Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

white house was willing and able to censor the truth on social media. republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy will join us in moments but first to ashley strohmier live in the new york city news room with the very latest on this. ashley, good evening. >> reporter: hi, trace. yeah, the biden white house has routinely denied involvement in suppressing negative information about covid-19 vaccines on social media. you might recall this exchange with our own peter doocy and then white house press secretary jen psaki during the summer of 2021. take a listen. >> is there any concern the things you're trying to block or taken down might some day turn out to be -- >> we don't take anything down. we don't block anything. facebook and any private sector company makes decisions about what information should be on their platform. >> reporter: but internal communication between top white house officials and facebook employees obtained by fox business appears to paint a vastly different picture, even when facebook officials express concerns over what they consider to be a, quote, significant encouragement into traditional boundaries of free expression in the u.s. but despite those reservations, president biden's former digital director appeared to complain that the white house was not getting enough information from facebook writing in part, my dream for facebook to play ball, it's about will we get out of this mess. i'm not doubting you are sincerely trying to solve this problem in good faith. i'm doubting you are telling us everything. and while the white house has not yet to respond to the request for a comment, they have previously said social media companies do have a responsibility to consider what content is allowed on their platforms and maintain those decisions are made independently. meta facebook's parent company has declined to comment. trace. >> trace: ashley, thank you >> meantime let's bring in republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy. vivek, always great to have you on. this whole idea of the facebook file showing us the government was actually censoring the truth. censoring the truth as if we can't handle the truth, or as if their truth is the only truth. what do you think about that? >> well, look, i think this is the predominate form of censorship we've seen in the last several years, trace. the government is using private companies like facebook to do, through the back door, what government could not do directly through the front door under the constitution, censor politically disfavored speech. the reality in this country is that, the path to truth, it runs through free speech and open debate. that is why we have a first amendment. i do not think we would have run into those, rushed into those vaccine mandates as quickly if we had been allowed to debate the facts in the open. so i think this is good learning. and the problem with our mistakes and our history is if we don't learn from them we commit far worse in the future. at least let this be a learning that the next time we run into a supposed emergency circumstance, be it a pandemic or anything else, free speech and open debate is the thing we have to protect the most. that's the past to truth. >> trace: yeah, you talk about free speech and open debate. i know you were in nashville today, you were trying to force them to release the manifesto of the covenant school shooter. we haven't gotten anywhere on that. why are they withholding this vivek? >> the answer is, i don't know and we don't know, trace. and that's what erodes public trust in government, in our institutions. we live in a moment where the government's muscle memory's automatically to hide, to sweep under the rug whatever happened to hunter biden or the laptop story or the bribes. whatever happened to the origin of covid-19? whatever happened now in the reality of what that shooter's manifesto was. there's a long standing tradition in this country to release the manifesto of a mass shooter when it's recovered. and, yet, in this particular case, i think in part because that shooter was, indeed, transgender, there is a systematic effort which has so far succeeded to keep that suppressed. part of the premise of my campaign is that we, the people, can handle the truth. that is what it means to be american. that is what we fought the american revolution for. we're not accountable to the government. the government is accountable to us, the people. and i think once the government starts telling the truth again, that's how we revive public trust in this country. >> trace: you talk about foia requests i know you've been trying to get information on the trump indictments, he again was indicted for the third time yesterday and i want to put this up. this is monica crowley, vivek, and i think she had kind of a good take on this, this is from news week quoting, apparently the government is political speech arresting political opponents but only on one side, and that about sums it up. >> i think it does, and i think this sets a dangerous and disastrous precedent, trace, in a way that goes far beyond just republican versus democrat tug of war. if one side can do it today the other side can do it tomorrow. but we do not want to become a country where the party in power uses police force and legal system to indict its political opponents in the middle of an election. my basically rule of thumb is pretty simple. if you're going to indict a political oh pen innocent the midst of an election it better not be based on a novel untested theory yet that's exactly been the case in all three of the indictments now, with i reveals what's going on. this is not about the rule of law, it's about the abandonment of the rule of law to accomplish a political objective. and i say that as somebody for whom it would be much easier if trump was eliminated from the race, i'm polling at third. that's not how i want to win. it should be the old fashioned way convince the voters. >> trace: and we have the proof you are running third, put it up on the screen, vivek ramaswamy running at 5% congratulations vivek, thank you for coming on, we always appreciate your time. >> thank you, trace. >> trace: meantime security in the nation's capitol on alert with former president trump's court appearance just hours away on charges that he repeatedly spoke his mind saying the 2020 election was stolen. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in dc with the very latest on this kevin good evening. >> reporter: evening trace. the former president expected to appear tomorrow afternoon at the federal courthouse over on constitution avenue not far from here his arraignment set for 4:00 p.m. eastern time. the former president now faces four conspiracy and obstruction counts, and it should be pointed out we also expect to learn tomorrow his bail conditions. now, because of the high profile nature of the arraignment, you're right. there are expected to be major street closures in the area and, given the time of day, to say nothing of the time of year, you know, tourist season, some are expecting major traffic headaches. and speaking of headaches, tonight they also continue for the current president and his son, hunter, because while the elder biden's yet to weigh in on the latest indictment against his predecessor, he's also been mum about the latest developments in the congressional investigation into his son hunter biden, who made millions of dollars overseas. now, congressional republicans continue to suggest the younger biden was peddling influence on the then vp's name and position. trace. >> trace: and on that note, we're getting a fresh look at the failed plea agreement between hunter biden and the district court in dc and the financial numbers apparently tell quite the story kevin. >> reporter: as the old saying goes follow the money and it appears the court is doing just that. in hunter's original plea agreement which is now public the document states, listen to this, during calendar year 2017, biden earned substantial income including just under a million dollars from a company that he formed with the ceo of a chinese business conglomerate, of 66,000 from his domestic business interests, about 664,000 from another chinese infrastructure investment company. half a million in director's fees from a ukrainian energy company. 70 grand related to romanian business, and another nearly $50,000, 48 to be exact, from a multi national law firm. now house republicans say this is a clear violation of fara and tax laws and now they're looking for any possible connection between the money and then vp joe biden. meanwhile hunter the tenant is accused of trashing a $4.2 million venice beach house that he rented with his, quote, rude and entitled wife melissa, that according to the daily mail. the paper also claims they left the property in disarray and disrepair and stiffed the owner 80 grand in unpaid rent. no comment on the story tonight from the bidens. back to you. >> trace: we used to walk by that house because it was all decked out for christmas and we would go down the venice canals. kevin thank you >> a search for an american nurse and her daughter who were kidnapped as the witness tells what happened in the ter favic motels the two were taken from the clinic in haiti. christina coleman is live with the latest on the story gripping the nation. good evening. >> reporter: good evening trace. talk about a scary situation. a witness claims she saw a man with a gun at the clinic as the new hampshire nurse and her daughter were abducted. take a listen. >> i can't explain a hundred percent, but i was inside and a man told me to relax. i couldn't understand what he was saying to me and then he pulled out his weapon. >> reporter: the u.s. state department is working to secure the release of alex dor sinville and her daughter abducted from a clinic by a christian ministry last thursday near port 0 prince. the gang responsible for the abduction reportedly demanded $1 million in ransom. witnesses say the suspects were looking for the nurse's husband the director of the group that runs that clinic. >> they asked for her husband and were told he wasn't there. they took the nurse and locked all the other patients inside. >> reporter: many haitians took to the streets demanding the release of her and her daughter. they know aid groups could pull back the much needed help to haiti due to gang violence. there has been more than 1,000 kidnapping in haiti just this year alone and non-profits are often the target. just la month doctors without borders suspended its operations at a haitian hospital after at least 20 armed men stormed that location and kidnapped a patient from the operating room. the continuous kidnappings followed by the suspension of some medical aid is just an overall tragic situation considering access to medical care is tough for most of haiti's population. trace. >> trace: tough story christina thank you let's bring in former state department suppose person morgan ortagus. the associate press writes haitian and providers and outside observers worry the kidnapping of new hampshire native alix dor sinville will turn it into a no-go zone for anyone besides gangs and the populations they torment not to mention hard to catch kidnapers when the gangs control 80% of port 0 prince. what do you when i this story. >> haiti is basically a failed state. it's a war zone. these young women went over, this mother and daughter, for altruistic reasons, for noble reasons to try and help that population. but this is why it's really important for americans to heed the state department warnings and to do their research before they go overseas. you know, we do everything that we can to bring all americans home. however, when you're in an environment like haiti, like i said essentially a failed state tgangs are running the place, the prime minister just back in 2001 was a sass nateded in the state. you that the risk there is going to be incredibly high. so, listen, no matter what happens, no matter how an american gets taken like this, the u.s. government does work diligently to get them home but unfortunately this does look like a dire situation trace. >> trace: it does indeed. i want to get your take on chinese battery company buying up us landing chinese electric vehicle battery company goshen announced tuesday at this time purchased 270 acres of land in green charter township michigan to build state of the art battery facility in addition to criticism over its ties to china lawmakers including john have expressed concern about the proximity of goshen's proposed plant to u.s. military bases. u.s. military bases we might add that are training taiwanese troops. >> reporter: yeah. what a coincidence. so the chinese communist party and their affiliates currently own over 380,000 acres of farm land in the united states and unfortunately our government has been asleep at the wheel because much of this farm land is near crucial military facilities or other installations that are crucial to our national security. so what you're seeing is that people in michigan are actually up in arms about this. we've had a lot of interviews on fox news from people that don't want this to stand. you do have the senate passing measures, just last week, saying that you can't -- that the chinese cannot purchase farm land near a military installation. it's a little late. i guess better late than never, trace, but this is an issue that all americans, especially if it happens in your backyard, should be verbal on. >> trace: china, by the way, now encouraging its citizens to spy on each other and rat each other out. the state department said this about it. watch. >> we do have concerns over at -- certainly encouraging citizens to spy on each other is something of grave concern. >> trace: the biden administration did the exact same thing to us during covid telling everybody, you know what, if you have too many people in a building turn them in, people not wearing masks, you have to turn them in. so it's disingenuous to say this, we did the same thing. your final thoughts. >> reporter: it's pretty bad though under communists whenever you see this happening, this is something known in communist systems, they rat on etch oh other, they tell on each other. what i think we have to be very careful of, this law is very chilling for a number of reasons, specifically because if you are accused of something in china by their judicial system it is alike a 99% conviction rate so an accusation is essentially, you know, an admission of guilt in china. what does that mean for american businesses and american workers that are working in china? that's something that's a massive risk for these companies and their individuals. >> trace: very little due process in china. morgan ortagus great to have you on as always. thank you >> meantime first up in tonight's california crime roundup two days after its grand opening a mobile bar called bentley's in the san francisco bay area was vandalized and burglarized by an unknown sub expect but the business constructed from a shipping container underwent quick repairs and was back in business a few hours later. >> the defund the police movement, along with taken away 120 million from the police department budget, a thousand percent played the role in why crime shot up in san francisco california. >> trace: that's the president of the san francisco police union offering her opinion about the root cause of the city's crime crisis. tracy mcrae also blames the defund the police movement for san francisco's decades low police recruitment numbers >> and, finally, a homeless man is now being held in connection to the death of a southern california tourist. the homeless man allegedly stabbed the man near the santa monica pier. police say the suspect was arguing with the victim then knifed him several times including one time in the chest. ♪ >> well, the fox news at night common sense department has an agenda item that most parents might be interested in because there is a bill moving through the california legislature targeting parents who like to speak up at school board meetings. you know, the same people the department of justice calls terrorists t proposed legislation is called the school employees protection bill and it would prevent parents from causing, quote, substantial disorder at school board meetings. except the bill doesn't define substantial disorder. it appears the definition is at the discretion of the various board members. but the bill does offer a new definition for harassment. it's no longer, quote, following stalking or posing a credible threat of violence now it's fermenting or a pattern of conduct composed of two or more acts. in other words if you annoy a school board member more than once, you could be spending a year in jail. so if your child is being transitioned behind your back or inundated with sexual curriculum, police just voice your displeasure one time and then give your child back to the school. common sense was never a math wiz but always smart enough to know that adding indoctrination and taking away dissent is a failing grade. an f. and now is not the time to f with these parents. let's bring in criminal defense attorney vik bajaj. vik great to have you on. i just look and this and think come on school board meetings they're going after parents again? doesn't seem like this is constitutional. >> you have to look at what's coming, what's behind door number two. you bring up an as institute point you believe it's unconstitutional. and i think counties like al made a county will have a hard time footing the bill when other people challenge this as unconstitutional in a court of law. let's not forget there is a movement between the california board of education to push certain types of curriculum upon students without the parents really known knowing about it and that's the transitioning you just alluded to but what happens when you have a new crime? eventually a jury's going to have to sit there and make a decision. can you really imagine 12 people showing up for jury duty saying, yes, you spoke out twice. that's a violation of the law and now i'm going to hold you guilty of a criminal offense? it's a tall order, it's unconstitutional and frankly it's draining lawful taxpayers out of the money, their hard earned money that the city council's now going to have to foot the bill to defend. >> trace: exactly right i love this story spectators on public property, they have in alameda county side shows, the cars get in and turn around in circles and people sit and watch them. now the sheriff of alameda county said the following, not just anybody is a spectator, it's those people who are actually engaging in the activity who are standing there, they areered recording, they are actually making money off their presentations on youtube and some of the social media outlets so what they want to do is they want to arrest these people and really put them in jail for three months or fine them a thousand dollars for watching these cars go around in circles. >> that's exactly right. now, let's look back in time just about ten or 15 years. you remember when the treat racing offenses were a big deal and people were dying because the cars were going at 120-plus miles an hour without the proper security. they had same legislation in those cases where the spectators were then prosecuted. but what happened? there were constitutional challenges, juries came back with acquittals and said, hey, we have a right to be in the public, how dare you actually try to convict someone for watching something that's illegal. punish the people who are perpetrating the crime, not those that may be watching. it's a tall challenge. i don't think it's going to have much actually grind when it hits the ground. >> trace: tall challenge is it. fox news said the following, portland doctor said a homeless man knocked her unconscious while walking in the city and she waited more than 20 minutes without a police response. here's what she said. watch. >> i do not hold the police accountable for this at all, i hold our city accountable for defunding the police and making it, you know -- we're in a situation where we don't have enough police force to protect our citizens and we did this to ourselves. >> trace: death in santa monica who's policing these people? about 30 seconds. >> this is the real issue, portland which was the poster child of defunding the police now has lawful citizens walking the street having objects hurled at them. she called 911. let's not forget that fact, and no one responded. she happened to be walking with a 6'7" gentleman who was able to scare away the perpetrator. this is common sense, trace. defund the police, there's no hammer over others that may be psychologically compromised who may want to hurt innocent bystanders. >> trace: vik good to see you as always. >> louisiana thank you. >> trace: moms for liberty under attack once again this time from a web site claiming hint hint they're not being good neighbors. and later in the nightcap gwyneth paltrow is airbnb to a lucky guest and has a list of things, group meals, meditation. would you rent a celeb's home if they were going to be there and laid out the itinerary? if so what celeb would you choose and would you sign on to their agenda. scientology session with tom cruise? let us know twitter and instagram at trace gallagher, can't wait to see who you pick coming up in the nightcap. air that doesn't cost $50? pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair. as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag. if you know... you know it's pantene. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control 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(inspirational music) goli, taste your goals. that anything is possible. ♪ >> trace: first up in tonight's reel news roundup, the biden administration is now enforcing a nationwide ban on incan dessent and halogen style light bulbs which represent a sizeable share of current supplies. manufacturers and retailers will now have to sell led bulbs or risk big time federal penalties >> well, the full faith and credit of the u.s. ain't what it used to be. the credit agency fitch just downgraded american's long term rating from triple-a to double a plus. treasure secretary janet yellen says the move is entirely unwarranted and the president's reelection crane is suggesting former president trump is to blame for the downgrade. of course. >> people respect me for standing for my courage in what i believe not going against anybody simply saying our values are valued and celebrated. >> trace: nba star jonathan isaac announcing his pro christian athletic brand. they say americans of faith need alternatives to woke companies like nike and that's exactly what he hopes his brand unitis will become. >> social media site next door is joining the ranks of other liberal groups anything taking moms at liberty for promoting hate speech. let's bring in a favorite mom and co-author of stolen youth bethany mandel. they he would made moms for liberty and said moms for liberty hamilton county was reported by neighbors in the next door community for promoting hate speech, symbols, content from hate groups and hate-based conspiracy theories and misinformation and for promoting misinformation related to the u.s. election, covid-19. i looked at this stuff you're like it's not hate stuff. i mean, your thoughts. >> it's funny because the only thing that i've ever done on next door is complaining about fireworks. and maybe that's like the theme of next door. you hate every expression of patriot touchily in americana. that's why you go to complain about america. but, i mean, they've outsourced every sort of thought process about moms for liberty. and so many different organizations have. because once you actually look at what the southern poverty law center is saying is hate speech you're saying wait a second that's not a hate symbol or hate speech, that's just like boring moms who are objecting to their kids being read books about drag queen story hour. it's absurd. >> trace: it really is absurd. we talked about this before but test scores across the country at 30-year lows some states worse than others. now those students are getting out of school taking jobs for the first time and now the wall street journal is writing they are unprepared quoting the shortcomings run the gamut from general knowledge of how to make change at a register to soft skills such as working with others. employers are spending more time searching for candidates and often lowering expectations when they hire. can you imagine this is happening two years post covid what it's going to be in five years when everybody is having this problem. >> yeah. and not just in five years, but also in 15 years when all of the babies who were surrounding by masked care givers and who didn't understand how to sort of learn emotions and learn body language, all these things, all of this doesn't exist in a vacuum. we're going to be seeing the ramifications of how we dealt with covid, not covid, the ramifications of how we dealt with covid, for the rest of these kids lives and they're all going to sort of pass off, maybe it was long covid, maybe it was this, maybe it was that. there's a complete lack of urgency about what we've done and how to fix it. and it starts with admitting that they were wrong. that they did something wrong. in my county, exactly two years ago they tried to close all the private schools here. not one of the county administrators here where i live has ever apologized for doing any of it, for trying to close the privates, for closing publics nothing they all just walked away from it. >> trace: same around the country. quickly i have about 30 seconds left on the whole concept of california trying to pass this bill that would criminalized parents going to school board meetings because they annoy the school board. >> so i actually spoke to a dad who testifies regularly in front of school boards. i had a long conversation with him today and he said, you know, it's so infuriating because it's not a dialogue. we want to dialogue with the school board and all they're doing is letting us talk at them for two minutes and they ignore us. we're frustrated. and i don't care if they're frustrated. they've set it up that we have no way to have a conversation with them. and then they get mad at us because we're angry at them. you know, we're taxpayers. i'm sorry. you can sit through us being frustrated for two minutes. >> trace: yeah. and when you criminalize dissent things are not going in the right direction. bethany mandel great to have you on as always. thank you. >> thanks. >> trace: up next authorities in california trying to uncover the mystery of an underground bio lab with strong ties to china that was filled with mice along with herpes, covid and a list of other infectious diseases. imagine a chinese bio lab in our own backyard. and still to come, san francisco residents say no thanks to elon musk's flashy new sign. and four stow aways hoped their ship was headed to europe but let's just say they should have checked the itinerary. the day's best viral videos coming up. 8:32 here on the west coast. here is a fox news at night trip across america, first live look at where i was born, san diego california and there it is the downtown gas lamp. here's a nice shot of the terminal in cleveland ohio lit up and live look at pensacola beach in florida looking at the gulf of mexico courtesy of our earth cam. if you cannot join us live do not forget to set your dvr. watch us any time. the sooner the better. ♪ d gain scent beads, they fell in love with 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healthier, sustainable lifestyle. i'm so surprised just how crazy my metabolism has fired up. i have a trust in golo 'cause i know it works. golo isn't like every other program out there, and i'm living proof of it. (announcer) change your life at that's ♪ >> trace: authorities in california now trying to uncover the mystery of an underground bio lab in california with strong ties to china, and a list of infectious diseases. ashley strohmier is back live with the new information on this. ashley. >> reporter: hi again, trace. we have heard from some gop lawmakers who are sounding the alarm about this disturbing and really mysterious illegal lab run by a company tied to china. it only came to light when a code enforcement officer in a small california town noticed a house sticking out from what was supposed to be a vacant warehouse. >> potentially a marijuana grow? perhaps. or maybe even a small meth lab? perhaps. some type of clan des dine setup but i would have never anticipated a biological lab being stored in a warehouse in the manner that it was being stored in. >> reporter: that discovery sparked an investigation that now includes the cdc that found the hazardous bio lab was apparently operating with none of the legally required safety controls and was filled with chemicals, medical waste and infectious pathogens that does include take bush low hiv and malaria as well as genetically engineered mice designed to carry the covid-19 virus. the lab was being run under a company called prestige biotech, which lists several businesses addressed in china, but in court documents investigators said they all led to, quote, empty offices or addresses in china that could not be verified. meanwhile those who ran the california operation are refusing to talk. trace, back to you. >> trace: no vice ashley strohmier live in new york, ashley thank you. let's bring in retired u.s. navy captain armen kurdian. i don't know looks like the next lab thing this is scary and the headline of the national review says quoting on monday, illegal california lab run by chinese biotech firm contained mice jeered to spread covid. that in itself is scary then you look at all the other diseases that were in there, it was illegally done. someone had nefarious intent here. some capacity, not saying trying to spread virus but they didn't intend to do well what do you think. >> two things struck me first they've lab containing all these very dangerous path engines in a fast that is not designed to store them, very specific requirements, ventilation, emergency procedures, what happens if one of these vials breaks and leaks, you're not going to clean it up with pine sol and a bucket. the second thing that struck me is the fact that it's very hard to find out what the origin, what the back story is, are these more of these kind of facilities exist within the u.s. so, i mean, it could very well be some kind of precursor bio weapons lab or bio weapons research. we don't know. >> trace: and the scariest thing you said we have no idea how many are out there, the government didn't know about it, nobody knew about this thing and you wonder if there's going to be consequences tcity manager nicole said this ultimately what we found was viruses such as hiv, covid, chlamydia malaria, things of that nature. what are they doing in there? you look at this lab and you think, what's going on underground. >> if it was really a legitimate setup to do this kind of equipment testing work there's no reason to be operating under the radar and as the fbi's reported, as they've tried to find where the origin is they found a bunch of dead addresses shell companies places that don't exist. so the line is pretty much stopping right here which is probably the most concerning item. so the fbi needs to find out -- and there's also probably a time sensitive issue here because if there's other stuff going on in the country these types of labs find them before they shut them down. >> trace: sore some kind of accident. >> exact will i. >> trace: you did great work in the missing titan sub and a tragic outcome. news week says, the coast guard has declined to component when its analysis of the remains will be released of passengers, families and the public but a forensic medical expert told news week that an inspection of bodies found under water can be completed in a matter of hours. but you're saying the totality of this thing figuring out what went wrong is going to take a while. >> could very well take up to a year. the good news is they found a lot of very large pieces so the investigators now have two very important pieces of information. they know what they have and they also know what they don't have. they're going to bounce wa they recovered with the plans for the ocean gate submarine and then assess do we have enough to do a complete and full engineering investigation. if they do they will continue on. if they don't they're going to go back and try to look for those pieces while at the same time doing some initial work on the hull. for example, a metallurgical analysis where were the stress points and where did the actual failure actually occur. so this will be a very detailed and intricate process to pull this information together and rebuild the accident from when it actually occurred. >> trace: but it might save lives later. got about ten seconds. >> absolutely you want lessons learned you don't want them to happen again and take the lessons and apply them to future engineering so other firms going down to look at the titanic don't have this happen to them. >> trace: armen kurdian thank you as always sir for coming on with us. >> thanks. >> trace: first up in tonight's viral videos, record-breaking rainfall caused massive flooding in missouri. these cars are on a street in st. louis that got about nine inches of rain in a very short amount of time. other areas of the state got up to a foot of rain. >> it was annoying but it was ohs, it was sobriety that it was like hurting my eyes a little bit. i think had it just stayed on, it would have been, you know, i could have ignored it but because it kept flashing it was really hard to ignore. >> trace: crews took away the giant new x sign on the building that houses the social media company previously called twitter just days after putting it up. apparently the city of san francisco got some 24 complaints in the few days the sign was lit citing its brightness and comberns safety and the fact that it kept flashing, as you heard. >> we're the police, we are here to help you, okay? we have food and water. okay. >> trace: foreign nigerian stow aways were rescued off the rudder of a ship in brazil after spending two weeks at sea. the group ran out of food after ten days and were reportedly hoping to get to europe but ended up on the other side of the ocean. two have since returned to nigeria, two have applied for asylum in brazil and if you have a viral video to share send it over at trace gallagher or fox news night on social media >> a 10-year-old girl captured the attention of social media and the new york yankees with her throwing arm when she lobbed a water balloon at a local politician. alexis mcadams has that story. >> reporter: the new york yankees could soon have a new pitching phenom on their hands after this now-viral clip landed 10-year-old alexa cardona of long island in the spotlight for her great arm and pretty good aim as she threw this water balloon more than a hundred feet hitting nassau county executive bruce blakeman right on the head. that video now has more than 40 million views catching the attention of the new york yankees who invited cardona out in the field. >> that was you? >> yeah. [laughter]. >> it is a tradition to throw water balloons at that parade and the county executive took the hit now seen across the country in stride. >> are you serious? where did you hit him right in the face. >> back of the head. >> reporter: trace if you take a look at the yankees record this season they could use the extra help but cardona's only in fifth grade. trace. >> trace: alexis thank you. next on the nightcap, you have your chance to meet your favorite celebrity stay at their home one night and even spend the day with them. greenie paltrow is giving that opportunity to one person but she controls the itinerary, goon food trans dental meditation, all that stuff. which celebrity would i hang with and what would you expect to do? still time to weigh in. twitter and instagram at trace gallagher the nightcap crew next. but first, a live look at toronto canada courtesy of earth cam. and by the way if you haven't heard, prime minister justin trudeau and his wife of 18 years now going their separate ways. we're coming right back with the nightcap. ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. listen up, you dogs with allergic itch! today's talking lesson is just one word: apoquel. ap--o--quel. ♪ you can't teach your itchy dog to talk..., talk to your vet about apoquel. apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections... ...and may cause existing parasitic skin infections or pre-existing cancers to worsen. new neoplasias have been observed. i'm glad we speak the same language. ask your vet for apoquel. ♪ >> trace: we are back with the my cap crew, ashley strohmier, kevin corke, vik bajaj, gwyneth paltrow listed the guest house of her montecito home on airbnb saying she wants to make the evening a little less lonely and spend the evening with you. she wants you to eat her goop stuff and do the trans dental meditation. would you stay in a celebrity's home knowing you have to go along with their itinerary. which celeb would you choose? be careful you might end up doing weird stuff. kevin. >> reporter: i'm going to stick with denzel. he seems leak a normal guy we would rap about politics and sorts and recite movies line and we probably have steak. that sounds about right. >> trace: also, denzel's a christian you would also talk a little bit about religion on this night. kevin corke good choice. >> reporter: yeah. >> trace: denzel number one. there you go kevin corke. ashley strohmier. >> i've actually made a lot of gwyneth paltrow's goop recipes so i'm totally down with that but i don't know if i would want to spend time with her on her meditation stuff, gets weird. but i think from a personality standpoint, zach, i would laugh the entire time and that's what i'm here for. >> trace: comedians think a little bit unusual and take you on some weird itinerary things i just wonder if you think that might happen with zach. >> probably. i wouldn't come back the same. >> trace: so funny, christina coleman? >> britney spears. after covering her so much i have so many questions to ask she's always spinning and i want to know what's going on. what's going on right now britney. >> trace: what's she going to do during that night she stays with you? what do you have to do? >> i don't know. i want to see what is she doing? i know she's running behind athletes entourages in vegas, we know that. what else. >> trace: there you go so a trip to vegas might be in the works for your airbnb. armen what do you think? >> i guess it shows you can sell anything to anybody these days with the right marketing plan but if i had to go there i would want somebody that could maybe give me a vacation from the vacation so i think chris pratt. he seems the kind of guy you can sit and chill and just rap about while you're doing the yoga meditation talking about movies or whatever, sports and stuff and that would probably be relaxing in and of itself. >> trace: you're fine with the yoga meditation. vik bajaj. >> i'm definitely going to include meditation. i would include somebody that helps me exercise my mind and also teach me about the future and for those reasons i would pick elon musk. >> trace: nice. i forgot to say dead or alive. i go back to hemingway, stay on his boat the whiskey coming out of the harbor in havana, go to the keys have a couple drinks at hemming ways and head back to cuba. here it is, the poll says 89% say no, they don't want to hang out with a celebrity on instagram and on twitter instagram 74%. sandy says dolly parton as for activities just want to hear stories, you know how she has to have them. patriot jay leno's house to see his car collection and expect to drive a few of those. and dan says maybe guy fieri. he has vineyards groves et cetera it might be okay to hang around his place. thanks for watching america's late news. fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher. r we'll see you back here tomorrow. dvr. to reel in the fun and serve up great times. to help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic summer of smiles event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while these summer savings won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today. ♪ ♪ we're reinventing our network... ...with smarter, more efficient routes... you can deliver more value to your customers. fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. beautiful. you see how the light catches the hubcap? 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"the five." >> greg: once again, the media wetting themselves with excitement over trump's third indictment, the orange menace getting hit with four new charges from the special counsel. this time, over questioning the outcome of the 2020 election. the case seems pretty filmsy but the talking heads claim it's worse than watergate, 9/11 and the civil war combined. >> it is one of if not the

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Novel Untested , Somebody , What S Going On , Indictments , Objective , Abandonment , Rule Of Law , Proof , Race , Screen , Congratulations , Voters , Third , Vivek Ramaswamy Running , 5 , Charges , Former , 2020 , Kevin Corke , Evening , Dc , Courthouse Over On Constitution Avenue , Arraignment Set , Nature , Conspiracy , Obstruction Counts , Eastern Time , Bail Conditions , Arraignment , Profile , Major Street Closures , Four , 4 , Headaches , Some , Hunter , Nothing , Traffic Headaches , Area , Tourist Season , Investigation , Republicans , Indictment , Predecessor , Millions , Developments , Mum , Look , Vp , Numbers , Name , Plea Agreement , Influence , District Court In Dc , Position , Note , Story Kevin , Money , Saying , States , Document , Income , 2017 , A Million Dollars , A Million , Chinese , Infrastructure Investment Company , Business Interests , Ceo , Business Conglomerate , 66000 , 664000 , Violation , Energy Company , Fees , Romanian Business , Multi National Law Firm , 50000 , 70 , 48 , 0000 , Connection , Trashing A , Tenant , Joe Biden , Venice Beach House , Tax , Laws , 4 2 Million , 2 Million , Story , Property , Melissa , Grand , Paper , Owner , Disarray , Rent , Disrepair , Daily Mail , 80 , Nurse , Daughter , House , Bidens , Search , Venice Canals , Man , Two , Witness , Situation , Christina Coleman , Latest , Clinic , Motels , Haiti , Ter Favic , Gun , New Hampshire , Hundred Percent , A Hundred , Prince , U S State Department , Gang , Weapon , Release , Alex Dor Sinville , Clinic By A Christian Ministry Last Thursday , 0 , Group , Husband , Witnesses , Suspects , Abduction , Ransom , Million , 1 Million , Help , Patients , Haitians , Streets , Aid Groups , Violence , Doctors Without Borders , Kidnapping , Patient , Operations , Location , Men , Hospital , Non Profits , Target , La , 20 , 1000 , Population , Care , Suspension , Access , Operating Room , Aid , Kidnappings , State Department , Observers , Press , Person Morgan Ortagus , Providers , Tough Story Christina , Gangs , Kidnapers , Populations , No Go Zone , Anyone , Alix Dor Sinville , Estate , Reasons , Mother , Women , War Zone , Warnings , Research , Tgangs , Place , Prime Minister , Home , Environment , Work , Risk , Matter , Sass Nateded , 2001 , Situation Trace , Battery Company , Electric Vehicle Battery , Goshen , China , Ties , State Of The Art Battery Facility , Land , Plant , Military Bases , Addition , Proximity , Criticism , Michigan , John Have , Green Charter Township , 270 , Chinese Communist Party , Farm Land , Troops , Coincidence , Affiliates , Taiwanese , 380000 , Security , Military Facilities , Installations , Asleep At The Wheel , Lot , Titanic Don T , Interviews , Arms , Passing Measures , Cannot Purchase Farm Land , Senate , Issue , Each Other , Citizens , Backyard , Military Installation , Rat , Something , Watch , Administration , Grave Concern , Telling Everybody , Building , Thoughts , Communists , Masks , Number , Happening , Etch Oh Other , Communist Systems , Businesses , Workers , Admission , Conviction Rate , Accusation , Guilt , 99 , Very Little Due Process , Up , Individuals , Mobile Bar , California Crime Roundup , Defund , Police Movement , San Francisco Bay Area , Business , Repairs , Shipping Container , Unknown , Bentley S , Crime , Role , Opinion , Police Union , Police Department Budget , A Thousand , 120 Million , Death , City , Police Recruitment Numbers , Cause , Crime Crisis , Southern California Tourist , Tracy Mcrae , Police , Times , Victim , Suspect , Chest , Santa Monica Pier , Bill , Agenda Item , Calls , School Board Meetings , California Legislature , Department Of Justice , Bill Doesn T , Definition , Disorder , School Employees Protection Bill , Terrorists T Proposed Legislation , Stalking , Discretion , Board Members , Threat , Harassment , Longer , Jail , School Board Member , Child , Back , Conduct , Words , Acts , Fermenting , Pattern , Curriculum , School , Failing Grade , Displeasure , Indoctrination , F , Math Wiz , Vik Great , Counties , Al Made A County , Institute Point , Students , Types , Movement , Transitioning , California Board Of Education , Jury , Jury Duty Saying , Decision , 12 , Taxpayers , City Council , Offense , Order , Cars , Anybody , Story Spectators , Circles , Following , Spectator , Alameda County , Side Shows , Sheriff , Presentations , Social Media Outlets , Activity , Recording , Youtube , A Thousand Dollars , Racing , Deal , Offenses , 15 , Ten , Cases , Spectators , Challenges , Juries , Acquittals , 120 , Someone , Challenge , Public , Right , Doctor , Ground , Walking , Police Response , Portland , Wall , City Accountable , Accountable , Poster Child , Street , Which , Objects , 30 , Fact , No One , Gentleman , Perpetrator , Walking With A 6 7 , 6 , 911 , 7 , Others , Moms , Liberty , Vik Good , Hammer , Web Site , Louisiana , Attack , Innocent Bystanders , Goon Food , Nightcap , List , Neighbors , Gwyneth Paltrow , Guest , Group Meals , Celeb , Itinerary , Instagram , Twitter , Agenda , Scientology , Can T Wait , Tom Cruise , Treatment , Pro Vitamin Formula , Resilience , Cost , Hair , Bonding , Price Tag , Softness , Pantene , 50 , Bipolar , Lows , Highs , 1 , Vraylar , Symptoms , Medicines , Take Control , Manic , Adults , Stroke , Weight , Studies , Saw , Impact , Dementia , Relief , Episodes , Muscles , Changes , Cholesterol , Children , Antidepressants , Weight Gain , High Blood Sugar , Behavior , Confusion , Coma , Muscle Movements , Fever , Reaction , Abbvie , Side Effects , Restlessness , Stomach , Issues , Movement Dysfunction , Sleepiness , Way , Motorcycle Insurer , Marzipan , Jazz Jamboree , Hugs , Mara , To Go Bowling , Imitates Trumpet Playing , Friends , Let , Loved Ones , Daddio , Let S Roll , Boogie Woogie , Narrator , Strength , Wounded Warrior Project , Team , Community , Peace , Shell , Voice , Inspirational Music , Goals , Light Bulbs , Manufacturers , Supplies , Led Bulbs , Style , Ban , Retailers , First Up In Tonight S Reel News Roundup , Share , Incan Dessent , Triple A , Big Time , Ain T , Credit Agency , Credit , Term , Penalties , Double A Plus , Rating , Move , Course , Courage , Downgrade , Reelection Crane , Treasure Secretary , Janet Yellen , Nba Star Jonathan Isaac , Values , Christian , Groups , Site , Alternatives , Ranks , Brand Unitis , Nike , Hate Speech , Bethany Mandel , Co Author , Mom , Stolen Youth , Misinformation , Hate Groups , Hamilton County , Symbols , Conspiracy Theories , Door Community , Stuff , Fireworks , Theme , Thought Process , Sort , Patriot Touchily In Americana , Wait A Second , Southern Poverty Law Center , Hate , Symbol , Kids , Books , Organizations , Drag Queen , Time , Wall Street Journal , Test Scores , School Taking Jobs , Story Hour , Change , Knowledge , Employers , Register , Shortcomings , Skills , Gamut , Candidates , Everybody , Expectations , Five , Babies , Body Language , Learn Emotions , Vacuum , Didn T , Masked Care Givers , Ramifications , Rest , Black , Pass Off , Urgency , County Administrators , County , Schools , Privates , Conversation , Dad , School Boards , Concept , Front , Him , Dialogue , Talk , Doing , Being , Dissent , Thanks , Bio Lab , Mice , Mystery , Direction , Authorities , Stow Aways , Diseases , Herpes , Elon Musk , Flashy New Sign , Residents , Ship , Videos , Europe , West Coast , 32 , Terminal , Shot , Downtown Gas Lamp , Pensacola Beach , San Diego , Cleveland Ohio , Florida , Love , Dvr , Scent Beads , Scent , Earth Cam , Better , Gulf Of Mexico , D , Survivors , Huh , Suffering , Holocaust , Stuff Smelling , Dog Roger , Names , Faces , Comfort , Holocaust Museum , Cloud , Cries , Jews , Israel , Survivor , Many , Soviet Union , Life , Leaves , Naroj , Grass , Food Box , There , Jew , 25 , Food , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , God , Lives , Valeria , Organization , Holocaust Survivor , Safelite , Suv , Woman , Service , Replacement , Singers , Safelite Repair , Golo , Weight Loss Surgery , Jason , 228 , Lifestyle , Metabolism , Golo Isn T , Golo S , Healthier , Program , Announcer , Golo Com , Hi Again , Code Enforcement Officer , Alarm , Mysterious Illegal Lab Run , Warehouse , Meth Lab , Town , House Sticking , Marijuana , Lab , Discovery , Type , Manner , Clan Des Dine Setup , Cdc , Pathogens , Hiv , Safety Controls , None , Chemicals , Waste , Hazardous Bio , Virus , Court Documents Investigators , Empty Offices , Malaria , Led , Prestige Biotech , Addresses , Who , Back To You , Live In New York , California Operation , U S Navy , Armen Kurdian , Lab Thing , Headline , Chinese Biotech , California Lab Run , National Review , Intent , Capacity , Fast , Engines , Emergency Procedures , Requirements , Ventilation , Back Story , Facilities , Leaks , Vials , Bucket , Pine Sol , Bio Weapons Lab , Bio Weapons Research , Precursor , Nobody , Nicole , Viruses , Chlamydia Malaria , Consequences Tcity , Fbi , What S Going On Underground , Reason , Operating , Setup , Equipment Testing , Radar , Item , Bunch , Line , Accident , Will I Trace , Outcome , News Week , Analysis , Labs , Remains , Titan , Coast Guard , Water , Totality , Inspection , Families , Passengers , Bodies , Forensic Medical Expert , Investigators , Pieces , Plans , Submarine , Ocean Gate , Engineering Investigation , Example , Hull , Metallurgical Analysis , Failure , Process , Stress Points , Lessons , Engineering , Firms , Sir , Rain , Rainfall , Areas , Flooding , Amount , Foot , Street In St , Louis , Missouri , Nine , Bit , Ohs , Crews , Eyes , Sign , Safety , Complaints , Comberns , Flashing , Brightness , 24 , Rudder , Brazil , Foreign Nigerian Stow Aways , Video , Sea , Asylum , The Ocean , Nigeria , Water Balloon , New York Yankees , Attention , Politician , Night On Social Media , Throwing Arm , Alexis Mcadams , Old Girl , 10 , Arm , Spotlight , Aim , Hands , Pitching Phenom , Alexa Cardona , Long Island , Head , Bruce Blakeman , Nassau County , Feet , Views , 40 Million , Hit , Water Balloons , Laughter , Stride , Parade , County Executive , The Field , Face , Chance , Fifth Grade , Season , Greenie Paltrow , Celebrity , Stay , Person , Opportunity , Justin Trudeau , Crew , Canada , Toronto , Clearchoice , Ways , Implants , Wife , Let S Dig In , 18 , Bite , Chuckles , Teeth , Menu , Chow Down , Consultation , Apoquel , Lesson , Word , Itch , O , Ap , Quel , Infections , Vet , Dogs , Dog , Control , Chances , Skin Infections , Cancers , Language , Neoplasias , Cap Crew , Little , Guest House , Goop , Montecito , Trans Dental Meditation , Guy , Movies , Politics , Weird Stuff , Denzel , Steak , Number One , Religion , Recipes , Zach , Personality Standpoint , Meditation Stuff , Same , Comedians , I Don T Know , Questions , Britney Spears , Works , Trip , Airbnb , Vegas , Athletes Entourages In Vegas , What Else , Yoga Meditation , Chris Pratt , Vacation , Marketing Plan , Sports , Hemingway , Boat , Whiskey , Nice , Harbor , Couple , Poll , Keys , Cuba , 89 , Dan , Jay Leno , Stories , Few , Activities , Car Collection , Dolly Parton , Patriot , Guy Fieri , Sandy , 74 , Aspen , At Night , Fun , Vineyards Groves Et Cetera , Plus , Event , Everyone , Exam , Treatment Plan , Epic Summer , Insurance , X Rays , Summer Savings Won T Last , Memories , Book Today , Aspen Dental , Smarter , Value , Network , Routes , Customers , United States Postal Service , Family , Save Money , Catches , Hubcap , Photos , Difference , Beautiful , Stunning , Antidepressant , Lift , Depression , Mantle , Depression Symptoms , Sleep , Appetite , Dizziness , Fatigue , Potential , Achievers , Table , Wake Up , Competition , Sleep Number , Circadian Rhythm , Level Bed , Level , Rhythms , Smart Bed , 500 , Base , Home Delivery , Media , Barbie , Excitement , Wetting , Jesse Watters , Greg Gutfeld , Dana Perino , Stunt Double , Orange Menace , Special Counsel , Talking Heads , The Civil War Combined , 9 11 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox 20240704

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white house was willing and able to censor the truth on social media. republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy will join us in moments but first to ashley strohmier live in the new york city news room with the very latest on this. ashley, good evening. >> reporter: hi, trace. yeah, the biden white house has routinely denied involvement in suppressing negative information about covid-19 vaccines on social media. you might recall this exchange with our own peter doocy and then white house press secretary jen psaki during the summer of 2021. take a listen. >> is there any concern the things you're trying to block or taken down might some day turn out to be -- >> we don't take anything down. we don't block anything. facebook and any private sector company makes decisions about what information should be on their platform. >> reporter: but internal communication between top white house officials and facebook employees obtained by fox business appears to paint a vastly different picture, even when facebook officials express concerns over what they consider to be a, quote, significant encouragement into traditional boundaries of free expression in the u.s. but despite those reservations, president biden's former digital director appeared to complain that the white house was not getting enough information from facebook writing in part, my dream for facebook to play ball, it's about will we get out of this mess. i'm not doubting you are sincerely trying to solve this problem in good faith. i'm doubting you are telling us everything. and while the white house has not yet to respond to the request for a comment, they have previously said social media companies do have a responsibility to consider what content is allowed on their platforms and maintain those decisions are made independently. meta facebook's parent company has declined to comment. trace. >> trace: ashley, thank you >> meantime let's bring in republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy. vivek, always great to have you on. this whole idea of the facebook file showing us the government was actually censoring the truth. censoring the truth as if we can't handle the truth, or as if their truth is the only truth. what do you think about that? >> well, look, i think this is the predominate form of censorship we've seen in the last several years, trace. the government is using private companies like facebook to do, through the back door, what government could not do directly through the front door under the constitution, censor politically disfavored speech. the reality in this country is that, the path to truth, it runs through free speech and open debate. that is why we have a first amendment. i do not think we would have run into those, rushed into those vaccine mandates as quickly if we had been allowed to debate the facts in the open. so i think this is good learning. and the problem with our mistakes and our history is if we don't learn from them we commit far worse in the future. at least let this be a learning that the next time we run into a supposed emergency circumstance, be it a pandemic or anything else, free speech and open debate is the thing we have to protect the most. that's the past to truth. >> trace: yeah, you talk about free speech and open debate. i know you were in nashville today, you were trying to force them to release the manifesto of the covenant school shooter. we haven't gotten anywhere on that. why are they withholding this vivek? >> the answer is, i don't know and we don't know, trace. and that's what erodes public trust in government, in our institutions. we live in a moment where the government's muscle memory's automatically to hide, to sweep under the rug whatever happened to hunter biden or the laptop story or the bribes. whatever happened to the origin of covid-19? whatever happened now in the reality of what that shooter's manifesto was. there's a long standing tradition in this country to release the manifesto of a mass shooter when it's recovered. and, yet, in this particular case, i think in part because that shooter was, indeed, transgender, there is a systematic effort which has so far succeeded to keep that suppressed. part of the premise of my campaign is that we, the people, can handle the truth. that is what it means to be american. that is what we fought the american revolution for. we're not accountable to the government. the government is accountable to us, the people. and i think once the government starts telling the truth again, that's how we revive public trust in this country. >> trace: you talk about foia requests i know you've been trying to get information on the trump indictments, he again was indicted for the third time yesterday and i want to put this up. this is monica crowley, vivek, and i think she had kind of a good take on this, this is from news week quoting, apparently the government is political speech arresting political opponents but only on one side, and that about sums it up. >> i think it does, and i think this sets a dangerous and disastrous precedent, trace, in a way that goes far beyond just republican versus democrat tug of war. if one side can do it today the other side can do it tomorrow. but we do not want to become a country where the party in power uses police force and legal system to indict its political opponents in the middle of an election. my basically rule of thumb is pretty simple. if you're going to indict a political oh pen innocent the midst of an election it better not be based on a novel untested theory yet that's exactly been the case in all three of the indictments now, with i reveals what's going on. this is not about the rule of law, it's about the abandonment of the rule of law to accomplish a political objective. and i say that as somebody for whom it would be much easier if trump was eliminated from the race, i'm polling at third. that's not how i want to win. it should be the old fashioned way convince the voters. >> trace: and we have the proof you are running third, put it up on the screen, vivek ramaswamy running at 5% congratulations vivek, thank you for coming on, we always appreciate your time. >> thank you, trace. >> trace: meantime security in the nation's capitol on alert with former president trump's court appearance just hours away on charges that he repeatedly spoke his mind saying the 2020 election was stolen. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in dc with the very latest on this kevin good evening. >> reporter: evening trace. the former president expected to appear tomorrow afternoon at the federal courthouse over on constitution avenue not far from here his arraignment set for 4:00 p.m. eastern time. the former president now faces four conspiracy and obstruction counts, and it should be pointed out we also expect to learn tomorrow his bail conditions. now, because of the high profile nature of the arraignment, you're right. there are expected to be major street closures in the area and, given the time of day, to say nothing of the time of year, you know, tourist season, some are expecting major traffic headaches. and speaking of headaches, tonight they also continue for the current president and his son, hunter, because while the elder biden's yet to weigh in on the latest indictment against his predecessor, he's also been mum about the latest developments in the congressional investigation into his son hunter biden, who made millions of dollars overseas. now, congressional republicans continue to suggest the younger biden was peddling influence on the then vp's name and position. trace. >> trace: and on that note, we're getting a fresh look at the failed plea agreement between hunter biden and the district court in dc and the financial numbers apparently tell quite the story kevin. >> reporter: as the old saying goes follow the money and it appears the court is doing just that. in hunter's original plea agreement which is now public the document states, listen to this, during calendar year 2017, biden earned substantial income including just under a million dollars from a company that he formed with the ceo of a chinese business conglomerate, of 66,000 from his domestic business interests, about 664,000 from another chinese infrastructure investment company. half a million in director's fees from a ukrainian energy company. 70 grand related to romanian business, and another nearly $50,000, 48 to be exact, from a multi national law firm. now house republicans say this is a clear violation of fara and tax laws and now they're looking for any possible connection between the money and then vp joe biden. meanwhile hunter the tenant is accused of trashing a $4.2 million venice beach house that he rented with his, quote, rude and entitled wife melissa, that according to the daily mail. the paper also claims they left the property in disarray and disrepair and stiffed the owner 80 grand in unpaid rent. no comment on the story tonight from the bidens. back to you. >> trace: we used to walk by that house because it was all decked out for christmas and we would go down the venice canals. kevin thank you >> a search for an american nurse and her daughter who were kidnapped as the witness tells what happened in the ter favic motels the two were taken from the clinic in haiti. christina coleman is live with the latest on the story gripping the nation. good evening. >> reporter: good evening trace. talk about a scary situation. a witness claims she saw a man with a gun at the clinic as the new hampshire nurse and her daughter were abducted. take a listen. >> i can't explain a hundred percent, but i was inside and a man told me to relax. i couldn't understand what he was saying to me and then he pulled out his weapon. >> reporter: the u.s. state department is working to secure the release of alex dor sinville and her daughter abducted from a clinic by a christian ministry last thursday near port 0 prince. the gang responsible for the abduction reportedly demanded $1 million in ransom. witnesses say the suspects were looking for the nurse's husband the director of the group that runs that clinic. >> they asked for her husband and were told he wasn't there. they took the nurse and locked all the other patients inside. >> reporter: many haitians took to the streets demanding the release of her and her daughter. they know aid groups could pull back the much needed help to haiti due to gang violence. there has been more than 1,000 kidnapping in haiti just this year alone and non-profits are often the target. just la month doctors without borders suspended its operations at a haitian hospital after at least 20 armed men stormed that location and kidnapped a patient from the operating room. the continuous kidnappings followed by the suspension of some medical aid is just an overall tragic situation considering access to medical care is tough for most of haiti's population. trace. >> trace: tough story christina thank you let's bring in former state department suppose person morgan ortagus. the associate press writes haitian and providers and outside observers worry the kidnapping of new hampshire native alix dor sinville will turn it into a no-go zone for anyone besides gangs and the populations they torment not to mention hard to catch kidnapers when the gangs control 80% of port 0 prince. what do you when i this story. >> haiti is basically a failed state. it's a war zone. these young women went over, this mother and daughter, for altruistic reasons, for noble reasons to try and help that population. but this is why it's really important for americans to heed the state department warnings and to do their research before they go overseas. you know, we do everything that we can to bring all americans home. however, when you're in an environment like haiti, like i said essentially a failed state tgangs are running the place, the prime minister just back in 2001 was a sass nateded in the state. you that the risk there is going to be incredibly high. so, listen, no matter what happens, no matter how an american gets taken like this, the u.s. government does work diligently to get them home but unfortunately this does look like a dire situation trace. >> trace: it does indeed. i want to get your take on chinese battery company buying up us landing chinese electric vehicle battery company goshen announced tuesday at this time purchased 270 acres of land in green charter township michigan to build state of the art battery facility in addition to criticism over its ties to china lawmakers including john have expressed concern about the proximity of goshen's proposed plant to u.s. military bases. u.s. military bases we might add that are training taiwanese troops. >> reporter: yeah. what a coincidence. so the chinese communist party and their affiliates currently own over 380,000 acres of farm land in the united states and unfortunately our government has been asleep at the wheel because much of this farm land is near crucial military facilities or other installations that are crucial to our national security. so what you're seeing is that people in michigan are actually up in arms about this. we've had a lot of interviews on fox news from people that don't want this to stand. you do have the senate passing measures, just last week, saying that you can't -- that the chinese cannot purchase farm land near a military installation. it's a little late. i guess better late than never, trace, but this is an issue that all americans, especially if it happens in your backyard, should be verbal on. >> trace: china, by the way, now encouraging its citizens to spy on each other and rat each other out. the state department said this about it. watch. >> we do have concerns over at -- certainly encouraging citizens to spy on each other is something of grave concern. >> trace: the biden administration did the exact same thing to us during covid telling everybody, you know what, if you have too many people in a building turn them in, people not wearing masks, you have to turn them in. so it's disingenuous to say this, we did the same thing. your final thoughts. >> reporter: it's pretty bad though under communists whenever you see this happening, this is something known in communist systems, they rat on etch oh other, they tell on each other. what i think we have to be very careful of, this law is very chilling for a number of reasons, specifically because if you are accused of something in china by their judicial system it is alike a 99% conviction rate so an accusation is essentially, you know, an admission of guilt in china. what does that mean for american businesses and american workers that are working in china? that's something that's a massive risk for these companies and their individuals. >> trace: very little due process in china. morgan ortagus great to have you on as always. thank you >> meantime first up in tonight's california crime roundup two days after its grand opening a mobile bar called bentley's in the san francisco bay area was vandalized and burglarized by an unknown sub expect but the business constructed from a shipping container underwent quick repairs and was back in business a few hours later. >> the defund the police movement, along with taken away 120 million from the police department budget, a thousand percent played the role in why crime shot up in san francisco california. >> trace: that's the president of the san francisco police union offering her opinion about the root cause of the city's crime crisis. tracy mcrae also blames the defund the police movement for san francisco's decades low police recruitment numbers >> and, finally, a homeless man is now being held in connection to the death of a southern california tourist. the homeless man allegedly stabbed the man near the santa monica pier. police say the suspect was arguing with the victim then knifed him several times including one time in the chest. ♪ >> well, the fox news at night common sense department has an agenda item that most parents might be interested in because there is a bill moving through the california legislature targeting parents who like to speak up at school board meetings. you know, the same people the department of justice calls terrorists t proposed legislation is called the school employees protection bill and it would prevent parents from causing, quote, substantial disorder at school board meetings. except the bill doesn't define substantial disorder. it appears the definition is at the discretion of the various board members. but the bill does offer a new definition for harassment. it's no longer, quote, following stalking or posing a credible threat of violence now it's fermenting or a pattern of conduct composed of two or more acts. in other words if you annoy a school board member more than once, you could be spending a year in jail. so if your child is being transitioned behind your back or inundated with sexual curriculum, police just voice your displeasure one time and then give your child back to the school. common sense was never a math wiz but always smart enough to know that adding indoctrination and taking away dissent is a failing grade. an f. and now is not the time to f with these parents. let's bring in criminal defense attorney vik bajaj. vik great to have you on. i just look and this and think come on school board meetings they're going after parents again? doesn't seem like this is constitutional. >> you have to look at what's coming, what's behind door number two. you bring up an as institute point you believe it's unconstitutional. and i think counties like al made a county will have a hard time footing the bill when other people challenge this as unconstitutional in a court of law. let's not forget there is a movement between the california board of education to push certain types of curriculum upon students without the parents really known knowing about it and that's the transitioning you just alluded to but what happens when you have a new crime? eventually a jury's going to have to sit there and make a decision. can you really imagine 12 people showing up for jury duty saying, yes, you spoke out twice. that's a violation of the law and now i'm going to hold you guilty of a criminal offense? it's a tall order, it's unconstitutional and frankly it's draining lawful taxpayers out of the money, their hard earned money that the city council's now going to have to foot the bill to defend. >> trace: exactly right i love this story spectators on public property, they have in alameda county side shows, the cars get in and turn around in circles and people sit and watch them. now the sheriff of alameda county said the following, not just anybody is a spectator, it's those people who are actually engaging in the activity who are standing there, they areered recording, they are actually making money off their presentations on youtube and some of the social media outlets so what they want to do is they want to arrest these people and really put them in jail for three months or fine them a thousand dollars for watching these cars go around in circles. >> that's exactly right. now, let's look back in time just about ten or 15 years. you remember when the treat racing offenses were a big deal and people were dying because the cars were going at 120-plus miles an hour without the proper security. they had same legislation in those cases where the spectators were then prosecuted. but what happened? there were constitutional challenges, juries came back with acquittals and said, hey, we have a right to be in the public, how dare you actually try to convict someone for watching something that's illegal. punish the people who are perpetrating the crime, not those that may be watching. it's a tall challenge. i don't think it's going to have much actually grind when it hits the ground. >> trace: tall challenge is it. fox news said the following, portland doctor said a homeless man knocked her unconscious while walking in the city and she waited more than 20 minutes without a police response. here's what she said. watch. >> i do not hold the police accountable for this at all, i hold our city accountable for defunding the police and making it, you know -- we're in a situation where we don't have enough police force to protect our citizens and we did this to ourselves. >> trace: death in santa monica who's policing these people? about 30 seconds. >> this is the real issue, portland which was the poster child of defunding the police now has lawful citizens walking the street having objects hurled at them. she called 911. let's not forget that fact, and no one responded. she happened to be walking with a 6'7" gentleman who was able to scare away the perpetrator. this is common sense, trace. defund the police, there's no hammer over others that may be psychologically compromised who may want to hurt innocent bystanders. >> trace: vik good to see you as always. >> louisiana thank you. >> trace: moms for liberty under attack once again this time from a web site claiming hint hint they're not being good neighbors. and later in the nightcap gwyneth paltrow is airbnb to a lucky guest and has a list of things, group meals, meditation. would you rent a celeb's home if they were going to be there and laid out the itinerary? if so what celeb would you choose and would you sign on to their agenda. scientology session with tom cruise? let us know twitter and instagram at trace gallagher, can't wait to see who you pick coming up in the nightcap. air that doesn't cost $50? pantene's pro-vitamin formula repairs hair. as well as the leading luxury bonding treatment. for softness and resilience, without the price tag. if you know... you know it's pantene. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control 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[ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie! - [narrator] wounded warrior project helped me find the strength to go further than i ever thought possible. - [narrator] i was able to come outta my shell and really connect with others. - [narrator] so i can feel like part of a team, part of the community again. - [narrator] it's possible to live better. - [narrator] it's possible to have a voice and to be heard. - [narrator] to feel understood. - [narrator] to find peace. - because i've experienced firsthand that anything is possible. (inspirational music) goli, taste your goals. that anything is possible. ♪ >> trace: first up in tonight's reel news roundup, the biden administration is now enforcing a nationwide ban on incan dessent and halogen style light bulbs which represent a sizeable share of current supplies. manufacturers and retailers will now have to sell led bulbs or risk big time federal penalties >> well, the full faith and credit of the u.s. ain't what it used to be. the credit agency fitch just downgraded american's long term rating from triple-a to double a plus. treasure secretary janet yellen says the move is entirely unwarranted and the president's reelection crane is suggesting former president trump is to blame for the downgrade. of course. >> people respect me for standing for my courage in what i believe not going against anybody simply saying our values are valued and celebrated. >> trace: nba star jonathan isaac announcing his pro christian athletic brand. they say americans of faith need alternatives to woke companies like nike and that's exactly what he hopes his brand unitis will become. >> social media site next door is joining the ranks of other liberal groups anything taking moms at liberty for promoting hate speech. let's bring in a favorite mom and co-author of stolen youth bethany mandel. they he would made moms for liberty and said moms for liberty hamilton county was reported by neighbors in the next door community for promoting hate speech, symbols, content from hate groups and hate-based conspiracy theories and misinformation and for promoting misinformation related to the u.s. election, covid-19. i looked at this stuff you're like it's not hate stuff. i mean, your thoughts. >> it's funny because the only thing that i've ever done on next door is complaining about fireworks. and maybe that's like the theme of next door. you hate every expression of patriot touchily in americana. that's why you go to complain about america. but, i mean, they've outsourced every sort of thought process about moms for liberty. and so many different organizations have. because once you actually look at what the southern poverty law center is saying is hate speech you're saying wait a second that's not a hate symbol or hate speech, that's just like boring moms who are objecting to their kids being read books about drag queen story hour. it's absurd. >> trace: it really is absurd. we talked about this before but test scores across the country at 30-year lows some states worse than others. now those students are getting out of school taking jobs for the first time and now the wall street journal is writing they are unprepared quoting the shortcomings run the gamut from general knowledge of how to make change at a register to soft skills such as working with others. employers are spending more time searching for candidates and often lowering expectations when they hire. can you imagine this is happening two years post covid what it's going to be in five years when everybody is having this problem. >> yeah. and not just in five years, but also in 15 years when all of the babies who were surrounding by masked care givers and who didn't understand how to sort of learn emotions and learn body language, all these things, all of this doesn't exist in a vacuum. we're going to be seeing the ramifications of how we dealt with covid, not covid, the ramifications of how we dealt with covid, for the rest of these kids lives and they're all going to sort of pass off, maybe it was long covid, maybe it was this, maybe it was that. there's a complete lack of urgency about what we've done and how to fix it. and it starts with admitting that they were wrong. that they did something wrong. in my county, exactly two years ago they tried to close all the private schools here. not one of the county administrators here where i live has ever apologized for doing any of it, for trying to close the privates, for closing publics nothing they all just walked away from it. >> trace: same around the country. quickly i have about 30 seconds left on the whole concept of california trying to pass this bill that would criminalized parents going to school board meetings because they annoy the school board. >> so i actually spoke to a dad who testifies regularly in front of school boards. i had a long conversation with him today and he said, you know, it's so infuriating because it's not a dialogue. we want to dialogue with the school board and all they're doing is letting us talk at them for two minutes and they ignore us. we're frustrated. and i don't care if they're frustrated. they've set it up that we have no way to have a conversation with them. and then they get mad at us because we're angry at them. you know, we're taxpayers. i'm sorry. you can sit through us being frustrated for two minutes. >> trace: yeah. and when you criminalize dissent things are not going in the right direction. bethany mandel great to have you on as always. thank you. >> thanks. >> trace: up next authorities in california trying to uncover the mystery of an underground bio lab with strong ties to china that was filled with mice along with herpes, covid and a list of other infectious diseases. imagine a chinese bio lab in our own backyard. and still to come, san francisco residents say no thanks to elon musk's flashy new sign. and four stow aways hoped their ship was headed to europe but let's just say they should have checked the itinerary. the day's best viral videos coming up. 8:32 here on the west coast. here is a fox news at night trip across america, first live look at where i was born, san diego california and there it is the downtown gas lamp. here's a nice shot of the terminal in cleveland ohio lit up and live look at pensacola beach in florida looking at the gulf of mexico courtesy of our earth cam. if you cannot join us live do not forget to set your dvr. watch us any time. the sooner the better. ♪ d gain scent beads, they fell in love with the irresistible scent. ♪ ♪ huh, huh, so did their dog roger. ♪ ♪ gain scent beads keep even the stinkiest stuff smelling fresh. many holocaust survivors are impoverished and suffering today in their final years. at this holocaust museum in israel, you see the names; the faces, of jews that were brutally murdered. this great cloud of witnesses cries out to us "comfort, comfort my people." we're in a race against time to reach every holocaust survivor in israel and the former soviet union. many are poor and hungry and they have nowhere to turn. naroj has had such a hard life from the day that she was born into the holocaust. we were so hungry that we would go with my mother and find the leaves and grass nd we would pick them up and eat it. still today, she's suffering with no one there to help her. dare we turn our back on her now? for $25 you can rush a food box to a holocaust survivor or an elderly jew. the international fellowship of christians and jews brings them urgently needed food and comfort in their final years. let's do what we know god has called us to do. call the number on your screen now and help save jewish lives. no organization helps holocaust survivors and the elderly jewish people as much as they do. valeria is saying that, she didn't receive love her whole life. you seem so full of love, and not of hate. just $25 helps to rush a food box to a holocaust survivor. i hope you'll join me at the international fellowship of christians and jews. we can do something to relieve their suffering. please, do something now. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? we were loading our suv when... crack! safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. so when my doctor told me i needed weight loss surgery, i knew i had to make a change. golo's helped me transition to a 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(announcer) change your life at that's ♪ >> trace: authorities in california now trying to uncover the mystery of an underground bio lab in california with strong ties to china, and a list of infectious diseases. ashley strohmier is back live with the new information on this. ashley. >> reporter: hi again, trace. we have heard from some gop lawmakers who are sounding the alarm about this disturbing and really mysterious illegal lab run by a company tied to china. it only came to light when a code enforcement officer in a small california town noticed a house sticking out from what was supposed to be a vacant warehouse. >> potentially a marijuana grow? perhaps. or maybe even a small meth lab? perhaps. some type of clan des dine setup but i would have never anticipated a biological lab being stored in a warehouse in the manner that it was being stored in. >> reporter: that discovery sparked an investigation that now includes the cdc that found the hazardous bio lab was apparently operating with none of the legally required safety controls and was filled with chemicals, medical waste and infectious pathogens that does include take bush low hiv and malaria as well as genetically engineered mice designed to carry the covid-19 virus. the lab was being run under a company called prestige biotech, which lists several businesses addressed in china, but in court documents investigators said they all led to, quote, empty offices or addresses in china that could not be verified. meanwhile those who ran the california operation are refusing to talk. trace, back to you. >> trace: no vice ashley strohmier live in new york, ashley thank you. let's bring in retired u.s. navy captain armen kurdian. i don't know looks like the next lab thing this is scary and the headline of the national review says quoting on monday, illegal california lab run by chinese biotech firm contained mice jeered to spread covid. that in itself is scary then you look at all the other diseases that were in there, it was illegally done. someone had nefarious intent here. some capacity, not saying trying to spread virus but they didn't intend to do well what do you think. >> two things struck me first they've lab containing all these very dangerous path engines in a fast that is not designed to store them, very specific requirements, ventilation, emergency procedures, what happens if one of these vials breaks and leaks, you're not going to clean it up with pine sol and a bucket. the second thing that struck me is the fact that it's very hard to find out what the origin, what the back story is, are these more of these kind of facilities exist within the u.s. so, i mean, it could very well be some kind of precursor bio weapons lab or bio weapons research. we don't know. >> trace: and the scariest thing you said we have no idea how many are out there, the government didn't know about it, nobody knew about this thing and you wonder if there's going to be consequences tcity manager nicole said this ultimately what we found was viruses such as hiv, covid, chlamydia malaria, things of that nature. what are they doing in there? you look at this lab and you think, what's going on underground. >> if it was really a legitimate setup to do this kind of equipment testing work there's no reason to be operating under the radar and as the fbi's reported, as they've tried to find where the origin is they found a bunch of dead addresses shell companies places that don't exist. so the line is pretty much stopping right here which is probably the most concerning item. so the fbi needs to find out -- and there's also probably a time sensitive issue here because if there's other stuff going on in the country these types of labs find them before they shut them down. >> trace: sore some kind of accident. >> exact will i. >> trace: you did great work in the missing titan sub and a tragic outcome. news week says, the coast guard has declined to component when its analysis of the remains will be released of passengers, families and the public but a forensic medical expert told news week that an inspection of bodies found under water can be completed in a matter of hours. but you're saying the totality of this thing figuring out what went wrong is going to take a while. >> could very well take up to a year. the good news is they found a lot of very large pieces so the investigators now have two very important pieces of information. they know what they have and they also know what they don't have. they're going to bounce wa they recovered with the plans for the ocean gate submarine and then assess do we have enough to do a complete and full engineering investigation. if they do they will continue on. if they don't they're going to go back and try to look for those pieces while at the same time doing some initial work on the hull. for example, a metallurgical analysis where were the stress points and where did the actual failure actually occur. so this will be a very detailed and intricate process to pull this information together and rebuild the accident from when it actually occurred. >> trace: but it might save lives later. got about ten seconds. >> absolutely you want lessons learned you don't want them to happen again and take the lessons and apply them to future engineering so other firms going down to look at the titanic don't have this happen to them. >> trace: armen kurdian thank you as always sir for coming on with us. >> thanks. >> trace: first up in tonight's viral videos, record-breaking rainfall caused massive flooding in missouri. these cars are on a street in st. louis that got about nine inches of rain in a very short amount of time. other areas of the state got up to a foot of rain. >> it was annoying but it was ohs, it was sobriety that it was like hurting my eyes a little bit. i think had it just stayed on, it would have been, you know, i could have ignored it but because it kept flashing it was really hard to ignore. >> trace: crews took away the giant new x sign on the building that houses the social media company previously called twitter just days after putting it up. apparently the city of san francisco got some 24 complaints in the few days the sign was lit citing its brightness and comberns safety and the fact that it kept flashing, as you heard. >> we're the police, we are here to help you, okay? we have food and water. okay. >> trace: foreign nigerian stow aways were rescued off the rudder of a ship in brazil after spending two weeks at sea. the group ran out of food after ten days and were reportedly hoping to get to europe but ended up on the other side of the ocean. two have since returned to nigeria, two have applied for asylum in brazil and if you have a viral video to share send it over at trace gallagher or fox news night on social media >> a 10-year-old girl captured the attention of social media and the new york yankees with her throwing arm when she lobbed a water balloon at a local politician. alexis mcadams has that story. >> reporter: the new york yankees could soon have a new pitching phenom on their hands after this now-viral clip landed 10-year-old alexa cardona of long island in the spotlight for her great arm and pretty good aim as she threw this water balloon more than a hundred feet hitting nassau county executive bruce blakeman right on the head. that video now has more than 40 million views catching the attention of the new york yankees who invited cardona out in the field. >> that was you? >> yeah. [laughter]. >> it is a tradition to throw water balloons at that parade and the county executive took the hit now seen across the country in stride. >> are you serious? where did you hit him right in the face. >> back of the head. >> reporter: trace if you take a look at the yankees record this season they could use the extra help but cardona's only in fifth grade. trace. >> trace: alexis thank you. next on the nightcap, you have your chance to meet your favorite celebrity stay at their home one night and even spend the day with them. greenie paltrow is giving that opportunity to one person but she controls the itinerary, goon food trans dental meditation, all that stuff. which celebrity would i hang with and what would you expect to do? still time to weigh in. twitter and instagram at trace gallagher the nightcap crew next. but first, a live look at toronto canada courtesy of earth cam. and by the way if you haven't heard, prime minister justin trudeau and his wife of 18 years now going their separate ways. we're coming right back with the nightcap. ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. 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be careful you might end up doing weird stuff. kevin. >> reporter: i'm going to stick with denzel. he seems leak a normal guy we would rap about politics and sorts and recite movies line and we probably have steak. that sounds about right. >> trace: also, denzel's a christian you would also talk a little bit about religion on this night. kevin corke good choice. >> reporter: yeah. >> trace: denzel number one. there you go kevin corke. ashley strohmier. >> i've actually made a lot of gwyneth paltrow's goop recipes so i'm totally down with that but i don't know if i would want to spend time with her on her meditation stuff, gets weird. but i think from a personality standpoint, zach, i would laugh the entire time and that's what i'm here for. >> trace: comedians think a little bit unusual and take you on some weird itinerary things i just wonder if you think that might happen with zach. >> probably. i wouldn't come back the same. >> trace: so funny, christina coleman? >> britney spears. after covering her so much i have so many questions to ask she's always spinning and i want to know what's going on. what's going on right now britney. >> trace: what's she going to do during that night she stays with you? what do you have to do? >> i don't know. i want to see what is she doing? i know she's running behind athletes entourages in vegas, we know that. what else. >> trace: there you go so a trip to vegas might be in the works for your airbnb. armen what do you think? >> i guess it shows you can sell anything to anybody these days with the right marketing plan but if i had to go there i would want somebody that could maybe give me a vacation from the vacation so i think chris pratt. he seems the kind of guy you can sit and chill and just rap about while you're doing the yoga meditation talking about movies or whatever, sports and stuff and that would probably be relaxing in and of itself. >> trace: you're fine with the yoga meditation. vik bajaj. >> i'm definitely going to include meditation. i would include somebody that helps me exercise my mind and also teach me about the future and for those reasons i would pick elon musk. >> trace: nice. i forgot to say dead or alive. i go back to hemingway, stay on his boat the whiskey coming out of the harbor in havana, go to the keys have a couple drinks at hemming ways and head back to cuba. here it is, the poll says 89% say no, they don't want to hang out with a celebrity on instagram and on twitter instagram 74%. sandy says dolly parton as for activities just want to hear stories, you know how she has to have them. patriot jay leno's house to see his car collection and expect to drive a few of those. and dan says maybe guy fieri. he has vineyards groves et cetera it might be okay to hang around his place. thanks for watching america's late news. fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher. r we'll see you back here tomorrow. dvr. to reel in the fun and serve up great times. to help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic summer of smiles event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while these summer savings won't last, the memories you make together will. aspen dental. book today. ♪ ♪ we're reinventing our network... ...with smarter, more efficient routes... you can deliver more value to your customers. fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. beautiful. you see how the light catches the hubcap? 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"the five." >> greg: once again, the media wetting themselves with excitement over trump's third indictment, the orange menace getting hit with four new charges from the special counsel. this time, over questioning the outcome of the 2020 election. the case seems pretty filmsy but the talking heads claim it's worse than watergate, 9/11 and the civil war combined. >> it is one of if not the

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Providers , Tough Story Christina , Gangs , Kidnapers , Populations , No Go Zone , Anyone , Alix Dor Sinville , Estate , Reasons , Mother , Women , War Zone , Warnings , Research , Tgangs , Place , Prime Minister , Home , Environment , Work , Risk , Matter , Sass Nateded , 2001 , Situation Trace , Battery Company , Electric Vehicle Battery , Goshen , China , Ties , State Of The Art Battery Facility , Land , Plant , Military Bases , Addition , Proximity , Criticism , Michigan , John Have , Green Charter Township , 270 , Chinese Communist Party , Farm Land , Troops , Coincidence , Affiliates , Taiwanese , 380000 , Security , Military Facilities , Installations , Asleep At The Wheel , Lot , Titanic Don T , Interviews , Arms , Passing Measures , Cannot Purchase Farm Land , Senate , Issue , Each Other , Citizens , Backyard , Military Installation , Rat , Something , Watch , Administration , Grave Concern , Telling Everybody , Building , Thoughts , Communists , Masks , Number , Happening , 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Displeasure , Indoctrination , F , Math Wiz , Vik Great , Counties , Al Made A County , Institute Point , Students , Types , Movement , Transitioning , California Board Of Education , Jury , Jury Duty Saying , Decision , 12 , Taxpayers , City Council , Offense , Order , Cars , Anybody , Story Spectators , Circles , Following , Spectator , Alameda County , Side Shows , Sheriff , Presentations , Social Media Outlets , Activity , Recording , Youtube , A Thousand Dollars , Racing , Deal , Offenses , 15 , Ten , Cases , Spectators , Challenges , Juries , Acquittals , 120 , Someone , Challenge , Public , Right , Doctor , Ground , Walking , Police Response , Portland , Wall , City Accountable , Accountable , Poster Child , Street , Which , Objects , 30 , Fact , No One , Gentleman , Perpetrator , Walking With A 6 7 , 6 , 911 , 7 , Others , Moms , Liberty , Vik Good , Hammer , Web Site , Louisiana , Attack , Innocent Bystanders , Goon Food , Nightcap , List , Neighbors , Gwyneth Paltrow , Guest 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, Ban , Retailers , First Up In Tonight S Reel News Roundup , Share , Incan Dessent , Triple A , Big Time , Ain T , Credit Agency , Credit , Term , Penalties , Double A Plus , Rating , Move , Course , Courage , Downgrade , Reelection Crane , Treasure Secretary , Janet Yellen , Nba Star Jonathan Isaac , Values , Christian , Groups , Site , Alternatives , Ranks , Brand Unitis , Nike , Hate Speech , Bethany Mandel , Co Author , Mom , Stolen Youth , Misinformation , Hate Groups , Hamilton County , Symbols , Conspiracy Theories , Door Community , Stuff , Fireworks , Theme , Thought Process , Sort , Patriot Touchily In Americana , Wait A Second , Southern Poverty Law Center , Hate , Symbol , Kids , Books , Organizations , Drag Queen , Time , Wall Street Journal , Test Scores , School Taking Jobs , Story Hour , Change , Knowledge , Employers , Register , Shortcomings , Skills , Gamut , Candidates , Everybody , Expectations , Five , Babies , Body Language , Learn Emotions , Vacuum , Didn T , Masked Care Givers , Ramifications , Rest , Black , Pass Off , Urgency , County Administrators , County , Schools , Privates , Conversation , Dad , School Boards , Concept , Front , Him , Dialogue , Talk , Doing , Being , Dissent , Thanks , Bio Lab , Mice , Mystery , Direction , Authorities , Stow Aways , Diseases , Herpes , Elon Musk , Flashy New Sign , Residents , Ship , Videos , Europe , West Coast , 32 , Terminal , Shot , Downtown Gas Lamp , Pensacola Beach , San Diego , Cleveland Ohio , Florida , Love , Dvr , Scent Beads , Scent , Earth Cam , Better , Gulf Of Mexico , D , Survivors , Huh , Suffering , Holocaust , Stuff Smelling , Dog Roger , Names , Faces , Comfort , Holocaust Museum , Cloud , Cries , Jews , Israel , Survivor , Many , Soviet Union , Life , Leaves , Naroj , Grass , Food Box , There , Jew , 25 , Food , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , God , Lives , Valeria , Organization , Holocaust Survivor , Safelite , Suv , Woman , Service , Replacement , Singers , Safelite Repair , Golo , Weight Loss Surgery , Jason , 228 , Lifestyle , Metabolism , Golo Isn T , Golo S , Healthier , Program , Announcer , Golo Com , Hi Again , Code Enforcement Officer , Alarm , Mysterious Illegal Lab Run , Warehouse , Meth Lab , Town , House Sticking , Marijuana , Lab , Discovery , Type , Manner , Clan Des Dine Setup , Cdc , Pathogens , Hiv , Safety Controls , None , Chemicals , Waste , Hazardous Bio , Virus , Court Documents Investigators , Empty Offices , Malaria , Led , Prestige Biotech , Addresses , Who , Back To You , Live In New York , California Operation , U S Navy , Armen Kurdian , Lab Thing , Headline , Chinese Biotech , California Lab Run , National Review , Intent , Capacity , Fast , Engines , Emergency Procedures , Requirements , Ventilation , Back Story , Facilities , Leaks , Vials , Bucket , Pine Sol , Bio Weapons Lab , Bio Weapons Research , Precursor , Nobody , Nicole , Viruses , Chlamydia Malaria , Consequences Tcity , Fbi , What S Going On Underground , Reason , Operating , Setup , Equipment Testing , Radar , Item , Bunch , Line , Accident , Will I Trace , Outcome , News Week , Analysis , Labs , Remains , Titan , Coast Guard , Water , Totality , Inspection , Families , Passengers , Bodies , Forensic Medical Expert , Investigators , Pieces , Plans , Submarine , Ocean Gate , Engineering Investigation , Example , Hull , Metallurgical Analysis , Failure , Process , Stress Points , Lessons , Engineering , Firms , Sir , Rain , Rainfall , Areas , Flooding , Amount , Foot , Street In St , Louis , Missouri , Nine , Bit , Ohs , Crews , Eyes , Sign , Safety , Complaints , Comberns , Flashing , Brightness , 24 , Rudder , Brazil , Foreign Nigerian Stow Aways , Video , Sea , Asylum , The Ocean , Nigeria , Water Balloon , New York Yankees , Attention , Politician , Night On Social Media , Throwing Arm , Alexis Mcadams , Old Girl , 10 , Arm , Spotlight , Aim , Hands , Pitching Phenom , Alexa Cardona , Long Island , Head , Bruce Blakeman , Nassau County , Feet , Views , 40 Million , Hit , Water Balloons , Laughter , Stride , Parade , County Executive , The Field , Face , Chance , Fifth Grade , Season , Greenie Paltrow , Celebrity , Stay , Person , Opportunity , Justin Trudeau , Crew , Canada , Toronto , Clearchoice , Ways , Implants , Wife , Let S Dig In , 18 , Bite , Chuckles , Teeth , Menu , Chow Down , Consultation , Apoquel , Lesson , Word , Itch , O , Ap , Quel , Infections , Vet , Dogs , Dog , Control , Chances , Skin Infections , Cancers , Language , Neoplasias , Cap Crew , Little , Guest House , Goop , Montecito , Trans Dental Meditation , Guy , Movies , Politics , Weird Stuff , Denzel , Steak , Number One , Religion , Recipes , Zach , Personality Standpoint , Meditation Stuff , Same , Comedians , I Don T Know , Questions , Britney Spears , Works , Trip , Airbnb , Vegas , Athletes Entourages In Vegas , What Else , Yoga Meditation , Chris Pratt , Vacation , Marketing Plan , Sports , Hemingway , Boat , Whiskey , Nice , Harbor , Couple , Poll , Keys , Cuba , 89 , Dan , Jay Leno , Stories , Few , Activities , Car Collection , Dolly Parton , Patriot , Guy Fieri , Sandy , 74 , Aspen , At Night , Fun , Vineyards Groves Et Cetera , Plus , Event , Everyone , Exam , Treatment Plan , Epic Summer , Insurance , X Rays , Summer Savings Won T Last , Memories , Book Today , Aspen Dental , Smarter , Value , Network , Routes , Customers , United States Postal Service , Family , Save Money , Catches , Hubcap , Photos , Difference , Beautiful , Stunning , Antidepressant , Lift , Depression , Mantle , Depression Symptoms , Sleep , Appetite , Dizziness , Fatigue , Potential , Achievers , Table , Wake Up , Competition , Sleep Number , Circadian Rhythm , Level Bed , Level , Rhythms , Smart Bed , 500 , Base , Home Delivery , Media , Barbie , Excitement , Wetting , Jesse Watters , Greg Gutfeld , Dana Perino , Stunt Double , Orange Menace , Special Counsel , Talking Heads , The Civil War Combined , 9 11 ,

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