out if the money ended up paying for joe biden's, you know, beach home or his bills which, by the way, many of the e-mails this hunter biden's laptop indicate that they did. the reason we don't know this and the reason why it's so hard, i'm going to give you sound from joe comer earlier, but the reason why it's taking so long, there has been zero help, zero lifting from the doj, from the fbi. and the irs agents who were honest and wanted to look into it were told not to go down any path that led to joe biden. that is why it's taking long. will: so the burisma executive that was connected to this said it would take 10 years, that it's so complicated. i mean, this is a direct quote in the 1023 form -- pete: yes, i remember that quote. will: it'd take them 10 years to unwind all this. but comer has said the irs agents were call away from the if door. they were ready to execute a search warrant on hunter biden, and they received a call from their bosses, no, don't go in there. and just to put it into context, james comer, kentucky congressman, chair of the house oversight committee, said he used to work at a bank for a decade, and all of his times at a bank they issued 2 suspicious if activity reports in 10 or years. the bidens, all of these people together, have received 170 suspicious activity reports -- rachel: from the treasury, right? will: bank files, it goes to treasury, treasury's supposed to turn it over to the i are s -- irs, and then the it becomes something. 170. [laughter] pete: where there's smoke. speaking of james comer, he was on the program earlier. we asked him about the evidence and where it leads. here's what he said. >> two weeks we produced more evidence of wrongdoing by the biden family, we've produced more links to joe biden, and yet the mainstream media continues to turn a blind eye. anytime we do a transcribed interview like we did last week, you'll either have jamie raskin or dan goldman come out and tell the press complete lies about what we just heard, and the press run with it. we produced bank records, we produced evidence. everything that i said about criminal activity by the bidens i can back up. their business was influence peddling, and that's what devon archer testified in the transcribed interview. i mean, the number of laws that have been broken by the biden family is stagger, and what we saw last -- staggering, and what we saw last week, joe biden knew all along who they were getting money from and why. rachel: and this isn't just important because joe biden and his family have gotten, you know, enormously wealthy off of this kind of influence peddling. but now that joe biden is president and he's still lying about that, these countries have something over him. he is compromised. and so if you look at our china policy, how weak it is, how we've let, you know, basically even after afghanistan, china's come in and they're doing can all kinds of stuff with rare earth minerals in afghanistan. all the things that a we're letting them do and get away with in our own country, the spy balloon that flew over, the land they're buying up in our own country, the way they're, they've taken over latin america and we're doing nothing about it. all of that you have to wonder, is it because the chinese have something over him? is it, is the money that we're sending to the ukraine with basically zero, you know, transparency on how it's being used, is that a payoff to ukraine for them to not divulge, you know, what the deeper corruption ties that the bidens have? because we know zelenskyy knows, which is why president trump was on the phone with him and was impeached for asking what kind of corrupt deals -- pete: turns out it was a perfect phone call, which is why the house should revoc that impeachment with republicans in charge. i don't understand why they wouldn't. and part of the reason this story is so infuriating is for the reasons we've covered multiple times on this program, is because this week they brought a third indictment at their top political opponent. they're throwing the kitchen sink at donald trump and his supporters using novel legal theories when the evidence is right in front of you of the bidens, and they refuse to look at it. will: governor desantis has fired back at the nba players' association. in a story late this week, the players' association issued a letter to the orlando magic and to the nba. the orlando magic, owned by the devos family who have long been supporters of republican and conservative causes, the orlando magic made a political contribution to the pac supporting ron desantis -- pete: as companies can do, right? will: as companies can do. rachel: ray is that normal in sports companies? will: i don't know. to be honest, i don't know normal -- rachel: i mean, does that happen often that, you know -- pete: probably doesn't happen often to prominent republican candidates. will: probably not. but let me return to normal in just one moment because, again, i guess that depends on what we're talking about as normal. here's what the players' association said. they said a political contribution from the orlando magic is alarming given the recent comments and policies of its beneficiary. nba governors -- which is what they call owners now -- pete: owners? will: yeah. nba governors, players and personnel have the right to express their personal political views including through donations and statements. however, if the contributions are made on behalf of an entire team using money earned through the labor of its employees, it is incumbent upon the team governors to consider the diverse values and perspectives of staff and players. the magic's donation does not represent players' support for the recipient. so the players' association is saying bad on the devoss, bad on the orlando magic for making a contribution to desantis, and they're going to point to all these policies that have been totally miscon construeed about what's gunning on in florida around african-american policies. nba players are allowed and encouraged to protest on the job whatever they want, kneel during the anthem, wear a black lives matter t-shirt -- pete: paint it on the floor. will: whatever. but if an owner does through the same organization, makes a political statement which is a donation, that's beyond the pale. so the employees get to define what the boss can say, but the boss can't define what the employees can can say on the job. rachel: yeah. i'd be curious to know if they gave donations during blm -- pete: many teem teams and organizations likely did. but liken this to any other corporation. so if you work at a bank and the bank decides to give to a pac, can you protest and say, well, i work there, therefore the, it's a contribution from me? no, you may not like what your bank did, you can choose to quit if you want to, not play for the magic or work for that bank, but corporations have that prerogative. i guess because it's the nba, and they've gone so far in the other direction. rachel: well, governor ron desantis tweeted about this: it appears the nba took a break from protesting our anthem and bending the committee to communist china to children about my policies. h america m. pete: there you go. all right. rachel: there to you go. [laughter] pete: we turn now to a the few additional headlines beginning with a fox weather alert. extreme flash flooding hits parts of missouri with some areas still under warnings this morning and severe storms and rain in the south causing this massive sink hole to form in alabama. i just drove through alabama. i'm glad that wasn't where we were. hope everybody's okay. for more on this story, download the fox weather app or stream fox weather on any connected device. and shocking doorbell video captures a woman in oklahoma questioning a man about his patriotic decorations. moments before scolding him, no, threatening to blow up his home. >> y'all are so prouding i'm just curious, is this a trump or republican thing? what is it? >> no. [inaudible conversations] pete: just proud to be an american. the homeowner says she then threatened him and his family, daring him to shoot her. he's filed a police report, and the police are working to identify her. it looks like uncle sam, maybe a flag. how dare they. and chick-fil-a is unveiling their new concept featuring a four-lane drive-through that runs through the building. the food will be made in the upstairs kitchen, brought down using a conveyor belt on the sides of the restaurant. the first one is set to debut next year in atlanta. you get the tubes, does it come through the tubes? will: pneumatic tubes? [laughter] you know, chick fill lay has the drive-through nailed. it looks long -- pete: but it's fast. or is this like the tsa lanes where they say it's going to make it faster but it's slower? [laughter] rachel: by the way, first of all, thanks for the chick-fil-a this morning, thank you. pete: you're welcome. rachel: i want to read this tweet that just came in. this is from -- [inaudible] he just tweeted, he said, "fox & friends" -- it's right here. [laughter] he says, sorry,@u will cain, your cutie face has nothing on our campos duffy this morning. she is bringing -- [speaking spanish] the fire of liberty. today. just letting you know. pete: i think, i think -- rachel: that's legit. pete: yellow corn -- [laughter] will: velociraptor. rachel: i'm just saying -- pete: that's a cool name. rachel: i just want you to though you don't have -- [speaking spanish] i do. will: coming up, yet another victim linked to the notorious gilgo beach murders. nancy grace is on next. will: new york police identifying the remains of yet another victim possibly linked to the notorious gilgo beach murders. previously known as jane doe 7, police now know her name was karen ger -- vergata, police now say they want a swab of rex heuermann's dn heart attacks a -- dna. here to react is fox nation host nancy grace. nancy, great to see you this morning. you know, intuitively, i often fall down the rabbit hole of serial with killer cases, nancy. it's like three, you tell me nothing happened before, nothing happened after? so your instincts, you've got to look for more. could this be something more for rex heuermann? >> absolutely, and i'll tell you why. number one, this woman, 34-year-old karen vergata, last known to live on 45th street right there in manhattan, went missing on valentine's day, '96. her legs were found in davis park. fifteen years later, her skull is found on gilgo beach. right there where all the other bodies are. now, right now the district attorney is not linking heuermann, rex heuermann, to karen. but think about it, what did all the serial curls get together and say, hey, we're going to dump evidence at gilgo beach? how many serial killers can there be on one small, remote stretch of beach? also she fits the mo, method of operation. she looks very similar to the other victims, she is a sex worker we've been told. she goes missing from manhattan, her body found there. very interesting. the two sets of remains were matched by dna, but then they had to build a genetic genealogy to identify her. all while this is going on, wait for it, they're getting another dna analysis if rex heuermann from behind bars, and they want to photograph it and video while they get the dna swab, a legal swab with, out of his mouth so they can tell the jury cold, dead to the rights, this is his dna. it's not his purported dna off of a pizza crust, we think it's his dna. i stood there and watched him take -- them take his dna, that's what they want to say. and i've done it myself, i stood there and watched the dna being taken from a defendant in a murder case, and there's no better way with than to do it that way. will: what do you think is going on, you bring it up,s so this is one of the cases i had gone down the rabbit hole of before rex heuermann was arrested, and it's something like 8-11 bodies were found out there on gilgo beach. they've connected him to 3 right now, and i have poken to the d.a. -- spoken to the d.a., and he said the method of disposal and so forth on the others don't match these three. so could this have been, this area, a dumping ground for, if not serial killers, for murderers of some stripe? what do you think's going on at that area, why so many bodies have been found at gilgo beach? >> well, think it's a natural place to go if you mow the new york area to yet rid of a body, someone you just said. manhattan, right around your neck of the woods, they would go to some remote area, or they think it's remote, to get rid of the body. but it has to be a local to know that particular stretch. it's, to me, farfetchedded to think other serial killers have dumped bodies there, but is it possible? yes, it is the possible. but i want to point out he's charged in the murders of three women right now, but i think he will soon be charged in the murder of maureen braynard barnes, and now there's karen who also fits in his mo. it's not over yet, and i also predict whether they're ever found or not found, there are other bodies in other locations such as south carolina and vegas where he frequents. will: all right. it's a disturbing story, and i think you're right, there's a lot more to learn in this case. nancy grace,s always great the talk to you. catch nancy's crime stories on thank you, nancy. still ahead, an alabama library that got major backlash for banning a kirk cameron and moms for liberty event reversing course. kirk joins us next along with riley gaines ahead of today's pro-family book reading. plus, rick reichmuth joins us live from discovery cove with a few new friends, straight ahead. ♪ ♪ thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. for 40 years, mercy ships has deployed floating hospitals to provide the free surgeries these children need. join us. together, we can give children the hope and healing they never thought possible. it's a mission powered by love, made possible by you. give today. ♪ ♪ rachel: welcome back. let's check in with the chief, chief meteorologist rick reichmuth, live from discovery cove in orlando, florida. rick, how you doing out there? rick: i'm doing really well. i'm with the head of aquaculture. i didn't know it was a thing. >> basically the care of birds. >> rick: and there is not only sea life here, there's bird life at discovery cove. >> a lot of people don't realize we have a large aviary. we have about 250 birds in our collection. rick: specifically that small one -- >> our little one. this is a small portion of our flamingo name boy januaries. our little one will is maya, making her tv a debut with. she was hatched in may, so so she's only about three months old. you'll notice her coloration being that brown color, everybody knows flamingos get their color from what they eat, the the algae and the krill in the water. maya's not old enough to have consume must have of it, but she gets the -- consumed enough of it. but she gets help from per -- her parents. their heads are a different color than the other flamingos. any mother out there knows that when you raise a baby, you're pouring everything into it, and literally they create something call -- [inaudible] and that's e what they give to maya. that crop milk pulls that color out of them. rick: both the mom and the dad. >> yes. coparenting. rick: they don't seem really nice to maya. what's up with this? >> so maya's young, and you ever heard of a pecking order? she has to learn her pecking order. flamingos can have a flock in the natural environment of thousands of birds. ours is very tiny. will: so can you settle a debate? how many people around you two right now? is there the a crowd you -- around you? rick: yeah, why? pete: thank you. will: the sound is the flamingos, not the people talking -- rick: it is the flamingos. will: that's right. they sound like a crowd of people talking. pete: that's ambient sound. will: we gotta go, rick. pete: we're sorry. more "fox & friends" in a moment. rick: see ya. smart bankers. convenient tools. boom. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. lowe's knows a style refresh is even more refreshing ...when it's at the right price. that's why, we've we pull our favorite looks together in-store and in in the app. so it is easy to get the look you want for less. you got this. we got you. but blendjet■s back to school sale is in full swing! blendjet gives you ice-crushing, big blender power on the go so you can whip up a mouthwatering beverage wherever you are. enjoy 15 plus blends before rapidly recharging via usb-c. cleanup is a breeze! just blend water with a drop of soap. stand out even when you're accidentally twinning with our kaleidoscope of colors. don■t be tardy for this sale! head to and order yours now. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. will: later today american families will have the opportunity to gather at their local libraries for a faith-based reading event, the first ever see you at the lie bauer -- library event. pete: it came with a little controversy. a local alabama library canceled the event featuring actor and writer kirk cameron and former ncaa swimmer riley gaines citing logistics concerns. but after some backlash, their decision has now been released. rachel: and joining us now are kirk cameron and riley gaines. welcome to you both, is so exciting to see you there with so many beautiful faces behind you. kirk, i mean, i read thissing, i'm glad that the libraries are reversing course, but i'm still fume ifing mad about it because every time you guys try and do this, and there are tons of moms and dads across the country who don't have the power of kirk cameron, you know, coming in, you want to doing something positive, constructive, wholesome, you have these librarians pushing back and saying, no, you can't do it as my place, as if they owned the library. >> that's right -- [audio difficulty] who are really the ones that are leading the charge at these libraries for faith and family and for freedom, and they're coming out by the hundreds and the thousands. we're here in helper sonville, tennessee, with about -- hendersonville, tennessee. say hi, everybody. [cheers and applause] and we're so excited. we're singing, we're praying and we're reading together, and we're getting back to these values that will lead to america's blessing and protection. pete: you know, riley, why has this taken off so quickly across nation? why are people resonating with a simple idea of reading books to kids that have good values in them? [audio difficulty] but it's because we've reached this point of utter lunacy where we're denying truth, biblical truth as well as objective truth. and i think your common sense americans, they're rolling up their sleeves and saying enough is enough, which is what we need. it's why we're sitting here in hendersonville which fills my heart with joy. kirk actually says it's best with, the it's not the white house who makes the rules, it's our house, it's your house who makes the rules, and that's what these people are showing. will: hey, kirk, what inspired you to begin this tour that's going to amount to over, what, 350 libraries? >> that's right. riley and i will be going to i libraries in three states all today. i think that that samuel adams, our founding father, said it best. he said it does not take a majority to prevail, but rather, an irate, i tireless minority keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men. so today is all about hashtag brush fires of freedom and virtue and faith in the hearts of moms and dads which will lead us back to our blessing. that's my inspiration. pete: so encouraging. what kind of dangerous books will you be reading today to those kids and families? [laughter] >> well, here's one -- >> so i'm reading a book called elephants are not birds. rachel: by the way, love that book. [audio difficulty] pete: we've lost -- go ahead, can kirk. >> -- and these are all great books -- [audio difficulty] will: we're having trouble with kirk and riley's audio. pete: we're losing a little bit of your audio, kirk, i heard you saying this is the by brave books, which is a partner in this concept. again, 350 libraries across america in 45 states. kirk cameron and riley will be going to three of those locations, and shout out to hendersonville, tennessee, by the way, that is right next to our adopted hometown in tennessee the. good on them for showing such support. i think you'll see turnouts -- say hi to everybody for us. we can't hear ya, but we can see ya, and we appreciate everything you're doing. rachel: they're doing great wok -- work. and good on brave books too. they're helping to organize this tour, putting great books out. we have fox news contributors who are part of brave books. dr. nicole saphier has a book, sara carter has a book, and they all are about different kinds of values, subscription type book, you pay a subscription, every month you get a book, and they're great books with great illustrations. and as conservatives, we should start supporting companies like that, that are putting great stuff out to counter so much of the lunacy, as riley gaines -- pete: love how she put it, see you at the library. they start with drag queen story hour, and it turns out there are a lot more people that want to hear good, wholesome books -- rachel: yeah. by the way, when you saw those drag queen story hours, there's usually 10, 20, look at the crowds they're pulling in here, you're right. all right, or we'll turn to this, former president trump hitting the campaign trail and hitting back at biden's doj after pleading not guilty to his third indictment. will: meanwhile, special counsel jack smith is requesting a protective order in the latest case over social media threats. pete: here to react, trump's attorney who oversaw the fbi search of mar-a-lago. tim, thanks for being here. jack smith is at the center of all this. what's your take on the approach he's taken so far? >> well, i think overall jack smith has taken a pretty careless approach. you know, from my dealings with that office for over a year both before he came in and after, they're really trying to pursue charges here as opposed to actually pursuing justice which is what the ethical obligations of prosecutors really are. in this case they brought an indictment before they even finished their investigation. when you look at the d.c. indictment, it all turns on the element of whether trump knew that the allegations he was making were false or whether he had some good faith basis to believe that there may be fraud. about a week before or the indictment, i turned over thousands of pages of records that the special counsel had never seen before that bear directly on that from bernie care act and the rudy giuliani team, and i found out two nights ago he didn't even bother reading it. he didn't even download it until a couple of days after the indictment dropped. pete: so you're saying evidence that they produced that there might have been problems with the 2020 election which could have led president trump to believe that there were problems which means he believed what he was saying was never consider by jack smith, at least some of it. >> that's correct. and, you know, these pages, they don't prove necessarily that there was fraud in the election, but what they do prove is that at the time rudy giuliani and the team and, therefore, president trump, were pursuing these because they had questions and they were looking into it, you know? people want to say, oh, all those things have been debunked, but the question for the criminal case is had they been debunked at the time, and did they still believe them at the time. jack smith has thousands of pages that bear directly on that, and he chose not to even download them before bringing an indictment. will: yeah, tim, you know, it strikes me, in my estimation what's been done here is there's an attempt to criminalize political speech, by extension free speech through the first amendment. now, the argument is, well, president trump knew that his claims were false and, therefore, he defrauded the government. and hen they go through it's roughly 45 pages in the indictment of all of these examples of people telling president trump that it's, that his claims are baseless. but to your point, and i think alina habba's pointed this out as well, there were other attorneys. he was getting other advice telling him, no, no, there's some legitimacy to these claims. so the question is did he believe -- and i think we can all believe that he does -- believe the legitimacy of his claims. >> oh, absolutely. i mean, i've spent plenty of time with him, and, you know, he believes it. he believed it then the, he believes it today. and when you sit there and try to build a criminal case on, well, you should have ignored these people and listen to these people, that's a losing formula. it's absolutely a losing form rah. all of those people that he should have listen ared to, according to them, will have to take the stand, and they're going to be cross-examined on what is the basis of their belief. how many agents did they send out, how much investigation did they do? did they interview all the people that giuliani's team interviewed and review all the records, or were they saying it based on a lack of information? will: yeah, really quickly, tim, can you think of any historical precedent? have these four counts been applied in your estimation the at any point in american history? >> no. what happened here is jack smith took a a fact pattern, and then he went perusing through the law books to try and find something he could try to shoehorn in this into. that's not what we want prosecutors to do. we want them to prosecute things that are clear crimes. watergate. you break into a hotel to steal stuff, that's clear. that's easy. here what he's trying to do is take an untested fact pattern and shoehorn it into something that that's never been done before, and i think the appellate courts are going to reject. will: one appellate are court, by the way, supreme court. i don't know what'll happen on the way to the supreme court, but i think it doesn't survive. pete: tim, you know what you're talking about, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. rachel: if it's criminal to question the last election, there's going to be a lot of people rounded up. will: no doubt. [laughter] rachel: what the heck? starting with me. tomorrow on "fox & friends," timty bow, dean cain, charlie hunter, maria bartiromo and joey jones. pete: that's a lineup. but first on show, we'll show you how to beat the heat with some poolside gear the whole family can enjoy. ♪ ♪ we always had questions. who do we belong to? who are our ancestors? i know we have them. when i found that immigration record on ancestry®, it just changed everything. i feel like a time traveler. ♪ rachel: like so many of our viewers this weekend, we are trying to stay cool by the pool out on fox square this morning. it's a beautiful day. we have the best poolside gear to do it. is so let's bring in our favorite diy expert, chip wade. chip, what do you have for us? >> so many great things. no outdoor living setup is complete without furniture. this stuff is made in new zealand. rachel: so good looking. >> a 5-year warranty, you can tell this is really nice. you can put a stop in there to make it stable. look at this hammock, so beautiful. really nice hardwood. again, this stuff is made in new zealand, lujo to keep school high grate -- hydrated, you need a beverage container that really does it. what's cool is one lid helds a 12-ounce and also holds a bottle, seals it up, but you can trade it out for a drinkable lilled -- rachel: can never have enough of these in the house. >> drink good stuff here. next up, i know you can experience this, watch out for will. rachel: oh, will. >> we all have a cabinet that's full of, like, mismatch tupperware, right? rachel: that's my life! >> exactly. i've got you covered. this is premium silicone collapsible containers. what this does, right, all matches, first of all. you can get one or buy them in multiples as a set to really organize everything. great for back to school. rachel: this might be the best thing you've ever brought. >> microwave and dishwasher safe as well. no summer is complete without joe blasters. watch your face. we've seen these before, but what's new, this is called the portal. this lets the kids have game action play. these portals connect to one another which is really cool, right? so it's like a video game for kids, but it gets us outside playing with the kids. [laughter] and, of course, we've got the water-resistant piranhas available this year as well. that's an upgrade. all right, look at this, flow factory, the pool punishes -- punishers, we're going to have these guys battling its out with joe blasters and the pool punishers. rachel: how does that work? >> guys, i wanted to retouch, i don't think you got the magic of what this is before. this is the chill and reel, it has the hand line fishing line, so just when you're out in the lake and you're wanting to catch a fish -- but we also right now have this lid they're including just today that keeps this all nice and tidy. you can reel it on, it comes with line and a liter. next up, we're going to have these guys battle. rachel: that's right. more information, visit these kips the from creative all right, how does this work? [laughter] >> we've got to get some glasses on you. goodness gracious. goodness gracious -- rachel: ow, that hunters! 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[laughter] [background sounds] >> it's really hard to tell. i'm going to have to check on my phone. [background sounds] [inaudible conversations] rachel: all right, how does this work here? >> what does the water gun look like? shoot each other with the water guns. [laughter] [laughter] [inaudible conversations] pete: got 'em! got 'em! >> oh, my gosh. ♪ >> oh, my gosh. this is too good. [inaudible conversations] >> who do you think won? rachel: i definitely think pete won. he's a better shot. thank you, chip. [laughter] [laughter] in all right. here you go. pete -- [applause] ♪ >> we need one more indictment to close out this election, one more indictment, and this election is closed out. nobody has even a chance. neil: from don bring it on, but something the former president also said is setting some prosecutors off, specifically boasting on truth social you come after me, i'll come after you. and now the special counsel's office is coming after him, saying trump isn't onl

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