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Bill hemmer, good morning. The Hazardous Bio Lab Operating with none of the legallyrequired Safety Controls filled with chemicals and medical waste and infectious pathogens including tuberculosis and hiv and mice carrying the covid19 virus. Thats a lot. Well bring you up to date on what we think we know. Good morning to you. This is all very disturbing. What we have is a lab run by a company tied to china no less storing infectious bacterial and viral agents including ecoli, tuberculosis and coronavirus conducting experiments on mice using those bacteria and viruses and now those who ran the operation are refusing to talk to the multiple federal and local agencies looking into what was going on here. As you take a live look at the warehouse. The lab was only discovered when an alert local Inspector Outside of fresno, california noticed a hose coming out of what was supposed to be a disuseed building. These pictures now show what investigators then found. Potentially dangerous bacterial and viral agents, dead Mice Littering the floors. What was the aim of the experiments . Who was behind this operation . Why have so many of those involved gone quiet . Multiple Government Agencies including the cdc, fda and f. B. I. Are now involved in what is already a five month long investigation. Officials at the Fresno Department of health told us they have never seen anything like this lab run by a Company Called Prestige Bio Tech Which previously claimed it was involved in the manufacture and testing of covid19 and pregnancy test kits. That clearly doesnt explain the presence of more than a dozen other bacterial and viral agents. Sorrelss we have spoken to, bill and dana, spoke out the biological agents discovered are not considered among the most deadly on earth but they potentially are deadly and they say the lab may turn out not to be as sinister as it might first appear. There is a lot of doubt in all of this. Those officials, like all of us, would like more definitive answers from the Lab Operators who have now, bill and dana, simply disappeared. Bill questions remain. Jonathan hunt, intriguing story. Thank you for that live in l. A. Thanks. They are having a Board Meeting in dubai december 4, 2015. After the Board Meeting hunter biden meets with devon archer and the two key guys who run burisma. December 9, 2015, joe biden is in ukraine giving a Speech Starting to pressure the prosecutor in ukraine. Dana describing what Hunter Bidens former Business Partner devon archer had to say about joe bidens alleged participation in his sons Business Dealings while he was Vice President. Republicans are saying archer confirmed President Biden lied when he said he had no knowledge and was not involved. Gary shapley is an i. R. S. Whistleblower who claimed the Justice Department blocked the tax investigation into hunter. When you saw what was taking place yesterday, gary, curious what you initially thought based on your involvement on the tax side of things. Did it confirm any of your suspicions . So thanks for having me. We brought a lot of facts and evidence to the House Oversight committee to include testimony from walker, whatsapp messages and other documents that clearly show that we need to do additional investigation. Congress needs to go out there and talk to as many people as they can. Thats what we hope they do and devon archer was another step in that process to fully investigate the true lengths to where this ends up to. Bill the white house is kicking it to be curb. It appears that House Republicans own much hyped witness today testified he never heard President Biden discussing business with his son or doing anything wrong. Republicans promise Bombshell Evidence with their attacks against the president but they keep failing to produce any. How do you respond to that after whats been leaked from yesterday . So that was one of the main issues we brought forward to the House Ways And Means and House Oversight was that we werent allowed to follow the normal investigative steps that would have shined more light on these issues potentially and we were very specific in what we provided and those are things that now can be taken, the bread crumbs that weve left and go and talk to these witnesses and talk to the government individuals involved and they can get to the bottom of it. Every time that we needed to ask questions about President Bidens involvement in relation to the Business Dealings, we just werent allowed to do that. There remains a lot of work to be done. We cant emphasize enough how important it is they continue to bring in witnesses. Each witness that comes in is providing more and more evidence that cannot be denied. Dana jonathan turley, our legal scholar who watched this and watched everything that you have said and then watched yesterday and this is how he is putting the bread crumbs together. Listen here. We know without any question in my view that hunter biden was selling influence and access. Joe biden was the subject of that Influence Peddling. In the coming days and weeks, well see Additional Information coming out of congress on payments from foreign sources. The question is, what did they think they were buying and what did they buy through this influence . Dana gary, for regular john doe citizens caught up in a situation like this, what would happen to them if they hadnt done paid their taxes on time . So thats the entire reason why i came forward. 300 million taxpayers that demand they get treated fairly and this is a per example of that not occurring. Let me give you a case example quick. There was a Baltimore City police commissioner, in 2018, 2019 pleaded guilty to misdemeanor tax charges. The same charges hunter biden was charged with. His tax loss was 67,000. Hunter bidens was between one ton 2 and 1. 5 million. According to court documents. The government attorneys on that case recommended 12 months incarceration and ended up getting ten months. The government attorneys on this case recommended 0 months incarceration. Those prosecutors in those two cases are the same prosecutors. Thats not treating taxpayers the same. Bill you and Joseph Ziegler came out as whistleblowers and testified before that house committee. Are there others who have yet to come out who are willing . Well, i think there are lots of people with information that can shine light on this and house ways and Means Committee has requested those names. We provided those names. We the government and the people of the United States demand the government and get to the bottom of this. They need to talk to all these people. They cant just allow d. O. J. To not give access to people. For example, the f. B. I. Has to say testify in front of house ways and Means Committee was given a letter the sunday before from d. O. J. Telling him not to talk. I know that he could have confirmed additional material facts on this investigation. He did confirm the f. B. I. Headquarters notifying the Transition Firm and Secret Service but the only thing he was able to speak about. There are so many other people and weve provided the house ways and Means Committee. We just hope that they follow the leads and talk to the people they need to talk to to get to the bottom of it. Our tax system and the American People deserve it. Bill thank you for your time. They may want to stay anonymous. You took a risk coming out. Maybe they can talk to lawmakers and stay anonymous. Well see. Thank you for coming on. Can i add one more thing really quick . Its really important whistleblowers like me have a way to bring this forward and there are these nonprofit Whistleblower Groups that we need to insure are there for everybody for both sides for the American People. Defend whistleblowers. Com is a way to provide support to whistleblowers like me so that we can insure that we hold government accountable. Thank you very much for that. Bill thank you, appreciate it. We noted about two weeks ago the change in language from the white house podium. President was never in business with hunter biden. Stories started to change and shift. Well see how far that goes after yesterday. Dana yeah. You dont talk about the weather 20 times and you dont go to cafe milano and have dinner with Business Associates and just talk about the weather. Do you do that . Bill janice dean might, she is a meteorologist. Dana i dont think she would have enough material for that much time. Bill thats right. After a Federal Judge last week refused to sign Hunter Bidens agreement, his legal team and attorneys for the district of Delaware Working to hammer out a new deal. Whats that deal going to look like . David spunt live at justice for more on this. Good morning. We dont know the terms of the new deal yet. Both sides are working on a new deal. Bottom line is hunter biden may enter into a Plea Agreement with the government in a few weeks. The judge may except it. It may not be the agreement that hunter biden wants or the agreement that the government wants. But the judge, the trumpappointed Federal Judge last week made it very clear she chastised both sides and said she would not be a rubber stamp. They told both sides to go back to the Drawing Board and produce a document that she believes is acceptable. One that has precedent, legal precedent. Last week in court she said she has never seen anything like the Plea Agreement that biden and u. S. Attorney david weiss agreed to. That deal included hunter pleading guilty to two Misdemeanor Charges and entering a diversion program. She said the agreement was highly unusual and wants both sides to go back to the Drawing Board. Meanwhile, three republican chairs of the house judiciary, oversight and ways and Means Committee wrote Attorney General Merrick Garland yesterday asking him to answer questions about this plea deal within two weeks. They want a Quote Generalized description of the nature of the departments ongoing investigations concerning hunter biden. Also an explanation of why the department originally agreed to a Plea Agreement if other investigations concerning hunter biden are ongoing. We expect a response to this letter. Highly unlikely the Attorney General or anyone at the d. O. J. In washington would answer those questions but punting to u. S. David weiss leading the probe into the president s son. Attorney general Merrick Garland under continued pressure to support a special counsel. He indicated he believes david weiss can handle this job. Well see what he does. Bill august 25th is when hunter biden is due in court. She gave them 30 days to provide a new updated Plea Agreement. They were in last wednesday on july 26th. Whatever 30 days is from that. I will say the docket has been quiet. We havent heard anything from either side as far as an updated Plea Agreement or updated scheduling from the judge here. Were continuing to watch it. Bill if it stays it will be 23 days away. Dana State Department Urging Americans to waste no time getting out of haiti as Violence Rock that nation. American woman and her child are kidnapped on the island of haiti. What will the administration do now . Bill Governor Desantis unveiling a plan to get the economy back on track. Will it help jump start his campaign . What does he do on the 23 big debate night . You cant bend the knee to the lefts lies. When the left lies and create phony narratives you have to push back. 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People may think their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesnt. Visit findahandspecialist. Com today to get started. Bill so it aint over yet. Biden administration unveiling a new student debt handout plan after the Supreme Court blocked its original idea. Said it was unconstitutional. Edward lawrence, fox business, live in d. C. What is 2. 0, edward . Administration trying to find a way to get around this decision. The president making another change to another program. This program called saving on a valuable education limits the amount of Student Loan Payments to 10 of income. Now the new change would make it 5 of incomes to pay back. So weve been together fighting to try to cancel student loan debt. Student loan debt is a Racial Justice issue. Under this new plan the loan does not go away but for those people above the poverty line it extends the years the money will have to be paid back. For those under the poverty line it runs into another Forgiveness Plan that forgives the loan after 20 or 25 years delinquent or not. Critics of the plans say they do nothing to change the underlying problem about the affordability of college. Colleges get the money and have no obligation to make sure the students are actually doing something that can earn the debt back again. The transparency lack of it in student debt, credit cards you get more information about what you owe in your payments. Same with mortgages. You try to find out what your Student Loan Situation is, not easy. As Student Loan Repayments start on September 1st with the inflation that weve seen under the Biden Administration he is trying to minimize the increased cost of repaying back the loans. The Penn Wharton Budget Model say it would cost taxpayers 475 billion extra. The changes announced would increase the cost. The Department Of Education spokesperson telling me that students can go to student aid. Gov right now and apply for the Beta Testing Plan of this new student loan payback. Bill well see if it flies now. Edward lawrence, fox business. Dana protestors rally in the haitian capital days after an american nurse was kidnapped on the island. The nonprofit where she worked identifying the woman originally from new hampshire. She and her daughter were grabbed from the organizations campus last week. The state department commenting on the abduction. Were aware of the reports that two u. S. Citizens were kidnapped in haiti. The safety and security of american citizens overseas is our highest priority. We are in regular contact with the haitian authorities and continue to work with them and the u. S. Government interagency partners. Dana jack brewer, founder of the brewer foundation. Wonderful to have you here. For the viewers, explain your connection here with haiti and all the work you do there. We work in haiti for almost 15 years. We have two orphanages and a team of doctor and nurses doing medical treatment and been on the ground after every disaster that you have seen and we continue to pour resources into the country. Things have been difficult but we have a long history on the island and when we see things like this, it is devastating. Dana on the day she was abducted the state department issued a travel advisory. It says do not travel to haiti due to kidnapping, crime, civil unrest and poor healthcare infrastructure. Kidnapping is widespread and victims including u. S. Citizens and use sophisticated planning or take advantage of unplanned opportunities and even convoys have been attacked. You can be down there doing good work and call for number two, over 1,000 kidnappings in haiti from january to june. For people who might not be aware, what is the situation in haiti right now . Their president was murdered in the last 18 months and now you have basically criminal gangs running the country . Literally gangs running the country. When you see those numbers, they are low. They much higher. We have had a couple of our nurses that have been kidnapped, the young lady that runs our orphanages lost both her parents burned alive. Another one of our nurses lost both of her parents and sister burned alive. This is real. This is something that i think the u. S. And every other country should step in. This lawlessness on the streets. These gangs are funded by the current politicians whether theyre the senators on Parliament Members and thats where they are getting these weapons. These weapons are real. Youve even seen a number of Group Citizens rallying together fighting against the gang members. A lot of times they dont have the strength and the fire power to with stand. So you have wars on the streets. If you look at the city of port oh prince thats 40 of the population. 200 gangs in haiti right now and occupied over 90 of that city. You can just imagine. People are living in fear. Kids arent going to school. You cant walk around in the neighborhoods because you will get kidnapped. Kidnapping has become the number one business on the streets of haiti. Thats really sad. Dana lets put up for everybody to see the numbers in terms of the aid. There are other countries that give aid. The United States gives a ton of it. Unfortunately as we were just talking if you look at the 2022 number that was 277 million. You have a failed state not too far from our own shoreline. What do you think the answer here is . I think we need to get together with governments like kenya, places kenya has said theyre willing to send in military aid and help. Start a coalition of countries, not to go in and take over haiti, but to go in and save the women and children. Women and children are being raped at numbers that would keep you up at night. We have to go at it from a humanitarian respective. It is 90 minutes from our border. We need to go there and get rid of the thugs. It would take us about two hours if we went in with a coordinated effort with other countries and took out these evil, evil criminals. You have to understand these people are the antichrist. If you get kidnapped by these thugs, you arent allowed to pray because these are voodoo led satanic individuals that must be stopped. This is a spiritual battle now. It is like living in hell for some of these poor people that grow up and are born in haiti and why haitians are flooding our borders. It is directly affecting the United States of america. Were taking in so many haitians because they dont have a choice. They have to flee a place like that. Dana lets stay close on this, all right . Appreciate all your efforts and your very common sense clear eyed view of it all. We pray for those people there and play she gets released and gets to come home. Bill well said. 27 past. A new law in illinois allows nonamericans to become Law Enforcement officers. How will that work . The naacp in oakland says the city is simply not safe. They came out blasting their city leaders. Pick a victim. It is just scary. Im fearful. How do we stop this Hamster Wheel of crime. Thats really the question. The Monthly Payments can be expensive. With an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. From pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dogs food to the farmers dog, the effects can seem like magic. But theres no magic involved. dog bark its just smarter, healthier pet food. Its amazing what real food can do. The americas best Celebrity Sale is happening now. And its making quite the spectacle. For a limited time, get two pairs of prive revaux frames from jamie foxx for only 89. 95. Book your exam today. When you have chronic kidney disease. There are places youd like to be. Like here. And here. Not so much here. If you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. 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And it doesnt matter how old they are, either. With 210, we are free from the hassle of huge repair bills. Protect more, pay less with 210 home buyers warranty. Call 8552104290 or visit 210. Com today. Dana the oakland chapter of the naacp calling on city leaders to declare a State Of Emergency. The Out Of Control crime is creating a Public Safety crisis. Claudia cowen live with more. Across the bay things are so dire in the city of oakland that in response to a raft of Home Invasion robberies. Police are advising residents to have Security Cameras and reinforce doors and windows. A 75yearold grandmother last week at this home reached for her gun and fired it at a couple of men who broke into her bedroom. Those intruders had guns. They fired off some 20 shots and stole some of her jewelry before fleeing the scene. No one was hurt. Some are worried with the surge in Violent Crime, more oaklanders will take matters into their own hands. We need to declare a State Of Emergency. The citizens are going to get so tired of whats going on in the city of oakland that they will start arming themselves to protect themselves and then you will see a real mess with people shooting and shooting. Make Public Safety a priority for the city of oakland. Thats all were asking for. Make the city safe so people can live. Police say Violent Crime is up 15 over this time last year. The oakland chapter of the naacp wants the mayor to declare a State Of Emergency. One City Council Member wonder what a State Of Emergency would do . Pointing out the problem. We all know there is a problem. No one is denying that. Is there some specificity about please do this and that i could react to that . Voters may react by firing the top Cop Progressive District Attorney pamela price is the focus of a recall effort. Across the bay San Francisco voters last year voted to recall their progressive District Attorney when they felt crime was Out Of Control and criminals were not being punished. Dana, oakland could be next. Well keep an eye on this story. Dana thank you so much. We will declare our economic independence from the failed elite. Well declare our economic independence from the Chinese Communist party. Well declare our economic independence from those who plan to put forward their political agenda. Bill Florida Governor and president ial candidate unveiling his new economic plan. The announcement happens as former President Trump pulls further ahead of desantis in the polling. Cohost of the five Jessica Tarlov and katie pave pavlich are with us. He put out a number of things. Culture, border, economy. Satdown with brett for 30 minutes and why he thinks he can win voters over. You dont win a state like florida that big if you are not doing things that are resonating. I would push back. When i hear about culture war, standing up for the rights of parents, standing up for the wellbeing of children, it is the right thing to impose i totally reject that people dont think those are important. Bill thats the message. How does it sell . Parental issues are a problem for democrats. Youve seen the fight all over the country with school closures, School Choice and test scores that are abyss nall. This economic plan they wish the Desantis Campaign would have put out first and listed the other issues they are trying to revamp and get back on their feet to run against donald trump who is ahead by more than double digits. The interesting thing in the 10point plan i found, the number one thing is going after china. Decoupling. Bringing Economic Opportunity back to america. After covid we saw this big problem with our antibiotics, ppe all being in china. China is more aggressive than before the covid pandemic and foreign policy, for example. You saw recently the Biden Administration giving ukraine Cluster Bombs because there is not enough manufacturing capacity to manufacture munitions in america with the steel plants we dont have. Theyre in china. Thats a National Security issue that can bring Economic Opportunity back to the country. 10point plan very detailed and certainly people want to know what a president ial candidate is doing to help their Economic Situation get better which they say is not good under the Biden Administration. Dana trump at 54 . Desantis 17 . He is not breaking through. He hasnt had a breakout moment. A lot believe maybe they will get to the debatemaybe maybe at that point theyll have a moment to propels them forward. Conventional wisdom that democrats wanted to run against trump because they thought he was the most beatable. Is that still the case . Are they concerned about ron desantis or would they rather run against him giving the New York Times poll says biden and trump would be tied today . I think there are advantages from a democratic prospective to run against both of them. If you run against someone who has lost a bunch of elections, which trump has and he will be indicted by The End Of August 4th Times thats something you can capitalize on. Ron desantis revealed himself to be more extreme than people thought when he was the really scary guy. And he is signing things like a sixweek abortion ban, etc. Im curious. If donald trump shows up for the debate it is a completely different thing to see how he stacks up against someone. Ron desantis has a record and it is important for him to run on it. This is also the conversation that joe biden wants to have. We have been talking about it on the five. He wants to talk to ron desantis about the manufacturing boom. He wants the talk about the infrastructure bill. I think its a net net benefit to everyone. Desantis saw the recent poll. 38 are interested in the battle on woke companies. Losing A Billion Dollar investment from disney or brought to task. Bill the debate you mentioned trump sent out a true social post yesterday he wont do it. Does he want to have 7 or 8 people gang up on him at one time in prime time . I think he will have a little feeling of missing out just because there will be attention on the other candidates for that portion of this race. But in terms of getting out there and everybody trying to beat him. Everyone on the stage is competing for second place. A massive gap between donald trump and every other candidate on that stage. In order to get to biden you have to beat trump. Of course you would be in the center stage and there would be attacking him. Thats not something he wants to sign up for or have to defend things that they will go after him on. Bill were well out of time. Sorry. Can you do it in five seconds . Chris christie is the only one running against donald trump. I dont know what the debate will look like. Its three weeks from tomorrow. Check it out. Thank you. Dana see you on the five. The great thing about the grand jury was the secrecy. At the time of his arrest he certainly was not anticipating it. So that made us feel good about the fact that we maintained the integrity of our investigation. Dana later today gilgo beach serial murder suspect Rex Heuermann will appear before a judge for a pretrial conference hearing. Could he be facing any new charges . Its gold they think it must be complicated. It isnt. Not with Rosland Capital. With rosland. The entire process from start to finish is built on one concept. One. Keep. It. Simple. Rosland capital a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. Gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. Call Rosland Capital at 8006308900 to receive your free Rosland Guide to gold, Gold Precious Metals ira, and silver brochures. 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Paul mauro saying this last hour with dana and me. There is a long litany of Serial Killers who have exaggerated their crimes because it gives them status in prison. He is not getting bail. This case will continue to develop but it will develop with him in the tank. Bill the man personally handling the case is the Suffolk County d. A. Thank you for coming back and good morning. The charges against heuermann. Three counts of first degree murder. Three counts of Second Degree murder. Maybe those charges are amped up more but right now thats what they are at the moment. He entered a not guilty plea back on the 14th of july. Does he get a chance to speak today or is this just a down and dirty appearance . What happens . Thanks for having me, bill. This will be his first appearance before the trial court judge. So its really up to defense counsel. Ordinarily defendants do not speak in court. Usually its just a conference between the court and the attorneys. Bill this should last a couple minutes or what . I think it is just a Typical Court appearance. It is not going to be long. I have think the big issue for this case right now is in New York State we have an extensive discovery statute that the prosecution must comply with. This case has been around for 13 years so we have quite a lot of materials that we need to provide to the defense. Bill speaking of the timeline of 13 years, apparently in 2012 the f. B. I. Mapped the phone zones of that area. What happened to that information . Was it followed up . There was information in the case from a lot of agencies. So i got on the case in january of 2022. We formed our task force in february and we worked i cant say what happened before me. I can say that the reason why we were real successful is we had a bunch of talented investigators from a bunch of different agencies working together day in and day out. Bill what does your hunch tell you about why the case would go cold . I think it is a tough case to prove, obviously. The only other witnesses are dead. So there is a tremendous amount of information to go through and you have to have the proper leadership and you have to have agencies working collaboratively together. Bill on the sheriffs office, im told through paul mauro and others, that you often rely on the information of confident ants behind their jail cell because inmates talk. Is there anything in this case to lead you to think someone was talking behind bars . Weve spoken to everyone. The Sheriffs Department was part of our task force because the jail itself is a tremendous source of intelligence. But specifically we dont disclose our means and methods and who specifically we talked to. Bill let me try this, okay . You had a pimps tip about the pickup truck. Apparently he ended up with two of them in south carolina. A stash of Burner Phones he used. You had sadistic online searches. Phone calls taunting the victims families. His wifes hair and a pizza crust you took dna from. What part of this evidence do you believe connects heuermann to these dead women, or does all of it connect him . Well, i think thats just it, bill. I think all of it connects. When you talk about the areas of interest with regard to cell sight locations, mid Town Manhattan and Massapequa Park where he lived and worked. The driver of the avalanche and the hairs. These are allegations but we look forward to proofing them in court. Bill well watch and see how it goes today. 2 00 Court Appearance in riverhead, new york. Thank you. Thanks, bill. We need to control the border. We need to call the State Of Emergency and we need to properly fund this national crisis. Dana New York City mayor eric adams says the white house is dropping the ball on the migrant crisis and new yorkers are paying the price. Well take you to the famous hotel that has become a sprawling camp for asylum seekers. 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And their state moves to legally protect biological women. Governor of the great state of oklahoma. Jason chaffetz and others, The Faulkner Focus top of the hour. Dana mayor eric adams says the white house is not doing enough. The lack of beds is forcing people to sleep outside the Roosevelt Hotel near Grand Central station. Were here at the Roosevelt Hotel. Both a shelter and migrant intake center. You can see what were dealing with. If you were a migrant coming to New York City and want official housing in new york this is where you have to wait. Waiting they are. Weve been here three different times. Ive never seen it this bad. The line wraps around the corner. Migrants now having to sleep outside because theyre at capacity, completely full. What were hearing from city hall is that theyre trying to avoid having migrants sleep outside dana we lost her audio. She was giving us an update. Just down the street from fox news on 48th street. These are my grants sleeping on the streets. The mayor is furious saying the white house is not enough. Bill you walk a couple avenues to the east of here and see all that. Cardi b may be in trouble after this incident with a rowdy concert goer. Cardi b could be charged with battery from las vegas on saturday. A woman tossed a liquid at cardi b on stage and the rapper threw a microphone at her. The story is not over yet. Dana okay, yesterday on the five perhaps she had been telling people throw water on me because its so hot up here. Then, okay. Then she does hesitate for a second with the microphone. Also she was lipsynching. You might not want to give away the microphone. Bill show is over. Dana the lyrics kept going. Bill team usa women are advancing. After being held to a 00 draw with portugal they did advance. The team almost getting knocked out in stoppage time but hung on for the draw. Next up they play either sweden or argentina. The first do or die match of the tournament. They are seeking a third world title. They have a target on their back. A lot of teams want to beat them. Carli lloyd was not happy after the game last night. She went after the players for taking selfies with her Family Members on the side of the field. Came out and said we were just minutes away from going home and thats not where we wanted to go. Dana lets regroup. Before we go. Every dog has his day. Today is extra special for shelter dogs. August 1st is also known as dog, the universal birthday for rescue dogs whose actual birth date is not known. Happy birthday to the shelter dogs. If you think about getting a dog, back to school, helps with responsibility and protection for the family, today would be a good day. Harris faulkner is up next. Here she is. Harris we begin with this fox news alert. Did joe biden engage in Influence Peddling . Or was he just chatting about the weather with his son and foreign Business Dealers . A fourhour long interview with Hunter Bidens exBusiness Partner giving lawmakers a first person view. Devon archers words are a smoking gun. Democrats argue the president did nothing wrong. Im Harris Faulkner and you are in The Faulkner Focus. Big claims that the

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