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Pete my kids held an impromptu fashion contest, gwen wanted to put 8 different dresses on but rex and luke had to participate. There was a whole column. You see these fashion shows, stuffed animals were in chairs. There was video of it. Gwen wanted to win but she didnt win. He got second. Will oh no. Pete better when this one. Rachel who won . Pete rex who protested through the whole thing. Gwen got second place. Rachel it is so perfect for the moment. All the men are getting in the sports illustrated. All the makeup contracts. It is perfect. Pete it is happening in our house too. Pete gwen was like she was doing her girl thing. Rachel the guy won. This is what it feels like to be riley gaines. Pete taking everything to the next level. Will glad you are here. Thanks for being here this morning. We start with this. Donald trump hits the Campaign Trail in alabama Breaking Records of attendance and fundraising numbers, slammed protectors of President Biden for what he says is direct interference in the president ial election. Rachel he says the indictment was ridiculous and an act of desperation. Pete Alexandria Hoff joins us with the latest. Reporter the former president s campaign and Court Calendar filled up hours after pleading not guilty to his third indictment in four months. He will travel to alabama delivering remarks at a dinner hosted by the same party. Will this ridiculous this ridiculous indictment is an act of desperation by a failed and disgraced Crooked Joe Biden and his radical left thugs to preserve their grip on power. They want to do anything they can to preserve it. Biden at his protectors know he cannot win this race any other way so they are trying something that hasnt been tried in this country, election interference. Rachel the camel charges stem from the effort to overturn the 2020 election results. The legal matters as a whole display unfair treatment compared to President Bidens own family. Every one of these fake charges against me by the Corrupt Biden Doj could have been tried to and 1 2 years ago, they waited until the middle of an election. Whenever they filing indictment we go way up in the polls. One more indictment and this election is close to out, nobody has even a chance. Rachel jack smith requested a protective order writing, quote, the order seeks to prevent the improper dissemination or use of discovery materials including to the public. Such a restriction is important in this case because the defendant previously issued public statements on social media regarding witnesses, judges, attorneys and others associated with legal matters pending against him. The post is being cited in a request that the former president made the, quote, when you go after me i am coming after you. Trumps former White House Press secretary likened to that statement to witness intimidation. Pete we were just talking. Will listening and talking. The next 18 months are going to be insane. Will im one more indictment, it is only increased his support. One more in georgia. I suggest, i heard this. There is the one in new york which is a state based case, the when georgia is a state based case. Can the president part not estate based case . You cant. What if he is convicted in one of those yet he wins in part of how do you play this forward . Rachel this is so unamerican, this is the kind of stuff i can still remember talking about the venezuelan elections, how they imprisoned, house arrested the main candidate going up against maduro and going can you imagine that, it is happening in our country right now. And russia as well, he imprisoned his opponent as well. Will i was on hannity last night, Kayleigh Mcenany asked me about predictions and poll numbers. The next 18 months you are going to have multiple trials going at the same time as a president ial campaign and at the beginning of the Biden Corruption scandal, i think this will continue. Will cascading. It will amount to an undeniable state. Is headed in that direction. Before it is already there. The media doesnt want this had been happening to trump, he would already be in jail. Will trying to sort out who will be the next president of the United States. Caucuses, all of that, trials at the same time as the iowa caucus. Televise these and get audio out of them. I dont think between us you cant play it forward. It is going to be will 13 guys in the republican in the republican field. It is going to be insane. Who knows . That is why they are hanging around. Rachel i think the primary is over. These numbers are shocking. The only sort of thing we dont know about are these indictments. Will alexandria report on the indictments and what it means, donald trump talked about this is in his estimation election interference. I mentioned earlier in the show Doris Kearns Goodwin and President Biden. This clip from 2022, this is President Biden saying the game. Telling you what is going to happen over the next 18 months. President biden we have to demonstrate that he will not take power, if he does run, making sure, under legitimate efforts of the constitution, does not become the next president again. Will what do you do if donald trump wins an election . Cant take power. Pete are those the Marching Orders to Merrick Garland . As you watch the timeline, do this off the wall in a few moments, the timeline of the indictments as more information comes out about the bidens, do what you need to do under the guise of a constitution, under the guise of the Justice System to control fat. Rachel it is clear where the Republican Party is. They want donald trump but the democrats are saying you dont get to pick donald trump. Democrats get to decide. Pete or by asking go ahead and pick donald trump because we think we can beat donald trump. Rachel i dont think this is a four dimensional thing. You take out the person you are scared of. They are scared of him. He has the support of the american people, the more they do to him the more support he gets. They want to pick our nominee and put that nominee in jail. It is really we talk about we dont know what is going to happen the next few months or the next going up to the next election. We are in uncharted territory. This week stories about Vladimir Putin putting his main critic and opponent in jail for 19 years this is the kind of stuff you see in those countries. It is here, already happening. Pete we are a morning show. We do a lot of things, morning on saturday morning, talking about all that. We feel the same thing you do. Our republic is teetering here and we had james comeer on, trying to get more information, getting people to pay attention, the press to care, the president facing indictments but campaigning, gaining popular, trying to pick the nominee for the republicans they are really bad at it, making trumps case stronger inside the primary. Rachel the interview with comeer saying we have the democrats intimidating are witnesses doing everything they can to make sure no more information comes out. They doj tried to arrest devon archer before he was able to give what did they say . Pete you have to report. Will just a reminder you have to report to prison. The definition of intimidation. It pete thank you, will. Will you are welcome. Rachel sorry. Thank you for doing that. We take a deep breath. Maybe in a way we shouldnt. The outrage is justified. Twitch streamer and youtube causing a ride in new york city yesterday after promising to give away Gaming Systems and accessories. He was released late last night after being charged for inciting a ride and unlawful assembly. Pete thousands of his fans crowded the area after he claimed he would hand out computers, Playstation 5s and other gaming accessories, Police Taking 65 people into custody including 30 minors. Three Police Officers reportedly hurt but expected to be okay. Pete there was an appearance ticket to appear in Criminal Court at a future date. It was chaos. Just watch from here. And trying to fall off of it. The biggest american city. Rachel a cop to break it down some debt up, just about, no longer behave in public. Will in massachusetts, 7 state troopers, they lost their jobs after refusing to get the covid 19 vaccine. Patrick mcnamara, Executive Order 595 for the hardworking members of the mass state police, and attack on labor. They refused to listen or work with our association but they can no longer be ignored. These members whose religious convictions were trampled and left without pay or benefits can return to work can be made whole through retroactive pay. Pete could that lead to members of the military who were kicked out . Rachel or nurses or teachers or lots of people . Pete they denied every request for religious exemptions in most branches of the military. Dont know at what level this case has been decided but the state tries to appeal it and it goes to the supreme court, these people who were fired unjustly never forget that moment in time. Rachel i dont want to take this issue and make it a gender issue but there were so many women of Fertility Age who said stop smiling. Pete dont know what he is smiling about. Rachel there were a lot of women, nurses, teachers of Fertility Age who said i dont want to take this vaccine because i dont know, this is an untested vaccine, how it could affect my fertility. I have Family Members who were taking fertility drugs, experienced in fertility and were told you have to take the vaccine in the middle of your treatment or get fired and they ended up having to quit because they werent going to give up their fertility because the government said they had to take a vaccine that had not been tested. This is an important case. Affecting your entire life, your family. And your choice, your own health liberty. Should never forget what happened. Glad these people are taking 100 . You knew what . I was going to defend women pete he gets the giggles and i get the giggles. I was trying to fix my face but couldnt and you were making a serious point. Rachel i was making a serious point. Being forced by your government to take an untested vaccine was terrible. And by the way lots of people were vaccine injured as well. Those people are fighting back. Pete we are going to turn to a few additional headline starting with a fox news alert. Two for the Police Officers in Critical Condition after being shot during a traffic stop in orlando. Officers investigating a vehicle, one for a homicide in miami. The suspect carjacked another car, the vehicle pursued, a sad day for our department. For the suspect out there we will find you and you will be brought to justice. Pete the shooter is still on the loose according to those cops. The White House Press office changed its requirements for credentials. More than 440 report is reportedly lost their passes after new standards went into effect monday. And ideological standard. The white house issued a statement saying we think this demonstrates we let a thoughtful robust media access to anyone who needs it. We are kicking people out so theres more robust access. Will remember they freaked out when trump kicked out costa, 424 people are out, no more covering, thoughtful, robust process. Rachel thats a great point. Pete donny osmond fans lining up for one of the biggest crowds for the Fox And Friends summer Concert Series putting on a show. Donny didnt miss a beat helping us celebrate National Chocolate chip day. [cheering] pete who can forget this fox and Friends Weekend moment, when we bobbed for wings . To watch this. Rachel the grossest thing ever done. Pete dont know why you think it is so gross. Rachel you thought it was gross. Will it is gross. Its not an opinion. It is a fact. Bobbing for wings in blue cheese. Pete i will get to the tees. Rachel can i Say Something . There are some performers who are true artists. Donny osmond has been in the business so long, a true professional, what an amazing thing we brought him back. Doesnt surprise me we had one of our biggest crowds, thats a true artist who loves to perform. It is in his blood. Love him. Pete coming up, now reportedly being hacked by mexican cartels. Unbelievable. Tom homan on that and bidens neverending border crisis. Will a biden Family Member wants Meghan Markle in the oval office or how about the fumble your of following taylor swifts rejection . One star quarterback shining in. My popculture roundup coming designed smarter. Genius like 2. 5 cash back on purchases of 5,000 or more, so sam can make smart ideas, a brilliant reality chase for business. Make more of whats yours. [narrator] carvana has Hundreds Of Thousands of five star reviews and counting. This was our second purchase through carvana, it was really fast. This time we traded in a car and next thing i know, our new car was here and our tradein was gone. Tada. [narrator] buy your car with carvana today. Rachel mexican cartels reportedly seized control of the Us Government apps, a report from the washington is ever saying mexican cartels hacked the appss security and callaway to request unlimited appointments for anyone in the world far beyond the appss Northern Mexico find. Acting director of the Admin A Station and Customs Enforcement tom homan is a fox news contributor. Can you explain to our viewers the implications, what this means for American Security . The cartels have access. To our own cvp in mexico, they hacked the system and are selling placement into the cvp one apps. The entire south of mexico, into mexico, what they do, in guatemala, it appears they are in Northern Mexico, mexican military wont stop them because ive got a cvp one apps. They know what is happening. Coming from guatemala, they are on the tape too getting a piece of the action. The second, not only do they sell placement but overwhelm the system so they wont wait several months for an appointment but pay the cartel more money. The cartel, the administration fails to recognize this is sophisticated like a fortune 500 company with hackers on the payroll who invest money into businesses around the world. The cartels are sophisticated. Rachel we made them rich and sophisticated to a tune weve never seen before. People dont realize the cartels control 40 of the landmass in mexico. The politicians are part of the government at this point. We are turning mexico into a narco state. What happened at the Southern Border was not happening, mexico and guatemala border, people were not able to get through like this under the trump administration. Absolutely. The strongest nation in the world, the United States no longer has control of the Southern Border. The criminal cartels in mexico do. Weve got got aways, terrorists crossing the border in record numbers, Sex Trafficking of women and children, weve got fentanyl across the border killing americans. Weve lost control of the border. It is like broken arrow. I cant contain 10 of whats coming across the border. This is devastating what the administration has done to the most secure border we ever had. Rachel donald trump was effective in leveraging us power, economic access to america, Government Funding to mexico. Getting the get Mexican Government to cooperate with us in controlling illegal immigration. That all went away when donald trump was not in office anymore. Another topic, florida Sting Operation for child sex exploitation. What they sound when they had this sting was 40 of all people arrested were ill legal. Talk to me a little more about this case. Ive been screaming about this for two years. This administration when they opened the border dont realize the cartels theyve taken advantage of, not only all these open alleys where they are trafficking, what the Biden Administration did, they opened the border wide open and stopped dna testing. Under the trump administration, one pilot in el paso, 30 of the units werent family units, not related and they also, hhs, secretary the sarah bragging becerra said they are not vetting them properly. They vetted everybody in the household. This administration is more concerned about the optics of this crisis, we cant have overcrowding, releasing it as quick as possible. No crisis here. Douglas those children who were not dna tested sent with adults who are not their parents and lose track of 40 of them. It is so outrageous, it means what cat cammac called President Biden the child trafficker in chief, cant say anything but that. We are complicit in the Child Trafficking Sex Trade through open borders. Last word. Got to help those children. The trump administration, every Special Agent will find these children and rescue them. Havent lost track of 100,000 children. Based on my experience they are letting more predators, forced labor, pornographic movies, god help these children. We will find and save them. Rachel i hope that is true. Thank you. Grim news but important for us to here. Thank you. Coming up, cause and effect, the troubling timeline between trumps legal woes and bidens scandals. Will and Pete Connect The Dots and go off the wall on that next. When my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. Breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flareups. Breztri wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. It is not for asthma. Tell your doctor if you have a Heart Condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Dont take breztri more than prescribed. Breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Ask your doctor about breztri. Each time theres been a new investigation or hearing or federal document released, they go ahead and try to cover the biden crime family. Hard to admit this is anything but election interference. A talking point, weve got the goods to show how closely the timelines are linked to. They are relating to President Bidens appointed and cant help but do that. Pete not the first time trump was charged following allegations about biden to connect the dots. Once a coincidence, twice interesting. Back to march. In march of this year, House Oversight committee names new biden Family Members who receive the money from overseas business dealings. We hear about james biden, frank biden, other members of the biden family. Hunter biden files a response against the Computer Repair shop owner admitting the laptop is his. Pete this is all in 2023. None of this comes out if Kevin Mccarthy doesnt get the gavel and james comeer doesnt have the oversight committee. We have revelations the biden family hoped would never come out. Money from overseas. The laptop is real, all confirmed. What comes the day after the laptop is revealed, admitted that it is true, trump and ounces manhattan da alvin bragg will indict him. The first indictment comes as validation of hunter appears in the press. Will april 4th, manhattan da alvin bragg does indict donald trump. Pete he is being notified this one day. A week or two later. Will to june. In june there is no fbi the 1023 document is released for the public more recently in the past week or so to see what is in the 1023 document. A confidential informant talks about 10 million going from burisma to the bidens. Pete credible confidential source alleged through this 1023, 5 million for the big guy, 5 million to hunter, the fbi had been fighting hard for a long time, this should not be released to congress, dont want anybody to know about it. June 7th, the next day. Jack smith Indicts Trump in the maralago documents case. Documents over here of a confidential source, documents over here and another case against donald trump. Will a week ago, july 26th, Hunter Bidens plea deal collapses, a judge says agreeing theres other investigations, other charges and it will be swept away with this plea deal. The whole deal collapsed. Pete a staggering moment. It was supposed to get swept under the rug, the judge said theres more here, does not look like a good deal, the government shouldnt have made this. Hunter biden on both sides of the bargaining table, doj trying to find a way to let it go, no one really expected this. Bad day for the bidens. The next day jack smith delivers, more charges are added for trump in the maralago case. The trump team adamantly disputes this involving deleting Security Camera footage, the fbi and the grand jury, jack smith back in the press start cameras at maralago, not a plea deal. Will three new charges added. Then there is the devon archer testimony, july 31st, Hunter Bidens 31, Hunter Bidens former Business Partner testified behind closed doors, the transcript has been released. Despite the spin from men like congressman dan bowman, it is not good for the bidens, the testimony reveals, it was a grant that was attached. And and instead of potential trouble. To convince devon archer to testify. That they could ask hunter biden to testify that. There were an attempt to intimidate, they didnt give it. Im not a mathematician, but the day after july 31st. Will trump is indicted on charges related to january 6th. Pete four times a day later jack smith delivers. You wonder where the Marching Orders are coming from and how quickly, it was long anticipated. There weeks and months the rumors the indictment could be coming. They chose this date on august 1st from this date. What is this . Look like the bad guy in star wars. Will can someone let us know what is this purple robe jack smith is always wearing . Pete alabama library. Will banning kirk cameron moms for the but event reversing course, one of the event organizers is next. Pete diving into orlando, the underwater adventure on land now. We will check in next. Will a library in alabama will allow kirk cameron and riley gaines to host their see what the library event. The library cancel the gathering saying get there were concerns about logistics eventually reversed course after pushback from kirk and his legal team. People attending can share stories about faith, family and patriotism a jar next guest is the event host, chair of madison family moms for the buddy, emily jones. Great to see you this morning. What went down this week, what is your understanding of why this event was originally resisted by the library. I think it was originally canceled due to capacity issues. When we originally scheduled it we expected low turnout. Kirk and riley were going to be joining us in the community had overwhelming excitement around that. We saw a huge spike in expected attendees and moms for the buddy with the event, the library quickly canceled stating there were concerns about the turnout and around security. Will it didnt have to do with content or the nature of the event but was truly about logistics . We had multiple plans, moms were problem solvers, and worked to continue forward. It fell on deaf ears when we got that up. Will whats the problem . Youve got big plans, 308 libraries, 46 states this is coming to and hopefully you dont encounter these problems everywhere you go but what is the problem if not logistics . Why was this canceled . Has a lot to do with kirk cameron and bringing political values back to our libraries. In alabama, in the southern part of the state they were canceled yesterday afternoon. There seems to be a trend, canceling events at the last minute, that our books based, christianbased. Every time it is because of logistics or security concerns. Its not a coincidence we keep hearing the same message over and over from the same institution. Will tell us if you could, what can one expect at one of these library gatherings, what is so controversial . We are talking about god and how we are made in the image of god and for some unknown reason to me, talking about that in a peaceful loving way has become controversial. I can tell you when madison our event will be a wonderful experience for everyone. We will have plenty of people in attendance with lots of fellowship in a peaceful way. It will be great. Will great to talk to you this morning. Over to you. Rachel god bless everybody doing that stuff. Turning to headlines, a family of a woman shot dead in new mexico is calling for the 13yearold accused of her murder to face the maximum sentence. She was killed after tracking down her stolen car to a gas station using a gps apps and confronted the thief. The teen then a shot at her several times and killed her. He turned himself in a few days later and facing multiple charges including one count of murder. The Biden Administration looking to block oil and Gas Companies from drilling on 1. 6 million acres of public land in colorado. The move would reduce Fossil Fuel Production by 80 but top Fossil Fuel Trading Groups and lawmakers say it will take Domestic Energy production. Dont get me started. Pete helping with oil leases in china and ukraine but cant drill in our country. Rachel making lots of money doing it. The democrats are letting it happen. Pete lets check with chick chief meteorologist rick r reichmuth. Reporter im with cory gabriel. Another name for anteater. Simon is 13 years old and anteater years. We are proud to have such a geriatric, well lived anteater at discovery cove. Reporter where he found in the wild . Central and south america. Reporter south america has the good stuff. We just got to keep them alive and keep them there. Reporter we have viral of what . This is simons favorite tree and showcase that long sticky tongue, 16 inches long and loves of these, in the wild anteaters are using these long nails, termite mounds, tree bark and a long sticky tongue to the grubs that are inside those nouns and trees. They dont have teeth. Anything they eat has to be small enough to swallow whole or slimy enough to slurp up. Reporter that tongue is like a legit reporter anteaters could eat up to 9000 ants in a single day. We feed them a lot of other things. Avocado and the key we. Reporter this is petes favorite meals as well. I can move it fast. Will i want to move on. Reporter from palace to the presidency, one biden family wants Meghan Markle in the oval office. Kurt the cyber guy is joining the round up next. Hoose neuriv. Unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. To help keep me sharp. Neuriva think bigger. The allnew tempurpedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. So, no more sweating all night. 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Do the guys following her know she is fake . No. What knuckleheads are these . Thats me and sophia. She says shes 24 years old from finland, shows shes a Fashion Model and she right out of the top says i am not real. Im in an ai generated thing. Rachel our guys done . They are still following her. The image is where the guys go and dont read the text. They are just saying can i meet you in person . Rachel she reminds me of the gymnast girl from new jersey. The other question, should women be worried . This is ai generated. Are real women with flesh and blood with beautiful flaws, is this their competition . What will happen to us . On one part it is competition but on the other part, say this is getting so many people following, you have crooks online that use this as a catfish scam. Rachel the messages people are going to use this to try to swindle money. It is called cat fishing good. Anytime someone like that as she brings up money at all, see you later. Total scam. Rachel next, President Bidens sister valerie biden, is apparently giving thumbs up to Meghan Markle running for office. Feeding her delusions of grandeur if you will. Good idea . Should we have a run for office . Not just any office, for president. President , the white house, wants her to join the democratic party. Heres what i wonder. Is this the royal family in england making this up to go we could get rid of her altogether if we get her in the white house . Rachel listen to this. Join the democratic party. Will she make a good candidate . Yes, perhaps, of course she will. Rachel you got to know Meghan Markle loves of this. Valerie biden, team markel. That is bananas. Dont know what this is. It seems made up. Seems like it would be who is going to win in this when . Meghan markle, we lose. Rachel then we get this british prince as our first man. Lets move to this. Josh allen, a football player, basically given his friend Travis Kelsey a hard time because travis likes taylor swift, went to her concert and wore a bracelet with his phone number he wanted to give to her. Taylor swift tends to like really sort of beta british guys. Any chance these two can find love . A lot of people say, hard to say no to Travis Kelsey but i will tell you travis, dont write your number on a Friendship Bracelet and stand with thousands of people at a Table Swift Thinking that your Winning Ticket to win a date. Rachel my favorite football position. Thank you, great job. You are coming back. We are beating the heat all morning with some outdoor gear the whole family can enjoy. Chip wade joins us in the next hour. Stay with us. Cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or the tacos at the taco shack. Nah, im working on my six pack. Well, good luck with that. Earn big with Chase Freedom Unlimited with no annual fee. How do you cashback . He snores like an angry rhino. 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