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Perpetualing fraud upon the american public. They are not journalists, they are liberal hacks who dont like or trust the tens of millions of americans who voted for donald trump. Of course they were not going to of coer what a former president of the United States was saying in his own defense, but we will. This is a very sad day for america and it was sad driving through washington, d. C. And seeing the filth and decay and all of the broken buildings and walls and graffiti. This is persecution of a political opponent. This was never supposed to happen in america. If you cant beat them, you persecute them or prosecute them. Laura shame on the media for not covering this case as it should be covered, or those remarks. None of us should be surprised. New york times, washington posts, teaming with coconspib r spirrators. They seek to help the party in power and interfere with the next president ial election. Their Coverage Today was reminiscent of How Simpson Case was handled and what seemed like a car chase. View this indictment differently than the maralago indictment. Because of the seriousness of it. This is where the capitol is, this is how close we are and the importance of this is not lost on anyone here. They set up snow plows for extra security. That is back of the courthouse and that is where we believe the former president will go. He will arrive and go inside and begin the process of being arraigned, he will be arrested. Laura he will be arrested . Okay. To give you sense of how dim the justice correspondent is, he was not arrested today, this is summons, he appeared. Dont you think Walter Cronkite would be proud. Trump is a twisted obsession, vessel into which they pour out bitterness and arrogance and jack smiths smiths, the angle could draft indictment for joe biden and Merrick Garland with multiple counts of diverting the process as coconspirator. Bidens lies, and garlands work to slow walk the investigation into hunter and Purposeful Mischaracterization of january 6 as an insurrection, this undermines public faith in government and media and designed to affect the outcome of the 2020 and 2024 elections. Media continue to play along, to misinform viewers and readers, maybe insight them. By election day, they have yall believing that a vote for trump is basically a hate crime. This will not be the trial of the century, trial of the millenium. This is first time donald trump is being treated like a normal american. I feel invigorated, gravity is historic. The confederacy, pearl harsh osh, 9 11, 2001, donald trump, like other threats to american democracy tried to destroy our system. Bin laden was a terrorist, i believe donald trump is a terrorist. Millions of people felt traumatized. This is a sense for them to get accountability. Laura they are never accountable, are they . Fair election are how the people traditionally hold political leaders accountable. The people you just heard dont want that here. They need to help short circuit the process. Most of the time, they were struggling to fill time. Really interesting to show us specifically to show our viewers just how close you are, how close that courthouse is to the United States capitol. Everything that is going to go inside that court today really did happen right there. Laura really did happen right there. They are so excited about the Trump Indictment they dont just make up crimes, they make up words. Hes not the first president who thought he got a bad deal, he actionized it, make it pattern of action that try to reverse it. Laura actionize . Maybe that is on the sat, i missed it. That is New York Times top reporter, by the way. They are giddy over the prospect of trump being buried in legal fees, too. Former President Trump spent and bleeding money. As you get closer to trial and hes getting closer to multiple trials, the costs only increase. Laura they are hoping and nonlawyers tried to outlawyer a real lawyer. What is not to overturn legitimate election. Purpose of having slate of electors is to have alternate slate available in the event the slate is invalidated. You cant just look at this document and say, i dont like this document. 60 federal judges decided there was no appreciable fraud. That was not accurate. Rejected the case on standing, none of the judges got to the merits. Laura oops, someone forgot to put that in the folder. Socalled historians are in on the conspiracy, as well, they have lost all graphs to and they are indistinguishable from any other random cable guest. Does it take your breath away a little bit . This is a day we have never seen before in american history, this is expresident of the United States indicted and arraigned for what he did in office. We could have lost our democracy and rule of law. This could have caused us to live in autocracy and may yet again. Laura then the people will vote. The man need help at this point, is there a fruit basket someone can send them. After years of Trashing America and branding conservatives as cultist or fascist, they are aghast faith in our system is declining. 61 of americans say yes joe biden was legitimate she elected, 69 of know ares say joe biden is not legitimately elected only 29 of republicans say he is. Laura that divide will continue to grow. These people dont want trump out of politics, they dont want him to lose next year, they want him to die in prison. This is demented. Ever since Election Night in 2016 issue the faces and nashing of teethes, media and political elite have entrusted americans to vote for their candidate of their choosing, pretending they care about democracy hour by hour and wonder why nobody trust the reporting. If journalists got out of hair and makeup long enough to speak to real americans, if they did that, they could learn something, like fact most voters dont want boys in girls sports, they dont want illegals crossing the border or gas and food prices that go through the roof. Americans see that is what they are getting from the biden team. We asked folks, what is your confidence level u. S. Will reflect of people . 58 say little or no confidence, this does not ring of healthy democracy. Honestly, it is terrifying. Laura what is terrifying, erin, is powerful forces in the United States trying to prevent americans for determining the future for themselves, they seem to be undeterred. In lust to take down trump, these coconspirators took Wrecking Ball to the norms they supposedly care about preserving and that is the ang elt. Joining me now to unpack this is john loro, tern for donald j trump. They want this trial to be speedy. This was repeated all day long on the other cable networks. They want it to happen before the election. What does that tell you tonight. . It tells me everything about the attack on the constitution. This is criminalized First Amendment speech because President Trump, like all of us, has a right to redress gr grievance, protest what is unfair. Right to campaign on position and they have attacked that right for President Trump and everyone. But now, today in court, terribly sad day, they are attacking other partses of the constitution because they want to take President Trump to trial in a few months, deny him his Sixth Amendment right to counsel, give me and my cocounsel opportunity to prepare and deny President Trump duprocess rights, to look at documents, get witnesses, to use Subpoena Power and rush to judgement for one political purpose and that is to uphold the Biden Administration. Make no mistake about it, this has Merrick Garlands handy work all around it. This case was brought, approved by Merrick Garland and why the bums rush on this case . Do they feel there is a problem in the other cases being orchestrated and they need to bring this case to trial in a couple months in this venue . What does that tell you . Laura they dont want to name the other coconspirators, that would slow them down. If thises such an assault on democratic process, it was not, Trump Left Office voluntarily, electors had the vote certified, that all happened. They actually want this to go forward as fast as possible and so they will let go of the coconspirators, correct . That is key to this. 100 , this is a fastmoving rail road without any concern for justice. Speedy trial rights are a defendants speedy trial right, a citizens speedy trial right. Not the government. Government has obligation to ensure fair trial and in this case we need a journey to the truth, not a railroading of an citizen, let alone a former president. This is strategic move by Biden Administration to get to trial as quickly as possible for whatever reason and we know the reason, they think they can do better in district of columbia than in more diverse state like florida. Laura that is harder for you to argue, it is difficult to change venue and in these type cases it hasnt been successful. They want to prevent people from having their say next year, whatever the say is. Bill barr, no love lost between trump and barr, disagrees with free speech and this is why. They are not attacking his First Amendment right, he is say whatever he want, that does not protect you from entering into coconspiracy, all fraud involve speech. Laura john issue your response to that . John laughable. What is the fraud . Tell me what the fraud is . What is the fraudulent speech . President trump was petitioning State Legislature and there was nothing fraudulents, this is protected First Amendment speech. For mr. Barr to say that is complete and utter ignorance of the basic law for freedom of speech. First amendment protects speech and right to protest and right to petition for grievances, which President Trump did. To characterize this fraud when nothing being done in secret, nothing being hidden. Laura they are hanging it all or a lot on the supposed conversation between pence and trump that trump took contemporaneous notes from, saying, you are too honest. That doesnt prove anything, hanging a lot on that one phrase. Good luck, i cant wait, something about the conversation, President Trump was getting advice from esteemed constitutional scholar as to array of options he could take in light of discrepancies and what was going on in 2020. Those were well known and being litigated and Professor Eastman discussed options with Vice President pence. What President Trump said, go with option d, lets halt and pause the voting and allow State Legislature to make One Last Look and make determination as to whether or not the elections were handled fairly that is correct is constitutional law, that is not issue of criminal activity. Laura john, august 28, next date you are supposed to appear for the next hearing. We appreciate you joining us tonight. What trump news obscured was release of devin archer in entirety contrary to democrat spin whachl is inside is def stating for president biden, they dont want you to know, but we will show you in minutes before senator josh hawley responds. Do you ever feel dehydrated and need to feel better quickly . Liquid labs from force factor hydrates better and faster than water alone. And, liquid labs is delicious, easy to use and affordable. Rush to walmart and find liquid labs in the vitamin aisle. Every business thats why Comcast Business De is launching theal. Mobile made free event. 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In fact, when you look at the transcript, illusion of access is in dan goldmans Question Issue not what devin archer testified to. He says yes, but that is not quite fair. This was about showing that there was the signal there is influence and access here. Laura kudos to catherine her ridge for calling that out. That hasnt stopped them from lying. Phil bump tweeted just released transcript Es Haveerates What was said on tv. Archer said Burisma Wanted Hunter biden to get prosecutors off their back. They were getting pressure and they requested hunter help with the pressure and during goldmans questioning, he got archer to say Burisma Wanted Hunter on the board so people would be intimidated to mess with them legally. Archer revealed then vp joe biden did attend dinners with foreign business associates, including one at famous Cafe Miknow Lao in washington, d. C. , just weeks after burisma wired 3. 5 million to an llc linked to hunter biden and associated and this interview reveals Vice President joe biden told archer in early 2011, he was happy he and hunter were partners. Here is how censorship josh hawley will respond, i cant wait. Which revelation is most important here . Given this spin that evolved from both biden and his coconspirators in the media . Can i just say, it is not an illusion when the Vice President of the United States shows up to dinner with hunter biden and the executives of burisma, when hes there in person. I believe devin archer testified he ate and conversed and had dinners with the executives, been on the phone with the executives. This shows Everything Biden said in the white house is a total lie. He never discussed this with hunter, he discussed it and he himself had contact with the burisma executives. Joe biden was there in the room with the executives, they are paying his son to get this prosecutor off their back, which joe biden did for them. This blows up everything the white house said and shows we will have to have Impeachment Inquiry to get the facts and figure out is the president a crook . It being loos more and more like it. Laura if don jr. Was accused of hundredth of what we have here. Archer is asked about the fbi fd1023 form and said he wasnt aware of 5 million payment to biden, but he was asked, does this Allegation Strike you as credible. Archer answered, the agent explains it well on bottom and similar to hunter biden taking credit for his dads visit, like sending a signal, bragging to this guy. How is that not influence pedalling . Unless joe biden is that dumb, it is a social meeting with foreign dignitaries because hunter is so brilliant at foreign business. That is exactly right. You have archer confirming details of that form, of the 1023, it is significant that report came from somebody other than archer, we have multiple independent witnesses who have come forward and said it looks like both hunter and joe are involved in a foreign bribery scheme. We have multiple different input and archer in the room with joe and burisma executives, my gosh, this Contradiktss Everything joe biden told the public and whatever he is lying about, he is lying about involvement. We need the facts. Was joe biden bribed . That is the question . White house should answer and cooperate fully and get the facts asap. Laura thank you. If you didnt think donald trump could win, wait until we show you polls and freak out from democrats in the media. The pulse of the nation is next. As a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. Sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. 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And at the end of 2019, before covid, a whopping 76 of americans thought the Economic Conditions in the country were good. Well, today, only 25 of the country. Joining me now is mark penn, former Clinton Adviser and pollster and Fox News Contributor as well as tom bevan, cofounder of real clear politics. Mark, the country is saying it pretty clearly. They dont like this economy. They dont care how the biden team is spinning it, and they keep saying the same thing and they keep thinking on the democrat side in is a messaging problem. Where does this end up . I looked at this recently and people are really upset about inflation. They feel Purchasing Power in food and Gasoline Prices has really been eroded and they are giving the president a about a 35 rating on the economy. That doesnt mean a year from now when people have attitudes to go to the election will be the same. As your polls point out, voters can change a lot. In 96 for clinton we changed it about 180 degrees in the six months. So right now. Things look quite bad for this administration and the economy but a year from now . Who knows . Laura mark, wait a second. You had bill clinton, one of the best politicians we have seen in the past 50 years in american politics. So comparing Clinton To Biden who is still trying to find his way off the stage im not sure thats an apt comparison. I give you kudos for actually trying to make that comparison. Bevin, on another interesting note, republicans are outperforming biden on the handling of the economy, specifically Kevin Mccarthy and his leadership by about 79 percentage points. Again, given the fact that the economy is the number one issue in every single poll, is that signature significant . Yeah, sure. I think it is. I mean, the economy in this poll was the number one issue by 4 to 1 over the next issue on peoples minds. Almost 50 of people. So it remains the dominant figure and will be for the foreseeable future, unless something happens, some event happens in the next year, the economy is going to be what this election is about. And so for republicans to have an edge on that it could change obviously. Depending on what happens. Right now they are in better shape than biden on the economy. Laura Energy Prices are going back up courtesy of the saudis. Mark, cnn of all places, seems to be kind of realizing that maybe their candidate isnt the best. Watch. We dont know how solid a candidate joe biden is. We know he is not exactly. He is struggling. Its hard to watch. Why is joe biden running for reelection . I mean, this is crazy. Laura mark, do the democrats have any other realistic options at this point . Everybody seems to want different choices here, i guess. But anyone else out there . Interestingly, joe biden seems to be consolidating his support among democrats. He is in the 60plus percent range when i ask now who do you want to be the democratic nominee, he is scoring much higher than, say, donald trump is in the Republican Party. So, no, i dont think theres going to be a r. Another switch here in the Democratic Party if anything he seems to be consolidating the democrats and the action is going to be over on the Republican Party is trump going to really consolidate him or is the Republican Party going to fragment . Lets talk about obamas conversation recently as reported that he was basically telling the democrats and biden dont under estimate trump. Now, again, obama is one of the best political candidates we have seen in the last 50 years as well commenting on trump that way, what does that tell you, tom . Well, we see a lot of chatter about this. Look, the National Polls right now for what theyre worth are within a point. Biden has a 1 Point Advantage over donald trump. Thats nationally. You look at swing states and its probably even closer. Everybody realizes that a bidentrump matchup is going to be a very, very close election. Just like 2020. Its going to come down to the same states, a handful of votes and its going to be handtohand combat. Anybody who thinks donald trump doesnt have a chance, even if is he indicted, you know, a fourth time, even if he, perhaps, is convicted and is on appeal i think they are including themselves. These bases are locked in and going to be that way for the foreseeable future. Laura all those unpaid Parking Tickets those will come due as well. We will see how that affects the election. Mark and tom, good to see you. All right, faucis replacement has just been named. Wouldnt you know she is just as bad as the other one. Scott atlas returns to the angle, im so excited to give us his thoughts on some of her past let Innovation Refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. Rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. Clink dr. Marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. Emily used part of her refund to buy. I run a wax museum. Let Innovation Refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. Stop waiting. Go to innovationrefunds. Com you really got the brows. We moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. But then he got us tmobile home internet. I was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. I mightve taken it a step too far. Chainsaw Revs tree crashes chainsaw continues daughter screams lets pretend for a second that you didnt let down your entire family. What would that reality look like . Well i guess i wouldve gotten us xfinity. And wed have a better view. Do you need mulch . What, we have a ton of mulch. Laura a secret medical research lab with ties to the Chinese Government in california . Well, trace gallagher, foxs chief breaking news correspondent and anchor of fox news at night has all the details. Trace . Trace laura, for those who dont know california, this lab was found in the eastern part of the state about three hours northeast of los angeles near Yosemite National park. It was a none descript warehouse but a Code Enforcement officer noticed a hose coming from the back of the building which is often an indicator that it could be a meth lab. Instead, it turns out to be a chinese run biolab. Heres the officer who made the discovery. Watch her. I was shocked, surprised, completely in awe because it was the last thing i would have anticipated finding. I would have never a Anticipatea Biological Lab being stored in a warehouse in the manner that it was being stored in. Investigators were also baffled by the biolab contained hundreds of violation of deadly pathogens, hiv, tuberculosis, malaria along with pregnancy and covid test kits there were more than a thousand mice, most of them dead that were being used in the testing. Authorities say the lab was run by a Company Called Prestige Biotech which was not licensed in california. The companys president is chinese but all the chinese locations of Prestige Biotech turned out to be just empty offices. In the past, the company has claimed that it was manufacturing covid19 and pregnancy tests but there has been no explanation as to why more than a dozen Infectious Diseases were being secretly tested in a very rural part of california. Now, the people connected to the California Lab are not talking, which begs the question what are they trying to conceal . The whole thing sounds like an episode of Stranger Things had except this lab was likely posing a very real hazard and any time you hear about a chinese lab testing deadly pathogens, its very familiar and very concerning. Were hoping to get more information about this, laura, in the coming days. Laura trace, that is such a wild story. I mean, it defies credit deal i cant, thank you so much for joining us dont forget to tune in to see trace tonight at 11 00 p. M. Of course. If you thought medical tyranny was dead when fauci retired earlier this year you were wrong. The nih announced her replacement. Her name is jean that raz zoe. Here is a taste of her covid commentary. There is no questioning that Covid Testing has actually worked. Look at the trends in the gigantic of a National Experiment really tragic. The human lives. The governors of florida and georgia, which have been very reluctant to implement these measures. If you are a 35yearold, what is the likelihood and you are healthy that you are going to die. If you are 75, whats the likelihood. 75yearold. We really dont know when angle was telling you that kids were not high risk, of course she was sayings the opposite. When you are seeing kid under 2 years old getting a Respiratory Virus that is causing them to be intubated that should really wake people up and think very hard about whether they should be wearing masks. Whether they should get vaccinated. Laura the angle sent human numerous questions over to her Office Asking if she had any regrets knowing how wrong she was in hindsight they refused to comment. Joining us dr. Scott atlas former Covid Adviser at the trump white house. Dr. Atlas, your reaction to her appointment given that reel of golden oldies we just played. Yeah, laura, well, i mean, heres the problem, the task at hand for her is enormous. Luckily for her she is following a disaster because she is inheriting an agency that is embroiled in controversy, including being investigated for one of the most corrupt scandals in the history with the coverup of the ohr begin of this and funding the research possibly that was in coronavirus in chinas labs when it was forbidden in the United States the task at hand for her is to reestablish trust. The American People have lost trust in science and 60 of people lost trust in pluck health agencies. She has three big problems the first one you have showed. Engaged in covid pseudo science. She pushed masks. The data was already proven that masks dont work in this Respiratory Virus either for protection in a significant way nor for stopping the spread. She pushed masks on Young Children and he shoe pushed what i think is misinformation about vaccines stopping the spread and denied all the evidence that shows that florida did better than most states including my own state of california she is an advocate. What do i mean by that . The president of the American Society of Infectious Disease praised her for her advocacy. She has written things about equity, diversity, thats not the job. The job for her is very simple. It should be excellence in science, transparency, and accountability to the American People. And then the third problem with her it every single year in funding from the nih. There is conflicts of interest galore when you appoint an insider. Will she have the guts to show that she was wrong. Apparently she didnt answer your questions. We need with Intelling Gri at this leading science. Science cartel of funding that controls the science. We see it in the emails that were involving fauci and the coverup letter to the lancet. We need somebody with integrity to stop that and fix science. Laura dr. Atlas, i hope she changes her mind on these things but im not very hopeful. But thank you for that analysis tonight. Great to see you. Now david schoen and Jim Parlatore have both represented donald trump. They are here next with their own take on today and what gotcha. Take that. Whoa bruh im fine. That smack looked bad. Not compared to the smack down im giving you. You sure youre, ok . You know youre down 200 points, right . Lucky, she convinced me to get help. I had a concussion that couldve been game over. In actual reality, youve only got one life. Dont mess with your melon. If you hit it, get it checked. Laura joining me now is david, laura joining me now is david schoen and former attorney for President Trump. David, it was reported several federal judges from district of columbia, filled the back row at the arraignment, including chief judge and amy burrman jackson, is that judicial show of force we should be concerned about . I think we should be concerned about it, such a great court formerly, Who Have Made Gra Tuittous comments about President Trump, bureman jackson. I clerked on Second Circuit in new york, i cant imagine. Most ridiculous thing. Jamie raskin reacted to the First Amendment account. Will claim Everything Trump was doing was free speech, he is being charged with a whole seriouses of actions of conduct that ended up amounting to obstructing federal hearing, defrauding the American People. Laura your argument, i dont follow their argument at all. The issue is, you have to look at what he said and his intent behind it. If you are saying something that is knowingly false to try to defraud somebody, that is the beyond limits of the First Amendment. But here, what he was saying, he believed it to be true at the time he said it and talking to him recently, he believes there is fraud in this election. Simply say he is not allowed to say that because we disagree, is not appropriate. Laura other people saying, he believed it, he is he said, he said. Is that a federal crime now . I want to play Expert Testimony in quotes from legal analyst on meaning of intent or how to show it. Trumps intents, donald trump told the Vice President he was too honest, i cant imagine more krob rative of intent than that. Laura is that a throwaway comment from someone like trump . It doesnt make sense. If that is what they want to hang their hat on, they can do it. President trump believed then and believes now that the election was stolen from him. He thought he was standing up for the 75 million plus voters. Jamie raskin is wrong, bill barr is wrong, you cant leave out and excerpt the speech. Conduct is protected, political speech. If President Trump were presented with evidence and advice he had, i suggest in article two section one, section that told us how president is elected require president to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. How on earth in that same section, hes required to make sure law is faithfully executed, he would have defaulted on his obligation. Laura you should be on his legal team as well still tim. Here is how conway thinks trump can achieve freedom. His ticket to freedom is getting elected president so he can shut this down, that is his way out, his play. String this out when in his brain he thinks he can win the election. Laura his only way out, tim, is that right . No, election aside, this can be won on the merit. There is no evidence that shows corrupt intent. He did believe he lost the election because of fraud. If you can convince a dc jury to go along with jack smiths theory, that will get overturned on appeal. You know it will go to the supreme court. Laura it better and better be resolved correctly for the American People. David and tim. Thank you. Thats it. Set your dvr, never miss us. Remember, Jesse Watters is next. Todd fox and friends firsted, u. S. Gas prices surging to 3. 83 per gallon, record high up 31 cents from last month. What does this say about the economy . A panel will react. And cancelling event with kirk cameron and riley gaines, wait until you hr why and how their lawyer is responding. Todd did you see this . My family, my god. I wanted to

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