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Not just biden. Th of course they are. And theres no evidence of that. But theyre going to keep at thetrying because that is the argument that they they want to Fuzzymuddy The Waters Out Te Muddy the waters, not fuzzy them, muddy the waters out. That, by the way, is a tactic that Vladimir Putin and other authoritarian dictators s use. But thats their strategic objective to make it all seem the same. S no there you have it. Theres no evidence of any of this because i say theres Noth Evidence this of this. And oh, by the way, Vladimir Putin and ther tire is thes same tired trope thats dominated the dim Bulbnated Thsr on the left since 2016. But its not surprisinisg doing so given what has been revealed on a near daily basis. As this program briefly laid out last night, the devin any archer transcript obliterates any defens e joe biden and his lackeys have been offering. And further, archer recently told Tucker Carlson the claimsan biden didnt have any knowledge of his sons Business Dealings were, quote, categorically false and that joe quote metdevo with hunters Business Partners. Devon archer, best best but hunr said joe met with Business Tpartners and details of e the biden family grift. Well, they keep emerging according to just the news Text Messages provided to the fbi show that a Chinese Energy conglomerate meaning a Big Oil Company that struck a controversial deal in 2017 with hunter biden, began its pursuit of a relationship with the future first familylate back in late 2015, whence joe biden was Vice President. Quote, there will be a deal between one of the most prominent families from u. S. S. And them china constructed by me bragged Hunter Bidens business partner, James Gilmerbi ,who texted future partner Tony Bobulinski on Christmas Eve of 2015. Remember Tony Bobulinski told us about all this before the election thewent o, went on, i think this will be then be ano great to their portfolios, meaning the chinese as it will givchinese them a profile e in nyc and then l. A. Get thisy no, any entry ticket is small for themti. Thats all bad. Dc code for the biden family can be boughbiden t and the chie will pay big bucks for it. Or should i say big ones for any entry into the u. S. Market. They knew exactly where to go. All this smoke has republicans considering official impeachment proceedings against joe bidenstn. But nancy pelosi, she says no way, this is frivolous. A diversionary tactic. They just cant stand the fact we had a gag report of over nearly 200,000 jobs today. Its really sad wish i wish the Republican Party would be somebody would take it back,u that wed have a realp to Republican Party. A cu its up to them to decide what it is. But it shouldnt be a cultltit it should be a to somebody frivolous with a laww and his puppets frozen. That sentence is the Definition Le the pot calling the Kettlthe Black Anti Trump cult leader says the other side is drinkinag. Got it. Y well old nancy musmustt think americans are puppets as well. According to gallup, just 8 of the American Public says the Biden Administration has. Excellent ethics. I would love to meet those people. Hile timwhile nearly five timese as many, 37 feel their ethicsat are lacking a bit, may be poor t. That might be the understatement of the night. Joining me now t to react, fox charlie hurt, Opinion Editor atr the Washington Times and a foxir news contributor. Charlie, when whe talken tru. In 2016, he talked about the corruption, corruption of the swam p mean. He yes, its only gotten worse. Yet they to cover for him. No, its incredible pete to stop and think about this. You know what we hav ye seen ovr the last two years has proven everything as if anyone was doubting what it was that donald trump was saying about, what was wrong with washington and in particular, what was thg with the democrat party. And at that time, Especiallynd H the Clinton Familyilla and hilly clinton, its all come its, you know, every everything has happened since he left office has proven that he is exactl y right about it. The place is is at least as corrupt as he he warnedn more us and probably with this crowd is even more corrupt than its ever been before. Yeah, you know, i think that that that interview with with devon archer seah. O where he wanders into the thing talking about Icaruser The Witho the wax wings flying too close to the sun you knothw this the level of corruption inside the biden family it was so thofound it was so hot that they had no it was like like they broke the meter on f corruption because they got so close. Forget. , it is,orget you know, as overwhelming as the evidence is, its very. A joe biden took 1,000,000,000 of American Taxpayer Money and took it to ukraine. And bought his son a very lucrative. Yes. Its tha and he hat simple. And then hes been selling out American Foreign policy ever since. Absolutely right. And then of course, its donald trump who gets impeached for pointing that out on a phone call. Thats how washington, d. C. Works. Hea perfect phony, perfect phon. A perfect phone call. By the way, it reminds me of trp when i remember when when when donald trump started saying, where ws hunter . Remember that at the beginning . And everyones going, it gives you a sense of what an open secret the Biden Crime Family must have been. Their influence Peddlingn Thei y all those years when hunter biden was nobody knew his name d. Donald trump knew he was on to something. Then heres how there herese how how the other side heres msnbc trying to deflect about what these last few days have meant. Watch this. It pro will probably redirectn the conversation to president andens son hunter biden, who doesnt work in our government. We have seenw this it for month. And now this third Trump Indictment has started a new wavewhat of Whataboutism M the gop . And the Talking Point is out. Charli, che, whataboutism is tht is the new may basically sayingt Donald Trumps defense is going to be well what about what about joe biden . De ut jwhat about theyre coming ar trump and not after them. Yeah. So its interesting. Its biden supposedly doesnt work in the government, bute and is not registered as a lobbyist. But apparently he does work in the governmenbecause t becaue hes able to get the Vice President of the United States and now the president site United States on the telephone to make deals, you know, to make all of m these corruptp deals to benefit himself and his family and keeth p the corruption going. But i also think its, you know, democrats play this m like, ohp , you know, we really hope that donald trump is the nominee because we f you watch out. You watch what you ask foror Democrats Because there is nobody that has com on the on the scene in decades who is a better prosecutor of exactly g this case. And youre talking about donald trump is somebody he gave up. So much of his family is know the enjoyment of his family that he had made of enormousup reputation for himself. And he gave it up to serve his country. And then you look over here at the biden family the, theyve si their lives, you know, Reaching Ng Oover the government off of the american taxpayer. And by the way, Joe Bideby Theny times did he flame out trying to become president because evr . S a lia . Everybody in washington knows hes a liar. Hes always been hes jus a hes just now the biggest liar there ever was running a completely corrupt biden family Influence Peddling corruption card. Yeah, i mean, charlie, i woul ad agree with you. If you werent such a dog faced pony soldier, but otherwisg d p spot on your analysis. Yeah, its incredible. Charlie, thank you. E great. Break down. Great. Well, if Itics Af You Care About American Politics at all or you maybe, maybe you wonderwoe worl. Cow in the world we got here, its worth reading. A remarkabled with b new intervw conducted with Barack Obamas biog, david girl. He wrote the book on obama. Carols biography was when its came out. It revealed a number of obama liesis ear about early life. K wa but what stifled the news about the content of the was the timing of its release. Theres the book right there. The covee covenot har may not h. Rising star. The name of the book felt like m olend the moment it was publishd in may of 2017. As whatever insights the book contained were overtaken by the chaos surrounding the beginning of Donald Trumps presidency. So thats the tablet explaining why none of us noticed it. But just this week. , the Publication Tablet Magazine sat down with the Pulitzer Prize winning caro to examinerot the truly unbelievable contents insideamine th. This biography. The details range from first salacious. This is the biographer saying in this interview, quote, hes not normal, meaning obama is not norma nl as in notma a normal politician or not a normal humanbeing . Being. Heres another one. Obama reportedly wrote a letter to ato girlfriend quote, about e repeatedly fantasizes about making love to men. And carol recounts, barack once said to him that the only two things he wanted were a valet and an airplane. Ous st and so thatufs just some of the salacious stuff. Lets get to the scandalousob and revealing stufamf. Obama reportedly lied about why he broke up with a white claimed girlfriend while obama claimed it was her racism that at t fault . It was, in fact. He and this is again, according to the biographeitemr her Obamas Refusal to condemn an adamantlyt antisemitic politician in chicago the other way around actually. But the most instructive details involve the motivations behind. Obamas refusal to leave washington, d. C. , after his presidencymember. Leave d remember, he betrayed precedent by refusing to leave d. C. He lost or after he, after his time in office was over. E now he said it was forth his kids, but it was really be the chief divider, the driver excuse me, of the trum p resistance. It was his cia director,mbera john brennan. Heres the quote, who in november and December Ofember O6 helped elevate russiagate from a failed clintonaign campaign po to a priority of The American F Americannational Security Appi using a handpicked team of cia analysts under his direct control to validate his thesisde. If brennan was the instrument, the person who signe d the executive order to turn brennans thesis into a time bomb under trumps desk was barack obama. This is a q and a with the biographer of barack obama. The when biden won, you would have thought obama would finally departs capito the capital. His work was done, but he burrowed in. He knew of bidens decrepit state and wanted to stick arouk and be a shadow or puppet leader. You seeyou see, it all makese now. Obama remade the dos j during his presidency into a partisan tool for democrats tha t, Kepte St Them away from scrutiny, and then he stuck around to weaponize it. Ucnd tonize. The clintons used e pass to enrich themselves. Remember that foundation . E e the bidens decided to get into the game. Time to cashnso ge in, and now they all count on the obama crafted doj to covj to cover fo. Victor davis hanson, senior. At the hoover institution, joins me now. Victor, Help Me Connece t some f these dots. Amazing revelations by this biographeramazin who who knows a probably better than thanstil the majority of people. But ultimately, does Itva Still Relevantnt Tod that obama is behind the scenes affecting a lot of this . You know, i think thatow knows biographer david knows more about obamas prepresident ial life than anybody alivy alive. And the one common theme is that these astounding revelations that the dreams alom my father unquote, memoir was completely fabricated. Almost nothingmo in it in is ac. Its only it could only happen in america with this media thatle i never investigated, never even interviewed some of the key people in obamas life until garrow did. And then hes trying lookout. Back at the obama presidency, which he didnt really write about. He wrote about the early years org yearg of obama, and he comes to the conclusion that everything he was worried about in the biography was reified in the presidency, lod he says it was a complete failure, that he looks atok the red line Syria Thatdete he didnt honor, that destroyed deterrence. The iranrrthe iran deal th deald to weaken israel and our Middle East Friendsn Th in the gulf atn the benefit of the shia crescentt. K at and again, when you look at the ukraine matter, he suggestsi that the problem were having with ukraine right now startedgr and he was absolutely right in 2014 when they gobbled up they,l the russians and putin gobbled up the Border Lands In Crimeana and obama not only had not done anything, but he had an earlier in a hot mic in seoul said if Va Ladder Four Vladimir will give mewill giv i behaved similarly y reelection. I will be flexible on missilencl defense, which he did do and cancel. So the themee of it is of it isu there were Character Flaws in obama that he had writtenat n about, that nobody else had written about, and he paid a price. Hes Ostracizeis Htracized Bd ns friends on the left. But they all explain these sorti of bizarre things that happened during the obama presidency. In right,e,quiteng happe hes charged the beginning of the entire security state,deed, the weaponization of the deals. Jay indeedth, the creation of the whole russian collusion hoax, right in the West Wingrien when brennan and people like clapper werea, as we briefing oo as well as people in the dojve and he he approved d, they were doing and he kind of comes to the conclusion that obamas d sort of a hollow man, that hes a construct. He had no identity. It was opportune to be an authentic black figure and run on that premise that he did it. But he had no affinityo with Black Culture In chicago. He doesnt want to go back to chicago. His real affinity, i think gara was very persuasive is with the wealthy white elite af the bicoastal culture, people who have money, people who have alphabet letters afteter, their name, people who feel theyre entitled. And Thate Thatndidat is absolutely at odds with this myth of the Communityy Organizea Who work through tthe neighborhoods, chicago, to bring social justice. And its pretty devastating. L i think that hell hes paid a high price for telling the truth. And im probably a either one. Oh, you all. You always do. You write, obama feels a lot more comfortable in Marthas Vineyard than than as a communitsy organizer. And its amazing, though, when you when you realize, you know, both obama and Bidenrt Halyd lunch recently, stillu som Pulling Strings back there and it goes that far back. Victor, thank you so much fouc downr it down. Appreciate it. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you. You got it. All righr jack het. Prosecutor jack smith. Hes an iron man. Yenaroom glances. The medias reaction to yesterdays trump arraignment did not disappoint. The videos next. Back in my day, we didnt have all of these types of Fancy Chicken for sure. You have Buffalo Wings, fried chicken. Well, we didnt have garlic farm or Sweet Bourbon barbecue ,and he had to walk uphill both ways. And its not every time. Yeah. From here, from my i visit dry eyedrops made with hydrating polymers, moisturizing Hyaluronic Acid and revitalizing halos. For instance dryness relief that lasts up to 8 hours. I vizier we see a better way. This is crime scene kitchen. Can these bakers recreate the mystery dessert based on the clues left behind . This is my kind of cake. We try to make it messy. Or did it just turn that way . Crime scene kitchen mondays on fox and stream on hulu. Do you have Trouble Hearing Conversations . Are you constantly asking loved ones to repeat themselves . Do you miss out on discussions or talking with friends you would benefit from . M. D. 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Join the movement at feeding america dawgs act. Now. T get welcome back. What . We didnt get to all the hilariouto all the s yesterday. Ed. So tonight were hitting what we missed. We begin with our personal favorite, jack smith, the ironrr man. Jack smith is someone who is run over and competed in over rp 100 triathlons. He was reportedl oy at one point hit while he was on his bike by a truck. N of and ten weeks later, he ran another triathlon. This is a man of a lot of grit s and a lot of determination. D ex his aggressive approach to his personal health Cow Correlates to howtalked he approaches his prosecution and his strategy a about. Als weve talked a lot about how the former president is under pressure, but Jack Smithosure is also under pressure today. He is moving at ane aggressive pace i personally felt jack smiths abs and they feel greats a. B. Okay. Thats amazing. But was there any Courtroom Drama . Donald trump, he really was fidgeting quite e a bit. He was sort of playing with his jacket a little bit. He at the sands voted it downou. Fidgeting. He seemed pretty nervous. He looked angry. Trump isngry also described as seated, a bit slouched. He seemed smallered. In some ways. He had the indictment. Hes fidget. Hes staring at jack smith s jut feet away from trump special counsel jack smith. P ance trump glanced brieflypr in smiths direction when he walked in, but di td notdid o appear to make eye contact with him as mr. Trump walked in. Jack smitt directioh did not lookf star in his direction. He did look at him later. Doald trum down of staringin donald trump. Donald trump made a point to look everywhere in the room except. At jack smith. He stared them down. Well, Surelyve The Media Couldn have been pleased with their coverage, right . Wrione are relying right now on our extraordinary reporters inside to give us this moment by moment, this momentex by moment, updates even. This is pretty extraordinarytr. E in e you dont even get the opportunity to report on hearings live in. Every federal courthouse. Rachel is doing this incredible job of reading your livet dispatches on air in a way thate made me feel like i was in there. You did fantastic work. We did sucjob. H great job. Thats what will rachel and i say to us at the end of every show. Joining joining me now, lee zel, former new york congressman, also former candidate fon former governor, and sean duffy, cohost of the bottom line on the fox business network. So, sean, this show is amazing. Youre amazing. Im amazing. This is all amazing. Cg and by oin the way, i trust the media to give an accurate rendition of what happened in thf e jack smith iron man. We saw him one time, pete, o as he cameut in out with the charges, that two minute, three minute statement and the manstatemens voice was quiverig and quaking. I mean, he didnt seem very confiden t himself. That t but i think we have this Tod Antiquated View of the media where we think thawst the mediae today is the news man, the news woman of old, whethepor theyre to report the news. And then they went to opinion, but theyre not even Opinion Makers ar. These are fully in bed with the democrat party. Theyre advocates yeah, a theyre narrative shapers. Theyre advocating for the democrat partydv f democ. Theyre protecting joe biden, trying to take down donald trump. Ned nodonos abou bones about it. And at least some of theseer networks didnt even cover so,da they went breathlessly on the stuff they couldnt see. But then when donaldlde out tr. Out of the courthouse, they wouldnt even cover the statement that he made. This is emotion, personal calculation. This is personal political bias combinedth with a Business Decision that is resulting in this unhinged, incredulous content exposing themselves forl hypocrisy and double standard. And they like to saye, for example, that there is no bef Joe Bidenthere o being involved in this. Joe biden built foreign t Influence Peddling. And then when you provide it to them, they are covering their eyes and ears. Then you referenced the the whatsapp messages, the texts, the emails, the laptop, the witnesses, the the allies, the Business Partners and the clients all providing evidence to you, they dont want to hear it. Now, will they shoot straight with you and really put itthe all out there . Well, wheres the outrage with the blm riots . Do you want to talk insurrection . How about that . Why arent you talking that arak the prolife centers that are under attack . What about the Supreme Court justicest e supremt are that ag harassed . This is not journalism or all to do with the levelua with you. When they talked about Russia Collusion for three years, lo or was actually falsell the Lab Leak Theory that was false, they leveled with you there. Theyre shameless. They never apologizee. Pete d. No, not at all. And heres the thing. They followed his vehicle with helicopters for hours and hours and hours. And then when he got out of the vehicle to talk, they cut. L i mean, it tells you everything you need to know. But cnn had the fina l scoop last night that they seemed very giddy to report. Watch this. Trump left here in a sour and dejected move. He was booed. He was, quote,. One thing that hurt him,g that particularly was during thatnute hearing today that lasted to hi about 27 minutes was when the Magistrate Judge referred to him as simplyimpl mr. Trump. They obsess. So i talkemd to people who Saw Him Last Night and they said he was in great spirits, highpeople energy, pushing back on the charges. Bu around hit people around himt a little dejected. But ive heard the president t hd himself is standing strong and in a good mood, in good spiritd spir s. From the complete opposite of what cnn is saying. There is the vends who what heam very good friends who saw him last. And weve seee seen tn script before. I mean, this is the third indictment. Theyre going to try again. How does this play . Is this really part of a ploy where theyre trying to prop him up because they think biden can beat him . Or is their obsession justw obse gotten to a point where they they cant stop . They are broke in level three, n trump derangement syndrome. Thii they want him in prison for the next 900 years. Thist taki is about taking downy donald trump. And if they were wondering why has this never happened by anyg republicandemos, Democrats Beca its wrong. Its because we dont live in cb world country, because this is in a banana republic. T so they need to take a step back and understand why this has no andt in the past. And as you saw, the House Democrats have gottenpast w kicked off committees the beginning of this year after what they had donhete the years past when they were in control. Now were seeing a house Impeachment Inquiry being launched and who knows whats in store . Hews whaty they should not be g stones here. We have seen with al have sel ti they have a lot to account for on their own. This is a Big Mistakmistake the this road theyre going down and its going to tear our country apart. T. Ee and Serveone Last Point is fs so so lee and i served togethery s congress, and theres a lot of things that we wanted to do, a lot of things we wanted to say. But the Tw Ero Oftain us showedn th restraint because if you say certain things and do certain thingsin igrades t, it degrades the institution. You see no restraint from these prosecutorno ress, No Restraintm the media or democrats. And thats why you see so many people have so much less faith in america and her institutions. Thng forward forwa and then they see someone in donald trump willing to actually Fighand Andt Fire S fire and fight back. He and then they call that unprecedented as they dismantle our systemsmantle r s. Let it shine. T thank you very much. Great to see you both. All right. Its less thanir weeksst. O out. D the first gop president ial primary debate and had a question. Whats it like being on that stage . Donald trump . Two men who would know. Dr. Ben carson and governor bobby jindal. Tell us in moments, let Innovation Refunds help with youed partr i. R. S. Tax refo you can improve your business however you see fit. Rosie used part of her refund to build an Outdoor Patiy used e dr. Marshall used part of his refund to give his practicee facelift. Emily used part ofet sta her refund to burty. I run a wax museum. Let Innovation Refunds help you get started on your i. R. S. Tax refund. Stop waiting. Ter. Go to Innovation Refunds. Com. Attention. Are you suffering from hearing loss . The fdlutionara has finally appr hearing aids to be sold overthecountered,r. And. 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Visit selectquote. Com. We shop, you save. Do you know where you are . Im in a dream. But in my dream we no longer have any of increasing our numbers. Tell me where you went today. Nowhere. July eight. I take it then, that you are yourselves among the afflicted. You dont consider ourselves afflicted. Good to see you here. Good to see you here. Well then lets get started. What are we talking about . Crab. Crab, crab. ,,. Crab, crab, crab, crab, crab, crab, crab. Everyones talking about crab. Apple is the new from dan harmon, cocreator of rick and morty. You still cant die now. I cant die. Im a garbage kind of idiot. Are you to witness the start of civilization . I swear, its not as bad as the name sounds. All that is special premieres September 24th after football. Part of animation domination on fox. Im Martha Maccallum and ie coh will be cohosting our coverage of democracyose 824. People in america dont mince words. They tell you what they w they theyll fanta just say, i hate that guy. I love that woman. Shes fantastic. Sthat i fi sand thats what i fo refreshing when you spend time in the country talking to voters. And thats why it is a privileg lete to meet them and o let them inspire me to do my in the best way that i can. Youre the only person on the stage thats ever been fined for hiringe bein people te on your projects illegally. You hired some workers from stthe only one of the stage thats hired people you havent hired. Im beating hi badlym badly in a polls. Youre not beating hillary. If i cant beat her, youre reallnt beatreallyy goi. Killed, arent you . So whatever the obvious reason s th rest he came here is because he doesnt know how to tell the truth. Othea lot ofr that i rest my ca. Ex newslot of fun up her tonight. So good with fox news. His first Republican Debate just weeks awasidenty. Littl and though President Trump is still uncommitted, why nott have a little fun play a little Fantasy Draft with two people who have Run Againsformt the former president himself, dr. Ben carson, former Hud Secretarsecrety and bobby jindar former louisiana governor. Both join us now. Both were candidates in the 2016 republican Primarod Showsyl both had good showings. Thank you, gentlemen, both for being here. Let me play some clips reage. Lbk quick and then get your tip. So, governor, first, lets look back in time to the 2016 primaries. It was at the reagan nationantl library. You werent on stage with President Trump, but you talked about him because he was formidablformid moment. Ht moment. Heres a portion of what you said. Lets stop treating donaldlican. A trump like a republican. If he were really a conservative, if he were reallyconserva ahead a conserva0 points ahead, i would endorse him. Hes not a conservative. Is hhe is not a liberal. Hes not a democrat. Hes not a republican. Hes not an independent. Beliehe believes in donald truo do we depend on proven d conservative principles like Ronald Reagan did, or do we turn over to this over to a nara who only believes in himself . Now thand thiis nowt then ans is now. 2016 is light years away. My questio n less about how youd feel and more you took the tactic of taking it headon i on. And do you think for Foronen Ponents of who seets the lead that donald trump has, is that the right approach to take . Pete, fk yo well, first of ak you for having two core points. Look, im happy to debatet. Anybody anywhere, any time. But lets be honest, donal s d trump is a different type of debater. Most politicians, they get staff thef briefings, they memorize m their Talking Points and they consider success. If precan deliver some pre canned lives, they come across as stiff. They come acrossf, prs boring as practiced, as rehearsed. Donaldac trump, hes a trex predator. While these candidates are talking about bullet on trade policy. Hes devouring them. Let me just. Hes a maste he dr. He doesnt need my my advice. But let me give him one piece of advice. I think a fundai do think he me a fundamental mistake in 2020 . I think he could be an even better debater in 2024. Eve he needs to give joe biden even more time to talk. As great as donald trump is as a debaterde the, the effectie argument for his reelection. Lelet jot joe have as much timee wants. I think thats the most compelling reaso on people have to vote joe biden out of office. But make no mistake about it, hes a predato wilr. He will devour anybody in front. So real quick. Just a follow up, governor, add you woulvised you advise otr other candidates to try to go at them . Considering his popularitytes tt this point . Well, look, they can do whatever they want. I think its prettpoint . They cae going to be the nominee. Its almost like youve seen the polls. Its like running against an incumbent president. Yeah, the democrats would be careful what they wiswish wia they want to run against donald trump. They should be careful. They might get what h t they for. Ll i hes tied even in the New York Times. The biasg he would call it. The failing biased Daily New York Times polk they al id with joe biden, even in the New York Times poll. So i think theyre doinghat they they can to make him the nominee. I dont want to say it doesnt matter they a. They do. Theyre going to run their campaigns. It looks to me like pete ns. Away with thih th yeah, no doubt. Dr. Carson, heres the momenrept from the 2015 republican primary debate where you had an exchange with trumpl on childhood vaccines. Watch this. Donald and Trump Publiclychil and repeatedly linked vaccines, childhood vaccinesdhoosm. To au. There have been numerous studies and they have not demonstratede is that there is. Correlation between vaccinations and autise arm. There are others are multitude of vaccines, which probabl and y dont fit in that category. And there should be somet, discretion y in cases. Put, you know, a lot of this is pushed by Big Governmentame A came back atck you and you went on to say, well, hes an okay doctor, kind of diffusinf digho the situation. There was laughter in the room. How did you Handlediyo Knowingr he was going to throw curveballs . How do you plan for that . The interesting thing about donald trump and shes no at a typical politician is that go around with his finger in the air saying which wa. Y the wind is blowing and you always know what hes thinking. And we developed a friendship during the course of the campaign. You remembendship during thro a time when my name was called dihehe waited on stage with me. I didnt hear the name, and everybody else gladly walked by. He was the onl Ocomplainbout Thn complained about the fact that they werent asking me enough question is. So i found it to be delightful. Hes really an incredibly entertaining person, but you never have to worry about what he is talking a abouf no doubt. No doubt. Real quick question to both of a you. Do you think you said it right, governor . Its its not ho if hes goie to take the advice of of right here on tv, but would him you advise him to participate in the first debate . I mean, is it advantageous for him to dso . O. W i think he wins either way. Ou i thin k he would dominate. H he shows up. I dont think hes afraid of debating. I think if he doesnt,e ha about hes about maybe doing his own event, you know, separate. K he either way. The reality is, look, the democrats have politicized this, driven by their hate, their hate, their corrupting the political judicial system just lik t aftere they use the s to go after conservatives. And i think youre seeing republicans and conservativerals rallying to the former president. So, look, i think if you were Jaywalk Acrossw Yo thect him yod indict him for a felony today. So youre almoste wa the are. Hm he was leading before the indictments. I think theyre just giving Him E Nominatinklya nomination, no. No doubt. Dr. Carson, same question. Do you think the former president debatek th presides . Well, i think if he was being a typical politician, he would say absolutely no , but hes not. I think we just lost. T i wonder what theres the cliffhanger. Well get hi finam back to get the final thought. Dr. Carson, governor jindal, great to hear fromou both. Thank you. All right. As soon as sound of freedom unncomfort, uncomfortable truth for some people, remember that film, 150 million bucks. Critics lambasted it as a fantasy. But recent news has those critics eating crow. Eatiy, tim ballard, the subject of the movie, is here to react. Of the movie, is here to react. Nextmovie, i. Hey, i just got a text from my sister. You remember rick, her neighbor . Sure. Sure. Who still runs marathons. Right . Right . Sadl wow. Wow. Sonver, suddeare wen. 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Com or call 800 3482867. Call. Do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep tunable . Sleep support has a unique blend of five key ingredients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer so you can wake up refreshed. Qnol the brand i trust. Back in my day we didnt have all of these types of Fancy Chicken for sure. You have Buffalo Wings and fried chicken. We didnt have garlic farm or Sweet Bourbon barbecue and he had to walk uphill both ways. And its not every time. Yeah, right. Graham. Hi from my saturday from going on strike to going under the knife that we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. But then he got us tmobile home internet. I was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. I mightve taken it a step too far. Chainsaw Revs tree crashes chainsaw continues daughter screams lets pretend for a second that you didnt let down your entire family. What would that reality look like . Well i guess i wouldve gotten us xfinity. And wed have a better view. Do you need mulch . What, we have a ton of mulch. Everyone. Make sure youre prepared for your financial future at ace your retirement talk sound of freedom has been one of the biggest Film Surprises in recent memory, and although the Mainstream Media has ceased talking about it, its message tl is too important for us to stop about. As of last weekend, its still among the Highestle Grossing Films In America and has made more than 155 million in one month, outpacing mission impossible. In the background of all of this success, the Mainstream Media kept sound o us. That sound of freedom was based on a wacky conspiracy theorycons full of base concepts. T hats watch. Conser it has the backing of not justvs republicans and religious conservativet s, just ted cruz z and elon musk, but also q folks and the internets tinfoil hat brigade. These filmst brigade. Are crt of moral panics. Theyre created out of bogus statistics. Theyre created out of fear. And with Something Like Sound Of Freedom At Specific Only Ising Ring Looking at q it on concepts of these child trafficking ring rus that are run by the high level elites. Bogus. S they want us to believe them and ignore the real and real travesty. That sound of freedom aims to spotlight , in the wake ofacy, those on the left, telling us that child trafficking is a conspiracytake a ac. They occasionally take a break to report the truth, the inconvenient truth. This courtesy of nbc news. And o the fbi found 200re Sex Trafficking Victims and, e more than 125 suspects during a two week Child Exploitation operation in july. Tuesda federal officials said on tuesday, waiy. Report, can this . Be right . Wasnt this all a giant conspiracy s . So in the same month that sound of freedom was released, our own fbi simultaneously found 200 sex trafficking victimg victim ameris. Me america, not a foreign country. Right here, home. This topic remains a gravelyp serious, sick problem. And theres no one betterar to talk on this subjecd on wt. Tim ballard, on whom the sound of freedom is based. And tim ballard joins us now. Hes a Senior Advisor at the Spear Fundhank you. Tim, thank you for what youre doing. Thank you for your story, for creating Movemt A Movement than showcasing what is a sick and ongoing. 5 when you hear 200 and 125 suspects, i got to believe youre saying thats just of tberg here. Iceberg absolutely. Its the tip of the iceberg. The irony here. I dont even know how tothat describe it that the Mainstreame Leftist Media is pretending its not happening, but then nds not sayingsaying is happeniu even more ironic than that is the fact that all of thosall, networks, cnn, nbc, msnbc, cbs,t rolling stone, all of those that are disparaging sound of freedom, they all did reporteyso back in 2014 when the Actuale De Operation you see depictedpictir the film happened and they get glowing reports. It was real. Thenl then. Ater ten years laterg longer real. These same outlets are now saying. Heres the heres the funny part of this. Wasnt e invented until yearsdo after this film was done. Ne. Heits on the shelf. So its impossible that any watc of ideas are even in this film. And anyone who watcheshes it it. Knows, its nonsense. Theres this is based on a true story. Its totally absurd. Helply absurd. Help m me out. I got to ask the obvious question, which is why . Why the about face . Wh . Not ity admit it . Why not attack it . Why not get rid of it . Why not promote sound of freedom and say, this is horrific. Lets get rid of it . Y . Out ch i think i know the answer because theres a conversation about childrenil do that they t want to have. These same networks are promoting this idea thates l should be called minor attractive persons. It should be normalized. The unalized u put out a reportz two months ago saying that maybe we shouldnt criminalizeei with children. They dont want to talk about 85,000 Unaccompanied Minorsunder Stration under the S Administration that were let into the United States without y any background checks being done and deliveredluding to anyone, including potential traffickers. These are the conversations of fe, thiwant to hav sound and they have to discredit sound of freedom because they know the Center Of Freedom Is Goings Da Shinerk a light on this Tatio Darkness and were not going to stop. We will shove this Conversatio Tiwn then down their throats to protect children. You certainly have. And tim, you just kind of alluded to it,d to thed it to ae frustration about this worldwide sex traffickin g flor problem. Fox recently reported this, that, quote, floridas officialid weds wednesday that nearly 40 of the people arrestedon in one part of the state in recent operation cracking down on Child Exploitation were in the us Illegallyis Pro illegally. So the border on the south is making this problem actuad te actually worse than they have to know that its making it worse. And heres heresfeed to the piece of this. You need to know the sponsors that the children come acrossbe. With a name and a number. And health and Human Services itl number. Illega it doesnt matter who it is. In many cases, its actually illegag thl immigrants who are receiving the phone call and receiving the children. Its literally more difficult to adopt a cat from a sheltera l than it is for an illegal person or any person in the u. S. To go down and takeact, a child out of the custody of health and Human Services. In facert, your Taxpayer Dollars are now paying for the last leg of what might be a child trafficking experience. This is the reality thiS Administration is complicit. Yes, wittingly or notey entrapped. And then you look us in the eye and tell us its all humane. Its sick. Thats right. Its a sin. Thank you, tim, for everything youre doing. Congrats on the filmthank r evyg. Thank you, sir. Er thank you. All right, you remember lets do a little flashbacak. L the remember Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who pretendee wn to black . Lled well, what if she was just r the beginning of socalledac rae changing . Our next guest explains the Troubling Onlinene World Coming next. Attention, recipients. If you need medical grade oxygen, the aria portable Oxygen Concentrator may now be available at little or no to you. Call now to see if you qualify. Stop dealing with bulky an aria portable Oxygen Concentrator converts the air around you into medical grade oxygen. Its convenient lightweight Battery Powered to go everywhere you go, even on a flight. And if you have medicare, you could qualify for a unit at little or no outofpocket costs. Aria uses the same Technology Found in higher priced units for hundreds less. 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Thats a very i mean i dont i dont know what youre implying. Are you africanamerican. I dont understand the question. Are your parents are they white irish . So if you thought dolezal was the end of it, its only gotten worse as always does. Inside the online world of people who they can change their race. Practitioners race change to another or asked to be on the lookout for that asked to purport to be able to manifest physical in their appearance and even their genetics to truly become a different race. Joining me now to react is in part angela ep, a new burnaby and host of unapologetic on prager. You angela help me here. Its not a surprise to me, actually. Why . If if were changing genders and were changing everything else, and why wouldnt this become a thing . Youre exactly right. If we set the stage for people to be allowed to change these characteristics about themselves, then why not take on the role of changing your race . And i found this online. There is quite a large r. C. To race change to another community and just like transgenderism, this happens to be afflicting young women more so than any other demographic, and they are taking on racial stereotypes and listening to subliminal videos on the internet that they think can change their characteristics and have them looking like a different race. Youre right. Just like on gender transitions, they play into a stereotype to reinforce the identity that they now say they want to choose. You mentioned young girls. Heres one disturbing personal story. Her name is alyssa, 15, said she has felt a special connection with japan. Was born in ukraine but she now goes the japanese name miku miyuki. And to subliminal she said that subliminal messages that promise she will wake up and be japanese. She believes that by listening to youtube videos with lo fi music and photos of east facial features while she sleeps, her eyelids have become smaller and her hair just a bit darker. I mean, this sounds like a severe, undiagnosed mental illness. Do we are we really going to pretend this is okay . Yeah. I hope we dont go down that route. Whats unfortunate about this is that young girls with this affliction finding Strong Communities on the internet that are reinforcing beliefs that they have about themselves and engaging in the same sort of activity we see with transgenderism. Blind affirmation. What we should be these young girls, is that girlhood is a turbulent time. Were all starting to question ourselves. Were very skeptical about our our bodies. And that is a normal part of life. We dont need to go changing these characteristics about ourselves in order to become more comfortable with who we are. In fact, we need to accept who we actually are and the bodies that we were given. Absolutely. Real quick, we dont have too much time, but what is there get in the mind of a leftist. Is there any logical block to this . I mean, if we went to transgenderism and mutilation of kids physically, what logically could stop them from stopping this as a trend . You know what . You would think that that would be the case. But in fact, youll find in online circles that the is really upset about trans racialism. They have some sort of cognitive block when it comes to transgenderism. But with trans racialism, they understand on its face that this is something that people should not be engaging in. And its probably because they attach their race to victimhood in such a deep way that they cant possibly fathom somebody like Rachel Dolezal being able to be black or let this young girl, alissa, being able to be east asian. Something is not clicking here. And they wish they would make the same connection that they make with race on gender. Im a really smart analysis and i have a feeling, unfortunately, im going to hear more of this and youll be a great voice with it. Thanks for joining us. Appreciate it. Thank you for having me. You got it. All right. That is it for us tonight. Im pete hegseth, in for ingraham on this friday. Dont forget, fox nations patriot awards will hosted by yours truly on thursday, November 16th In Nashville sign up right now to be first in line when tickets officially go on sale. Theyre going on sale soon. Trust me. Ive got an inside source. Go to fox. Com slash patriot words to get on the list so frin you can get tickets first up front and center. Thanks for watching. Jesse watters nextd uch pat will con. Hello, everybody. Im Jesse Watters along with kennedy. Harold jr, Martha Maccallum and tyrus. Its 5 00 in New York City and this is the five. Were getting insane video in right now. The social Media Influencer giveaway gone wronane a vig. Ncg a massive Mob Swarming A busy New York City parkiv, Overtaking The Streets and clashing with the cops. All th

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