Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

first son put vice president joe biden on speaker phone during business meetings over 20 times. archer also saying that burisma added hunter to its board because of the biden brand. republicans calling the questioning very productive. >> people would be in fighting to legally lean on burisma because of the biden name, which again is joe biden. >> you think the president of the united states is compromised? >> i think so. devin archer said that was an implication of who the big guy is. and archer talked about the big guy and how hunter biden always said we need to talk to my guy. we need to see when my guy will be here. those types of things. >> dana: former impeachment manager, now congressman, says joe's phone calls with his son were no big deal. he seriously said they were only talking about the weather. >> it was clear that it was part of the daily conversations that hunter biden had with his father, president biden didn't even know who the people he was add dinner, he was asked to say hello. he would -- he described what the weather was, how -- what's going on on your end. it's kind of a preposterous premise to think that a father should not say hello to people that the son is at dinner with. that is literally all the evidence is. >> dana: moments ago, the white house putting out a statement calling house republicans investigation an evidence-free wild goose chase. democrats are throwing cold water on the entire investigation. >> this investigation started during the trump administration. they have come forward with not one shred of evidence. >> i don't have any concerns. i think it's a witch hunt. if hunter biden has broken the law, he should be held accountable for it. >> you know, i think a lot of my colleagues need to go back to school and maybe go into the work of being detectives because seemingly that's what they want to do right now, is play detective and weaponize the government. >> dana: this was all something else. jesse, before i came down, i did some research. i looked on the other networks websites and not a mention. >> jesse: nothing. >> dana: if you're watching here, watching "the five," fox news, you'll be in the know. the rest of the country, maybe not so much. >> jesse: so the democrats said this was russian disinformation. now they're saying yeah, joe biden talked to his son's business partners but it was about the weather. let's show you how this works. a country hires someone because their father is vice president. and then the guy hangs out with the guys that hired them and said i'm going to get the vice president on the phone. the vice president talks to the guys that hired him and that's why they hired him. because he can get the vice president on the phone. you're selling access, you're selling influence. that is the biden family business. and it's been that way for four decades. if you're saying that hunter around his father talk on the phone every single day, what happens the day after the phone call is over with the business partners? so you put me on with a bunch of romanians yesterday while in bucharest. why are you in romania and who are those guys? are we still pretending biden has no idea what's going on here. >> jesse: they're selling the biden brand. the biden brand according to hunter was gold. forget about the phone call for a second. okay? the 20 phone calls. how about all of the dinners at cafe milano? you're saying he's goes to dinners with the chinese, the greeks, the romanians. it's a dinner where you sit down and you have an appetizer, an entree. they're talking about weather the whole time. you can do weather about five minutes. the whole dinner, you can't be all about weather. also, we find from devin archer that yes, hunter was hired to get joe to fire the prosecutor. we also found out that joe sits down with a billionaire from russia and then a month later, hunter gets a wire from $3.5 million from the russian billionaire. and then hunter flies on air force one to china. and then hunter gets a million dollars from the chinese and joe gets on the phone with the chinese business partners on speaker and joe writes a letter of recommendation to brown university for the guy's daughter. joe has no idea what is going on. everywhere job goes, hunter gets paid. joe goes to china, hunter gets paid. he's goes to romania, gets paid. ukraine, gets paid. kazakhstan, gets paid. we're not adding it. why does joe biden have six different alias e-mail accounts? why does the family have 20 shell companies? why is this now a $50 million racket? now you have two eye witness people testifying that joe is aware of what's going on. you have irs whistle-blowers saying it was corrupt and a cover up. you have fbi whistle-blowers saying the same thing. suspicious activity reports, offshore bank accounts. the democrats are like the republicans still haven't made a connection between joe and his son's business. okay? you also forget about the photographs, the voice mails, the videos and the text messages. yes, we have not made that connection. >> dana: are they trying to insult our intelligence? >> greg: how dare that? if they only talked about the weather, bill clinton and monica lewinsky were playing yahtzee. jeffrey epstein was running an orphanage on the island. listen to that guy, goldman, say it's preposterous. no one in their existence, anybody who has had a career has had an employee called their dad in a meeting. it's never happened. i don't remember it happening in high school or college. it's just the weirdest thing. this is a guy. >> that's what he did for a living. he made it rain using his dad's influence. i learned one thing, you shouldn't have friends when you go to politics. they turn on you. there's like this close pal spilling the beans. that's why i refuse jesse's friendship. i know sooner or later he will turn on me. remember when the media and the democrats focused on trump? they compare him to the mafia. remember, he talks like a mafia don, blah, blah, blah. you always find out that whatever they accuse somebody of doing, it's what they're actually doing. nobody ever talks concretely about what they're going to do in the mob. they use, you know, metaphors and little -- they don't say they're going to kill you, katie. i thought about it. >> this is a piece a shop, wing wing >> greg: this is what we predicted. investigative ping-pong. the dems were warned everything you do to trump will be done to you. if you have the power and you abuse it, there's payback. as an american citizen, it's like you hired a mechanic -- an electrician and a plumber to fix your house. instead, they're like arm wrestling in the basement. you have two parties constantly doing this until the end of time. >> dana: can the democrats keep up this -- in their imagination, can they say that either biden was truthful when he said he never asked his son about his business dealings? or that two, they were only talking about the weather and all of the cases that jesse was talking about? >> i think the weather is an excuse. climate change is a real problem. >> dana: you can't do that for ten minutes. >> that will go away. i'm sure there was more than the weather discussed. yeah, we can keep it up as long as it continues that nobody has a piece of paper or a bank transfer or something legit linking president biden, the person we care about. i don't know a single democrat that defends hunter biden or his character or anything about him. >> dana: can i stop you there? i rarely interrupt. i was just thinking about this. when you get a commission position at the white house and you go in to take your -- you sign ethical of the things you're asked to do, is one you avoid a conflict of interest and you avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest. that's on the vice president joe biden at the time no wonder president obama was like let me go with hillary instead of this guy in 2016. >> i think there was a larger issue surrounding what beau biden's death and joe biden was not in the right frame of mind and go mound a presidential campaign. this was a big issue in 2020. elizabeth warren capitalized on this. in my white house, we will make it impossible to make sure that this will not happen with hunter biden and joe biden on boards -- >> dana: should we be critical now? >> i'm sure the same criticism would be logged but it wouldn't get you to joe biden is a mob boss. that's what republicans wants. tom iemmert says there's no papr connecting them. why do you think -- if you want to say dan goldman was ahead of his skis saying it was only the weather, et cetera, explain to me when they hyped up this $5 million payment and dan goldman says on air that devin archer had no idea about it, he was on the board. he would know something like that and he may have been on the phone. they didn't discuss his business dealings. you're not going to -- look. you -- >> dana: i have to read this here. we just got this there from devin archer's counsel. they said we're aware all sides are claiming victory following mr. archer's victory today. all he did is what we said he would do, show up and answer the questions put to him honestly and completely. mr. archer shared the truth with the committee and we'll leave to them and others to decide what to do with it. katie, last word. >> we're going to see the transcripts from this so people can read through them and come up with their own opinion about who won and who lost, what the victories were. what we know based on today, dan goldman is a forceful attorney. if you're watching, you at least think he's making a compelling argument. blaming the weather is not a very compelling argument. he was nervous and sweaty. for years we've asked this question, what was hunter biden's business? what was he doing when he went to china or serving on the board of burisma getting paid $80,000 a month? what was the biden business? it said it was legitimate. it wasn't a fara violation. we learned today that the biden family business was helping burisma build their brand. that included vice president, whether the prosecutor was investigating them for corruption, burisma wanted to come in the united states and do business here. they were pressuring hunter biden with his father to get rid of the prosecutor. that happened. we also have the dinners. it's not just the phone calls. there's photos of people together. so moving forward on the heels of hunter biden's plea deal falling apart as a result of this blanket immunity that they tried to get in there on the fara charges, these fara charges are connected to hunter biden but based on the brand that was connected to joe biden with burisma -- >> dana: how could they not be. >> if you want to talk about the money and all that, there's a reason why the fbi document, the 1 1023 says they were going to run through the bank accounts and the oversight committee saying the same thing. they did this in an untraceable fashion including working with russian oligarchs to launder money. so there's more to this and a lot of the testimony from archer today connected to other people that the committee can now interview. >> can i say quickly? victor shokin was not fired to protect hunter biden. it had the opposite effect. there's so many articles. >> jesse: so many articles. >> that's how things get documented. >> jesse: so many fake news articles, jessica. >> really? >> jesse: there's a lot of articles about russian collusion, too. >> the imf, the e.u. >> jesse: who runs the imf? we do. >> astounding. >> dana: influencers can't get enough of joe biden at the beach as the commander-in-chief takes another vacation. ♪ hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. so when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight. scout is protected by simparica trio, and he's in it to win it. simparica trio is the first and only chew with triple protection. oh, fleas and ticks ♪ intestinal worms... wow heartworm disease, no problem with simarica trio. this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection. go with simparica trio. having diabetes isn't easy, but i found splenda diabetes care shakes which help me manage my blood sugar and give me the energy at breakfast to take on whatever the day brings... they're smooth and creamy have 16 grams of protein and unlike others, *splenda* shakes have zero sugar they're a perfect snack between meals. or lunch on the go. splenda shakes are made by the #1 doctor-recommended sweetener brand. splenda diabetes care shakes: find them in the pharmacy aisle today. ♪ >> greg: america brace yourself for joe biden. influencers contestant get enough of joe biden at the beach. one tweeter, backwards hat, aviators and relaxation, joe biden is pretty school. okay, harry. how much they pay you for that one? no word yet if he's going to run in slow-mo though. biden is on vacation cruising around on his bike and hoping not to fall off. the presidential build-up is building sands castles, dean phillips is considering a run for the white house. does this make the biden team nervous? >> it doesn't make me nervous. president biden has the strongest regard of legislative accomplishment since l.b.j. and you're beginning to see the impact. 13 million jobs created by the private sector. 800,000 good manufacturing jobs. 85,000 infrastructure projects. the base of the democratic party as broadly as i have ever seen in my life is endorsing president biden because of what he's gotten done. >> greg: katie, can i pause a theory to you? joe spends 40% of his presidency on vacation. is that a bat thing that we go to pot? >> katie: maybe you do. sorry. didn't mean to call you out on a monday. i think his strategy is a good one. republicans are trying to figure out what they're doing. they have a primary debate. the dnc is protecting joe biden from a primary debate. no reason for him to get out in the press and say things that can be used against him at this point. makes sense that he would be staying on the beach a couple weeks until republicans spend money and figure out how they can possibly beat donald trump even though they're 40 points behind. eventually he will have to do some campaigning. democrats have a problem with taking advantage of certain voting blocks and thinking that they don't have to work for votes. i think that's -- there's certain groups that are looking at his economic agenda and say it's not good for me. the white house is selling it without job. overall, it's good for him to be at the beach while the republicans are campaigning and doesn't have to until next year. >> greg: democrats think that president biden has the best record on legislation since l.b.j. what does that stand for? >> jessica: i'm not doing it. >> greg: it starts for one? the b.j. he does look great. he does look great. >> jessica: i know jesse wants to talk about his physique. for eight 0 years old, he looks great. also the way that joe biden and jill biden go to the beach is like normal people. they're not by the pool at som fancy resort. they're in their beach chairs with a cooler. yeah, secret service around but on a public beach. >> katie: their $6 million beach house that somebody else paid for. >> jessica: that looks like two normal people going to the beach. i understand they have a fancy house. so what at this point? these gen z influencers, it happened talking about how his losing the youth vote. the youth vote is back. they're all in on his because of issues like climate change and because he took off his shirt and shimmied. which we don't have the footage of. republicans like to make fun of his strategy. they would give anything to have a kid with hundreds of thousands of followers say something positive about a republican politician. there's nothing going on in the republican party a -- >> greg: then you call him a nazi. a kid that gets trashed -- >> jessica: maybe because he had a swastika flag. >> greg: some of the media are marvelling at shirtless joe. i'm glad he did it at a beach and not at a restaurant that he thought was a beach. >> jesse: it's a low bar, this proves i'm not a republican hack. he looked great. how old is he? 80 years old. he looked trim, he looks good. it was staged, but i hope i look like that when i'm 80 years old. you said he looks like everyday americans. i don't want that. he looks like my dad. i don't want him to sit on the beach with a book. or last time he was at the beach, he passed out in the sun. show me a little vigor. go body surfing like obama. i mean, trump just hit a nine iron about six feet from the pin on the ninth whole over the weekend. >> jessica: you want to see trump with his shirt off? >> jesse: i do not. i don't want to see anybody with his shirt off except r.f.k.j. and greg. obviously this was staged. he had lotion hanging all over and a lounge chair he counts carry two weeks ago. do a little more than this. this guy dean running, never heard of him. good-bye. nobody is afraid of dean, not even dean's wife. widespread cover-up going on with joe biden. he's dropping campaign finance charges against mini after they bought the separate for him and trying to arrest his political opponent. the fact that he's tied with trump shows the trouble he's in. >> greg: i have a question on you, somebody that worked in the white house. can the secret service dress in beach wear? >> dana: a polo short and khakis. you do want to blend in. it's hard to with dark sunglasses. >> greg: if somebody that is drowning that isn't the president, do they act or let him drown? >> dana: your first and foremost is to the president. but if somebody were drowning, they would try to help. i was going to say, i'm often very comfortable with congress being in recess and presidents being away. that means they're not issuing executive orders to make things more expensive for you like banning gas burning stoves. you remember when john kerry was in the wind surf. ? he was out there wind surfing. it was august, late july. that became the campaign -- do you want this guy to be your president? this is what he's spending his time doing? being relatable. being at the beach is. but the cbs poll put him at his lowest rating including his handling of the economy. there was a democrat this weekend trying to tell people you will accept how great in economy is because you will do it. like -- they're not trying to persuade. they're telling people that they're wrong. i think that that will be a big problem. the last thing is cnbc said 61% of americans are living paycheck to paycheck. if you're sitting on a beach when you want to win, i get it. taking a week off. but you have to show vigor on the campaign trail when you fet back. >> greg: the beach, another thing the democrats have ruined. probably won't do back again because of this event. all right. up next, the ncaa ripping liberal policies saying it's not racist to be anti-crime. ♪ ♪ >> katie: the oakland chapter of the naacp is fed up with the anarchy created by the city's soft on crime policies. they're calling for a state of emergency. the anti-police rhetoric has created an open haven for criminals. in july alone, oakland has seen a 15% increase in violent crime compared to last year and residents are sick of it. >> how do we stop this hamster wheel of crime? that's the question. >> drive around and pick a victim. you know, it's getting scary. >> what are we doing to address this? how do we solve this? nobody feels safe. >> katie: jesse, the naacp stopped short of calling defunding the place but they engaged that led to the exact thing. now they have the problems. >> jesse: oakland naccp -- wait. is it's ncaa -- >> greg: you're confusing it with an insurance commercial. >> jesse: liberty, liberty. they wanted to redirect money from the police now they're begging for the police to save their lives. san francisco did the same thing. now instead of fighting crime, they're locking up ice cream. same thing happened in philadelphia. now people are walking around with flesh-eating viruses. now it's like a slumber party on the sidewalk here in new york city. there's prostitution in queens like amsterdam. the mayor says we don't want to be a sanctuary city. did you know the mexican golf is issuing a travel advisory for mexicans? warning them that washington d.c. is dangerous? so these democrats are destroys the cities. when people put up their hands, they'll talk about reparations. the only person they're basically prosecuting is trump. >> katie: isn't this the way this has to happen with the local communities going to the meetings saying change it? >> dana: how many meetings have you been to? it takes a lot to get people to go to a meeting and they'll be on camera and saying they're fearful thor their lives and the lives of their children and also their property values are in the tank. they're looking at retirement funds, kids education funds going down. plus, we did a story last week that still has my mind reeling. in 2020 before the hand, the chronic absenteeism rated in baltimore county schools is 23%. guess what it is today? it's 58%. okay? you take that, plus the fact you have youth violence and the same thing in baltimore. black citizens saying we need to be tougher on crime. i think the more you see the local people yelling at their local officials that you might be able to effect some change. they have to keep it up. jessica? >> katie: your thoughts on this process? >> jessica: consequences for actions. definitely. i don't think it's a straight line for 2020. these are problems that have gone back further than that. this is a much longer trend line than george floyd is murdered and now these cities are cess pools. this is not the promise of liberalism. that's what the voters are saying. they're not saying i'm a republican now. they're note going vote for a republican but they want democrats that will talk about the real issues that are confronting them daily. that's how you win back your seats. the four seats here in new york is because of crime. i talked to lee zeldin when he was here about this. he said i just had to show up at these meetings and people poured out their concerns. did all of them vote for me? absolutely not. they wanted a conversation that democrats weren't open to. with defund the police, it's one of these moments and theres a flu flash point issues where this happens where the activist class is not speaking the same language as the regular people. i don't go to a lot of city council meetings but i know people that live in cities. not a single one of them said i want to defund the police or i want to take away their resources. the activist class needs to get on the same page. >> katie: is there a direct line between summer of 2020 to the crime now? i'd say there is. >> greg: i think so. when you started to point it out, they would link the rise in crime to lockdowns. there was evidence there maybe, but when the lockdowns were over, the crime was never worse. got worse. it's not like the crime went away. what is frustrating, you were called racist. who were the truly racist people, the people conflating law and order with whiteness and crime to blackness. it's not us. republicans or conservatives. that was the hard left. it's a circular argument that prevents solutions. defunding the police affects minorities. their neighborhoods get hit the worst. point that out that blacks are the victims, you'll be deemed racist. that mere observation is a problem. that prevents is so-called conversation. everybody wants to have it. we just need a conversation. can't have a conversation on crime because the left through the prism of identity politics made it beyond seeing the pigment. the pigment matters with criminals. but not the victims. at least be consistent. >> katie: we'll tell you about cardi b. next. ♪ ♪ >> jessica: musicians have had it with unruly fans. cardi b. hurling a microphone in to the crowd after someone threw a drink at her mid performance. ♪ >> jessica: however, there's some controversy. new video shows the rapper encouraging fans to throw water on her during her performance. this isn't the first altercation with artists on stage. tim mcgraw says enough is enough. >> it's terrible. you can injure something. you can miss and hit somebody in the audience and injure somebody. i'm used to soft goods being thrown at me. that's fine. >> jessica: jesse, do you a breakdown of the cardi b. incident? >> jesse: free cardi b. assault charges for a microphone throw? come on. that's not a mace. if someone is throwing water at you and maybe she did ask for it earlier, but that looked like a district hit to the eye. when you are lip syncing, you cannot afford any distractions. you have to commit to the lip sync. water in the eye can be damaging. what if she had contact lenses. if i'm giving a speech and someone hurling water at me and i'm temporarily blinded, i'm not giving 100% to the audience. ke >> jessica: what do you think about this trend? >> dana: i didn't know she asked water for her to be thrown at her. when somebody hits you, you automatically react. i feel that's what happened here. i asked chat gbt can you guy from someone throwing a microphone at your hit. turns out, it's true. >> jesse: she doesn't have a good arm. i don't like people throwing things. there has to be big consequences like big fines or check in your phone, leave your phone. >> jesse: so people listen to the music and not videotape the concert? >> dana: that would be such punishment. if you're lip syncing, you shouldn't give away your phone. >> jessica: is it official that what she was lip sync something. >> jesse: i heard the lyrics after the mic was out of her hand? >> jessica: superior there going to be artist unity about such an issue? >> greg: i hope so. it's an issue dear to my heart about a decade now. >> jessica: you requested this topic. >> greg: it's one of my top charities devoted to celebrities hit by water. they don't like their stories being told. you get hit with a paper cup of water, you have nightmares. i do work with the pop stars of attack. it's a lot of work. the bottom line really here, if you were throwing things, they're not going to let you have things anymore. you can't have nice things if you throw things around. imagine being at a cardi b. show without any alcohol. i was there in vegas helping her through this rough event. i fly private now. i can go wherever i want. she did ask for the water. she was planning on giving that to an undernourished orphan. again, everything about this is false and lies. >> katie: jesse just revealeded his big weakness. i want to know if he's come to your therapy session. >> jesse: greg works with me pro bono. >> katie: you don't want to admit anything? >> jesse: nobody has thrown anything at me. >> greg:s that not true. >> jesse: i was across the street. i've had a beer dumped on me in the subway and i believe a vodka soda thrown at my face at a bar across the street. i was temporarily blinded by the tonic. >> katie: that's a bummer. >> greg: this is something that we have to fight against. we have to get out there and let people know this is happening. all we hear habit is death, suffering about war. we're the real victims. >> jesse: first cardi and waters. next gutfeld. >> jessica: a man spends thousands turning himself in to a dog. that and more in the fastest coming up next. ♪ i've struggled with generalized myasthenia gravis. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants' ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. most participants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. and your vyvgart treatment schedule is designed just for you. in a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. available as vyvgart for iv infusion and now as vyvgart hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. goli, taste your goals. ♪ >> jesse: welcome back. time for the fastest. first up, a man's transformed himself in to a dog. after spending over $14,000 to create a custom border collie costume. the man says the k-9 suit has helped him leave out his dream of becoming an animal. greg, do you believe the story? >> greg: yes, i believe it and i salute the person for chasing his dream. if you want to be a dog, you have a right to be a dog. if pronounces could be here boy, why can't he identify as a dog? green men identified dressing up as little girls and getting paid. the question is how open minded are other dogs? will these dogs let this dog participate in real dog sports in his species might afford him disadvantages that other dogs don't have. can they hang out together before the game or after? will they have separate dresses rooms? >> jesse: will they have bigoted dressing rooms? >> greg: how do you know? >> jesse: how dare you, katie? >> greg: it's a noon binary collie. >> katie: it's a dog, first of all. we're in new york. it's a costume. it's not a real transformation. >> greg: aren't we all wearing a costume? >> jesse: are you saying he's changed his biology? >> katie: there's no surgery here. it's not in the notes. it's not in the story. >> jesse: what about you, jessica? you support this transition? >> jesse: i was relieved. at first i thought there was a transition that somehow he had had a surgery of some kind to try to become a dog. and then when it was a costume, i was relieved. >> dana: same. i was scrolling through instagr instagram. they kept referring to a story. i didn't want to click on it. i'll take a break. i can't believe someone had surgery to become a dog. it's a $14,000 costume. i don't know if it was worth the money. >> jesse: like a heidi klum halloween outfit. you're an animal. one more thing is next. ♪ nothing to lose. it will help a lot of people that can't afford expensive hearing aids. >> stop missing out on important conversations or wasting thousands of dollars on expensive hearing aids. order now and you'll get to know your hearing aids with a portable charging case. free shipping. free lifetime. u.s. based audiologist support and a 45 day risk free trial for only $299. supplies are limited, so don't delay. better hearing is just a phone call away. call 845 1700. that's 845. >> 1700. even if you're careful, there are more ways than ever for identity thieves to steal your information. >> lifelock alerts you to threats. you could miss if your identity is stolen. a dedicated restoration specialist will help fix it. backed by our million dollar protection package. lifelock identity theft protection starts here next year. i mean, is a demon a predator that ruined families? this investigation is far from over. hunting the long island serial killer hosted by nate boyd. >> streaming now on fox nationa . it's time now for one more thing. and i have beer "one m i haven so excited for my. one more thing. i'll take this. bear with me. okay. me.n to a li've been to a lot os family concerts, but the gravel and gold concert the last thursy in holmdel, new jersey, was amazing. he played sunsets in colorado,>> which for mom. that one was for you. and then this happened on the stagerado f. >> i, my friends who are here t tonight. dana perino is here. thank you, dana. >> and my friend apologized forb screaming into the phone, which ruined the video. but there's a group shot. jennifer and brian pickens down was there, peter. and then that's dirks bentley and lauren fritz . from and jordan davis was the opener. and it was it was a fun, wonderful time. soly recomoing t on a high from. i highly recommend going to that concert if you can. >> greg, you're such a groupie. totally. by the way>>, thanks to rich. if you want to donate to attack ,attack. >> that's all things thrown at crooners. go to my. >> okay. tonight we have jamie, lissauer and perrine. paul morrow, kat timpf is going to be a great show, great monday. molook at tht these wonderful pictures. i went to providence and did a live show on saturday that sht was in rhode island, probably my one of my favorite shows of all time.. 10,000 people, maybe not, but close. ge you get folks there. >> this is a great look, my fans. oh, that's me. but thosy do e are my feet. that's my dog there. john thompson. lou's asleep. my siste es fasr. t th >> sister? yeah, that goes fast with these pictures. i have some great fans. look at that lady. look at the other lady. and if you want to go. by the way, i ha. greatr d great burgern brew there with the union station brewery. tation >> the most. the providence. you know, it's okay, but unionry station brewery. all right, september, look at this. redding, p.a readin., the king of late night. i got jamie lewis out. jim nortonow, ji, joe mckee, nick depaulo. september 16th redding, p.a.. >> it's going to be ugly. it's going be doubt. >> you got bill mays. i'm going to forego my one>> more thing. i will plug my show, but i need to address something. okay jesm going . >> i'll get to you in a second. i'm skipping. i'm skipping. i'm sorry, greg, you haveyou a throne? yeah. is this a backstage situatiohave for photo ops? yes. okay, so i figured it out. he doesn't want to be shorter thansnthan eve comes u everybod, so he just sits on the throne, and then everybodys up and comed and takes off. >> i never do stand up. that's what happens. never have to stan d a lazy son of a. >> are you promoting your show just for the prime time? inside the devin archer testimony at eight. i apologize. >> you just got your turn.>> than jesk you.ance teenage jets fan got the chance to meet the player whose nfl draft pick he announced in april. kyle stickles is a bone cancer survivor as well as a diehard football fan. greg, i hear you. heavy breathing. it's a nice thing. the make-a-wish program granted his wish of announcing jets. jets draft breathih pick.n well, mcdonnell stickles brought so much energy to the shoun patrick mahomesll shouted out he finally got to hang out with well on the practice field that eve n got some pictures and autographs. >> love that kid. yeah. right. kati >> je? all right. there was a big bad storm the rolled through d.c. in northern virginiaie: bim thar the weekend. bad damage, lots of trees down. the le's houses were pummelepeo their cars. and i just want to say thank you to all the utility workersyy who i saw driving around in their trucks, working all night long, up all dayh to get mostly everybody's power restored in 24 hours or less. >> it wa os such a relief to get out of that big storm. yes. thank you very much to all the hard workershere. out there. yes. well, we have 10 seconds, so will say this very slow. >> that's it for us. forev >> have a greaert night. >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonight. >> if you're a rat and i'm>> the biggest mutt, mr. we as a mafia, a family insider flips on the big guy. >> get out of the president has to sooner or later, consequences catch up to you and find out the hunter becomes the hunter. >> and hey, look at biden.e hund >> look, we got here

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Jets , Draft , Program , Kyle Stickles , Shoun , Mcdonnell Stickles , Patrick Mahomesll , Le , Practice Field , Autographs , Trees , Damage , Lots , Big Bad Storm , Bim Thar The Weekend , Houses , Eve N , Kati Je , Northern Virginiaie , Pummelepeo , Utility Workersyy , Storm , Relief , Cars , Trucks , Dayh , It Wa Os , 24 , Prime Time , Hard Workershere , Forev Have A Greaert Night , 10 , Rat , Family Insider , Cities Th , Mutt , Biden E Hund Look ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240704

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first son put vice president joe biden on speaker phone during business meetings over 20 times. archer also saying that burisma added hunter to its board because of the biden brand. republicans calling the questioning very productive. >> people would be in fighting to legally lean on burisma because of the biden name, which again is joe biden. >> you think the president of the united states is compromised? >> i think so. devin archer said that was an implication of who the big guy is. and archer talked about the big guy and how hunter biden always said we need to talk to my guy. we need to see when my guy will be here. those types of things. >> dana: former impeachment manager, now congressman, says joe's phone calls with his son were no big deal. he seriously said they were only talking about the weather. >> it was clear that it was part of the daily conversations that hunter biden had with his father, president biden didn't even know who the people he was add dinner, he was asked to say hello. he would -- he described what the weather was, how -- what's going on on your end. it's kind of a preposterous premise to think that a father should not say hello to people that the son is at dinner with. that is literally all the evidence is. >> dana: moments ago, the white house putting out a statement calling house republicans investigation an evidence-free wild goose chase. democrats are throwing cold water on the entire investigation. >> this investigation started during the trump administration. they have come forward with not one shred of evidence. >> i don't have any concerns. i think it's a witch hunt. if hunter biden has broken the law, he should be held accountable for it. >> you know, i think a lot of my colleagues need to go back to school and maybe go into the work of being detectives because seemingly that's what they want to do right now, is play detective and weaponize the government. >> dana: this was all something else. jesse, before i came down, i did some research. i looked on the other networks websites and not a mention. >> jesse: nothing. >> dana: if you're watching here, watching "the five," fox news, you'll be in the know. the rest of the country, maybe not so much. >> jesse: so the democrats said this was russian disinformation. now they're saying yeah, joe biden talked to his son's business partners but it was about the weather. let's show you how this works. a country hires someone because their father is vice president. and then the guy hangs out with the guys that hired them and said i'm going to get the vice president on the phone. the vice president talks to the guys that hired him and that's why they hired him. because he can get the vice president on the phone. you're selling access, you're selling influence. that is the biden family business. and it's been that way for four decades. if you're saying that hunter around his father talk on the phone every single day, what happens the day after the phone call is over with the business partners? so you put me on with a bunch of romanians yesterday while in bucharest. why are you in romania and who are those guys? are we still pretending biden has no idea what's going on here. >> jesse: they're selling the biden brand. the biden brand according to hunter was gold. forget about the phone call for a second. okay? the 20 phone calls. how about all of the dinners at cafe milano? you're saying he's goes to dinners with the chinese, the greeks, the romanians. it's a dinner where you sit down and you have an appetizer, an entree. they're talking about weather the whole time. you can do weather about five minutes. the whole dinner, you can't be all about weather. also, we find from devin archer that yes, hunter was hired to get joe to fire the prosecutor. we also found out that joe sits down with a billionaire from russia and then a month later, hunter gets a wire from $3.5 million from the russian billionaire. and then hunter flies on air force one to china. and then hunter gets a million dollars from the chinese and joe gets on the phone with the chinese business partners on speaker and joe writes a letter of recommendation to brown university for the guy's daughter. joe has no idea what is going on. everywhere job goes, hunter gets paid. joe goes to china, hunter gets paid. he's goes to romania, gets paid. ukraine, gets paid. kazakhstan, gets paid. we're not adding it. why does joe biden have six different alias e-mail accounts? why does the family have 20 shell companies? why is this now a $50 million racket? now you have two eye witness people testifying that joe is aware of what's going on. you have irs whistle-blowers saying it was corrupt and a cover up. you have fbi whistle-blowers saying the same thing. suspicious activity reports, offshore bank accounts. the democrats are like the republicans still haven't made a connection between joe and his son's business. okay? you also forget about the photographs, the voice mails, the videos and the text messages. yes, we have not made that connection. >> dana: are they trying to insult our intelligence? >> greg: how dare that? if they only talked about the weather, bill clinton and monica lewinsky were playing yahtzee. jeffrey epstein was running an orphanage on the island. listen to that guy, goldman, say it's preposterous. no one in their existence, anybody who has had a career has had an employee called their dad in a meeting. it's never happened. i don't remember it happening in high school or college. it's just the weirdest thing. this is a guy. >> that's what he did for a living. he made it rain using his dad's influence. i learned one thing, you shouldn't have friends when you go to politics. they turn on you. there's like this close pal spilling the beans. that's why i refuse jesse's friendship. i know sooner or later he will turn on me. remember when the media and the democrats focused on trump? they compare him to the mafia. remember, he talks like a mafia don, blah, blah, blah. you always find out that whatever they accuse somebody of doing, it's what they're actually doing. nobody ever talks concretely about what they're going to do in the mob. they use, you know, metaphors and little -- they don't say they're going to kill you, katie. i thought about it. >> this is a piece a shop, wing wing >> greg: this is what we predicted. investigative ping-pong. the dems were warned everything you do to trump will be done to you. if you have the power and you abuse it, there's payback. as an american citizen, it's like you hired a mechanic -- an electrician and a plumber to fix your house. instead, they're like arm wrestling in the basement. you have two parties constantly doing this until the end of time. >> dana: can the democrats keep up this -- in their imagination, can they say that either biden was truthful when he said he never asked his son about his business dealings? or that two, they were only talking about the weather and all of the cases that jesse was talking about? >> i think the weather is an excuse. climate change is a real problem. >> dana: you can't do that for ten minutes. >> that will go away. i'm sure there was more than the weather discussed. yeah, we can keep it up as long as it continues that nobody has a piece of paper or a bank transfer or something legit linking president biden, the person we care about. i don't know a single democrat that defends hunter biden or his character or anything about him. >> dana: can i stop you there? i rarely interrupt. i was just thinking about this. when you get a commission position at the white house and you go in to take your -- you sign ethical of the things you're asked to do, is one you avoid a conflict of interest and you avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest. that's on the vice president joe biden at the time no wonder president obama was like let me go with hillary instead of this guy in 2016. >> i think there was a larger issue surrounding what beau biden's death and joe biden was not in the right frame of mind and go mound a presidential campaign. this was a big issue in 2020. elizabeth warren capitalized on this. in my white house, we will make it impossible to make sure that this will not happen with hunter biden and joe biden on boards -- >> dana: should we be critical now? >> i'm sure the same criticism would be logged but it wouldn't get you to joe biden is a mob boss. that's what republicans wants. tom iemmert says there's no papr connecting them. why do you think -- if you want to say dan goldman was ahead of his skis saying it was only the weather, et cetera, explain to me when they hyped up this $5 million payment and dan goldman says on air that devin archer had no idea about it, he was on the board. he would know something like that and he may have been on the phone. they didn't discuss his business dealings. you're not going to -- look. you -- >> dana: i have to read this here. we just got this there from devin archer's counsel. they said we're aware all sides are claiming victory following mr. archer's victory today. all he did is what we said he would do, show up and answer the questions put to him honestly and completely. mr. archer shared the truth with the committee and we'll leave to them and others to decide what to do with it. katie, last word. >> we're going to see the transcripts from this so people can read through them and come up with their own opinion about who won and who lost, what the victories were. what we know based on today, dan goldman is a forceful attorney. if you're watching, you at least think he's making a compelling argument. blaming the weather is not a very compelling argument. he was nervous and sweaty. for years we've asked this question, what was hunter biden's business? what was he doing when he went to china or serving on the board of burisma getting paid $80,000 a month? what was the biden business? it said it was legitimate. it wasn't a fara violation. we learned today that the biden family business was helping burisma build their brand. that included vice president, whether the prosecutor was investigating them for corruption, burisma wanted to come in the united states and do business here. they were pressuring hunter biden with his father to get rid of the prosecutor. that happened. we also have the dinners. it's not just the phone calls. there's photos of people together. so moving forward on the heels of hunter biden's plea deal falling apart as a result of this blanket immunity that they tried to get in there on the fara charges, these fara charges are connected to hunter biden but based on the brand that was connected to joe biden with burisma -- >> dana: how could they not be. >> if you want to talk about the money and all that, there's a reason why the fbi document, the 1 1023 says they were going to run through the bank accounts and the oversight committee saying the same thing. they did this in an untraceable fashion including working with russian oligarchs to launder money. so there's more to this and a lot of the testimony from archer today connected to other people that the committee can now interview. >> can i say quickly? victor shokin was not fired to protect hunter biden. it had the opposite effect. there's so many articles. >> jesse: so many articles. >> that's how things get documented. >> jesse: so many fake news articles, jessica. >> really? >> jesse: there's a lot of articles about russian collusion, too. >> the imf, the e.u. >> jesse: who runs the imf? we do. >> astounding. >> dana: influencers can't get enough of joe biden at the beach as the commander-in-chief takes another vacation. ♪ hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. so when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight. scout is protected by simparica trio, and he's in it to win it. simparica trio is the first and only chew with triple protection. oh, fleas and ticks ♪ intestinal worms... wow heartworm disease, no problem with simarica trio. this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection. go with simparica trio. having diabetes isn't easy, but i found splenda diabetes care shakes which help me manage my blood sugar and give me the energy at breakfast to take on whatever the day brings... they're smooth and creamy have 16 grams of protein and unlike others, *splenda* shakes have zero sugar they're a perfect snack between meals. or lunch on the go. splenda shakes are made by the #1 doctor-recommended sweetener brand. splenda diabetes care shakes: find them in the pharmacy aisle today. ♪ >> greg: america brace yourself for joe biden. influencers contestant get enough of joe biden at the beach. one tweeter, backwards hat, aviators and relaxation, joe biden is pretty school. okay, harry. how much they pay you for that one? no word yet if he's going to run in slow-mo though. biden is on vacation cruising around on his bike and hoping not to fall off. the presidential build-up is building sands castles, dean phillips is considering a run for the white house. does this make the biden team nervous? >> it doesn't make me nervous. president biden has the strongest regard of legislative accomplishment since l.b.j. and you're beginning to see the impact. 13 million jobs created by the private sector. 800,000 good manufacturing jobs. 85,000 infrastructure projects. the base of the democratic party as broadly as i have ever seen in my life is endorsing president biden because of what he's gotten done. >> greg: katie, can i pause a theory to you? joe spends 40% of his presidency on vacation. is that a bat thing that we go to pot? >> katie: maybe you do. sorry. didn't mean to call you out on a monday. i think his strategy is a good one. republicans are trying to figure out what they're doing. they have a primary debate. the dnc is protecting joe biden from a primary debate. no reason for him to get out in the press and say things that can be used against him at this point. makes sense that he would be staying on the beach a couple weeks until republicans spend money and figure out how they can possibly beat donald trump even though they're 40 points behind. eventually he will have to do some campaigning. democrats have a problem with taking advantage of certain voting blocks and thinking that they don't have to work for votes. i think that's -- there's certain groups that are looking at his economic agenda and say it's not good for me. the white house is selling it without job. overall, it's good for him to be at the beach while the republicans are campaigning and doesn't have to until next year. >> greg: democrats think that president biden has the best record on legislation since l.b.j. what does that stand for? >> jessica: i'm not doing it. >> greg: it starts for one? the b.j. he does look great. he does look great. >> jessica: i know jesse wants to talk about his physique. for eight 0 years old, he looks great. also the way that joe biden and jill biden go to the beach is like normal people. they're not by the pool at som fancy resort. they're in their beach chairs with a cooler. yeah, secret service around but on a public beach. >> katie: their $6 million beach house that somebody else paid for. >> jessica: that looks like two normal people going to the beach. i understand they have a fancy house. so what at this point? these gen z influencers, it happened talking about how his losing the youth vote. the youth vote is back. they're all in on his because of issues like climate change and because he took off his shirt and shimmied. which we don't have the footage of. republicans like to make fun of his strategy. they would give anything to have a kid with hundreds of thousands of followers say something positive about a republican politician. there's nothing going on in the republican party a -- >> greg: then you call him a nazi. a kid that gets trashed -- >> jessica: maybe because he had a swastika flag. >> greg: some of the media are marvelling at shirtless joe. i'm glad he did it at a beach and not at a restaurant that he thought was a beach. >> jesse: it's a low bar, this proves i'm not a republican hack. he looked great. how old is he? 80 years old. he looked trim, he looks good. it was staged, but i hope i look like that when i'm 80 years old. you said he looks like everyday americans. i don't want that. he looks like my dad. i don't want him to sit on the beach with a book. or last time he was at the beach, he passed out in the sun. show me a little vigor. go body surfing like obama. i mean, trump just hit a nine iron about six feet from the pin on the ninth whole over the weekend. >> jessica: you want to see trump with his shirt off? >> jesse: i do not. i don't want to see anybody with his shirt off except r.f.k.j. and greg. obviously this was staged. he had lotion hanging all over and a lounge chair he counts carry two weeks ago. do a little more than this. this guy dean running, never heard of him. good-bye. nobody is afraid of dean, not even dean's wife. widespread cover-up going on with joe biden. he's dropping campaign finance charges against mini after they bought the separate for him and trying to arrest his political opponent. the fact that he's tied with trump shows the trouble he's in. >> greg: i have a question on you, somebody that worked in the white house. can the secret service dress in beach wear? >> dana: a polo short and khakis. you do want to blend in. it's hard to with dark sunglasses. >> greg: if somebody that is drowning that isn't the president, do they act or let him drown? >> dana: your first and foremost is to the president. but if somebody were drowning, they would try to help. i was going to say, i'm often very comfortable with congress being in recess and presidents being away. that means they're not issuing executive orders to make things more expensive for you like banning gas burning stoves. you remember when john kerry was in the wind surf. ? he was out there wind surfing. it was august, late july. that became the campaign -- do you want this guy to be your president? this is what he's spending his time doing? being relatable. being at the beach is. but the cbs poll put him at his lowest rating including his handling of the economy. there was a democrat this weekend trying to tell people you will accept how great in economy is because you will do it. like -- they're not trying to persuade. they're telling people that they're wrong. i think that that will be a big problem. the last thing is cnbc said 61% of americans are living paycheck to paycheck. if you're sitting on a beach when you want to win, i get it. taking a week off. but you have to show vigor on the campaign trail when you fet back. >> greg: the beach, another thing the democrats have ruined. probably won't do back again because of this event. all right. up next, the ncaa ripping liberal policies saying it's not racist to be anti-crime. ♪ ♪ >> katie: the oakland chapter of the naacp is fed up with the anarchy created by the city's soft on crime policies. they're calling for a state of emergency. the anti-police rhetoric has created an open haven for criminals. in july alone, oakland has seen a 15% increase in violent crime compared to last year and residents are sick of it. >> how do we stop this hamster wheel of crime? that's the question. >> drive around and pick a victim. you know, it's getting scary. >> what are we doing to address this? how do we solve this? nobody feels safe. >> katie: jesse, the naacp stopped short of calling defunding the place but they engaged that led to the exact thing. now they have the problems. >> jesse: oakland naccp -- wait. is it's ncaa -- >> greg: you're confusing it with an insurance commercial. >> jesse: liberty, liberty. they wanted to redirect money from the police now they're begging for the police to save their lives. san francisco did the same thing. now instead of fighting crime, they're locking up ice cream. same thing happened in philadelphia. now people are walking around with flesh-eating viruses. now it's like a slumber party on the sidewalk here in new york city. there's prostitution in queens like amsterdam. the mayor says we don't want to be a sanctuary city. did you know the mexican golf is issuing a travel advisory for mexicans? warning them that washington d.c. is dangerous? so these democrats are destroys the cities. when people put up their hands, they'll talk about reparations. the only person they're basically prosecuting is trump. >> katie: isn't this the way this has to happen with the local communities going to the meetings saying change it? >> dana: how many meetings have you been to? it takes a lot to get people to go to a meeting and they'll be on camera and saying they're fearful thor their lives and the lives of their children and also their property values are in the tank. they're looking at retirement funds, kids education funds going down. plus, we did a story last week that still has my mind reeling. in 2020 before the hand, the chronic absenteeism rated in baltimore county schools is 23%. guess what it is today? it's 58%. okay? you take that, plus the fact you have youth violence and the same thing in baltimore. black citizens saying we need to be tougher on crime. i think the more you see the local people yelling at their local officials that you might be able to effect some change. they have to keep it up. jessica? >> katie: your thoughts on this process? >> jessica: consequences for actions. definitely. i don't think it's a straight line for 2020. these are problems that have gone back further than that. this is a much longer trend line than george floyd is murdered and now these cities are cess pools. this is not the promise of liberalism. that's what the voters are saying. they're not saying i'm a republican now. they're note going vote for a republican but they want democrats that will talk about the real issues that are confronting them daily. that's how you win back your seats. the four seats here in new york is because of crime. i talked to lee zeldin when he was here about this. he said i just had to show up at these meetings and people poured out their concerns. did all of them vote for me? absolutely not. they wanted a conversation that democrats weren't open to. with defund the police, it's one of these moments and theres a flu flash point issues where this happens where the activist class is not speaking the same language as the regular people. i don't go to a lot of city council meetings but i know people that live in cities. not a single one of them said i want to defund the police or i want to take away their resources. the activist class needs to get on the same page. >> katie: is there a direct line between summer of 2020 to the crime now? i'd say there is. >> greg: i think so. when you started to point it out, they would link the rise in crime to lockdowns. there was evidence there maybe, but when the lockdowns were over, the crime was never worse. got worse. it's not like the crime went away. what is frustrating, you were called racist. who were the truly racist people, the people conflating law and order with whiteness and crime to blackness. it's not us. republicans or conservatives. that was the hard left. it's a circular argument that prevents solutions. defunding the police affects minorities. their neighborhoods get hit the worst. point that out that blacks are the victims, you'll be deemed racist. that mere observation is a problem. that prevents is so-called conversation. everybody wants to have it. we just need a conversation. can't have a conversation on crime because the left through the prism of identity politics made it beyond seeing the pigment. the pigment matters with criminals. but not the victims. at least be consistent. >> katie: we'll tell you about cardi b. next. ♪ ♪ >> jessica: musicians have had it with unruly fans. cardi b. hurling a microphone in to the crowd after someone threw a drink at her mid performance. ♪ >> jessica: however, there's some controversy. new video shows the rapper encouraging fans to throw water on her during her performance. this isn't the first altercation with artists on stage. tim mcgraw says enough is enough. >> it's terrible. you can injure something. you can miss and hit somebody in the audience and injure somebody. i'm used to soft goods being thrown at me. that's fine. >> jessica: jesse, do you a breakdown of the cardi b. incident? >> jesse: free cardi b. assault charges for a microphone throw? come on. that's not a mace. if someone is throwing water at you and maybe she did ask for it earlier, but that looked like a district hit to the eye. when you are lip syncing, you cannot afford any distractions. you have to commit to the lip sync. water in the eye can be damaging. what if she had contact lenses. if i'm giving a speech and someone hurling water at me and i'm temporarily blinded, i'm not giving 100% to the audience. ke >> jessica: what do you think about this trend? >> dana: i didn't know she asked water for her to be thrown at her. when somebody hits you, you automatically react. i feel that's what happened here. i asked chat gbt can you guy from someone throwing a microphone at your hit. turns out, it's true. >> jesse: she doesn't have a good arm. i don't like people throwing things. there has to be big consequences like big fines or check in your phone, leave your phone. >> jesse: so people listen to the music and not videotape the concert? >> dana: that would be such punishment. if you're lip syncing, you shouldn't give away your phone. >> jessica: is it official that what she was lip sync something. >> jesse: i heard the lyrics after the mic was out of her hand? >> jessica: superior there going to be artist unity about such an issue? >> greg: i hope so. it's an issue dear to my heart about a decade now. >> jessica: you requested this topic. >> greg: it's one of my top charities devoted to celebrities hit by water. they don't like their stories being told. you get hit with a paper cup of water, you have nightmares. i do work with the pop stars of attack. it's a lot of work. the bottom line really here, if you were throwing things, they're not going to let you have things anymore. you can't have nice things if you throw things around. imagine being at a cardi b. show without any alcohol. i was there in vegas helping her through this rough event. i fly private now. i can go wherever i want. she did ask for the water. she was planning on giving that to an undernourished orphan. again, everything about this is false and lies. >> katie: jesse just revealeded his big weakness. i want to know if he's come to your therapy session. >> jesse: greg works with me pro bono. >> katie: you don't want to admit anything? >> jesse: nobody has thrown anything at me. >> greg:s that not true. >> jesse: i was across the street. i've had a beer dumped on me in the subway and i believe a vodka soda thrown at my face at a bar across the street. i was temporarily blinded by the tonic. >> katie: that's a bummer. >> greg: this is something that we have to fight against. we have to get out there and let people know this is happening. all we hear habit is death, suffering about war. we're the real victims. >> jesse: first cardi and waters. next gutfeld. >> jessica: a man spends thousands turning himself in to a dog. that and more in the fastest coming up next. ♪ i've struggled with generalized myasthenia gravis. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants' ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. most participants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. and your vyvgart treatment schedule is designed just for you. in a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. available as vyvgart for iv infusion and now as vyvgart hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. goli, taste your goals. ♪ >> jesse: welcome back. time for the fastest. first up, a man's transformed himself in to a dog. after spending over $14,000 to create a custom border collie costume. the man says the k-9 suit has helped him leave out his dream of becoming an animal. greg, do you believe the story? >> greg: yes, i believe it and i salute the person for chasing his dream. if you want to be a dog, you have a right to be a dog. if pronounces could be here boy, why can't he identify as a dog? green men identified dressing up as little girls and getting paid. the question is how open minded are other dogs? will these dogs let this dog participate in real dog sports in his species might afford him disadvantages that other dogs don't have. can they hang out together before the game or after? will they have separate dresses rooms? >> jesse: will they have bigoted dressing rooms? >> greg: how do you know? >> jesse: how dare you, katie? >> greg: it's a noon binary collie. >> katie: it's a dog, first of all. we're in new york. it's a costume. it's not a real transformation. >> greg: aren't we all wearing a costume? >> jesse: are you saying he's changed his biology? >> katie: there's no surgery here. it's not in the notes. it's not in the story. >> jesse: what about you, jessica? you support this transition? >> jesse: i was relieved. at first i thought there was a transition that somehow he had had a surgery of some kind to try to become a dog. and then when it was a costume, i was relieved. >> dana: same. i was scrolling through instagr instagram. they kept referring to a story. i didn't want to click on it. i'll take a break. i can't believe someone had surgery to become a dog. it's a $14,000 costume. i don't know if it was worth the money. >> jesse: like a heidi klum halloween outfit. you're an animal. one more thing is next. ♪ nothing to lose. it will help a lot of people that can't afford expensive hearing aids. >> stop missing out on important conversations or wasting thousands of dollars on expensive hearing aids. order now and you'll get to know your hearing aids with a portable charging case. free shipping. free lifetime. u.s. based audiologist support and a 45 day risk free trial for only $299. supplies are limited, so don't delay. better hearing is just a phone call away. call 845 1700. that's 845. >> 1700. even if you're careful, there are more ways than ever for identity thieves to steal your information. >> lifelock alerts you to threats. you could miss if your identity is stolen. a dedicated restoration specialist will help fix it. backed by our million dollar protection package. lifelock identity theft protection starts here next year. i mean, is a demon a predator that ruined families? this investigation is far from over. hunting the long island serial killer hosted by nate boyd. >> streaming now on fox nationa . it's time now for one more thing. and i have beer "one m i haven so excited for my. one more thing. i'll take this. bear with me. okay. me.n to a li've been to a lot os family concerts, but the gravel and gold concert the last thursy in holmdel, new jersey, was amazing. he played sunsets in colorado,>> which for mom. that one was for you. and then this happened on the stagerado f. >> i, my friends who are here t tonight. dana perino is here. thank you, dana. >> and my friend apologized forb screaming into the phone, which ruined the video. but there's a group shot. jennifer and brian pickens down was there, peter. and then that's dirks bentley and lauren fritz . from and jordan davis was the opener. and it was it was a fun, wonderful time. soly recomoing t on a high from. i highly recommend going to that concert if you can. >> greg, you're such a groupie. totally. by the way>>, thanks to rich. if you want to donate to attack ,attack. >> that's all things thrown at crooners. go to my. >> okay. tonight we have jamie, lissauer and perrine. paul morrow, kat timpf is going to be a great show, great monday. molook at tht these wonderful pictures. i went to providence and did a live show on saturday that sht was in rhode island, probably my one of my favorite shows of all time.. 10,000 people, maybe not, but close. ge you get folks there. >> this is a great look, my fans. oh, that's me. but thosy do e are my feet. that's my dog there. john thompson. lou's asleep. my siste es fasr. t th >> sister? yeah, that goes fast with these pictures. i have some great fans. look at that lady. look at the other lady. and if you want to go. by the way, i ha. greatr d great burgern brew there with the union station brewery. tation >> the most. the providence. you know, it's okay, but unionry station brewery. all right, september, look at this. redding, p.a readin., the king of late night. i got jamie lewis out. jim nortonow, ji, joe mckee, nick depaulo. september 16th redding, p.a.. >> it's going to be ugly. it's going be doubt. >> you got bill mays. i'm going to forego my one>> more thing. i will plug my show, but i need to address something. okay jesm going . >> i'll get to you in a second. i'm skipping. i'm skipping. i'm sorry, greg, you haveyou a throne? yeah. is this a backstage situatiohave for photo ops? yes. okay, so i figured it out. he doesn't want to be shorter thansnthan eve comes u everybod, so he just sits on the throne, and then everybodys up and comed and takes off. >> i never do stand up. that's what happens. never have to stan d a lazy son of a. >> are you promoting your show just for the prime time? inside the devin archer testimony at eight. i apologize. >> you just got your turn.>> than jesk you.ance teenage jets fan got the chance to meet the player whose nfl draft pick he announced in april. kyle stickles is a bone cancer survivor as well as a diehard football fan. greg, i hear you. heavy breathing. it's a nice thing. the make-a-wish program granted his wish of announcing jets. jets draft breathih pick.n well, mcdonnell stickles brought so much energy to the shoun patrick mahomesll shouted out he finally got to hang out with well on the practice field that eve n got some pictures and autographs. >> love that kid. yeah. right. kati >> je? all right. there was a big bad storm the rolled through d.c. in northern virginiaie: bim thar the weekend. bad damage, lots of trees down. the le's houses were pummelepeo their cars. and i just want to say thank you to all the utility workersyy who i saw driving around in their trucks, working all night long, up all dayh to get mostly everybody's power restored in 24 hours or less. >> it wa os such a relief to get out of that big storm. yes. thank you very much to all the hard workershere. out there. yes. well, we have 10 seconds, so will say this very slow. >> that's it for us. forev >> have a greaert night. >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonight. >> if you're a rat and i'm>> the biggest mutt, mr. we as a mafia, a family insider flips on the big guy. >> get out of the president has to sooner or later, consequences catch up to you and find out the hunter becomes the hunter. >> and hey, look at biden.e hund >> look, we got here

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, Tank , Children , Property , Values , Kids Education Funds , Hand , Schools , Absenteeism , Baltimore County , 23 , 58 , Citizens , Officials , Youth Violence , Baltimore , Consequences , Line , Change , Thoughts , Actions , Process , Trend Line , Promise , Cess Pools , George Floyd , Voters , Vote , Republican , Liberalism , Lee Zeldin , Seats , Conversation , Activist Class , With Defund The Police , Flash Point , Language , Flu , Democrats Weren T Open To , I Don T Go , City Council , Resources , Lockdowns , Page , Rise , Racist , Got Worse , Conservatives , Solutions , Defunding , Left , Whiteness , Blackness , Victims , Everybody , Neighborhoods , Observation , Worst , Blacks , Minorities , Pigment , Identity Politics , Prism , Cardi B Next , Musicians , Fans , Microphone , Performance , Cardi B Hurling A , Crowd , Drink , Video , Controversy , Rapper , Isn T The First Altercation With Artists On Stage , Audience , Goods , Tim Mcgraw , Cardi B Incident , Breakdown , Assault Charges , Microphone Throw , Fine , Mace , Come On , Cardi B , Lip Sync , Lip Syncing , District Hit , Eye , Distractions , The Eye , Hurling , Contact Lenses , Speech , Ke Jessica , Trend , 100 , Hit , Chat Gbt , She Doesn T , Arm , Fines , Concert , Videotape , Music , Punishment , Artist , Heart , Unity , Mic , Lyrics , Superior , Charities , Stories , Celebrities , Topic , Attack , Nightmares , Paper Cup , Pop Stars , Bottom Line , Alcohol , Vegas , Cardi B Show , Ask , Orphan , Lies , Me Pro Bono , Therapy Session , His Big Weakness , Jesse Just Revealeded , Beer , Face , Vodka Soda , Subway , The Street , Tonic , Habit , Bummer , Suffering , War , Dog , Man , Waters , Adults , Picture , Vyvgart , Positive , Myasthenia Gravis , Participants , Activities , Muscle Weakness , Ability , Vyvgart Treatment Schedule , Clinical Trial , Gmg Treatment , Side Effects , Infection , Infections , Risk , Headache , Study , Symptoms , Doctor , Respiratory Tract Infections , Injection Site Reactions , Subcutaneous Injection , Neurologist , Vyvgart Hytrulo , Goals , Goli , Spending , Up , 4000 , 14000 , Animal , Dream , Suit , Border Collie Costume , K 9 , 9 , Right , Men , Girls , Species , Dresses Rooms , Real Dog Sports , Dressing Rooms , Noon Binary Collie , How Dare You , Costume , Transformation , Transition , Surgery , Notes , Biology , Break , Instagr Instagram , Heidi Klum , Halloween Outfit , Hearing Aids , Hearing , Charging , Lifetime , Audiologist , Case , Support , Trial , Supplies , Shipping , Don T Delay , 99 , 45 , 299 , Identity Thieves , Call , Ways , 1700 , 845 , Restoration Specialist , Identity , Information , Threats , Lifelock , Identity Theft Protection , Fix It , Families , Demon A , Protection Package , Predator , Mi Haven , Long Island Serial Killer , Nate Boyd , Fox Nationa , Os Family Concerts , Gravel , Bear , Thursy , Li , Mom , Me N , New Jersey , Holmdel , Colorado , Stagerado F I , Sunsets , Friends , Friend , Forb Screaming , Group Shot , Jennifer , Here T Tonight , Pickens Down , Brian , Opener , Groupie , Thanks , Soly Recomoing T On A High , Jordan Davis , Peter , Dirks Bentley , Lauren Fritz , Great Monday , Crooners , Paul Morrow , Lissauer , Perrine , Kat Timpf , Molook , Jamie Lewis Out , Pictures , Look , Shows , Folks , Sht , Time , Rhode Island , Saturday , Ge , 10000 , Lady , Burgern Brew , There , Brewery , Sister , Union Station , Lou , My Siste , Thosy , John Thompson , Es Fasr , T Th , Greatr D , Tation , Most , King , Late Night , Station Brewery , Providence , Unionry , Redding , P A Readin , Jim Nortonow , Ji , Nick Depaulo , Joe Mckee , Show , Doubt , September 16th Redding , Jesm Going , P A , Bill Mays , September 16th , Throne , U Everybod , Yes , Photo Ops , Stan Da Lazy Son Of A , Stand Up , Backstage Situatiohave , Ance Teenage Jets Fan , Player , Chance , Devin Archer Testimony At Eight , Nfl , Jesk , Draft Pick , Breathih Pick N Well , Breathing , Wish , Bone Cancer Survivor , Football Fan , Jets , Draft , Program , Kyle Stickles , Shoun , Mcdonnell Stickles , Patrick Mahomesll , Le , Practice Field , Autographs , Trees , Damage , Lots , Big Bad Storm , Bim Thar The Weekend , Houses , Eve N , Kati Je , Northern Virginiaie , Pummelepeo , Utility Workersyy , Storm , Relief , Cars , Trucks , Dayh , It Wa Os , 24 , Prime Time , Hard Workershere , Forev Have A Greaert Night , 10 , Rat , Family Insider , Cities Th , Mutt , Biden E Hund Look ,

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