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Recent criminal indictment against him. He pleaded not guilty to a variety of charges, involving alleged attempts to interfere and ideally overturn the 2020 election. And his alleged role in the subsequent January 6th 2021 capitol riot. Correspondent david spunt is at the courthouse now a long day and a lot of media around you. Good evening, david. Bret, good evening to you. Historic day. A stoick donald trump appeared in federal court behind me. He said little in front of the judge. The former president in a clear Voice Pleading not guilty to four criminal charges, stemming from his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 president ial election results. After being sworn in at his arraignment, trump was flanked by his lawyers who did most of the talking. Appearing tense and impatient, looking about the room, his hands animated. Escorted in the custody of the u. S. Marshals, trump was fingerprinted electronically but no mugshot taken. Officials will rely on an existing photo. He was released on his own recognizance with the Magistrate Judge warning the defendant not to commit any crimes while awaiting trial. Then, a choreographed high Security Secret Service escort from Underground Garage to the airport before the departure back to new jersey, donald trump was defiant. This is the Cou Persecutionf the person thats leading by very, very substantial numbers in the republican primary and leading biden by a lot. Only a few reporters and members of the public allowed to see trump in person in the courtroom. Watching the proceedings, special counsel jack smith, about 20 feet from the defendant. Trump Campaign Advisers and three Capitol Police officers who defended the building from january 6th rioters. The scene outside unfolding within the sight of the u. S. Capitol. The site of the january 6th riots. Hundreds of curious onlookers gathered along with a few subdued demonstrators all cordoned off by a heavy police presence. Griff jenkins watched the skeptic unfold. A situation with handful of supporters, very calm from both sides and, of course, if you look down the line, you can see such a massive amount of media and, of course, the courthouse. Everyone out here waiting for the former president to leave, hoping to get a glimpse as he drives by. Trump posted on social media all day saying at one point his appearance was a, quote, great honor because i am being arrested for you. The case now goes District Court judge Tanya Chutkan a 2014 obama Bench Appointee who will handle future motions and set a trial date. Special counsel jack smiths team wants the trial to take place before the November 2024 elections. Trumps team has already signaled it will seek a delay until afterwards. Trump faces up to 55 years in prison if convicted on all counts next hearing in this case is set for monday, august 28th. Donald trump does not have to be there for that he is, though, fully aware that he may be charged in another case in georgia i need one more indictment to ensure my election may be projecting bravado but the charges are serious. Bret attorneys say they need more time. They are going to try to say the speedy trial should not be as speedy, right . Thats exactly right. Clearly, jack smith wants to get this done before the 2024 election. They want the same in the documents case down in florida. Donald trumps team, in florida, and in this case, want to delay this case. They believe that its not possible to get this trial done. Were waiting to hear when they propose to do this trial. They want the other trial to happen after the election, but i will note, bret, that since donald trump is the only defendant in this case, its possible it may move the trial along faster in this specific case, bret. Bret all right, david spunt, live outside the federal courthouse. David, thank you. We are getting our first look tonight at the transcript from mondays congressional interview with a key witness in the biden Family Business scandal. Senior Congressional Correspondent chad pergram tells us whats inside that. The Name Of The Game was the name, the biden family name. Devon archer said that hunter biden used his father to send, quote the right signals to foreign business operatives. He termed, this quote the brand. Everyone understands that thats the brand. Thats the access. And it wasnt an allusion of access. But archer says it was an allusion of access. Hunter biden served on the board of Ukrainian Energy firm Burisma Archer said people would be, quote, intimidated to mess with burisma because of its associations with the brand. Archer said burisma would have gone out of business if not linked to the bidens. Hunter biden was the bag man. They didnt want the American People to know that the biden family was selling influence because of joe bidens position in politics. Archer said Ukrainian Oligarch Zlochevsky faced pressure from ukrainian authorities during an investigation. Archer says he wanted intervention from hunter biden because of his stature. New york democrat dan goldman down played the president s involvement with his son after the archer interview. And they never once spoke about any Business Dealings as he described that it was all casual conversation, niceties, the weather. But the transcript revealed something different. Archer said then Vice President biden attended dinners with those linked to Hunter Bidens businesses. A 2014 meal at a Tony Washington restaurant with the wife of moscows mayor came just after she wired 3. 5 million to a hunter biden connected firm. This could intensify calls from conservatives to begin impeachment. Bret . Bret chad pergram live on the hill. Thank you. Former president barack obama has a friendly warning for his old Vice President , a published report saying the former president is cautioning President Biden to be aware of just how formidable donald trump may be in the 2024 president ial race. Senior National Correspondent rich edson is on rehoboth beach, delaware tonight with the president. President biden is riding through his week long vacation at the Delaware Beach with little to say to the public. Good morning, mr. President. Have you been briefed on niger. Will you talk to us on your way back, mr. President . Probably not. [laughter] while in rehoboth, the president faces low Approval Ratings and a steady release of information regarding his Sons International business profits and conduct. Polling shows what would be a tight race between the president and the republican frontrunner. Former president donald trump. Republicans are already criticizing what they say will be another Biden Campaign largely hidden from public scrutiny and questions from the press. If the election ends up about all these other side issues, and it becomes a referendum on trump, biden is going to be in the basement again, hiding out, no execute any. The Washington Post Reports Biden had lunch in late june at the white house with former president barack obama. Who worried trump could be more formidable than Many Democrats realize thanks to a loyal following and polarized country. [chanting u. S. A. ] the post reports obama promised to do all he could to help President Biden to get reelected. Democrats say biden is going to have to get out there. He should be focused on how is he going to continue to lower the price of eggs and milk. How he is going to lower the cost of child care. How he is going to continue to bring manufacturing back and how he is going to try to heal this country. The white house says next week the president is scheduled to travel to arizona, new mexico, and utah. Administration official says he and his cabinet will sell his administrations accomplishments. Bret . Rich edson traveling with the president rehoboth beach. Rich, thanks. Bret there it is. Breaking tonight and there is the former president s plane, trump force 1, if you will. Landing in newark as he makes his way back from washington, d. C. He will head, via motorcade to his home in new jersey, bedminster, The Golf Club there. He made some brief remarks on the tarmac at Washington Reagan before leaving, saying it was a sad day for america. You heard at the top of the show. His lawyer, one of his lawyers, spoke before the appearance today at the courthouse. Take a listen. The fact that i am standing here for the third time in five months is not a coincidence. This is the Biden Political Law Fare that we have seen time and time again. It is a deflection from everything that they have done. Bret with that, we will put up the plane and see the former president dismount there, once he gets off the plane. Lets bring in our panel in the meantime. Mollie hemingway editor and chief at the federalist. Josh kraushaar is editor and chief for Jewish Insider and Fox News Contributor and Kimberley Strassel is a member of the Editorial Board at the wall street journal. Okay, mollie, as we watch this plane, the events of today. Thoughts about this and what the former president said and The Big Picture, here. Its a fascinating thing to remember that the Department Of Justice, which we can even leave aside thatcher involved in the 2016 through 2019 russia Collusion Hoax in which they led much of the country to falsely believe that donald trump had stolen 2016 election, also was involved in suppressing information in 2020 on the biden Family Business. They colluded with Big Tech Companies to keep that information from coming to light for a lot of americans. And now is involved in prosecuting the former president in a really novel way that i think a lot of the country recognizes this as a major problem and its not just Republican Voters who are very concerned about the weaponization of our Department Of Justice and Law Enforcement on part of what current ruling party, but a lot of independence and moderates also probably are very unhappy to see whats happened to the rule of law in this country as well. Bret politically, josh, we have said this again and again, but each of these indictments has led to an increase in his poll numbers. An increase in his fundraising. And he even made light of it, it seemed, in a truth social post today saying im just one indictment away from winning the presidency. In the g. O. P. Primary, that is true. He is sucking all the oxygen out of the room. Yeah. Its kind of remarkable that 2024 will not be the year of being on the Campaign Trail but it will be the year of the trump trial and, yes, i dont think the Republican Base is going to budge at all from their support of donald trump as long as these indictments, these investigations, and, yes, the trials are going on. Now, there was a poll from rioters that reuters said if trs convicted half of republicans might actually reconsider their support for trump. But, bret, the timing of these trials are going to be very, very important. If trump is already the republican nominee, you know, all bets are off and the politics are going to be very, very chaotic in the middle of a very contested general election. Bret we will leave the live shot up. We have been following him all day we might as follow him all the way home. The pictures are coming in there as the plane is at Newark Liberty international airport. Kimberly, your thoughts on The Big Picture here and what you think about these cases. Well, you know, from a legal perspective, bret, this is obviously untested legal theories that nonetheless i think sets some very scary precedence. You know, if you take donald trump out of this and you think about what jack smith is doing here, he is essentially saying that, yeah, politicians can lie. But if advisers around them tell them that those lies are untrue, and they nonetheless take acts that somehow undermine the function of the government, they can be held liable as felons. Tell me a politician that doesnt act on untruths all the time. And this is a pres precedent thi think you are setting that is a great risk. We know how things work in washington. You set the bar low and it ends up getting lowered further. Future prosecutors doing Something Like this against other politicians. Its how it works. So, i am very concerned about it from the perspective of how prudential it was to do this and try this in such a high stakes case. Bret coming up in just a couple of weeks is the debate in milwaukee. We dont know if the former president is going to be there or not. He says he hasnt closed the door on that at all. His rivals weighing in today on what happened today. Take a listen. It wasnt stolen from him. It was lost because he failed to grow the republican brand in the largest growing groups of voters. Each of these indictments, bret, wreak of politicization. Im now polling third in the republican primary. It would be very easy for me if donald trump were eliminated from competition. That how i want to win this race. This country is more important than any one man. Our constitutional is more important than any one mans careerthink the vast majority of republicans know that. Bret its increasingly difficult for these candidates to figure out where to go politically on this issue. Although i dont know how difficult it needs to be. The republican voter cares deeply about this issue, about what whats happened with our Department Of Justice. I dont know how many more examples you would need. Its not just President Trump. Prolife dads who had their homes raided. Its parents at School Board Meetings and it is a unifying issue for the republican party. And if you are siding with jack smith or you are siding with joe bidens Department Of Justice, that not just, you know, went after donald trump this week but also worked really hard to protect joe biden and his involvement in his Family Business scandal, you know, thats just not going to be a way to get anywhere in the republican primary. Bret let me just talk about that, josh. You know, this does happen in the context of we just saw devon archer. We are just getting the transcript. But, you know, thats going to not make it anywhere excepts here when we talk about it and do stories about it . Yeah. Both leading candidates have ethical issues that theyre going to have to confront. But i think the voice thats most important on the trump issue is mike pence. Mike pence is taking jack smiths side. Mike pence was in the room during all those conversations and mike pence is mentioned frequently in the indictment that jack smith handed down and mike pence said trumps lawyers urged urged trump to reject will votes. It was part of the conspiracy. That may be a high burden of proof for jack smith to prosecute. In isnt just speech and attorney general bill barr said the same thing last night. Pence said the same thing today. They are going to show that there were actions taken that essentially amounted to a conspiracy. Its actually not illegal to contest elections in this country. Democrats do it all the time. And you are allowed to contest elections, have problems with the way elections are one. I think people need a reminder that it is legal to express yourself and your viewpoint and have and not share the same viewpoint as democrat attorney. Bret last word, kimberley, just surreal, Vice President pence, former Vice President pence in this indictment says that in a Telephone Call the president told him, him at the time, Vice President pence, that he was too honest and now the pence team has hats and tshirts being sold that say too honest. Thats where we are in this surreal aspect of 2024 campaigning. Well, you know, its not just that the Department Of Justice is giving all this attention to donald trump. But, you know, the message that donald trump has taken from this is a very powerful one. Kind of going off what mollie said. Essentially he said it several times now. Look, im being indicted so that they dont come after you. And the only way that this is going to get fixside to reelect me. That is going something that is going to resonate. The other candidates why you are seeing more and more republicans making front and center their own promises that they are going to reform or clean house at the Department Of Justice and in the bureaucracy because they are trying to v v via with trump. For all of you who thought we lost trump. It is in newark and we will follow the former president as he makes his way back to bedminster. He may be watching on that mane plane. You never know. Can you call in if you want President Trump. We would love to hear from you. Pulls one of the most dangerous countries. Show you what is happening there. Later, just might be able to join us for the president ial debate in milwaukee later this month. Well show you how. Why didnt we do this last yea . Before you were preventing migraine with qulipta® . Remember the pain . Cancelled plans . The worry . That was then. And look at me now. Youll never truly forget migraine. But qulipta® reduces attacks, making zeromigraine days possible. 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Bret a bit of a tape problem there i think we have jennifer live at the pentagon. Sorry about that mishap there. It happens, as you know. Jen. But sum it up for us. I mean, this is a dangerous situation in niger. Its very dangerous. And what you are seeing tonight there are the State Department is evacuating all of its nonessential personnel at the embassy, their families. But they are not abandoning the base, the 110 million base that they built out in the center part of niger. Its a drone base that they have used for Counterterrorism Operations in recent years. They have about 1,000 u. S. Troops on the ground there. They are not removing those troops. And so what we are hearing though is that the situation is deteriorating. We know that france and spain and italy are also evacuating their civilians and we also learned that there is a group of 11 missionaries from california, antioch, california who are stuck in niger and there is no way for them to get out because the airspace is closed. Bret . Bret we had some of that video there another story, the arrest of two u. S. Sailors accused of spying for china . Jenna thats right. In fact, bret, we are learning more. The doj was busy tonight and in san diego, prosecutors from the Department Of Justice under the Spacket Two Sailors Jen who served on the san diego base u. Is s essex in exchange for bribes the u. S. Sailor allegedly provided classified manuals and the location of marines involved in upcoming exercises and provided photographs and videos. Separately doj charged navy sailor of giving Sensitive Information about upcoming u. S. Military exercise in the pacific to a chinese Intelligence Officer in exchange for bribes. Bret . Bret all right, Jennifer Griffin live at the pentagon. Jennifer, thank you. Rolling with the punches there. Looking live now Newark Airport as you see the former president of the United States coming down the stairs there returning to bedminster his home in new jersey after facing his third indictment being arraigned today, pleading not guilty. The next hearing august 28th to determine when that trial will be. Up next doug burr graham gam president. Is it takes two to make it outta sight one, two, get loose now it takes two to make a. It takes two to make a. It takes two to make a. It takes two to make a. It takes two to make a. It takes two to make a. Stay two nights and get a 50 best western gift card. Book now at bestwestern. Com. The chase Ink Business Premier Card is made for people like sam, who make everyday products, designed smarter. Like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. Oh, genius for more breakthroughs like that i need a breakthrough card. 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We call it the Subaru Love Promise and we are proud to be the largest corporate supporter of adoptaclassroom. Org. Its just one of the reasons forbes ranked subaru the number one automotive brand for social impact. Subaru. More than a car company. If you want to win not just as a party but as a country, stand with me. Were going to evict Crooked Joe Biden from the white house. I am going out there to take out donald trump but heres why. I want to win. People know that i will beat biden. Im the best candidate on our side to beat President Biden. I think im the only one who can actually deliver a landslide like reagan did in 80. We wouldnt have gotten in this race unless we had a plan to win in 2024. We know how to beat biden. We are less than three weeks away from the first president ial debate right here on fox. Republicans will gather august 23rd in milwaukee for that event. It will be hosted by Martha Mccallum and me. One of the candidates on the stage who has qualified will be north dakota governor doug burgum. He joins us tonight. Governor, thanks for being on. Bret, fantastic, great to be with you. Looking forward to seeing new milwaukee. Bret you know, i ask every candidate who comes on this question first, what do you think is the most important issue facing this country . China. No question its china. Were in a cold war with china. Were also in a proxy war with russia. But china has got to be number one. And its incredible to me in the list in the last month, the Biden Administration has had they have had blinken, yellen, kerry over to china. Nobody talked about u. S. Energy. China imports 10 Million Barrels of oil a day. You, bret, know, you have traveled All Over The World to war zones. You know wars are won and lost by who controls the energy. We have an opportunity not just to be energy independent. We can be Energy Dominant. And were not using the biggest tool we have in our toolbox to actually have some power over china. But, instead, no. I think that the Biden Energy Poling is written by china because they want to electrify every vehicle in america and then buy the batteries from china. We would be Trading Opec To Sign opec. Bret a lot of people dont know you. You have qualified in the debate you are going up in the polls in New Hampshire and other places. We will put up the pictures of the people who have qualified for the debate. 30 seconds here. I have read your story about working on a farm and a Grain Elevator and becoming a Tech Entrepreneur and then eventually governor of north dakota. Yes, well no audio] i think we froze there. See if we get it back. Governor burgum, you got me . Bret we are having gremlin issues. We are going to get the governor back up and we will talk more on china. We will ask him more questions after this quick break. El p of his refund to give his practice a facelift. 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Bret well, we are back with north dakota governor doug burgum. We dont really say we had a power surge in north dakota that took us off the connection but, governor rudely intruntsed. You were telling your story. If you could, 30 seconds for folks who dont know you from beginning to where you are now. Well, yeah. Thanks again, bret. Small town kid grew up in a small town of 300. Dad was a World War Ii Navy vet. He passed away when i was 13 years old. My mom went back to work as a single mom raising three kids. Ended up with a piece of farm ground, mortgaged that that became the seed capital for a start up company. We built that into a 2,000 Person Organization with commerce at 130 countries. And selling, you know, around literally around the world. And then in 2016 we decided to jump into the governors race after i had a 30 year career in business creating thousands of jobs. Creating billions of dollars of Shareholder Value through investors and then in north dakota we just had a tremendous track record here in terms of taking cost outs of government, driving the economy up, cutting red tape, doing all the things and thats why we are running. We know we can improve the life of every american bring out the best of america doing that by focusing on the economy, on energy, and National Security. And right now amazing all the things we talk about and no one is even reporting this year 22 year high on interest rates. We got, you know, downgraded two days ago. Im sure biden was happy that comes out the same day as indictments because then we dont have to talk about what a horrible job this administration is doing on the economy. And then they slip in the tenth set of rule changes on a state like north dakota where we are looking at all of the red tape coming from bureaucrats in washington, d. C. That are trying to kill the energy industry, Kill The Ag Industry at a time when we should be food dominant and Energy Dominant as a tool when were negotiating for our leadership in this world. And right now the last one two days ago is basically an assault on pickup trucks. I dont know what is more unamerican than that. Bret you talk a lot about regulations and taxes and what does to businesses here. You know, as we are looking live, following the former president leaving from d. C. He has landed in new jersey. Going back to his place in bedminster. And you know, this has been an allday thing, this indictment and obviously he pleads not guilty. Whats your thoughts about those charges, these indictments and how it factors into this race . Well, i think this is like i say the Biden Administration loves it when were talking about indictments. Because then they dont have to talk about their horrible track record on National Security. Putin wouldnt even invade ukraine if we hadnt let all of Western Europe get dependent on Russian Energy and the Biden Administration says bee latedly we will put sanctions on Russian Energy. Russian energy selling 20 , 30 off the world market who is buying it . China. Biden is helping china get energy at 20 , 30 off. Every farmer i know in north dakota or iowa would like to get diesel at 20 to 30 off. Not this administration. It is a complete distraction. And, of course, the other person that loves it in addition to biden is china. China loves it when we are fighting within ourselves here as opposed to really focusing on them. Focusing on russia and iran and north korea real enemies, in this country we need leadership to focus on the real issues that are going to determine where were at with our kids and grandkids the future of this country. Bret i have heard you make this term before when asked about the former president you have made the turn to the current president and about energy and what should happen in the future im sure you are going to do on the debate stage as well it. Perked my ears this weekend, a couple weeks ago when you were on a sunday show and asked specifically a question whether you would do business with the former president. Did would you ever do business with donald trump. I dont think so. Why . I just think that its important that youre judged by the company you keep and i. You just wouldnt do business with him. No, i wouldnt. Bret so, why wouldnt you do business with him and youre obviously running against him . Well, i voted for President Trump twice. I helped campaign for him. At the time that he was in, he was fantastic. And right now, its a binary question would you do business with him or not, voting for him is a binary question. Are you going to vote for trump vs. Biden . Im voting for trump. If its a Business Question there is thousands of Business Deals that are out there, thousands and thousands. Im a tech guy and im a guy that is focused on that. And i just dont see that there would be a Business Deal out there that i think would, you know, fit into the criteria. Right now im not focused on business. Im focused on competing for being the ceo of america. I think we need a ceo who has a Tech Background who understands that every job, every company, and every industry is being changed by technology but the one place that hasnt changed is the federal government. In north dakota, its easy to understand theres great people working in government. Theyre not all, you know, people that are part of the deep state. They are working because they want to make a difference in peoples lives that could be Law Enforcement. It could be people in emergency services. People that make a difference. But 10 to 20 of every job is some mind numbing soul sucking petes of work that the bureaucrats have added 30, 40, 50 years ago some requirement. If you cut all that out, we could get rid of 20, you know, of the 2 million federal jobs. 400,000. Lets get them back to work in the private sector. We have 10 million jobs open in the private sector. Lets reduce the side of the federal government because the federal government was developed by the states. There is set things that federal government is supposed to do. They are not supposed to do everything. Return the power to the states. Return it to the people. Bret i wanted to give you time. We had a piece tonight that was going to run about china buying american farmland. Its something that you probably know something about. And youre concern about china, it all fits together. I want to give you a word on that. Yeah. I know they werent buying it in north dakota. Thats been one of the most misrepresented stories. In north dakota, bret, you and i couldnt farm together because we are not related to each other. Only family farms can own farmland in north dakota. We have got. So strictest Anticorporate Farming Laws in the country in north dakota. Yeah, its a concern. And this goes back to this cold war we are in with china. We have got to get our economy rolling so we can support our defense and our military so that economically we can with our allies, you know,be in a position where we can start to decouple economically. This is not Ronald Reagan taught us how to win a cold war in the 1980s the Russian Economy was small and we were barely connected. Now we have got the Worlds Largest economy. China has the second largest economy. Its going to be more complicated but, number one, china importing 10 Million Barrels of oil a day. The u. S. Last got to be Energy Dominant not just energy independent. Thats our tool. China imports food. They need food and energy every day to keep that country going. They have a lot of weaknesses in their system. We can beat them only if we can figure out how to get our economy rolling and use that as a way to provide leadership in this world. Bret all right, governor burgum, we appreciate it. See you in milwaukee. Thanks for the time. Bret, thanks for having me back on. Thank you. Bret up next, the panel. First, here is what some of our Fox Affiliates around the country are covering tonight. Fox 4 in dallas as mexican authorities try to identify two bodies found in the rio grande this week. One of them spotted along the floating barrier that Texas Governor greg abbott had installed recently in the river cross from eagle pass, texas. Fox 8 in new orleans, our affiliate there as a disruptive traveler subdued by passengers and crew on board a Delta Airlines flight from atlanta. A witness says the man put a Flight Attendant into a chokehold, pressing what appeared to be a shard of broken glass against her neck. And this is a live look at chicago, one of the big stories there in the windy city from fox 32, the citys largest Music Festival welcomes more than 170 bands. Hundreds of thousands of spectators. La llollapalooza started today. Kendrick, Billie Eilish and the red hot chili peppers. Thats a live look outside the beltway from special report. Well be right back. But heres my number so call me, maybe the hey, i just met youhink but it doesnt. Visit findahandspecialist. Com today to get started. When moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis takes you off course. Put it in check with rinvoq, a oncedaily pill. When i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid Symptom Relief and helped Leave Bathroom urgency behind. Check. When uc tried to slow me down. I got lasting, steroidfree remission with rinvoq. Check. And when uc caused Damage Rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. Check. Rapid Symptom Relief. Lasting steroidfree remission. 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Dad approved if you struggle. And struggle. And struggle with cpap. You should check out inspire. No mask. No hose. Just sleep. Inspire. Sleep apnea innovation. Learn more and view Important Safety Information at inspiresleep. Com i said im not going were not going to give you the billion dollars. They said you have no authority. Youre not the president. The president said i saidcall him. [laughter] i said youre not getting a billion. I said youre not getting a billion im going to be leaving here im leaving in six hours, if the prosecutor is not fired, you are not getting the money Well Son Of A [bleep], got fired. Bret Vice President joe biden speaking about his effort to get the prosecutor in ukraine fired. He was the head of the task force, lets say, in the Obama Administration dealing with ukraine. That soundbite having a lot different context after what we learned from the investigation into hunter biden, what was on the laptop as well as the oversight committee. Wall street journal writes it this way hunter was selling the biden brand. Everyone knows hunter biden wasnt selling his expertise in Energy Markets when he teamed up for lucrative gigs with Energy Companies from ukraine and china but then what was he selling . The answer, as provided monday, by hunters former business partner, devon archer was the biden brand. Were back with the panel. Kimberley, what about this . You know, we said earlier dan goldman in a question he is the one that says congressman says was it the allusion of access and archer answers. But it wasnt archer who said it was the allusion of access. Frankly, it was access. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Look, i think this testimony is very devastating for joe biden because you have to put it in the context of what we already knew, right . We knew that obama had deputized Joe Biden To Go Ukraine at a very sensitive time after russia had taken crimea with the goal of helping to clean up that country being a point person on a delicate mission we know that the state Department Hunters presence on burisma board was messing with that mission. Not only did he ignore he was aiding hunter in sell the family brand, getting on those phone calls, going to those meetings, including one with a Burisma Executive, and i think that counts really as a knock against joe biden and on issue whether or not he has ever accepted a dime of money from overseas. Bret right. Here is a piece of that transcript that, again, we just got today of the devon archer testimony. Mr. Archer, while the capabilities navigate see do basically be in the news cycle. I think that preserved them from a, you know, from a longevity standpoint. Thats like my honest thats like what i really what i thats like how i think holistically, mr. Goldman, Congressman Goldman but how would that work . Mr. Archer because people would be intimidated to mess with them. Mr. Goldman, in what way . Mr. Archer legally. You know, you go into this and each side, josh, says, you know, this is how they read it. And it proves their side, their point about this testimony. But it doesnt look good. Its not a positive look. Not at all. And fundamentally this is about credibility. How many times did we hear President Biden saying he had no connection with any of his sons Business Partners but one thing we learned from the testimony that kimberley was alluding to he met with Burisma Executive at a popular restaurant. Bret cafe milano in washington, d. C. He had meetings not just phone calls or being on a Speaker Phone 20 times but actually had facetoface meetings which is in contradiction with what the white house had been saying for quite some time. So when you hear those contradictions between what the official spin is from the white house and you see these revelations that contradict that spin, you know, it makes you wonder what else is there . Bret and thats what people want to know, mollie, where does this go . Well, its a problem not just for the biden family. Its also a problem for the Department Of Justice. Its even a problem for jack smith who was overseeing the office of Public Corruption at the time that the biden Family Business was operating in ways that we have just learned about quite recently. And to see how the Department Of Justice worked out this Sweetheart Deal with hunter biden, promising that they wouldnt go after him for any of the, you know, crimes or potential crimes that were involved in this Plea Agreement that was recently blown up by that judge. That makes the Department Of Justice look really bad, particularly because they are doing everything to go out of their way to attack their primary legal opponent. But it does answer some questions. You know, people have been wondering how did the biden family make tens of millions of dollars through joe bidens lifetime of Public Service . Well, i think we got a pretty good indication of exactly how that Operation Ran and it does not look good to a lot of the people. Bret kimberley, quickly, Chairman Comer says he is not going to let up but where does it go, do you think . There are going to be some more depositions. Look, every one of these depositions leads to another path down the road. Subpoenas are going to be ply flying out. I think different archer will be looking back here soon and thinking it might have been one of the least explosive ones that may still come out in these conversations. Bret all right, we will follow it. Panel, thanks. Bret tonight, special day because we have an opportunity, exciting opportunity for our viewers. You and a guest of your choice could win tickets to attend the highly anticipated republican president ial primary debate in milwaukee, wisconsin august 23rd, hosted by Martha Mccallum and me. Nine lucky winners plus one guest each will have the chance to attend the historic event, first of the season. All expenses paid. You can enter to win now, fox debate sweeps. Com. Sunday august 6th to enter. Winners will be selected august 7th. I will take you behind the scenes, buy you a drink. I dont know, we will hang out. Hope to see you there. Give it a shot. Common ground Segment Deals with bipartisan efforts to get the truth about ufos. You dont want to miss this. Please remember if you cant catch us live, set your dvr, 6 00 p. M. In the east, 3 00 p. M. On the west coast, fair, balanced and still unafraid. The Ingraham Angle starts now. Laura hi, everyone, im Laura Ingraham this is the Ingraham Angle from washington tonight. The real coconspirator thats the focus of tonights angle. That the biden thank you very much. This is a very sad day. We just saw the former president being handed an umbrella by his coconspirator walt nauta. Laura okay. That little routine that they pulled when the president started speaking, that kind of sums up the medias culpability in perpetuating a fraud upon the

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