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Including of course, his crack cocaine addiction. But he was not making millionshi from his expertise when iten i comes to hard drugs, you name it. Instead, he was allegedly selling Access T Drugso What Ise as the brand. That brand, of course, would be his father, joe biden, his position, the Vice President of this country. New bombshell, Closed Door Testimony Today from Hunter Bidens longtime Business Partner and friend, devon archer was devastating for the Biden Family Syndicate s that supportat them. In a moment, were going to take you inside of that hearino tag with House Oversight Committee Chairman james comer and House Judiciary Chairman jim jordan. But lets begin with what we know fro m archers testimony from earlier today. First, joe bidens repeated promise that he never had anything to do with his sons business deals. That was an outright lie, both as a candidate and a president. Joe biden also repeatedly lied about. I never talk to my son, hunter,k my brother, or anyone elseed, fo that matter, about any foreign business deals. A huge liedy. And according to archer, we learned today that biden took part in over 20 Phone Part Calls with hunters foreign business associateins. Now, this allegedly includes hunters ukrainian partners at the Ukrainian Oil giant Burisma Holdings and more importantly, at a critical moment when the entire Ukrainian Oil giants future was hanging in the balance, it was in jeopardy. Archer claims that Burisma Paido Hunter Millions to sit on that board so that his father, the big guy, would shiel dwoul the company from investigations. Now go back. Shieldremember the 1023 form, of course, by a credible source, credible as defined by the fbi because they paid this fbi Informant Hundreds Of Thousands of dollars. But anyway, they quoted the burisma ceo on that 1023ng form as saying he thought hunter was stupid. Thoughhe thought his dog was smr than hunter biden. How he didnhtt want to payn. The bidens. But he forked over 5 million o for each of them and how itt wol would take people ten years fort anybody to figure out how those payments were made. E paymenthen right on cue, lets go back to 2015. Burisma. Executives allegedly at the time putting constant pressures on hunter biden to lobby his Vice President father about a certain ukrainian prosecutor by the name of viktor shokin, who was Investigating Burisma and hunter for corruption. Huntertigating and his burisma p even called washington, d. C. Wash together, according to archer. This is from dubai. And what you know it. T time short time later, joe biden went to ukraine. Latershort time after that. Joe leveraged 1 billion us taxpayer dollars to force dor outry same prosecuto of office. They gave him 6 hours to do it. And so n of a b, they fired him. And guess who continue to get paid after the his son, hunter biden, who went on good morning america, admitted he had no experience in oil, energy, gasm or even ukraine. But its not just burisma and its not just ukraine. Archer testified that joe biden also participated in hundreds of sketchy Business Transactions in Communist China and russia, including conversations with High Profild E chinese businessmen. Remember the Whatsapp Message . That was a very importan moment as who i am sitting here with my father. Well said , after that littlemy fat exchange, well, within a week, 5 million was transferred to the bidens. Also, the former erred to lady of moscow, a woman by the name of alena, but irina. And then in 2014, then Vice President biden, even attendedna a Business Dinner with this Russian Oligarch who by way, was mysteriously admitted. How strange. The former first lady of moscow, one of the richest people in russia. Yeah. Admitted from the Biden Administration sanctionsomitte against Russian Oligarchs. But according to the latestn democratic Talking Points Parroted by the media mob that thiss. Was just a mere coincidence because hunter was merely merely just selling an hn illusion of access to his father. These Werwas Selline mere pls when his daddy called in. Really . Take a look. S ssource familiar with the matr tells me that archer tol. D, the committee that hunter biden was selling the illusion illusion in quotes of access to his father. You know his father not directly implicating President Joe Biden in any of hin dealings, but rather saying that hunter biden was trying to essentially trick Business Partners intohing thinking he could provide access, direct access to his father. Oh, thats right. They now want you to believe that the crack s a hunter biden was tricking his very smart, sophisticated , Cutthroat Forei foreign Business Partners. I mean, they must be really dumbgn into forking over in each country, millions and millions of dollars in cash. Or rather, he was just performing an illusion. E ho the white house says this was all much ado aboutus nothing, accusing republicans of wasting time and resources. Ans but if the last name were wasti trump, what do you think theyd be talking about . Every second, every minute, every hour of every day, every week, every month for the next three years after the hearing. Now very nervous lookingr that t democratic congressmen are nothing but an apologist for all things biden. Dan goldman, the congressman, admitting joe frequently spokent to his sons Business Partners. But according to goldman, they only talk pretty much like the weather. And remember, joe said repeatedly, he never one time talked to his son, his brother or anybody for that matter, about foreign business dealings. Take a look. Im youre saying that the speakerphone dea. They dont seem concerning to you because there is no onversatspecifics about businesi and it just seemed like is nt was clear that it wast clear thatbusi it was part of the daily conversations that hunter biden had with his father and it was and sounded like most of the time. Now, President Biden didnt lik even know who the people he was at dinner. He was just asked to say hellowe and he would, you know, talk about the the way he described d several times. They asked over and over and over, he described what the weather waver. Ed what s. How how whats going on on gi your end . Clearlngy, he talked weather about the weather or whatever, but he said specifically that hes never talke specifid to th. Does this contradict and i dont know what his comment is and i if were going to. I do well, i dont i dont thinkt at thats what he said. He never said that. He has never never spoken to an. He said that he had nothing to do with Hunter Bidens business dealings. If he says hellons busi to some that he sees his son with,suppod what is he supposed to say . His son . Oh, no, im not going to sayo sa hello to. The other people at the table or the other people on the phone. Pea dangerouso pap premise to think that a father should not say hellother to peoe that the son are at dinner with 20 plus business meetings, foreign Business Partners, millions of dollars the line. The ceo of burisma, right there roomhe roone, the m. Joe biden on speaker. Hows the weather in ukraine . Nn now, of course, we all remember the big lie again and again as a candidate and asate an President Joe Biden said he never had anythind g to do with this on his business deals. Never spoke to him about these business deals. Not one time. Now, heres a question. Why would Joe Biden Lie so passionately in only talking the weather and of hunter was conducting legitimate business. Well like to know what services he was rendering exactly what value did he add to burisma . What value did he add to the former first lady of moscow, the oligarch . What value did he add to the did Cfc Executive is that he was dealing with chinas big oil company, state run oil company. Its pretty obvious everything centered around pops. Ntered and by the way, over the weekend, on saturday, his fathers doj, they sent a nice letter demanding that devon archer soon reportn to prison for an unrelated conviction. As a year, he asketo prison fod. Some believe a blatant thtimidation tactic Arches Attorneys in the doj now claim, oh no, the letter was totally unrelate thed. Just just bad timing. Another strange coincidence. And Accordind Timingg to the do, they always act with the upright honor and integritays a a higher honor. Weve heard that before. Well, except for the truly a foe unbelievable Sweetheart Deal with hunter that fell apart afte r a federalr judge started asking simple questions like, okay, why areti, you agreeing not to charge huntere on any other issuesue mo moving forward . Oh, that was the reavil deal. Anyway, questions we have a lot tonight. Jim jordan has announced a new joint house investigation, by the way, into thatonight dea. But make no mistake, this is now a two part scandal. It involves Bribery Allegations against the sitting president , the United States, and a cover up by his Department Of Justicea that has been politicized and weaponized. That same Doj Thats Zed An Thro the book at his chief political rival. Dhat guys name is donal trump. And meanwhile, remember Hunter Bidens pricey portraits opolitf a crackhead . Well, we have breaking news at this hour. Crd, joh editor in chief, just the newscom. Some of those masterpieces Pain Chieft Numbers might have n all the way to china. Right here with reaction, House Oversight Committee Chairman james comer, house judiciaryjor. Committee chairman jim jordan. All right. This is an important day. Congressman, ill start with you. Lets talk about the major lets and how real of bribery. D hojoe, Bribery Scandal allegan is this . Well, every day this Bribery Scandal becomes credible. I mean, lets look atedible what Devin Archer Testified Look at today. He said that that not only washe joe biden on the phone over 20 times with people, including the burisma executives, talking abouincludint whatever. Ever, even though the president denied that he never spoke to anyh th of these people. He also said that hunter biden was under immense pressuree, while they both servedpressu on the Burisma Board to call washington, d. C. Rey served immey and try to get shokin fired. Thats the ukrainian prosecutor. And not many days later, joe biden traveled to ukraine. And weve all seen the videone. That where joe bideneo brags about withholding foreign aid to ukraine in Exchange Foreh the ukrainian president firing the prosecutoresident who is investigating his sons corrupt energy company. Let me let let me make sure we have the timeline here. So this is december 2015, if im not mistaken, that that that meeting took place in in dubai. And so a was at that meeting,d h the owner of burisma, the head of burisma, and it was at thatm. Meeting, they were desperate to get help from joe biden. Is that a Fair Assessment . Thats Fair Assessment. Okay. And then immediately thereafters traveled. And right after that, joe biden, i have the tapeme youre referring to. Lets remind people had gotten a commitment from poroshenko and from yatsenyuk that they would take action against the State Prosecutor and. They did. So they said they had it. They were walking out to press couch, and ie im not goinge to or were not going to givell you 2 billion. I said, you have no authority. Youre not the president. The President Dothey Ss said i d call him. I said, im telling you, youre not getting the billion dollars. I said, youre not getting the billion. Im going to be leaving hereg i think it was about 6 hours. I look, i said, im leaving in 6 hours. And the prosecutor is notif the fired. Youre not getting the money. Senator, you have fired this son of a b, they fired him. James comer. T thats a quid pro quo, sean. Thats very illegal. We have evidence in this Sworn S Testimony that that from a fellow Burisma Board member that were Pressuring Hunter to immediately get on the phone with his fathering hunr and gets stopped. So, you know, the evidence to mount. And today we saw joe biden has lied the American People. Peopl he knew exactly who his son wasg getting those millions and millions of dollars in wire from. Thos to them and he spoke to them often. And the son complained bitterly that he had to givet he half his income to perhaps pay for his home repairs. Jim jordan, lets get your pop takeaways. But 20 times calls with these foreign Business Partners about the weather and the 1023 forum actually quotes the burisma ceo as saying that he had to pay. He didnt want to pay, bute mar5 million to 1. Biden 5 million or another. It wn is going to takeiden, ten years for you guys to figure out where that money came froen yearsm. C yes, but its all ane fr illusion. According to theom. Democrats. Ccordi i mean, go back to that meeting that you and jimmy were just talking about, this illusion onf access. Theyre having a Board Meeting in dubai on december 4th, 2015. After the Board Meeting, hunter biden meets with devin archer, zola, chayefsky and pisarski, the two key guys who run anrisma, meet for drinks. During that meeting they say we gove the u. Sd. Government to intervene. Were under pressure from the prosecutor. Were facingnt to in pressure is britain because theyve sanctioned and seized our assets. £23 million is 23 million in britain. We some help. Phone ca they make a phone call to d. C. , mr. Arcus, i dont know who they call. They call dc. And five days latealled d. R, der nine, 2015. Joe biden is in ukraine. He gives a speech starting the pressure on the prosecutor in ukraine. Five days after that meeting , five days after a phone call, the dc five days where they use the biden branfive dayd. E bide according to what weve learned today, the biden brand was the value hunter biden brought to this Business Arrangement that that tooko th place simply five the branding was joe, wasnt it . And then, of course, we know. Yeah, the brand. The brand was totally joe biden, the guy with the power and the connectionthbiden. But five days after that, this, this conversation takes placfiv his speech takes place. And then a few months later, that clip you just playethat cld shokin gets fired. Thats how serious thits firedss lets talk jim jordan about the brand lets connect this also to the 1023 form. And this is a very credible fbi informant because the fbi deemed that person an informant. They paid him a fortune and apparently used him to testify in certain cases. So they have this credible Statement Meeting with the ceo quoting directly, ceo of, hunter burisma. Umb hunter is dumb as dirt. His dog is smarter thaasn and they pay in the money that he doesnt want to pay. Ing moand that youre never goig to be able to trace that money for ten years. Are you going to be able to trace that mone tt. Y . Well, mr. Kilmers, working on our work, our staffs, working on the oversight committee, chairman cohen,d thai thats what were trying to do, figure all that out. But heres the take aways. Have the day to shine. I thought todays testimony from mr. Archer gave a whole new light to what happened last week. Remember wha last week, thishe deal they put together that the judge said, no deal. Wery put e not going to do that because it was unprecedented. Never seen anything like this. The dealver seen put together ws designed to keep burisma out of it. Remember they didnt they werent going to charge for 2014, 2015 tax year. They werent going do the felony charges that there because thats Burisma Moneye and. The fara allegation that fara concern derives this this action that took place in dubai where hunterok pla biden is talg about how can the u. S. Government theyre asking hunter biden, how can the u. S. Government intervene and help us in this situation . So now we have some some o more light on that terrible deal they tried to put together last weeto putk and why the jude appropriately so, ask questions and its no longer going to happen 20 times the that they put biden on the phone was to talk to make pleasantries with hunter as friends and not assert or assure people thatt that the father was going to be helpful to these companies. What arehelpfu the reason . Would they pay an admitted addict all that money . Ict all james karma, can you exn the how does an admitted addict make all that money . What what what services them . Was he offering . Of joe was not the brand. Well, devon archer testified that they were Influence Peddling dev. We wondered what the business was. I suspect that it was influence wa. Lingat the busines but we heard today from someone on the inside it was Influence Peddling. They sold joe biden. Thats what the business was. T and joe biden himself talked to every Single Person thatwire that has wired money to the bidens. I mean, youve got situation here where you look at those people who were wiring the moneyou looky. A lot of those people arent the most credible people in their countriee peoples. There are a lot of people who are in a lot of trouble in many of these countries who were sending wire to the biden family, they needed they needed help from the government. Thats why they paidm th the fae they were Influence Peddling. And what jim jordan just mentionend, the fara violations that foreign agents registration act, we knowen hunter biden has violated that. Even the judge in Delaware Last week cited. That is one reason why she rejected the Sweetheart Pleahe deal. But what this did today, in my opinion, is open the door. Di d joe biden violate the foreign agents registration act because he was an active participant in and at least one deal . W of with the burisma kno deal he was actively participating and doing a benefit to this foreign agentn for this foreign country and heh was Withholdinisg American Dollars in the form of foreign aid for that. I mean, this is very seriousin today took a huge step towards implicating joe biden in many of these crimes. Were going to continue to push forward in our investigation. And jim jordan, devon archer admitted burisma would have gone out of business if Noton The Brand and joe biden was the brand. You know, again, go back to the Whatsapp Message, you know,it and now it brings us to your investigation and the judiciary committe to youre, not investigations about whether or not this Department Of Justiceat is weaponized. Is this department of justice with chris wray and merrick garland, is it being weaponized republicans, and are they protecting the bidenhe bid Family Syndicate . Are they protecting joe biden . Syndt . N why didnt they want to hand over that 1023 form, knowing how nd that was . Why were they so why was it so difficult to get suspicious Activity Reports . And god bless this judge last week who ask the right questions. The court there in delaware looking at i would encourage Asket Quesread that transcript and go through their what . She asks because she said, has this kind of agreement eve rnted been is this unprecedented . And the answer was yes, it is. Yethe answs. E. Its never happened before. So she, i think, laid it out. W wrong it was that they tried to put together this type of deal. Justi think that demingstried ts how the Justice Department is has been frankly turned ame the American People in not applying the law in an equal Mannerpeople Alyin like theyred to in our great country. Thee want to talk to these people nowse. Theres a 30 day time frame, so were trying to get and talk to many of the people who were in that that famous october 7th meeting that mr. Shapley and mr. Ziegler talked about tal when the whistleblowers came and testify. We want to talk to people in that meeting. Others we want to talk to others involved this investigation. Bu investit well see how this t 30 days plays out as they get to the newou plea agreement, whatever thats going to be. Let me tell you, and this, is why republicans have one half of one house, the governmentlicans h, one braf government is so critical because these investors would all get covered up. And both of you put your neckp on the line to get to the truth. And we went a long way today. And thiswe wen. Will you both it answer yes or no . Do you believe that this is now officially the Joehe Biden Bribery allegation . And do you believe that you will be able to prove that jim cramer i sure hope so. E and i do believe that theres a lot of smoke. And whether smoke theres fire, we we just heard testimony today thatwe joe biden had liedr to the American People. Jim jordan, do you believice that . And do you believe that the doj has been helping to cover it up . Well, it sure looks that way. And i would say this. Joe bidet lookn said he was not involved. There were two dinners at the cafe milano in dted. C, one f them, as you pointed out, where joe biden was there for the Entirewhere Jo both times. One of them had misses that arena. This russiane ha, the wealthiest woman in russia, worth over 1,000,000,000. So that sure is a different story than what hes been telling us all along. All right. Great work, both of you. We appreciate your time both. Jim jordan, james comer, thank you. Coming up, the biden family scandals, they are intensifying tonight. Joe, he just skipped town. Intensifyingwhy do we show you e beautiful pictures of Joe On The Beach . Probably make you sick. Also, the latest with jon levine, tulsi gabbard. We got a busy night tonight. Thanks for being with us. Back in my day, we dont have all of these types of Fancy Chicken for sure. You have buffalo and fried chicken. Well, we didnt have garlic farm or Sweet Bourbon barbecue ,and he had to walk uphill both ways. And its not every time. My meat go bond healing powerhouse lotiowitamins,n that moisturizes healed and smooths dry skin with seven moisturizers and three vitamins. You can pay more, but you cant get more gold than champion your skin. Attention, cancer victims who use the Weedkiller Roundup. 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Right, right on hunters all laptop frowaiting m. Levine of the New York Post tonight reporting that data from Laptop Shows Hunter downloaded several encrypted message apps that he could have used to communicate with joe the laptop also reportedly contains references to Hundreds Of Documentsntains from hunters business deals, but the files cannot be open. It deals. Would the very latest. New york post reporter jon levine. Is it that you can open them . Well, first of all, i dont i dont even have an email account. Ive given up email enough of my my Text Messages have been released publicly for five lifetimes. So put that aside. So i dont use encrypted apps, but ust i never heard of this one before. Wickr is it called and. So my question is, what do you thinks on there . Well, it could o be answer. Yeah. So hunter biden used at leastde 16 Messenger Services in the life of the laptop, which is an Incrediblet Le and some of theme common like whatsapp, but some of them are very, very encrypted like, like signal and this thing called wickr, wickr is, its a highly secretive, encrypted app. You cant get at the Acceswis Sr Wickr has contracts with the marines, the army, the air force, u. Sace. And he downloaded wickr over 200 times onto his devices. And we dont know what those communication said. And wed and theyre not on the hard drive. But there was an analysis donecn by marco polico which which is n excellent nonprofit thats been studying the laptop, which provideddone by information. N an and its their belief that potentially joes conversationse with hunter could be on those wickr exchanges. All right. Well, we also have to be able to open those other files as well. E and the problem is theys ty werent downloaded from the the icloud. So were no we can see that theyre there, but we cant read them. Its very frustrating. I would imagine that a really wu good computer person, which i am not, would be abllde to accomplish that task. Im just guessing the fbi, i think, would be able to Accomplist Taskh that. I think you probably would agree, right . Yeah. Well, the fbi can do a lot of stuff. We cant do, t unfortunately. Exactly. Why havent they . Thats the questioheuff wen. Y . All right. John levine, thank you. Of course, joe biden himself is not around to answe ro questions about any of this. S. Hes now hiding ou t in the beach for the entire week with no Public Events on a schedule. E th by the way, you see the guy there with no shirt on. Can somebody buy him a t shirt or something . Anyway, right before he departe somethid for d. C. ,beo joe finally admitted that He Actuallrey has Seven Grandkis during a friday night news dump. Apparently during a, joe ignoref little girl for four years to give her parents some space to sort things out. You believe that, or was joe embarrassed into doingg th anyway way putting that aside . Here was all the reaction ths is Fox News Contributor tulsi gabbard. Tulsi. Tubbard. You heard everything that jim jordan and that james comer was saying. We know now what went on in this hearing today. Well get the transcript later this weet on in k. What does that sound like to you . Because i know where i grew up. I have a lot of words i can use to describe what went on with the biden family up, i well, sean, lets start with remembering the vision lets that our founders had for this country, that we would be a country of lawbee s, not of men. But every single day that we see more and more coming out about how President Biden and his administration politicizing the department of justice to serve their own persona ah and political interests ahead of the interest of the country, we can recognizeeath that they e directly and intentionally undermining that very foundation of our democrac y is the rule of law. And theyre doing it in two ways. Number rule of law and one, speo after political opponents, namely donald trump, donald trump supporters. And number two, to protect themselves to protect joe biden, to protect hunter biden, to protect their personal and politicalonaa allies. The American People need to recognizend very clearly what is happening here, the threat to our democracy and we have to make the decision to to put a Stop Otheision tot to not allow thiso on because otherwise well find ourselves in the situation. The unitedl find o states of america,s is where this is now the new norm. Whatever party becomes the party in power will say, hey, look, the last guy did this. We wil can use the power of lawtho enforcement. We can use our department of Justicwer Ofe to go after political opponents. And thats not important to. But i agree with you. If fbi is weaponized and politicized, thats a problem. Doj, i think weaponized , has bt think we have equal justice or equal application of our lawsua as of today in america. Thats an extremely dangerouss t to this democratic republic. It is. But i want to ashisk tulsi this question. We know Joe Biden Lied repeatedly, both. As a candidate and as a president when he said hed never talk to his son or brother or anybody, for that matter, about his foreign business deals. And secondly, that he was never in business that evolved in the week or two. Si he never was in business with his son. Noness whiw devon archer is cong he was getting on the phone calls and it sounds like me that he was the closer when when burisma most needed nee the bidens help here was zola chesky on the line hunter biden calls his dad dad is on Speake Becauser and sure enough the what they needed done firing of the investigators show can happen. What do you call that. And hunter continues to get paid. Was that a Vice President Takingo Get Action Aa president for the enrichment of famifamilyki. It sure looks like that, given the evidence that we are seeing. You take all of the facts that y youve just laid out coupled with it when when since whene wk does the department of justice work on the weekend to send out a memo to expedite getting this guy, devon archer, into jaill a and then retracting it on a sunday afternoon, sayingre oh, no, actually, we didnt really mean to do that. And he should be allowedto to testify before congress. Theyre acting so blatantly and abusing their power to benefit President Biden and the democrat elite. Theres theres veryt its hard to disputebiden. The t are before us. Its unfortunate that democrats the democrats. What do you in the series are trying to do that. What you say about your former democratic colleagues that just co, they were only talking about the weather, but he saidll he never talked about these things. We he only only have about 20 seconds. You know, it really sickens me, sean. It really sickens me because i know that they dont reflect the vast majority of the American People who really do love this countrytjority o, e about the rule of law and are disgusted, just like i at m, by their actions. All right. Tulsi gabbard, appreciate your intellectual honesty, as always. Thank you. Trump says hes expecting to bee indicted again any day now. Brand new poll shows himd surging in the primaries. Matt whitaker, gregg jarrett, latere here with the latest when we come back. 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Jacuzzi has been making water feel great for over 65 years, and now you can get a gorgeous custom model at a price you can afford with no stress and no, ive been trying to get him to remodel that bath for years. I called and they didnt. Just one day and at a price we could afford every i stepped over my old tab. I worried i might fall. I dont have those years anymore. With jacuzzi, you can get a safer, easy entry shower to keep you feeling comfortable and independent at home. Your new jacuzzi, bath or shower is waiting. Now is the best time to call. Were waiving all Installation Costs with no interest and no payments for one year. Go to jacuzzi, bath remodel,. Com or call 800 3482867 call. Now when you cant watch, listen, get the latest News Business and News Headlines on sirius xm anywhere Fox News Radio on sirius xm america is listening. And also breaking today, former President Donald Trump nowtrumpx expects to be indicted on charges related to january six any day now. He and if the indictment does come down, it will bet the third set of criminal charges that the former president is facing e ,with perhaps another one to come in fulton county, georgia. Now, none of these legalrgia proceedings are having a negative impact on trumps pollnone o numbers. Trump now leads the republican Primary Field by six points in the real clear politics average. The New York Times siena poll is even higher. Here with reaction, formers po. Acting attorney general matt whitaker, who has endorsed donald trump, Fox Newsittion Lel analyst gregg jarrett, let me ask you this, matt whitakers, from the from the prosecution side, this is there not a primae facie case her note that the tht the reason joe biden made these phone calls was for the benefit of these companies, these foreign entities that his son was making million, s with while an addict with no experience. I mean, could it be any more evident and the idea oh, they were hes just calling to say hi and pleasantries and the weather. I mean, this is what democrats are trying to get america to believe tonigh t. They are. And i dont think its working. Good to be with you tonight, sean. What i would say on this case Whatld Sayt Happenedr tw one or two times and he just happened to catch know, his dad when when when he was in a meeting. But 20 times. Clearly, this was part of his Business Model that he would, you know, close these he ws by his dad on the phone. You know, devon archer probably we see the transcript was fairly detailed in those discussions. Er was fairlthey certainly weret discussing the weather in washington, d. C. , o therngto, in delaware, they were talking about what the d situations in ukraine and china, wherever else he was business. S and thats powerful. If you can get Theusiness Secos number two in the federal government and the Executive Branchpowerful can get on phoney valuable console, no doubt about thatis. E greg lilley, what did you find most today from what weve heard about devin archers deposition, his exposure, the burisma scandal, the con scam, and its not just his testimony there is also a document. Its an email exchange. November 2nd, 2015, in which nom a top burisma official demands that hunter biden do something for all the money hes getting. And he demands that use his influence, meaning his father, to get rid of the prosecutor who is Investigating Burisma for corruption and was about f to ruin the entireor company shortly thereafter. Of course, Hunter Biden Dutifully flies to dubai at the four seasons and meets with zola chayefsky, whos o who demands get your dad on the phone. Dad joins the Telephone Conversation and thereafte r, of course, joe bidens infamous extortion demand. A billion dollars or, you know, you must fire this prosecutor and hes fired. What is that . Thats quis prosd quo. Its pay to play. It is bribery. And its also an impeachable offense. You dont have to laugh today is goldman prosecutor in the impeachment over overrums trumps conversation of burisma is suddenly saying, oh, you knowe smit, conversation ovr burisma, thats perfectly fine. And admitted crack addict with no experience. You got to show me. Ence you know, nancy mace thinks the money is north. 50 million others on the committee think It Migh Tas Go as high as 100 million or more in terms of these deals. What it admitted, crack at it with no experience. Do for all that money. Greg, do you have any idea . Because i dont. Yeah, he was Selling Outing Ou America and his father was helping him. Helpi the brand was biden, but joe biden was fulcrum. N bu without his support and active participation, ng nothing could succeed. They couldnt make money. Matt whitaker you agree with that assessment . I do. I think the impeachment the first time looks like a completent of th cover up to p wow. Its going to be an interesting year, ill tell you that. Thank you both very much. Appreciateintere it. When we come back, new pollsreve revealing disturbing new informatioalinn. Younger americans, our younger generation. Well explain. L chec well check in with tomi lahren, Charlie Arnold, as we continue. Thanks for staying with us cont the day you get your clear choice, dental implants makes every day, a confident day, a never hide my smile day, a Life Of The Party day, a take on the world day a believe in myself day a flash my new teeth day because your clear choice day is the day you get ae your confidence e for good a clear choice day changes every day schedule a free consultation. 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Lookre of , this new survey from the u. K. One in four adults now have alreadone in fouy out having ch. While another study from the u. S. Shows that two and five young adults are now saying marriage, that thing thats an outdated tradition. Even more disturbing, according to a recent gallup survey. , Extreme Pride in being an at lown remains a nearrecord low. How sad is that . Were just 39 of respondents saying that they are extremely proud to be an american. Here with reaction, alcoas Charlie Arnold and the host of tomi lahren is fearless. Ive never i cant imagineimn a fearful tomi lahren. It just doesnt fit anyway. Here with now is both tomi and charlie. Tomi start you. I dont know which one makes me more sad. Probably the fact thate morenot theyre not proud to be an american. And i would immediately attributproud to be an ae to thc education they get and indoctrinationd and into all things woke instead of real history. Yeah, thats part of the problem. You also have a large percentage of americans. Large pe theyre also a little disillusioned and disheartenederican with thei country right now. Proud to be americans love their country, but they look at the weaponization of our justice system. They look at the Weaponization Ofe Intelligence Agency as our Law Enforcement agencies. Ndey. Hey just dont recogniz their country. And thats fair. But we still must love our country, even if we dont like love our the person or people tt are in charge. But then, as you mentioned, sean, theres also a percentage of americans who take e, op culs from pop cultur from entertainment and from sports. And what have they beetun learning for the last ten years, not only in school, but from popular culture. Is that america is oppressive. Its a horrible country. It cannot be is irreparable. So thats another part of this problem. Whfixed. Y are just not loving their country maybe the way that they used to . What stands out the most to you is about not thinking america, this great country and this land of opportunity, not understanding its histor isy the comments about marriage with charlie. What stands out the most to you. I mean i think they all stand out. I think theres a very common denominato they r in all of te poll results, and thats the rejection of traditional values. Because our younger generations are constantly being brainwashed by all the wokeness that really is infiltrated, i would say nearly every aspect of our lives. I mean, you look at the government. You look at the school systems, you look at the media, you lookr lives. At social medi. And when you look at the poll results of thoseof those who dot to have kids. Their number one reason for not wanting to do sove kids, is wang to focus more on themselves. And as a woman, i can honestly say whend i look at the mainstream media, it is more celebrated to be a career woman o, Itr Rather Thn be a mother and a wife these days. And its really sad. I mean, i even just look at the recent barbie movie that celebrates all the most toxic elements of feminismt e and its sad, but the messaging is very clear and thats how the left wants it, because they areth t clearly out to destroy the family unit, because thats the best way to push their craz t y agenda. You know, tommy, when i hear that two and five young adults say marriage is an outdated tradition and one in four adults just completely rule out the idea of having kids. You know, one of my children right here in the studio tonight, and she would never come on television. By the way, shes fearful o television not fear less, but she laughing. But but the reality is, you know what . Thats sad to me. Its like, you know, its like society seems to at least in terms of cultural values, be collapsing inside itself. No, it is. And charlie, right about the breakdown of traditional values and also the breakdown of american family. Y. The left has been working on that for several years now, if not decades at this point. But i will say this there is aof little bit of a silver lining. Gen Zers Asilver L and millennie notoriously selfish. We are a selfish generation. The generation probably even worse. So thats why its hard for youn ig people to look at Something Like marriage or having kids, something that requires real sacrifice. And so theyre saying, i dont know if thats for me. Now, her i de, the silver linin, sean. I say that these people, eventually they will grow up. These pethey get a little older. Maybe when theyre ready for it, they will take that leape r and i would rather have people getting married and having kids when theyre ready for it than doing it too early. And that, i dont know, letting the government raise their kidys. So there is a silver lining. Its going to be okay. Ngand do believe theyll change their minds. Thank god. You know, i dont know how i dok would deal with this woke agenda and, you know, crtke and gender identity classes. And they cant. Right. Do math, science, history or computers. Ill give the last word, charlie. Well, i just think its crazy the direction that g in. G dinr do i was reading earlier today that experts say by the year 2070, theres going to be such a thing as virtual babies, which in the eyes of a lot ofes people probably, much easier. Wa right . They dont know youre a baby. You just have it on your computeru when you want to like when you want it to shut up. You just, you know, turn it itta softly. Sean its like a real life tamagotchi. They dont cost a dime to raise. Theyre much simpler to have them grow up. They dont talrek to you. Its probably the best of many worlds for many people. I hod go down that road. Has it . By the way , would you like to come on there . Not much. My daughters not coming on anyway. Thank god you guys are outspoken. We appreciate it. Good points you both make. Ng u coming up, bidens Migrant Crisis has gotten out ofp, b controidl in New York City. I mean, really out of control. You wont believe the currentev scene in midtown manhattan. Curtis sliwa on the streets in new yor k, we come back. Dont miss it. Straight ahead. Back in my day, we didnt have all of these types of Fancy Chicken for sure. You have Buffalo Wings and fried chicken. Well, we didnt have garlic farm or Sweet Bourbon barbecue, and he had to walk both ways. And its not every time. Yeah, right. Where youre from. Attention. Cancer victims who use the Weedkiller Roundup. A federal jury unanimously found that monsantos popular Weedkiller Roundup was a substantial factor in causing cancer. You may be entitled to substantial compensation if you or someone you love used roundup and were diagnosed with cancer. Called the number on your screen. Now dont wait. There be time deadlines to file a claim. Call 809 260723. Thats 809 260723. 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Were waiving all Installation Costs with no interest and no payments for year. Jacuzzi has been making water feel great for over five years, and now you can get a gorgeous custom bathroom model at a price you can afford with no stress and no mess. Ive been trying to get him to remodel that bath for years. I and they didnt just one day and at a price we could afford. Every time i stepped over my old tab, i worried i might fall. I dont have two years anymore. With jacuzzi, you can get a safer, easy entry shower to keep you feeling comfortable and independent at home. Your new jacuzzi, bath or shower is waiting. Now is the best time to call. Were waiving all Installation Costs with no interest and no payments for one year. Go to jacuzzi, bath remodel,. Com, or call 800 3482867. Call. Now, because sherman is a demon, a predator that ruined families. This investigation is far from over. Hunting the Long Island Serial Killer hosted nate voight streaming now on fox nation. , all right. Bidens illegal immigration crisisdenlega is getting so ouf hand, even the liberal Sanctuary City of new york that can handle the influx of Illegal Immigrants. The city now s illega hitting a breaking point. Over the weekend, dozens of Illegal Immigrants days days sleeping right on the streets surrounding the roosevel ott hoe hotel, which hit capacity with Illegal Immigrants. L city witall paid for by taxpaye. As the city completely has nowol run out of housing. Mayor adams blasting the Bidenti Administrationng and is now demanding a National Solution to combat growing problem. All right. Hes right outside the Roosevelt Hotel. Throosevel New York City mayoral candidate, The One And Only curtis sliwa in the bullpen. Curtis, its a mess there. Ough but wait a minute. I thought mayor adams believed in Sanctuary City status. What happened . Oh, you remember sean . It was just a year Agojust Ar Ag In August he was calling Governor Abbott a racist. Why are you sending these people to New York City . You , guess what . You welcome them. You rolled out the red carpet. You said thearpet. You could dor than the state of texas. Well, guess what i, guest said disaster, john. You know me. You cut my veins in arteries, i bleeu cud york city. Thi and never seen it this bad. And the mayor. S the swagger, man with no plan. Who said hes the Joe Biden Of K brooklyn . . Where is he now . Hes created this mess with th e president acting like, hey, im your puppet. You know, im your daddy. Come pa one, come all and we,en the citizens, are left toth deal this. And as you say, we get thell bill, and in return, get nothing because our poor and Impoverish Americans Aren Th Sleeping in the streets and in pae subways and in the parksth. Emotionally disturbed. Some of them are veterans and most in them Arest O Americans who are people of color. Most. T we need to take care of nee our citizens, not be thirdd wo world countries. Well, we didnt ask forld counts so you have homeless vets. You have Homeless People ind in New York City long before they invited in all these Illegal Immigrants all tllegal. E and did they ever get a freeh hotel at the Roosevelt Hotel . F they ever get the type of accommodations that the mayot t . Given these Illegal Immigrants . Because i dont recall that kind of support. Doe i donof you now, sean . In fact, what they got a seatat to sleep on in the subway. Morning, noon and night, a little piece of a park somewhere that they had to share y ha the rats or laid t in the street, incapable of controlling their mental and physical faculties. John, we must take care ofan our Americans Firstf and foremost. We didnt ask for these people. We dontoud know where, theyre coming from. We dont know whos paying for them to come herewe t and then, once they reach the border, are nonprofit agencies, Catholic Charities and others ask, them what city they want to go to. They need to go back to where they came from because they serve no purpose here. They have no negotiable skills. T its not going g to helpoing am. Its going to cost us moneyyn and destroy our cities. Num and by the way, the numbers in new york are nothing compared to border states like texas. Nothing. Anyway, great report. Progisnothing. Sullivan, thank. Programing note Live Audience shows. Wednesday, Thursday Nightt in New York City. Not where the Roosevelt Hotethl is, anyway. Jimmy fallon. Lisa boothe, dagen mcdowell, brian brombergjimmy fa. Han tickets are free. Hannity. Com is the place to go get them and register. Ave unfortunately for us, thats all the time we have left this evening. This s youplease set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode monday through friday, 9 p. M. Eastern six pacific. In the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. Greg gutfeld is next and he is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Tro seeubleutfe you tomorrol look at him. Go greg. Someones water. Oh, yeah. Happy mondayyeah, everybody. Y sero you knowyb thaody. T fam your old neighborhood, the family that if you got inti a fight with one of them,f you had to watch your back for the rest of them. Yowaysthe cops are always at their house. They didnt seem to work at all. You heard they sto

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