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They smelled. They had cars parked on their front lawn and their pictures were on the post office wall more than their High School Year books. They thought they were the [bleep]. But you knew no matter what like an sand l sketch it wasnt going to end well. For them or anyone dumb enough to get involved with them. What happens when that trashy family ends up living at 1600 pennsylvania . Yeah. [cheers and applause] yeah. The biden family makes the clintons look like the wal tons. So lets start with the thief in dad, friday he finally acknowledged his seventh granddaughter with london roberts, this aftering avoiding her like she was kamala harris. For some reason it came in an exclusive statement to People Magazine making it their best scoop since they discovered the Love Child Hi with angela lansbury. She was a hell of an animal. But heres what he said to a doozy back in 2019. Mr. Vicepresident im wondering if you have a comment this report and court filing that your son hunter made you a grandfather again . No, thats a private matter i dont have a comment. And only you would ask that. Youre a good man, good man. Classy. Greg classy. Yeah, classy like denying a kids existens for four years. Keep in mind the bidens put up christmas stockings for their pets and not worn for this poor little brat. I mean that affectionately. Im sorry but the only class joe knows are the ones he lied about finishing at the top of. Joes been stealing other peoples material for so long, abe lincoln sent him a cease and sdichlt joes pen shanty for plagiarism started in lawsuit where he admitted to lifting tire passages, syracuse punished him by giving him an f and making him retake the class. Thats right. He was left back in law school. I didnt know that was possible. This would be the law school where joe says he finished in the top half. But it says he finished 76 out of 85. So apparently he sucks at math, too. Raises the question, what kind of dope would finish behind a doofus like joe . [laughter] greg unnecessary, but why not, its monday. Back in 1988 joes first president ial bid crateered when he claimed his ancestors worked in coal mine and came up and played football. Turns out they were ancestors of a different family, one if britain and football called soccer, a foot they leave to children and lady people. I didnt make the rules. No bidens ever worked in the coal mines although once joe did stay in a basement for three months, so maybe that counts. [laughter] [cheers and applause] greg joe also claimed i have to his helicopter forced down by al qaeda sot at in iraq and arrested in civil rights demonstrations including trying to visit Nelson Mandela in jail. To be fair, he did Think Mandela was corn pop. All those claims turned out to be as genuine as joes teeth. Last week dr. Jill bidens exhusband Bill Stevenson went puck stating his brother frank threatened that if jill didnt get the house in their divorce, Stevenson Would face serious problems. But he hung on to the house and then was hit with tax charges in delaware, in delaware, a few months later. This would be the same frank biden who, by the way has been busted for dui, driving without a license and shoplifting dvds from a florida video shop. Let me guess it was god fathers 13. Then of course bidens other brother jim, part of the famous Business Team of jim and hunter. Hunters laptop the filthiest thing since charlie sheens toilet seat reveals that uncle jims always been part of the game. In 2018 as hunters dealings with the chinese oil became public, uncle jim was frantically texting hunter to call him and help him play out these deals. According to the Washington Post the Chinese Communist oil firm paid hunter and his uncle nearly five million in just over a year. I wonder what hunter did with all that money. Im sure he invested it wisely in stocks although according to his laptop pics this by had more pipes in his mouth than an indian chief. Native american. Of course uncle jim and hunter know about as much about oil as kat does about iron curls. And her family was arrested for dui driving without a license and Felony Shoplifting at nyc is that now some kind of family tradition. Hey, whos stealing the thanksgiving turkey this year, kids . Shes also been arrested for attacking police and resisting arrest. She looks adorable. Not to be outdone joe bidens own daughter ashley has a rap sheet for Drug Possession and attempting to interfere with cops while making an arrest in a brawl. And then theres hunter. This shows only an hour. So forget about that chinese oil deal with uncle jim or the burisma deal in which he had another oil company, ukrainian paid him millions for his non nonexpertise and forget months cows mayor sent him upwards of A Hundred Million over the years. Yeah, and trumps an agent of russia. Forget the drugs and prostitutes. Wow if i had a nickel every time i said that. But heres a guy who took up with his dead brothers exwife who he promptly cheated on, denied fathering a baby he knew was his and forced that babys mother to accept a few of his crap painting as Child Support when John Wayne Gacys art was far better. Even denied the kid use of his name, which given his familys history, may be the one break this kid has gotten. [cheers and applause] greg i wonder what joe thinks. No, no, no, look. Look, i know about this girl. I just lost track, thats all. Six, seven. I dont know much about hunters professional or private life. I mean, i run into his on a golf course every once in a while, thats about it. But, no, no, shes great. And i hope this kid comes to visit at the white house. Ill find her a job to do. You know, if i stumble getting off a plane, you know, maybe she could help out. You know, that will be her job. Visiting grandchild shell pick you up off the tarmac period greg lets welcome tonights guests. If youre afraid of crowds, spread out and get comfy at one of his shows. Actor, writer and comedian jamie lissow [cheers and applause] greg her Communication Skills give liberals the chills, Communications Director at never back down Packet Erin Perrine [cheers and applause] greg this ex cop did everything by the book. Unfortunately that book was, are you there god, its me margaret. Founder of the ops desk. Org paul mauro [cheers and applause] greg and, finally, shes like a zipper, people tend to notice her when shes down. Fox news contributor, kat timpf [cheers and applause] greg jamie, want to point out first that you and i will be performing together in reading pennsylvania on september 16th. You can go to ggutfeld, going to be me and you and nick and paul norton and joe mackey. Its going to be fun despite having you there. Which ironic to me is that hunters child wanted to be known as hunters child. But your children tell everyone that their dad is dead. I dont know if thats ironic, just something to point out to make me feel better. Jamie yeah. I think its always sad. You know, i all the joe lies youre going through, dont you think biden didnt count on verification by google . Like, do you know what i mean . Like google put a lot of [bleep] out of business. You could say whatever you wanted back then. I did a deep dive on this on hunter, isnt it fun when youre reading about hunter, they said the mom of the child was a dancer . Greg right jamie isnt it fun when you read something about hunter and it says the mom is a dancer, you dont go, oh, ballet . Its for sure a stripper. Ironically her Finishing Move was the nutcracker. [cheers and applause] greg see, with your jokes theres always this urge to step in, you know, in the middle of it but it takes forever because its always worth it. Jamie oh, thank you. Thank you sort of. [laughter] jamie i mean, i was thinking about, this is the president he calls seven, well six or seven grandchildren, he says he calls his grandchildren every day, i was thinking hes got time for that, man, because theyre all going to voice mail. Quicker. Greg i dont interrupt. Erin why do you think he decided to acknowledge the grand child . Anything to do with polling . Erin certainly speculation, not a good look, he built this political ideology and people believed hes this great family man, this great grandfather and then hes got this secret seventh child hell never acknowledge but really they hit the trifecta on a political news dump, a friday afternoon in the summer and hes headed out for a beach vacation. Hes not going to have to take questions on this for ten days while hes gone. So this was just them yet again trying to sweep this under the rug. Im sure the polling doesnt look good when you have a denied a grandchild for four years. Cant imagine anyones super supportive on that. Greg yeah, going to the beach while you let that kid swelter in some ungodly basement. I made all that up we dont know if thats true but i look i can to think that. Paul, monologue was pretty vong tonight i felt. Paul i thought so. Greg yeah. We found out today joe was in on all those phone calls with his son and they claim, people say theyre only talking about the weather when he would bring his dad into the phone calls. What do you make of that . When you were a cop and you were in meetings, did other Police Officers ever go, hold on, can my dad come in and talk to you . Paul yeah, let me call my dad. Were negotiating a plea, dad are you free. Greg yeah. The commissioner is really mad at me dad. Paul he killed his whole family buried them in the backyard but maybe you can talk to this guy. 20 times no less . First of all devon archer didnt kill himself, okay, lets get to that now, because he buried them. Everybody saying they need a witness who can say they were there and he point blank witnessed it. Lets cut to the bottom. Joe biden, our president , has a real estate portfolio roughly equivalent to the British Royal family and hes been a career civil servient. And you have to say to yourself how dos that happen and then you say why does that matter to us aside from the integrity issues and everything else. You have the burisma thats ukraine, he comes back from ukraine, he says im going to go after the prosecutor and gets the prosecutor fired. Hundred Million Dollars coming from the mayors wife in moscow, that oligarch never sanctioned. Right . The chinese situation, the oil thing. When you say to yourself, i dont understand why cant we be a little tougher on china, theres your answer. And thats why it matters. Not because of the money and everything else, sure that matters. But what really matters is were all getting screwed because hes supposed to be looking out for us and that isnt our policy thats his policy, thats his familys policy. Thats the problem. Greg and, to your point, who did they keep saying was russia, russia, russia, was trump, and here they have a hundred Million Dollars from the spouse of a mayor . Paul and where did it go on the laptop hes always crying poverty. You can buy a lot of track with not that i would know. Erin hes trying to renegotiate his payments for Child Support now as well. Greg yeah you have to bury that you cant brag about that money if you want to take it from your kid. So kat, paul makes a good point about how how a Civil Servant will end up richer than all of us will ever be as a Civil Servant and the whole point was using that to get rich. Arent you mad . Kat yes. Always. Well, thats like a huge part of the government. I mean, same thing with want me to list everybodys name in the government, we dont have time for that. But the grandchild thing, look, i would never deny any of my grandchildren no matter how much they suck, because you cant thats not something you can do. And also, the grandkids whose parents are addicts, a lot of times the grandparents take care of them. I know this because i watch a lot of intervention and a lot of those grandparents have a lot fewer resources than the leader of the free world. So i just dont understand why it took so long because i dont know how you wouldnt care, but lets say you dont. If youve been in politics this long shouldnt you be better at pretending to care by now . Greg thats true. Youre like the mr. Olympia of being phoney. Your muscles for lying must be massive kat yes, just pretend at least but couldnt be bothered to do that. Greg i would definitely recognize my grandchildren but not the children. Just skip em. [laughter] greg just deny but then recognize the grandchildren just to pissoff the rotten kids that i have. That ive yet to have. Still deciding. Not sure. All right, before we go, as i mentioned ive got a few extra friends and Guest Comedians on my next stop including sha lieu, list ow, morton mackey depaul 0. This is like an all star. Sent 16th Reading Pa go to ggutfeld. Com for ticket info. Up next crime and filth are fine but not elons sign. [cheers and applause] if youll be in the new york area and would like free tickets to see gutfeld, go to foxnews. Com gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. Let me put a reminder on my phone. On the top of the pile oh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin . For softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free gentle downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. The towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. Try downy free gentle. Remember the things you loved doing. Before your asthma got in the way . Get back to the things you love. With fasenra. Fasenra is an addon treatment for eosinophilic asthma. Having too many eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, can cause inflammation and asthma symptoms. Fasenra is designed to target and remove eosinophils and helps prevent Asthma Attacks. Fasenra is 1 dose every 8 weeks. Fasenra can help patients to breathe better. Most patients did not have an Asthma Attack in the first year. And fasenra helps lower the use of oral steroids. Fasenra is not for sudden Breathing Problems or other eosinophilic conditions. Allergic reactions may occur. Dont stop your Asthma Treatments without talking with your doctor. Tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. Headache and sore throat may occur. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. Get back to better breathing. And get back to your life. Ask your doctor about fasenra. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. cheers and applause . Greg thank you. Thank you, keep it going. Thats good, thats good. Okay. They can rob, assault and burglar eyes cars but elons ex goes too far. San francisco officials filed a Complaint Against can exert and investigating this big bright x sign to the roof which used to be the social media companys headquarters in downtown for a possible permit violation. What does the x mean . No its not marking the only spot in town that hasnt been pooped on, yet. Its part of elon musks rebranding of twitter to the new company x. Its like new coke for people too young to remember new coke. What is that . I bought it. People had stopped installation last monday, but the sign still popped up by friday. And evidently the glare from the x was distracting to residents who were only trying to defecate in the street. Of course, Police Stopped it because if theres anything police have in San Francisco, its a lot of free time. And this morning the sign was taken down. But maybe authorities shouldnt be focused on more pressing issues like, you know, maybe the homeless. You know its bad when people in tents are reporting home invasions. Of course, theres the crime, even murderers are moving out because they dont feel safe. Poor guys. Homicides are up 23 from last year. Theyre actually running low on potential victims. Robberies are up 13 . Hard to believe theres anything left to steal. And auto theft is up 10. 5 . But instead, san fran targets elons sign. Officials say replacing or installing a giant one on top requires a permit, ironically something that doesnt require a permit . Taking a dump on the sidewalk. No wonder theyre doing it. Paul, youre a Law Enforcement dude. Paul rumor has it. Greg yes. Is this like just not ever going to turn around . Is it hopeless . I mean, you were here for youre in your almost early 70s. They didnt even laugh, paul. Paul thanks a lot folks. Greg that was amazing. They thought that i was telling the truth. Paul yeah, they did. Greg but you were here when giuliani turned things around. Is that possible . Paul no, it is a not possible. I dont know what happens in San Francisco. The bigger problem here is that all of the major cities around the country which are dem run look at this and say hey that looks like a good idea following the exact same policy. Philadelphia, new yorks getting there, memphis, baltimore, chicago, you can go on. And theyre all following the same path. And, you know, when you see cities prioritizing taking down letters off the top of a building when the Crime Numbers are what you saw there, you know, obviously its not going to end well. Heres the real problem. We need musk, and im afraid hes sliding into the a business. We dont need him rebranding. First of all you cant say i xed that at you. What was wrong with tweet . What is he changing that for . Heres why. We need him to hold the line on social media and we need him to kick zuckerbergs ass. Greg yeah. So someone was pointing this out to me. That, okay, when you pronounce x when its in the front of something, president xi. Xi. Greg so if you werent on twitter it would be called yeah, in shanghai. I dont think that applies here. [bleep] greg come on, how many people tweet on the toilet. So, kat, obviously i went there kat so glad you did. Greg yeah. You know the one thing though. What people dont realize is that crime could be worse if it wasnt for the potency of the drugs because what people are seeing right now, i think in San Francisco and especially philly and our streets of new york if anybody walking around, the danger of getting mugged is far less because the drugs incapacitate or kill the people on them. Its like a zombie, its zombie land. Anyway, not so much a question as it is an Observation Kat well the downers at least. Greg the downers kat the tweakers are a different story. Greg i dont see many tweaking i only see the downers kat hard to take pictures of the tweakers theyre running around all over the place. Greg theyre very fast kat this doesnt surprise me this is an opportunity for the government to make money. This is the stuff they always go after. I had plates on my Car Living One place to another place and they were following me, she still has these plates we have to get them back. I was like no i keep visiting. Which was a lie obviously. But they got me but you might have giving them an idea, like they might start requiring permits for dumping on the street. Its a business opportunity. Thats why they care, because he didnt get the perfect mitts and they can get more money off of him thats why theyre making it a priority. Greg you have vendors in new york selling hotdogs, not very good hotdogs lets be honest but theyre called street dogs, dirty dogs. Paul dirty water dogs, yeah. Greg why dont they have vendors selling mini rolls of todd piro and bags. Erin because its still going to be all over the street theres just going to be toilet paper with it. Thats not really addressing the issue. [laughter] [cheers and applause] greg you know, i was told theres no such thing as a bad idea. [laughter] jamie that used to be a saying until you said that thing about the toilet paper. [laughter] greg what is the solution, erin perrine . Erin it is to crack down down on crime so that tyou know, the bureaucrats and the regulators who are climbing up there and ripping down the x off the top of the building dont look like theyre doing something theyre not supposed to be doing. If you handled the Crime Problem maybe you could hate the flack are regulators going up there and taking down a big x but its great marketing. Were all talking about it. If elon did anything hes rebranding but theres an entire conversation about the fact he put a giant x on the building and San Francisco still has a massive Crime Problem. Greg yeah. So jamie you would love to take down your x. Jamie yeah. [laughter] jamie thats good. I havent seen an x taken down that fast since my divorce. Thats pretty good. [laughter] jamie they would have left it if he had just written excrement. They dont touch that in San Francisco. Greg that is true. Jamie is it not a little weird though . Elon just [bleep] yesterday that elon tweeted yesterday, everyones moving out of San Francisco. Were not going to were going to stay and then they do this. Thats the part i dont understand. I feel like they need him. I was just in San Francisco and there was a sign that said if you see Something Like suspicious you should say something, and i called right away, i was like, dude, theres a guy and hes pooping in a toilet. [laughter] greg did they send somebody . Jamie yeah. I go, i dont think hes from around here. Greg thats isnt it. Jamie i think so. Greg all right, good. I always like to check. You never know. All right, up next, why teen boys are liening right and sex robots that could cost a price. 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Put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. Ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. Mock it and move on. Greg time for mock it and move on. First up, a recent survey finds that 12th grade boys, arent they all . Are twice as likely to identify as conservative versus liberal. Erin, what say you . Erin its good to see that anybody is identifying as a conservative when its so easy to be attacked for being a conservative. This doesnt surprise me especially when you look at women and the work that the left has done to really vilify republicans and abortion. So this, you know, to see younger moving one way and younger guys going the other doesnt surprise me. Greg kat two part question a, were you political in high school, and, b, were you also a boy . Kat yes, i was political. No, i was not a boy. [laughter] kat is that it . Is that why im is that why im sitting here . Is that why i got out of bed and took a shower today, to ask me if i used to be a boy. Okay, so this survey, more of them actually said they werent either liberal or conservative so were seeing a huge rise of independents. Greg interesting. Paul, what say you . Paul well, as a 70yearold, thinking back, listen, 12, 13yearold boys are walking bags of hormones. That defines all of their decisions. When youre that age and youre being told dont chase girls, become one, its not surprising theyre being pushed to the right. Greg that is true. Unless you became one in order to get them. Paul dont think too hard. Greg yeah. Jamie, do you have boys . Jamie i have two boys. Greg yes. What are their names not what their names i dont want them stalked, especially by me. How old are they . Jamie theyre 14 and snipe 14 and nine. Excellent. Jamie yeah. Yeah. I was a boy in high school. [laughter] jamie is it possible some of these guys are conservative because people are like, its not that i cant get laid its my conservative values. Im waiting until im married. Greg it might also be that theyre just, you know, smart, jamie. Jamie right. Yeah, that also. Yeah. Uhhuh. Its weird you wait to get married to have sex and then you get married and you stop when do you have sex . Greg approximately 18 months. All right next a woman is getting praised for refusing to give up her first class seat from seattle to paris to a mom who wanted to sit closer to her child. Kat, i might point out that the seat was also in first class, so i hate all of these people kat i dont know if this is true at all but im going to go with it. Someone said that the kid was 13, too. Greg thats not a kid pal with woman i know. I was at the airport a couple weeks ago and there was a long line for Baggage Claim and this lady goes im with a minor, i need to go first, i look back and theres Somebody Standing behind her a few feet, mom stop im 17. So i started shouting shes 17. So the guy in front of migos, i listed in the marine corps at 17. And guess wa they still let her go first. So, no, its important to tell these people no. They never hear no. A few months away from 18 is not a minor. Greg yeah. They take advantage of all. Jamie kat we all have things to do all here because we have somewhere to be. Greg they slither jamie when people get on these planes everybody goes ahead of you, especially you because youre like the worst. You are a a white male comedian traveling alone. No one wants to be near you. Jamie yeah. They go like, they go like, oh, well, plant number better than you. And then, a, b, c, e. And then they go, come on, jamie. [laughter] jamie they use my name as the last. Greg i know. Jamie. Jamie i hate when i goat on a flight and theres babies in first class. You ever see it. Like i want to be the only baby in first class. I had a kid sit in the middle seat next to me and i was on the aisle. And so the whole flight i feel like im taking care of a kid. Ive got head phones on, i finally take them off and hes like, dad, im hungry. Greg i dont envy that. Erin, by the way the woman who didnt give up her seat even though shes a pharmacist which i would like to get to know her but shes also quote An Influencer. That makes me not like her. Whenever i hear the phrase influencer, its a dog whiffle that theyre irritating and annoying. Erin that could be very fair. The airline is standing there asking her, maam, will you switch your seat theres a family that would like together and shes like wait let me film this and pull out my phone and get the good content on this. If the kids 13 it is its probably. Greg probably wants to be alone. Erin shes probably like please, pleads, i will kill for three hours away from my mother right now. But, i mean, honestly, if youre a family youve got to plan a little if youre traveling and see if you can get your seats together and if not you figure out a strategy, because sometimes you have An Influencer in one a that would rather get the content than give you the seat jamie greg, i used to be a driving under the influencer. [laughter] greg thats funny. I dont care. I dont care, its funny. Jamie past tense. Greg past tense. You were drunk as you drost past tents . Paul, what would you have done . Paul left the plane mid flight. You know, all i could say is, any time these stories break, and you get them once a week first of all what happens in planes, what happens in the area on planes. Every time you get on a plane, like the woman last week seeing somebody, youre not there and all that the thing thats so suspicious is theyre always good looking Young Women Andr Time you drill down theres some tell as you said its really a career move to be An Influencer especially when you look at the recording there were two parents on the flight with the kid. So if that was so bad why didnt one of the parents switch with the kid . Right . Greg exactly. Paul when you look at it there seems to always be something going on and theyre worth ignoring. Greg i love flying first class i dont always fly first class because im a man of the people kat no, thats because you fly people. Greg isnt that being a man of the people . But i often will stop by some place and buy the most disgusting magazine i can find and i will just sit there. No one sits next to me. Yeah. Who knew people hated oprah. [laughter] greg i just made that up. Coming up she threw a drink for cardi b for all to see. [cheers and applause] mlb chooses tmobile for business for 5g solutions. To not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. Nows the time to see what americas largest 5g network can do for your business. Its coming your way, hey hey, its video of the day greg todays video of the day comes to us from a place called las vegas, thats in nevada, kat. Roll roll roll greg that was drag queen story hour. [laughter] greg im joking. Paul, again, you were a Police Officer and narcotics detective and an inspector. That was rapper cardi b over the weekend. She retaliated against an Audience Member that she had encouraged to throw water on her and then when it hit her in her face she throws the mic at her and now i guess, is she being charged with assault with the microphone . I believe. Paul apparently, whoever got hit with the mic complained. But whats weird about that video, i hadnt seen it. You can still hear her singing after the mic hit the ground. Greg yes. Good job columbo. Paul im a little suspicious. [cheers and applause]. Paul you know what . I like the reaction and i think this should be encouraged because whenever i go to a show i goat board silly especially music these days. Greg especially these rap concerts you go to. Paul thats right. So i think the idea that the performer and the audience can like have combat ensue is a good idea. I think we should arm them when they go in. Because in the old days, you remember you would throw tomatoes and stuff like that. The only thing is, not on this show. Greg no, no, no, no, no. I dont want any of that kind of violence encouraged here, i will throw you out and then we will meet later for drinks. Jamie, youre used to people throwing things at you. Do you ever throw things back . Jamie i dont. Yeah, im with paul. I think its, maybe controversial, but i like a drink being thrown in the face. How else will i know when the dates over . You know . Dont you think some artists though Musician Singers are getting i think they need to be more grateful. Miranda or whatever somebody was taking a selfie she yelled at her. Cardi b, they get to perform did you see the one where pink was on shave and somebody through their mothers ashes on stage. Thats a true story. I guess the moms girl was like im going to go to that concert over my dead body. [laughter] [cheers and applause] greg true story. True story. Kat, what do you make of this . People have thrown things at you, generally at bars kat people have thrown things at me for sure. Greg yeah kat yeah, i incite passion. I think this isnt really offbrand for cardi b. When we all heard this happened, nobody was like, no way. Shes not going to like lose any of her fan you know what i mean . Its not cool to throw things at anybody but its not like raffi did it. Greg whos that kat when i was a kid he sang all the songs for kid, he had a beard. Greg im a few years older kat he had a beard. Greg who didnt kat no . Thank you guys. Greg what does b stand for in cardi b . Do you know . Does it stand for anything . All right. All right, erin, i cant believe you just yelled out bitch like that erin. Erin i did not. Im being frachltd i have witnesses i have a cop here who saw the whole thing. Greg this is a family show. Oh, my god. To pauls point about the backing track, is that a revelation that shes i mean, nobody does anything live anymore. Erin well, for the years that Britney Spears has been criticized for using a heavy backing track, the silence on this is desk. Cardi b should be held to the same standards as britney steers when backing tracks, but lets go to the baseline. This is like kindergarten, keep your hands to yourself, dont throw things, dont throw heavier things when people throw things. Just seems seems like a bad idea. She was encouraging this and the d. J. Was encourage it and then all of a sudden oh, no, what i asked for happened and you get upset. Play stupid games you win stupid prizes. Greg that is one of the best impressions of cardi b. Cardi b impressionist right there. Jamie i was confused. Greg i know. Right now well move on, i love this story, he keeps it classy by pretending hes lassie. [music this little light of mine] in the worlds poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. Theyre shunned, outcast, living in pain. You can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. A surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a childs life forever. Please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. Thousands of children are waiting. A story in five words greg five words collie, collie, collie, collie, collie. Kat, a japanese native spent 14,000 for a Custom Made Collie Costume to fulfill his dreams of becoming an animal. This is the video of the first time hes ever been outside. Is he a hero . Kat i dont know if hes a hero, but good for him. You know. Like 14,000 to have all your Dreams Come True is kind of inspiring and impressive. Like a lot of dreams are more expensive than that greg that is true kat not this guy he just wants to be a dog in a park. Greg yeah. Erin, do the dogs look at him the way female swimmers look at lea thomas . I have total respect to you but were not playing against you in anything because youve got the size and the weight and you still have your balls. Erin um. Greg in this case you can call that a bitch. Erin well, not going to do that. But i am a very big dog person. If i see a dog, im like, oh, definitely want to say hi. If i got cat fished by a dude in a dog costume, i would be traumatized. I would be lived. I would have all sorts of emotions because, hey, look at that, cool dog, oh, my gosh, oh, god no. Like the reality snow all of a sudden youre petting him and its like, oh, this guys getting off on this in a weird, weird way. I mean, paul, lets be honest here. Were living in a time where people are redefining their if he punishes as identities. Used to be, oh, that guy is a cross dresser, he likes the feeling of womens clothing. Now, no, hes a trans woman. Cant be that easy, not on my watch. Paul quick question, what happens when the next door great dane decides he really likes this as well . Who does he unless thats what hes banking on. Greg i think thats what he wants. Hes going out there putting it out there waving his little furry behind and hoping to get a taste. Paul you really thought this through. Greg i have. Look at this. God love him and god love japan for allowing this to happen. Jamie . Jamie yeah. Its he really went for it. Like i feel like theres easier ways to get your wife to face the other way during sex. [laughter] greg look at the fun hes having. Jamie at least he went 14 grand. Like ive seen some i dont even i shouldnt ive seen some guys that go im a girl now that spent three bucks on lipstick. This is at least very convincing. Greg i think its, you know, its beautiful. Very beautiful. Look at that, look how happy he is kat i wonder if he has to pay for money for that lady to walk him. Greg yes. Exactly. And when he goes poopoo who leans it up. Paul this is a dog you dont have to you can wa. Like the perfect dog, it will do anything you say it understands your language. Greg yeah. And then one day youre going to get to put it down. Erin that took a dark turn. Greg what . Erin that took a dark turn. Greg oh, yes, this was a really optimistic happy story, erin. Jamie also like what a great thing for the spouse of the dog. Like you get in an argument, youre like, shut up and go lay down. [laughter] greg dont go away, well be right back. With smarter, more efficient routes. So you can deliver more value to your customers. Fast. Reliable. Perfectly orchestrated. The United States postal service. Limu emu doug what do we always say, son . Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance. So you only pay for what you need. Thats my boy. Now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh . Bye, uncle limu. Stay off the freeways only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. When you have chronic kidney disease. There are places youd like to be. Like here. And here. Not so much here. If you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. Farxiga and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. Farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, Urinary Tract or genital Yeast Infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. A rare lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. Stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. Farxiga can help you keep living life. Ask your doctor for farxiga for chronic kidney disease. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Farxiga greg were out of time thanks to jamie lissow, erin perrine, paul mauro, kat timpf. Fox news at night is next. We love you america. Trace good evening im Trace Gallagher 11 00 p. M. On the east coast 8 00 in los angeles and this is americas late news, fox news at night. And breaking tonight in oakland california, even the naacp is lashing out and woke leaders, and soft on crime policies. Former president trumps legal issues are growing, and so is his lead in the gop primary. One poll has him up by nearly 40 points over Florida Governor ron desantis. In moments, bret baier will join us after his a exclusive interviews with desantis. But we begin with devon archer telling the hous

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