Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240707

many after the draft signaled that they could overturn roe versus wade. and the deaths of three american tourists at a sandals resort in the bahamas. a dr. and a former homicide detective is going to break on the case for us. and two teenage girls in small town delphi, indiana. the family members of one of the victims is speaking out. and high-speed chase that ended in a wreck. they caught up with the former alabama corrections officer and inmate and we have all of the breaking details coming up. but first, kevin corke is looking at the ongoing harassment of the supreme court justices as well as even in the religious community over the weekend. reporter: that's right, arguably some such gatherings are illegal, and critics say they disagree. they said whoever with the intent of interfering with or impeding the administration of justice or influencing any judge, jury or witness in the discharge of his duties, near a building, house, or court, or a building occupied by a judge or juror or court officer, with any intense or usages near a building or residence should be fined under this title and so you can see, you can't do it when you're talking about a federal judge. but we are not only seeing that, but some have argued that it could be a sign of things to come. >> it has been seven days since the infamous leak of a draft decision by the supreme court regarding roe versus wade sending the country into a cultural, political and legal tailspin, prompting protesting at the private residences at several conservative justices, including that of justice samuel alito. the sharp contrast of the candlelight vigil versus the protesting. a frightening trend played out over the weekend when a pro-life building was also damaged in an arson attack. security was beefed up in the wake of liberal activism. the white house today finally condemned the violent protesting. but with a catch. >> we know the passion, we understand the passion, we understand the concern. what the president's concern is that it should be peaceful. >> this as the senators of texas and delaware spearheading the supreme court parity act which would allow core police to provide families of justices with round-the-clock security protection. they said attempts to influence the independence of the judiciary cannot be tolerated. >> tomorrow morning the president will deliver remarks about a new plan to fight inflation and they say it will contrast the plan of the republicans to raise taxes. you recall last week mr. biden called the maga crowd, which you will hear a lot about the maga crowd in the future. shannon: thank you so much, kevin corke. we are still awaiting the real opinion from court. we have pre-maxwell with us and our former chief nominations counsel article three president mike davis. welcome to both of you. >> thank you for having us. >> inc. here. shannon: when it comes to chris murphy, here's what he said. >> i don't like the way that this decision came out, but the outrage should be about what is going to happen to women and families in this country and the fact that women and doctors are going to be sent to jail immediately when this opinion becomes a reality. shannon: we do not know if this is a final opinion. if it does track what the justice wrote, our women and doctors immediately going to jail? >> that is nonsense. what it means is that we are going to return to what the country did for abortion regulations going back to the states, the federal government is going to get out of the abortion regulation business. >> there were calls to the doj to get involved to the protesters who appear to be violating federal law, here's what he said on the floor today of the senate. shannon: the justice department was quick to treat them like potential domestic terrorists, but seriously. i have not heard any announcement about how the doj may handle these intimidation situations aimed at federal justices. shannon: do you think that they should get involved in the federal protesting? >> you know, absolutely. the president and the white house have also said that people have a fundamental right to protest. but, however, when it comes to violent threats or harassment and intimidation's, those are things that should not happen, those are things that should go down the drain, and they have made sure that we can live in the country that we had been able to live in. so do i believe that they should have protections? well, absolutely. people are upset, there's a lot of traction going on, so i believe that they should be at this point because at this point it is very important and it's something that we need to look at . >> you know, i don't see it that way. i think the democrats are being too extreme in this abortion issue where they are calling for abortions up until the moment, that is not going to fly with the american people. and you need 60 votes in the senate to pass legislation and there is no education that senator joe manchin or kristin cinema or any of these other more moderate democratic senators are willing to nuke this legislative filibuster to continue this. >> so why should they do it and put everybody on the record, if it does include that extensive, something that is beyond all pulling here, something that would be up to nine months of birth, when most americans say that this is completely out of step with how they feel? >> well, one reason is because we are in a midterm election. so a lot of politicians, a lot of elected officials and candidates, they are really trying to save their butts with the election coming up. also the rights of those in the state, the state should be able to make decisions and the next step that we will be taking. but women should also be able to make sure that they are able to receive an abortion if they are not able to receive one. so i think at this point the democrats are trying to do whatever they can to make sure that they appease the american people. >> other than the political part there, i think that you to sound like you very much on the same page, and sending this back to the state. do you think that there is common ground there? >> yes, i would say so. i would also say that merrick garland also needs to step up right now, it's a dirt election that they've had to step up to protect justices in each day because the fbi director in the deputy attorney general, the u.s. attorneys and others in the eastern district of virginia, they are not doing their jobs, protecting these justices from obstruction of justice. >> i think that there may be a growing call for the doj to get involved as well. both of you, i think you for your time. >> thank you, shannon. >> thank you. shannon: the 11 day manhunt for an alabama corrections officer and the inmate that she helped to escape has come to a violent end. trace gallagher is on the case. good night to you, trace gallagher. >> hello, shannon. they only got about 230 miles away, vicky white and murder suspect casey white, no relation, first spotted near evansville, indiana, then later they were spotted again. here is the sheriff in indiana. >> as we were working on this today, we gained information that a vehicle matching the description of a suspect vehicle was near the sheriff's office. so they went to the area. >> that is when the suspect fled in the chase began. although it was only a few minutes before the fugitives wrecked their vehicle. the inmate gave himself up, but police say that vicky white died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. the investigators believe that this plan escape could've been in the works for years, saying that she would often communicate with casey white while he was in prison and then a few months ago he was sent to the jail that she oversaw to stand trial for the murder. quickly selling her home for cash, announcing her retirement from law enforcement and after telling her colleagues that she was taking him for a mental health evaluation, she helped this 6-foot 9 inches, 330-pound man flood in a planned getaway car. it turns out that they might have been in indiana for up to six days. today the local officer thanked his officers, the community and the media. >> i can't tell you how much i appreciate this. we have a dangerous man off the streets today, he is never going to see the light of day again and that is a good thing not just for our community but for the country. >> to sure of is likely right, he will head back to face additional charges, he will almost certainly spend the rest of his life in prison. shannon: thank you for the update, trace gallagher. three american tourists that died under mysterious circumstances, the wife of one of the men who died is in serious condition being treated at a hospital in miami at this time. brian has the latest west, good evening. >> that's right, shannon. vincent and his wife denise were celebrating their wedding anniversary when the resort staff found them inside their vacation villa in the bahamas. vincent was lying on the ground dead, his wife was flown to a hospital where she is in serious condition. the police also found another couple dead in a separate villa. michael phillips was found slumped against the wall in a bathroom, his wife was found on a bench. the couple had signs of convulsions. the police commissioner said that all four of the tourists went to a dr. the night before at different times, complaining of feeling ill, and they had all eaten different things. the son of the couple said his mother worked up paralyzed, her legs and arms swollen. health experts say it resemble symptoms caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. they are also looking into the air conditioning which could've been leaking freon. blood and room samples have been taken. >> we are actively engaging in philadelphia, pennsylvania, united states. >> sandals released a statement saying nothing is more important than the safety of our guests at all times. we are actively working to support the investigation as well as the families in every way possible during this difficult time. the phillips had three children and six grandchildren. >> let's try to get some expert perspective. ted williams and doctor janette, thank you both for being here on this very strange case. so we have this ap report writing up with what brian was saying. they said that all four of them had complained of feeling ill the night before and went to the doctor at different times. the mother that still is surviving said she woke up, she could not move, her arms and legs were swollen. can you discern anything from what we know so far at this time? >> you know, shannon, whenever i have a patient that has loss of consciousness, we immediately want to know did they inhale something, and check something, some sort of chemical or toxin, was there trauma, these are the things that we need to figure out right away because there are treatments and antidotes to chemicals and toxins that they may have ingested. in this case based upon the symptoms that we are aware of, we know that there was nausea and vomiting, seizure -like activities, convulsions, headache and dizziness, this makes me lean towards some sort of pesticide or an insecticide or even propane. what that does is it displaces the oxygen from your lungs, so essentially you swell up and suffocate internally and you can lose consciousness and you can have seizures and i also wonder about any sort of alcohol poisoning, ethanol, tainted alcohol, consumption, or even potentially food poisoning and ultimately we need to see what the toxicology reports showed to really have some concrete and solid evidence so that we can prevent it from happening to other people. and you know, ted, someone described about the people being taken out, but clearly there is a mystery to be solved. how would you tackle this as a detective. >> i think some of the things that the doctor has said have been entirely important. and they are going to have to wait and see what the toxicology report entails. including checking several different things. first, the air conditioning itself and see if there were any defects there. and primarily, and i've talked about this before, also the many bars. because i have seen people die as a result of mixing ethanol and other chemicals in many bars. and so this can be very significant for this portion of the investigation. and the toxicology reports can take some time, but i am elated that they are sending things to philadelphia. >> yes, they say that they are cooperating as the resort and they are cooperating with authorities. so about the toxicology reports, we hear that it could take a week. what could they rule in or out? >> that is a great question. there is a panel of tests that we can look for, anything from cocaine, heroin, any kind of chemicals that could cause convulsions or depression of the central nervous system. it sounds like whatever they came into contact with impacted the central nervous system. we can test for an entire range of chemical toxins and substances to try to figure out what has caused the symptoms. we saw similar symptoms and a couple in the dominican republic a few years ago and it didn't really come up with conclusive information, but hopefully this time around we can get solid evidence to figure out what was the cause of death. shannon: ted, reading something else from one of the other people in the area and described it that they were also having a great time and obviously very disturbed by what had happened saying that it sounds like it may have been defaulted with a toxin cooling from the air conditioner. and every time the ac came on, i woke up, they set. they said these four were in close proximity in the same building, but what would your advice be to other folks that they are vacationing with. >> you know, it is highly unlikely that some of the chemicals may have caused this. these individuals were sick the night before. they had gone for medical treatment. and i think you also have to look here at carbon monoxide poisoning. those things, and i think the doctor can address it better than myself, those things certainly can cause convulsions also. >> the fact that they were treated before being released, so they had been sick to some extent and then what happened was enough to kill three of them. does that give you any thoughts on there being sick? sometimes it doesn't get to you right away, it takes an accumulation of the toxins for you to inhale, the symptoms were vague, nausea, vomiting, something that maybe they ate that the doctor thought was maybe a bout of food poisoning, definitely something that definitely needs to be investigated because it is such a tragedy and it sounds like this could have been prevented. they seem like two very beautiful and sweet couples. shannon: we know that the need these answers. we thank you both very much for joining us tonight. >> my pleasure. >> thank you. shannon: coming up next, how would you react to a bear chasing you and your poodle on a late night walk? and what is this guy doing? the viral video for tonight is coming up next pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore 325 liquid-filled aspirin capsule is clinically shown in a 7 day study to cause fewer ulcers than immediate release aspirin. vazalore. the first liquid-filled aspirin capsules...amazing! (heartbeats) introducing icy hot pro. vazalore. with 2 max-strength pain relievers. ice works fast... to freeze your pain and your doubt. heat makes it last. so you'll never sit this one out. new icy hot pro with pro-level contrast therapy. rise from pain. shannon: this is not one you want to have happen to you. a black bear was spotted, rummaging through their neighbors garbage before setting sites on the family when they were out for a walk with her dog. everyone got back in the house including the dog. and a demolition derby. a suspected dui driver, a dozen parked cars, three separate crashes, the 68-year-old driver was the only one injured, he was taken to the hospital and then arrested on multiple charges. >> these are the moments when the new jersey police and bystanders jumped in, rescuing a woman from a submerged car. they captured the moments after this woman plunged into the delaware river. and the woman was successfully removed from the car, she was in serious condition, still recovering as far as we know. plus, this unnerving footage out of florida, dozens of sharks, a video captured reminding beachgoers be careful and check out your surroundings in the water. and in oklahoma. bulging clouds, officially termed mammatas clouds, bulging out before a thunderstorm. and you can see these individuals rescuing kittens. they have the kitty cat in hand, reuniting a little feline within his owner. it was just a teeny tiny little kitten and everyone was very relieved. if you have viral videos to share, hit us up anytime. >> okay, it is time to bring you back for the midnight snack. >> if you have a baseball cap, maybe a bag of twisters under the bathroom sink, okay, you may have to share. but according to a poll conducted, 33% of snappers say that they enjoy having a covert snack and treat. 67% say that they actually hide these goodies. so you could be on the hunt for some of those hidden goodies, some say they purchased high on the cabinetry and 34% say that they hide them deep within a closet. so are you that person? [laughter] >> the thing is that my husband and i don't like the same snacks. i'm usually the only one eating it. >> do you have a snack drawer or cabinet? >> no, i don't. >> i have a snack cabinet. >> he walked past the counter and its got like chips and nuts and chocolates. so i am a snack or, but not a secret snack. [laughter] >> you know, you may see my emergency chocolate tucked away. you have to be prepared to make i used to keep it in my office in miami and people would be like hey, kevin, good to see you, how have you been. [laughter] and i loved it. >> i kept a candy dish on my desk. now that we are back, i need to restock and give my friends a little sugar fix. shannon: coming up next, we have a live report from ukraine. the latest on the ground. plus, an official investigation into the double murder of two teenage girls in a small town in indiana. what has turned up reign we have the details when we return after this (children giggling) hey, i was, uh, thinking about going back to school to get my masters. i just saw something that said you could do it in a year for, like, $11k. hmm. barista: order eleven! yeah, see you at 11. 1111 masters boulevard, please. gonna be eleven even, buddy. really? the clues are all around us! some things are too obvious to be a coincidence. bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? with ringcentral we can pull bonnie up on phone, message, or video, all in the same app. oh... hey bonnie, i didn't see you there. ♪ ringcentral ♪ shannon: every monday over the next few weeks, "fox news @ night" will investigate some of the most high-profile cases of murder in america. a double murder mystery in a small town of indiana. laura ingle has an in-depth look at what is known as the delphi murders. >> in the quiet town of delphi, indiana, two girls murdered up among a popular hiking trail in 2017. we sat down with the family of one of the girls who opened up for the first time to talk about a safe social media account that could be connected to the crimes. a fake social media account. >> this bright 14-year-old girl, liberty "libby" german, dreaming of one day to help solve the crimes that she watched on tv. >> sometimes you would realize when talking to her that she was wise beyond her years. >> then the unthinkable happened. she and her best friend, abigail williams, 13, disappeared as they hiked along this trail in their hometown of delphi, indiana, found murdered the next day. >> it hit me that she was not alive. >> it is considered a double homicide investigation to make the police announced that liberty "libby" german had his or her own cell phone to capture the image and voice of her own suspected killer. >> this young lady is a hero, there's no doubt about it. to have enough presence of mind to activate the video system on her cell phone record what we believe is criminal behavior that is about to occur. >> it wasn't until december of 2021 that the police announced the most promising lead. a fake social media profile called anthony shots. it showed a young male model in photos, but it only belong to someone entirely different. a 27-year-old man named keegan klein. >> the creator is in jail awaiting to go on trial for child pornography. i know for sure that he was affiliated. >> a police document posted online revealed disturbing details. he said he used the account to communicate with liberty "libby" german the day she was killed and also used his computer to search how long does dna last as well as failing a polygraph. >> it's a shock. because then i had to face the fact that i didn't monitor her phone or social media. >> the police have not said how the girls are murdered, they confirmed an important detail. >> the police said that there was dna, there was dna. >> much attention is being given to the anthony shots account, the case is far from solved. >> if we reach one more person that did not know about our case, then we have done our job. >> for kelsey, who dropped the girls off at the hiking trail, the last image of her sister, carefree and smiling, is forever frozen in time. >> i remember she was so happy in the car. and the windows were open and it was warm. and she got out of the car and left. >> the family is asking the public to look at the image and listen to the voice captured on her phone in hopes that someone will recognize it and call the indiana state police or the fbi. shannon: thank you so much. president zelensky defiant of the victory day parade in moscow. reporting again live where it is now tuesday morning in lviv. matt is with us. >> that's right, there was a sense of dread, that victory day parade, there was fear that vladimir putin may do something extreme. he did give a highly anticipated speech, speculation that he may declare a war on ukraine or call for a general mobilization, but he did not declare anything new, instead he once again used his familiar rhetoric about the war referring to the ukrainian people as nasis, slightly in an attempt to link this war to what the victory day isabel. he looked and sounded okay, he claimed the reason russia invaded ukraine is that nato and ukraine in the west were creating an unacceptable threat on russia's border and he explained that russia was backed into a corner and had to invade ukraine. >> we saw military infrastructure with military advisors working, the danger was increasing every day and russia prevented the rebuff from the aggressor. >> despite the strict crackdown, protesters splattered the ambassador to poland with what appeared to be red paint and it thousands of protesters w victod a pro-kremlin media outlet briefly published a few dozen stories criticizing vladimir putin. and the acting ambassador arrived back to the u.s. embassy for the first time in the capital city, the next step in resuming an american presence in the ukrainian capital. they are expected to open in a couple of weeks. shannon: thank you, matt. mothers are having to go across state lines gather baby formula. we will have the story right after these messages. anager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? 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>> i think it has become a political football, that people have realized that there are enough parents panicking that this deserves national attention and the senator, democrat, wrote an open letter to the fda and biden administration saying that we have questions about this which needs to be a national priority and it was met with silence from the joe biden administration. and i think a lot of it is, a lot of folks in the media and a lot of folks don't understand the situation on the ground and how scary it is, but i think that it is enough pictures have gone around of empty formula shelves unsubscribe and saves, this is a critical problem impacting millions. >> tell me about those that you talked to about the real world impact. >> one of the scarier stories, she said that one night she was down to her last can of formula for her baby who has a feeding disruption, the only kind of formula he can take is a specific formulation and it has to have a certain thickness, she rant to every single store, target, walgreens, cvs, everything, then found one last can and another zip code which lasted her through the night and she's basically running ahead of the eightball just barely. and a mom in boston is texting her entire family, please look in your local grocery stores under local targets and what is really scary to me about these stories is that there are millions of american moms who don't have the luxury of paying a relative in ohio to overnight formula cans. >> you are so right. talking about they are concerned about the baby formula shortage and they had no idea what i was talking about. >> it doesn't surprise me at all, this is a problem that we saw with a monumental disruption for parents around the country, and nobody who works on the hill has young children and so they don't have the same thoughts. and this is a bipartisan situation for millions of american parents. and it is something that really needs to be looked at. >> what can be done with what has happening? is there a solution? >> i think that there's a lot of administration that the joe biden administration could do, that they could they are talking about this being a national priority, and i think also on an individual level or, what can i do, my number one piece of advice to people is donate to your local banks because they don't just give diapers they also give formula and my biggest worry with all of this is the mothers that cannot afford these overnight canisters in ohio. and they shouldn't be freaking out about how they are going to feed their baby that night. and you know, if the store is out of sweet potatoes, we can get regular potatoes, but for a baby that has special feeding needs, bouncing between different formulas is very harmful for their gut health. and our children are the most precious natural resource. >> thank you for shining the light on this, keep us up-to-date on your reporting. >> thank you. shannon: this dog has been honored after sniffing out 200 explosives after the start of the war in ukraine. awarded a medal for dedicated work, also helping to educate kids. >> animals are great. >> that is where another dog has a water rescue effort over the weekend, you can see that it was. >> that's right, this happened on saturday, we just want to say officer, thank you so much for the good job. shannon: we love to and with good news. thank you so much, i amvi shannn potts handles the driving pocket your pastoria things until you're ready, then we deliver your new home acrossto town or g across the country sie your personal moving and storage team, your window, they makes it easy. we schedule in just a few quick and we'll come to you with replacement. replace. ♪ on your time schedule now like we pay your state like we place everyone on . mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, a part time musician but longtime customer of relaxium slate. and i'm here with my good friend and country music legend larry gatlin. now, larry, a few months ago you asked me does that relaxium really work? 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Nu Edu , Everyone , Cheers , U S , Wall , Guests , Night , Applause , Bret Baier , Shannon Bream , Washington , Fox News Night , Weekend , Home , Dozens , Homes , Suburb , Samuel Alito , Abortion Activists , Washington Dc , Bahamas , Tourists , Sandals , Many , Draft , Roe Versus Wade , Deaths , Three , One , Case , Girls , Indiana , Dr , Homicide Detective , Victims , Family Members , Small Town Delphi , Two , Corrections Officer , High Speed Chase , Wreck , Alabama , Supreme Court , Community , Harassment , Details , Reporter , That S Right , Gatherings , First , Kevin Corke , Administration , Justice , Critics , Intent , Whoever , Building , Court , Judge , Witness , Discharge , Duties , Jury , White House , Court Officer , Usages , Residence , Juror , Title , Some , Draft Decision , Sign , Leak , Things To Come , Seven , Country , Residences , Prompting , Tailspin , Cultural , Contrast , Candlelight Vigil , Security , Arson Attack , Trend , Concern , President , Passion , Violent , Activism , Wake , Catch , Liberal , Senators , Delaware Spearheading The Supreme Court Parity Act , Justices , Families , Security Protection , Core Police , Texas , Plan , Attempts , Independence , Judiciary , Remarks , Inflation , Republicans , Taxes , Mr , Joe Biden , Maga Crowd , Lot , Crowd , Opinion , Both , Chief Nominations Counsel , Article , Mike Davis , Way , Decision , Inc , Chris Murphy , Women , Doctors , Jail , Fact , Outrage , Reality , Track , Nonsense , Abortion Regulations , Protesters , Doj , States , Calls , Government , Abortion Regulation Business , Justice Department , Law , Senate , Floor , Terrorists , Announcement , Intimidation Situations , People , Things , Threats , , Intimidation , Right , Drain , Upset , Protections , Something , Point , Traction , Democrats , Abortion Issue , Abortions , Joe Manchin , Any , Education , Legislation , Cinema , Kristin , Votes , 60 , Everybody , Record , Filibuster , Reason , Step , Americans , Birth , Nine , Estate , Officials , Election , Politicians , Candidates , Rights , Butts , Decisions , Abortion , Part , Back , Page , Ground , Dirt Election , Merrick Garland , Attorneys , Fbi , Jobs , Director , Others , Deputy Attorney General , Eastern District Of Virginia , Call , Obstruction Of Justice , Manhunt , Trace Gallagher , Inmate , End , 11 , Murder , Suspect Casey White , Sheriff , Relation , Vicky White , Hello , Evansville , 230 , Vehicle , Information , Office , Description , Area , Fugitives , Chase , Suspect , Indiana State Police , Works , Head , Prison , Investigators , Gunshot Wound , Trial , Retirement , Law Enforcement , Cash , Mental Health Evaluation , Colleagues , Getaway Car , Man Flood , 6 , 9 , 330 , Officer , Media , Officers , Six , Man , Thing , Light , Streets , Charges , Rest , Life In Prison , Hospital , Wife , Condition , Men , Miami , Update , Circumstances , Evening , Vincent , Denise , West , Brian , Resort , Staff , Vacation Villa , Couple , Convulsions , Michael Phillips , Police Commissioner , Villa , Bathroom , Signs , Bench , Mother , Times , Feeling , Son , Four , Symptoms , Air Conditioning , Carbon Monoxide Poisoning , Legs , Arms , Health Experts , Leaking Freon , Samples , Room , Blood , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Investigation , Statement , Nothing , Safety , Children , Expert Perspective , Grandchildren , Ted Williams , Writing , Doctor Janette , Ap , Doctor , Anything , Consciousness , Patient , Loss , Chemicals , Toxins , Treatments , Toxin , Antidotes , Trauma , Check , Vomiting , Activities , Headache , Dizziness , Insecticide , Propane , Pesticide , Oxygen , Lungs , Suffocate , Toxicology Reports , Food Poisoning , Alcohol Poisoning , Consumption , Alcohol , Ethanol , Seizures , Evidence , Someone , Ted , Mystery , Toxicology , Detective , Defects , Before , Bars , Mixing Ethanol , Result , Portion , Authorities , Yes , Kind , Tests , Question , Heroin , Panel , Cocaine , Central Nervous System , Contact , Substances , Depression , Range , Death , Cause , Dominican Republic , Reading , Time , Air Conditioner , Toxin Cooling , Folks , Advice , Ac , Proximity , Individuals , Treatment , Thoughts , Sick , Extent , Accumulation , Nausea , Doesn T , Inhale , Couples , Tragedy , Bout , Answers , Guy , Chasing , Pleasure , Poodle , Coming Up Next , Town , Video , Team , Pace , Pods , Aspirin , Vazalore 325 , Study , Ulcers , Stomach , 7 , 325 , Icy Hot Pro , Heartbeats , Pain , Doubt , Pain Relievers , Heat , Ice Works Fast , 2 , Contrast Therapy , Black Bear , Dog , Family , House , Neighbors , Garbage , Sites , Walk , Dui Driver , Crashes , Demolition Derby , Cars , Injured , 68 , Bystanders , New Jersey , Car , Woman , Delaware River , Footage , Sharks , Florida , Beachgoers , Water , Surroundings , Oklahoma , Bulging Clouds , Mammatas Clouds , Kittens , Kitten , Thunderstorm , Hand , Feline , Owner , Kitty Cat , Videos , Share , Up Anytime , Midnight Snack , Bathroom Sink , Twisters , Bag , Poll , Baseball Cap , Say , Snack , Snappers , Goodies , 67 , 33 , Cabinetry , Hunt , 34 , Laughter , Person , Snacks , Husband , Closet , It , Counter , Cabinet , Snack Cabinet , Chips , Snack Drawer , Don T , Snack Or , Chocolates , Emergency Chocolate , Desk , Candy Dish , Ukraine , Friends , Report , Latest , Sugar Fix , Plus , Reign , Masters , Uh , Children Giggling , Barista , K Hmm , Masters Boulevard , Gonna , Buddy , 1k , 1111 , Eleven , 11k , Coincidence , Clues , Phone , Ringcentral , Bonnie , Be Cool , Ringcentral Shannon , Message , App , Cases , Double Murder Mystery , Hiking Trail , Murders , Delphi , Laura Ingle , Account , Social Media , Safe , 2017 , Girl , Crimes , Help , Dreaming , Tv , Liberty , Libby , German , 14 , Abigail Williams , Hometown , Trail , 13 , Homicide , Image , Mind , Presence , Lady , Cell Phone , Hero , Video System , Voice , Killer , No Doubt , It Wasn T Until December , Behavior , Lead , Cell Phone Record , 2021 , December Of 2021 , Photos , Anthony Shots , Keegan Klein , Model , 27 , Creator , Child Pornography , Police Document , The Day , Dna , Computer , Polygraph , Shock , Attention , Detail , Anthony Shots Account , Job , For Kelsey , Smiling , Sister , Carefree , Windows , Left , Hopes , Public , The Voice , Reporting , Victory Day Parade , Zelensky Defiant , Moscow , Matt , Sense , Vladimir Putin , Fear , Dread , Lviv , War , Speech , Rhetoric , Mobilization , War On Ukraine , Speculation , Attempt , Okay , Russia , Nasis , Victory Day Isabel , Nato , Border , Threat , Corner , Advisors , Rebuff , Danger , Infrastructure , Working , Ambassador , It Thousands , Paint , Aggressor , Crackdown , Stories , Protesters W Victod , Pro Kremlin Media Outlet , Embassy , The Next Step , Ukrainian Capital , Capital City , Mothers , Baby Formula , State Lines , Story , Investments , Commissions , Messages , Commission Products , Fisher Investments , Anager , Money , Clients , Client , Act , Unknown , Interest , Fiduciary , Money Manager , Yep , Answer , Storm , Teamwork , Worry , Exploration , Uncertainty , Innovation , What S Going On , Mayo Clinic , Dogs , Apoquel , Itch , Talking Dog Thing , Talking Dog , Chronic Problem , Skin Inflammation , Issue , Nice , And , 10 Million , 4 , Problem , Control , Itching , Dermatitis , Atopic Dermatitis , Infections , Infestations , Studies , Cancers , Chances , Post Approval , Neoplasias , Diarrhea , Side Effects , 12 , Best Friend , Thanks , Veterinarian , That S What Friends Are For , Ahh , Fishermen , Music , Liars , Banks , Tales , Fish , Boats , Docks , Memories , Lifetime , Adventure , Retelling , Cabela S , Bass Pro Shops , Mothers Shouldn T , Georgia , Tennessee , Situation , Trouble , Supply Chain Problems , Babies , Product Recalls , Talk , Priorities , Heroes , Nation , Let , Five , Shortages , Cvs , Walgreens , Bethany , Kroger , Shannon Simon , Crisis Point , Parents , Football , Fda , Priority , Questions , Open Letter , Silence , Triple Action Formula , Pictures , Shelves , Saves , Millions , Impacting , Impact , World , Baby , Formulation , Feeding Disruption , Thickness , Store , Everything , Last , Zip Code , Target , Mom , Grocery Stores , Eightball , Boston , Who Don T , Relative , Targets , Luxury , Ohio , Idea , Baby Formula Shortage , Cans , Disruption , Nobody , It Doesn T , The Hill , Solution , Number One , Piece , Level , Canisters , Diapers , Potatoes , Sweet Potatoes , Feeding Needs , Shouldn T , Formulas , Gut Health , Natural Resource , Up To , Start , Medal , Explosives , 200 , Work , Kids , Water Rescue Effort , Animals , News , Amvi Shannn Potts , Window , Acrossto , Mike Huckabee , Replacement , Arkansas , Relaxium Slate , Larry Gatlin , Customer , Friend , Country Music , Sleep , Sleeping , Concept , Relaxium Sleep Works , Life , Relaxium Sleep , Blessing , Risk , Prescription , Drug , Relaxium Sleepwalk , Money Back , Relaxium Sleep Doesn T , One Hundred , 30 , 100 , Relaxium , Neurologist , Nurse , Trouble Sleeping , Habit , Sleep Cycle , Body , Sleep Call , Made In The Usa , Bottle , Bottles , 1000 , Patio , Love , Sun , Deck , Fifty Four , Sixty Two , 806 , Awning , Protection , Mumbler , Uv , Sun Center , Sun Set , Twenty , Sixty , Sunset , Discount , Living Space , Retreat , Racing , Eight Hundred Dollars , Two Hundred , Five Hundred Ninety Nine , Five Hundred Ninety Nine Dollars , Two Hundred Dollar , Eight Hundred , Awning Solutions , Attractable On In America Call , Decourcy , 20 , Discount Certificate , Offer , Warranty , Son Setter , Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand , Sons , Options , Price Call , Finding , Add , Daylighting , Styles , Evening Enjoyment , Obligation , Certificate , Dealer Info , Kit , Dollar Discount , Outdoor Living Space , Sunset Act Now , Hearing Leadswi , Myracle Hereivel , Eight Hundred Three , Eighty Three , Eight , Miracle , Technology , Difference , Willca , Miracle Ear , Hearing , 1 , 1 800 Miracle , 800 , Saboteur , Opinionam , Tucker Carlson , Matter No Alito , Overturnedd , Views ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20240707 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240707

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many after the draft signaled that they could overturn roe versus wade. and the deaths of three american tourists at a sandals resort in the bahamas. a dr. and a former homicide detective is going to break on the case for us. and two teenage girls in small town delphi, indiana. the family members of one of the victims is speaking out. and high-speed chase that ended in a wreck. they caught up with the former alabama corrections officer and inmate and we have all of the breaking details coming up. but first, kevin corke is looking at the ongoing harassment of the supreme court justices as well as even in the religious community over the weekend. reporter: that's right, arguably some such gatherings are illegal, and critics say they disagree. they said whoever with the intent of interfering with or impeding the administration of justice or influencing any judge, jury or witness in the discharge of his duties, near a building, house, or court, or a building occupied by a judge or juror or court officer, with any intense or usages near a building or residence should be fined under this title and so you can see, you can't do it when you're talking about a federal judge. but we are not only seeing that, but some have argued that it could be a sign of things to come. >> it has been seven days since the infamous leak of a draft decision by the supreme court regarding roe versus wade sending the country into a cultural, political and legal tailspin, prompting protesting at the private residences at several conservative justices, including that of justice samuel alito. the sharp contrast of the candlelight vigil versus the protesting. a frightening trend played out over the weekend when a pro-life building was also damaged in an arson attack. security was beefed up in the wake of liberal activism. the white house today finally condemned the violent protesting. but with a catch. >> we know the passion, we understand the passion, we understand the concern. what the president's concern is that it should be peaceful. >> this as the senators of texas and delaware spearheading the supreme court parity act which would allow core police to provide families of justices with round-the-clock security protection. they said attempts to influence the independence of the judiciary cannot be tolerated. >> tomorrow morning the president will deliver remarks about a new plan to fight inflation and they say it will contrast the plan of the republicans to raise taxes. you recall last week mr. biden called the maga crowd, which you will hear a lot about the maga crowd in the future. shannon: thank you so much, kevin corke. we are still awaiting the real opinion from court. we have pre-maxwell with us and our former chief nominations counsel article three president mike davis. welcome to both of you. >> thank you for having us. >> inc. here. shannon: when it comes to chris murphy, here's what he said. >> i don't like the way that this decision came out, but the outrage should be about what is going to happen to women and families in this country and the fact that women and doctors are going to be sent to jail immediately when this opinion becomes a reality. shannon: we do not know if this is a final opinion. if it does track what the justice wrote, our women and doctors immediately going to jail? >> that is nonsense. what it means is that we are going to return to what the country did for abortion regulations going back to the states, the federal government is going to get out of the abortion regulation business. >> there were calls to the doj to get involved to the protesters who appear to be violating federal law, here's what he said on the floor today of the senate. shannon: the justice department was quick to treat them like potential domestic terrorists, but seriously. i have not heard any announcement about how the doj may handle these intimidation situations aimed at federal justices. shannon: do you think that they should get involved in the federal protesting? >> you know, absolutely. the president and the white house have also said that people have a fundamental right to protest. but, however, when it comes to violent threats or harassment and intimidation's, those are things that should not happen, those are things that should go down the drain, and they have made sure that we can live in the country that we had been able to live in. so do i believe that they should have protections? well, absolutely. people are upset, there's a lot of traction going on, so i believe that they should be at this point because at this point it is very important and it's something that we need to look at . >> you know, i don't see it that way. i think the democrats are being too extreme in this abortion issue where they are calling for abortions up until the moment, that is not going to fly with the american people. and you need 60 votes in the senate to pass legislation and there is no education that senator joe manchin or kristin cinema or any of these other more moderate democratic senators are willing to nuke this legislative filibuster to continue this. >> so why should they do it and put everybody on the record, if it does include that extensive, something that is beyond all pulling here, something that would be up to nine months of birth, when most americans say that this is completely out of step with how they feel? >> well, one reason is because we are in a midterm election. so a lot of politicians, a lot of elected officials and candidates, they are really trying to save their butts with the election coming up. also the rights of those in the state, the state should be able to make decisions and the next step that we will be taking. but women should also be able to make sure that they are able to receive an abortion if they are not able to receive one. so i think at this point the democrats are trying to do whatever they can to make sure that they appease the american people. >> other than the political part there, i think that you to sound like you very much on the same page, and sending this back to the state. do you think that there is common ground there? >> yes, i would say so. i would also say that merrick garland also needs to step up right now, it's a dirt election that they've had to step up to protect justices in each day because the fbi director in the deputy attorney general, the u.s. attorneys and others in the eastern district of virginia, they are not doing their jobs, protecting these justices from obstruction of justice. >> i think that there may be a growing call for the doj to get involved as well. both of you, i think you for your time. >> thank you, shannon. >> thank you. shannon: the 11 day manhunt for an alabama corrections officer and the inmate that she helped to escape has come to a violent end. trace gallagher is on the case. good night to you, trace gallagher. >> hello, shannon. they only got about 230 miles away, vicky white and murder suspect casey white, no relation, first spotted near evansville, indiana, then later they were spotted again. here is the sheriff in indiana. >> as we were working on this today, we gained information that a vehicle matching the description of a suspect vehicle was near the sheriff's office. so they went to the area. >> that is when the suspect fled in the chase began. although it was only a few minutes before the fugitives wrecked their vehicle. the inmate gave himself up, but police say that vicky white died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. the investigators believe that this plan escape could've been in the works for years, saying that she would often communicate with casey white while he was in prison and then a few months ago he was sent to the jail that she oversaw to stand trial for the murder. quickly selling her home for cash, announcing her retirement from law enforcement and after telling her colleagues that she was taking him for a mental health evaluation, she helped this 6-foot 9 inches, 330-pound man flood in a planned getaway car. it turns out that they might have been in indiana for up to six days. today the local officer thanked his officers, the community and the media. >> i can't tell you how much i appreciate this. we have a dangerous man off the streets today, he is never going to see the light of day again and that is a good thing not just for our community but for the country. >> to sure of is likely right, he will head back to face additional charges, he will almost certainly spend the rest of his life in prison. shannon: thank you for the update, trace gallagher. three american tourists that died under mysterious circumstances, the wife of one of the men who died is in serious condition being treated at a hospital in miami at this time. brian has the latest west, good evening. >> that's right, shannon. vincent and his wife denise were celebrating their wedding anniversary when the resort staff found them inside their vacation villa in the bahamas. vincent was lying on the ground dead, his wife was flown to a hospital where she is in serious condition. the police also found another couple dead in a separate villa. michael phillips was found slumped against the wall in a bathroom, his wife was found on a bench. the couple had signs of convulsions. the police commissioner said that all four of the tourists went to a dr. the night before at different times, complaining of feeling ill, and they had all eaten different things. the son of the couple said his mother worked up paralyzed, her legs and arms swollen. health experts say it resemble symptoms caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. they are also looking into the air conditioning which could've been leaking freon. blood and room samples have been taken. >> we are actively engaging in philadelphia, pennsylvania, united states. >> sandals released a statement saying nothing is more important than the safety of our guests at all times. we are actively working to support the investigation as well as the families in every way possible during this difficult time. the phillips had three children and six grandchildren. >> let's try to get some expert perspective. ted williams and doctor janette, thank you both for being here on this very strange case. so we have this ap report writing up with what brian was saying. they said that all four of them had complained of feeling ill the night before and went to the doctor at different times. the mother that still is surviving said she woke up, she could not move, her arms and legs were swollen. can you discern anything from what we know so far at this time? >> you know, shannon, whenever i have a patient that has loss of consciousness, we immediately want to know did they inhale something, and check something, some sort of chemical or toxin, was there trauma, these are the things that we need to figure out right away because there are treatments and antidotes to chemicals and toxins that they may have ingested. in this case based upon the symptoms that we are aware of, we know that there was nausea and vomiting, seizure -like activities, convulsions, headache and dizziness, this makes me lean towards some sort of pesticide or an insecticide or even propane. what that does is it displaces the oxygen from your lungs, so essentially you swell up and suffocate internally and you can lose consciousness and you can have seizures and i also wonder about any sort of alcohol poisoning, ethanol, tainted alcohol, consumption, or even potentially food poisoning and ultimately we need to see what the toxicology reports showed to really have some concrete and solid evidence so that we can prevent it from happening to other people. and you know, ted, someone described about the people being taken out, but clearly there is a mystery to be solved. how would you tackle this as a detective. >> i think some of the things that the doctor has said have been entirely important. and they are going to have to wait and see what the toxicology report entails. including checking several different things. first, the air conditioning itself and see if there were any defects there. and primarily, and i've talked about this before, also the many bars. because i have seen people die as a result of mixing ethanol and other chemicals in many bars. and so this can be very significant for this portion of the investigation. and the toxicology reports can take some time, but i am elated that they are sending things to philadelphia. >> yes, they say that they are cooperating as the resort and they are cooperating with authorities. so about the toxicology reports, we hear that it could take a week. what could they rule in or out? >> that is a great question. there is a panel of tests that we can look for, anything from cocaine, heroin, any kind of chemicals that could cause convulsions or depression of the central nervous system. it sounds like whatever they came into contact with impacted the central nervous system. we can test for an entire range of chemical toxins and substances to try to figure out what has caused the symptoms. we saw similar symptoms and a couple in the dominican republic a few years ago and it didn't really come up with conclusive information, but hopefully this time around we can get solid evidence to figure out what was the cause of death. shannon: ted, reading something else from one of the other people in the area and described it that they were also having a great time and obviously very disturbed by what had happened saying that it sounds like it may have been defaulted with a toxin cooling from the air conditioner. and every time the ac came on, i woke up, they set. they said these four were in close proximity in the same building, but what would your advice be to other folks that they are vacationing with. >> you know, it is highly unlikely that some of the chemicals may have caused this. these individuals were sick the night before. they had gone for medical treatment. and i think you also have to look here at carbon monoxide poisoning. those things, and i think the doctor can address it better than myself, those things certainly can cause convulsions also. >> the fact that they were treated before being released, so they had been sick to some extent and then what happened was enough to kill three of them. does that give you any thoughts on there being sick? sometimes it doesn't get to you right away, it takes an accumulation of the toxins for you to inhale, the symptoms were vague, nausea, vomiting, something that maybe they ate that the doctor thought was maybe a bout of food poisoning, definitely something that definitely needs to be investigated because it is such a tragedy and it sounds like this could have been prevented. they seem like two very beautiful and sweet couples. shannon: we know that the need these answers. we thank you both very much for joining us tonight. >> my pleasure. >> thank you. shannon: coming up next, how would you react to a bear chasing you and your poodle on a late night walk? and what is this guy doing? the viral video for tonight is coming up next pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore 325 liquid-filled aspirin capsule is clinically shown in a 7 day study to cause fewer ulcers than immediate release aspirin. vazalore. the first liquid-filled aspirin capsules...amazing! (heartbeats) introducing icy hot pro. vazalore. with 2 max-strength pain relievers. ice works fast... to freeze your pain and your doubt. heat makes it last. so you'll never sit this one out. new icy hot pro with pro-level contrast therapy. rise from pain. shannon: this is not one you want to have happen to you. a black bear was spotted, rummaging through their neighbors garbage before setting sites on the family when they were out for a walk with her dog. everyone got back in the house including the dog. and a demolition derby. a suspected dui driver, a dozen parked cars, three separate crashes, the 68-year-old driver was the only one injured, he was taken to the hospital and then arrested on multiple charges. >> these are the moments when the new jersey police and bystanders jumped in, rescuing a woman from a submerged car. they captured the moments after this woman plunged into the delaware river. and the woman was successfully removed from the car, she was in serious condition, still recovering as far as we know. plus, this unnerving footage out of florida, dozens of sharks, a video captured reminding beachgoers be careful and check out your surroundings in the water. and in oklahoma. bulging clouds, officially termed mammatas clouds, bulging out before a thunderstorm. and you can see these individuals rescuing kittens. they have the kitty cat in hand, reuniting a little feline within his owner. it was just a teeny tiny little kitten and everyone was very relieved. if you have viral videos to share, hit us up anytime. >> okay, it is time to bring you back for the midnight snack. >> if you have a baseball cap, maybe a bag of twisters under the bathroom sink, okay, you may have to share. but according to a poll conducted, 33% of snappers say that they enjoy having a covert snack and treat. 67% say that they actually hide these goodies. so you could be on the hunt for some of those hidden goodies, some say they purchased high on the cabinetry and 34% say that they hide them deep within a closet. so are you that person? [laughter] >> the thing is that my husband and i don't like the same snacks. i'm usually the only one eating it. >> do you have a snack drawer or cabinet? >> no, i don't. >> i have a snack cabinet. >> he walked past the counter and its got like chips and nuts and chocolates. so i am a snack or, but not a secret snack. [laughter] >> you know, you may see my emergency chocolate tucked away. you have to be prepared to make i used to keep it in my office in miami and people would be like hey, kevin, good to see you, how have you been. [laughter] and i loved it. >> i kept a candy dish on my desk. now that we are back, i need to restock and give my friends a little sugar fix. shannon: coming up next, we have a live report from ukraine. the latest on the ground. plus, an official investigation into the double murder of two teenage girls in a small town in indiana. what has turned up reign we have the details when we return after this (children giggling) hey, i was, uh, thinking about going back to school to get my masters. i just saw something that said you could do it in a year for, like, $11k. hmm. barista: order eleven! yeah, see you at 11. 1111 masters boulevard, please. gonna be eleven even, buddy. really? the clues are all around us! some things are too obvious to be a coincidence. bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? with ringcentral we can pull bonnie up on phone, message, or video, all in the same app. oh... hey bonnie, i didn't see you there. ♪ ringcentral ♪ shannon: every monday over the next few weeks, "fox news @ night" will investigate some of the most high-profile cases of murder in america. a double murder mystery in a small town of indiana. laura ingle has an in-depth look at what is known as the delphi murders. >> in the quiet town of delphi, indiana, two girls murdered up among a popular hiking trail in 2017. we sat down with the family of one of the girls who opened up for the first time to talk about a safe social media account that could be connected to the crimes. a fake social media account. >> this bright 14-year-old girl, liberty "libby" german, dreaming of one day to help solve the crimes that she watched on tv. >> sometimes you would realize when talking to her that she was wise beyond her years. >> then the unthinkable happened. she and her best friend, abigail williams, 13, disappeared as they hiked along this trail in their hometown of delphi, indiana, found murdered the next day. >> it hit me that she was not alive. >> it is considered a double homicide investigation to make the police announced that liberty "libby" german had his or her own cell phone to capture the image and voice of her own suspected killer. >> this young lady is a hero, there's no doubt about it. to have enough presence of mind to activate the video system on her cell phone record what we believe is criminal behavior that is about to occur. >> it wasn't until december of 2021 that the police announced the most promising lead. a fake social media profile called anthony shots. it showed a young male model in photos, but it only belong to someone entirely different. a 27-year-old man named keegan klein. >> the creator is in jail awaiting to go on trial for child pornography. i know for sure that he was affiliated. >> a police document posted online revealed disturbing details. he said he used the account to communicate with liberty "libby" german the day she was killed and also used his computer to search how long does dna last as well as failing a polygraph. >> it's a shock. because then i had to face the fact that i didn't monitor her phone or social media. >> the police have not said how the girls are murdered, they confirmed an important detail. >> the police said that there was dna, there was dna. >> much attention is being given to the anthony shots account, the case is far from solved. >> if we reach one more person that did not know about our case, then we have done our job. >> for kelsey, who dropped the girls off at the hiking trail, the last image of her sister, carefree and smiling, is forever frozen in time. >> i remember she was so happy in the car. and the windows were open and it was warm. and she got out of the car and left. >> the family is asking the public to look at the image and listen to the voice captured on her phone in hopes that someone will recognize it and call the indiana state police or the fbi. shannon: thank you so much. president zelensky defiant of the victory day parade in moscow. reporting again live where it is now tuesday morning in lviv. matt is with us. >> that's right, there was a sense of dread, that victory day parade, there was fear that vladimir putin may do something extreme. he did give a highly anticipated speech, speculation that he may declare a war on ukraine or call for a general mobilization, but he did not declare anything new, instead he once again used his familiar rhetoric about the war referring to the ukrainian people as nasis, slightly in an attempt to link this war to what the victory day isabel. he looked and sounded okay, he claimed the reason russia invaded ukraine is that nato and ukraine in the west were creating an unacceptable threat on russia's border and he explained that russia was backed into a corner and had to invade ukraine. >> we saw military infrastructure with military advisors working, the danger was increasing every day and russia prevented the rebuff from the aggressor. >> despite the strict crackdown, protesters splattered the ambassador to poland with what appeared to be red paint and it thousands of protesters w victod a pro-kremlin media outlet briefly published a few dozen stories criticizing vladimir putin. and the acting ambassador arrived back to the u.s. embassy for the first time in the capital city, the next step in resuming an american presence in the ukrainian capital. they are expected to open in a couple of weeks. shannon: thank you, matt. mothers are having to go across state lines gather baby formula. we will have the story right after these messages. anager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? 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>> i think it has become a political football, that people have realized that there are enough parents panicking that this deserves national attention and the senator, democrat, wrote an open letter to the fda and biden administration saying that we have questions about this which needs to be a national priority and it was met with silence from the joe biden administration. and i think a lot of it is, a lot of folks in the media and a lot of folks don't understand the situation on the ground and how scary it is, but i think that it is enough pictures have gone around of empty formula shelves unsubscribe and saves, this is a critical problem impacting millions. >> tell me about those that you talked to about the real world impact. >> one of the scarier stories, she said that one night she was down to her last can of formula for her baby who has a feeding disruption, the only kind of formula he can take is a specific formulation and it has to have a certain thickness, she rant to every single store, target, walgreens, cvs, everything, then found one last can and another zip code which lasted her through the night and she's basically running ahead of the eightball just barely. and a mom in boston is texting her entire family, please look in your local grocery stores under local targets and what is really scary to me about these stories is that there are millions of american moms who don't have the luxury of paying a relative in ohio to overnight formula cans. >> you are so right. talking about they are concerned about the baby formula shortage and they had no idea what i was talking about. >> it doesn't surprise me at all, this is a problem that we saw with a monumental disruption for parents around the country, and nobody who works on the hill has young children and so they don't have the same thoughts. and this is a bipartisan situation for millions of american parents. and it is something that really needs to be looked at. >> what can be done with what has happening? is there a solution? >> i think that there's a lot of administration that the joe biden administration could do, that they could they are talking about this being a national priority, and i think also on an individual level or, what can i do, my number one piece of advice to people is donate to your local banks because they don't just give diapers they also give formula and my biggest worry with all of this is the mothers that cannot afford these overnight canisters in ohio. and they shouldn't be freaking out about how they are going to feed their baby that night. and you know, if the store is out of sweet potatoes, we can get regular potatoes, but for a baby that has special feeding needs, bouncing between different formulas is very harmful for their gut health. and our children are the most precious natural resource. >> thank you for shining the light on this, keep us up-to-date on your reporting. >> thank you. shannon: this dog has been honored after sniffing out 200 explosives after the start of the war in ukraine. awarded a medal for dedicated work, also helping to educate kids. >> animals are great. >> that is where another dog has a water rescue effort over the weekend, you can see that it was. >> that's right, this happened on saturday, we just want to say officer, thank you so much for the good job. shannon: we love to and with good news. thank you so much, i amvi shannn potts handles the driving pocket your pastoria things until you're ready, then we deliver your new home acrossto town or g across the country sie your personal moving and storage team, your window, they makes it easy. we schedule in just a few quick and we'll come to you with replacement. replace. ♪ on your time schedule now like we pay your state like we place everyone on . mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, a part time musician but longtime customer of relaxium slate. and i'm here with my good friend and country music legend larry gatlin. now, larry, a few months ago you asked me does that relaxium really work? 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